Not really normal for them to change colors. But their color is lighter when they expand versus more closed up. If it’s expanded out, I wouldn’t worry as long as it’s mouth stays closed. Open mouth is not a good sign. When their whole body is closed up all the time is not good either imo. Although I’m not an anemone expert by any means.
Anytime! I got it on sale for $99. Normally they run $150-200. As you can see from the video it was pretty small. It since has grown a lot and split into 3 and all are bigger than this.
Agreed. There are controllers out there that do more than just switch things off and on and I have no experience with those. But there are definitely IMO overpriced controllers that simply switch things off and on like Alexa.
Great video, the anemone looks amazing 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Thanks! I appreciate that!
Wonderful tank, any updates by chance?
My 15 gal is 2 months old I want to turn it into a anemone tank only with a pair of clownfish. Is the tank to new to add my first anemone?
Yeah I would wait. Also 15gal is kind of small for anemones. But I’m no anemone expert.
Hey luv beta ….my question is is it normal for them to change color ? Wen he came home he was a white greenish color I am hoping he wasn’t bleeched
Not really normal for them to change colors. But their color is lighter when they expand versus more closed up. If it’s expanded out, I wouldn’t worry as long as it’s mouth stays closed. Open mouth is not a good sign. When their whole body is closed up all the time is not good either imo. Although I’m not an anemone expert by any means.
Thanks for the upload! Thinking of buying one but not sure about the price point. How much was yours for if you don’t mind me asking?
Anytime! I got it on sale for $99. Normally they run $150-200. As you can see from the video it was pretty small. It since has grown a lot and split into 3 and all are bigger than this.
I use Alexa too for my pumps and stuff. Didn’t see spending all that money on the advertised for tanks controllers.
Agreed. There are controllers out there that do more than just switch things off and on and I have no experience with those. But there are definitely IMO overpriced controllers that simply switch things off and on like Alexa.
Lol. Indiana. Where FedEx packages go to die! I've got 3 there now.
Ah man I was hoping they’ve gotten better lol
update pls on the tanks nice tank
Check out last week’s video. It was a tank update one with a surprise about the anemone at the end. 😀