Letters to an Asexual #28 (Autism, Disability, Illness, Abuse, and More!)

  • Опубликовано: 23 июл 2015
  • This is #28 of a series in which I read correspondence between me and people who have questions, comments, or--more often--misconceptions about asexuality.
    This video discusses an autistic person who felt their autism diagnosis rendered their asexuality inauthentic, and why I think autism does not invalidate asexuality or vice versa. I explain why and extend that concept to other frequently invoked invalidations for asexuality like disability, illness, medication, and abuse.

Комментарии • 70

  • @Steph9737
    @Steph9737 7 лет назад +1

    Years of struggling with other people overlapping my poor eyesight with my lack of attraction had pulled me into trying hard to be straight.

  • @LoligothRosePrincess
    @LoligothRosePrincess 8 лет назад +2

    I'm an asexual with a lot of complicating factors as you put it. I'm chubby, autistic, and have had some traumatic past experiences to do with sexuality. I think it's important for people like me to be in the community. It may seem like we might damage more "mainstream" asexual movements, but at the same time, I have the feeling that we also help other people who are the same as us to understand that just like it's not wrong for "mainstream" asexuals to be aseuxal, it's not wrong for us either even if we do have complicating factors or maybe even reasons. Thank you so much for this video. I always love watching them.

  • @tobytobs0109
    @tobytobs0109 8 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the inclusion of people who might not consider themselves as included in the group. Keep up the work for understanding of a little known sexual orientation.

  • @wiirdee
    @wiirdee 8 лет назад

    Bless your soul~~~ You are so open minded and educated and mature, it's hard to find people like this these days...

  • @sylviaodhner
    @sylviaodhner 8 лет назад

    Hi! I just finished watching all of letters to an asexual, and I'm inspired by your ability to argue effectively and with patience and endurance.

  • @usernameaeo
    @usernameaeo 8 лет назад

    I was recently diagnosed with Asperger's, and while I can't be sure if it's at all related to my aromanticism, I've come to the conclusion that it's irrelevant.

  • @raggletaggle8827
    @raggletaggle8827 8 лет назад

    This is always a sensitive issue, you handled it well. Way to go!

  • @HouseCatTV
    @HouseCatTV 8 лет назад +7

    I'm intersex and asexual, so like, sure I might (or might not) have a different biological reason not to find people attractive to most asexuals, but it doesn't mean my asexuality is invalid :)

  • @AGrayPhantom
    @AGrayPhantom 8 лет назад +2

    Thanks for sharing. I was just thinking of this series the other day. You have a lovely reading voice.

  • @EuropeanQoheleth
    @EuropeanQoheleth 8 лет назад +3

    Huh, I'm autistic and am a semisexual. My favourite person on Earth is an autistic asexual and she's friends with an asexual but our romantic orientations and religions are all different and we have different hair colours too. Asexuals seem as diverse as autistic people or maybe more so.

  • @EGV88
    @EGV88 8 лет назад +2

    So glad you use your privileges and skills this way.

  • @wayfareangel
    @wayfareangel 8 лет назад +5

    Firstly, LOVE the pink streaks in you hair. They're just he cutest thing ever ^_^

  • @MichaelPaoli
    @MichaelPaoli 8 лет назад +1

    Thanks for yet another excellent video!

  • @CatherineStar
    @CatherineStar 8 лет назад

    Hey swankivy, I am both asexual (panromantic) and on the autism spectrum (aspergers) and I thank you very much for making this video because it can be annoying for the ignorant to make those assumptions that one is ace because they're autistic or vice versa. One thing I did not agree with your video on is when you mentioned people identifying as ace who are on medications that decrease their libido. If anything is giving misinformation about ace community, I think that would further distract people from truly understanding what asexuality is. To me, it's something that you are born as a part of you, you don't just "decide it" just like a homosexual person doesnt "just decide" they are gay. I don't think a person on meds that decrease sexual libido should be going around calling themselves asexual because they're not feeling like they want sex because of their meds when if they were OFF those meds, they would NOT be calling themselves asexual. That is also like a person who for whatever reason chooses celibacy call themselves asexual and some people would blindly accept it and associate asexuality with celibacy when they are totally NOT the same thing just like i'd hate for people to think that meds can make someone asexual or someone doesn't like sex because they've been abused so that makes them asexual. To me, it's annoying when I tell people my asexuality and one of the first things they ask is "is there a reason? Were you abused" ......Someone can be abused and with the proper therapy and time (time heals all), still want sexual relationships. That does not make them asexual....Someone can also be abused and traumatized to never desire sex again, but that does not make them asexual because if they were not abused, they would want sex. Not wanting sex because of abuse would be a choice of celibacy. I hope I got my point across okay. I'm not the best with words. !! But again, i respect you and glad we have such a great public speaker making these awareness vids. Thank you.

  • @kaedemaciej
    @kaedemaciej 8 лет назад +1

    Love the video! Thanks for the inclusion of these people! <3 You're awesome. cx

  • @Aerodil
    @Aerodil 8 лет назад

    Holy crap Swank, I am so behind on your videos!

  • @rachelparker3147
    @rachelparker3147 8 лет назад

    I am autistic and asexual and I don't say anything about either to anyone I don't feel completely comfortable with. BTW I love your Steven Universe shirt

  • @mychairmadeafartnois
    @mychairmadeafartnois 8 лет назад

    I sometimes try to explain it this way: I'm in my early 20s, and recently diagnosed with a mild ADHD. I was also born 5 weeks premature. Preterm births are correlated (probably causally) with adhd, but that doesn't make my adhd less authentic, or more authentic for having a "cause."

  • @rolandparker7080
    @rolandparker7080 8 лет назад

    I'm in the same situation! Asexual-autisic struggles, no one will take you seriously too! BTW love the Steven Universe shirt

  • @jackmellor5536
    @jackmellor5536 2 года назад

    I'm autistic and asexual. I'm 31 and I just came out as asexual.