EVERY Modification and upgrade For A Motorized Bike

  • Опубликовано: 12 май 2024
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  • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
    @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  3 дня назад

    FIRST UPGRADES: I highly recommend staying away from performance mods UNTIL you have properly and thoroughly gone through the break-in process on your engine and use correct lubrication, but the mods in this category are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED doing BEFORE the break-in process. These are recommended in order to keep your engine running well and increase reliability.
    1st: The first being a short CNC intake - www.amazon.com/Mingdun-32mm-40mm-Manifold-Connector-Motorized/dp/B08J7Z71QT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2HG0FMHI61SY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wgaWemGG1xZaETyDsDqQY84nX_S4EyZUcRlfQl6nxsYkrxTEjZqthGR9eUwV5oZoOjETmwl-kxQbEMVCGJPctqddy-SqO9iLIm3yCtEVk4pyNGTJGJRjezMSX_d73187KGXQ4XwUEh5pBoxLkknZwwz6zY4v9ug1MaYsQUJidku0PF7TVnYoTxePwSXrUNoFSLR4yd4NXuLy0cXEB_NHEJwtc_nV8vI0lR371sRgDO2ZhM89g_lEhPpwUzjTsMDBm8eV_ibZDt2H5xWWnEFguTOHuHiV3roXzMVPcp2wIeo.tUvwe_wPuG66lMDVEfGYeto-N-roShUk76haf9SWuuA&dib_tag=se&keywords=motorized%2Bbike%2Bcnc%2Bintake&qid=1715354123&s=automotive&sprefix=motorized%2Bbike%2Bcnc%2Bintak%2Cautomotive%2C158&sr=1-1&th=1
    2nd: Upgrading the spark plug is also a MUST! - www.amazon.com/NGK-BR7HS-Standard-Spark-Plug/dp/B000GZDI6W/ref=sr_1_2?crid=X3L8BJSW51TM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.4gv2n1Pm65tXQGzCXIivxMmJ3_3vWhSsfbifXuq8B9UgHYQyLR6dVSwjzFbbGibRZM2CLFYNYt6JAMQqDsRfAuKU0QCSpIlwcc1oWO9jGUJyIRbKFvdJ6Nu9oqgawq2cgP8MKS93dX0iaj0z8y6F0ZD5ToLDTjiswMhAaWb1vD4OM7-vaTW7H0QTMJdLRe_Xz8kOQsVmcUUZsciKBOFkvl6muBQQ_sJJ2F9J64fbrfp8uXUBBWxRHEYqtUQDJ2FD7D8U0erBs7xc5wj-IEuhJSiEfLzYr9hqeK5YdBdkCic.1gfcHFlly-FusI9Gttk7384PRwhcl1EIAHI5DBv22fA&dib_tag=se&keywords=NGK%2Bbr7hs&qid=1715354636&s=automotive&sprefix=ngk%2Bbr7hs%2Cautomotive%2C107&sr=1-2&th=1
    3rd: The third upgrade is a sprocket hub adapter (www.amazon.com/sthus-Sprocket-Adapter-Stroke-Motorized/dp/B07GWHXMTJ/ref=sr_1_7?crid=18FPXCSBYN6B7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.sKEWIRtySrBmJdUvRrNCgm_Q5X-9XHwIYIqKtyFsGVdhCMhkSpr7uuV-gisM5vRqq9e1aeBY5PjWD7sc1Kk3ZQLh3kQDV5TBSsRX8z8SFYVmIWyS9oDw9dxAe0XmN4x54x1RyGjGcqrXdqCOpJl9qWVGdoWWnofL6q-RpyLo0j6wPyQZY3v1HwGDH1vmGWIoe90JSNyV4KQBo6_i83K2SQAA0mtk72sVmpBHbRKT8eq3oIOgnwlfE4VKArLVaSamh7JCWXybzyKRB7wmeJWCWT44ZQ92Vdg8RguZmA4POX0.XGIMqc_KF0kHE4NSR6DVb7TqTzS1EsZg5sN75NKDi64&dib_tag=se&keywords=motorized+bike+hub+adapter&qid=1715354767&s=automotive&sprefix=motorized+bike+hub+adapter%2Cautomotive%2C107&sr=1-7) or an alternative method to mounting your sprocket - ruclips.net/video/3q76xcT_sQI/видео.html
    NOTICE: A hub adapter will only really work if your has a constant diameter (all the way along the width of the inside of the hub) of 1in or 1.5in.
    Concerning brakes: If you want to go overboard on brakes, check out the Smolik Performance pit bike brake setup - smolikperformance.com/collections/all-products/products/front-pit-bike-adapter
    After you have done the previous mods and have properly broken-in your engine, it’s time for the real performance mods.
    4th: A balanced crank - smolikperformance.com/products/zl40mm-crank-balanced-and-trued?_pos=5&_sid=5ab570fe9&_ss=r
    5th: A good exhaust - ruclips.net/video/ZBZV0xXFjlM/видео.html
    6th: Porting and decking - ruclips.net/video/V4yWn7ZcZ7k/видео.html
    7th: Premium gas or race fuel - (only after porting and decking)
    8th: A Reed valve - (requires a windowed piston) G2 - www.amazon.com/Miaowa-Racing-Intake-Motorized-Bicycle/dp/B098X444WC/ref=sxin_17_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.679ca254-fe3a-4b5e-a742-a17f009c74a4%3Aamzn1.sym.679ca254-fe3a-4b5e-a742-a17f009c74a4&crid=3I0KNCIXC9BU3&cv_ct_cx=motorized+bike+reed+valve&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GnjMeLOPZgNDkzvE_fZ2o2L7Oca2RWbIL6eu9SZczbweXBbxM8h7HS5ZybsZAX8X.v9O8Ew1z4K0FOLieE7SLbMJeshvGx9SoGsV-0jNOzfU&dib_tag=se&keywords=motorized+bike+reed+valve&pd_rd_i=B098X444WC&pd_rd_r=71beeb66-52f1-4d72-8625-dfd25ecf1d72&pd_rd_w=ddj2I&pd_rd_wg=O1tjF&pf_rd_p=679ca254-fe3a-4b5e-a742-a17f009c74a4&pf_rd_r=ZE5DJ9BAE0NDZ7GVHG0V&qid=1715355019&s=automotive&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=motorized+bike+reed+valv%2Cautomotive%2C144&sr=1-3-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1
    DIO Reed - www.amazon.com/Valve-Set-Reed-Block-Gas-Motorized-Bicycle/dp/B0B5DCB627/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3SKE06ICH797L&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JlvyOY7u827hdKv_qW_6Jc2P4tqz2e14IpNfGZVYC80ydCddplJspRsdFdPgsxJjTO2kCn2940oVSnbbi4B33z8kaSjLT-6kOV-M_VQzK01BSPtUI_hIJ6ZHZZDqBgZGfPG6Lh1TWwGgx-ZFggpnTBSEZxH4ibYXZqsZ1_EDGk1b89b2APOoZ3voLsOS31Q3Mu-csfLs273zAGVab6MuMzrRNM-6ApMPX-3_JIGQ7Pdcf402uiFJjoGBiRCqcUUUQ4hg8Un837rLL6H7jxhKFwwPvmbCw2ZdPagIyy5wDm4.AudSMW11wODC-dEXLneaaKOnR-uWz66XM5Bb0SX2ldk&dib_tag=se&keywords=motorized+bike+dio+reed+valve&qid=1715381630&s=automotive&sprefix=motorized+bike+dio+reed+vavle%2Cautomotive%2C168&sr=1-5
    OZ Reed - ttps://www.amazon.com/CDHPOWER-Reed-Valve-Kit-19mm/dp/B07DVTQCX7/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3NKNVHCGCBDES&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.W4XcrCMjS7l6f6FiWfkrA3oYXOkZG5GzfL9Q-92dg4wfsLYKD674jS8g8Bpt0qkOwWSvqZAQV8KPqFsryZmV3JWnm0hxJCTbKZXkBfD2pcQIAqBGjJFh06HPNDEPZGU6QPZ-_rZWGpKqXxbOxW-61-LvMCX9Vh9o2qmi7xvvNh9H2zO-K3a3MjrTblZdrw1wovwCuKZGHlth4MfA1Rhi48Z0wsRZiKAzHFk7oNQ_zEGTgx3I2rRilBA01_dhBvY1MhwKla-bb-WqTB6PWQfye-2dHdCNEZE-Xq3FWC9DH64.tFWC5LJ31F6CWEN30u22UlCb_jPDaXxHmwrKCvA-s4o&dib_tag=se&keywords=motorized+bike+reed+valve&qid=1715381657&s=automotive&sprefix=motorized+bike+reed+valve%2Cautomotive%2C100&sr=1-5
    9th: Carburetor: Mikuni VM18, dellorto, NIBBI PE19, Pz19, PZ20, and PWK21.
    10th: CNC Cylinder head - Here is a great cylinder head guide -
    Smolik heads - smolikperformance.com/collections/cylinder-heads/products/smolik-cnc-head
    Other CDH Heads - www.ebay.com/itm/284504977774
    Cheaer options - www.amazon.com/jtfrkope-Cylinder-Racing-Engine-Silver/dp/B0BNSMS53N/ref=sr_1_4?crid=28X7UCWCKCMGK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gT80iTe9xLn2bKYlvFS_lush_CPkXTFjFoNH357mF_mDfooIaRxtxaPzjHdUeOm3JaN50mt9meShVLRBUKBkiNypMoot6xxi3uNQAJKnAX1FUnAJ31L4cUQSQnzUODOR9f6Q09EtiRdJf0Mkr50HX4batmlO7Dp1UyPCuTIOsy7jjzjDIQMYu7aOMDF14oRm1wscqWJWdYDpL8rj2Qs3nVf6nEO1EDG6F2Jf49sk9LJzUfgppS0x01OOzVGZQoRWpOmEFrihRDEdyod6-hvKdyWAtAeTWlVkBh-SKEf3fSo.cSDzossxl9INzjJjHhr_WVC1rXXOwTKRmy9wimD2GIs&dib_tag=se&keywords=motorized+bike+cnc+head&qid=1715381858&s=automotive&sprefix=motorized+bike+cnc+hea%2Cautomotive%2C183&sr=1-4
    11th: Ignition system guide - ruclips.net/video/z30UREt5zzA/видео.html
    MBI Adjustable CDI - svm-bikes.company.site/products/MBI-Adjustable-CDIS-p624481639
    Parmakit CDI - www.treatland.tv/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=parmakit-cdi-box-57001.29&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwi_exBhA8EiwA_kU1Mld2o1prkSjKmqKCnjqjWdbbdv0btT9Y59OoTsYljmIVIbP1c2YLkBoCUuMQAvD_BwE (contact Smolik Performance for help)
    12th: Upgraded Cases -
    Smolik Minarelli Vertical - smolikperformance.com/collections/cnc-cases/products/preorder-cnc-minarelli-case
    Smolik YD100/Avenger 85/Phantom 85 - smolikperformance.com/collections/cnc-cases/products/cnc-avenger85-phantom85-case
    Smolik Horizontal (case reed) - smolikperformance.com/collections/cnc-cases/products/2023-cnc-minarelli-horizontal-case-1
    RDM Minarelli Vertical - rdmanu.com/products/minarelli-vertical-case-flat-mounts-presale?_pos=2&_sid=2566f5d93&_ss=r
    RDM Piaggio - rdmanu.com/products/piaggio-engine-case?_pos=1&_sid=2566f5d93&_ss=r
    (you can also contact both of these sellers privately and they are usually pretty good with custom cases or tracking specific ones down. You can also contact other sellers such as Ken Hinson, Mitch Green, Don Butler, Alan Zhang, etc)
    14th: Hybrids
    Minarellis - smolikperformance.com/collections/engines/products/70cc-minarelli-vertical-engine
    Case reed minarelli - smolikperformance.com/collections/engines/products/2023-cnc-minarelli-horizontal-tier-2-engine
    15th: A Stroker Crank - rdmanu.com/products/rdm-crankshaft-2023-q3-4-presale?_pos=1&_psq=crankshaft&_ss=e&_v=1.0
    RDM HD clutch - rdmanu.com/products/stage-3-clutch-assembly-short-term-presale?_pos=8&_sid=b03948559&_ss=r
    SAF Clutch - dlh-performance.myshopify.com/products/saf-super-clutch-f?_pos=10&_sid=7fd8a577d&_ss=r

  • @adoums408
    @adoums408 2 месяца назад +6

    that was the video that everyone needed ! THX

  • @Cheesecake1559
    @Cheesecake1559 2 месяца назад +12

    About the balanced crank, it´s not really just about being balanced, but reducing the crankcase compression on a 2 stroke engine takes a lot of power from the engine itself

    • @MrSagerific95
      @MrSagerific95 2 месяца назад +12

      Yes and no.
      No because The cranks that come in these engines are so unbalanced it’s amazing that they don’t break bearings on break in. Balance factor on any 2 stroke crank is extremely important, because there aren’t any counter weights like you would have on a 4 stroke.
      Yes you do want to have as little open space between the crank walls and the case walls, known as case volume, the smaller the amount of case volume you have, the better primary pressure you get through the transfers and into the combustion chamber.
      As with any 2 stroke, the actual performance gaining tuning aspects are far more complicated than with a 4 stroke engine, there’s a ton of science and theory you have to understand to actually make a good engine. I’ve been at it for 15 years, my last 50cc moped went 82mph.

    • @infohere1000
      @infohere1000 Месяц назад

      hi the only thing i care abnout is going up hills which are every 3 blockseach hill is 2- 5 blocks long, im in a DT big city area so i need to constanly stop and cant get going fast what crank system do u recommend

    • @sebastiangarkov9590
      @sebastiangarkov9590 Месяц назад

      ​@@MrSagerific95 Have you thought of fitting a transmission of some sort of one of those engines. If yes, can you tell me how

    • @MrSagerific95
      @MrSagerific95 Месяц назад +1

      @@sebastiangarkov9590 You can run a Jack shaft to a separate gear box. That’s all I know how to do while keeping the original engine in tact. The mopeds I play with use a CVT transmission and a drive clutch.

    • @sebastiangarkov9590
      @sebastiangarkov9590 Месяц назад

      @@MrSagerific95 Have you tried it. If yes, what transmission did you use

  • @justanothermotorizedbikech5138
    @justanothermotorizedbikech5138 2 месяца назад +2

    Great video!!

  • @cristiancruz4265
    @cristiancruz4265 Месяц назад

    Thanks I really needed that video

  • @tbladesmith
    @tbladesmith 2 месяца назад +4

    Turbos and superchargers are for 4strokes. They would interfere with how the pipe functions on a two stroke

    • @11sjv
      @11sjv 2 месяца назад

      some new snowmobiles use turbos stock

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  2 месяца назад +1

      Ive seen some 2-stroke turbo setups, but as you said, there are many issues that would make a turbo/supercharged setup not practical, not to mention all the other hurdles.

    • @backwoodsjunkie08
      @backwoodsjunkie08 Месяц назад

      There have been two strokes that have been properly tuned with a turbo or even superchargers! If I'm not mistaken I think that some of the outboard motors there are two strokes have had superchargers on them... But granted it is very hard to get it to work properly and takes a s*** ton of engineering

    • @faulker6751
      @faulker6751 3 дня назад

      detroit 8v92 .... know before speaking ...

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  3 дня назад

      @@faulker6751 The older 2-stroke diesel engines are similar in terms of the process of combustion, however, there are key differences that make them VERY different and not at all comparable to other 2-stroke engines you would find on dirtbikes or motorized bikes.
      Firstly, diesels such as the Detroit 8v92 have very low operating RPMs (around 2,100RPM), use a traditional exhaust system, and are fuel-injected. This makes a turbo MUCH more practical, more reliable, and functional compared to a turbo on a 14,000 RPM carbureted 2-stroke that requires a highly tuned and unrestricted expansion chamber exhaust.
      I would tell you to know what you're talking about before speaking, but that would be mean.

  • @seeskklol
    @seeskklol 2 месяца назад +1

    You're a beast, man! Very good video!

  • @observingrogue7652
    @observingrogue7652 9 дней назад +1

    Thank you for this.
    When you said Hybrid Engine, I really perked up, because I thought you were gonna say connect an electric motor to the engine, or use hub-motors to provide instant torque from dead stops and low speeds, while the engine & gearing are setup for midrange to a high redline. Almost like a homemade Koenigsegg Regara. But it can be annoying to now keep track of a battery, even if you use a motor-controller with Brake-Regeneration, so stopping, or the engine itself can recharge the battery.

  • @glenngray6895
    @glenngray6895 10 дней назад +1

    Awesome video I hope there's links to where we can get the specialized parts such as the CNC case

    • @iamexotiiic
      @iamexotiiic 10 дней назад

      I Need Sprocket hub Adapter

  • @walkerwingo
    @walkerwingo Месяц назад

    This video was very helpful

  • @Boneze46
    @Boneze46 2 месяца назад +1

    Sweet pretty much went on all topics except one gear modification to put the power down

  • @i.n.o.productionscompany9699
    @i.n.o.productionscompany9699 Месяц назад

    New to the channel and this is great to help me with my first build

  • @Ismoked4451
    @Ismoked4451 18 дней назад

    lmmfao loved that tip and shade thrown at bike berry! lol

  • @Bobs-yer-uncle
    @Bobs-yer-uncle 2 месяца назад +1

    Just something to try
    CDH now sells a 1.25 inch hub mount I'm using one on mine nice video 👍

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  2 месяца назад +2

      Sweet. Ill have to check it out. I know BikeBerry sells a good assortment of hub adapters, though, they are pretty overpriced knowing BikeBerry.

  • @icusawme2
    @icusawme2 28 дней назад

    New sub, thanks for the info

  • @infohere1000
    @infohere1000 Месяц назад +2

    are head screw mounts spacing universal for all cases?

  • @zackbarnes3477
    @zackbarnes3477 2 месяца назад +1

    What would u suggest to find things like the cncd crank case? I love the video great upgrades to do gonna consider all of these when making a engine

    • @11sjv
      @11sjv 2 месяца назад

      the stock cases are cncd too

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  2 месяца назад

      Really the only sellers of the CNC cases are Smolik Performance and RDM. Smolik has more variety and usually has better shipping and better customer support.
      Also try to get in touch with Ken Hinson, Allen Zhang, and Mitch Green on Facebook, cause they the guys behind alot of the performance parts and could possibly get you better products or possibly cheaper prices.
      If you are gonna get a CNC case, make sure you have a cylinder planned out, since pretty much all the CNC cases are tailored to a specific cylinder.

  • @breezetixmoto
    @breezetixmoto Месяц назад

    lmao the way you said "trash" in the spark plug part, sounded a lot like XQC haha

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад +1

      Lol. I have no clue who that is, but I just HAD to look up a clip of XQC saying "trash" and you are COMPLETELY right. lol

  • @infohere1000
    @infohere1000 Месяц назад

    what drill bit do you use for drilling the crank

  • @jakerook6248
    @jakerook6248 15 дней назад

    I got an off-brand 80cc, just had to pre-order an offset intake manifold for her because the regular shorty one makes the carb hit the block and clutch aperture. Make sure you guys check it twice before ordering 😅

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  15 дней назад

      It depends on the carburetor and how you have the clutch adjusted. Alot of people say the shorter intakes and the reed valves make the carburetor hit the clutch arm, but when I adjust the clutch correctly, I have no issues.

    • @jakerook6248
      @jakerook6248 15 дней назад

      @@a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665 in this motors case, it hits right next to the mounting nut. The carb is an NT, I don't even think it's for this kit (seems awful big), but seems to do the job great

  • @josephscotson1065
    @josephscotson1065 2 месяца назад +1

    Biggest thing for 2 strokes power put down is to do with the exhaust vavle and them bt’s don’t have them so your never gonna get as much power as you want. 😅

  • @cheri758
    @cheri758 2 месяца назад +1

    Would you reccomend any head that is no more than 5mm higher than stock head? I have a trek x caliber 8 frame on my bike and a balanced crank on the engine, planning to do much much much more mods to it

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  2 месяца назад

      I dont really know the dimensions of most heads off the top of my head, but here is a cylinder head guide that should help: www.reddit.com/r/AMBMotorizedBikeGroup/comments/18yidcv/which_motorized_bike_cylinder_head_is_the_best/

    • @cheri758
      @cheri758 2 месяца назад

      @@a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665 thanks!

  • @houseoffire72
    @houseoffire72 Месяц назад

    I've litterly watched 100s of 2stroke bike engine videos since I'm an old 2 stroke guy & love a well tuned 2 stroke..!
    I just started a vintage mini bike build, trying to decide on power plant..? I think I've decided on a couple 2 stroke bike engines😁
    I'm thinking two 100cc stroker motors if possible? Cnc cases are a must & a balanced crank etc...
    Who do you recommend for quality parts..? Also since its a mini bike I will need to figure out a drive system... Any ideas..?

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад +1

      If you have Facebook, please DM me @Noah Alger (nickname is Beefy Man Supreme). That way, you can send pictures, which will make it a TON easier for me to help.
      As for quality parts, Smolik Performance and RDM are by far the best names in the game.

    • @houseoffire72
      @houseoffire72 Месяц назад

      @@a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665 Friend request sent.

  • @MrSagerific95
    @MrSagerific95 2 месяца назад +1

    I came from the 2 stroke moped world before entering the motorized bike world. Over the last 15 years of tuning I’ve learned a lot about 2 strokes. The science behind getting REAL power out of a 2 stroke is so fascinating to me. Don’t let anybody tell you that 2 strokes are simple, the science and theory behind them is far more complex than any 4 stroke design. My last moped build was a 70cc liquid cooled that made 11hp and was good for 82mph. I’m just so addicted to the science of 2 strokes. Nice video brother!
    Also just an FYI it’s pronounced “DEO” as in Ronny James Dio. Same way Spanish speakers pronounce “god”

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  2 месяца назад +2

      I completely agree. Not only is it a science, but an art. Granted, a 4-stroke is a bit more than slapping bolt on mods together, but it definitely takes A LOT more to build a nice 2-stroke. They are simple in terms of their overall design and when it comes to maintenance and repairs, but there is definitely more to it than bolt-on mods.
      Im addicted to them too. lol. Nothing better than getting crazy power out of a super tiny engine. I built and regularly ride my 212cc bike that is running on alcohol, advanced ignition, TM24 carb, etc, and my un-ported 50cc minarelli bike seems to have round about similar power.

    • @MrSagerific95
      @MrSagerific95 2 месяца назад

      @@a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665 are you subscribed to 2 stroke stuffing yet? He’s awesome, I’ve watching his stuff for over 10 years, he’s truly an artist with 2 stroke tuning. And he did a couple videos with a motorized bike build that absolutely rips with a China cylinder.

    • @michaelbrinks8089
      @michaelbrinks8089 Месяц назад +1

      Holy Diver lol

    • @backwoodsjunkie08
      @backwoodsjunkie08 Месяц назад +2

      Amen to that! I had an old vintage race bike that was a Yamaha rd400, that thing had some serious engineering that we put into it to make it right for competition. But oh my god when that thing would hit 9 Grand the power was absolutely insane!! It was the only motorcycle I've ever owned that would really in all gears!

  • @waynehamblin1128
    @waynehamblin1128 2 месяца назад +2

    Ive actually never had any problems with the doughnuts ive nvr broke spokes or had to re adjust or tighten them. I feel like ive been wuper lucky considering ive only had engines that makes 5+ hp

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  2 месяца назад

      Yeah. I overexaggerated with that point in terms of it not working properly and breaking spokes. Truth is, you can get them pretty close to true and with proper maintanence, they wont shred spokes (as much).
      Though, in terms of difficulty, reliability, and adjustability, the hub adapters are more idiot proof and are more reliable than even a well setup pineapple joint sprocket. They also allow you to adjust the chain alignment EXTREMELY easily and make it easy to change the sprocket, etc.
      I added it to the reliability mods because its one less thing to mess with and makes life a good bit easier.

  • @infohere1000
    @infohere1000 Месяц назад

    what is a good 2 model carbs for a hilly town, i dont need speed i bike around downtown area so im constantly stopping for people, poles,, obstacles, potholes, construction etc and streetlights every 2 blocks so i just power to climb alot of hils

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад

      Torque is what that is called. To get more torque, you wont really find it in the carburetor, but more in the compression and porting area, and definitely the exhaust. While a carburetor could help with torque, it really only helps with torque when paired with the mods mentioned.
      If you dont want to overhaul your bike with performance mods but having trouble getting up hills, you'll want to look into gearing. When increasing the size of the rear sprocket, you get more torque with a slight speed sacrifice. Gearing is important with any bike.

  • @user-vu5gu6fu8j
    @user-vu5gu6fu8j Месяц назад +1

    You are a god

  • @user-vu5gu6fu8j
    @user-vu5gu6fu8j Месяц назад

    You need to build me one.
    Holy crap

  • @michaelbrinks8089
    @michaelbrinks8089 Месяц назад

    My 2 cents for newbies.....The shorty intake is mainly to solve clearance issues. So don't expect any kind of performance increase & sadly when using it, you then have clearance issues between the carburetor bottom/bowl & the clutch cable case guide bolt 🔩. So you have to cut the end of the bolt threads off/shorten it. So you can scew it down into the case lower to make room for the carburetor... Which then causes the clutch cable to be at a more awkward,less than ideal angle & make the cable a little harder to pull putting stress on it.... If you have carb clearance issues with stock intake. I think you're better off rugging up a small hose extension. Also the shorty intake causes more fuel to spit back out the carburetor. Which is probably 1 of the reasons the stock intake is curved downwards.

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад +1

      You are absolutely right. The shorty gives a barely noticeably performance increase, but is mainly used since it prevents air leaks so well and allows more clearance within your frame.
      Though, I have honestly NEVER had clearance issues when using the shorty intake. You can kinda see in this video. ruclips.net/user/shortsAcVOvoHzCHM

  • @botskoller69
    @botskoller69 Месяц назад +1

    what is the name of the colorful exaust in the thumbnail it looks cool?

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад

      This is the ZDX65 exhaust sold by bicycle-engines.com. Its sounds pretty dang good and is one of the best pipes for these little engines: bicycle-engines.com

    • @botskoller69
      @botskoller69 Месяц назад

      ok thanks@@a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665

  • @samanthacollins4389
    @samanthacollins4389 2 месяца назад +2

    What exhaust would.you recommend I'm in the UK and exhausts are a fortune to ship.

    • @danielmacdonald3130
      @danielmacdonald3130 7 дней назад

      in my experience anything except stock as they are all just empty pipe, the stock diverts the gases back and then out again to help muffle sound so even removing the end is the same as buying a new exhaust, the main difference in exhaust is sound

  • @notsure2024
    @notsure2024 Месяц назад

    What way does the aluminum head gasket go 80cc bike does bevel go to the head or the cylinder it has hump on one side of gasket

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад

      It doesn't really matter. I honestly dont put it on any specific way when I build mine, so you should be good. lol

  • @notsure2024
    @notsure2024 2 месяца назад

    Have you bought any kits with the 3-liter tank

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  2 месяца назад

      I have not used the larger gas tanks. Ive used the bike frames with the built-in gas tanks, but I've only ever used the smaller 2-liter tanks.

  • @roadislandratcoon4877
    @roadislandratcoon4877 Месяц назад +2

    I want to be able to put a 100 cc bike motor kit into a small pit bike but I can’t get it to make enough power for it to be able to drive off road I want to be able to make a home made pit bike how do I get it to be able to do that

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад +2

      If you have not already gotten yourself the engine, I reccomend going with the Avenger 85, since it is pretty budget friendly and has a TON of power compared to any other stock engine.
      However, if you have already gotten the engine, you'll want to definitely upgrade to a good exhaust, do some port work, upgrade to a reed valve and a better/bigger carburetor, and follow the video until you feel that the engine performs to your liking. For DIY videos on how to install these parts, how to do port work, etc, there are PLENTY of videos out there, notably Keegan Hache.
      Though, depending on the pit bike (if its more like one of those Coleman minibikes), you could also go for something like a Predator 212 engine, which has a lot of torque, which is what you need for offroading.

  • @Eduardo_Espinoza
    @Eduardo_Espinoza Месяц назад

    What do boost bottles do and are they improve anything?

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад +1

      I posted a video of the idea behind boost bottles a little while ago. In that video (and additional information in the description), I explain why boost bottles don't work.
      Literally the only thing a boost bottle does is increase the intake volume. The ONLY way this would somewhat increase performance would be if the engine was previously running extremely rich. The boost bottle would lean out the fuel mixture, but as far as performance, it would negatively affect performance compared to a well tuned carburetor.

  • @gabrielbanta5098
    @gabrielbanta5098 14 дней назад

    I want to build me a motor like BUILD BUILD when i start working in 2 months but i cant find a cnc case anywhere

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  14 дней назад

      Alot of them are not clearly advertised. Smolik Performance and RDM are really the only ones that clearly advertise. Though, you can contact Smolik, Ryan Darragh (RDM), Ken Hinson, Mitch Green, Alan Zhang, or Don Butler on Facebook and they should be able to get you a CNC of your choosing.

  • @infohere1000
    @infohere1000 Месяц назад

    hi i just got fixerupper bike, and someone else put on a relatively new autolite 216 spark plug, is that good enough for awhile? 50cc engine, heavy cheap mt bike, im going to be riding about 3 days a week averaging 10 miles, with small to medium frequent hills

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад

      Yes. That will do just fine. Next time you replace the spark plug, I highly reccomend using a genuine NGK plug, since they are usually MUCH higher quality than the other Autolite plugs. Though, the heat range and specs of the plug you mentioned will perform just fine on a bike.

    • @infohere1000
      @infohere1000 Месяц назад

      ok thanks but which model numnber there are many plugs from any one company@@a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665

  • @EhehhBdsbb
    @EhehhBdsbb 26 дней назад

    What would happen if I changed the exhaust before the engines broken in?

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  26 дней назад

      The main reason I reccomend doing performance mods after break-in for primarily one reason. I dont know about other builders, but I tend to go gung-ho when it comes to performance parts and make it IMPOSSIBLE to NOT push the engine to the limits, which is NOT what you want in a break-in process. lol
      There is usually a lot of carburetor tuning involved when you do mods before or during break-in. Its simpler to just run it stock when breaking-in, but it doesnt matter as long as you doing the proper break-in process.

  • @infohere1000
    @infohere1000 Месяц назад

    whats a couple good stroker cranks to buy model numbers, do you have a link to order website page of the 2 clutches

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад

      I dont really know of any stroker cranks other than the ones RDM (Ryan Daragh): rdmanu.com/products/rdm-crankshaft-2023-q3-4-presale
      As for the clutches, here is the HD clutch: rdmanu.com/products/clutch-upgrade-kit-stage-2
      and the SAF clutch: www.motoredlife.com/products/s-a-f-clutch-v2?variant=39745264386161

    • @infohere1000
      @infohere1000 8 дней назад

      @@a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665 thanks

  • @mh-rp7yy
    @mh-rp7yy 5 дней назад

    We have 99 in the uk as premium fual will that be ok or should I use 97 but it has E10

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  5 дней назад

      Unless you have upped the compression and/or advanced the ignition timing, you do not really gain any type of power or reliability when running premium fuel. If you are using a stock engine, 87 octane will be more than satisfactory.
      A lot of people talk about HOW BAD ethanol is and HOW good octane is. Ethanol is good in many instances and ONLY due to user error (stored incorrectly, using crappy oil, an improperly tuned carburetor, and/or other user errors) do issues begin to appear, which are usually incorrectly related to ethanol. However, the same issues can occur even with premium fuels.
      Instead of opting for Premiun fuel, DEFINETELY look into how you can improve your oil (using higher quality full synthetic oil), using a better spark plug, or tuning your carburetor correctly. If you check these off your list and you are using a standard chinadoll engine or any 4-strokes, there is NO REASON to use premium fuel.

  • @user-jy1vj4nl7b
    @user-jy1vj4nl7b 24 дня назад

    My clutch cable brake a lot. What do you use?

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  23 дня назад

      Make sure you are using the proper lever (the crappy ones that come with these kits are flimsy and can shred cables). Also make sure your clutch is adjusted properly. If the bucking bar is at too much of an angle, it can put too much stress on the cable.

  • @KevinTodd
    @KevinTodd 2 месяца назад +1


  • @rhd_jake1102
    @rhd_jake1102 Месяц назад +1

    What’s wrong with bike berry? I just ordered the stage 2 cdi & performance carb

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад +3

      Do not buy ANYTHING from BikeBerry!! If that be the exhaust, engine kit, or even an air filter, it is ALL worse quality than anything on Amazon and it is ALL INSANELY overpriced. Not only that, but they are NOTORIOUS for blatantly STEALING reputable sellers’ products and selling the EXACT product for more. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!
      Such as the engines, BikeBerry charges $180 ON SALE ($250 originally) for a kit that sells for $120 or even $90 everywhere else. (BikeBerry's www.bikeberry.com/products/66-80cc-bbr-tuning-angle-fire-bicycle-engine-kit-2-stroke Genuine Triple 40 www.ebay.com/itm/224318087531?itmmeta=01HV9MJWFPQGEMF0NB75WRCKT5&hash=item343a66616b:g:0Q4AAOSw6HVl3YBH&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8AkM3QwmSrCYGrCvxPuIrn1dHWEp2Ql9tT9TJ0iGeXkeCJtIIRssTrzC81zhKO%2BZXUPyI%2Fjkj27Q%2BWwJDhb5pYKNb%2BSMrWGgxW%2B65t%2BJSW9hXcIwOmWAw7q%2BP%2BDTs%2FJoJ74enRgTA2OBsixowYy3c%2FtQ4yu1dq4J49erpjdyWLppmUqEVqjrwpY65GgtqPpjBsWF5xdTmFiS9Y7IzAe%2FitP1h%2BWDzym%2FCm7Tzs6cdutmO4COH62wypv%2F9wwBRaZnbK6Gs%2BABCoJTk2ArlIsLwa0xcEc0R1gZm4RP6T8DHKLdRrZioP9ATnhE7YgVYlsN%2Bg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_rHy7TaYw) That would be tame, but the fact is, the kit BikeBerry sells is even WORSE than the $90 kit. See, the engine is called a Triple 40 and is the bar for reliability and performance. Many sellers sell this kit and BikeBerry’s base model kit is meant to copy off the Triple 40. However, they use lower quality components and a shorter 38mm stroke crank. This not only makes their version of the Triple 40 unreliable, but also perform terribly. And they charge double for their kit. Lol
      Not only that, but a LOT of the parts they sell are complete scams. Not to mention EVERYTHING is INSANELY overpriced. For instance, this cylinder head (www.bikeberry.com/products/bbr-tuning-billet-aluminium-high-compression-cylinder-head-66-80cc?_pos=2&_sid=ec6b1425f&_ss=r), which is literally worse than the stock heads (DO NOT GET) is sold on BikeBerry for $60 after shipping ON SALE. However, the original producer of this part sells it for only $25 (www.amazon.com/Aluminum-Cylinder-Gasket-Motorized-Bicycle/dp/B0BVC2SGZX/ref=sr_1_30?crid=12AIWOGA88TXD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.oH0aqAU2OpQjF0EoEDqfKYJG8lTeog0k4RJIRYIo0nCfe2ScMsDIkeMTXh-BIo_niS2W5jXwGSShn5dmVYgs_c623hkPbiv3_nDHGkPY-qO8j1po49rTlXVZ7TPhS5JWNxUg3S4k0qx7T-NZ9Uz08A.mg9TvXJ3eJXdT6G0YhfCD29pNhS7YGpf8-ZV7r2Mtuo&dib_tag=se&keywords=motorized+bike+cnc+cylinder+head&qid=1712942106&s=automotive&sprefix=motorized+bike+cnc+cylinder+head%2Cautomotive%2C78&sr=1-30)
      This exhaust is sold on Amazon for $25 (GARBAGE EXHAUST, DO NOT GET)(www.amazon.com/HGC-Silencer-Muffler-2-Stroke-Motorized/dp/B07QR62774/ref=pd_ci_mcx_di_int_sccai_cn_d_sccl_3_3/146-6477399-6469042?pd_rd_w=WUJaV&content-id=amzn1.sym.751acc83-5c05-42d0-a15e-303622651e1e&pf_rd_p=751acc83-5c05-42d0-a15e-303622651e1e&pf_rd_r=ZDQD7KSC1BFT4B5E95J9&pd_rd_wg=5LZyQ&pd_rd_r=19c1e43e-f08f-43af-aca5-974c940ff8cf&pd_rd_i=B07QR62774&psc=1). However, BikeBerry sells this exhaust for $50 after shipping ON SALE.
      These arent just the START and is actually just the first page of their "performance parts" webpage. There is this (www.bikeberry.com/products/digital-tachometer?_pos=1&_sid=3ed163d22&_ss=r) selling for $45 (sells for $13 EVERYWHERE else), and blatant ripoff's like these chopper mounts (www.bikeberry.com/products/bbr-tuning-cnc-occ-chopper-motor-mount?_pos=1&_sid=97c719c5f&_ss=r) compared to the original pedal chopper mounts. Also, bike berry sells their performance clutch plate, which is a DIRECT copy off the RDM clutch plate. Its funny, cause when you bought them from BikeBerry, they would LITERALLY send you one WITH RDM engraved into it. lol
      If have been in the motorized bike game for years and years like Keegan Hache, Build-Break-Fix, Smolik Performance, and I, it is easy to distinguish good parts from bad parts. You take anybody who knows what they are doing, and they will tell you that there is VERY FEW products on BikeBerry that are NOT COMPLETE SHAMS. And ALL the other parts that are NOT shams (literally 2) are SO INSANELY overpriced.
      Not to mention, many Bike Berry parts COMPLETELY disregard safety. Im talking about many of their cylinder heads ("pancake" and "race" heads"), which causes the engine to overheat VERY easily and causing DETRIMENTAL damage, ALL of their exhausts (besides their "deluxe pipe,") are TRASH and tend to either rip the exhaust threads out of the cylinder, perform NOTICEABLY worse than stock, and/or completely fall apart from the poor quality. Their ignition systems run like TRASH and actually negatively affect performance, the boost bottles literally only create air leaks, the "vibration engine mounts" do anything but make the engine have a LOT more play, causing it to twist when accelerating. I can go on for EVER!
      Not only that, but their customer service is FANTASTIC when it comes to making a purchase, but after a purchase, the service is TERRIBLE! Im talking no refunds, no remorse for their faulty products, and they will delete/take down any negative reviews. lol
      I could go on as to WHY you should NOT even consider using Bike Berry, but I think I can rest my case.

    • @jmalo4576
      @jmalo4576 10 дней назад

      Hey, thanks man! I really appreciate your honesty and detail. I've been watching their videos to help with putting together a 2-stroke kit a friend gave me. Glad I found your videos. 😃

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  9 дней назад

      @@jmalo4576 Thank you for watching. Im glad I could help a bit.

  • @infohere1000
    @infohere1000 Месяц назад

    what cnc have a built in hole for a reed pipe?

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад

      You mean what CNC cases have a built-in reed valve (case reed)? Youll just have to look around, but Smolik Performance and RDM are really the only guys that advertise them, but I know Alan Zhang, Ken Hinson, or Mitch Green could get you one as well. If you want a specific one for a specific top end, ask around.

    • @infohere1000
      @infohere1000 Месяц назад

      thanks, for me - not top end but just cheap bike for constant hills, no speed increase needed. just want it to work good and reliable for awhile@@a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665

  • @djodjodubois9458
    @djodjodubois9458 3 дня назад

    I would have liked you to put links for... because more than 40% of the things showed you... I have searched on Google... I can't find almost anything... thank you

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  3 дня назад

      Check the comments again. I have a pinned comment where I give an entire list of all the parts mentioned in the video

  • @BenjaminButler-xt4vk
    @BenjaminButler-xt4vk 18 дней назад

    What is the best cdi

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  17 дней назад

      I talk about CDI's in this video: ruclips.net/video/z30UREt5zzA/видео.html
      Me and Keegan also talk about the best CDI's in our most recent Podcast episode: ruclips.net/video/VQu9IDBvK6s/видео.html

  • @user-qx6ji5jz3r
    @user-qx6ji5jz3r 25 дней назад +1

    Try a spark plug e3/10 at orielys

    @BOOMBOOMRacingGERMANY 2 месяца назад

    8:15 my brutal intake ;) in the right

  • @beastbound43
    @beastbound43 9 дней назад

    where do i buy cnc head?

  • @notsure2024
    @notsure2024 2 месяца назад

    The cheap 100 dollar engine you got did they come with Bofang or not carburetor

  • @11sjv
    @11sjv 2 месяца назад +1

    turbocharging a 2 stroke at home will most likely make you lose power

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  2 месяца назад +1

      It depends on the setup and the engine, but with a motorized bike, you're right.

    • @luukmak
      @luukmak 2 месяца назад

      No it won't, if done wrong, yeah then it does

  • @QuinnCsVideos
    @QuinnCsVideos 6 дней назад

    Premium gas isn't a suggestion, it's a necessity. I ride around looking for 91 stations at least and if I see 93 I don't care if I have half of a tank I'm sipping that sh up

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  5 дней назад

      No, it really isnt. As I said in the video, unless you have upped the compression and/or advanced the ignition timing, you do not gain ANY type of power or reliability increase. If you are using a stock engine, you are doing NOTHING for yourself other then spending an extra 45 cents per gallon extra for premium gas.
      A lot of people talk about HOW BAD ethanol is and HOW good octane is. Ethanol is good in many instances and ONLY due to user error (stored incorrectly, using crappy oil, an improperly tuned carburetor, and/or other user errors) do issues begin to appear that are usually incorrectly related to ethanol. However, the same issues can occur even with premium fuels

  • @tonykemp5646
    @tonykemp5646 14 дней назад +1

    i also will say good luck putting a turbo on a 2 stroke its not fun haha

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  14 дней назад +1

      Lol. not at all. Definetely doable with recent technology to back, but dang near impossible and pointless on a motorized bike. lol

  • @Pyry_A
    @Pyry_A 2 месяца назад

    wat if i hav drimers motors bike

    • @KkornerUkkoo
      @KkornerUkkoo 2 месяца назад

      drimers modors baic is not work the rigkt way bekause ketju lining is not perfectionismi.exe

    • @Pyry_A
      @Pyry_A 2 месяца назад

      @@KkornerUkkoo i tink its not ye lining it the jako

    • @KkornerUkkoo
      @KkornerUkkoo 2 месяца назад

      @@Pyry_A itcs both but jaco more

    • @Pyry_A
      @Pyry_A 2 месяца назад

      @@KkornerUkkoo okei or the kettingit is full pieke of sit

  • @supergub
    @supergub Месяц назад

    Spoken like a true southern californian, OC?

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад


    • @supergub
      @supergub Месяц назад

      @@a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665 are you from Orange county

    • @supergub
      @supergub Месяц назад

      @@a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665 Sorry for the confusion with my reply. I was commenting on your accent, and wanted to know if you are from Orange County in Southern California. I haven't heard that accent in a long time now. Apologies if you are not. Also great video, very informative!

    • @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665
      @a.m.bgarage.everydayprojec9665  Месяц назад

      @@supergub lol. I live at the foothills of the Apalachians in West Virginia. None of my family have ever lived in California, but that is interesting you think my accent sounds a bit similar. Ive have been told that I have an odd accent.

  • @djodjodubois9458
    @djodjodubois9458 15 дней назад

    The problem is finding its parts...the 2/3 are practically impossible to find for a basic person like me

  • @EddoPoo-fw4we
    @EddoPoo-fw4we 9 дней назад

    If I do anything like this to my motor I'll blow it up it was 60 bucks from china but still a help full video