The Marxist Left Is Hell-Bent On The Destruction Of America.

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • The Marxist Left is hell-bent on the destruction of America.

Комментарии • 61

  • @blakej6416
    @blakej6416 5 месяцев назад +8

    "The abolition of private property" - that's what they want.

    • @kellycarver2500
      @kellycarver2500 5 месяцев назад

      They want 90 percent of us dead. The rest are to be brain hackt slayvez that have no free will left, and every thought is monitorred, if they even HAVE any other than what they are TOLD. It was in the schotz, mzkz/tztz/zwabz and now in fd/bev and mllk., and frt. Likely more things as well. Lets them hear all thotz/give thotz/and even run the whole thing during certain times of slp.

    • @hstteacher
      @hstteacher 2 месяца назад

      @@blakej6416 what do you about that? What does it mean? The vast majority of left wingers like me are not wanting the abolition of private property right now. We just want a more just and fair democracy. If you truly understood what Socialists and Marxists and Communists mean by the abolition of private property, you would probably want it too.

    • @blakej6416
      @blakej6416 2 месяца назад

      @@hstteacher I grew up in a very progressive family and educational system, so I'm well aware of what the Left thinks. Most people on the Left have no idea about the actual state of politics and the operation of power. Read a book like Frederic Bastiat's "The Law", or economics texts like "Human Action" by Mises. What you're taught in schools is essentially just indoctrination that further solidifies the power of the state.
      What the Left advocates is just authoritarianism, regardless what the naive masses may be taught.

  • @sharonm8929
    @sharonm8929 5 месяцев назад +11

    Yes they are

  • @hstteacher
    @hstteacher 5 месяцев назад +9

    As a leftwing progressive, I had no idea I believed in all those things. Thanks for letting me know how much I hate America. (Massive sarcasm)

    • @spammer5530
      @spammer5530 4 месяца назад +2

      Conservatives have to lie in order to gain any traction at all with most of these hillbillies. Its truly sad.

    • @jcgoldstrom
      @jcgoldstrom Месяц назад

      They create false narratives in order to frame or reframe the conversation in order to distract from their shitty ideas or their belief/desire to shove their religion down our throats…

  • @Kale-Sims
    @Kale-Sims 5 месяцев назад +9


  • @curteknoian1032
    @curteknoian1032 5 месяцев назад +6

    Evil at work

    • @ReverendDr.Thomas
      @ReverendDr.Thomas 5 месяцев назад +1

      Otherwise known as “progressivism” and even more inaccurately as “liberalism”, “leftism” is a designation originating from the French Revolution of 1789, in reference to the political faction that opposed the French (so-called) king. However, the term is currently used in common discourse to describe those criminals who actively support (or at least tacitly condone) a host of OBJECTIVELY-WICKED ideologies and practices that contravene dharma, such as non-monarchical governances and corrupt economic systems (particularly socialism, communism, fascism, and liberal democracies), egalitarianism, feminism, perverse sexuality (especially homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism), multiculturalism, and the illegitimate abortion of innocent, defenceless, unborn children. Cf. “dharma”.
      In a vain attempt to legitimize their objectively-immoral propensities, crooked leftists invariably replace accurate terms with blatant EUPHEMISMS, such as “gay”, “sex worker”, “pro-choice”, and “queer”, and of course, coin novel words for notions that cannot exist, particularly the nonsensical term, “transgender”. Furthermore, leftists are always inventing truly inane, vacuous words in order to demonize conservatives, such as “homophobia” and “transphobia” (which literally mean “fear of sameness” and “fear of change”).
      In the past decade or two (of this treatise being composed), the mass media, especially the motion picture industry and television production companies, has been aggressively promoting all the above CRIMINAL ideologies and practices, helping to expedite the destruction of human civilization. Recently, large corporations have jumped on the leftist bandwagon (so to speak), in order to profit.
      As explicated in Chapter 11 of this “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the state of being of any particular human (or any other animal, for that matter) is due entirely to his or her genetic sequencing and his or her conditioning. Therefore, the explosion of the leftist/liberal mentality in recent decades, particularly in Western countries, has been caused by poor breeding strategies overtaking the more conservative tradition of mate-selection of previous centuries (and indeed, millennia), as well as the concerted effort of Marxists to spread their fiendish ideology throughout the school system and via folk culture. In other words, due to the fact that criminal behaviour (especially the deviant sexual acts mentioned above) has become increasingly more tolerated, condoned, and even GLORIFIED in most countries, there has been a proliferation of corrupt genetic codes within the wider human population.
      According to genealogists, for (almost) the entire history of humanity, most women have successfully reproduced, whilst a far far smaller percentage of males have bequeathed their genetic sequence to proceeding generations. Due to the gradual phasing-out of polygamous marriages in even the most conservative societies, as well as the eradication of poverty in most every country, more and more men (as well as women) have been producing offspring. Thus, the human genome has rapidly become adulterated by inferior genetic material (that is, DNA from truly pathetic, uxorious beta-males, bisexuals, and even homosexual couples who engage surrogate mothers or sperm donors in order to conceive children - something of a rare occurrence in previous centuries/millennia).
      For centuries, breeders of elite animals such as horses, cattle, and dogs, have understood that, by selecting the finest examples of a particular breed of animal for propagation, it will result in offspring with desirable characteristics. For example, present day
      thoroughbred horses boast a pedigree of the best-available horses from the seventeenth century. Such breeders are willing to pay enormous sums of money merely to hire the fastest stallions on earth in order for them to mate with their mares. In the case of we humans, women have traditionally chosen the most competent and masculine men with whom to bear children, and in general, have totally eschewed those males who displayed effeminate traits, and who showed themselves incapable of properly supporting a nuclear family. This phenomenon is known as “hypergamy” in the field of sociology. Unfortunately, due to rapid moral decay over the past few decades, Western women, especially, have become extremely sexually promiscuous, resulting in a multiplication of unwanted progeny (and, of course, an escalation of abortions). Boys born to single mothers often lack proper male roles models and invariably become feminized, unable (and often unwilling) to continue a strong lineage of progenitors. The solution to this problem is simply to ensure that society adheres to the principles of DHARMA (see the Glossary definition of that term, as well as Chapter 12).
      Unsurprisingly, the majority of leftists find it difficult to accept the fact that their criminal mentality is largely inherited (and of course, they are unwilling to acknowledge the blatantly-obvious fact that their ideologies and practices are intrinsically sinful, wicked, evil and immoral in the first place!). It seems the consensus amongst leftist “intellectuals” is that every human mental trait is due entirely to one’s environmental conditioning and social milieu, rather than as a consequence of BOTH one’s genotype and one’s life-long conditioning - a fundamentally-flawed assertion that cannot be scientifically supported. Personally, I would not be surprised if the typical leftist would believe that, if the parents of the twentieth century communist tyrant, Joseph Stalin, and the parents of the Divine Incarnation, Lord Jesus Christ, had somehow crossed the time barrier, and exchanged their baby boys shortly after their births, that Stalin would have grown to become a Prophet for God, whilst Christ would have become a murderous, left-wing dictator!
      This term was very reluctantly used in the chapter on feminism. I say “reluctantly” because it is unlikely that the term will perdure for many decades longer. This is simple deductive logic, since, as clearly demonstrated in certain chapters in “F.I.S.H”, human civilization cannot survive with such leftist practices and ideologies in place. If you happen to be reading this Holy Scripture a century or more after its conception, you will probably be residing in a nation (as opposed to a country) ruled by a monarch, following the implosion of post-modern, decadent societies. So, either the term “leftism” will eventually become redundant and obsolete, or else, human civilization will devolve into a decadent, diseased state of existence similar to that of the prehistoric era, when the peoples of the world resided in caves or shacks, subsisting on whatever food can be sourced from the surrounding bushland. I trust that you who are reading these wise words will endeavour to influence your social circles to adhere to right-leaning ideologies and practices, such as (above all) monarchical governance, an entirely free-market economy, sexual purity, veganism, and all other virtuous principles.
      Fear not, for the truth will surely conquer (“satyam-eva jayate”, in Sanskrit)! Cf. “right-wing”. See “multiculturalism” and “socialism”.
      N.B. In order to clarify the notion of inheritability, it is not being claimed that an adharmic (far-left) couple will INVARIABLY produce leftist children, but merely that it is more PROBABLE that they will do so, considering their distinctive genotypes and the idiosyncratic/unique environmental conditioning that they are bound to impart to their children, just as two parents with a certain physiological disorder are more likely to generate offspring with that specific disease. In this regard, it is recommended to study introductory texts on genetics/epigenetics.
      In my particular case, I was raised by a staunch communist, and so, I was indoctrinated to believe that communism was the best course of action for a just society. Indeed, as a teenager, I even volunteered in the election campaign of a socialist politician, who eventually became the Premiere of the state of Western Australia. However, after studying dharma, I came to learn that I was misled by my father in this regard, and that the only system of governance that is dharmic (legitimate) is a divinely-sanctioned monarchy.
      P.S. As a general rule, it seems (at least anecdotally) that the farther left-leaning is a person, the more physically (and of course, psychologically) UGLY is that person. Unfortunately, that does not seem to prevent leftists from propagating their mutant genes.

    • @spammer5530
      @spammer5530 4 месяца назад +1

      These people are evangelical fascists

  • @jcgoldstrom
    @jcgoldstrom Месяц назад

    Roberts makes a lot of assertions and provides zero evidence for any of his assertions…

  • @RillUK
    @RillUK 5 месяцев назад +10

    The whole of Western civilisation, not just the USA.

    • @kellycarver2500
      @kellycarver2500 5 месяцев назад

      I have been a targeted individual the last 30 years, and every American needs to HEAR MY STORY, because what the monsters did to ME, they are now doing to YOU ALL.
      When the criminal harassment by agents started in 87-88, they had a legit right to watch me. At the time, I was young and wild and dating a drug dealer. I stopped dating him and stopped all drug use in 88, but the harassment never stopped. They have tapped every phone, hacked every computer and criminally and repeatedly entered every home i have lived in during these years since. I now don't leave my home unless I hire a house sitter because the filthy agents refuse to STAY OUT OF MY HOME. I couldn't understand for years, WHY they were targeting me. I'm married, don't do anything illegal and am a Christian since 94. It wasn't until 2018 that I knew WHY. I was sick with a skin disorder that I am now convinced was another bioweapon being tested on us. I was examining my skin with a magnifier when i found strange, matching sets of holes in my inner wrists and knees. They looked like tiny tunnels, but couldn't be seen with the naked eye. I had no idea how they got in my skin, and I hadn't seen any doctors or taken any shots in years. So I got out a sterile needle and opened up those holes and took samples from them and viewed it under my microscope. (A hobby I have had many years.) I was speechless at what I found. I t was a clear, COMPUTERIZED GEL, and it was laid out in a ladder shaped grid system, that had tiny rice shaped batteries around it's outer perimeter. It had pine tree shaped antennas that had perfectly symmetrical branches with metallic looking little balls on the tip of every branch. It was slowly collapsing it's structure as it cooled to room temperature. I had never seen anything like it in my life. Finding this tech in my body explained many things I had wondered about the last twenty years. It explained why I heard a man's voice in my head sometimes. It explained why he pretended to be GOD that the things he said weren't always Godly. It explained why things got moved or hidden from me during my sleep, and why I was WATCHED CONSTANTLY through my OWN EYES. The FILTHY, DISGUSTING, LOWLIFE MONSTERS HAD HACKED MY BRAIN, and it was WORSE THAN RAPE! I told my local chief of police, when I reported finding it, that at least a woman can HEAL after being raped. There is no 'healing' from this, according to what Elon Musk says in his videos. He sells this stuff, though I cannot imagine why ANYONE in their right mind would EVER want it!! I found a picture of it right on DARPA'S website, under Obama Brain Initiative. I KNEW what would be in the vax when they said one was coming, and unfortunately, I was right. Dr Carrie Madej, and Dr Ricardo Delgado were some of the first to identify it in the shots. It's also in the masks/tests, and swabs, and NOW they are putting it in our FOOD/BEV AND MILK!!! I am here to tell you that this absolutely EVIL tech from HELL is FAR MORE than 'gene therapy'!!! It lets the filthy monsters see and hear every thought we have! It lets them talk to us mentally. It lets them even TAKE OVER OUR BODY during certain stages of sleep, and use OUR BODY to do whatever they WANT TO, and we have little or no memory of it, much less any CONTROL OVER IT! PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE SICK FREAKS ARE DOING TO US, and they MUST be stopped! I wouldn't do this to an ANIMAL, because even animals have a RIGHT to have PRIVATE THOUGHTS between them and GOD. They are also now putting this tech in all animal shots as well, HACKING ALL LIVING THINGS, so they can be REMOTE CONTROLLED by the sick freaks WHO THINK THEY ARE GOD! THIS TECHNOLOGY IS STRAIGHT OUT OF HELL ITSELF and the monsters MUST be held accountable for what they have done and are continuing to do! NOBODY HAD A RIGHT TO DO THIS TO ME OR ANYONE ELSE! NOBODY! EVER! The filthy monsters have been in MY BED, MY BATH, and MY BRAIN, the last TWENTY YEARS! Watching me through MY OWN EYES, while I bathed, changed clothes, any and everything, they SAW IT. HOW WOULD YOUI FEEL ABOUT BEING RAPED THIS WAY? I sure hope you didn't take the shots, use the other things, and God forbid you been drinking any MILK!! This stuff is called NEURAL LACE/HYDROGEL. Graphene oxide and polymer based tech that is straight out of Hell itself. Musk says it attaches to nerves and grows INTO the brain, and that it is PERMANENT. I pray to God he is wrong because I truly want my HUMANITY BACK! And he is LYING when he says that it cannot be injected through a normal needle, because it CAN if it is cold enough. It SHRINKS when it gets cold. It also doesn't need a CHIP, either, because it could easily make it's OWN! The stuff acts ALIVE in the body. Absolutely fascinating to watch. They are now putting this horror in animal shots, and other shots as well. NO MORE SHOTS, PPL, FOR ANY LIVING THING! DO NOT ALLOW THEM! They are also putting this stuff in our foods/bev and milk. Boiling or baking seems to disable it, but this needs done in professional labs to be verified.
      I will gladly answer any questions you may have. These monsters love to torture and kill helpless, innocent little animals and the freaks tortured and killed FOUR of my greatly loved little dogs. The last one, my favorite, was tortured EVERY MONTH for over NINE YEARS, before we busted the agents using our CELL PHONE to put out the frequencies that were CAUSING those seizures. We busted them RED HANDED, and there is no denying what they are doing. They were using FREQUENCIES to tweak the brain, CAUSING the seizures, and other death causing things. I call it RIFE IN REVERSE, because it is. I also call it the UNHOLY GHOST, because Satan mimics everything God does, in reverse. They finally killed him Thanksgiving Day of 22, after making him go BLIND, causing organ failure, and shocking him every couple hours the last two days, till he couldn't hold out any more, and died in my arms. People, please don't sleep by anything digital, and keep your animals away from them as well! We also busted them hacking our washer/dryer outlet, and gas stove, so keep your appliances UNPLUGGED when not using them! If you hear any device making a strange or unusual sound, BLOCK IT by coughing, whistling, clapping, etc. and shut the device off FAST AS POSSIBLE. You should also keep a hammer or glass breaker in your front seat while driving, as some have reported their loved ones were locked in their vehicles before being incinerated, as in Lahaina attacks. Also keep your kids CLOSE at all times, and do NOT trust ANY govt agents as they cannot be trusted now.

  • @kellycarver2500
    @kellycarver2500 5 месяцев назад


  • @rebellucy6200
    @rebellucy6200 5 месяцев назад +6


  • @leviefrauim1425
    @leviefrauim1425 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @whitelivesmatter-xp4bo
    @whitelivesmatter-xp4bo 5 месяцев назад +7

    True to all....the insanity must stop

  • @BadDad721
    @BadDad721 5 месяцев назад

    Too true

  • @Dee-wg1ni
    @Dee-wg1ni 5 месяцев назад +3


  • @krishgounder5116
    @krishgounder5116 5 месяцев назад

    Sadly 81 million agree for communism😢

    • @billzimmerman1778
      @billzimmerman1778 5 месяцев назад +2

      who took money from Russia

    • @spammer5530
      @spammer5530 4 месяца назад

      ​@@billzimmerman1778 russia is a far right state capitalist nation.

    • @hstteacher
      @hstteacher 2 месяца назад

      @@krishgounder5116 what do you think communism would be? Can you explain that?

  • @carianin5293
    @carianin5293 5 месяцев назад +3


  • @GizzelleBrookes-vs5ec
    @GizzelleBrookes-vs5ec 5 месяцев назад +9

    Well imagine that... I can't even click a like For this video.

  • @CenturianCornelious
    @CenturianCornelious 5 месяцев назад +6


  • @janklaas6885
    @janklaas6885 5 месяцев назад
