The weapons at 2:25 are MPiKM-74s and the soldiers are former members of the NVA in Bundeswehr uniform after reunification. This was quite common to see, where they retained the weapons, webbing, equipment and vehicles they had trained with and used the huge stockpiles of MPiKM74s that were never issued, but with Bundeswehr uniforms, boots and helmets to give uniformity with the rest of the Bundeswehr. So not the weapon or time period you suggest before the photo is shown I'm afraid.
looks nearly like the west german counterpart G3, but i like that NATO Wieger STG which was only produced for export it has a little of an AK74 had a baby with an M3... and the result was an Wieger STG 941
My favorite is the legend itself, the elusive Wieger STG 940 @ 4:55 much better looks than an AK (imo) and it also heavily influenced the design of the AEK 971, the hottest AK variant from Russia used by some special forces units But the STG 59 is my second favorite, cool reimagination of the iconic Sturmgewehr. And I also really like KK MPI 69 cause it looks so clean
1:10 wtf There is written: 'GDR Der Noynten Partaytag Sotsialistishe Aynhaytspartay Doychlands' whoever did this translation, its totally wrong... I think you tried to say: 'GDR Der neunten Parteitag Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands'
I know two of these weapons from my own experience. The KK-MPI 69 was developed for premilitary education and this was when I fired with this. Later, during my miliary time, a had a KMS-72. But I don't know that it was rare.
I think the KK MPI 69 looks way better than a regular AK, it looks so clean. Also the STG 940 is a much better design than the AK, you can see the improved ergonomics over the AK in the picture @ 5:11 When they made the Wieger 940 they did it in secret, to bypass the rules that the communist regime set for the countries eastwards of the iron curtain, where they required the weapons to be soviet platforms and ammo in order for the combloc countries to be allowed to produce guns, which means AK's, Makarov's, etc. And the DDR actually exported some STG 940's to other countries but it's still a very rare rifle. Obviously very high quality as expected from German metallurgy and production technology, that was advanced even during communist occupation
@@MybeautifulandamazingPrincess wasn't the stg 940 going to be accepted in 5.45 (had ddr not fallen) anyway? I doubt soviets would have been angry, as the czechs had their vz-58s for a while
Most of the P1001 Walther PP copies were in .32 acp and not 9mm Makarov. They also produced a limited number of P.38's and Lugers in the late 1940's and early 1950's. You also did not mention the DDR produced SKS.
You know what's funny? After the Russian civil war when Bolsheviks perpetrated the coup d'etat, many Russian loyalists or just Russians that opposed the red menace and were being persecuted, fled to Germany and Prussia and other nearby nations, and later went on to fight in the Wehrmacht as volunteers to try to free Russia again from communism. I know that cause my own family was among them, Kolchak white army veterans, and Kornilov regiment that tried ridding Russia of the red plague. Prussia had a big Russian population, because German Mennonite missions converted many Russians to protestantism, and numerous Russians went to live there looking for a better life. and Germany always treated Russians like brothers, before the fcking communists destroyed Russia, and turned not only Russians and Germans, but all Europeans against each other. So the Eastern part of Germany already had strong ties with Russia culturally, the White Russia the real Russia. Also in the last year's of imperial Russia when there was hunger because the harsh weather didn't allow the crops to grow normally, Prussia/German empire sent humanitarian help to relieve the hardships that Russia was facing in the winter. Then bolsheviks went on to lie and claim imperial Russia government was starving the population. When in reality bolsheviks were the ones who starved the population on purpose after they got in power (illegitimately I must say)
I like that NATO Wieger STG which was only produced for export. It has a little of an AK74. Its like a Ak74 had a baby with an M3... and the result was an Wieger STG 941
All the combloc countries were forced to make soviet platform weapons and ammo, in order to be allowed to produce weapons by the communist regime. That's why they made AK's, but the STG 44 was an attempt to make their own thing Likewise after communism fell a lot of the countries that were forced to make AKs went on to make their own weapons, like Czech republic with CZ, Poland with viz radom
Mein Vater war auch mal bei der NvA und wurde da zum Unteroffizier er lernte auch wie man panzer fährt und musste auch einige von denn waffen schießen hier die im Video vorkammen
The translation is still not the best but germans that dont speak english are still gonna know what you mean. Again my favorite is the NDR Stg-59. Have a nice day
I knew about the Wieger but I didn't know about that early NATO style Battle Rifle, very interesting that they'd work on something like that with the Soviets basing doctrine on the automatic AK.
What is the story on the silenced AKM at 4:50? The silencer looks almost like a one off with the set screws holding the thing together instead of threaded pieces. I think the SSG 82 is the nicest one. I would love to have a rifle with an elaborate claw mount set up like that!
according to swiss gun magazine back then that was a limited run made for spl police units. there was a pic show a couple of them with that style of silencer. it has a name but i cant remember.
Das ist kein Schalldämpfer sondern ein Grantbecher. Dazu gab es eine stärkere Platzpatrone und ein ballistisches Visier, das seitlich am Gasrohr und Lauf angeschraubt wurde. Damit konnte die Standard-Handganate verschossen werden. Man schraubte an die ein Flügelstück mit einer Dichtscheibe an und konnte sie mit der Platzpatrone verschießen, entweder mit dem normalen Zeitzünder oder mit einem ebenfalls verfügbaren Aufschlagzünder. Die Treffernorm dazu war ein Fenster von 1x1 Meter aus 100 m Entfernung oder ein Stacheldrahtverhau aus 150 m. Das hat bestens funktioniert.
Ich glaube ja, ich habe eine Wieger im Zeitgeschichtlichen Museum in Leipzig gesehen. Da stand zu dem Zeitpunkt keine Beschreibung dran und die vom Wachdienst wussten auch nicht was es war. War aber weder ein 47, noch ein 74 Modell.
Neat video, but the P-1001 (PP Copy) was not chambered in 9x18 Mak, but .32ACP & .22LR. The DDR's Makarov (PM Copy) was not called "Suhl Makarov" but "Pistole M" or "Pi-M" for short. In fact, the pistol you show is a post-unification Germany "Simson Suhl Makarov" that was a commercial pistol made from leftover DDR and some new (Possibly Bulgarian) parts.
Hallo. Hallo bringt man da hier nicht einiges durcheinander. KK Mpi der DDR selten ????Hä. Die gabs in der GST überall, auch die MAKAROW in verschiedenster Ausführung. Auch wird hier die Variante der CSSR gezeigt Typ Kalaschnikow usw.
Alfred024 stimmt ....aber sowas gab schon so einiges was in suhl, Erfurt und wiesa entwickelt und hergestellt wurde. die Mp69...kennen ich persönlich noch und das teil konnten wir nicht mit schlecht bezeichnen.....absolute spitze das ding auf 100 m treffgenau und auf tausend noch rötlich..... schön das hier noch Leute gibt die sich noch auskennen...... supi
so war es. die kk hatten wir schon im gst-lager in der 9. klasse durch die pampa gezerrt. ich fand sie nicht mal schlecht, da sie kaum laerm machte und sich anfuehlte wie eine 47er. dennoch kein vergleich zu meiner 74er mit klappschaft. ich mochte die richtig!
it must have been fun being cooped up in an open air prison being constantly spied on by the stasi and having your neigbours rat you out for nothing yeah the gdr sounds like a real nice place to live lols
It's not DDR Volksarmee, it's Nationale Volksarmee, short NVA. That's give some confusion when Americans tell germans, they had fight against the NVA. Because the Americans mean North Vietnamese Army.
Die DDR-Waffenindustrie hätte auch eine Kfz, Flugzeuge und Panzer entwickeln können. MOSKAU hatte das verboten - nicht nur der "Standartisierung" wegen ...
Veritus Veritas Sie sind entweder sehr jung oder kennen sich nicht wirklich gross aus, was die DDR und deren technisches Potential betrifft. Da wären beispielsweise der "IFA G5" den die Russen "abgesägt" haben, um ihren "Ural" daraus zu entwickeln und auf dem halben Planeten zu verteilen. Den "Horch/ Sachsenring- P3" mit Reihensechser, die EMW R70 als schweres Krad (ca. 7 Prototypen, eine existiert noch), im Grunde eine überarbeitete "BMW R75" die bereits während des Krieges in Eisenach produziert wurde, mit komplett neu entwickeltem 700ccm Motor für mehr Bodenfreiheit. Quasi die gesamte waffentechnische Mikroelektronik, optische Zieleinrichtungen etc. des Warschauer Vertrages kamen aus der DDR. Ein Hauptproblem war stets ein Mangel an hochwertigen Rohstoffen, vor allem Metallen, was sich in der Qualität beispielsweise von Wälzlagern oder Rollenketten niederschlug, die wirklich Mist waren und daher heute oft stark überdimensioniert erscheinen, was sie auch sind, wenn sie gegen heutige Lager getauscht werden. Dann war das zentralistische Wirtschaftssystem, in welchem Ideologen statt Fachleute, bzw. "der große Bruder" das Sagen hatten, der Totengräber des technischen Fortschritts. Haben Sie schon mal was von der Baade 152 gehört? ist zwar was Ziviles, aber eine echte Augenweide.
Vielen Dank für diese gute und detailierte Zusammenfassung. Als ein Kind der 90er sind die technischen Errungenschaften der DDR kaum mehr sichtbar für mich gewesen. Dazu kommt, dass meine Familie hauptsächlich aus dem Westen stammt und die, die das nicht taten, haben die DDR schon lange vor dem Mauerbau verlassen.
Looks like all Rifles Stg are Gas operated weapons ( "Gasdrucklader" instead "Rückstosslader" like many western Rifles with the exception of FN FAL/G-1 which is also a Gasdrucklader) Stg 59 and the Wieger are my fav. weapons, this stg-59 looks a bit like a mix of Stg-44/FN FAL or G-1/G-3
The 9 mm Makarov in P 1001? As far as i know, this weapon was in 7,65 Browning/32. ACP. When i remember the texts of german language arms magazines right, this pistols had been weapons , captured by russian troops and given back to East German forces as they had been allwed to own weapons again. As far as i know
Wrong button! As far as i know, this pistols had been used only a short time, had been replaced with weapons of russian design and stored a wartime reserve . Some weapons in bad condition seem to be repaired/refitted with new produced spare parts.
@@brittakriep2938 the communist regime forced all countries in the combloc to make soviet platform guns and ammo in order to be allowed to produce guns. That's why during the soviet union all the combloc countries made AK's and makarov's But after communism fell (thank God) some of those countries left the soviet platforms aside and went on to work on their own thing. Like Czech CZ, Poland with Viz radom, And Germany ofc reunified. The ones that continued making AK's did so cause they already had AK's and didn't want to bother making new weapons, but that's changing now too
@@MybeautifulandamazingPrincess : Forcing the communist allies to use sowiet russian based military equipment, was for logistical reasons. In wwll german troops used everything available, which caused problems with spare parts or ammunition.
The Luftsturmregiment 40 use AK's with a foldable stock. After the reunion of Germany, the NVA became part of the Bundeswehr. In the first time, they use west German uniforms, and east German weapons and vehicles. You see AK's and M1 Helmets and the old Moleskin Uniforms of the Bundeswehr.
It should be a unit of mechanized Infantry, the both guys, next to the two soldiers in front wear caps for armoured vehicle Crews. I think they are drivers.
Habe von den SSG82 zwei gehabt unter Anderem die Nummer 1500. Die Teile waren zur damaligen Zeit Scharfschützengewehre des MfS. Reichweite mit dem 4- fach ZF 100-150 Meter. Problem dieser Waffen war, sie waren zu präzise gebaut. nach max. 10 Schuss ließ sich der Verschluss nicht mehr öffnen. Das Teil musste abkühlen, bzw die Hülse kam nicht mehr raus. Da es heute nicht mehr die original Munition gibt, kann man nur Kalaschnikow Munition verwenden. Die ist außen lackiert ist, bleibt die Hülse kleben. Habe beide wieder verkauft. Sahen zwar top aus, habe mich damit aber nur rumgeärgert. Ne Ruger RPR ist heute 10 mal besser. Eben Nostalgie, die ich nicht brauche.
I like IT so much and i want to see it in the Bundeswehr in a better version, but it's a DDR weapon and so they don't use the old plans to rebuild and modern this beatiful weapon...
The Americans did "mOdErnIse" it for a little bit and the result was the SSG 2000 and the STG-2000 (All in 7.62x39mm M43). But tbh, that was much of a trash than a true assault rifle. Plus, if you want to see the STG-940 series in use, come to India, Peru and Vietnam, to where the STG-940 and MPi - KM -72 were exported.
@@arandomguy1378 I wish someone could make a video of the elusive legend STG 940, there are no videos on youtube, just a German museum video and this video
@Weedus Naja, Geradezugverschluss ist schon was anderes. Das hatten die Suhler ja auch im Programm. Darüber hinaus ist das SSG für ein Scharfschützengewehr lächerlich unpräzise.
you forgot the AKM-MPi from the 60's. Volkspolizei had STGs, not really the border guards who had PPSH-41 and Mosin. At the very beginning the NVA had also ppsh41, mosin, then moved to original russian Ak-47, then east-german AKM in the beginning of the 60's. I have 2 of them.
was a joke - in the case of a war against the Americans - they would be the first to be sacrificed together with the Polish - infantry would later attack the tanks and artillery - but rather an attack with nuclear weapons - chemical and biological for the withdrawal of troops - type kamikase !!!
the sturmgevvevver 942 looks like they took an M16 barrel & put it on a kalashnikov , heck its also chambered for 5.56 NATO , make you vvonder if E. Germany managed to get a hold of a bunch of M16 barrels somehovv & decided to build some rifles out of them , perhaps due to some cold vvar error the barrels got taken in E. Berlin or something .Sounds plausable & its very possible to make for a decent gunsmith vvhich I'veno doubts E.Germany had. Great video & I vvasnt suprised to see STG44's being made their to army the E.Germans . Keep up the great vvork
Best regards from former east Germany, the name of the machine pistol a 1:08 is spelled DDR Der neunte (or 9.) Parteitag der sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands (translated GDR the 9th party conference of the german unified party)
Very nice infos, thank you very much for your research, But personly, I would prefer have the original soundtracks where, we can listening the commands and the real atmosphere...why peoples make always a music, sometmes very loud in the background, that destroy all what we have to see !! I prefer for exemple the serie of NVA 18 Monate Film 1985.
Jacob Dagger The East German leadership was motivated in large part by a desire to avoid provoking the offence that using a traditional Stahlhelm design would have caused East Germany's Warsaw Pact allies. - wikipedia.
The wieger was developed for a possible export contract with India. That fell through when the Indians (in their foolishness) thought they could develop a better rifle themselves (and hence the pile of shit known to the world as the INSAS they've saddled themselves with). The DDR recouped a bit and sold several thousand to Peru before the events of 1989 overtook them.
you kinda butchered a lot of my language there, but I'll let it slide for showing some cool shit I havent found pictures yet and only heard of thanks to my grandpas military stories
Those Stg's and its variants were originally chambered to the same 5.56mm that AK-74 uses. It was after "it all went to hell" when the remaining examples were switched to the nato cartridge. But otherwise the "stg family" of rifles and lmg's are my favourite.
Is the HK33 based on the STG 59, interesting I didn't know that. I always saw the HK33 like a sibling of the FN FNC cause both HK and FN decided to produce smaller caliber versions of their battle rifles And it's a coincidence cause my brother's issued weapon in the swedish navy is a HK33 :)
The Makarov pistol near the beginning looks like the DDR knockoff of the Russian model. I had one (and stupidly sold it) in the 90s and got a chance to compare it at the range with both the USSR & Chinese versions. Same gun, but the other two couldn't hold a candle to the quality of the German version. I've never had a smoother action on any pistol I've owned, including SIGs that cost 5 times what I paid for the Makarov. And it was extremely accurate, even with the piss-poor military sights it sported.
I still have one. I use it as a carry gun. Most reliable pistol I have owned to date. I bought one for about 90 dollars a long time ago. Last one I saw for sale was a bit over 300 dollars. Things sure have changed. I used to see sks rifles for just under 80 dollars at that time too.
The huge factories that made weapons for DDR millitary was in Suhl,legemdary gunmakers there. Merkel factory was one of them , but also Sauetær &Suhl factory, same big firm, different names ,models. optics was made at Zeiss Jena . Zeiss Jena whem wall fell became Docter Optics..They kept the best models and took the,forward . Look up Aspherical lenses,developed there.
Yes it was poor, like every other European having the bad luck of being born eastwards of the iron curtain. But thankfully the communist shit regime fell and Germany became one again as it always was
Read up on History idiot. As shit as Communism was and is as a system. East Germany was in fact the best communist country to live in if you were an ordinary citizen. For Eastern-Block weapons. The countries that produced arms of the best quality of those nations were Russia, East Germany, Hungary, Yugoslavia and the Czech with their own unique arms. Let's not forget that the Assault Rifle concept is German. All Assault Rifles to this day are derived from the German SturmGewehr-44. Germany are responsible for many firearms innovations. The First Submachine-gun (MP18), The most reliable bolt action (Mauser bolt), General purpose machine-gun (MG34/42/3), Semi-Automatic Pistols (Borchardt/Luger) are all German innovations.
+Yan R. I know several people who served and they said they never had ptoblems with their mpi69s. Tough raw materials were rare in the GDR the government used only the best matrials for the military and the quality was actually better than the sovjet counterparts. The problems with those rifles can occur when converted to semiauto.
My DDR made AKS 74N I used (in the NVA) was good quality. I had to fire more than 2000 rounds during my service time for training purposes. Never had a stoppage or problems.
The helmets looked so dumb. The stahlhelm is one of the best helmet shapes, and they were forced to go from that great helmet to this mushroom thing, cause soviets forced them to use gear similar to soviets. I'm glad this stupid separation of Germany is over
The M-56 helmets weren’t used because the Soviets made them use similar gear. It’s completely different to any Soviet helmet design. The helmets were originally designed in Germany in about 1942-1943, but weren’t adopted. The DDR wanted to distance themselves from the Nazi military traditions and aesthetic, and also wanted a helmet that couldn’t possibly be confused for the designs used by the Bundeswehr in combat, so the Volksarmee chose the old unused design over the stahlhelm and any soviet designs.
@@KrisHandsome If that helmet was designed in Germany in 1942 then the person who designed it should've been fired from the design team, it looks like garbage
@@MybeautifulandamazingPrincess Ironically it’s appearance is what kept it from entering service the first time. Had to have been a pretty good helmet for practical use though for it to have been chosen. Some of the helmets were even exported. I’ve seen photos of them in use with the North Vietnamese military in the 1970s. Edit: It should also be noted that at the time it was believed it might’ve been a better design than the stahlhelm due to its slightly more comfortable shape and increased sloping compared to the more compact stahlhelm. This would also explain why they chose not to adopt Soviet helmets from 1956 onward. I still think that the desire to have a helmet different from the Nazis and West Germans had a bigger role in its adoption into service though.
I wish the STG-940 series got a full production run without any rifles being scrapped. It’s a very nice looking piece of kit.
Its very modern and western looking
Kinda reminded me of the AK-101 and 102 since they both use 5.56
The weapons at 2:25 are MPiKM-74s and the soldiers are former members of the NVA in Bundeswehr uniform after reunification. This was quite common to see, where they retained the weapons, webbing, equipment and vehicles they had trained with and used the huge stockpiles of MPiKM74s that were never issued, but with Bundeswehr uniforms, boots and helmets to give uniformity with the rest of the Bundeswehr. So not the weapon or time period you suggest before the photo is shown I'm afraid.
I think that the stg 59 looks very cool. Surely the true successor to the stg 44
looks nearly like the west german counterpart G3, but i like that NATO Wieger STG which was only produced for export it has a little of an AK74 had a baby with an M3... and the result was an Wieger STG 941
the true successor of the STG-44 was the Spanish CETME
NDR StG-59
Is my favorite rifle in this video.
Stg-59 is blursed
My favorite is the legend itself, the elusive Wieger STG 940 @ 4:55 much better looks than an AK (imo) and it also heavily influenced the design of the AEK 971, the hottest AK variant from Russia used by some special forces units
But the STG 59 is my second favorite, cool reimagination of the iconic Sturmgewehr. And I also really like KK MPI 69 cause it looks so clean
1:10 wtf
There is written:
'GDR Der Noynten Partaytag Sotsialistishe Aynhaytspartay Doychlands'
whoever did this translation, its totally wrong... I think you tried to say:
'GDR Der neunten Parteitag Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands'
This is actually to bad for google translator...
Did you mean : DDR. Neunter Parteitag der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands?
(der neunte Parteitag)
Statist0815 Oh haha :D sure
i just wrote what was on the website
jmantime Lol hahaha
I know two of these weapons from my own experience. The KK-MPI 69 was developed for premilitary education and this was when I fired with this. Later, during my miliary time, a had a KMS-72. But I don't know that it was rare.
KMS is just the licensed variant of the AKM everyone is familiar with.
Like how the Yugoslavs had their own, Poles, etc.
Whats rare is the East German crutch folding stock that the Egyptians then copied.
I think the KK MPI 69 looks way better than a regular AK, it looks so clean. Also the STG 940 is a much better design than the AK, you can see the improved ergonomics over the AK in the picture @ 5:11
When they made the Wieger 940 they did it in secret, to bypass the rules that the communist regime set for the countries eastwards of the iron curtain, where they required the weapons to be soviet platforms and ammo in order for the combloc countries to be allowed to produce guns, which means AK's, Makarov's, etc.
And the DDR actually exported some STG 940's to other countries but it's still a very rare rifle. Obviously very high quality as expected from German metallurgy and production technology, that was advanced even during communist occupation
@@MybeautifulandamazingPrincess wasn't the stg 940 going to be accepted in 5.45 (had ddr not fallen) anyway? I doubt soviets would have been angry, as the czechs had their vz-58s for a while
Personal favorite is the MPiKMS-72. It’s pretty much what I’m going to build for a parts kit, but with a scope mount.
sorry guys , i had to re-upload this since the translations came out wrong and youtube wouldn't let me monetize the last one
how do you monetize videos
+john martin Jmantime kicks ass; he monetized them with his awesomeness.
Somewhere in an Alternate Universe Germany still reunites like in our timeline/the real world but they adopted the StG 941 instead
Most of the P1001 Walther PP copies were in .32 acp and not 9mm Makarov. They also produced a limited number of P.38's and Lugers in the late 1940's and early 1950's. You also did not mention the DDR produced SKS.
That DDR SKS, is that the Karabiner S (Simonov)?
Didnt knovv they made an SKS, TY for the info
You know what's funny? After the Russian civil war when Bolsheviks perpetrated the coup d'etat, many Russian loyalists or just Russians that opposed the red menace and were being persecuted, fled to Germany and Prussia and other nearby nations, and later went on to fight in the Wehrmacht as volunteers to try to free Russia again from communism.
I know that cause my own family was among them, Kolchak white army veterans, and Kornilov regiment that tried ridding Russia of the red plague.
Prussia had a big Russian population, because German Mennonite missions converted many Russians to protestantism, and numerous Russians went to live there looking for a better life.
and Germany always treated Russians like brothers, before the fcking communists destroyed Russia, and turned not only Russians and Germans, but all Europeans against each other.
So the Eastern part of Germany already had strong ties with Russia culturally, the White Russia the real Russia.
Also in the last year's of imperial Russia when there was hunger because the harsh weather didn't allow the crops to grow normally, Prussia/German empire sent humanitarian help to relieve the hardships that Russia was facing in the winter. Then bolsheviks went on to lie and claim imperial Russia government was starving the population. When in reality bolsheviks were the ones who starved the population on purpose after they got in power (illegitimately I must say)
I like that NATO Wieger STG which was only produced for export. It has a little of an AK74. Its like a Ak74 had a baby with an M3... and the result was an Wieger STG 941
It's East German, not NATO, but yeah, really nice gun.
it gives me Valmet vibes
All the combloc countries were forced to make soviet platform weapons and ammo, in order to be allowed to produce weapons by the communist regime. That's why they made AK's, but the STG 44 was an attempt to make their own thing
Likewise after communism fell a lot of the countries that were forced to make AKs went on to make their own weapons, like Czech republic with CZ, Poland with viz radom
All of these weapons from East Germany alone and Treyarch still felt the need to put anachronistic Weapons in Black Ops Cold War.
Mein Vater war auch mal bei der NvA und wurde da zum Unteroffizier er lernte auch wie man panzer fährt und musste auch einige von denn waffen schießen hier die im Video vorkammen
I live in Germany and encountered nearly every gone on this list in person in museums or for sale.
I like that little WG-66 gun, looks like a mix of soviet and german SMGs which is pretty much what it is
The sturmgewehr 59 looks kinda cool like a stg 44/ g3 hybid
Wunderschöne musik und gutte video mein fruende 👏
@3:30 - what is the device placed on top of the breech cover ?!
I think it's a mirror, so the instructor can see how the shooter is aiming.
@@Schwertmaid nah,I think its a measurement tool to see wether hes holding the rifle straight or not
MPI Series of Kalashnikov automatic rifles are still in active service of Indian Army
The translation is still not the best but germans that dont speak english are still gonna know what you mean. Again my favorite is the NDR Stg-59. Have a nice day
it looks both amazing yet cursed
I knew about the Wieger but I didn't know about that early NATO style Battle Rifle, very interesting that they'd work on something like that with the Soviets basing doctrine on the automatic AK.
4:06 & 4:10 What tanks & APC is that? I kinda like it.
Tank is probably perhaps a T-62, T-64 or a T-72. The APC is either a BTR-60 or BTR-70
yeah, he's right. It's a T-72 covered in vegetation net.
What is the story on the silenced AKM at 4:50? The silencer looks almost like a one off with the set screws holding the thing together instead of threaded pieces. I think the SSG 82 is the nicest one. I would love to have a rifle with an elaborate claw mount set up like that!
according to swiss gun magazine back then that was a limited run made for spl police units. there was a pic show a couple of them with that style of silencer. it has a name but i cant remember.
hey I saw one of your videos, nice work
Das ist kein Schalldämpfer sondern ein Grantbecher. Dazu gab es eine stärkere Platzpatrone und ein ballistisches Visier, das seitlich am Gasrohr und Lauf angeschraubt wurde. Damit konnte die Standard-Handganate verschossen werden. Man schraubte an die ein Flügelstück mit einer Dichtscheibe an und konnte sie mit der Platzpatrone verschießen, entweder mit dem normalen Zeitzünder oder mit einem ebenfalls verfügbaren Aufschlagzünder. Die Treffernorm dazu war ein Fenster von 1x1 Meter aus 100 m Entfernung oder ein Stacheldrahtverhau aus 150 m. Das hat bestens funktioniert.
All of them! The at 2:09 and the last one in particular!
Ich glaube ja, ich habe eine Wieger im Zeitgeschichtlichen Museum in Leipzig gesehen. Da stand zu dem Zeitpunkt keine Beschreibung dran und die vom Wachdienst wussten auch nicht was es war. War aber weder ein 47, noch ein 74 Modell.
Some guns were named as assault rifle, Sturmgewehr, while the russion heading said MPI , which is machine pistol, maschinenpistole....
Am besten hat mir gefallen, dass es erwähnt wurde 💪👍 😊
Neat video, but the P-1001 (PP Copy) was not chambered in 9x18 Mak, but .32ACP & .22LR. The DDR's Makarov (PM Copy) was not called "Suhl Makarov" but "Pistole M" or "Pi-M" for short. In fact, the pistol you show is a post-unification Germany "Simson Suhl Makarov" that was a commercial pistol made from leftover DDR and some new (Possibly Bulgarian) parts.
Hallo. Hallo bringt man da hier nicht einiges durcheinander. KK Mpi der DDR selten ????Hä. Die gabs in der GST überall, auch die MAKAROW in verschiedenster Ausführung. Auch wird hier die Variante der CSSR gezeigt Typ Kalaschnikow usw.
Alfred024 stimmt ....aber sowas gab schon so einiges was in suhl, Erfurt und wiesa entwickelt und hergestellt wurde. die Mp69...kennen ich persönlich noch und das teil konnten wir nicht mit schlecht bezeichnen.....absolute spitze das ding auf 100 m treffgenau und auf tausend noch rötlich.....
schön das hier noch Leute gibt die sich noch auskennen...... supi
so war es. die kk hatten wir schon im gst-lager in der 9. klasse durch die pampa gezerrt. ich fand sie nicht mal schlecht, da sie kaum laerm machte und sich anfuehlte wie eine 47er. dennoch kein vergleich zu meiner 74er mit klappschaft. ich mochte die richtig!
2:40 is cechoslovak SA vz.58
Yes, a comparision to the Sturmgewehr StG-59.
I love Germany,1871-- 9. November 1989 +
Anders Dahl Germany died in 1990!
The DDR wasn't Germany. It was a commie shithole
Yeah sure, for the political elite maybe. For the common people it wasn't.
it must have been fun being cooped up in an open air prison being constantly spied on by the stasi and having your neigbours rat you out for nothing yeah the gdr sounds like a real nice place to live lols
Look up Diensteiheit IX ,you will be surprised of what weaponry they used . Not millitary unit ,,but Swat type in the MfS
It's not DDR Volksarmee, it's Nationale Volksarmee, short NVA. That's give some confusion when Americans tell germans, they had fight against the NVA. Because the Americans mean North Vietnamese Army.
Die DDR-Waffenindustrie hätte auch eine Kfz, Flugzeuge und Panzer entwickeln können. MOSKAU hatte das verboten - nicht nur der "Standartisierung" wegen ...
Kai Guleikoff Stimmt.
Solche Fahrzeuge hätte ich echt gerne mal gesehen.
Veritus Veritas
Das SdKfz 2 war so ein kleiner Schützenpanzer auf Phänomen/Robur- Granit K30 Basis
Veritus Veritas
Sie sind entweder sehr jung oder kennen sich nicht wirklich gross aus, was die DDR und deren technisches Potential betrifft. Da wären beispielsweise der "IFA G5" den die Russen "abgesägt" haben, um ihren "Ural" daraus zu entwickeln und auf dem halben Planeten zu verteilen. Den "Horch/ Sachsenring- P3" mit Reihensechser, die EMW R70 als schweres Krad (ca. 7 Prototypen, eine existiert noch), im Grunde eine überarbeitete "BMW R75" die bereits während des Krieges in Eisenach produziert wurde, mit komplett neu entwickeltem 700ccm Motor für mehr Bodenfreiheit. Quasi die gesamte waffentechnische Mikroelektronik, optische Zieleinrichtungen etc. des Warschauer Vertrages kamen aus der DDR. Ein Hauptproblem war stets ein Mangel an hochwertigen Rohstoffen, vor allem Metallen, was sich in der Qualität beispielsweise von Wälzlagern oder Rollenketten niederschlug, die wirklich Mist waren und daher heute oft stark überdimensioniert erscheinen, was sie auch sind, wenn sie gegen heutige Lager getauscht werden. Dann war das zentralistische Wirtschaftssystem, in welchem Ideologen statt Fachleute, bzw. "der große Bruder" das Sagen hatten, der Totengräber des technischen Fortschritts.
Haben Sie schon mal was von der Baade 152 gehört? ist zwar was Ziviles, aber eine echte Augenweide.
Vielen Dank für diese gute und detailierte Zusammenfassung. Als ein Kind der 90er sind die technischen Errungenschaften der DDR kaum mehr sichtbar für mich gewesen. Dazu kommt, dass meine Familie hauptsächlich aus dem Westen stammt und die, die das nicht taten, haben die DDR schon lange vor dem Mauerbau verlassen.
0:29 was that a movie???
Looks like all Rifles Stg are Gas operated weapons ( "Gasdrucklader" instead "Rückstosslader" like many western Rifles with the exception of FN FAL/G-1 which is also a Gasdrucklader)
Stg 59 and the Wieger are my fav. weapons, this stg-59 looks a bit like a mix of Stg-44/FN FAL or G-1/G-3
Gasdrucklader: AR-10, AR-15/M16/M4, SR-25, AR-18, SA80, STG-77 just to name a few. The G3 is more a exception.
I would love a P1001. I love the PP/K style and 9x18 is a great round
The 9 mm Makarov in P 1001? As far as i know, this weapon was in 7,65 Browning/32. ACP. When i remember the texts of german language arms magazines right, this pistols had been weapons , captured by russian troops and given back to East German forces as they had been allwed to own weapons again. As far as i know
Wrong button! As far as i know, this pistols had been used only a short time, had been replaced with weapons of russian design and stored a wartime reserve . Some weapons in bad condition seem to be repaired/refitted with new produced spare parts.
@@brittakriep2938 I think you're right, I'm just being optimistic. The PA 63 is the closest thing to a PPK with 9x18
@@brittakriep2938 the communist regime forced all countries in the combloc to make soviet platform guns and ammo in order to be allowed to produce guns. That's why during the soviet union all the combloc countries made AK's and makarov's
But after communism fell (thank God) some of those countries left the soviet platforms aside and went on to work on their own thing. Like Czech CZ, Poland with Viz radom, And Germany ofc reunified. The ones that continued making AK's did so cause they already had AK's and didn't want to bother making new weapons, but that's changing now too
@@MybeautifulandamazingPrincess : Forcing the communist allies to use sowiet russian based military equipment, was for logistical reasons. In wwll german troops used everything available, which caused problems with spare parts or ammunition.
Gostei de conhecer essas armas 🔫 esse foi um vídeo interessante obrigado 👍
Könnte man zur Zeit in Deutschland gebrauchen
bei 2:25 das ist die bundeswehr
nope thats parachut troops nva
The Luftsturmregiment 40 use AK's with a foldable stock.
After the reunion of Germany, the NVA became part of the Bundeswehr. In the first time, they use west German uniforms, and east German weapons and vehicles. You see AK's and M1 Helmets and the old Moleskin Uniforms of the Bundeswehr.
It should be a unit of mechanized Infantry, the both guys, next to the two soldiers in front wear caps for armoured vehicle Crews. I think they are drivers.
Das sind Keine Deutschen! genau so wenig wie die Waffe !
Habe von den SSG82 zwei gehabt unter Anderem die Nummer 1500. Die Teile waren zur damaligen Zeit Scharfschützengewehre des MfS. Reichweite mit dem 4- fach ZF 100-150 Meter. Problem dieser Waffen war, sie waren zu präzise gebaut. nach max. 10 Schuss ließ sich der Verschluss nicht mehr öffnen. Das Teil musste abkühlen, bzw die Hülse kam nicht mehr raus. Da es heute nicht mehr die original Munition gibt, kann man nur Kalaschnikow Munition verwenden. Die ist außen lackiert ist, bleibt die Hülse kleben. Habe beide wieder verkauft. Sahen zwar top aus, habe mich damit aber nur rumgeärgert. Ne Ruger RPR ist heute 10 mal besser. Eben Nostalgie, die ich nicht brauche.
STG 940 looks like badass
I like IT so much and i want to see it in the Bundeswehr in a better version, but it's a DDR weapon and so they don't use the old plans to rebuild and modern this beatiful weapon...
The Americans did "mOdErnIse" it for a little bit and the result was the SSG 2000 and the STG-2000 (All in 7.62x39mm M43). But tbh, that was much of a trash than a true assault rifle.
Plus, if you want to see the STG-940 series in use, come to India, Peru and Vietnam, to where the STG-940 and MPi - KM -72 were exported.
@@arandomguy1378 I wish someone could make a video of the elusive legend STG 940, there are no videos on youtube, just a German museum video and this video
To answer the question: SSG 82! :-)
Um die Frage zu beantworten: SSG 82! :-)
if you need some one who translates you the things into german feel free to ask your community ^^
Wieger STG series Looks quite modern
Wie heißt der Song am Anfang
why the sad music?
Das SSG82 hat meines Wissens keinen Geradezugverschluss.
@Weedus Naja, Geradezugverschluss ist schon was anderes. Das hatten die Suhler ja auch im Programm.
Darüber hinaus ist das SSG für ein Scharfschützengewehr lächerlich unpräzise.
2:39 VZ 58?
Drew Zaio Yes. 😁
3:12 invisibility achieved
Isn't the G 11 missing?
that was was germany
I remembered the G 11 was made in the other Germany
G11 was a west german weapon..which result was an epic fail :D
The other germany xDDD
@@godwrote01 Ignorant remark.
G11 is very influential. Just because it wasn't adopted that doesn't make the product a failure.
you forgot the AKM-MPi from the 60's. Volkspolizei had STGs, not really the border guards who had PPSH-41 and Mosin. At the very beginning the NVA had also ppsh41, mosin, then moved to original russian Ak-47, then east-german AKM in the beginning of the 60's. I have 2 of them.
Semi-auto I hope, when in germany.
Eine gute Armee die man bis heute meist unterschätzt . . . Aber wehe wir wären gekommen 😀😆
Finaly !!! Thank you so much jmantime!
was a joke - in the case of a war against the Americans - they would be the
first to be sacrificed together with the Polish - infantry would later attack the tanks and artillery - but rather an attack with nuclear weapons - chemical and biological for the withdrawal of troops - type kamikase !!!
NDRStG59 rifle? Was that a MP45??
Es geht doch nicht 's über die leichte deutsche Infantrie.
100yards effektive reichweite für ne pistole wage ich mal stark zu bezweifeln.
the sturmgevvevver 942 looks like they took an M16 barrel & put it on a kalashnikov , heck its also chambered for 5.56 NATO , make you vvonder if E. Germany managed to get a hold of a bunch of M16 barrels somehovv & decided to build some rifles out of them , perhaps due to some cold vvar error the barrels got taken in E. Berlin or something .Sounds plausable & its very possible to make for a decent gunsmith vvhich I'veno doubts E.Germany had. Great video & I vvasnt suprised to see STG44's being made their to army the E.Germans . Keep up the great vvork
Best regards from former east Germany, the name of the machine pistol a 1:08 is spelled DDR Der neunte (or 9.) Parteitag der sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands (translated GDR the 9th party conference of the german unified party)
that communist g3 has to be the coolest thing on here
WG-66, Sig-59, & Weiger 941
Ossi - best.
the Ossi accent is amazing :)
There are a lot of different dialects not just one accent. And some sound funny ;-)
SSG 82 wunderbare Waffe!!!?
Very nice infos, thank you very much for your research, But personly, I would prefer have the original soundtracks where, we can listening the commands and the real atmosphere...why peoples make always a music, sometmes very loud in the background, that destroy all what we have to see !!
I prefer for exemple the serie of NVA 18 Monate Film 1985.
Whats with the funny looking helmets?
I have one , they are actualy the last wehrmacht / ss helmet but they werent given to the army anymore but the NVA used them then
This in-house development of the GDR.
The most effective pre-kevlar helmet design
Jacob Dagger The East German leadership was motivated in large part by a desire to avoid provoking the offence that using a traditional Stahlhelm design would have caused East Germany's Warsaw Pact allies. - wikipedia.
Jacob Dagger Falsch Falsch Falsch.
WG-66 kinda looks like a Kipris
German here tf you got those translations? Did you use a potato?
RIP to the best Germany
The wieger was developed for a possible export contract with India. That fell through when the Indians (in their foolishness) thought they could develop a better rifle themselves (and hence the pile of shit known to the world as the INSAS they've saddled themselves with). The DDR recouped a bit and sold several thousand to Peru before the events of 1989 overtook them.
you kinda butchered a lot of my language there, but I'll let it slide for showing some cool shit I havent found pictures yet and only heard of thanks to my grandpas military stories
Those Stg's and its variants were originally chambered to the same 5.56mm that AK-74 uses. It was after "it all went to hell" when the remaining examples were switched to the nato cartridge. But otherwise the "stg family" of rifles and lmg's are my favourite.
Same were in .308 win not in 5.56 mm !
I have a magazin of the Ausbildungssturmgewehr lieing at my board
east german t72 and east german bmp-1
i think maybe countries like Ukraine should try Addapt the Wieger STG 940 just to upgrade their military at a low cost!
Lauge Steffensen Most countries ignore old things. The only ones who don't are Africans.
Why would they? The AK-74 is very up to date.
ja, ja(seufz),----- nicht alles aus'm Osten war scheiße
Wieger PG-945 !
Sound and transalation sucks
Die deutsche Übersetzung ist ja die gesammelte Katastrophe. Es gibt kaum einen verständlichen Satz.
guter Film--scheiss Musik extrem laut
Is the HK33 based on the STG 59, interesting I didn't know that.
I always saw the HK33 like a sibling of the FN FNC cause both HK and FN decided to produce smaller caliber versions of their battle rifles
And it's a coincidence cause my brother's issued weapon in the swedish navy is a HK33 :)
Ze translations make my eyes hurt, zis is not a good video ! Greetings from Germany.
The only thing that i rare here is the shit musik everyting else is pretty ordinary.
The Makarov pistol near the beginning looks like the DDR knockoff of the Russian model. I had one (and stupidly sold it) in the 90s and got a chance to compare it at the range with both the USSR & Chinese versions. Same gun, but the other two couldn't hold a candle to the quality of the German version. I've never had a smoother action on any pistol I've owned, including SIGs that cost 5 times what I paid for the Makarov. And it was extremely accurate, even with the piss-poor military sights it sported.
I still have one. I use it as a carry gun. Most reliable pistol I have owned to date. I bought one for about 90 dollars a long time ago. Last one I saw for sale was a bit over 300 dollars. Things sure have changed. I used to see sks rifles for just under 80 dollars at that time too.
Ser knockoff the Russians copied and took machinery from Germans to make the maker of so the German gun is not knockoff it's the original
Meant makarov
The huge factories that made weapons for DDR millitary was in Suhl,legemdary gunmakers there. Merkel factory was one of them , but also Sauetær &Suhl factory, same big firm, different names ,models. optics was made at Zeiss Jena . Zeiss Jena whem wall fell became Docter Optics..They kept the best models and took the,forward .
Look up Aspherical lenses,developed there.
Dont try german when you cand xD you asked who we liket mostly or so xDDDI would say the guys in the beginning xDDD
Just get rid of the attempted "German" translations, they're terrible.
Poor east germany
Why ? We are awsome , only our guns was underpowerd , our factories look like ruins until today and our forests are full of soviet trash xDDD
Rahuto *Poor east germany...
It was
You're an idiot you cant be awesome because you didn't exist
Yes it was poor, like every other European having the bad luck of being born eastwards of the iron curtain. But thankfully the communist shit regime fell and Germany became one again as it always was
Nervige Musik und nicht besonders Unterh6
..kann ja niemand mitlesen,viel zu schnell und blöde Mugge
Die englischen Kommentare könnt Ihr Euch an den A kleben😎
@Erick Vagabond
Der hat einfach schlecht geschi.....
Nervt tötente Musik
AK-47 die beste Waffe überhaupt!!
Just a bunch of AK variants. The only interesting ones were the machine pistols.
I heard that German AK variants are rubbish.
Read up on History idiot. As shit as Communism was and is as a system. East Germany was in fact the best communist country to live in if you were an ordinary citizen.
For Eastern-Block weapons. The countries that produced arms of the best quality of those nations were Russia, East Germany, Hungary, Yugoslavia and the Czech with their own unique arms.
Let's not forget that the Assault Rifle concept is German. All Assault Rifles to this day are derived from the German SturmGewehr-44. Germany are responsible for many firearms innovations. The First Submachine-gun (MP18), The most reliable bolt action (Mauser bolt), General purpose machine-gun (MG34/42/3), Semi-Automatic Pistols (Borchardt/Luger) are all German innovations.
I have heard that German variant AKs are rubbish because the Germans put too high of tolerances into the rifles, thus making them too unreliable.
Thus it was the German need for perfection that ultimately bit them in the butt.
+Yan R. I know several people who served and they said they never had ptoblems with their mpi69s. Tough raw materials were rare in the GDR the government used only the best matrials for the military and the quality was actually better than the sovjet counterparts. The problems with those rifles can occur when converted to semiauto.
My DDR made AKS 74N I used (in the NVA) was good quality. I had to fire more than 2000 rounds during my service time for training purposes. Never had a stoppage or problems.
All look rather primitive....
The helmets looked so dumb. The stahlhelm is one of the best helmet shapes, and they were forced to go from that great helmet to this mushroom thing, cause soviets forced them to use gear similar to soviets.
I'm glad this stupid separation of Germany is over
The M-56 helmets weren’t used because the Soviets made them use similar gear. It’s completely different to any Soviet helmet design. The helmets were originally designed in Germany in about 1942-1943, but weren’t adopted. The DDR wanted to distance themselves from the Nazi military traditions and aesthetic, and also wanted a helmet that couldn’t possibly be confused for the designs used by the Bundeswehr in combat, so the Volksarmee chose the old unused design over the stahlhelm and any soviet designs.
@@KrisHandsome If that helmet was designed in Germany in 1942 then the person who designed it should've been fired from the design team, it looks like garbage
@@MybeautifulandamazingPrincess Ironically it’s appearance is what kept it from entering service the first time. Had to have been a pretty good helmet for practical use though for it to have been chosen. Some of the helmets were even exported. I’ve seen photos of them in use with the North Vietnamese military in the 1970s. Edit: It should also be noted that at the time it was believed it might’ve been a better design than the stahlhelm due to its slightly more comfortable shape and increased sloping compared to the more compact stahlhelm. This would also explain why they chose not to adopt Soviet helmets from 1956 onward. I still think that the desire to have a helmet different from the Nazis and West Germans had a bigger role in its adoption into service though.