Exit Interviews (It’s A Trap!!)

  • Опубликовано: 3 май 2024

Комментарии • 136

  • @DavidLeeKersey
    @DavidLeeKersey 2 месяца назад +319

    Just like dealing with the cops. If your leaving don't talk to HR without a lawyer present.

    • @user-gm4ip5zl5u
      @user-gm4ip5zl5u 2 месяца назад +1


    • @ReddOchober
      @ReddOchober 2 месяца назад +1


    • @UlshaRS
      @UlshaRS 2 месяца назад +2

      First thought! Never volunteer potentially self damaging information without counsel.

    • @YourCapyBruv_do_u_rmbr_3Dpipes
      @YourCapyBruv_do_u_rmbr_3Dpipes 2 месяца назад

      We have such a scandalous legal system because the end goal is always maximum theft via extortion or property seizure, or maximum lockup for free human property. Should be by LAW a lawyer or competent legal counsel should always be present during any police questioning. All of this "person has to request it" what a vile loophole. We are a third world country with our legal standards in fact maybe not even that.

    • @YourCapyBruv_do_u_rmbr_3Dpipes
      @YourCapyBruv_do_u_rmbr_3Dpipes 2 месяца назад

      We have such a scandalous legal system because the end goal is always maximum theft via extortion or property seizure, or maximum lockup for free human property. Should be by LAW a lawyer or competent legal counsel should always be present during any police questioning. All of this "person has to request it" what a vile loophole. We are a third world country with our legal standards in fact maybe not even that.

  • @willwinters3910
    @willwinters3910 2 месяца назад +231

    This channel has ingrained into me that no good can ever come from talking to HR.

    • @sadiemellow
      @sadiemellow 2 месяца назад +16

      I got like 3 email reminders and 1 call / voice mail from HR. I quit 2 weeks ago. I was on FMLA and disability... I took advantage of that & even went over the required FMLA time. I am sure they want to know if something went wrong & I won't sue 😂...I want nothing to do with them. Took what I needed & ready to move on from them. 👏

    • @1RiverWang
      @1RiverWang 2 месяца назад +22

      Treat them like you would treat cops when youre talking to them

    • @laprepper
      @laprepper 2 месяца назад +2

      @@1RiverWang came here to say this😂

    • @dmmchugh3714
      @dmmchugh3714 2 месяца назад +1

      Agreed 👍

    • @chibigirl8545
      @chibigirl8545 2 месяца назад +2

      Get everything relevant in writing.

  • @Radke32
    @Radke32 2 месяца назад +243

    A buddy of mine quit and when HR set up his exit interview, he replied with: "Tell me two things that have changed for the positive as a result of exit interviews "
    They didn't reply and he didn't have an exit interview

    • @dragons_red
      @dragons_red 2 месяца назад +7

      That just means they took that as a complicated way to say NO, not a validation of his statement

    • @andrewsmitley
      @andrewsmitley 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@dragons_red Why? If they are so positive than why wouldn't they just answer truthfully?

    • @Lowmandavis
      @Lowmandavis 2 месяца назад +3

      @@dragons_redIt doesn't matter how the company takes it. It still proves his point. A company will never admit they're wrong

  • @jtixtlan
    @jtixtlan 2 месяца назад +84

    I noticed that my current employer keeps the notes from exit interviews in folders in a shared drive. So, I read them. Amazing the see a couple of years worth of exciting employees saying the same things (a production manager that screams at them and insults them, too much mandatory overtime, inadequate training, poor management and planning) and yet these are all the things I see now. This proves to me that there is no point except to make people feel heard. If I leave before retiring, I will not do an exit interview. Why risk offending them when it won’t result in change?

  • @Slugbunny
    @Slugbunny 2 месяца назад +61

    Once the resignation is out, the company is your opponent. Even more than before, I mean.

    • @Sephiroth144
      @Sephiroth144 2 месяца назад

      They are beforehand- its just an inactive vs active situation.

  • @stephanieoliver6873
    @stephanieoliver6873 2 месяца назад +61

    My last employer didn’t even ask me for an exit interview. I did not leave feeling great about everything. That HR lady was fired shortly after. She was also the freshly retired CEO’s daughter 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @17h127
    @17h127 2 месяца назад +16

    I'm glad I did my exit interview. They didn't want to give me one, but I insisted. The hospital paid for me to goto college and then refused to hire me in the field I went to school. The director didn't like me. I had a 6 year commitment and tried for nearly 2 years with many applications to positions to transfer into the other department. HR was sorry to hear about my circumstances and understood why I didn't wish to finish my commitment working for 7$/hr when I was qualified to make substantially more. They said I didn't need to pay back my college money even though I broke my commitment early. That exit interview saved me like 30k.

    • @barbthegreat586
      @barbthegreat586 2 месяца назад +12

      It just means they had absolutely no case. Otherwise, they wouldn't let go of 30k just like that. That's why it's important to see a lawyer.

  • @siberx4
    @siberx4 2 месяца назад +31

    At a previous job I was a team lead and requested exit interviews when people quit because I legitimately wanted to know if there was anything I could change or improve to retain future employees better.
    Exit interview with HR though? Probably exactly what you describe.

    • @thegurw1994
      @thegurw1994 2 месяца назад +3

      Yeah, as the employer, I want to know why good employees are leaving. But most companies aren't like that. And a short explanation on the resignation notice is more than enough for me.

    • @dansmith7009
      @dansmith7009 2 месяца назад +2

      Yes, there is an excellent operational reason for managers and HR to want the information from exit interviews.
      The question is how does that benefit your ex-employee?
      It costs them time, risks the success of any lawsuits they’re entitled to, and even if it goes perfectly, they get no benefit from improvements to an office culture where they no longer work.
      Basically, the same reason you don’t fill out the survey at the bottom of every store receipt, plus a bunch more downsides.
      Even in terms of references, it’s 100% better for the ex employee to just repeat stock phrases like “I felt like it was time for something new in my career,” than to address actual issues that might cause strife. Which defeats the whole point.
      So the only reason to do an exit interview is if you’ve been paid for it. Offer a solid severance package, and they’re already giving up the lawsuit.

    • @siberx4
      @siberx4 2 месяца назад

      @@dansmith7009 Yep, you're absolutely correct that there's effectively no upside for the employee, which is why I'm thankful when anybody who's leaving agrees to talk about it. I have generally had people leave on good terms though, which helps, and I wouldn't fault anybody for politely declining the request (which I'd always clearly frame as optional, because an exit interview under duress is a waste of everybody's time).

  • @HmmmmmLemmeThinkNo
    @HmmmmmLemmeThinkNo 2 месяца назад +37

    I can think of at least one - my mom worked in a niche govt job with a suddenly high turnover rate, and they were (are) desperate to figure out why. It's bc of one person, but bc she oversees everyone, there's no way to talk about it without her usually. With people saying they're quitting bc of her, they might actually do something.
    But with such a high turnover rate, they also can't afford to fire her. They're struggling since my mom quit last year bc she was undoubtedly a major pillar. They need 15 people, have the budget for 10, and have 4 people who've been there long enough to know what they're doing. They literally hold up the local govt.
    All that said, talk to a lawyer before doing an exit interview even if it is just saying someone sucks. Because you never know if that can be used against you

    • @thegurw1994
      @thegurw1994 2 месяца назад +3

      When I was the employee, I refused exit interviews on the grounds that my reason for leaving was stated on my resignation notice. In almost every case, the reason was, "you pay less than market rate and others are willing to pay what I'm worth." There were only two exceptions - one was, "Immediate supervisor knows less about the work than a beggar on the street corner," and the other was, "while I have no major complaints about the company, pay, supervision, or work, I do find the scope of work restricting to an apprentice attempting to become a well-rounded journeyman. On the recommendation of my supervisory team, I am choosing to pursue employment at a company with a different scope inside my trade." That last one was during my welding apprenticeship, and the company was very narrow in scope. I really liked working there but it was stifling when I was trying to get a grasp of the trade as a whole. I continue to have a good relationship with them to this day.

    • @matthewsalmon2013
      @matthewsalmon2013 2 месяца назад +1

      They can't afford *not* to fire her. Retention is a KPI for management. She should at least be on a PIP.

    • @HmmmmmLemmeThinkNo
      @HmmmmmLemmeThinkNo 2 месяца назад

      @@matthewsalmon2013 @matthewsalmon2013 bc it's the govt there's very strict rules on when you can fire an employee. And she hasn't technically broken any rules, just been an asshole to everybody. But that isn't enough. And also why she isn't on a PIP bc... what is there to improve? Which is why the exit interviews are important in this case. x.x

    • @HmmmmmLemmeThinkNo
      @HmmmmmLemmeThinkNo 2 месяца назад

      @@matthewsalmon2013 well, as of a year ago, when my mom left. (I really hope my first reply sent, I don't see it)

    • @matthewsalmon2013
      @matthewsalmon2013 2 месяца назад

      @@HmmmmmLemmeThinkNo yeah, it'd be great if they actually cared about harassment and such their managers do. They just divide the workforce into "our people" (management and those we want to promote to management) that get paid to sit in meetings and do their odious bidding, and plebes that do the actual work for as little as they'll accept with the threat of unemployment looming. They don't want American productivity or prosperity; they want to loot the ship before they sink it.

  • @hummingmostbird
    @hummingmostbird 2 месяца назад +7

    I've done one. It resulted in my shitty manager stepping down as department head, and shortly after leaving the company.
    I don't know that I'd ever do another, but damn that one was worth it.

  • @ohrats731
    @ohrats731 2 месяца назад +10

    Oh phew. Occasionally I worry if I should have done the one I skipped 4 years ago 😂

  • @TheAGcollector101
    @TheAGcollector101 2 месяца назад +9

    Not employment, but I had the opportunity to do an exit interview with my scholarship organization, which I originally thought was mandatory (I still think they changed it somewhere along the way, but that's besides the point). It wasn't though, and while I had some thoughts and things to say, I ended up ultimately deciding it was not worth my time. This video made me feel much better about that decision though, thank you.

  • @bobfg3130
    @bobfg3130 2 месяца назад +22

    Why do an exit interview? It's your free time you're wasting.

    • @theaconite1400
      @theaconite1400 2 месяца назад

      Aren't they required to pay for the exit interview time the same way they pay for any other time at work? I've never had an exit interview so I have no idea how they normally work.

    • @dansmith7009
      @dansmith7009 2 месяца назад

      @@theaconite1400yes, but generally exit interviews aren’t a common thing until you get to salaried positions.
      The company was already going to pay you for the day, pretty much.
      So staying for an exit interview is doing extra work for the same amount of pay.
      I do disagree though. I think there’s a great reason to do an exit interview: you got paid for it. Exit interviews make sense, if they come with a good severance package you’ve already accepted, so the fact that they would mess up a case doesn’t matter.

  • @amethonys2798
    @amethonys2798 2 месяца назад +6

    With HR absolutely not.
    If you actually got along with your supervisor and they aren't the problem I don't necessarily see a reason not to with them. At the end of the day it is always your choice.

  • @wanmanrmy
    @wanmanrmy 2 месяца назад +7

    My rule is if I’m leaving a job on good terms and have no issues that I want to take action on then I’d do an exit interview but stay cautious just in case but if there is bad blood then there is 0% chance I’m doing one.

  • @shadowhuntress1371
    @shadowhuntress1371 2 месяца назад +1

    "Exit interview? I've already given you my two weeks, and if you say again that this is mandatory, my last day will be TODAY."

  • @tuvoca825
    @tuvoca825 2 месяца назад +8

    I had a surprise exit interview when they sensed I might quit but I was hoping they would fix their problems... so instead they let me go rather than let me quit, but the guy who sexually harassed me severly for months without stopping... they let him quit on his own a week after he quit showing up. They had a lot more problems but that was one.

  • @lyfandeth
    @lyfandeth 2 месяца назад +5

    Exit interview? Nah, that wasn't listed in my job responsibilities. I'll need a promotion to include that.

  • @plainspokenJane
    @plainspokenJane 2 месяца назад +2

    Love you, Ryan. Thank you for your time and energy. I feel like you here for me.

  • @hyakushiki23
    @hyakushiki23 2 месяца назад +4

    He is spot on. It's not for your benefit

  • @rebeccaconklin1679
    @rebeccaconklin1679 14 дней назад

    Thank you, I was almost 'offered' an exit interview at my last full-time job, but the manager correctly read my expression and body language as not being interested. I've sometimes second guessed myself on that decision, but your comments have reassured me. Thanks again!

  • @GetRealFeelTheHeal
    @GetRealFeelTheHeal 2 месяца назад +1

    I had an exit interview with an employer back in 2005 that literally saved my reputation and got me guaranteed access to unemployment insurance bc the assistant director realized the truth about what was happening vs what she had been told for the prior year by my supervisor who lieedd her ass off about me just to get me fired

  • @laprepper
    @laprepper 2 месяца назад +2

    The only reason I did one was because I was concerned that not doing one would prevent me from being eligible for rehire and I wasn’t trying to burn that bridge because it’s a big company

  • @midwestreview6382
    @midwestreview6382 2 месяца назад +2

    It's not common but some companies do use an exit interview to improve It's not often but some places will do things like get rid of a bad manager or relise that pay has to go up because 3 competitors are paying 30% more for the same work

  • @Nepenthe1849
    @Nepenthe1849 2 месяца назад +2

    I was in the room for a friend’s virtual exit interview and they pretty much just told her about what benefits ended and when. It was nothing about her experience at all.

  • @barbthegreat586
    @barbthegreat586 2 месяца назад +6

    I don't recommend doing an exit interview, not even in Europe with better workers' protection. It's a waste of time bc they never act upon what they find out. It's just a ticking off exercise. Also, why should I do analysis for them what they're doing wrong and what'll happen if they continue with their present approach.

  • @Flyingbrickyard
    @Flyingbrickyard 2 месяца назад +3

    I've never participated in one. I figured if they spent months or years not caring about the feedback I was giving them while I was working there, they'd care even less about it on my way out the door.
    In short, if it has gotten to the that point, it's far too late, so I'm not wasting any more time on telling you what's wrong with your organization.

  • @commnuvelleanimetrics441
    @commnuvelleanimetrics441 2 месяца назад +1

    To hell with the exit meeting.

  • @Hrafnskald
    @Hrafnskald 2 месяца назад +2

    Only time I agreed to an exit interview was when they refused to give a severance offer without it. I didn't have a strong case or the funds to spare, so it made sense to take the offer and put that job behind me.
    Anything less than a cash payout for attending? I'd decline.

  • @CobisTaba
    @CobisTaba 2 месяца назад

    I have, as a teamleader, gotten very good talks either HR addressing issues. As in, during the exit they understood something needed to change and brought it up.

  • @CallenExile
    @CallenExile 2 месяца назад +3

    Agreed, simply because there is zero incentive to do one. "We can do it on the clock." Oh cool, $3.00. Pass.

  • @Dark_Red_Echo
    @Dark_Red_Echo 2 месяца назад +1

    There is ONE other reason exit interviews happen: I worked for a restaurant and even though the owner had violated a bunch of labor laws, he truly had no idea he had done it. He was a very wealthy guy who’d started a restaurant “for fun” and generally never asked experts about taxes, laws, etc because he believed he could wing it. He ended up owing SO many back taxes on his business because he’d screwed up his filing.
    He did most of the talking during my exit interview, and it was basically just him talking down to me about all of the reasons I sucked and would never be a good manager because I was quitting overhead not paying our servers well enough. He told me that I was too sensitive and a bleeding heart and if I could toughen up I would make a great manager. It was unhinged and I think a lot about how I could have gotten him in so much trouble for that because he had been committing like 18 flavors of wage theft.

  • @MrKazekoh
    @MrKazekoh 2 месяца назад +1

    It could be like my old company that claimed they did an exit interview with me but never did. 😅 They used "my words" to make my manager step down because they said I said she was a bad boss. I never did as she was the best part of the company.
    They didnt expect me to contact her to congratulate her on her freedom I guess and expected to not get caught. 😅

  • @erickobrin5263
    @erickobrin5263 2 месяца назад

    Exit interviews can help the friends you're leaving behind. Make the choice that fits your risk profile and your self image.

  • @meganking7589
    @meganking7589 2 месяца назад

    SOMETIMES They use it to build a case against the person who caused you to quit. I doubt that it happens frequently, but there are some people who are just not worth keeping around.

  • @TiredKnitter
    @TiredKnitter 2 месяца назад

    I had one result in change. There was one person who was very clearly a problem and the reason I left. He wasn't high enough up for them to protect. I wasn't going to get a lawyer involved because it didn't seem worth it, so I had no case to protect. I hadn't been there long enough to worry about them as a reference, I had my next job lined up, and it wasn't an industry I want to get back into. So it was a very specific case where I i really didn't have anything to lose

  • @JaneJones-uh5le
    @JaneJones-uh5le 9 дней назад +1

    I've never done one. It would feel like shutting the barn door after the horse got out.

  • @Tormekia
    @Tormekia 2 месяца назад +1

    Companies always know what's wrong. They also know new people will always come in and sacrifice themselves thinking they're helping out and that no-one knows what's going on.
    Once people figure things out they can be bullied and cast out and replaced.
    Toxic companies are run by toxic people. They are not going to fire six or seven senior people to keep one underling happy.
    Companies would rather burn 40 workers than fire one bad manager.

  • @ReddOchober
    @ReddOchober 2 месяца назад

    If you can afford it, keep an attorney on retainer and have them present when leaving a job and statements from managment noted/documented. Learned that lesson.

  • @marcyf6684
    @marcyf6684 2 месяца назад

    💯 True

  • @demondogmom7221
    @demondogmom7221 2 месяца назад +2

    There's no point in doing an exit interview. If you're leaving because they suck, they already know they suck... they don't care.

  • @tbaade1
    @tbaade1 Месяц назад

    I totally agree!

  • @crikey47
    @crikey47 2 месяца назад

    I did have an exit interview, came with receipts , proof that my boss was a nightmare. I already had another job and just wanted out. They did let her go one month later. It saved my colleagues from the hell she had created.

  • @thoughtsofanobody
    @thoughtsofanobody 2 месяца назад

    My first job promoted a coworker to manager and they started replacing and firing everyone one by one. I was one of the last cause they had me train the new ones, but when it eventually came to my turn they had me do an exit interview. I did it but realized how stupid it was and came back the next day (the manager wasn't working) and asked for a copy which they gave me. I wasn't fired “for cause” according to them and the signed exit interview and this was kinda a push to go back to school so not a big deal to me all in all. A few months later I was curious and called corporate about potentially coming back to work a different store and come to find out I was apparently fired for regularly not following instructions according to my exit interview… my signed copy of this exit interview said no such thing, so they added that after the fact. I was so angry but didn't see a reason to pursue it, I didn't really want to work for them again and was already back in college and it just wasn't worth the stress. The whole situation was just messed up.

  • @elliestewart7770
    @elliestewart7770 2 месяца назад

    I've never had a choice. Mine have always been during the work day, meaning they still own my time and my refusal can tank my reference.

  • @franticxavierjaymes1609
    @franticxavierjaymes1609 2 месяца назад

    Thank you

  • @DamonHowe7
    @DamonHowe7 2 месяца назад

    *Me, who as a manager actually does want to improve if I can*

  • @burchified
    @burchified 2 месяца назад +1

    I used the prepaid postage envelope they sent with the exit interview to mail back my employee ID and parking permit.

  • @mauriciogadalupe
    @mauriciogadalupe 2 месяца назад

    I did an Exit interview once and I took the time to express all my hatred towards everybody in that organization. I told him how they all suck at their jobs and I’m kind of other stuff so I recommend doing them if you’re if you’re mad and you wanna tell him shit but other than that

  • @JohnTheRecoilJunkie
    @JohnTheRecoilJunkie 2 месяца назад

    I've avoided them at every employer who does them.

  • @cajunguy6502
    @cajunguy6502 2 месяца назад

    I once had a boss with was just the Rockstar of bosses. She gave us so much opportunity for growth, a lot of us who got hired at the same time started applying to internal jobs at the same time, often with her tell us about them in the first place.
    HR called us into the office one-by-one because they were concerned that so much turn over could be a sign of toxic leader. Great for HR to be so on the ball for worker protections. *OR SO I THOUGHT.* In retrospect, I think they were just going out of their way find an excuse to fire my boss (the only member or leadership work a shit). He doesn't take time out of their day to protect you unless there is a benefit to their own bosses for doing it.

  • @jordonm5675
    @jordonm5675 2 месяца назад

    in my exact interview, I outlined how the company can save 6000 a year, this is a nonprofit. I also showed a way to fix an aspect on the software that can reduce worker fatigue because that was the number one reason people were leaving.

  • @Oddman1980
    @Oddman1980 2 месяца назад +1

    My last job fired me for having a medical procedure. (I got a vasectomy, and the manager was catholic) They asked for an exit interview and I couldn't see how that was going to help me at all. I ended up with a shorter commute and a better paycheck at the next place.

  • @OutletVibes
    @OutletVibes 2 месяца назад +1

    This is exactly why you don't voluntarily talk to the police.

  • @elizabethbottroff1218
    @elizabethbottroff1218 2 месяца назад

    In 2024, I agree. But I had a very good experience in a tech company in the '90s. I felt that the exit interview was appropriate and professional. It was executed in the manner that they were designed to accomplish. I was voluntarily leaving a company for a new marriage and a move to another state. I had been with the company as a temp hire, a contractor, a full time employee; and I'd been on a merger team during a landmark time at the company. I had a unique set of experiences. We had a productive conversation for both of us.
    In 2024, it's just CYA for the company.

  • @YourCapyBruv_do_u_rmbr_3Dpipes
    @YourCapyBruv_do_u_rmbr_3Dpipes 2 месяца назад +1

    I don't know what roadblocks are going to run into or if I even have a chance but believe it or not I have intentions to pursue a wrongful termination suit against the US Navy for a scandalous termination of me almost 20 years ago. I had done nothing wrong but work hard my whole enlistment and had nothing but extremely minor totally inconsequential petty violations like a few tardies or missing a required PT on my record. I did have one additional unjust censure but I have copious evidence that it was also malicious and undeserved. I missed the ship's departure due to factors outside of my control by two minutes and somebody above me who must have had on axe to grind against me for some bizarre reason used that as an excuse to process me out. They succeeded in a completely assassination of my character typed up many lies and half truths in my exit evaluation which was full of negative statements that were ridiculous in their exaggeration or complete falsity.
    This is beyond easy to do in the military unfortunately. I don't even know if there's an appeals process but if it is unfortunately I didn't avail myself of it. Some people successfully challenge it after they're already out.
    It's been a long time and have more than gone on with my life but for that and some other reasons as now a much older and wiser person I will be demanding heavy compensation, and even if I have to go up against a bear of opposition I don't intend to quit. I want what I deserve for being treated in such appalling and undeserved ways. I also lost a year of salary due to that.
    I was far too nice a person and worked way too hard and was far too loyal to my duty post to be treated like that by some psycho who barely knew me from Adam but decided that he didn't want me to have a job or a career in the same monolith organization as he. Some people out here are just insane; they couldn't even tell you why they're so hateful they're just unbalanced and hateful and that negativity needs a target, and sometimes it's you. I didn't deserve the earlier censured at my first duty station either, I'll stake my life on that and can show receipts. The Navy is especially full of disgustingly poor character individuals and older men who seem to have an incredible problem with female servicemembers. It's nuts. Perhaps it's better now, it may be.
    But to bring this comment back to this short, yes I totally agree with you Adam the vast majority of the time I believe exit interviews are not necessary and are in no way sincerely given by the company if they're trying to lay you off or force you out. So there's nothing wrong with politely but firmly declining them, everyone.

  • @einjharrelraca
    @einjharrelraca 2 месяца назад

    Exit interviews are done by HR. and HR is not your friend. They are not there for you, they are there to ensure you have as little sway over the company as possible at all times.

  • @janejones5362
    @janejones5362 2 месяца назад +1

    I always refused. I never saw the point.

  • @hammalammadingdong6244
    @hammalammadingdong6244 2 месяца назад

    They don't give a hoot what you have to say.
    Like 99% of HR, they are playing CYA games.

  • @jennifertheyowiehunter8753
    @jennifertheyowiehunter8753 2 месяца назад +1

    Not disagreeing at all but I have a different experience at a good workplace. I work for a charity in Australia and former employees exit interviews have actually made our workplace better. Saying that the CEO of the company is also pro and is willing help with starting our own union, given there isn’t one yet for the industry

    • @Hrafnskald
      @Hrafnskald 2 месяца назад

      Australia and other countries have a lot better employment laws. Those incentivize better behavior by employers :)

    • @jennifertheyowiehunter8753
      @jennifertheyowiehunter8753 2 месяца назад

      @@Hrafnskald true that Australia has it better but I still here horror stories constantly over here. Usually to younger staff who don’t know their worth/rights at work and get taken advantage of

  • @MarkARoutt
    @MarkARoutt Месяц назад

    I've done 1 exit interview. The questions were basically "how satisfied where you with xyz" and nowhere was there. Way to guide the missile of why i was unsatisfied with xyz

  • @erinngunn3724
    @erinngunn3724 2 месяца назад

    after being forced into an exit interview, I made it the most awkward and uncomfortable interview for them ever, you have a right to refuse these even when the employer applies pressure for one.

  • @helghallen
    @helghallen 2 месяца назад

    So, as a quitting employee, you can refuse the exit interview, right?

  • @BrandyHoelscher
    @BrandyHoelscher 2 месяца назад

    They said I had to. Red flag 9 billion

  • @susansusan6612
    @susansusan6612 2 месяца назад +1

    Or keep the answers you give short and sweet…..
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I plead the fifth/talk to my lawyer

  • @patriciamccool5243
    @patriciamccool5243 2 месяца назад

    What if you are retiring and have had a great experience with the company ? Should you even bother with an exit interview?

  • @davidspiegel5159
    @davidspiegel5159 2 месяца назад

    If Im going to a better job and genuinely hate the company Im leaving it might be an opportunity to unload

  • @musickid43
    @musickid43 2 месяца назад

    What if you are leaving on good terms?

  • @shawnpitman876
    @shawnpitman876 2 месяца назад

    I say it depends, how much do you want to annoy them? Maybe you go to the interview and just stare at them blankly saying nothing.

  • @user-iv9iv5gm2d
    @user-iv9iv5gm2d 2 месяца назад +1

    Sometimes company call you in the conference room for a meeting…surprise your in an exit interview and give you your last check & then have you fill out an agreement (an arbitration or some sort stating you won’t sue them) to get your severance pay…what can you do?

    • @feistsorcerer2251
      @feistsorcerer2251 2 месяца назад +6

      Refuse to sign first off. That's illegal, and they cannot withhold your check. They're banking on you not knowing that and signing.

    • @barbthegreat586
      @barbthegreat586 2 месяца назад +4

      Don't sign.

    • @lithoplanemasters6522
      @lithoplanemasters6522 2 месяца назад +3

      If a company surprises me with an exit interview, I'm walking out right then and there.
      If I don't see my check, I'm having a lawyer send a nice letter to them on my behalf.

    • @jameygroves8561
      @jameygroves8561 2 месяца назад

      I will not sign anything and you either hand me my check or I call the DOL right here and now and you can explain your illegal actions.

  • @raventhorX
    @raventhorX 2 месяца назад

    Now i wonder if the job required some kind of contract if they could require you do an exit interview? Would that be legal? Could they make terms for your employment to require you do the exit interview in some way as well?

  • @RahRahSisBoom13
    @RahRahSisBoom13 2 месяца назад

    What if they say that they will withhold your unused PTO should you reject an exit interview?

    • @James-ws9ze
      @James-ws9ze 2 месяца назад +4

      That's illegal. PTO is part of your wages. They cannot withhold your wages / PTO. If they do, contact a labor attorney immediately. They give free consultations.

  • @danp6436
    @danp6436 2 месяца назад

    Is this for all exit interviews or only ones where you’re leaving on not good terms?

    • @James-ws9ze
      @James-ws9ze 2 месяца назад +1

      For all exit interviews since you don't benefit from them at all and anything you say or write in one can be used against you in the future.

  • @sdc-gr5rb
    @sdc-gr5rb 2 месяца назад

    If the manager is worth half a damn, you won't be surprised in a performance review, and they won't be surprised when you leave. Better pay? Hours? Training? Promotion?

  • @felem7504
    @felem7504 2 месяца назад

    My time is valuable so why wasted so no for me. 😂

  • @2EXTRM
    @2EXTRM 2 месяца назад

    So whats the best way to navigate l. Especially if they say your last paycheck is contingent on it or they say you get you last paycheck in person after were done with the exit interview

    • @UnholiestJedi
      @UnholiestJedi 2 месяца назад +2

      Your paycheck is your paycheck & not contingent on you doing an exit interview

    • @2EXTRM
      @2EXTRM 2 месяца назад

      @UnholiestJedi this is not my case to be clear. That being said how do you sue for a check when the lawyer will cost you twice the check? All that tine lost, when you clearly need a new job and cant be missing work from your new yob. Employers know this and they take advantage it.

    • @nwatson2773
      @nwatson2773 2 месяца назад

      @@UnholiestJedi my job tried that and I did my research, lies!

    • @UnholiestJedi
      @UnholiestJedi 2 месяца назад +1

      @@2EXTRM you should see another of his vids where he talk about how he handles things like this. He puts them in a class action.
      Also, you can also just say "I know my paycheck is my paycheck regardless of whether I do this exit interview or not." And see what they say.
      If you feel you must do it, go, say nothing except "I decline to answer without legal representation."

  • @mikebar42
    @mikebar42 2 месяца назад

    Do they oay for exit interviews?

  • @MrRobyen
    @MrRobyen 2 месяца назад +1

    total waste of time - did one and then refused every other request. I'm leaving for my own reasons I don't feel the need to share that I haven't already shared with you.

  • @JosefDerKaiser
    @JosefDerKaiser 2 месяца назад

    Internship ends?

  • @user-gm4ip5zl5u
    @user-gm4ip5zl5u 2 месяца назад

    Dont say r sign anything just sit there

  • @dmmchugh3714
    @dmmchugh3714 2 месяца назад

    Aren't these a requirement to get your final paycheck and complete final benefits paperwork ?

    • @nwatson2773
      @nwatson2773 2 месяца назад +1

      No it's a request not a requirement

  • @bellagab3
    @bellagab3 2 месяца назад

    They asked. I didn't respond lol

  • @erikaweed7478
    @erikaweed7478 2 месяца назад

    Hey Ryan!!! I’m an Organizational Development consultant, and I do design exit interviews for my clients because we genuinely do want to understand the employee experience. Yes, this practice is new-ish, but it’s becoming more popular with the growth of OD practices to address productively and attrition.

    • @_Quazarz
      @_Quazarz 2 месяца назад

      How about you ask them BEFORE they’re laid off? If they actually cared they wouldn’t wait till the ship has already sailed. Imagine your partner asking for what they could have improved in the relationship AFTER it’s over, ridiculous right? If they cared that much they would have had that conversation before it was over. Exit interviews are a scam, always will be.

    • @erikaweed7478
      @erikaweed7478 2 месяца назад

      @@_Quazarz lol, well yeah.

  • @nickleyva9254
    @nickleyva9254 2 месяца назад

    Are thay optional?

    • @James-ws9ze
      @James-ws9ze 2 месяца назад +1

      Yes, they are.

    • @comphoto6451
      @comphoto6451 2 месяца назад +3

      Why wouldn't they be optional? It's the same as a two week notice, they're just to benefit the company and they love to manipulate you into it

    • @nickleyva9254
      @nickleyva9254 2 месяца назад

      @@comphoto6451 ant that the truth

  • @andrewe2057
    @andrewe2057 2 месяца назад

    Unless you're the one quitting

  • @amehlinn5183
    @amehlinn5183 2 месяца назад +1

    This is why HR has such a bad name. I'm HR and do exit interviews so we can improve, and I do implement improvements. I've never even thought if an employee is considering a case against the company.
    Not all HR is bad. Some of us genuinely do care about our employees.

    • @OtterBops
      @OtterBops 2 месяца назад

      You know when Women complain about the "Not all guys" response? Yeah that 200% the energy you are out putting here.
      You are on the wrong side, and you can lie to yourself all you want but if you work in HR you ARE a bad person.

  • @TIB1973
    @TIB1973 2 месяца назад +1

    we do exit interviews over lunch. its those of us who were in their leadership chain and we don't invite HR. Usually out of our control, we express our gratitude for the time they were here, laugh at some stories and genuinely care about their future beyond this place. I know when it comes down to it my company is not their friend but man all of your careers sound awful.

  • @geobloxmodels1186
    @geobloxmodels1186 2 месяца назад

    Yeah, HR is bad. I have totally quit flirting with the chicks that work there.

  • @drpepperrulez123
    @drpepperrulez123 2 месяца назад

    I’m having an issue right now at a brewery I work at. They don’t do auto gratuity for walkouts, but they also don’t advertise or let us put signs up saying that we dont automatically close with a tip. We have regulars of the 10 years they’ve been open thinking they are being slick and still helping us by leaving an auto 20%. We used to write down how many I closed tabs were at the end of a Friday night and they were usually $700+, that adds up over the course of the 6 years I’ve been there. We are told that it’s a “legal” thing and that it’s illegal to add an auto gratuity, then when we wore them down on that it was that the chargebacks are too expensive. I don’t know what to even say anymore, how the fuck does literally every dive bar in the world survival with auto gratuity but the biggest independent brewery in Florida can’t?