I was born again in the Catholic Church after a confession I made when I was 18 years old. Around 20 years old I started venturing to other denominations was away from the Catholic Church for at least 25 years. And the preacher talked about finding someone you can confide in and make a confession. At that time I was going through depression and when I heard the preacher suggest that a light came into my head I need to see a priest for absolution. That's when I came back to the Catholic church and never left again. Confession and adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament are truly what a sick Soul needs!
Beautiful Testimony! Thank you for sharing your conversion story specially in these times when our Catholic Faith is challenged so much because of the priests involved in sexual abuse. It is hard to understand for people that those sins are the individual sins of the priests and not the sins of the Catholic Church.
Being born again is an act of God not man or our own wishes, or joining a church or something like that. This is the Holy Spirit of God we are talking about, this is what the Father promised after Jesus paid for our sins to give to those who would turn away from their evil works and seek His face. This is not religion or rituals, this is God, Holy Spirit coming to your spirit and uniting to it so that you become a new creation. Only through this union we obtain the power of God to be transformed and to conquer our own sinful selves, anything else is vain and cannot transform us.
I'm a cradle Catholic and I still experience, after confession, a feeling of a heavy weight being lifted. You really do feel lighter after confession. Welcome home!
skiniomira yes it important that the priests get saved too. Unless we are born again we will not see or enter the kingdom of god. When we call on Jesus the miracle of salvation takes place Luke 23:34-44 Romans 10:9-13
@@seanrathmakedisciples1508 and you too, you should be baptise in water and spirit, john 3:5 "Jesus answered and said to him, 'Truly, truly, Isay unto you ,no one can enter the kingdom of GOD unless they are born of water and spirit".
@@seanrathmakedisciples1508 of course I allways do, and we allways do but baptising is different and even Jesus command all the appostles to baptise every people of nation when he go to Heaven Jesus said "Baptise them In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". . ...
welcome home brother... i am a cradled catholic but did not go to confession until few years ago. i was heavily burdened with guilt for many years , then one day i read this whole day confession advertised in big letters in nearby church i think a week before lenten season.. it was a wake up call, i felt this conviction to myself that i got to set this straight with Jesus and be serious about confession... like what you did, i wrote my sins in a piece of paper and brought it to the confession. the priest told me after my confession that it was a very good confession that i did... he was so glad of what i did.. and i felt so light, and my heavy burden was gone. since then i see to it that i confess at least once a month...sometimes in a span of a week ...i became a renewed catholic at that point.... may God be praised.... God bless you
Thank you so much! I'm a Catholic since birth but just recently started to study what do we Catholics, really believe in. I'm looking for the reason why I love the Church, I found the answers just thia week, and realized that the reasons for your conversions are one of the many reason why I love the Catholic church.
Gdrane Rane hello, I suggest you to read Alan Schreck book about "catholic and christian: An explanation of commonly misunderstood catholic beliefs" it reallu helps.
Welcome home brother. You can never go wrong with something anchored in Truth. No matter how other religions or denominations and media do to attack and destroy the Church, Truth and Good will prevail. God bless you.
Mary Jeremiah the church is made up of the body of Christ or those who have repented and called on Jesus is to rescue them from the kingdom of darkness and to bringing them into Jesus kingdom just like the thief next to Jesus on Calvary who called on Jesus and remember him when he was in his kingdom.The Holy Spirit then Baptizes us into the one body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12,13 using fellowship believers to immersion into Jesus death burial and resurrection Romans 6:2-6. Acts 2:38 -46.. Only believers are baptized (never babies) Acts 8:37
Thank you for your testimony. Absolution from sin with the reward of Christ is the Eucharist are amazing gifts that Christ gave us through His Church. Welcome home!
Barb Wellman Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins Hebrews 9::22 .and only the blood of Jesus the sinless lamb of God could deal with the sins of the world That’s why Jesus was born of a virgin as only the blood of God could pay for the sins of the entire world. You alone are the Holy One,.you alone the Holy One and You alone are God Most High oh Jesus Christ..The Eucharist Or Lords Supper is the celebration of Jesus victory on Calvary when we are participating in Jesus body and blood and receiving His healing and protection from Jesus body and blood. We overcome the evil one by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony Revelation 12 :11
Welcome to the Catholic Faith....I was born into a Catholic family, went to Catholic schools, received all the Sacraments...I knew all the words, the prayers but it just wasn't real to me.. by the time I was 21, I really didn't care if I lived or not...I don't know how my mother did it but she talked me into going to a Retreat with her....I went to talk to the priest who was running the retreat...after I talked to him...he tells me, "I can't help you"? I went straight to the chapel & begin praying. A woman who I never knew tapped me on the shoulder & out of the blue, asked me if I needed to talk & I started to cry...after talking to her...it was like scales fell from my eyes & everything I learned all those years in Catholic schools I understood so clearly...I felt intoxicated ...filled with the Holy Spirit...the awesome thing about it...He is always there waiting for you to ask...I too watch EWTN, Word on Fire, & there is a website, I find so illuminating Daily Readings & Meditation, Don Schwager, Servants of the Word, they're brothers & have missions all over the world..God bless & Happy Easter, 2019......
Wonderful conversion story. And it really speaks to my heart because my 21 year old son died recently and his death has brought me much, much closer to God than I ever would have expected or dreamed. I think our respective sons are praying and interceding for us. GOD BLESS.
I am a catholic but my husband is protestant i go to their church but the sunday service they preach is a like bible study. No sacred worship. The bread is biscuit and they squeeze in their hands before they distribute. Pastor is the main star. And one thing is scary in the protestant doctrine once save always save. Thats why my husband keep on cheating. I pray to God mercy and grace to enlighten the heart of my husband. I have a son to take care. As catholic, suffering is uniting with my Jesus in calvary. As Jesus say take your cross daily and follow me. God bless you brother.
Thanks for writing and sharing your story. I hope to cover some of the points you've brought up in future videos. Preaching in a protestant church is like an exposition on scripture. Every minister is different in their style and approach. Now as a catholic, I really enjoy the balance that exists in the liturgy of the Word. The 'once saved always saved' doctrine is also called 'eternal security' by some protestant denominations. I never preached eternal security, because I didn't believe in it. Looking at scripture, we find Colossians 1:21-23 which says: And you who once were alienated and hostile in mind because of evil deeds 22 he has now reconciled in his fleshly body through his death, to present you holy, without blemish, and irreproachable before him, 23 provided that you persevere in the faith, firmly grounded, stable, and not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, am a minister. Please notice verse 23, where it says 'provided that you persevere in the faith'. Then we have the words of our Lord in Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. 14 How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few. Also in Luke's Gospel 13:23-24: Someone asked him, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” He answered them, 24 “Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough. Finally in John 15:5-6 we find our Lord saying "I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. 6 Anyone who does not remain in me will be thrown out like a branch and wither; people will gather them and throw them into a fire and they will be burned." I'll let those scriptures stand on their own. Keep praying for your husband and relationship. Hand it over to God. I will pray for you and your family. God bless you.
The Conversion to Rome the Bible clearly teaches that a person can never lose their salvation. God does not give the gift of eternal life then change His mind. Salvation can NEVER be earned. The Bible clearly states that. The problem is that some people think praying a prayer, going to church (or whatever else they come up with) can get them to heaven but God's Word (Bible) clearly states that NO ONE is worthy of salvation-- no matter how "good" they are or what they do in life. God clearly states in His Word who gets to heaven and who does not. Did you read all the Bible says about sin, salvation, heaven and hell and who goes where?
Peter Cho -- Mary CANNOT help anyone !! Jesus can. There are many Catholic teachings that are CONTRARY to God's Holy Word. That is why I left Catholicism. I would rather follow what Jesus says than what Catholicism teaches.
Thank you for your video, it was very moving. I'm also on a similar path and hoping to start RCIA in September, I've come to the conclusion that it's the only way for me as there has been something missing with everything I have experienced so far, and God only found me 3 years ago after 47 years of being a non-believer. God bless you my friend.
God bless you as well as you continue on your journey. I hope you have a great RCIA experience. Don't be afraid to ask questions while you're going through RCIA. There's a lot to absorb. RCIA and Mystagogy were extremely beneficial to me.
God works in such mysterious ways. I was about as anti-catholic as they come. I'm a covert, revert even! I'm so grateful to God for his patience, and I. Am so in love with the faith given to us by Jesus Christ!
Thank you so much this helps thousands of lukewarm Catholics. Yes true when I confessed all my grievous sins I don't remember them anymore. Otherwise all of them haunted me at the back of my mind. I feel free and contented. Jesus instituted the sacrament of confession and to be absolved by a catholic priest. To God be all the glory and honour forever and ever.
Confession to a priest is a great experience. One experiences deliverance and so much peace after that. The priest prays over you ..absolve your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and not his own power.
I agree. I was away from the Catholic Church for 19yrs. My first confession was so wonderful. I thought I was floating. Words cannot express how I felt.
I knew I was saved when I was Protestant, and never thought God would lead me to Catholicism. I realized that the Catholic faith is more stable. There's just so much division, and different interpretations among the Protestant faiths. That even as a Non-denominational believer I just felt the instability in it. It wasn't until becoming Catholic that I felt like my feet were on solid ground.
I have exactly the same experience catholisism is special and a full experience of Jesus from Stations of The Cross to the Rosary to Holy Communion its all Christ.
I don't think God led you to Catholicism which contradicts scripture, If you believe like Catholicism teaches you to believe, you are like the Galatians, adding to grace and Paul called them fools. Becoming part of God requires repentance and obedience not joining another church, maybe what you need is to read the scriptures to understand what God is doing. We have to be steady in doing what is right and expect the fruit of righteousness to appear which is Love. Catholicism will confuse you even more, they have sacraments, rituals etc, they claim necessary for salvation when you only need faith and obedience.
fcastellanos57, Christ follower, where in the bible does it specifically says that what the Catholics believe (sacraments, specific rituals, etc.)is contradictory to scripture?
What a beautiful testimony, I really want to say many things about this, but my English is very short, so, I'll try to be very clear, I felt the same like you when I went to confess my sins to the preacher, and that was absolutely beautiful, an experience that I never forgot, was almost in the same time, holy week, in Mexico City, in the best place to do that: the shrine of our lady Guadalupe. Thanks for share your testimony, and be sure, we are praying for our separated brothers, greetings from the beautiful Mexico City!! ✋😀
So glad you made it into the Catholic church. I love being Catholic and am a cradle Catholic. God is so good to keep calling us and to love us. God bless you and thank you for sharing your conversion story.
I enjoyed your testimony. I was just received into the church on Easter. Confession was amazing! Thank God for this wonderful sacrament. But communion is my favorite! To receive the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ..knowing that He lives within me gives me a grace I cannot explain. He strengthens me, loves me, and I know Him. The beauty of Catholicism is everywhere. The puzzle pieces all fit together. It all makes sense. I was like you and was living with pain and guilt from all my sins. Though I asked Jesus directly to forgive me, the weight never truly lifted until I went to my first confession. There’s something to saying your sins out loud to another person. Actually hearing, “you are absolved”, is a glorious feeling! Glory to God!
Your conversion story made me cry. Welcome home brother. Thank you for sharing. I'm a cradle Catholic by the way who is always grateful and joyful each time I hear or watch conversion stories. It made me love my faith more meaningfully.
A weird thing about Protestants who believe in Bible only for their faith, I say "where did you get the Bible from? What organization gave you the Bible?" And of course, the Catholic church gave us the Bible, that one denomination that has lineage back to Christ? Yeah that one.
The Catholic Church is NOT a denomination. It is THE ONE and ONLY CHURCH founded by Jesus bcse it has a VALIDLY ORDAINED PRIESTHOOD. Protestants do not have a priesthood. It was cut off at the so-called reformation when the Church of England was founded which was out and out protestantism. Nothing like the anglicanism of today which only came into being in the last century after the Oxford Movement. Read HISTORY OF ENGLAND, THE TUDORS. by PETER ACKROYD. Also THE GREAT UNFROCKED, 1000 years of Church scandaL. by Matthew Parris. The Archbishop of Canterbury may be a christian but he is NOT a validly ordained priest. Anglicans copied their (fake) mass from the catholics and their robes, altars, also. Canterbury Cathedral, The Abbey, York Minister, Lichfield Cathedral etc etc were ALL built by catholics who were murdered by protestants, and belong to us!
ThanQ Soooo Much for your enlightening share. Welcome Home. I'm a cradle Catholic who also in my younger days did not live up to all that the Church enjoins on us . Almost 3 decades. But Never gave up the Rosary. The JWs came witnessing and ironically, that made me look into my Faith more closely. Today after a few full General Confessions, l am closer to The TRIUNE GOD and Our Blessed Mother than ever before and have Never been happier. Stay blessed, our Brother in Faith. So spiritually enriching to have followed your video. I' ve clicked the Like button and the notification bell.
Your story is so inspiring and moving! Your keeping eyes, ears and heart always open to the call of God is a great lesson to any lifetime Catholic, your sense of sin and of the greatness of hope and forgiveness is like a refreshing oasis in the desert of human fragility. Thanks for your video!
I am sooo happy for you...GOD is so good.. I am a cradle Catholic and I thank GOD each day for that Blessing...THE MOST HOLY COMMUNION IS HEAVENLY FOR ME, and I cry most times after receiving Communion..What a Gift JESUS left us, BUT so many people do not realize how Blessed we are to be able to eat the Body and Blood of Christ...WHAT A MYSTERY.. I feel Sorry for the ones who left THE CATHOLIC CHURCH... It is so sad..Amen.. God Bless everyone..
God is certainly good. I've done nothing to merit any kindness from him. God is truly merciful. I hadn't partaken of communion for decades, so it's still a wondrous experience today! Thank you, and God Bless.
I am 76 yrs old , and a cradle Catholic , and praise God for your conversion, I now spend my idle time helping older people my age and older {lol } with maintenance repairs on there home or auto , and volunteer at our church , I have come to know so many good people , my Lord and Savior has been extremely good to my wife and I , she just beat Cancer the third time , Praise God , nothing is impossible with God , Frank T
One thing I love about the Catholic Church is that they say that the faith is either all or nothing; there's nothing that is kind of important or anything like that. Like this guy says, it's the real deal.
I can't believe that I just now saw this video. I also am a convert through RCIA about three years ago when I was 60 years old. The best thing I ever could have done.
amen thanks brother for sharing your testimony and I definitely understand wandering in the desert. God has returned me this easter and Divine Mercy Amen
I became a Catholic in 2018. Before that I had no believes but felt something was missing, felt like I was being drawn to Christ. I attended a few Christmas masses and I knew I was goner become a Catholic. And unfortunately I stayed away because I was suffering in my soul , my heart and my love for my brother's and sisters but I returned and I'm so happy where I am now, I'm at peace with myself 🙏
I loved your story. I was born catholic, I am still catholic, but I hope one day, I will be a true catholic like you radiating the grace of God from my face. It is not enough to be officially a catholic, but a practicing converted catholic. Sergio Peralta. El Paso, Tx.
Really moved and I so understand that heart soaring lightness after every confession! God bless you for this heartfelt awesome video, may it long inspire and guide souls long after we are gone from this earth! It's a sincere and truthful testimony.
Please keep posting your videos. I love the eloquent way you describe your journey. I am a cradle Catholic and had drifted, but I am back. It is a journey, but I am committed. People that come to the Church out of their own volition inspire me i will pray for you. God Bless...
Thanks so much for sharing your experience in confession and whole story make me crying thinking about most of my family no longer in the church cos they don't really knew all about the church growing up
Thank you! I have been Baptist. Methodist. Assembly of God. Pentecostal. Word of Faith. No denomination. . I have been self identifying as Catholic and plan to take the step. My son has done it
I was born again in the Catholic Church after a confession I made when I was 18 years old. Around 20 years old I started venturing to other denominations was away from the Catholic Church for at least 25 years. And the preacher talked about finding someone you can confide in and make a confession. At that time I was going through depression and when I heard the preacher suggest that a light came into my head I need to see a priest for absolution. That's when I came back to the Catholic church and never left again. Confession and adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament are truly what a sick Soul needs!
Beautiful Testimony! Thank you for sharing your conversion story specially in these times when our Catholic Faith is challenged so much because of the priests involved in sexual abuse. It is hard to understand for people that those sins are the individual sins of the priests and not the sins of the Catholic Church.
GOD Bless U, Dan.
Your story matches mine. Stay Blessed and thnx for this share.
Being born again is an act of God not man or our own wishes, or joining a church or something like that. This is the Holy Spirit of God we are talking about, this is what the Father promised after Jesus paid for our sins to give to those who would turn away from their evil works and seek His face. This is not religion or rituals, this is God, Holy Spirit coming to your spirit and uniting to it so that you become a new creation. Only through this union we obtain the power of God to be transformed and to conquer our own sinful selves, anything else is vain and cannot transform us.
@@fcastellanos57 being born again means baptism and not all this rubbish you are saying
I'm a cradle Catholic and I still experience, after confession, a feeling of a heavy weight being lifted. You really do feel lighter after confession. Welcome home!
I feel the same
@@sylviamercer5310 Thanks again ruclips.net/video/eL7BIGnj4SA/видео.html
@@worthwhilediscussion Thanks ruclips.net/video/eL7BIGnj4SA/видео.html
so very sad.
catholicism isn't Christianity.
Welcome home my Brother in Christ! May the grace of God and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Thank you. May God bless you!
Amen 🙏.
Thank you for sharing your story!Let's pray for our catholic priests to be holy and brave! They need our prayers so much. God bless you.
Thank you, and God bless.
@@samyoung5964 all the more reason we Should pray for them
skiniomira yes it important that the priests get saved too. Unless we are born again we will not see or enter the kingdom of god. When we call on Jesus the miracle of salvation takes place Luke 23:34-44 Romans 10:9-13
@@seanrathmakedisciples1508 and you too, you should be baptise in water and spirit, john 3:5 "Jesus answered and said to him, 'Truly, truly, Isay unto you ,no one can enter the kingdom of GOD unless they are born of water and spirit".
@@seanrathmakedisciples1508 of course I allways do, and we allways do but baptising is different and even Jesus command all the appostles to baptise every people of nation when he go to Heaven Jesus said "Baptise them In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". . ...
welcome home brother... i am a cradled catholic but did not go to confession until few years ago. i was heavily burdened with guilt for many years , then one day i read this whole day confession advertised in big letters in nearby church i think a week before lenten season.. it was a wake up call, i felt this conviction to myself that i got to set this straight with Jesus and be serious about confession... like what you did, i wrote my sins in a piece of paper and brought it to the confession. the priest told me after my confession that it was a very good confession that i did... he was so glad of what i did.. and i felt so light, and my heavy burden was gone. since then i see to it that i confess at least once a month...sometimes in a span of a week ...i became a renewed catholic at that point.... may God be praised.... God bless you
Thanks for sharing your testimony and experience with us. God bless you!
@@samyoung5964, the Bible you read is canonized by the Catholic Church, so basically you're reading a Catholic book.
@@renzobaricuatro3151 ruclips.net/video/eL7BIGnj4SA/видео.html
Thank you so much! I'm a Catholic since birth but just recently started to study what do we Catholics, really believe in. I'm looking for the reason why I love the Church, I found the answers just thia week, and realized that the reasons for your conversions are one of the many reason why I love the Catholic church.
Gdrane Rane so what have you found in your studying?
Gdrane Rane hello, I suggest you to read Alan Schreck book about "catholic and christian: An explanation of commonly misunderstood catholic beliefs" it reallu helps.
@@heismightytosave527 ruclips.net/video/eL7BIGnj4SA/видео.html
@@ZackV2496 ruclips.net/video/eL7BIGnj4SA/видео.html
You can born into a catholic family but you cannot born as a catholic.
You Baptised into Catholic Church through Sacrament of Baptism.
Welcome home brother. You can never go wrong with something anchored in Truth. No matter how other religions or denominations and media do to attack and destroy the Church, Truth and Good will prevail. God bless you.
Juan Miguel Exaltacion it’s not an attack it’s a warning to run and seek the Word!! His Kingdom!!!
Mary Jeremiah the church is made up of the body of Christ or those who have repented and called on Jesus is to rescue them from the kingdom of darkness and to bringing them into Jesus kingdom just like the thief next to Jesus on Calvary who called on Jesus and remember him when he was in his kingdom.The Holy Spirit then Baptizes us into the one body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12,13 using fellowship believers to immersion into Jesus death burial and resurrection Romans 6:2-6. Acts 2:38 -46.. Only believers are baptized (never babies) Acts 8:37
Thanks for sharing your story. The part about your first confession moved me to tears!
And welcome home!
Thank you! When Fr. gave me absolution at my first confession, it brought me to tears as well. I'm thankful for God's mercy!
Thank you for your testimony.
Absolution from sin with the reward of Christ is the Eucharist are amazing gifts that Christ gave us through His Church. Welcome home!
Thank you, and God Bless!
Barb Wellman Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins Hebrews 9::22 .and only the blood of Jesus the sinless lamb of God could deal with the sins of the world That’s why Jesus was born of a virgin as only the blood of God could pay for the sins of the entire world. You alone are the Holy One,.you alone the Holy One and You alone are God Most High oh Jesus Christ..The Eucharist Or Lords Supper is the celebration of Jesus victory on Calvary when we are participating in Jesus body and blood and receiving His healing and protection from Jesus body and blood. We overcome the evil one by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony Revelation 12 :11
Welcome to the Catholic Faith....I was born into a Catholic family, went to Catholic schools, received all the Sacraments...I knew all the words, the prayers but it just wasn't real to me..
by the time I was 21, I really didn't care if I lived or not...I don't know how my mother did it but she talked me into going to a Retreat with her....I went to talk to the priest who was running the retreat...after I talked to him...he tells me, "I can't help you"? I went straight to the chapel & begin praying. A woman who I never knew tapped me on the shoulder & out of the blue, asked me if I needed to talk & I started to cry...after talking to her...it was like scales fell from my eyes & everything I learned all those years in Catholic schools I understood so clearly...I felt intoxicated ...filled with the Holy Spirit...the awesome thing about it...He is always there waiting for you to ask...I too watch EWTN, Word on Fire, & there is a website, I find so illuminating Daily Readings & Meditation, Don Schwager, Servants of the Word, they're brothers & have missions all over the world..God bless & Happy Easter, 2019......
I love EWTN..
@@sabrinawanderer7560 Amen ruclips.net/video/eL7BIGnj4SA/видео.html
Wonderful conversion story. And it really speaks to my heart because my 21 year old son died recently and his death has brought me much, much closer to God than I ever would have expected or dreamed. I think our respective sons are praying and interceding for us. GOD BLESS.
May he Rest in peace and it shall be well with the family .
@@mercypedha5519 Thank you.
Mike , very sorry for your loss , may he comfort you and your family Frank T
@@06131942 Thank you...it's a very heavy cross.
I'm so sorry to hear your loss. May God console you and may you find strength in Him always. We love you and we care for you brother.😇
I am a catholic but my husband is protestant i go to their church but the sunday service they preach is a like bible study. No sacred worship. The bread is biscuit and they squeeze in their hands before they distribute. Pastor is the main star. And one thing is scary in the protestant doctrine once save always save. Thats why my husband keep on cheating. I pray to God mercy and grace to enlighten the heart of my husband. I have a son to take care. As catholic, suffering is uniting with my Jesus in calvary. As Jesus say take your cross daily and follow me. God bless you brother.
Thanks for writing and sharing your story. I hope to cover some of the points you've brought up in future videos. Preaching in a protestant church is like an exposition on scripture. Every minister is different in their style and approach. Now as a catholic, I really enjoy the balance that exists in the liturgy of the Word.
The 'once saved always saved' doctrine is also called 'eternal security' by some protestant denominations. I never preached eternal security, because I didn't believe in it. Looking at scripture, we find Colossians 1:21-23 which says: And you who once were alienated and hostile in mind because of evil deeds 22 he has now reconciled in his fleshly body through his death, to present you holy, without blemish, and irreproachable before him, 23 provided that you persevere in the faith, firmly grounded, stable, and not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, am a minister.
Please notice verse 23, where it says 'provided that you persevere in the faith'.
Then we have the words of our Lord in Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. 14 How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.
Also in Luke's Gospel 13:23-24: Someone asked him, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” He answered them, 24 “Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.
Finally in John 15:5-6 we find our Lord saying "I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. 6 Anyone who does not remain in me will be thrown out like a branch and wither; people will gather them and throw them into a fire and they will be burned."
I'll let those scriptures stand on their own.
Keep praying for your husband and relationship. Hand it over to God. I will pray for you and your family. God bless you.
The Conversion to Rome the Bible clearly teaches that a person can never lose their salvation. God does not give the gift of eternal life then change His mind. Salvation can NEVER be earned. The Bible clearly states that.
The problem is that some people think praying a prayer, going to church (or whatever else they come up with) can get them to heaven but God's Word (Bible) clearly states that NO ONE is worthy of salvation-- no matter how "good" they are or what they do in life.
God clearly states in His Word who gets to heaven and who does not.
Did you read all the Bible says about sin, salvation, heaven and hell and who goes where?
Dana Smith Actually, a person can lose their salvation. God doesn’t change his mind but a person can forfeit it.
Powerranger6342 WRONG.
Peter Cho -- Mary CANNOT help anyone !!
Jesus can.
There are many Catholic teachings that are CONTRARY to God's Holy Word. That is why I left Catholicism.
I would rather follow what Jesus says than what Catholicism teaches.
God bless you! You made me cry. I am so happy you came home!
I just heard your beautiful conversion story. Thank you for sharing! And Happy Easter!
Welcome home! God bless you always!!! Confession feels BETTER than a shower for your soul!!! And it's God's free gift in His holy Catholic Church.
Yes, confession is great. Truly a display of God's mercy for us. God Bless you!
@@theconversiontorome860Thank you. God bless you, too!
Welcome home I pray that your testimony can help other Protestants convert .
Thank you!
Welcome brother in Christ.There is a great feast indeed celebrated in heaven for your coming home. Peace of Christ in your heart.
Thanks for watching, and God bless you!
Thank you for your video, it was very moving. I'm also on a similar path and hoping to start RCIA in September, I've come to the conclusion that it's the only way for me as there has been something missing with everything I have experienced so far, and God only found me 3 years ago after 47 years of being a non-believer. God bless you my friend.
God bless you as well as you continue on your journey. I hope you have a great RCIA experience. Don't be afraid to ask questions while you're going through RCIA. There's a lot to absorb. RCIA and Mystagogy were extremely beneficial to me.
@@theconversiontorome860 Thank you, I'm really looking forward to it 🙏
@@cliffordunger1298 ruclips.net/video/eL7BIGnj4SA/видео.html
You had a good RCIA experience. That’s so important along with the desire. Gods grace is amazing. Great testimony. Welcome home.
God works in such mysterious ways. I was about as anti-catholic as they come. I'm a covert, revert even! I'm so grateful to God for his patience, and I. Am so in love with the faith given to us by Jesus Christ!
Thank you so much this helps thousands of lukewarm Catholics. Yes true when I confessed all my grievous sins I don't remember them anymore. Otherwise all of them haunted me at the back of my mind. I feel free and contented. Jesus instituted the sacrament of confession and to be absolved by a catholic priest. To God be all the glory and honour forever and ever.
Welcome home my brother. May God bless you and your family.
Thank you very much. God bless you and your family as well.
Beautiful testimony! Welcome!
Confession to a priest is a great experience. One experiences deliverance and so much peace after that. The priest prays over you ..absolve your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and not his own power.
You're correct. My first confession was as powerful and life-changing as you describe! Thanks for watching, and God bless.
If you confess to a priest that honor his vows.
I agree. I was away from the Catholic Church for 19yrs. My first confession was so wonderful. I thought I was floating. Words cannot express how I felt.
Wonderful testimony. God is so good. Welcome home ❤️
Thank you and God Bless!
It's a moving story! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, and God bless you.
Welcome home!
Thank You!
I knew I was saved when I was Protestant, and never thought God would lead me to Catholicism. I realized that the Catholic faith is more stable. There's just so much division, and different interpretations among the Protestant faiths. That even as a Non-denominational believer I just felt the instability in it. It wasn't until becoming Catholic that I felt like my feet were on solid ground.
Amen to that! Thanks for watching.
I have exactly the same experience catholisism is special and a full experience of Jesus from Stations of The Cross to the Rosary to Holy Communion its all Christ.
I don't think God led you to Catholicism which contradicts scripture, If you believe like Catholicism teaches you to believe, you are like the Galatians, adding to grace and Paul called them fools. Becoming part of God requires repentance and obedience not joining another church, maybe what you need is to read the scriptures to understand what God is doing. We have to be steady in doing what is right and expect the fruit of righteousness to appear which is Love. Catholicism will confuse you even more, they have sacraments, rituals etc, they claim necessary for salvation when you only need faith and obedience.
fcastellanos57, Christ follower, where in the bible does it specifically says that what the Catholics believe (sacraments, specific rituals, etc.)is contradictory to scripture?
@@fcastellanos57 BEGONE SATAN !!!!
To all Catholics...if you haven't made your Cursillo... It's a must, something you need to do. Best decision I've made in my faith.
When I go to confession I sleep like a baby. Confession is a wonderful blessing...
It certainly is a blessing. Thanks for watching.
I love confession! You feel as light as a feather afterwards!!!
What a beautiful testimony, I really want to say many things about this, but my English is very short, so, I'll try to be very clear, I felt the same like you when I went to confess my sins to the preacher, and that was absolutely beautiful, an experience that I never forgot, was almost in the same time, holy week, in Mexico City, in the best place to do that: the shrine of our lady Guadalupe. Thanks for share your testimony, and be sure, we are praying for our separated brothers, greetings from the beautiful Mexico City!! ✋😀
Thank you for your testimony! God bless you as well!
So glad you made it into the Catholic church. I love being Catholic and am a cradle Catholic. God is so good to keep calling us and to love us. God bless you and thank you for sharing your conversion story.
Thanks for watching, and God bless you!
Welcome Home..!
Rome sweet Home 🏡 ⛪ 🙏🏻
Welcome home
Thank you, and God Bless!
You have a moving & inspirational journey to the catholic faith. Wellcome home to the one, holy, catholic, & apostolic church.
I enjoyed your testimony. I was just received into the church on Easter. Confession was amazing! Thank God for this wonderful sacrament. But communion is my favorite! To receive the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ..knowing that He lives within me gives me a grace I cannot explain. He strengthens me, loves me, and I know Him. The beauty of Catholicism is everywhere. The puzzle pieces all fit together. It all makes sense. I was like you and was living with pain and guilt from all my sins. Though I asked Jesus directly to forgive me, the weight never truly lifted until I went to my first confession. There’s something to saying your sins out loud to another person. Actually hearing, “you are absolved”, is a glorious feeling! Glory to God!
Your conversion story made me cry. Welcome home brother. Thank you for sharing. I'm a cradle Catholic by the way who is always grateful and joyful each time I hear or watch conversion stories. It made me love my faith more meaningfully.
God bless you. Thanks for watching!
I cried while watching your video! I dont cry easily!
Confession is amazing
That is so true!
Welcome home brother.
I suggest that Dr. Brant Pitre video will help you depends your faith as he did mine. God bless you too
It helped me also.Brant Petrie he is so good. He explains things so clair
Great story and beautifully told. Thank you for your perspective.
A weird thing about Protestants who believe in Bible only for their faith, I say "where did you get the Bible from? What organization gave you the Bible?" And of course, the Catholic church gave us the Bible, that one denomination that has lineage back to Christ? Yeah that one.
The Catholic Church is NOT a denomination. It is THE ONE and ONLY CHURCH founded by Jesus bcse it has a VALIDLY ORDAINED PRIESTHOOD. Protestants do not have a priesthood. It was cut off at the so-called reformation when the Church of England was founded which was out and out protestantism. Nothing like the anglicanism of today which only came into being in the last century after the Oxford Movement. Read HISTORY OF ENGLAND, THE TUDORS. by PETER ACKROYD. Also THE GREAT UNFROCKED, 1000 years of Church scandaL. by Matthew Parris. The Archbishop of Canterbury may be a christian but he is NOT a validly ordained priest. Anglicans copied their (fake) mass from the catholics and their robes, altars, also. Canterbury Cathedral, The Abbey, York Minister, Lichfield Cathedral etc etc were ALL built by catholics who were murdered by protestants, and belong to us!
Exactly, the Catholic Church precedes the Bible.
ThanQ Soooo Much for your enlightening share. Welcome Home.
I'm a cradle Catholic who also in my younger days did not live up to all that the Church enjoins on us . Almost 3 decades.
But Never gave up the Rosary. The JWs came witnessing and ironically, that made me look into my Faith more closely.
Today after a few full General Confessions, l am closer to The TRIUNE GOD and Our Blessed Mother than ever before and have Never been happier.
Stay blessed, our Brother in Faith. So spiritually enriching to have followed your video.
I' ve clicked the Like button and the notification bell.
Your story is so inspiring and moving! Your keeping eyes, ears and heart always open to the call of God is a great lesson to any lifetime Catholic, your sense of sin and of the greatness of hope and forgiveness is like a refreshing oasis in the desert of human fragility. Thanks for your video!
God bless you...keep the faith .
God bless you too. I intend to keep the faith!!!
I am sooo happy for you...GOD is so good.. I am a cradle Catholic and I thank GOD each day for that Blessing...THE MOST HOLY COMMUNION IS HEAVENLY FOR ME, and I cry most times after receiving Communion..What a Gift JESUS left us, BUT so many people do not realize how Blessed we are to be able to eat the Body and Blood of Christ...WHAT A MYSTERY.. I feel Sorry for the ones who left THE CATHOLIC CHURCH... It is so sad..Amen.. God Bless everyone..
God is certainly good. I've done nothing to merit any kindness from him. God is truly merciful. I hadn't partaken of communion for decades, so it's still a wondrous experience today! Thank you, and God Bless.
I am 76 yrs old , and a cradle Catholic , and praise God for your conversion, I now spend my idle time helping older people my age and older {lol } with maintenance repairs on there home or auto , and volunteer at our church , I have come to know so many good people , my Lord and Savior has been extremely good to my wife and I , she just beat Cancer the third time , Praise God , nothing is impossible with God , Frank T
Frank Travaglioi
May Saint Joseph be with you in your work and Mother Mary be with your wife in recovery.
@@dherpin4874 Thank you
Thanks a lot for sharing such an honest and beautiful journey to the Christian Catholic Faith. God and Our Lady bless you and your family!
One thing I love about the Catholic Church is that they say that the faith is either all or nothing; there's nothing that is kind of important or anything like that. Like this guy says, it's the real deal.
God bless you. Plz. Pray for us all.
I will! Thanks for watching.
I can't believe that I just now saw this video. I also am a convert through RCIA about three years ago when I was 60 years old. The best thing I ever could have done.
Yes indeed. It has truly been like going back home!
Thank you for telling your story. May God continue to have blessings in your life. 🙏🏽
amen thanks brother for sharing your testimony and I definitely understand wandering in the desert. God has returned me this easter and Divine Mercy Amen
Welcome Home!
I became a Catholic in 2018. Before that I had no believes but felt something was missing, felt like I was being drawn to Christ. I attended a few Christmas masses and I knew I was goner become a Catholic. And unfortunately I stayed away because I was suffering in my soul , my heart and my love for my brother's and sisters but I returned and I'm so happy where I am now, I'm at peace with myself 🙏
Thank you for sharing your story. I love it, god bless you.
God bless you ✝️☘️✝️
Welcome home!!!
A beautiful testimony!!!
Thank you, and thanks for watching.
Awesome testimony. Sir, it's very inspiring and your narration is so easy to understand.
Many thanks for sharing your story. I am going through the same journey but have not sealed the deal.
I loved your story. I was born catholic, I am still catholic, but I hope one day, I will be a true catholic like you radiating the grace of God from my face. It is not enough to be officially a catholic, but a practicing converted catholic. Sergio Peralta. El Paso, Tx.
Really moved and I so understand that heart soaring lightness after every confession! God bless you for this heartfelt awesome video, may it long inspire and guide souls long after we are gone from this earth! It's a sincere and truthful testimony.
Welcome home, brother. Thanks for the testimony.
Beautiful testimony. Welcome home my brother and God bless
Thanks brother to share with us and welcome back!
What a beautiful and inspiring testimony! God bless you!!!
Thank you for your testimony. I really am blessed to come across it during this pandemic. God bless you and your family.
I understand exactly what you mean when you talk about confession. God bless you my brother!
Wow wow and Woow. Thank You for sharing. You said it so beautifully simple and at the same time so amazing. God Blesses All
Please keep posting your videos. I love the eloquent way you describe your journey. I am a cradle Catholic and had drifted, but I am back. It is a journey, but I am committed. People that come to the Church out of their own volition inspire me i will pray for you. God Bless...
Thank you for those kind words. God Bless!
wonderful to hear your story. thanks be to God for His graces, and thank you for sharing :)
This is so sincere. I nearly cried. Thank you for this video.
Thanks be to God.
Thank you for sharing...
Beautiful testimony. God bless you 🙏🏽🙏🏽
A beautiful testimony...welcome home. 😊
That’s so beautiful! Welcome home!🙌🏻👏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Awesome. I can sense the joy
Thank you, and God bless you.
Thank you. You as well
Thank you for sharing your testimony. God bless 🙏🙏🙏
Welcome home my Brother in Christ! All the best to You.
Welcome Home Bro ...
God bless you welcome home, and a wonderful testimony.
Thank you and God bless you.
Great testimony! May God bless you!
Great experience! Spiritual experience!
I love my Catholic belief more and more because of you guys. But I am so much in love of Eucharistic adoration. Can’t wait every weekend.
What a beautiful story! And nice to hear about your two Dutch aunt's. They must have been praying for their family abroad.
Very moving!
Thanks so much for sharing your experience in confession and whole story make me crying thinking about most of my family no longer in the church cos they don't really knew all about the church growing up
You're welcome. Thanks for watching and commenting. God bless you.
Confession really takes away the heavy load... Welcome home🙏
God bless you Keith! Welcome home!
A very touching conversion story, well.come home brother, that God is so happy at the train station receiving you home at last. GBU.
Thank you! I have been Baptist. Methodist. Assembly of God. Pentecostal. Word of Faith. No denomination. . I have been self identifying as Catholic and plan to take the step. My son has done it
Are you Catholic yet?
@@johnyang1420 o yes. I was confirmed in 21
Welcome home, we have room for more!
Thank you!
Wonderful story!
Thank you.
thank u for sharing ur testimony brother ...
You're welcome, and thanks for watching!
Welcome to your new Faith..I love being Catholic...God bless you.Peace
Welcome home brother it’s great to be catholic I love everything about it
Amazing! Welcome home my brother💕
Welcome home! God bless you! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you!
I like your story. I was a protestant who converted 50 years ago. God bless you!
Welcome home!!!
God bless and welcome home!
Woooohooo! Welcome Home!