@GigaForce I totally agree, on every songs I got goosebumps but especially on Schwarz when I first heard the keyboards part in the middle section of the song just awesome.
After listening to the first 3 songs they released ( zeit/zick zack/angst ) this is such a great opener. This album is such pure gold and maybe one of there best album in years
@@sjardgrieger92 What means "many"? Links 2 3 4 was a clear statement. Check the tons of material where they state what they think about the Nazi era. People in Germany DO NOT THINK Rammstein are Nazis. There where some comments in that direction more than 20 years ago. But that's history.
@@Silvergun_Raven ok. But Andreas implied he was there live for a “rehearsal concert “ and then this song opened their actual concert. It really doesn’t make any sense to me. If you could further elaborate, I was hoping Andreas himself would.
@@DaShap before their tour kicks off they always play two full rehearsal shows in front of very few selected people at the venue of the first show - to be exact, only their fan club members can buy tickets to this special rehearsal shows. these shows are with full pyro technics, complete setlist, costumes and everything - like a regular show, but only in front of perhaps 1000-3000 people. this tour kicked off in prague, the stage was already completely set up 10 days before the first official show. they played two rehearsal shows on two evenings, had a few days off and then played 2 official shows in prague. the first shows were awesome, prague was two days in a row in front of over 80.000 people...leipzig was crazy because of the horrible weather conditions on the first evening. they had to stop the show for 30 minutes because the rain and the storm was way too heavy.
@@godscoldhands77 awesome explanation. I never knew this occurred. I can see why for their Pyrotechnics. In USA, I doubt these rehearsals occur by USA bands without much FIRE. Thank you sooooo much Gods!! I see them in Philly end of August. Can't wait. Been waiting nearly 2.5 years since purchasing the tix (pandemic delayed from Aug 2020, sadly).
How inspiring is this song ? If I were having a lazy morning where I’d be unwilling to get off bed this song would surely wake me up just listening to that “Komm Mitt”. Army of the depressed but still has a kick to it. Unified in our sadness and failures we can turn it into something good. Great song to start off the album
I was at their concert in Stuttgart yesterday. When they started with this song, I had goosebumps as I had never had them before and probably never will again. I did not know music could do this to me
This song is so good. Especially the meaning behind it. Metal can be so cathartic, both to make and to listen to. Not that all of it is sad, or that this is the only thing metal is about, but some of it is, and it can help people get through some really dark times. We may all listen to it alone in our bedrooms, and feel completely abandoned, but we really are like an army. I'm doing a lot better now than in the last few years, but was still such a wild experience to witness them perform it live, and chant "Komm mit!" with everyone.
I have never had a moment listening to a Rammstein album where I felt I needed to skip a song. Every one of their albums has magnificent range, and I’d love to watch you react to each of their previous albums as well, starting with Herzeleid and moving through their discography. You can hear their evolution with every album and it’s incredible that they’ve never lost a step in their work, talent, songwriting or performances.
Knowing you're learning German: "Armee der Tristen" includes two parts from Till's poem book "100 Gedichte", from "Armee der Traurigen" - maybe you're interested 🤘
Hey Aileen. If you react to more of the songs of the album I highly recommend the videos with English lyrics added by Educated Marine. Theyre well translated and shift the music experience on another level for non german speakers. Greetz from Germany!
That was a nice reaction video; I am happy that you'll be able to actually see them - I am sure you'll be having a total blast... - having seen them 4 times live, every time is such a thrill... 🙂
When I heard this song the first time I said "this one just begs to be played in an arena" - and well, here we have the opening song of the live show. The stadium will be so pumped from the first note
Here is your English translation... [Verse 1] Are you sad like me? Tears are running down your face? Come join us and get in line We want to be sad together [Bridge] (Come with me) (Come with me) [Verse 2] Why are you still standing at the sidelines? Get in line with our gang If we then march in sadness Nothing at all, nothing can happen to you [Chorus] Hand in hand, never alone again Hand in hand, no looking back Come on, we are closing our ranks Marching in lockstep against luck [Post-Chorus] (Come with me) Get in line (Come with me) In lockstep (Come with mе) Get in line and Come with mе in lockstep [Verse 3] Depressively, saddened, shaddered Should we despair together Depressed and melancholic Pessimistic, diabolical We are grounding on withered roses The Party of the Hopeless Become a member, join Anyone can be, come in! [Chorus] Hand in hand, never alone again (Come with me) Hand in hand, no looking back Come on, we are closing our ranks Marching in lockstep against luck [Post-Chorus] (Come with me) Get in line (Come with me) In lockstep (Come with me) Get in line and Come with me in lockstep
saw them live for the first time 6 days ago in Düsseldorf and I really have no words to describe what I was able to experience there. It was definitely the next level what they offered there, people already freaked out with the first song "Armee der Tristen" and it went on like that for 2 1/2 hours.
One should know that the members of Rammstein grew up under socialism in East Germany. There they sang songs like: "Come along, fall in line ..." The individual band members were used to these songs from childhood. These socialist songs promise happiness and meaning in life through community. Here in this song it's ironically reversed: people unite against happiness.
this has definitely been the aoty so far with me. it definitely gives what you want from Rammestien hitting all the aspects that make them who they are and is a fun ride the whole album
Ive heard this song so many times over and over and every single time i feel like that synth sound sounds so familiar but i can never remember where from. Its driving me mad
This is what I love about Rammstein, everybody sees something different from his perspective, this is truly art and how I understand art as well. I personally see something different in this lyrics. During Corona there were lots of protests in Germany against the restrictions. Very often you heared from the protesters "Reiht euch ein!" (line up! / join us!) and a german right wing political party tried to destabilize the german socity with those protests also. While Rammstein is originally a more left oriented group, I think they critzies the attemp of the right wings. (some members were in a punk rock band before)
Where as you're right, that the song is playing with the idea of embracing sadness and darkness, I think it's also describing the devastation that comes with doing so. Sure it's up to interpretation, but you need to read most of Rammsteins lyrics with certain amount of sarcasm and social criticism. I think the message is more in the direction of criticizing people for theit lack of initiative and positive energy. It describes the power of everyday depression and how it sucks you in, making you March in rythm with all the other sad people.
Thank you for all of your reaction videos. You are such a lovely human being. After all reaction videos to this album, i would love to see reaction videos of old Rammstein Songs, especially from their first and second album. Their Sound was so raw and more aggressive, Till's voice deeper and harder. Especially the songs Weisses Fleisch, du riechst so gut or Alter Mann. The lyrics are superb. Also the live shows between 1996 and 2001 were so great. Till was a muscle machine, especially the "live aus Berlin" from 1998. Greetings from germany☺
Armee Der Tristen was the opening song on the European stadium tour, personally i think the song was a great opener for the concert with the public singing along.
Rammstein are good story tellers. Completionists. They take the music where it needs to go to tell the story the best way possible. That is where greatness comes. Opeth is another band that does this. Tool, Porcupine Tree are others. Looking forward to your further journey into Rammstein and other music! Stay Metal! 🤘😎🤘
Can’t wait for your reaction „Giftig“, „OK“, „Dicke Titten“, „Lügen“ and „Adieu“. Especially for OK. 😇😂 Hope that the humor behind it will not getting missed due the translation, because of double entendre in german. 😉
Problem of OK is,that only Germans can realy understand the Lyrics. You cant translate them to English,because the Lyrics are a Collection of Metaphoric Sentences only Germans understand.
This song was the opening from their Montréal show last night that I fortunately attended. Which launched their North American tour. US fans are in for a “HOT” treat (And Mexico in October!) enjoy!
I think this album is a great follow up to their self titled before this one. It feels very mellow in so many areas and I love how emotional it can get. Both this album and self titled are two of the best albums they have ever written IMO. On the same level as Mutter.
Funny thing: in Swedish (my language), "Armee der Tristen" sounds a lot like "De tristas armé" or "The Army of the Boring Ones". It changes the meaning of the song a lot until you read the correct translation. Great reaction as always.
Actually, "trist" contains this connotation as well. Pure sadness you would translate als "traurig/Traurigkeit". The word "trist" is a little more unusual and describes a feeling of resigned sadness accompanied with loneliness, desolateness and dullness. So a "trist" life would also be a boring, repetitive one.
Is it wrong for me to love when you roll your Rrrrrrrrs when saying Rrrrammstein? Well, if it is I don't wanna be right. :D Another great listen and reaction.
As usual with Rammstein, you can also interpret this song in different directions and I see several interpretations there. But here I write down my personal main interpretation, which came to my mind the very first time I heard it in the Dolby Atmos Experience in the cinema: For me, the song is mainly about how right-wing extremists try to win new people for themselves in order to "close their ranks". I'm talking here 'only' about the right-wing extremist structures in Germany, because Rammstein live here as well as I do. It is well known that far-right groups systematically seek out people who feel excluded from society and are therefore "depressed," "saddened," or "dejected" in order to win them over to their side. These people do not even have to be particularly inclined to the right-wing scene. But it is already enough to feel excluded from the larger society, so that the right-wingers can present themselves as something better and as the solution to all problems in front of these desperate people. These right-wing structures lure these outcast people to them by telling them exactly what they want to hear and that they can understand their feelings ("Are you sad, like me"). At the same time, they combine that with a sense of community ("We want to be sad TOGETHER"), which is often what the outcasts crave most. "Come join us and get in line", "Get in line with our gang" because "nothing at all, nothing can happen to you“) then. They promise safety within the group and win those people over that way. At the same time, they draw people further and further into their right-wing ideology ("Come along, join in") and promise that if they work together and people "join in", no one will have to be alone ("Hand in hand, never alone again"). Back then the Nazis have already built up a strong sense of community to keep people with them and to blind and radicalize them through their manipulation and exploitation of despair, so that they can spread their hatred. Their strategy is no different today. The reason why I think primarily of right-wing extremism is that Till always uses militaristic terms for the common striving of the people, ("If we then MARCH in the dreary"), ("MARCH in the LOCKSTEP against luck"), ("Come along, in the LOCKSTEP). Also the part ("no looking back"), in the sense that the far right denies Germany's Nazi past and does not look back to the truth but "melancholically" thinks back to this in their eyes great time. Knowing that they are seen as the "diabolical" ones. And even more the part "founding on withered roses" is for me a reference to the right scene, because they long for the long gone days (which they have not even experienced themselves) and try to lead Germany in their eyes back to "old bloom"... For this, they have to found a party in order to achieve something politically, and sadly, sadly, they fail in our working democracy. This is of course "depressing" for them, makes them "pessimistic", "saddened", "shatters" the party because they lose themselves in the democratic daily routine instead of being able to put their right-wing ideas directly into practice. Therefore, these people themselves are also depressed, dissatisfied, etc.. So they can really perfectly pretend to be so in front of the people they want to draw new into thier ranks to be able to "march together in the dreary". There it goes for me perfectly into the line ("The party of the hopeless"). Because they "hopelessly" try to bring back the greatness of their ideology as well as preferably the complete National Socialism, although the "roses" of this time have long since "withered". Because they cling to the past and hold on "hopelessly" to their hatred and frustration. Everybody who takes part in it (and fits into their mindset, of course), who joins in, is right for them in order to reach their goal ("Anyone can be"), ("Come in"). I interpret "Marching in lockstep against luck" as meaning that they want to bring back the old times they long for and thus try to take away the luck of everyone who doesn't fit into their mindset. At the same time, however, they are actually marching against their own luck in this way, since they cannot get away with it in a functioning democracy. A functioning democracy is not to be taken for granted and can falter if we do not pay attention and do not carefully observe the people who would most like to bring it down. That's one reason I like this song so much, because Rammstein shed light on the actions of such people, so that you do not forget it. I could go into much more detail and explain my thoughts on this song, which in my eyes perfectly captures the zeitgeist in this regard. But I think this comment is already long enough and my interpretation to these lines is understandable. At least I hope so. XD Thanks, to those who have read this far. ^^
@Mel1one: What do you say? The German magazine "Stern" enterpreted the song exactly like you, saying this is about Nazis luring and catching people. But the author of "Stern" was firmly convinced that Rammstein made this "Nazi-song" because the members of Rammstein are themselves convinced Nazis. Incidentally, this is an old suspicion of the press in Germany: Rammstein are Nazis. The only big problem we have in Germany is that many people are constantly thinking that there are Nazis everywhere or that it's all about Nazis.
@@michaelmuller4562 No, I know the article from "Stern" and find it absolutely stupid! I was, I am and I will never be a Nazi. Just as Rammstein are not. I don't even fit into this strange cliché image that the author tries to impose on all Rammstein fans. And yet Rammstein is my absolute favourite band... Crazy... XDD Have you actually read through the entire comment? I didn't claim at any point that Rammstein are right-wing or that they approve of what Till sings about in any way. I wrote that in the song, as I interpret it, Rammstein point out how right-wing idiots try to draw people into their ranks and want to sneak them into their ideology. By picking out desperate people and giving them a feeling of "you are not alone" and confirmation in their own frustration, peppered with their right-wing ideas, in order to bind them to themselves and radicalise them. I have based my interpretation on the various lines of lyrics I have quoted. I even wrote below that I think it's good how Rammstein use the song to draw attention to the fact that something like this still happens in our society. And by doing so, one remains watchful, in order to protect the democracy that we have in Germany. All of that includes my interpretation. Not that Rammstein somehow approves, trivialises or even supports this procedure of the right-wing morons!
@@mel1one You write: "Have you actally read through the entire command? I didn't claim at any point that Rammstein are right wing..." And I didn't claim that you claimed that! I wrote: "The only big problem we have in Germany is that many people are constantly thinking that there are Nazis everywhere..." That applies to the Stern author. " ... or that it's all about Nazis." (Übersetzt: "... oder dass es immer um Nazis geht. ") That applies to you. I wrote in another comment that the members of Rammstein come from East Germany and were used to socialist songs from an early age. It's more or less always about " Come along, fall in line ..."
@@michaelmuller4562 To the part: "And I didn't claim that you claimed that!" I assumed that you thought I wanted to say in my main comment that Rammstein are convinced Nazis, like the author of "Stern", because you wrote: "The German magazine "Stern" enteredpreted the song exactly like you". I do not interpret the song in exactly like the " Stern " guy, because, unlike him, I did not claim that Rammstein wrote the song because they themselves are Nazis. That's why I explained it again in my previous answer. Since you have now written that the part only referred to the author, it was probably misleadingly written in your first comment. About the part: "... or that it's all about Nazis." (Übersetzt: "... oder dass es immer um Nazis geht. ") That applies to you." I am also aware that in some aspects there is an over-sensitivity with regard to the Nazi topic and that some people (want to) see Nazis in places where there are none. The author of "Stern" is the perfect example of this. You're right, I find that annoying too. Nevertheless, I stick to my interpretation of the song. As I mentioned in my very first comment, I only wrote down my personal main interpretation and that I also see several ways of interpreting it. Not just this one. If you don't interpret the lyrics the way I do, I have no problem with that. Your approach to Rammstein's East German past regarding "Komm mit, reih' dich ein" is also a good point.
@@mel1one When I wrote that the author of Stern interpretated it in the same way you did, I was refferring to the fact that you both "dicovered" the topic of right wing radicals there, even though it's not there. This is a social disease. Those who are affected by this disease do not notice it and consider the condition to be completely normal. You personally do not interpret anything, but you are just like the author of Stern obsessively conditioned to see the topic right wing radicals in something where it isn't. In this regard the Stern author and you are conjoined twins. The difference between you is that he sees the right wing radical in Rammstein and you think the text is about that. Both of you have to see it that way because you have both been conditioned that way by a sick society. One sees right wing radicals on some people, the other one in some texts. Both is pathological, just as it is pathological to perceive people who do not want to be vaccinated against Covid 19 as right wing radicals, to name just one patholocical example of which nowadays many people in our society are affected. I have been researching in the field of collective perception and classification for many years. For me these phenomena are nothing unusual. What the author writes about Rammstein and what you write about the lyrics, no one in the 60s would have written because of this song. Today masses could do that. You both subjectivly hold your judgements to be your own individual opinions, but that is an illusion. You are both victims of society. You have to see it in the way you see it. Just as many people have to see it that people who don't get vaccinated against Covid are right wing radicals.
just wanna say love your voice and you are absolutely gorgeous and sweet and i really hope to hear you sing on this channel soon cuz i know you'd kill it :)
You should still listen/react to these Rammstein songs, far way better than last albums : -Amour -Wo bist du -Spieluhr -Zwitter -Rammstein -Rosenrot (Official Video)
You check out heavy metal band of early 90s sepultura,max calveria and Igor calveria are beasts of metal and check out nailbomb and soulfly and killer be killed and calveria conpriacy there Brazil metal band extremely heavy but the lyrics are simply amazing
Having seen both openings of their stadium tour with this and Was ich Liebe, this song definitely had better energy for the first song. Got everyone hype before the flames started flying 🔥🔥🔥
I made a poem with inspiration from Rammstein's lyrics of Morgenstern and heard later that a girl who read it got help from her suicide thoughts so I am all in... Rammstein sades lives !!!
Huh.. I am from Germany and to me this sounded more like "We are sad, we have given up. Let us ruin the happiness of other people now, follow us (with a military step and no outside thinking = Gleichschritt) in our conquest to get rid of happiness". Which is a lot of what is going on right now. "You are not allowed to be happy, some people aren't!!!!"
I missed out on all live streams this week, fell asleep before they even started. Y_Y Looking forward for when your next Lindemann reactions come out and wich you chose to react to first, because those songs and Videos were allot to take for me sometimes.
It’s more like “army of the sad, dull, dreary” and from what I get it’s about people who capitalize on that sad/dull people (“party of the hopeless”, “com in/ join us”). Also it’s like a march and they sing about “don’t look back” which I interpret like don’t look back what happened last time we marched together in sadness, a reference to German history. So at the end it is imho a song that critics the far right wing parties that become powerful lately.
So Aileen, are you announcing what show you are attending? And then having a "Meet and Greet" for your 1000s of fans. hehe. Dam girl, I subbed you at like the 13k point. Then you launched so fast, adding 30k in NOT too long a period of time. Well deserved. Congrats!!! p.s. thanks again for doing Band Maid. "Onset" with me nagging. lol. I hope you actually did really love it and perhaps listened to it a few times more. I usually don't go 2 weeks without a listen. Love that Instrumental!
I personally actually prefer the last album to this one ( I have listened but I don’t think I will purchase). From the last album “Deutschland “ is a great track and the video is interesting. I must admit I do like the older albums which tend to be more raw and possibly less produced than the newer ones.
Everyone did an incredible job with Zeit, but Flake, in my opinion, was the standout on this entire album; those synths gave me goosebumps!
Flake has killed it on both Untitled and Zeit. Really shines through hard.
I agree. Did an album review myself and man, Flake killed it, but did feel like a center piece especially on this album
He killed on every album imo. His Synths are so unique and great
Oh he is a key piece no doubt in everything Rammstein does. This album though, man he just seemed to stand out even more, maybe his best work!
@GigaForce I totally agree, on every songs I got goosebumps but especially on Schwarz when I first heard the keyboards part in the middle section of the song just awesome.
Honestly cried of happiness when I heard this album opener. It just felt like "YES! I needed this and they didn't disappoint!"
It is even better live as concert opener.
@@kobilee9504 NOO! Watch the spoilers buddy! Some of us have months left until we see them
@@Didgets I’m ok with this as a spoiler. First time I heard it, I knew this would be a great opener.
After listening to the first 3 songs they released ( zeit/zick zack/angst ) this is such a great opener. This album is such pure gold and maybe one of there best album in years
"best album in years" you mean First Album in years
@@Klonbold dont forget about untitled, it came in 2019
it's a great album. it's deep and awesome. unfortunately many people in germany say that rammstein are nazis.
I'd say it's their best since Reise Reise for sure.
@@sjardgrieger92 What means "many"? Links 2 3 4 was a clear statement. Check the tons of material where they state what they think about the Nazi era. People in Germany DO NOT THINK Rammstein are Nazis. There where some comments in that direction more than 20 years ago. But that's history.
This is my favourite song on the album, so powerful
Same, and I would go even further and say that this is one of my favorite songs from rammstein's catalog.
This song is also the concert opener - I've had the luck to see them 2 weeks ago at one of their rehearsal concerts 😊
What do you mean by rehearsal concert?
@@DaShap There’s footage of them practicing in the arenas before the gates open.
@@Silvergun_Raven ok. But Andreas implied he was there live for a “rehearsal concert “ and then this song opened their actual concert. It really doesn’t make any sense to me. If you could further elaborate, I was hoping Andreas himself would.
@@DaShap before their tour kicks off they always play two full rehearsal shows in front of very few selected people at the venue of the first show - to be exact, only their fan club members can buy tickets to this special rehearsal shows. these shows are with full pyro technics, complete setlist, costumes and everything - like a regular show, but only in front of perhaps 1000-3000 people.
this tour kicked off in prague, the stage was already completely set up 10 days before the first official show. they played two rehearsal shows on two evenings, had a few days off and then played 2 official shows in prague. the first shows were awesome, prague was two days in a row in front of over 80.000 people...leipzig was crazy because of the horrible weather conditions on the first evening. they had to stop the show for 30 minutes because the rain and the storm was way too heavy.
@@godscoldhands77 awesome explanation. I never knew this occurred. I can see why for their Pyrotechnics. In USA, I doubt these rehearsals occur by USA bands without much FIRE. Thank you sooooo much Gods!! I see them in Philly end of August. Can't wait. Been waiting nearly 2.5 years since purchasing the tix (pandemic delayed from Aug 2020, sadly).
Glad that you considered my question and upload the rest of the Album!😊😊 looking soooooo forward to it!!!!
How inspiring is this song ? If I were having a lazy morning where I’d be unwilling to get off bed this song would surely wake me up just listening to that “Komm Mitt”. Army of the depressed but still has a kick to it. Unified in our sadness and failures we can turn it into something good. Great song to start off the album
*Komm mit
Army of the sad*
@@jakepeterson6488 Dreary*
Ok, try KMFDM "Hau Ruck" next time.
It translates more to Armee de Tristesse! Sorry, is there an english Word for this?
Can’t wait to see Rammstein for the 4th time later this year.. you will love the show, it’s an experience!!
I’ll be seeing them for a third and fourth time! Absolutely can’t wait!
I was at their concert in Stuttgart yesterday. When they started with this song, I had goosebumps as I had never had them before and probably never will again. I did not know music could do this to me
I saw them in Cardiff! When they opened with this one, I knew it was going to be loud when the bass kicked in. What a concert!! 👌🤘
i want back in time and listen to it in Stuttgart again
Armee Der Tristen is an epic show opener! Saw them in Gothenburg few weeks ago and wow.. Just WOW!!
Got to see them preform in Philadelphia and they opened with this. such an incredible show!!!!!
Saw them at LA coliseum September 23rd. I still haven't awaken to reality.
Komm mit 🔥❤ Rammstein forever
Das Album ist Super.Alle Songs sind Hits.
The album is super. All songs are hits.🙋♂❤
This song is so good. Especially the meaning behind it. Metal can be so cathartic, both to make and to listen to. Not that all of it is sad, or that this is the only thing metal is about, but some of it is, and it can help people get through some really dark times. We may all listen to it alone in our bedrooms, and feel completely abandoned, but we really are like an army. I'm doing a lot better now than in the last few years, but was still such a wild experience to witness them perform it live, and chant "Komm mit!" with everyone.
thats not the meaning behind it
Wasnt my favourate song at first but i was at the concert in leipzig some days ago and tbh that song hit different as opener
Zeit really blew me away!! Compared to the last one (2019) this one has killer songs and what a great opener
The last album has some bangers on it too!
@@danielbergmann7629 It does, but I prefer Zeit's overall increased heaviness.
@@danielbergmann7629 Every Song on the 2019 is a banger and batter than this Album (Zeit)
But Armee der tristen and Giftig are banger too
I have never had a moment listening to a Rammstein album where I felt I needed to skip a song. Every one of their albums has magnificent range, and I’d love to watch you react to each of their previous albums as well, starting with Herzeleid and moving through their discography. You can hear their evolution with every album and it’s incredible that they’ve never lost a step in their work, talent, songwriting or performances.
You said everything man agreed 👍
Don‘t get me wrong, Rammstein is my absolute favorite band, but I definitely felt the need to skip Stirb nicht vor mir
Rammstein ist Liebe.
Rammstein is love. 😍
This song is still a total tear-opener for me! I absolutely really love this song 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Knowing you're learning German: "Armee der Tristen" includes two parts from Till's poem book "100 Gedichte", from "Armee der Traurigen" - maybe you're interested 🤘
My absolute favorite song from this album and I have to say almost one of the best Rammstein songs ever. Greetings from Austria
Another masterpeace. Love it!
Hey Aileen.
If you react to more of the songs of the album I highly recommend the videos with English lyrics added by Educated Marine. Theyre well translated and shift the music experience on another level for non german speakers.
Greetz from Germany!
wow thank you! I'll use this for my next videos! :D
I love the "Kom mit", it's epic. Hyped to see more reactions :D
ZEIT is simply the best Album of the Year !!! I Love it !!!
That was a nice reaction video; I am happy that you'll be able to actually see them - I am sure you'll be having a total blast... - having seen them 4 times live, every time is such a thrill... 🙂
My fav of the new album, very uplifting track.
The best intro ever made
This is an anthem for me. Love that in someway somehow calls for me, for all of us.
When I heard this song the first time I said "this one just begs to be played in an arena" - and well, here we have the opening song of the live show. The stadium will be so pumped from the first note
Ohhhh this is my absolute favorite track next to Zeit and Angst 🥰 The whole Album is a masterpiece🤘😈THX for your Reaction. Greetings from Germany 🙂🖤
Спасибо, что решила послушать альбом ❤️ Эта песня очень понравилась, ну а слушать ее вместе с тобой ещё лучше )
Here is your English translation...
[Verse 1]
Are you sad like me?
Tears are running down your face?
Come join us and get in line
We want to be sad together
(Come with me)
(Come with me)
[Verse 2]
Why are you still standing at the sidelines?
Get in line with our gang
If we then march in sadness
Nothing at all, nothing can happen to you
Hand in hand, never alone again
Hand in hand, no looking back
Come on, we are closing our ranks
Marching in lockstep against luck
(Come with me) Get in line
(Come with me) In lockstep
(Come with mе) Get in line and
Come with mе in lockstep
[Verse 3]
Depressively, saddened, shaddered
Should we despair together
Depressed and melancholic
Pessimistic, diabolical
We are grounding on withered roses
The Party of the Hopeless
Become a member, join
Anyone can be, come in!
Hand in hand, never alone again (Come with me)
Hand in hand, no looking back
Come on, we are closing our ranks
Marching in lockstep against luck
(Come with me) Get in line
(Come with me) In lockstep
(Come with me) Get in line and
Come with me in lockstep
When I heard that retro synth and electronics I knew its gonna be a banger
I love your way of talking about Rammstein, has given me more of an appreciation to the band, just saw them a few weeks back, they were insane live.
Your breakdown of this album made me buy it …. Longtime Rammstein fan, but this one is starting to grow on me.
saw them live for the first time 6 days ago in Düsseldorf and I really have no words to describe what I was able to experience there.
It was definitely the next level what they offered there, people already freaked out with the first song "Armee der Tristen" and it went on like that for 2 1/2 hours.
One should know that the members of Rammstein grew up under socialism in East Germany. There they sang songs like: "Come along, fall in line ..."
The individual band members were used to these songs from childhood. These socialist songs promise happiness and meaning in life through community.
Here in this song it's ironically reversed:
people unite against happiness.
This opening track is awesome definitely hope Rammstein comes to Florida again soon so I can see them live
this has definitely been the aoty so far with me. it definitely gives what you want from Rammestien hitting all the aspects that make them who they are and is a fun ride the whole album
You have to listen to „Radio“ from Rammstein! One of their best Songs!
Ive heard this song so many times over and over and every single time i feel like that synth sound sounds so familiar but i can never remember where from. Its driving me mad
I saw them on Saturday live. It was purely perfect. It was the first time Rammstein live for me. I will go again
this my favorit track on the LP such a banger!
This is what I love about Rammstein, everybody sees something different from his perspective, this is truly art and how I understand art as well.
I personally see something different in this lyrics. During Corona there were lots of protests in Germany against the restrictions. Very often you heared from the protesters "Reiht euch ein!" (line up! / join us!) and a german right wing political party tried to destabilize the german socity with those protests also. While Rammstein is originally a more left oriented group, I think they critzies the attemp of the right wings. (some members were in a punk rock band before)
Saw this live yesterday, finally got the chance to see them and it was amazing.
I can’t wait to watch you listen! Komm mit!
What a way to begin their concert with this track. The intro version is longer and better.
Fantastic album and an amazing starter🙌✨ I can't wait to watch your reactions on all the other songs. There's some really special ones to come🤗
Where as you're right, that the song is playing with the idea of embracing sadness and darkness, I think it's also describing the devastation that comes with doing so. Sure it's up to interpretation, but you need to read most of Rammsteins lyrics with certain amount of sarcasm and social criticism. I think the message is more in the direction of criticizing people for theit lack of initiative and positive energy. It describes the power of everyday depression and how it sucks you in, making you March in rythm with all the other sad people.
Powerfull lyrics
Thank you for all of your reaction videos. You are such a lovely human being.
After all reaction videos to this album, i would love to see reaction videos of old Rammstein Songs, especially from their first and second album. Their Sound was so raw and more aggressive, Till's voice deeper and harder. Especially the songs Weisses Fleisch, du riechst so gut or Alter Mann. The lyrics are superb. Also the live shows between 1996 and 2001 were so great. Till was a muscle machine, especially the "live aus Berlin" from 1998.
Greetings from germany☺
It's their Tribute Song to our German GOTH SCENE.A lot of People from my Scene are Fans of Rammstein....
Armee Der Tristen was the opening song on the European stadium tour, personally i think the song was a great opener for the concert with the public singing along.
Rammstein are good story tellers. Completionists. They take the music where it needs to go to tell the story the best way possible.
That is where greatness comes.
Opeth is another band that does this. Tool, Porcupine Tree are others.
Looking forward to your further journey into Rammstein and other music!
Stay Metal!
omg my eyes went a little wet here. I heard this song live in prague a week ago. it was so amazing!!
Can’t wait for your reaction „Giftig“, „OK“, „Dicke Titten“, „Lügen“ and „Adieu“.
Especially for OK. 😇😂
Hope that the humor behind it will not getting missed due the translation, because of double entendre in german. 😉
Also, "OK" is Track 6 and "Dicke Titten" is Track 9. Which makes it even funnier ^^
Problem of OK is,that only Germans can realy understand the Lyrics. You cant translate them to English,because the Lyrics are a Collection of Metaphoric Sentences only Germans understand.
This song was the opening from their Montréal show last night that I fortunately attended. Which launched their North American tour.
US fans are in for a “HOT” treat (And Mexico in October!) enjoy!
I think this album is a great follow up to their self titled before this one. It feels very mellow in so many areas and I love how emotional it can get. Both this album and self titled are two of the best albums they have ever written IMO. On the same level as Mutter.
Aileen te quiero mucho ❤️ saludos desde Argentina, Rammstein reacts yes *-*
Te quiero mucho! ❤️
Funny thing: in Swedish (my language), "Armee der Tristen" sounds a lot like "De tristas armé" or "The Army of the Boring Ones". It changes the meaning of the song a lot until you read the correct translation.
Great reaction as always.
Actually, "trist" contains this connotation as well. Pure sadness you would translate als "traurig/Traurigkeit". The word "trist" is a little more unusual and describes a feeling of resigned sadness accompanied with loneliness, desolateness and dullness. So a "trist" life would also be a boring, repetitive one.
Trist in Norwegian means sad so it fits too
Hell yes to more Rammstein/Lindemann!
Is it wrong for me to love when you roll your Rrrrrrrrs when saying Rrrrammstein? Well, if it is I don't wanna be right. :D
Another great listen and reaction.
So used to rolling my r’s!! So addicting 😝
Try the live version of armee der tristen and zick zack sone puppe or du hast live 2022 Prague or Leipzig
As usual with Rammstein, you can also interpret this song in different directions and I see several interpretations there.
But here I write down my personal main interpretation, which came to my mind the very first time I heard it in the Dolby Atmos Experience in the cinema:
For me, the song is mainly about how right-wing extremists try to win new people for themselves in order to "close their ranks". I'm talking here 'only' about the right-wing extremist structures in Germany, because Rammstein live here as well as I do.
It is well known that far-right groups systematically seek out people who feel excluded from society and are therefore "depressed," "saddened," or "dejected" in order to win them over to their side. These people do not even have to be particularly inclined to the right-wing scene. But it is already enough to feel excluded from the larger society, so that the right-wingers can present themselves as something better and as the solution to all problems in front of these desperate people.
These right-wing structures lure these outcast people to them by telling them exactly what they want to hear and that they can understand their feelings ("Are you sad, like me"). At the same time, they combine that with a sense of community ("We want to be sad TOGETHER"), which is often what the outcasts crave most.
"Come join us and get in line", "Get in line with our gang" because "nothing at all, nothing can happen to you“) then. They promise safety within the group and win those people over that way.
At the same time, they draw people further and further into their right-wing ideology ("Come along, join in") and promise that if they work together and people "join in", no one will have to be alone ("Hand in hand, never alone again").
Back then the Nazis have already built up a strong sense of community to keep people with them and to blind and radicalize them through their manipulation and exploitation of despair, so that they can spread their hatred. Their strategy is no different today.
The reason why I think primarily of right-wing extremism is that Till always uses militaristic terms for the common striving of the people, ("If we then MARCH in the dreary"), ("MARCH in the LOCKSTEP against luck"), ("Come along, in the LOCKSTEP). Also the part ("no looking back"), in the sense that the far right denies Germany's Nazi past and does not look back to the truth but "melancholically" thinks back to this in their eyes great time. Knowing that they are seen as the "diabolical" ones.
And even more the part "founding on withered roses" is for me a reference to the right scene, because they long for the long gone days (which they have not even experienced themselves) and try to lead Germany in their eyes back to "old bloom"...
For this, they have to found a party in order to achieve something politically, and sadly, sadly, they fail in our working democracy. This is of course "depressing" for them, makes them "pessimistic", "saddened", "shatters" the party because they lose themselves in the democratic daily routine instead of being able to put their right-wing ideas directly into practice. Therefore, these people themselves are also depressed, dissatisfied, etc.. So they can really perfectly pretend to be so in front of the people they want to draw new into thier ranks to be able to "march together in the dreary".
There it goes for me perfectly into the line ("The party of the hopeless"). Because they "hopelessly" try to bring back the greatness of their ideology as well as preferably the complete National Socialism, although the "roses" of this time have long since "withered". Because they cling to the past and hold on "hopelessly" to their hatred and frustration. Everybody who takes part in it (and fits into their mindset, of course), who joins in, is right for them in order to reach their goal ("Anyone can be"), ("Come in").
I interpret "Marching in lockstep against luck" as meaning that they want to bring back the old times they long for and thus try to take away the luck of everyone who doesn't fit into their mindset.
At the same time, however, they are actually marching against their own luck in this way, since they cannot get away with it in a functioning democracy.
A functioning democracy is not to be taken for granted and can falter if we do not pay attention and do not carefully observe the people who would most like to bring it down. That's one reason I like this song so much, because Rammstein shed light on the actions of such people, so that you do not forget it.
I could go into much more detail and explain my thoughts on this song, which in my eyes perfectly captures the zeitgeist in this regard. But I think this comment is already long enough and my interpretation to these lines is understandable. At least I hope so. XD
Thanks, to those who have read this far. ^^
@Mel1one: What do you say? The German magazine "Stern" enterpreted the song exactly like you, saying this is about Nazis luring and catching people.
But the author of "Stern" was firmly convinced that Rammstein made this "Nazi-song" because the members of Rammstein are themselves convinced Nazis. Incidentally, this is an old suspicion of the press in Germany:
Rammstein are Nazis.
The only big problem we have in Germany is that many people are constantly thinking that there are Nazis everywhere or that it's all about Nazis.
@@michaelmuller4562 No, I know the article from "Stern" and find it absolutely stupid! I was, I am and I will never be a Nazi. Just as Rammstein are not. I don't even fit into this strange cliché image that the author tries to impose on all Rammstein fans. And yet Rammstein is my absolute favourite band... Crazy... XDD
Have you actually read through the entire comment?
I didn't claim at any point that Rammstein are right-wing or that they approve of what Till sings about in any way.
I wrote that in the song, as I interpret it, Rammstein point out how right-wing idiots try to draw people into their ranks and want to sneak them into their ideology. By picking out desperate people and giving them a feeling of "you are not alone" and confirmation in their own frustration, peppered with their right-wing ideas, in order to bind them to themselves and radicalise them. I have based my interpretation on the various lines of lyrics I have quoted.
I even wrote below that I think it's good how Rammstein use the song to draw attention to the fact that something like this still happens in our society. And by doing so, one remains watchful, in order to protect the democracy that we have in Germany. All of that includes my interpretation. Not that Rammstein somehow approves, trivialises or even supports this procedure of the right-wing morons!
@@mel1one You write: "Have you actally read through the entire command? I didn't claim at any point that Rammstein are right wing..."
And I didn't claim that you claimed that!
I wrote: "The only big problem we have in Germany is that many people are constantly thinking that there are Nazis everywhere..." That applies to the Stern author.
" ... or that it's all about Nazis."
(Übersetzt: "... oder dass es immer um Nazis geht. ")
That applies to you.
I wrote in another comment that the members of Rammstein come from East Germany and were used to socialist songs from an early age. It's more or less always about
" Come along, fall in line ..."
@@michaelmuller4562 To the part: "And I didn't claim that you claimed that!"
I assumed that you thought I wanted to say in my main comment that Rammstein are convinced Nazis, like the author of "Stern", because you wrote: "The German magazine "Stern" enteredpreted the song exactly like you".
I do not interpret the song in exactly like the " Stern " guy, because, unlike him, I did not claim that Rammstein wrote the song because they themselves are Nazis.
That's why I explained it again in my previous answer.
Since you have now written that the part only referred to the author, it was probably misleadingly written in your first comment.
About the part: "... or that it's all about Nazis." (Übersetzt: "... oder dass es immer um Nazis geht. ") That applies to you."
I am also aware that in some aspects there is an over-sensitivity with regard to the Nazi topic and that some people (want to) see Nazis in places where there are none. The author of "Stern" is the perfect example of this. You're right, I find that annoying too.
Nevertheless, I stick to my interpretation of the song. As I mentioned in my very first comment, I only wrote down my personal main interpretation and that I also see several ways of interpreting it. Not just this one.
If you don't interpret the lyrics the way I do, I have no problem with that.
Your approach to Rammstein's East German past regarding "Komm mit, reih' dich ein" is also a good point.
@@mel1one When I wrote that the author of Stern interpretated it in the same way you did, I was refferring to the fact that you both "dicovered" the topic of right wing radicals there, even though it's not there. This is a social disease.
Those who are affected by this disease do not notice it and consider the condition to be completely normal.
You personally do not interpret anything, but you are just like the author of Stern obsessively conditioned to see the topic right wing radicals in something where it isn't. In this regard the Stern author and you are conjoined twins. The difference between you is that he sees the right wing radical in Rammstein and you think the text is about that. Both of you have to see it that way because you have both been conditioned that way by a sick society. One sees right wing radicals on some people, the other one in some texts. Both is pathological, just as it is pathological to perceive people who do not want to be vaccinated against Covid 19 as right wing radicals, to name just one patholocical example of which nowadays many people in our society are affected. I have been researching in the field of collective perception and classification for many years.
For me these phenomena are nothing unusual. What the author writes about Rammstein and what you write about the lyrics, no one in the 60s would have written because of this song. Today masses could do that. You both subjectivly hold your judgements to be your own individual opinions, but that is an illusion. You are both victims of society. You have to see it in the way you see it. Just as many people have to see it that people who don't get vaccinated against Covid are right wing radicals.
The song is pure Rammstein - it is ANTHEM drivin'!
Rammstein never disappoint. Never noticed the special guest in the left corner :). @5:06 nice rap btw
Ohhh i loved this reaction 👍
just wanna say love your voice and you are absolutely gorgeous and sweet and i really hope to hear you sing on this channel soon cuz i know you'd kill it :)
I hope you do a concert review video. I have tickets for Philadelphia. :D
Great video as always. Please make a video with Rammstein Spring. It's incredible.
You should still listen/react to these Rammstein songs, far way better than last albums :
-Wo bist du
-Rosenrot (Official Video)
You are so f***cking good! Love ya
no you!
This song has a much more cold electronic sound to it. Zick Zack for example has a much warmer & human synth. Flake is an amazing keyboardist.
You check out heavy metal band of early 90s sepultura,max calveria and Igor calveria are beasts of metal and check out nailbomb and soulfly and killer be killed and calveria conpriacy there Brazil metal band extremely heavy but the lyrics are simply amazing
I like the reactions but the doggo in the background is 11/10
I am.in love with this grlll
Please react to "Bück dich" live in Montreal. I would love to see your reaction! Btw. I love your videos!
I will check it out thank you!
Having seen both openings of their stadium tour with this and Was ich Liebe, this song definitely had better energy for the first song. Got everyone hype before the flames started flying 🔥🔥🔥
I made a poem with inspiration from Rammstein's lyrics of Morgenstern and heard later that a girl who read it got help from her suicide thoughts so I am all in... Rammstein sades lives !!!
Huh.. I am from Germany and to me this sounded more like "We are sad, we have given up. Let us ruin the happiness of other people now, follow us (with a military step and no outside thinking = Gleichschritt) in our conquest to get rid of happiness". Which is a lot of what is going on right now. "You are not allowed to be happy, some people aren't!!!!"
I missed out on all live streams this week, fell asleep before they even started. Y_Y Looking forward for when your next Lindemann reactions come out and wich you chose to react to first, because those songs and Videos were allot to take for me sometimes.
No worries! I hope you're okay :)
@@AileenSenpai Yes im fine, thank you. Just the crickets for my Bearded Dragon seem to have cured my sleeping disorder. :'D
I don't know if this makes sense but this song is SO Rammstein
Would love you to react to HIM-BURIED ALIVE BY LOVE. great vid.. thanks
It’s more like “army of the sad, dull, dreary” and from what I get it’s about people who capitalize on that sad/dull people (“party of the hopeless”, “com in/ join us”). Also it’s like a march and they sing about “don’t look back” which I interpret like don’t look back what happened last time we marched together in sadness, a reference to German history. So at the end it is imho a song that critics the far right wing parties that become powerful lately.
So Aileen, are you announcing what show you are attending? And then having a "Meet and Greet" for your 1000s of fans. hehe. Dam girl, I subbed you at like the 13k point. Then you launched so fast, adding 30k in NOT too long a period of time. Well deserved. Congrats!!! p.s. thanks again for doing Band Maid. "Onset" with me nagging. lol. I hope you actually did really love it and perhaps listened to it a few times more. I usually don't go 2 weeks without a listen. Love that Instrumental!
I wish I was at that level for a meet and greet!! Now I need to get back into some band-Maid!!!
Easily one of my favorites of the album, this one.
your dog is gorgeous too
Klasse Song wonderful
This is best Song in this album
Great reaction! You should also react to their previous untitled album of 2019, it has a lot of amazing tracks too!
Very good Song! 👍
You should check out Till's side project called Lindemann. Also has great music videos
Last week i was at their second show in prague, first city in their european tour! Incredible what their are doing. Better live then this
I personally actually prefer the last album to this one ( I have listened but I don’t think I will purchase). From the last album “Deutschland “ is a great track and the video is interesting. I must admit I do like the older albums which tend to be more raw and possibly less produced than the newer ones.
Aileen, would you react to all of other songs? If so, my dreams comes true
I will do them all! :)
@@AileenSenpai the last one is realy sad
Das ganze Album ist geil.