A Christian Took Psychedelics: What He Saw Will SHOCK You | Joshua Zatkoff

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024

Комментарии • 9 тыс.

  • @kyleblankenship6183
    @kyleblankenship6183 Год назад +6459

    So weird. I met Josh in Prince William County jail and served him his commissary about 6yrs ago and caught him a few times at church in there right around the time dude was in the trenches finding God. I too found God (again) in that SAME jail literally in the housing dorm unit next to him. Just wild to see him being interviewed by my favorite DW host half a decade later. The lord works in amazing ways.

    • @mavericktheace
      @mavericktheace Год назад +124


    • @yeshuaislord6880
      @yeshuaislord6880 Год назад +160

      God is Good. The Lord works in mysterious ways

    • @stefanielozinski
      @stefanielozinski Год назад +123

      God bless you! The angels rejoice at the sinners who are saved ❤ So many inspiring stories in these comments

    • @kevmodee1866
      @kevmodee1866 Год назад +105

      God or GOD...Lord or LORD. Never with all smaller case letters.😉 Anyway, it's awesome you went through a blessed transformation and found our Savior Jesus! Bless

    • @shirelenebane7254
      @shirelenebane7254 Год назад +23


  • @goodsoopjoey
    @goodsoopjoey Год назад +5848

    I'm a bigger and bigger fan of Michael as he steps outside the standard political talk. Appearing on the whatever podcast was awesome and stuff like this is really good content

    • @FrJohnBrownSJ
      @FrJohnBrownSJ Год назад +30

      Same here. Also waiting for him to disappoint like everyone else eventually. Hahaha

    • @RallyTheTally
      @RallyTheTally Год назад +15

      Same man well said

    • @AnnoyedGrunt
      @AnnoyedGrunt Год назад +9


    • @ParaVids_andVinyls
      @ParaVids_andVinyls Год назад +50

      Same! He’s in touch with his audience and appeals to our wide range of interests. Love these kinds of interviews.

    • @robburgundy9539
      @robburgundy9539 Год назад +7

      @@FrJohnBrownSJ huh?

  • @daniellanglois6782
    @daniellanglois6782 Год назад +1402

    I'm not religious in any way, but today I took shrooms looking to 'feel' something. During my high I was aimlessly browsing through RUclips videos for trippy videos to watch and this video was waiting for me in my RUclips recommendations. I started watching and saw how 'heavy' the subject matter was, I paused it and resumed after my high so I could watch it with full clarity. .... I'm so speechless. The resonance I have right now, words spoken that awoke something inside of me. I was supposed to see this video and it was no accident. ❤

    • @726fhd7ywhjjfuudik
      @726fhd7ywhjjfuudik Год назад +7


    • @janelleg597
      @janelleg597 Год назад +33

      May you find what you are seeking in Him❤

    • @Jesusbride515
      @Jesusbride515 Год назад

      Please repent and turn to Jesus! Turn from your sins. God wants to save you! The rapture will happen soon where millions of believers will disappear. I don’t want you to be left behind!
      We must all be ready for the rapture, it is any day now! Jesus will snatch us away. I am ex-LGBT, and I know that I would go to hell if I continued in it. I also know that my divorced and remarried parents will die and go to hell if they don't repent and leave the adultery. For now, my Mom is a believer who goes to church and thinks that she and my Dad are going in the rapture. Her pastor is also divorced and remarried. It's a big lie from the devil that has MANY deceived.
      What does the Bible say? Loving Jesus means loving His Word. BUT from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.
      Mark 10:6‭-‬12 KJV
      And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.
      Luke 16:14‭-‬18 KJV
      Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.
      Romans 7:1‭-‬3 KJV
      And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: but and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.
      1 Corinthians 7:10‭-‬11‭, ‬39 KJV
      “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”
      1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”
      Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      This is honestly what the Bible says. The road is definitely narrow. If people want to repent from this, they have got to leave the adulterous relationship altogether and get that divorce to get out of it.
      Hoping people will get born again now, before it’s too late!

    • @sergeantkozi
      @sergeantkozi Год назад +54

      Former psychedelic user who recently came back to Christianity right before this interview came out. I get it, yo. I loved those experiences but they never brought me lasting peace.
      God works through us and the RUclips algorithm. I swear. The paths that I and others have been drawn down, for years now. I stopped believing in coincidence a long time ago.

    • @bluefernlove
      @bluefernlove Год назад +15

      While it's true that you don't need drugs to feel, just remember that your state of mind shapes your experience. Your religious beliefs shape your experience. If your whole life motto is to exist in fear of a mighty being that will condemn you or punish you, that's exactly the experience you'll get.

  • @TheReneepruitt
    @TheReneepruitt Год назад +400

    This guy reminds me of my son Ryan.. he went to rehab and was saved and the way he talked and the way he thought about things, even his looking for spiritual things reminds me of him. His rehab was faith based. It was beautiful to see him get back to who he was supposed to be. Then he was killed. Someone went across the median and hit his vehicle head on. He was 23. It was 10 years ago last week. And I miss him still. This guy was a reminded to me what my boy may have been if he could have been here today. This guy sounds like what he would sound like. He even laughs like him. His forehead even looks like him lol.. my sweet Ryan Chadrick

    • @granmabern5283
      @granmabern5283 Год назад +35

      We, as Catholics, are taught that God takes us out of this world when we are at our optimal point. Sounds like your dear son was taken to Christ. It’s normal that you miss him, and wonder what he could have been without the sins he willingly consented to. But, in your case, gratitude seems like a good reaction. Thanks be to God he loved Christ before his death.
      We all die. Please God, may we open our hearts and souls totally to you, every day that we have left on this earth, which is a school of Eternal Love.❤

    • @eloise6197
      @eloise6197 Год назад +10

      big hugs to you ❤️

    • @MargaretCutt-um8iq
      @MargaretCutt-um8iq Год назад +15

      I'm so sorry for your loss.

    • @Seeking_Him
      @Seeking_Him Год назад +15

      Bless you, as losing a child must be the worst pain a human can experience on this earth. May Ryan's testimony stand strong and lead more people to Yahshua our Messiah ❤

    • @dakoderii4221
      @dakoderii4221 Год назад +12

      @@granmabern5283 Catholics hold their traditions and catechisms above God's commandments. Jesus rebuked the Jews for doing the exact same thing. How is it acceptable for Christians then? If it goes against the word of God, no matter what man said it, it is wrong and a sin. Obey God rather than men.
      Matthew 15:3
      “But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?”
      Mark 7:13
      “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.”

  • @natewilson5679
    @natewilson5679 Год назад +756

    I’m in recovery from meth, alcohol and heroin addiction and by the time I got to the part about Josh standing on trial I was in tears. God’s response to Josh “Maybe we don’t do that again.” So full of forgiveness and love and compassion. I was laughing while I was crying because I saw so many similarities in my story.
    This led me closer to Christ. Thank you guys for sharing this

    • @dr.meepmop7460
      @dr.meepmop7460 Год назад +35

      Fight your demons, your life is worth it brother

    • @patitadiaz1989
      @patitadiaz1989 Год назад +18

      God bless you! And I pray the Jesus gives you the strength and the Holy Spirit guide you to continue in your path❤️🙏🏽 it’s not easy but “greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world” God bless you brother

    • @sawyerbarnes7439
      @sawyerbarnes7439 Год назад +1

      Why did he let you fall in the first place? Just wanted to test ya?

    • @natewilson5679
      @natewilson5679 Год назад +22

      @@sawyerbarnes7439 Free will

    • @natewilson5679
      @natewilson5679 Год назад +13

      @@dr.meepmop7460 Thanks brother, I appreciate that! I published a book about my addiction and run a youth program to help youngsters who were like me!

  • @MrM0saic
    @MrM0saic Год назад +622

    I’m Christian. I’ve taken psychedelics many times. I was addicted to heroin for twenty years. The psilocybin showed me the hell I would experience on heroin way before I was addicted….
    Prayer finally saved me

    • @302shmed
      @302shmed Год назад +40

      Thank God! He is so merciful. Psychs can't take the place of daily prayer, but they can give you a glimpse of a new perspective and shake you out of the rut you're in. They can show you what you need to do and give you a push, but you still have to put in the work!

    • @HotZiti
      @HotZiti Год назад +59

      Mushrooms saved my life, Christ saved my soul.

    • @heartsky
      @heartsky Год назад +54

      @@HotZiti Well put.
      I'm frustrated at how many Christians see mushrooms & Christ as opposites, when in my experience they're very much related and complementary.

    • @heartsky
      @heartsky Год назад +19

      @@jimcognito4631 recent books I'm chewing on, The Immortality Key, The Psychedelic Gospels, Integral Spirituality, The Jesus Mysteries. I'm concentrating on the term 'Kingdom of God' being what in the east is called enlightenment, a developed consciousness which facilitates a second-to-second ever-present awareness (everlasting life). The first breakthrough experience of this state of consciousness is salvation. The awareness that we have a higher self, or an unconscious self, and our center of gravity shifts, where we cease being overly identified with the body and lower stages of development, archaic & magic then tribal then rational then trans-rational then non-dual/causal.

    • @jjjj-uh3mu
      @jjjj-uh3mu Год назад +25

      ​@@heartsky the King James bible, even the ESV is what you should read. God Almighty says in the word we need to be in the word everyday to renew our mind.

  • @Drspeiser
    @Drspeiser Год назад +1003

    I was converted from an atheist to a theist through "magic mushrooms", when I had an encounter with the demonic, and God brought me out. From that point, I saw my need to change my lifestyle, but didn't have the strength to actually live the way I knew I needed to. About one year later, I heard the Gospel, repented of my sin and trusted in Jesus. He changed me at the core of who I am, and I was born again. Never been the same in 21 years!

    • @massawakening1072
      @massawakening1072 Год назад +17

      I have had many pleasent and insightful experiences and I do 5 gram trips a couple times a year. I guess it’s not for everyone

    • @ness-ee
      @ness-ee Год назад +13

      I had the exact same experience, except it turned me into an atheist.

    • @Drspeiser
      @Drspeiser Год назад +28

      @@ness-ee You encountered the demonic, God brought you out, and you became an atheist?

    • @ness-ee
      @ness-ee Год назад +4

      @@Drspeiser yes it was the most hellish experience, none of which I can remember, thankfully. It was so bad I decided none of it was real and nothing has made me think otherwise since.

    • @Drspeiser
      @Drspeiser Год назад +44

      Interesting. So you believed in God, and under demonic attack turned from God? I didn't believe in God, but under demonic attack I realized that if He did exist, He was the only one who could help me, and when I cried out to Him, He showed me that He's real.

  • @laquicha8159
    @laquicha8159 Год назад +197

    I was a practicing Buddhist, but Jesus met me in the room of my mind as I meditated. I knew it was him, despite not being able to “see” him - he was always just out of sight but always there. My life changed forever when I accepted his silent invitation to go with him. Thank you Jesus for never giving up on me. On any of us. ❤

    • @neillmanning9969
      @neillmanning9969 Год назад

      I feel exactly the same as you my friend. I’ve had Jesus or God intervene in my life on a number of occasions. The most poignant time was when I was in prison and I was really struggling with it. I had started to self harm and cut myself up with a razor blade and I felt like I couldn’t go on any more. One night I was lying on my bed trying to go to sleep and I had all kinds of silly thoughts going around in my head and I decided to ask God for his help. I didn’t ask him to fix it all for me and get me out of prison. But, instead, I asked him to give me the strength to get through the rest of my sentence and stop feeling sorry for myself and to be strong and get through it like a man. The other time was after I had been kidnapped and tortured by some nasty people who were involved in drugs and crime and I was also involved and was an active criminal. I got into debt with these guys and they cut the top part of my ear off. It gave me serious PTSD and I left the area that I was living in and went to stay with one of my friends who lived near London where I was out of harms way. Things eventually turned a bit sour with my friend who was putting me up, so I went back to the area where I was from and was homeless and I stole a tent to sleep in. After a few weeks, the police came and woke me up in my tent and told me that they had got me a flat from the council. I got on the train to go and collect my belongings that were still at my friends apartment and then when I was on the train back to my new apartment, I noticed a black man who was sat on the other side of the aisle and was staring at me quite intently. I asked him if he was okay and his response was to say “ I’m good brother but can I tell you something? “ I replied to him and said “ yes of course you can “ . He then showed me the palm of his hand and on it was written the words, “ Neill , don’t ever forget that God is real and he’s standing by you every day “ . He had those exact words written on his hand and he had no way of knowing my name or what I was going through at the time . Those are just 2 examples of how I know that god is real. I’ve got other examples but those are the 2 that come to mind first. The guy on the train nearly made me burst into tears because I felt like he could see what I was thinking and feeling and he was so real . I could be making something out of nothing but I know that I’m not. And if I am wrong then I don’t care because it has given me the faith to believe that god is real and that he’s by my side. I would rather have the faith and belief that we go somewhere after we die and then be wrong and not even know it when I die than spend years of my life worrying about death and being scared when my time comes. But I do definitely believe that we go somewhere when we die.

    • @StonedToDaath
      @StonedToDaath 11 месяцев назад +5

      In my world view, Buddha and Jesus are friends. No matter if it’s Buddhism or Abrahamic faiths, either one got your Back

    • @machtnichtsseimann
      @machtnichtsseimann 10 месяцев назад

      @@StonedToDaath - I was raised to believe that anything other than Judaism-rooted Christianity is a distraction. Now, I can see that it's not maybe so simple as that, because people also mean well and just very well might be seeking Jesus Christ without realizing it yet. Still, Evil/Demons/Satan use anything, even things that seem quite calm and peaceful and spiritually en"light"ening, as distractions from the good and true God. There is a very war taking place in the spiritual realm, for us humans to NOT be in God's Army, so to speak, by resting in His Love and building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Evil itself want nothing less than to lie and torment and murder us. Distractions aid in that effort and come in a multitude of forms.
      EX: The Buddha was only a man. That's it. Jesus was not just a man, but God in revelation with humankind. A distraction such as Buddhism, though containing some Wisdom and Truth, if serving still to not ultimately relinquish itself and point ultimately to God/Christ, is quite possibly another ploy by Evil. Humans can also be curious on their own, coming off a bad experience with a church or Christian, and open to an outside point-of-view such as Buddhism. I don't mean it simplistically in an ALL BAD / ALL GOOD kind of way, as if Buddhists are seriously "off", but the nuance of being off by / not an end in itself is THE point. Following God, submitting oneself in humility, accepting Christ's teachings and lavishing Love and Forgiveness of one's sin, is the pinnacle of pursuits. Nothing higher. Nothing equal. IMHO, Buddhism can be a help until finding the Way. It is not the final stop.

    • @Jeanelle.Mishkina
      @Jeanelle.Mishkina 8 месяцев назад +8

      ​@@StonedToDaathJesus is the only way, He is the truth and He is eternal life.
      Eternal life is to continually know God through Jesus. We have seen the Father through the Son.

    • @rz2559
      @rz2559 5 месяцев назад

      You werent buddhist then, you were a Christian that wasnt afraid of other cultures for a second and meditated.

  • @mattdisme
    @mattdisme Год назад +899

    Walsh seemed to get top billing in 2022 but 2023 is Michael's year. He has completely elevated his game. Thank you sir!

    • @23hojojo
      @23hojojo Год назад +6


    • @juliat9211
      @juliat9211 Год назад +14

      @ted kaczynski agree. I think Shapiro should stick to script writing and research

    • @binkinbelle
      @binkinbelle Год назад +12

      @@juliat9211 yes his voice is intolerable

    • @MJGOAT
      @MJGOAT Год назад +10

      @@binkinbelle he’s also a squish

    • @bradyhayes7911
      @bradyhayes7911 Год назад

      @@MJGOAT How is Ben a squish? Because was initially pro-vaccine?

  • @ml8452
    @ml8452 Год назад +385

    The story of his suicide attempt reminds me of a near death experience I had as a child when I almost drowned. To this day one of the most spiritually profound moments of my life, I was drowning in a pool, but everything got still, and I was surrounded by light and kept hearing the words “this is not your time you are safe” and seconds later my fully clothed mother dives into the pool and drags me out…we both remember how adamant I was when I told my doctor I believed I encountered angels and I believe they protected me before my mom could get to me that day. I was 5 or 6 and probably sounded silly to my doctor but the way he described his suicide attempt reminds me of that moment, and it absolutely was real.

    • @fasted8468
      @fasted8468 Год назад +4

      Some say original baptism was done that way, to bring on a near death experience, hence the importance of it. Imagine a safer way to confront death than that.

    • @fearnot9889
      @fearnot9889 Год назад +12

      Yes, it was real. Each one of us is assigned at least one Guardian Angel, by God, at birth. And they protect us all throughout our lives, for as long as God Wills it.

    • @fearnot9889
      @fearnot9889 Год назад +7

      ​@@fasted8468 - Oh my gosh, no it was not, not true at all, sorry.

    • @jesh879
      @jesh879 Год назад +3

      Glory to God ☦️
      Were you baptized at the time?

    • @yoeyyoey8937
      @yoeyyoey8937 Год назад +1

      @@fasted8468 you can with breathing exercises

  • @infidelviking8805
    @infidelviking8805 Год назад +902

    The last time I took mushrooms was after I was in rehab and had a dream about a man with fire in his eyes standing in the doorway of my room saying follow me. I left rehab the next day and went on a 6 month drug fueled binge culminating in that final mushroom trip. I went to that other realm he spoke of, but I was in hell not purgatory. I died a thousand deaths and I remember each one of them as if they happened 2 seconds ago. Every painful death you can imagine I experienced over and over and over again. I had no relief from God that day because I did not know him and I had outright rejected him. It took me many years after that experience to have my spiritual awakening in Jesus Christ. I’m still terrified by the things I experienced that day but I am so so happy I know and am a child of God now.

    • @Kaleki935
      @Kaleki935 Год назад

      Propaganda helps nobody. You don't just "see" things that aren't there, that would be a hallucinogen and not a psychedelic.
      Oh, right! You said it was a DREAM!! Because nobody else has wacky dreams or anything? Because the entire strangeness of psychedelics COMES from combining the dreamstate with the awake mind, why don't you realize what you saw was your subconscious telling you that you believe in the devil and he will take you if you continue!
      Of COURSE you felt like you were dying a million times, that's EXACTLY WHAT a high dose does!!! That's not you literally being dragged through several eternities of hell, so stop spewing propaganda for your mindless echo chamber, and try using the God given brain to actually uncover the reality of your mind instead of being a blind animal

    • @shoutatthesky
      @shoutatthesky Год назад +20

      Sounds like you burned a few too many synapses on that trip! Sorry to hear you lost your mind. Going to Christianity will only help it stay lost. I hope you find the truth some day!

    • @redg9191
      @redg9191 Год назад +98

      @@shoutatthesky find god lost one

    • @shoutatthesky
      @shoutatthesky Год назад +15

      Who said I didn't believe in god?
      And I hope you find grammar and punctuation. And which god are you talking about? I see by your non-capitalisation of 'god' that you are a polytheist, so which god?

    • @Wildminecraftwolf
      @Wildminecraftwolf Год назад

      lots of people have similar anecdotes for every religon after taking LSD. Its only after the trip, when you are trapped back in your ego that you attempt to rationalise it, and if you have already been religiously indoctrinated you will frame it within that. Cristianity just happened to be the way your brain rationalised it, but that doesn't mean its true. Its a similar story from all religons and they cant all be correct. Simply stating yours is the correct one without any evidence is hubris and ignorant of the burden of proof.

  • @morganwitmer
    @morganwitmer 10 месяцев назад +166

    I got into a very bad crash when I was 16. We were going 110mph (dumb I know). We crashed directly into a wooden utility pole & our car flipped about 12 times. I was knocked out unconscious immediately. I lost 40% of my blood, broke my neck in 3 places which resulted in paralysis on the left side of my body from the neck down. I also had a traumatic brain injury, broke 2 ribs, a collapsed lung, along with some other injuries. I was life flighted to the nearest trauma center & put into a medically induced coma.
    We were driving on country roads and there was almost never any other cars. We drove over a small hill that prevented us from seeing oncoming traffic. After going over the hill, there was a truck driving in the middle of the road(which we weren’t expecting to see), so we had to swerve out of the way. We ended up driving on the shoulder of the road, which was gravel. When we went to get back onto the road, we overcompensated, and drove directly into the ditch.
    I wasn’t able to remember the crash and although that’s a blessing, it was very traumatic to one day wake up in agonizing pain and not remember what happened. I prayed to God for the second time in my life. First time was in the hospital, I asked God to not let me wake up. The second time I asked him to let me remember the crash. I had a dream that night where I watched the crash happen from a third person point of view. Keep in mind, when we crashed, our car flipped before we hit the utility pole so our back bumper crashed into the pole. In the dream, right before the car flipped, I watched an angel wrap their arms around the front left tire. They were ghost like, and it looked like they were somewhat in the ground, if that makes sense. Their arms were able to go through the rim and they held the tire down. This lead to the tire getting stuck in the mud & causing the car to flip before we hit the pole, so we didn’t hit it head on. I knew right then that was the reason we were alive. Now the person that was driving the car was able to remember the entire crash. I asked him what happened. Everything he said was exactly how it played out in my dream. Every detail was spot on. I asked what color the truck was. When he said tan, I knew for sure my dream was from God, as the truck in my dream was tan.
    Not only did God save my life, he allowed me to regain complete mobility. Praise be to God🙏🏼

    • @Ma_rkw589
      @Ma_rkw589 4 месяца назад +6

      thanks for sharing your story

    • @ReflexionesparaelDiariovivir
      @ReflexionesparaelDiariovivir 3 месяца назад +3

      Beautiful testimony and the most important you are serving him. God bless you brother. Tell everyone that testimony because it will impact many lives

    • @Medinilla819
      @Medinilla819 3 месяца назад +3

      Thank you for sharing

    • @powermiller855
      @powermiller855 3 месяца назад +3

      That was an amazing story thank God he watches over us all but he kept a close eye on you mostly that split second yall all could've been gone in that moment 😳 🕊🤞🏽

    • @anomalyp8584
      @anomalyp8584 3 месяца назад +1

      describe them a bit more?

  • @annierudy6275
    @annierudy6275 Год назад +204

    “This one’s mine.” I LOVE that. “Accuse him all you want, this one’s mine.” That brought me to tears. I wish Michael would have lingered on that a bit, not press on with more quotes. That was the crux of the whole thing to me.
    It reminds me of the Mercy Me song, Spoken For. “Covered by a love divine, Child of the risen Lord, to hear you say this one’s mine, my heart is spoken for”. ❤❤❤

    • @mightywind7595
      @mightywind7595 Год назад +18

      When I got saved I was in bed and could sense the demons outside my bedroom door and I heard God say, “She’s mine,” in other words you can’t have her anymore. Hallelujah!!!!

    • @joanneel9708
      @joanneel9708 Год назад +8

      I admire this young man for speaking out, hopefully it may prevent someone from falling into the same trap ….

    • @joanneel9708
      @joanneel9708 Год назад +4

      JESUS said, “ Your Are For Me, Or Against Me” …You can’t dabble in both realms …..

    • @gotcha9983
      @gotcha9983 Год назад +1

      @@mightywind7595 Amen 🙏

    • @gotcha9983
      @gotcha9983 Год назад +9

      @@joanneel9708 one foot in and one foot out is a painful life . I'm 42 single woman still struggle but God has me . There is no doubt . I'm in the church . I'm taking the steps and what's great about it ...God is with me and carrying me

  • @korih6008
    @korih6008 Год назад +1425

    Michael Knowles has really become my favorite DW host. Love his outlook and content

    • @masonmurphy4978
      @masonmurphy4978 Год назад +12

      SBG4L!! I think michael comes off as too divisive when he calls everyone he disagrees with “the libs” even tho i agree with the majority of his positions

    • @HalleluJah337
      @HalleluJah337 Год назад +8

      Sh don’t tell Matt or Ben 😂😂

    • @RichieW90210
      @RichieW90210 Год назад +15

      Yes, i feel like I’m cheating on Matt, but me too.

    • @raas7479
      @raas7479 Год назад +8

      @@FreneticFolklore no one overtakes Matt, stop it lol😂

    • @AuRowe
      @AuRowe Год назад

      Out of all the DW hosts, ONLY Knowles and Walsh were smart enough to not trust the Big Pharma 'certificate of v@ckZ ID' (covid) movement.

  • @smiller6925
    @smiller6925 Год назад +216

    He's abut the same age as my daughter who was killed in an armed robbery. I miss her so much. But hearing about Joshua's joy comforts me, because I know she is now forever bathed in that true love and light from God. tears and peace. Never go back, son.

    • @cosmictraveler731
      @cosmictraveler731 Год назад +14

      I am sorry for your loss. God is love, you will see her again in paradise.

    • @jaygee2002
      @jaygee2002 Год назад +11

      I’m very sorry for your loss. No one should have to go through that. I pray for healing for your grief.

    • @edenredeemed
      @edenredeemed Год назад +8

      So sorry you lost your child. I lost my mother a few years ago and the only thing that makes it easy for me to smile now when I think of her is knowing she’s with God. And that’s means she’s okay and no longer in any pain, she has complete joy and as long as I keep the faith I’ll be seeing her again soon enough. Peace unto you.❤

    • @Shade23753
      @Shade23753 Год назад

      I'm sorry for your loss. But this guy is a complete IDIOT and you should take NOTHING from this SATANIC MESS.

    • @petbull7038
      @petbull7038 Год назад +7

      She resides with the heavenly hosts and the Lord our God. Rest easy, you will be reunited

  • @robertgouleh2321
    @robertgouleh2321 Год назад +146

    This is a powerful story and makes me realize how blessed i am not to have experienced anything so terrifying . I grew up going to church and was a worship leader when i was younger but fell into drugs and life of sin in my college years. i was a drug dealer/ drug user for years and almost died in a car wreck when i was 23. I was in a coma and know 100% that God saved my life thanks to the many prayers said on my behalf(and by the grace of God). Hearing this testimony freaks me out and i know im blessed to have not been exposed to crazy demonic visions or voices despite my history of heavy drug use. If you are reading this please keep me in your prayers and i will keep praying for all the people in the world struggling to stay on the righteous path. God Bless

    • @Eric-pn9ml
      @Eric-pn9ml Год назад +5

      I've encountered hostile dmt entities before. They are more terrifying than you can possibly imagine. These are deeply profound experiences that make you question everything

    • @robertgouleh2321
      @robertgouleh2321 Год назад

      @@Eric-pn9ml ive heard wild stories and am glad i never tried it.

    • @chai5706
      @chai5706 Год назад +2

      Prayers for your continuous healing ❤

    • @robertgouleh2321
      @robertgouleh2321 Год назад

      @@chai5706 Thank you ! the power of prayer saves

    • @chai5706
      @chai5706 Год назад

      ​@@robertgouleh2321yes it does. Even in tough times, prayers is what gets us through and prevails

  • @tristenwilliams1943
    @tristenwilliams1943 Год назад +181

    When Michael said “I feel like my normal everyday is teaming with life” it really struck a chord in me. When I started experimenting with drugs, my life had already started falling apart and I was very depressed and apathetic and miserable. I felt completely disconnected from reality. Cannabis and mushrooms and LSD all made me feel like I had found reality, but it was a new more exciting reality that I’d never experienced before. Now that I’m sober again, my every day does feel like a total trip. Real life is so exciting and engaging and wild. The drugs dont make everything better, they reawaken that novel excitement in your mind when things are new. It’s so much better when you can have the same experience sober and grounded in reality. It took me a long time to find that excitement, and more importantly peace of mind, in sober life.

    • @jhoughjr1
      @jhoughjr1 Год назад +1

      I do think novelty is a factor but not all.
      As a bored sperg cannabis would unlock ideas and sensations in my mind the more I would smoke.
      There was a time that no matter how much I smoked and I wasn’t getting any higher.
      I’ve never done shrooms or lsd but have had hallucinations twice in my life, neither fun just isolated incidences.
      I was on a trip in high school and the lights were on but I fell asleep.
      I woke to feeling and hearing a thud and I see a giant spider unnaturally large on me like it had fell and caused the thud.
      I looked around and saw more of the spiders crawling down the walls and over everyone else.
      I yelled “wake up! Spiders everywhere.
      I saw my friend wake up and it suddenly was dark, the lights were off, and my friend is cussing me about not messing with him.
      It wasn’t a dream.
      Maybe a hypnagogic hallucination.
      The other time was an out of body experience.
      Neither one did I consume hallucinogens that I know of or suspect being dosed or anything.
      I found neither fun but could see how people would be drawn to those experiences.

    • @HotZiti
      @HotZiti Год назад +3

      Interesting perspective - i've definitely felt that and had to cut back. Now I use weed as a end of the day, mentally unwind and relax/stop my body from hurting, once all work and chores are done and it's fantastic for me. I do a mushroom trip once every couple months for introspection. I can definitely see how consistent use of mushrooms or all day smoking of weed could dull your sense of reality.

    • @jjjj-uh3mu
      @jjjj-uh3mu Год назад

      ​@@jhoughjr1 people have out of body experiences all the time without itbheing drug induced. Stay far away from it. People dont know that many people do this to their own peril, first if all it's demonic, secondly, if you stay out of your body too long you will die and you never know how long that really is.

    • @HristiyanRusev
      @HristiyanRusev Год назад +6

      I used to tell myself the same thing, until the Lord set me free, now I'm making up for the time I lost with His grace 🙏

    • @celiajarvis3168
      @celiajarvis3168 Год назад +2

      I'm with you... "Real life is so exciting and engaging and wild." Life in drugs is fake and boring.

  • @Wjeremiahh
    @Wjeremiahh Год назад +565

    For anyone that might be thinking he's lying or that all of this is actually fake.. I want to promise you, this is not a lie. I've been through most of this stuff, but when I turned to christ, my life changed.

    • @kyleblankenship6183
      @kyleblankenship6183 Год назад +52

      I know him. Met him in the Prince William County Jail in the MOD unit. The M.I.N.D dorm he speaks of ALSO housed s*x offenders. They would go there for safety in a sense. He wasn’t there for that or anything but that alone was a reason a lot of inmate avoided it.
      Anyways, I remember him because I did commissary and he WAS obsessed with god. I thought he was a phony and gave me fake vibes but after listening to this interview, it makes a lot more sense now that he cleared it up. I’ve seen him slowly grow on FB and sort of became a Jesus freak so he stuck with it and now he’s being interviewed by the great Michael Knowels.
      I too found god (again) in that SAME MOD unit and caught Josh in church there so I can confirm 100% dude is speaking the truth because I know a lot of the people he ran with and the surrounding area he’s talking about and the drugs are out of control. I was also in there in 2016 for heroin at the time.

    • @dmcook333
      @dmcook333 Год назад +7

      ​@Kyle Blankenship thanks for that insight.

    • @scasny
      @scasny Год назад +6

      I have similar experience but with opposite outcome that at the end of my journey i became atheist, make peace and accept death. Since then i lost all fear and never have a nightmare for more then 15 years.
      Maybe only difference i dont fry my brain and dont touch psychedelics and drugs before i was 20-22.
      Now i understand why in the garden of Eden the forbidden fruit was knowledge. Once you understand its not god but a mirror you looking at, the mask is off.

    • @ryguy9353
      @ryguy9353 Год назад +1

      What are the😮😮

    • @heythere6983
      @heythere6983 Год назад +5

      I think most people know it’s true and that the critique is they aren’t getting real higher level learning as much as opening spiritual doors they aren’t supposed to open .

  • @allegrettoclan8018
    @allegrettoclan8018 Год назад +129

    I think this is THE BEST testimony I’ve ever heard. So truthful. So honest. I’m a recovering addict and I can relate to so many much of his story and his questions, temptations, etc. Thank you so much!!

    • @spencer1854
      @spencer1854 Год назад

      Same here! I had a very similar journey to becoming born again and being saved (both spiritually and quite literally physically) while going through addiction and mental health. God grant us the courage to share Jesus like this guy! God bless friend

  • @mrwiggiewoo
    @mrwiggiewoo Год назад +163

    Also I'm glad that Michael is not only politically astute and aware but also cognizant Of spiritual realities that a lot of people have the boldness to dive into.

  • @MaryRose86
    @MaryRose86 Год назад +503

    I love that Michael is really tapping into the more metaphysical and New Age people for lack of a better word. It’s really cool to see him interview. The girl who used to be a witch, the exorcist, and now this young man.

    • @summerd7668
      @summerd7668 Год назад +31

      Is it fair to say that all of those have one thing in common, which is that they all agree that the "new age philosophy" is what is wrong?

    • @Fiona2254
      @Fiona2254 Год назад +50

      @@summerd7668 as someone who was fooled by “I’m just spiritual” and realized that way of thinking is not just wrong but a lazy way to believe in “something” I can say that yes new age is a huge problem.
      Thank God for His Mercy and for the Communion of Saints that kicked my butt into gear and out of that heresy.
      Of course we are all spiritual but that’s not just it. The devil is spiritual and believes in God but he is fallen and wants us all to be fallen. Hates humanity because we CAN spiritually grow and gain Heaven when he is stuck with his prideful decision of wanting to be like God. All he can do is destroy what God creates and we have to work to keep him from taking us down with him.
      He is Risen!
      Hallelujah, hallelujah He is risen indeed!

    • @64kimmyjo
      @64kimmyjo Год назад +1

      @@Fiona2254well said!

    • @hellopaulie
      @hellopaulie Год назад +17

      I fell into that wrong thinking and spiritual practices. Over a couple decades it took me down increasingly dark paths. In the end, it led to demonic oppression.
      I was getting strong impulses towards immoral, disgusting behaviour that came from some external source. Luckily I had a Christian (Protestant) upbringing. I wasn't from a very devout family, but had enough of a foundation to recognize and resist the problem.
      Fr. Ripperger's deliverance prayers helped me and Mary helped me back to her son, my Lord and Savior. I entered RCIA and was confirmed in the Catholic church. I have not been bothered again since I denounced those falsities.
      Pagan gods really are demons and dabbling in occult, new-age practices is a spiritual dead end.

    • @Kaleki935
      @Kaleki935 Год назад

      @Summer D Not quite, but almost!
      I'd nominate the DW's propagandized view that's clearly working on you, as it is the game of politics. These have been the most shallow talks I've seen, Michael's appearance on whatever was much more intellectually exercising despite being wasted entirely on the wrong demographic.
      Why reach out so poorly to each demographic, be it the "spiritual", the atheists who live by Satanism, or the actual psychonauts around the world who study the neuro and physiological effects of these substances, then actually use them for good? It's because DW is shallow propaganda, and I guarantee I'm more "extreme" to the right than anyone in this thread so that's no small statement.
      If we aren't going to accurately cover the subjects, it's a waste of everyone's time since it'll make zero difference politically and only create an echo chamber for well meaning people and another money maker for DW.
      When Tate was making the rounds and very obviously changing the modern youth's culture for the better by conservative measure, he was jailed and Michael sounded just like the news propaganda pieces. "If he's accused of these things, he CAN'T be a good guy", is what he said. That's not how justice works, and regardless it's a failed capitalization on genuine conservative momentum.
      Instead we got that long, and oh so cringe interview with the ex-witch. That's some prime sleep material there, it's so empty of substance. Wooo....
      Then, the exorcist. Why can an auditorium of thousands witness the events he described but ZERO security cameras, throughout ALL these buildings and decades have ever caught one instance? I try to steelman that argument by asking if quantum observation could play an effect by having some type of reality-shifting consequence to the time-preserved recording of the paranormal, but obviously have never once heard anyone else ask that question nor answer it.
      I only grew comfortable with conceptualizing reality outside our known existence, because of the effects psychedelics have on our conscious and subconscious. Of which I turned to because a quarter century of begging God proved up fruitless in my efforts to find life after death, but sometimes, something answers the call through psychedelics. Unparalleled peace can strike but that's hard to decipher.
      This demographic of "spiritual" people is growing more every day as we lose sight of God, so why do such a poor job reaching out to them with videos like this? Psychs ARE physically safe but mentally eviscerating, the exact opposite of most drugs (including alcohol which Michael covered for) which trash the body to make the brain euphoric, and that nature of psychedelics crushing the consciousness leads anyone who's had a high dose to be wary of 'normal' substances like coffee. They gain IMMENSE respect for the power of substances. Because part of the experience is like if you cranked your sensities up to the max, then doubled it. That's the OPPOSITE of retreating from reality through substance, the OPPOSITE of doing oneself harm. The compounds very often show the individual their personalized flaws and faults, or lead them to revel in accomplishments. That's not self harm, that's self reflection which last I checked, is exactly where the benefits of prayer come from!!
      All that to say, DW is shallow and they end up limiting Michael and Peterson's *pOhtential*. I really wish they'd do these topics more justice, like having an experienced neurologist or even a freaking psychedelic therapist in a third seat explaining the compounds rather than trusting the inside of the head of a literal H addict. Psychedelics are not hallucinogens, you don't SEE things. Visual fields can become distorted to the point of seeming "draggy", "breathing", things very brighter, among other effects, but you don't just see things that aren't there. What's being confused is the fact that the imagination is more dreamlike, but you're awake, so thoughts and daydreams really start popping into your head much faster and much more chaotically. I randomly "felt" a tentacle-like thing stretch from my middle area once, that doesn't mean C'thulhu is inside me. It's more of an artistic subconscious expression that I've been eating like junk and my insides are writhing in need for real food! Imagine if we had someone intelligent analyze his experiences like this and contrast the possibilities? Much more convincing than pretending that the Lord of Creation just puts the prayers of others on hold just so he can wait for someone like this to screw up SO BADLY, that He needs to intervene almost daily after that point. I don't buy it.
      So why does ANYONE believe what this addict says about demons or light people, when the source of his problems clearly came from his own proclaimed desire to constantly seek more "feelings" from substances? Where would this talk even go, if not serving as the aforementioned echo chamber, a therapy session, and a payday for DW? Nowhere, that's why Michael was silent for almost the entirety and only chimed in with generic Christian teachings we already know.

  • @oarfish1481
    @oarfish1481 Год назад +293

    I have such great respect for the way Joshua carried himself for this whole meeting. He stayed so good-natured and calm and even lighthearted throughout the whole thing. Truly amazing; you can see he's really turned himself around.

    • @uranomichiaruki1
      @uranomichiaruki1 Год назад +15

      He’s honest about being in darkness. So few people are honest like this

    • @oarfish1481
      @oarfish1481 Год назад +2

      @@uranomichiaruki1 yeah for sure!

    • @happycamper3561
      @happycamper3561 Год назад +11

      Jesus turned him around

    • @nickadkins7765
      @nickadkins7765 Год назад +3


    • @bethwatkins4211
      @bethwatkins4211 Год назад

      ​@@Golemrock598You have a slanderous tongue and are full of spite and envy. I feel sorry for you. God help you. 🙏

  • @JohnGeorge-pw2xo
    @JohnGeorge-pw2xo 3 месяца назад +81

    Psilocybin and psychedelics in general are amazing. I was severely traumatized years ago as a teenage, got diagnosed with OCD. Spent my whole life fighting OCD. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.

    • @RobertaSandra-no3dy
      @RobertaSandra-no3dy 3 месяца назад

      How can i find him? Is he on Instagram

    • @Marylongor
      @Marylongor 3 месяца назад +2

      Would like to know from those who have solved PTSD and anxiety, if they have solved it definitively and how to understand what quantity of psilocybin to take and when, for how long. And can you really heal without having an addiction?
      Thanks to everyone for helping me understand, I want to understand if it's
      something that can help me solve the problem (I have c-ptsd)

    • @MartFrancis
      @MartFrancis 3 месяца назад +4

      I was horrifically depressed since childhood. It was relentless. I assumed it would ultimately end me somehow. About twelve years ago I randomly accepted the offer from a friend of a few doses of mushrooms. I did them two consecutive nights alone. First night was pretty mild. The second night? Wow. I saw my depression from every angle, realized much. Next day: depression totally gone. Never came back, never coming back. It's like it's a forest far away I can remember, and could probably find again with enough effort, but it has zero impact on anything in my life or mind. They honestly saved my life and improved it immensely. I never did them
      again, either. I wish there was a good,
      organized way to administer them to people who would benefit from them.

    • @JesseRobson-dk5cy
      @JesseRobson-dk5cy 3 месяца назад +2

      From my experience it really works excellently! It doesnt even need to be a full hit. With potent shrooms 2-3 small ones will still make a clear difference. It will be a few hour cosy rumbling moment around rest time, but afterwards its just calm and you feel amazing and gain your freedom. Psilocybin is different dudes, its the only "treatment" I would recommend to someone who genuinely wants to get better. There is no addiction, withdrawal, or negative side effects. It's just pure healing., far more effective than any anti-depressant. You can thank me later

    • @siryizzur
      @siryizzur 3 месяца назад +14

      WARNING: All the comments above me are from the same person. It is a scam. Be safe out there.

  • @marshametcalfe8425
    @marshametcalfe8425 Год назад +342

    I am a 58 Grandma in Missouri. I have always loved Jesus but hearing this just makes me cry. I am so sorry and also so happy you went through what you did. Beautiful story. Proud of you!!!!

    • @tonyafoley50
      @tonyafoley50 Год назад +14

      I'm I 55 year old grandma and I too cried many times during this video. Now again reading comments.😢
      🙏 may peace be with you, me and the whole of God's people.✝️

    • @cscs9192
      @cscs9192 Год назад +6

      Now why R You crying grandmas, dont you know that He has risen 😊💗

    • @TruthWillFreeYou
      @TruthWillFreeYou Год назад +9

      @@cscs9192 Sometimes people cry when they are happy. Crying in response to profound knowledge is a common human response.
      Cry away grannies. It's alright.

    • @Memiceelfandeye
      @Memiceelfandeye Год назад +2

      Young grandmas

    • @militarygecko78
      @militarygecko78 Год назад

      I am too from Missouri.

  • @imanotelling5368
    @imanotelling5368 Год назад +620

    Dont underestimate how a testimony reaches people. I never did drugs. Hearing this testimony has been very eye opening. I can understand more the mind of an addict and the nature of their spiritual battle. This helps me better understand my lost brothers and sisters and how i have to pray for them. Thank you for your story.

    • @caitlannash4029
      @caitlannash4029 Год назад +7


    • @archangelshiro
      @archangelshiro Год назад +16

      What a great way to look at it. I completely agree with you!

    • @faithstephen8752
      @faithstephen8752 Год назад +7

      This comment makes me feel so seen … God bless you ❤

    • @Zeeboklown
      @Zeeboklown Год назад +11

      This guy isn't really a "drug addict" and just someone who got high. I live in Stockton California, I've seen drug addiction, including been there myself. Over five years clean of heroin. Mushrooms aren't the same as "hard" drugs.

    • @PaulBunyun1954
      @PaulBunyun1954 Год назад +1

      I appreciate your insight into wanting to understand a drug user. It appears some of these commenters want to choose the School of Hard Knocks by the looks of their comments.

  • @madetobemen
    @madetobemen Год назад +490

    Michael is killing it with his recent interviews and content! Love this

    • @ONESTOREUP870
      @ONESTOREUP870 Год назад

      👆👆👆👆👆 checkout the above handle, he sells good stuff🍄💊

  • @MackenaK
    @MackenaK Год назад +72

    Something the demons told me on dmt was, "the poison is also the cure".... they mascarade as angels of light. That's the truth.
    I relate to this a lot...

    • @ethovas663
      @ethovas663 Год назад

      Sometimes demons are very wise

    • @MackenaK
      @MackenaK Год назад +16

      @ethovas663 knowledgeable yes, wise? Not so sure..

    • @machtnichtsseimann
      @machtnichtsseimann 10 месяцев назад +16

      @@ethovas663 - Knowledgeable. Maybe smart. Cunning. But if they were wise, they wouldn't be f*n with the Most High. That's just plain stupid.

    • @bananabread888
      @bananabread888 8 месяцев назад +5

      Sounds like homeopathy 😂

    • @jonah0311
      @jonah0311 8 месяцев назад +1

      I’ve had this same message on psychedelics and even long after use.

  • @john-qz3fu
    @john-qz3fu Год назад +591

    I got mixed with the occult and started having sleep paralysis. During this time I would hear chains, blood curdling screams and a deep laugh. Every time it happened the room had day light but during the screaming a dark cloud would fill the room. I could move my head and legs but my shoulders were pinned down. It was terrifying. After time i started to leave the occult crap and move toward the light (Jesus). I would continue to have the 'sleep paralysis', once during this I even had the laughing thing communicate with me, and i would communicate with it - it would scream at me in anger when I told it I was trying to follow Jesus.
    I didn't know sleep paralysis was a thing, then to find out that people would attribute this to demonic activity blew my mind - because that's what i always thought it was.
    The last time it happened I call on the name of Jesus - the thing vanished and it hasn't happened since.

    • @gordianknot6867
      @gordianknot6867 Год назад

      they haven’t attributed it to demonic activity for about 50 years, they attribute it to sleep cycles and the dream state.
      Chances are subconsciously you were afraid of the occult but it gave you a buzz and you scared yourself.

    • @drhardlove
      @drhardlove Год назад +31

      Praise God. Keep near to Him, and He will draw near to you. 🙏

    • @Paakku97
      @Paakku97 Год назад

      I found with sleep paralysis that you just need to face the fear head on, and then you realize the "demons" were a total illusion and that their trick was actually getting you to believe that they were real. I once had sleep paralysis and felt/saw a presence in the room. Filled with fear I decided to face it and to fully surrender to whatever happens.
      The demon/shadow figure approached me with a big knife in its hand and I was filled with terror of death. I kept trusting and eventually it struck me on the chest with the knife. What happened next was amazing.
      The being vanished, I vanished and just found myself floating in total emptiness. Until another dream formed from that empty space. But I for sure have not had any issues with sleep paralysis or weird beings after that. And I don't have fear in my mind towards supposed supernatural beings like that anymore either..
      Basically, you only feed them by believing they are real. By fearing them you grant them reality. Really they are just symbols of that which you fear the most. They aren't actually real, just illusions of the mind.
      All the best to you.

    • @joshuadc82
      @joshuadc82 Год назад +22

      Hallelujah! I had the sleep paralysis when I was messing with the occult. It was pretty scary. I think I was unwittingly in the process of giving control over to unclean spirits. God delivered me from that too!

    • @melodyhope8188
      @melodyhope8188 Год назад +18

      I always attributed sleep paralysis to a sort of mid-sleep twilight phase (the phase that usually occurs when we’re partially aware of our environs but paddling upon the edges of a dream).
      One night, however, I was being oppressed & dreamt of a massive, growling shadow-being - who was blacker & denser than the darkness of this night-fallen corridor; & the next thing I knew, he gurgled & roared & rushed at me while my body rushed at him (like 2 powerful magnets rapidly clashing together); & then I instantly awoke to a violent, genuinely painful shove upon my back to my (paralyzed) body & I went flying off several feet to the floor at my bedside. My whole perspective on sleep-paralysis got the worst sort of reality check & I literally had whiplash from it.

  • @e.starling141
    @e.starling141 Год назад +250

    Wow. I actually teared up at the part where he was on acid and suffering and said Jesus came to him and said "This ones mine, he belongs to me.". That was really moving. An amazing story. Thanks for sharing.

    • @angelakaywilliams
      @angelakaywilliams Год назад +4

      It truly is

    • @karenmcdonald911
      @karenmcdonald911 Год назад +4

      Absolutely. I cried at that pt. With pure joy!!!!! Most beautiful words I have ever heard.

    • @numberone6266
      @numberone6266 Год назад +3

      omg i’m in tears i had that experience about 4 yrs ago i wasn’t on any thing it was just any other night i got in the bed …i remember feeling like i was floating up out my body an a voice said the same exact thing as he heard the same exact way i can even even remember being layed bk down i bolted from the bed that night not scared but overwhelmed ❤wow i’ve been asking god lately give me confirmation that i’m not losing it please remind me why i’m still here fighting the good fight cause i feel so alone an ran across this ❤

    • @e.starling141
      @e.starling141 Год назад +2

      @@numberone6266 That's an incredible story. ❤️ God is good.

    • @kcrawford521
      @kcrawford521 Год назад +3

      ​@@numberone6266 Same here!! Mine was in 2013, I constantly look back at that night when I need a good reminder. I'd think I lost it if there wasn't someone there to witness, but it's always nice to hear other people share similar experiences!!

  • @a.spicy.nugget
    @a.spicy.nugget Год назад +270

    I'm a big fan of these interviews from Michael. The guests are always very interesting and real. Michael has slowly become my favorite DW host

    • @cherylyanosy9582
      @cherylyanosy9582 Год назад +6

      Yeah, and he's a really good interviewer. I think prolly b/c he's genuinely interested in the subject matter - plus he is a incredibly smart dude. And a Catholic, one not afraid to say it out loud.

    • @CoolPapaJMagik
      @CoolPapaJMagik Год назад

      He’s really the only one worth listening to
      IMO of course

    • @optimoprimo132
      @optimoprimo132 Год назад +1

      I would rather read the saints and fathers and doctors of the church.
      Most of these lay speakers and married people who make money off the faith are hard to listen to.
      They have worldliness so thick on them it hinders the message.
      Drinking games, cigars and drinks over theology, constant worldly references...
      If You want straight up meat and potatoes and learn the faith without all the worldly distortion then listen to Fr. John Hardon SJ or Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner.

    • @heartsky
      @heartsky Год назад +1

      @@optimoprimo132 Amen! reading the Christian saints & fathers is such a blessing, and I'm always disappointed meeting fellow Christians who haven't read them or know very little, they're missing out.

    • @CoolPapaJMagik
      @CoolPapaJMagik Год назад

      @@optimoprimo132 I usually listen to Michael to hear his political takes, and he’s one of the few out there who gives politics through a religious lens. And I’m not a Catholic. The only “fathers” are our earthly father and our Father in heaven

  • @markmoye9453
    @markmoye9453 9 месяцев назад +46

    He's s spot on about the psychedelics. Ive been to hundreds of dead shows (grateful dead). Started in 91', traveled that road for 25 years. Ratdog, Further, The Dead, tons of festivals. Woke up one day crying out of know where, prayed, asked God to forgive me for my sins. Felt the holy Spirit in me and completely turned my life around, started going to church, started reading the Bible, like a hunger for Christianity and the Bible I've never felt before. To this day i pray 7 or more times a day. God was calling me. If this happens to anyone, DON'T IGNORE IT!

    • @emir5009
      @emir5009 8 месяцев назад


    • @brandie5960
      @brandie5960 7 месяцев назад +3

      Same thing happened to me after doing shrooms my final time. Only thing I could do was pray and read scriptures.

    • @CrystalClearBruv
      @CrystalClearBruv 5 месяцев назад +2

      Again just because you hit it too hard don’t blame the fn thing in question , again take responsibility you over did…
      approached in a different light under the right intentions , these things potentially help people..
      So no he ain’t spot on and neither are you, neither is the title of this vid
      horror stories? He was already in his own horror story by being addicted to heroin.., not only that he barely talks about psychedelics , already tells me somethings about the agendas of this channel.

  • @Gigikelli
    @Gigikelli Год назад +115

    This sounds like the journey (hornets nest) my eldest son took. He was diagnosed with adhd in 1996. I allowed the doctors to medicate (drug) him through first grade. About 6 months in I stood up to say, NO MORE DRUGS. My son turned into a zombie on those drugs. The school told me he would not be welcome at the school unless I drugged him. That began my homeschooling journey. But I think it was a gateway to him becoming addicted to drugs later in life. I don't know that for certain but I have a good bunch. He was the only one of my 5 kids to become an addict. Unfortunately, to my absolute dismay, my son ODed in 2017 from fentanyl at the age of 26. Please do not ever allow the doctors or teachers tell you you must put your baby on drugs!! It infuriates me fiercely!!

    • @kimfleury
      @kimfleury Год назад +5

      This is heartbreaking. May your son rest in peace with the Lord. The addiction altered his free will to where he was a slave. Through the grace of God, may he find the peace he yearned for. I will keep you in prayer.
      I work in schools, and do not agree with the general policy of medicating children willy nilly. Some children are just bouncy, others have severely chaotic dysfunctional families, some need a little more time to mature. It used to be that very few children had actual mental disorders that could possibly be treated with medications, but I'm seeing more mental illness in very young children nowadays. Even for those children, I think it's unwise to prescribe medications that might do serious damage over time. Mind you, I currently work with very young children who have injured school staff, and I still don't agree with medicating them except in extremely rare circumstances. Meds almost always only serve to solve the adults' problems, not the students. Some of the staff have siblings who have mental or neurological disabilities, and they think that it's normal to prescribe meds for behavior. They even think it's abuse if parents reject medication for their children. I'm thankful that my daughter rejected medication for my grandson even with the principal insisting he had to be on behavior drugs. My daughter told the principal, "I'm the one who has to look him in the eye when he's an adult struggling with long term side effects from the drugs that will make your workday easier." But I think she had that courage because I had shared my experiences, the facts I knew, and my opinions with her before she ever had children. Most parents don't have the luxury of knowing someone with reliable expertise, which makes them easy targets for misinformed, poorly educated school personnel and pill pushing doctors. My grandson was later diagnosed with a neurological condition called Tourette Syndrome. He's never been on pharmaceutical medications for it, although for some who have TS the muscle tics are so damaging that they can be very dangerous, to the point of needing hospitalization. Yet most medical staff are uninformed about the condition and see it as an annoying thing to deal with. Someone with that severity of TS does need muscle relaxants, but a child who has annoying muscle or vocal tics doesn't need medication. The singer Jamie Grace has TS, and so does a famous soccer player, and even some actors. And as with the ADHD drugs, some children who get automatically put on drug cocktails for TS end up with drug addiction in adulthood, which only compounds their struggles.
      P.S. My grandson will be graduated from high school this June and is applying to colleges. I don't know if that would have been possible had he been put on the "zombie drugs," and my heart breaks for every mother who doesn't have support to use natural solutions instead of prescribed medications.

    • @spidergoose891
      @spidergoose891 Год назад +7

      I was put on Ritalin around that time in 4th grade and it had the opposite effect. I was much more hyperactive and disruptive so I was taken off it after a month. 4 years later I started drinking and smoking weed. A few years later I took any drugs I could get. Changing my thinking and turning to God did what no human or chemical could. Im sorry your son didn't find that path soon enough.

    • @lb.3199
      @lb.3199 Год назад +2

      I'm so sorry this happened to your family. I'm an educator and absolutely hate it when DRUGS are recommended to families. I always push for an alternative approach. Such as eliminate garbage from the diet, get involved in extracurricular activities, parenting classes that will connect paprents with other parents. Anything but medicating.

    • @Missraeraeruru
      @Missraeraeruru Год назад

      ​@@spidergoose891 ❤

    • @allisonoconnor8055
      @allisonoconnor8055 Год назад

      I completely understand. My son was diagnosed as being on the schizoaffective Spectrum. They wanted him so drugged up he couldn't even feel think or wake up fully😮 it was terrifying😱😭💔🙏😡

  • @paneofrealitychannel8204
    @paneofrealitychannel8204 Год назад +447

    I had a friend who attempted suicide with a plastic bag and a bottle of helium. He woke up with an angel sitting beside him who said, I was sent here to take the bag off your head. Then, the angel helped him drive back to his house and walked him inside. The messenger was very candid about who he was, who sent him and why he was there. There was no "secret knowledge" to impart. He just saved his life, got him home and vanished into thin air.

    • @mrb2081
      @mrb2081 Год назад +14

      Did the angel drive? (I'm actually curious)

    • @paneofrealitychannel8204
      @paneofrealitychannel8204 Год назад +49

      @mrb2081 no- but he sat next to me and had one hand loosely on the steering wheel. The next day I looked at the seat on the passenger side and the items that had been there (a receipt and another paper) were still there and undisturbed. In other words, there was no physical evidence of what I had experienced.

    • @GoldenWolf115
      @GoldenWolf115 Год назад +22

      ​@@paneofrealitychannel8204so the friend is you?
      The amount of stories like this in my own life and the lives of loved ones astonishes me.

    • @paneofrealitychannel8204
      @paneofrealitychannel8204 Год назад +32

      @@GoldenWolf115 looks like you caught me

    • @starrlitmagic
      @starrlitmagic Год назад +9

      Guardian Angel

  • @yosemitesam9679
    @yosemitesam9679 Год назад +544

    Regardless of how you feel about the subject, I'm glad to see that religious people aren't ignoring the psychedelic elephant in the room. The subject needs to be discussed, and I'm glad to see that the conversation is happening.

    • @DFSLJC
      @DFSLJC Год назад

      This is Satan’s final plan. When a “drug” like DMT causes mutual hallucinations when taken as a group - they all see the same entities - will bring in the worship of the image of the beast as described in Revelation.
      If you are hallucinating the same thing as other people what is the difference between that and reality. It is a spiritual portal. And every portal that isn’t Jesus Christ leads to the same place.

    • @whynot1548
      @whynot1548 Год назад +26

      U Christian's always get this shit wrong.
      These arguments against psychedelics are generic and subjective. The reductionism here reminds me of how the Left evaluates the Right.

    • @lenk172
      @lenk172 Год назад +31

      ​@@whynot1548Assuming you've done them, can you give us a quick summary of how they've improved your life and the lives of those around you?

    • @AuRowe
      @AuRowe Год назад +61

      @@whynot1548 "U Cristians's". The level of disdain you have for one of the worlds main 3 monotheistic religions is quite revealing. I'd bet you would never speak so generally of either of the other 2. I'll pray for you.

    • @zupremo9141
      @zupremo9141 Год назад +5

      I can control my dream for a few second and that's the only proof that i need to know that there's no other dimension in it.

  • @dillonmessick487
    @dillonmessick487 11 месяцев назад +18

    I love this man's testimony. Sin is very pleasurable, and it's only when He opens our eyes, (often times in the midst of tragedy) where we see that not only is the sin we are committing is wrong, but all other sin is wrong. Thank you Michael for giving fellow Christians a platform though which they can spread the gospel and share their testimony. In a world that claims that evil is good, it's wonderful to know that there are groups out there that aren't afraid to speak THE one and only truth which is of the gospel with a smile on your face!

  • @KGMDLeopardFace
    @KGMDLeopardFace Год назад +223


    • @mikeschmidt4800
      @mikeschmidt4800 Год назад +6

      Explained it well? He came off like a total poser to me. I've eaten most hallucinogens. To me he seems like the cool guy from church who exaggerates how badass he was before Jesus and wants you to know it too.

    • @FatherCorn
      @FatherCorn 10 месяцев назад +4

      ​@mikeschmidt4800 you've have hallucinations, but do you have a relationship with God? Besides talkative, everyone's experience with anything will be different and everyone will have different struggles and battles.

    • @Nomatterwhatclub5150
      @Nomatterwhatclub5150 10 месяцев назад +8

      @@mikeschmidt4800He never talked about being tough or a gangster, he talked about having a shitty existence before getting clean with spirituality. I thought he sounded pretty authentic honestly. Just my opinion.

    • @ChristedMystic
      @ChristedMystic 8 месяцев назад

      @@mikeschmidt4800 exactly

  • @mitchrivers9737
    @mitchrivers9737 Год назад +69

    Michael is becoming my favorite DW host hands down. We asked for more content like this after the interview with an exorcists and we got it. Thank you! Can’t wait to see what’s next!

  • @jerBear033
    @jerBear033 Год назад +191

    Dude I love the fact that you had this man on here. I’ve heard his testimony in the past and he’s an amazing brother in Christ. Bless y’all both great video.

  • @Zdp433
    @Zdp433 Год назад +28

    I like watching testimonials where the person who has gone thru what Josh has gone thru can tell their story straight thru uninterrupted. This gives them most clear and precise recount of their journey.

  • @b33rleague5
    @b33rleague5 Год назад +252

    My initial impression of josh was unfavourable, but the more i listened to his story, the more i found his story relatable and his character commendable. I rarely comment on these videos, but Josh's story was a much needed dose of medicine for the soul. Cheers.

    • @chaabraaah5823
      @chaabraaah5823 Год назад +7

      It's the chadcut haircut and beard ha

    • @tjcookmusic
      @tjcookmusic Год назад +17

      @@chaabraaah5823 And his youth pastor surfer bro way of talking. 😂

    • @captainmaim
      @captainmaim Год назад +13

      I loved the part where the devils were BITCHING about him to God... they're so *powerful* they have to BEG for their prizes. Terrifying and hilarious.

    • @drbertdelgado
      @drbertdelgado Год назад


    • @morganchristmas6299
      @morganchristmas6299 Год назад

      Same !!

  • @petbull7038
    @petbull7038 Год назад +165

    I've heard this man's testimony twice now (once on a different channel) and it's such an amazing story. When I first watched it, I was really to dismiss him as a stoned drifter who was hallucinating on drugs. But the more I watched, the more the spirit told me that this man is telling the truth. I pray he stays on the path to Jesus Christ, and I pray that others learn about the grace of God through his words.

    • @mikemeredeth4573
      @mikemeredeth4573 Год назад +1

      😂😂 "the spirit". I'll bet my intuition has about the same 50/50 chance of being correct as "the spirit" telling you what is true or not. That sounds like a lousy way to make decisions to me.

    • @williamfleming285
      @williamfleming285 Год назад +15

      @@mikemeredeth4573 this is exactly what the enemy will say

    • @RilfDanielson
      @RilfDanielson Год назад +6

      @@mikemeredeth4573 How hateful is an enemy who hears the Wisdom of God.

    • @jenerin905
      @jenerin905 Год назад +5

      @William Yes! Satan is the doubt that tries to lead us astray.

    • @jenerin905
      @jenerin905 Год назад +1

      ​@@williamfleming285 Yes! Satan is the doubt that tries to lead us astray.

  • @mrs.thomas-usmcwife5686
    @mrs.thomas-usmcwife5686 Год назад +208

    I'm very thankful for my Dad telling me that what I saw on TV wasn't how things really were. He was an addict in his youth and would tell me about his experiences as I was older and could understand. It helped keep me away from alot of things that could have put me down a dark path. Parents need to let their kids know if they struggled with things. They really are listening.

    • @elpiullyyup156
      @elpiullyyup156 Год назад +2

      I agree but it depends because I know a couple of people who romanticize certain lifestyles and make it seem like there can be amazing results from doing certain things

    • @mrs.thomas-usmcwife5686
      @mrs.thomas-usmcwife5686 Год назад +9

      @@elpiullyyup156 I understand that too. However, for those who have experienced and understand the damage they do, then they need to not keep that from their children.

    • @projectdesign4675
      @projectdesign4675 Год назад +7

      DMT "is a thief and robber drug", anyone coming to divine consideration needs to come to the Door John 10;1 Jesus says "if anyone who climbs another, they are a thief and a robber"

    • @SavedByJesus-pi3yu
      @SavedByJesus-pi3yu Год назад

      I agree. I have tried a few different drugs including mushrooms. Around that time I started experiencing a lot of evil things, sleep paralysis, out of body experiences when I wasn’t on anything and my home was having serious paranormal activity. People who really believe they become more spiritual by doing these drugs need to understand it is all counterfeit and the only real way to have a spiritual encounter is through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is very dangerous for us to open ourselves up and make ourselves vulnerable to that demonic activity and the devil is a liar and confuses which is why so many humans fall for it. I was having constant sleep paralysis and astral projecting on accident and than my home was having constant undeniable paranormal activity. Finally, I called on Jesus Christ and he rescued me like he has so many others. His love and patience and mercy and grace is endless and I am so grateful for all he has done in my life. Praise Jesus!

    • @spidergoose891
      @spidergoose891 Год назад +2

      This is exactly why I share some of my experience as an alcoholic with my children. Hopefully they don't follow my path but can find God an easier way.

  • @JcisKingg
    @JcisKingg 6 месяцев назад +6

    I fell into Buddhism then to new age, meditation, chakras and channeling. Was possessed twice...first time i lost a bet and 2nd time i let it happen because i believed i could control it. After 3 months of what i thought was a gift from god turned into a nightmare so i ignored the whispers and voices. 10 years later i still had issues with addiction of lust and alcoholism. Just last month i decided to fully commit and surrender to god jesus...all i can say is that i felt a peace in my chest i hadnt felt before and i felt the forgiveness that the lord gave me....and in return i was able to forgive my father.... i cant explain it.. it made my addictions an easy thing to overcome with the holy spirit. New age is a false light....demons are tricky..they give you truth and lies mixed to keep you attached and down while pretending to bring you up. Lord almighty never gave up on me and iam grateful 🙏

  • @insomniac_racheal
    @insomniac_racheal Год назад +219

    I'd also taken ecstasy about 6 years ago after my Mom passed away. I was seeing my Mom (I even took a photo and people couldn't understand what it was). I hadn't slept for days and I was seeing hell and really weird things were happening and I then fought with my family and thought they had demons in them and hearing voices . My family even called our Pastors to pray for me. But that night I really found Jesus and I was praying and crying to Him to save me. I felt as if it was a battle for my soul. Since then I don't do narcotics and I'm a firm believer of Jesus ❤ it was a terrible ordeal and I'm so grateful that Jesus stood with me despite my sin and He brought me back to the fold. Everything in my life changed and blessings upon blessings began to happen 🎉 this is why I will never deny Him for His Grace and Mercy is sufficient for me ❤

    • @gotcha9983
      @gotcha9983 Год назад +21

      Amen ❤️
      Please pray for me to quit smoking cigarettes. In Jesus name Amen

    • @UmamiPapi
      @UmamiPapi Год назад +7

      Praise Jesus!

    • @mgrayson9066
      @mgrayson9066 Год назад +8

      King Jesus, we love you!!❤

    • @bloomingplume
      @bloomingplume Год назад +8

      I like your story. Jesus doesn’t show us grace “despite “ of us being sinners BUT BECAUSE we are sinners.

    • @petbull7038
      @petbull7038 Год назад +4

      God bless brother, praise the Lord

  • @solasgealaglanadh8358
    @solasgealaglanadh8358 Год назад +207

    Thank you for featuring this young man without any of the judgement or condemnation that many conservative normies have toward those of us who fought through hell before finding Geace. Bless you ❤️

    • @23hojojo
      @23hojojo Год назад +7

      Well said

    • @summerd7668
      @summerd7668 Год назад +2


    • @elisehill3574
      @elisehill3574 Год назад +1

      Great comment 🙏

    • @maggiesace389
      @maggiesace389 Год назад

      Thats your twisted perception about "conservative normies" - in fact, its the new-agey, liberals that are the nasty, obnoxious, judgemental hypicrites!

    • @678crazydave
      @678crazydave Год назад

      I assume anyone who uses the word normy unironically is probably a pretty weird person

  • @Ev_deGallery
    @Ev_deGallery Год назад +91

    🔥🔥 I can't believe Michael didn't tear up. I'm like sobbing quietly. What the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good.
    I love seeing Michael's face when he hears what God had done in Josh.

    • @rangerstedfast
      @rangerstedfast Год назад +2

      Same, this is incredible. Hallelujah

    • @whynot1548
      @whynot1548 Год назад +1

      Oh Wah Wah 🤣 grow up

    • @raas7479
      @raas7479 Год назад +1

      @@whynot1548 😂

    • @vivavictoria2010
      @vivavictoria2010 Год назад

      "I love seeing Michael's face when he hears what God had done in Josh." I myself was blown away by the glow on Michael's face.

  • @A_Pie323
    @A_Pie323 Год назад +19

    His testimony is very similar to mine. I used to use a lot of drugs, including psychedelics, and I had issues with addiction. I can really relate to describing substances as almost a romance, and using them to fill the God shaped hole. Four years ago I had my first “bad” trip. It was absolutely terrifying and after that, I was unable to do them, and the other drugs too, despite continuing to try, I couldn’t. And this was after struggling with addiction for ten years. I had bad trips and awful anxiety, even if only taking a little bit. I no longer enjoyed them or any of the other crap I was doing. Fast forward, both me and my husband got saved last year and baptized together. I believe God played a hand in that whole situation. It’s really hard to explain how much that one bad trip changed everything, for the good, of course. But praise God, He is so good.

    • @MeanTweetsPlease
      @MeanTweetsPlease 10 месяцев назад +1

      Your story made me smile, A_Pie.😊
      Yes, God is so very good to us.
      Glad to hear of your and your husband's salvation!
      God bless y'all.

    • @MM-vy3fm
      @MM-vy3fm 9 месяцев назад +1

      It is hard to explain, but it certainly isn't hard to understand for those of us who experienced the same thing. I was smoking weed almost daily in high school until someone gave me 2 pills of ecstasy. I took it by myself one night while smoking. Jesus snatched me up that night. To this day I can't take any mind altering substance (even weed) without reverting to that state. That was 24 years ago. It is also why I believe in the concept of "irresistible grace".

  • @carlythompson9179
    @carlythompson9179 Год назад +251

    I'm blown away at how similar his experiences are to my own. Even becoming a massage therapist. In and out of jail, near death experiences, attempting suicide, and especially feeling like your in the passenger seat of your life being forced by yourself, against your will, to chaise this thing that you've grown to hate but would lie cheat and steal for. I felt like I was on an airplane that had no way to land safely so I was basically waiting to die. Thank you for telling your story. I and so many others need to know we aren't alone. God Bless You

    • @drbertdelgado
      @drbertdelgado Год назад +5

      Me too

    • @bertkilborne6464
      @bertkilborne6464 Год назад +1

      About 4 yrs ago I was contemplating doing psychedelics again for the first time in about 30 yrs.
      And one day when I was cleaning someone's refrigerator after they moved out and there was a piece of home made candy left in there .
      And it was like the mushroom in Alice in Wonderland saying "Eat Me"
      Apparently it was psylocybin - I had to take the day off - But the only thing I could think was Thank You

    • @adrainavelasco8744
      @adrainavelasco8744 Год назад +8

      With God All things are possible and living a Life for self and throwing God away in the process has consequences. Always Trust God has a better plan and reject the lies of the adversary because all he's after is to kill, steal and destroy.

    • @aaronhicks6019
      @aaronhicks6019 Год назад

      ​@@adrainavelasco8744 thank you for this comment

    • @jonathanshelton2137
      @jonathanshelton2137 Год назад +1

      Word 🙌🙏

  • @Partsnotshown
    @Partsnotshown Год назад +143

    Man this testimony had me in tears. Running from God is hell. Being lost but found is amazing
    “He keeps taking souls out of here, but then comes and eats off our table”.

    • @Alisonwarr87
      @Alisonwarr87 Год назад +2

      That’s the part that got me too ! Wow

    • @willie6981
      @willie6981 Год назад +2

      I dont get it.

    • @jetmanjayjay4604
      @jetmanjayjay4604 Год назад +1

      1 Corinthians 10:21

    • @jetmanjayjay4604
      @jetmanjayjay4604 Год назад

      ​@@willie6981 Read 1 Corinthians 10:21

    • @Alisonwarr87
      @Alisonwarr87 Год назад +3

      @@willie6981 he’s helping unbelievers come to know Jesus and switch from the enemy’s side to Gods side … but then he comes back to the enemy and eats some of their food at their table (the drugs ) . U can’t serve God and the devil at the same time . U can’t serve God and eat at the enemy’s table .

  • @13vv82
    @13vv82 Год назад +92

    This was an absolutely phenomenal interview. This man articulated his story so well and Michael was very engaged and sympathetic. Good content guys

  • @KimcheePancakes
    @KimcheePancakes 6 месяцев назад +5

    I recognize This guy from Delafe. So much of his testimony mirrors my own: the oppression and depression as a child, demonic attacks in my childhood dreams, the timeline of my own increasing drug dependency (from acid at age 12 to being homeless and addicted to crack by age 27 ), the preference for drugs over alcohol because they took much less effort and worked fast and didn’t taste bad, even right down to the doors movie (this was the first time I ever snuck into a movie, I was about 12 yo when it was released in the theater), doing time in jail and psyche wards , pursuing New Age “healing” - the list goes on…
    And now, by the grace of God I’m redeemed by the blood of Jesus, filled w the Holy Spirit, and on fire for God.

  • @maverickspirit208
    @maverickspirit208 Год назад +79

    I was sent here by God to listen to Joshua's story, and I am so grateful. His story is beautiful, pure, and incredibly powerful.

  • @throwed210SATX
    @throwed210SATX Год назад +64

    Amazing episode Michael! As a believer of Christ and someone who has also indulged in different substances-this story was powerful! I was captivated the whole time with his stories of an actual suicide attempt, his demonic encounters, fear, anxiety, addiction etcetera. And to actually see Jesus walking into the chasm of darkness like a "G!" in the middle of a demonic trial for Joshua's soul made me tear up, real talk! Anyway, God bless that man and may Jesus Christ keep him in His grace. ✝️💜🙏🏼

  • @Yoroiful
    @Yoroiful Год назад +134

    Please never stop making these. These interviews are the most interesting thing I've watched on youtube in years. Usually I let videos this long play in the background as I do other things, but with these I find it impossible not to pay full attention. I especially love this one and the interview with the priest.

  • @BreckKitts
    @BreckKitts Год назад +5

    I too have been addicted to every drug on earth. But 10 years ago dying in the hospital, I said God, I have nothing to bater with you, But if you let me live, I will learn how to Die Right!!! I am spreading Christ's gospel today throughout the world.. Thank You Jesus

  • @kakarotwolf
    @kakarotwolf Год назад +124

    That story of him in the court of heaven just hit me so hard... It gave me chills. That just lit a light bulb instantly in my head.

    • @mistybell3796
      @mistybell3796 Год назад +19

      Yes. I think that's why God encouraged church. I didn't see the purpose in my youth. I could worship at home, right? But no... Because each person's path is different. And the Bible is so rich with truth, that a single verse or experience with God, can speak to a whole crowd in different ways, yet all lead to the same truth. God is love. Jesus is the way. Without His grace mercy and truth, we are blind.

    • @xg3400
      @xg3400 Год назад +5

      I know the fact that the enemy were saying he dabbled in our stuff “aka drugs” and his many overdoses should be enough and yet God is so merciful

    • @karltrapson
      @karltrapson Год назад

      Well it's complete nonsense and anyone buying it is the clown demographic he's looking for.

    • @sarahsanchez4761
      @sarahsanchez4761 Год назад

      Could you please tell me roughly where he speaks about that?

    • @mistybell3796
      @mistybell3796 Год назад

      @@sarahsanchez4761 it's towards the end

  • @LibertyFixxxer
    @LibertyFixxxer Год назад +468

    The sins in my life I have struggled with are addiction and sexual immorality. While doing hardcore drugs I had been smoking a synthetic "marijuana" (he mentions it in the video and called it K2) and had a seizure. I was with a group of people, I remember I really needed water, I was hearing a high pitched ringing sound, I felt like my mind was detached from my body, then the next thing I remember is seeing my entire life flash before my eyes, over and over again, like a movie reel. In that state I accepted death and that what I was seeing was my eternity. I saw everything good, bad, horrific, over and over again. Then I woke up and the group of people I was with were all standing around me frantically asking me if I was okay or not.
    No one called 911, no one tried to get help. God was with me that day, im grateful He did not let me die. He was looking out for me before He even saved me.

    • @Shamzisto
      @Shamzisto Год назад +22

      Grateful for your life bro. Praise God

    • @piratessalyx7871
      @piratessalyx7871 Год назад

      Yeah all fake recreational drugs are bad, all the ones made in some illicit jerks lab, just to make money. Gotta stick to what is natural on the planet.

    • @jordanmcgee9681
      @jordanmcgee9681 Год назад +13

      Broooo literally the same thing happened to me my freshman year smoking K2, I thought I died bro.. you don't understand I was so happy when I woke back up & came to reality

    • @NewYorkCityGritty5
      @NewYorkCityGritty5 Год назад

      I have seen people have seizures from K2 and I have seen people go into a permanent psychosis. That stuff is dangerous. The ppl look like zombies with stained fingers.

    • @chrissy1310
      @chrissy1310 Год назад +8

      Hi! May I ask, after seeing your life over and over, what did you want to change about it/yourself? Self reflection, as if seen thru someone else's eyes is scary! I am afraid to see myself let God down. Sorry Jesus!

  • @et781
    @et781 Год назад +199

    I used to use drugs to escape the pain I felt with my family. First my little brother died, then my mom. It was an escape. I smoked pot, tripped on LSD, took other psychedelics from all kinds of natural sources from other countries where I used to travel and went to countless Dead shows, listened to Afro-Cuban music, which I didn't realise was tied to Santeria. I then got into coke and drinking. Finally, through the love of Jesus Christ, I confronted my pain from way back and became free. Yes, life constantly has challenges, but I do not need to "delve" in to psychedelics or numb myself with other drugs any longer. Praise Yeshua!!

    • @GusWLifeLessons
      @GusWLifeLessons Год назад

      @Scott Mann that is not wise logic... from a quick Google about poisonous seed bearing plants
      Perhaps the most famously lethal on our list is Atropa belladonna, the aptly named Deadly Nightshade. This toxic plant belongs to the same family as tomatoes, potatoes and aubergines, and can be found across Europe, including in Britain, as well as North Africa, Western Asia and some parts of the USA and Canada.Nov 15, 2022
      As they say is this video weed might seem physically safe but it affects you spiritually which overall effects everything. Glory be to GOD. JESUS IS LORD!

    • @Setfree316
      @Setfree316 Год назад


    • @bedar6961
      @bedar6961 Год назад +2

      Dear ET, please find a Traditional Catholic Tridentine Mass. Please convert, become a Saint and help us fight the evil that has infiltrated our Lord Jesus Christ's Church and the world. I will be praying for you for ever

    • @Jesusbride515
      @Jesusbride515 Год назад

      Praise God for saving you! Jesus delivers.
      We must all be ready for the rapture, it is any day now! Jesus will snatch us away. I am ex-LGBT, and I know that I would go to hell if I continued in it. I also know that my divorced and remarried parents will die and go to hell if they don't repent and leave the adultery. For now, my Mom is a believer who goes to church and thinks that she and my Dad are going in the rapture. Her pastor is also divorced and remarried. It's a big lie from the devil that has MANY deceived.
      What does the Bible say? Loving Jesus means loving His Word. BUT from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.
      Mark 10:6‭-‬12 KJV
      And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.
      Luke 16:14‭-‬18 KJV
      Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.
      Romans 7:1‭-‬3 KJV
      And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: but and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.
      1 Corinthians 7:10‭-‬11‭, ‬39 KJV
      “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”
      1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”
      Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      This is honestly what the Bible says. The road is definitely narrow. If people want to repent from this, they have got to leave the adulterous relationship altogether and get that divorce to get out of it.
      Hoping people will get born again now, before it’s too late! Maranatha!

    • @John-ls4xh
      @John-ls4xh Год назад

      ​@Scott Mann the problem is weed is being used for purposes that doesn't glorify him. Weed is used as a testimony of Jesus as we can see in the gospels, however people are abusing it and using it for fleshly pleasure

  • @reaganvalentino9867
    @reaganvalentino9867 Год назад +120

    INCREDIBLE STORY. I cried so many times listening to Joshua's experience, not sad tears but those of thankfulness and awe of God's love (tough as He might be). I'm so happy for Joshua and how much he's overcome. All glory to God!

    • @abomie
      @abomie Год назад +1

      @JESUS is Real your way of looking at pieces of god is what god will have real problem with. Not her

    • @AG-cf4wn
      @AG-cf4wn Год назад

      Same here, I cried like 4 times! Sooo good and compelling!

    • @observingcat9049
      @observingcat9049 Год назад +1

      @@abomie it’s important to treat your body as a temple, both will be judged, including the one wearing inappropriate clothing if not covered with the blood of Jesus

  • @TracyJake-wt5zn
    @TracyJake-wt5zn 11 месяцев назад +151

    Psilocybin mushrooms healed me . I can't explain it but my experience has been spiritual and eye opening . I also started micro dosing . It really helped me get rid of depression and anxiety 0:03

    • @marshalpeters
      @marshalpeters 11 месяцев назад +1

      I've been looking to get my hands on shrooms for my anxiety and stress levels . Any one knows where I can source ? 0:12

    • @KateFernando-td1nr
      @KateFernando-td1nr 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@marshalpetersdr.johnsonshroom is your guy. Best shrooms and psychedelics guy I know. 0:07

    • @JordanRodgers-ei5wu
      @JordanRodgers-ei5wu 11 месяцев назад

      dr.johnsonshroom is the best . He's been my go to for anything psychedelics and shrooms . He's very good

    • @HummersCatherina
      @HummersCatherina 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@KateFernando-td1nrIs he on insta?

    • @bermen577
      @bermen577 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@HummersCatherinaYes he's d.johnsonshroom 0:18

  • @Zurita1908
    @Zurita1908 Год назад +115

    As a believer I fell into the deception of psychedelics and thinking I could connect with God at a much deeper level, and it was something I did constantly, from shrooms to LSD to DMT, and at first I enjoyed it a lot, I was comfortable, I had a great time, it made entertainment that much more fun, until my first few “bad trips” where I could literally see demonic faces, at first I didn’t take it so serious, until the closer I tried getting to God with a sober mindset, I started feeling less drawn into acid, my drug of choice, so when I fell back into it, I could literally feel such a heavy demonic presents surrounding me, now when I’d listen to music or watch videos, I could see demons behind my screen, when I’d play my guitar and tried singing, I could feel a heavy presence in front of me as well, and I’ve always been the type to rebuked demons from my presence but at one point I was surrounded by demons and they were closing in and no matter how hard I tried, I could not get them to leave me, I begged God for mercy and grace and since then I haven’t cared to touch a single drug of any kind. To top it off, at the time of that bad trip, my wife was going through a hard time at work and feeling like she was being mistreated and not valued in any way, and it was shown to me by those exact demons, how they were the ones pulling those strings against my wife and so when I was trying to text her what was going on and what was truly going on, and how it was best for her to quit, anytime I tried texting out a word, my hands were dragged away, it got so difficult to try texting her that I had to just call her and afterwards I was able to be brought back to peace. Same happened the trip before that when I was trying to tell my wife about certain tv shows and music I didn’t want my daughter watching anymore, and how these demons were trying to poorly influence our daughter, but again I wasn’t even allowed to form a sentence before having to call my wife. When you’re doing these things comfortably or without an ounce of faith in you, it’s fun, but when you realize the spiritual realm you’re opening yourself up to, it gets much more deeper and scary.

    • @Zurita1908
      @Zurita1908 Год назад +16

      Same with weed, I used to love and enjoy how it would make me feel, until it started making me feel really uncomfortable and paranoid, it opened my eyes to so much more, and how when I would do it with others, it would just draw me in to see how miserable literally everyone around me was and how broken they were, by how they would vent and deep down it hurt me to know this, because just like myself they’ve all come from broken backgrounds and not just that but they were attempting to fill voids, I know forsure they could never fill, without the presence of God and so after I stepped away, I literally started praying for those same friends and speaking on Gods behalf and sharing the gospel and living as a light for them.

    • @katmas9
      @katmas9 11 месяцев назад +2

      well said. I've had experiences very similar to yours

    • @xpertgamer5796
      @xpertgamer5796 11 месяцев назад +2

      HEY! Thank you shalom by beloved brother this helped

    • @tlb2345
      @tlb2345 11 месяцев назад

      Do you think the drugs brought on the demonic energy? or was it always there and you just realized it because of the drugs.

    • @MM-vy3fm
      @MM-vy3fm 9 месяцев назад

      @@WuJeedy Music can resonate with the soul and put you in a different place. When it is combined with evil lyrics, it is a form of brainwashing. Just look at the awful hip hop culture.

  • @krislove6171
    @krislove6171 Год назад +59

    The humility this guy has is something I deeply admire. If you take anything away from this, understand that remaining humble is another step closer to the Lord and who He is. This guy makes Jesus tangible to those who will never darken the doors of a church. Powerful. And the enemy will be overcome by the blood of the Lamb AND the word of our testimony.

  • @tikigirl3770
    @tikigirl3770 Год назад +22

    I almost didn’t click on this because I had a very pompous eye rolling moment thinking I don’t need to hear about some guy on drugs. I am SO GLAD I was convicted to watch! God please forgive me for not loving others the way you ask us to. This man’s testimony was absolutely a beautiful tapestry of truth and transparency and the real love of our GOD! Wow! Thank you for this video! Keep them coming! I even subscribed to Joshua’s channel! God is using him in big ways and I pray I can help spread his story in his words to help others I love dearly. Thank you!!!!

  • @steceymorgan814
    @steceymorgan814 11 месяцев назад +269

    Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.

  • @farmlifeoffgrid
    @farmlifeoffgrid Год назад +254

    To be honest, taking LSD saved my life. I was in a very bad place in my early 20s, severe alcoholism, always partying, concerts, drugs, legal trouble.... When I took that LSD I immediately had a bad trip, thought everyone hated me, so i left the party. Went to my apartment and started having this voice in my head evaluate my life telling me I need to change now or Ill die soon. For the next 12 hours i looked at how much i screwed up. The experience was so profound that. The next day i stopped talking to all my toxic friends, stopped drinking and doing drugs. Got my act together and havnt had the urge to drink in the last 10 years. I actually get sick to my stomach now if i even take a sip.

    • @nelsoncontreras7047
      @nelsoncontreras7047 Год назад +20

      I found it odd when the entities were mentioned as demons... It didn't sound appropriate, all the entities ive met have been full of love

    • @farmlifeoffgrid
      @farmlifeoffgrid Год назад +33

      @@nelsoncontreras7047 I think the demons are internal things that need to be fixed, nothing more

    • @eimaiakominzontanos
      @eimaiakominzontanos Год назад +66

      It's not odd at all. When you open yourself up to the spiritual world, especially in a manner apart from Christ, you open yourself up to the demonic. They are plenty happy to appear as your friends and guides so long as it keeps you separate from Christ. If they can help get you off drugs, but in doing so somehow convince you that the gospel is false, in the scope of eternity that's still a win for them.

    • @farmlifeoffgrid
      @farmlifeoffgrid Год назад +18

      @@eimaiakominzontanos except part of my recovery was attending church twice a week which before that day you couldn't pay me to go to church... if anything it helped me reach the lord .... it changed my way of thinking permanently.

    • @nelsoncontreras7047
      @nelsoncontreras7047 Год назад +6

      @@farmlifeoffgrid thats a very good perspective, it makes sense

  • @Refusal2Comply
    @Refusal2Comply Год назад +53

    When Josh said "the BLOOD broke the curse." Wow, that's amazing! Amen.

    • @miztenacioust1758
      @miztenacioust1758 Год назад

      Yes! That was a powerful statement. Praise God! 🙏🏻

  • @fsycb
    @fsycb Год назад +68

    I felt a pit in my stomach throughout the whole interview. I felt that Joshua was being real, there was raw emotion hanging in every word he said. Congrats on the great interview.

    • @summerd7668
      @summerd7668 Год назад

      If you don't mind me asking, what part impacted you the most?

    • @fsycb
      @fsycb Год назад +6

      ​@@summerd7668 where he recounted this deep sense of loneliness and hopelessness because he thought there was something BIG missing from his life, something he thought he would only be able to approach through drugs. His near death experiences. The part where he spoke about not being able to stop escaping reality. People don't often share their failures so openly, it sure beats an unattainable "perfection" facade most people prefer to put out into the world

    • @MrX-zz2vk
      @MrX-zz2vk Год назад +4

      ​@@fsycb Yeah, it really speaks to the purpose & meaning crisis our society is going through as a whole. It's affecting a whole lot of people.

  • @TMstaffer1029
    @TMstaffer1029 5 месяцев назад +4

    If Jesus didn’t show me an eye opening dream I would say Josh is crazy . But it was SO REAL !!! . Jesus opening the sky and coming to get his children . Everyone in unison looking up and being consumed by his presence . People falling to their knees and screaming his name JESUS!!!! Calling out to him with everything inside of them . Jesus eyes were burning bright like the sun , but you can see his silhouette, As he got closer and was right about to pick me up I awoke from the dream. Covered in sweat and I started to cry . Iam not a holy roller , Iam a similar age to Josh , and this happened right before COVID started. Scariest most real spiritual encounter I’ve ever had . Praise be to Jesus .

  • @dafrogmamma
    @dafrogmamma Год назад +122

    I have never listened to an entire story, but this absolutely touched my heart. I have a son who is highly addicted, and as a mom, it breaks my heart. Thank you so much for this beautiful testimony that has absolutely changed my way of thinking.

    • @whiteboix
      @whiteboix Год назад +3

      Praying for your son 🙏❤

    • @leejennifercorlewayres9193
      @leejennifercorlewayres9193 Год назад +3

      You as mom have authority over the devils which may be causing his addiction. Get the book titled, Deliverance Prayers for the Laity and get to work. There are more devils than humans but mainstream hides this realm from us mostly.

    • @tartar5414
      @tartar5414 Год назад +2

      Hope the best for you and your son

  • @happycrazykim
    @happycrazykim Год назад +59

    This gentleman has an AMAZING testimony, and he articulates it in such a way that's easy to relate to. And Michael is SO engaged, you can tell he's REALLY intrigued and listening intently with genuine care & compassionate curiosity. Such a great talk! Thank you and GOD BLESS you both!❤

    • @Drowning_Girl
      @Drowning_Girl Год назад

      No his testimony is problematic I've watched both of them all about how he felt he needed to do drugs to find God. Guard your mind. This is not a good testimony. I'm sure he is in the seeker sensitive movement anyways no real doctrine.

    • @janetwhite7786
      @janetwhite7786 Год назад

      Happycrazykim - i tried to say that and cd do no better than u just did. His genuine curiosity without defensiveness or fear gets me everytime.

    • @ONESTOREUP870
      @ONESTOREUP870 Год назад

      👆👆👆👆👆 checkout the above handle, he sells good stuff🍄💊

  • @Michael-ic4np
    @Michael-ic4np 11 месяцев назад +20

    I know psychedelics may give you a hell trip, but for me, it was the best single experience of my life by far. Cured my depression, social anxiety, and reminded me that joy and bliss were real. I thank God often for such grace that i was granted

    • @TheRealNitty_
      @TheRealNitty_ 8 месяцев назад

      I think it’s different for him because demons prey on low vibrational beings… he seen no reason of life wasn’t grateful for being saved 5x… (not misjudging him just rewording what he said)
      You may have more love for life and high vibration even with depression/sa.
      Anyway thanks for sharing!!❤

    • @pieterduplessis6906
      @pieterduplessis6906 7 месяцев назад

      @@TheRealNitty_vibrations has got nothing to do with it. pure lies. He invited them in willingly with everything he did. lots of people are influenced daily by these forces. just turn you head and you will probably see someone. but some people actually invite these things in, no matter what their vibrations are.

    • @pieterduplessis6906
      @pieterduplessis6906 7 месяцев назад

      question - Did you only have to take one shot ?? are you still cured ??
      joy and bliss IS real, but it is found in Jesus, not drugs. There is one big difference to be reminded joy and bliss is real and to actually live it day by day
      may you be moved from these drugs into the Word of God

    • @henryjohnson-ville3834
      @henryjohnson-ville3834 5 месяцев назад +1

      Same. I love doing it once in a while with good intentions, have acoustic guitar music on with "lorirocks777" train videos on my monitor and vibing out for an evening.
      I remember for one of my trips it felt like Jesus was hugging me, I was filled with joy and love, rolling in bed, smiling like a mad man. It was beautiful. 🥺🥺

  • @leadfreelures
    @leadfreelures Год назад +56

    My favorite part was when he realized every breath was being given to him as a gift from God❤

    • @edenredeemed
      @edenredeemed Год назад +3

      I mean to just think about that being true for us even now is mind blowing. Every breath is His given to us as a gift. What are we doing with the breath He gives us?

    • @Randy-1967
      @Randy-1967 Год назад

      Is god breathing for him ?

  • @jonathanschlott8559
    @jonathanschlott8559 Год назад +185

    Michael, please do a similar one of these but on pornography. I heard so many parallels to porn addiction when Joshua was talking about drugs. Excellent video!

    • @mr_jchristian
      @mr_jchristian Год назад +4


    • @HickoryDickory86
      @HickoryDickory86 Год назад

      Pornography is so insidious. Nearly all men-and many women-today are enslaved to it. I believe it was Father Seraphim Rose who called it "Satan's iconography," and there is no more fitting description for it.

    • @bigboicreme
      @bigboicreme Год назад


    • @RanMouri82
      @RanMouri82 Год назад +4

      Agreed! Among the many drugs out there, porn is often scoffed at as being innocent fun.

  • @meghan8020
    @meghan8020 Год назад +21

    “We’re sick of this kid. He’s coming in, and taking hard won souls from our kingdom, then has the audacity to eat off our table”.
    That gave me chills. What a wake up call, and a deep conviction about partaking in the worship of false idols and hedonisms of the world.
    Superb testimony. I’ve never understood what fear of the Lord is. I know we’re supposed to have a holy fear of God, but I’ve never understood how that works, or what it should look like. It’s always been such a contradicting phrase to my ears. I think his testimony has maybe helped me grapple with it a bit more.

  • @mzeroc1er
    @mzeroc1er Год назад +9

    I took Acid once in college, was always nervous about it, my friends all did it with no problems growing up. This one experience changed my life forever, at first it was bad and hard to deal with, but once i worked through it i found it probably saved my life bc i changed my whole life and how i think bc of it. The person i was before that was on auto pilot, LSD forced me to take control of my own thoughts and actions, it forced me to change my habits and how i perceived myself, the world, other people in my life, and my relationship with God. I might be in the minority in regards to its affect on me, but all the time i think how grateful i am for having that life changing experience. I was asleep before, i am now awake, aware and present. I realize i am a blessed man who could probably never express enough how truly grateful i am for the life ive been given. God is real and he loves us all.

    • @aliasjones6381
      @aliasjones6381 Год назад +1

      It's opening a door that we don't know what is on the other end. In your case it sounds like it was good - but on average it's a needless risk.

    • @mzeroc1er
      @mzeroc1er Год назад

      @@aliasjones6381 youll get no arguments from me there. I know psychedelics can be used to treat addicts, and people with PTSD, and this is bc i breaks your perception of reality and allows the mind to perceive things from a different angle. Our minds and who we are is a culmination of all the things weve experienced, our brain makes connections through the things its experienced, psychedelics break those connections temporarily. I should also say that it took me close to 5 years to fully intergrate and comprehend what had happened to me. And the first few years were awful, so much inner dialogue took place in those years. When uve heard ur inner voice one way ur whole life and one day decide to challenge your own thoughts as to why u think the way u do, it becomes a sort of spiritual battle internally, bc u always thought one way without a second thought, and now ur standing up to your own inner voice. It was very hard to function during this period, maintain conversations or just be around people. It sounds crazy, and it was, at the time i didnt understand why it was happening, but now that im on the other side of it by 15+ years i can look back on it as one of the most transformative and important moments of my life.

    • @b__w_4565
      @b__w_4565 8 месяцев назад

      @@aliasjones6381 not at all mate lol. your just letting your fear of god in the way. lsd is amazing for many many people.

    • @colinkamoda9502
      @colinkamoda9502 7 месяцев назад

      Yea, I was an atheist before mushrooms.

    • @ghost-user559
      @ghost-user559 6 месяцев назад

      Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; *blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed* .” John 20:29

  • @kawa99
    @kawa99 Год назад +197

    As an atheist I thought this story was amazing. I have become interested in the stories of people who recovered from addiction, especially drug addiction. Thanks for the video.

    • @icyunvme2400
      @icyunvme2400 Год назад +22

      I don’t know how you live without some form of spiritual belief just thinking physically would consume me.

    • @CliftonRaffington-bj6tz
      @CliftonRaffington-bj6tz Год назад +17

      Seek the Lord with your genuinely with your heart.. I guarantee you, your mindset will be totally renewed...

    • @andybernsdorff8860
      @andybernsdorff8860 Год назад +6

      I believe that God will judge all perfectly. Whether you're an atheist or not won't matter. How many throughout history never had the opportunity to know God? I hope your life is amazing and full of happiness. Be well, and be an inspiration to others!

    • @shreksburgers
      @shreksburgers Год назад +2

      @@icyunvme2400 atheists have spiritual belief. it's usually a strong faith in science / technology to solve all the world's problems and the higher mysteries of existence.
      personally i'm an agnostic bordering on atheism but i know i've made warfare my god, so lol.

    • @icyunvme2400
      @icyunvme2400 Год назад +2

      @@shreksburgers I feel you, but people view science and technology differently. For better or worse atheists live and only think about the physical. I think there’s pros and cons to every belief but personally I couldn’t be an atheist💀

  • @thefozz_6639
    @thefozz_6639 Год назад +101


  • @jamiel5708
    @jamiel5708 Год назад +39

    Best wire host in recent months easily. On a tear. Just introduced him to my wife and she was impressed.

  • @benyaeger4388
    @benyaeger4388 9 месяцев назад +8

    I did LSD twice as a young teenager. I unfortunately had a horrible trip on my second one. I have a permanent visual perception problem due to this. I can't see clearly to say the least. Its very irritating not being able to see people's facial expressions or the stars at night. Its a purple haziness on everything, almost like a snow flake pattern. I saw the same thing the first time I used LSD but it went away after the trip. I found out years ago that im not the only one out there with this permanent problem. I found out through much research that the diagnosis is called "hallucinogenic persisting perception disorder". Im not alone but I have to live like this forever. I would do anything to see my loved ones faces clearly or the stars at night. I although thank God that I didn't lose all my sight or my life. I need to think on what im grateful for when I deal with this lasting problem.

    • @Lentil-Soop
      @Lentil-Soop 8 месяцев назад

      Try hypnosis, it works well. I am working with a hypnotist that cured a woman of something similar. They were able to find the core belief and uproot it out of her psyche. If you need a recommendation lmk!

    • @andrewmccombs7347
      @andrewmccombs7347 5 месяцев назад

      I had that for a while... like 5 years. It's kinda like the world is being projected onto this static geometry in the background and it's very disturbing because you think "Well, that's it. That's absolutely terrible and meaningless... but that's it."
      I would pray in the name of Jesus Christ that God takes that away from you. If it doesn't go away just know that trust me that's not "it". That's not anything. It's just there to disturb you, but it will go away eventually.

  • @drbertdelgado
    @drbertdelgado Год назад +58

    Oh Michael, this was an unbelievable interview. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea but it was what I needed to hear! Well done sir.

  • @kelsiezarn7157
    @kelsiezarn7157 Год назад +135

    I’m so grateful for these interviews showing the dark spiritual side that so many people like to ignore. I was raised in a loving and Christian household so thankfully I have been very shielded from having many personal experiences of my own. My grandmother is a witch so my mother was very very diligent at teaching me about this side and taking it seriously. Growing up in the faith it’s sad to see how many Christians (Including my self) forget out how prevalent spirits are. It’s so fascinating to hear the relationship between demons and drugs. I’m a hairdresser and the vast majority of my coworkers are very “spiritual” drug users. There’s not a day it work that I don’t hear something about astrology or manifestation. And I’m struggling to trust God and have the confidence through Him to speak out against the evil that I’m surrounded by. I’m thankful for these interviews reminding me that Jesus is the savior and my only purpose is to share that. Thank you!

    • @mrs.b3902
      @mrs.b3902 Год назад +23

      Jesus, be with this hair dresser and give her the strength she needs to be in her work environment as a light: let her feel your peace so that her co-workers do not bother her spiritual journey.

    • @RanMouri82
      @RanMouri82 Год назад +9

      A big reason why is that our western society is secular and materialistic. We're taught very early by society, if not our parents, that the only things that are real are what we can see and touch.

    • @RanMouri82
      @RanMouri82 Год назад +12

      ​​@@mrs.b3902 Joining in your prayer! Like Josh's story shows, it's an addictive counterfeit of the divine love the human heart hungers to receive.

    • @shannonhawkins3296
      @shannonhawkins3296 Год назад +13

      Put on the full armor of God.
      “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,”
      ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭10‬-‭18‬ ‭
      Read your Bible everyday. Pray everyday.

    • @SavvyVice
      @SavvyVice Год назад +5

      ​@@RanMouri82 Thing about that is, if I try to talk to a fellow Christian about a ghost experience that I had they'll roll their eyes and chalk it up to me being paranoid. Its like any spiritual experience that isnt written in the bible is immediately disregarded, despite the bible mentioning Jesus excorcising demons and people meeting angels.

  • @potatomaster1251
    @potatomaster1251 Год назад +119

    I thoroughly enjoy a break from the political to examine the underlying spiritual problems of the human condition. Keep up the good work. May God guide your steps.

  • @stayontrack
    @stayontrack 10 месяцев назад +8

    This is a great example of curiousity that knows no bounds combined with an addictive personality. Almost everything this guy tries becomes his new best thing in the world.

  • @LisaLee123
    @LisaLee123 Год назад +110

    Do more of these videos!! I NEVER ever sit through a 2 hour RUclips video but I was captivated. You’re a natural at these types of interviews. Could care less about the politics. 😂

    • @captainmaim
      @captainmaim Год назад +4

      I listened to this at 1.5x like I always do... then I listened again at 1.25x. I'm thinking there might be a 0.75x in my future...

    • @GraveyardTricks
      @GraveyardTricks Год назад +1

      You need to find better videos. Long form videos is where it's at

    • @kaylahall1219
      @kaylahall1219 Год назад

      The interesting thing about today’s politics; is they are just a physical expression of this spiritual war we are having.

    • @GraveyardTricks
      @GraveyardTricks Год назад

      @@kaylahall1219 The funny thing about youtube comments is that they're just a digital expression of the thoughts we are having

  • @TheChrisDecember
    @TheChrisDecember Год назад +50

    I saw Jesus during worship and in the same way that Joshua describes Him, Jesus looked lovingly at me. His eyes in the simplest of description were a universe of true, selfless love, kindness, patience. He told me, "I love you. I am always with you, no matter how people lied about you."

    • @judymartuscello114
      @judymartuscello114 7 месяцев назад +2


    • @risingson173
      @risingson173 7 месяцев назад +1

      That specific quote, I'm not the one that heard it but knowing he can have that outlook just doubled my strength. Thank you for putting that here.

    • @selfidolization
      @selfidolization 6 месяцев назад +1

      How did he physically look to you? I have seen him physically & wondering we saw the same features.

    • @TheChrisDecember
      @TheChrisDecember 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@selfidolization In both the times I've seen him, he appeared as a simple man that no one would give a second glance - Middle Eastern / Israeli, tanned, dark brown hair, sharp facial features, scarlet robe over beige clothes.

    • @selfidolization
      @selfidolization 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@TheChrisDecember Yes same! He came to me with that same exact physical look, only a tattered white robe instead. As he was healing me, he worked quickly & bluntly/unemotionally, conveying to me that his purity was not to be confused with being overly nice & people pleasing. He taught me the difference between being nice & being kind that day. Wow!

  • @hansolo1528
    @hansolo1528 Год назад +202

    I was on mushrooms a few months ago. First few hours was so much fun. Then judgement day happened, everything started fading away and I was being pulled into hell. The arms pulling me down into hell will be a memory I will never forget. Thank God for one of my friends being there who was sober and was able to watch me for the next few hours while I was panicking. God is real. Demons are real. I pray for everyone 🙏

    • @DirtyJ42069
      @DirtyJ42069 Год назад +23

      It's called ego death, n is not a bad thing, after some reflection you can learn alot from that

    • @DesroQc
      @DesroQc Год назад

      @@DirtyJ42069 "Ego death" lol, you sound like Eckhart Tolle. GTFO with your new age BS...

    • @elisabethmorning3735
      @elisabethmorning3735 Год назад +18

      It’s called a glimpse behind the veil and a warning.

    • @jonathandegoederen4276
      @jonathandegoederen4276 Год назад +8

      Ego death hahaha 😅

    • @FirstNameLastName-wt5to
      @FirstNameLastName-wt5to Год назад +14

      When I took mushrooms I found a profound sense of inner peace. It was a beautiful experience. Everything shined with light.

  • @nondualitywithdonna3402
    @nondualitywithdonna3402 Год назад +5

    He's telling my story. I remember before being born that I will get so lost in the material world, but I will have the experience of turning it around and know how to hold the light for others

  • @ladylecter636
    @ladylecter636 Год назад +73

    I’m a recovering addict with five years clean time and this was fascinating. My addiction was entirely a form of escapism but my rock bottom had a huge spiritual component. Thanks for branching out like this Michael, these interviews are fantastic

    • @ONESTOREUP870
      @ONESTOREUP870 Год назад

      👆👆👆👆👆 checkout the above handle, he sells good stuff🍄💊

    • @RanMouri82
      @RanMouri82 Год назад +2

      Glad that you're clean! God bless you.

    • @beachmama381
      @beachmama381 Год назад


  • @ardyjeen6144
    @ardyjeen6144 Год назад +70

    The recall on those trips is something. And I agree that the line that he remembered from the demons: “…he comes in here, takes our people away, but still sits at our table to eat our food.” Wow.
    Yes, Josh, I pray that you never do that again.
    Prayers high and may God bless us.

    • @mowtivatedmechanic1172
      @mowtivatedmechanic1172 Год назад +6

      Yeah that statement hit me like a ton of bricks.

    • @captainmaim
      @captainmaim Год назад +9

      Anybody else see himself in the mirror on that line? (looking around, hand raised) anyone? Just me? Okay....

    • @crisstinsley2988
      @crisstinsley2988 Год назад +4

      @@captainmaim I'm guilty of it too :(

    • @timothyjade
      @timothyjade Год назад +4

      Right? When paranoia would set in for me I could recall every single wrong thing I ever did to any individual person that they might harbor against me, I mean thousands of memories of every single thing that might turn them against me

    • @VictoriaTheBookworm
      @VictoriaTheBookworm Год назад

      @@captainmaim no not just you

  • @cherylfeddersen8584
    @cherylfeddersen8584 Год назад +67

    I went thru a lot of the same stuff he did. During my addiction, ouji boards psychics, tarbot cards. I saw a demon once that held me down. Been sober and clean now for a long time. I am now a devout Catholic. I know for a fact hell is real. The Lord saved me. My life now is not perfect, but I am so blessed to have him and Mary and the saints . My faith is growing and peace in my heart is priceless.

    • @Jesusbride515
      @Jesusbride515 Год назад

      Jesus Christ is Lord and he is coming soon. Catholicism is not biblical. Please repent and don’t pray to marry or worship statues.
      We must all be ready for the rapture, it is any day now! Jesus will snatch us away. I am ex-LGBT, and I know that I would go to hell if I continued in it. I also know that my divorced and remarried parents will die and go to hell if they don't repent and leave the adultery. For now, my Mom is a believer who goes to church and thinks that she and my Dad are going in the rapture. Her pastor is also divorced and remarried. It's a big lie from the devil that has MANY deceived.
      What does the Bible say? Loving Jesus means loving His Word. BUT from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.
      Mark 10:6‭-‬12 KJV
      And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.
      Luke 16:14‭-‬18 KJV
      Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.
      Romans 7:1‭-‬3 KJV
      And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: but and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.
      1 Corinthians 7:10‭-‬11‭, ‬39 KJV
      “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”
      1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”
      Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      This is honestly what the Bible says. The road is definitely narrow. If people want to repent from this, they have got to leave the adulterous relationship altogether and get that divorce to get out of it.
      Hoping people will get born again now, before it’s too late! Maranatha!

    • @myahgormley9788
      @myahgormley9788 Год назад

      God bless you. I'm so grateful to God that you are safe now and protected ❤

    • @stephenlindman1484
      @stephenlindman1484 Год назад +6

      Always put god first before anything godbless

    • @MrDionstarrr
      @MrDionstarrr Год назад

      Catholicism definitely isn't the way. The roman Catholic church is against God, because they assert themselves AS God.

    • @lulabella9249
      @lulabella9249 Год назад +1

      Praise be to God! Jesus, Mary and Joseph we love you!!! This is exactly my experience!

  • @Mags2790
    @Mags2790 6 месяцев назад +3

    Jezebel , drug addict , occultist, done it all. YESHUA radically saved me at 29 ❤

  • @ginameredith4005
    @ginameredith4005 Год назад +54

    I seriously have spontaneous tears listening to this guy. I have been dealing with a bunch of stuff, but he's right, Jesus loves me and that's all that matters.

    • @elusivemayfly7534
      @elusivemayfly7534 Год назад +2

      He loves you, and He’ll bring you through. You are the lamb He is carrying in the 23rd Psalm. I am praying for you and asking saints to intercede for you. God bless you ❤

  • @Mk_Loa
    @Mk_Loa Год назад +77

    I wrote a novel about these exact themes-addiction, sleep paralysis, spiritual warfare, psychedelics, interdimensional travel and its crazy how similar it is to this man's story. The tagline is 'Time to Face Your Demons' because that's what I was doing when I wrote it. Everything Josh is talking about is 100% real. I've experienced some of this and day dreamed other parts. Although it's a dark story, I always felt like God wanted me to write it. I felt like I was tapping into something from outside myself. It's crazy to hear another person vocalize what I've only heard in my mind.

    • @lucysingh506
      @lucysingh506 Год назад +2

      Your book sounds interesting, it also reminds me of Graham Hancocks “Entangled” sort of. Have you published it anywhere? Would love to check it out :)

    • @Mk_Loa
      @Mk_Loa Год назад +4

      @Lucy Singh Wildest Dreams, Call of the Void Book 1. My pen name is MK Loa. Warning that the main character is a very lost man. Growing up in a cult will do that to you. He finds Christ at the end, but none of his actions leading up to that a meant to be glorified.

    • @hefzi-babeula8631
      @hefzi-babeula8631 Год назад +3

      I can relate as I went through the same and it felt it was right, but I was getting deeper into “spiritualism” through yoga, reiki and opening the third eye while using marihuana as a “green” therapy🤦🏻‍♀️
      Thanks God for mercy and grace🙏🏽I cannot look back ever again.

    • @alinalindt4676
      @alinalindt4676 Год назад

      It's as real as any other drug-induced hallucination.

  • @drumrgal4christ987
    @drumrgal4christ987 Год назад +22

    It’s almost like Michael is growing spiritually or opening up more in the Spirit during or by or from these interviews. This was just another awesome interview. 😊

  • @jimjohnson724
    @jimjohnson724 Год назад +23

    To me, someone constantly had this dude on their prayers. Always pray for your loved ones, ppl

  • @colfol231
    @colfol231 Год назад +20

    I have never understood a person so much in my life ever. Thank you for having him Michael and thank you for being as understanding as you are as someone who never went through that.

  • @Cliffster420
    @Cliffster420 Год назад +45

    I love this series of interviewing people from different walks of life that were lost and found their way to the light 🙏 Bless us all

    • @EQOAnostalgia
      @EQOAnostalgia Год назад +2

      Watch "The Nephilim Look Like Clowns" You might look at your avatar in a different light lol. God bless bro.

    • @Cliffster420
      @Cliffster420 Год назад

      @EQOAnostalgia You're right, I appreciate that 🙏

  • @TylerElijah
    @TylerElijah 11 месяцев назад +4

    This guy’s testimony is always so impactful and thought/soul provoking. The Lord is faithful to his people children when we are faithless❤ [2 Timothy 2:13] “if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”

  • @daveclarence8719
    @daveclarence8719 Год назад +89

    Mushrooms gave me lasting PTSD for years which I still struggle with to this day. No matter what people say, set and setting can't always save you from ending up in a nightmare. Tread with caution with psychedelics.

    • @smartjared7203
      @smartjared7203 Год назад +1

      I can recommend you to where I get my stuff from an online store his got his got Shrooms, psychedelics, alongside other products well Refined ships to anywhere discreetly.

    • @smartjared7203
      @smartjared7203 Год назад

      He's on Instagrams also on Telegram with the below handle as...

    • @Ark_bleu
      @Ark_bleu Год назад +13

      Sorry this happened. Not my expertise but I think keeping to your routines, and incorporating some physically challenging exercise can be helpful.
      I can’t believe how hard psychs are being pushed right now. Bots and spammers everywhere

    • @LKDoyle12
      @LKDoyle12 Год назад +10

      You resisted what was happening. Let it in.

    • @WilliamsPinch
      @WilliamsPinch Год назад +5

      Yeah lots of people have bad trips.

  • @mrwiggiewoo
    @mrwiggiewoo Год назад +38

    Wow.... Thank you for this interview. I'm a child of the late sixties early seventies And experimented with LSD marijuana, hashish and any other illegal drug that was available at the time. I was a very young teen at the time and God grabbed me out of the fire so to speak, and He introduced me to a vibrant body of believers and we studied The Bible like crazy and went around singing hymns down the street together, that's how joyful and grateful we were . I just turned 65 this year and I'm still so grateful That God grabbed me up into his arms. When I look back to those times I am still amazed. Thank you for telling your story, Joshua, and thank you Michael for hosting this wonderful Interview. This needs to be heard....

    • @linnimartin4453
      @linnimartin4453 Год назад +1

      You basically just told my Life story. I did all the same things and then some. By the time i was 25 I was as full blown alcoholic. I quit drinking went to AA & found New Age spirituality. I was raised Catholic & didn't want that. I didn't know Christ. This led me back to drinking after 10 yrs of sobriety. I drank & used coke & meth till i was 50! That deep hole almost killed me. That was 15 years ago. Im so grateful to God for saving me again. I know without Him I'm doomed.

    • @mrwiggiewoo
      @mrwiggiewoo Год назад

      @@linnimartin4453 God bless you, Linni Martin.