  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @RandyTheSavage5150
    @RandyTheSavage5150 3 месяца назад +19

    I hope they do not add opposing rolls or "saves" The speed of warcry is what attracted me to it and adding another roll would only slow it down.

  • @joken64
    @joken64 2 месяца назад +2

    Hobbies and being a Dad. My kids are now 29 and 25 so this is definitely a rear view mirror thing for me. My approach was as follows:
    Try to get to the club no more than 3 weeks in 4 and negotiate this well in advance with your partner.
    Painting during my partner’s events; ie when I’m babysitting because my partner’s out then this is prime painting time.
    Support your partner in their hobbies. It’s much easier to go to weekend event if you’ve already covered your partner’s weekend event. If you give before you take your hobby time will be easier to secure.
    Oh and family 1st, partner 2nd and hobby 3rd is a great approach to getting good quality hobby time.

  • @faba1985
    @faba1985 2 месяца назад +1

    100% agree with your arguments about the Aelf rules!
    I have a small Lumineth Warband and i don't know why they didn't done a double-ability for a 5+ Krit.
    You find this ability in the "normal" ruleset for the lumineht...still in AoS 4.0!
    And where ist the double activation which is their normal Faction-Bonus?
    Why isn't there a trible oder quad-ability in that way?
    And to be honest ....the shining company-ability is in my opinion to complex!
    Make it easiert to use ... get rid of the requirement, make it like in Aura which only is aktive if another Model is nearby!
    And at last... I don't get it why the Sentinels are better with the sword than the bow.
    Get them better stats for the bow-attack and make them worse in melee combat!
    Thats just my cent :)
    Hope to see more content from you!
    Cheers from germany

  • @hirostroud
    @hirostroud 3 месяца назад +3

    2 questions.
    How would you fix counter? I appreciate it as a mechanic, it helps with the problem of ganking unactivated models, but it really seems to be overly punishing for weaker models attempting to punch up.
    Are allies more hindrance than help? It seems like so many weaker crews are getting their power pulled much higher by the adition of those few models seen in so many lists, like calthia xandire, so is that preventing the crew itself getting some needed buffs.

    • @janschulte8434
      @janschulte8434 3 месяца назад

      My problem with allies is, that they are often used to negate the shortcomings of a fraction, boosting weaknesses but often at the expense of their identity and flavour.

  • @Phalanx167
    @Phalanx167 3 месяца назад +1

    I think you are forgetting, or at least you are leaving out that Warcry had an edition change already and it's something in that vein that I would like to see happen. Rather than Killteamify or Mordheimify the game, I would really like to see the Warcry team lean into what they have been experimenting with in the latter half of the current edition. Mainly what I am referring to is more warband synergies, power pairings (like rhe new Ossiarch hero), more varied attack and stat profiles (like more Str 1 or 2, T2, 2/3 damage peofiles, etc.), and especially experimenting with giving every Warband simple faction rules to play around similar to the Pyregeists (though I would say rather than taking allies shutting that off, they should not benefit from it instead so as not to crimp the fun of list making and disadvantage warbands that do not have much variety).
    As far as things I would want to see them borrow from Kill Teamdoesn't, I would mainly like to see WC achieve a smaller gulf in damage between normal hits and crits. While critical hits should hit harder in general in WC than in KT given the amount of health fighters can have, the current paradigm of crits being double or more damage than a regular makes it a tad too swinger. I would like to see more 1/4 type low attack profiles move to something like 2/3 for example. The other thing would be introducing keywords or maybe keyrunemarks to the game like how Kill Team has for weaponry that add fun effects like re-rolls or "exploding" dice.
    If they were to take a page out of the AoS 4.0 book for a new edition of Warcry, I would want it to be for them to take a long, hard look at all their unit profiles like the AoS team did and ask themselves the following:
    "What fantasy is this model trying to achieve?"
    "How can we achieve the feel of that fantasy in terms of the mechanics and stats of the game?"
    "Does this model have a special role in the faction?"
    It would be nice to see them further solidify the identity of various races within AoS by differentiating their stats more concretely, like making Grots not as tough as your average human (by going down to base Toughness 2), or achieving that sense of blinding speed and power by bumping elven base damage up as you suggested while keeping them kind of weedy and fragile otherwise. Trying to get more Titan/Bruiser type units running in each faction would be great to as well as making sure each unit has a mechanical element and dtat line that lives up to the fantasy they embody as well (like how is it that Kurnhoth Hunters have no runemark abilities and Dragon Ogors hit like a standard elite humanoid???).
    Lastly there are just some more generalized changes I would like to see to give more units some special roles. My first example would be to add a new runemark category for champions: units that are not quite heros for the various unit champions from AoS sets or second in commands from bespoke sets to fall into so they are no longer competing for those precious hero slots. The idea of champions would be they are another unit that would be able to use abilities like inspiricrypto yard in addition to unique "command abilities," but only on units they share a secondary runemark with (like Elite), i.e. units that they are normally package with like the Crypt Guard Seneschal with his fellow cryptguard. These units would also be fairly points efficient for what their starlings, but would be limited to 2 or 3 slots and would require you take a non-champion unit with the same runemark (and maybe no more than one of any given champion per list).
    The other tweak to unit roles I would like to see is for the Thrall sections of the Compendium to be delete and for Thrall slots to get expanded to potentially allow any fighter from within the Grand Alliance with the Beast or Minion runemark to fill it. That way people can run fun themed lists of say some Rotmire Creed who manage to summon a beast of Nurgle and some Plaguebearers by pleasing Lord Leech; or maybe some Wildercorps hunters who also employ some Aetherwings as hunting birds in their expeditions. Maybe throw some Thrall runemarks in new and fun places like on Ogor Gluttons to represent them being mercenaries in other Destruction warbands.
    Also, the game could desperately use more selections of monsters. I get that GW does not want to use AoS monsters that have Heros riding them, as that further complicates how to write the power levels of these units and as well as breaking the power scale of the game (which is already kind of tilted by the inclusion of things like Varangard as a unit you can casually take), but they could add lots more non-hero monsters that are sentient or have riders. I'm thinking things like normal Treemen, or maybe allowing Troglodons with no Oracle rider, or the Marshcrawler Sloggoth that just has a howrah full of fairly ordinary grots with traps and mancatchers that could easily be represented by a souped up net ability. There is so much more of the monstrous model range they can explore that fits the thematic power scale of Warcry even better than some of the normal fighters already included in the game. There is no reason for Order especially to be languishing with just two monster entries.
    Maybe GW could just utilize the Ally runemark more in general as well and this kind of fits in to the last thing I would like to see from a new edition in general: Instead of bloating the game with constant warband releases (which granted a lot of them have been spectacular) we should be getting more allies or maybe even Necromundaish faction expansions. Death and Order are completely devoid of anything with the ally runemark and it would be cool to see then get models along the lines of the Ogroid Myrmidon or Mindstealer Sphyranx, and it could go a long way to helping their bespoke warbands gaps for roles in their lists beyond the usual Dreadblade Harrow or Akhelian King.
    Anyway, I know that is a lot there I threw down there, but that's all the more reason why I think this game could use a new edition and would gladly embrace one that is a little more scaled up from the move from the WC1 to WC2 move but is not no where near the level of the chanee from AoS3 to AoS4 or 40k 9th to 10th. Thanks for the video and for the stimulating discussion btw

  • @001Elpato
    @001Elpato 3 месяца назад +1

    Yes, and I hope the sets will not be almost 2 years of trees. I would hope like castle ruines, caves, different sceneries, campaigns… it’s small skirmish and I wish the scenery would change and be different. For rules I think warcry has one of the best rules and I hope they will not change them or if so then just slight tuning. For objective missions I would like if they change the way how you capture, like different units would value different score, this way elite teams could also win objective and not only horde, like 3 skeletons could be as much as one stormcast for example or other higher point unit.

  • @nicklaslundstrom7924
    @nicklaslundstrom7924 3 месяца назад +1

    Good answer on my elf question. Without a new edition I think giving them all a crit boost, or more booring deduct -5 points is the only chance of them actually adressing the issue.

  • @phylax6206
    @phylax6206 3 месяца назад +1

    I kind of don't mind that I'm the Ephilim guy now hah😅

  • @DaronSchmit
    @DaronSchmit 3 месяца назад +1

    I agree a lot with the takes on terrain. Movement is over costed, so you almost have to stuff the board and put some objectives on platforms to make the points worth it.
    Not so much that it makes it an auto-win, but enough that it forces terrain interactions

  • @JimCrimmins
    @JimCrimmins 3 месяца назад +1

    Awesome analysis! Thank you so much.. I actually have a couple fiends so I can make that work

  • @theDackjanielz
    @theDackjanielz 3 месяца назад +1

    Three things i want to see myself....
    1: Revamped campaign system, this is just my own opinion but i preferred the system from first edition.
    2: More content for solo/coop gameplay, i think Warcry is ripe for this sort of thing, its already got alot of "leveling up" mechanics in place.
    3: Similar to what you said, id like to see optional Warband abilities that gives some personality, a bit like Rivals decks in Underworlds, for example poisoned weapons or something.

  • @Vaellas
    @Vaellas 3 месяца назад

    One of the things I have been waiting for for a long time now is an Idoneth warband.
    Personally I believe it would be very cool to have an Isharann Embailor leader as they are the Idoneth used to tame/ break beasts in to service so would be cool to have them with their Namarti guard and a selection of underwater beasts, perhaps a few weaker and 1 larger one with the Embailor offering bonuses to them like buffs, extra actions etc
    What do you feel Idoneth could use in a bespoke warband giving what they lack now?

    • @OffMetaMusings
      @OffMetaMusings  3 месяца назад +2

      Idoneth is definitely something that could do with a bespoke. For me the coolest thing about the Idoneth are the riders/sea beasts/etc. You could probably do something similar to the gorger mawpack with a smaller, elite warband all mounted but with great speed and a whole bunch of on charge abilities.

  • @janschulte8434
    @janschulte8434 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for answering the questions.
    Looking ways to play KO after the update myself and wondering if you ment sykhook or skypike?

  • @TheShaggyarab
    @TheShaggyarab 2 месяца назад

    I love your channel, you are brilliant but please I kindly ask change your music to something slower as you are a fast speaker, would you consider warband list for cities, fyreslayers and seraphon please?

    • @OffMetaMusings
      @OffMetaMusings  2 месяца назад

      I've actually never done any real building with Fyreslayers :P Though I have taken a look at the new seraphon here:видео.html and hereвидео.html and me and Rob talked about cities of sigmar here:видео.html

  • @ayonmetar2301
    @ayonmetar2301 3 месяца назад

    Hey, could somebody help out an absolute newbie? I'm trying to wrap my head around how to build a team in the current meta and over four years of contradicting videos make that somewhat difficult ^^
    I was led to believe by several lists I saw that a few strong units and then a lot of chaff for objectives was a good idea. 19:25 Now I hear 7-8 is better. What changed?

    • @OffMetaMusings
      @OffMetaMusings  3 месяца назад

      It's not necessarily whats better, rather what people are bringing; the last update in april upped the points cost of a whole bunch of those very cheap chaff units that allowed warbands like Soulblight and Nurgle Daemons to just spam out a whole bunch of guys plus a couple of strong big things. After that update, the push has been for more midrangey style warbands which opens up the space for 7-8 fighter warbands to actually be decent as opposed to before when they would largely be a hindrance because of being outnumbered by those bigger warbands. The long and short of it is that you can build anywhere from probably 7-10 fighters and still have a decent time but those smaller warbands will likely be taking 3-4 decent threats as opposed to the 1-2 of the previous format.

    • @ayonmetar2301
      @ayonmetar2301 3 месяца назад

      @@OffMetaMusings Thanks for the explanation. Much appreciated =)

  • @eggiwegs
    @eggiwegs 3 месяца назад +1

    Great idea this! I love these kind of discussions Cheers

  • @KikiMac
    @KikiMac 3 месяца назад

    Would you like to see some abilities be able to be used outside of an activation, such as adding a Hero Phase between the Reserve and Combat phases to use them (but also counts as their ability for the turn)? (For example, Kixi-Taka's "Imbue with Azerite Energy", KO's "Fight for Profit", or Calthia Xandire's "Coordinated Strike")

  • @mogwaiman6048
    @mogwaiman6048 3 месяца назад

    I think a new edition is happening anyway to address all the AoS content that is going to legends.

    • @OffMetaMusings
      @OffMetaMusings  3 месяца назад

      *if* its coming (and im not saying that it will any time soon), it likely wont be before 2025

    • @mogwaiman6048
      @mogwaiman6048 3 месяца назад

      @@OffMetaMusings maybe Summer of 2025 as that is when BoC, Bonesplitterz, and Sacrosanct officially go to legends.

    • @janschulte8434
      @janschulte8434 3 месяца назад

      ​@@mogwaiman6048 There are a couple of old Seraphon fighters and heroes that are gone from AoS but still playable in Warcry. Just because things are gone from AoS doesn't mean that they are gone from Warcry.

    • @mogwaiman6048
      @mogwaiman6048 3 месяца назад

      @@janschulte8434 we haven't entered a 3rd edition for Warcry yet. Which probably will remove older content.

    • @janschulte8434
      @janschulte8434 3 месяца назад

      @@mogwaiman6048 I guess they will, but maybe they won't. There are many profiles from the first edition that didn't get a update for second and are still around.

  • @robertviscomi8199
    @robertviscomi8199 3 месяца назад +1
