Love the driving analogy for double decider! I've known lots of single deciders that get annoyed by me because I "won't pick a side", or "too afraid to go all in", etc. Also, single deciders don't seem to get that you can be in the middle and see both sides - they'll tend to see you as the other side!! Like, both sides will tend to see me as one of them if I listen, but as soon as I bring up the weak parts of their argument they see me as the other side. I can agree with you and disagree with you at the same time... lol
There's only one side which is true and that is the logical thinking side. Feelings are instinctual and useful for interacting with other humans but they are not useful for discovering the truth.
It feels more like talking to children that like to cause drama. Something you just want to avoid getting involved in because the problems will never go away with these types of people.
Yes this is how it always have been! I could always see the problem with both sides, or see where both sides were coming from, so people would be mad at me because I wasn’t on their side, but I wasn’t on any side at all! I got into drama by not picking a side
Damn. This was beautiful. I finally get it. I also appreciate how it affects the middle gatherer/observer functions. I'm like why is it that I'm gathering so much with Ne for my novel but Si won't kick in to organize a clear novel premise because my single deciding is taking it too seriously and expecting too much or defending its self-righteousnesd, or just too much plain introversion. There's a playfulness with creativity, and I can't make it so important. Thanks Shan for the "keeping this in context" advice and Dave for the road analogy. I'm an INFP IP/IJ. This helps. Thanks!
The other day I was a having a mayor freak out cause I didn't go to my friends bands concert he invited me to go to and I didn't let him know I would not come. I said maybe. So then at night I was like omg I let the tribe down, they're gonna hate me and then I hated myself and ran away and took a 3 day dive. It took me even a couple of more days to realize what had happened and finally apologizing for not saying that I was not gonna come see them. He was like: all good don't worry. and then I finally was able to see it. I was Di over De acting ignoring my (demon) De needs (of communicating with the tribe, so they know im not going) and holy crap my De Di imbalance freaked me out so much and it took me days to figure it out, what I went through and what had happened. Single Decider problems! I am not able to see half of the decider "observations". I knew it before. But didn't know how bad it was! but then again: Who am I to speak. "You are not able to see yourself." I love love love your content!
This concept was displayed beautifully a few months ago at work. My coworker and I were dealing with some wires/cords/connections. Our boss came over and kinda got upset with us bc we forgot to accomplish a separate task. I got annoyed bc she interrupted me trying to figure out the wires/cords, my coworker freaked out bc our boss was mean to us. (Spoiler: She wasn’t being mean, my coworker is an EJ and felt attacked) The rest of our shift, I was pissed about the wires and the extra task (ahhh thingggggssss!) and the coworker was busy having people problems (while quickly untangling my cord mess)
@@MeneerDeBas Would you get offended that the boss didn't see YOU or your work? I'm an ENFP and I take great pride in my work, but I think it's a peacocking thing... I'm so much better with ideas and thoughts and questions than I am with the sensory, so when I actually do some Te/Si shit, I'm like ... HEY EVERYONE, I DID A THING!!! LOVE ME, APPRECIATE ME, GIVE ME TROPHIES BC THIS SHIT WAS HARD FOR MEEEE! lol
@@daisyduke717 yeah, i sometimes like to ponder before taking action and i find it a source of discomfort for others, especially at work situations or in crises. I type myself as INTP-T.
LawnGnomePower DaveSuperPowers and Pretty Mrs. DaveSuperPowers will help you understand cognitive functions. Learn those first and then you will speak MBTI and that makes learning just a little more fun. Frank James is a Cool and Attractive INFJ and he has funny little short videos that give you an idea of how we view each other. I have playlists and am not creating content. I am learning also. You are welcome to check out the playlists on my channel. And have fun typing your friends and family. It is impossible (for me) to resist trying to type everyone before discussing the
Am I the only one who has watched Dave and Shan for a long time and still feels totally lost? I've even signed up for the courses for a long time, and was overwhelmed. Guys, I'm not against you in any way, but can I give my feedback? Every video you have for the most part seems to come from a perspective of assuming the audience is already way up to speed with you. For some of us, we are looking for the intro level "teach me like I'm 5" videos. The advanced is greatly appreciated, but I'm having a hard time getting the basic framework straightened out so I can build on it.
I struggle with this a lot as well, but there is something that helps. I've tried typing people I'm very close to. Or just figuring out what their animals are. It's supper hard for me to assess myself though. Maybe because I overthink too much.
Hmm, they do have more older and beginner level videos. Go to their channel and click the added by and pick the older videos. You can also search ENFP male, he has some videos on all the animal functions. I think Dave and Shan are doing things this way because most people watching their videos are likely already advanced level, so it’d be fair to make more advanced level videos. Sorry if that’s not enough though! You might just have to ask someone to explain it to you for you to get a better foundation.
They’ve swam in the waters of their own terminology so long that I think they forget what it sounds like when they blast 6 descriptors at you in 1 second! All their videos have good nuggets but even after months I don’t have a clue what a lot of the terms mean. Di De double observer animals masculine saviors … idk. But good practical tips
Oh yes I love this. Was just talking to my INFP friend (I’m an ENFP) about this subject, which my Ne Brain was already hypothesizing about before happening upon your concept. My friend was recounting a big “dilemma” in which he was in a group who didn’t understand his core ideas and values. Should he take up their time explaining his inner world? That could be confusing to them. But would the leader of the group be disappointed in him, as she knows what he believes? Is he being untrue to himself by not sharing?!?” If I were in that situation, I would just think “this is boring. Do I HAVE to attend this group? How many times can I skip the group before I get in trouble? Does the leader care if we are late and leave early?”
One of the first things I learned from your evaluation of MBPT was to work my middle muscles. Walking the line/staying in the lane has brought me insight into other types, or rather, how they perceive me. "Wow, he knows his stuff!" or "Wow, he's an asshole!"
Have you found any difference in the way spikes show themselves in jumpers rather than a typical typer who has their 2 saviors first and their 2 demons last? My experience has been that jumpers have a stronger love/hate tension with their "strong second demon" as opposed to those who have their demon third. Would love to hear more!
A double decider is really someone who's unable to make consistent and decisive decisions. This leaves them open to manipulation in my opinion from people more specialized in thinking and feeling.
Then I can say that a single decider is close-minded and prefering to choose the comfort of their own side instead of seeking the truth. Double deciders are not consistent in choosing the same side because we want to be consistent in choosing the correct side, regardless whether we like it or not and if the side that we chose over time became incorrect then we don't want to stick to it
Especially when you have two double decider personalities with opposite superior/inferior functions. I am realizing this now after 6 years of said back and forth ISTP and INFP relationship. It’s been brutal for us both, 100%. But, we are both emotional masochists, thanks to double deciders functions, and will continue down our turbulent path again, I’m sure.
@@dixielp ISTP and INFP are actually single deciders haha. the decider functions are the thinking and feeling functions, so when they say single decider it means the types that ignore or have as their inferior the opposing thinking/feeling function, basically having access to only one deciding function. so for example, ISTP is a single decider because they use Ti dominantly, but have Fe inferior, their access to Fe is less so than say an ESTP a DOUBLE decider because an ESTP will use Ti and Fe quite frequently cuz it's in the middle. so, an ESTP is also a SINGLE observer (observing functions being sensing and intuition) because they only have good access to ONE observing function (Se and not Ni). INFP and ISTP are double observers cuz their access to S and N is well very easily accessible.
The junk food metaphor also works really well because, just as you HAVE to eat, you HAVE to do your saviors. They're how your brain is wired. If you can use your other functions to make your saviors only operate on a growth-mindset, really "responsible" level, it changes everything. You can train your saviors to only "eat" healthily. That may just be another way to say what they've been telling us this whole time, but it's a cool new pattern to me.
“Fence sitting” Double Deciders is seen by a Single Decider as not being supportive or loyal to your friend, being a betrayer, abandoner, someone who doesn’t care, who doesn’t take the friendship seriously, who doesn’t have real kindness or compassion, who laugh-reacts at you, who calls you a drama-queen, in fact, it is the Double Deciders who are the jerk-offs, who drive the Single Deciders mad. Just because you can see a huge perspective and we can’t that doesn’t mean you should laugh at us and betray us and stop being loyal friend, break the friendship and abandon us. When a single decider laughs at the alien-loving single observers, we are simply confused because we don’t see aliens or Yeti as real, yet we aren’t going to betray your trust in us and do a backflip and abandon you. And if we say that there are no aliens, it’s just not the same thing as a Double Decider acting like grief and loss of a friend is “funny”. Go ahead and laugh but it’s y’all’s inability to have empathy that causes 100% of the so-called drama of the Single Deciders. If you had real empathy, care, concern, loyalty, then you’d back up your friends instead of sitting back in your easy chair and riding a fence. It feels like what is called “2-faced”, meaning disloyal. Either support your friend or don’t support your friend but don’t sit on a fence and proclaim your innocence.
I don’t think it’s supportive to placate my friends when they are generating drama and demanding others to become enemies. Do you realize how many people would turn against you if all the double deciders suddenly started taking sides?
Me too. I'm confused because I do a bit of both... But I'm definitely more concerned about offending people and don't freak about conspiracy theories as often
As though the subjective dialogue were less comprehensive from my perspective than the objective dialogue explains everything comprehensively that they collected Hypothesis; As to reinstated myself as a single decider objectivities with subjective double observation culprits as though strained with my poor judging objectivity when I become subjected for fraud by the unclaimed bandits, as though I made single decider objectivity before or after to single decide when I cancels the wrong options immediately as though the objective scammers known to be the magician bandits
What I wanna know is if you’re a single decider can you become more of a double decider?(same for observer) I think the double is just objectively better, and... can’t one become that with training? This is always the question I have with mbti.
I think that's the entire point of it all. To become more aware of your weakness and how that is negatively impacting your life OR holding you back from maximizing your potential. I don't think one should puncture one's strength because that's what you're good at. So the trick is to work on your weakness and channel your strength appropiately so you can become more balanced and at the same time keeping your flame burning.
@@Hawx885 I wonder why they don't have videos for people who are further along the development of consciousness. Do they have a developmental path for each type or when they make videos about a type they assume a person is that type with life experience?
Double decider can really suck. Problems seem to have simple yet multifaceted solutions, but the instant you voice the facets is the instant you’re ostracized as both a “commie liberal” and a “nazi conservative” within the same conversation. A conversation about something you thought was utterly mundane in the first place, lmao
I'm under the impression that they track sexual orientation (seemingly in a "LGBT or not" dichotomy). I would be interested to see them track 2D:4D ratio also, which would be easy enough (ratio of length of index finger to ring finger), because it's an indicator of estrogen:testosterone exposure ratio in utero and correlates with a ton of interesting traits -- everything from sexual orientation to athletic ability to aggression to risk of video game addiction to verbal fluency to proficiency at math. I'd be curious to see if "femininity" and "masculinity" in a biological sense relate to their concepts of feminine & masculine.
An IXXP is a single decider and double observer. They largely use only ONE (so single) deciding/judging function (so either Ti or Fi, largely neglecting their other decider Fe or Te which is dead last). But they will use both of their observer functions (Se/Si or Ne/Ni) with great access). IXXJs and EXXPs are single observers because they use dominantly their observer functions (Ne/Ni or Se/Si) while neglecting their other observing function. They are double deciders because they have access to their feeling and thinking functions (their deciding functions) pretty equally, unlike IXXPs and EXXJs who will often neglect their inferior thinking or feeling function. I hope this makes sense! feel free to ask questions if you're still confused.
Hey! I spent a lot of time putting my tin foil hat together! I would appreciate it if you wouldn't touch it, I got the creases just right. One slightly askew ajar wrinkle will disconnect me from life's important quandaries. Aire you looking both right and left?
ESTJ: Meh. Facts 'n' logic. ISTJ: FACTS... LOGIC... FACTS... LOGIC... AND NEVER THE TWO SHALL MEET. Also ESTJ: GAH I'M SO SICK OF BEING THE ONLY GUY CARRYING EVERYONE'S USELESS ASS AROUND! ARGH! Also ISTJ: Here's some casual advice. Don't like it? That's okay, I can roll with that.
JP uses silly characters to mercilessly make fun of himself and everyone else. Interesting that he does tribe and self stuff but in such an elaborate manner. He also jokes about being "the most humble" etc all the time.
I think that it mostly relies on whether you're emotionally healthy and mature which maybe is easier for double decider to reach because of better balance but it still requires effort to get there
Hi guys - WHERE IS THE ENFP FEARS VIDEO? (sorry - caps to get noticed). I'm just asking, because I can't seem to find it? Thanks, love all your videos xx
oooooo this explains a lot of what I see in my home situation. I'm a double decider and my roomie is a single decider and i drive him and his gf nuts. You even got the types right. I'm ENTJ and his gf is INTP and I'm INTJ.
Hey there, I think the type grid is not false. But all the observer/decider thing says is that the two middle functions are balanced, while the first and fourth are imbalanced. And that is easy to see and pretty indisputable, in my opinion. Why not have it both? =\
PLEASE stop using single and double terminology. I have to stop your videos and think every time you do. Just have two categories: deciders and observers.
I love being a double decider. I know it comes across as rude, but I’m happy to annoy the rule followers who won’t entertain my radical notions. My INFJ has to tell me to calm down at dinner parties. XD
There are many different definitions of ‘extrovert.’ The guy probably meant he was a social extrovert, but IxxP aren’t the same as ‘social introverts.’ IxxP just means the type starts with an introverted deciding function, that’s all.
@@someonerandom713 This video wouldn't make sense if he's not Fi lead (IxFP). The whole point was to show contrast between a single decider's thought process and a double decider's.
Love the driving analogy for double decider! I've known lots of single deciders that get annoyed by me because I "won't pick a side", or "too afraid to go all in", etc. Also, single deciders don't seem to get that you can be in the middle and see both sides - they'll tend to see you as the other side!! Like, both sides will tend to see me as one of them if I listen, but as soon as I bring up the weak parts of their argument they see me as the other side. I can agree with you and disagree with you at the same time... lol
Omg same
There's only one side which is true and that is the logical thinking side. Feelings are instinctual and useful for interacting with other humans but they are not useful for discovering the truth.
As a double decider do you genuinely feel cornered or feel like your going to get attack if they ask for yours?
It feels more like talking to children that like to cause drama. Something you just want to avoid getting involved in because the problems will never go away with these types of people.
Yes this is how it always have been! I could always see the problem with both sides, or see where both sides were coming from, so people would be mad at me because I wasn’t on their side, but I wasn’t on any side at all! I got into drama by not picking a side
OP is really a gem. The lessons (my Ti conveniently acknowledged them as "truth") are timeless hence why they will clicked in your own timing
Damn. This was beautiful. I finally get it. I also appreciate how it affects the middle gatherer/observer functions. I'm like why is it that I'm gathering so much with Ne for my novel but Si won't kick in to organize a clear novel premise because my single deciding is taking it too seriously and expecting too much or defending its self-righteousnesd, or just too much plain introversion. There's a playfulness with creativity, and I can't make it so important. Thanks Shan for the "keeping this in context" advice and Dave for the road analogy. I'm an INFP IP/IJ. This helps. Thanks!
The other day I was a having a mayor freak out cause I didn't go to my friends bands concert he invited me to go to and I didn't let him know I would not come. I said maybe. So then at night I was like omg I let the tribe down, they're gonna hate me and then I hated myself and ran away and took a 3 day dive. It took me even a couple of more days to realize what had happened and finally apologizing for not saying that I was not gonna come see them. He was like: all good don't worry. and then I finally was able to see it. I was Di over De acting ignoring my (demon) De needs (of communicating with the tribe, so they know im not going) and holy crap my De Di imbalance freaked me out so much and it took me days to figure it out, what I went through and what had happened. Single Decider problems! I am not able to see half of the decider "observations". I knew it before. But didn't know how bad it was!
but then again: Who am I to speak. "You are not able to see yourself."
I love love love your content!
Ok, now do Double Observers versus Single Observers.
@Youssef Charradi I think he meant it as showcasing what double observers do better than single observers, opposite to this video
This concept was displayed beautifully a few months ago at work. My coworker and I were dealing with some wires/cords/connections. Our boss came over and kinda got upset with us bc we forgot to accomplish a separate task. I got annoyed bc she interrupted me trying to figure out the wires/cords, my coworker freaked out bc our boss was mean to us. (Spoiler: She wasn’t being mean, my coworker is an EJ and felt attacked) The rest of our shift, I was pissed about the wires and the extra task (ahhh thingggggssss!) and the coworker was busy having people problems (while quickly untangling my cord mess)
I am an ENFP and would be like the coworker. I can get extremely offended if people don't see me.
@@MeneerDeBas True, but your first function after perceiving is feeling.
@@MeneerDeBas Maybe you're an INFP?
@@MeneerDeBas Would you get offended that the boss didn't see YOU or your work? I'm an ENFP and I take great pride in my work, but I think it's a peacocking thing... I'm so much better with ideas and thoughts and questions than I am with the sensory, so when I actually do some Te/Si shit, I'm like ... HEY EVERYONE, I DID A THING!!! LOVE ME, APPRECIATE ME, GIVE ME TROPHIES BC THIS SHIT WAS HARD FOR MEEEE! lol
@@daisyduke717 yeah, i sometimes like to ponder before taking action and i find it a source of discomfort for others, especially at work situations or in crises. I type myself as INTP-T.
When JP said he's more humble than the other guy he was obviously joking lmao
lack of fe in those 2 haha
"sensing the tension" lol
Hey Dave can you put theses videos into playlists? Just discovered your channel and love it but don't know where to start
LawnGnomePower DaveSuperPowers and Pretty Mrs. DaveSuperPowers will help you understand cognitive functions.
Learn those first and then you will speak MBTI and that makes learning just a little more fun.
Frank James is a Cool and Attractive INFJ and he has funny little short videos that give you an idea of how we view
each other.
I have playlists and am not creating content. I am learning also. You are welcome to check out the playlists on my channel.
And have fun typing your friends and family. It is impossible (for me) to resist trying to type everyone before discussing the
Haha i feel ya, first time i was hella confused about where to start. Lack of Si structure haha.
Their website is a good starting point I'd say
Am I the only one who has watched Dave and Shan for a long time and still feels totally lost? I've even signed up for the courses for a long time, and was overwhelmed. Guys, I'm not against you in any way, but can I give my feedback? Every video you have for the most part seems to come from a perspective of assuming the audience is already way up to speed with you. For some of us, we are looking for the intro level "teach me like I'm 5" videos. The advanced is greatly appreciated, but I'm having a hard time getting the basic framework straightened out so I can build on it.
I struggle with this a lot as well, but there is something that helps. I've tried typing people I'm very close to. Or just figuring out what their animals are. It's supper hard for me to assess myself though. Maybe because I overthink too much.
Hmm, they do have more older and beginner level videos. Go to their channel and click the added by and pick the older videos. You can also search ENFP male, he has some videos on all the animal functions. I think Dave and Shan are doing things this way because most people watching their videos are likely already advanced level, so it’d be fair to make more advanced level videos. Sorry if that’s not enough though! You might just have to ask someone to explain it to you for you to get a better foundation.
It's their job to make you more confused so you buy more of their shit
maybe try to find older videos that explain the terms they use in videos like this one?
They’ve swam in the waters of their own terminology so long that I think they forget what it sounds like when they blast 6 descriptors at you in 1 second! All their videos have good nuggets but even after months I don’t have a clue what a lot of the terms mean. Di De double observer animals masculine saviors … idk. But good practical tips
You two are insightful and practical with it. I have learned a lot from your videos. Thank you!
Oh yes I love this. Was just talking to my INFP friend (I’m an ENFP) about this subject, which my Ne Brain was already hypothesizing about before happening upon your concept.
My friend was recounting a big “dilemma” in which he was in a group who didn’t understand his core ideas and values. Should he take up their time explaining his inner world? That could be confusing to them. But would the leader of the group be disappointed in him, as she knows what he believes? Is he being untrue to himself by not sharing?!?”
If I were in that situation, I would just think “this is boring. Do I HAVE to attend this group? How many times can I skip the group before I get in trouble? Does the leader care if we are late and leave early?”
You cant fix every relationship by leaving to find something new. He was trying to fit in to the group instead of leaving it.
One of the first things I learned from your evaluation of MBPT was to work my middle muscles.
Walking the line/staying in the lane has brought me insight into other types, or rather, how they perceive me.
"Wow, he knows his stuff!"
"Wow, he's an asshole!"
Have you found any difference in the way spikes show themselves in jumpers rather than a typical typer who has their 2 saviors first and their 2 demons last? My experience has been that jumpers have a stronger love/hate tension with their "strong second demon" as opposed to those who have their demon third. Would love to hear more!
A double decider is really someone who's unable to make consistent and decisive decisions. This leaves them open to manipulation in my opinion from people more specialized in thinking and feeling.
Then I can say that a single decider is close-minded and prefering to choose the comfort of their own side instead of seeking the truth. Double deciders are not consistent in choosing the same side because we want to be consistent in choosing the correct side, regardless whether we like it or not and if the side that we chose over time became incorrect then we don't want to stick to it
Especially when you have two double decider personalities with opposite superior/inferior functions. I am realizing this now after 6 years of said back and forth ISTP and INFP relationship. It’s been brutal for us both, 100%. But, we are both emotional masochists, thanks to double deciders functions, and will continue down our turbulent path again, I’m sure.
I don't think that is the case at all. I would think that because they can see both sides of the coin they would be less susceptible to manipulation.
@@dixielp ISTP and INFP are actually single deciders haha. the decider functions are the thinking and feeling functions, so when they say single decider it means the types that ignore or have as their inferior the opposing thinking/feeling function, basically having access to only one deciding function. so for example, ISTP is a single decider because they use Ti dominantly, but have Fe inferior, their access to Fe is less so than say an ESTP a DOUBLE decider because an ESTP will use Ti and Fe quite frequently cuz it's in the middle. so, an ESTP is also a SINGLE observer (observing functions being sensing and intuition) because they only have good access to ONE observing function (Se and not Ni). INFP and ISTP are double observers cuz their access to S and N is well very easily accessible.
@@sharpiesarecool814 thank you for the explanation.
The junk food metaphor also works really well because, just as you HAVE to eat, you HAVE to do your saviors. They're how your brain is wired. If you can use your other functions to make your saviors only operate on a growth-mindset, really "responsible" level, it changes everything. You can train your saviors to only "eat" healthily.
That may just be another way to say what they've been telling us this whole time, but it's a cool new pattern to me.
“Fence sitting” Double Deciders is seen by a Single Decider as not being supportive or loyal to your friend, being a betrayer, abandoner, someone who doesn’t care, who doesn’t take the friendship seriously, who doesn’t have real kindness or compassion, who laugh-reacts at you, who calls you a drama-queen, in fact, it is the Double Deciders who are the jerk-offs, who drive the Single Deciders mad. Just because you can see a huge perspective and we can’t that doesn’t mean you should laugh at us and betray us and stop being loyal friend, break the friendship and abandon us. When a single decider laughs at the alien-loving single observers, we are simply confused because we don’t see aliens or Yeti as real, yet we aren’t going to betray your trust in us and do a backflip and abandon you. And if we say that there are no aliens, it’s just not the same thing as a Double Decider acting like grief and loss of a friend is “funny”. Go ahead and laugh but it’s y’all’s inability to have empathy that causes 100% of the so-called drama of the Single Deciders. If you had real empathy, care, concern, loyalty, then you’d back up your friends instead of sitting back in your easy chair and riding a fence. It feels like what is called “2-faced”, meaning disloyal. Either support your friend or don’t support your friend but don’t sit on a fence and proclaim your innocence.
I don’t think it’s supportive to placate my friends when they are generating drama and demanding others to become enemies.
Do you realize how many people would turn against you if all the double deciders suddenly started taking sides?
Yeah, I'm bad at both 😂
Me too. I'm confused because I do a bit of both... But I'm definitely more concerned about offending people and don't freak about conspiracy theories as often
I related to the purple guy, I was getting to attached to people's reactions on social media so quit using it.
As though the subjective dialogue were less comprehensive from my perspective than the objective dialogue explains everything comprehensively that they collected
As to reinstated myself as a single decider objectivities with subjective double observation culprits as though strained with my poor judging objectivity when I become subjected for fraud by the unclaimed bandits,
as though I made single decider objectivity before or after to single decide when I cancels the wrong options immediately as though the objective scammers known to be the magician bandits
I thought for a while that I was ixxp because I thought it's impossible to have blast last if one is double decider.
You put every single combo for a DD in that list. No idea what stacks are and what are not.
The good old days when Louis was a double decider.
What I wanna know is if you’re a single decider can you become more of a double decider?(same for observer) I think the double is just objectively better, and... can’t one become that with training? This is always the question I have with mbti.
I think that's the entire point of it all. To become more aware of your weakness and how that is negatively impacting your life OR holding you back from maximizing your potential. I don't think one should puncture one's strength because that's what you're good at. So the trick is to work on your weakness and channel your strength appropiately so you can become more balanced and at the same time keeping your flame burning.
@@Hawx885 I wonder why they don't have videos for people who are further along the development of consciousness. Do they have a developmental path for each type or when they make videos about a type they assume a person is that type with life experience?
Double decider can really suck.
Problems seem to have simple yet multifaceted solutions, but the instant you voice the facets is the instant you’re ostracized as both a “commie liberal” and a “nazi conservative” within the same conversation. A conversation about something you thought was utterly mundane in the first place, lmao
That was cool thanks 🙏 ISTP doubtor single?
Some people say you should practice your Cognitive Functions (Saviors) but in this video, we are taught that they are addictions.
Do you track data such as handedness, mDNA, blood type etc.? If so, have you seen any correlations or clustering?
There are videos about brain scans of different types. I will try to find and link them because i think it's interesting.
I'm under the impression that they track sexual orientation (seemingly in a "LGBT or not" dichotomy). I would be interested to see them track 2D:4D ratio also, which would be easy enough (ratio of length of index finger to ring finger), because it's an indicator of estrogen:testosterone exposure ratio in utero and correlates with a ton of interesting traits -- everything from sexual orientation to athletic ability to aggression to risk of video game addiction to verbal fluency to proficiency at math. I'd be curious to see if "femininity" and "masculinity" in a biological sense relate to their concepts of feminine & masculine.
Wait would this mean that deciders are more likely to deflect from a serious conversation by using humor? Or would this be true to both O and D?
I think he was basking in his own ego whilst talking about not basking in his own ego......
Unique and helpful information! Thanks!
I want your thoughts on Maladaptive daydreaming
Question: single decider takes action too impulsively, while double deciders are able to bounce from one choice to the next without trouble?
Wait , in the other video IxxP was decider... even tho i would guess it would be observer... now its double obsever ..? Please help somebody.. im new
An IXXP is a single decider and double observer. They largely use only ONE (so single) deciding/judging function (so either Ti or Fi, largely neglecting their other decider Fe or Te which is dead last). But they will use both of their observer functions (Se/Si or Ne/Ni) with great access).
IXXJs and EXXPs are single observers because they use dominantly their observer functions (Ne/Ni or Se/Si) while neglecting their other observing function. They are double deciders because they have access to their feeling and thinking functions (their deciding functions) pretty equally, unlike IXXPs and EXXJs who will often neglect their inferior thinking or feeling function.
I hope this makes sense! feel free to ask questions if you're still confused.
Hey! I spent a lot of time putting my tin foil hat together! I would appreciate it if you wouldn't touch it, I got the creases just right. One slightly askew ajar wrinkle will disconnect me from life's important quandaries. Aire you looking both right and left?
Single deciders triger me to single decide😂
Cus it reminds me of when I single decided
ESTJ: Meh. Facts 'n' logic.
Also ISTJ: Here's some casual advice. Don't like it? That's okay, I can roll with that.
Good stuff
JP uses silly characters to mercilessly make fun of himself and everyone else. Interesting that he does tribe and self stuff but in such an elaborate manner. He also jokes about being "the most humble" etc all the time.
Is it just me or do double deciders have secure attachment style?
I think that it mostly relies on whether you're emotionally healthy and mature which maybe is easier for double decider to reach because of better balance but it still requires effort to get there
Does single decider mean being Di or De and double decider being both?
Hi guys - WHERE IS THE ENFP FEARS VIDEO? (sorry - caps to get noticed). I'm just asking, because I can't seem to find it? Thanks, love all your videos xx
Oh God, Dave stop taking pics of yourself in the pits you dig outside with Shan. :D
I'm more humble than you
- very humble
Anyone wanna make fun of my weak functions? - INFJ
I still do hope you say mbti type of people . Might help more✅🙏💐
7:02 now is that what hot yoga is?
oooooo this explains a lot of what I see in my home situation. I'm a double decider and my roomie is a single decider and i drive him and his gf nuts. You even got the types right. I'm ENTJ and his gf is INTP and I'm INTJ.
Double Deciders make better DJs
There are 4 types background starter finisher structure it's much deeper than decider or observer keep digging into the rabbit hole
Hey there, I think the type grid is not false. But all the observer/decider thing says is that the two middle functions are balanced, while the first and fourth are imbalanced. And that is easy to see and pretty indisputable, in my opinion. Why not have it both? =\
@@someonerandom713 I'm sure thata true but its deeper than that
@@akaboo69 It sure is :)
CS Joseph is a clown
@@-HiddenInPlainSight- not talking about csj im talking about interaction styles
PLEASE stop using single and double terminology. I have to stop your videos and think every time you do. Just have two categories: deciders and observers.
Control systems.видео.html
I love being a double decider. I know it comes across as rude, but I’m happy to annoy the rule followers who won’t entertain my radical notions. My INFJ has to tell me to calm down at dinner parties. XD
He always struck me an an ENFJ. Are you sure INFP here? He also has called himself definitely an extrovert in his vids.
They just said Fi dom.
Why is it that I always have the impression people tend to forget ISFPs even exist? 😅🙄😏
There are many different definitions of ‘extrovert.’ The guy probably meant he was a social extrovert, but IxxP aren’t the same as ‘social introverts.’ IxxP just means the type starts with an introverted deciding function, that’s all.
@Kat So, double activated Fi? Or just lead sleep and blast and play after that, hence the extraversion?
@@someonerandom713 This video wouldn't make sense if he's not Fi lead (IxFP). The whole point was to show contrast between a single decider's thought process and a double decider's.
@@Naan-E Yeah, that's why I was asking. Fi dom INTJ doesn't make sense. INTJ = Ni-dom double decider, right?
conspiracies are ridiculous
?? What conspiracy?