My Girlfriend Falsely Accused Me Of Rape

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • My Girlfriend Falsely Accused Me Of Rape.
    I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for about eight years. During that period, we have been having lots of issues and all my efforts to resolve those issues were not yielding fruits. At some point, I decided that there was no need to continue with this relationship since it was not going to end up in a marriage. In order for us to move on to our different directions in life, I informed her that I would like us to end the relationship and go our separate ways. My girlfriend was not happy that I called off the relationship. I explained to her that if we could not relate happily in a friendly relationship, how could we live happily in a marital relationship. She was still not happy and did not accept the break-up. As a man, I had no choice than to move on because I do not want a miserable life even in a marriage.
    When my girlfriend saw that I meant the break-up, she called the police and reported that I raped her. When the police investigated and saw that we had sexual intimacy, I defended myself by explaining that we had been friends for about eight years and that we had consentual sexual intimacy all the time during our relationship. But my girlfriend denied it and claimed I forced her. I was arrested and charged. The trial ended in a hung jury. Most of the times, a judge would dismiss a case in a hung jury, because all members of the jury did not agree to convict him, but this judge decided for a re-trial. At this point, I had languished in jail for more than two years and another trial will go on for another two years or more. I could no longer hold my anger in jail. As I was brought to court for the first time to start the new trial, I overpowered the sherrif and collected his weapon. By the time I knew it, many people were down and I took off. I became a fugitive and I made sure that I brought anybody down who stood on my way. And there was a national manhunt for me. At a point when I realized I could no longer run to anywhere, I surrendered a young lady and stayed in her apartment, until she convinced me to surrender to the authorities which I did. And the rest were history. If you were the guy, how would you have handled the situation? Would you do the same thing or differently?

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