The Unusual Suspect You’re right about Mario Kart! The drift comes out slower than Crash, but there is a third drift in Mario Kart 8 that is purple after orange! However , because the drift is so balanced ,6you’ll rarely pull the purple drift because you can’t balance yourself with that extra speed! In Mario Kart 8 you can’t move forward without running into something after drifting. Crash Racing on the other hand after drifting the third time ,lifts the wheels on the kart ,in order to balance with the speed! Another thing that bothers me is Mario Kart 8 rewards you randomly, or when you quit mid race! When in Crash Racing it rewards you on the things you accomplished ,and feels more earned!
@@vanimapermai That was soley Activision's doing. Plus the game is not ruined. Do the MTs lock anything away that a few online matches worth of grinding won't get you?
DaveMan1000 Ha ha lol yea I've come to terms with it now With online and weekend bonuses I wish they haddent stopped the grand prix And wished they had remade the cnk campaign as well
Hey suspect. I love your reviews. I have been watching your channel for nearly 8 years. I think your lotr trilogy review is the best but i like all your reviews. Thank you for making reviews & making fond memories for me. I will always love your channel. You rock man thanks again
if you dont play online it feels like you need to make crash team racing your job, they need to buff the coins to 500 if they are going to make stuff 1500 to 2500 and 4450 or something like that. i get bored really quick and turn the game off for call of duty or gta when i see that i did all the tracks and it got me nowhere.
@@FreeAimDog Yeah, the grind is incredibly tedious and I had a feeling before the microtransaction update they were gonna add them in. Turns out I and others were right.
You’re (unfortunately) beating a dead horse Because also unfortunately, this is not Activision first rodeo with ever so slowly ruining their games for money. The outcry is here from fans, the problems will get worse, the outcry will get louder, and Activision will just ignore all of it. So I suppose just enjoy it for what it is. It’s a losing battle
Fantastic review as always. I love your reviewing, and critique/constructive criticism. This video reminds me of why I love the game so much. The gameplay, racing, tracks, atmosphere, music, etc. I couldn’t have been happier with it. I love the remastering Beenox did, and the new additions they added. The new tracks, and character/kart customization. Fantastic features. I definitely wanna play the rest of the game soon. But Pinstripe is giving me a massive beating. Fantastic review as always. I always love your reviews, especially gaming reviews 🎮
Good review man, I thoroughly enjoyed it. And I don't know how maybe a mix of the editing or something else but these videos always hold my attention throughout them. Anyways keep up the good work and I will await the next video.
Hey Ross, what if you were to remaster your original Philosopher’s stone review? Not the whole Potter series just #1 were you make it longer, update the jokes, remake the jokes, and we can all see how far you’ve come in terms of comedy and quality of your reviews! Or you could review the original Star Wars movies.... whatever you want
I am now selling the game because of 2 reasons 1. I’ve already beaten it And 2. They added micro transactions I was replaying for ctr tokens to unlock stuff and now that’s been replaced by a green bar that fills up because of micro transactions why do they put these in games did the whole battlefront 2 fiasco not make them question wether they should put it in or not on top of that in my opinion it doesn’t have the same staying power as the remastered trilogies or the ps4 Spider-Man game both of those had something to go back to this doesn’t feel free to disagree
It didn't directly hit Activision, so they still have to learn that lesson. Besides, you are among the few who would return the game "just" for that, so they'll brush this one off too and continue being shitholes It's far more likely to find a genie in a lamp to wish CDPR had enough money to buy EA, Act and Ubisoft altogether to shut em down than for greedy bastards to change their ways for the good of everyone...
Microtransactions in general are bad, yeah, but lieing is worse. The "green bar" did not replace CTR tokens. The "green bar" is the Nitro Bar that comes up during Grand Prix events that you can fill up by doing daily, weekly and monthly quests, or you can pay up Wumpa Coins to fill, which you can get by either playing the game or by buying Wumpa Coin packs (this is the MTX part). So already from this we can see that 2/3 of the options available to completing the Nitro Bar do not involve MTX. If you got the time to play at least 1 hour a day, then you can fill the bar in less than 10 days (you have 26 days to do so). But if you don't have the time you can pay. That doesn't sound game breaking to me. The rest of the game, that is, unlocking via CTR tokens, or by clearing Time Trials/Relic Races remains unchanged. The only thing MTX allow you to is to get the Nitro Bar unlocks and Wumpa Coins unlock. To me, your post comes across as "i played an online match and ended up last even behind AI players" salty butthurtness that tries to undermine the game by spewing incorrect information. So git gud or git out
I don't know if it's just me, but throughout the video, I had to constantly adjust the volume, whenever you were speaking, it was too quiet and whenever there was a cutscene or gameplay, it'd be super loud and I'd have to put the volume down again. Again, I don't know if it's just me and my set up, but figured it'd be worthwhile mentioning.
Love this game, a remake of one of my favorite nostalgic games. Last night I finally managed to unlock N Tropy, something I couldn't even do when I had the original game. Good review! Edit: I think Sewer Speedway jump got fixed. It works more consistenly for me now.
Activision , you have brought my worst fear of games . The micro transactions ( insert dooming music here ) Edit you are a hero for mentioning these micro transactions your reviews literally warn me about micro transactions in games so bless you oh great one
Alyssa Rosenberg It depends on which track if you can get away without breaking all the time crates. But yes a good point! All in all I think the modes in the game each help the player improve their skills in different ways, which is great!
There was a grand prix task a while back that challenged you to complete a relic race in Inferno Island. I did this 3 times and got platinum each time, and apparently that wasn't enough for the game and it never checked it as completed, barring me from the Nitro point reward. I also have had times where I complete the one where you need to drive the last lap in reverse properly but it doesn't count for some reason. The moral of this story is: The Grand Prix events are buggy af.
He's Alive👍🏼✌🏻😉Alive when do you bring the next Movie Review ? No one did a review like you👍🏼 no matter what movie its critical with a good amount of Fun 👍🏼 cant wait for the next review !! Keep up your Good Work ✌🏻
you never felt stress unless you played classic adventure mode and crash on that level for relic challenges, it makes you want to scream after the 60th try.
Not sure why Nitro Kart got slammed on, I have it for my original Xbox from over 10 years ago and it was one of my favourites among Fable, San Andreas, D&D, Baldur's Gate DA, and Halo 1 & 2 No microtransactions either!
Relic race is a great challenge that encourages you to take different paths and be precise with driving. But I’m a bit biased given that my only video is a relic race. Still I think it’s much better challenge than time trial even if it’s more difficult.
Will you review the original Jurassic Park trilogy next? Otherwise, another suggestion I have for a review is A.I (Steven Spielberg's most underrated movie)
Hey suspect what's you're opinion of the fire emblem series and do you think you'll review the new one. Love this review and crash racing (original, haven't played this one yet), great job!
- Obviously it's not meant to be thought about but if Oxide really does have a corporate Empire of parking lots from all the planets he's beaten (the tie-in comic really suggests it's like some sort of big business for him), he's probably got some force to invade I assume. - There's actually a lot of people requesting a modernised version of Crash Nitro Kart's adventure mode, so maybe one day it could be added as DLC. I initially wasn't big on the idea but I now do find the idea appealing, especially since they can't keep adding new characters and carts forever. - I don't mind Relic Races too much since I rarely go beyond Sapphire but I really hate the Crystal Challenges lol - TBH explaining the boosting system would actually be a good touch - Apparently they did fix the Sewer Speedway shortcut but IDK how much it actually solved the problem, I do get it more often but I often still fail at it - Lots of people actually don't like how the missiles aren't as accurate. With the Warp Orbs, how they work is that normally they target first and hit anyone that happens to be in its path, but juiced up it deliberately hits everyone on its path to first. With the orbs and clocks, there should only be one or two during a match at any one time IMO. - With the microtransactions, I'm pretty against them even if I don't use them because I tend to worry about people who could easily be tempted and sucked in by them and spend stupid amounts of money on them. - Yeah, grinding for Nitro points is pretty tedious TBH. Also wow, lucky I never caught that Hyper Spaceway one. Also there's a glitch where the text goes all weird in some, usually when the day changes
I was excited to try this game out and begin climbing it's skill curve. I had heard it was deep and difficult to master. So my friend and I loaded up a race. He's extremely good and finished the race when I was still in lap 2. Suddenly, the race ended! I was like "What the heck? I'm trying to learn how to play this game and it just ends?" My friend was like, "Yeah you can't turn that off. Once the player in first finishes the game just ends after a minute." I said "Let's play a different game."
You say you wanted to climb the skill curve, but you wanted to start at the top. You don't learn to play a game in online mode. That's what adventure/offline mode is. It provides you with tutorials and tips to master the basics and then you go play online. On the "race ends after 30 seconds", what alternative do you propose? For the game to wait for every player to finish the race? Cause you know damn well that it wouldn't be more than 10 seconds since the game launched for trolls to hold lobbies hostage by purposedly not crossing the finish line. Basically your complain is akin to buying Super Smash Bros Ultimate while never having played a Smash game before, immediately jumping online, getting 3 stocked and complaining that the game ended before you could even take a stock out of your opponent.
@@colin3ds1 you don't get it. the fact that there is an offline adventure mode with adjustable difficulty that DOES have tutorials renders all your arguments null and void. the only tutorial the game doesn't have is advanced techniques like reserves and u-turn, but again, that was not OPs point since he wanted to learn how to play a game by jumping into online mode immediately. Furthermore, I again refer you towards Super Smash Ultimate for a game that has little to no tutorials. sometimes there's fun in figuring stuff on your own. not all games have to hold your hand for the first 10 hours like Pokemon does.
Mictotransactions in CoD and Battlefront are "Pay to Win". All you get here are cosmetics, so it's "Pay to Look Cool/Weird". Will there a be a followup to this talking about the individual DLC events?
And then there's Team Sonic Racing.... One of the most boring games I've ever played and it's basically dead now so... unless you're a Sonic fan, I wouldn't bother
@Sparten 117 while I don't like the miro transactions ctr is a blast to play. While team sonic racing is me ans it doesn't feel like oh are driving a kart it feels more like I'm driving a tank
23:22 Well in the months since you've reviewed this, a new powerup has taken the mantle of "overused", and is the single worst one in the game, Super Engine. The Orb and Clock have since vanished completely.
Yep, cool stuff. I'd say ''if you're not good'' instead of ''if you suck''. And with the blue flame/fire, ''separate the pros from the average players''
The added microtransactions aren't simply as sneaky and dishonest as they appear. They'd also said in at least one E3 interview that the game WOULD NOT HAVE THEM, yet here they are. So it's not just being sneaky, it's outright lying to our faces. Fantastic.
Thank you your the first youtuber I’ve seen that has mentioned how unbalanced online is I’ve completely given up on the game because of that and won’t be returning to the game until it’s fixed and fair for everyone It’s still a great game but based on the online mode I still prefer Mario Kart
Never got around to playing any Crash game outside of the original trilogy, CTR and the N Sane trilogy. Didn't appeal to me after I saw its critical reception.
I don't see what the big deal is about microtransactions. I'm on the 4th Gingerbread GP and have never bought any wumpa coins. I got 200k+ wumpa and will finish top 100 in this GP. It's a matter of saving up about 80k in wumpa your first time around and buying all the items as soon as the next GP starts. Then max out your % and complete GP challenges. No need to spend anything.
The best post-Naughty Dog Crash games were Crash Nitro Kart and Crash Twinsanity IMO. Crash Nitro Kart wasn't as good as Crash Team Racing, but still a WHOLE LOT better than Tag Team Racing which was GOD AWFUL. Crash Nitro Kart was basically a downgraded version of CTR with better graphics and anti-gravity mechanics added on, and its own original story mode with Velo was pretty unique with some of the best cutscenes in the entire Crash Bandicoot series. CNK only had 3 courses per world instead of 4 like the original, and bosses weren't playable which was a bummer, other than that, you still had to get a bunch of trophies, boss keys, crystals, gems, tokens, and relics. You still had time trials with N Tropy but Velo replaced Oxide. You can see how the CNK track remakes were added onto this CTR: NF remake and a lot of people love them, even those who never grew up with CNK. However, you don't see any CTTR (Tag Team Racing) content in the game because it was that bad.
Microtransactions should be fair. Look at Warframe. Everything in the game can be obtained in game or by using your hard earned cash. However, Digital Extremes doesn’t use any predatory tactics in order to make a profit. But, knowing Activision, they’re not gonna follow this example.
I really don't understand the talk about this game being hard. I've played the original, and even I don't find it that hard. Heck, I've played the game on medium and would often be way ahead of the other racers. The only way for the game to be quote unquote, "hard", is if you don't utilize the shortcuts or boost to its full extent or if you mess up big time.
you forgot the inconsistency of the coins I played a match with a friend who is really good at the game and he got in for first but I was in second but because of Grand Prix I double his coins
Its not inconsistent though. For one the Grand Prix has no effect on coins. Every day for the first 30 minutes of racing you get a 5x bonus multiplier for coins. On weekends which for some reason now extends for four days since it starts late on Friday's and ends well into Monday there is an additional 2x multiplier for the whole 72 hours. So if you weren't getting the 2x multiplier it means you had already played for 30 minutes online while your friend had not.
was tempted to play this game since Team Sonic Racing online is being awful for online, but now that they've added microtransactions, I'm staying FAR away from this game.
I really wanted to get this game, but according to a few friends the online play is completely busted because of the item drops. I mean, I rarely play online in a game that doesn’t focus on it, but it it looked kinda fun to me at first. Also, micro-transactions! Just...ugh
people will hate me for saying this but i like mario kart 8 tracks way better than anything in crash team racing tracks, only ones i remember is coco park and crash cove but other than that the driving and characters are better than mario kart 8. sucks that i like the mario kart 8 tracks better because i slowly get bored grinding on crash team racing tracks but i still play it.
I was going to; but I sadly ran outta time. It's brilliant though! And I recommend checking out Angry Joe's and Caddicarus' reviews. Their points mirror my own :)
I got the game yesterday. I haven't did anything other then Online and Time race. I'm not loving this game. It feel different the the PS1 game. The turning and drafting seems off. Meaning I'm sliding into walls that i don't think would happen in the PS1 game. And Online not very fun as whoever did like successful Relic run and finished under 2 minutes const a 30-second countdown ending the game. I don't know why that countdown can't start with whoever made 3rd place. That way at less 3 people can pass the finish line
Crash Team Racing was a great game for the PS1, but Nitro Fueled has something that just feels off about how it feels. Plus, with Team Sonic Racing being just a better game in general, I can't see myself going back to Nitro Fueled after obtaining the Platinum 2 days ago.
For me I definitely agreed with what you said at the end. I mean I definitely did enjoy CTR but casual it is for me for racing and probably always will be
Hey guys, so I now realise that the whole 'Sewer Speedway' thing has actually been fixed; I didn't know when filming this. That's my bad; apologies.
The Unusual Suspect You’re right about Mario Kart! The drift comes out slower than Crash, but there is a third drift in Mario Kart 8 that is purple after orange! However , because the drift is so balanced ,6you’ll rarely pull the purple drift because you can’t balance yourself with that extra speed! In Mario Kart 8 you can’t move forward without running into something after drifting. Crash Racing on the other hand after drifting the third time ,lifts the wheels on the kart ,in order to balance with the speed! Another thing that bothers me is Mario Kart 8 rewards you randomly, or when you quit mid race! When in Crash Racing it rewards you on the things you accomplished ,and feels more earned!
Cmon man. As a og ctr fan. The controls should've been improved. Calling them tight is being overly generous.
That was soley Activision's doing.
Plus the game is not ruined. Do the MTs lock anything away that a few online matches worth of grinding won't get you?
Ha ha lol yea I've come to terms with it now
With online and weekend bonuses
I wish they haddent stopped the grand prix
And wished they had remade the cnk campaign as well
Sequel perhaps? Perhaps expanding the CNK story?
Hey suspect. I love your reviews. I have been watching your channel for nearly 8 years. I think your lotr trilogy review is the best but i like all your reviews. Thank you for making reviews & making fond memories for me. I will always love your channel. You rock man thanks again
The support I get from you guys is unreal, thanks so much!
@@TheUnusualSuspect sir i am honored that you replied. Love from Maine
Not to mention his comedic editing timing & creative jokes xD
Beenox: We did it, guys! Nothing can stop us now!
Activision: I’m gonna ruin this game’s career.
This is all I've been playing for the past 2 months
@Nathaniel Foga ikr same !!! im so addictive to this game lmao
I loved CTR Nitro Fueled...up until they added microtransactions. Still like the game, but this addition dours an otherwise great experience.
if you dont play online it feels like you need to make crash team racing your job, they need to buff the coins to 500 if they are going to make stuff 1500 to 2500 and 4450 or something like that. i get bored really quick and turn the game off for call of duty or gta when i see that i did all the tracks and it got me nowhere.
@@FreeAimDog Yeah, the grind is incredibly tedious and I had a feeling before the microtransaction update they were gonna add them in. Turns out I and others were right.
Play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe instead; gives you more for your buck.
New Gabe Order have it and it’s too easy so it’s boring even on 200cc hard so i don’t play it anymore.
You’re (unfortunately) beating a dead horse
Because also unfortunately, this is not Activision first rodeo with ever so slowly ruining their games for money.
The outcry is here from fans, the problems will get worse, the outcry will get louder, and Activision will just ignore all of it.
So I suppose just enjoy it for what it is. It’s a losing battle
Good to see a review where they address the microtransation change. Take THAT, Activision
Fantastic review as always. I love your reviewing, and critique/constructive criticism. This video reminds me of why I love the game so much. The gameplay, racing, tracks, atmosphere, music, etc. I couldn’t have been happier with it. I love the remastering Beenox did, and the new additions they added. The new tracks, and character/kart customization. Fantastic features.
I definitely wanna play the rest of the game soon. But Pinstripe is giving me a massive beating.
Fantastic review as always. I always love your reviews, especially gaming reviews 🎮
Could we not vote for Twilight Tour?
people really still be voting for twilight tour in the second gp lmao
Good review man, I thoroughly enjoyed it. And I don't know how maybe a mix of the editing or something else but these videos always hold my attention throughout them. Anyways keep up the good work and I will await the next video.
To be honest laying in I bed knowing that something good is going to happen this day and it did I got the notification on time for once
Lucky for you I didn't even get a notification
@@thehomiedan6378 im sorry hope you get it next time
Never stop making vids, mate. Every video you upload makes my day that much better each time.
This is the highest quality CTR video on YT hands down! Have a gold star!! 🌟
Hey Ross, what if you were to remaster your original Philosopher’s stone review? Not the whole Potter series just #1 were you make it longer, update the jokes, remake the jokes, and we can all see how far you’ve come in terms of comedy and quality of your reviews! Or you could review the original Star Wars movies.... whatever you want
That would be pretty sick but I would prefer if Suspect did other reviews like maybe temple of doom or something like that
I've thought about it; maybe I could do something like that as a Million Subscriber special or something.
Nice review man! I'm glad that this review of the game was done later because you got to bring up the annoying micro-transactions.
I am now selling the game because of 2 reasons
1. I’ve already beaten it
2. They added micro transactions
I was replaying for ctr tokens to unlock stuff and now that’s been replaced by a green bar that fills up because of micro transactions why do they put these in games did the whole battlefront 2 fiasco not make them question wether they should put it in or not on top of that in my opinion it doesn’t have the same staying power as the remastered trilogies or the ps4 Spider-Man game both of those had something to go back to this doesn’t feel free to disagree
It didn't directly hit Activision, so they still have to learn that lesson. Besides, you are among the few who would return the game "just" for that, so they'll brush this one off too and continue being shitholes
It's far more likely to find a genie in a lamp to wish CDPR had enough money to buy EA, Act and Ubisoft altogether to shut em down than for greedy bastards to change their ways for the good of everyone...
Shinkiro I’m not returning to the game I’m selling for something like god of war or resident evil 2
Shinkiro plus I’ve replayed Spider-Man like 20 or 30 times after I beat ctr I hardly picked the game up again
@@SJ_RANKS by "returning the game" I meant giving it back, either by reselling it or whatever
Microtransactions in general are bad, yeah, but lieing is worse.
The "green bar" did not replace CTR tokens. The "green bar" is the Nitro Bar that comes up during Grand Prix events that you can fill up by doing daily, weekly and monthly quests, or you can pay up Wumpa Coins to fill, which you can get by either playing the game or by buying Wumpa Coin packs (this is the MTX part). So already from this we can see that 2/3 of the options available to completing the Nitro Bar do not involve MTX. If you got the time to play at least 1 hour a day, then you can fill the bar in less than 10 days (you have 26 days to do so). But if you don't have the time you can pay. That doesn't sound game breaking to me.
The rest of the game, that is, unlocking via CTR tokens, or by clearing Time Trials/Relic Races remains unchanged. The only thing MTX allow you to is to get the Nitro Bar unlocks and Wumpa Coins unlock.
To me, your post comes across as "i played an online match and ended up last even behind AI players" salty butthurtness that tries to undermine the game by spewing incorrect information. So git gud or git out
Let's address the elephant in the room.
4:35 Why does Nitros Oxide has a pair of bollocks on his head?
I brought CTR for my switch first but as soon as I brought Mario Kart 8 I find myself playing that game a lot more
All that’s left and it’s a Banjo Kazooie would go bananas for that
Micro transactions are in the next Mario kart game.
Nah that gets a pass cause Nintendo is behind it! And we both know it's okay when Nintendo does it
Completely agree about relic races being a pain. Some of the relic race nitro challenges don't even count when I do them.
It's because I think you have to break every time crate in a stage
Awesome review man, always love hearing your opinions
I don't know if it's just me, but throughout the video, I had to constantly adjust the volume, whenever you were speaking, it was too quiet and whenever there was a cutscene or gameplay, it'd be super loud and I'd have to put the volume down again.
Again, I don't know if it's just me and my set up, but figured it'd be worthwhile mentioning.
Love this game, a remake of one of my favorite nostalgic games. Last night I finally managed to unlock N Tropy, something I couldn't even do when I had the original game. Good review!
Edit: I think Sewer Speedway jump got fixed. It works more consistenly for me now.
Wow was literally thinking about getting this,your review can help me decide
Dude I miss your videos! You should post more often, you're an awesome RUclipsr
How has it been 3 months and this never showed up in my recommended?
Activision , you have brought my worst fear of games . The micro transactions ( insert dooming music here )
Edit you are a hero for mentioning these micro transactions your reviews literally warn me about micro transactions in games so bless you oh great one
Didn't expect this, my family loved this racing game too. Nice review.
While I agree that relic races and crystal challenges aren’t as fun as other modes, they are definitely useful for learning how to control your kart.
And they teach you where the shortcuts are ;).
Besides, I've seen crazy people not needing to break all the boxes in order to get platinum relics =S.
Alyssa Rosenberg
It depends on which track if you can get away without breaking all the time crates. But yes a good point! All in all I think the modes in the game each help the player improve their skills in different ways, which is great!
Great review, hit the nail on the head with pretty much everything.
Oh. Hey. I made that image. Go me.
When I saw that muppets clip I was like “ please review a muppet film “
There was a grand prix task a while back that challenged you to complete a relic race in Inferno Island. I did this 3 times and got platinum each time, and apparently that wasn't enough for the game and it never checked it as completed, barring me from the Nitro point reward.
I also have had times where I complete the one where you need to drive the last lap in reverse properly but it doesn't count for some reason.
The moral of this story is: The Grand Prix events are buggy af.
He's Alive👍🏼✌🏻😉Alive when do you bring the next Movie Review ? No one did a review like you👍🏼 no matter what movie its critical with a good amount of Fun 👍🏼 cant wait for the next review !! Keep up your Good Work ✌🏻
3:23 At least Beenox developed 3 good Spider-Man games with Shattered Dimensions, Edge of Time, and the first Amazing Spider-Man movie game.
Are you going to do mk11
*_0:00_**_ Ok lemme stop you right there-_*
*_0:03_**_ ...ok continue_*
I swear, Pinstripe was the most infuriating boss in this game, I was stuck on him for hours, yet when I got to Oxide, I beat him on one try.
you never felt stress unless you played classic adventure mode and crash on that level for relic challenges, it makes you want to scream after the 60th try.
Not sure why Nitro Kart got slammed on, I have it for my original Xbox from over 10 years ago and it was one of my favourites among Fable, San Andreas, D&D, Baldur's Gate DA, and Halo 1 & 2
No microtransactions either!
Because it's such a boring sequel. It does nothing better than CTR, and does a lot worse.
Love your content, keep up.
Relic race is a great challenge that encourages you to take different paths and be precise with driving. But I’m a bit biased given that my only video is a relic race. Still I think it’s much better challenge than time trial even if it’s more difficult.
16:15 *references Tekken in a CTR video*
Me: *likes the video*
3:45 I commemorate you for that reference!
I had no idea about this game existed before this review
Will you review the original Jurassic Park trilogy next? Otherwise, another suggestion I have for a review is A.I (Steven Spielberg's most underrated movie)
No plans on AI unfortunately; but I do plan to do Jurassic Park... eventually.
@@TheUnusualSuspect Great. Can't wait
Hey suspect, will you review MK11 as you have also reviewed MKX?
Amazing review! A bit off an out-of-left field question, but how did you do the transitions? They were cool!
I just finished the main story of the game before watching this. I didn't know I wanted this review! Good work.
Hey suspect what's you're opinion of the fire emblem series and do you think you'll review the new one. Love this review and crash racing (original, haven't played this one yet), great job!
I opted for Sonic Team Racing and had a ton of fun with that game
Only played a couple of hours of that because got other games I wanna play but enjoyed what I played
An upload. Yeet
- Obviously it's not meant to be thought about but if Oxide really does have a corporate Empire of parking lots from all the planets he's beaten (the tie-in comic really suggests it's like some sort of big business for him), he's probably got some force to invade I assume.
- There's actually a lot of people requesting a modernised version of Crash Nitro Kart's adventure mode, so maybe one day it could be added as DLC. I initially wasn't big on the idea but I now do find the idea appealing, especially since they can't keep adding new characters and carts forever.
- I don't mind Relic Races too much since I rarely go beyond Sapphire but I really hate the Crystal Challenges lol
- TBH explaining the boosting system would actually be a good touch
- Apparently they did fix the Sewer Speedway shortcut but IDK how much it actually solved the problem, I do get it more often but I often still fail at it
- Lots of people actually don't like how the missiles aren't as accurate. With the Warp Orbs, how they work is that normally they target first and hit anyone that happens to be in its path, but juiced up it deliberately hits everyone on its path to first. With the orbs and clocks, there should only be one or two during a match at any one time IMO.
- With the microtransactions, I'm pretty against them even if I don't use them because I tend to worry about people who could easily be tempted and sucked in by them and spend stupid amounts of money on them.
- Yeah, grinding for Nitro points is pretty tedious TBH. Also wow, lucky I never caught that Hyper Spaceway one. Also there's a glitch where the text goes all weird in some, usually when the day changes
I was excited to try this game out and begin climbing it's skill curve. I had heard it was deep and difficult to master. So my friend and I loaded up a race. He's extremely good and finished the race when I was still in lap 2. Suddenly, the race ended! I was like "What the heck? I'm trying to learn how to play this game and it just ends?" My friend was like, "Yeah you can't turn that off. Once the player in first finishes the game just ends after a minute." I said "Let's play a different game."
You say you wanted to climb the skill curve, but you wanted to start at the top. You don't learn to play a game in online mode. That's what adventure/offline mode is. It provides you with tutorials and tips to master the basics and then you go play online.
On the "race ends after 30 seconds", what alternative do you propose? For the game to wait for every player to finish the race? Cause you know damn well that it wouldn't be more than 10 seconds since the game launched for trolls to hold lobbies hostage by purposedly not crossing the finish line.
Basically your complain is akin to buying Super Smash Bros Ultimate while never having played a Smash game before, immediately jumping online, getting 3 stocked and complaining that the game ended before you could even take a stock out of your opponent.
@@colin3ds1 you don't get it. the fact that there is an offline adventure mode with adjustable difficulty that DOES have tutorials renders all your arguments null and void. the only tutorial the game doesn't have is advanced techniques like reserves and u-turn, but again, that was not OPs point since he wanted to learn how to play a game by jumping into online mode immediately.
Furthermore, I again refer you towards Super Smash Ultimate for a game that has little to no tutorials. sometimes there's fun in figuring stuff on your own. not all games have to hold your hand for the first 10 hours like Pokemon does.
Love your reviews as usual. There’s another popular reviewer from the UK called Cinematic Venom. Any chance you could do a crossover with him???
Mictotransactions in CoD and Battlefront are "Pay to Win". All you get here are cosmetics, so it's "Pay to Look Cool/Weird".
Will there a be a followup to this talking about the individual DLC events?
Ah, Snowboard kids was my jam growing up.
Next game review ideas:
Super Mario Sunshine or Spider-Man 2..... from GAMECUBE!
And then there's Team Sonic Racing....
One of the most boring games I've ever played and it's basically dead now so... unless you're a Sonic fan, I wouldn't bother
The game feels so slow and that's is just funny to me
Yeah but CTR is at least fun to play and doesn't feel like a stripped down All-Stars Transformed
I think between TSR’s lack of content and CTR’s paywall for more, I think they even out.
@Sparten 117 while I don't like the miro transactions ctr is a blast to play. While team sonic racing is me ans it doesn't feel like oh are driving a kart it feels more like I'm driving a tank
Well in the months since you've reviewed this, a new powerup has taken the mantle of "overused", and is the single worst one in the game, Super Engine.
The Orb and Clock have since vanished completely.
Yep, cool stuff. I'd say ''if you're not good'' instead of ''if you suck''. And with the blue flame/fire, ''separate the pros from the average players''
You think Crash Bash will get a remastered edition next?
I demand a Crash Bash remake.
Hey Suspect, are you going to review MK 11?
As always great review.
The added microtransactions aren't simply as sneaky and dishonest as they appear. They'd also said in at least one E3 interview that the game WOULD NOT HAVE THEM, yet here they are. So it's not just being sneaky, it's outright lying to our faces. Fantastic.
Yes, the game has mtx. But I am NOT letting then ruin my fun (nor am I giving activi$ion my money)
18:20 The elephant in the room.
Thank you your the first youtuber I’ve seen that has mentioned how unbalanced online is I’ve completely given up on the game because of that and won’t be returning to the game until it’s fixed and fair for everyone
It’s still a great game but based on the online mode I still prefer Mario Kart
Man i miss the toon racing game and diddy kong racing so much
Not all of Beenox's game were bad! Cars: The Video Game was surprisingly decent.
Yeah, they also did Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions as well
@@DHynes5 That was the best Spiderman game on 7th gen systems, with the more recent Spiderman game being the best on 8th gen systems!
I hail to this video. Thank you, Master
Sewer Speedway has been fixed already
This guy will get over himself with Crash team racing. It won at game awards
Did you ever play Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex and if you did, what did you think of it?
Never got around to playing any Crash game outside of the original trilogy, CTR and the N Sane trilogy. Didn't appeal to me after I saw its critical reception.
I see.
I don't see what the big deal is about microtransactions. I'm on the 4th Gingerbread GP and have never bought any wumpa coins. I got 200k+ wumpa and will finish top 100 in this GP. It's a matter of saving up about 80k in wumpa your first time around and buying all the items as soon as the next GP starts. Then max out your % and complete GP challenges. No need to spend anything.
You have to review all the fantastic four films
Nice 👌🏾
The best post-Naughty Dog Crash games were Crash Nitro Kart and Crash Twinsanity IMO. Crash Nitro Kart wasn't as good as Crash Team Racing, but still a WHOLE LOT better than Tag Team Racing which was GOD AWFUL. Crash Nitro Kart was basically a downgraded version of CTR with better graphics and anti-gravity mechanics added on, and its own original story mode with Velo was pretty unique with some of the best cutscenes in the entire Crash Bandicoot series. CNK only had 3 courses per world instead of 4 like the original, and bosses weren't playable which was a bummer, other than that, you still had to get a bunch of trophies, boss keys, crystals, gems, tokens, and relics. You still had time trials with N Tropy but Velo replaced Oxide. You can see how the CNK track remakes were added onto this CTR: NF remake and a lot of people love them, even those who never grew up with CNK. However, you don't see any CTTR (Tag Team Racing) content in the game because it was that bad.
Thank you being so kind all mighty loving God help me and these people become more like you
Activision prays on kids.
Microtransactions should be fair. Look at Warframe. Everything in the game can be obtained in game or by using your hard earned cash. However, Digital Extremes doesn’t use any predatory tactics in order to make a profit. But, knowing Activision, they’re not gonna follow this example.
the fixed the speedway btw
I really don't understand the talk about this game being hard. I've played the original, and even I don't find it that hard. Heck, I've played the game on medium and would often be way ahead of the other racers. The only way for the game to be quote unquote, "hard", is if you don't utilize the shortcuts or boost to its full extent or if you mess up big time.
Crash Bandicoot belongs to the Nords.
you forgot the inconsistency of the coins I played a match with a friend who is really good at the game and he got in for first but I was in second but because of Grand Prix I double his coins
Its not inconsistent though. For one the Grand Prix has no effect on coins. Every day for the first 30 minutes of racing you get a 5x bonus multiplier for coins. On weekends which for some reason now extends for four days since it starts late on Friday's and ends well into Monday there is an additional 2x multiplier for the whole 72 hours.
So if you weren't getting the 2x multiplier it means you had already played for 30 minutes online while your friend had not.
was tempted to play this game since Team Sonic Racing online is being awful for online, but now that they've added microtransactions, I'm staying FAR away from this game.
I really wanted to get this game, but according to a few friends the online play is completely busted because of the item drops. I mean, I rarely play online in a game that doesn’t focus on it, but it it looked kinda fun to me at first. Also, micro-transactions! Just...ugh
I used to love this game
I will give you golden eye and tomb raider haven't aged well but final fantasy 7 is actually aged really well
What game is pictured at 16:17?
The bots are pretty stupid (for me), easy is a breeze but medium is on the other side of the track but hard is unfair
people will hate me for saying this but i like mario kart 8 tracks way better than anything in crash team racing tracks, only ones i remember is coco park and crash cove but other than that the driving and characters are better than mario kart 8. sucks that i like the mario kart 8 tracks better because i slowly get bored grinding on crash team racing tracks but i still play it.
Could you please review the spiderman game
I was going to; but I sadly ran outta time. It's brilliant though! And I recommend checking out Angry Joe's and Caddicarus' reviews. Their points mirror my own :)
@@TheUnusualSuspect are you on about the one for ps4
Toy story 2 next!
Can you make a critical review of battlefront?
which one?
@@assasson47 the 1st
@@Person-mo7yz the first new one or old?
@@assasson47 1st one
@@Person-mo7yz yes
I just recently hit 101% on the story mode I also hate time trials
Looks like a fun game.
I got the game yesterday.
I haven't did anything other then Online and Time race.
I'm not loving this game. It feel different the the PS1 game. The turning and drafting seems off. Meaning I'm sliding into walls that i don't think would happen in the PS1 game. And Online not very fun as whoever did like successful Relic run and finished under 2 minutes const a 30-second countdown ending the game. I don't know why that countdown can't start with whoever made 3rd place. That way at less 3 people can pass the finish line
Crash Team Racing was a great game for the PS1, but Nitro Fueled has something that just feels off about how it feels.
Plus, with Team Sonic Racing being just a better game in general, I can't see myself going back to Nitro Fueled after obtaining the Platinum 2 days ago.
@Sparten 117 I know. I prefer TSR to CTR:NF as a kart racer in general.
For me I definitely agreed with what you said at the end. I mean I definitely did enjoy CTR but casual it is for me for racing and probably always will be
why u mentioning sewer speedway sc fix they fixed it like 20 days ago