To be fair, as much as Flair portrayed a wild card within his character...Scott was a legit wild card and Flair was definitely protecting his spot but also Scott was a different animal that could've been really bad with the belt for PR reasons.
Flair did the same thing to Rick Rude. Thats why Rude’s title reign wasnt as WCW World Champion but “International Champion” …love Ric but he hated on a lot of younger guys.
I think you got memory confused there, The WCW International Belt was brought in as the legit old NWA Title- Muta dropped it to Windham who dropped it to Flair after he came back from WWF in 93. He dropped it to Rude, Vader was running with the WCW Title at the time.
I heard that Flair also got Austin buried in WCW as well.
same with Pillman both them guys were done dirty
Rick and Scott seem so different. I guess they are
Do a shot everytime Rick says "my brother".
Rocket Queen I’m trashed now...
M B loved your comment. My brother didn't you are invited to the matt troise live stream on you tube smack down
To be fair, as much as Flair portrayed a wild card within his character...Scott was a legit wild card and Flair was definitely protecting his spot but also Scott was a different animal that could've been really bad with the belt for PR reasons.
Flair did the same thing to Rick Rude. Thats why Rude’s title reign wasnt as WCW World Champion but “International Champion” …love Ric but he hated on a lot of younger guys.
I think you got memory confused there, The WCW International Belt was brought in as the legit old NWA Title- Muta dropped it to Windham who dropped it to Flair after he came back from WWF in 93. He dropped it to Rude, Vader was running with the WCW Title at the time.
NWA dropped WCW using the NWA name so they had to find another name for the championship.
Rick seems so calm and pleasant. While Scott has the most egregious anger issues I have ever seen.
that was the clash match right?
I believe so. Rick Steiner got the wrong year when he said "1994".
My brother.. does he have a name, i know he's your brother but damn he's got a name too right?
Fk flair
Ric flair so overrated lol
He sucked once he got old. Should have retired in the 90s
Held the belt so many times because he didn't want anyone else to have it and would cry all the way to the top to keep it/get it back.
@@Autonomous1969 The Bookers kept the Belt on him so he would Constantly be on the move to Different territories & countries