大阪の街中はディープそのもの。奥が深いというか日本らしい商店街、世界ではなかなか味わえない食べ物が無数にあります。人情も方言も東京とは違います。その地の良さがよくわかるビデオでした。 The city of Osaka is deep itself. There are countless foods that can not be tasted anywhere in the world, such as the deep Japanese shopping street. The people and dialect are different from Tokyo. It was a video that shows the goodness of the land.
The city of Osaka is deep itself. There are countless foods that can not be tasted anywhere in the world, such as the deep Japanese shopping street. The people and dialect are different from Tokyo. It was a video that shows the goodness of the land.
How long ago was this trip? Online it says Luke’s Lobster is permanently closed.
Good question, this was early 2021 pre covid. Good luck finding another lobster roll option. There is lots of amazing food all over Japan