Thank you sincerely for the captivating art video tours and insights into the Met collection. This holds great significance for those unable to physically visit the Met. Eagerly anticipating more virtual art tours in the future.
Please remove all the art done by white males or produced under the patronage of a colonial power. Your museum will be empty and of no interest to anyone. If you aren't willing to do that then SHUT UP WITH THE WOKE POISON designed to make people hate each other. Your woke views are nothing more than racism.
I went through these galleries yesterday and was mesmerized. The Met curatorial staff did an excellent job at redefining how these beautiful paintings can look separate or collectively.
This was interesting to watch with my morning coffee. Thank you. Love The Met's RUclips channel. I hope to visit New York again in the future while this curation is still being exhibited.
Outstanding video beautifully rendered with valuable insights into how the restored galleries were thoughtfully displayed. With these insights in mind, I’ll be returning to the Met next week to experience the art in the provided context. Thx!
This is an impressive thing you have done here. Both with the gallery and also with the video production. Who would not be proud to be part of the org that constructed these things? You are doing justice to the art and to the artists. Not easy to do.
What an overwhelmingly abundant exploration and exposition of many of the finest expressions of human nature's quest for deeper understandings of why beauty is, indeed, deeply and meaningfully beautiful! Words could never fully express my, and many others' I'm guessing, gratitude for this life enhancing video view into a remarkable treasure of truly unparalleled treasures!
It looks like a wonderful renovation and re-organizing of the works- I'm looking forward to seeing it. The tour with the curators was also a journey through the recent history of vocal expression- certain stylistic mannerisms are notable. Just more fascination.
❤ Какие чистые лица на картинах и подобрано бесподобное письмо на любом произведении искусства мастеров этих ШЕДЕВРОВ. Моя душа трепещет от такой ДЛЯ Парадиза новизны. Это чудо что то. Спасибо большое за информацию о вашем решении показать данные шедевры.
Thanks for a beautifully curated tour of paintings in the Met - always too short and we could have lingered longer at so many of the paintings visited, but such a delight in any case. I must rush back to my nearest Gallery in the meantime. 🤗
Gracias por este vídeo. Me gustaría mucho que activasen ustedes los subtitulos también en español para quienes admiramos el Arte pero no dominamos el idioma. Nosotros este próximo mes de agosto vamos a NY y estamos emocionados de poder ir de nuevo a visitar este maravilloso Museo. Me encantará pasar muchas horas viendo todas estas obras de arte. Un saludo desde España.
Most import art exhibition, a retrospective on art history. Should be obligatory for any art student. The job to get that all together at the Met is huge. I wished I could say to be content to see my paintings hanging, but i can't.
I started to watch this, but I'm one of those people that likes to take them in & spend a little more time with each painting. You went by each painting so fast that I gave up watching.
I was really interested BUT the vocal frying was painful. I tried using speakers instead of earpods , but it was just too much distracting vocal clicks and croaks. In the end, I read the subtitles and listened to Vivaldi.
I agree. We swtched the sound off, and read the subtitles. The fast cutting at the beginning was also difficult to watch. We are not in the USA and will never get to the Met; they should realise these videos are more than just promos - which is what this felt like. We did not finish watching it - though have enjoyed others of their progs.
I was just wondering if the material is almost 300-700 years old. How come it doesn't break down? I understand the technology we have today, but what about the hundreds of years of not having the technology to help the material, including the wood and canvas the art is on.
프리다칼로 두명의 프리다 기법으로..왼쪽에 그림은..남궁민 님이 나대신 덩그러니 남아있는 신문지 조각을 물끄러미 바라보는..회색옷을 입고..회색 도시를..걷고 그 뒤를 따르는 긴머리 여인 그림..시간 관리자..느낌 그림..전체적..귀신이 새벽에..돌아다니며..반드시 자기가 왔을때 살아있는 내가 아니라 종이처럼 살다떠난..신문지속에서나 사는 몽타주에 불과한 어떤 존재를 떠올리며 남겨진 신문지 쓰레기 종이를 바라보는데 무거운 시계추를 보는 심정 그림..오른쪽 그림은.,앗 까먹었다..기력이 떨어지니까 한맺히는데..아.생각났다.이것도 꿈인데..신문지처럼 허연 시퍼런 사극풍 옷을 입은. 나약한 동족이..초라한 처마.퇴마? 마루에..앉아서..흰사발로 마시며..빨리 죽으라는 언어를. 들리는데 입모양은. 안 보이는..그냥 신문지처럼 어두운 사극 배경에 신문지같은 역사적 역사책 분위기 인물들이..툭툭 다 뒤지는 자세? 느낌..그런데 정신만 깨어있는 몸은 신문지 느낌..너무 느낌과 피곤해서 화난 느낌이 닮아서 동족같아서 화는 나는데 내가 막을수있는 기운은 아님..그걸..신문지처럼 방치당해도 신문지 속..시리우스블랙 처럼..열심히 살아서 포효가 아니라 적막 우울..힘없음..마치..해리포터 조상들이 잠시 나타난것처럼..조상인데. 나타나..추풍낙옆처럼 죽음인데 자세가 계속 죽음을 선택하는 분위기였음. 그걸. 콘크리트 속 신문지와 비어있는 집을 방문한 콘크리트 색옷을 입은 남궁민님 과 그의 회색 뒷모습을 따라걷는 안개길을 걷는 귀신같은 뒷모습을..왼쪽 .사극 분위기인데..검은배경에. 시퍼렇게 뜬눈으로 누워있는데 그옆에 상투틀고 사발로 뭔가를 마시는 자세 남자는 여자를 거들떠도 안보고..언어는..꿈을 꾸는 나만 들린듯..한. 오래살지말고 빨리 디져..이런 남자 음성이..그 상투남자 에게서 나오는데..그래도..사랑이고 기억하고 함께 그렇게 사극처럼 어울리다 함께 죽으려는 그것도 지친 어른들의 서로에대한 사랑같은 느낌? 두 그림을. 붙여..동시대..지만 장소와 체력상태가 극도로..다른.. + < 문명에 쩌든 유체이탈 나의 영혼의 등장과 동시에..픽픽 자살을 택하는 분위기가 느껴져 콘스탄틴 외국인 노동자나타나자 화가난 조선인? 느낌? 진짜 세령공주?와..같이 고생한 동족들의..화가나 따라죽는 분위기., 신문지처럼 역사책 을 보는것같지만 실제같은 느낌..신문지대신. 존재하는 죽음들..그러나..신문지보다 아름다운 살아있는 고단하고 화난 영혼들..이우왕자의 후손들..>두 그림을..붙여놓고..OHP 필름지 에..헛소리 낙서질해서..붙여놓으면..초딩용 환경 미화나..쉬어가는 잡지책..이러쿵저러쿵,.루나러브굿..꿈에..조덕배..오브..굿윌헌팅..그림..빈배..비어있어보이나..비어있는적 없어서 왼쪽은..창백한 회색 문명을 관리하느라 몸과마음이 무겁고..뿌연 안개길을 걷는.시간관리자..인공섬의 .걷는 유일한 인간..같았고..오르쪽에 둘 그림은..과거의 사극분위기옷을 입었으나..너무 일을 많이 해서 지친 이들이 쉬러왔는데.,자꾸 박물관이 살아있다 구경하듯..나같은 유체이탈 영혼까지 놀러오니..도저히 자기들을 숨길수없음에 화가나서. 신문지처럼..그냥 있는., 너무 노력? 기여해서..역사책들여다보듯 아름다우면서도 현실같지않은. 가벼운 몸들..생사에 초연함. 너무 기여하고 아는게 많아서 자존심때문에. 숨고싶은데 영혼마저 찾아오니..화가나서 따라죽는 느낌..전문 미술용어를 모르겠지만..어쨌든 동시대니까..무거운 몸과 가벼운 몸은..둘다..죽은 듯이 살고 다른 집에 살고 있지만 아무튼 동족이고 둘다..자존심도 있고..멋도 있고..죽음이 죽음을 지켜보는..느낌..동시대인데 차이점이 있으나 묘하게 같은 분위기로..저 영상에서 쓴..디퍼런스..칸트러벌씨..그런 단어에 어울리는 리약리약 거리는 짓을 하기 딱 좋은 작품? 그림이 될듯..차이점과 비슷한점을 서로 떠드는..흰 안개바탕에 검은 무게의 영혼과 사람..검은 초가집 바탕에 하얗고 지나치게 깨끗하고 아름다운 영혼의. 사람..주제..죽음..시간..UNTIL... 케이트 엔 레오폴드 급..너무 다른 비쥬얼이지만 분명 연결되어있는..마치..해리포터와..신문지속 인간..시리우스블랙 을 대조..대비해서 동시에 비춰주었을때의..할말많아지는..환상적인..소재..분명 같은 상황인데..블랙은 화내고..해리는 차분히 웃고있는..하나는 무조건 살아남아 찾아오고..한부분은..무조건 죽어서 찾아오기전에 사라지려 미친 초연한 의지를 드러내는 환장할 극치의 감당안되는 분위기 와 아름다움..남궁민 님의 눈에는 대상이 신문지속..화난 역사적 인물들이 더이상..리타같은..문명인의. 시각이나 조명에 신문지에 더이상 드러나고 싶지않아서 발악하는 듯 하여도..오히려..유체이탈 중인 나는..이들을 반드시 살려..한국판 박물관이 살아있다..버전으로 소개하고., 사랑받게 하고싶음..그러나 문제는 나는 극도의 저질이라..영화 아멜리에처럼 행동으로 옮기지못하고..수준높은 펜질문화부흥을 촉진시켜..두 세계 다. 예술로 포장(OHP 필름지 로. 생각을 낙서질) 해서라도..체력좋은 누군가가..마음에서 세상의 아름다움을 놓치지말고..보존하기쉽게..팬질 을 잘할수 있는..미술영상.시적..제작..자들이 관심을 주기를..싫음말고요.
Thank you sincerely for the captivating art video tours and insights into the Met collection. This holds great significance for those unable to physically visit the Met. Eagerly anticipating more virtual art tours in the future.
Thanks for watching!
Woke contamination😢
Please remove all the art done by white males or produced under the patronage of a colonial power. Your museum will be empty and of no interest to anyone. If you aren't willing to do that then SHUT UP WITH THE WOKE POISON designed to make people hate each other. Your woke views are nothing more than racism.
How amazing it must be to be able to walk through these galleries without the crowds.
or the party narrative...
Those Art paintings are really special and creative
I went last week. It’s been years. Whoever is behind grouping and hanging the collection is a gift to curating. Take notes people.
Lovely. I miss living in NYC. The Met is the most wonderful museum
Yes, who has lived in NYC and been to the Met many times. How can not one miss going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art?
Who would not miss living in New York City Metropolitan Musem? I often went there and took family members in the 80s when I lived there.
Thanks to the curators ❣️ A wonderful stroll thru the galleries- I miss the Met and this helps bring it alive for me🥰
Fabulous! Many thanks to The Met.
I went through these galleries yesterday and was mesmerized. The Met curatorial staff did an excellent job at redefining how these beautiful paintings can look separate or collectively.
Yes, decoratively .not scholarly
Wonderful! I lived in Manhattan for 10 years and I miss the Met like I miss friends. I look forward to returning.
Thank you, Metropolitan Musuem of Art 🎨 and curators. I often went there in the 80s and took family members when they came and friends.🙏❤️🌎🌿🕊🎵🎶🎨
So nicely done, thanks for the tour.
This was interesting to watch with my morning coffee. Thank you. Love The Met's RUclips channel. I hope to visit New York again in the future while this curation is still being exhibited.
Looking and listening to the curators about the works at the MET is more than a gift.
Outstanding video beautifully rendered with valuable insights into how the restored galleries were thoughtfully displayed. With these insights in mind, I’ll be returning to the Met next week to experience the art in the provided context. Thx!
The Met collection of Masterpiece and curators are fantastic! My favorite museum in town. Thanks for the light of art!
Thanks for such a wonderful tour. It makes me want to travel to New York again and spend my days in the Met. Well done !
Thank you!
Every time I visit the Met, this is always my favourite exhibition. The grand scale of some of these paintings are unspeakably impressive
Wow!! What an incredible chance to experience these magnificent artworks!! Thanks to The Met!!
Absolutely love this video, the commentary and the paintings 😌
It is a privilege that technology allows us the opportunity to see the artworks of Masters in the last centuries. Thank you so much!
Bravo et merci pour ce merveilleux musée que j'ai eu la chance de visiter cette année
감동적인 방송 고맙습니다 덕분에 미술 공부했습니다
This is an impressive thing you have done here.
Both with the gallery and also with the video production.
Who would not be proud to be part of the org that constructed these things?
You are doing justice to the art and to the artists.
Not easy to do.
Thank you!
What an overwhelmingly abundant exploration and exposition of many of the finest expressions of human nature's quest for deeper understandings of why beauty is, indeed, deeply and meaningfully beautiful! Words could never fully express my, and many others' I'm guessing, gratitude for this life enhancing video view into a remarkable treasure of truly unparalleled treasures!
Very refreshing . Brings back a lot of memories when I attended Art school yearsss ago
A great channel about painting 👍👍👍
Wish to spend more time with the classical works,with more detailed informations ❤❤❤Artist Francis Antony Kodankandath from Kerala, India ❤
Most excellent!! Thank you, from afar.
Thank you . An amazing exhibition. Brogel’s, El Greco, Velasquez, Bronzino, works from the 18th century. All the sales are sensational!
Wonderful truly great paintings love this !
A wonderful tour that gives a sense of being right there at the Met. Inspiring to make a journey to revisit this monumental and once familiar museum.
Una mostra straordinaria,complimenti!
This was wonderful! I visited the Met once on an amazing trip to NYC from Australia. Wish it was closer. Thank you for a thought provoking tour.
With all of these illusion pop-up museums in NYC, there is only one Met, a true masterpiece, and the ultimate best MUSEUM to see in NYC!!! 👌
Loved your outreach, news and the tour. Looking forward to my next visit! TY
Lindas pinturas parabéns felicidades. Inspiração para todos nós artistas plásticos.
It looks like a wonderful renovation and re-organizing of the works- I'm looking forward to seeing it. The tour with the curators was also a journey through the recent history of vocal expression- certain stylistic mannerisms are notable. Just more fascination.
I'd love to be surrounded with such beautiful things.
This is really the best collection in the world ❤
Great job, thank you 😍
Wonderful amazing video! I am blessed to live in Brooklyn and to be a member of this magnificent museum…and to have the ability to visit often, 🙂❤🙏🏼⭐
Greatful so wonderful I adore art this is real talent passion love beauty truth how blessed thank you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
❤ Какие чистые лица на картинах и подобрано бесподобное письмо на любом произведении искусства мастеров этих ШЕДЕВРОВ. Моя душа трепещет от такой ДЛЯ Парадиза новизны. Это чудо что то. Спасибо большое за информацию о вашем решении показать данные шедевры.
Thank you! A wonderful and insightful video that I will share with others.
This was incredible!
Thank U so much 👍👍❤❤🙏🙏🌹🌹
What a great video. Thanks so much, it's been more than a year since I roamed those halls.
Magnificent video recording.
Beautiful creatures
The one who sounds like she’s about to cry, somebody give that poor girl a hug 😅
Thank you
Amazing, thank you!
😊❤ Thanks and A marvellous exhibition 👍✌️Awesame job MAT 💯🎯 Enjoyed it 🌹💐🥂🗽🌎🇺🇸
Thanks for a beautifully curated tour of paintings in the Met - always too short and we could have lingered longer at so many of the paintings visited, but such a delight in any case. I must rush back to my nearest Gallery in the meantime. 🤗
'The Mediterranean' includes so many cultural influences it's fun to study. 👍
Very refreshing ❤. Brings back a lot of memories when I attended Art school yearsss ago😊
Whenever you encounter 'difficult history', remember that it was back then but now is now and different.
미술관 최고입니다
문화유산 문화예술의 힘
인류의 최고 선물입니다
Happy to know this section has been reopened! Sad it wasn’t before, I was there in September
very interesting
like a classic
This is great
WOW I will come back.
The best Museum.
real art you can see what it is.
Gracias por este vídeo. Me gustaría mucho que activasen ustedes los subtitulos también en español para quienes admiramos el Arte pero no dominamos el idioma. Nosotros este próximo mes de agosto vamos a NY y estamos emocionados de poder ir de nuevo a visitar este maravilloso Museo. Me encantará pasar muchas horas viendo todas estas obras de arte. Un saludo desde España.
Third Comment. Haven't watched this because I have a final exam but I will watch it tomarrow !!! Can't wait lol.
I grew up with this all over my walls. A hundred old paintings, centuries old. I wonder if that happens anymore.
Can someone help me with the name of the portrait at 6:58 it's truly beautiful.
it will be great to have an episode about the art of Mesopotamia
I have one of the Cuzco School paintings.
장비를 갖추세요..4K 장비로 촬영하면 세계적인 방송이 되겠어요 좋은 방송 고맙습니다
Most import art exhibition, a retrospective on art history. Should be obligatory for any art student. The job to get that all together at the Met is huge. I wished I could say to be content to see my paintings hanging, but i can't.
It belongs in europe
I started to watch this, but I'm one of those people that likes to take them in & spend a little more time with each painting. You went by each painting so fast that I gave up watching.
😘🙏💝🖼️🖌️🎨 * I'm Rob Cesá a n Arts Collector from New York..I Love Arts , painting...ALL..👌🥰💐🖼️🖌️🎨
I was really interested BUT the vocal frying was painful.
I tried using speakers instead of earpods , but it was just too much distracting vocal clicks and croaks.
In the end, I read the subtitles and listened to Vivaldi.
I agree. We swtched the sound off, and read the subtitles. The fast cutting at the beginning was also difficult to watch. We are not in the USA and will never get to the Met; they should realise these videos are more than just promos - which is what this felt like. We did not finish watching it - though have enjoyed others of their progs.
Oh my the vocal fry. Otherwise excellent.
Which one is the offender?
@ilonacohen7196 Valley Girl is like: "We’re... like... way ahead of the linguistic currrrve!" Rasp. 😂
All of them...
❤ 🇧🇷
Please name of the painting of the guitarrist in 32:08
Léon Pallière (1787-1820) in His Room at the Villa Medici, Rome by Jean Alaux. Learn more here:
6:11 some said Ducci has traveled to Constantinopole ,for to learn the caft of paintng
I was just wondering if the material is almost 300-700 years old. How come it doesn't break down? I understand the technology we have today, but what about the hundreds of years of not having the technology to help the material, including the wood and canvas the art is on.
It does break down. These are restored every 50 years or so by experts. Also the museums are climate controlled.
Art is best slow not 50 pics a minute
I guess 'a pool of ideas' is a better way to describe it.
18:57. 규현님과 마주보고 남색옷 입고 부엌느낌 공간에 아주 좁은 식탁에 박형식 님 머리를. 쓰담쓰담 해주는데 느낌 안 느껴지는데 그걸 본..회색옷 입은. 어떤 외국? 여자아줌마가..표정이..악! 소리나는? 사탄이 화내는 듯한 표정으로..나를 쳐다만 봤는데..깼었음. 마치..네가 이걸 만지면 안된다고 화내는 느낌의 얼굴인데 꿈이지만 언어는 안느껴지는..그나저나 박형식 님은..엉덩이 들이밀며 내 자리에 앉으려함..유딩 마인드 태도? 막내잉가봉가..그걸 그림으로. 표현해도 작품일듯..
Great content, but that raspy vocal fry! Valley Girl is like: "We’re... like... way ahead of the linguistic currrrve!" 😂 Please!!
Anyone knows who's the painter displayed at 28:18?
This painting is by Carle Vernet
@@helenmelton thank you!
So woke !
"destination pictures"
Where is this place?
프리다칼로 두명의 프리다 기법으로..왼쪽에 그림은..남궁민 님이 나대신 덩그러니 남아있는 신문지 조각을 물끄러미 바라보는..회색옷을 입고..회색 도시를..걷고 그 뒤를 따르는 긴머리 여인 그림..시간 관리자..느낌 그림..전체적..귀신이 새벽에..돌아다니며..반드시 자기가 왔을때 살아있는 내가 아니라 종이처럼 살다떠난..신문지속에서나 사는 몽타주에 불과한 어떤 존재를 떠올리며 남겨진 신문지 쓰레기 종이를 바라보는데 무거운 시계추를 보는 심정 그림..오른쪽 그림은.,앗 까먹었다..기력이 떨어지니까 한맺히는데..아.생각났다.이것도 꿈인데..신문지처럼 허연 시퍼런 사극풍 옷을 입은. 나약한 동족이..초라한 처마.퇴마? 마루에..앉아서..흰사발로 마시며..빨리 죽으라는 언어를. 들리는데 입모양은. 안 보이는..그냥 신문지처럼 어두운 사극 배경에 신문지같은 역사적 역사책 분위기 인물들이..툭툭 다 뒤지는 자세? 느낌..그런데 정신만 깨어있는 몸은 신문지 느낌..너무 느낌과 피곤해서 화난 느낌이 닮아서 동족같아서 화는 나는데 내가 막을수있는 기운은 아님..그걸..신문지처럼 방치당해도 신문지 속..시리우스블랙 처럼..열심히 살아서 포효가 아니라 적막 우울..힘없음..마치..해리포터 조상들이 잠시 나타난것처럼..조상인데. 나타나..추풍낙옆처럼 죽음인데 자세가 계속 죽음을 선택하는 분위기였음. 그걸. 콘크리트 속 신문지와 비어있는 집을 방문한 콘크리트 색옷을 입은 남궁민님 과 그의 회색 뒷모습을 따라걷는 안개길을 걷는 귀신같은 뒷모습을..왼쪽
.사극 분위기인데..검은배경에. 시퍼렇게 뜬눈으로 누워있는데 그옆에 상투틀고 사발로 뭔가를 마시는 자세 남자는 여자를 거들떠도 안보고..언어는..꿈을 꾸는 나만 들린듯..한. 오래살지말고 빨리 디져..이런 남자 음성이..그 상투남자 에게서 나오는데..그래도..사랑이고 기억하고 함께 그렇게 사극처럼 어울리다 함께 죽으려는 그것도 지친 어른들의 서로에대한 사랑같은 느낌? 두 그림을. 붙여..동시대..지만 장소와 체력상태가 극도로..다른.. + < 문명에 쩌든 유체이탈 나의 영혼의 등장과 동시에..픽픽 자살을 택하는 분위기가 느껴져 콘스탄틴 외국인 노동자나타나자 화가난 조선인? 느낌? 진짜 세령공주?와..같이 고생한 동족들의..화가나 따라죽는 분위기., 신문지처럼 역사책 을 보는것같지만 실제같은 느낌..신문지대신. 존재하는 죽음들..그러나..신문지보다 아름다운 살아있는 고단하고 화난 영혼들..이우왕자의 후손들..>두 그림을..붙여놓고..OHP 필름지 에..헛소리 낙서질해서..붙여놓으면..초딩용 환경 미화나..쉬어가는 잡지책..이러쿵저러쿵,.루나러브굿..꿈에..조덕배..오브..굿윌헌팅..그림..빈배..비어있어보이나..비어있는적 없어서 왼쪽은..창백한 회색 문명을 관리하느라 몸과마음이 무겁고..뿌연 안개길을 걷는.시간관리자..인공섬의
.걷는 유일한 인간..같았고..오르쪽에 둘 그림은..과거의 사극분위기옷을 입었으나..너무 일을 많이 해서 지친 이들이 쉬러왔는데.,자꾸 박물관이 살아있다 구경하듯..나같은 유체이탈 영혼까지 놀러오니..도저히 자기들을 숨길수없음에 화가나서. 신문지처럼..그냥 있는., 너무 노력? 기여해서..역사책들여다보듯 아름다우면서도 현실같지않은. 가벼운 몸들..생사에 초연함. 너무 기여하고 아는게 많아서 자존심때문에. 숨고싶은데 영혼마저 찾아오니..화가나서 따라죽는 느낌..전문 미술용어를 모르겠지만..어쨌든 동시대니까..무거운 몸과 가벼운 몸은..둘다..죽은 듯이 살고 다른 집에 살고 있지만 아무튼 동족이고 둘다..자존심도 있고..멋도 있고..죽음이 죽음을 지켜보는..느낌..동시대인데 차이점이 있으나 묘하게 같은 분위기로..저 영상에서 쓴..디퍼런스..칸트러벌씨..그런 단어에 어울리는 리약리약 거리는 짓을 하기 딱 좋은 작품? 그림이 될듯..차이점과 비슷한점을 서로 떠드는..흰 안개바탕에 검은 무게의 영혼과 사람..검은 초가집 바탕에 하얗고 지나치게 깨끗하고 아름다운 영혼의. 사람..주제..죽음..시간..UNTIL... 케이트 엔 레오폴드 급..너무 다른 비쥬얼이지만 분명 연결되어있는..마치..해리포터와..신문지속 인간..시리우스블랙 을 대조..대비해서 동시에 비춰주었을때의..할말많아지는..환상적인..소재..분명 같은 상황인데..블랙은 화내고..해리는 차분히 웃고있는..하나는 무조건 살아남아 찾아오고..한부분은..무조건 죽어서 찾아오기전에 사라지려 미친 초연한 의지를 드러내는 환장할 극치의 감당안되는 분위기 와 아름다움..남궁민 님의 눈에는 대상이 신문지속..화난 역사적 인물들이 더이상..리타같은..문명인의. 시각이나 조명에 신문지에 더이상 드러나고 싶지않아서 발악하는 듯 하여도..오히려..유체이탈 중인 나는..이들을 반드시 살려..한국판 박물관이 살아있다..버전으로 소개하고., 사랑받게 하고싶음..그러나 문제는 나는 극도의 저질이라..영화 아멜리에처럼 행동으로 옮기지못하고..수준높은 펜질문화부흥을 촉진시켜..두 세계 다. 예술로 포장(OHP 필름지 로. 생각을 낙서질) 해서라도..체력좋은 누군가가..마음에서 세상의 아름다움을 놓치지말고..보존하기쉽게..팬질 을 잘할수 있는..미술영상.시적..제작..자들이 관심을 주기를..싫음말고요.