Norman Gunston is a character played by the wonderful Gary McDonald. He was the original Kamikaze interviewer. He is also an incredible player of the mouth organ. Watch his interview of Frank Zappa to see how well he plays. Also did great interviews of Warren Beatty, Mick Jagger and Paul McCartney to name a few. Paul has a great sense of humour, "got" what was happening and played along.
No, she is not playing along with the jokes. She doesn't know what has hit her with Norman Gunston interviewing her. She cannot believe her ears or eyes. He's got her in a 'gotcha' . She can't help but laugh !
Their is an interview out there where she acknowledges that she didn't know what the hell to make of him & thought he was for real. I laugh as much as Sally S whenever I watch this.
Many other great interviews. Mohammad Ali, Paul and Linda McCartney, Guns and Roses, Frank Zappa, Cheech and Chong, Chevy Chase... the list goes on. Then there's the infamous dismissal of Gogh Whitlam cemented in Australian political TV history.
Norman Gunston is a character played by the wonderful Gary McDonald. He was the original Kamikaze interviewer. He is also an incredible player of the mouth organ. Watch his interview of Frank Zappa to see how well he plays. Also did great interviews of Warren Beatty, Mick Jagger and Paul McCartney to name a few. Paul has a great sense of humour, "got" what was happening and played along.
No, she is not playing along with the jokes. She doesn't know what has hit her with Norman Gunston interviewing her. She cannot believe her ears or eyes. He's got her in a 'gotcha' . She can't help but laugh !
Their is an interview out there where she acknowledges that she didn't know what the hell to make of him & thought he was for real. I laugh as much as Sally S whenever I watch this.
More about Gary McDonald .. the aunty jack show ...mother and son .. the funny and the serious.. we love him
Loved Norman Gunston
Many other great interviews. Mohammad Ali, Paul and Linda McCartney, Guns and Roses, Frank Zappa, Cheech and Chong, Chevy Chase... the list goes on. Then there's the infamous dismissal of Gogh Whitlam cemented in Australian political TV history.
You should probably go watch family guy. That show seems like it would be more at your level.