No BS Advice to Have ACTUAL Impact in Your Games

  • Опубликовано: 24 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 101

  • @dhabu9017
    @dhabu9017 День назад +11

    I appreciate the concept here; it's one I encounter in my RL work (Finance counselling): When you have to deliver a difficult message to a client, their receptiveness to it isn't decided in that moment - it's decided over the previous 30 minutes, of a hundred little instances of building rapport and trust, understanding their mindset, establishing credibility, etc.
    Or, gamer parallel: Course corrections in Kerbal Space Program - if you do a course correction early, you can lose almost no fuel/time etc. But if you wait until halfway to your destination, it'll cost you massive amounts of time/fuel, until you reach a point where no amount of corrective burn will salvage the flight path.

    • @CoachCurtis
      @CoachCurtis  День назад +5

      Love this. It's also the case with finances in general as well right? Sure, we can figure out a way to pay off this giant credit card debt, but the 'butterfly' effect moment was the choice you made last year to get this luxury bag you probably couldn't afford.

  • @tristan6773
    @tristan6773 День назад +49

    wait this ain’t the BBC

    • @freethugga4L
      @freethugga4L День назад +3

      BBC with diagrams and tangent free 😂 BBC is good but this is peak

  • @aceventura6915
    @aceventura6915 День назад +7

    I don't play league for 2.5 years now cause in my 30 I spend too much time for work and other activities, but lessons and mindset from Curtis and Nathan are still helping me even in my work. I listen to the podcast and watch videos cause this content is one of the best educational content in general and its applicable not for league only, but for real life too, even though real life has a little bit less snowball effect comparatively to league game 😂

  • @Adsterr
    @Adsterr День назад +10

    best channel ive EVER seen for league, let alone mid. This is amazign stuff here. thank you

  • @jacobkahn97
    @jacobkahn97 День назад +4

    What's crazy is curtis saying that's an "oversimplification of a game" but most players don't even put as much thought into the game as he just casually stated.

  • @ikarosms
    @ikarosms День назад +50

    i never lose games anymore... bc i stopped playing.

    • @nazyghost847
      @nazyghost847 День назад +3

      same, great advice to give

    • @sdoifjj
      @sdoifjj 20 часов назад

      +1, this game is not for everyone

    • @nazyghost847
      @nazyghost847 19 часов назад

      @@sdoifjj nah, i peaked 400LP west and become scared to play for god knows what reason

    • @sdoifjj
      @sdoifjj 18 часов назад

      @@nazyghost847 nah I don't care about rank much, but I played for 2 years, zero improvement. I mean I do learn stuff like I had 4-4.5 cs then 7-7.5 cs, higher apm than when I started, runes, spells, abilities, I know they exist and what they do, but can't use them correct or something, and no macro improvement, so still bronze 1 - silver 4. Just can't follow guides ig. But the problem is my expectations. Like u started to play, you watch your fingers bcs u can't find right key, you don't know champs, you don't know what is passive ability, wards etc. Then you learn all of these and still the same rank. Then you're trying to learn from guides and it doesn't work. And I've never seen anybody who was a hardstuck bronze-silver and then climb to dia+ thru imrovement, every dia+ player I know never had problems in low elo, they are like 'idk just played like couple of months and them hit plat' like it's nothing xD. Other games is boring, and here in LoL I know all the things but can't improve them, now bored as well. So I don't play games, just watching content about them.
      And your problem is that u're scared of losing 400lp I think, it's like a checkpoint for you. If I were u and was scared I would probably play on twink acc, and like 1 game extrafocused on main, just to make sure I don't lose lp. And if u climb there again you will have confidence I believe, so try this out. GL

  • @HanyuuHOLO
    @HanyuuHOLO День назад +1

    Long time BBC listener here, I love how many times what you do is put a concept you guys have talked about a lot into an easy to digest video full of examples and pragmatic takeaways, great stuff as always!

  • @Yunayoi
    @Yunayoi День назад +3

    The Ori adding you after is so wholesome. It'd be nice if getting added by an opponent didn't immediately bring the thought of them telling you to off yourself lol

    • @shadowgaming9002
      @shadowgaming9002 День назад

      You're right, i tend to add my lane opponents after tips but i've only gotten advice once. Rarely works out but is nice when jt does

  • @lekaimo
    @lekaimo День назад +3

    Insanely good advice, sometimes when I review my challenger games I'm in the habit of saying "ah I should've paid more attention to the map and I wouldn't have died to this gank", and while that's true to an extent, all my previous decisions end up being more related to the gank than actually looking at the jungler/mid's position

  • @zizzi9806
    @zizzi9806 День назад

    Man your explanations are just incredible. Like it really really does make sense.

  • @goobandz1663
    @goobandz1663 День назад +1

    The best thumbnail I have ever seen

    @BLM.MASTER День назад +9

    Everyone drop a like on the video right now

    • @anasadel1741
      @anasadel1741 День назад

      why man

      @BLM.MASTER День назад

      @@anasadel1741 because Curtis puts lots of effort into free coaching for everyone and it only takes a split second to help Curtis get the proper recognition for his work by liking the video it gets promoted to more people

  • @maxowy9039
    @maxowy9039 День назад +2

    David goggins reference

  • @dunamis3535
    @dunamis3535 День назад

    So good and in depth explanations, thank you!

  • @thtguyericcc1811
    @thtguyericcc1811 День назад

    awesome vid im going to apply this to my games this week

  • @UnruHorizon
    @UnruHorizon День назад +2

    24:40 “I wasnt scratching my head why Kha’Zix was jumping on…y’know…twerking on everyone’s face in the mid game” 😂😂😂 thats my coach right there

  • @yGKeKe
    @yGKeKe День назад

    Now here's the banger content I expect. Brilliant video.

  • @sanderbrouwer91
    @sanderbrouwer91 День назад

    It is really valuable info you give.
    I've had some coaching from your colleague chippys as well and he told me that I was wasting my ulty before mayor objectives too. Then when you did it on Liss, my first instinct was: why did you waste ult? Glad I'm already picking up on a few things :)

    • @CoachCurtis
      @CoachCurtis  День назад

      There we go! Shoutout Chippys!

  • @PecoMid
    @PecoMid День назад +4


  • @nero-m6j
    @nero-m6j 19 часов назад

    really nice vid i havent seen anyone talk abt this before!

  • @snek3201
    @snek3201 День назад

    Great resource.

  • @shadowgaming9002
    @shadowgaming9002 День назад

    lovely video, thank you!

  • @Twobagged
    @Twobagged День назад

    I was wondering what program you are using to record your games, vod review and draw on the screen?

  • @stevecassidy9019
    @stevecassidy9019 10 часов назад

    What about when theres a smurf in every other game and your team is 0-5 at 5 minutes? Im so sick of these videos that profess to know how to solve low elo and the reality is you're either significantly better and climb, or you get lucky and sift through the shit that is iron and bronze and play 400 games to maybe get out. Its virtually impossible for a silver level player to get out of iron, and its pretty hard to get any better at the game while playing games in iron/bronze where you have constant AFK, inting, troll picks, people banning teammates champs and being just generally so bad at the game that your team has no chance to overcome.

  • @loganwalls8865
    @loganwalls8865 День назад

    What programs are you using for recording and drawing notes?

    • @CoachCurtis
      @CoachCurtis  День назад +1

      recording with streamyard, taking notes with epicpen

  • @ntkn
    @ntkn День назад

    TL;DR to sum up this entire video, the solution to all your problems in league is to prevent the problem from happening in the first place, because once the problem happens you are fucked because of how snowbally the game is.
    Hopefully riot succeeds in taking some of the BS snowball mechanics out of the game. League is the only moba, where one mistake just completely fucks over the entire game. The only other game that is like that is Starcraft 1 and 2, but those are MUCH better balanced games than league with ALOT more control over your games, and usually you can pad out/soften the blow of your mistakes if you are econmically ahead in SC. In league, even if you are "economically ahead", if you give over a 1k shut down you are no longer ahead economically. Its really fucking stupid.

  • @dandelion44444
    @dandelion44444 День назад

    Idk how to have impact against perma pushers who dont care of they die a lot. Was playing against sion, i was 14/4 he was 0/11 and we lost. We had to respond his push and after he dies his team already pushed other lanes. My team was losing so I could not just 1vs1 sion all game or other lanes would have been crushed over to nexus.

  • @v3gas102
    @v3gas102 День назад

    What is the ADC equivalent of Coach Curtis?

    • @wh6153
      @wh6153 День назад

      idk but they have a program for every role now, just adc that's coming up soon. you can check it out on the links in the description

  • @kari_on_fire9996
    @kari_on_fire9996 День назад

    It's a good video, don't get me wrong..
    But I feel doomed, so terribly and sadly doomed..
    As a returning player, who have quit the league 4 years ago due to a total mental ruin and excessive aggrevation, I'm still in the process of learning the game again. So many new champions, changes, item, etc..
    I'm fully aware that despite watching tones of guides and educational videos to learn and understand more and escape the hell elo, I must be making shit tons of mistakes. And now you tell me that my one mistake at 3 minutes mark can potentially set the whole game to failure...?
    It just makes me so depressed and helpless.. No matter how hard I try to do my best, not to get tilted, not to give up even when I see others are trolling.. Yet it doesn't seem to matter. I might burn my flash too early or steal 2cs too many off of my adc.. And I'm screwed...

    • @CoachCurtis
      @CoachCurtis  День назад

      You can view it this way, or you could FLIP it and say "Great! This mistake that I made early on is a clear error that I CAN CONTROL therefore it's not about anything my teammates do, but it's all on ME"
      You need to think about the LONG term learning, not the short term LP

    • @dexydraws9272
      @dexydraws9272 День назад

      Sounds like your trying to shoulder too much learning too early during your learning.
      If you remember, curtis mentioned at the start, these concepts are (to spark a new perspective) for people who have tried everything but they still have no idea what is going on or why are they unable to improve. So honestly if you arent familiar with what everything does, and u have this massive plate of things to work on, try picking 1-2 topics to focus on rather than trying to go thru the entire checklist of things people say u are doing wrong in the game.
      As for the rest of the game(champions items runes etc etc) that you might not understand yet, honestly the main thing is to learn them by bits again. In the begining just focus on your own champion until u face champs you never fought before. Just get a feel of their champ while u face them, and if u rly have trouble vs them and just dont understand them, u can then go watch a video of someone playing them or smt.
      Trial and error is an important part to learning the game so just go in with the mindset of, "ok i dont know what that champ does, but lets just play and see what i can and cant do." You might even grow to love the game once u ask more and more of these questions and finding answers to them.
      Point is, while its a good thing you are aware of all the more advanced concepts and how to find you mistakes etc etc since it means you have not plateau yet and you trajectory can only go upwards. It's also important to understand that nobody is a superhuman, most of the time we'll have to accept that we suck and find the next thing that we can improve on so we have be ever so slightly better than the player/person you were from last game/yesterday

    • @wolvewick4414
      @wolvewick4414 День назад

      the game is bad, even if you play perfect game is lost due to other feeding lanes, or your jungler is non existence.
      i play top, i use to hit gold very fast with 25 to 30 games/wins and even hit plat1 one time, now i have 150 games 75% win rate and havent hit silver4 one time and was put in iron. with 75% win rate you lose a match and is -24 and when win is +25 is like riot dont want people to climb at all. and alot of acc on enemy team is full with lvl30 smurfing.
      is just a complete waste of time.

    • @kari_on_fire9996
      @kari_on_fire9996 15 часов назад

      @@dexydraws9272 thank you so much for this reply. Very kind of you to provide a bit more information and viewpoint. I appreciate it!

    • @kari_on_fire9996
      @kari_on_fire9996 12 часов назад

      @@CoachCurtis I'll try. The league is way more complex than I ever expected.. And it's probably silly to think that everyone will be analysing their mistakes, their play and interactions within the game. But maybe those who do can achieve more? We shall see. Thank you for your input.

  • @NightridingDoom
    @NightridingDoom 2 часа назад

    How do you deal with russia/eune?

  • @stevieflyineasy
    @stevieflyineasy День назад

    I think another macro point is, very rarely should an immobile mage side lane, even if they have tp, just stay mid and make bot duo shove out bot. No point forcing syndra to do it alone

  • @markczyk
    @markczyk 14 часов назад

    even if i am not your target group
    good video
    unfortunately nothing new for me

  • @reesebonin9890
    @reesebonin9890 19 часов назад

    I don't understand the point of this video. Please know I'm not trying to harass you by saying you don't know what you're doing. My confusion is from all this video saying is "don't make mistakes and you win more", which is kind of an obvious conclusion. What am I supposed to take away from that?

    • @theweekendwhacker5607
      @theweekendwhacker5607 15 часов назад

      I don’t make mistakes and lose , so to me the takeaway is he’s trying to make bad players make less mistakes

    • @reesebonin9890
      @reesebonin9890 15 часов назад

      @@theweekendwhacker5607 I get the idea behind it, but it doesn't really tell people how to find mistakes. A worse player might think X caused the game to go bad when it was really Y even after taking the time for analysis.

  • @dankmeemo3464
    @dankmeemo3464 День назад +2

    Best advice: stop the game and play a fun game

    • @zeldafan9656
      @zeldafan9656 День назад

      league is fun wdym? if you're not having fun playing it, that's a you issue not a game issue

  • @jamdrew15
    @jamdrew15 День назад +3

    This video just makes it harder to figure out why you are losing, linking up random mistakes as the reason why you lose the games. The lesson kind of becomes; 'play perfectly I guess', which is really complicated and frustrating to play. Atleast, thats how its been going for me.

    • @jamesblackwell2607
      @jamesblackwell2607 День назад +8

      no ur exaggerating his point. saying “linking up random mistakes” is a really ignorant take as ur implying the mistakes had no meaning. he explains why certain mistakes CREATED the situations where there isn’t anything to be done. His point is to focus on the repercussions of your actions in game. i think u need to reassess ur mindset in watching these videos as ur not in a growth mindset.

    • @jamdrew15
      @jamdrew15 День назад +2

      @@jamesblackwell2607 No, I was watching the video looking for less ambiguous advice for how to impact my games. Maybe some mid game advice or a lane phase tips. But the advice is basically review your gameplay, find something 5 minutes that happened before an objective and conclude thats why you lost the game. Honestly, reviewing in this way is just demonstration of hindsight bias.

    • @Kopfakrobat
      @Kopfakrobat День назад +4

      ​@@jamdrew15 It is not ambigious advice, it is advice on how to find these improvements in your own gameplay and reviews yourself, instead of it being just some advice that is different for every role and champion. Almost all these videos that give mid or lane phase advise have to be made for a specific champion/role and are useless if it isnt specific enough

    • @maxowy9039
      @maxowy9039 День назад

      In league there are bad situation where you cant do anything that lead to even far worse thing Curtis try to point the little thing that led to those bad situation so you can avoid them hopefully

    • @jamdrew15
      @jamdrew15 День назад

      There isnt any direct advice from the video tho. There is a common tendency to perceive past events as more predictable than they were when we re-examine them afterward. Its really simple to goto the vod and find a play you are unhappy with the results and deduce, thats why we lost the game or objective. But, applying this to future games can become handcuffing. The window of opportunity to make plays becomes harder to find and the solution sort of becomes play perfectly or never risk your hp.

  • @hugocoolerkanalsmal3172
    @hugocoolerkanalsmal3172 День назад +2

    Why do i have the same winrate in silver as in diamond?
    My friend wanted me to boost him, so i said yes.
    I am Swain otp
    I legit cannot hit above 65% winrate in silver or even vs bronze players. My wr on main account is 62%
    Is it my champion that has too low agency? Why do i not feel like i am smurfing

    • @reufury7
      @reufury7 День назад +2

      Winning at a lower rank bracket , you kinda got to do "dumb shit" that wont work in diamond, like running at your enemy laner level 1 and just out space them or bait them into a spell, the more you respect and play slow when smurfing the higher the chance of your team mates making mistakes and giving a huge lead to the enemy. More or less you got to "ego/disrepsect" the foundations to get silly leads , that is why smurfing also causes alot of people to build made habbits, going back to their higher rank games/main accs. e.g. I am jg elise/xin/j4/masteryi i do 1 camp red then gank bot lane or top i flash onto them without using a my spells just red buff slow , they panic flash then i use my cc and get first blood. Normaly if you do that the enemy jungle will take your side of the jungle and zone you off for such a early gank , so in the end not worth it but cause low elo dont know what to do you can get away with it. Smurfing is killing people fast , tilting enemy , cheesing , or free scale then become god level 1v9. In my opinion.

    • @MhnFive
      @MhnFive День назад

      What someone else said, being a good Swain and being a smurf are different things and skillsets. There are countless genuinely good players low in ladder that simply don't have that edge factor to carry despite being solid fundamentally.
      This is why smurfs tend to be personified by huge early leads or risky calculated plays.

    • @DarthNVious
      @DarthNVious День назад

      There is nothing you can do to avoid losses in League of Legends. The game rigs it for you so you have a 50% win rate. If you win too much, Riot will give you sht teammates to bring you down. If you lose too much, Riot will give you smurf level players that you can even win being AFK. Don't believe me? Look at your OP GG statistics and notice your winrate. Most likely close to 50%.

    • @reufury7
      @reufury7 День назад

      @@MhnFive I agree that there is really really good players in low , like i have been gapped in laning phase by some gold players and was like woah this guy is nuts but other side of the "fundamentals" Laning phase etc. I just win over them cause you got to get creative and take some riskys to find a advantage , league of legends is not chess in solo q you need to find chaos thats helps you or create it . Cause in the chaos everyones "plan" goes out the window and now its just a dog fight. So you got to find that dog agression control it to carry 4 other people to the finish line, in lower bracket games its not just 5v5 its you and 4 people who are most likely unreliable , and YOU have to do their job most of the time. Thats why ranking up means alot cause everyone had to go through low elo "the chaos" to get the chance to have reliable team mates.
      I dont think you can be hundres of games in silver and still be a good player but cant carry, good players carry.

    • @robenriven
      @robenriven День назад +1

      Because you dont know how to play, as simple as that. You dont need to know a lot about the game to get to diamond. If you actually knew how to play the game instead of your champion you wouldnt have that problem even if you are just trying a new champion that you never played.
      Im GM btw

  • @БарриЛомов
    @БарриЛомов День назад

    Why do I think this is another cover video for AI-bots in game? To give players false belief that they really can affect the game, instead of it being totally under control of AI. Ans those who control that AI.
    The whole situation with ziggs is kinda fishy - like it was staged. Ziggs flashing to get kill? Ok, normal.
    Why did braum jump to a 10hp ziggs? He would not be able to protect him, but will put braum in a lot of risk with no way to escape.
    Why did Ashe follow the braum after seeing that braum is dying and there are 2 enemy on the river now, including full hp naafiri? Ok, low hp mf - easy kill.
    More importantly, why did ashe attack crab several times instead of trying to slow down naafiri and trying to run away? No, really. Watch it again - after mf flash, ashe started to hit crab. Like after mf flashed ashe automatically targeted crab. After attacking 1st time - ashe moves around a little and attacks crab again.
    8.58 or 9.58 This double ping... Humans would not do this in such perfect syncrony. It`s like AI controlling 2 bots from both their perspective gives ping.
    In situaion with Orianna it`s even more funny.
    "Why did the game feel so hard for me?" - Orianna asked. Curtis pressed tab (13.25 - 5 minutes in game) and... He could not say that "your team is 1-4 after 5 minutes of game (adc, support and jungle are 0-1), your team`s draft is worse: enemy have good engage setup with a lot of mobility and dashes into your unprotected backline. Your team`s surviability is mostly based on soraka`s healing and will be countered with one antiheal item. And probably would not need so much countering, based on how much solo-target damage they have."
    So yeah, why would Orianna think this was a hard match, right? ONLY because at some point orianna did little mistake on timing the reset.
    Sorry, while i was writing this i paused the video and didnt get to the 13 minutes in game. When it was 13.30 in game - Orianna`s team was 5-11 (Curtis is playing in enemy team, score is 11-5).
    Enemy having advantage on many aspects, team losing there lane hard and... Are you trying to loop the loss of the game to THAT one little mistake with reset timers completly ignoring the TEAM part of the game?
    What it sound like is: Your perfomance in game is being constantly analyzed by AI, the end result of the match depend solely on your perfomance, because other players (5 enemies and 4 allies) are actually AI-controlled bots and how they act will solely depend on your personal perfomance for following certain rules.
    Edit:видео.html at 7.06.

    • @TeebuOCE
      @TeebuOCE День назад +4

      Bro wtf is this conspiracy shit. We aren’t in a simulation.

    • @БарриЛомов
      @БарриЛомов День назад +1

      With how far AI tech have already evolved? Yes we are. Since introduction of Television - there are ways to control the minds of millions of people.
      You will see dozen of AI-bot video on Starcraft. You will find a lot of videos how they train AI enemies for different games. And almost nothing about AI-bots in games. Content creators, sponsored by Riot? Will not talk about it. The guides for a TEAM-based game? There are almost none videos about "team" part of game. Instead almost in each one you hear: "Focus on your own gameplay. Team going for objectives? Dont follow - play sidelane." or something like this.
      Think about it a little. Ok, not a little - to comprehend it you must have a rather variety of knowledge - how AI of enemies function in some other games, how AI of your allies react to your actions in other games, rock-paper-scissors principle used in some other games and etc.
      And then we get the message from CEO of Riot Games: "We will have something for everyone". You know what fit that description? An AI, controlling several players in game, which generate certaion scenarios for players depending on their behavior and the settings of that AI.
      You dont want certain player spreading toxicity in high elo? Make sure that player gets 0-10 with kda less 1 allies several games in a row when reaching certain rank.

    • @prosper9510
      @prosper9510 День назад

      AI isnt the rrason your hardstuck​@@БарриЛомов

    • @dexydraws9272
      @dexydraws9272 День назад

      So what ur saying is that riot made these AIs and provided them to content creators with these AIs that would help them push these "positive narratives" so league players can perpetually live in the delusion that is league of legends?

    • @fivefourtwo4498
      @fivefourtwo4498 День назад

      this is deranged