I'm a truck driver from Tennessee, but I go all over the eastern US. I listen to you guys all the time, so you'll be happy to know your stuff is being shared with enthusiasm at truck stops and loading docks and Walmart parking lots from Washington d.c. to Trenton Ohio to to Orlando Florida. I'm going to pray now for the seeds you showed three years ago when you made this video. Don't grow weary in doing good! Love you guys
Amen, I used to be a massive pothead, I smoke roughly an ounce a week. I started reading the Bible and gradually over time I started feeling more and more convicted of my actions. I finally came to the point I didn't want it in my life, I prayed for understanding and for the holy spirit to fill me with the truth I needed. The next day I stopped smoking and haven't looked back, God is great all the time and all the time God is great!
Very nice man. I smoked about an eighth a week. Quit three months ago because God was convicting me. Struggling with some other sin like lust that I thought I had under control. But I need the Lord to fully deliver me from it.
Nothing wrong with pot. There's worse things you could be doing... I can't think of anyone who died from smoking weed. As a veteran I highly promote weed for recovering vets :)
@@badideass To each there own, I just don't want it in my life. It did nothing but ruin me for years and kept me from making good career choices, because I didn't want to give it up.
Love the Mormons over there. They came by a few weeks ago. I actually witnessed to them. We didn't ultimately agree but I prayed with them and for them. Love your neighbor. Great vid. God bless all out there! 🌹
@@AndJusticeForMe ugh. Never said that. I said we found common ground. I actually had Mormons help me move this week and we didn't talk religion. We were just friends. No need to get nasty.
I love, love, love, how Pastor Jeff shares with so much love! So much patience and never loses his cool with people. I bet that he prepares well before going out into God’s battleground with much prayer and fasting. What an example for others on how to share the gospel to others. I’m so thankful to God for people like him. 💕💕💕💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Read your bible, please. Don't take ANY persons word for anything. God wants you to read His word & meditate on it. We are to read His word taking line upon line, precept upon precept here a little here a little there a little ....
God is extremely and awesomely good Christ Jesus is the only way Halleluja keep the faith brother keep preaching the truth and soul's will be free HALLELUJA
Amen!!!! Great work. Keep it up, brother! Btw, it did this Pentecostal boy’s heart good to hear a Reformed Baptist say Acts should serve as our model for ministry 😘
Acts 4:13 Bible College 🤣. As a Reformed Baptist, I am eager to see you model Acts...including the actual interpretation of tongues with verified witness to the accuracy of translations aye 😜.
BassUndertow verified witness of the Spirit should count for something. Especially when it’s a language unknown to man. 1 Corinthians 14:2. Be blessed, bro! Keep them cage stagers at bay. Seriously, very refreshing to see so many Calvinists in one place that I don’t think would give me the Seretus treatment if allowed. Wonder if I can get my church involved with End Abortion Now?
Keep it up Jeff and team. I feel you on the booze and drugs bro. It never got really bad for me but I was definitely trying to take the place of joy and true peace with it. God bless bro!
That's the thing we are our own worst enemies in the world and we don't need anything else to bring us down. We can create our own bad story...Then there is Jesus!! Pow! The revelation sets in and we come home...
John Warren ...he is right. He decides whether he chooses to repent and love God or be eternally lost. “I set before you life and death. Choose life.”-The Lord
I loved these real conversations, not scripted and just one on one with people. It’s looks to me like this guy may have been drunk, but the spirit of God was still working on him.
How can you verify this supposed spirit of God? Can you quantify it? Your feelings are not objectively quantifiable, so where is the spirit of which you speak?
this is so beautiful. pastor jeff is really good at easing in powerful messages in such a gentle way. awesome job. i wish one day i can do apologetics like this.
yes I rejected God for my first 29 years of my life. I came to Christ two years ago, and my perspective on life did a complete 180. I now know who I am; I found my true identity. I used to be an agnostic but that’s history.
The Truth i didn’t come to Christ because I heard the gospel. I went to Him because I was at the lowest point in my life, and He answered my prayer and gave me the gift of faith. you wouldn’t have a clue of what that means, but one thing I do know is that everyone (body of Christ) comes at their own time. Blessed are the ones that hit rock bottom my friend. Good luck finding the origin of morality. Maybe the dinosaurs were righteous? But again righteousness and unrighteousness does not exist in your worldview. Have a great day brother. I’ll pray for you.
Why do atheist hang around so many Christian channels? I think I know why. Maybe it's because God led them here without them knowing so they can hear the gospel for the first time and a seed can be planted. God certainly works in mysterious ways. May Lord Jesus bless my atheist brothers and sisters.
Well, as a former _professing Christian_ it is an area of interest to me to observe the thought processes and behaviors of people I once agreed with. I've heard the gospel thousands of times, and don't mind hearing it again, but I remain unconvinced.
Elijah bar-Sobach Matt Dillahunty said the same thing. I remember listening to a debate and I can’t remember the other guy (obviously a Christian) but he asked him “You have all these answers as to why you are unconvinced that there is a god out there, but you haven’t said what will convince you that God may actually exist. So what will convince you?” Matt kinda danced around the question and couldn’t really give a straight forward answer like he normally would. I don’t know your story, I don’t know why or what made have a change of heart; but I would like to know...what would convince you that God may actually exist?
@@anthonywchavez I already am convinced that a god may actually exist. I have no problem with that. I simply don't know. The cognitive dissonance comes when trying to define that god as Yahweh of the Bible. For me, the defining issue has always been what the text says, and not any of these convoluted, deistic arguments for a god. That being said I'm not sure it is possible for me to believe the composite stories of the Bible are true anymore, at least not through my own efforts. The crux for me are specific prophecies and historical statements made that simply did not seem to happen. Some Christians, especially presuppositionalists like Jeff, will say that I am blinded or suppressing the truth. I would consent that could be possible, but by definition I would have no way of knowing. The tools that I currently seem to have indicate to me that the Bible is at least partly fiction. Long story short, it would probably take some sort of miracle initiated by Yahweh (or any deity) to convince me they exist and want me to do certain things.
Jeff engaged a definist fallacy at 4:05 - redefining "science" to fit his own description and the argument thereafter. Science is not a belief based on the past or present or future. Science is a systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
Yes, this is Christian education for the saints. May we all gird up the loins of our minds to be taking all thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ. God bless you Brothers, and to all the saints on the ground, working.
Everyone argues with Pastor Jeff until he shares the Gospel. I love seeing how quiet people get once he gives them the good news. Praise God for those on the ground living as the hands and feet of Jesus, with a commitment to loving in the TRUTH, by faith through grace! 🖤
Not everyone sees it as "good news". Perception is the key. BTW, you can all caps the word "truth" if you want. It doesn't literally make it factual when you do that.
What is good about it? The NT is still a massive list of stupid commands from dogmatic men who believed they were special. It's a huge list of DO OR ELSE. What is "gracious" about that? Wouldn't it have been more gracious to have never created at all, assuming this was the only possible outcome of his sovereign will?
I cant stay on track with this guys logic . Did he really say he was going to make his brother OD? I admire the patience that Jeff has with people like this.
I read john. Why on earth would us DECENT people believe a single word of it or indeed anything whatsoever in the bible when you cant even support just 4 of the very main claims of it?
Dude... I am not post-mill or whatever but I need to go out and share the gospel. How Jesus returns we'll find out but you guys inspire me not to sit on my ass anymore!
Because atheists are still regular people who usually have grown up around these terms and still use them? I'm not muslim but I still say inshallah, it's just a term of phrase.
Jeff’s the fact you can’t stand and talk to people who speak such awful language and discriminate against our savior it is difficult for me to hear and stay tuned in - for you to actually be able to stay focused and share the forgiveness of the finished work and the depravity of man is amazing. Nice work. Sola deo gloria! I pray I can witness and share of Gods truth to anyone as you do, please Holy Spirit power me To do so to glorify God and bring the elect to you!
That guy asked Jeff such good questions. I get drilled by my atheist friends by the same questions all the time. All I can do is speak the truth and show them the love of Christ and pray for their hearts.
@@dario2153 You can only claim that by "faith". I'm not interested in the "faith" of religious people. So no,....I have NO reason to even remotely accept such claims as "actual truth".
@@johnblake5114 You don't get to call something "true" just because you say it is. That's the issue I have with threads like this. You make a proclamation of "truth" without demonstrating it. And the demonstration part is critical....and will have to correspond to the level of the claim.
Why would you waste your time sharing anything of value with a drunk person? I am an alcoholic and we don’t even share sobriety with people under the influence because it does no good at that time.
As a current Agnostic who probably means toward disbelief if I was forced to choose right now....I love listening to Jeff Durbin. I know if the gospel is indeed true that this man is the real deal.
@@peterburns4586 it should be the foundation of any debate that involves. Prove your god or we don’t get to move forward about what you think your god wants
@@LAndrewNext it's a starting place that ends debate before it happens. If I want to claim absolute knowledge of an unknowable metaphysical reality EITHER WAY ( for or against the existence of God), that ends the conversation. It's unknowable. There's little rabbit holes you can go down at this point, but it will not be compelling for the opposing viewpoint. It's a rationalistic "hang up" if you want to argue the claim either way the burden of proof is unbearable. A better discussion is whether the ideas put forth in the bible are true, and useful to living well. And reading to seek understanding, I think it is affirmative.
We can’t treat each other like cosmic accidents in a civilised society. I used to be a alcoholic, I didn’t change for some cosmic being, I changed because of my family. I didn’t need a excuse to change, I needed a reason to change.
Fun Fact’s: In the 1841 Dictionary is when the word Dinosaur was first used. Definition: Now rare. Then in the 1850’s The word prehistoric appeared. Definition: a recorded time before recorded history...... what we should say is Pre-flood. As we have a recorded history from the beginning...❤️🙏🏻❤️
Creationist say that young scientist are indoctrinated by senior professors/experts, but after watching hundreds of scientific documentaries the greatest and most profound discoveries went against the prevailing views of the leading scientist. and most often the scientist with a new theory were dismissed sometimes even ridiculed. but eventually evidence and proof always prevail in science and so the thousands of facts that we all agree on were once criticized.
Why would a Christian suggest an atheist would be afraid of what it means to be a Christian? Wouldn’t Christians suggest it’s amazing to be a Christian? That there is nothing to fear? Anyway. I appreciate Jeff. Love watching him doing his thing. Even though we don’t agree on religion.
We deny God because we love our sins but what people don't realize is that when we stop denying God he gives us so much more than the sins we love. The things God gives us are way better than any sin.
"Uniformity in nature" argument doesn't make sense to me. "You trust the future will be like the past." Can someone help me with this? How is it not valid to trust patterns of how reality works through experience?
What the heck people still thinks atheism is a belief? Is either you’re convinced God is real, or not. Is as simple as that? If you don’t believe Santa clause is real, than you should know atheism is not a belief system.
@@peterburns4586 maybe you have an answer, I’ve been looking for 32 years and so far no one was able to prove it. May I ask what this “strong argument” for God is? I mean I’m more interested in evidence of his existence but I’m curious about this argument if you don’t mind?
@@peterburns4586 and please don’t take this the wrong way, after all, I am still looking for God to see if He’s really real as I use to believe he was. Please I’m open minded and I want to know how people came to know his real, because I can admit I don’t know everything which is why I’m asking. I apologize if I do come across an @$$, not my intentions.🙏🏽
@@paulolosi1452 The problem with the evidence part is that it is an unknowable metaphysical reality. Although individuals have experiences that convince them beyond any doubt, it may do no good for one who is searching. That Great pioneer of the mind, Carl G Jung, said of belief in God, "I don't have to believe, I know." That is great for him, but for us, there is a doubt in the back of our mind. I have also seen that certain people are naturally more inclined to whole heartedly believe in God. I think a portion has to do with left or right brain dominance. It's interesting that our brains are split in half, and it appears that they DO contain two different personalities (good case study: people with split corpus Callosum). And they must serve different functions. The spirit of rationality is associated with left brain. The spirit of rationality is also that which was at God's right hand, but rebelled. With staunch Atheists the dominance of this spirit tears to shreds the idea of God, at the peril of us all. The strong argument can be made in many ways, one way is that it is of utility to act as though you believe (consider the equation God=Good), in doing so you acknowledge the benefit of subordinating yourself, with all your differing desires, to what it is that you feel in your heart to be the highest good you can imagine. History remembers those who sacrifice their all to achieve the best thing they can imagine. It can be a talk of definition. God is your highest value, that which you subordinate everything to. That God is also a metaphysical reality is something that you can take as a likely possibility. The ancient works of religion were not made easily, and the people that created them are at LEAST as smart as we are, perhaps more so. Take as granted that the great works, such as the Bible, have something valuable to give, and are made to help you live your best life. Consider the inadequacy of our perceptions. We are so limited, it makes me think that there must be something beyond our perception. I am rambling wildly but I'm trying to get at something here, and you must be the most pleasant person in all the RUclips comment section. Magic mushrooms tend to make people have spiritual experiences, like there's a layer of reality that can fall away at any moment. Like Plato's world of ideas, Jung's archetypes, Heaven, there is a deeper layer to all this that we cannot perceive easily, but sometimes the veil ( see veil of Maya) falls away for a moment and people see into that dimension. Then they believe for life. But "blessed are those who believe without seeing". Does any of this seem right? Or what objections do you have?
@@peterburns4586 I’m sorry, I have read all of your reply, but I have to go to sleep because I get up early in the morning for work.😅 if you’d like, I would like to talk over the phone and discuss further about this topic if that’s alright with you? It’s faster and better talking than texting for me. If that’s ok with you? When I get off tomorrow or sometime this week? I don’t know what’s the time zone in wherever you lived but let me know, if not that’s ok, I’ll try to reply back as soon as I can. But I appreciate you sharing.🙏🏽
Interesting that the atheist said, "Heaven forbid", which we all accepted since we were little, as truth. Maybe God has put eternity in our hearts after all.
matt makes since to a curtain point but i watched more video of his debates and this Christian man cliffe knechtle schools matt in so much ways, i would never be an atheist that atheist crap makes me feel like i can do any bad shit i want and have no consequences , a man that represnts gods word good makes way more sence to me, 100 years from now when everyone here is dead will regret not believing in god but it will be to late and im not going take no chances cuz THERE IS A GOD
whats whats 🤨🙄😂ok can you please prove this. Call www.atheist-experience.com with your evidence I’d love to hear it. I’m not affiliated with the show just a fan.
if the church gets real with its christianity, these islands will be transformed and Kingdom of heaven will expand. The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. What is righteousness? Jesus and His Kingdom!
I think it would be greatly appreciated if the cursing was bleeped out. As someone who used to curse and swear profusely before I was saved I've come to hear and see how offensive it is along with all sin to God and see that it isn't necessary to leave it in to understand the full picture of how evangelism is conducted. Ministries such as Living Waters respectfully bleep it out as they realise there ought not to be anything that unnecessarily causes offense or a stumbling block for any believer. Please Apologia could you consider bleeping out the offensive cursing and swearing. It is one thing to hear it when you're evangelising but to broadcast it is I believe effectively condoning it. Are we not to be aware of any younger people listening to or watching us and setting a good example and are we not to be as blameless as we can be in the sight of the Lord before others.
Just heard the best apologetic response on a Paul Washer sermon: Atheist: How do you know the Bible is really the Word of God? Christian: Because I've read it...
When I was agnostic I used to always question the Bible without ever reading it. My brother and sister used to always tell me to just read it. So when I finally decided to read it, starting with the new testament, it felt like my spirit was finally absorbing the truth for the first time in my life after going 37 years being lied to by this demonic world.
I used to like these pithy answers when I was a Christian too. (Edit: Make that _professing_ Christian, according to Calvinists) But allow me to demonstrate something: Atheist: How do you know the Quran really is the Word of Allah? Muslim: Because I've read it... The outsider test of faith was one of the first things that led me to suspect that something might be wrong with the epistemology of many Christians. The confidence of the evangelist in supporting his claim is not enough for me to believe him. There are Mormons as equally confident and persuasive as Paul Washer who live a generally "holy" life. Why should I believe them?
I learned a lot of facts and ideas which contradicted with religious beliefs, after a few years I concluded religion was made up to help people cope back in early human history, I proclaimed to a few family members and friends that I was an atheist this upset my parents a lot so I kept quite about it for next 25 years, I also did prayers when asked to not upset parents. now Im an ex-muslim closet atheist . rarely I will proclaim I don't like religion, but I often I push my support for evolution and big bang to hint at what I truly believe
But I think you missed the whole point of the conversation. If we’re stardust and random like the Big Bang theory and evolution, why should you care to push your support of atheism? Aren’t we all just stardust like atheism? But if things in this life matter then you’re not being consistent with being an atheist. You’re borrowing stuff from Islam to support atheism? So which one is it RK? Atheism or Islam or Christianity?
The problem of induction is one that no one has solved. Our apologist may say he has an answer, but literally all he has are words with no backing. So the fact is it’s still a problem. However in the history of ever, gravity has never spontaneously stopped, so the actual question to the apologist is what makes you think that it may do something differently? We’ve already moved past the problem of induction that neither one of us can solve, so appealing to God is of no value at this point. Experiential reality, and the documented history we have for as long as we have, both in the written record and the physical evidence left by reality doing what reality does is consistent with gravity always behaving as gravity. So again I ask the honest apologist, what is your justification for concluding or assuming or hypothesizing that your question is anything more than a thought experiment? Because it’s not an actual problem, it’s a hypothetical problem that you throw out there so that you may solve with your God. But the fact is it’s not a problem and it never has been.
No it isn't lol I was an Athiest! Alot of theories that we take as facts are based on faith that the previous scientists didn't have bias when interpreting data. Everything is based faith even scientists. It's rare when we have only straight facts.
@@mikeconnor4736 I’m not going to research that no more then researching unicorns landing in the Netherlands. It’s fiction, fantasy things that are made up!!
You need to take off the rationalists glasses for a minute and see it as a truth of a psychological reality, that was never meant to be taken literally in the objective world
Beloved, it's a privilege indeed! For God have molded thy hearts pure! With true sincere tears and walking through intense HEAT of pressures of life. Came out solid Diamonds. Feet can't be shaken nor uprooted. All dry GROUNDS nor the world is God's footstool indeed. The TRUE HOSTS OF YESHUA JESUS CHRIST FEET! REPRESENTS THE FEET UPON ALL THE TRIBES OF JUDAH UPON ALL DRY GROUNDS. TRUTH AND PEACE REUNITE FOR GOOD REASON
My ex boyfriend doesn’t want to hear about Christ, he is beer and weed addict, watches porn, uses God’s name in vain, you name it. I was trying to help him see the light, he refused. I still worry about him, although all I can do is pray for him. He is not a bad guy, he just need to see the light of Christ.
My city is packed with jw's daily and yet there is no christian presense engaged in the spiritual battle,It's just pretty much me.please pray that the LORD sends another evangelists to me to reach this city for Christ
@Jared Lowry "We demand permanency and create a culture based on this demand, inventing gods which are not gods at all but merely a projection of our own desires." -J. Krishnamurti
Why preach the gospel and ask people to turn if it's predestined? If you turn to Him in faith you'll be forgiven? You don't do anything. It's His mercy that chooses you not you choosing Him according to Calvinism.
"You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing - that's what counts. I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something." Richard P. Feynman
Don't put your trust in the religion of science, having blind faith in a scientist is foolish...trust in the words of the Bible and Jesus... Why because Jesus is God who created Heavens we earth and everything in it. Take care Keto God bless.
"If you believe in atheism, there is no reason for you to believe that gravity will hold you down in the next 5 seconds" what?!?! How can any of you in the comments or whoever viewed this possible think that this guy remotely knows what he's talking about. It's sad to see preachers making complete fools of themselves.
Actually its basic philosophy. Open any scientific text book it will have this principle of induction. It was actually my first lesson in a microbiology class one time
@@skyewatson6204 Your point makes no sense. The pastor in the video is not speaking with anyone who has a good response. It reminds me of Jay Leno's man now the street clips. There are atheists with better responses.
You know what really gets me everytime when Atheists or agnostics drop a "GD" or a "Heaven Forbid" all my friends that are atheists that I minister to and show love to when they drop those I not only ask them to not drop the "GD" but I also remind them they don't have the right to say that because they don't believe in God. But they know I'm pretty blunt and blatant about my Faith and my Walk and know that I love them even though we may not agree but the seeds have been planted and I keep watering them and I pray in God's time according to His Will they might be saved. :D
@@professorhonest1214 That makes no sense. It's not like they are actually "damning a god". It's an empty phrase, and even people who don't believe "have the right" to say it. So, I suppose you would say that they couldn't use "the devil's in the details" either? Or, "I'll have some angel food cake, please"......."deviled eggs"...."she's such an angel"....etc? O_o
This is funny. You need to show him confronting someone that has a clue and challenge him on all the hypocrisy in his 'book'. I'm available, waiting for a debate challenge.
It's crazy to me when you share your testimony and ppl make up excuses to discount God from it, I use to like sin, now I hate it, that's not bc I decided to change God preformed the miracle of regeneration but that kinda gets muffled by doubt from unbelievers I guess. I explained it to ppl that I always planned to be a smoker til I died weed and cigarettes but I asked God to take away the temptations and I promised I never would smoke again and He did. Why would I just go from one extreme life style to one that I once mocked or had no interest in at all, listening to rap to Christian music overnight, it's a radical change but ppl who knew me must make up crazier things to rationalize it I guess instead of just hearing the truth!
I'm a truck driver from Tennessee, but I go all over the eastern US. I listen to you guys all the time, so you'll be happy to know your stuff is being shared with enthusiasm at truck stops and loading docks and Walmart parking lots from Washington d.c. to Trenton Ohio to to Orlando Florida. I'm going to pray now for the seeds you showed three years ago when you made this video. Don't grow weary in doing good! Love you guys
Amen, I used to be a massive pothead, I smoke roughly an ounce a week.
I started reading the Bible and gradually over time I started feeling more and more convicted of my actions.
I finally came to the point I didn't want it in my life, I prayed for understanding and for the holy spirit to fill me with the truth I needed.
The next day I stopped smoking and haven't looked back, God is great all the time and all the time God is great!
@Philip Bolin Amen, it was only by the grace of God and my love for the word that showed me the light and enabled me to quit!
Very nice man. I smoked about an eighth a week. Quit three months ago because God was convicting me. Struggling with some other sin like lust that I thought I had under control. But I need the Lord to fully deliver me from it.
Nothing wrong with pot.
There's worse things you could be doing...
I can't think of anyone who died from smoking weed.
As a veteran I highly promote weed for recovering vets :)
@@badideass To each there own, I just don't want it in my life.
It did nothing but ruin me for years and kept me from making good career choices, because I didn't want to give it up.
@@AString95 Amen, PTL! God is good all the time!
Love the Mormons over there. They came by a few weeks ago. I actually witnessed to them. We didn't ultimately agree but I prayed with them and for them. Love your neighbor. Great vid. God bless all out there! 🌹
Amen! planting seeds Praise God
So you have the right answer? They are going to hell if they don’t adopt your brand of Christianity?
@@AndJusticeForMe ugh. Never said that. I said we found common ground. I actually had Mormons help me move this week and we didn't talk religion. We were just friends. No need to get nasty.
Amber Lyn Pardon me if I sought clarification. So you don’t think they’re going to hell?
@@amber9738 I also want to know justice's question? what do you think?
I love, love, love, how Pastor Jeff shares with so much love! So much patience and never loses his cool with people. I bet that he prepares well before going out into God’s battleground with much prayer and fasting.
What an example for others on how to share the gospel to others.
I’m so thankful to God for people like him.
Beautiful. The Lord is using you. I'm crying and praying for this guy as I listen.
Amazingly genuine and loving conversation.
My brother Jeff, you’re a true warrior in Christ .. keep it up 🙏🏻
My heart is broken for Steve. I was Steve. Are we praying for him? His hope is ONLY in JESUS CHRIST as is OURS. May we be truly thankful
Yes pray for him
Read your bible, please. Don't take ANY persons word for anything. God wants you to read His word & meditate on it. We are to read His word taking line upon line, precept upon precept here a little here a little there a little ....
"Did you believe that you were gonna float away?"
"Why do you think I'm wearing my shorts!?"
Remind me not to drink anymore...
God is extremely and awesomely good Christ Jesus is the only way Halleluja keep the faith brother keep preaching the truth and soul's will be free HALLELUJA
We thank God for you Pastor Jeff and Apologia Church.
Amen!!!! Great work. Keep it up, brother! Btw, it did this Pentecostal boy’s heart good to hear a Reformed Baptist say Acts should serve as our model for ministry 😘
Acts 4:13 Bible College 🤣. As a Reformed Baptist, I am eager to see you model Acts...including the actual interpretation of tongues with verified witness to the accuracy of translations aye 😜.
BassUndertow verified witness of the Spirit should count for something. Especially when it’s a language unknown to man. 1 Corinthians 14:2. Be blessed, bro! Keep them cage stagers at bay. Seriously, very refreshing to see so many Calvinists in one place that I don’t think would give me the Seretus treatment if allowed. Wonder if I can get my church involved with End Abortion Now?
I love this life of sharing God with others sooooo much. This is so spiritually and emotionally encouraging; and I'm only at 3:20. 🤧
“Have you not watched the discovery channel?” Lol
3:40 ish "Heaven forbid"
That was soooo much the correct response. This is a very dishonest interaction...
@@nmkloster dishonest by whoo?
This Jeff Durbin guy.
Keep it up Jeff and team. I feel you on the booze and drugs bro. It never got really bad for me but I was definitely trying to take the place of joy and true peace with it. God bless bro!
Key moment when man says " I decide my own future" and brother Jeff is onto it. " ah there it is"
That's the thing we are our own worst enemies in the world and we don't need anything else to bring us down. We can create our own bad story...Then there is Jesus!! Pow! The revelation sets in and we come home...
John Warren ...he is right. He decides whether he chooses to repent and love God or be eternally lost.
“I set before you life and death. Choose life.”-The Lord
No it was the mans conscious admitting there is a God, but showing he dosnt want accountability.
@Jesus is God
Genesis chapter 50 disagrees with you.
There is no free will
I loved these real conversations, not scripted and just one on one with people. It’s looks to me like this guy may have been drunk, but the spirit of God was still working on him.
How can you verify this supposed spirit of God? Can you quantify it? Your feelings are not objectively quantifiable, so where is the spirit of which you speak?
I think people try to intimidate Jeff with their bad language. Fat chance of that happening 😂 love these videos.
this is so beautiful. pastor jeff is really good at easing in powerful messages in such a gentle way. awesome job. i wish one day i can do apologetics like this.
The Truth what’s fake???
yes I rejected God for my first 29 years of my life. I came to Christ two years ago, and my perspective on life did a complete 180. I now know who I am; I found my true identity. I used to be an agnostic but that’s history.
The Truth i didn’t come to Christ because I heard the gospel. I went to Him because I was at the lowest point in my life, and He answered my prayer and gave me the gift of faith. you wouldn’t have a clue of what that means, but one thing I do know is that everyone (body of Christ) comes at their own time. Blessed are the ones that hit rock bottom my friend. Good luck finding the origin of morality. Maybe the dinosaurs were righteous? But again righteousness and unrighteousness does not exist in your worldview. Have a great day brother. I’ll pray for you.
Well, it's really easy to "ease in powerful messages in such a gentle way" when one is arguing with an uneducated "bro".
@The Truth Yep !
Awesome video Jeff appreciate the knowledge and encouragement!!!
Be blessed and protected in your ministry...Amen!
Why do atheist hang around so many Christian channels? I think I know why. Maybe it's because God led them here without them knowing so they can hear the gospel for the first time and a seed can be planted. God certainly works in mysterious ways. May Lord Jesus bless my atheist brothers and sisters.
Well, as a former _professing Christian_ it is an area of interest to me to observe the thought processes and behaviors of people I once agreed with. I've heard the gospel thousands of times, and don't mind hearing it again, but I remain unconvinced.
Elijah bar-Sobach Matt Dillahunty said the same thing. I remember listening to a debate and I can’t remember the other guy (obviously a Christian) but he asked him “You have all these answers as to why you are unconvinced that there is a god out there, but you haven’t said what will convince you that God may actually exist. So what will convince you?” Matt kinda danced around the question and couldn’t really give a straight forward answer like he normally would.
I don’t know your story, I don’t know why or what made have a change of heart; but I would like to know...what would convince you that God may actually exist?
Morinitio No, just hoping to spread the good news of reason.
@@anthonywchavez I already am convinced that a god may actually exist. I have no problem with that. I simply don't know. The cognitive dissonance comes when trying to define that god as Yahweh of the Bible. For me, the defining issue has always been what the text says, and not any of these convoluted, deistic arguments for a god.
That being said I'm not sure it is possible for me to believe the composite stories of the Bible are true anymore, at least not through my own efforts. The crux for me are specific prophecies and historical statements made that simply did not seem to happen. Some Christians, especially presuppositionalists like Jeff, will say that I am blinded or suppressing the truth. I would consent that could be possible, but by definition I would have no way of knowing. The tools that I currently seem to have indicate to me that the Bible is at least partly fiction.
Long story short, it would probably take some sort of miracle initiated by Yahweh (or any deity) to convince me they exist and want me to do certain things.
@@1kings18apologetics6 Your existence is a miracle. Welcome back to Christianity my friend.
I think I missed my calling. I would love to travel with Jeff for outreach.
Don't give up.
Do one better friend. Travel with God and do the same thing!
You dont have to have Jeff Durbin to do that.
Do it!
You didn't miss it. You're still alive aren't you? Do the outreach. Jeff or not travel with God.
Planning on visiting Kauai next year, I'm going to visit your church!!
Jeff engaged a definist fallacy at 4:05 - redefining "science" to fit his own description and the argument thereafter. Science is not a belief based on the past or present or future. Science is a systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
Good job Jeff! Prayers for Steve 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Imagining a high and drunk Jeff?
That’s a 😞 picture, what a smart and faithful man today.
Yes, this is Christian education for the saints. May we all gird up the loins of our minds to be taking all thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ. God bless you Brothers, and to all the saints on the ground, working.
Everyone argues with Pastor Jeff until he shares the Gospel. I love seeing how quiet people get once he gives them the good news. Praise God for those on the ground living as the hands and feet of Jesus, with a commitment to loving in the TRUTH, by faith through grace! 🖤
Not everyone sees it as "good news". Perception is the key.
BTW, you can all caps the word "truth" if you want. It doesn't literally make it factual when you do that.
What is good about it? The NT is still a massive list of stupid commands from dogmatic men who believed they were special. It's a huge list of DO OR ELSE. What is "gracious" about that? Wouldn't it have been more gracious to have never created at all, assuming this was the only possible outcome of his sovereign will?
@@1kings18apologetics6 Jesus resurrected! Case closed!
I cant stay on track with this guys logic . Did he really say he was going to make his brother OD? I admire the patience that Jeff has with people like this.
“Don’t read John to finish it, read John to listen to it” 🖤🖤
I read john. Why on earth would us DECENT people believe a single word of it or indeed anything whatsoever in the bible when you cant even support just 4 of the very main claims of it?
I just want the lens to be wiped off
“Lift the veil” LOL
I think it's the bright outside light glaring on the camera lense rather than any mist or condensation etc.
Dude... I am not post-mill or whatever but I need to go out and share the gospel. How Jesus returns we'll find out but you guys inspire me not to sit on my ass anymore!
Great show, guys! FYI, a little heads up on the explicit language would be great. Thanks 😬
Yea, usually they do warn about the language
Love what you guys do!! Be bless- please come to new jersey one time-- i would love to connect with you guys!!!
Somewhat concerned he's under the influence and unfortunately so much gets lost.
Blessings from Idaho ☃️
Why he’s an atheist Saying “ Heaven forbids “ Atheist never make their mind up lol
Because atheists are still regular people who usually have grown up around these terms and still use them? I'm not muslim but I still say inshallah, it's just a term of phrase.
Jeff’s the fact you can’t stand and talk to people who speak such awful language and discriminate against our savior it is difficult for me to hear and stay tuned in - for you to actually be able to stay focused and share the forgiveness of the finished work and the depravity of man is amazing. Nice work.
Sola deo gloria! I pray I can witness and share of Gods truth to anyone as you do, please Holy Spirit power me
To do so to glorify God and bring the elect to you!
Amen. God bless you in preaching the gospel to a fallen world. Pray that man comes to accept Jesus.
This must be an old video. They already planted a church there.
So Jeff thinks 'The Flintstones' is a documentary!!!! The guy's hilarious!!!😂🤣😂🤣
That guy asked Jeff such good questions. I get drilled by my atheist friends by the same questions all the time. All I can do is speak the truth and show them the love of Christ and pray for their hearts.
"the truth"....according to your faith belief only, right?
Deavon Reye no the truth based on the actually truth. God is real
@@dario2153 You can only claim that by "faith". I'm not interested in the "faith" of religious people. So no,....I have NO reason to even remotely accept such claims as "actual truth".
@@DRayL_ what is says is true
@@johnblake5114 You don't get to call something "true" just because you say it is. That's the issue I have with threads like this. You make a proclamation of "truth" without demonstrating it. And the demonstration part is critical....and will have to correspond to the level of the claim.
The confrontation is like I was listening to my dad when he is drunk and I try to have patience with him when I share the gospel with him.
Why would you waste your time sharing anything of value with a drunk person? I am an alcoholic and we don’t even share sobriety with people under the influence because it does no good at that time.
It may be something they don’t want to hear but it’s something they need to hear
As a current Agnostic who probably means toward disbelief if I was forced to choose right now....I love listening to Jeff Durbin. I know if the gospel is indeed true that this man is the real deal.
The trouble is the lack of any evidence for any god
I will pray that the Lord will indeed reveal himself to you 🙏.
@@LAndrewNext that's not the important question about the whole debate
@@peterburns4586 it should be the foundation of any debate that involves. Prove your god or we don’t get to move forward about what you think your god wants
@@LAndrewNext it's a starting place that ends debate before it happens. If I want to claim absolute knowledge of an unknowable metaphysical reality EITHER WAY ( for or against the existence of God), that ends the conversation. It's unknowable. There's little rabbit holes you can go down at this point, but it will not be compelling for the opposing viewpoint.
It's a rationalistic "hang up" if you want to argue the claim either way the burden of proof is unbearable.
A better discussion is whether the ideas put forth in the bible are true, and useful to living well. And reading to seek understanding, I think it is affirmative.
Man so glad this wasn’t a toe to toe brawl like the title could be misinterpreted. 😆
Can't decide which worldview to adopt? Decide tonight: Christian v Atheist pay per view!
We can’t treat each other like cosmic accidents in a civilised society. I used to be a alcoholic, I didn’t change for some cosmic being, I changed because of my family. I didn’t need a excuse to change, I needed a reason to change.
This proves that if you know and follow God you will grow a darn righteous beard.
Fun Fact’s: In the 1841 Dictionary is when the word Dinosaur was first used. Definition: Now rare. Then in the 1850’s The word prehistoric appeared. Definition: a recorded time before recorded history...... what we should say is Pre-flood.
As we have a recorded history from the beginning...❤️🙏🏻❤️
< New Latin Dinosaurus (1841), originally a genus name.
dino-, -saur
Good work Jeff.. I love you bro.
Dude said “heaven forbid” haha
Creationist say that young scientist are indoctrinated by senior professors/experts, but after watching hundreds of scientific documentaries the greatest and most profound discoveries went against the prevailing views of the leading scientist. and most often the scientist with a new theory were dismissed sometimes even ridiculed. but eventually evidence and proof always prevail in science and so the thousands of facts that we all agree on were once criticized.
I wonder how much people remember this stuff at all and how much it works
Why would a Christian suggest an atheist would be afraid of what it means to be a Christian? Wouldn’t Christians suggest it’s amazing to be a Christian? That there is nothing to fear?
Anyway. I appreciate Jeff. Love watching him doing his thing. Even though we don’t agree on religion.
Same with atheism, it's amazing and ya got nothing to fear
They fear giving up their sins that they love so dearly
I like these guys conversations
Man! you should call in to the atheist experience call in show, you could set them straight! PLEASE DO IT!
We deny God because we love our sins but what people don't realize is that when we stop denying God he gives us so much more than the sins we love. The things God gives us are way better than any sin.
"Uniformity in nature" argument doesn't make sense to me. "You trust the future will be like the past." Can someone help me with this?
How is it not valid to trust patterns of how reality works through experience?
What the heck people still thinks atheism is a belief? Is either you’re convinced God is real, or not. Is as simple as that? If you don’t believe Santa clause is real, than you should know atheism is not a belief system.
You can't equivocate them because a strong argument can be made for the existence of God, but not Santa Claus.
@@peterburns4586 maybe you have an answer, I’ve been looking for 32 years and so far no one was able to prove it. May I ask what this “strong argument” for God is? I mean I’m more interested in evidence of his existence but I’m curious about this argument if you don’t mind?
@@peterburns4586 and please don’t take this the wrong way, after all, I am still looking for God to see if He’s really real as I use to believe he was. Please I’m open minded and I want to know how people came to know his real, because I can admit I don’t know everything which is why I’m asking. I apologize if I do come across an @$$, not my intentions.🙏🏽
The problem with the evidence part is that it is an unknowable metaphysical reality. Although individuals have experiences that convince them beyond any doubt, it may do no good for one who is searching. That Great pioneer of the mind, Carl G Jung, said of belief in God, "I don't have to believe, I know." That is great for him, but for us, there is a doubt in the back of our mind.
I have also seen that certain people are naturally more inclined to whole heartedly believe in God. I think a portion has to do with left or right brain dominance. It's interesting that our brains are split in half, and it appears that they DO contain two different personalities (good case study: people with split corpus Callosum). And they must serve different functions. The spirit of rationality is associated with left brain. The spirit of rationality is also that which was at God's right hand, but rebelled. With staunch Atheists the dominance of this spirit tears to shreds the idea of God, at the peril of us all.
The strong argument can be made in many ways, one way is that it is of utility to act as though you believe (consider the equation God=Good), in doing so you acknowledge the benefit of subordinating yourself, with all your differing desires, to what it is that you feel in your heart to be the highest good you can imagine. History remembers those who sacrifice their all to achieve the best thing they can imagine.
It can be a talk of definition. God is your highest value, that which you subordinate everything to. That God is also a metaphysical reality is something that you can take as a likely possibility. The ancient works of religion were not made easily, and the people that created them are at LEAST as smart as we are, perhaps more so.
Take as granted that the great works, such as the Bible, have something valuable to give, and are made to help you live your best life. Consider the inadequacy of our perceptions. We are so limited, it makes me think that there must be something beyond our perception.
I am rambling wildly but I'm trying to get at something here, and you must be the most pleasant person in all the RUclips comment section. Magic mushrooms tend to make people have spiritual experiences, like there's a layer of reality that can fall away at any moment. Like Plato's world of ideas, Jung's archetypes, Heaven, there is a deeper layer to all this that we cannot perceive easily, but sometimes the veil ( see veil of Maya) falls away for a moment and people see into that dimension. Then they believe for life. But "blessed are those who believe without seeing".
Does any of this seem right? Or what objections do you have?
@@peterburns4586 I’m sorry, I have read all of your reply, but I have to go to sleep because I get up early in the morning for work.😅 if you’d like, I would like to talk over the phone and discuss further about this topic if that’s alright with you? It’s faster and better talking than texting for me. If that’s ok with you? When I get off tomorrow or sometime this week? I don’t know what’s the time zone in wherever you lived but let me know, if not that’s ok, I’ll try to reply back as soon as I can. But I appreciate you sharing.🙏🏽
Bro didn't want to fight about love lolol, he's there for it
Interesting that the atheist said, "Heaven forbid", which we all accepted since we were little, as truth. Maybe God has put eternity in our hearts after all.
I had to comment because it was at 666 , lol
The Lord is my Shepard & I shall not want. Amen.
Dillahunty would swiftly cut this bullshit short.
matt makes since to a curtain point but i watched more video of his debates and this Christian man cliffe knechtle schools matt in so much ways, i would never be an atheist that atheist crap makes me feel like i can do any bad shit i want and have no consequences , a man that represnts gods word good makes way more sence to me, 100 years from now when everyone here is dead will regret not believing in god but it will be to late and im not going take no chances cuz THERE IS A GOD
whats whats 🤨🙄😂ok can you please prove this. Call www.atheist-experience.com with your evidence I’d love to hear it. I’m not affiliated with the show just a fan.
Blessings everyone. It’s not that hard to say, *Jesus Christ* I make you my Lord and Saviour.
Awesome guys, this is the real deal...be blessed ...Jesus is Lord!!
if the church gets real with its christianity, these islands will be transformed and Kingdom of heaven will expand. The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. What is righteousness? Jesus and His Kingdom!
¡Bendito sea Dios!
Pastor Jeff, me gusta como le habla al pecador. Amor y verdad
Pastor Jeff tambien es pecador igual que usted y yo.
Justo no hay ni si quiera uno.
I think it would be greatly appreciated if the cursing was bleeped out. As someone who used to curse and swear profusely before I was saved I've come to hear and see how offensive it is along with all sin to God and see that it isn't necessary to leave it in to understand the full picture of how evangelism is conducted. Ministries such as Living Waters respectfully bleep it out as they realise there ought not to be anything that unnecessarily causes offense or a stumbling block for any believer. Please Apologia could you consider bleeping out the offensive cursing and swearing. It is one thing to hear it when you're evangelising but to broadcast it is I believe effectively condoning it. Are we not to be aware of any younger people listening to or watching us and setting a good example and are we not to be as blameless as we can be in the sight of the Lord before others.
Just heard the best apologetic response on a Paul Washer sermon: Atheist: How do you know the Bible is really the Word of God? Christian: Because I've read it...
When I was agnostic I used to always question the Bible without ever reading it. My brother and sister used to always tell me to just read it. So when I finally decided to read it, starting with the new testament, it felt like my spirit was finally absorbing the truth for the first time in my life after going 37 years being lied to by this demonic world.
I used to like these pithy answers when I was a Christian too. (Edit: Make that _professing_ Christian, according to Calvinists) But allow me to demonstrate something:
Atheist: How do you know the Quran really is the Word of Allah?
Muslim: Because I've read it...
The outsider test of faith was one of the first things that led me to suspect that something might be wrong with the epistemology of many Christians. The confidence of the evangelist in supporting his claim is not enough for me to believe him. There are Mormons as equally confident and persuasive as Paul Washer who live a generally "holy" life. Why should I believe them?
That’s not a great answer. People read lots of things.
@@1kings18apologetics6 Then read all of them with an open mind and heart and see for yourself.
That’s the Truth!
I learned a lot of facts and ideas which contradicted with religious beliefs, after a few years I concluded religion was made up to help people cope back in early human history, I proclaimed to a few family members and friends that I was an atheist this upset my parents a lot so I kept quite about it for next 25 years, I also did prayers when asked to not upset parents. now Im an ex-muslim closet atheist . rarely I will proclaim I don't like religion, but I often I push my support for evolution and big bang to hint at what I truly believe
But I think you missed the whole point of the conversation. If we’re stardust and random like the Big Bang theory and evolution, why should you care to push your support of atheism? Aren’t we all just stardust like atheism? But if things in this life matter then you’re not being consistent with being an atheist. You’re borrowing stuff from Islam to support atheism? So which one is it RK? Atheism or Islam or Christianity?
Changing lives for the better! In Christ Alone ♥️🙏🏻
The problem of induction is one that no one has solved. Our apologist may say he has an answer, but literally all he has are words with no backing. So the fact is it’s still a problem. However in the history of ever, gravity has never spontaneously stopped, so the actual question to the apologist is what makes you think that it may do something differently? We’ve already moved past the problem of induction that neither one of us can solve, so appealing to God is of no value at this point. Experiential reality, and the documented history we have for as long as we have, both in the written record and the physical evidence left by reality doing what reality does is consistent with gravity always behaving as gravity. So again I ask the honest apologist, what is your justification for concluding or assuming or hypothesizing that your question is anything more than a thought experiment? Because it’s not an actual problem, it’s a hypothetical problem that you throw out there so that you may solve with your God. But the fact is it’s not a problem and it never has been.
A stoned/drunk dude debating and representing atheist community?
he is 100 percent right science is very hard, religion is much much easier, accepted, forced on as in our childhood
No it isn't lol I was an Athiest! Alot of theories that we take as facts are based on faith that the previous scientists didn't have bias when interpreting data. Everything is based faith even scientists. It's rare when we have only straight facts.
God bless you guys u just sold a seed🙏🏻
Accounts of people fighting dragons you’ve got to be kidding me!!
tis true, might take work by you to research tho
@@mikeconnor4736 I’m not going to research that no more then researching unicorns landing in the Netherlands. It’s fiction, fantasy things that are made up!!
You need to take off the rationalists glasses for a minute and see it as a truth of a psychological reality, that was never meant to be taken literally in the objective world
Beloved, it's a privilege indeed! For God have molded thy hearts pure! With true sincere tears and walking through intense HEAT of pressures of life. Came out solid Diamonds. Feet can't be shaken nor uprooted. All dry GROUNDS nor the world is God's footstool indeed. The TRUE HOSTS OF YESHUA JESUS CHRIST FEET! REPRESENTS THE FEET UPON ALL THE TRIBES OF JUDAH UPON ALL DRY GROUNDS. TRUTH AND PEACE REUNITE FOR GOOD REASON
WE are ALL SINNERS. We don’t have to turn to Christ alone! Don’t have to be perfect to know and love Him! Build a relationship with Christ love HIM.
We all fall short of the glory of God, but HE accepts me with all my sins. I ask for forgiveness, and continue to walk with HIM!
My ex boyfriend doesn’t want to hear about Christ, he is beer and weed addict, watches porn, uses God’s name in vain, you name it. I was trying to help him see the light, he refused. I still worry about him, although all I can do is pray for him. He is not a bad guy, he just need to see the light of Christ.
My city is packed with jw's daily and yet there is no christian presense engaged in the spiritual battle,It's just pretty much me.please pray that the LORD sends another evangelists to me to reach this city for Christ
We'd like to see this "Pastor go Toe to Toe" with Christopher Hitchens.
@Jared Lowry Yes, this is true.. . however, we both know that Mr. Hitchens would not be so easily manipulated by such as "pastor" jeff.
@Jared Lowry Any person that deems themselves with the title "Pastor" is a bit narcissistic, don't you think ?
@Jared Lowry Yep. . .Them as well
@Jared Lowry "We demand permanency and create a culture based on this demand, inventing gods which are not gods at all but merely a projection of our own desires." -J. Krishnamurti
You have great videos but really unnecessary titles. “Toe to toe”? Nope, just a good conversation - no need for the beat up.
Apologia Studios is a Narcissistic Entity.
Toe to toe, He's standing toe to toe with an athiest, Literally, and he they were debating so title lives up to that.
Why preach the gospel and ask people to turn if it's predestined?
If you turn to Him in faith you'll be forgiven? You don't do anything. It's His mercy that chooses you not you choosing Him according to Calvinism.
And it is a horrifically heinous belief system [Calvinism].
So...I don't know anything about Jeff, has he got a biography out or his testimony somewhere?.
On youtube he has a testimony. And hundreds of hours of teaching.
That's secularism for you. He said giving your brother enough drugs to OD them is how you help them quit.
Is that dude sober Jeff or some sort of skater-bro? Regardless, good conversation for me to hear
But none of this matters Jeff if God chose to save or to condemn that man. So, why bother going after him?
Holy spirit is real...Jesus is Lord!!!
Shalom from Australia glory to God Hallelujah!!!
Keto it is real I assure you. :-) Take care Keto, Jesus died for you so you would repent from your sin and obey his commandments. Love from Australia.
"You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing - that's what counts. I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something."
Richard P. Feynman
Don't put your trust in the religion of science, having blind faith in a scientist is foolish...trust in the words of the Bible and Jesus... Why because Jesus is God who created Heavens we earth and everything in it. Take care Keto God bless.
"If you believe in atheism, there is no reason for you to believe that gravity will hold you down in the next 5 seconds" what?!?! How can any of you in the comments or whoever viewed this possible think that this guy remotely knows what he's talking about. It's sad to see preachers making complete fools of themselves.
Actually its basic philosophy. Open any scientific text book it will have this principle of induction. It was actually my first lesson in a microbiology class one time
The idea is that reality has a defined set of rules. It's not chaotic, it works like a perfect machine. Who put those rules there?
If chaos rules how long till an explosion creates a rose?
About 13 billion years in this universes case
Try talking to a scientist who disagrees with you. You won't get away with your straw man ideas of what non-religious people think.
Exactly !
@@skyewatson6204 I am not a Christian for good reasons--why would I want to watch them?
Caliban well ur watching this video, and you claim he doesnt talk to knowledgeable people.
@@skyewatson6204 Your point makes no sense. The pastor in the video is not speaking with anyone who has a good response. It reminds me of Jay Leno's man now the street clips. There are atheists with better responses.
Caliban yea thats why im telling you to go watch his other videos where he talks to more knowledgeable atheists
You know what really gets me everytime when Atheists or agnostics drop a "GD" or a "Heaven Forbid" all my friends that are atheists that I minister to and show love to when they drop those I not only ask them to not drop the "GD" but I also remind them they don't have the right to say that because they don't believe in God. But they know I'm pretty blunt and blatant about my Faith and my Walk and know that I love them even though we may not agree but the seeds have been planted and I keep watering them and I pray in God's time according to His Will they might be saved. :D
They......"don't have the right"? O_o
@Deavon Reye they don’t have a “god” to damn so yes they don’t have the right.
@@professorhonest1214 That makes no sense. It's not like they are actually "damning a god". It's an empty phrase, and even people who don't believe "have the right" to say it. So, I suppose you would say that they couldn't use "the devil's in the details" either? Or, "I'll have some angel food cake, please"......."deviled eggs"...."she's such an angel"....etc? O_o
This is funny. You need to show him confronting someone that has a clue and challenge him on all the hypocrisy in his 'book'. I'm available, waiting for a debate challenge.
I'll debate you
"Dinosaurs living with humans" - oh boy.
hola from San Diego CA..
lol he was drunk def
Oh no... You believe dinosaurs lived with humans?! What!? This channel just gets sillier and sillier the more I watch it
10:08 may be the best moment in Apologia history.
I'm deaf :D
Friendly Fire
I’m sorry to hear that.
Edit: I just realized the accidental pun I made. I’m really sorry. 😂😅
@@mr.ditkovich1645 no no it's all good, the feedback from the microphone is what I was referring too. I'm good.
Friendly Fire
Oh. Ok, then. 😂
It's crazy to me when you share your testimony and ppl make up excuses to discount God from it, I use to like sin, now I hate it, that's not bc I decided to change God preformed the miracle of regeneration but that kinda gets muffled by doubt from unbelievers I guess. I explained it to ppl that I always planned to be a smoker til I died weed and cigarettes but I asked God to take away the temptations and I promised I never would smoke again and He did. Why would I just go from one extreme life style to one that I once mocked or had no interest in at all, listening to rap to Christian music overnight, it's a radical change but ppl who knew me must make up crazier things to rationalize it I guess instead of just hearing the truth!