Hey guys, our team created a free resource for you based on this video. Go grab here and start engaging your Mormon neighbors with greater confidence. www.apologiastudios.com/mormon
It says a lot of this man to stand and listen and remain calm while 4 people come at him with things that are the truth but not what he thinks is true. May God deliver him from his false religion 🙏🏼💕
Former LDS here. Thank you and praise God for those trying to share the Biblical gospel in love to our LDS friends. God is opening hearts and eyes to the truth.
Former Methodist here, you may thanked your 3 personality in 1 being god as i did before. But that doesn't make any change. You still don't understand the bible, Amen.
@Saved by his grace *G2G* You and the mormons has a different god. They are praying for your souls too, so that you will leave your lunatic god, i bet they did.!!!
Excellent content guys! Praise Jesus Christ for the work He’s putting into your hands guys. May He keep filling you all with determination and perseverance.
9:20 This is what I told a family member and he told me that I was wrong. When I was in the Mormon temple years ago, I heard a female say my name. I was so certain that it was the person who I was doing the temple ordinance for. I didn't test the spirits as the Word says and I now know that it was an unclean spirit, even though it seemed benign. Praise Jesus for saving me from these lies. There shouldn't be any denominations. There ought to be the Church of Jesus Christ that preaches the Word only.
We used to have the missionaries over when I was young and they were such good people and I didn't know Jesus Christ and what he did for me and I still fill unworthy of his sacrifice he did for me but the HOLY SPIRIT laid His hand on my heart after my daughter's death in my worst time ever and I was crying out to God and saying WHY!? And I felt a hand on my heart and I was filled with a Love that is not of this Earth and a rush of un earthly LOVE SURGED THROUGH MY BODY AND OUT OF MY FINGERS AND TOES and I was given discernment and could see false religion and new my Devine input who was speaking the Word and found most religious groups have added man's own word with the Word so Jesus bless your work and I know in my heart that you speak God's Truth and not a watered down version for greed or to accommodate for the people sake.
William Ringler I feel for you loosing your Daughter. I hope that Jesus hods you in his arms for comfort. I lost my Son in 2012 and lost my Daughter in the end of December 2018. I’m glad this time I have my Church family to get us through it. God Bless Sir
hawkerdoo He can if He wanted to but the Bible says only Faith can please God. He moves us to places in our lives where we can exercise faith. This is how He operated throughout the Old Testament
@@bentonvillefamily This is what I hear when you put it like that. This god can but won't destroy a fundamental wrong, then hold you hostage to faith. It doesn't sound like this god is very good at doing its job.
@@chawkz I only quoted the scripture in a different way, but that doesn't includes the atheists and those who do not believe Jesus is God, because stupid atheists have their own truth.LOL John 8:31-32 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. If that doesn't mean any sense to you, then i am sorry for you because you can't understand what i am saying. God's word doesn't determine anything, it is those who believe in that God can determine if what they read is true or the truth according to their experiences. (Hayssst, why am i explaining to an idiot again?????)
@@joeyfeliciano9199 Calling someone an idiot sir is showing your lack of respect, care, and dignity, by which you need to repent and believe the Gospel. "I only quoted the scripture in a different way." Nope, you're twisting Scripture out of context to make your case, which is arbitrary. Let's see what God says. You said "God's word doesn't determine anything, it is those who believe in that God can determine if what they read is true or the truth according to their experiences." Nope, not true. Our experiences don't determine truth, God's word determines truth. John 17:17 "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." This verse shows that God's Word IS truth. Now, to the verse you quoted and twisted out of context; John 8:31-32 "To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." This verse is saying that if you read The Word of The Living God, and you are obedient to His teachings, you will know the Truth (referencing the Bible) and it will be set you free (receive the gift of Salvation).
@@palerity6320 Are you fucking idiot? (i am asking you) You said that John 17:17 shows that Gods word is truth.LOL What DID i say again? God's word is what? And what did you say then? (Haysst am i talking to an idiot again?) To the verses i gave which is from the original KJV that you can download in to your computer easily, and which i do not know what version you use, John 8:31-32 "To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Thise verses shows that if you read the word of God, and you are obedient to His teachings, you will know the truth. (not referring to the bible, because bible contains the old testament too, you stupid!, and no christian do the burn offering after he ascend to heaven). You are the one twisting the scripture like what apologia men do.LOL Jesus commanded all to be baptized and to baptize people who believe in His teachings in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! And be perfect even as the Father which is in Heaven, who is perfect. And by obeying what He say you will know if what He said is true if it works to you. But if not i don't think you can say that it is true.LOL
This video is 20 minutes long, but like the other response said the apostle Paul was transformed in an instant. Also no one can make anyone change, only those who accept Christ through the Holy Spirit.
Yeah if it's God's will then if course you can be changed in an instant. Through God all things are possible. But generally he changes your heart, not your views. Your views will come from your change of heart.
Matt Bell So isn’t a heart transformation as change of mind? Meaning a change of views? Only then, by fruit and testing of Spirit we could see the change right?
L O V E this so much. So much love from all of you, so beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to spend with this deceived Mormon. When he talked about "seeing" things and things of the temple it creeps me out. If only they knew it's not of God. Sending so much love and prayers your way. Super exciting he wants to meet up again. What translation are you reading from?
I recently had about a dozen meetings with a pair of Mormon missionaries that, in a strange way, turned me strongly back towards 'conventional' Christianity, despite being a 'non believer' for over 40 years. I was brought up Christian (though my parents weren't particularly 'devout', and I think viewed the church more as serving a 'social' function). At around the age of 10 my faith just faded away, and we stopped going to church. For the last 4 decades, I've called myself an 'agnostic' (I was never comfortable with the term 'atheist', as I DID believe there might be SOME kind of 'God', but I wasn't sure WHO that God was). Four years ago, I suffered some terrible traumas that threw me into an EXTREME depression. Then, about 3 months ago, I was sitting in the park when I was approached by a pair of Mormon missionaries. One of them in particular I can honestly describe as probably the nicest and most KIND person I've ever met, and we had this instant BOND like true best friends. At our first meeting we prayed together (though in retrospect, I think I was praying to the true God of the Bible, while they were praying to a false God). Immediately afterwards I felt uplifted, and I kept meeting with them because it was really helping me in coming out of my depression. Having learned the power of prayer, I then built prayer (on my own) into my daily life. I found it incredibly powerful, and felt I was (and still am) connecting with the TRUE God of the Bible. I also bought myself a Bible, and am devouring it, learning so much. After our first meeting, I started researching Mormonism on the internet, and very quickly realised it was utter bullshit and completely unbiblical. However, I continued to meet with them, because I really had formed a deep BOND with one of them, and they were so helpful in lifting me out of the terrible depression I'd been stuck in. In the interim, I joined a 'proper' church (I am in the U.K and the church I joined is Anglican). I have very quickly become a valued member of the congregation, as it's a tiny congregation and the majority of them are elderly or have special needs (so I am one of the few 'able bodied' people there) so I have been volunteering to help out around the church working in the garden etc. A couple of weeks ago, I had to finally bite the bullet and tell these moron missionaries that our meetings had to come to an end (which I did in the most tactful way possible). I thanked them for everything they'd done for me (without pointing the flaws I'd found in their religion or telling them that I'd joined a different church). The missionary friend I'd made was actually crying (bless her) and I've actually cried a lot since over having to say goodbye. to her .Since them, I wonder if, in a strange way, the true God intervened in my life, to send them to me to turn me back towards the TRUE Christ ?
Curiosity about god and what happens when we die are common to us all, their goal is to insert their framework for questioning and receiving answers, I'm glad you had a foundation to look back on when processing their claims, it could have gone very differently, their messages are deceitful to what they actually believe and positions their church has taken on all sorts of things, glad you knew better.
God can use everything for good, even the works of a missionary in a fake gospel's mission. As an Elder in the LDS church, i must say, missionaries are taught to be friendly, formal or even flirty if its convenient. But i hope its was real friendship. Bless you brother
@@danvan2683 yes! it's called lying for the Lord. Answering the questions that should have been asked that they have rehearsed answers for. Not necessarily answering the questions you ask.
welcome to knowledge of the deception the LDS church has. The JW church is not quite as decieved but still very misled. we need to love these people because these are the people satan goes after, not the atheists that dont care about knowing God at all
Darkking Ice with all due respect no !!!! We believe in free agency The will to act !! The devil wanted us to have no choices I grew up southern baptist and Mormon And I’m fifty years old I know the doctrine Yes we believe in progress of the human species But it’s not about being God , it’s about living with our families and Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father !!!
It's all about the context and the details. Satan declared that death would not be immanent when they partake of the fruit and that they would become like the gods knowing good and evil, and just a few verses later God Himself agrees with Satan and declares that they indeed will be doomed to die even though their death was not immanent, and that they did become as one of the Gods in knowing good and evil. you have to look at the whole context and not just the parts that you agree with. Lucifer's downfall was due to pride in usurping the power, while God teaches that those who will be the greatest will be the one who serves the most, that is the opposite of the way Lucifer tried to become as God, and that is why Lucifer was cast down. not because He desired to be like God, but the way He tried to go about getting there.
Mormons are not like us ordinary sinners. When we come to faith, our lives change, but we are unlikely to lose our families, friends, jobs or business connections, etc over it. For them, those things are real possibilities. Their entire lives are wrapped up in their church, all of their social lives, their entire families, often everything they've ever known their whole lives. Think about that for a minute, how hard it would be to just totally uproot your entire life, all you know. I have great admiration for those who do walk away, I'm grateful for my Christian upbringing, it was so much easier for me.
I walked away from my family, friends and business life after I got saved. Not in one instance but progressively over the course of a few years. It is difficult, but 100%?worth it. Seek and ye shall find.
I have two brothers that are athiest, everyone else on my wife's side and mine are active lds, they feel I've lost my mind and been led astray accepting the bible and it's narrative, I live in Utah county, I love these conversations, I feel armed to engage error but it's sad the justification that holds their worldview together, often it leads to unbelief when it crumbles, there's no foundation to fall back on.
Luke 9:23-26 King James Version (KJV) 23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. 24 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. 25 For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? 26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.
When i leave Methodist, my relatives and friends are fine with that. But when mormons come to my house, they are ready to turn their back. What happened to the world????
Good conversation but here's something I feel would be helpful: You should keep the convos 1 on 1. Your support crew should avoid commenting (unless specifically addressed by the other side) and focus more on holding space for the convo. This helps keep things on point and prevents someone from feeling "ganged up on" which can stifle the ministry.
Thank you kindly Apologia for your ongoing dedication to GOSPEL. May you continue to GO SPELL it out for others to understand and innerstand in application.
It's hard to make an impact but it does happen, I grew up lds and have a biblical worldview now, but their entire structure for understanding the supernatural and scripture is an entirely different framework
Sorry to hear that you left! Yes, you really have to change the entire frame by which you read the scriptures to shift between, say, Reformed Theology or Evangelicalism and Mormonism. I believe, however, that the lens through with the LDS read them is much closer to the original theology as taught consistently throughout the OT, prior to the outside influences of Persian Zoroastrianism (which introduced the foreign concept of metaphysical monotheism), and Hellenic culture (which introduced ideas like the Absolute "Omnis," original sin, etc.) It's fascinating to see how much connection the "revolutionary" doctrine of Joseph Smith had to First Temple theology that we're only just beginning to understand better through archaeology. More than a coincidence, if you ask me!
@@danvan2683 There are a ton... An understanding of the council of the gods and divine feminine, a restoration of temple rites that the Bible does not discuss but which we know from archaeology were practiced, a belief in a pre-existence, a proper understanding of the first chapters of Genesis, and more. It's a huge topic, but there's so much great evidence that the LDS movement is truly grounded in the supernatural---whether you believe it was from God or not.
@@Aldrnari it sounds like you are beggining with stuff specific to your church and seeing what you expect to with that as a presupposition. I really care about the biblical narrative and lately I'm kinda a nerd when it comes to this historical reality, you are describing alot of separate issues, if you are interested I'd want to focus on one thing, this heavenly council is interesting, what exactly is it you feel is going on when we get descriptions of divine council's?
@@danvan2683 On the contrary, it is most often Christians who presuppose that their worldview is correct and project it onto the past---which is why unbiased non-Christian archaeologists most often interpret the evidence in a way that meshes with Mormonism rather than modern Christianity. Sure, the heavenly council is a pretty well-established concept. We know quite a bit about it because similar concepts occur in cultures neighboring Israel: Ugarit, Mesopotamia, and even Egypt. I'll give my explanation based on the scholarly view, rather than the LDS one, to be fair---but it meshes quite well with the cosmology Joseph presented. The Hebrews believed that the Father God El ruled as the Most High God among a plethora of lesser gods who were usually called the Bene Elohiym (Sons of God). According to the OT, after the events of the Tower of Babel, God divided up stewardship over the nations amongst these gods of the Council (see the Septuagint or Dead Sea versions of Deuteronomy 32:8---the Masoretic text was altered there). One of the gods in this council was named YHWH, and he is most often portrayed as a kind of storm god in the earliest Biblical passages (See Exodus 15). Also in Exodus 15 verse 11, we see Moses praising YHWH as the mightiest among all of the gods. YHWH was also given an inheritance, and that inheritance was the nation of Israel. They acknowledged that other nations were ruled by other gods, but YHWH was theirs, and they thought he was the best (this Henotheism is well-attested in the archaeological record---more on that later). In Psalm 82, we have a change: God steps forward to judge the gods which he has set over the nations, and he is displeased. He claims that they have judged unrighteously, and condemns them to death. The last verse in the chapter then gives us the key: It says that God (in this case, YHWH) will now be inheriting ALL of the Earth. The Most High Father still remains ultimately in charge, but he has given the whole Earth to YHWH. This belief eventually morphed into the Jewish rejection of Henotheism and evolution of Monotheism during about the 5th and 6th centuries BC. We know this evolution happened due to the archaeology, which shows that originally, El had a consort named Asherah and a son named Yehu (Yahweh), but eventually, El and Yehu became conflated, and Asherah was seen as the consort of Yehu instead of his mother. Eventually, Monotheism took over during the post-Exilic period of the Deuteronomists, and Asherah worship was discontinued, but there are thousands of shrines which have 3 thrones in them that attest to what I'm saying here (and I have a lot more evidence that this was what they actually believed that I can go over if you want, although it's hard to share in RUclips comments). So now along comes Jesus in the NT, a former member of the Divine Council, who correctly identifies himself as the Divine I AM (YHWH), and yet who makes a sharp distinction between himself and God the Father ("why call ye me good? There is none good but God," There is one God, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, etc.) Note the distinction between God and "the Lord" in many passages. Because Jesus (YHWH) has inherited the whole Earth from his Father (see Hebrews 1) , Jesus is the Lord of the Earth, the Divine King, and we may become "co-heirs" with Christ (see Romans 8:16-17), just as the original members of the Divine Council were seen as co-heirs with YHWH in the OT. I could honestly go on, because so many little pieces fit when you begin to understand how the ancient Hebrews saw the gods (the need for the bizarre Trinity doctrine completely vanishes), but if you'd like to hone in on any specific point, feel free to let me know.
Unfortunately because the one that appeared in the burning bush claimed to be the Angel of the Lord, Jehovahs Witnesses and the Seventh Day Adventists believe that it was Michael that appeared
In the last point the man was saying, where the guys in Acts were doing works with a different Gospel, the point is they were redirected to the TRUTH, the Way and everlasting life through our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ 🙏❤️
I'm pretty sure you all know this already, in a speech given by Joseph Smith at a funeral, he said he had done (Joseph) more for the kingdom then even Jesus Christ himself. You can read it online search King Follet discourse. The dead man's first name was King. And here's another fact they dont share too much, but you can find in the history of the church volume 3 or 4 cant remember , that the only way you'll get into the highest Kingdom is if Joseph Smith approves.
@@pauldunn7000 I'm sorry, it wasn't in the history of the church. It's in Journal of Discourses vol.7 pages 282-291. Brigham Young Sermon Joseph Smith's consent needed to enter Heaven. I hope this helps. You can actually read it online.
1 John 3 1-2 1. Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
For the little bit that I was listening to this questioning I greatly respected the gentleman asking most of the questions because he seems sincere and not attacking and trying to prove a point because the fact is none of us have died there for none of us really know for a fact what is true versus what is based on faith. I was raised a Mormon, let the Mormon church for several different reasons went to a non-denominational church bought a different Bible, this Christian Church offered to different Bibles and that was the first time I realized that you can put two Bible side-by-side and they are not word for word the same. You can read the exact same scripture in two different Bible's and the wording can be completely different, therefore makes more sense that people believe the Bible in which is being used in their religious belief why there is so much confusion as to what the bible really says because there is so much inconsistency from one Bible. I have the Kings James Bible the new church I went to use I believe it was something like the LV Bible and I have had other Christian people read scriptures out of the Bible and I will try to find that scripture and cannot find it or it is worded completely different. I like these kind of open conversations if we can have them respectfully and I'd like to hear how other people interpret the Bible or the words of the Bible but the fact is always the same, none of us have died and come back and been able to tell for a fact what is really going on in heaven and what happens after death so we have to go based on faith or what are specific religious background teaches us
My father in law had esophageal cancer. Less than 3% of people make it past 5 years if " healed". He died in less than 2. I do hope this man walks away from this with a heart to think about what he has heard. I do hope his heart and his mind change. I hope he finds himself worshipping the real God
I think he can he just thinks mostly about the experiences and what he saw, But the truth is what he saw and believes is not from God but the masquerader of light who will perform miracles and deceive so many
6:20 I respectfully disagree. I don't believe Moses was talking to the Father in the bush or any other time in the OT. It was Jesus, pre-incarnate Jesus, or, otherwise, we must submit that we cannot know for absolute certain. What I will say is that scripture supports the idea it COULD be pre-incarnate Jesus, but it simply doesn't support it possibly being the Father. The Holy Spirit? Probably not, but I'd argue that would be more plausible still than the Father.
I disagree when they said it wasn't jesus who appeared to moses. Whenever we see the phrase; " the angel of the lord" is the preincarnate Christ. Jesus said that no one at any time has seen the father. Paul even says that no one has seen the father and nobody ever will. So I would disagree there, but great video. I love the lds people
Great talk. I did have one thing, you said it was the Father calling from the bush. Exodus 3:2 says it was "The Angel of the Lord" who is God, and God's messenger, and far as I've always understood it, was the Word in his per-human eternal existence. I could be wrong, but just curious how you all interpret the text. Keep up the good work, and may our God and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless you.
"Who is the angel of the Lord?" Answer: The precise identity of the “angel of the Lord” is not given in the Bible. However, there are many important “clues” to his identity. There are Old and New Testament references to “angels of the Lord,” “an angel of the Lord,” and “the angel of the Lord.” It seems when the definite article “the” is used, it is specifying a unique being, separate from the other angels. The angel of the Lord speaks as God, identifies Himself with God, and exercises the responsibilities of God (Genesis 16:7-12; 21:17-18; 22:11-18; Exodus 3:2; Judges 2:1-4; 5:23; 6:11-24; 13:3-22; 2 Samuel 24:16; Zechariah 1:12; 3:1; 12:8). In several of these appearances, those who saw the angel of the Lord feared for their lives because they had “seen the Lord.” Therefore, it is clear that in at least some instances, the angel of the Lord is a theophany, an appearance of God in physical form. The appearances of the angel of the Lord cease after the incarnation of Christ. Angels are mentioned numerous times in the New Testament, but “the angel of the Lord” is never mentioned in the New Testament after the birth of Christ. There is some confusion regarding Matthew 28:2, where the KJV says “the angel of the Lord” descended from heaven and rolled the stone away from Jesus’ tomb. It is important to note that the original Greek has no article in front of angel; it could be “the angel” or “an angel,” but the article must be supplied by the translators. Other translations besides the KJV say it was “an angel,” which is the better wording. It is possible that appearances of the angel of the Lord were manifestations of Jesus before His incarnation. Jesus declared Himself to be existent “before Abraham” (John 8:58), so it is logical that He would be active and manifest in the world. Whatever the case, whether the angel of the Lord was a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ (Christophany) or an appearance of God the Father (theophany), it is highly likely that the phrase “the angel of the Lord” usually identifies a physical appearance of God www.gotquestions.org/angel-of-the-Lord.html
Become super knowledgeable on the Bible, engage with love, try to learn what different sort of arguments different people have and be prepared with proper responses, be sincere, patient, compassionate and learn from others who you think are good at it.
If Jesus was not seen as deity, or claiming to be deity, then WHY was He condemned and killed in such a horrible way? Why the public display? Why the mockery? I feel bad for people that don’t get this simple concept
I love you guys from Apologia! I'm always studying you. Hey, if you guys are Baptist do you believe of the dwelling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues? ! Corinthians 12:8
Ok so first things first, I agree with these guys that the true Jesus is the only path to salvation. Also I admire that they are using their time to spread the gospel to lost people. That being said from 17:50 on this video gets a lil hard to watch. The Mormon guy was being very polite and had already given his contact info and expressed a desire to continue the conversation on a later date. The gentleman with the baseball cap on however seem to me very combative. Like he was there to score theological points more so than actually try to reach this guy. An example would be when his friend steps in to try to calm the situation by saying that people sometimes get mad but their intention is not to upset people, and before he could finish the gentleman in the cap says "Yea n we love that" in reference to people getting man. Worse I think is when he asked the guy if he knows what the word fiction means 😒. I'm just saying don't forget what the whole point of you guys being out there is. You're not just trying to win a debate.
I would ask you to go back a listen to that section, he actually said "we love them". Although I will say he does need to work on self monitoring skill, no one will be one over in a 20 minute debate. Even Paul says in 1st Pester 3:15 to be ready to make a defense for your hope and to do it with gentleness and respect
I wish I had the patience to discuss these things with Mormons and JW's. I find these debates fascinating, but I don't have the patience to do it myself.
The guy with the red beard needs to come across a little more sympathetic. I know he has a passion to help people and I am grateful for that. But if your reading this I would just ask u be careful, and come across with concern, love, and just be careful with words. I am a Christian. But as a Christian watching this I am just giving some honest criticisms. Because we all wanna reach these people but they will only hear this and stand there listening if we don’t offend them
You have to understand something most of us if we're giving love to because we care about themwe're going to give God's truth and nothing but the truth along with the love that's what you have to have in God's truth will always offend you can't be worried about offending people now we're not talking about running them down making him feel small that's not what we're talking about the truth of Christ will always offend you can't be afraid of that you can't ever water down the gospel you got to give the truth at all times that's the problem with a lot of Christians nowadays, that's why you got the Joel olsteen's and some of the others they're so worried about offending people to try to get numbersthe gospel of the Bible does offend you have to give the truth man otherwise you won't end up in Hell God makes it very clear that he will spit you out of his mouth if you are lukewarm you have to give the truth and it is brutal you give it with love but you can't water it down
"Only God could absorb the wrath of the Father" Please where do you get this? I think this would be a powerful witness, if I could understand where it comes from, if it's from scripture. God Bless 🙏 Thank you!!
I believe God IS the Father, God IS the Holy Spirit, and God IS the Son they are All one and interchangeable, each serves a specific purpose but All are equal. I know you guys are coming at him with love i get it, and this man is deceived but i cant help but feel like he was a little bombarded, so many people talking to him. I’m not trying to be negative but I’m sorry it just seemed a lot coming at him at once.
But I think he knew it was in love but also when we are made to feel uncomfortable, it makes us question and that is what the truth always does. Like when God is wanting us to move forward in His purpose He makes our current situation uncomfortable. We only need to be willing to question as that is opening our hearts and ears to His instruction. But then when He has worked to move us closer to Him that situation that was unpleasantly uncomfortable is turned into joy and praise and we would do.it all again to be where we are at the end. I went through it with years of suicidal depression and now I k ow Him I'd live through it all again to be where I am. I think it's that we are obviously only able to see our present moment and that's where trust and faith come in. It can be hard for a while but He is always leading us in love, we just can't see it til we get there lol xx
Lea lea I totally agree with all you said. So many people were talking to this man and thats ok but I’m just looking at it from the angle that if someone doesn’t understand and all these Christians are coming at him though we know there intent this gentleman may not have known it. There is no harm in speaking the truth but maybe just a different approach of not having not so many people involved in talking to him.
Im a world where Christianity is on a decline, why is there so much hate towards different religions? We all believe in Christ and that should bring us together to make the world a better place. Why so much hate for differing opinions? The comments in here make me sad. We should unite on the fact that we believe in Christ and go forth making the work a better place.
Tanner, because the individual filmed in the video believes in a Christ that is false and does not save. The true Christ is the all holy, eternal God who laid the foundations of the Earth. The Mormon Jesus was conceived out of a sexual relationship with god the father and is satan's brother. These are two different Christs. Also, the purpose of the gospel is NOT to bring us together and make the world a better place. The purpose of the gospel is for men to see how sick they are and are in need of the Physician. It is only through the understanding of our wicked nature that we can have peace with God through our mediator Lord Jesus. What you see as hate God has declared to be the most righteous form of love. Open your heart and eyes to these truths Tanner.
Problem today is too much is based on our experiences, these are subjective, Objective truth is the word of GOD, most christians(lds/mormon church is NOT christian) are biblically illiterate. Excellent civil arguement to a lds man who never got offended of defensive ... GOD BLESS ALL of you out there and the baby !!! Sharing the Love of CHRIST is the ALL in ALL.
Apologia says that the serpent telling Eve that if she ate the forbidden fruit she would be as gods knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5) is like the Latter Day Saint doctrine that men can become gods. But there was no lie in telling Eve they would become as gods (as confirmed in Genesis 3:22); the only lie was that she would not die.
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord because He is merciful towards to LDS church. I hope that they turn from the Mormon teachings and are set free by the truth.
Using Bible verses can help to the degree that he trusts the Bible. LDS need to know that the Bible has not been corrupted. It has been accurately preserved. How did Jesus feel about God's word? Everything Jesus did was for the fulfillment of God's word. When Jesus was tempted, He said, "It is written." He used the Scriptures some of which were just as old to Him as His words are to us. Psalms 138:2 "You have exalted above all things Your Name and your Word." In the KJV, it reads "Your word above Your name." Think about that for a moment. Would Jesus allow the Word of GOD to be corrupted? Never, No, Not ever. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will never pass away. (Luke 21:33, Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31) The Dead Sea Scrolls prove beyond all doubt whatsoever that the Scriptures have not been corrupted as the Book of Mormon claims. This fact alone disproves all of Mormonism while at the same time proving the Bible true. The Dead Sea Scrolls were not discovered in Joseph Smith's day so he was not called to account for the discrepancy, although the Kinderhook plates and the Book of Abraham disprove Mormonism as well, many of the LDS turn atheist, so it is to their benefit that we first help them to trust the Good Book, the Books, the Library, the Bible. True blue through and through. God bless you in reaching out to the LDS.
Apologia are now misquoting scripture to say that the Bible says anyone not teaching their version of the gospel is accursed. Apologia are very proud, haughty and bigoted.
Can someone help me out here? 0:44 the LDS man thanks him for clarifying LDS from Mormon? Is that something new now? I have never see that before in my life.
@@Parks179-h Honestly, I am not sure, but I am sure there is an article out there that would explain it. From what I understand, calling someone a Mormon has historically been rooted and attributed as a sort of slang or mocking way of identifying people who followed Joseph Smith.
Three in One might refer to that God don't wanna go to Hawai,and Jesus wanna go to Indonesia,and The Holy Spirit wanna go to Australia. They are one of Heart and Mind.
To not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was saying Do not “ play God”. Do not make yourself the reference point to all things. Do not lean to your own understanding. The devils temptation was that you would be like God. It is envy against God just like satan did.
I heard Ray Comfort from “Living Waters” say that when people when they maybe use their act of kindness they receive upraise When god should be receiving it that is a gift from god and they shouldn’t use it in the manner that they do.
I love the way that lovely gentle female voice asked the Mormon man: "How do you even believe Al these things that are taught in the LDS"??? That made me laugh because that's EXACTLY my question to LDS members. How can anyone Believe in a bunch of baloney....ha ha ha 😂
the Christian’s work is out of love and obedience to the Lord. It is not meant to justify them. Only faith does that. The work is evidence of the justifying faith. What about your judging?
The way Mormons can shut someone down takes skill. You could say literally anything and they will look blankly into your eyes until you stop talking. For being such open-minded interpreters of the Bible, they don't venture outside their bubble of belief. No animosity here whatsoever ... just wow.
Apologia is now saying that John 1 says that Jesus created everything, everywhere, ever in existence. But the most literal translation of John 1 is; 1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God; 2. this one was in the beginning with God; 3. all things through him did happen, and without him happened not even one thing that hath happened. That’s very different from saying that Jesus created everything, everywhere, ever in existence. Apologia then quote Colossians 1:16 as a supposed proof text that Jesus created everything, everywhere, ever in existence. But all Colossians 1:16 says is that Jesus created all thrones, dominions, principalities and powers. Not that Jesus created everything, everywhere, ever in existence.
God is extremely good and He will always be good but there will be a day when the Sky's will crack open and alllll eyes will see the glory of our God our Lord our savior Jesus Christ keep the faith bro's
when they get cornered they go to "my testimony" smdh thats the devil making them hold on to lies I hope he comes out of that cult he was genuinely listening but those false testimonies
First of all, what a blessing to see this man sincerely want to listen. In regards to the trinity...LeBron is a Laker, A.D. is a Laker, Dwight Howard is a Laker. Three persons, one “Lakers”
@@choicemeatrandy6572 Well the way Ryan explained the Trinity is exactly how Mormons believe. They believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are literally 3 persons.. I don't deny the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost but I don't believe it to be 3 separate persons
@@choicemeatrandy6572 Trust me I've done a lot of digging in the LDS Doctrine. They believe in 3 literal persons. Look into it yourself. And if Modalism is what you call it but I call it Oneness which the original Apostolics believed and taught. The fullness of the Trinity doctrine wasn't even complete until the 4th Century. Your belief is heresy my friend .Mainstream Christianity
Apologia says that the Bible never says that men will ever be worshipped. Apologia are very naive if they think the Bible says everything that will happen to everything, ever in existence. The Bible clearly teaches that there is more than one god in existence, though we only ever worship the Father and the Son. The Bible also clearly teaches that men will become gods; Deuteronomy 10:17, Joshua 22:22, Psalms 82:1, Psalms 82:6, Psalms 136:2, Daniel 11:36, Matthew 5:48, 10:34, John 17:22, Acts 17:29, Romans 8:17, 1 Corinthians 8:5,6. 2 Corinthians 3:18, Galatians 4:7, Ephesians 4:13,Philippians 2:5,6. 2 Peter 1:4, 1 John 3:2, Revelation 3:21.
Exodus 3:2, “the angel of the Lord” and then 3:4, “Yahweh saw”. I think this is the preincarnate Jesus speaking to Moses. Jesus thinks this also when He speaks to the people recorded for us in John 8:58. Any thought?
This is not only misquoting scripture, but it is also a wrong interpretation of Scripture. Both Psalms 82 and John 10:34 state that God views men as Gods in training. the correct quote from john 10:34-36 is, "Is it not written in your law, I said ye are Gods? If He called them Gods... {how} say ye of Him... thou blasphemest, because I said, I am the Son of God?" The entire premise of John 10 is Jesus rebuking the Pharisees for declaring Jesus a blasphemer when He claimed to be a son of God and therefore a potential heir of and partner with God. Jesus tells them that the Mosaic Law which all of them know by heart, declares that all men are Gods, and therefore they have no scriptural authority to tell Jesus otherwise. Psalms 82 is what Jesus was referring to about it being written in their law. And Psalms 82 is a teaching about the nature of God and His relationship to us. It declares that God stands in the midst of other Gods and is the mightiest of them, but that those other Gods are His children and will endure mortality and die as to the body and the spirit, because of the misunderstanding that we have in regards to that principle and our relationship to God. It's a call for God to judge and chasten and prod us so that we may learn His ways, that we too may become as God is (Matt 5:48), because we are the inheritance of God. It is an eternal perspective, no different than when God speaks of future events as if they have already happened, because God sees the end from the beginning and all things are before Him at once. It is a reference to man's potential for equality with God as our fullest inheritance to always remain under Him, but to become an equal partner with Him if it so be that we achieve the perfection that He abides by. People misunderstand the nature of God, and that is where it all goes wrong for their interpretation of God's word. That and many people are unable to have an eternal perspective when it comes to things of God.
scott banta Yeah Isaiah 45:5 says what again? “I am the LORD, and THERE IS NONE ELSE, there is NO God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me” Take your heresy elsewhere.
@@michaeloud6044 and that is where you are completely misunderstanding the nature of the scriptures. I don't disagree with this scripture I disagree with you shortsighted interpretation of the scripture. It is true that there is none other God that stands beside our God in ruling over and being the steward of us and this world. There is none that stand beside our God to rule over us. He is the creator of this world and therefore, there can be none other that can be the God of this world. It's a higherarchy of authority. at the top is the Father, then the Son, then the Holy Ghost, then resurrected beings, then the angels, then mortals, etc. think of it as a pyramid. but then imagine that for every different populated world, there is a different pyramid with different people in all of those groups/titles. Just because there can be different creators of those different worlds and those creators are equal according to their position as creator, does not at all mean that a different creator can come and take possession of our world. Nor does it mean that anyone within that creation can rise to take over the creation from our God. and that is why our God has none like Him as the creator of our world, and the savior of the people of our world. Very rarely do we find bible passages referring to any other worlds or context outside of this world, and yet so many try to conflate the position of our God, to also be the God of all the other worlds. But that is not necessarily the case, and there is no scripture that exists that refutes the idea that other creators of other worlds exist. and several scriptures that hint to other Gods existing. context is very important, but sadly I have found that many are ignorant of the context of scripture and the eternal ramifications that their interpretations pose that are not in line with God's nature. This is why LDS people find it so difficult to discuss the deeper doctrines with mainstream Christians, because mainstream Christians are so quick to shut things down with vague and unspecified words and don't ever think to actually analyze what those words mean. it's a shallow and doctrinally ignorant approach to the word of God only looking at the surface words and never attempt to dive deeper into the meaning and intentions of why those words are in there in the first place. And that is precisely why the Mainstream Christian religions are always so lacking in having an eternal perspective, more complete understanding of the word of God, and more realistic approach to the Gospel. it's all about magical events and unquestioning devotion to ethereal and unexplainable happenstances. it's all feeling based and not logic, scripture, or doctrine based. And that is why Main stream Christians are more susceptible to being tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14). i get that some people simply cannot force their brains to work on that deep of a level and that they are prone to have shallow understandings and surface arguments about words that they have not or sometimes cannot fully comprehend. But that doesn't make them more correct just because they can't understand it. they are welcome to stick to what they can grasp, but to belittle and demean others for having a deeper understanding is pure ignorance, brought on by a circumstantial and preconceptual paradox.
@@scottb4509 Ok let's think about this. God says "I am the only one"...pretty simple. God also said There were NO Gods formed before Him NEITHER shall there be any AFTER. So let me ask, were you formed before or after God? Because if you fall into either of those places then you aren't a god and never will be. Jesus is the ONLY BEGOTTEN from God (meaning He was God) was nearly stoned to death because He said "I AM" which is ONLY a label for God. You, me, your neighbor, and every human to EVER exist was ONLY a human; a CREATED and FINITE being. The first lie that Satan told Eve is the same one the LDS church fell for. "Ye shall be as gods". So let me tell you, was Satan confused and saying "hey man you're already gods, but you can be super duper gods"? Let us look further, when LDS become their own "god'' they believe they will get other planets and however many wives they sealed themselves too and then their kids will have kids and people will get married and on and on and on. But let's see what Jesus said Mark 12:24-25 "And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because YE KNOW NOT the scriptures, neither the power of God? For when they shall rise from the dead, THEY NEITHER MARRY, NOR ARE GIVEN IN MARRIAGE; but are as the angels which are in heaven.".....So Jesus, the savior of the world, the God of creation says there will be NO marriage in heaven...LDS are wrong again. The LDS "super gods" who did everything right believe that they will receive praise as gods in their new world. God says "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." So LDS are wrong there too, you will not be given glory as a god, you will be a servant to the ONE true God. For goodness sake, your prophets said that black people were spirit cowards who wouldn't fight against satan during his rebellion! How twisted can you be?! Jesus didn't allow for polygamy and yet Joseph Smith married what...34 women in total? He also LIED to his wife about several! Also, many of them were ALREADY married! What does God say about coveting another man's wife??? So he was a liar, a covetous man, an adulterer, a man who changed his "vision" 4 times, a man who called black people spirit cowards, a man who claimed he ran through the woods for miles carrying golden plates that would have weighed about 140lbs under each arm (which I dare you to try), a man who claimed an angel threatened to kill him if he didn't marry a woman, a man who married 14yr old girls, and many many more issues!!! Your prophet was just looking to MAKE a profit! You have been sold a lie my dude! Feel free to address any of these FACTS about the LDS. While you're at it, explain how the magical underwear that people were forced to wear works even though not a SINGLE apostle of Jesus wore them or endorsed such a teaching. Also, let's talk about how you guys don't allow your young boys on missions trips to talk to their family other than during "authorized times". Or why up until recently women weren't allowed to be on missions trips. Please feel free to correct ALL of these things!
@@michaeloud6044 Again you are missing the context. and the nature of God and man for that matter, but we'll stick with the context for now. God is speaking specifically to the people He created on this world. therefore, the context is only about what is happening on this world from the time God formed it. thus if God formed this world, and is the creator and ruler of this world, it is obvious that there can be none other that could be the ruler of this world before our God, and there will never come about anyone even if they grow to be Gods like unto our God, who could usurp the authority to ruler over this world at any point in the future. That is the context and proper perspective we should take from these passages. I was not formed before God, nor would I ever believe that I could become the ruler over this world as God is. You are still stuck on what the words say and are failing to see what the words mean. Oh the irony that you'd use Satan's words to Eve as an argument when the scripture clearly refutes your idea. I get this rebuttal almost every time the topic comes up, but not 5 verses after that encounter between Satan and Eve, God Himself declares that Adam and Eve did in fact, "become as one of us, to know good and evil" (Gen. 3:22). please learn your Bible before you try and use it in your arguments. God agreed with Satan, and yet Mainstream Christians are so ignorant of the words they claim to be so committed to following. Satan was not lying, Satan was attempting to diminish their potential by pointing out that they are clearly not at that point equal with God because God has the knowledge of good and evil, while they did not, and that the way for them to gain that knowledge is by partaking of the forbidden fruit. and lo and behold God agreed with Satan. To claim that you are nothing but a finite being is to be ignorant of your own nature and the fullest potential for which God has created you. And again with the story of the 7 brothers and the one wife. when will you people learn that you are completely twisting scripture to mean things it does not say. you need to analyze what Mark 12 is actually saying. It does not say that no marriages will be valid in Heaven. It says that no marriages will be performed for resurrected beings. for those who have risen from the dead, (ie. resurrected beings), no one can either become married, nor be given in marriage. Look at the context. If you think that there will be no marriage in heaven then you don't believe in the promises of the gospel of Christ. the entire premise of the redemption of man through Christ is that we will be "married" to Christ for eternity as the "bride of Christ". that entire concept debunks your whole interpretation of Mark 12. If no marriage can exist in Heaven then you don't get to be with Christ, because that is the connection that Christ declares will bind us to Him. and Christ even spells it all out using the parable of the 10 virgins, which is a marriage ceremony. marriage does exist in Heaven and does perpetuate beyond the grave, but if those marriages are not performed before the resurrection, by the proper authority of God, then they are not valid in Gods eternal kingdom. That is what Christ is teaching. but again context is important, this hypothetical scenario is brought to Christ by the Saducees, who did not believe in the resurrection in the first place, so Christ cuts right through the fluff of the story and get right to the underlying issue that they could not grasp. that they don't understand the scriptures and they they don't understand how the power of God works, because there will be a resurrection, that just because marriages take place in this life does not mean that they were done by God's authority, and therefore are not recognized by God, and that what we do in this life will effect how we live and the level of glory and reward we receive in that eternal kingdom after the resurrection. For all those that are not married by the proper authority of God in this life then they cannot get married in that eternal kingdom and are therefore stunted in their progression into exaltation, and only receive the glory of an angel, and not as an exalted eternally progressing being, as God is.
The Lord is One ☝️ and came to save us himself manifested in the flesh.. Jesus was and is the Living God.. Colossians 2:9 Timothy 1- 3:16 Philippians 2:6-9 Deuteronomy 6:4
If you want to know how it is that you lose a Mormon after 10 or 15 or 20 minutes of some really good witnessing All you have to do to ruin all of that is just say to the Mormon "repent" At that moment if 90% of what you said had been dismissed it will all go out the window
all men hate to be called to repentance. that is the pride of us sinners. only the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts make us realize how deep our evil is.
@@user-zw1xs8qw9y if a man's wife ask him does she look fat in a particular outfit (that doesn't fit her particularly well) He can matter of factly answer yes, have an argument & lose his wife Or he can say it's not so much that honey It's you look so much better in the other thing Saying something that you know will harden the heart of another then excusing it saying "well you just don't like what I say" does not make a bad communication good
So what about the parts of The Bible that weren't lost or left out like Isaiah 4310 and other places that say that you're not gonna become a God you can't God says what do you do with those verses
The trinity made simple: My limbs are fully me My torso is fully me my head and neck are fully me My head is not my limbs, and my torso is not my neck. Thats the trinity, distinct persons being part on one being. Just like its not of the neck's to do the walking and how its not the place of the shoulder to speak, so too it was only the fatherls to know the date and time of the end and it was only for Jesus to come and die for us. I hope it helped you! Please let me know
No offense but that's a bad analogy. My neck is not fully me it's part of me. As is my arm or my head. The son is not one third of God like my arm is one part of me. The son is fully God. As is the Father and also the Holy Spirit. All 3 are completely God. There is nothing in creation that is anything like that. Not an egg, not the different states of water, and definitely not the human body.
@@benjaminisales5386 my arm is fully me, there is no point in my arm that it stops being me. I thing you're putting the order wrong. What it is not, is that i'm not fully arms only. But my arm is fully me. Ie: God is not Only Jesus, but Jesus is fully God. Heck, the point of analogies is not to fully flesh out a topic. Just like it says the church is the bride of Jesus, it doesnt mean that we will literally have sex with him life a bride does with her husband. Or when Jesus said his word was like seed that fell in 3 grounds, it doesnt actually mean that each type of believer is segregated geographcally (sorry, you cant join our Church, you are from a very atheist ndighborhood) The point of an analogy is to reveal n underlying truth. And should always be followed up with an explanation. (just like how jesus teaches after his analogies) And i'd argue that looking to the church and to the human body is an excellent way to find God and understand a little bit more of him. You know why? Becajse we were made in their image, in the image of all 3 person of God were we created. And the church was created by God himself too. Being self defeating is nothing but contraproducent. The analogy helps by allowing a mormon to understand how different persons can be part of one being. Or heck, use the church, its one thing, with one stated purpose made up of billions of persons. Again, its just tools in the arsenal to allow scripture to be better understood
@@Mattchew2232 @some guy my arm is fully me, there is no point in my arm that it stops being me. I thing you're putting the order wrong. What it is not, is that i'm not fully arms only. But my arm is fully me. Ie: God is not Only Jesus, but Jesus is fully you. Hell, its even deeper than that. "Me" is a concept that doesnt exist. I'm not one thing but a community of billions of cells. Each cell is a completely independant thing that forms "me" The arm, or the cell both are "me" but its not the only thing in "me" just how Jesus is fully God but its not the only thing that is God.
Hey guys, our team created a free resource for you based on this video. Go grab here and start engaging your Mormon neighbors with greater confidence. www.apologiastudios.com/mormon
It says a lot of this man to stand and listen and remain calm while 4 people come at him with things that are the truth but not what he thinks is true. May God deliver him from his false religion 🙏🏼💕
I'm amazed by the respectful interaction, the grace and love you showed this gentleman even when you disagree with him. May the Lord richly bless you
i realize I'm kinda randomly asking but do anyone know a good site to stream new tv shows online ?
I truly hope God will accept and save the mormons. But I just don't see how it can be so. Such great people, but so blasphemous.
Former LDS here. Thank you and praise God for those trying to share the Biblical gospel in love to our LDS friends. God is opening hearts and eyes to the truth.
Former Methodist here, you may thanked your 3 personality in 1 being god as i did before. But that doesn't make any change. You still don't understand the bible, Amen.
@Saved by his grace *G2G*
You and the mormons has a different god. They are praying for your souls too, so that you will leave your lunatic god, i bet they did.!!!
Praise God!
Amen! I am a former Mormon.
Amen, i am a former Methodist and soon to join the Mormons.
What a sweet man! I can tell he meant well with his beliefs and I truly hope this wonderful group of people touched his heart in a unique way.
Love your patience man! You are bleeding the truth of Jesus and I love it
The sincerity in these men and this woman are amazing
Excellent content guys! Praise Jesus Christ for the work He’s putting into your hands guys. May He keep filling you all with determination and perseverance.
9:20 This is what I told a family member and he told me that I was wrong. When I was in the Mormon temple years ago, I heard a female say my name. I was so certain that it was the person who I was doing the temple ordinance for. I didn't test the spirits as the Word says and I now know that it was an unclean spirit, even though it seemed benign. Praise Jesus for saving me from these lies. There shouldn't be any denominations. There ought to be the Church of Jesus Christ that preaches the Word only.
I love that old guys easy going demeanor, and furthermore these young folks did a great job sharing the gospel!
We used to have the missionaries over when I was young and they were such good people and I didn't know Jesus Christ and what he did for me and I still fill unworthy of his sacrifice he did for me but the HOLY SPIRIT laid His hand on my heart after my daughter's death in my worst time ever and I was crying out to God and saying WHY!? And I felt a hand on my heart and I was filled with a Love that is not of this Earth and a rush of un earthly LOVE SURGED THROUGH MY BODY AND OUT OF MY FINGERS AND TOES and I was given discernment and could see false religion and new my Devine input who was speaking the Word and found most religious groups have added man's own word with the Word so Jesus bless your work and I know in my heart that you speak God's Truth and not a watered down version for greed or to accommodate for the people sake.
William Ringler I feel for you loosing your Daughter. I hope that Jesus hods you in his arms for comfort. I lost my Son in 2012 and lost my Daughter in the end of December 2018. I’m glad this time I have my Church family to get us through it. God Bless Sir
God healed him for a moment like this. God does not want to lose him and wants him to listen
Why can't this god just talk to him one on one?
hawkerdoo He can if He wanted to but the Bible says only Faith can please God. He moves us to places in our lives where we can exercise faith. This is how He operated throughout the Old Testament
This is what I hear when you put it like that. This god can but won't destroy a fundamental wrong, then hold you hostage to faith. It doesn't sound like this god is very good at doing its job.
@@hawkerdoo God is powerful to save all His elect by whatever means he chooses.
So this god picks the ones he likes?
"Our experiences don't determine truth, God's word determines truth" 110%
God's word is the truth but you can determine that truth by your experiences, read and apply what God wants you to do.
Joey Feliciano “God’s word is the truth” and then you say you can determine “that truth” as if it’s subjective. That doesn’t make any sense.
I only quoted the scripture in a different way, but that doesn't includes the atheists and those who do not believe Jesus is God, because stupid atheists have their own truth.LOL
John 8:31-32
31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
If that doesn't mean any sense to you, then i am sorry for you because you can't understand what i am saying.
God's word doesn't determine anything, it is those who believe in that God can determine if what they read is true or the truth according to their experiences.
(Hayssst, why am i explaining to an idiot again?????)
@@joeyfeliciano9199 Calling someone an idiot sir is showing your lack of respect, care, and dignity, by which you need to repent and believe the Gospel.
"I only quoted the scripture in a different way." Nope, you're twisting Scripture out of context to make your case, which is arbitrary. Let's see what God says.
You said "God's word doesn't determine anything, it is those who believe in that God can determine if what they read is true or the truth according to their experiences."
Nope, not true. Our experiences don't determine truth, God's word determines truth. John 17:17 "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." This verse shows that God's Word IS truth.
Now, to the verse you quoted and twisted out of context; John 8:31-32 "To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." This verse is saying that if you read The Word of The Living God, and you are obedient to His teachings, you will know the Truth (referencing the Bible) and it will be set you free (receive the gift of Salvation).
Are you fucking idiot? (i am asking you)
You said that John 17:17 shows that Gods word is truth.LOL
What DID i say again? God's word is what? And what did you say then? (Haysst am i talking to an idiot again?)
To the verses i gave which is from the original KJV that you can download in to your computer easily, and which i do not know what version you use, John 8:31-32 "To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Thise verses shows that if you read the word of God, and you are obedient to His teachings, you will know the truth. (not referring to the bible, because bible contains the old testament too, you stupid!, and no christian do the burn offering after he ascend to heaven). You are the one twisting the scripture like what apologia men do.LOL
Jesus commanded all to be baptized and to baptize people who believe in His teachings in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! And be perfect even as the Father which is in Heaven, who is perfect. And by obeying what He say you will know if what He said is true if it works to you. But if not i don't think you can say that it is true.LOL
God bless you guys. But I recommend you do this 1 on 1. Can come off as too many ppl to have to listen and respond to. Still amazing work you guys do.
This guy just needs time to figure it out for himself. You can't change your whole world view on your own in 5 mins :).
This video is 20 minutes long, but like the other response said the apostle Paul was transformed in an instant. Also no one can make anyone change, only those who accept Christ through the Holy Spirit.
But the Lord can do that in less than 5minutes
Yeah if it's God's will then if course you can be changed in an instant. Through God all things are possible. But generally he changes your heart, not your views. Your views will come from your change of heart.
Matt Bell So isn’t a heart transformation as change of mind? Meaning a change of views? Only then, by fruit and testing of Spirit we could see the change right?
That's right!
L O V E this so much. So much love from all of you, so beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to spend with this deceived Mormon. When he talked about "seeing" things and things of the temple it creeps me out. If only they knew it's not of God. Sending so much love and prayers your way. Super exciting he wants to meet up again. What translation are you reading from?
I recently had about a dozen meetings with a pair of Mormon missionaries that, in a strange way, turned me strongly back towards 'conventional' Christianity, despite being a 'non believer' for over 40 years. I was brought up Christian (though my parents weren't particularly 'devout', and I think viewed the church more as serving a 'social' function). At around the age of 10 my faith just faded away, and we stopped going to church. For the last 4 decades, I've called myself an 'agnostic' (I was never comfortable with the term 'atheist', as I DID believe there might be SOME kind of 'God', but I wasn't sure WHO that God was).
Four years ago, I suffered some terrible traumas that threw me into an EXTREME depression. Then, about 3 months ago, I was sitting in the park when I was approached by a pair of Mormon missionaries. One of them in particular I can honestly describe as probably the nicest and most KIND person I've ever met, and we had this instant BOND like true best friends. At our first meeting we prayed together (though in retrospect, I think I was praying to the true God of the Bible, while they were praying to a false God). Immediately afterwards I felt uplifted, and I kept meeting with them because it was really helping me in coming out of my depression.
Having learned the power of prayer, I then built prayer (on my own) into my daily life. I found it incredibly powerful, and felt I was (and still am) connecting with the TRUE God of the Bible. I also bought myself a Bible, and am devouring it, learning so much. After our first meeting, I started researching Mormonism on the internet, and very quickly realised it was utter bullshit and completely unbiblical. However, I continued to meet with them, because I really had formed a deep BOND with one of them, and they were so helpful in lifting me out of the terrible depression I'd been stuck in.
In the interim, I joined a 'proper' church (I am in the U.K and the church I joined is Anglican). I have very quickly become a valued member of the congregation, as it's a tiny congregation and the majority of them are elderly or have special needs (so I am one of the few 'able bodied' people there) so I have been volunteering to help out around the church working in the garden etc.
A couple of weeks ago, I had to finally bite the bullet and tell these moron missionaries that our meetings had to come to an end (which I did in the most tactful way possible). I thanked them for everything they'd done for me (without pointing the flaws I'd found in their religion or telling them that I'd joined a different church). The missionary friend I'd made was actually crying (bless her) and I've actually cried a lot since over having to say goodbye. to her
.Since them, I wonder if, in a strange way, the true God intervened in my life, to send them to me to turn me back towards the TRUE Christ ?
Curiosity about god and what happens when we die are common to us all, their goal is to insert their framework for questioning and receiving answers, I'm glad you had a foundation to look back on when processing their claims, it could have gone very differently, their messages are deceitful to what they actually believe and positions their church has taken on all sorts of things, glad you knew better.
Danvan2 Ruth it’s sounds like you have all the answers ?
@@j.huffhumble4281 if your lds I 've been through the rabbit hole
God can use everything for good, even the works of a missionary in a fake gospel's mission.
As an Elder in the LDS church, i must say, missionaries are taught to be friendly, formal or even flirty if its convenient. But i hope its was real friendship.
Bless you brother
@@danvan2683 yes! it's called lying for the Lord. Answering the questions that should have been asked that they have rehearsed answers for. Not necessarily answering the questions you ask.
LDS believe they will become like God? isn't this what the devil wanted when he was cast down.
welcome to knowledge of the deception the LDS church has. The JW church is not quite as decieved but still very misled. we need to love these people because these are the people satan goes after, not the atheists that dont care about knowing God at all
Yes very true
Darkking Ice with all due respect no !!!!
We believe in free agency
The will to act !!
The devil wanted us to have no choices
I grew up southern baptist and Mormon
And I’m fifty years old
I know the doctrine
Yes we believe in progress of the human species
But it’s not about being God , it’s about living with our families and Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father !!!
It's all about the context and the details. Satan declared that death would not be immanent when they partake of the fruit and that they would become like the gods knowing good and evil, and just a few verses later God Himself agrees with Satan and declares that they indeed will be doomed to die even though their death was not immanent, and that they did become as one of the Gods in knowing good and evil. you have to look at the whole context and not just the parts that you agree with. Lucifer's downfall was due to pride in usurping the power, while God teaches that those who will be the greatest will be the one who serves the most, that is the opposite of the way Lucifer tried to become as God, and that is why Lucifer was cast down. not because He desired to be like God, but the way He tried to go about getting there.
Mormons are not like us ordinary sinners. When we come to faith, our lives change, but we are unlikely to lose our families, friends, jobs or business connections, etc over it. For them, those things are real possibilities. Their entire lives are wrapped up in their church, all of their social lives, their entire families, often everything they've ever known their whole lives. Think about that for a minute, how hard it would be to just totally uproot your entire life, all you know. I have great admiration for those who do walk away, I'm grateful for my Christian upbringing, it was so much easier for me.
I walked away from my family, friends and business life after I got saved. Not in one instance but progressively over the course of a few years.
It is difficult, but 100%?worth it.
Seek and ye shall find.
I have two brothers that are athiest, everyone else on my wife's side and mine are active lds, they feel I've lost my mind and been led astray accepting the bible and it's narrative, I live in Utah county, I love these conversations, I feel armed to engage error but it's sad the justification that holds their worldview together, often it leads to unbelief when it crumbles, there's no foundation to fall back on.
Luke 9:23-26 King James Version (KJV)
23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
24 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
25 For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?
26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.
When i leave Methodist, my relatives and friends are fine with that. But when mormons come to my house, they are ready to turn their back. What happened to the world????
Can we get an update on the second meeting with this guy?
God bless him! He’s very sweet and I pray he comes to know the true word of God.
Good conversation but here's something I feel would be helpful: You should keep the convos 1 on 1. Your support crew should avoid commenting (unless specifically addressed by the other side) and focus more on holding space for the convo. This helps keep things on point and prevents someone from feeling "ganged up on" which can stifle the ministry.
Yeah right, try the mormon's strategy, i think it's a better one. I've heard that they baptize morethan the apologia men can.LOL
@amy w
What's save means?
What salvation really means to you? Do you think apologia has that while the Mormons don't?
@amy w
What salvation really means to you? Do you think apologia has that while the Mormons don't?
@amy w
You can quote me all verses in the Bible that says Salvation blah blah blah, but what does it really mean to you????
@amy w
So that's what you believe, owkey. If that is salvation, then Mormons Jesus saved a lot than those apologia men.LOL
Thank you kindly Apologia for your ongoing dedication to GOSPEL. May you continue to GO SPELL it out for others to understand and innerstand in application.
What a sweet man. I hope his heart was a little more open to your prof.
I pray this man comes to salvation through Christ!
It's hard to make an impact but it does happen, I grew up lds and have a biblical worldview now, but their entire structure for understanding the supernatural and scripture is an entirely different framework
Sorry to hear that you left! Yes, you really have to change the entire frame by which you read the scriptures to shift between, say, Reformed Theology or Evangelicalism and Mormonism. I believe, however, that the lens through with the LDS read them is much closer to the original theology as taught consistently throughout the OT, prior to the outside influences of Persian Zoroastrianism (which introduced the foreign concept of metaphysical monotheism), and Hellenic culture (which introduced ideas like the Absolute "Omnis," original sin, etc.) It's fascinating to see how much connection the "revolutionary" doctrine of Joseph Smith had to First Temple theology that we're only just beginning to understand better through archaeology. More than a coincidence, if you ask me!
@@Aldrnari more specifically what connections are you making between first temple judaism and Smith?
@@danvan2683 There are a ton... An understanding of the council of the gods and divine feminine, a restoration of temple rites that the Bible does not discuss but which we know from archaeology were practiced, a belief in a pre-existence, a proper understanding of the first chapters of Genesis, and more. It's a huge topic, but there's so much great evidence that the LDS movement is truly grounded in the supernatural---whether you believe it was from God or not.
@@Aldrnari it sounds like you are beggining with stuff specific to your church and seeing what you expect to with that as a presupposition.
I really care about the biblical narrative and lately I'm kinda a nerd when it comes to this historical reality, you are describing alot of separate issues, if you are interested I'd want to focus on one thing, this heavenly council is interesting, what exactly is it you feel is going on when we get descriptions of divine council's?
@@danvan2683 On the contrary, it is most often Christians who presuppose that their worldview is correct and project it onto the past---which is why unbiased non-Christian archaeologists most often interpret the evidence in a way that meshes with Mormonism rather than modern Christianity.
Sure, the heavenly council is a pretty well-established concept. We know quite a bit about it because similar concepts occur in cultures neighboring Israel: Ugarit, Mesopotamia, and even Egypt. I'll give my explanation based on the scholarly view, rather than the LDS one, to be fair---but it meshes quite well with the cosmology Joseph presented.
The Hebrews believed that the Father God El ruled as the Most High God among a plethora of lesser gods who were usually called the Bene Elohiym (Sons of God). According to the OT, after the events of the Tower of Babel, God divided up stewardship over the nations amongst these gods of the Council (see the Septuagint or Dead Sea versions of Deuteronomy 32:8---the Masoretic text was altered there).
One of the gods in this council was named YHWH, and he is most often portrayed as a kind of storm god in the earliest Biblical passages (See Exodus 15). Also in Exodus 15 verse 11, we see Moses praising YHWH as the mightiest among all of the gods. YHWH was also given an inheritance, and that inheritance was the nation of Israel. They acknowledged that other nations were ruled by other gods, but YHWH was theirs, and they thought he was the best (this Henotheism is well-attested in the archaeological record---more on that later).
In Psalm 82, we have a change: God steps forward to judge the gods which he has set over the nations, and he is displeased. He claims that they have judged unrighteously, and condemns them to death. The last verse in the chapter then gives us the key: It says that God (in this case, YHWH) will now be inheriting ALL of the Earth. The Most High Father still remains ultimately in charge, but he has given the whole Earth to YHWH. This belief eventually morphed into the Jewish rejection of Henotheism and evolution of Monotheism during about the 5th and 6th centuries BC.
We know this evolution happened due to the archaeology, which shows that originally, El had a consort named Asherah and a son named Yehu (Yahweh), but eventually, El and Yehu became conflated, and Asherah was seen as the consort of Yehu instead of his mother. Eventually, Monotheism took over during the post-Exilic period of the Deuteronomists, and Asherah worship was discontinued, but there are thousands of shrines which have 3 thrones in them that attest to what I'm saying here (and I have a lot more evidence that this was what they actually believed that I can go over if you want, although it's hard to share in RUclips comments).
So now along comes Jesus in the NT, a former member of the Divine Council, who correctly identifies himself as the Divine I AM (YHWH), and yet who makes a sharp distinction between himself and God the Father ("why call ye me good? There is none good but God," There is one God, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, etc.) Note the distinction between God and "the Lord" in many passages. Because Jesus (YHWH) has inherited the whole Earth from his Father (see Hebrews 1) , Jesus is the Lord of the Earth, the Divine King, and we may become "co-heirs" with Christ (see Romans 8:16-17), just as the original members of the Divine Council were seen as co-heirs with YHWH in the OT.
I could honestly go on, because so many little pieces fit when you begin to understand how the ancient Hebrews saw the gods (the need for the bizarre Trinity doctrine completely vanishes), but if you'd like to hone in on any specific point, feel free to let me know.
I love these videos. Scripture trumps feelings and experiences
“Did our hearts not burn within us”
Whose definition or interpretation is correct???
You need to do a bit more personal study and prayer 🙏
Thanks for sharing the REAL GOSPEL TO THIS MAN!!
Andrew Straight Preaching Fire! Good Job Brother!
Love this! Thank you for sharing it.
Beautiful 🙌🏾 the seed was planted 🙏🏾
Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked. But others said, “We will hear you again about this.” Acts 17:32
I do have to disagree in one point. Jesus Himself was the one in the burning bush. Jesus is also referred as the brightness of His Glory.
Unfortunately because the one that appeared in the burning bush claimed to be the Angel of the Lord, Jehovahs Witnesses and the Seventh Day Adventists believe that it was Michael that appeared
This is so wonderful, I only pray that God helps me to spread the Gospel the Truth..
The devil keeps on revealing himself as an angel of light!
Encourages me to go talk with my Mormon friends again!
In the last point the man was saying, where the guys in Acts were doing works with a different Gospel, the point is they were redirected to the TRUTH, the Way and everlasting life through our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ 🙏❤️
I'm pretty sure you all know this already, in a speech given by Joseph Smith at a funeral, he said he had done (Joseph) more for the kingdom then even Jesus Christ himself. You can read it online search King Follet discourse. The dead man's first name was King. And here's another fact they dont share too much, but you can find in the history of the church volume 3 or 4 cant remember , that the only way you'll get into the highest Kingdom is if Joseph Smith approves.
Can you help me find it?
I have out volume 3&4 I know the quote by Brigham young, but didn't know it was in the history of the church
@@pauldunn7000 I'm sorry, it wasn't in the history of the church. It's in Journal of Discourses vol.7 pages 282-291. Brigham Young Sermon Joseph Smith's consent needed to enter Heaven. I hope this helps. You can actually read it online.
This is a false statement.
This LDS man seems so sweet! I hope he hears the message.
1 John 3 1-2
1. Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
For the little bit that I was listening to this questioning I greatly respected the gentleman asking most of the questions because he seems sincere and not attacking and trying to prove a point because the fact is none of us have died there for none of us really know for a fact what is true versus what is based on faith. I was raised a Mormon, let the Mormon church for several different reasons went to a non-denominational church bought a different Bible, this Christian Church offered to different Bibles and that was the first time I realized that you can put two Bible side-by-side and they are not word for word the same. You can read the exact same scripture in two different Bible's and the wording can be completely different, therefore makes more sense that people believe the Bible in which is being used in their religious belief why there is so much confusion as to what the bible really says because there is so much inconsistency from one Bible. I have the Kings James Bible the new church I went to use I believe it was something like the LV Bible and I have had other Christian people read scriptures out of the Bible and I will try to find that scripture and cannot find it or it is worded completely different. I like these kind of open conversations if we can have them respectfully and I'd like to hear how other people interpret the Bible or the words of the Bible but the fact is always the same, none of us have died and come back and been able to tell for a fact what is really going on in heaven and what happens after death so we have to go based on faith or what are specific religious background teaches us
What a wonderful message, from you guys be blessed.
My father in law had esophageal cancer. Less than 3% of people make it past 5 years if " healed". He died in less than 2. I do hope this man walks away from this with a heart to think about what he has heard. I do hope his heart and his mind change. I hope he finds himself worshipping the real God
Brianne Hill sorry for your Loss
Thank you for your kind response.
Your father in law knows now who is the real God, but believe it or not, you can't convince me that you know who is the real God!
Good job, way to “speak the truth with love”.
The guy with the sombrero knows about his religions as much as i know how to make a rocket.
Good content brother. God bless
I think that this gentleman can he won back from Mormanism.
Into another form of moron-ism
No you can't, he is from christian mimics before he became LDS.
I think he can he just thinks mostly about the experiences and what he saw, But the truth is what he saw and believes is not from God but the masquerader of light who will perform miracles and deceive so many
Hopefully not. He's not the most knowledgeable LDS guy I've seen, but he's in the right place, bless him.
6:20 I respectfully disagree. I don't believe Moses was talking to the Father in the bush or any other time in the OT. It was Jesus, pre-incarnate Jesus, or, otherwise, we must submit that we cannot know for absolute certain. What I will say is that scripture supports the idea it COULD be pre-incarnate Jesus, but it simply doesn't support it possibly being the Father. The Holy Spirit? Probably not, but I'd argue that would be more plausible still than the Father.
I disagree when they said it wasn't jesus who appeared to moses. Whenever we see the phrase; " the angel of the lord" is the preincarnate Christ. Jesus said that no one at any time has seen the father. Paul even says that no one has seen the father and nobody ever will. So I would disagree there, but great video. I love the lds people
I love the respect shown and truth shared in love here (Eph. 4:14-16). Well done.
Great talk. I did have one thing, you said it was the Father calling from the bush. Exodus 3:2 says it was "The Angel of the Lord" who is God, and God's messenger, and far as I've always understood it, was the Word in his per-human eternal existence. I could be wrong, but just curious how you all interpret the text. Keep up the good work, and may our God and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless you.
"Who is the angel of the Lord?"
Answer: The precise identity of the “angel of the Lord” is not given in the Bible. However, there are many important “clues” to his identity. There are Old and New Testament references to “angels of the Lord,” “an angel of the Lord,” and “the angel of the Lord.” It seems when the definite article “the” is used, it is specifying a unique being, separate from the other angels. The angel of the Lord speaks as God, identifies Himself with God, and exercises the responsibilities of God (Genesis 16:7-12; 21:17-18; 22:11-18; Exodus 3:2; Judges 2:1-4; 5:23; 6:11-24; 13:3-22; 2 Samuel 24:16; Zechariah 1:12; 3:1; 12:8). In several of these appearances, those who saw the angel of the Lord feared for their lives because they had “seen the Lord.” Therefore, it is clear that in at least some instances, the angel of the Lord is a theophany, an appearance of God in physical form.
The appearances of the angel of the Lord cease after the incarnation of Christ. Angels are mentioned numerous times in the New Testament, but “the angel of the Lord” is never mentioned in the New Testament after the birth of Christ. There is some confusion regarding Matthew 28:2, where the KJV says “the angel of the Lord” descended from heaven and rolled the stone away from Jesus’ tomb. It is important to note that the original Greek has no article in front of angel; it could be “the angel” or “an angel,” but the article must be supplied by the translators. Other translations besides the KJV say it was “an angel,” which is the better wording.
It is possible that appearances of the angel of the Lord were manifestations of Jesus before His incarnation. Jesus declared Himself to be existent “before Abraham” (John 8:58), so it is logical that He would be active and manifest in the world. Whatever the case, whether the angel of the Lord was a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ (Christophany) or an appearance of God the Father (theophany), it is highly likely that the phrase “the angel of the Lord” usually identifies a physical appearance of God
Let him talk! He’ll stumble on something quickly.
Woooooioooeeeee these boys are on fire!!!!! Praise God this is amazing witnessing
Yeah,They will surely go straight to the hell fire!!! LOL
Does anyone know where I can learn to evangelize like these Awesome Brothers?
Become super knowledgeable on the Bible, engage with love, try to learn what different sort of arguments different people have and be prepared with proper responses, be sincere, patient, compassionate and learn from others who you think are good at it.
@@MisterNobody77 God Bless you Brother and thank you
@@MisterNobody77 if I may ask how did you put this answer together? You make many good points .
If Jesus was not seen as deity, or claiming to be deity, then WHY was He condemned and killed in such a horrible way? Why the public display? Why the mockery? I feel bad for people that don’t get this simple concept
I love you guys from Apologia! I'm always studying you. Hey, if you guys are Baptist do you believe of the dwelling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues? ! Corinthians 12:8
Ok so first things first, I agree with these guys that the true Jesus is the only path to salvation. Also I admire that they are using their time to spread the gospel to lost people. That being said from 17:50 on this video gets a lil hard to watch. The Mormon guy was being very polite and had already given his contact info and expressed a desire to continue the conversation on a later date. The gentleman with the baseball cap on however seem to me very combative. Like he was there to score theological points more so than actually try to reach this guy. An example would be when his friend steps in to try to calm the situation by saying that people sometimes get mad but their intention is not to upset people, and before he could finish the gentleman in the cap says "Yea n we love that" in reference to people getting man. Worse I think is when he asked the guy if he knows what the word fiction means 😒. I'm just saying don't forget what the whole point of you guys being out there is. You're not just trying to win a debate.
I would ask you to go back a listen to that section, he actually said "we love them". Although I will say he does need to work on self monitoring skill, no one will be one over in a 20 minute debate. Even Paul says in 1st Pester 3:15 to be ready to make a defense for your hope and to do it with gentleness and respect
Telling someone that what he believe is false using your own belief is not good. You just only pissing them off.
The man may not have had another week. Luke 12:20 -"But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee..."
I agree.. not saying it wasn't done with good intentions but the one guy came off a little too strong.. sometimes that is the reason it backfires..
I wish I had the patience to discuss these things with Mormons and JW's. I find these debates fascinating, but I don't have the patience to do it myself.
The guy with the red beard needs to come across a little more sympathetic. I know he has a passion to help people and I am grateful for that. But if your reading this I would just ask u be careful, and come across with concern, love, and just be careful with words.
I am a Christian. But as a Christian watching this I am just giving some honest criticisms.
Because we all wanna reach these people but they will only hear this and stand there listening if we don’t offend them
You have to understand something most of us if we're giving love to because we care about themwe're going to give God's truth and nothing but the truth along with the love that's what you have to have in God's truth will always offend you can't be worried about offending people now we're not talking about running them down making him feel small that's not what we're talking about the truth of Christ will always offend you can't be afraid of that you can't ever water down the gospel you got to give the truth at all times that's the problem with a lot of Christians nowadays, that's why you got the Joel olsteen's and some of the others they're so worried about offending people to try to get numbersthe gospel of the Bible does offend you have to give the truth man otherwise you won't end up in Hell God makes it very clear that he will spit you out of his mouth if you are lukewarm you have to give the truth and it is brutal you give it with love but you can't water it down
"Only God could absorb the wrath of the Father"
Please where do you get this?
I think this would be a powerful witness, if I could understand where it comes from, if it's from scripture.
God Bless 🙏
Thank you!!
I believe God IS the Father, God IS the Holy Spirit, and God IS the Son they are All one and interchangeable, each serves a specific purpose but All are equal. I know you guys are coming at him with love i get it, and this man is deceived but i cant help but feel like he was a little bombarded, so many people talking to him. I’m not trying to be negative but I’m sorry it just seemed a lot coming at him at once.
But I think he knew it was in love but also when we are made to feel uncomfortable, it makes us question and that is what the truth always does. Like when God is wanting us to move forward in His purpose He makes our current situation uncomfortable. We only need to be willing to question as that is opening our hearts and ears to His instruction. But then when He has worked to move us closer to Him that situation that was unpleasantly uncomfortable is turned into joy and praise and we would do.it all again to be where we are at the end. I went through it with years of suicidal depression and now I k ow Him I'd live through it all again to be where I am. I think it's that we are obviously only able to see our present moment and that's where trust and faith come in. It can be hard for a while but He is always leading us in love, we just can't see it til we get there lol xx
Lea lea I totally agree with all you said. So many people were talking to this man and thats ok but I’m just looking at it from the angle that if someone doesn’t understand and all these Christians are coming at him though we know there intent this gentleman may not have known it. There is no harm in speaking the truth but maybe just a different approach of not having not so many people involved in talking to him.
love this
Im a world where Christianity is on a decline, why is there so much hate towards different religions? We all believe in Christ and that should bring us together to make the world a better place. Why so much hate for differing opinions? The comments in here make me sad. We should unite on the fact that we believe in Christ and go forth making the work a better place.
Tanner, because the individual filmed in the video believes in a Christ that is false and does not save. The true Christ is the all holy, eternal God who laid the foundations of the Earth. The Mormon Jesus was conceived out of a sexual relationship with god the father and is satan's brother. These are two different Christs. Also, the purpose of the gospel is NOT to bring us together and make the world a better place. The purpose of the gospel is for men to see how sick they are and are in need of the Physician. It is only through the understanding of our wicked nature that we can have peace with God through our mediator Lord Jesus. What you see as hate God has declared to be the most righteous form of love. Open your heart and eyes to these truths Tanner.
Praying. Great convo!
I was rooting for him to get saved was hoping
I feel so bad for this man he lost in this false gospel i pray he sets free from it and come to the true Christ.
Problem today is too much is based on our experiences, these are subjective, Objective truth is the word of GOD, most christians(lds/mormon church is NOT christian) are biblically illiterate. Excellent civil arguement to a lds man who never got offended of defensive ... GOD BLESS ALL of you out there and the baby !!! Sharing the Love of CHRIST is the ALL in ALL.
Funny, I had the guy pegged as a cop from the start. The Texas DPS style cowboy hat must've tipped me off.
Love seeing the kids there
Apologia says that the serpent telling Eve that if she ate the forbidden fruit she would be as gods knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5) is like the Latter Day Saint doctrine that men can become gods. But there was no lie in telling Eve they would become as gods (as confirmed in Genesis 3:22); the only lie was that she would not die.
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord because He is merciful towards to LDS church. I hope that they turn from the Mormon teachings and are set free by the truth.
What truth is that??? Can you explain it?
Using Bible verses can help to the degree that he trusts the Bible. LDS need to know that the Bible has not been corrupted. It has been accurately preserved. How did Jesus feel about God's word? Everything Jesus did was for the fulfillment of God's word. When Jesus was tempted, He said, "It is written." He used the Scriptures some of which were just as old to Him as His words are to us. Psalms 138:2 "You have exalted above all things Your Name and your Word." In the KJV, it reads "Your word above Your name." Think about that for a moment. Would Jesus allow the Word of GOD to be corrupted? Never, No, Not ever. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will never pass away. (Luke 21:33, Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31) The Dead Sea Scrolls prove beyond all doubt whatsoever that the Scriptures have not been corrupted as the Book of Mormon claims. This fact alone disproves all of Mormonism while at the same time proving the Bible true. The Dead Sea Scrolls were not discovered in Joseph Smith's day so he was not called to account for the discrepancy, although the Kinderhook plates and the Book of Abraham disprove Mormonism as well, many of the LDS turn atheist, so it is to their benefit that we first help them to trust the Good Book, the Books, the Library, the Bible. True blue through and through. God bless you in reaching out to the LDS.
He is in there because he knows what he is there for.
Yup, and no matter what, they can't convince the man to worship a 1 being god with 3 personality. LOL
Amen Brothers 💯
6:07 the answer is yes. Moses saw the pre incarnate Christ.
Great conversation
Apologia are now misquoting scripture to say that the Bible says anyone not teaching their version of the gospel is accursed. Apologia are very proud, haughty and bigoted.
Can someone help me out here? 0:44 the LDS man thanks him for clarifying LDS from Mormon? Is that something new now? I have never see that before in my life.
Yea they changed their website and now want to be called LDS not mormon anymore
@@michaelswain6125 interesting. Did they say why they chose to do that, or was it like a "new revelation" type thing?
@@Parks179-h Honestly, I am not sure, but I am sure there is an article out there that would explain it. From what I understand, calling someone a Mormon has historically been rooted and attributed as a sort of slang or mocking way of identifying people who followed Joseph Smith.
Three in One might refer to that God don't wanna go to Hawai,and Jesus wanna go to Indonesia,and The Holy Spirit wanna go to Australia. They are one of Heart and Mind.
To not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was saying Do not “ play God”. Do not make yourself the reference point to all things. Do not lean to your own understanding. The devils temptation was that you would be like God. It is envy against God just like satan did.
First of all...FIRST commandment... the rest is history....for example.
I heard Ray Comfort from “Living Waters” say that when people when they maybe use their act of kindness they receive upraise When god should be receiving it that is a gift from god and they shouldn’t use it in the manner that they do.
Excellent interaction
I love the way that lovely gentle female voice asked the Mormon man: "How do you even believe Al these things that are taught in the LDS"???
That made me laugh because that's EXACTLY my question to LDS members. How can anyone Believe in a bunch of baloney....ha ha ha 😂
The Christian out doing work and judging while telling a mormon works dont do anything and he loves him.
the Christian’s work is out of love and obedience to the Lord. It is not meant to justify them. Only faith does that. The work is evidence of the justifying faith.
What about your judging?
Praise God!
Wow wow wow. Watching 4 people debating imaginary things is fascinating,
You know that God exists, but suppress this knowledge with your sin.
@@OracleOfSages you know god doesn’t exist and cannot live without an imaginary friend. Now how do we tell who’s right me or you?
The way Mormons can shut someone down takes skill. You could say literally anything and they will look blankly into your eyes until you stop talking. For being such open-minded interpreters of the Bible, they don't venture outside their bubble of belief. No animosity here whatsoever ... just wow.
Apologia is now saying that John 1 says that Jesus created everything, everywhere, ever in existence. But the most literal translation of John 1 is;
1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God;
2. this one was in the beginning with God;
3. all things through him did happen, and without him happened not even one thing that hath happened.
That’s very different from saying that Jesus created everything, everywhere, ever in existence.
Apologia then quote Colossians 1:16 as a supposed proof text that Jesus created everything, everywhere, ever in existence. But all Colossians 1:16 says is that Jesus created all thrones, dominions, principalities and powers. Not that Jesus created everything, everywhere, ever in existence.
God is extremely good and He will always be good but there will be a day when the Sky's will crack open and alllll eyes will see the glory of our God our Lord our savior Jesus Christ keep the faith bro's
when they get cornered they go to "my testimony" smdh thats the devil making them hold on to lies I hope he comes out of that cult he was genuinely listening but those false testimonies
And what testimony do you have? It seems like they don't have a true testimony but you have it all.LOL
First of all, what a blessing to see this man sincerely want to listen. In regards to the trinity...LeBron is a Laker, A.D. is a Laker, Dwight Howard is a Laker. Three persons, one “Lakers”
I'm sorry brother but that's a horrible analogy to try and define the Trinity in so many different ways
@@choicemeatrandy6572 Well it's closer to What LDS believe but the Bible doesn't teach about a Trinity
No actually I take that back because Mormons believe the same exact way he tried to define the Trinity
@@choicemeatrandy6572 Well the way Ryan explained the Trinity is exactly how Mormons believe. They believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are literally 3 persons.. I don't deny the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost but I don't believe it to be 3 separate persons
@@choicemeatrandy6572 Trust me I've done a lot of digging in the LDS Doctrine. They believe in 3 literal persons. Look into it yourself. And if Modalism is what you call it but I call it Oneness which the original Apostolics believed and taught. The fullness of the Trinity doctrine wasn't even complete until the 4th Century. Your belief is heresy my friend .Mainstream Christianity
Apologia says that the Bible never says that men will ever be worshipped. Apologia are very naive if they think the Bible says everything that will happen to everything, ever in existence. The Bible clearly teaches that there is more than one god in existence, though we only ever worship the Father and the Son. The Bible also clearly teaches that men will become gods; Deuteronomy 10:17, Joshua 22:22, Psalms 82:1, Psalms 82:6, Psalms 136:2, Daniel 11:36, Matthew 5:48, 10:34, John 17:22, Acts 17:29, Romans 8:17, 1 Corinthians 8:5,6. 2 Corinthians 3:18, Galatians 4:7, Ephesians 4:13,Philippians 2:5,6. 2 Peter 1:4, 1 John 3:2, Revelation 3:21.
Luke 16:16. The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.
Exodus 3:2, “the angel of the Lord” and then 3:4, “Yahweh saw”. I think this is the preincarnate Jesus speaking to Moses. Jesus thinks this also when He speaks to the people recorded for us in John 8:58. Any thought?
“Are ye not gods” that’s right, Jesus was literally castigating them as unrighteous rulers, not as diety
This is not only misquoting scripture, but it is also a wrong interpretation of Scripture. Both Psalms 82 and John 10:34 state that God views men as Gods in training. the correct quote from john 10:34-36 is, "Is it not written in your law, I said ye are Gods? If He called them Gods... {how} say ye of Him... thou blasphemest, because I said, I am the Son of God?"
The entire premise of John 10 is Jesus rebuking the Pharisees for declaring Jesus a blasphemer when He claimed to be a son of God and therefore a potential heir of and partner with God. Jesus tells them that the Mosaic Law which all of them know by heart, declares that all men are Gods, and therefore they have no scriptural authority to tell Jesus otherwise. Psalms 82 is what Jesus was referring to about it being written in their law.
And Psalms 82 is a teaching about the nature of God and His relationship to us. It declares that God stands in the midst of other Gods and is the mightiest of them, but that those other Gods are His children and will endure mortality and die as to the body and the spirit, because of the misunderstanding that we have in regards to that principle and our relationship to God. It's a call for God to judge and chasten and prod us so that we may learn His ways, that we too may become as God is (Matt 5:48), because we are the inheritance of God. It is an eternal perspective, no different than when God speaks of future events as if they have already happened, because God sees the end from the beginning and all things are before Him at once. It is a reference to man's potential for equality with God as our fullest inheritance to always remain under Him, but to become an equal partner with Him if it so be that we achieve the perfection that He abides by.
People misunderstand the nature of God, and that is where it all goes wrong for their interpretation of God's word. That and many people are unable to have an eternal perspective when it comes to things of God.
scott banta Yeah Isaiah 45:5 says what again?
“I am the LORD, and THERE IS NONE ELSE, there is NO God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me”
Take your heresy elsewhere.
@@michaeloud6044 and that is where you are completely misunderstanding the nature of the scriptures. I don't disagree with this scripture I disagree with you shortsighted interpretation of the scripture. It is true that there is none other God that stands beside our God in ruling over and being the steward of us and this world. There is none that stand beside our God to rule over us. He is the creator of this world and therefore, there can be none other that can be the God of this world. It's a higherarchy of authority. at the top is the Father, then the Son, then the Holy Ghost, then resurrected beings, then the angels, then mortals, etc. think of it as a pyramid. but then imagine that for every different populated world, there is a different pyramid with different people in all of those groups/titles. Just because there can be different creators of those different worlds and those creators are equal according to their position as creator, does not at all mean that a different creator can come and take possession of our world. Nor does it mean that anyone within that creation can rise to take over the creation from our God. and that is why our God has none like Him as the creator of our world, and the savior of the people of our world. Very rarely do we find bible passages referring to any other worlds or context outside of this world, and yet so many try to conflate the position of our God, to also be the God of all the other worlds. But that is not necessarily the case, and there is no scripture that exists that refutes the idea that other creators of other worlds exist. and several scriptures that hint to other Gods existing. context is very important, but sadly I have found that many are ignorant of the context of scripture and the eternal ramifications that their interpretations pose that are not in line with God's nature.
This is why LDS people find it so difficult to discuss the deeper doctrines with mainstream Christians, because mainstream Christians are so quick to shut things down with vague and unspecified words and don't ever think to actually analyze what those words mean. it's a shallow and doctrinally ignorant approach to the word of God only looking at the surface words and never attempt to dive deeper into the meaning and intentions of why those words are in there in the first place. And that is precisely why the Mainstream Christian religions are always so lacking in having an eternal perspective, more complete understanding of the word of God, and more realistic approach to the Gospel. it's all about magical events and unquestioning devotion to ethereal and unexplainable happenstances. it's all feeling based and not logic, scripture, or doctrine based. And that is why Main stream Christians are more susceptible to being tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14). i get that some people simply cannot force their brains to work on that deep of a level and that they are prone to have shallow understandings and surface arguments about words that they have not or sometimes cannot fully comprehend. But that doesn't make them more correct just because they can't understand it. they are welcome to stick to what they can grasp, but to belittle and demean others for having a deeper understanding is pure ignorance, brought on by a circumstantial and preconceptual paradox.
@@scottb4509 Ok let's think about this. God says "I am the only one"...pretty simple. God also said There were NO Gods formed before Him NEITHER shall there be any AFTER. So let me ask, were you formed before or after God? Because if you fall into either of those places then you aren't a god and never will be. Jesus is the ONLY BEGOTTEN from God (meaning He was God) was nearly stoned to death because He said "I AM" which is ONLY a label for God. You, me, your neighbor, and every human to EVER exist was ONLY a human; a CREATED and FINITE being. The first lie that Satan told Eve is the same one the LDS church fell for. "Ye shall be as gods". So let me tell you, was Satan confused and saying "hey man you're already gods, but you can be super duper gods"? Let us look further, when LDS become their own "god'' they believe they will get other planets and however many wives they sealed themselves too and then their kids will have kids and people will get married and on and on and on. But let's see what Jesus said Mark 12:24-25 "And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because YE KNOW NOT the scriptures, neither the power of God? For when they shall rise from the dead, THEY NEITHER MARRY, NOR ARE GIVEN IN MARRIAGE; but are as the angels which are in heaven.".....So Jesus, the savior of the world, the God of creation says there will be NO marriage in heaven...LDS are wrong again. The LDS "super gods" who did everything right believe that they will receive praise as gods in their new world. God says "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." So LDS are wrong there too, you will not be given glory as a god, you will be a servant to the ONE true God. For goodness sake, your prophets said that black people were spirit cowards who wouldn't fight against satan during his rebellion! How twisted can you be?! Jesus didn't allow for polygamy and yet Joseph Smith married what...34 women in total? He also LIED to his wife about several! Also, many of them were ALREADY married! What does God say about coveting another man's wife??? So he was a liar, a covetous man, an adulterer, a man who changed his "vision" 4 times, a man who called black people spirit cowards, a man who claimed he ran through the woods for miles carrying golden plates that would have weighed about 140lbs under each arm (which I dare you to try), a man who claimed an angel threatened to kill him if he didn't marry a woman, a man who married 14yr old girls, and many many more issues!!! Your prophet was just looking to MAKE a profit! You have been sold a lie my dude! Feel free to address any of these FACTS about the LDS. While you're at it, explain how the magical underwear that people were forced to wear works even though not a SINGLE apostle of Jesus wore them or endorsed such a teaching. Also, let's talk about how you guys don't allow your young boys on missions trips to talk to their family other than during "authorized times". Or why up until recently women weren't allowed to be on missions trips. Please feel free to correct ALL of these things!
@@michaeloud6044 Again you are missing the context. and the nature of God and man for that matter, but we'll stick with the context for now.
God is speaking specifically to the people He created on this world. therefore, the context is only about what is happening on this world from the time God formed it. thus if God formed this world, and is the creator and ruler of this world, it is obvious that there can be none other that could be the ruler of this world before our God, and there will never come about anyone even if they grow to be Gods like unto our God, who could usurp the authority to ruler over this world at any point in the future. That is the context and proper perspective we should take from these passages. I was not formed before God, nor would I ever believe that I could become the ruler over this world as God is. You are still stuck on what the words say and are failing to see what the words mean.
Oh the irony that you'd use Satan's words to Eve as an argument when the scripture clearly refutes your idea. I get this rebuttal almost every time the topic comes up, but not 5 verses after that encounter between Satan and Eve, God Himself declares that Adam and Eve did in fact, "become as one of us, to know good and evil" (Gen. 3:22). please learn your Bible before you try and use it in your arguments. God agreed with Satan, and yet Mainstream Christians are so ignorant of the words they claim to be so committed to following. Satan was not lying, Satan was attempting to diminish their potential by pointing out that they are clearly not at that point equal with God because God has the knowledge of good and evil, while they did not, and that the way for them to gain that knowledge is by partaking of the forbidden fruit. and lo and behold God agreed with Satan.
To claim that you are nothing but a finite being is to be ignorant of your own nature and the fullest potential for which God has created you.
And again with the story of the 7 brothers and the one wife. when will you people learn that you are completely twisting scripture to mean things it does not say. you need to analyze what Mark 12 is actually saying. It does not say that no marriages will be valid in Heaven. It says that no marriages will be performed for resurrected beings. for those who have risen from the dead, (ie. resurrected beings), no one can either become married, nor be given in marriage. Look at the context. If you think that there will be no marriage in heaven then you don't believe in the promises of the gospel of Christ. the entire premise of the redemption of man through Christ is that we will be "married" to Christ for eternity as the "bride of Christ". that entire concept debunks your whole interpretation of Mark 12. If no marriage can exist in Heaven then you don't get to be with Christ, because that is the connection that Christ declares will bind us to Him. and Christ even spells it all out using the parable of the 10 virgins, which is a marriage ceremony. marriage does exist in Heaven and does perpetuate beyond the grave, but if those marriages are not performed before the resurrection, by the proper authority of God, then they are not valid in Gods eternal kingdom. That is what Christ is teaching. but again context is important, this hypothetical scenario is brought to Christ by the Saducees, who did not believe in the resurrection in the first place, so Christ cuts right through the fluff of the story and get right to the underlying issue that they could not grasp. that they don't understand the scriptures and they they don't understand how the power of God works, because there will be a resurrection, that just because marriages take place in this life does not mean that they were done by God's authority, and therefore are not recognized by God, and that what we do in this life will effect how we live and the level of glory and reward we receive in that eternal kingdom after the resurrection. For all those that are not married by the proper authority of God in this life then they cannot get married in that eternal kingdom and are therefore stunted in their progression into exaltation, and only receive the glory of an angel, and not as an exalted eternally progressing being, as God is.
The Lord is One ☝️ and came to save us himself manifested in the flesh.. Jesus was and is the Living God.. Colossians 2:9 Timothy 1- 3:16 Philippians 2:6-9 Deuteronomy 6:4
If you want to know how it is that you lose a Mormon after 10 or 15 or 20 minutes of some really good witnessing
All you have to do to ruin all of that is just say to the Mormon "repent"
At that moment if 90% of what you said had been dismissed it will all go out the window
all men hate to be called to repentance. that is the pride of us sinners.
only the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts make us realize how deep our evil is.
@@user-zw1xs8qw9y if a man's wife ask him does she look fat in a particular outfit (that doesn't fit her particularly well)
He can matter of factly answer yes,
have an argument & lose his wife
Or he can say it's not so much that honey
It's you look so much better in the other thing
Saying something that you know will harden the heart of another then excusing it
saying "well you just don't like what I say" does not make a bad communication good
So what about the parts of The Bible that weren't lost or left out like Isaiah 4310 and other places that say that you're not gonna become a God you can't God says what do you do with those verses
The trinity made simple:
My limbs are fully me
My torso is fully me
my head and neck are fully me
My head is not my limbs, and my torso is not my neck.
Thats the trinity, distinct persons being part on one being.
Just like its not of the neck's to do the walking and how its not the place of the shoulder to speak, so too it was only the fatherls to know the date and time of the end and it was only for Jesus to come and die for us.
I hope it helped you! Please let me know
No offense but that's a bad analogy. My neck is not fully me it's part of me. As is my arm or my head. The son is not one third of God like my arm is one part of me. The son is fully God. As is the Father and also the Holy Spirit. All 3 are completely God. There is nothing in creation that is anything like that. Not an egg, not the different states of water, and definitely not the human body.
Pahahahahahaha!!!!!! Literally what came to my mind when I saw the comment you were responding to.
@@benjaminisales5386 my arm is fully me, there is no point in my arm that it stops being me.
I thing you're putting the order wrong. What it is not, is that i'm not fully arms only. But my arm is fully me.
Ie: God is not Only Jesus, but Jesus is fully God.
Heck, the point of analogies is not to fully flesh out a topic. Just like it says the church is the bride of Jesus, it doesnt mean that we will literally have sex with him life a bride does with her husband.
Or when Jesus said his word was like seed that fell in 3 grounds, it doesnt actually mean that each type of believer is segregated geographcally (sorry, you cant join our Church, you are from a very atheist ndighborhood)
The point of an analogy is to reveal n underlying truth. And should always be followed up with an explanation. (just like how jesus teaches after his analogies)
And i'd argue that looking to the church and to the human body is an excellent way to find God and understand a little bit more of him. You know why? Becajse we were made in their image, in the image of all 3 person of God were we created. And the church was created by God himself too.
Being self defeating is nothing but contraproducent. The analogy helps by allowing a mormon to understand how different persons can be part of one being. Or heck, use the church, its one thing, with one stated purpose made up of billions of persons.
Again, its just tools in the arsenal to allow scripture to be better understood
@@Mattchew2232 @some guy my arm is fully me, there is no point in my arm that it stops being me.
I thing you're putting the order wrong. What it is not, is that i'm not fully arms only. But my arm is fully me.
Ie: God is not Only Jesus, but Jesus is fully you.
Hell, its even deeper than that. "Me" is a concept that doesnt exist. I'm not one thing but a community of billions of cells. Each cell is a completely independant thing that forms "me"
The arm, or the cell both are "me" but its not the only thing in "me" just how Jesus is fully God but its not the only thing that is God.