Catholic Church - Commercial

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Catholic Church - Commercial (TV Spot). Come home to the Catholic Church. Become a part of one of the oldest and most respected Catholic Churches in the world.."The Church Of Notre Dame."

Комментарии • 84

  • @RomeBoys
    @RomeBoys 4 года назад +5

    This commerical is amazing! Praise God!

  • @liviarhuma3344
    @liviarhuma3344 10 лет назад +9

    Learned so much about The catholic Church in a short video! Job well done! Proud to be CATHOLIC

    • @Amir4christ
      @Amir4christ 5 лет назад

      Catholicism and religion itself will lead you to hell for Jesus rebukes and destroys religion in Matthew 23. Repent and be reborn in Jesus' name.

    • @Amir4christ
      @Amir4christ 4 года назад

      @Luther Knox The Counter Reformer
      Seeing that you're not actually part of the body which is THE church, you statement is quite hypocritical and a lie as Catholicism is of the devil and not of God, nor was it started by the Lord. Where does Jesus say to pray to my mother? Where does he pray to her and use the rosary? Why didn't He likewise say to pray to Saint Moses or Abraham? Jesus actually calls Mary woman twice in the book of John because he is the creator, she's the creation. In 1 Timothy 2:5, it says that there is only one mediator between you and God, and that's Jesus Christ! Not the saints nor Mary! Mary and the saints cannot hear you, to say they can hear millions of people at once puts them on the same level as God and that's unbiblical heretical blasphemy, for are they also omnipresent? Jesus also essentially says in Matthew 6:6 that only God has the power to hear what you say in the secret. Jesus teaches us how to pray, he taught us how to pray the Our Father, NOT hail Mary. Even that 'hail' is blasphemy. You Catholics need to turn away from that church of satan, actually open up the Bible, and follow it. Christ will lead you out of that church if you're truly seeking and humble, for he has done so to me for he had lead me out of that man made religion. The apostles weren't Catholic either, they were Christians, as they claimed they were in Acts 11:26, not Catholics! For Jesus says you must be born again to see the Kingdom of God in John 3:3, not Catholic. Religion is man made and it leads to hell, Jesus never started the Catholic religion nor religion in general nor does he tell us to follow one. He tells us to follow him only in Luke 9:23, not a religion! Where's purgatory in the Bible as well? Hebrews 9:27 is clear on what happens after death. Repent! Stop sinning and, stop following man made traditions and man's flesh! Repent or Perish! (Luke 13:3) Your blood is now on your hands... (Ezekiel 33:4-6) Stop calling these priests your father as well, Jesus specifically says not to do that in Matthew 23:9! Read the Bible! Turn truly to Christ! The Holy Spirit will reveal to you the truth, ask and seek! God Bless you.

    • @Amir4christ
      @Amir4christ 4 года назад

      @Luther Knox The Counter Reformer
      You're just making assumptions rather than actually addressing what was written to you making your points not to actually be taken seriously as it holds no actually weight to it. You're speaking words and such from your flesh rather than from the Spirit and backing it. I don't even have my own interpretation so not only are you a liar and accusationist like your father the devil (John 8:44+1 John 3:8), you likewise are bearing false witness and Jesus says that all liars shall have their part in the lake of firee in Revelation 21:8. Your "don't expose darkness and wickedness" is ignorance and not what the scriptures say for it says clearly in Ephesians 5:11 to expose wickedness and darkness, and such I will do with that church leading many people to hell, of whom I used to be part of until the Lord led me out of that religion. You show to not even properly use scripture, so why are you even talking about twisting, which on is an assertion and accusation, not an actual backed argument. You need to repent and turn to Jesus sir. Seek the Holy Spirit for He will teach you all things as Jesus says He will in John 14:26. Learn from the Holy Spirit, not men in robes lying to you.

  • @alondrarangel1334
    @alondrarangel1334 5 лет назад +2

    Where’s this commercial on tv? It should come on every channel.

  • @thomaspelletier7790
    @thomaspelletier7790 10 лет назад +5

    ha d to watch this again.had shivers down my my church

  • @mailchrisbailey
    @mailchrisbailey 11 лет назад +1

    The Catholic Church brings glory to itself. Why be proud to be anything when it was God who chose you before the foundations of the earth?

  • @AGirlWithoutAName
    @AGirlWithoutAName 5 лет назад +2

    It was so powerful. So beautiful. The Catholic Church is the true church of God. Amen

  • @MyROMERO84
    @MyROMERO84 11 лет назад +1

    What an awesome video!

  • @connellfrank
    @connellfrank 12 лет назад +1

    You've got a solid point on the Crusades and Inquisition. You're wrong on Galileo and the "many other oppositions to the progress of science." To get the truth on galileo read "The Sleepwalkers" by Arthur Koestler. It's an enlightening read, full of primary source references. The Church did in fact devise the scientific method.
    And healing Africa with contraceptives and abortions? What good would it be if Africans emerged from poverty by selling their souls?

  • @jcTamales
    @jcTamales 11 лет назад +6

    I don't care what these angry people looking to cause arguments say,, I'm proud to be catholic

  • @lakbaykatolikotvchannel9165
    @lakbaykatolikotvchannel9165 12 дней назад


  • @lakbaykatolikotvchannel9165
    @lakbaykatolikotvchannel9165 12 дней назад

    Hello can I use this vedio for my program??

  • @Matthew19302
    @Matthew19302 10 лет назад +10

    this is so touching I am proud to be a catholic

    • @Amir4christ
      @Amir4christ 5 лет назад

      Catholicism and religion itself will lead you to hell for Jesus rebukes and destroys religion in Matthew 23. Repent and be reborn in Jesus' name.

    • @christiandahms8846
      @christiandahms8846 3 года назад +1

      @@Amir4christ I believe in God, the Father almighty,
      creator of heaven and earth.
      I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
      He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
      and born of the virgin Mary.
      He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
      was crucified, died, and was buried.
      He descended to the dead.
      On the third day he rose again.
      He ascended into heaven,
      and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
      He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
      I believe in the Holy Spirit,
      the holy Catholic Church,
      the communion of the saints,
      the forgiveness of sins,
      the resurrection of the body,
      and the life everlasting. Amen

  • @MAP596
    @MAP596 11 лет назад +1

    Amazing! #prolife #traditionalmarriage #catholic

  • @Reazzurro90
    @Reazzurro90 11 лет назад

    Also on Galileo the Church never ruled against heliocentrism, indeed, a notable Catholic (COPERNICUS, who was never condemned) aired it. The Church allowed and approved healthy debate on heliocentrism. Galileo was condemned not for promoting heliocentrism, but by his allegations that the Church needed to reinterpret scripture, which led him to tread on territory that was not his to touch. Not to mention his many enemies capitalized on the situation in order to get rid of him. And they succeded.

  • @thomaspelletier7790
    @thomaspelletier7790 10 лет назад +1

    AMEN!thats my church!!!!!woooooooooooooo!!*slightly overzealous*

  • @PureBrideOfChrist
    @PureBrideOfChrist 11 лет назад +2


  • @joeyodonnell6337
    @joeyodonnell6337 9 лет назад +1

    Monk at 0:48 looks exactly like Bill Belichick

  • @mrniceguy8298
    @mrniceguy8298 10 месяцев назад

    but the money still belongs to the people who donated

  • @Clicksubthanks
    @Clicksubthanks 11 лет назад +1

    So ... My borther will be a priests. XD
    ✦Misty FrostJewel✦

  • @Reazzurro90
    @Reazzurro90 11 лет назад +1

    You are missing quite a bit of information on both the Inquisition and the Crusades. The former was merely a Church court, and less died in three hundred years of inquisition than Christians died in the first year of the reign of terror of the French Revolution.
    The Crusades, similarly, were a defensive reaction against a force (Islam) that had already conquered half of Christendom, and three of the five holy patriarchates of Christianity. Context is everything, mikerda.

  • @johngorbyjr9547
    @johngorbyjr9547 7 лет назад

    Epic Commercial

  • @esmartcc7911
    @esmartcc7911 9 лет назад +1

    As a Orthodox Christian ,i'd say welcome home ,schismatic

  • @marcelorivera199811
    @marcelorivera199811 10 лет назад

    One million, more like one billion

  • @mailchrisbailey
    @mailchrisbailey 11 лет назад +2

    If the Bible is a Catholic book, why does it nowhere mention the Catholic Church? Why is there no mention of a pope, a cardinal, an archbishop, a parish priest, a nun, or a member of any other Catholic order? If the Bible is a Catholic book, why is auricular confession, indulgences, prayers to the saints, adoration of Mary, veneration of relics and images, and many other rites and ceremonies of the Catholic Church, left out of it?

    • @thecatholicrabbi4170
      @thecatholicrabbi4170 6 лет назад

      Chris, the bible came in the 4th century, the church predates the bible. Plenty of early Christian letters, by the people whom compiled the New Testament, mention the word Catholic. I could get into a ton of facts, but now realize, where does the bible say the name of your church? Where does your bible say "Pastor" or "Preacher" Where is your Sinners Prayer and Alter Calls mentioned by name? Where is the word Deacon board or where it says to make a Church office or have secretaries or Youth Groups? Answer this first.

    • @mrniceguy8298
      @mrniceguy8298 10 месяцев назад

      as a person who doesn't need to attend church, you answer first for us

  • @MrJamesPianoman
    @MrJamesPianoman 12 лет назад


  • @kennethheim4320
    @kennethheim4320 3 года назад


  • @VeilleuxClan
    @VeilleuxClan 9 лет назад +2

    Yup, knew there was a reason I became an atheist. So many assertions and logical fallacies... no evidence.

    • @fpp144
      @fpp144 8 лет назад +1

      What about mericles? There are stories of people like St. Joseph of Cupertino who levitated over 70 times when he prayed. Also, I have a story to tell that a friend told me. There once was a young boy in Florida who loved to bike. One day, he was biking and got hit by a truck. They legit had to pick up pieces of his brain, it was that bad. They rushed him to the hospital with him barely holding on. On the way, and at the hospital he was barely conscious and did not react to anything really. (Because he lost certain parts of the brain) they hooked him up to machines and what not, and told the parents that he was a vegetable (a term that means he will be alive but he cannot react or move or talk or think. Just operate.) The parents went to a Catholic priest to ask for help. He agreed and that night he preformed the healing of the sick. The next morning, the priest checked in on the kid, and the doctors, when he walked in the door, they ran at him, saying that his eyes started moving that morning. This was impossible. But true. So the priest asked to baptize the boy, and the parents agreed. So that night he did. The next morning, he walked in, and once again, the doctors were exited and with news. He started to move his hand. Ever so slightly. This was impossible. But true. So the priest asked the parents if he could have him confirmed. They agreed. And he was confirmed. The next morning, the priest walked into the hospital to see the doctors in tears. The priest's heart sunk, fearing he had died. He asked what was wrong and the doctors said "he is no longer here" then pointed to the waiting room. And in that waiting room, stood the boy, talking to his parents. How could this of happened? Without divine intervention?

    • @VeilleuxClan
      @VeilleuxClan 8 лет назад +1

      Anecdotal, documentation or it never happened. Also learn some English, your grammar is terrible. But back to the point I can list thousands of stories where leprechauns, unicorns, and the dark lord Cthulhu have all saved innocent bystanders and they would be worth as much as yours because they require no evidence. Anyone can make up "eyewitness accounts" that mysteriously have no corroborating evidence, just look at a UFO video. If this works for you that just goes to show your lack of intelligence (grammar kind of got the first punch though) as recent research shows that this is the primary reason for accepting, and I quote, "pseudo-profound bullshit". Always fun to read a scientific paper with over 200 uses of the word 'bullshit'. Back to school kid, try not to sleep in class this time. Also get some traveling in, see more than just one continent.

    • @Amir4christ
      @Amir4christ 5 лет назад

      Catholicism and religion itself will lead you to hell for Jesus rebukes and destroys religion in Matthew 23. Repent and be reborn in Jesus' name. Now Atheism, a flawed and mentally sick philosophy of which also sends many to hell... For you will not enter God's kingdom unless repented.

  • @gradonhutchinson5706
    @gradonhutchinson5706 11 лет назад

    Nur ein deutscher Kommentar auf der Durchreise.

  • @mailchrisbailey
    @mailchrisbailey 11 лет назад

    The Bible was finished well before the second century . Sacred scripture doesn't contradict itself. Never has. Catholic doctrine and the Catechism on the other hand blatantly contradicts even the Bible which you supposedly compiled.

  • @thomaspelletier7790
    @thomaspelletier7790 10 лет назад

    Your not allowed to use science against catholicism.get it?got it? god. *not a miss-type

  • @dovregubben78
    @dovregubben78 5 лет назад +1

    No, Roger Bacon developed the scientific method. If you want to take credit for all the great things individual Catholics have done, you need to take credit for all the terrible things individual Catholics have done as well.

    • @dovregubben78
      @dovregubben78 4 года назад

      @Luther Knox The Counter Reformer, Albert Einstein was Jewish. Does that mean Judaism gets to take credit for special relativity? Or does the credit go to the Swiss patent office, his employer? I personally give the credit to Einstein himself.
      But that's not the point. The point is that if the Catholic Church wants to take credit for Roger Bacon's innovations, they need to also take credit for every innocent Middle Easterner murdered by crusaders. They need to take credit for every intellectual tortured by inquisitors into publishing retractions. They need to take credit for every indigenous child kidnapped from their families and educated in Catholic missions, to erase every aspect of their own culture. They need to take credit for every priest who has ever abused a child, and every diocese who covered it up and allowed the abuse to continue. This commercial shouldn't be "Hey! Look at all the great things Catholicism has done!" It should be, "Look... we can explain."

    • @christiandahms8846
      @christiandahms8846 3 года назад +1

      @@dovregubben78 As a Catholic, I'm aware of all the bad things that have happened in the Church, I mean trust me I would send pedophile priests to hell if I could. But look, I think the Church has done more good than bad. The main problem is that most people focus way too much on the negatives rather than the positives

    • @dovregubben78
      @dovregubben78 3 года назад

      CATHOLICS have done good things, @@christiandahms8846. I believe those people would have done those good things if they had been Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, or something else.
      I just looked it up. Francis Bacon wasn't even Catholic! I guess this ad is trying to take credit for the scientific method via Galileo. That's especially funny, since Galileo was tried by inquisitors and forced to recant his published works on heliocentrism. Fortunately he escaped with his life. Giordano Bruno wasn't so lucky.

    • @christiandahms8846
      @christiandahms8846 3 года назад +1

      @@dovregubben78 okay wait, don't you mean Roger Bacon? He is sometimes credited (mainly since the 19th century) as one of the earliest European advocates of the modern scientific method. Bacon applied the empirical method of Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) to observations in texts attributed to Aristotle. Bacon discovered the importance of empirical testing when the results he obtained were different than those that would have been predicted by Aristotle. Roger Bacon was a Franciscan Friar which if you don't know, is a Catholic religious order

    • @dovregubben78
      @dovregubben78 3 года назад

      Oh you're right,@@christiandahms8846! Thank you for the correction! It's been decades since I studied that. When I looked up Francis Bacon I thought the dates looked wrong, but the internet said he was an empiracist, so....
      And thank you also for pointing out that Roger Bacon was building upon the work of Ibn al-Haytham. Bacon likely would have arrived at the scientific method if he had been a Muslim, or some other religion. So again, the Catholic Church can't take credit.

  • @DarkCandyBoy
    @DarkCandyBoy 9 лет назад

    The Pope's official title is "Vicarius Filii Dei" - if you reduce that title to Roman Numerals, it equals 666. Also, in Relevation, when it talks about the Harlot (a woman represents a church in prophecy) that rides the beast, it says she is dressed in "purple and scarlet" (the official colors of the Roman Catholic Church); Relevation says the Harlot rides the beast with seven heads, and it explains that the seven heads are seven hills on which the Harlot sits (Rome - The City of Seven Hills); Revelation explains that she holds a golden cup (Chalice) filled with abominations, and she was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls (representing the wealth and pomp of the church); the beast upon which she rides, (which tried to destroy Christ at Birth) is Pagan Rome, from which Revelations says the Harlot gets her power and authority (as the Roman Empire was supplanted by the Roman Catholic Church). Upon studying the Bible, it is so clear to us why the Reformers of old were brought to their conclusions by the Holy Spirit that this church is the church spoken of in Revelation and is called a Harlot, out of which many daughters come (The Mother Church, as she calls herself).

    • @dariogagliano4218
      @dariogagliano4218 9 лет назад +2

      Joseph Holland, Jr. Joseph, as someone who believed much of what you currently believe about the Catholic Church, I pray that you might find the truth of the Holy Catholic Church. May the prayers of the saints and the martyrs, of the glorious apostles and Blessed Mother assist you in finding the fullness of truth that resides only in the Roman Catholic Church. Read early Christian history, and compare it to what you read in the Bible. You'll be amazed and dumbfounded when you realize how the Catholic Church is truly the keeper of our ancient faith. And it's been right in front of our eyes this entire time.

    • @dariogagliano4218
      @dariogagliano4218 9 лет назад +1

      Joseph Holland, Jr. Joseph, as someone who believed much of what you currently believe about the Catholic Church, I pray that you might find the truth of the Holy Catholic Church. May the prayers of the saints and the martyrs, of the glorious apostles and Blessed Mother assist you in finding the fullness of truth that resides only in the Roman Catholic Church. Read early Christian history, and compare it to what you read in the Bible. You'll be amazed and dumbfounded when you realize how the Catholic Church is truly the keeper of our ancient faith. And it's been right in front of our eyes this entire time.

    • @thecatholicrabbi4170
      @thecatholicrabbi4170 6 лет назад

      The old 666 trick. You can do that with anything. Divide this, take away that, but the key thing to what you are saying is, you must first modify something, like "reducing the title of Vicarius Fili Dei to a Roman Numeral" to obtain something. You must reduce, delete and so forth to get the number.