Serbia Weekly #8: Serbian Beer Taste Test

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

Комментарии • 456

  • @uroskostic8570
    @uroskostic8570 5 лет назад +453

    Lav je iz Afrike, jelen je iz sume, a pivo mora da bude iz Zajecara :)

    • @cmarkus8761
      @cmarkus8761 5 лет назад +7

      ako volis pivo od kukuruzne krupice i zute vode...onda da xD

    • @milannje
      @milannje 5 лет назад +1

      @@cmarkus8761 voda iz Zrenjanina je zuta, najkvalitetnija je u Zajecaru

    • @vladimirjurisic9732
      @vladimirjurisic9732 3 года назад

      nektar je iz cveta to si zaboravio reci

    • @uroskostic8570
      @uroskostic8570 3 года назад +1

      @@cmarkus8761 care, Zajecar ima najbolju vodu u Evropi. Imamo podzemno jezero na oko 200m ispod povrsine, i gradske cesme sa arterskom vodom. Od iste te vode se pravi pivo.

    • @balkangames674
      @balkangames674 3 года назад +1

      @@uroskostic8570 Onda vam ne valja voda , pošto pivo nije neko nekada je bilo najbolje sada je međju najgorim.

  • @Rosendrache
    @Rosendrache 5 лет назад +151

    "Merak" is the emotion that you feel when you enjoy in something and everything is just right.
    For example, you drink beer in nice flower garden on beautifull sunny spring day, and than you say: "E baš mi je merak!" :)

    • @Chill018
      @Chill018 5 лет назад +6

      yes, that would be about the most correct use in serbian as I found on quora as a definition of arrabic I guess
      "something pleasant (material or abstract), i.e., an object of passion, a hobby.."

    • @MaxID.B
      @MaxID.B 5 лет назад +17

      Ako uzivas u Meraku nije tebi lako druze

    • @ShamanKish
      @ShamanKish 5 лет назад +1


    • @Јованидругари
      @Јованидругари 5 лет назад

      Nije Merak tako lose pivo,ima mnogo boljih piva od njega ali mu u sustini ne fali nista.

    • @igorzlatanovic8286
      @igorzlatanovic8286 5 лет назад

      @@MaxID.B mnoga piva iz recimo dvolitre ili limenke su smeće najobičnije, a što je najjače Merak iz dvolitre je jako dobro a tek kako je flasirano ili toceno to ne moze da se zamisli. Evo ja sam iz CG i Niksicko iz dvolitre ili limenke je uzas, jedino gora piva od njega su Lav i Jelen, oni su tek poseban uzas. Ali zato Niksicko u flasi 0,33L koje je takodje namjenjeno za izvoz je svemirski brod za sva ostala piva. U rangu je sa Hajnekenom, Kalzbergom i ostalim pivima te kategorije. Nije ni flasa 0,5L tako losa. Ali Merak je Merak ☺

  • @liberty0758
    @liberty0758 5 лет назад +79

    As someone who's from Apatin, used to be proud of Apatinska Pivara and Jelen beer. Quality and pretty much everything else dropped once they sold the company to foreigners. Never forgave them for axing Pils and soft drink line.

    • @goranapatin
      @goranapatin 5 лет назад +8

      I must agree on that. Pils was just the best Serbian beer, maybe one of the best European's lagers. I've tried many, many commercially made beers, but there are not many of them close to Pils. New bosses just cut the Pils to sold to us their "good" brands.

    • @liberty0758
      @liberty0758 5 лет назад +3

      @@goranapatin exactly bro. I still don't understand why Apatinska pivara had to be sold when they were always successful, making tons of money in sales. And yes, Pils was just the best beer around. Everyone loved it...

    • @goranapatin
      @goranapatin 5 лет назад +3

      @@liberty0758 Politics, just that . Not the first, and definitely not the last successful company destroyed by the same "experts"..

    • @bakavisnja
      @bakavisnja 5 лет назад

      da nase apatinsko je najace

  • @sirisemirisirisa
    @sirisemirisirisa 5 лет назад +112

    Valjevsko pivo would be good for your taste Charles

    • @ilovesrbija
      @ilovesrbija  5 лет назад +11

      I like it, but yiu cant buy it at the stores in Novi Sad

    • @JedanJeNoskovicAca
      @JedanJeNoskovicAca 5 лет назад +8

      Charles Cather You can find it here:
      Markets and shops
      DRIMK SHOP-Bulevar cara Lazara 60 LUFI 021-Vojvode Bojovića 19
      Pubs and bars
      CHILL OUT-Bulevar Kralja Petra 27
      TOZIN PUB-Svetozara Mileića 4
      MITINO SOKAČE-Mite Ružića 4
      KAFFE NOOK-Miše Dimitrijevića 9
      RUMEN GRIL-Rumenačka 25
      TOSTER BAR-Zmaj Jovina 24
      GRIL GRAND-Janka Čmelnika 28
      ASTAL ŠAREN-Mite Ružića 4

    • @kockadokockekockica5994
      @kockadokockekockica5994 5 лет назад +3

      @@JedanJeNoskovicAca Haha kralju ! Svaka čast vidi se da ceniš Valjevsko pivo, tri piva koja najviše volim da pijem - Valjevsko, Augustiner (minhensko svetlo) i Flotzinger Brau (rozenhajmsko pšenično).

    • @mightyserbianarmy3852
      @mightyserbianarmy3852 5 лет назад +6

      Too rodjeni Valjevsko najjače!

    • @pizon984
      @pizon984 5 лет назад +1

      Valjevsko i Zajecarsko dava jedina piva koja vrede i koja su najbolja. Ali zajecarac samo iz zidarske flajke 😉

  • @KristianHerdi
    @KristianHerdi 5 лет назад +45

    The brewery that makes Jelen is owned by Molson, Lav by Carlsberg and Zajecarsko by Heineken. Most of the canned beer produced in Serbia (including Niksicko) is filled right here in Novi Sad brewery, that is also owned by Heineken. That's why Niksicko made in Monte Negro for their own market tastes differently and is better than Niksicko made here in Serbia.
    Until early 2000's hands down the best beer in the country was Jelen followed by Lav. Quality drastically went down in both breweries with them being acquired by foreign companies. Today probably the best domestic beer in Serbia is Zajecarsko especially The Dark one.Also, you should try "Black George" (Crni Djordje) dark beer made by Banjalucka pivara its good to.

    • @Zionist4everr
      @Zionist4everr 5 лет назад +2

      @Kristian Herdi I agree with you bro, but ( Zajecarsko ) dropped its quality long time ago and became nothing more than GMO garbage... If you are looking for a good commercial beer here in Serbia try BiP pivo the new one that came out, it says: BiP pivo ( Nova Receptura )... Try that one man, it is truly hands down the best domestic commercial beer here in Serbia, they ware bought over this year by some Macedonian businessmen and they use natural ingredients for now, so no bad hangovers after you wake up the next day...

    • @stojanpetrovic4513
      @stojanpetrovic4513 5 лет назад

      Sto li mlatis gluposti, Zajecarci jecam kupuju iz Salasa 30km od grada, organska proizvodnja, a voda je arterski bunar u krugu fabrike, krecnjacka voda jesi ti normalan? Sve sto je heineken promenio je bolji marketing, vece plate radnicima i oprema u fabrici koja je vrhunska danas. Nista vise. Samo se neke plastike i deo limenki puni u Novom Sadu staklo se iskljucivo pravi u Zajecaru od te vode koja je najcistija u zemlji, ovde gde zabodes ekser izvire ti voda za pice, prvo se informisi malo pre nego bodes netacne gluposti strancima po internetu i bolje pivo jednostavno nemas kakav bip ono sok sa ukusom piva hahahahaha jesi realan poredis pivo koje se pravi od protocne vode i pivo od mocvarne vode koja stoji u plasticnim kanisterima po mesec dana pa ti nisi pod libelu hahahahahaha a ako si zajecarac onda slobodno mogu ti kazem si debil obicni, fabrika ti u centru grada mozes da prosetas da se uveris. @@Zionist4everr

    • @Zionist4everr
      @Zionist4everr 5 лет назад +3

      @@stojanpetrovic4513 Ja ne znam na kojoj vi planeti zivite, ali glavni sastojak za dobro pivo nije jecam, nego hmelj... Hmelja u Zajecarskom pivu nema! Takodje, pre nego sto su Heineken i Carlsberg kupili nase pivare, nikad nije bilo kukuruzne krupice u ni jednom nasem domacem pivu, kukuruzna krupica se pravi od GMO kukuruza, koji se uvozi iz Amerike, a umesto hmelja, stavlaju takozvani: "extrakt hmelja", koji je takodje GMO i razradjuje se u labaratoriji... Republika Srbija je bila bogata u hmelju, imali smo oko 1500 hektara hmelja, samo u Backom Petrovcu, a posle privatizacije nasih pivara, danas ga je nazalost, ostalo svega 20 hektara... Carlsberg nam je sam unistio oko 130 hektara NASEG HMELJA, koji su dobili kupovinom Celarevske pivare, jer u sustini njima hmelj uopste ni ne treba, oni koriste jeftine GMO sastojke, i njima je u interesu da ga mi u nasoj zemlji imamo sto manje, iz prostog razloga, da u slucaju ako bi nam se vlast promenila u ovoj zemlji, da ih neko nekada nebi mogao naterati da otkup svih sirovina vrse direktno od Republike Srbije, sto bi njih u tom slucaju izaslo mnogo skuplje... Nasa nesposobna vlast u to vreme, nije zastitila nasu domacu sirovinsku bazu, tokom prodaje tih pivara i zato nam je danas pivo toliko lose... Cudno kako ljudi poput tebe uopste ne zele da prihvate cinjenice.... Ti ocigledno ili ne znas, ili si zaboravio sta je dobro pivo... Ja sam za razliku o tobe dosta putovao, ziveo sam u Americi, kao i u Rusiji, i bio na 4 razlicita kontineta... Ja bih vam savetovao da odete u Cesku ili u Rusiju da probate pravo pivo... U Cesku zbog procesa i raznovrsnosti, a u Rusiju zbog kvaliteta. Rusija je puna neobranog hmelja, ima ga toliko, da privatne Americke kompanije dolaze u Rusiju i kupuju ga sakom i kapom zbog svog specificnog kvaliteta... Uostalom procenite i sami, kad popijete 5 Zajecarskih piva zaredom, sutra niste nizasta, a kad bi otisli u Rusiju ili u Cesku i popili 5 njihovih domacih piva zaredom, sutra nebi imali mamurluk i opusteno bi mogli da odete recimo na trening... Dokazano! Ne kaze nas narod za badava: "da bi znao kakva je rakija, moram prvo da se napijem od nje"...

    • @petemitchell9996
      @petemitchell9996 5 лет назад

      @@Zionist4everr Zaječarsko je i dan danas najbolje srpsko pivo. Ne ostavlja gorak okus i pitko je. Domaća proizvodnja, domaći radnici, strani direktori i to je to. Ko pije redovno, zna. Što se tiče toga da Rusi i Česi imaju najbolja piva, slažem se potpuno. Nektar ili LAV recimo kada popiješ samo 2, sutradan će te boleti glava čitav dan, kod Zaječarca nisam taj efekat osetio. Međutim to se ne oseti kod čeških i ruskih piva nikad jer znaju kako da naprave pravo pivo.

    • @Zionist4everr
      @Zionist4everr 5 лет назад

      @@petemitchell9996 Pozdrav! Verujem ti da je verovatno Zajecarsko bolje od Lava, moguce da je to zbog dobre vode koju koriste u Zajecarskoj pivari, ipak i to igra veliku ulogu, i verovatno ko ga pije redovno, kao sto si i sam rekao, moze da oseti tu razliku. Tu se slazem s tobom. Samo mi je zao sto u tim nasim pivima nema vise hmelja... Mi smo nekad bili dosta bogati u hemlju, izvozili smo ga u Nemacku, Ameriku, pa cak i u Japan, i sva piva su nam bila puna hmelja, a danas nista... To su krive vlasti od 2000 te godine, jer su prodali nase pivare strancima bud zasto, bez da ih po ugovornom odnosu obavezu na to da moraju otkup sirovina da vrse direktno od nas, to est od Republike Srbije... Posto to nisu uradili, propala nam je jedna od najskupljih prirodnih sirovina na svetu, a to je bio nas hmelj, koji je i po kvalitetu, bio jedan od boljih...

  • @Fivegunner
    @Fivegunner 5 лет назад +19

    The Serbian word merak is a wonderful little word that refers to a feeling of bliss and the sense of oneness with the universe that comes from the simplest of pleasures. It is the pursuit of small, daily pleasures that all add up to a great sense of happiness and fulfillment

    • @milovanurosevic3966
      @milovanurosevic3966 5 лет назад

      Well, well don't intend to contradict b cuz, wjat u said embodys the meaning to an extent, more direct it means i wanted to or i felt like it like namerio= intentent intended to and so on... but with a pleasent rather than forcible feel

    • @stojanpetrovic4513
      @stojanpetrovic4513 5 лет назад

      Care, to sto ti objasnjavas ovde ima naziv i zove se namera jasno i kratko a merak je ono sto je covek gore objasnio. Pijem sa merakom, jedem sa merakom, vozim sa merkom, jebem sa merakom itd... Znaci uzivam. I wanted to nameravam, I feel to imam potrebu imam osecaj.. kakav merak jesi ti realan hahaahaahaaaaa @@milovanurosevic3966

  • @roots14808
    @roots14808 5 лет назад +33

    I'm actually amazed by yours Serbian haha.. You are nailing Š, Ć etc.. I'm amazed here hahahahah.

    • @borisbjekic3616
      @borisbjekic3616 5 лет назад +1

      R is hardest for stangers only serbs can say Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • @stojanpetrovic4513
    @stojanpetrovic4513 5 лет назад +87

    popio brat dva litra razlicitog piva na kraju klipa vodu nije ni pio hahahahhahahahahahah carina

  • @sivim20
    @sivim20 5 лет назад +1

    Charles - I love your attitude and enthusiasm. Cool videos -- I'm a Serbian living in Chicago, and I think it is very fun that you explain everything to both the Serbs in Serbia and American's over the pond. Thanks for making these videos!

  • @codla796
    @codla796 5 лет назад +64

    Best in bottle, not in a can 🙂 anyway good job 😊

    @JOBAHT 5 лет назад +15

    Once Jelen was a good beer, but it stopped being good when foreign company bought it some 12-15 years ago. Lav was ok until 7-8 years ago, and yes it had 5% or 5 point something % of alc. Zaječarsko was much better untill 2-3 years ago. Nikšićko had 5,2% of alc, and they lovered it. I think that Jelen also had 5 or above 5%. I'm not sure why they are lovering % of alcohol in this beers. Problem with majority of industrial beers produced in Serbia and Balkans is because they put corn semolina (kukuruzna krupica) as a cheap substitute for barley, so they can put smaller amount of barley. Because of that corn beer has much lighter colour now than 10-15 years ago and have some funky after taste. Some of these brewers mask that aftertaste better some don't. Živeli🍻

  • @changename8820
    @changename8820 5 лет назад +26

    Hahahahaha 😁 excellent job brother 👍👏👏👏❤️🍀

  • @prezlamen
    @prezlamen 5 лет назад +19

    Lav is the single worst beer in Serbia!
    You must try Valjevsko ,its in the level with zajecarsko.
    And new bip is not bad also.
    Weifert was the oldest,it was made since 1722 :)

  • @sasabozinoski393
    @sasabozinoski393 5 лет назад +15

    You got to try "Manastirsko pivo".
    Its made in monastery brewery in monastery Banjska in Kosovo. Best tasting dark and light beer ever
    Ziveli Charles!.

    • @igic1991
      @igic1991 5 лет назад +3

      Gde moze da se kupi?

  • @BorisTeodosijevic
    @BorisTeodosijevic 5 лет назад +18

    Yup, Зајечарско definitly! 😃 And the others are sorted just right!

  • @danginfo
    @danginfo 5 лет назад +16

    Ok, let's see Charles get "loaded" ;-) Cheers mate / Nazdravlje :-)

  • @viljami8780
    @viljami8780 5 лет назад +10

    I swear to god ill study serbian this summer

  • @teod1112
    @teod1112 4 года назад

    Merak is a kind of feeling - pleasant mood, enjoyment- actually the moment you experience and realize your desire for something ....When you do what you really wish to do and nothing else matters at that point

  • @slavaslavia4085
    @slavaslavia4085 3 года назад

    "Opa Bato" made my day =)
    Love Niksicko and Nektar also! Your taste buds are excellent =)

  • @misterijaaaa
    @misterijaaaa 5 лет назад +22

    Zajecarsko closest resemblance to beer. Niksicko so,so and less said about the rest,the better.

  • @rightonyukon
    @rightonyukon 5 лет назад

    Great to see some nice programming coming from Serbia! Love that country! Thank you Charles! Cheers!

  • @shyryTsr2k
    @shyryTsr2k 5 лет назад

    It's about time you uploaded man! Been waiting for another video, hvala my friend!🙏 I don't drink alcohol and don't plan to but I like this video.

  • @MilomirDesnica
    @MilomirDesnica 5 лет назад +6

    i'm a jelen guy but after watching this i gotta give zajecarsko another try

  • @superxero3837
    @superxero3837 5 лет назад +7

    Some Toma Zdravkovic music in background would suit well for this video.

  • @misko_vasiljevic
    @misko_vasiljevic 5 лет назад +1

    1. Nikšićko (tamno 0,33 koje se puni u CG)
    2. Zaječarsko
    3. Jelen ...
    Nektar nisam nikada probao, Lav mi se ni malo ne svidja, dok je Merak baš lošeg ukusa.
    Inače preskočio si probati Niško, Valjevsko, Bip, Apatinsko pivo. Puno pozdrava. Great bro! 🍺

  • @Peccony94
    @Peccony94 5 лет назад +3

    For me, Nektar is the best, has the best taste. You could buy it in a can in Serbia too.

  • @srbendaipravislavacdokraja2637
    @srbendaipravislavacdokraja2637 5 лет назад +14


    • @11k-k2v
      @11k-k2v 5 лет назад

      republika srpska=serbia

    • @golavoda2644
      @golavoda2644 4 года назад

      Srbija, Republika Srpska (čovek govori o srpskim pivima?)

    • @golavoda2644
      @golavoda2644 4 года назад

      Nije mogao naći Nektar u konzervi u Srbiji a ja našao u Kanadi 😁

  • @Zacimeti
    @Zacimeti 5 лет назад

    Love you even more after this video! That's also my favorite beer! Well done brother.

  • @ivicabelic2161
    @ivicabelic2161 5 лет назад +1

    Nema lepše ni sladje od našeg pića🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸❤❤❤

  • @sonicdr.9888
    @sonicdr.9888 5 лет назад

    Great show Charles, also guitarist player Raphael Loopro could be in one of your next show's as well, ofc if he is in Serbia. Keep up the great work, can't wait for you next video ^^

  • @Aleksandar1995
    @Aleksandar1995 5 лет назад

    First 8 seconds, the best intro ever ! Bravo Charles 🇷🇸🇷🇸❤️❤️👍

  • @gagoimaliu
    @gagoimaliu 5 лет назад +14

    Charles Cather, Professional Alcoholic XD jk

  • @nesadx11
    @nesadx11 4 года назад

    Zajecarsko pivo ! Good choice Charles, i drink that one too when i go to Serbia.

  • @lexdelija213
    @lexdelija213 3 года назад

    BIP was one of, if not the best commercial beer from/in Serbia. Currently it's Valjevsko and Lav Premium. Craft beers are all high quality and great taste for different tastes ;)

  • @vladeksbrat
    @vladeksbrat 5 лет назад +1


  • @veljkoportic4303
    @veljkoportic4303 5 лет назад

    i was born in and raised in Zajecar so its a great feeling that u think zajecarsko is the best beer, appreciate it :)

  • @zagreb1
    @zagreb1 5 лет назад

    So good videoclip! You learn me to know about my culture! U 're a nice guy!

  • @djoledulic7036
    @djoledulic7036 5 лет назад

    Merak- its a sensation of a ultimate joy 👍🏻 Huge regards from Nis’s wel-knower😃

  • @TheGandra23
    @TheGandra23 5 лет назад +1

    Best beer test ever Charles!!! Niksicko is my favorite.

  • @zeljanarulic176
    @zeljanarulic176 5 лет назад +2

    Зајечарско је мама и тата свих пива.Не знам шта људи виде у Јелен пиву,превише горко и нимало питко.Поздрав са севера Србије,из јужне Бачке!

  • @ShamanKish
    @ShamanKish 5 лет назад +6

    Nektar is best of these. It doesn't have this bitter after taste.

  • @sonja9957
    @sonja9957 3 года назад

    Bravo Charles 👍 . Živeli! Cheers ! ❤️👍

  • @hellhound320
    @hellhound320 5 лет назад

    i kinda knew it that you would like Zajecarsko the most and probably dislike Jelen and Lav cause those 2 sucks big hairy balls,and im amazed by your Serbian cause its pretty hard and you just nailing it! This is pretty educational video i can say hehe,good job man.

  • @elenagomezvevo
    @elenagomezvevo 4 года назад

    I used to drink Apatinsko and Zaječarsko, but I stopped drinking alcohol six years ago. And when you said, when talking about the logo, a male lion, even if you only said lion, we would've known it was a male, if you said lioness then it's a female. Lol. And Zaječar is in Eastern Serbia, on the border of Bulgaria, closer to Romania is Donji Milanovac, which is pretty close to Zaječar.

  • @dejanmalcic9349
    @dejanmalcic9349 5 лет назад +16

    You have a iron liver...

  • @grdja83
    @grdja83 5 лет назад +1

    There is rock music festival in Zajecar every August called "Gitarijada", you can have someone get you Zajecarsko Pivo t-shirts there.

  • @baki4king
    @baki4king 5 лет назад

    Charles, I love your work and have to admit I haven't had a chance to watch all of your videos yet (I am going thru it as we speak:)) would love to get you opinion on "Halyard operation" which was one of the biggest rescue airlift operation to date, over 500 american pilots rescued by Serbs in village of Pranjane in ww2, good for reference is a book written by American Gregory Freeman and called " Forgotten 500",, and if you did this already then please disregard my humble request I ll eventually get to that video:):) regarding Serbian beer you also have to try "Crno Zajecarsko" oh man I havent been back home in 5+ years Nostalgia kicking in every time I watch your amazing content!!! again I d like to thank you for everything you do,, Nazdravlje!!!

    • @baki4king
      @baki4king 5 лет назад

      lol I found it Charles!!! I had a feeling you already spoke on that subject,, Nazdravlje

  • @da___man
    @da___man 5 лет назад

    Hi Charles! Hello from a fellow Midwesterner. I grew up in eastern Iowa.
    This video reminds me of the joke, "do you know why drinking Budweiser is like having sex in canoe?" "Because both are fucking near water!" The Serbian mass produced beers are better but not much. Same goes for the mass market beers from Croatia (Karlovacko, Ožujsko, etc.), Slovenia (Laško) and so forth.
    If you want a good pilsner go with the original, Pilsner Urquell. Budvar (the original Bud) is good too.
    BTW, regarding percentage of alcohol, you need to know whether they are listing alcohol by weight or by volume. Since alcohol is lighter than water, ABV is higher than ABW, therefore most brewers use the higher number.
    Of course the best Serbian beer is any that is used to chase good domaća rakija. Kruškovača is my favorite.
    Živeli or as we would say in Iowa, Prost!

  • @radatrifunovic2547
    @radatrifunovic2547 5 лет назад +3

    💞💥🐞Svako dobro Vam želim Čarls i veliki pozdrav🐞💥💞

  • @petemitchell9996
    @petemitchell9996 5 лет назад

    Love this video, Charles can you do some foreign beers you have over there in Serbia? My fave is John Smith's, I wonder if they have it in Serbia

  • @Filip708
    @Filip708 5 лет назад

    Merak is a emotion, like when you feel really good and blissful, For example: one sitting next to the Dunav river fishing getting a suntan in may while drinking chilled zaječarsko pivo from the cooler. And you can here birds chriping and trade ships honking in the distance. That would be merak for me :)

  • @colloidalsilverwater15ppm88
    @colloidalsilverwater15ppm88 4 года назад

    Oh, I see now: after some 4 or 5 tastings, they all have a good aftertaste?

  • @kathyhaslam5116
    @kathyhaslam5116 5 лет назад +1

    Charles I think the Apatin Brewery company has been bought by Molsen Coors company from Canada/United States.

  • @woulfe42
    @woulfe42 5 лет назад

    Great review on the beers man, you did your homework.

  • @leosideofthegame
    @leosideofthegame 3 года назад

    An old favorite the Chicago handshake an old style and a shot of malort haha good times

  • @srboljubkrunic1753
    @srboljubkrunic1753 3 года назад

    You are such a good guy and I’d like to drink a couple of Biers with you cheers mate 🍻

  • @damav97
    @damav97 5 лет назад +2

    You have to bring back only those 0.5l glass bottles,but you can buy 0.33l bottles which you don't bring back to store ;)

  • @Scythilus
    @Scythilus 5 лет назад +1

    Charles, you forgot the BiP and Valjevsko which are definitely more popular than Nektar and Merak. Give those 2 and taste, they're pretty good :)

  • @dalibor3650
    @dalibor3650 5 лет назад +1

    I am born in Zajecar, i will get u some Zajecarsko TShirts :) keep it up.Pozdrav

  • @colloidalsilverwater15ppm88
    @colloidalsilverwater15ppm88 4 года назад

    Charlie, Lav and Jelen are various in taste and quality, depending on time of year. Don't know why.

  • @DraganB52
    @DraganB52 5 лет назад +4

    I think I would like to try that Nektar beer

  • @hffdtjhfsgjjkgreh5170
    @hffdtjhfsgjjkgreh5170 5 лет назад

    Nice presention of Serbian beer,beside i am from Republika Srpska,Bosnia,i be local patriot drink Nektar(haha radical Serbs how you say),no we are not so radical,maybe just i more say tradicional Serbs.I watch lot of yours video about Serbia,people,food,customs,beersetc. last few years i am not some expert in beer but always you our beers compare whit Miler beer.Since i left Rep.Srpska before few years here were i live now in each market i can buy Miler,and many many brands more,and i can say is amazing light beer,tasty,going whit some meet,or light spiced food,and generaly its become my favorite to.Man now i understand you 100%,when i travel home i always put few Milers into my bag,bring home to my friends,and me because i still not see it in our stores and cafes,restorans in Rep.Srpska and across Bosnia.For Serbia i dont know and is it possble to find in Belgrade,but be good if it have it.Be well,enjoy in Zajacarsko,and Serbia,make us lot of good videos about Serbia,and all other Balcan countries,because you really do good promotions for all foregins who wanna visit our part of planet,God bless you Charls!

  • @georgesgeorgiades
    @georgesgeorgiades 5 лет назад +2

    What about Valjevsko, it’s by far best by a mile of all those. And you haven’t reviewed it. :( Maybe only Nektar is near close...

  • @ElGrekos1995
    @ElGrekos1995 5 лет назад

    I know a lot of stories, that were told to me by my father and his friends, and they all said that Jelen pivo used to be very very good, but as the years passed by, it has gotten worse and worse. Anyway, keep up the good work Charles! :)

  • @tznwyvuk471
    @tznwyvuk471 5 лет назад +1

    There are also "Niško", "Zrenjaninsko", "BiP", Valjevsko" and maybe more that i can't remember.

    • @ilovesrbija
      @ilovesrbija  5 лет назад

      There are a lot, but you cant buy most of those in Novi Sas, the 2nd biggest city.

    • @tznwyvuk471
      @tznwyvuk471 5 лет назад

      @@ilovesrbija That's right.

  • @BestExperiments
    @BestExperiments 5 лет назад

    Good call Charles

  • @oremiodragovic9228
    @oremiodragovic9228 5 лет назад +1

    Charles za zdravlje junačko Nektar Banjalučko!

  • @markokockar8546
    @markokockar8546 5 лет назад

    Couldnt agree more with your pick!

  • @Slingshot982
    @Slingshot982 5 лет назад +3

    New show
    " - How to get drunk in serbia with Charles Cather
    " :P

    • @nesa1126
      @nesa1126 5 лет назад

      Bigger challenge would be not to get drunk in Serbia :-D

  • @5ar_
    @5ar_ 5 лет назад +2

    How about "Niško" ? I think it deserves a try. Great video btw.

    • @ilovesrbija
      @ilovesrbija  5 лет назад +2

      I showed the beers you can buy all over Serbia. We cant get Nisko here in N. Sad.

  • @nesa1126
    @nesa1126 5 лет назад +1

    Can't wait for episode when you try out rakija's. You will get wasted before the end of it :-D :-D :-D

  • @Zionist4everr
    @Zionist4everr 5 лет назад

    If you are looking for a good commercial beer here in Serbia try BiP pivo the new one that came out, it says: BiP pivo ( Nova Receptura )... Try that one man, it is truly hands down the best domestic commercial beer here in Serbia, they ware bought over this year by some Macedonian businessmen and they use natural ingredients for now, so no bad hangovers after you wake up the next day...

  • @billabongboomerang7704
    @billabongboomerang7704 5 лет назад +8

    My all time favourites, one from each ex Yu republic;
    Cheers mate🍻

  • @Belle1337
    @Belle1337 5 лет назад +1

    Nektar is not a beer from Serbia, it's a Bosnian beer produced in Banja Luka.

    • @Zoollaaa
      @Zoollaaa 5 лет назад

      rekao je da nije iz srbije vec iz republike srpske nektar

  • @goransasic4079
    @goransasic4079 5 лет назад

    If you like Tuborg you will like Nektar also as Nektar is owned by Tuborg 3yers back. And one period when you buy Nektar it comes in Tuborg Bottle ( tuborg was written on the bottle so they couldn't remove it) fun fact...😁 Me personally I like to drink Jelen beer, Nektar is causing headaches to me.

  • @vesnakrstovic878
    @vesnakrstovic878 5 лет назад

    I like Zaječarsko, too, but the one made from wheat. It`s in a blue can and it doesn`t have that bitter aftertaste. :)

  • @MrAlekssandar
    @MrAlekssandar 5 лет назад

    jelen beer older than us history haha, just joking, love your channel, keep up with the good work!

  • @millancche
    @millancche 5 лет назад

    It seems like you've lost some weight, compared to previous videos. Is it just the good food and beer or some other changes as well? Looks like you'll be wearing those "Extra large SLIM FIT" shirts in no time. :-)

  • @mihajlobecin6506
    @mihajlobecin6506 5 лет назад +1

    Me: I hate Zajecarsko
    Charles: Hold my beer

  • @petarmalbasic6996
    @petarmalbasic6996 5 лет назад +1


  • @freee8838
    @freee8838 5 лет назад +1

    There was a BiP (Belgrade industry of beer (pivo in Serbian)) beer, beer made in Belgrade, it still exists but it's harder to find, try it if you find it.
    It was hugely popular before capitalism, then some criminals brought it to the ground...

    • @milicalukac4324
      @milicalukac4324 5 лет назад

      Very good job Mr Cather you know Serbian History bether then most Serbian people especially one who lives in foreign countries. You are special person all of us Serbians should appreciate your positive and honest report about us Serbians. Thanks so much for your effort to show the world that we are also one of very good people. Who bobarden Serbia for emperializam. human beings so many children suffered and killed all world was watching and laughing 😪😪😪

  • @Stefan97Serbia
    @Stefan97Serbia 5 лет назад +1

    Jelen the best one.. Lav its so sweet....

  • @ivancacevic
    @ivancacevic 5 лет назад

    You didn't try Pećko pivo from town Peć. Also Serbian beer. Pećko from my perspective is a second finest beer in Serbia, after Zaječarsko. The main reason for the good beer is that you need a finest water in the production. Zaječarsko has the underearth sources, and the Pećko has mountain water sources... ;)

  • @bracanovicstefan4644
    @bracanovicstefan4644 5 лет назад

    Nema para od balkanskih pregleda bajo moj.

  • @drmrnemanja
    @drmrnemanja 5 лет назад +6

    I only drink Lav because it doesnt have aftertaste. Weird you find it opposite. Jelen is the worse, no doubt.

  • @AirlinersHD
    @AirlinersHD 5 лет назад +1

    From Serbia made:
    No.1 - Jelen
    No.2 - Zajecarsko
    No.3 - Lav (bad bad)
    From video beer's:
    No.1 - Nektar
    No.2 - Jelen
    No.3 - Zajecarsko
    No.4 - Niksicko
    No.5 - Lav (bad bad)
    No.99 Merak (poor people and alcoholic people beer, who dont care about taste to enjoy at all, just for effect)

    • @accipiternisus649
      @accipiternisus649 5 лет назад

      Jelen je otisao u kurac kako su ga stranci kupili.Puca glava od hemije

  • @laki11000
    @laki11000 5 лет назад

    Your Serbian langauge is so good

  • @guntergastner8287
    @guntergastner8287 5 лет назад

    I love niksicko, but it makes you a hell of a hangover next day ;) ... The best one in my op is the bosnian one - I love the heavier taste!

  • @DrHouse889
    @DrHouse889 5 лет назад

    Charles you need to try Niško (Нишко), in my opinion it is the best beer in Serbia right now

  • @ledeni3686
    @ledeni3686 5 лет назад

    sve najbolje brate Carls

  • @filipdimitrijevic3794
    @filipdimitrijevic3794 5 лет назад

    Merak is old word for sadifcation, Merak mi je da popijem pivo, I like drinking beer, Drinking beer makes me happy...

  • @mrsukurac3402
    @mrsukurac3402 5 лет назад

    Merak can sometimes mean satisfying, like: Sad cu da popijem jedno pivo i bice mi merak; Ill drink i beer and i will be happy and satisfyed

  • @vstankovic5
    @vstankovic5 5 лет назад +1

    Човеку се свиђа лого зајечарског, које је на ћирилици. Свака част! 😉

  • @alexdelarge1074
    @alexdelarge1074 5 лет назад +2

    You skipped the only beer worth mentioning, IMO - Valjevsko :) Nektar is also pretty decent, although not from Serbia, and the rest are just getting progressively crappier :)

    • @ilovesrbija
      @ilovesrbija  5 лет назад

      Cant buy it here at the shops in Novi Sad. I showed the beers you can buy in most parts of Serbia.

    • @srbinsamo
      @srbinsamo 5 лет назад +1

      However Nektar is Srpsko pivo.

  • @skec019
    @skec019 5 лет назад +1

    I live in Zajecar :D We drink only Zajecarsko!! :D

  • @monkovponcho
    @monkovponcho 5 лет назад +2

    Try Krugher & Brent from Ritiševo. Best Serbian cheap beer.

  • @007Boske
    @007Boske 5 лет назад

    Carli Valjevsko, Zrenjaninsko, Ritesvsko Krugher & Brent nice taste beer

  • @nikolagamesTV
    @nikolagamesTV 5 лет назад

    Bunch of people have beer t shirts in serbia but we just dont wear it out as often, more around the house or when we have to go around the corner to the store
    Jelen is awful, lav and zajecarskor are fairly decent, haven't tried merak it's not as popular, nektar is also decent, niksicko as well. Niksicko has a great dark beer. People around me drink zajecarsko the most, foreign ones aren't that more expensive and usually are a bit better. I personally enjoy wheat beer the most, zajecarsko has brought out their wheat beer recently, in serbian it's called "psenicno".

  • @vladoradojkovic
    @vladoradojkovic 5 лет назад

    Pleasure (it's probably the closest to describe word Мерак)

  • @mladennajzer716
    @mladennajzer716 4 года назад

    The best one is NEKTAR ... greetings from Banja Luka, RS.