Hello you legends. Get $150 discount on Plunge’s amazing sauna or cold plunge at plunge.com (use code MW150) Get 20% discount & free shipping on your Lawnmower 4.0 at manscaped.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Get 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Here’s the timestamps: 00:00 Touring Together 10:38 All Wins Feel the Same 17:53 The Risks of Doing Something You Love 25:31 How Much of Success is Down to Work? 31:20 What’s Obvious to You Isn’t to Everyone Else 36:52 Dealing With a Multiplicity of Options 46:31 Poor Excuses For Not Having Children 53:19 The Male Sedation Hypothesis 1:00:40 Are We Ruled By Midwits? 1:11:39 What James Has Learned About Success 1:24:54 The Future of the Fitness Industry 1:41:43 Where to Find James
At 59.00 the chat about your friends bringing you down though negativity.. read Connected by Nicholas Christakis.. where they show the data.. your friends friends can make you fat through our social connections..
Really loved this. I’m 68 - lot older than you guys - but I love listening to wise people who share common values with me- no matter what age - and makes me think, rethinking and learning. Open minded and curious and vulnerable. Thank you 🙏🏻
This was such a down-to-earth, smooth conversation. I very much enjoyed James' approach, humble and understanding that no matter what you've done, how successful you are, humility is the key. May I suggest that you bring Jamie (Jay) Alderton for a podcast? His transformation in the last decade, what he's done, how his speech changed, his mindset, is great!
51:15 This literally described my entire adolescence. I opted out of socializing and instead tried to become a professional player. such a dangerous rabbit hole
passion needs practice just as awareness needs integration. You can have all the passion in the world but without a sustainable system of applying that passion into practice, it can be easy to feel scarcity, insecurity, and inadequacy. Success first needs to be cultivated from the inside-out. Becoming the version of you that is unwaveringly successful and has a clear path to channel that state of being into practice and form.
I truly don't intend this to sound like a "cheeky" question. At 12:20 if all wins feel the same, which is really a beautiful perspective. I would love to hear yours (Chris) and James' perspective on... On the inverse of that - Do all loses feel the same? If so - why? If not - why?
12:09 we need to bear in mind that dopamine is the anticipation, not the achievement. We like the anticipation of progression because that's like heroin, and that's why it's always relative. It's not that we're desensitized or less appreciative after milestones, that's just how chasing works. It's the chasing that gives us dopamine - to not the achievement. It's not about expectation either, it's anticipation. Crucial distinction imho
When you live your life guided by your heart surely life is much more simpler and easier . Wherever you go , you can not escape from yourself so one from old saying : " everywhere good where we are not " is true . Wherever you are , you are yourself .
Here's the best advice I heard re the when-to-have-kids thing (am in my late 40s and have two teens): decide when you'd ideally like to have your LAST child, and work backwards. If you're hoping to birth your children, factor-in an up to 20% miscarriage rate for every single pregnancy, potential infertility or getting pregnant taking far longer than you anticipated, plus the kind of gap you hope for in between each child. If you're hoping to adopt instead or as well, now you've got to factor in the lengthy adoptions process. Agree with Chris: any committed couple who sees giving birth as being in their future should, 'probably start trying much earlier than they think'. When it comes to fertility, pregnancy and raising kids, anything can happen - including nothing happening. This is clearly critical for women to keep in mind. Female peak fertility is in the late teens - to early twenties (not that I'm suggesting that women should go-for-it-then; of course several other maturation and economic factors need to be considered.) Also, once your first-born comes along, you'll be glad of all the fitness and energy you've got, and for most healthy-minded parents, you'll want as many years as possible in front of you, for your sakes and your children's. Anecdotally, I've known a couple of couples who conceived very quickly, but I've known far more who didn't, whose hopes and timing plans panned out very differently. Financial planning is important, of course, and women's careers are important too, to many. But you just can't beat biology. You need to decide what's most important to you: for some, it'll be your career or travels or 'freedom' (in which case, you can confidently prioritise that over having kids), but for others it'll be the hope to have children. If you rate kids as your number-one priority, and you're in a relationship with someone you know you want to have kids with and vice versa, bring the trying-to-conceive forward! Don't bank on your fertility being a given.
The live show was amazing and this was just a longer version of the Q and A. I love the different perceptions on all the topics and how you challenge me to think about things in a different light! ❤
Ricky Gervais was an odd case though.. meeting Steve and having Steve’s discipline and structure in writing was absolutely necessary for the Office to be what it was. Steve was the young buck, with zeal, doing a production course at the Beeb and they needed a character, which was Seedy Boss, aka David Brent. These were all past 11 o’clock show characters from Rick - same with Derek. He had been trying and failing for a while.. bumbling about, managing Suede in the early 90s, getting the odd TV slot (Meet Ricky Gervais which was panned), then joining XFM, then happening across Steve’s CV (top of the pile.. laziness and luck). It was that perfect melding of timing and experience with him and Stephen. Mutual serendipity doesn’t happen to that degree often but when it does - yeah, you get a cultural phenomenon. As Jane his girlfriend said to him, when he won his first BAFTA.. he just sat at home on the bed looking at it ‘why didn’t I do this earlier.?!’ She said, and quite rightly .. ‘you wouldn’t have been any good at it!’ Meaning, the writing, the performance, all relied on life experience in offices, the types we all come across. Ricky had to be 40 already for that right time and experience level to spit out such a show and character, it would’ve have been possible - or as brilliant - if he had tried at 25. Life is times and chances, particularly when it’s something collaboratively creative.
Chris these negative types in the comment sections we used to call them internet gangsters or keyboard warriors. The cynical types are projecting. We are all lost. We need to balance the comments by offering real heartfelt advice, and honest wholesome commentary.
*The wisest thought that is in everyone's minds today is to invest in different income flows that do not depend on the government, especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in gold, silver and digital currencies (BTC, ETH.... stock,silver and gold)*
I'm a mom of a teenage girl. The 🙄environment🙄 aside, the most difficult part of raising a child is setting a solid foundation of values and morality that are being actively undermined by pop culture on a daily basis.
It's crazy. When I grew up it was family, friends and school that influenced young people with a little from t.v./movies. Now the entire world has access to their minds 24/7. I'm trying to raise a 13-year-old boy and I have no frame of reference on how to handle him with the internet. Anything we try to say or promote is immediately lost in the waves of tiktoks and tweets.
100%, Well said! The transition from childhood to adolescence is crazy enough. As a parent, you wake up one morning, and suddenly you're uncool, the bedroom door is always closed, and there's clipped answers about how's school. But that's any generation's issue with teens. Add the social media & tiktok and suddenly it's a complete nightmare.
Huh, "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best"? That's the quote I've coined on my end as well. It's amusing how life experience can bring people to similar conclusions.
I think in reality people are just more cowardly and scared to speak out their opinion. I don’t think it’s that the world is more positive in person, people just aren’t bold or strong enough to show their true colours like they can online. Just my opinion though. Love both you guys, watched every vlog on James’s channel! He’s a very intelligent and honest chap.
I was absolutely beaming when I hit 50 subs. I hope I keep a bit of that elation as I continue to hit milestones. Also, I thought I was the only one who says “gooch” these days. Anyway, keep up the good work.
This content is exceptional; it mirrors a book I read that was equally outstanding. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint
I never understood that whole "there's nothing that improves x more than doing x" thing until someone told me that most people need a minimum level of competency and understanding before they can isolate bits of an endeavor. In combat sports and even intellectual pursuits, you don't do the thing itself very often. You rarely do the thing itself at all. Majority of the time, you isolate bits and pieces of it and train them that way. But your overall game improves faster this way. Fighters that hard spar and do the actual fight might get better faster but they have an ultra short lifespan and their techniques are basic and lack depth. Same with tradesmen that never learn theory and only do the work itself, there is a huge wall that they can and never will go past. You need isolation and theory to get to elite levels.
I am amazed at how little people get it: having kids blows your mind more than any "hot table" or other kinds of success might fee. It connects your past, present and future in radical new ways that you will never experience another moment again without feelings transdimentional. Go do it and have kids, Chris! 😅
I really like this dude's podcasts and most of his episodes have been bangers. The occasional flops for me have always been either good for the variety or just the price of trying to innovate. So I will comment on this video with an unrelated semi articulate jumble of words. Forgive me as English is one of my first languages but I do not respect it. Whenever I go to the gym, I think of Chris. His face and physique contribute so much to the podcast. Nothing Chris says is exactly new BUT he is so handsome and has such high social value that he owns the info. The resident expert could say something and he just repeats it and he gets a massively more positive response. I also sympathize with Chris a bit. Imagine working your arse off to be a man of substance and then being defined by your audience by your attractiveness instead. This is a dude that can fully empathize with women and their de-agentificantion.
You get a like from me for the hand luggage only. I sometimes have to pay more (to go from 7kg to 10) but not having to wait for the carousel is so freeing.
Your videos haven't been appearing in my usual feed lately. I've had to search for them intentionally. I reset the notification bell, thinking it might be an algorithm issue.
I am looking for this quote: "80% of your life you will feel like you are losing, 19% of your life you will feel like bla-bla-bla and 1% of your life you will feel like you are winning". Where did Chris say this? Help me to find
Question Chris - have you heard of this story that is going viral at the moment in England about - Carl Borg-Neal who was dismissed by Lloyds Bank for nearly 30 years working there - white middle aged man off 55 but saved by FSU ( freedom of Speech Union ) - whats your take ... is white heterosexual middle aged man the scourge of society presently or now a victim of this cancel culture ? Your thoughts please - Chris ?
Paul McCartney reportedly in the early 1960s told his Aunty that his and Lennon's song had hit number one. His Aunty reportedly replied "That's nice dear but when are you going to get a real job?".
Can someone tell me what is Chirs wearing on his wrist, is it some kind of watch, bracelet, wristband, I see him with it all the time but can't seem to find what it is, is it functional or just jewellery?
@Chriswilx enjoy the content, would like to share episodes with my kids but there is too much profanity at random intervals. Appreciate the idea behind the podcast and the approach.
It's a combination of luck to get the chances to get the training, education, expeience and problem solving. An amateur carpenter can make a 100 cabinets with butt joints and a dozen nails, and the cabinetts will get better to a point but still be weak; withouth one failing he wouldn't know there's an issue, without education or training, he wouldn't have access to the experience from thousands of years of carpenters (and joint options) and so would have to develop his own solution. After more cabinets he'll make better use of the knowledge as he knows what works, but more and different problems come up that he has to use what he's learned to adapt into novel solutions to these problems. Practice at doing this is what makes an expert.
Well on that conversation about being ready to have kids no one can be ready it's a person simply accepts responsibility after having kids and that's it you learn as you go, but talking relationships also it's the idea that you won't have any freedom in your life well maybe it's a fear because of many controlling people I don't know but fear is not a great way to determine these things people had kids in more terrible times than today and that's also because it was the opposite people knew having bigger families was a great advantage to surviving the uncertainty of the future.
The story is real history: Mark 6 : 30 And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught. 31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. 32 And they departed into a desert place by ship privately. 33 And the people saw them departing, and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him. 34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things. 35 And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed: 36 Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat. 37 He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat? 38 He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes. 39 And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass. 40 And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties. 41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all. 42 And they did all eat, and were filled. 43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes. 44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men. 45 And straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while he sent away the people. 46 And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray. 47 And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. 48 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them. 49 But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out: 50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. 51 And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered. 52 For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened. 53 And when they had passed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore. 54 And when they were come out of the ship, straightway they knew him, 55 And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was. 56 And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.
I like these guy's... Still don't want kids though 😂 not because of climate, not because of overpopulation - just because I really like my life. Having kids feels like rolling a dice with your happiness & I'd rather regret not having a kid, than regret having a kid. That's what it really comes down to, what regret are you more able/willing to carry.
Have you ever met someone who regretted having a kid? From where I’m standing (in a very family oriented community, to be fair) people really seem to be enjoying their kids. I’ve always had a pretty happy, enjoyable life, but I can hardly even remember life before kids. I traveled and had some cool experiences that I’m glad I got to do beforehand, but the majority seems lightweight and unimportant in retrospect. Like a warm-up for the actual great things in life. I don’t know why kids get such a bad rep these days.
@@byyouthgonewild a two second Google search will show that a large number of people carry that regret unfortunately, but it's not something you can ever discuss with friends and family of course. That's why people turn to private forums and Reddit to vent and express their frustrations. I think having children can probably be an amazing experience, but let's not push it on everyone.
@@Johnboysmudge I don’t doubt that those people exist, I also don’t doubt that if we subanalyzed that data we would find out a lot about who those people are and the “whys” behind their feelings. I’m just hoping young adults(who are sincerely trying to decide if parenthood is right for them) aren’t putting in a 2 second google search or reading through obscure Reddit threads full of strangers to make that decision. My advice would be to spend time with actual parents - ones that you admire. Get their take and perspective on their experience. Good foundations for a positive parenting experience: a strong marriage relationship. A stable financial situation (not that you need a certainty level of wealth or savings. I know many-including myself-who had their first child while their husband was still in school). A supportive “village” (extended family or friends who are like family). Good mental-emotional health. A strong sense of spirituality/higher purpose/responsibility. If you have most of these things, parenthood will probably end up a positive experience for you, IMO. Again, from where I’m standing (in a family-oriented community), people seem to be enjoying parenthood. And I can tell they didn’t regret it (at least the first time) because most families have multiple kids.
The data suggests the majority of people regret having kids. However the ones who become grandparents change their mind and no longer regret it @@byyouthgonewild
The 20 mins of prep is = to 20+ IQ is exactly what makes Andrew Schulz arguably the best comedian in the world right now. He always taps into the local memes and taboos.
Hello you legends. Get $150 discount on Plunge’s amazing sauna or cold plunge at plunge.com (use code MW150)
Get 20% discount & free shipping on your Lawnmower 4.0 at manscaped.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM)
Get 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM)
Here’s the timestamps:
00:00 Touring Together
10:38 All Wins Feel the Same
17:53 The Risks of Doing Something You Love
25:31 How Much of Success is Down to Work?
31:20 What’s Obvious to You Isn’t to Everyone Else
36:52 Dealing With a Multiplicity of Options
46:31 Poor Excuses For Not Having Children
53:19 The Male Sedation Hypothesis
1:00:40 Are We Ruled By Midwits?
1:11:39 What James Has Learned About Success
1:24:54 The Future of the Fitness Industry
1:41:43 Where to Find James
Chris Williamson interviewing blond Chris Williamson is the 2024 start we need.
You mean Will Christianson
Yes, the neutonic twins!
Watching this back in January 2025, and wow James Smith is so jacked now!
Thanks for having me mate
At 59.00 the chat about your friends bringing you down though negativity.. read Connected by Nicholas Christakis.. where they show the data.. your friends friends can make you fat through our social connections..
"Thanks for having me mate, now excuse me whilst I go off to make a video about how much your podcast sucks..."
"In the past only the paranoid survived, but in the present only the optimist thrive."
Great podcast. Needs more likes. ❤
Really loved this. I’m 68 - lot older than you guys - but I love listening to wise people who share common values with me- no matter what age - and makes me think, rethinking and learning. Open minded and curious and vulnerable. Thank you 🙏🏻
one of the most useful things people can learn from Stoic philosophy, I think, is not to worry about things you can't control.
This was such a down-to-earth, smooth conversation. I very much enjoyed James' approach, humble and understanding that no matter what you've done, how successful you are, humility is the key.
May I suggest that you bring Jamie (Jay) Alderton for a podcast?
His transformation in the last decade, what he's done, how his speech changed, his mindset, is great!
51:15 This literally described my entire adolescence. I opted out of socializing and instead tried to become a professional player. such a dangerous rabbit hole
passion needs practice just as awareness needs integration.
You can have all the passion in the world but without a sustainable system of applying that passion into practice, it can be easy to feel scarcity, insecurity, and inadequacy.
Success first needs to be cultivated from the inside-out.
Becoming the version of you that is unwaveringly successful and has a clear path to channel that state of being into practice and form.
So basically, make a solid plan and execute it with intention 🤙🏽
James has a genuine and compelling delivery and message.
I've always appreciated James' no holds barred approach to any subject matter. You always have the best guests.
I truly don't intend this to sound like a "cheeky" question.
At 12:20 if all wins feel the same, which is really a beautiful perspective.
I would love to hear yours (Chris) and James' perspective on...
On the inverse of that - Do all loses feel the same?
If so - why?
If not - why?
That's a good question, I'm not Chris or James, but I think no, because people usually have more to lose than gain
Da boiz
Two of the biggest influences in my life. Super excited, really appreciate all you guys do. Much love!
If there is any doubt, then there is no doubt at all - Robert Di Nero - Ronin.
I love by this!!
12:09 we need to bear in mind that dopamine is the anticipation, not the achievement. We like the anticipation of progression because that's like heroin, and that's why it's always relative. It's not that we're desensitized or less appreciative after milestones, that's just how chasing works. It's the chasing that gives us dopamine - to not the achievement. It's not about expectation either, it's anticipation. Crucial distinction imho
First time hearing about Chris Williamson, was very pleased about his positivity towards Boyscast and Danny P
This was a great chat, James is a lot wiser than one would think
When you live your life guided by your heart surely life is much more
simpler and easier .
Wherever you go , you can not escape from yourself so one from old saying :
" everywhere good where we are not " is true .
Wherever you are , you are yourself .
1:04:00 Is exactly the idea I realized as I became an adult and observed my bosses and peers.
Everyone’s just winging it
Here's the best advice I heard re the when-to-have-kids thing (am in my late 40s and have two teens): decide when you'd ideally like to have your LAST child, and work backwards.
If you're hoping to birth your children, factor-in an up to 20% miscarriage rate for every single pregnancy, potential infertility or getting pregnant taking far longer than you anticipated, plus the kind of gap you hope for in between each child. If you're hoping to adopt instead or as well, now you've got to factor in the lengthy adoptions process.
Agree with Chris: any committed couple who sees giving birth as being in their future should, 'probably start trying much earlier than they think'.
When it comes to fertility, pregnancy and raising kids, anything can happen - including nothing happening. This is clearly critical for women to keep in mind. Female peak fertility is in the late teens - to early twenties (not that I'm suggesting that women should go-for-it-then; of course several other maturation and economic factors need to be considered.)
Also, once your first-born comes along, you'll be glad of all the fitness and energy you've got, and for most healthy-minded parents, you'll want as many years as possible in front of you, for your sakes and your children's.
Anecdotally, I've known a couple of couples who conceived very quickly, but I've known far more who didn't, whose hopes and timing plans panned out very differently.
Financial planning is important, of course, and women's careers are important too, to many. But you just can't beat biology. You need to decide what's most important to you: for some, it'll be your career or travels or 'freedom' (in which case, you can confidently prioritise that over having kids), but for others it'll be the hope to have children. If you rate kids as your number-one priority, and you're in a relationship with someone you know you want to have kids with and vice versa, bring the trying-to-conceive forward! Don't bank on your fertility being a given.
"Luck is what happens when preperation meets oppertunity." - Seneca
The live show was amazing and this was just a longer version of the Q and A. I love the different perceptions on all the topics and how you challenge me to think about things in a different light! ❤
the best bit ist at the end at about 1:30:00 it´s about feeling empathy in stead of dread toward trolls.
Ricky Gervais was an odd case though.. meeting Steve and having Steve’s discipline and structure in writing was absolutely necessary for the Office to be what it was.
Steve was the young buck, with zeal, doing a production course at the Beeb and they needed a character, which was Seedy Boss, aka David Brent. These were all past 11 o’clock show characters from Rick - same with Derek. He had been trying and failing for a while.. bumbling about, managing Suede in the early 90s, getting the odd TV slot (Meet Ricky Gervais which was panned), then joining XFM, then happening across Steve’s CV (top of the pile.. laziness and luck).
It was that perfect melding of timing and experience with him and Stephen. Mutual serendipity doesn’t happen to that degree often but when it does - yeah, you get a cultural phenomenon. As Jane his girlfriend said to him, when he won his first BAFTA.. he just sat at home on the bed looking at it ‘why didn’t I do this earlier.?!’ She said, and quite rightly .. ‘you wouldn’t have been any good at it!’ Meaning, the writing, the performance, all relied on life experience in offices, the types we all come across. Ricky had to be 40 already for that right time and experience level to spit out such a show and character, it would’ve have been possible - or as brilliant - if he had tried at 25. Life is times and chances, particularly when it’s something collaboratively creative.
James is back on the podcast! Very excited for this episode!
If you have passion but not ambition, it is a throw of the dice.
People think passion and ambition go hand in hand . That combo is rarer than you think .
Chris these negative types in the comment sections we used to call them internet gangsters or keyboard warriors. The cynical types are projecting. We are all lost. We need to balance the comments by offering real heartfelt advice, and honest wholesome commentary.
Great start for the year. Happy new year from this end 🇰🇪
"Hold luggage is a psy opp meant to keep you poor and late"
What a quote 😂😂
I am always recommending Obstacle is the way as well lol. Amazing book and helps everyone I share it with.
*The wisest thought that is in everyone's minds today is to invest in different income flows that do not depend on the government, especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in gold, silver and digital currencies (BTC, ETH.... stock,silver and gold)*
Really enjoyed the episode thank you. James pronounced chagrin correctly for an Englishman, Chris for an American❤
Success creates passion.
I'm a mom of a teenage girl. The 🙄environment🙄 aside, the most difficult part of raising a child is setting a solid foundation of values and morality that are being actively undermined by pop culture on a daily basis.
It's crazy. When I grew up it was family, friends and school that influenced young people with a little from t.v./movies. Now the entire world has access to their minds 24/7. I'm trying to raise a 13-year-old boy and I have no frame of reference on how to handle him with the internet. Anything we try to say or promote is immediately lost in the waves of tiktoks and tweets.
100%, Well said! The transition from childhood to adolescence is crazy enough. As a parent, you wake up one morning, and suddenly you're uncool, the bedroom door is always closed, and there's clipped answers about how's school. But that's any generation's issue with teens. Add the social media & tiktok and suddenly it's a complete nightmare.
Huh, "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best"? That's the quote I've coined on my end as well. It's amusing how life experience can bring people to similar conclusions.
I think in reality people are just more cowardly and scared to speak out their opinion. I don’t think it’s that the world is more positive in person, people just aren’t bold or strong enough to show their true colours like they can online. Just my opinion though. Love both you guys, watched every vlog on James’s channel! He’s a very intelligent and honest chap.
I love this!! It spoke to my spirit!! Let's get it done!!!
Wake me up before you go go, is what you're looking for!!
I love you show , Chris
I was absolutely beaming when I hit 50 subs. I hope I keep a bit of that elation as I continue to hit milestones.
Also, I thought I was the only one who says “gooch” these days. Anyway, keep up the good work.
Loved this conversation.
This content is exceptional; it mirrors a book I read that was equally outstanding. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint
I never understood that whole "there's nothing that improves x more than doing x" thing until someone told me that most people need a minimum level of competency and understanding before they can isolate bits of an endeavor.
In combat sports and even intellectual pursuits, you don't do the thing itself very often. You rarely do the thing itself at all. Majority of the time, you isolate bits and pieces of it and train them that way. But your overall game improves faster this way. Fighters that hard spar and do the actual fight might get better faster but they have an ultra short lifespan and their techniques are basic and lack depth. Same with tradesmen that never learn theory and only do the work itself, there is a huge wall that they can and never will go past. You need isolation and theory to get to elite levels.
I am amazed at how little people get it: having kids blows your mind more than any "hot table" or other kinds of success might fee. It connects your past, present and future in radical new ways that you will never experience another moment again without feelings transdimentional.
Go do it and have kids, Chris! 😅
@54:00 - Would you say lads addicted to videogames/porn etc is the causation, or the symptom?
Absolutely Loved this episode Guys 🎉
Top episode fellas, keep doing what you're doing 👏
Two good lads
I really like this dude's podcasts and most of his episodes have been bangers. The occasional flops for me have always been either good for the variety or just the price of trying to innovate.
So I will comment on this video with an unrelated semi articulate jumble of words. Forgive me as English is one of my first languages but I do not respect it. Whenever I go to the gym, I think of Chris. His face and physique contribute so much to the podcast. Nothing Chris says is exactly new BUT he is so handsome and has such high social value that he owns the info. The resident expert could say something and he just repeats it and he gets a massively more positive response.
I also sympathize with Chris a bit. Imagine working your arse off to be a man of substance and then being defined by your audience by your attractiveness instead. This is a dude that can fully empathize with women and their de-agentificantion.
You get a like from me for the hand luggage only. I sometimes have to pay more (to go from 7kg to 10) but not having to wait for the carousel is so freeing.
Your videos haven't been appearing in my usual feed lately. I've had to search for them intentionally. I reset the notification bell, thinking it might be an algorithm issue.
love your podcasts so much
Luck favours the prepared mind- Louis Pasteur
You say a quote then I will say a quote tennis, good stuff fellas
One in a million chances are more common then you think, but only if the chance is EXCATLY one in a million - Sir Terry Pratchett
1:36:44 he's talking so fast, what did he actually say?
I am looking for this quote: "80% of your life you will feel like you are losing, 19% of your life you will feel like bla-bla-bla and 1% of your life you will feel like you are winning". Where did Chris say this? Help me to find
Question Chris - have you heard of this story that is going viral at the moment in England about - Carl Borg-Neal who was dismissed by Lloyds Bank for nearly 30 years working there - white middle aged man off 55 but saved by FSU ( freedom of Speech Union ) - whats your take ... is white heterosexual middle aged man the scourge of society presently or now a victim of this cancel culture ? Your thoughts please - Chris ?
Great podcast! Also thank you for double the handsomeness😊
Not a massive complaint but annoying how long after the Spotify drop the YT video comes.
Best pod episode !!!
Great subject. I’ve always wondered this bc I make music but I was thinking, what if I lose my passion for it or what if I fail? But it’s all worth it
I never understand why people say such mean things to others online.
when life isn't going so well for me, I ask myself the same question that always puts me at ease, and that question is; Pink or Brown? ...
Paul McCartney reportedly in the early 1960s told his Aunty that his and Lennon's song had hit number one. His Aunty reportedly replied "That's nice dear but when are you going to get a real job?".
James' veneers look so much better they're perfect for his face now
I bought your book and i am a bodybuilder :)
Can someone tell me what is Chirs wearing on his wrist, is it some kind of watch, bracelet, wristband, I see him with it all the time but can't seem to find what it is, is it functional or just jewellery?
Just wondering--what is the difference between "midwits" and "dimwits?"
Yeay my two faves! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@Chriswilx enjoy the content, would like to share episodes with my kids but there is too much profanity at random intervals. Appreciate the idea behind the podcast and the approach.
I have an 11 month old boy. It’s the shit.
Chris, will you ever come to Russia with your live show?
Alright, that’s it. I’m quitting my job and going all in on running. Thanks for the push gentlemen✌️
Do you have enough money to support yourself until you're able to make enough from running?
In savings yes..enough to give it a crack for 20 months@@learntonganwithandrew
That might’ve been the best start to a podcast I’ve ever seen🤣
Yeah🤣🤣🤣 fucking out context for 30 seconds straight
some great insights here lads (newcastles gonna win the fucking league👍🏻)
It's a combination of luck to get the chances to get the training, education, expeience and problem solving. An amateur carpenter can make a 100 cabinets with butt joints and a dozen nails, and the cabinetts will get better to a point but still be weak; withouth one failing he wouldn't know there's an issue, without education or training, he wouldn't have access to the experience from thousands of years of carpenters (and joint options) and so would have to develop his own solution.
After more cabinets he'll make better use of the knowledge as he knows what works, but more and different problems come up that he has to use what he's learned to adapt into novel solutions to these problems. Practice at doing this is what makes an expert.
Well on that conversation about being ready to have kids no one can be ready it's a person simply accepts responsibility after having kids and that's it you learn as you go, but talking relationships also it's the idea that you won't have any freedom in your life well maybe it's a fear because of many controlling people I don't know but fear is not a great way to determine these things people had kids in more terrible times than today and that's also because it was the opposite people knew having bigger families was a great advantage to surviving the uncertainty of the future.
Do you actually need to be successful when you are passionate ?
The story is real history: Mark 6 :
30 And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught.
31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.
32 And they departed into a desert place by ship privately.
33 And the people saw them departing, and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him.
34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.
35 And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed:
36 Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat.
37 He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?
38 He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.
39 And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass.
40 And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties.
41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.
42 And they did all eat, and were filled.
43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.
44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.
45 And straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while he sent away the people.
46 And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray.
47 And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land.
48 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.
49 But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out:
50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.
51 And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.
52 For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.
53 And when they had passed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore.
54 And when they were come out of the ship, straightway they knew him,
55 And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was.
56 And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.
I thought he was interviewing himself! 🤣
Not certain that a maths question, no matter how simple, is an effective barometer for overall intelligence.
James smith not buying bitcoin means he’ll have fun staying poor
in order for art to imitate life, you need to have a life
I like these guy's... Still don't want kids though 😂 not because of climate, not because of overpopulation - just because I really like my life.
Having kids feels like rolling a dice with your happiness & I'd rather regret not having a kid, than regret having a kid. That's what it really comes down to, what regret are you more able/willing to carry.
Have you ever met someone who regretted having a kid? From where I’m standing (in a very family oriented community, to be fair) people really seem to be enjoying their kids. I’ve always had a pretty happy, enjoyable life, but I can hardly even remember life before kids. I traveled and had some cool experiences that I’m glad I got to do beforehand, but the majority seems lightweight and unimportant in retrospect. Like a warm-up for the actual great things in life. I don’t know why kids get such a bad rep these days.
@@byyouthgonewild a two second Google search will show that a large number of people carry that regret unfortunately, but it's not something you can ever discuss with friends and family of course. That's why people turn to private forums and Reddit to vent and express their frustrations. I think having children can probably be an amazing experience, but let's not push it on everyone.
@@Johnboysmudge I don’t doubt that those people exist, I also don’t doubt that if we subanalyzed that data we would find out a lot about who those people are and the “whys” behind their feelings. I’m just hoping young adults(who are sincerely trying to decide if parenthood is right for them) aren’t putting in a 2 second google search or reading through obscure Reddit threads full of strangers to make that decision. My advice would be to spend time with actual parents - ones that you admire. Get their take and perspective on their experience.
Good foundations for a positive parenting experience: a strong marriage relationship. A stable financial situation (not that you need a certainty level of wealth or savings. I know many-including myself-who had their first child while their husband was still in school). A supportive “village” (extended family or friends who are like family). Good mental-emotional health. A strong sense of spirituality/higher purpose/responsibility. If you have most of these things, parenthood will probably end up a positive experience for you, IMO.
Again, from where I’m standing (in a family-oriented community), people seem to be enjoying parenthood. And I can tell they didn’t regret it (at least the first time) because most families have multiple kids.
The data suggests the majority of people regret having kids. However the ones who become grandparents change their mind and no longer regret it
Good for y’all
This feels like the spider man meme
The 20 mins of prep is = to 20+ IQ is exactly what makes Andrew Schulz arguably the best comedian in the world right now. He always taps into the local memes and taboos.
i thought they were 1 and the same person
: )
Electrolytes, brought you by Carls Jr.
Andrew Ridgly
wait, the internet isn't real life???
Are you guys related?
so celebrate small wins?
Put some trousers on, show some respect 🙏
More tuna arms.