7 Signs You're Not Dealing With Your Grief and Loss

  • Опубликовано: 2 июн 2024
  • Learn 9 Keys to Moving Through Grief in this online course by a grief expert: courses.therapyinanutshell.co...
    What happens when you don’t process your grief? What happens when you avoid dealing with loss? People say that time heals, but I would argue that it doesn’t unless you allow yourself to work through your pain little by little.
    Now it’s clear that each person’s grief is unique, there isn’t a concrete set of steps you can do in order, there isn’t a time limit for mourning. But there is a big difference between working through stuff and not working through stuff. People who process their grief allow themselves to face their pain, even in small doses. They address their feelings, they may talk about them or write about them, they mourn. When someone doesn’t work through their pain, they try to distract themselves, they keep busy, they desperately avoid their pain, which in the long run leads to more pain. So we’re going to talk about 7 signs that you’re not processing your grief. And you’ll learn 3 ways to start to face your grief in small steps.
    Recently I partnered with Sarah Engler, LCSW, to create a course called ”Understanding Grief and Loss”. She teaches how loss can stem from a loved one dying, but it can also come from many more situations- like a divorce, an expectation that doesn’t happen, a lifecycle change like aging or change in employment, and so many more situations where you may experience strong emotions about losing something you care about. Sarah does a great job explaining how not dealing with your loss can lead to these 7 signs.
    Looking for affordable online therapy? My sponsor, BetterHelp, connects you to a licensed professional from the comfort of your own home. Try it now for 10% off your first month: betterhelp.com/therapyinanuts...
    Learn more in one of my in-depth mental health courses: courses.therapyinanutshell.co...
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    Check out my podcast, Therapy in a Nutshell: tinpodcast.podbean.com/
    Therapy in a Nutshell and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.
    In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life's direction.
    And deeper than all of that, the Gospel of Jesus Christ orients my personal worldview and sense of security, peace, hope, and love www.churchofjesuschrist.org/c...
    If you are in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or your local emergency services.
    Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC

Комментарии • 2,2 тыс.

  • @nickdiaz3737
    @nickdiaz3737 Год назад +1543

    Grief also makes you feel alone no matter how many people are around you

  • @cgravelle4937
    @cgravelle4937 Год назад +1270

    I lost my husband in 2018.
    It is now 2022.
    I have NEVER STOPPED crying .
    I cry every single day , some days on and off and other days I cry all day and night.
    My husband was the most
    loving and giving human being. He loved me more than anyone else in my entire life. I gave that love back to him for 43 1/2
    I hate the things people say to me.
    Some things are cruel and others want to make me feel bad about my longing for my husband. I cannot control my emotions.
    I wish I could go back in time . I just want to hold him one more time and feel his arms around me.

    • @sonyavincent7450
      @sonyavincent7450 Год назад +86

      Mine died in 2018 as well. Suddenly and horribly. I understand the agony of the grief journey.

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад +37

      I am so sorry you are having to go through this, but I just want you to know that Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He knows exactly what you're going through and he can give you a peace in your heart like you've never experienced. I'd like to share with you the story of my best friend who lost her son. Even in the midst of her sorrow, she has joy. My hope and prayer is that you too come to have this joy in your life. God bless you!
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:

    • @cgravelle4937
      @cgravelle4937 Год назад +97

      Thank you, watching my husband die from Cancer was the most heartbreaking thing have ever witnessed.
      The week before he died he told me he fell in love with me the first time he laid his eyes on me. It makes me cry so much and he said he wanted just one more summer with me so we could have some quality time together. He died 4 days later. I hear those words in my head all the time.
      I just cannot stop crying.

    • @brendadrumm9451
      @brendadrumm9451 Год назад +59

      im 72 i lost my daughter of 42 in 2o13 my son of 32 yr half after ive lost my hearing in left ear cant taste or smell its not covid its grief ive lost 2 stone in weight i cry all the time there is no one on gods earth can help me i feel for you god bless x

    • @lindahughes2289
      @lindahughes2289 Год назад +40

      I'm mad at my husband that he left me, cancer 2months and five days, but im trying to let go and realize he had to go to Jesus, he told me he was waiting for him and it was beautiful there, but i am heartbroken and just want my David. It is a very slow and painful process. Prayers for all.

  • @sophiamarquis
    @sophiamarquis Год назад +463

    The pain never leaves because there was a Love bond so strong and deep, all your life...and suddenly it's gone. A big part of me died, i am sure of that.

    • @poigmhahon
      @poigmhahon Год назад +22

      I know, I'm there. It's as if my very heart was taken from me.All of the trite explanations are hollow and lack understanding of the breadth and depth of the emotions. This requires something more than "explanations".

    • @sophiamarquis
      @sophiamarquis Год назад +12

      @@poigmhahon You sure have a family support and friends to hang on but, if you ever need to talk to a stranger, i am here. You are not alone.

    • @leeauslander8305
      @leeauslander8305 Год назад +27

      When u love someone immensely the pain is also immense when they are forever gone. I could just cry right now.😢😢

    • @tenniskinsella7768
      @tenniskinsella7768 Год назад +16

      Sophia my husband died suddenly he just dropped down dead from.a heart attack 6 months ago and I still cry sometimes. Something sets me off but I pretend I'm.slright to my children a d grandsons but it's pretence

    • @nataliemcgowan3425
      @nataliemcgowan3425 Год назад +13

      I hear you I lost my dad suddenly massive heart attack I'm 2018 I'm still broken. Hugs ❤️

  • @mariej5319
    @mariej5319 7 месяцев назад +120

    For those of us who are naturally introverted, withdrawal is entirely normal, healthy and indeed necessary. Some of us find comfort in solitude and seek solace from within.

    • @jillmontgomery4856
      @jillmontgomery4856 5 месяцев назад +9

      Yes to everything you said. Me too.

    • @sethtenrec
      @sethtenrec 4 месяца назад +3

      I’m an introvert, but I have a anxious attachment style. Recovering codependent. I need someone to co-regulate with… It’s OK everyone’s different.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад +1

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

    • @jazelmarie
      @jazelmarie Месяц назад +1

      Thank you saying that.

  • @marlonstrachan9655
    @marlonstrachan9655 8 месяцев назад +56

    I recently lost my mom, and sometimes I feel fine, and other days, I feel sad. People keep telling me that I need to get over it. Mom was my best friend, and when she died, she took a big piece of me with her. We lived in the same apartment together, and going and coming home from work is hard because she always sat in her chair, watching me leave and come home. Sometimes, I would blame myself because if I had been off that day, she would have been alive. Many times, I would cry myself to sleep at night. Yesterday, I was on my way to work, and I started crying my eyes out in front of people. Mom was the one I talked to about any little thing. My life will never be the same anymore.

    • @ivanabear8824
      @ivanabear8824 3 месяца назад +5

      i am in your exact situation now. if it helps, i Do understand because i’m going through that right now.

    • @feathersareheavierthansteel
      @feathersareheavierthansteel 2 месяца назад +6

      My condolences. Same here. That's the worst someone can say. I take Wednesday to get it out of my system by listening to mournful music. By letting it out I'm healing and she contacts me in my dreams, I now get to see more foreshadowing than I ever had before. Pray at home and burn smudge sticks to rid of negative energy. I wasn't really active in chores and administrative issues, but it was just like flicking a switch, I'm doing everything, almost as if someone is doing it for me, like she's with me, inside my heart. Of course she a lot of people agreed with me. My heart and stomach still hurt time to time, but all I can say is that I would make the best out of what time I have left. I promised her that on her deathbed also after I sang happy birthday to her, so I'm not just gonna sit around and wait for death. The pain stays because I cannot accept how she went, in the morning she was brimming with life and around 1700 she passed. Even though from the afterlife she tells me not worry, what I feel is like an injury but on the inside and it will heal, but most likely after accepting her death. And to get to accepting I read the holy scriptures, it really helps.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад +3

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

    • @doug3819
      @doug3819 Месяц назад +3

      I was a caregiver for my mother for 10 yrs. Also I lived with her for 65 yrs. I lost her 8 months ago. My emotions are all over the place. Obviously my life will never be the same ! I'm going to griefshare but sometimes they are too dogmatic when relying on scripture. At times i wish God would have taken me with her, but i don't believe God takes anyone. I think people die from natural causes or accidents. I will live out my life but I will never be the same again ! Lastly some days are better than others, listening to norman vincent peale the positive thinking minister helps. Writing about emotions helps. My sympathy for the above people that lost loved ones.

    • @jenniferburton7044
      @jenniferburton7044 Месяц назад +4

      Please ignore the utter imbeciles who told you to “get over it.” This is your MOTHER we are talking about here, not a distant cousin! Take all the time you need. And please know that your mother is still very much with you in spirit.

  • @ritalayman9396
    @ritalayman9396 Год назад +4

    I lost my husband 8 years ago and my daughter 9 months later. I gained 50lbs. Can’t sleep , depressed, no one gets it. No friends or family to speak of. I’m totally alone. I can’t get past it Still. Just getting worse

    • @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb
      @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 7 месяцев назад

      I'm very sorry about your husband, trust me I completely understand how you feel, I felt the same way when my wife past away June 4th 2018 grief is hard to deal with but we learn to live with it, where are you from.?

  • @carmellarkin4803
    @carmellarkin4803 Год назад +384

    My 26 year old daughter died on February 8 2021. My younger sister who was my best support and comfort after this devastating loss died on March 29 2022. My daughter died from a haemorrhage caused by a brain tumour, my sister had breast cancer. I am truly drowning in grief. Every day is a battle just to keep going. The world has gone dark and silent. Thank you for this message. I hope I can work with these suggestions.

    • @AngelinaX23
      @AngelinaX23 Год назад +22

      Such tragic losses! I pray that you can find comfort and peace. 💗

    • @evaj3461
      @evaj3461 Год назад +8

      I am so, so sorry for your losses. You are unbelievably strong. Not sure if you're religious but praying that you will have renewed strength and Godly comfort in this time.

    • @lilliecat
      @lilliecat Год назад +8

      Sending you a prayer, God she needs your comfort, strength the pain she’s dealing with is debilitating. In your mercy give her emotional healing, only you can heal the broken hearted. ❤️‍🩹

    • @bluefish143
      @bluefish143 Год назад +11

      I can’t begin to imagine what you are going through & my heart aches for you. I hope that you have some people in your life that you can still lean on. Or a good therapist?? Or a furry friend to cuddle?!?
      In the past year and a half, I’ve lost a lot of my loved ones, including my mom. It has been devastating. I feel alone quite often. I talked to my doctor & am taking anti-depressant and that seems to be helping me feel more motivated to get out of bed. And I force myself to call & text old friends and family members. I also joined a local church. I try to find some way each month to honor my mom (I struggle the most with having lost her; she was my world). Through these actions, I have started feeling less alone & seem better able to cope with everything on a day to day basis. Don’t get me wrong; I still wake up crying. And still go to bed crying sometimes. But those things helped me so I wanted to share just in case one of them might help you.
      I also cuddle my dogs a LOT.
      I pray that you find what you need in this universe to help you through each day. I wish I had magical words to take away your pain. I just wanted to tell you - one human to another - that I hear you. Grief should not be carried alone. I pray that you find whatever support you need. Please take care of yourself the best you are able to each day & be extra kind to yourself. ❤

    • @Humbledone.
      @Humbledone. Год назад +4

      @@bluefish143 sending you love ♥️♥️♥️

  • @frankendoll1455
    @frankendoll1455 Год назад +760

    I still struggle with all of these 30 yrs. later. I buried a child and gave birth to another in the same week. Extremely difficult...never grieved properly. I believe some things aren't meant to get over...and it's OK. 💜🕊

  • @terrywhite6249
    @terrywhite6249 Год назад +549

    When dealing with a terminally ill close relative or a loss, when someone asks you "how are you doing" they don't actually want to know. They want you to say you're fine. If you say anything other than that, people get so uncomfortable that it's next to impossible to say anything else than what they want to hear.

    • @elena2125
      @elena2125 Год назад +10

      That's why I am not sure what say after some has passed way. What do say??

    • @nia5128
      @nia5128 Год назад +2

      Very true

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад +10

      I am so sorry you are having to go through this, but I just want you to know that Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He knows exactly what you're going through and he can give you a peace in your heart like you've never experienced. I'd like to share with you the story of my best friend who lost her son. Even in the midst of her sorrow, she has joy. My hope and prayer is that you too come to have this joy in your life. God bless you!
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:

    • @melissabarrett9750
      @melissabarrett9750 Год назад +41

      When I ask, I genuinely want to know. I care deeply about how people are feeling and them just knowing that you are available to sit and let them cry in your presence, without judgement, can be invaluable to their emotional health into the future. I'm happy to hold someone when they're crying, although I will usually cry along with them due to the heartbreak I can feel they're experiencing. My enquiries into how others are, is never shallow.

    • @sw9868
      @sw9868 Год назад +3

      @@kelleymcfadden9675 Thank you for sharing this. I pray that Jesus will use this testimony to draw many to Himself. He is surely using your son in this. God bless and comfort you.

  • @kathleengill994
    @kathleengill994 Год назад +115

    Grief loss is not just a death. It can be when a husband or wife leaves you, or a child who won’t have anything to do with you, losing a much loved pet.

    • @noremac4807
      @noremac4807 10 месяцев назад +9

      Or losing a meaningful job and losing a home

    • @elizasteiner7330
      @elizasteiner7330 8 месяцев назад +8

      I still cry over a dog l had and a lover that died less than a month apart in 2019.

    • @jenkinsljenkinssquire9137
      @jenkinsljenkinssquire9137 7 месяцев назад +4

      A divorce is nothing like losing your wife to cancer

    • @Yolduranduran
      @Yolduranduran 7 месяцев назад +8

      Our 11 year old grand daughter was taken from us by her parents. We had a very strong relationship with her and now we can't see her. I am in deep grief and my husband is in denial 😞. Please pray for us.

    • @cgravelle4937
      @cgravelle4937 7 месяцев назад +8

      Do not compare a spouses death to the loss of another human being or animal.
      If you never lost a husband you loved for 43 years, you know nothing about the heartache.
      Losing a husband to cancer
      means he is gone from this
      world . People can be so judgemental when They know nothing about death.
      What my y cat died . I had her for 23 years , I cried and still think of her but I did not cry for 5 years as I have done for my husband. .
      People please do not make comments about things you know nothing about.
      It is hurtful to we humans who lost their spouses whom we loved so much.

  • @204august2
    @204august2 4 месяца назад +35

    Grief never goes away, my mother has been dead for almost 12 years and I’m still crying about it. you can manage your grief but you can’t make it go away.

    • @johncotterill3949
      @johncotterill3949 2 месяца назад +1

      Yes that’s so true bless you ❤️

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад +1

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

    • @asym8
      @asym8 6 дней назад +1

      I appreciate reading your comment l think about my mother every day and haven’t been the same since she passed 44 yrs ago ❤

  • @adriennedunne1748
    @adriennedunne1748 Год назад +75

    I don't believe we ever quite "get over" the loss of a loved one. We come to terms with it. It changes us and we learn to adapt. I don't believe we should forget that person. When we deal with that grief we can remember the good memories of them. Pain can still need there but it can be manageable I've found. It's a part of life.

    • @Skeptimystic
      @Skeptimystic 6 месяцев назад +3

      We make room for grief. It is our constant companion. Best to make friends with it, if we can, or if not, then a peaceful truce.

    • @starstuff5958
      @starstuff5958 5 месяцев назад +1

      we're not asked to forget that person.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @dragonwithagirltattoo598
    @dragonwithagirltattoo598 Год назад +156

    I lost my dad, stepdad, grandma, aunt and uncle in less than 18 mos. That was 20 years ago. It changed me forever. I still grieve. The loss was too big. My mother passed a little under a year ago and now I’m alone. I feel like an orphan but I’m not a child. Weird.

    • @melissabarrett9750
      @melissabarrett9750 Год назад +15

      It's not weird.

    • @lindy5884
      @lindy5884 Год назад +10

      Not weird... me too.

    • @carolynpagano659
      @carolynpagano659 Год назад +10

      I lost my dad 36 years ago , mom 14. I cry every day. hysterical. even my dog who passed makes me sob.

    • @TiffanyG8675309
      @TiffanyG8675309 Год назад +12

      I'm so sorry you lost so many people in such a short span of time. My grandma passed away in July 2022, and my mama passed right behind her in October 2022. So much so soon. 🥺 I honestly don't know how you were able to cope. 🥺

    • @pamelak7924
      @pamelak7924 Год назад +4

      When. MY mother passed my father had passed 9 years to the day before
      I told my husband I feel like an orphan

  • @lovingthisagain
    @lovingthisagain Год назад +366

    #1 Compulsive behaviors
    #2 Withdrawal from relationships
    #3 Overfunctioning
    #4 Irritability
    #5 Persistent sleep issues
    #6 Physical symptoms
    #7 Mental health symptoms

    • @Marina-dm5oj
      @Marina-dm5oj Год назад +11

      Yes all of this comes in ways. My doctor said I have been though a lot of trauma.

    • @Dh-rp7gg
      @Dh-rp7gg Год назад +18

      Check got them all

    • @justmemother2
      @justmemother2 Год назад +2

      Thank you

    • @volt8684
      @volt8684 Год назад +1

      @@Dh-rp7ggme too

    • @TheCicillina
      @TheCicillina Год назад +9

      Can anyone let me know what you think?
      I am trying to actively deal with my grief (not avoiding it, going to therapy, leaning into it etc), and yet I have all of these symptoms.
      I feel numb and I rarely cry, even though I am comfortable with feeling sad. I really wouldn't know what to do differently.
      I am open to feeling I just don't feel much apart from anxiety.

  • @dishokaur1410
    @dishokaur1410 Год назад +29

    My husband passed away 4 Months ago.Im so lost without him.
    Time just seems to stand still.
    The grieving is every day & no matter how you try your emotions are uncontrollable.You never think it's going to happen to you & when it does you think your the only one.
    Anyone who has lost a loved one I'm so sorry for your loss 😢

    • @LStottmann
      @LStottmann Год назад +3

      I am so terribly sorry for your loss.

    • @jeanniejones9548
      @jeanniejones9548 11 месяцев назад +3

      I am going through exactly this, don't hold back the grief or the tears don't be embarrassed nothing to be ashamed of it's normal. ❤

    • @johncotterill3949
      @johncotterill3949 2 месяца назад

      Yes that’s so true the plans you made together and then they are cruelly taken away bless you take care ❤️

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @user-fw9yc3ss2n
    @user-fw9yc3ss2n 8 месяцев назад +29

    the grief of loosing my wife is unbearable ,, whenever i am in a company i have to put a mask and pretend ,people do not understand this grief ,the only ones who called me to see how i m doing after her death are the ones that went through the same ,,i can sum it like ; only those who been there and god ,know the pain of loosing your sole mate ,thank you for your lecture ,it was soothing,

    • @Latruthisfree
      @Latruthisfree 6 месяцев назад +1

      ( * God * ) I’m sorry for your loss. I’m crying hysterically right now, thinking about my sweet husband, unfortunately he died from cancer. We were married almost 21 years.. I’m in agony, not a day goes by I don’t think about him. 🙏🏾 😢

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

    • @julial1450
      @julial1450 Месяц назад

      Just lost my husband in January of this year been so hard my energy is so drained and exhausting does anyone relate to this ?my husband was only 57 never smoke or drank alcohol life is so unfair and short

  • @mariafromgermany
    @mariafromgermany Месяц назад +2

    My dad died in 2018 when I was 17. He was 57. My mother and I barely ate for a full week, and nothing but noodles with store bought pesto. I didn't shower. At some point, I started thinking the single fly that was following me around was a message from my dad. I was still in school, and after two weeks of this, I got a letter that I had to start attending again. My grades plummeted and reached an all-time low, even though I had just started getting better before all this happened. The worst thing was that it really came out of nowhere. I didn't understand the world anymore and often didn't dare drink the tea my mom prepared for me for school because I always thought it could be the last thing she ever made for me. I wasn't functioning at all, so I had to push it down to just get by.
    I only started addressing my grief about 3 years ago, when I had a complete mental breakdown because I saw someone on public transport who vaguely looked like him. By now, I have learned that grief never goes away like I used to think it would. You just learn how to deal with it better. Those moments when I realise again that he is still not back still hurt, but now I'd rather go talk to my aunt than to the fridge to binge for distraction. Now I can say goodbye to people without fearing I will never see them again. I stopped hoarding everything that reminds me of him in the slightest. The best thing though is honestly that I started talking about the good memories again.

  • @bb9071
    @bb9071 Год назад +368

    I'm reading through all these comments and wanting to reply to all of you who are grieving and in pain. I'm so very sorry for all of your losses and the immense pain you are going through. Know that you are not alone, that I, and so many others care about you and what you're going through, and that there is help and hope out there. Wishing for peace and comfort for everyone.
    Thank you, Emma for this very helpful video

    • @loismailletlynn6079
      @loismailletlynn6079 Год назад +11

      thank you. i just lost my precious son. it’s devastating ❤️💔❤️

    • @brendadrumm9451
      @brendadrumm9451 Год назад +8

      nothing on gods earth will make me feel better until i take my last breah ive lost a daughter and son 42 and 32 i would be brain dead if i felt any better end of story x

    • @loismailletlynn6079
      @loismailletlynn6079 Год назад +4


    • @kimkelly9046
      @kimkelly9046 Год назад +3

      @@brendadrumm9451 I'm so sorry. May God bless you. I am praying for you

    • @kimkelly9046
      @kimkelly9046 Год назад +3

      @@loismailletlynn6079 so sorry. Praying for you

  • @DebbieandEddieBFF
    @DebbieandEddieBFF 8 месяцев назад +2

    I lost my BFF angel Eddie three months ago. The grief has gotten worse. He was my everything. I'm all alone.

  • @dhenderson1810
    @dhenderson1810 Год назад +103

    My father didn't deal with the loss of my brother (his son) at all well.
    We had a small business, and he went back to work, and would never talk about it or discuss it. He used distractions to not deal with it.
    He had a heart attack around 18 months later, after working harder than he ever did, not dealing with his emotions.
    I am convinced that part of it was "broken heart syndrome" and that if my brother never died, he wouldn't have either.

    • @camillegutierrez5457
      @camillegutierrez5457 Год назад +14

      As hard as it is to hear, maybe that was his way. For some life is too painful to deal with, and leaving it is the only way. It can feel devastating and tragic when you are one of the people left behind. My heart goes out to you for both losses.

    • @lindadupuis1531
      @lindadupuis1531 Год назад +14

      I believe his heart was broken as soon as his son died. He just kept on breathing.

    • @TEWMUCH
      @TEWMUCH Год назад +7

      ❤ I'm sorry.

    • @danielesteve8359
      @danielesteve8359 Год назад +3

      He'd rather b with him. That's all.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @laurenbaker6776
    @laurenbaker6776 Год назад +60

    Imagine if all therapists were this competent😅. Grateful I found this channel.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @originalcoffeelover2725
    @originalcoffeelover2725 Год назад +16

    My husband passed away in 2018. He was my everything. I’m estranged from my family. Now I’m out here all alone.

    • @richardmcguinn732
      @richardmcguinn732 Год назад +1

      I came across your comment at the grief of love ones post here on RUclips. ☹️That’s so touching and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all loss our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I truly understand how you feel cos I’ve felt same unbearable experiences before but death is just inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday, and every of our love ones we’ve loss will always want to see us happy again wherever they’re okay. I loss my oldest daughter Annabel February 24th 2020 in a crucial car accident, and she just turned 22 on her last birthday before she got knocked down by a moving vehicle 🚗 and so unlucky for me that horrible day the driver was drunk. That was the worst and most lamenting day of my whole life as a single Dad raising two kid's, my 17 years old son Clark and my 4 legged 🐶 families are my everything and the reason I still keep strong, and keep going! My late wife passed away three years ago from a shocking disease, I felt devastated with grief, and I was so heartbroken 💔 but God and time are indeed the best healers. Hope you’ve found peace, comfort and happiness again?

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @jameshalliday92
    @jameshalliday92 Год назад +115

    I developed severe PTSD after my son took his life 4 years ago on my 55th birthday. I've had so many losses since then, I even ended up in hospital last fall for mental health issues. Men aren't supposed to hurt, that's why we are self destructive, drink too much, work too much and die early. I'm seeking out professional help, but there still are days where I feel as if I'm in a living hell. I barely have what it takes to do my job some days, I feel like everything is coming at me a hundred miles an hour. I miss joy without strings attached.

    • @jerryhablitzel3333
      @jerryhablitzel3333 Год назад +23

      I lost a son 4 years ago due to complications from heroin addiction. Thought I was going to die too. It hurt worse than anything I’ve ever experienced. Still have at least one “moment” every day. I feel for you my friend. It’s both physically and mentally affecting me. So you’re not alone. Reach out if you want someone to talk to.

    • @sm3296
      @sm3296 Год назад +15

      I lost my son Corey in 2016 when he took his life, the shock, pain, despair, guilt, longing overwhelmed me. I too suffered PTSD, treatment helped for that. In May of this year I lost another son, James. These two sons were so loving to me, had such beautiful big caring hearts, were my sons and my friends. I don’t grieve James the same way, it’s like my mind refuses to go there, it’s like a sliding feeling. My brain slides away and immediately bounces to something else. Sometimes tho, it does go there when I least expect it, like today when I think about this year ending and a new one starting without James in it. Then it hits me hard, a solar plexus blow. I have two other kids, the eldest a son and my daughter the youngest, I worry something will happen to them. I don’t think I can survive that.

    • @sm3296
      @sm3296 Год назад +12

      Sending you both a hug, a long one, a cry in my arms one.

    • @camillegutierrez5457
      @camillegutierrez5457 Год назад +12

      I've lost some people to suicide as well, and it is a horrible thing. I am sending you love and will be rooting for you every day. I'm so proud of you for seeking help.

    • @irishgirl1753
      @irishgirl1753 Год назад +6

      So sorry for your loss 🙏🤗❤️😢I’m alone taking care of my disabled 30 year old daughter

  • @bethwaller1789
    @bethwaller1789 Год назад +116

    My husband of 47 years committed suicide last year. My primary emotion has been anger. I'm furious with him for leaving me with the mess he left behind. I know what I need to do, but it's really difficult.

    • @greenbeans575
      @greenbeans575 Год назад +14

      Big hug, Beth

    • @justmechilling...
      @justmechilling... Год назад +7

    • @llb380
      @llb380 Год назад +5

      I wish that somehow we could, for a very short period of time, be immersed in another’s life to know exactly how they arrived, in the case of someone we love who attempts or is successful at taking their own life. Zero judgement allowed. Of course, it’s only a fantasy, and impossible to ever happen in real life. If only…….

    • @Jarajenn3
      @Jarajenn3 Год назад +3


    • @susanbishop2423
      @susanbishop2423 Год назад +7

      That must be so difficult, I hope you have help

  • @terrywhite6249
    @terrywhite6249 Год назад +241

    I lost my mom when I was in high school after a very long, extended battle with multiple illnesses. Teachers, school counselors and all other adults raved about how well I was doing because I didn't make their lives more complicated and seemed fine. When I did struggle, I got in trouble and clearly the message that it was uncomfortable for these adults to deal with me and I was to essentially cut it out and suppress all emotion so they could go back to not having to deal with me and raving about how great I was. Schools really don't have anything in place to deal with kids who have periods of years with issues like a terminally ill parent. Teachers can give you a few passes for not doing assignments, but not years off. So once my mom was finally dead, I think my teachers were so relieved and just wanted me to move on quickly and be fine since this was such an annoyance to deal with a student with mental health issues. School made dealing with grief so much worse because my teacher wanted me to not show any signs of being anything other than fine.

    • @deebrown5421
      @deebrown5421 Год назад +14

      I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope you are able to accept your emotions and process them!

    • @elissa3188
      @elissa3188 Год назад +14

      I am sorry for your loss. My brother just passed and left behind my nieces (his daughters)- 11 and 13 yr old. They are for the most part not showing much in the outwardly ways of grief. I completely understand about what you are saying about the issue in school- and how hard that must have been on you. That said, unfortunately, teachers have a job and many many students- they have so much out of their own control. So, while it's a shame that they made it worse for you- it's the reality that schools can't handle all the things. This is why we need better connections between the healthcare field, including mental health, and schools-- because schools just don't have the resources to deal.

    • @kab2599
      @kab2599 Год назад +4

      I hear you ❤️

    • @nia5128
      @nia5128 Год назад +4

      I’ve been around this too. I’m sorry.

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад +2

      Words are not adequate enough to describe the grief one experiences by losing a loved one, but there is hope. Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He knows exactly what you're going through and he can give you a peace in your heart like you've never experienced. This is the story of my best friend who lost her son. Even in the midst of her sorrow, she has joy. My hope and prayer is that you too come to have this joy in your life. God bless you!
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:

  • @pootlingalong8928
    @pootlingalong8928 8 месяцев назад +7

    Out of control grief can result from one loss too many. I lost my father many years ago and I handled it. I then lost my mother and grandmother, and whilst the deaths rocked my world, somehow I handled it. Last year I lost my little dog and it was like everyone had now been taken from me. We were never apart in the years we were together. She was 14, what did I expect? Rage, grief, heartbreak, despair. I’m doing my best to work through it, but I can only cope by believing she is still with me, I talk to her as if she is with me. I don’t know where I’m going on this journey but I’m doing my best. Sincere and heartfelt best wishes to anyone struggling out there. We must believe that it will all be right again one day.

    • @melissapriddy3739
      @melissapriddy3739 23 дня назад

      Sending you hugs and blessings to help you get through your losses. I’m dealing with similar situation here, too. Lots of losses of people & animals and relationships that were all a big part of me and my life. I remind myself that I have to keep going for those that are still living & love them as much as I can. I will probably never get through the tragic horrific losses I’ve suffered. I miss them all so much. Life is fragile and a gift. I pray I will be reunited with all of my love ones 1 day, even my beloved animals. I pray that they are all happy and loved in the spirit world and know how very special they are. 🙏🪽🪽

  • @lexie3905
    @lexie3905 Год назад +120

    Signs you’re not processing grief:
    1. Compulsive behaviors
    2. Withdrawal from relationships
    3. Over-functioning
    4. Irritability
    5. Persistant sleep issues
    6. Physical symptoms emerge
    7. Mental health issues worsen
    Tools to deal with grief:
    1. Pendulation- lean into/out of emotion as needed
    2. Resourcing- adding support as you process grief
    3. Titration- do things in small doses (set time limits)
    Lost my mom May 4, 2022 and it’s been so hard. My heart goes out to anyone navigating the dark waters of grief. You’re not alone 💕

    • @_Diggler
      @_Diggler Год назад +4

      Thanks for listing these out :-)

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад +1

      I'm so sorry you are having to go through this, but I just want you to know that Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He knows exactly what you're going through and he can give you a peace in your heart like you've never experienced. I'd like to share with you the story of my best friend who lost her son. Even in the midst of her sorrow, she has joy. My hope and prayer is that you too come to have this joy in your life. God bless you!
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:

    • @AngelinaX23
      @AngelinaX23 Год назад +2

      @@kelleymcfadden9675 You're not helping people by sharing that repeatedly. One woman deleted her comment because of that. And she is a believer!

    • @caroldavey4129
      @caroldavey4129 Год назад +2

      I just lost my mother 9-22

    • @Sophia-nb1oj
      @Sophia-nb1oj Год назад +3

      Just lost my mom oct 13 :(

  • @juniyananajukyu
    @juniyananajukyu 5 месяцев назад +5

    I'm going through all of this right now. I was the primary caregiver for my older sister. She had a 13 year battle with cancer and finally hung it up on 12/4/23. After she passed, we had lots of friends and family over but now that she's been buried, the real hard times are starting. It's extra hard on me as we both took take care of our parents when they got sick and passed away.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @jacquelinehunt7794
    @jacquelinehunt7794 8 месяцев назад +8

    I just lost my sister to addiction she was found at her home passed away I can’t cope with this pain and crying all the time I’m missing her and wish I had done more to help her I did support her but it’s never enough.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @GratefulDeb270
    @GratefulDeb270 Год назад +162

    69 yrs old and dealing with a lifetime of neglect & loss. Art therapy is saving me, one day at a time. Plus lots of excellent trauma teachers, meditation, a grief buddy, and my journal. Ty for this video! ❤

    • @poigmhahon
      @poigmhahon Год назад +10

      61 lost the love of my life last year, I have come to the conclusion there is something more to our connection, it is not primarily physical. There are attributes to our connection that are beyond description

    • @kathleenmckenzie6261
      @kathleenmckenzie6261 Год назад +4

      Good for you, Deb. Persevere, one day at a time. You probably already know you'll still have bad days, but now you know that you will bounce back.

    • @savanahtubbs4129
      @savanahtubbs4129 Год назад +1

      Thank you for this Infomation

    • @donnahorton240
      @donnahorton240 Год назад

      @@MissX33 oiijj hi jii hi kkk ghno no no u hi uh pop hi

    • @kerryjames6312
      @kerryjames6312 Год назад +4

      Been neglected all my life aged 54

  • @heatherwall7579
    @heatherwall7579 Месяц назад +2

    Took me over 15yrs to grieve the loss of my dad…he’s the only man I felt ever cared about me. 🙏❤️

  • @gookygal
    @gookygal Год назад +67

    I needed this today. My daughter died four days ago, was traumatic , still seems surreal. The swinging in and out of grief and then feeling ok the next minute was abnormal but you have validated me that it is OK! thank you.

    • @LStottmann
      @LStottmann Год назад +4

      I am SO terribly sorry for your loss.

    • @valmacclinchy
      @valmacclinchy Год назад +1

      Deepest condolences.

    • @suzannemills7920
      @suzannemills7920 Год назад +2

      I am so sorry for your loss 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @monicabolden8663
      @monicabolden8663 Год назад +6

      I'm sorry....I lost my 24 year old daughter in November in a car accident. I still don't know how to handle it and it's killing me every single day. 💔

    • @alisons9740
      @alisons9740 Год назад

  • @grandmoffscott143
    @grandmoffscott143 Год назад +26

    I'm 44, and having spent the last eight years caring for my mum 24/7 she died on the 25/12/2022.
    And my world collapsed. Having seen this video and reading your comments I can now hope there is a way to learn to move forward with this pain, and try to rebuild my world

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @marypscreationsandmoreprog4316
    @marypscreationsandmoreprog4316 Год назад +48

    I am a 65 year old grandma who’s raising my two granddaughters due to their mother being lost in the world, drugs, homelessness and who knows what else.
    I finally got my granddaughters to understand that they had to talk to someone besides me about their loss. At 9 and 14 it’s pretty difficult for them to comprehend their emptiness. They are seeing a therapist now and I can already see a little difference in their lives. Thank God I found them some help!!!

    • @Julie-si3hi
      @Julie-si3hi Год назад +1

      Bless you for stepping up for them and getting them help, grief is very real it doesn't only relate to a death it can be a loss like you've all experienced. I wish you alll well x

    • @RobinZipporah
      @RobinZipporah Год назад +3

      THANK God they have you and you have them!❤ Much 💕 love

    • @marypscreationsandmoreprog4316
      @marypscreationsandmoreprog4316 Год назад

      @@RobinZipporah Thank you so much
      Loved your reply

    • @justmechilling...
      @justmechilling... 11 месяцев назад +2

      Best granny in the world...❤️

    • @jeanlennox6867
      @jeanlennox6867 5 месяцев назад

      What a wonderful human being and granny you truly are. You have lost so much and yet you still find the strength to give more. My heart goes out to you and your granddaughters. As they grow into adulthood, you will reap many rewards for what you are doing now.

  • @debbie3218
    @debbie3218 Год назад +2

    I just lost my best friend, my cat of 17 years the other day. Now that he is gone, I really am alone, since I live by myself. Plus, I lost my Mother 6 months ago. My family says that they love and are there for me, but I'm by myself crying every night. They have absolutely no idea how much I'm hurting inside. They reach out to me once, and that's it. Not even to follow up and check to see how I'm doing. I get more comfort from a garden rock than I do them.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @petersdotter1
    @petersdotter1 Год назад +2

    Losing your health permanently is an unending, daily source of grief.

  • @manolis1ish
    @manolis1ish Год назад +11

    I lost my mother just 4 months ago Dec 3rd 2023. 6days before my birthday. She had my card she knew she was dying and the words she wrote were beautiful. Thanking me for looking after her etc. I know its early days and I miss her so much. Have days where I can't stop crying feel so alone even though I have support from my husband and friends. Mam was 99 I'm 71. Some people say thing like well she was a good age etc which doesnt help at all. Just wish I could give her one more kiss one more hug. Heartbroken 😢😢😢

    • @DawnSTyler
      @DawnSTyler Год назад +2

      My mom died on February 6. She would have been 79 on Feb. 18th. I’d been taking care of her since 2018 when she became partially paralyzed due to a neck injury. I was so tired from all the caretaking and watching her suffer with her limitations. We both wanted her to die so she could be set free. I thought it would be easier to let her go because of the situation we were in. It’s not. I am a mess and it’s already been a few months. I’m supposed to go back to work soon but I can still barely function. Everything reminds me of her and pulls me back into an emotional pain that fills my body and makes it hard to breath. I miss her so much. I feel so guilty for getting so exhausted that I wanted her to die. I wish I had just one more minute with her to tell her how much I love and loved her. Smell her hair. Kiss her soft cheek. My sweet beautiful mommy. My husband and my son have both been really supportive. I have never felt this broken before and I’ve been through a lot of trauma in my life. My heart is broken and I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this, barely living. The light does not hit the world in the same way it did when she was here, all the colors have changed.

    • @mycabana4020
      @mycabana4020 11 месяцев назад

      So sorry for your loss. 😢 I know that pain. I loss my father about 2 weeks ago at age 92. 😢

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

    • @jeridavidson9074
      @jeridavidson9074 4 дня назад

      YES! ONE MORE HUG. I wish.😭😭😭

  • @mirandasmith8501
    @mirandasmith8501 Год назад +8

    I lost my mom this year. The lowest and darkest point in my life. The pain is real and difficult. God has made his presence known during this season. He continues to carry me, comfort me, and console me. I will tell anybody that God is your only way through your pain and grief. He will take care of you just like he promised I'm his word. Feelings change, people change, and circumstances change, but God never changes. His word is the same, it will never change. Have faith and hold on to his word. He will bring you through.❤️

    • @lilliecat
      @lilliecat Год назад +1

      It’s a process but you are sharing the truth. Godbless you

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @divadanza78
    @divadanza78 8 месяцев назад +1

    I have been so self aware of the fact that now that I’m back at work, I haven’t been crying or grieving as much. But I am aware of it. Because I know it’s not healthy. Sometimes I just pause and stop to think or look at photos so that the tears will come. So that I have the release.

  • @Rosesnthorns13
    @Rosesnthorns13 Год назад +24

    I don’t understand grief because it’s been 8 years this December that i lost my grandmother but it still feels like it wasn’t long ago at all. Same with other people ive lost after her.. i still cry almost everyday

    • @agathahofmann6977
      @agathahofmann6977 Год назад +1


    • @whitebirchtarot
      @whitebirchtarot Год назад +4

      Love is timeless.

    • @brendadrumm9451
      @brendadrumm9451 Год назад +1

      ive been crying for 9yrs i lost my daughter yr half after my son nothing can make me feel any better day after day the longing for them

    • @whitebirchtarot
      @whitebirchtarot Год назад +1

      @@brendadrumm9451 I can’t imagine the pain of that. I’m so sorry. I hope you can find some peace somehow someday. You will see them again, but I know you must miss them terribly now. 💕😪

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @linpollitt8950
    @linpollitt8950 Год назад +12

    I've had my fair share of bereavment and grief. I lost a loved one 2 months ago and I'm still in the grieving process. It's very hard. To get through it I give myself tasks, one at a time, baby steps. Number one get out of bed and make the bed. Number 2 get in the shower and dress in clean clothes. Number 3 go out for a walk, even just for 15 minutes. Number 4 eat something. It's as if my loved ones are telling me what to do. Do the dishes, do the laundry, clean the floor etc. One job at a time. Yes, I'm still in pain but I'm clean and in a nice environment. Honestly it helps. Also I have caring friends and when they visit me I don't want them seeing a dirty house with dishes piled up in the sink. They don't need to see me in my PJs with greasy hair. I'm grateful for their love and support but I don't want them to worry about me and I don't want to be a burden to them. Someone on here was criticised for saying you have to choose to be happy. They seemed a bit harsh but there's truth in that. We are all responsible for taking charge of our own lives. When the going gets tough the tough get going and it all starts with getting up and making your bed. Blessings to all of you who are in pain xx

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @tambij
    @tambij Год назад +10

    I lost my Daughter in March 2022 She was only 25 years old. It has been absolutely devastating to myself and my two younger daughters. I don’t know how to live without her in my life 😢

    • @mycabana4020
      @mycabana4020 11 месяцев назад

      That is so hard. I’m so sorry for your loss. 😢

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @EvaStrick42
    @EvaStrick42 Год назад +65

    All 3 of my siblings have died within the last 16 months... the most recent being my younger sister on 10/6/22. She was my best friend. It seems so surreal.
    Thank you for these recommendations!
    I'm processing my grief using some of them already.
    12/18/22 UPDATE
    Still working on processing my grief... there are things all around me that trigger my emotions. Still dealing with spontaneous bouts of crying... sleep and appetite are still sporadic. Reminiscing about my Sister when I'm around other family members temporarily helps my mental state.
    Journaling and prayer help me to cope. The huge hole in my life remains unchanged.

    • @veroniquendambo3242
      @veroniquendambo3242 Год назад +4

      How life can just be unfair towards some individuals under this sun! I have come to wondering what could be the meaning of life with so many heartbreakings happening to some people. I am lost for words for what life is throwing at you. 😭😭😭😭😭!!! Oh Lord, please soothe the pain of those losing their loved ones!

    • @johnw8578
      @johnw8578 Год назад +7

      2022 was supposed to be a good year or at least a better year, but the loss that came with this year has made it one of the worst years of my life. It is harder to deal with because people get uncomfortable or downright angry if I start crying in front of them. I have to go off alone to cry.

    • @swisdom9117
      @swisdom9117 Год назад +4

      The hole won't go away. That's the hard part. I pray for you. You are going through something extremely difficult

    • @joannaschickhoff9487
      @joannaschickhoff9487 Год назад +1

      Dear Eva!
      How terrible for you. Can't imagine your grief. Easier said than done but look after YOU and just simply be. Sending hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    • @timeemotion1076
      @timeemotion1076 Год назад

      Sorry for your loss Eva, such a sad time try if you can to stay strong - I know easy said and done but I know how this feels thoughts are with you and a I will say a pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @DJ-knows
    @DJ-knows Год назад +8

    My mom died in 2019, my dad in 2021 and my brother in 2022. I have three siblings left who are severely dysfunctional so I essentially have no family left, which has made grieving even harder. Some days I think I’m doing ok, but then I go back into what feels like quick sand. I can’t sleep at night, and I am exhausted most days. It almost feels like nothing really matters anymore.

    • @danielesteve8359
      @danielesteve8359 Год назад +2

      Don't you ever dream about them?

    • @robt3407
      @robt3407 7 месяцев назад +2

      Please try and seek a local grief and trauma counselor. You are not alone

    • @gordonandtamarakirkham543
      @gordonandtamarakirkham543 4 месяца назад +1

      My heart hurts for you. My husband died one month ago and there are moments I feel I can't move ahead. My faith helps me tremendously. I know that those we love aren't far away from us after their deaths. I believe they are our guardian angels, and we can rely on them for help. Who else would God send to help us? They would be the ones who have our best interests at heart. Just yesterday, I read this: "The passage is through, not over, not by, not around, but through." We never truly recover from the loss and sadness we feel in death, but it is possible, in time, and with God's help, to move through and ahead until we finish our own lives and can be with our loved ones again. May God bless and comfort you. ♥️

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @gutmicrobiomequeen
    @gutmicrobiomequeen Год назад +127

    I've known many people who have had major health issues triggered by loss. The commonality seems to NOT be loss itself, but rather, not "dealing with it" or processing it adequately. Unfortunately, avoidance and distraction are very common ways that people deal with grief, but they aren't good for your health in the long run.

    • @scotttucker9613
      @scotttucker9613 Год назад +12

      I’ve had the worst three years of my life after losing both grandparents in quick succession, and having to deliver their eulogies because nobody else would. I had to quickly disengage from my high stress job, perform at the funeral without breaking down, and after that I never allowed myself to grieve. The resulting years have been an effort to break the wall down that I built at that time, rather unsuccessfully, and suffering physically along the way. You speak truth.

    • @HenryBenedictUSA
      @HenryBenedictUSA Год назад +1

      What are some of the symptoms you feel were common with not dealing with loss properly?

    • @rubin-healmysocialanxiety702
      @rubin-healmysocialanxiety702 Год назад +1

      Very good point 🔥

    • @gutmicrobiomequeen
      @gutmicrobiomequeen Год назад +2

      @@HenryBenedictUSA ohh, that's a tough question. I only work with folks with chronic gut issues (IBS, SIBO, IBD) so that is what I have seen personally. However, it's entirely possible that doctors who work with other conditions would have observed the same in their patient population. Hope that helps- I wish I had a more helpful answer bc it's a really good question!

    • @gutmicrobiomequeen
      @gutmicrobiomequeen Год назад +3

      I'm sorry that you had to deal with all that@@scotttucker9613. I wish you happiness, peace, and health moving forward 💜

  • @nageldev
    @nageldev Год назад +12

    In my view, it's a fallacy that all grief and emotional pain can be fully healed from. Often churches teach that these things can be healed. In my experience, it's like losing a limb - the amputation will heal over, but you will always be missing something and the wound spot will scar and hurt when pressed on. You'll recover, but never be the same, fully functioning person you once were.

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад

      Isaiah 57:18 I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners.
      19 I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the LORD; and I will heal him.
      Matthew 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

    • @kj7045
      @kj7045 Год назад

      @donovannagel So True

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @marshaparsons6515
    @marshaparsons6515 Год назад +37

    I lost my youngest 30 year old son who was suffering from schizoaffective disorder to suicide in our home almost 2 years ago. There is no cure to the pain. There is no support because nobody understands the horror of it. The absolute horror of his five years of illness where I was forced to be his mental health provider because our country sucks at caring for the mentally ill. The horror of the police mental health system we have in place. The horror of the judge telling me I needed to take responsibilty for his psychotic epsides. I have no mental health training. He was my sunshine and I will never get over it. Ever. I lost my precious boy and most of my soul. I guess I should try to get better but I can't. I have no energy left.

    • @Hotscrotum69
      @Hotscrotum69 Год назад +7

      I’m sorry for your loss.

    • @marshaparsons6515
      @marshaparsons6515 Год назад +2

      @@Hotscrotum69 Thank you very much.

    • @bb9071
      @bb9071 Год назад +6

      Marsha, I am so, so sorry for all you have been through, that you didn't get the support you so needed and deserved, for the pain you are in, and for the loss of your dear son. My heart goes out to you ❤

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад +1

      I'm so sorry you are having to go through this, but I just want you to know that Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He knows exactly what you're going through and he can give you a peace in your heart like you've never experienced. I'd like to share with you the story of my best friend who lost her son. Even in the midst of her sorrow, she has joy. My hope and prayer is that you too come to have this joy in your life. God bless you!
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:

    • @ssutherland9019
      @ssutherland9019 Год назад +4

      So sorry that you were let down by the system. Try to build small acts of self care into every day. It wont seem like much at first but it will over time start to help.

  • @paularooney3704
    @paularooney3704 Год назад +29

    I don’t think I will ever get over this

    • @leeauslander8305
      @leeauslander8305 Год назад +4

      Dear paula, i know i wont either, i lost part of my heart on april 6, when my daughters heart stopped beating. People just dont get it!

    • @paularooney3704
      @paularooney3704 Год назад +3

      @@leeauslander8305 I’m so sorry for your loss it’s really hard and people keep saying are you ok and you say yes but your not so today my friends daughter said it to me and I said no I’m not ok I have a broken heart 💔

    • @ashleyadie
      @ashleyadie Год назад +4

      I lost my sister in a horrific head-on collision on October 1. She was so healthy and full of life. Only 34.
      I finally received the memorial urn necklace I ordered shortly after her funeral which was three weeks after her death. The day before Christmas. Christmas Eve working my shift, I had to hide in the dairy cooler so I could fall apart there and not out on the floor. i’m glad nobody saw me, but part of me wishes someone did walk in on me falling apart.

    • @suejoseph8252
      @suejoseph8252 Год назад

      Me too, 25 years later and have most of these signs😣

    • @bwenluck9812
      @bwenluck9812 Год назад

      @Paula Rooney You don't *have* to get over it--you just have to get *through* it. If there is a widows' group near you I suggest you join them. It gives you people who can understand your pain, and they won't judge you. Call the churches, the funeral home who buried you husband, ask your doctor, ask some of the widows you know--someone should know of such a group....

  • @marletteelkin9762
    @marletteelkin9762 Год назад +4

    I lost my mom in 2014 , we were do
    close she was literally my everything
    I feel guilty sometimes because I
    let fear keep me from persisting
    to get her help for her hip, she got
    a bad bed sore and I blame myself
    my soul aches for her, I know she
    did not blame me for any of her
    sickness, when she was in the
    hospital everday she said I love
    you, momma you are my angel
    and I will always love you❤❤

  • @francescastevens3777
    @francescastevens3777 Год назад +12

    I lost my husband to cancer in January, then I lost my mum to dementia in September in the same year, then I lost my home just two months later because my husband didn’t have life insurance! I really struggled but I had to hold it together for our son who was only four! A couple months after I had lost everything, my in-laws started neglecting and leaving my son and I out of family get togethers. I went into lock down mode and just got on with my life without them! My son is extremely lucky if he sees his cousins once or maybe twice a year!
    Tens years later and I still feel sad and heartbroken and don’t sleep much. I constantly have migraines and feel awful all the time. At least now I know why! ❤

    • @denisemotto-ros6405
      @denisemotto-ros6405 Год назад +2

      My heart goes out to you and your son😢 I lost my husband/soulmate of 38 years in 2015 and I am seeing a psychologist only now! I will keep you and your son in my prayers and pray for you both specifically. Take care and stay safe 💐

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @amynaddra7230
    @amynaddra7230 Год назад +8

    I was diagnosed with complicated grief disorder. Loss of childhood, loss of my husband and other major losses. I went shopping all the time and treated everyone to everything. Now I have better boundaries. God is the only One to help heal our pain.

    • @AngelinaX23
      @AngelinaX23 Год назад +2

      I agree. Praying for peace and comfort for you. 🧡

    • @seed.meditation
      @seed.meditation 2 месяца назад


    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @vickihuckaby8478
    @vickihuckaby8478 Год назад +65

    Lost my husband 3 years ago and the grief has been real and hard ever since. About a year and a half in the process, I realized one day that I felt happy that day. More days like that now but still "hard grief" days show up. I was amazed to realize I have been handling things in the 3 ways at the end of the video. Kind of instinctive and spiritual. Thank you for the validation and encouragement.

    • @karlanewman9142
      @karlanewman9142 Год назад +1

      Yes. We each one of us has all the instinctive, intuitive answers inside us. Our inner voice. I try only to listen to voices like this lady. I limit how many voices I let in my head. Most important voice is OURS. Hoping for continued healing n more happy days. So sorry for your loss of husband. That is my ONE fear in life. We so close. I can't imagine life without him but mentally I'm trying to prepare it will happen that one of us will lose their best friend. Thanks for sharing.

    • @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb
      @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 7 месяцев назад

      I'm very sorry about your husband, trust me I completely understand how you feel, I felt the same way when my wife past away June 4th 2018 grief is hard to deal with but we learn to live with it, where are you from.?

    • @emyredd6541
      @emyredd6541 7 месяцев назад +1

      It's been 1 year since my husband passed and I just want to feel happy again......

    • @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb
      @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 7 месяцев назад

      @@emyredd6541 I’m very sorry about your loss, where are you from ?

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @ThomasSmith-hh8fp
    @ThomasSmith-hh8fp Год назад +3

    363 days of the year, I've put on my fake face, and have kept working to keep my mind occupied I took 2 days of the year to be myself and vanish- no contact with people. It's been 4 years, and it's not getting better I'm glad I found this .
    I miss my Alice !! It's been 4 years and it still hurts so bad !!!

  • @dawnturitto8442
    @dawnturitto8442 9 месяцев назад +1

    Grief is just love with no place to go. Our minds cannot wrap around the concept of living without that other human being in our life. It is a loss of your past, your present, and your future. But our loved ones, if we could truly hear them, would tell us that they are ok, and that we need ro press on. So it's a matter of the right preposition; it's not about getting over it. It's about having the courage to move THROUGH it.

  • @mebythesea5
    @mebythesea5 9 месяцев назад +11

    I lost my precious 8 year old dog 4 weeks ago. The grief is as painful as when I lost my dear parents. Thank you for sharing this very helpful information. 💗 I’ll start today.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @SandiTink
    @SandiTink Год назад +43

    This is timely for me. Three years ago multiple tragedies occurred within a couple of weeks. My father was placed on hospice because his cancer had metastasized. My husband was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Our house burned to the ground with our three cats inside who were like our children. Then my father died. Three years later, I’m still afraid to grieve. It feels like that level of grief is a gateway to madness, and I’m afraid to go there. I hope that your suggestions help. I can’t stay frozen in despair, distracting myself, or avoiding my responsibilities. I have to deal with this, and it scares me more than I can express.

    • @nataliemcgowan3425
      @nataliemcgowan3425 Год назад +2

      Sooo sorry 😭❤️

    • @melissahopkins1689
      @melissahopkins1689 8 месяцев назад

      I went though something very similar and understand your pain. Hope you are well.

    • @sunnygirl2637
      @sunnygirl2637 5 месяцев назад

      So sorry for your loss, lost my beloved 3 cats almost the same time, they were like my children and am so devastated and dead now 😢
      Sending hugs and prayers to you ❤

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @majesticwonder
    @majesticwonder Год назад +9

    Time definitely does NOT heal 🥺😢 i miss my baby brother ,Jonathan, WITH EVERY SINGLE BREATH. I definitely try to work n work n work some more so I don't have to face the grief . It hurts WAY TOO INTENSELY 💔 😢

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад +1

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

    • @majesticwonder
      @majesticwonder 2 месяца назад

      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle thanks so much ♡♡ 🙏🏽

  • @MrHartApart
    @MrHartApart Год назад +9

    6 months since papa passed - we were best buddies for 17 years. I'm finding that the more I progress with my life, career, just positive things the more the grief hits me. I miss my atta boys. I'm going to a grief group at a local church next week just to be around like people.

    • @valeriekehrt7566
      @valeriekehrt7566 7 месяцев назад

      Hope that helps. I understand exactly how you feel. The pain is so intense some days.😢

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @tinaworley3371
    @tinaworley3371 Год назад +3

    My son was killed Oct 2019. I have been diagnosed with PTSD and depression. Its the HARDEST thing i have ever or will ever face. He was my baby boy. Some of those 7 signs are me. I try to stay busy and not dwell, but i still find myself thinking of him, what happened that day, and guilt. 💔😥

    • @seed.meditation
      @seed.meditation 2 месяца назад

      My condolence & prayers for his soul.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

  • @desertlillie9659
    @desertlillie9659 Год назад +10

    Thank you for the information. I lost my autistic 25 year old son, a little over three years ago. He died of an incredibly aggressive and disfiguring form of cancer. I struggle every single day with the memories. Even though I have a wonderful therapist, I still can’t seem to find my way out. He was my best friend and I loved him dearly. In my now 60 years, I have never experienced such devastation. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад +1

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

    • @desertlillie9659
      @desertlillie9659 2 месяца назад

      @@Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle Thank you. Yes. I will try that. ☺️
      Recently, I watched…something (I can’t remember who or where) “Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Remember that it’s all for good and to look beyond the time of faith. That’s where the reward of God’s goodness for your faithfulness will be revealed. I’m working on my faith. God bless you and thank you for your reply! 😊

  • @user-zr6pl6nb6z
    @user-zr6pl6nb6z Год назад +38

    I've lost both my parents in the past two years. It's something I've tried to bury by immersing myself in work.

    • @agathahofmann6977
      @agathahofmann6977 Год назад +4

      you deserve better for yourself ♥️

    • @user-zr6pl6nb6z
      @user-zr6pl6nb6z Год назад +4

      @@agathahofmann6977 Thank you for your kind words.

    • @whitebirchtarot
      @whitebirchtarot Год назад +4

      If you bury it, it will come out in another form, only stronger. Trust me because I went through that when I was too young to process some things and that’s what happened. I wish you luck! At least you realize what you’re doing; that’s the first step.

    • @JamieR
      @JamieR Год назад +4

      Must be very challenging. Definitely hope you can find a way to sit with it. Even if only in short bursts. To gradually work through it. Sitting without judgement is not easy, but it'll free us from greater pain in the long run. Coming from someone who repressed feelings for 35 years. It becomes a ticking bomb. Wish you all the best. Be well

    • @wallaceleewl9189
      @wallaceleewl9189 Год назад +1

      Blessed you. Om. Oh please take a day off, once in a while, and let the grief go. Even if it is a brief moment. Please process it. Anyway, it is not my job to give advice. I'm willing to acknowledge that you are suppressing your pain. I wish you the best. Thank you.

  • @aamnahere6250
    @aamnahere6250 Год назад +88

    Can you make a video on grief that stems from a pattern of emotional neglect, abandonment or mistreatment? How we allow ourselves to be treated this way if we were raised in emotionally neglectful and toxic environments. I feel while this can also apply to all situations causing grief, grief stemming from a pattern of emotional neglect, abandonment or mistreatment can become an endless cycle and it's all too common. Some tools to break this cycle in a healthy way and develop self compassion that is not reliant on the validation of the world will be extremely helpful. Thank you.

    • @thara21
      @thara21 Год назад +15

      I grew up in an abusive household, and I set boundaries when I moved out.. I told my “ father” he wasn’t allowed to treat me that way anymore and that made him cut all contact and ordered my mom and siblings to cut all bonds with me. It’s been years and no one understands the pain.. the feeling of being dead and forgotten while still breathing. The layers of hurt and how everyone I try to convey this to, tells me how strong I am and how I’m doing better without them. My whole foundation is gone and I’m being told I’m doing fine.. well, I’m not. How can a mother choose a man that’s been hurting us all in every way over her child ?? I will never understand

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад +4

      I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Grief is hard enough to deal with by itself, let alone having to deal with others not understanding, but I just want you to know that Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He knows exactly what you're going through and he can give you a peace in your heart like you've never experienced. I'd like to share with you the story of my best friend who lost her son. Even in the midst of her sorrow, she has joy. My hope and prayer is that you too come to have this joy in your life. God bless you!
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад

      @@thara21 I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Grief is hard enough to deal with by itself, let alone having to deal with others not understanding, but I just want you to know that Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He knows exactly what you're going through and he can give you a peace in your heart like you've never experienced. I'd like to share with you the story of my best friend who lost her son. Even in the midst of her sorrow, she has joy. My hope and prayer is that you too come to have this joy in your life. God bless you!
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:

    • @thara21
      @thara21 Год назад +4

      @@kelleymcfadden9675 Thank you for sharing. Jesus has always been my support and why I’m still breathing. I know I can trust him to always be there🥰

    • @jld4870
      @jld4870 Год назад +2

      Aama and Thera21. Thank you both for so beautifully and clearly expressing your experience and self.
      Sadly there are many of ‘us’ out here, but somehow ‘hearing’ others similar journey brings me such relief.
      Due to a horrific family tragedy within the last year I finally had to write my family and say unless they want to join me in looking at our lifelong trauma I will need to go at it on my own. Talk about feeling ALONE! Yet I know for my own mental and spiritual health this is what I need to do. At times I am able to say to myself, this split may be permanent but it may be temporary, for some may choose someday to live in the truth. When I consider reaching out to my family to relieve some of my loneliness, I am blessed to quickly understand that my brain/mind and soul likely would not survive should I choose to return to living in the darkness of denial.
      So for now I must move on. I hang on tight to Gods promises-He loves me. He will never leave or forsake me. He wants me to rest in Him. He wants me to TRUST Him. He will comfort those who mourn.
      One foot in front of the other. One day sometimes one minute at a time. With Gods help I will get up each day and choose to first seek Him, to wait on Him…AND trust in His promises. 👆🏼❤️🙏

  • @DaisyAruba
    @DaisyAruba Год назад +10

    I am here because I am becoming aware of my thoughts. I am going to change my sub conscious and reside my brain to change to be happy, content, what I think success is. I’m doing that now. Or I will die trying.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @JaclynBrownWright
    @JaclynBrownWright Месяц назад +1

    Buried my mom on 10/24. Her sister died that night. I gave birth to my baby on 10/26.
    Nothing is the same without my mom. I never processed the death of my aunt.
    I’m still processing losing my mother/very best friend.

  • @shirsher
    @shirsher Год назад +8

    I lost my dad two weeks ago. Right now everything feels like pure madness, having some truly happy moments mixed with guilt then crying my eyeballs off for missing him and that trauma of watching him fading away at the hospital for two weeks. I hate this roller coaster 😢😢😢
    Thank you for this video. It reassured me that my feelings are reasonable and my coping path is healthy❤️

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @Multiplemom3452
    @Multiplemom3452 Год назад +4

    Time heals nothing far as I’m concerned

  • @farnthboy
    @farnthboy Год назад +11

    Interestingly grief can come in many levels. In losing my parents - dad in the early 90's & mum in 2005 it was sad & I do miss them but life moves on & you accept it as it is a part of life.
    However we lost our only child to cancer in late July 2022 at 28 years young & we have found that extremely difficult to get over - his mother is absolutely devastated. It has impacted us in a way that losing my parents never did.
    And it interesting recognizing some of the elements of grief in this video that we are going through. At this stage I feel its going to be a mountain that I may never climb, but as they say life goes on & you've just got to try & deal with it. And its sad so many other people as indicated by the comments are in the same place - I feel your pain & may god bless.

  • @tnrodgers
    @tnrodgers 7 месяцев назад +3

    “Sometimes the body keeps score.” 🤔. Yep

  • @jasodachinkoo4668
    @jasodachinkoo4668 Год назад +5

    I really enjoyed watching your video. I just lost one of the most divine person of 45 years of blissful making. I can't explain how I feel about my emptiness without 😕 him. Every turn I make in the house, I could scream. I have done that so many times. I lost him 7 months ago from a heart transplant surgery. I am trying to cope 😩.

    • @janiceward2169
      @janiceward2169 Год назад


    • @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb
      @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 7 месяцев назад

      I'm very sorry about your husband, trust me I completely understand how you feel, I felt the same way when my wife past away June 4th 2018 grief is hard to deal with but we learn to live with it, where are you from.?

  • @yassermelonvelociraptor4839
    @yassermelonvelociraptor4839 Год назад +5

    Over eating is indeed how I'm coping. At first I was malnourished from not eating, but now I just can't stop.

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад

      I am so sorry you are having to go through this, but I just want you to know that Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He knows exactly what you're going through and he can give you a peace in your heart like you've never experienced. I'd like to share with you the story of my best friend who lost her son. Even in the midst of her sorrow, she has joy. My hope and prayer is that you too come to have this joy in your life. God bless you!
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:

    • @kj7045
      @kj7045 Год назад

      @yassermelon same here. First I had no appetite and was under nourished. now I eat anything I see. Before my son died I maintained a very healthy diet.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @fizzyxcustard
    @fizzyxcustard Год назад +13

    I lost my mum in November and my anxiety has been atrocious recently. I’ve had anxiety since I was a child, but the loss of my mum I feel is the underpinning reason for it becoming so overwhelming recently.

    • @ap8441
      @ap8441 Год назад

      Same!! After losing my Mom, her husband of 20 years, and a week exactly after him my dad. Anxiety as a child got worse. I’m super sensitive to everything people say. I’m ruining relationships with people and not keeping a job!!

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @crystalgodin4738
    @crystalgodin4738 2 месяца назад +1

    I lost my father 1 week ago. He was my best friend he taught me everything. As a kid I was always by his side helping him work on cars and fishing and target practice ,dad was always there for me no matter what. He was the strongest man iv ever knew. He had been through hell his entire life. He lived through things I never thought anyone could survive. I was an only child and a daughter so I got all the spoiling . I miss him so much my heart feels like it is breaking . Will this pain ever go away? Just thinking I may live another 40 years and never see him or hear his voice again is overwhelming and so dam depressing. I try to stay busy but cry like a baby even driving down the road. It feels like a huge pressure on my chest all the time my heart feels like it's Ben ripped out and crushed and put back in . Iv tried to tell myself he is in a better place and be strong for my mother but I feel like I'm about to break . Will this ever go away?

  • @georgeheron8341
    @georgeheron8341 Год назад +4

    friends dont understand the grief the pain you go through i lost my wife 16 week ago after 56 years of happy marriage i am heart broken

  • @anndarling9102
    @anndarling9102 Год назад +4

    I understand everyone deals with grief in different ways we never get over lossing a love one we just live a different way you think your never stop crying but it's gets a little bit easier each day. I lost my Dad in 1992 and it felt like I was on another planet very scary and heartbreaking 😥,and then I loss my Mum 1995 that was a deep pain 😭 because your Mum the.one who your best friend when your friends let you down .But it doesn't make the pain go away you still miss them deeply 🙄Then last year 😭I loss one of my brother's who I always looked up as a kid and was always looking out for me.that's a totally different pain you.cant explain ,I miss him every day and I always will 😭. It's good to know that there is a place like this site to tell our stories and.come.together to talk about our pain .

  • @janyceboschman3122
    @janyceboschman3122 29 дней назад

    I lost my mother almost three years ago and I have not moved on I have just moved forward since then. I didn’t expect the emotions with losing a loved one and as long as they have gone on. It has gotten somewhat better but I will always miss her.I will always look forward to meeting her one day in heaven

  • @Femme_Cherie
    @Femme_Cherie 5 месяцев назад +3

    I don’t know if I’ll ever recover, a few weeks ago I lost my brother suddenly at 32 , He died in his sleep. I am so devastated words can’t describe this unbearable pain. We went through all of life’s milestones together💔I can’t believe he is not here anymore

    • @thelordcommander5
      @thelordcommander5 4 месяца назад +1

      I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. 🫂💫🧡

    • @Femme_Cherie
      @Femme_Cherie 3 месяца назад

      @@thelordcommander5 thank you very much

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад +1

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better

    • @Femme_Cherie
      @Femme_Cherie 2 месяца назад

      @@Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle thank you so much for taking the time to write that to me I will, I will do just that thank you again

  • @jodialex1
    @jodialex1 Год назад +47

    I have been avoiding / suppressing grieving the sudden loss of my father 2yrs ago. Now I am suffering from 24/7 anxiety, lots of panic attacks and now agoraphobia with some derealization on top of all of that. Thank you for this video. I have been searching for tools to get myself better. I wish you could be my therapist

    • @gnarthdarkanen7464
      @gnarthdarkanen7464 Год назад +2

      Might be worth checking out "Ask a Mortician" (Channel on YT) by Caitlin Doughty. She's done Tedx, too... AND she explores a lot about the whole grieving process, from helping spot the predatory nature of the funerary industry, to different traditions around the world, and even some famous and infamous deaths through history... She kind of takes the uncomfortable and frequently disturbing subjects around death and loss and turns it into a fascinating learning experience, peppered with just a little bit of good humor to keep us "Deathlings" coming back for more, even well after the particular loss or thing that sent us there in the first place. ;o)

    • @velvisperez9489
      @velvisperez9489 Год назад

      EXACTLY the same!!

    • @martindurkin8837
      @martindurkin8837 Год назад +1

      I know exactly how you feel. God bless you.

    • @jodialex1
      @jodialex1 Год назад

      @@martindurkin8837 thank you

    • @jodialex1
      @jodialex1 Год назад +1

      @@velvisperez9489 it's "nice" knowing I'm not alone

  • @sherrijones9234
    @sherrijones9234 Год назад +54

    Very valuable video, it soon will be a year since my son passed, he lost his battle with cancer. I have learned to lean into my grief to set aside my time to cry write or run and listen to myself. I also find at times I project my anger and self-doubt, I have also learned to recognize that intense feeling and work thru it. Some days are better than other days.

    • @agathahofmann6977
      @agathahofmann6977 Год назад +3


    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад +1

      Words are not adequate enough to describe the grief one experiences by losing a loved one, but there is hope. Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He knows exactly what you're going through and he can give you a peace in your heart like you've never experienced. This is the story of my best friend who lost her son. Even in the midst of her sorrow, she has joy. My hope and prayer is that you too come to have this joy in your life. God bless you!
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:

    • @joannaedwards6325
      @joannaedwards6325 Год назад +2

      Sherri Jones
      What an intelligent person you are. Too bad that so many ppl in these comments don't seem to grasp the truth of your comment.

    • @Marina-dm5oj
      @Marina-dm5oj Год назад +3

      @sherri jones That is wonderful! Search progress. I find it hard too write it out because it hurst so much.
      I can’t imagine losing your child too cancer. However, maybe you had time for closure?
      My daughter got the delta - covid there was no time for closure I felt so helpless as I watch her dying on that Machine.
      May God blesses everyone how has lost a child , or love one so close.

    • @donnabolling3914
      @donnabolling3914 Год назад +4

      I lost son just over a year ago from cancer. There’s not a day that has gone by that I haven’t cried. I definitely lean into the grief and swing back out. I can laugh with someone, but in that same moment I get smacked by grief as well. It’s like feeling two opposing emotions at once, my emotions are so complex and layered now. I have no choice but to give myself the patience to process the pain. Losing a child is losing oneself, because they are reflections of us. The part I find not discussed with grief is the PTSD in watching my child suffer from treatments, chemo and cancer both killing him. His pain and suffering echoed within myself, even as he tried to hide it from me, to continue to fight. I relive those memories, so not only the grief do I feel, but what every parent feels, that responsibility to protect them and the helplessness. They don’t mention the trauma to all the scenarios within their care, the panic and emergency room visits, etc., that sum up that experience. So I lean into it, I try to make peace with it. Some days I succeed and some days I sob. But everyday I get up to face the challenge set before me, every day is a new day to try.

  • @imSchneckenhaus312
    @imSchneckenhaus312 7 месяцев назад +1

    I got severely, chronically ill 1.5 years ago. I basically lost my own life, except that I'm somehow still here to witness everything. All the things I loved to do before, how I spent my time, my work, most friends I had... all of that was lost to chronic illness. Oftentimes I still distract myself and try not to feel the pain. But recently I've come to notice that if I allow myself to grieve my old life and my old self, I set the ground for allowing a new me to emerge from all the pain. That new person is very different from the one I was before in many ways, but she is alive.

  • @joanmcgraw6528
    @joanmcgraw6528 Год назад +2

    I lost my best friend my brother 3-2021 He passed with Covid . In the hospital 20 days begging me to take him home . He never was on a ventilator or in ICU . He was doing so well , he was placed in rehab on a different floor in the hospital. They told him he could have visitors once he went to rehab and also told us that . When we started to visit him that day they said they changed the policy , now we would have to wait 7 days . My brother was there 2 days and passed away . I believe he lost it , they did have to restrain him bc he was so upset , like they lied to him . We told them not to give him a certain medicine , which I have forgotten the name of it , but they did anyway , his heart couldn’t take it and he passed . I think he wanted to die bc we couldn’t visit him . I will grieve the rest of my life and feel guilty for not going after him . I wanted to go after him but other family members said it’s best not too . I thought of suicide , started seeing a counselor , got on medicine . I love my 3 granddaughters and all my family , which I would never harm myself , but my world will never be the same without him. I will have that guilt the rest of my life . I honestly believe he would be alive today if I had gone after him .

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @jld4870
    @jld4870 Год назад +3

    I pull away because I am tired of needing to be ‘ok’ so others will be ‘ok’. My ptsd is triggered when I am around others who I sense are living in denial and are unknowingly asking me to also live in denial by ignoring my pain and grief.

  • @miquelquiles727
    @miquelquiles727 Год назад +7

    I really needed to hear this today my heart is breaking my grandmother's in the hospital she may not survive It Hurts So Bad and I just don't know how to deal with it 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @MsKrissib
    @MsKrissib Год назад +1

    It has been 2 years since my sister passed, I cannot believe that 2 years have gone by. The time thing is the hardest for me, how did I make it through all those days? Some days it seems just like yesterday. I am having physical symptoms now I didn't know they were part of grief. People have told me that she wouldn't want me to cry so much I laugh and tell myself "yes she would want me to cry". I miss laughing with her so much. I am taking as long as I need to grieve her. She was my best friend. I am in the stage where I can look at pictures and talk about her. I will grieve her for as long as I loved her. RIP Andi

  • @gailchypyha3587
    @gailchypyha3587 Год назад +1

    My dog was out down on Boxing Day, I cried more before he was put down because I knew the decision would have to be made...now my heart feels like someone is stepping on it, my legs feel so heavy..making walking so hard. I stay inside to rest so I will get my energy back. I miss him so much...I just want to hold him again.

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @tsfirebird69
    @tsfirebird69 Год назад +17

    I just lost my father last Friday. Thank you for posting this today. Perfect timing.

    • @jld4870
      @jld4870 Год назад +2

      So sorry for your loss. 😥❤️

    • @jennifercooper3812
      @jennifercooper3812 Год назад

      I feel your pain. 3 months here. Mom got injured, too, and will take months to recover. Such compounded grief.

    • @divadanza78
      @divadanza78 8 месяцев назад +1

      I just lost mine two months ago. I feel you.

  • @robertashaffer3950
    @robertashaffer3950 Год назад +11

    For the first time in my life I am dealing with the grief I am experiencing now. I am sitting with the emotions and going through them instead of avoiding them. At 61, I finally get it 🙏🏻

  • @JennyJohn50
    @JennyJohn50 Год назад +2

    We had 5 deaths in our family within a year, 2 in hospice, 2 from suicide, 1 overdose. For me, I have times when I'm afraid if I feel, I won't be able to close the flood gates. Rationally I know otherwise, but it doesn't feel that way in the moment. And in another place with it all, I just get tired of feeling sometimes. I get tired of trying to heal. All the work is exhausting. I have every symptom you listed. Ive also spent most of my life in fight or flight mode from abuses starting in early childhood and it's just old, constantly trying to heal and overcome. Everything has to be a battle. Some days thats just how it feels. Others are better. Your videos are helpful though. Thank you.

  • @justindj19
    @justindj19 Месяц назад +1

    I'm a few days short of having lost my mom 2 months ago...I have days I feel totally fine and days I wish I didnt have to go on. I have so much in my life to be thankful for and to make me happy, yet often I find myself not caring about anything and having to force/fake it with those people or things. Those not close to their mom might not understand, but she was my best friend. I get so tired of what people have to say or offer...thus looking for vids to help cope. I just want her back.

  • @lisahoffman9019
    @lisahoffman9019 Год назад +3

    Within two months of my Mom dying, I was told I can't cry everyday and to get over it. Because I wasn't allowed to grieve, I'm still not over it 12 years later.

    • @jeanniejones9548
      @jeanniejones9548 11 месяцев назад +1

      You cry my lovely, where and when you want, l sat on the bus yesterday, a song came into my head a reminder of my husband, the tears started streaming down my face, l didn't get off the bus embarrassed, no l have done nothing wrong, l sat through the journey and let it out got home and broke my hurt. If someone had asked can they help don't be ashamed tell them about your loss if you can. Listen to your body .❤

  • @pixie3760
    @pixie3760 Год назад +5

    For myself personally I've never gotten over the loss of my husband. I've learned to live with it to a fairly high degree, but every single waking minute I'm sad. I'm just sad.

    • @richardmcguinn732
      @richardmcguinn732 Год назад +2

      I came across your comment at the grief of love ones post here on RUclips. ☹️That’s so touching and I know how it feels to be lonely without our love ones, we've all loss our love ones in death one way or the other, either a spouse, child, family members, or a true friend that meant the world to us, such is life I truly understand how you feel cos I’ve felt same unbearable experiences before but death is just inevitable no matter how hard we try! And we'll all have to face it someday, and every of our love ones we’ve loss will always want to see us happy again wherever they’re okay. I loss my oldest daughter Annabel February 24th 2020 in a crucial car accident, and she just turned 22 on her last birthday before she got knocked down by a moving vehicle 🚗 and so unlucky for me that horrible day the driver was drunk. That was the worst and most lamenting day of my whole life as a single Dad raising two kid's, my 17 years old son Clark and my 4 legged 🐶 families are my everything and the reason I still keep strong, and keep going! My late wife passed away three years ago from a shocking disease, I felt devastated with grief, and I was so heartbroken 💔 but God and time are indeed the best healers. Hope you’ve found peace, comfort and happiness again?

    • @pixie3760
      @pixie3760 Год назад +1

      @@richardmcguinn732 I live with it. My husband and I were a very close couple. I'm at peace but I'm not counting on the grief going too quickly. I'm terribly sorry for your losses

    • @richardmcguinn732
      @richardmcguinn732 Год назад +1

      @@pixie3760 Thank you very much for your kind words also, please take all the time you need to heal from it okay. My deepest of condolences 💐 to you once again!

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @hphoenix7974
    @hphoenix7974 7 месяцев назад +2

    My beloved partner passed away suddenly last year, I had the phone call that shattered me. Fortunately I am Clairvoyant so I still hear and feel him, I keep a journal so we still talk, I'm dealing with my grief shamanically, I keep busy at work so I don't fall apart, I avoid triggers if I can, my sleep is bad anyway due to PTSD, if I break down sobbing so be it, the pain is indescribable, no one will ever take his place, I am devastated and devoted always 💯🙏💔

    • @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb
      @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 7 месяцев назад +1

      I'm very sorry about your husband, trust me I completely understand how you feel, I felt the same way when my wife past away June 4th 2018 grief is hard to deal with but we learn to live with it, where are you from.?

    • @hphoenix7974
      @hphoenix7974 7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you, he wasn't my husband but my partner we doted on each other, old souls reunited which is why it's horrendous, don't think I'll learn to live with event, but I manage so he's proud of me.💔💔💔 My condolences for the loss of your wife, know that she's there still🙏🇬🇧

    • @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb
      @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 7 месяцев назад

      @@hphoenix7974 it’s nice hearing from you, are you still all by yourself or you got someone by your side ?

  • @StaticBlaster
    @StaticBlaster Месяц назад

    I've been crying myself to sleep almost every night after hearing about my sweet, darling cousin whose name was Joi suddenly and unexpectedly passed away on the night of April 6th. She took her last breath in her parents' arms in the hospital. And I'm feeling regretful for not attending her birthday party two weeks before she passed away. Her parents led me to believe she was going to get better, and I had no idea how dire the situation was. I thought I'd be seeing her for thanksgiving and Christmas. I've been really hard on myself for not going to her birthday party. It really sucks I will never see her beautiful face or smile or hear her voice ever again. It's really heartbreaking. 💔😭

  • @jestic7542
    @jestic7542 Год назад +4

    I am currently 20 this year, awaiting to enter college but I have recently lost my mother just one month ago. Everything just seems like a blur to me nowadays and I do not know how to function properly. It does not seem like reality that she has gone and i miss her deeply.
    Thank you for the video and tips on dealing with grief

    • @AlishaTx
      @AlishaTx Год назад +1

      I know your pain. & There are no words to describe it. I lost my mother unexpectedly one week ago. ❤️

  • @melindanickols228
    @melindanickols228 Год назад +26

    These words of encouragement are a complete gift! 😢 Thank you so much! My 30 yr old Son just passed tragically and suddenly 4 weeks ago - it has left me feeling mostly numb and still in shock - I fear not allowing myself room to process but at times, the emotions physically suck the breath out of my lungs. The wisdom in this video truly resonates with me and has brought me a glimmer of hope in my journey ahead 😓🧡

    • @aideenbarter2437
      @aideenbarter2437 Год назад +1

      So sorry for your loss Melinda. Sending you much love and gentle healing hugs. 😢

    • @carolynkiem868
      @carolynkiem868 Год назад

      God bless u abundantly u lost Ur 👶 that's unbearable love and memories are yours alone none can take away from Ur memory so shine on the Ocean is a real healer sit on beach and watch the waves v/therapeutic and Ur Son would want that don't think MUM get a Life do it for me I'm not far away I am here for you always

    • @melindanickols228
      @melindanickols228 Год назад

      @@carolynkiem868 ❤

    • @marzieroghani3075
      @marzieroghani3075 11 месяцев назад

      Sending you lots of love and peace and prayers ❤

  • @Questingmind
    @Questingmind 2 месяца назад

    This is me. I held my dad when he died in 2018, dealt with my mums breakdown. In 2020 after years in a cult I left to plan my marriage to someone outside the cult. I was totally shunned losing family and all my friends. My family and i had been very close knit but heavily controlled in the cult. The fallout from the loss caused the breakdown of my engagement. I found a loving and supportitive church but I have never processed all the pain. I have worked hard at everything with a false energy. A friend calls me pocket rocket… but I know it’s not healthy. I need to process…. And learn to relax. I just can’t do that anymore. Now my body is paying the score and I feel ill a lot of the time.
    This video makes so much sense!

  • @carolinehuxtable7268
    @carolinehuxtable7268 7 месяцев назад +2

    Lost my adopted mother last year, then this year my partner (14 yrs) , my mother in law, birth mother (only found her 4 yrs ago), my father in law and 5 within AA in quick succession. Diagnosed with fibromyalgia but possibly more to do with vaccine and unprocessed grief. Mind FOG is increasing and middle weight gain ! Fondest love to all those in emotional discomfort. I can’t let mine all in as feel I’ll self combust or simply am not human and feel nothing. Have cPTSD and other dual diagnosis. Too young to feel physically this unwell (54) xx

    • @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb
      @ChrisJohnson-lh9qb 7 месяцев назад

      I'm very sorry about your husband, trust me I completely understand how you feel, I felt the same way when my wife past away June 4th 2018 grief is hard to deal with but we learn to live with it, where are you from .?

    • @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle
      @Recite-GodHealMeCreateMiracle 2 месяца назад

      Focus only on solutions, positive things, write down all the solutions (the good things for you, your body, your mind, your spirit) on papers and keep the papers with you, if you do this every day, your life and your being will truly change for the better.

  • @KayFerguson-wy1ll
    @KayFerguson-wy1ll Год назад +4

    Hearing that I don't need to be crying all the time, and constantly feeling the grief is so helpful. I was worried something was wrong. I have little moments where I sob and cry, feel fine, then back to anxiety, then back to crying. It's validating to know that I'm swinging back & and forth, and it's normal. Thank you.

    • @breezygreen306
      @breezygreen306 Год назад

      I'm in the same place. The sadness, crying and then the few moments when I feel normal and happy. It's a terrible cycle but I'm going to keep praying and fighting it will get better🙏

  • @katnor4688
    @katnor4688 Год назад +7

    I feel like grief and loss can also come from a major illness in the family, even if the person survived. My son survived cancer. But it feels like grief for me. I'm grieving the healthy life that I wanted for him that I'll never get back.

    • @user-zr6pl6nb6z
      @user-zr6pl6nb6z Год назад +3

      It's trauma.

    • @Happy_Spatula
      @Happy_Spatula Год назад +2

      I hear you. My daughter was born with heart issues. Lots of operations. Big one coming

    • @kelleymcfadden9675
      @kelleymcfadden9675 Год назад

      @@Happy_Spatula God bless her and you. I am praying for both of you now and your family. I am so sorry you are having to go through this, but I just want you to know that Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know and he wants to have a personal relationship with you. He knows exactly what you're going through and he can give you a peace in your heart like you've never experienced. I'd like to share with you the story of my best friend who lost her son. Even in the midst of her sorrow, she has joy. My hope and prayer is that you too come to have this joy in your life. God bless you!
      Precious Memories-By Sonya Lakey
      Family Story
      Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
      My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
      That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
      a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
      Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
      His Story
      Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he - like all of us - had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” (Romans 3:23)
      “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
      He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
      “For the wages of sin is death;” (Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
      “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
      Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross - because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
      “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23b)
      Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon - not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
      “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
      Your Story
      What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day - What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity - Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
      The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
      We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day - perhaps today - you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon - Are you ready?
      “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31b)
      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
      “(...behold, now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Corinthians 6:2c)
      This testimony has been made into a gospel tract. If you or your Church would be interested in passing them out or if you would like to send a word of encouragement to the family, please go to:

    • @joannaedwards6325
      @joannaedwards6325 Год назад

      Please cease and desist. You are not being helpful.

  • @fragtagger5892
    @fragtagger5892 3 месяца назад +1

    I lost my mom just 2 weeks ago. She was my light. Now that she's gone idk what to do. She was all i had, my reason for living. Without her i don't see a point in living. My hope is gone.

  • @slibra9442
    @slibra9442 Год назад +2

    My grandpa died a few years ago. Just over 100. He was in hospice. We knew it was coming. I said my last goodbyes but I didn't cry until a few months later because I was busy holding my mom together. He was my anchor in my very chaotic life. I'm still processing and on certain days it hurts to breathe. He wasn't an educated man but he was a wise man and I miss his friendship and laugh. Does this pain ever end?