I watched this film an it had such a strong impact. It wasn't spinning heads or vomiting, but psychological warfare and knowing everything about you. This is a much greater fear because, while the former is based on physical terrors that plague the eye, the movie displayed the spiritual and mentals terrors that plague the heart. While movies like The Exorcist make you scared of the demon, Nefarious made you terrified of what life is like without Christ.
lol if a demon tests you that way. change your perspective to their cosmic one and all of it doesnt matter anymore. all the little things that bring down your soul , its just little ways they can get you. even if you murdered its nothing compared to rejecting the father. hed forgive you. theyd use it to make you reject. in comparison i garuntee theyve done some hardcore "evil things " alongside god too. good and evil doesnt matter when your apart of the spirit but your position on which side does.
The writers are from long Island new York. The only place I was able to find it was a single movie theater in Long Island. I ended up watching it streaming. I do believe it's being interfered with spiritually, though it's also being interfered with politically as they call it a right wing manifesto since the demon claims so much of the left wing agenda which is called freedom by its proponents is demonic design. They are also saying the sound of freedom is based around a con artist who didn't do as much as he claims and it plays into Qanon type conspiracies. I haven't seen the sound of freedom and perhaps the federal agent isn't as wholesome as it portrays but I do not believe the movie blames the super rich and Hollywood influencials for trafficking so I don't know how it can be a Qanon manifesto. Mel Gibson has said this stuff happens with his passion of the Christ movies and it's happened in my own life. The spiritual interference that is. Not the political outcries against it.
Possession was common in my school during my elementary days. For some reason it was common in rural places in the Philippines back then or maybe even to this day. For some reason I never rubbernecked when someone in their classroom got possessed and it never happened in any of my class. It was always a case of a young girl having the strength of 5 adult individuals and the voice would change into some deep distorted guttural sound as if coming from underwater.
Nefarious was great, i would show this to anyone. Much more close to a real possession. It shows how the possession took place over time and by choices of the person.
I would like to see Father Malachi Martin’s, “Hostage To The Devil”, put to film. That book is chilling. All his books are. Most are incredibly informative about the church. His radio appearances with Art Bell on Coast to Coast A.M. were amazing too. Amazing man all around. I recommend “The Keys of This Blood”, and “The Jesuits”. Fascinating reads. I was raised Mormon. Decided young that it wasn’t for me, but have always been a Christian. I root for a “Traditional” Catholic Church as Malachi did.
When I saw this film in theaters, I was so drawn in by the demon speaking. I loved how the movie didn't leave the room but for a couple of scenes. It's almost still shot and it was beautifully made
There was a hilarious film called “Repossessed,” with Linda Blair (of course) as the victim and Leslie Neilson, I believe as the priest. It was a spoof on the Exorcist, with the premise that Blair was possessed once again. And Neilson is probably the best deadpan actor ever. 😂
@@rosyclown If you think about it, demons are probably the most free beings in existence nest to God. God can do anything without repercussion, demons/fallen angels, choose to disobey God even if they knew the consequence of this. We are probably more in line with the demons ourselves, as people choose evil over good daily, choosing to sin even though they know the consequence of sin.
@@rosyclown They are indeed book-smart. They all know a ton of languages and occult stuff, but since they're invincible in this world until the appointed time, they literally didn't have enough personal failures and defeats to ingrain actual strategy - and caution - into that knowledge. That's why Satan is so particularly dangerous; he's the only one among them that's at least semi-successful in pretending to be anything but completely evil all the time.
If such entities can directly exert influence over electronic technology, it may be another reason to be extremely cautious of Artificial Intelligence.
I am still affected to this day from seeing the original Exorcist. My sister took me to see it when I was 13 years old. Great! 13 year old boy watching "The Exorcist'. Absolutely traumatized. I couldn't sleep in my room by myself for a month. To this day, if I see it advertised as coming on cable I change the channel. As interesting as these new movies may be, I think I'll pass.
You know I’m the same way about “The Exorcist”. Surprisingly this movie was scary in a physiological way. It shows how F@$/! Up satan really is. Thanks be to God we have our catholic faith and Church!!! God bless🕊💜🕊
I watched Nefarious x2 I wanted to see the easter eggs and yup they were there. I caught 2 on the first go . I’m a huge scaredy cat. What I found was the scariest part was if you didn’t know any better you would think he was just a bad guy. Certainly not a demon. When the real guy was able to speak and how utterly terrified he was😢. You knew he more than likely would have been a decent man. My heart broke and I cried for the guys soul when he didn’t get his meal. And then as they were walking him down. I always tell ppl a lot of things but never judge a book by the cover. You have no idea how their book was written. Thank goodness we have our beautiful Catholic faith especially our Father in heaven always watching over us!!!! BTW I would recommend watching the movie. And it was truly scary! God bless🕊💜🕊
Bill Friedkin was a cool cat, too, in his own way. A gifted filmmaker with a quick wit. A Jew by ethnicity, although to my knowledge he never confessed Christianity during his life he was committed to respecting the subject matter when making The Exorcist (its author/writer was a devout Catholic) and even recognized the wonder of Christ and his gospel at one point. May be Rest in Peace.
More info on Nefarious please. I searched it on IMBD and found no less than 10 films by that name, none that mentioned an Exorcism, one about a possibly demonized Death Row inmate.
Абсолютно согласен со священником - это самый реалистичный фильм об одержимости. Я сам был под легким, скажем так, овладевании по причине баловства в детстве с вызываниями духов и был свидетелем тяжёлых форм в монастыре. Фильм - "пушка-бомба" - проповедь.
I seen most of Nefarious and didn't think very much of it to be honest. From some of the footage I've seen of apparent exorcisms it doesn't seem like the demons engage in much of a civil conversation with the exorcists.
Generally true, but that's explained in the movie by the plot device that the demon wants the book published. That had to be embellished because the demons will never be that forthcoming about how they work.
@@ahapka Demons are forthcoming - like this one in the film, they are overflowing with hate and malice and can't really hide it (that's why Satan is so dangerous, he's one of the very few among their number that can be counted to rein in the open hate and malice in order to accomplish a plan). They see no need to hide either if they believe they can successfully tempt someone else - Satan wouldn't have tempted Jesus with the world had he not been sure that Jesus would accept it. The "Dark Gospel" was a more-metaphorical plot point. Because the "Satan's messenger arc" got a few "success stories" like Marx (and the mass-murderers inspired by his ideology) and Muhammad.
Understand that they tremble at the utterance of Jesus' name. They will use every other description of him but are afraid to utter his name. I have read that another common one is Nazarene.
@@burningmisery "Universe farting pixies" - man, why is this particular crowd never crosses with the actual exorcist crowd? I've seen demon possession. Nothing says "Christianity's real" like a roaring malicious voice from a wee tyke - and the tyke takes 5 grown men to restrain...
The one that seems most realistic is “the devils doorway”-2018 the possessed is supposed to speak in a language that only one can understand as well as tell a secret only they know. This is the only one that has that. Exorcism of God is my second favorite
How does he keep from becoming possessed himself, or turn because of all the knowledge that he learns though these demons, especially since he delves into their minds?
He mentioned during another part of the interview something along the lines of... anything that he asks, is strictly ask in a way that's by the authority of Christ and the Church, and really only asked for the purpose of getting the demon out. He's not interviewing the demon, none of what he does is for curiosity's sake.
They just had a test screening of EXORCIST BELIEVER last week. It's a direct sequel to the original Exorcist movie & it's really (I mean really) SCARY. It was much better than what people have been predicting. Was great to see Ellen & Linda again.
James ultimately took the deal Nefarious offered him. Nefarious explains that it’s the small choices that lead to greater and greater sins, the greatest being the denial of God’s power to save his soul. By accepting Satan’s authority to save his life at the cost of his soul, James acknowledges Nefarious’s supposed right over life and death, effectively making Nefarious his god. This eventually leads to full possession. Remember, Nefarious’s goal was for James to publish his book. When James says 'god help me,' it’s clear he’s referring to Nefarious as 'god' with a lowercase 'g.' This is confirmed when James publishes the book and Nefarious is still able to speak to him at the end.
1 If you watch the film in the context of what leads up to and follows Edwards last scene, were James was speaking to Nefarious when he had the gun. Remember, the first time he denied God, it was to save his life. Now, rewatch the interview at the end when he’s asked, ‘Are you a believer?’ His response, ‘I don’t know if I’d go that far,’ marks the third time he denies Christ-this time with full knowledge and without fear.
2 Also, remember that Christian faith is made perfect through works-by acting in ways that demonstrate true belief. James published the book. While you could argue that the book was altered, Nefarious never said it couldn’t be changed by James-only that it was his will for James to publish it.
3 Now, taking the ending into context during the execution scene: who was James speaking to in order to save his worldly life at the expense of his soul? His ‘god,’ the one who delivered him from death. The movie literally ends with Nefarious smiling proudly, followed by a cut to the credits. The black background from which Nefarious is laughing as the credits begin symbolizes that he is now speaking from within James’ mind.
I was not a fan of “Nefarious.” It leaves one with the impression there is no hope for the possessed person. The Gospel message was nowhere to be found. Read The Screwtape Letters instead. As for the accuracy of “The Exorcist”, was the demon’s ability to kill the faithful exorcist Priest the true spiritual reality??? (It did not happen in the real-life possession on which this screenplay was based, but rather the boy was eventually set free by Christ and went on to lead a normal life.) That was a pretty serious twisted Hollywood lie if you ask me.
The novel makes reference to the Possessions in Loudon that Huxley wrote about. So apparently in that account the Priest who was sent to exorcise the priest who was possessed they found this priest, now possessed, violently attacking the dead body of the priest he had been sent to exorcise. In the novel this really affects Fr Kerras. I think that’s what was alluded to in the movie when it enters Karas and he then resists the demonic urge to kill Reagan and instead jumps out the window. Like most things the novel is much better.
It leaves a much more powerful impact the way the movie ended than if the guy started to preach the good news. You can't just throw the Gospel in the face of an atheist and expect the atheist to become a believer. You have to plant a seed that will grow over time if it gets watered. If you annoy atheists with throwing the Gospel in their face, then you will harden their hearts even more, instead of softening them.
I find Fr. Carlos Martins a little concerning because, when watching the full interview, it becomes clear that his work has caused him to lean toward being puffed up. This is very dangerous-not necessarily for him, but for those who need his help.
I thought Fallen with Denzel Washington did a decent job of going more for the demonic mind than freaky powers. Don't know which is better as I haven't seen Nefarious, though I read the summary on Wikipedia and I definitely see some similarities to Fallen.
I was raised by devout Catholics, I had my Holy Communion. I don't understand, having read the Bible, why we pray to Mary when God said place no one before Me?
@@MENTION-IT-ALL Think of it as asking a dear friend to pray for you. Think about the wording of the Hail Mary. "Pray for us sinners." She's Jesus' mama, there's no better person to ask to pray for you. I love Mama Mary, and I love her precious Son!
First off, Mary is not before Christ. Christ raises Mary up to what she is. What did Elizabeth and Simeon say to her? Look at all those subtle praises Jesus says to her.
@@MENTION-IT-ALL I think you’ve got it all wrong 😂praying to Mary doesn’t automatically mean that we place her before God, it is precisely because we love Jesus , that is why we even let Our Lady participate in our daily struggle for holiness , because she is His mother and she is willing to help us attain holiness and sanctity , and Because on the cross Jesus gave us Mary , she is our mother and the same way you like to converse with your earthly mother and ask for her advice , ask her to pray for you , is the exact same way we pray to Mary to help us , to tell us what Our Lord is asking of us and for her to pray for us and obtain grace from God for us since she sits at a better position to do that than we would in this life on earth. Mary is your Mother and she is also God’s daughter and by virtue of being the mother of Jesus who is God , she is also the Mother of God ; a relationship that we can never have with God. And if you study very well Mary’s place in the Bible , in all her apparitions , you’d see that all she cares about is that we do Her Sons bidding and the will of Our Father who art in heaven . I hope this helps ♥️Also remember that you are lovely soul , loved by God and everyone in heaven(Mary,The saints,the angels) , they are waiting to hear you ask for their help which they are ever ready to give. God bless your lovely dear soul. Shalom sister ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@MENTION-IT-ALL I was in a catholic family, but didn't go to church,only on christmas eve, was never taught how important it was to have a deep relationship with the lord,my mother mixed witchcraft and religious catholic statues for protection and spells,this was normal growing up, the enemy had a hold on her whole life,always looking else where.The enemy fought for my soul for years,it was normal to me,i didn't know any better, i was thrown to the wolves,made grave mistakes, that haunted me and ran from God for years.Then I met my Christian husband, I learned that Christianity is the only group that doesn't have an object or statues to pray to,,Jesus came to rescue us from religious priests (not all),that used Gods words to control us,scare us ,but, Thats why God sent Jesus to earth to give us hope, and tell us you don't need rituals to get to heaven,,all God wants is a deep ,personal relationship with you,but through Jesus who went to the cross to get our attention, the cross is known world wide,that was the miracle was the cross,Jesus is not on the cross anymore..God does not keep score on us.The question is:IF YOU DONT LET GOD WALK WITH YOU,THEN WHAT IS WALKING WITH YOU,AS YOU SEEK GOD,,THE ENEMY WILL ATTACK, SOMETIMES HE USES PEOPLE IN MANY WAYS TO TRY TO DESTROY YOU ,USUALLY MENTAL, BUT TAKE MOMENT ,ASK GOD FOR INTERVENTION, WATCH WHAT HAPPENS, LOOK FOR MIRACLES
Praying to the queesn of heaven just like how it was in the OT days.... Jeremiah 44:19 The women added, “When we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our husbands know that we were making cakes impressed with her image and pouring out drink offerings to her?”
Um...drink offering are sacrifices. Not prayer. Absolutely not. only God can receive Latria rightfully. Please stop slandering the Church that gave you the Bible.
Nefarious is like Saw (2004) and Fallen (1996 ) in the tension it carries throughout the film like The Exorcist (1974) is dangerous as well as Holy. I compare it as well in a judicial sense to the film Primal Fear. I recommend Primal Fear as well the others mentioned but I warn you as before you watch the films I mentioned especially Fallen which contains one of the best performances of Denzel Washington be Spiritually prepared in Jesus Christ's Name I pray to JESUS Amen.
Hilarious movie! I didn't see it at first, but once the camera pulled back to reveal the fake stone walls of the prison it became obvious. Overall an enjoyable flick with some terrific acting by the lead. The guy that played the stooge wasn't as good obviously. He was written to be weak and the material he was given reflected that.
@@CharlieTWilbury Interesting, everything he presented I've heard by nonbelievers, could it be it wasn't that the "stooge" was made to be weak but that his defense of his position was? It's not a game of one up, it's allowing the admission of eternal truth. That only comes through humbly and respectfully looking outside the box of terrestrial "truth" into the outer realm of God's Truth, realizing there's something greater than ourselves, It's a choice we all have and with any relationship it takes two to make it happen. We are God's creations not His creatures, we have choice, if one doesn't understand, it's through the person's own choice.
@@brianboisguilbert6985 It’s a movie; the characters are played by actors and they perform the material that is written for them. The writers create whatever reality they choose to do.
You try to make a point about at some point you lose it loses its pizzazz anime but I've watched it 8 or 10 times and it is still just as freaky for different reasons
So rotating a head defies natural law, but levitating and climbing walls doesn't? Something doesn't add up here. Either the demon can perform supernatural feats or it cannot. Why would a spinning head without killing the person be greater than defying gravity with no known force? He makes the demon's seem like they need fear. Why waste time or energy to make humans afraid? And wouldn't violence just be easier? As in have the possessed person attack/kill the exorcist? It's not hard to hide weapons. Why aren't the demons ambushing exorcists? "Not afraid of my power? Well fear for your mortal life." I'm sure there would be a lot less exorcists if they were being killed on semi-regular basis. Are demons really that dumb?
As far as I know, you only need to fear occult/satanic practices. I don't think a movie intended to expose demons will attract demons. Keep yourself in a state of grace! :)
I would assume the level of honesty in the movie's depiction probably matters an awful lot, but, if in doubt, go with your gut. Not seeing a movie never hurts.
Yes, thank you for catching up to Catholic teaching that only Jesus Christ saves! And please, no more man made traditions about prayer, it's not Latria.
She Is the Arc of the new Alliance. She Is the New Jerusalem She Is the New Eve from which the new Adam Is Born She Is Tabernacle of the Holiest of Holy. She Is the Only One Who found Grace before God. She Is the greatest creature God has ever created and made her apt to give flesh to the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. She is the tent in which God dwells among us. Through her Jesus came to us, through her we go to Jesus. Being Mother of the New Man, the New Humanity will have her as Mother. Praised be Mary, our holiest Queen, for the glory of the Trinity that wanted to give us a Mother forever. Praised be God for Mary, the purest of creatures, through which the Impure Spirits are crushed and cast away. The Glorious Woman clothed with the Sun, the Glory of God, she will lead Humanity to Christ. CHRIST LOVED HIS MOTHER. WE WILL TOO.
Why would you pray to Mary she cannot help you Mary didn't die on the cross for your sins Jesus did Mary doesn't intercede for me Jesus Does Mary's not God Jesus is
I'm just not taking this priests word on anything. He's blinking so much while talking, my hairs getting blown back from here. Too many cues of lying being represented by the priest for me to take seriously.
I watched this film an it had such a strong impact. It wasn't spinning heads or vomiting, but psychological warfare and knowing everything about you. This is a much greater fear because, while the former is based on physical terrors that plague the eye, the movie displayed the spiritual and mentals terrors that plague the heart. While movies like The Exorcist make you scared of the demon, Nefarious made you terrified of what life is like without Christ.
Well said
lol if a demon tests you that way. change your perspective to their cosmic one and all of it doesnt matter anymore. all the little things that bring down your soul , its just little ways they can get you. even if you murdered its nothing compared to rejecting the father. hed forgive you. theyd use it to make you reject. in comparison i garuntee theyve done some hardcore "evil things " alongside god too. good and evil doesnt matter when your apart of the spirit but your position on which side does.
Well said.
No priest can cast out a demon only Jesus christ can
@@StanleyburnsBurns They can cast them out through His power.
Nefarious is one of the best movies that I have seen. Sean Patrick Flanery's acting is outstanding.
His performance is absolutely breathtaking. If this wasn’t a Christian movie he would have been nominated to an Oscar. So sad.
Nefarious was filmed in my home state of Oklahoma. The Immaculate Heart will Triumph in Oklahoma! God bless you ♥️
I passed through Oklahoma once on my way to Kansas, from Texas. Where exactly was the prison they filmed at located in OK?
‘Nefarious’ is almost impossible to find in Canada. I had to order the DVD from US Amazon.
The writers are from long Island new York. The only place I was able to find it was a single movie theater in Long Island. I ended up watching it streaming. I do believe it's being interfered with spiritually, though it's also being interfered with politically as they call it a right wing manifesto since the demon claims so much of the left wing agenda which is called freedom by its proponents is demonic design. They are also saying the sound of freedom is based around a con artist who didn't do as much as he claims and it plays into Qanon type conspiracies. I haven't seen the sound of freedom and perhaps the federal agent isn't as wholesome as it portrays but I do not believe the movie blames the super rich and Hollywood influencials for trafficking so I don't know how it can be a Qanon manifesto.
Mel Gibson has said this stuff happens with his passion of the Christ movies and it's happened in my own life. The spiritual interference that is. Not the political outcries against it.
That's a shame. But that's even better that you found a way to get a copy!
The elites are trying to suppress that movie I think..
I ended up renting it on RUclips
May God bless Canada.
Should of had an Oscar. The best acting I've ever seen.
He's absolutely correct as soon as I saw that movie I said to myself this is the most accurate
Possession was common in my school during my elementary days. For some reason it was common in rural places in the Philippines back then or maybe even to this day. For some reason I never rubbernecked when someone in their classroom got possessed and it never happened in any of my class. It was always a case of a young girl having the strength of 5 adult individuals and the voice would change into some deep distorted guttural sound as if coming from underwater.
Nefarious was great, i would show this to anyone. Much more close to a real possession. It shows how the possession took place over time and by choices of the person.
And also how legalistic the demons are. They can only possess when they have been given the right to do so.
I would like to see Father Malachi Martin’s, “Hostage To The Devil”, put to film. That book is chilling. All his books are. Most are incredibly informative about the church. His radio appearances with Art Bell on Coast to Coast A.M. were amazing too. Amazing man all around. I recommend “The Keys of This Blood”, and “The Jesuits”. Fascinating reads. I was raised Mormon. Decided young that it wasn’t for me, but have always been a Christian. I root for a “Traditional” Catholic Church as Malachi did.
Nefarious is a great movie! Satan is the first and final loser of creation. Christ is the victor!
When I saw this film in theaters, I was so drawn in by the demon speaking. I loved how the movie didn't leave the room but for a couple of scenes. It's almost still shot and it was beautifully made
There was a hilarious film called “Repossessed,” with Linda Blair (of course) as the victim and Leslie Neilson, I believe as the priest. It was a spoof on the Exorcist, with the premise that Blair was possessed once again. And Neilson is probably the best deadpan actor ever. 😂
I’ve been tryin to find that movie haha I was little when it came out.
I find it so interesting that demons try to scare but know when they can't, how they ultimately are just so banal and feeble compared to God!
The demons' are kinda dumb. Book smart, but dumb.
@@rosyclown If you think about it, demons are probably the most free beings in existence nest to God. God can do anything without repercussion, demons/fallen angels, choose to disobey God even if they knew the consequence of this. We are probably more in line with the demons ourselves, as people choose evil over good daily, choosing to sin even though they know the consequence of sin.
Do not be casual about their power. They are dangerous.
@@rosyclown They are indeed book-smart. They all know a ton of languages and occult stuff, but since they're invincible in this world until the appointed time, they literally didn't have enough personal failures and defeats to ingrain actual strategy - and caution - into that knowledge. That's why Satan is so particularly dangerous; he's the only one among them that's at least semi-successful in pretending to be anything but completely evil all the time.
I've seen snippets popping up in my feed.
Looks good enough to give it a try
If such entities can directly exert influence over electronic technology, it may be another reason to be extremely cautious of Artificial Intelligence.
And what if god exerts HIS influence over any such electronic technology?
Only if your ahh doesn't understand technology or ai
Well then , that would be the best that could ever happen.
I don’t think he is referring to GOD , however.
I am still affected to this day from seeing the original Exorcist. My sister took me to see it when I was 13 years old. Great! 13 year old boy watching "The Exorcist'. Absolutely traumatized. I couldn't sleep in my room by myself for a month. To this day, if I see it advertised as coming on cable I change the channel. As interesting as these new movies may be, I think I'll pass.
It is quite a shocking film. If it made you aware of the spiritual battle going on all around you every day, then it was worth it though!
You know I’m the same way about “The Exorcist”. Surprisingly this movie was scary in a physiological way. It shows how F@$/! Up satan really is. Thanks be to God we have our catholic faith and Church!!!
God bless🕊💜🕊
I was 16 years old and it absolutely floored me.. to this day I can remember every detail
Absolutely fantastic movie 🍿.. going to watch again ✝️
Nefarious can't say the name of Jesus, calling Him only the carpenter, revealing the power of His name by the ommission.
I watched Nefarious x2 I wanted to see the easter eggs and yup they were there. I caught 2 on the first go . I’m a huge scaredy cat. What I found was the scariest part was if you didn’t know any better you would think he was just a bad guy. Certainly not a demon. When the real guy was able to speak and how utterly terrified he was😢. You knew he more than likely would have been a decent man. My heart broke and I cried for the guys soul when he didn’t get his meal. And then as they were walking him down. I always tell ppl a lot of things but never judge a book by the cover. You have no idea how their book was written. Thank goodness we have our beautiful Catholic faith especially our Father in heaven always watching over us!!!! BTW I would recommend watching the movie. And it was truly scary!
God bless🕊💜🕊
Sorry, I just saw it for the 7th time😂😂😂
Bill Friedkin was a cool cat, too, in his own way. A gifted filmmaker with a quick wit. A Jew by ethnicity, although to my knowledge he never confessed Christianity during his life he was committed to respecting the subject matter when making The Exorcist (its author/writer was a devout Catholic) and even recognized the wonder of Christ and his gospel at one point. May be Rest in Peace.
Was hoping Matt would bring the sidetracked conversation back to the original question
Same 😂 lol we’ll probably need to listen to the whole episode to find out 🙏🏽♥️
October 13? That date rings a bell for some Fatima reason.
Nefarious is a very good, intense, important movie
Greetings Friends 🙏
Greetings from Sydney Australia
@shadow-monger5189 Greetings Friend 🙏
The movie, Nefarious, was something for sure. Quiet eye opening, quite frightening
Book of Eli was another gem
More info on Nefarious please. I searched it on IMBD and found no less than 10 films by that name, none that mentioned an Exorcism, one about a possibly demonized Death Row inmate.
It is the one about the death row inmate
2023 film
Excellent film.
Абсолютно согласен со священником - это самый реалистичный фильм об одержимости. Я сам был под легким, скажем так, овладевании по причине баловства в детстве с вызываниями духов и был свидетелем тяжёлых форм в монастыре. Фильм - "пушка-бомба" - проповедь.
I seen most of Nefarious and didn't think very much of it to be honest. From some of the footage I've seen of apparent exorcisms it doesn't seem like the demons engage in much of a civil conversation with the exorcists.
Generally true, but that's explained in the movie by the plot device that the demon wants the book published. That had to be embellished because the demons will never be that forthcoming about how they work.
@@ahapka Demons are forthcoming - like this one in the film, they are overflowing with hate and malice and can't really hide it (that's why Satan is so dangerous, he's one of the very few among their number that can be counted to rein in the open hate and malice in order to accomplish a plan). They see no need to hide either if they believe they can successfully tempt someone else - Satan wouldn't have tempted Jesus with the world had he not been sure that Jesus would accept it.
The "Dark Gospel" was a more-metaphorical plot point. Because the "Satan's messenger arc" got a few "success stories" like Marx (and the mass-murderers inspired by his ideology) and Muhammad.
Understand that they tremble at the utterance of Jesus' name. They will use every other description of him but are afraid to utter his name. I have read that another common one is Nazarene.
LOL! Sure, buddy, sure, and universe farting pixies created everything.
Still burning in misery sad boy? Christ is already victorius. 🤴 ✝️
@@burningmisery "Universe farting pixies" - man, why is this particular crowd never crosses with the actual exorcist crowd? I've seen demon possession. Nothing says "Christianity's real" like a roaring malicious voice from a wee tyke - and the tyke takes 5 grown men to restrain...
I had an encounter with a person who was under the influence and crawled like a spider
The one that seems most realistic is “the devils doorway”-2018 the possessed is supposed to speak in a language that only one can understand as well as tell a secret only they know. This is the only one that has that. Exorcism of God is my second favorite
How does he keep from becoming possessed himself, or turn because of all the knowledge that he learns though these demons, especially since he delves into their minds?
He’s consecrated and I’m sure holds strongly to the sacraments.
@@vkbowers Thank you. This stuff really scares me. I worry about those who have to come close to evil like this.
He mentioned during another part of the interview something along the lines of... anything that he asks, is strictly ask in a way that's by the authority of Christ and the Church, and really only asked for the purpose of getting the demon out. He's not interviewing the demon, none of what he does is for curiosity's sake.
@@melissawilcox5285 because he cannot be tempted.
They just had a test screening of EXORCIST BELIEVER last week. It's a direct sequel to the original Exorcist movie & it's really (I mean really) SCARY. It was much better than what people have been predicting. Was great to see Ellen & Linda again.
What are your thoughts on the TV series "Evil" on Paramount plus?
Why isn't there so much as ONE video recording of any of these alleged demonic displays of power?
And turning the head 360 degrees violates the laws of nature, and levitating doesn’t?
Comparing The Exorcist to 🐴💩 like Nefarious is hilarious 😂
James ultimately took the deal Nefarious offered him. Nefarious explains that it’s the small choices that lead to greater and greater sins, the greatest being the denial of God’s power to save his soul. By accepting Satan’s authority to save his life at the cost of his soul, James acknowledges Nefarious’s supposed right over life and death, effectively making Nefarious his god. This eventually leads to full possession. Remember, Nefarious’s goal was for James to publish his book. When James says 'god help me,' it’s clear he’s referring to Nefarious as 'god' with a lowercase 'g.' This is confirmed when James publishes the book and Nefarious is still able to speak to him at the end.
1 If you watch the film in the context of what leads up to and follows Edwards last scene, were James was speaking to Nefarious when he had the gun. Remember, the first time he denied God, it was to save his life. Now, rewatch the interview at the end when he’s asked, ‘Are you a believer?’ His response, ‘I don’t know if I’d go that far,’ marks the third time he denies Christ-this time with full knowledge and without fear.
2 Also, remember that Christian faith is made perfect through works-by acting in ways that demonstrate true belief. James published the book. While you could argue that the book was altered, Nefarious never said it couldn’t be changed by James-only that it was his will for James to publish it.
3 Now, taking the ending into context during the execution scene: who was James speaking to in order to save his worldly life at the expense of his soul? His ‘god,’ the one who delivered him from death. The movie literally ends with Nefarious smiling proudly, followed by a cut to the credits. The black background from which Nefarious is laughing as the credits begin symbolizes that he is now speaking from within James’ mind.
I was not a fan of “Nefarious.” It leaves one with the impression there is no hope for the possessed person. The Gospel message was nowhere to be found. Read The Screwtape Letters instead.
As for the accuracy of “The Exorcist”, was the demon’s ability to kill the faithful exorcist Priest the true spiritual reality??? (It did not happen in the real-life possession on which this screenplay was based, but rather the boy was eventually set free by Christ and went on to lead a normal life.) That was a pretty serious twisted Hollywood lie if you ask me.
The novel makes reference to the Possessions in Loudon that Huxley wrote about. So apparently in that account the Priest who was sent to exorcise the priest who was possessed they found this priest, now possessed, violently attacking the dead body of the priest he had been sent to exorcise. In the novel this really affects Fr Kerras. I think that’s what was alluded to in the movie when it enters Karas and he then resists the demonic urge to kill Reagan and instead jumps out the window. Like most things the novel is much better.
It leaves a much more powerful impact the way the movie ended than if the guy started to preach the good news. You can't just throw the Gospel in the face of an atheist and expect the atheist to become a believer. You have to plant a seed that will grow over time if it gets watered. If you annoy atheists with throwing the Gospel in their face, then you will harden their hearts even more, instead of softening them.
How to watch the movie in Europe? Any clue?
You probably need to look online for the DVD
I find Fr. Carlos Martins a little concerning because, when watching the full interview, it becomes clear that his work has caused him to lean toward being puffed up. This is very dangerous-not necessarily for him, but for those who need his help.
Stop interrupting/talking over your interviewee. Gosh
I thought Fallen with Denzel Washington did a decent job of going more for the demonic mind than freaky powers. Don't know which is better as I haven't seen Nefarious, though I read the summary on Wikipedia and I definitely see some similarities to Fallen.
I was raised by devout Catholics, I had my Holy Communion. I don't understand, having read the Bible, why we pray to Mary when God said place no one before Me?
@@MENTION-IT-ALL Think of it as asking a dear friend to pray for you. Think about the wording of the Hail Mary. "Pray for us sinners."
She's Jesus' mama, there's no better person to ask to pray for you.
I love Mama Mary, and I love her precious Son!
First off, Mary is not before Christ. Christ raises Mary up to what she is.
What did Elizabeth and Simeon say to her? Look at all those subtle praises Jesus says to her.
@@MENTION-IT-ALL I think you’ve got it all wrong 😂praying to Mary doesn’t automatically mean that we place her before God, it is precisely because we love Jesus , that is why we even let Our Lady participate in our daily struggle for holiness , because she is His mother and she is willing to help us attain holiness and sanctity , and Because on the cross Jesus gave us Mary , she is our mother and the same way you like to converse with your earthly mother and ask for her advice , ask her to pray for you , is the exact same way we pray to Mary to help us , to tell us what Our Lord is asking of us and for her to pray for us and obtain grace from God for us since she sits at a better position to do that than we would in this life on earth. Mary is your Mother and she is also God’s daughter and by virtue of being the mother of Jesus who is God , she is also the Mother of God ; a relationship that we can never have with God. And if you study very well Mary’s place in the Bible , in all her apparitions , you’d see that all she cares about is that we do Her Sons bidding and the will of Our Father who art in heaven . I hope this helps ♥️Also remember that you are lovely soul , loved by God and everyone in heaven(Mary,The saints,the angels) , they are waiting to hear you ask for their help which they are ever ready to give. God bless your lovely dear soul. Shalom sister ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@MENTION-IT-ALL I was in a catholic family, but didn't go to church,only on christmas eve, was never taught how important it was to have a deep relationship with the lord,my mother mixed witchcraft and religious catholic statues for protection and spells,this was normal growing up, the enemy had a hold on her whole life,always looking else where.The enemy fought for my soul for years,it was normal to me,i didn't know any better, i was thrown to the wolves,made grave mistakes, that haunted me and ran from God for years.Then I met my Christian husband, I learned that Christianity is the only group that doesn't have an object or statues to pray to,,Jesus came to rescue us from religious priests (not all),that used Gods words to control us,scare us ,but, Thats why God sent Jesus to earth to give us hope, and tell us you don't need rituals to get to heaven,,all God wants is a deep ,personal relationship with you,but through Jesus who went to the cross to get our attention, the cross is known world wide,that was the miracle was the cross,Jesus is not on the cross anymore..God does not keep score on us.The question is:IF YOU DONT LET GOD WALK WITH YOU,THEN WHAT IS WALKING WITH YOU,AS YOU SEEK GOD,,THE ENEMY WILL ATTACK, SOMETIMES HE USES PEOPLE IN MANY WAYS TO TRY TO DESTROY YOU ,USUALLY MENTAL, BUT TAKE MOMENT ,ASK GOD FOR INTERVENTION, WATCH WHAT HAPPENS, LOOK FOR MIRACLES
@@rosecarey8522 I'm sorry, you weren't in a Catholic family.
Witchcraft is the most antiCatholic thing. It's Satanic.
Were at in michigan is the father from
What is that movie FREAKEN thate they mention? Im trying to find it!
Praze God and Commander-in-Chief evangelical Emperor Christ Jesus father god
Praying to the queesn of heaven just like how it was in the OT days....
Jeremiah 44:19
The women added, “When we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our husbands know that we were making cakes impressed with her image and pouring out drink offerings to her?”
Um...drink offering are sacrifices. Not prayer.
Absolutely not. only God can receive Latria rightfully.
Please stop slandering the Church that gave you the Bible.
If I didn't have an allergic reaction to horror film, I'd go see it. 😂
This is more of a tragedy - how to make an awful movie nobody paid to watch.
Do you guys pray for the dead often?
Only those who have received eternal life promised by Christ.
This is a great movie the acting is great
If being possessed causes cheesy acting and constantly blinking for no reason, then sure.
Yeah matt was right. Great movie. Great theology. Weird ending. Also its weird Glenn Beck is in this movie. 😂 was he involved with the film some how?
Nefarious is like Saw (2004) and Fallen (1996 ) in the tension it carries throughout the film like The Exorcist (1974) is dangerous as well as Holy. I compare it as well in a judicial sense to the film Primal Fear. I recommend Primal Fear as well the others mentioned but I warn you as before you watch the films I mentioned especially Fallen which contains one of the best performances of Denzel Washington be Spiritually prepared in Jesus Christ's Name I pray to JESUS Amen.
Didn’t even bring up “The Pope’s Exorcist”?
Hilarious movie! I didn't see it at first, but once the camera pulled back to reveal the fake stone walls of the prison it became obvious. Overall an enjoyable flick with some terrific acting by the lead. The guy that played the stooge wasn't as good obviously. He was written to be weak and the material he was given reflected that.
@@CharlieTWilbury Interesting, everything he presented I've heard by nonbelievers, could it be it wasn't that the "stooge" was made to be weak but that his defense of his position was?
It's not a game of one up, it's allowing the admission of eternal truth.
That only comes through humbly and respectfully looking outside the box of terrestrial "truth" into the outer realm of God's Truth, realizing there's something greater than ourselves, It's a choice we all have and with any relationship it takes two to make it happen. We are God's creations not His creatures, we have choice, if one doesn't understand, it's through the person's own choice.
@@brianboisguilbert6985 It’s a movie; the characters are played by actors and they perform the material that is written for them. The writers create whatever reality they choose to do.
Here's my comment: be courteous to your guest and let them speak. Stop yakking over them when they're trying to respond.
You try to make a point about at some point you lose it loses its pizzazz anime but I've watched it 8 or 10 times and it is still just as freaky for different reasons
So rotating a head defies natural law, but levitating and climbing walls doesn't? Something doesn't add up here. Either the demon can perform supernatural feats or it cannot. Why would a spinning head without killing the person be greater than defying gravity with no known force?
He makes the demon's seem like they need fear. Why waste time or energy to make humans afraid? And wouldn't violence just be easier? As in have the possessed person attack/kill the exorcist? It's not hard to hide weapons. Why aren't the demons ambushing exorcists? "Not afraid of my power? Well fear for your mortal life." I'm sure there would be a lot less exorcists if they were being killed on semi-regular basis. Are demons really that dumb?
This 'father' figure is of the devil himself. How ironic.
Realistic possession :) you mean one that resembles non-fictional possessions?
Your videos are super short.
Nefarious does not exaggerate
you shouldnt talk at the same time when your guest talks
Christ forgive me.
Why do I get the feeling that watching these movies? My concern is opening myself to harrasement from evil ones
As far as I know, you only need to fear occult/satanic practices. I don't think a movie intended to expose demons will attract demons.
Keep yourself in a state of grace! :)
I would assume the level of honesty in the movie's depiction probably matters an awful lot, but, if in doubt, go with your gut. Not seeing a movie never hurts.
...Ironic you should phrase it that away: "I don't think a movie intended to expose demons will attract demons."
After watching these movies you have to pray for 666 days or demons will come for you.
I thought the movie was excellent.
Do you know Mary doesn't save Jesus Christ saves we are to only pray to the Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ name
Yes, thank you for catching up to Catholic teaching that only Jesus Christ saves!
And please, no more man made traditions about prayer, it's not Latria.
It was ok.
A little too on-the-nose for me.
I thought the movie kinda sucked.
I still don’t understand why Catholics do Hail Mary’s…. 🤯🤯🤯 yes, she was the earthly mother of Jesus, but that’s it….
So ur denying that Jesus is fully human and divine at the same time?
The Bible clearly states we shouldn’t pray to anyone except God. I think Hail Mary is wrong
She Is the Arc of the new Alliance.
She Is the New Jerusalem
She Is the New Eve from which the new Adam Is Born
She Is Tabernacle of the Holiest of Holy.
She Is the Only One Who found Grace before God.
She Is the greatest creature God has ever created and made her apt to give flesh to the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
She is the tent in which God dwells among us.
Through her Jesus came to us, through her we go to Jesus.
Being Mother of the New Man, the New Humanity will have her as Mother.
Praised be Mary, our holiest Queen, for the glory of the Trinity that wanted to give us a Mother forever.
Praised be God for Mary, the purest of creatures, through which the Impure Spirits are crushed and cast away.
The Glorious Woman clothed with the Sun, the Glory of God, she will lead Humanity to Christ.
@@ErikPehrsson it's in the bible
Yes, she’s a human, but she was the woman chosen by God to be the mother of the Son of God. Of nothing else, it puts her in a special place.
Great movie...review is total b.s.
Accurate? Lol.
Why would you pray to Mary she cannot help you Mary didn't die on the cross for your sins Jesus did Mary doesn't intercede for me Jesus Does Mary's not God Jesus is
The interviewer make me nervous, do not care for this guy.
The priest prays to Mary before starting... lol! An exemplary example of blasphemy.
Anyone who watched the Exorcist allowed the Devil into their Soul
you are crazy ,
Accuracy…. Possession isn’t real, neither are demons. There has never been a shred of evidence of this. Just hooey.
Nefarious sucked.
Any chance you can let Fr Martins talk and not continue to jump in and interrupt??
I'm just not taking this priests word on anything. He's blinking so much while talking, my hairs getting blown back from here. Too many cues of lying being represented by the priest for me to take seriously.