debit cards are just better, unless you have stacked accounts & you have so much money that your money makes you money as long as you don't access it & credit cards use costs don't result in a loss as a result of the profit coming from your accounts credit cards are just a good way to lose money, debit lets you access your money at no loss, even a little profit in the right account.
All the op banned cards, i.e. Snatch Steal, Brain Control, Change of Heart, Premature Burial, Heavy Storm, etc. They keep randomly unbanning these cards and then the price shoots up as everyone scrambles around for them. Just get a playset of all these now and lock them away somewhere...cuz you never know.
Kye Guard I'm pretty sure everyone was like that when we got Snatch Steal back for a format a couple years ago. I'm waiting patiently for Graceful Charity to come back. I got 2 sitting in my binder, want to put them in my Dark Worlds so much!
Rebirth cards. Monster Reborn, Premature Burial, Call of the haunted, oasis of dragon souls. Stuff like that. The graveyard is literally the most powerful zone in our game you always want something that gives you access to it.
I think Board Wipers are also cards to have: dark Hole, Raigeki and even Kaiju Slumber ... as well as Revival cards: Soul Charge, Call of the Haunted, Oasis, and Floodgates: Vanity's, Trap Holes, Mirror Forces
Yup those are great picks and the reason why Kaiju Zoos got popular in the OCG bc Mirror match happens every often. Id say 3 Slumber + 4 Kaijus is a nice engine to use.
What. If you arent playing those specific decks the cards would be absolute trash. He means it from a collector kind of view because the cards are very iconic, not because they are usefull staples for many kinds of decks..
Marcusjnmc There are so many prints of the cards, they arent worth much. Also the movie hype is pretty much over so I doubt they will release big support anytime soon
Allure loots and shouldn't be considered as consistency TBH. No relevant decks use Seven Sword. Trade-In is used n BEWD. Thing is a no brainer to include these in decks were it should fit.
B. Simmons buy cards, insert cards into sleeves, arrange a certain number of monsters, spells and traps between 40 and 60 cards. Have a few general use cards in a side deck and last but not least, extra deck cards. Voila
Monsters: Tragoedia, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Alector Sovereign of Birds, Cyber Dragon, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind, Neo-Spacian Grand Mole, Marshmallon, Spirit Reaper, Nimble Momonga, Penguin Solder, Man-Eater Bug, Cyber Valley, Battle Fader, Golden Ladybug, Spells: Lightning Vortex, Swords of Revealing Light, Book of Moon, Forbidden Lance, Twin Twisters, White Veil, Raigeki, Dark Hole, Final Countdown, Smashing Ground, Card Trader, Moon Mirror Shield, One Day of Peace, Ground Collapse Traps: Mirror Force, Void Trap Hole, Draining Shield, Torrential Tribute, Quaking Mirror Force, Dust Tornado, Magic Cylinder, Balance of Judgement, Ring of Destruction, Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, Metal Reflect Slime, Rainbow Life, Call of the Haunted, Nightmare Wheel, Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell, Fairy Box Am I missing anything?
I'd never heard of it (kinda a new/old player, haven't played much lately but I'm getting back into it). That card looks really useful actually, thanks for the rec!
Np. I figured you must have been a player a long time ago because you don't see many of those cards anymore. Compulse is good too. I had never heard of Alector before but I'm sure there's a deck somewhere that can make use of that. Maybe use it with Coral Dragon for Tzolkin lol?
WyomingPTT Coral Dragon gets on my nerve so much urgh. I've been using YGOPro to learn, but I still don't really get the new XYZ or Synchro type monsters. and yeah, a lot of people don't use older cards, which is a shame because a lot of them are damn good
Brandon Cole lol Coral Dragon is one of my favorite Synchro monsters lol. What about Pendulum summoning? The other types are pretty straightforward compared to that haha.
Versatile Tuners. Having an understanding of what the best possible options are for making those big synchro plays feels so vital. Even little things like Plaguespreader or Glow-up and Spore.
Ash blossom and heavy storm duster can be added to this list now (I know they weren't out when this video came out, but still just something to take note of)
generic draw search cards: pot of duality, one day of peace, upstart goblin, gold sarcophagus, reinforcement of the army, foolish burial instant fusion
Consistency cards like draw power and "dig deeper" type of cards. Cards like Allure of Darkness, Card of Demise, Pot of Desires for draw power, and Pot of Duality (plus any other card similar to Duality) for those "dig deeper into your deck" situations
Something I run to get rid of spells and traps is "release restraint wave" it's effect iis discard one equip spell you control to destroy all spells and traps your opp. Controls a bit risky but works as a last resort or even a stall point
The spirit monsters have some general staples. Tsukuyomi is a normal summon book of moon, asura priest is a token/fodder remover, and if you can create fodder easily and flush your hand, a single copy of Yamata dragon if you have some way to fetch for it can work wonders and win you games.
Consistency boosters. Stuff like ROTA, Duality, Upstart, and CardCar D. Stun cards are good to horde as well. Skill Drain, Lose 1 Turn, Vanity's, Macro, D-Fissure. Certain banned cards are worth it as well simply so IF they come off you have em.
Obviously keeping a hold on generic cards are usually good, but I'd like to think that holding onto Type-specific or Attribute-specific support should be considered too! Things like Fire Formation - Tenki and Circle of the Fire Kings, as a couple of examples, can be used in a wide variety of decks, and while they may not themselves be great in some decks, they can work really well in others!
another thing ive always kept copys of is generic search cards, rota, terraforming, fossil dig, etc fits in multiple decks and will always be good to choose the cards you want while you deck thin
ghost ogre and snow rabbit, kaiju, twin twister, pot of duality, pot of desires, raigaki, xyz cipher-photon-cipherblade, xyz hope harbinger, xyz utopia, solemn strike, sword of concealing light, drowning/quaking mirror force, Graydle, messenger of peace, sword of revealing light, upstart goblin, magical Mallet, call of haunted, soul charge, moon mirror shield, bottomless trap hole, magic cylinder, mirror force, vanity emptiness and polymerization. just some to consider for side deck.
if you love a certain deck that might have a lot of support, like Elemental Heroes, hoard key cards for them, Miracle Fusion, Masked heroes fusions, etc.. because you never know when they will become meta or anti-meta. I have been playing Gravekeepers off and on for years as well as Elemental Heroes and because I keep certain staple cards for my old fav decks, when they become relevant either in local meta or tournament meta, I have little to no rebuying. Once I find a good deck type, I try to keep them for as long as possible, not only because I am a budget builder, but because I enjoy what I do and what decks I come up with. my old Elemental Heroes used to flash in by turn 4, 3-5 fusions at one time, now I have to remake it, using links as well as a few XYZs
@Team APS How about Moon Mirror Shield? You equip it to any monster, and when it attacks, its ATK becomes the ATK or DEF of the opponent's monster (whichever is higher) +100. However, you should be careful with this, as it might create a continuous loop if it comes across another MMS. Still have yet to verify whether it works against Timaeus the Knight of Destiny.
Couldn't you say Galexy cyclone should be used in the Mowing Infernoids or the Mowing Minerva decks that run 60? plenty of meta decks run face up continues spells now or even the field spell card for the invoked?
I would also add splashable toolbox engines e.g. Monk, tour guide, speedroid etc and also search cards such as tenki, rota fossil dig etc I know that they often get reprinted but every now and again I have found myself needing them and no one has any on them
some Boss Monsters arent maybe staples but depending on the format and deck can comeback. Im thinking on BLS, Dark Armed Dragon and maybe Kristya altough that last one is more deck specific.
Here's a good combo: Lucius the shadow vassal, and Mobius the frost monarch. When Lucius is tributed for a tribute summon, you can look at all of your opponents set spells/traps. Who are you trubute summoning? Mobius, when Mobius is tribute summoned (he's lv 5 so he only needs 1 tribute) you can target up to 2 spell/traps on the field and destroy them. Also you can do this in one turn with things like pendulums a card that gives 1 more normal summon and even Lucius's other effect, you can banish 1 lv 5 or higher monster from your graveyard and special summon him from your hand. Your opponent also can't negate the spell/trap reveal
Mill cards are pretty good in almost every deck. There's at least one card like foolish burial, foolish burial of belongings, mathematician, that grass looks greener, dante, and kuribandit that are usually good to add to a deck to thin it out as well as provide access from the grave. Also if you really hate having money in your wallet you can always get minerva.
A lot of the draw power/consistency cards deserve an honorable mention. Granted they're a lot more "niche" than the examples you guys gave, but having copies of Allure of Darkness, Pot of Duality, RoTA-like cards, etc. on standby is never a bad idea, especially given how much formats tend to change. They just give you those extra few options you may not have had before.
Scrap iron scarecrow cause it re-sets itself after it resolves, Face Off, Debunk is a must have, Ultimate Providence is crucial especially if you have the ability to special summon from the grave, Shining Silver Force to get rid of continuous effect damage from traps, and Champions Vigilance if you have a high level board and want to prevent your opponent from summoning high Lvl monsters or activating a spell/trap that would destroy/banish your high Lvl monsters or prevent them from attacking.
Definitely need trap/spell removal like MST. Twin Twisters are new to me (just started back up after a 2 year break) but I am guessing the are similar. I also encourage non target monster removal like mirror force and Lightning Vortex. Trap Holes are a must. Definitely Xyz like Utopia/Grenosaurus/Abyss Dweller which can fit most decks. Pot and Jar cards most definitely, even if banned may be removed in the future and they are good draw/recycle cards. Then definitely your Monster recycles like Monster Reborn/Reincarnation/Recovery, Premature burial/Call of the Haunted. Raigeki.... Whish I had held onto this one....
I think a card that everyone needs are cards like goblindberg, with it's effect to special summon a lv 4 monster when you summon it. Then you can make a rank for XYZ monster in half the time you normally could.
I'm gonna say cards like sakuretsu armor, any mirror force variants and like magic cylinder and draining shield. This is coming from a player who took like 5 years playing yugioh to draw 1 mirror force, so for the longest time I ran 3 magic cylinders, 3 draining shields, 3 sakuretsu armors just because I couldn't pull a mirror force. Though I did have radiant mirror force. I will say for the record none of the duels in which I used 3 magic cylinders were not official. But, long story short cards like that are seriously useful just for when your opponents think they've got you pinned. Also mirage dragon and pitch black warwolf to keep traps to a minimum. Cards like lightning vortex, and rageki break or divine intervention are also nice. Especially with call of the haunted since with all three, you have to discard then you can turn around and resummon what you discarded with call of the haunted. Got my galaxy eyes out like that a couple times. Also swords of revealing light, or burning light, maybe concealing light too, but not sure.
What do you guys think of D-Barrier? It seems like the new staple almost *in place* of brigade. On that topic, what do you think of the recent price hike?
Any banned card on the ban List. Knowing Konami they will probably one day return, I mean, look at Thousand-eyes, it's been banned for ages and poof, it's back.
i know its not out yet, but if rescue ferret doesnt get banned it going to be a card I reccomend to everyone, Its effect is you tribute it to special summon any number of monsters thats total level equals 6, now that on its own is really good, you could be stupid and make 3 formula synchrons and draw 3 cards, you could make 3 rank 1 xyz's, 1 rank 2 or 3 xyz, or even just special summon a level 6 from the deck, i just think its going to be really good
IMO cards that everyone should own are the classic side deck cards. Have those D.D. Crows, lava golems, necrovalley and artifact lancea etc. Only thing I did not agree with you on are the solemn strikes, simply because they are prime banlist material and holding 3 is quite the investment.
Breakthrough Skill, might be a bit slow, but it can be used twice, or once if you mill it. Worst case scenario: your opponent doesn't use effect monsters you would want to negate.
Call of the haunted. Most decks, specially "budget" decks that are inconsistent, can use them. I believe no decks gets worse for playing a couple, the reason most don't it's because it's because decks these days are well oiled machines and you would need to cut something to add them.
There are a few cards I always keep on me and they are, "A Hero Emerges", "Giant Soldier of Stone", and "Boneheimer". My reasons? A Hero Emerges is super helpful. Now for the others, it's good to have good luck cards ;)
got back into this after 13 years and got a full blue eyes deck but these must haves are pricey as fuck. desires,crystal wing solemn judgment is just to much
QUESTION: When I activate the effect of Ultimate Conductor Tyranno of flipping my opponents' monsters face-down on their turn, could they flip them back up? I need help!
Magic cylinder will never be good. It will steal some games, but another card in hand that actually synergizes with what youre trying to accomplish would win you soo many more games. Cylinder doesnt disrupt or remove your opponent's strategy and it doesnt advance your gamestate in any way.
Polymerization! definitely a good card to have a few copies of, or it's counterparts, Instant fusion, fusion recovery, future fusion, so on and so forth
hey guys, i recently began playing yugioh and have played with my friend who played long ago, anbd was wondering if there were any structure decks or starter decks or anything not too expensive that could get me used to the aspect of xyz, synchro, and pendulum summons ?
Youngster Joey Youngster Joey If you're trying to get used to all of those Summon types, I would suggest picking up Pendulum Domination. The D/D archetype might be a bit confusing at the start, but it's one of the only structure decks that comes with Pendulum, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monsters. It's also definitely going to be in stores still since it came out just last month.
Lol I misheard Trell. I thought he said "Ghengis crap" That should be what we call those 1 hit wonder archetypes that never get support after a set or two. Like the Venoms. Or the Constellars. (Save for That Tellarknight Constellar Xyz, which is more of a Tellarknight anyway). Either that, or D/D is triggered.
For new players like myself, I recommend the saber force or dark legion starter deck for a shatterfoil staples like magic cylinder and dark hole. Also, the v for victory starter comes with super rare staples in the power up packs. You can buy staples or try to pull them. I think I'm addicted to pulling lol
How about call of the haunted, mystical space typhoon (sorry if I spelled anything wrong) mirror force, swords of revealing light and lightning vortex. I use these cards in my decks (not all the time though) and they seem pretty good to use.
Always have a fieldspell that helps your side deck, even if it's as shitty as mountain, because one, it gets rid of annoying fieldspells your opponent has, while it gives you a little boost
threating roar and waboku. most OTKS are done by battle. threating roar effect is "your opponent cannot declare an attack this turn" a.k.a can't attack this turn waboku effect "you take no battle damage this turn. your monsters cannot be destroyed by battle this turn." a.k.a makes attacking useless and both can chain to mst,twin twister, typoon, ect.
Generic removal cards like dark hole and regeki are always good to have available (especially dark hole for kozmos). The new mirror force cards are great anti Swarm cards too
It's completely dependant on the deck... I think the best card in the game would have to be a staple in almost every deck and be useful in almost every situation. Maybe a draw power card? Desires? or something like Raigeki?
Yeah, Raigeki is great. Twin twisters too. But they're pricey. Foolish burial is a workhorse. It's a 2 cent card that you only need one of, that is needed for 85%+ of your decks. In the money-to-work ratio, hands down, foolish burial wins. IMO it is the single greatest card in the game.
What's up guys! I'm really new to the Yu Gi Oh TCG, and I was wondering if there are cards similar to The Hunter with 7 weapons that let me banish/remove or discard cards of a certain Type. As an example, if I wanted to banish a God Card, the Type is Divine Beast. If I wanted to banish multiples of that Type, is there a card for that? (As a note, I know Hunter does not banish or discard Types, it is the only example I can really provide)
tornado dragons a god one and throw in the Arc 0 and Infnity though you cant use there effects because true kings and all but there pendulum scales are helpful
Hey guys. I'm new to the channel and I did subscribe. I wish I found you guys earlier because I just recently got back in to yugioh. I picked up three decks for far :master of pendulum, domain monarchs, and I'm building a galaxy eyes/Felgrand. Which deck do you guys feel would be best to bring to events?
Thanks for watching, everyone! Hope this was helpful! Let's shoot for 500 Likes!
What other cards would you say every Yu-Gi-Oh should own and why?
Team APS This is super helpful for guys just getting back into Yugioh!
raigeki is one of those cards i ALWAYS slap in any deck, its a simple card to use
yeah i know right make the opponent shit and cry...
Team APS Draw Power! Upstarts! Pot if Desires ;3 Great Video!
DeSpell cause spell/trap removal especially if you know what it is youre destroying
the only card everyone should have is a credit card
Nah fam pay everything in cash money :) Kappa
A drivers license... isn't needed if you live inside the city
debit cards are just better, unless you have stacked accounts & you have so much money that your money makes you money as long as you don't access it & credit cards use costs don't result in a loss as a result of the profit coming from your accounts credit cards are just a good way to lose money, debit lets you access your money at no loss, even a little profit in the right account.
You should always have a Stratos on you cause one day.... He shall be free
Why I got three for the Lola when he c got banned so he would be cheap lol.
Ethan Kohrt it is in the OCG
With the unstoppable power of future fusion I shall make worms popular again!
why is he banned? i have one and i really like the card
All the op banned cards, i.e. Snatch Steal, Brain Control, Change of Heart, Premature Burial, Heavy Storm, etc. They keep randomly unbanning these cards and then the price shoots up as everyone scrambles around for them. Just get a playset of all these now and lock them away somewhere...cuz you never know.
True that . Plus it only like 10 bucks or a little more. Cant hurt the wallet too much
Kye Guard I'm pretty sure everyone was like that when we got Snatch Steal back for a format a couple years ago.
I'm waiting patiently for Graceful Charity to come back. I got 2 sitting in my binder, want to put them in my Dark Worlds so much!
PirateMaster45 Graceful Charity is never coming back
Kye Guard 6
Andrew Ghostheart 6?
Rebirth cards. Monster Reborn, Premature Burial, Call of the haunted, oasis of dragon souls. Stuff like that. The graveyard is literally the most powerful zone in our game you always want something that gives you access to it.
Romeo Barnes Tats true kurwa
Second hand nowadays.
Romeo Barnes monster reborn is banned
Romeo Barnes graveyard is key
is premature burial banned as well?
I think Board Wipers are also cards to have: dark Hole, Raigeki and even Kaiju Slumber ... as well as Revival cards: Soul Charge, Call of the Haunted, Oasis, and Floodgates: Vanity's, Trap Holes, Mirror Forces
Yup those are great picks and the reason why Kaiju Zoos got popular in the OCG bc Mirror match happens every often. Id say 3 Slumber + 4 Kaijus is a nice engine to use.
heck ya
Nooo pls no daddy. No more dark holes NOOOO!!!!
Don’t forget cyber jar
"Everybody plays spells and traps"
Superheavy Samurai user: "I THINK NOT!"
everyone needs blue eyes and or dark magician
Depends on what deck you're using. It sometimes slows the deck down.
What. If you arent playing those specific decks the cards would be absolute trash. He means it from a collector kind of view because the cards are very iconic, not because they are usefull staples for many kinds of decks..
they do keep coming back though as new archetype support gets released for them so maintain value over time & become good cards again every so often
Marcusjnmc There are so many prints of the cards, they arent worth much. Also the movie hype is pretty much over so I doubt they will release big support anytime soon
L ig xP still probably nice to have 3 of each
Polymerization, I suppose if you play any kind of fusion. Fire Formation Tenki is only beast-warriors, but it's a staple for many, many decks.
I am surprised draw cards such as Allure of Darkness, Trade-In, or Sacred Sword of Seven Star were not mentioned.
Allure loots and shouldn't be considered as consistency TBH. No relevant decks use Seven Sword. Trade-In is used n BEWD. Thing is a no brainer to include these in decks were it should fit.
All 3 of those have been reprinted as commons in structure decks(still good to have but really easy/cheap to get)
I don't fuck with commons, shiny or go home.
Benjamin Jean upstart goblin.
could you guys do a video on the basics of deck building?
B. Simmons buy cards, insert cards into sleeves, arrange a certain number of monsters, spells and traps between 40 and 60 cards. Have a few general use cards in a side deck and last but not least, extra deck cards. Voila
yes but you cant exactly build a random deck
chuckles de clown my comment was sarcastic but indeed, you can’t use random cards
Tommy Barnes oh
there are thousands of sites who cover meta decks just build them lol
The guy with dreads reminds me of michonne from the walking dead
cosmic infinity do you not see the beard.
Cross of michonne and the king.
his name is trell btw
Monsters: Tragoedia, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Alector Sovereign of Birds, Cyber Dragon, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind, Neo-Spacian Grand Mole, Marshmallon, Spirit Reaper, Nimble Momonga, Penguin Solder, Man-Eater Bug, Cyber Valley, Battle Fader, Golden Ladybug,
Spells: Lightning Vortex, Swords of Revealing Light, Book of Moon, Forbidden Lance, Twin Twisters, White Veil, Raigeki, Dark Hole, Final Countdown, Smashing Ground, Card Trader, Moon Mirror Shield, One Day of Peace, Ground Collapse
Traps: Mirror Force, Void Trap Hole, Draining Shield, Torrential Tribute, Quaking Mirror Force, Dust Tornado, Magic Cylinder, Balance of Judgement, Ring of Destruction, Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, Metal Reflect Slime, Rainbow Life, Call of the Haunted, Nightmare Wheel, Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell, Fairy Box
Am I missing anything?
lol what no Fairy Box?
I'd never heard of it (kinda a new/old player, haven't played much lately but I'm getting back into it). That card looks really useful actually, thanks for the rec!
Np. I figured you must have been a player a long time ago because you don't see many of those cards anymore. Compulse is good too. I had never heard of Alector before but I'm sure there's a deck somewhere that can make use of that. Maybe use it with Coral Dragon for Tzolkin lol?
WyomingPTT Coral Dragon gets on my nerve so much urgh. I've been using YGOPro to learn, but I still don't really get the new XYZ or Synchro type monsters. and yeah, a lot of people don't use older cards, which is a shame because a lot of them are damn good
Brandon Cole lol Coral Dragon is one of my favorite Synchro monsters lol. What about Pendulum summoning? The other types are pretty straightforward compared to that haha.
Hey its Montana of 300! I didnt know he played Yugioh.
That hit my soul good and made me laugh hard
Dragon GamerX1 facts
Yes! I've been waiting for SOMEONE to post this sort of video!
Versatile Tuners. Having an understanding of what the best possible options are for making those big synchro plays feels so vital. Even little things like Plaguespreader or Glow-up and Spore.
Ash blossom and heavy storm duster can be added to this list now (I know they weren't out when this video came out, but still just something to take note of)
generic draw search cards: pot of duality, one day of peace, upstart goblin, gold sarcophagus, reinforcement of the army, foolish burial
instant fusion
SumDude generic cards like that are definitely solid
Consistency cards like draw power and "dig deeper" type of cards. Cards like Allure of Darkness, Card of Demise, Pot of Desires for draw power, and Pot of Duality (plus any other card similar to Duality) for those "dig deeper into your deck" situations
Something I run to get rid of spells and traps is "release restraint wave" it's effect iis discard one equip spell you control to destroy all spells and traps your opp. Controls a bit risky but works as a last resort or even a stall point
The spirit monsters have some general staples. Tsukuyomi is a normal summon book of moon, asura priest is a token/fodder remover, and if you can create fodder easily and flush your hand, a single copy of Yamata dragon if you have some way to fetch for it can work wonders and win you games.
Structure decks give you a lot of useful cards the cyberse ones i bought all of them
Consistency boosters. Stuff like ROTA, Duality, Upstart, and CardCar D. Stun cards are good to horde as well. Skill Drain, Lose 1 Turn, Vanity's, Macro, D-Fissure. Certain banned cards are worth it as well simply so IF they come off you have em.
good list:
Effect veiler
Solemn Strike
Gameciel the sea tturle kaiju
Twin Twisters
Number S39: Utopia the lightning
One for One, Allure, RotA, Foolish Burial are pretty good to have on hand for several decks each meta
Obviously keeping a hold on generic cards are usually good, but I'd like to think that holding onto Type-specific or Attribute-specific support should be considered too! Things like Fire Formation - Tenki and Circle of the Fire Kings, as a couple of examples, can be used in a wide variety of decks, and while they may not themselves be great in some decks, they can work really well in others!
1: twin twisters 2: jar of avarice 3: void trap hole 4: ultimate providence 5: effect veiler
another thing ive always kept copys of is generic search cards, rota, terraforming, fossil dig, etc fits in multiple decks and will always be good to choose the cards you want while you deck thin
ghost ogre and snow rabbit, kaiju, twin twister, pot of duality, pot of desires, raigaki, xyz cipher-photon-cipherblade, xyz hope harbinger, xyz utopia, solemn strike, sword of concealing light, drowning/quaking mirror force, Graydle, messenger of peace, sword of revealing light, upstart goblin, magical Mallet, call of haunted, soul charge, moon mirror shield, bottomless trap hole, magic cylinder, mirror force, vanity emptiness and polymerization. just some to consider for side deck.
if you love a certain deck that might have a lot of support, like Elemental Heroes, hoard key cards for them, Miracle Fusion, Masked heroes fusions, etc.. because you never know when they will become meta or anti-meta. I have been playing Gravekeepers off and on for years as well as Elemental Heroes and because I keep certain staple cards for my old fav decks, when they become relevant either in local meta or tournament meta, I have little to no rebuying. Once I find a good deck type, I try to keep them for as long as possible, not only because I am a budget builder, but because I enjoy what I do and what decks I come up with.
my old Elemental Heroes used to flash in by turn 4, 3-5 fusions at one time, now I have to remake it, using links as well as a few XYZs
@Team APS
How about Moon Mirror Shield? You equip it to any monster, and when it attacks, its ATK becomes the ATK or DEF of the opponent's monster (whichever is higher) +100. However, you should be careful with this, as it might create a continuous loop if it comes across another MMS. Still have yet to verify whether it works against Timaeus the Knight of Destiny.
Paul that RUclips shirt fresh as hell , is rock that with some red nikes and my deadpool hat
+InnovationYGO A E S T H E T I C S
Matching shoes and shirt is tacky af mane your outfits colors should compliment each other, not copy each other.
Everyone should have a pot of greed. It allows me to draw 2 new cards to refresh my hand.
Couldn't you say Galexy cyclone should be used in the Mowing Infernoids or the Mowing Minerva decks that run 60? plenty of meta decks run face up continues spells now or even the field spell card for the invoked?
I would also add splashable toolbox engines e.g. Monk, tour guide, speedroid etc and also search cards such as tenki, rota fossil dig etc I know that they often get reprinted but every now and again I have found myself needing them and no one has any on them
some Boss Monsters arent maybe staples but depending on the format and deck can comeback. Im thinking on BLS, Dark Armed Dragon and maybe Kristya altough that last one is more deck specific.
Here's a good combo: Lucius the shadow vassal, and Mobius the frost monarch. When Lucius is tributed for a tribute summon, you can look at all of your opponents set spells/traps. Who are you trubute summoning? Mobius, when Mobius is tribute summoned (he's lv 5 so he only needs 1 tribute) you can target up to 2 spell/traps on the field and destroy them. Also you can do this in one turn with things like pendulums a card that gives 1 more normal summon and even Lucius's other effect, you can banish 1 lv 5 or higher monster from your graveyard and special summon him from your hand. Your opponent also can't negate the spell/trap reveal
Mill cards are pretty good in almost every deck. There's at least one card like foolish burial, foolish burial of belongings, mathematician, that grass looks greener, dante, and kuribandit that are usually good to add to a deck to thin it out as well as provide access from the grave. Also if you really hate having money in your wallet you can always get minerva.
A lot of the draw power/consistency cards deserve an honorable mention. Granted they're a lot more "niche" than the examples you guys gave, but having copies of Allure of Darkness, Pot of Duality, RoTA-like cards, etc. on standby is never a bad idea, especially given how much formats tend to change. They just give you those extra few options you may not have had before.
getting back in the game. im buying cards like a mad man. thank u
i always side lava golem/volcanic queen , burn plus sac their
Hey im confused about terms such as side deck. Also a card is palezoic. It makes a monster card face down.
Scrap iron scarecrow cause it re-sets itself after it resolves, Face Off, Debunk is a must have, Ultimate Providence is crucial especially if you have the ability to special summon from the grave, Shining Silver Force to get rid of continuous effect damage from traps, and Champions Vigilance if you have a high level board and want to prevent your opponent from summoning high Lvl monsters or activating a spell/trap that would destroy/banish your high Lvl monsters or prevent them from attacking.
Damn your comment sections are always super active in all your videos. It's awesome
spell/trap removers i use are normally MSTs and dust tornadoes
Definitely need trap/spell removal like MST. Twin Twisters are new to me (just started back up after a 2 year break) but I am guessing the are similar. I also encourage non target monster removal like mirror force and Lightning Vortex. Trap Holes are a must. Definitely Xyz like Utopia/Grenosaurus/Abyss Dweller which can fit most decks. Pot and Jar cards most definitely, even if banned may be removed in the future and they are good draw/recycle cards. Then definitely your Monster recycles like Monster Reborn/Reincarnation/Recovery, Premature burial/Call of the Haunted. Raigeki.... Whish I had held onto this one....
Does Swift Scarecrow count as a hand trap? I think he does.
Luv yer video!!!!!
except Mst, i dont have anything else from that list. i say most needed would be extra deck cards, castel,rebellion,utopia,blackrose
The Cheerful Coffin. I wish I had a second one for one of my decks. Gotta love discarded by card effect effects!
I think a card that everyone needs are cards like goblindberg, with it's effect to special summon a lv 4 monster when you summon it. Then you can make a rank for XYZ monster in half the time you normally could.
I'm gonna say cards like sakuretsu armor, any mirror force variants and like magic cylinder and draining shield. This is coming from a player who took like 5 years playing yugioh to draw 1 mirror force, so for the longest time I ran 3 magic cylinders, 3 draining shields, 3 sakuretsu armors just because I couldn't pull a mirror force. Though I did have radiant mirror force. I will say for the record none of the duels in which I used 3 magic cylinders were not official. But, long story short cards like that are seriously useful just for when your opponents think they've got you pinned. Also mirage dragon and pitch black warwolf to keep traps to a minimum. Cards like lightning vortex, and rageki break or divine intervention are also nice. Especially with call of the haunted since with all three, you have to discard then you can turn around and resummon what you discarded with call of the haunted. Got my galaxy eyes out like that a couple times. Also swords of revealing light, or burning light, maybe concealing light too, but not sure.
What do you guys think of D-Barrier? It seems like the new staple almost *in place* of brigade. On that topic, what do you think of the recent price hike?
0:53 "We got a new ghost girl coming out" "I think it stops sending from the deck"....little did you guys know how insane that card would be haha
They are talking ash blossom from the sounds of it
the rank 4 assistants , that special summon a level 4 from the hand
Any banned card on the ban List. Knowing Konami they will probably one day return, I mean, look at Thousand-eyes, it's been banned for ages and poof, it's back.
Cole Taylor I think the only card that'll never come back is Pot of Greed. A +2 with literally no drawbacks is too strong for any deck
Is your shirt supposed to mean "youtuber" or "player"?
Moses Kim youtuber lol
Moses Kim I think the same thing everytime he wears that shirt
Play button, clearly a youtube play button, RUclips Player!
RUclips emergency room
max demjancik correction, it says youtubeer
i know its not out yet, but if rescue ferret doesnt get banned it going to be a card I reccomend to everyone, Its effect is you tribute it to special summon any number of monsters thats total level equals 6, now that on its own is really good, you could be stupid and make 3 formula synchrons and draw 3 cards, you could make 3 rank 1 xyz's, 1 rank 2 or 3 xyz, or even just special summon a level 6 from the deck, i just think its going to be really good
I would add Instant Fusion to the list.
IMO cards that everyone should own are the classic side deck cards. Have those D.D. Crows, lava golems, necrovalley and artifact lancea etc. Only thing I did not agree with you on are the solemn strikes, simply because they are prime banlist material and holding 3 is quite the investment.
Breakthrough Skill, might be a bit slow, but it can be used twice, or once if you mill it. Worst case scenario: your opponent doesn't use effect monsters you would want to negate.
soul charge is pretty handy too. im sure there's alot of decks that dont use em depending on them. but i would reccamend a soul charge for anyone
Guys, I love your videos. Please keep on doing this stuff. It's always fun to watch.
Greetz from Germany :)
+Dave Kyorano Thanks, we'll keep on going! Greetings from the United States! I appreciate the support!
“Those decks will come and go but the XYZ staples will stay”
The golden days
what do you guys think of Flying C against Zoo? I think it's flying c that prevents xyz summoning anyway. I've had em collecting dust for a while now.
Call of the haunted. Most decks, specially "budget" decks that are inconsistent, can use them. I believe no decks gets worse for playing a couple, the reason most don't it's because it's because decks these days are well oiled machines and you would need to cut something to add them.
I have a commons that may come in handy at a later date tin. my body as a shield has been in it since 2009, and so has bubble crash
There are a few cards I always keep on me and they are, "A Hero Emerges", "Giant Soldier of Stone", and "Boneheimer".
My reasons? A Hero Emerges is super helpful. Now for the others, it's good to have good luck cards ;)
Lightsworn mini engine (Ryko Lyla and Charge) thought it's a bit slow right now
got back into this after 13 years and got a full blue eyes deck but these must haves are pricey as fuck. desires,crystal wing solemn judgment is just to much
apocalypse369 Cool have you played Yugioh duel links ? It is a fun and old school game.
QUESTION: When I activate the effect of Ultimate Conductor Tyranno of flipping my opponents' monsters face-down on their turn, could they flip them back up? I need help!
Spicy Techs, Cards that are fun to play, that high tier meta players would never expect, e.g. Magic Cylinder.
Sean Beecher gotta maim dem magic cylinder, be like yugi
Sean Beecher I main a copy of magic cylinder
Future visions, Black garden, Ancient forest. Troll tf outta your opponent lol
Magic cylinder will never be good. It will steal some games, but another card in hand that actually synergizes with what youre trying to accomplish would win you soo many more games. Cylinder doesnt disrupt or remove your opponent's strategy and it doesnt advance your gamestate in any way.
A classic
Pot Of Avarice.
I can not stress this enough....
Why don't people understand how good this card is?
I think some staple traps like anti-spell fragrance, mask of restrict, royal decree, Imperial iron wall. that sort of thing
I'd say for extra deck Black Rose Dragon, and Trishula. For spells/traps Dark hole, monster reincarnation, Raigeki, and magic cylinder.
What's your guys opinion on Battle Fader being a staple hand trap? I always have one in the side deck at least.
Polymerization! definitely a good card to have a few copies of, or it's counterparts, Instant fusion, fusion recovery, future fusion, so on and so forth
hey guys, i recently began playing yugioh and have played with my friend who played long ago, anbd was wondering if there were any structure decks or starter decks or anything not too expensive that could get me used to the aspect of xyz, synchro, and pendulum summons ?
I would say that most of them are a reasonable price and fairly good
Youngster Joey Youngster Joey If you're trying to get used to all of those Summon types, I would suggest picking up Pendulum Domination. The D/D archetype might be a bit confusing at the start, but it's one of the only structure decks that comes with Pendulum, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monsters. It's also definitely going to be in stores still since it came out just last month.
Youngster Joey I would say lightsworns. I got most of the deck cheap af at Wal-Mart lol
Lol I misheard Trell. I thought he said "Ghengis crap" That should be what we call those 1 hit wonder archetypes that never get support after a set or two. Like the Venoms. Or the Constellars. (Save for That Tellarknight Constellar Xyz, which is more of a Tellarknight anyway). Either that, or D/D is triggered.
For new players like myself, I recommend the saber force or dark legion starter deck for a shatterfoil staples like magic cylinder and dark hole. Also, the v for victory starter comes with super rare staples in the power up packs. You can buy staples or try to pull them. I think I'm addicted to pulling lol
The Mega tins from all three years thus far offer some nice reprints as well as the Premium Gold sets.
Sincerely, your local Bad Ass
How about call of the haunted, mystical space typhoon (sorry if I spelled anything wrong) mirror force, swords of revealing light and lightning vortex. I use these cards in my decks (not all the time though) and they seem pretty good to use.
Always have a fieldspell that helps your side deck, even if it's as shitty as mountain, because one, it gets rid of annoying fieldspells your opponent has, while it gives you a little boost
threating roar and waboku. most OTKS are done by battle. threating roar effect is "your opponent cannot declare an attack this turn" a.k.a can't attack this turn waboku effect "you take no battle damage this turn. your monsters cannot be destroyed by battle this turn." a.k.a makes attacking useless
and both can chain to mst,twin twister, typoon, ect.
I think some basic cards are good to have. Like swords of revealing light.
Stardust dragon(synchro monster),dark bribe(counter trap),intrigue shield (normal trap)
Who has a good suggestion for the inner sleeve if I'm looking to double sleeve?
Generic removal cards like dark hole and regeki are always good to have available (especially dark hole for kozmos). The new mirror force cards are great anti Swarm cards too
Foolish burial is the single best card in the game.
+Peter Mulligan Why do you think so?
It's completely dependant on the deck... I think the best card in the game would have to be a staple in almost every deck and be useful in almost every situation. Maybe a draw power card? Desires? or something like Raigeki?
WyomingPTT best card in the game is pot of greed
Genos I thought of that too but it's banned lol. I agree 100% it would be the best if it wasn't though. That's why I suggested Desires.
Yeah, Raigeki is great. Twin twisters too. But they're pricey. Foolish burial is a workhorse. It's a 2 cent card that you only need one of, that is needed for 85%+ of your decks. In the money-to-work ratio, hands down, foolish burial wins. IMO it is the single greatest card in the game.
What's up guys! I'm really new to the Yu Gi Oh TCG, and I was wondering if there are cards similar to The Hunter with 7 weapons that let me banish/remove or discard cards of a certain Type. As an example, if I wanted to banish a God Card, the Type is Divine Beast. If I wanted to banish multiples of that Type, is there a card for that?
(As a note, I know Hunter does not banish or discard Types, it is the only example I can really provide)
tornado dragons a god one and throw in the Arc 0 and Infnity though you cant use there effects because true kings and all but there pendulum scales are helpful
Good video. A lot of good choices there.
good thing Superheavy Samurai have their own hand-traps, negation, and work well with kaijus and R4NK toolbox.
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion is my favorite hand trap.
Protection cards like Prime Material Dragon are always good for side deck
are you referring to the upcoming ghost ash from MACR?
black horn of heaven. counter trap negate a special summon and has no cost.
stops xyz, synchro
Hey guys. I'm new to the channel and I did subscribe. I wish I found you guys earlier because I just recently got back in to yugioh. I picked up three decks for far :master of pendulum, domain monarchs, and I'm building a galaxy eyes/Felgrand. Which deck do you guys feel would be best to bring to events?
This should absolutely get an updated video
I have basically none of these. I have a couple veilers and mst. I have no solemns or good traps really except for the hole traps.
summoner monks, swords of concealing light, space time trap hole which works amazingly for me.