@@EricBurbeck We Live in a fallen world because of "The Prince of the powers of the AIR" (Satan, Lucifer, The Old Serpent, Bealzebub) who goes by many diffent names but rebelled against God (YHWH) and cheated the Chaos that we see now. SCIENCE? 🤔 You should know that many secularist (evolution) scientific papers are totally bogus and are just done for the Federal Grant Money.. That's motivation to being biased and cultivating a realm of deceit in the practice of SCIENCE.
It's Relationship expressed through Religion. James 1:26-27 26. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not bridle his tongue, he deceives his heart and his religion is worthless. 27. Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Galatians 5:6b 6b. All that matters is faith, expressed through love.
@@WaterWalker07 You do know that James, the brother of Jesus was talking to Jews in Jerusalem, or did you not know this? James was talking about Jews that were not following Jesus' commands.. I'll counter with what Jesus Christ said in Matthew Chapter 6, "Be not like the Heathen, those who still worship idols or other than YHWH...."Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4 that thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. 7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. 8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: For YOUR FATHER KNOWETH what things ye have need of, before ye ask him." The letter of James was to quell the stubborn Jews from chastising others.
Faith is believing in the truth. All truth is tied into Jesus. He is the way, the TRUTH, and the life. The roads of truth all lead to Jesus. The devil is the father of lies. He lies about many, many things because he knows that the nature of a lie leads away from truth. All truth is found in Jesus.
Many years ago I was listening to Preacher out of the UK; a born again man. I have never forgotten this profound Truth he spoke: Knowledge with God is Wisdom. Knowledge without God is witchcraft.
THAT is one of the BEST Presentations on this Subject I have heard in a Long Time!!!! God bless, help and keep you Dr. Rivera!! You did an Excellent Job!
Great teaching, thank you very much for sharing. May God Bless you, your loved ones, and everyone who hears this message. The Spirit and the Bride say, Come Lord Jesus...
The more you learn about His creation, the more in absolute awe you become of Him. It truly reflects that God's knowledge, wisdom, and abilities are good, perfect, and infinite. A sane person has no other choice but to be in utter amazement of Him. Bowing down to worship Him in overwhelming awe and submission is all we can do.
Oh really? You look at cancer, rabies, parastic worms that turn babies blind and thinking "wow, yeah, that is evidence that it was all done by a perfectly wise and perfectly good creator god!" ROFL. You can grovel all you want. I'm not.
@@stevenbatke2475 Any "designer" that created nature as it is on earth is either a imbecilic incompetent, or a sadist, or both. The natural state for most living things on earth is suffering. Almost all wild animals end their days violently and/or in pain.
Thank you Dr Rivera! I found your words captivating. It was great to hear the truth of creation from someone with such knowledge and experience in DNA and forensic science. I hope we can hear more from you again soon. 💕
I'm from the South Pacific and in 2007 I travelled to Kenya for a UNEP training. We stayed in downtown Nairobi and we were taken by bus to and from the UNEP headquarters everyday. We always went passed the zoo (on the way to UNEP) with an iron sculpture of the depiction of the evolution of man above the main entrance gate. I shook my head everytime I looked at it.
??knowledge in the brains of Noah and his family was still there after the flood. Also floods deposit lg amts., sand, etc. And wind, water wash away plus farmers, construction uncover. Could this be things before the flood. Sphinx shows erosion signs. Only God knows for absolutely sure. Have faith in God, the son and holy ghost. God never said we would be granted all knowledge. God bless
@@STM1619-o5r Let me guess, you find the story in an Iron Age book with a talkgn snake in it and an invisible wizard using magic to make a man from dust and a woman from a rib more convincing?
What a magnificent and thought-provoking talk on origins. We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you, AIG, and thank you, Dr. Rivera for sharing your expertise on this very important matter. God bless you all.
@@Nanobot_Swarm force fed?? Plenty of Christians reach conclusions on their own. Look up exathuest testimonies. Id say that it is the ATHIESM/EVOLUTION that is "forced", as schools are God-less now. nonsense? it makes plenty of sense, if you reflect deeper.
I love answers in Genesis, and I appreciate how they talk about the science and how it confirms the Bible. But I really feel they need to more thoroughly develop the reasons why the Bible should be trusted for those who may be unbelievers watching their videos. It just feels like they are always speaking to a crowd that are already Christian and already believe the Bible.
Oh us unbelievers watch all the time. Always love a good laugh. Trust me they don’t know anything about science. And a friendly word of advice, you mentioned how AIG talks about science and confirms the Bible. I’d encourage you to analyze that and look at the word “confirms”. The purpose of AIG is to keep Christians in an echo chamber of misinformation, and that word only solidifies that. It’s confirmation bias at its finest. And that’s not a slight to you. We all have biases, but I would like to encourage you to listen to both sides. And I don’t mean to watch a Richard Dawkins video and immediately say he’s wrong because it disagrees with the Bible, but rather to listen to what they say and investigate it with both secular and Christian sources. You’ll notice that sources like AIG are quick to denounce anything that disagrees with the Bible, but don’t actually understand the science. Hope you consider my advice. Have a good one!
@@sids5002 Why is anything "awful" if you don't believe in God? Without God there is no "right' or "wrong" or "good" or "bad". If people are just the product of random chemical / physical processes and arose out of the pond scum why would it matter whether those babies and non-Christians get thrown into hell? ( not that the babies that die before knowing right or wrong will necessarily end up there ).
@@razark9 So you are one of them that did put all his trust in Fauci with his scientific expertise? WOW, another one who found it difficult to think for himself.
So happy to hear you are persevering through such difficult challenges. But nobody is claiming science has all the answers, nor are they saying God cannot exist and play an important role in our lives while science also helps us move forward in this physical existence.
Not "according to science" you should have died but according to doctors. Doctors are not science. Researchers are not science. Scien *_tists_* are not science. In the end, you will still die, if not from one thing then from another. We are not trying to live forever here on this Earth. *_After we die_* our hope is to be raised to new life to spend with God in His house.
@@luish1498well, there is the part where it's never been seen to happen. Do changes happen within a kind? Yes, we do see micro "evolution" but the animal is still the same animal, it never changes into another animal. We do not see macro evolution where one animal changes into another.
I saw the firmament during what was similar to a sheet heat lightning storm with no clouds. It was lit up like a strobe light effect. It was like a low ceiling with a texture to it that stretched all around me. I was scared as I thought it was going to fall down. I have seen it before but didn't know what it was. The first person I saw said the sky was so weeeiird last night. The way she said weird is still in my memory today.
Seems as if you've experienced a natural phenomenon that you simply cannot explain. Maybe look into it a little bit and see if you can learn more about what you experienced.
@@travisbicklepopsicle I have seen the firmament before. We just call it a heat lightning storm with no clouds. After quizzing other people they have realized it is the firmament. Find me at mikey Smith horizontally appozed. He has a video of Sirius with a green coil on it. Coloured the crescent moon with a blue laser. He hit the firmament with two lasers. The firmament or the beginning of heaven is so close.
I agree. Firmament above. I can’t wait for the day our Christian Brothers and Sisters let go of there delusions to Gods word and how God created this plane of physical existence.
“Thou shalt not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16) yet in the space of less than 30 seconds: 11:13: "He believes in evolutionary ideas. Is there any evidence for that? No" - Assuming you meant there is no evidence for evolution, even the most scientifically illiterate young earth creationist must accept there is at least SOME evidence. That is disingenuous at best. 11:16: "Is there any observational process for that we can observe and record and repeat? No" - The AIG creation model outright requires evolution (deemed 'micro' evolution) to explain the variety of species from the ark, so you're misleading people about your own model. The entire field of virology deals with mutation+natural selection (aka evolution) on a daily basis. To say there's "NO observational process of evolution that can be observed, recorded and repeated" is laughable. 11:21: "Is he relying on something he has to take by faith? Yes. Evolution is very much a religion as well" - You can believe in Jesus and still accept the evidence for evolution like Hugh Ross, so that claim is just an outright lie. What an embarassing performance.
@@YECBIB Let me see. Oh, we have muscles that use nutrients as fuel for their constituent cells which enable us to move our various body parts and involve our brains to be able to do lots of different tasks. We are in existence because our parents got all hot and bothered some years back. Anything else? (and I include no personal insults!)
Amazing how words can be strung together to form coherent yet meaningless sentences. We who follow scripture are not using helmets. The helmet of protection is removed. We feel the club of superstition on our skulls fully, as god intended.
@@kathleennorton7913 Extremely sarcastic! Your sentence and mine are both coherent and readily comprehensible to any speaker of English. However they are both equally meaningless, equally unsupported by reason. Things just are the way they are. Any human attempt to understand them, to interpret them, is a use of lenses.
@stevepierce6467 No, Jesus needed no lens. He is the truth. He saw/sees things absolutely perfectly. His words are pure. Read them. Contemplate them. Look into how perfect they are. They are thoroughly logical. They fall in a straight logical progression. Open your eyes and see that He is not a figure created from man's imagination. Nobody could speak as He does or imagine someone such as He. He stands alone. There are many imitations, but there is only one Jesus. You will bow down before Him. Hopefully, you will come to your senses, by the grace of God, and bow down to Him today.
Dr Jennifer Rivera's credentials as a scientist: BA Criminal justice MTA Education with a science concentration Education doctorate in curriculum and instruction At best she's qualified to be a school board superintendent. As a "scientist " she's qualified to teach at the high school level.
@@HansVanDenBerg-go9wm no sir. You are referring to an ad hominem which is an attack on a person's character. I am saying that Dr Jennifer Rivera is a false authority with insufficient credentials.
He is not attacking the person just checking on her qualifications. You are the one going on the attack with your prejudiced accusations.@@HansVanDenBerg-go9wm
What is the scientific definition of "kind"? How do you objectively determine what "kind' a species is? What magic barrier prevents two different "kinds" from sharing a common ancestor? What magic barrier prevents one "kinds" from evolving into another "kind"? What "kind" is a fossa? What "kind" is a gorgonopsian? I've been asking these questions for years and have yet to get any coherent answers.
There is no scientific description of "kind." In biology, taxonomy groups things as Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family Genus Species such that we are: Eukarya, Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Primata, Hominidae, Homo, sapiens Chimps, for example differ as they share the family Hominidae with us, but are Pan troglodites as genus and species, which means our probable common ancestor was also a Hominidae, but somewhere we also share a common ancestor with other Mammalians. There are no "magic" barriers.
Most creationists lectures say that kind = family. So Mankind = Hominid. Adam an Eve were the ancestors of Orangutans, Gorillas, Chimps and Humans. All eating fruit. Jesus saved all Hominids
I went to the wiki to look for information about the laws of conservative energy, what it said was: "In a close system, energy and matter can not be created or destroyed, it can only be transform from one form to another or transfer from one thing to another." Now I went back to look for that statement on wiki again, now it said: "Energy and matter can not be created or destroyed, it can only be transform from one form to another or transfer from one thing to another." The "In a close system" was removed, for whatever reason I don't know. This just reconfirmed to me that the knowledge of science changes to fit it's writer's idea, and when that knowledge is used against him, he just simply removes it, or twist it to his own liking. There is no absolute truth in science.
Also: A. It's the law of conservation of energy not the law of conservative energy. B. I literally just looked it up on Wikipedia and it says "In physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time.[1] Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another." C. Energy cannot be created or destroyed in any system. That's always been the case. So either you're lying or you can't read, and you certainly don't know about proper sources.
@@msquiggle3590 I see that you copied the text right from wiki, so thank you for that. See the little [1] right before the word Energy there? A few weeks ago, I looked it up and it was a "In a closed system," there, they moved it into the sentence before. So now when I first looked today in the afternoon, I didn't see the "In a closed system" and didn't check the sentence before it.
@@msquiggle3590 that may be so, but I really didn't want to disprove all science. Science is good, it gave me knowledge. I I wanted to say is that science is not absolute, there are truth and there are lies in science, that's why we need to stay awake when study science, that's all.
So the canyon formed in 1 day by Mt. St. Helen's eruption was 1/40 the size of the Grand Canyon? And it rained for 40 days at the start of the Great Flood. Like He said, His work is very good!
The Grand Canyon was formed when water started to run off the land back to the Oceans (collapse of Great Lakes of water). Could have happened many years after the Flood.
actually the rain came after the fountains of the deep broke open , just like the tonga volcano last year blasted tremendous amounts of moisture into thye atmosphere which in turn fell back to earth as rain so to in the flood the fountains of the deep blasted moisture and the earths crust into the atmosphere.
"The most preposterous notion that Homo sapiens has ever dreamed up is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of all the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of His creatures, can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if He does not receive this flattery. Yet this absurd fantasy, without a shred of evidence to bolster it, pays all the expenses of the oldest, largest, and least productive industry in all history." - Robert A. Heinlein “I’ve never understood how God could expect His creatures to pick the one true religion by faith-it strikes me as a sloppy way to run a universe.” -Jubal Harshaw, Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein "It doesn't seem to me that this fantastically marvelous universe, this tremendous range of time and space and different kinds of animals, and all the different planets, and all these atoms with all their motions, and so on, all this complicated thing can merely be a stage so that God can watch human beings struggle for good and evil - which is the view that religion has. The stage is too big for the drama.” ― Richard P. Feynman (1918-1988) American Physicist
Humans have discovered several reasons, through science, why we need sleep. most restorative functions-including muscle and tissue repair, protein synthesis, and the release of growth hormones-occur while humans sleep Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases -- National Institutes of Health
I am afraid that I have not found any scientific answers in that fairy tale book that is called the Bible. I prefer to look at the scientific observations that have accumulated over many years and lead us to conclusions about the past that are logical and can be modified by further investigation.
Of all sciences aside from the different disciplines of the study of His Word I'd say my other favorite would have to be archeology as to me it is closely related. Since the 1800s there's been an over abundance of proof found that shows we have more evidence for His Word than any other written word in history and it is not even close. I'm adding some of the things I've found just by digging a little below and if it helps just one person it would be so worth it and if that person gets it they will share in my love, freedom and joy. These are not just my own findings but based on years of study and others research as well. Study is so important and one day a week is simply not enough. Buying into all the falsehoods of why it's not true or can't be His Word is deadly. With the amount of proof we now have in this age of abundance of information there's simply no longer any excuse or argument to be made. So here goes and for those that do read it please just think about what it means and will mean for you if you take it seriously: The case for Biblical accuracy and how we know we have the absolute, proven true Word of God in our modern Bibles if they maintain a word for word translation or as close as possible. First let's look at secular history and written sources that are taken as matter of fact. These other books and writings from antiquity are held up as truth and in some cases factual history. These other books/poems and there evidence/sources, data: Second most common manuscript document Homer's Iliad meaning there are more copies of it than any other secular writing/document from antiquity of which only 643 exist dating from 13th century AD. Homer is believed to have wrote it in the 8th century BC. The Gallic Wars of Cesar in 1st century BC, there are only 10 manuscripts of that in existence dating over 1000 years after they were supposed to have been written. Herodotus wrote of history and is known as one of the first historians 5th century BC and only 8 manuscripts exist and they are from more than 1300 years after he wrote anything. History of the Peloponnesian War written by Thucydides. There are only 8 manuscripts that are from 1300 years after he supposedly wrote his account. These are just a few examples but it doesn't get any better by adding more. Now let's look at Biblical proofs: There can be no doubt as to the accuracy of our current Bibles as it is proven via all the source fragments, scrolls, papyri, codex' and sources dating all the way back to before Christ around 700 BC for the OT and between 100 to 150 AD for the NT. There is no doubt and no room for any argument against these facts. We have more proof for God's Word than any other written word in history and it is by order of magnitudes more as in some 66,000+ such sources for Scripture. The early Church Fathers prior to 325 AD: Those known as the Anti-Nicene Fathers writings contain over 32,000 quotes from the New Testament from which we could reconstruct the entire/complete NT from just those. They also contain over 19,000+ quotes from the Gospels alone again from prior to 325 AD. All these sources allow us to be critical when it comes to the level of accuracy in our Bibles. The oldest manuscripts end The Gospel of Mark at chapter 16 verse 8. It is the perfect ending to Mark's Gospel when you think about it as there really was no more that needed said. There is a lot of evidence that anything after Mark 16:8 was added later gathering parts from all the other Gospels and even Acts. There have been many ideas put forward about why the rest was added but none truly fits, things such as knowing Mark's intent and inspiration and that had he been able he would have added to his Gospel. That after Peter was martyred he stopped short due to that but if you read his Gospel there's no need for anything to be added. There's also some idea that there's a lost ending but how can you think that if you don't even know if such an ending existed? So a bunch of endings began to appear, tacked onto the original Autograph. We have an abundance of evidence that prove anything after 16:8 was added later. 4th Century Church fathers Eusebius and Gerome both wrote that Mark ended at 16:8. Many, many other very early Church Fathers knew these alternate endings existed and didn't use them or just denounced them. This is a huge error in both the KJV and NKJV both of which are based on more recent manuscripts that the older manuscripts disprove. So those two translations have the added ending consisting of anything after Mark 16:8 in the Gospel of Mark. Newer translations may or may not include the additions after Mark 16:8 but if they do they're bracketed or mentioned in the notes in the margins, sidebar or at the bottom of the page. The external evidence, (oldest sources), indicates that anything after 16:8 does not belong in the Gospel of Mark because those additions simply do not exist in them. The internal evidence is that it is all borrowed from the other Gospel accounts and Acts. The transition from vs 8 to 9 is very awkward as in no transition from the story of the women, the use of a masculine pronoun, why would Mark also identify Mary Magdalene as the one whom Jesus cast demons from again, the angel spoke to Jesus' followers and told them He would appear to them in Galilee, the vocabulary is not Mark's there are 18 different words he never used, completely different structure to the writing, all these out of place themes, signs that don't appear in any of the other Gospels and the weird discussion of them like serpents and other such oddities are foreign to Mark. We don't know who these additions came from but we know where they got them: (below are not time stamps but Chapter and verses) .16:9 = is taken write out of Luke 8:1-3 .16:10 = John 20:18 .16:12 = Luke 24:13-32 .16:13 = Luke 24:14 .16:14 = Luke 24:36-38 .16:15 = Mathew 28:19 .16:16 = John 20:23 .16:17-18 = drawn from a lot of sources: Mathew 10, Mark 6, Luke 10, just a lot of stuff cobbled together. Acts 23-26 and Acts 28:3-6 Paul's encounter with the Asp/venomous snake. None of it after Mark 16:8 makes any sense and adds more than a little confusion with the discussion of signs/miracles and other such things. It is clear to see what was written after 16:8 was not inspired as the rest of his Gospel surely was. This was all done by someone or a group who thought Mark's ending was to brief. To help him get a "better ending" in their eyes because they couldn't accept how he had ended his. His True Gospel account of the life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus and the awe and wonderment of it all. Why does Mark end the way he does? It was just how he wrote, look at the beginning of his Gospel and all throughout it reads like a highlight real of Christ's Deity and that He is in fact the very Son of God. He made the point and was done he didn't need to go further. Mark's last words were about fear, a Godly Fear of our Lord and the pure awe and wonderment of Him. No other book in history has the proof the Bible does, it is not even close. As I've shown because of the over abundance of source materials we can even be critical of what we have and know for certain whether we have His Word or not. Biblical Historian/Theologian AT. Robertson said we have a vast array of Biblical Manuscripts/Sources that allow us to reconstruct the Bible with more than a 99.9% degree of accuracy. With the number of archaeological excavations, (25,000+ and counting to date). Add in the current excavations under way throughout the Middle East, it is only a matter of time until we see more ancient biblical texts uncovered. Given the recent search for more Dead Sea Scroll caves, this may be sooner rather than later. The Bible is the very Word of God and It is a collection of eyewitness accounts written by other inspired eyewitnesses. There's no longer any excuse for anyone to ignore that fact or to dispute it. The evidence simply does not support their arguments/views. So dig a little and do your own study to disprove or prove what I've shared as it truly is between you and the LORD. Take care and God Bless...
@@globalcoupledances Sorry not sorry as I see no way to express that much information accurately without typing it out. Believe it or not that is the short version.
@@sciencerules8525 False equivalency there isn't it? We have a collection of eyewitness accounts written by other divinely inspired eyewitnesses. What you do with the information presented is between you and the LORD because believe in Him or not we will all stand before Him one day.
1:14 - not even a minute in and she’s already started with a fallacy. Just because something can’t explain something or can never explain something, does not therefore mean something else definitely can, especially therefore Christianity is correct. And what is it called when you squeeze god into an unsubstantiated hole …?
10:17 - finding a few articles that have hyperbolic language does not mean science is trying to be the sole purveyor of hope. And in contrast, how exactly does you god/jesus offer hope other than just appealing to him or reading his book and choosing to feeling warm fuzzies? At least science has actual output that is demonstrable to which then people can chose to hope from. Cells phones, email, Zoom to stay in contact with loved ones, medicine, better food and organic farming processes, vitamins and green drinks to live healthier; psychology and psychiatry to help better understand how our minds work and heal through past trauma and hurts All religion has is empty promises, mostly with unanswered prayers with a sprinkling of coincidental, arbitrary, or made up “answered” ones and a huge dose of fear of death to cause one to hope in the afterlife. Science can fulfill hope, religion causes it to always be unsatisfied
12:31 I would almost guarantee, that if any of these people were alive today, they would not be a Christian, let alone a Ken Ham type of Christian. These folks were dealing with the best information they had. But I challenge you to look up each one of these fellas and see if they specifically declared Jesus Christ as lord and affirmed anything this lady spouts as “fact”. My hunch is that they all would be consider heretics by most of all your standards. You can’t cherry pick some loose deism and then imply “smart people all believe in Jesus”
You need more content for children. Max duration 3-4 mins. I’ve been on the kids section on AIG website but there’s only a couple of short videos. Thanks.
I LOVE Answers in Genesis, thank you. To me Science is simply a tool box, that scientist through the years have added tools to so that eventually we've come far enough to use those tools to develop robots. How a person of science can turn it into a religion or a form of a god is beyond me. But, I guess it is as the Bible says, they worship creation instead of the Creator.
The Bible and science are polar opposites. One is a collection of truths, and something that everyone should take seriously, and the other is the Bible.
Robots are technology, knowledge is science, and superstition is religion. There is no evidence of a "creator." Some hypotheses posit that all this was never created but has always existed.
@@stevepierce6467 Here's something you and I can feel, touch see everyday. In a question. If our planet shifts slightly away from our heat source the Sun, the temperature dramatically changes. Is it safe to say that is by design? Yes science is a tool box. Full of theories and laws. Formulating knowledge. We weren't born with the knowledge of Mathematics but we can learn by other scientist that have put tools in the tool box that we can use. That's why science is ever changing, Making up new lies? "Some hypotheses posit that all this was never created but has always existed."
@@jeffb8685 "If our planet shifts....." No, it is not safe to say that it is by design. Any number of things, from subtle long-term orbital irregularity to asteroid impacts, could alter our planet's movement and eliminate the conditions we require to survive here on earth.
@@stevepierce6467 Your not being honest. Our planet is specific in size, its heat source is specific in size. We are perfectly situated in the vastness of space from our heat source that if a slight shift in angle or distance we experience extreme temperatures, And yes that is by God's design. Here is a scriptural example of God's infinite knowledge. Science has brought us to a place where we can see, we ll never be able to count the amount of stars He created. BUT as scripture says, HE COUNTS THEM BY NAME. That kind of knowledge is far beyond mortal mans understanding. "He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite." Psalm 14
*Science MAKES NO CLAIMS* -- people make claims. Specific kinds of people make specific claims. A CLAIM is true or false; but the container in which it comes cannot be true or false because the container is not making a claim.
The 3 biggest differences between science and religion 1. Science: Here are the known facts, what conclusions can we draw from them? Religion: Here is the conclusions. What facts can we find that might support it? What facts must be suppressed so that our conclusion will be believed. 2. Science: When science is proven wrong, the information is embraced, and science grows from that. Religion: When religion is proven wrong, the information is suppressed, and people are imprisoned or murdered. 3. Science: We have questions we may never know the answers to. Religion: We have answers that we won’t allow to be questioned.
Science has been INFILTRATED by radical religious atheists of the Left! Know one can tell who the REAL scientists are and who the Atheist Priests posing as scientists are these days.
It was never designed to be a scientific treatise! It was designed to be a "How to get along with GOD & His Creation" book Just like when you get an instructional manual to put something together it doesnt explain how it was made at the factory with ALL the materials, ad nauseam. You dont NEED that knowledge to put it together.
@@inconnu4961 I highly doubt the Universe was created but if it was it certainly wasn’t by the god of the Bible the way it’s explained in the Bible. The title of this video claims the Bible can explain things science can’t but ‘god did it’ isn’t an explanation for anything until you can demonstrate the existence of your god and show how that god did stuff.
Sad that someone took that away from you. As a TA i worked under professors who took great pleasure in attacking the faith of freshman students. The students for the most part had never been taught logic and were susceptible to the weakest attacks. After they give up their faith, they become pretty rabid in their defense of atheism. They can't bear to look at the possibility that they were sold and gave up so much. I suspect your faith was "educated" out of you. You also feel very superior to those backward, ignorant people who taught you when you were young. Now, you can feel happy that you are part of the "in crowd" elite who don't need God. Go back in memory to your place of faith and ask God to show you the truth. Read the Bible. I suggest John or Revelation also penned by John.
@@sciencerules8525 I highly doubt it, I think they rather know there's more to it but they choose to remain in ignorance, that way it is easier to lie about it.
I was one once of those AIG believers, but then I learned more about science from archaeology, astronomy, biology, chemistry to geology, paleontology, physics, virology and zoology which independently disprove a young earth let alone literally every single field of science. I thank Ken Ham for making me an agnostic atheist because he argued beautifully why old earth creationism is incompatible with the Bible.
@@wefinishthisnow3883 You don't seem to know that after the evolution theory was accepted, discoveries have been habitually interpreted as part of the evolutionary model. The fact that the fields all share that context is historical rather than scientific. You joined "the in crowd" because it is comforting and so much easier than being at odds with current thinking in the scientific world. Ask yourself how many times that the "scientific" thinking in any of these areas changed over the last few years. Science is "settled" until the next contradictory evidence shows up so prominently that it can't be ignored. (see atoms, oops! quarks) Also, scientists on a mission sometimes fake evidence. I will never forget reading in National Geographic how the young man whose team discovered Lucy explained that they had to adapt her hip bone so that it would look like it should for her to walk upright which they believed she did. Time has passed. I am pretty old, and I wouldn't be surprised if the article has been altered by now. (See 1984 by George Orwell for clarification of how it is done.) Furthermore, there is that climate data that was falsified. It was a scandal in the news for a couple of weeks, then vanished like the morning mist, never heard of again. Fakery is not often exposed, but when it is, it is symptomatic of what is going on in service of a theory that liberates men from the restrictive morality derived from God.(authority for this statement is T.H.Huxley himself.) Oh, and I forgot about the Hittites. They were mythical people out of the Bible right up until the Babylonian archives were translated. Well, they were real and powerful. They had at least 5 cities. Archeologists have found them. I wonder what's next!
50. Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.' If they say to you, 'Is it you?' say, 'We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living Father.' If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.'"
"empathy" is described, perhaps explained, by "mirror neurons". Species that have it care for the species not just the individual and thus the species survives where a species that does not care about other individuals of the same species will probably not survive. This is seen in humans; people without empathy, sociopaths, can be but are not automatically dangerous to other people (well, dangerous to everything) and thus tend to be shunned. Were such a thing normal for humans, society would not exist. wikipedia mirror neurons
Science has NEVER claimed to be be-all-end-all. There's always going to be more questions, and more answers, and better technology to make observations. The BIBLE needs to explain how hail is stored in "storehouses" and how plants lived before the sun was created. It's that pathetically unscience.
To an ancient Hebrew mind, envisioning hail being created in a cloud made little sense... almost like a storehouse in the sky. God Himself exuded light before any celestial body did, don't you think that a superior light source would facilitate growth of vegetation?
Now if you could just explain to people that the Bible says "Keep the Sabbath Holy" and that the Sabbath is Saturday as stated in the bible, not Sunday as stated by Man.
There is no such thing as "operational science vs historical science." There is only *one science,* period. The scientific method is the same if you're investigating events from 1 nanosecond ago or 1 billion years ago. Claiming there is a difference is another sad lie made up by creationists to push their religious agenda.
So mollusks swam 30,000 feet up to the top of Mt. Everest as the flood water rose, buried themselves in rock so they wouldn’t be swept back down when the water drained back out. Got it!
@@statutesofthelord Mt. Everest rose in the last 50 MY from the collision of the Indian and Asian tectonic plates. There never was any global Noah's Flood.
@@statutesofthelord , It’s the lady in your video that said the flood covered Mt. Everest at 36:55 min. in, so she is the one you’re calling ridiculous. However you’re the one being ridiculous if you think Mt. Everest wasn’t there before the flood.
@@statutesofthelordIf it wasn't, either it was magically made, or the plate tectonics moved at a rate that would've released enough heat to boil the ocean
The Himalayas could not have been there because there is not enough water to cover them. So, the oceans were shallow and when the Bible says there were mountains it really means hills. Even the mountains of Ararat were volcanoes that had to have quickly formed and cooled for Noah to land there. There was frictionless plate tectonics, so that the floor would not be lava.
Religion and science is the same ...yes, with one little difference: Science is all about what you can test, observe, and DEMONSTRATE, while religious myths are supported by no evidence and must be believed against all available evidence, but yeah besides that, 100% the same.
🤔 Philosophical pondering... There are times when we don't know the science yet. So something that we see that we can't (yet) explain, we might perceive at that time as a miracle, when actually, science cAN explain it (but we just don't know that science yet). To a young child, dad 'pulling a quarter out of your ear' seems like a miracle. Later we understand that it was a slight of hand misdirection "trick". I would say that miracles are things no human can comprehend how to manifest them at will, and in perfect timing, and for a perfect purpose. These things can only be achieved by God or by God working through us (which is itself a miracle). 🛐
To create even a grain of sand is miraculous. So all creation is miraculous. And creation gives knowledge, ie, science. The creator demonstrating mastery over His creation, eg, water to wine, walking on water, regenerating flesh, multiplying loaves and fishes, self-ressurection from the dead is evidence of the knowledge / science of who God is an His purpose.
24:12 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things". Science can't tell us WHAT is true, WHAT is pure, WHAT is lovely, WHAT is admirable or WHAT is excellent or praiseworthy. But neither does this verse! So why quote it?
“I have a friend who's an artist and has sometimes taken a view which I don't agree with very well. He'll hold up a flower and say "look how beautiful it is," and I'll agree. Then he says "I as an artist can see how beautiful this is but you as a scientist take this all apart and it becomes a dull thing," and I think that he's kind of nutty. First of all, the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me too, I believe. Although I may not be quite as refined aesthetically as he is, I can appreciate the beauty of a flower. At the same time, I see much more about the flower than he sees. I could imagine the cells in there, the complicated actions inside, which also have a beauty. I mean it's not just beauty at this dimension, at one centimeter; there's also beauty at smaller dimensions, the inner structure, also the processes. The fact that the colors in the flowers evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting; it means that insects can see the color. It adds a question: does this aesthetic sense also exist in the lower forms? Why is it aesthetic? All kinds of interesting questions which the science knowledge only adds to the excitement, the mystery and the awe of a flower. It only adds. I don't understand how it subtracts.” ― Richard P. Feynman, The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman
Calling evolution a religion gives creationists that righteous feeling so they justify their interpretation of Genesis. The theory of evolution has overwhelming evidence to support it. It’s not a belief.
I have been on both sides. Look up on how the theory of evolution came to be. It was based on the hypothesis of Charles Lyell’s work on geology. Naturalism is an ATTEMPT to try and give an explanation on how everything could’ve come to be if there was no intelligent mind behind everything. Both Darwin and Lyell knew about this. Lyell said that his work should have been revised in the future and Darwin knew that his theory was based on Lyell’s hypothesis. But because many scholars believe that the lack of belief on a God equals the lack of belief, they stated that naturalism is void of belief, therefore void of bias and finally, the one true science. The lack of belief on a deity IS A BELIEF, and because that is not seen, macro evolution which is completely based on faith and unobservable, is considered absolutely true. Macro evolution is based on a very precarious understanding of how genetic mutations work, naming them as nothing but “little changes”. I get the train of thought: little changes over much time will lead to great changes and other species and families, but in no way genetic mutations are just that. The great enhancement of the study of genetics only came after the theory of evolution, but because of this spirit of Darwinism that permeates modern science, it is not the theory that dictates the data and every time something comes up that completely goes against what the theory claims, it is labeled as mistery yet to be solved and in no way it disproves the theory…
@@juanranger4214 Nothing has ever been found that contradicts evolution. There is no such thing as "micro" and "macro" evoltuion, these are inventions made by creationists who invariably go on to ask why dogs do not give birth to cats. Stop making things up.
Yep. It's like saying "you believe that the Mona Lisa exists in Paris?" You must have faith to believe that! You're religious! And then own-goal themselves as though being religious is something to be mocked.
If whales beach themselves for an unknown reason people shouldn't push them back into the ocean. According to evolution some will grow legs and walk among us.
@@katamas832 humor. God made us. I saw the firmament during what reminded me of a heat lightning storm with no clouds. It was lit up like a strobe light effect. It stretched across the sky. It had a texture to it. I was scared as I thought it was going to fall down. The next day I saw someone and she said the sky was so weeeiird last night. The way she said weird is still in my memory today. I am sure I have seen it before but didn't know what it was. Only a creator could of made that structure. I am guessing it is made of see through crystal that when the sun and moon shines through it we optically get a personal dome of sight. The creator made the firmament and the creator made us. We are special and God is watching us.
@@clightning300mi The firmament doesn't exist. I don't know what weather phenomenon you saw, but I can say with certainity that there isn't such a thing as a dome above us. And that doesn't change the fact that you don't understand Evolution.
@@katamas832 I saw it it is a magnificent see through structure above us. Thunder echoes off of it. Individual fireworks echo off of it. Sun dogs reflect off of it. Like a prism Rainbows show the shape of the firmament.
@@TickedOffPriest Darn it, you got me. I meant pages of imaginary events. Still pointless to consult for any purpose. Except for Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. I am a child of the 60s.
@@stevepierce6467 Imaginary events like Jesus who has been a confirmed historical figure by every leading historian or how we events that The Bible described matching what was found by archaeologists centuries later.
@@TickedOffPriest Jesus is not an event, but a person, as well documented as any personage from that era. The supernatural "miracles" attributed to him are indeed events that have no historical confirmation whatsoever.
Doesn't the bible say the earth is the center of the universe and the sun revolves around us and not the Earth around the sun? Along with the firmament and being encased in water. That's provably wrong isn't it?
AIG likes to say that the Bible doesn't say those things because it would mean the Bible is flawed. It's just them moving the goalposts. A vast majority of flat earthers directly quote the Bible to "prove" the earth is flat.
@markduell2468 I'm still laughing at carbon dating being a method of measuring age of things too don't think I'm bashing the Bible specifically ad science is still laughable
It was never suggested that that was evidence for God. The evidence if abundant and literally everywhere you look. Science can't explain how life came into existence. There are only two possibilities: 1) Life came into existence from natural processes from non-living matter (abiogenesis) or 2) Life was created by an eternal, powerful intelligent being. Scientific laws of the universe are against abiogenesis. Abiogenesis is not possible. There is no evidence to support abiogenesis. Ergo, life was created by an eternal, powerful intelligent being (i.e., God).
@@philhart4849 LOL Ah, that diferent "truths" idiocy! LOL Pathetic,... and tragic that you'll find out the hard way someday. Denying the existance of a person is the most basic display of hatred there is. I hope you enjoy your holiday on April 1st. (Psm 14:1) (How does it feel to be a fulfillment of Scripture?)
Ah, the "different truths" idiocy! LOL How path/etic, and tragic, that you'll find out the hard way someday. Denying the existance of a person is the most basic display of ha/tred. I hope you enjoy your upcoming holiday (April 1st-Psm 14:1). (And BTW, there's no such thing as a "former Christian." That's about as elementary as it gets, so if you didn't get that, it's proof you never were.)
Only if God is the Creator can we trust what we can observe and therefore, science. If all things are the result of random events, what is there to give any consistency? How can we assume that the next time things will behave in a predictable way? Scientific laws are based on predictability, consistency and reliability of outcome.
Why do you think the alternative to "God" is randomness. The universe isn;t random. That does not require some sort of invisible magic wizard controllign it.
@@johannesstephanusroos4969 I'm not an all-powerful, all-knowing god. If such a god designed the universe, why did he do such a crap job? Eithe rhe is neither all-powerful and all-knowing, or he is, and deliverately made things as they are, which makes him a monster.
AIG seems to purposely avoid this Biblical Narrative....as well as Ancient Architecture that would be either impossible or highly impractical for us to duplicate today. This is an area that they Truly need to address.
@@VaxtorTAIG has the revealed Word of God, tested & proven authentic through written volumes and evidence; such as the Dead sea scrolls. God is able to reveal His methods and processes; and is pleased when we search it out, as we find in Job and Proverbs.
@@gp-gangadharampidugu1846 Except evolution is verified by over 160+ years of consilient scientific evidence from dozens of independent scientific fields of study. Do you even know what *consilience* is and why it's so important in science?
@@settledown444 Richard Dawkins himself confirmed that evolution has an important assumption(existence of life) and Darwin said his theory holds good if there is no complex structure exists in living organisms. DNA is a complex structure and evolution doesn’t explain it. Evolution was never verified that is why atheistic scientists are still experimenting to find out connections between Apes and human beings. Consilient science is an attempt to make up proof for evolution, it’s not proving anything.
The speaker did not say "science doesn't know, so it must be god." She said science CAN'T explain. Science never will be able to explain. Her point was that certain things are beyond the scope of science. Such things will never be explained by science. So, you can't just say "we don't know yet." If you only use science, you will never know.
@@dooglitas I understand. Why do you think science will never know. You can't know that for sure. You also assume it would have to involve something outside of science to find an answer, which is also something you cannot know. There's a theme here..... It still stands. Science doesn't know yet. It may never know. To lazily just assume religions can fill the gaps is not reasonable. Especially as no religions have ever had any proof of evidence between them all, so it seems unlikely.
@@noneyabidness9644 Scripture puts forward an explanation with no evidence, which is pointless. It may as well just make up literally anything if it ignores having evidence. Coincidentally, that's exactly what it has done.
@@sids5002 considering scripture told us the earth was round with no evidence, that atomic theory was true, with no evidence, that we should sanitize our utensils and persons, with no evidence, I'm okay with that. It keeps getting it right, again and again and again. ☺️
Does his word have the cure for cancer? Does it have any useful knowledge? That’s a rhetorical question, because anybody with a function brain could tell you that the answer to both those questions is no.
Really? My 98 year old mmm fell last month and broke her hip. The bible just says that we all deserve to suffer and just pray for forgiveness in the hope of a big bag of candies from Jesus after we die. Thanksfully, I live in the 21st century, where we have stuff like MRI scanners, surgery, anaesthetics, antiseptics, antibiotics in hospitals that actually WORK.
@@betsieswartz God's word has more useful knowledge than that. It has the message to eternal life which you will not be able to enjoy unless you repent and stop your foolishness.
@@zerosteel011 All you have to do is prove this "eternal life" exists. Otherwise, all you have is a cult that makes empty promises to entice people into it.
18:08 The translation of Genesis 6:9 given here - the ESV version - is WRONG. The original Hebrew has it that Noah was ''perfect'' (spotless / without error or fault) in his ''generations''. Note the plural... generationS. This implies that Noah's pedigree.. his lineage... was not marred or made impure by any other kind of non-human material. The wickedness that prevailed throughout Humanity was due (not to a small degree) to pollution of the pureline Human pedigree from Adam and Eve. This pollution; this corruption, is stated clearly in the record: other non-terrestrial humanoid beings had interbred with human females.
More religionist denial. The important difference between science and religion is that science provides observations and theories that can be tested, and religion makes illogical presumptions that have no basis in reality. If you really want to make an honest attempt at justifying religion, explain why the Earth existed for over 4 billion years, and Homo Sapiens for over 200,000 years, without a sniff of religion.
*"If you really want to make an honest attempt at justifying religion, explain why the Earth existed for over 4 billion years, and Homo Sapiens for over 200,000 years, without a sniff of religion."* *>* None of us were there at the beginning, and the tools we use to observe space and Einstein's theory of relativity are very new and have been formulating answers not even a century ago. These techniques are just too young to give us accurate, or even at all, rough estimates of the time things were created, which is why measuring light can't be trusted. You mean to tell me, the light that's been hitting us for all of these billions of years, then suddenly, in such a small window of time that we developed the telescope and these techniques to measure light and carbon date things, that suddenly, we have the correct answers to the age of the universe and the formation of things around us? That would only make sense if we lived in a still universe like the Steady-State theory suggests, but most scientists secular and religious all agree in a beginning, and that there will be an end. Don't get me wrong, I love science, biology, medicine, physics, and anything that pertains to our planet, but it's when people take science as absolute objective truth. I have nothing against a different worldview, but it’s when they use that to try and destroy religion or make everything based around science and secularism. Science isn't the problem, scientism is. A whole religion itself, and that’s not an exaggeration, these people worship science and the human brain, but not the brain that gave them one. The supposed age of the universe. They said it was 4.53 billion to 4.58 billion years old, then it became 13.7 billion years old, and now in 2023, they're saying it's 26.7 billion years old. Which one is it? How can anyone form a solid, irrefutable, justifiable worldview on what’s constantly changing? Telescopes can't be trusted to give us the exact pinpoint of time everything came to be, that’s why we rely on objective truth for the answer because we can’t and never will know with science. Even if we age the universe accurately(which will never happen), humans would still be trying to find purpose and meaning, so what’s the point of it? We can see how things work around us, but we can’t know when and why they were created. We know how things work, but we know the meaning of nothing. What are these answers going to do for our species in say 2,000 years? Will it be the same? Or forever changing because humans so desperately strive to ascend to Godhood, which isn’t an exaggeration either, it’s the new age transhumanism movement. How long has our species been around? “Our species existed for over 200,000 years,” they say. How do we know? We can never know anything 100% for sure that’s prehistory. Secular history can’t justify that, we have the Adam and Eve story that applies to all humanity not just a religious group, but they deny that it even happened and is a fairytale, but yep, microevolution is not. Not to mention, they only came up with Neanderthals and other alleged “humans” by mixing and matching monkey skulls and making up interpretations.
I’m hearing about religion, it’s not about religion. It’s about a relationship with your Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ.
YES! And such a relationship does not preclude science from answering questions about our physical reality.
@@EricBurbeck We Live in a fallen world because of "The Prince of the powers of the AIR" (Satan, Lucifer, The Old Serpent, Bealzebub) who goes by many diffent names but rebelled against God (YHWH) and cheated the Chaos that we see now.
SCIENCE? 🤔 You should know that many secularist (evolution) scientific papers are totally bogus and are just done for the Federal Grant Money.. That's motivation to being biased and cultivating a realm of deceit in the practice of SCIENCE.
It's Relationship expressed through Religion.
James 1:26-27
26. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not bridle his tongue, he deceives his heart and his religion is worthless.
27. Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this:
to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Galatians 5:6b
6b. All that matters is faith, expressed through love.
@@WaterWalker07 You do know that James, the brother of Jesus was talking to Jews in Jerusalem, or did you not know this? James was talking about Jews that were not following Jesus' commands.. I'll counter with what Jesus Christ said in Matthew Chapter 6, "Be not like the Heathen, those who still worship idols or other than YHWH...."Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4 that thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. 7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. 8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: For YOUR FATHER KNOWETH what things ye have need of, before ye ask him."
The letter of James was to quell the stubborn Jews from chastising others.
Faith is believing in the truth. All truth is tied into Jesus. He is the way, the TRUTH, and the life. The roads of truth all lead to Jesus.
The devil is the father of lies. He lies about many, many things because he knows that the nature of a lie leads away from truth. All truth is found in Jesus.
Many years ago I was listening to Preacher out of the UK; a born again man. I have never forgotten this profound Truth he spoke:
Knowledge with God is Wisdom.
Knowledge without God is witchcraft.
That is profoundly stupid.
THAT is one of the BEST Presentations on this Subject I have heard in a Long Time!!!! God bless, help and keep you Dr. Rivera!! You did an Excellent Job!
@@tyroneallen7857 YOU MUST NOT be use to Hearing TRUTH!!!!!!
@@robertmyers6865Jesus is the truth (John 14:6)
Great teaching, thank you very much for sharing. May God Bless you, your loved ones, and everyone who hears this message. The Spirit and the Bride say, Come Lord Jesus...
The more you learn about His creation, the more in absolute awe you become of Him. It truly reflects that God's knowledge, wisdom, and abilities are good, perfect, and infinite.
A sane person has no other choice but to be in utter amazement of Him. Bowing down to worship Him in overwhelming awe and submission is all we can do.
Oh really? You look at cancer, rabies, parastic worms that turn babies blind and thinking "wow, yeah, that is evidence that it was all done by a perfectly wise and perfectly good creator god!" ROFL. You can grovel all you want. I'm not.
@@richardgregory3684you buerk, you think your in titled to live in a perfect world, deserve heaven on earth, wake up fool and read the bible
@@richardgregory3684shhh! You just have to ignore all the yucky stuff, and then it’ll all make sense.
@@stevenbatke2475 Any "designer" that created nature as it is on earth is either a imbecilic incompetent, or a sadist, or both. The natural state for most living things on earth is suffering. Almost all wild animals end their days violently and/or in pain.
@@richardgregory3684are you pro abortion?
Thank you Dr Rivera! I found your words captivating. It was great to hear the truth of creation from someone with such knowledge and experience in DNA and forensic science. I hope we can hear more from you again soon. 💕
I wonder if the ‘thumbnail on Utube has anything to do with this talk?
Thank you AIG for all you do!!! AMEN!!!!
Im from Kenya,and my faith had been messed by all those 'prehistoric sites ' and so called evidence,thanks Aig for helping us to find the truth.
I'm from the South Pacific and in 2007 I travelled to Kenya for a UNEP training. We stayed in downtown Nairobi and we were taken by bus to and from the UNEP headquarters everyday. We always went passed the zoo (on the way to UNEP) with an iron sculpture of the depiction of the evolution of man above the main entrance gate. I shook my head everytime I looked at it.
??knowledge in the brains of Noah and his family was still there after the flood. Also floods deposit lg amts., sand, etc. And wind, water wash away plus farmers, construction uncover. Could this be things before the flood. Sphinx shows erosion signs. Only God knows for absolutely sure. Have faith in God, the son and holy ghost. God never said we would be granted all knowledge. God bless
@@STM1619-o5r Let me guess, you find the story in an Iron Age book with a talkgn snake in it and an invisible wizard using magic to make a man from dust and a woman from a rib more convincing?
That evidence is absolute. Sorry!
@@STM1619-o5r How excellent! It's great that the authorities are teaching the public factual information.
What a magnificent and thought-provoking talk on origins. We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you, AIG, and thank you, Dr. Rivera for sharing your expertise on this very important matter. God bless you all.
Great presentation,Dr.Rivera! 👏 This is an excellent video for Apologetics.
Very informative! Thanks for all you do AIG!
You think so because you have been force fed this nonsence Since birth
@@Nanobot_Swarm have I?
@@SK-bw2cv yes you have well I dont really care continiue believing just wanted to tell you
@@Nanobot_Swarm oh well thank you. 🙂
@@Nanobot_Swarm force fed?? Plenty of Christians reach conclusions on their own. Look up exathuest testimonies.
Id say that it is the ATHIESM/EVOLUTION that is "forced", as schools are God-less now.
nonsense? it makes plenty of sense, if you reflect deeper.
Absolutely an enlightening and informative speech. Thank you. This needs to be shown on college campuses throughout the United States.
For comedy value?
Shown as an example of how little intellectual honesty means to creationists in pushing their anti-science agenda.
@@bighairyviking387 Matthew 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
@@JamesBrown-fd1nv I don't really pay attention to fairytales.
Interesting subject. Thank you for bringing it up here ❤
Absolutely excellent presentation
I love answers in Genesis, and I appreciate how they talk about the science and how it confirms the Bible. But I really feel they need to more thoroughly develop the reasons why the Bible should be trusted for those who may be unbelievers watching their videos. It just feels like they are always speaking to a crowd that are already Christian and already believe the Bible.
No one in the world can claim ignorance about God through creation and conscience (Romans 1)
@@VincentMigwi-jy7oi Including babies, or those in non Christian countries? That's awful.
Oh us unbelievers watch all the time. Always love a good laugh. Trust me they don’t know anything about science.
And a friendly word of advice, you mentioned how AIG talks about science and confirms the Bible. I’d encourage you to analyze that and look at the word “confirms”. The purpose of AIG is to keep Christians in an echo chamber of misinformation, and that word only solidifies that. It’s confirmation bias at its finest. And that’s not a slight to you. We all have biases, but I would like to encourage you to listen to both sides. And I don’t mean to watch a Richard Dawkins video and immediately say he’s wrong because it disagrees with the Bible, but rather to listen to what they say and investigate it with both secular and Christian sources. You’ll notice that sources like AIG are quick to denounce anything that disagrees with the Bible, but don’t actually understand the science.
Hope you consider my advice. Have a good one!
@@sids5002 Why is anything "awful" if you don't believe in God? Without God there is no "right' or "wrong" or "good" or "bad". If people are just the product of random chemical / physical processes and arose out of the pond scum why would it matter whether those babies and non-Christians get thrown into hell? ( not that the babies that die before knowing right or wrong will necessarily end up there ).
All of what was presented here is exactly what the non-believer should hear. What they do with it is up to them.
Thank you
Beautifully said, beautifully done.
All Glory and Honor to the Uncreated Creator YHWH
Blessings and appreciation from Sydney Australia.
"Trust the Science" didn't turn out to be a very good idea 🤷 Trusting the Lord has NEVER failed me 🙌
So you are one of them that did put all his trust in Fauci with his scientific expertise?
WOW, another one who found it difficult to think for himself.
Don't take medicine. Trust only water from Lourdes
I love this statement ✝️💟
So polio was cured by God? OH wait that was science and If you just prayed you would die because if god does exist he doesn't care.
The Science wasn't the problem. POLITICS was the problem, and that led to NOT following the science.
52:14 Thank you for speaking the truth.
How can someone who seems to have NO understanding of how science works tell us that science will never explain this?
People who understand science aren't creationists.
@@Who_IsLike_God Only if you are silly enough to call evolution "creation".
Great explanations! God bless AIG.
@@cecilspurlockjr.9421 God bless you🙏💌🧖✝️
So happy to hear you are persevering through such difficult challenges. But nobody is claiming science has all the answers, nor are they saying God cannot exist and play an important role in our lives while science also helps us move forward in this physical existence.
Not "according to science" you should have died but according to doctors. Doctors are not science. Researchers are not science. Scien *_tists_* are not science.
In the end, you will still die, if not from one thing then from another. We are not trying to live forever here on this Earth. *_After we die_* our hope is to be raised to new life to spend with God in His house.
They sureky didn't say its a 100 percent chance
Can you please make a short out of 35:27-36:37? So fascinating to see how we are knit together. 🥰 Many Blessings
Thank u ❤
For lies?
As Paul said, " science so called". We all have the same evidence, its just the conclusions that are at odds.
Sadly, evidence that refutes Evolution is conveniently ignored by most.
AIG disregards vast amounts of evidence. They only present to you what they perceive as lining up with their interpretation of the Bible.
@@statutesofthelord give one evidence that refutes ToE
@@luish1498well, there is the part where it's never been seen to happen. Do changes happen within a kind? Yes, we do see micro "evolution" but the animal is still the same animal, it never changes into another animal. We do not see macro evolution where one animal changes into another.
@@robertramsey653 define kind.
«We do not see macro evolution where one animal changes into another.»
evolution is not pokemom
I saw the firmament during what was similar to a sheet heat lightning storm with no clouds. It was lit up like a strobe light effect. It was like a low ceiling with a texture to it that stretched all around me. I was scared as I thought it was going to fall down. I have seen it before but didn't know what it was. The first person I saw said the sky was so weeeiird last night. The way she said weird is still in my memory today.
Seems as if you've experienced a natural phenomenon that you simply cannot explain. Maybe look into it a little bit and see if you can learn more about what you experienced.
@@travisbicklepopsicle I have seen the firmament before. We just call it a heat lightning storm with no clouds. After quizzing other people they have realized it is the firmament. Find me at mikey Smith horizontally appozed. He has a video of Sirius with a green coil on it. Coloured the crescent moon with a blue laser. He hit the firmament with two lasers. The firmament or the beginning of heaven is so close.
Superstition. Flat earthism is a NASA conspiracy and not Christianity
The firmament above.
I agree. Firmament above. I can’t wait for the day our Christian Brothers and Sisters let go of there delusions to Gods word and how God created this plane of physical existence.
Thank you for TRUTH 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
“Thou shalt not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16)
yet in the space of less than 30 seconds:
11:13: "He believes in evolutionary ideas. Is there any evidence for that? No" - Assuming you meant there is no evidence for evolution, even the most scientifically illiterate young earth creationist must accept there is at least SOME evidence. That is disingenuous at best.
11:16: "Is there any observational process for that we can observe and record and repeat? No" - The AIG creation model outright requires evolution (deemed 'micro' evolution) to explain the variety of species from the ark, so you're misleading people about your own model. The entire field of virology deals with mutation+natural selection (aka evolution) on a daily basis. To say there's "NO observational process of evolution that can be observed, recorded and repeated" is laughable.
11:21: "Is he relying on something he has to take by faith? Yes. Evolution is very much a religion as well" - You can believe in Jesus and still accept the evidence for evolution like Hugh Ross, so that claim is just an outright lie.
What an embarassing performance.
@@TboneWTF what are you talking about?
One requirement to be a profession creationist is to completely lack any sense of shame.
@@wefinishthisnow3883 you had to edit a 5 word sentence? 😂😂
One word out of someone's mouth proves there's God.✝️
@@razark9 Yup🤦♂️✝️
@@YECBIBwhat? No it doesn’t. Wake up you delusional, nonfunctional member of society.
@@razark9 Explain how we're able to do anything, let alone be in existence, wingnut?
@@razark9 God not god. If you get definitions correct as your starting point, you'll figure things out properly. ✝️
@@YECBIB Let me see. Oh, we have muscles that use nutrients as fuel for their constituent cells which enable us to move our various body parts and involve our brains to be able to do lots of different tasks. We are in existence because our parents got all hot and bothered some years back. Anything else? (and I include no personal insults!)
Actually, we who follow Scripture are not using a lens. The lens of blindness is removed. We see things clearly, as they are. Blindness is removed.
You’re so blind you think you can see
Amazing how words can be strung together to form coherent yet meaningless sentences. We who follow scripture are not using helmets. The helmet of protection is removed. We feel the club of superstition on our skulls fully, as god intended.
@@stevepierce6467 Your words are incoherent. Am I to assume that you are being sarcastic? What's your problem?
@@kathleennorton7913 Extremely sarcastic! Your sentence and mine are both coherent and readily comprehensible to any speaker of English. However they are both equally meaningless, equally unsupported by reason. Things just are the way they are. Any human attempt to understand them, to interpret them, is a use of lenses.
No, Jesus needed no lens. He is the truth. He saw/sees things absolutely perfectly. His words are pure. Read them. Contemplate them. Look into how perfect they are. They are thoroughly logical. They fall in a straight logical progression. Open your eyes and see that He is not a figure created from man's imagination. Nobody could speak as He does or imagine someone such as He. He stands alone. There are many imitations, but there is only one Jesus.
You will bow down before Him. Hopefully, you will come to your senses, by the grace of God, and bow down to Him today.
Dr Jennifer Rivera's credentials as a scientist:
BA Criminal justice
MTA Education with a science concentration
Education doctorate in curriculum and instruction
At best she's qualified to be a school board superintendent. As a "scientist " she's qualified to teach at the high school level.
If you have no answers then you must attack the person is always the evolutionist response
@@HansVanDenBerg-go9wm no sir. You are referring to an ad hominem which is an attack on a person's character. I am saying that Dr Jennifer Rivera is a false authority with insufficient credentials.
He is not attacking the person just checking on her qualifications. You are the one going on the attack with your prejudiced accusations.@@HansVanDenBerg-go9wm
Meanwhile Dolf Lundgren has a mechanical engineering degree, making him more of a scientist than Bill Nye 🤷♂️
@@cosmictreason2242 Bill Nye has a mechanical engineering degree from Cornell University. AFAIK he never claimed to be a scientist.
Outstanding insights and information. Thank you.
If it’s non random process then it’s directed. Who is directing it? I love how atheists contradict themselves all the time
Selection. Predator catch slow prey. Fast prey survive
Where did u get directed from non-random?
Who says it's "non random"?
@@sids5002 Dawkins did in the clip
@@Eliza-rg4vw Dawkins said it in that clip
I like to go to sleep in prayer to The Lord Jesus Christ n Trust him as King David did for safe peaceful rest
What is the scientific definition of "kind"?
How do you objectively determine what "kind' a species is?
What magic barrier prevents two different "kinds" from sharing a common ancestor?
What magic barrier prevents one "kinds" from evolving into another "kind"?
What "kind" is a fossa?
What "kind" is a gorgonopsian?
I've been asking these questions for years and have yet to get any coherent answers.
answersingenesis.org/creation-science/baraminology/what-are-kinds-in-genesis/ - Moderator
@@answersingenesis Thanks but that article doesn't answer a single one of my questions.
"Kind" is the classification system used by the average five year old, i.e the birdie kind, the kitty cat kind, the moo cow kind, the fishie kind.
There is no scientific description of "kind." In biology, taxonomy groups things as Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family Genus Species such that we are: Eukarya, Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Primata, Hominidae, Homo, sapiens
Chimps, for example differ as they share the family Hominidae with us, but are Pan troglodites as genus and species, which means our probable common ancestor was also a Hominidae, but somewhere we also share a common ancestor with other Mammalians. There are no "magic" barriers.
Most creationists lectures say that kind = family. So Mankind = Hominid. Adam an Eve were the ancestors of Orangutans, Gorillas, Chimps and Humans. All eating fruit. Jesus saved all Hominids
Wait where’s the explanation for why we sleep???
I went to the wiki to look for information about the laws of conservative energy, what it said was: "In a close system, energy and matter can not be created or destroyed, it can only be transform from one form to another or transfer from one thing to another." Now I went back to look for that statement on wiki again, now it said: "Energy and matter can not be created or destroyed, it can only be transform from one form to another or transfer from one thing to another." The "In a close system" was removed, for whatever reason I don't know. This just reconfirmed to me that the knowledge of science changes to fit it's writer's idea, and when that knowledge is used against him, he just simply removes it, or twist it to his own liking. There is no absolute truth in science.
A. It's the law of conservation of energy not the law of conservative energy.
B. I literally just looked it up on Wikipedia and it says "In physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time.[1] Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another."
C. Energy cannot be created or destroyed in any system. That's always been the case.
So either you're lying or you can't read, and you certainly don't know about proper sources.
@@msquiggle3590 I see that you copied the text right from wiki, so thank you for that. See the little [1] right before the word Energy there? A few weeks ago, I looked it up and it was a "In a closed system," there, they moved it into the sentence before. So now when I first looked today in the afternoon, I didn't see the "In a closed system" and didn't check the sentence before it.
@@msquiggle3590 also, thanks for correcting me about the law, not laws.
@@binhanh296 So maybe try reading more than one sentence when you're trying to disprove all of science it'll save you some embarrassment
@@msquiggle3590 that may be so, but I really didn't want to disprove all science. Science is good, it gave me knowledge. I I wanted to say is that science is not absolute, there are truth and there are lies in science, that's why we need to stay awake when study science, that's all.
So the canyon formed in 1 day by Mt. St. Helen's eruption was 1/40 the size of the Grand Canyon? And it rained for 40 days at the start of the Great Flood. Like He said, His work is very good!
The Grand Canyon was formed when water started to run off the land back to the Oceans (collapse of Great Lakes of water). Could have happened many years after the Flood.
actually the rain came after the fountains of the deep broke open , just like the tonga volcano last year blasted tremendous amounts of moisture into thye atmosphere which in turn fell back to earth as rain so to in the flood the fountains of the deep blasted moisture and the earths crust into the atmosphere.
Bizarre how so many things in the bible happened for 40 days!
I was tracking with this all the way up to the part where she said chromazones two dozen times. This is going to haunt me for weeks.
Amen AIG. I'll take the bible over science any day of the week. Its God's word and proves itself time and time again. 😉🙏✝️
Great! Don't go to the hospital if you're sick or injured, just pray harder.
Put down your phone and go read your fairy tale book by yourself in your room
"The most preposterous notion that Homo sapiens has ever dreamed up is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of all the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of His creatures, can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if He does not receive this flattery. Yet this absurd fantasy, without a shred of evidence to bolster it, pays all the expenses of the oldest, largest, and least productive industry in all history." - Robert A. Heinlein
“I’ve never understood how God could expect His creatures to pick the one true religion by faith-it strikes me as a sloppy way to run a universe.” -Jubal Harshaw, Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein
"It doesn't seem to me that this fantastically marvelous universe, this tremendous range of time and space and different kinds of animals, and all the different planets, and all these atoms with all their motions, and so on, all this complicated thing can merely be a stage so that God can watch human beings struggle for good and evil - which is the view that religion has. The stage is too big for the drama.” ― Richard P. Feynman (1918-1988) American Physicist
@@settledown444 Bully much?
Humans have discovered several reasons, through science, why we need sleep.
most restorative functions-including muscle and tissue repair, protein synthesis, and the release of growth hormones-occur while humans sleep
Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases
-- National Institutes of Health
@33:02 🔥
Random mutations enters the room
I am afraid that I have not found any scientific answers in that fairy tale book that is called the Bible. I prefer to look at the scientific observations that have accumulated over many years and lead us to conclusions about the past that are logical and can be modified by further investigation.
Of all sciences aside from the different disciplines of the study of His Word I'd say my other favorite would have to be archeology as to me it is closely related. Since the 1800s there's been an over abundance of proof found that shows we have more evidence for His Word than any other written word in history and it is not even close. I'm adding some of the things I've found just by digging a little below and if it helps just one person it would be so worth it and if that person gets it they will share in my love, freedom and joy. These are not just my own findings but based on years of study and others research as well. Study is so important and one day a week is simply not enough. Buying into all the falsehoods of why it's not true or can't be His Word is deadly. With the amount of proof we now have in this age of abundance of information there's simply no longer any excuse or argument to be made. So here goes and for those that do read it please just think about what it means and will mean for you if you take it seriously:
The case for Biblical accuracy and how we know we have the absolute, proven true Word of God in our modern Bibles if they maintain a word for word translation or as close as possible.
First let's look at secular history and written sources that are taken as matter of fact. These other books and writings from antiquity are held up as truth and in some cases factual history.
These other books/poems and there evidence/sources, data:
Second most common manuscript document Homer's Iliad meaning there are more copies of it than any other secular writing/document from antiquity of which only 643 exist dating from 13th century AD. Homer is believed to have wrote it in the 8th century BC.
The Gallic Wars of Cesar in 1st century BC, there are only 10 manuscripts of that in existence dating over 1000 years after they were supposed to have been written.
Herodotus wrote of history and is known as one of the first historians 5th century BC and only 8 manuscripts exist and they are from more than 1300 years after he wrote anything.
History of the Peloponnesian War written by Thucydides. There are only 8 manuscripts that are from 1300 years after he supposedly wrote his account.
These are just a few examples but it doesn't get any better by adding more.
Now let's look at Biblical proofs:
There can be no doubt as to the accuracy of our current Bibles as it is proven via all the source fragments, scrolls, papyri, codex' and sources dating all the way back to before Christ around 700 BC for the OT and between 100 to 150 AD for the NT. There is no doubt and no room for any argument against these facts. We have more proof for God's Word than any other written word in history and it is by order of magnitudes more as in some 66,000+ such sources for Scripture.
The early Church Fathers prior to 325 AD:
Those known as the Anti-Nicene Fathers writings contain over 32,000 quotes from the New Testament from which we could reconstruct the entire/complete NT from just those.
They also contain over 19,000+ quotes from the Gospels alone again from prior to 325 AD.
All these sources allow us to be critical when it comes to the level of accuracy in our Bibles.
The oldest manuscripts end The Gospel of Mark at chapter 16 verse 8. It is the perfect ending to Mark's Gospel when you think about it as there really was no more that needed said.
There is a lot of evidence that anything after Mark 16:8 was added later gathering parts from all the other Gospels and even Acts. There have been many ideas put forward about why the rest was added but none truly fits, things such as knowing Mark's intent and inspiration and that had he been able he would have added to his Gospel. That after Peter was martyred he stopped short due to that but if you read his Gospel there's no need for anything to be added. There's also some idea that there's a lost ending but how can you think that if you don't even know if such an ending existed? So a bunch of endings began to appear, tacked onto the original Autograph. We have an abundance of evidence that prove anything after 16:8 was added later.
4th Century Church fathers Eusebius and Gerome both wrote that Mark ended at 16:8. Many, many other very early Church Fathers knew these alternate endings existed and didn't use them or just denounced them.
This is a huge error in both the KJV and NKJV both of which are based on more recent manuscripts that the older manuscripts disprove. So those two translations have the added ending consisting of anything after Mark 16:8 in the Gospel of Mark. Newer translations may or may not include the additions after Mark 16:8 but if they do they're bracketed or mentioned in the notes in the margins, sidebar or at the bottom of the page.
The external evidence, (oldest sources), indicates that anything after 16:8 does not belong in the Gospel of Mark because those additions simply do not exist in them.
The internal evidence is that it is all borrowed from the other Gospel accounts and Acts. The transition from vs 8 to 9 is very awkward as in no transition from the story of the women, the use of a masculine pronoun, why would Mark also identify Mary Magdalene as the one whom Jesus cast demons from again, the angel spoke to Jesus' followers and told them He would appear to them in Galilee, the vocabulary is not Mark's there are 18 different words he never used, completely different structure to the writing, all these out of place themes, signs that don't appear in any of the other Gospels and the weird discussion of them like serpents and other such oddities are foreign to Mark.
We don't know who these additions came from but we know where they got them:
(below are not time stamps but Chapter and verses)
.16:9 = is taken write out of Luke 8:1-3
.16:10 = John 20:18
.16:12 = Luke 24:13-32
.16:13 = Luke 24:14
.16:14 = Luke 24:36-38
.16:15 = Mathew 28:19
.16:16 = John 20:23
.16:17-18 = drawn from a lot of sources: Mathew 10, Mark 6, Luke 10, just a lot of stuff cobbled together. Acts 23-26 and Acts 28:3-6 Paul's encounter with the Asp/venomous snake. None of it after Mark 16:8 makes any sense and adds more than a little confusion with the discussion of signs/miracles and other such things. It is clear to see what was written after 16:8 was not inspired as the rest of his Gospel surely was.
This was all done by someone or a group who thought Mark's ending was to brief. To help him get a "better ending" in their eyes because they couldn't accept how he had ended his. His True Gospel account of the life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus and the awe and wonderment of it all.
Why does Mark end the way he does?
It was just how he wrote, look at the beginning of his Gospel and all throughout it reads like a highlight real of Christ's Deity and that He is in fact the very Son of God. He made the point and was done he didn't need to go further.
Mark's last words were about fear, a Godly Fear of our Lord and the pure awe and wonderment of Him.
No other book in history has the proof the Bible does, it is not even close. As I've shown because of the over abundance of source materials we can even be critical of what we have and know for certain whether we have His Word or not.
Biblical Historian/Theologian AT. Robertson said we have a vast array of Biblical Manuscripts/Sources that allow us to reconstruct the Bible with more than a 99.9% degree of accuracy.
With the number of archaeological excavations, (25,000+ and counting to date). Add in the current excavations under way throughout the Middle East, it is only a matter of time until we see more ancient biblical texts uncovered. Given the recent search for more Dead Sea Scroll caves, this may be sooner rather than later.
The Bible is the very Word of God and It is a collection of eyewitness accounts written by other inspired eyewitnesses.
There's no longer any excuse for anyone to ignore that fact or to dispute it.
The evidence simply does not support their arguments/views.
So dig a little and do your own study to disprove or prove what I've shared as it truly is between you and the LORD.
Take care and God Bless...
@@globalcoupledances Sorry not sorry as I see no way to express that much information accurately without typing it out. Believe it or not that is the short version.
Scotland Yard is a real place. Is that evidence Sherlock Holmes a real person?
@@sciencerules8525 False equivalency there isn't it? We have a collection of eyewitness accounts written by other divinely inspired eyewitnesses. What you do with the information presented is between you and the LORD because believe in Him or not we will all stand before Him one day.
@@PreacherwithoutaPulpit You don't have eyewitness accounts. You have unverified stories *claiming* there were eyewitnesses. HUGE difference.
02:00 observable science vs historical science
A spectacular example of circular reasoning at 43 minutes 😂
@@Who_IsLike_God what's that got to do with anything and how is a theist any different?
Great job! Observable science comports with scripture.
No, it really doesn't.
@@markduell2468 yes it does
@@zerosteel0123 In your limited bank of knowledge, I'm sure it does.
@@markduell2468 you made an assertion, but gave no examples of where scripture does not comport with observable science.
@@refuse2bdcvd324 The age of the earth.
True science and true religion will merge but only if both are true
1:14 - not even a minute in and she’s already started with a fallacy. Just because something can’t explain something or can never explain something, does not therefore mean something else definitely can, especially therefore Christianity is correct.
And what is it called when you squeeze god into an unsubstantiated hole …?
10:17 - finding a few articles that have hyperbolic language does not mean science is trying to be the sole purveyor of hope. And in contrast, how exactly does you god/jesus offer hope other than just appealing to him or reading his book and choosing to feeling warm fuzzies? At least science has actual output that is demonstrable to which then people can chose to hope from. Cells phones, email, Zoom to stay in contact with loved ones, medicine, better food and organic farming processes, vitamins and green drinks to live healthier; psychology and psychiatry to help better understand how our minds work and heal through past trauma and hurts
All religion has is empty promises, mostly with unanswered prayers with a sprinkling of coincidental, arbitrary, or made up “answered” ones and a huge dose of fear of death to cause one to hope in the afterlife.
Science can fulfill hope, religion causes it to always be unsatisfied
12:31 I would almost guarantee, that if any of these people were alive today, they would not be a Christian, let alone a Ken Ham type of Christian.
These folks were dealing with the best information they had.
But I challenge you to look up each one of these fellas and see if they specifically declared Jesus Christ as lord and affirmed anything this lady spouts as “fact”.
My hunch is that they all would be consider heretics by most of all your standards. You can’t cherry pick some loose deism and then imply “smart people all believe in Jesus”
You need more content for children. Max duration 3-4 mins. I’ve been on the kids section on AIG website but there’s only a couple of short videos. Thanks.
Right. Gotta indoctrinate those minds with creationist tripe while they're young before they develop critical thinking skills.
I LOVE Answers in Genesis, thank you.
To me Science is simply a tool box, that scientist through the years have added tools to so that eventually we've come far enough to use those tools to develop robots.
How a person of science can turn it into a religion or a form of a god is beyond me. But, I guess it is as the Bible says, they worship creation instead of the Creator.
The Bible and science are polar opposites. One is a collection of truths, and something that everyone should take seriously, and the other is the Bible.
Robots are technology, knowledge is science, and superstition is religion. There is no evidence of a "creator." Some hypotheses posit that all this was never created but has always existed.
@@stevepierce6467 Here's something you and I can feel, touch see everyday. In a question.
If our planet shifts slightly away from our heat source the Sun, the temperature dramatically changes. Is it safe to say that is by design?
Yes science is a tool box. Full of theories and laws. Formulating knowledge. We weren't born with the knowledge of Mathematics but we can learn by other scientist that have put tools in the tool box that we can use. That's why science is ever changing,
Making up new lies?
"Some hypotheses posit that all this was never created but has always existed."
@@jeffb8685 "If our planet shifts....." No, it is not safe to say that it is by design. Any number of things, from subtle long-term orbital irregularity to asteroid impacts, could alter our planet's movement and eliminate the conditions we require to survive here on earth.
@@stevepierce6467 Your not being honest. Our planet is specific in size, its heat source is specific in size. We are perfectly situated in the vastness of space from our heat source that if a slight shift in angle or distance we experience extreme temperatures, And yes that is by God's design.
Here is a scriptural example of God's infinite knowledge. Science has brought us to a place where we can see, we ll never be able to count the amount of stars He created. BUT as scripture says, HE COUNTS THEM BY NAME. That kind of knowledge is far beyond mortal mans understanding.
"He counts the number of the stars;
He calls them all by name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite." Psalm 14
Don't think God as a problem with those who seek knowledge. After all he have us the ability to think and reason for ourselves
*Science MAKES NO CLAIMS* -- people make claims. Specific kinds of people make specific claims. A CLAIM is true or false; but the container in which it comes cannot be true or false because the container is not making a claim.
The 3 biggest differences between science and religion
Science: Here are the known facts, what conclusions can we draw from them?
Religion: Here is the conclusions. What facts can we find that might support it? What facts must be suppressed so that our conclusion will be believed.
Science: When science is proven wrong, the information is embraced, and science grows from that.
Religion: When religion is proven wrong, the information is suppressed, and people are imprisoned or murdered.
Science: We have questions we may never know the answers to.
Religion: We have answers that we won’t allow to be questioned.
Science has been INFILTRATED by radical religious atheists of the Left! Know one can tell who the REAL scientists are and who the Atheist Priests posing as scientists are these days.
The Bible has zero explanations for anything.
exactly 👍
It was never designed to be a scientific treatise! It was designed to be a "How to get along with GOD & His Creation" book Just like when you get an instructional manual to put something together it doesnt explain how it was made at the factory with ALL the materials, ad nauseam. You dont NEED that knowledge to put it together.
@@inconnu4961 I highly doubt the Universe was created but if it was it certainly wasn’t by the god of the Bible the way it’s explained in the Bible. The title of this video claims the Bible can explain things science can’t but ‘god did it’ isn’t an explanation for anything until you can demonstrate the existence of your god and show how that god did stuff.
It's hard to believe that I was persuaded by these sorts of arguments growing up
Sad that someone took that away from you. As a TA i worked under professors who took great pleasure in attacking the faith of freshman students. The students for the most part had never been taught logic and were susceptible to the weakest attacks. After they give up their faith, they become pretty rabid in their defense of atheism. They can't bear to look at the possibility that they were sold and gave up so much. I suspect your faith was "educated" out of you. You also feel very superior to those backward, ignorant people who taught you when you were young. Now, you can feel happy that you are part of the "in crowd" elite who don't need God. Go back in memory to your place of faith and ask God to show you the truth. Read the Bible. I suggest John or Revelation also penned by John.
Not a single creationist understands Evolution
I'm sure there are some who understand it. They just choose to lie about it anyway.
@@sciencerules8525 I highly doubt it, I think they rather know there's more to it but they choose to remain in ignorance, that way it is easier to lie about it.
I was one once of those AIG believers, but then I learned more about science from archaeology, astronomy, biology, chemistry to geology, paleontology, physics, virology and zoology which independently disprove a young earth let alone literally every single field of science.
I thank Ken Ham for making me an agnostic atheist because he argued beautifully why old earth creationism is incompatible with the Bible.
@@wefinishthisnow3883 You don't seem to know that after the evolution theory was accepted, discoveries have been habitually interpreted as part of the evolutionary model. The fact that the fields all share that context is historical rather than scientific. You joined "the in crowd" because it is comforting and so much easier than being at odds with current thinking in the scientific world. Ask yourself how many times that the "scientific" thinking in any of these areas changed over the last few years. Science is "settled" until the next contradictory evidence shows up so prominently that it can't be ignored. (see atoms, oops! quarks) Also, scientists on a mission sometimes fake evidence. I will never forget reading in National Geographic how the young man whose team discovered Lucy explained that they had to adapt her hip bone so that it would look like it should for her to walk upright which they believed she did. Time has passed. I am pretty old, and I wouldn't be surprised if the article has been altered by now. (See 1984 by George Orwell for clarification of how it is done.) Furthermore, there is that climate data that was falsified. It was a scandal in the news for a couple of weeks, then vanished like the morning mist, never heard of again. Fakery is not often exposed, but when it is, it is symptomatic of what is going on in service of a theory that liberates men from the restrictive morality derived from God.(authority for this statement is T.H.Huxley himself.) Oh, and I forgot about the Hittites. They were mythical people out of the Bible right up until the Babylonian archives were translated. Well, they were real and powerful. They had at least 5 cities. Archeologists have found them. I wonder what's next!
50. Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.'
If they say to you, 'Is it you?' say, 'We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living Father.'
If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.'"
What is this garbage?? This is *_not_* the Word of God!
Can you tell me where Jesus said that? Chapter and verses?
Secular scientists always talk about natural selection and survival of the fittest so how does love, guilt and empathy figure into all that?
Science is science. There is no "secular" science.
Explained by sociobiology
"I don't want to get hurt or killed so I probably shouldn't hurt or kill anyone" it's literally that simple
"empathy" is described, perhaps explained, by "mirror neurons". Species that have it care for the species not just the individual and thus the species survives where a species that does not care about other individuals of the same species will probably not survive. This is seen in humans; people without empathy, sociopaths, can be but are not automatically dangerous to other people (well, dangerous to everything) and thus tend to be shunned. Were such a thing normal for humans, society would not exist.
wikipedia mirror neurons
It actually hurts reading how ignorant some of you people are. Did you just say that seriously??
The reason why i never cared about school: It won't get me into Heaven.
Bible for the "W" again. As always. 😅🔥👍👍👍
How old is the earth?
@@markduell2468 not as old as what evolutionists theorize it to be! 😉
@@markduell2468 investigate the evidence. It's there.
@@zerosteel0123 How old does the Bible say it is?
@@markduell2468 we can narrow it down to about 6000 years according to genealogies
Gregor Mendel: Genetics - biologist and meterologist
Science has NEVER claimed to be be-all-end-all. There's always going to be more questions, and more answers, and better technology to make observations. The BIBLE needs to explain how hail is stored in "storehouses" and how plants lived before the sun was created. It's that pathetically unscience.
To an ancient Hebrew mind, envisioning hail being created in a cloud made little sense... almost like a storehouse in the sky. God Himself exuded light before any celestial body did, don't you think that a superior light source would facilitate growth of vegetation?
Great video. God's current source of His word is Russell M. Nelson, His prophet.
God of the gaps fallacy. Grow up.
Do you believe the earth is young and flat?
Now if you could just explain to people that the Bible says "Keep the Sabbath Holy" and that the Sabbath is Saturday as stated in the bible, not Sunday as stated by Man.
33:00 "always loss of information"? No, 1/64 of all mutations creates new information
which mutations have been perpetuated?
@@hatchet3755 The ones selected by nature
Then you should be able to show trillions of bits of new information. And we do not mean deterioration.
@noneyabidness9644 - How did you calculated trillions? Every human generation only have 100-200 mutations
@@globalcoupledances how many animals are there? How many bacteria and fungi?
Do they not count?
03:00 because its not observable, historical science is based on many assumptions by evolutionists
There is no such thing as "operational science vs historical science." There is only *one science,* period. The scientific method is the same if you're investigating events from 1 nanosecond ago or 1 billion years ago. Claiming there is a difference is another sad lie made up by creationists to push their religious agenda.
Science is observing the evidence of the past. Inventing a new term _Historical Science_ is only to keep people ignorant
So mollusks swam 30,000 feet up to the top of Mt. Everest as the flood water rose, buried themselves in rock so they wouldn’t be swept back down when the water drained back out. Got it!
david makes a ridiculous assumption that Mt. Everest was there before the worldwide flood.
@@statutesofthelord Mt. Everest rose in the last 50 MY from the collision of the Indian and Asian tectonic plates. There never was any global Noah's Flood.
@@statutesofthelord , It’s the lady in your video that said the flood covered Mt. Everest at 36:55 min. in, so she is the one you’re calling ridiculous. However you’re the one being ridiculous if you think Mt. Everest wasn’t there before the flood.
@@statutesofthelordIf it wasn't, either it was magically made, or the plate tectonics moved at a rate that would've released enough heat to boil the ocean
The Himalayas could not have been there because there is not enough water to cover them. So, the oceans were shallow and when the Bible says there were mountains it really means hills. Even the mountains of Ararat were volcanoes that had to have quickly formed and cooled for Noah to land there. There was frictionless plate tectonics, so that the floor would not be lava.
Religion and science is the same ...yes, with one little difference: Science is all about what you can test, observe, and DEMONSTRATE, while religious myths are supported by no evidence and must be believed against all available evidence, but yeah besides that, 100% the same.
Science is fiction, in fact science fiction……. Captain Kirk.
Scripture says you will be Saved if you believe in Jesus
Of course it does lol
miracles are occurrences science can't explain.
🤔 Philosophical pondering...
There are times when we don't know the science yet. So something that we see that we can't (yet) explain, we might perceive at that time as a miracle, when actually, science cAN explain it (but we just don't know that science yet).
To a young child, dad 'pulling a quarter out of your ear' seems like a miracle. Later we understand that it was a slight of hand misdirection "trick".
I would say that miracles are things no human can comprehend how to manifest them at will, and in perfect timing, and for a perfect purpose.
These things can only be achieved by God or by God working through us (which is itself a miracle).
@@RLaraMoore ridiculous
Have you never experienced a miracle?
It is incomparably amazing.
To create even a grain of sand is miraculous. So all creation is miraculous. And creation gives knowledge, ie, science. The creator demonstrating mastery over His creation, eg, water to wine, walking on water, regenerating flesh, multiplying loaves and fishes, self-ressurection from the dead is evidence of the knowledge / science of who God is an His purpose.
24:12 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things". Science can't tell us WHAT is true, WHAT is pure, WHAT is lovely, WHAT is admirable or WHAT is excellent or praiseworthy. But neither does this verse! So why quote it?
“I have a friend who's an artist and has sometimes taken a view which I don't agree with very well. He'll hold up a flower and say "look how beautiful it is," and I'll agree. Then he says "I as an artist can see how beautiful this is but you as a scientist take this all apart and it becomes a dull thing," and I think that he's kind of nutty. First of all, the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me too, I believe. Although I may not be quite as refined aesthetically as he is, I can appreciate the beauty of a flower. At the same time, I see much more about the flower than he sees. I could imagine the cells in there, the complicated actions inside, which also have a beauty. I mean it's not just beauty at this dimension, at one centimeter; there's also beauty at smaller dimensions, the inner structure, also the processes. The fact that the colors in the flowers evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting; it means that insects can see the color. It adds a question: does this aesthetic sense also exist in the lower forms? Why is it aesthetic? All kinds of interesting questions which the science knowledge only adds to the excitement, the mystery and the awe of a flower. It only adds. I don't understand how it subtracts.” ― Richard P. Feynman, The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman
Calling evolution a religion gives creationists that righteous feeling so they justify their interpretation of Genesis. The theory of evolution has overwhelming evidence to support it. It’s not a belief.
I have been on both sides. Look up on how the theory of evolution came to be. It was based on the hypothesis of Charles Lyell’s work on geology. Naturalism is an ATTEMPT to try and give an explanation on how everything could’ve come to be if there was no intelligent mind behind everything. Both Darwin and Lyell knew about this. Lyell said that his work should have been revised in the future and Darwin knew that his theory was based on Lyell’s hypothesis. But because many scholars believe that the lack of belief on a God equals the lack of belief, they stated that naturalism is void of belief, therefore void of bias and finally, the one true science. The lack of belief on a deity IS A BELIEF, and because that is not seen, macro evolution which is completely based on faith and unobservable, is considered absolutely true. Macro evolution is based on a very precarious understanding of how genetic mutations work, naming them as nothing but “little changes”. I get the train of thought: little changes over much time will lead to great changes and other species and families, but in no way genetic mutations are just that. The great enhancement of the study of genetics only came after the theory of evolution, but because of this spirit of Darwinism that permeates modern science, it is not the theory that dictates the data and every time something comes up that completely goes against what the theory claims, it is labeled as mistery yet to be solved and in no way it disproves the theory…
People who call evolution a religion don't understand science or religion.
@@juanranger4214 Nothing has ever been found that contradicts evolution. There is no such thing as "micro" and "macro" evoltuion, these are inventions made by creationists who invariably go on to ask why dogs do not give birth to cats. Stop making things up.
Yep. It's like saying "you believe that the Mona Lisa exists in Paris?" You must have faith to believe that! You're religious!
And then own-goal themselves as though being religious is something to be mocked.
If whales beach themselves for an unknown reason people shouldn't push them back into the ocean. According to evolution some will grow legs and walk among us.
You don't understand Evolution
@@katamas832 humor. God made us. I saw the firmament during what reminded me of a heat lightning storm with no clouds. It was lit up like a strobe light effect. It stretched across the sky. It had a texture to it. I was scared as I thought it was going to fall down. The next day I saw someone and she said the sky was so weeeiird last night. The way she said weird is still in my memory today. I am sure I have seen it before but didn't know what it was. Only a creator could of made that structure. I am guessing it is made of see through crystal that when the sun and moon shines through it we optically get a personal dome of sight. The creator made the firmament and the creator made us. We are special and God is watching us.
@@clightning300mi The firmament doesn't exist. I don't know what weather phenomenon you saw, but I can say with certainity that there isn't such a thing as a dome above us.
And that doesn't change the fact that you don't understand Evolution.
@@katamas832 I saw it it is a magnificent see through structure above us. Thunder echoes off of it. Individual fireworks echo off of it. Sun dogs reflect off of it. Like a prism Rainbows show the shape of the firmament.
@@clightning300mi I don't believe what you saw was the firmament, but a weather phenomenon you don't know about and or understand.
Whenever you have questions about something, always construct the instruction manual.
Too bad you have to construct it out of imaginary pages before you consult it.
@@stevepierce6467 Oh no, I can hold the pages in my hand. Thanks for playing.
@@TickedOffPriest Darn it, you got me. I meant pages of imaginary events. Still pointless to consult for any purpose. Except for Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. I am a child of the 60s.
@@stevepierce6467 Imaginary events like Jesus who has been a confirmed historical figure by every leading historian or how we events that The Bible described matching what was found by archaeologists centuries later.
@@TickedOffPriest Jesus is not an event, but a person, as well documented as any personage from that era. The supernatural "miracles" attributed to him are indeed events that have no historical confirmation whatsoever.
Doesn't the bible say the earth is the center of the universe and the sun revolves around us and not the Earth around the sun? Along with the firmament and being encased in water. That's provably wrong isn't it?
It does. It also implies the earth is around 6,000 years old. Obviously, it is vastly older.
AIG likes to say that the Bible doesn't say those things because it would mean the Bible is flawed. It's just them moving the goalposts. A vast majority of flat earthers directly quote the Bible to "prove" the earth is flat.
@markduell2468 I'm still laughing at carbon dating being a method of measuring age of things too don't think I'm bashing the Bible specifically ad science is still laughable
Where does it say that?
Which verse backs your claim?
When listing the many Bible Believing Christian Scientists, please remember & acknowledge George Washington Carver.
“Science can’t explain” is not evidence for your god
No, the fact that His word does explain it, is proof of our God.
It was never suggested that that was evidence for God. The evidence if abundant and literally everywhere you look. Science can't explain how life came into existence. There are only two possibilities: 1) Life came into existence from natural processes from non-living matter (abiogenesis) or 2) Life was created by an eternal, powerful intelligent being. Scientific laws of the universe are against abiogenesis. Abiogenesis is not possible. There is no evidence to support abiogenesis. Ergo, life was created by an eternal, powerful intelligent being (i.e., God).
@@noneyabidness9644it explains nothing you think it explains it because you will believe anything you can see the lies with a shred of thought
Also dont bug me about punctuation its a comments section
@@Nanobot_Swarm denial isn't an argument son, and already playing a victim before you were addressed?
The God-haters can keep their monkey business. I’ll take the Truth.
@@razark9Angry Atheist Alert
@@philhart4849 LOL Ah, that diferent "truths" idiocy! LOL Pathetic,... and tragic that you'll find out the hard way someday. Denying the existance of a person is the most basic display of hatred there is. I hope you enjoy your holiday on April 1st. (Psm 14:1) (How does it feel to be a fulfillment of Scripture?)
Ah, the "different truths" idiocy! LOL How path/etic, and tragic, that you'll find out the hard way someday. Denying the existance of a person is the most basic display of ha/tred. I hope you enjoy your upcoming holiday (April 1st-Psm 14:1). (And BTW, there's no such thing as a "former Christian." That's about as elementary as it gets, so if you didn't get that, it's proof you never were.)
Only if God is the Creator can we trust what we can observe and therefore, science. If all things are the result of random events, what is there to give any consistency? How can we assume that the next time things will behave in a predictable way? Scientific laws are based on predictability, consistency and reliability of outcome.
Why do you think the alternative to "God" is randomness. The universe isn;t random. That does not require some sort of invisible magic wizard controllign it.
God is an architect that works on a scale you could never fathom, not a cheap purveyor of tricks, like a wizard
@@johannesstephanusroos4969 If he's the architect he should be fired for doing such an incompetent job lol
@@richardgregory3684 Easy for you to say, what have you created and accomplished lately?
@@johannesstephanusroos4969 I'm not an all-powerful, all-knowing god. If such a god designed the universe, why did he do such a crap job? Eithe rhe is neither all-powerful and all-knowing, or he is, and deliverately made things as they are, which makes him a monster.
Once the Nephilim are figured into the mix, all science is thrown into disarray.
AIG seems to purposely avoid this Biblical Narrative....as well as Ancient Architecture that would be either impossible or highly impractical for us to duplicate today. This is an area that they Truly need to address.
@@VaxtorTAIG has the revealed Word of God, tested & proven authentic through written volumes and evidence; such as the Dead sea scrolls. God is able to reveal His methods and processes; and is pleased when we search it out, as we find in Job and Proverbs.
The fallen ones had knowledge they shared.
This is one reason THEY have destroyed a lot of giants remains and most proof that giants have existed
No scientist will ever know everything. Yet we keep on learning. Trying to fill in the blanks with guesswork just stifles the need to learn.
Well you know the world used to be flat, but now it's round.
Blasphemy! hahaha :P
Well good thing that's not what the Bible teaches
Bible states we're round, bubba. Four corners that meet in one place on the earth makes the earth, what?
A sphere.
You mean that all that flood water of Noah's day didn't spill off the edge? I wonder where it went.@@noneyabidness9644
@@noneyabidness9644where does it say so and even if it did why were people torture for saying its round?
Odd the title is a fallacy
"This was done by MAGIC!" isn't a scientific explanation. It isn't an explanation at all, just a lame hand-wave.
Like the magic of abiogenesis? 😂😂😂😂
You realize basically all historical science is "MAGIC!", right?
Millions of years in evolution is MAGIC, calling belief in evolution and claiming it as science is a perfect MAGIC.
@@gp-gangadharampidugu1846 Except evolution is verified by over 160+ years of consilient scientific evidence from dozens of independent scientific fields of study. Do you even know what *consilience* is and why it's so important in science?
@@settledown444 Richard Dawkins himself confirmed that evolution has an important assumption(existence of life) and Darwin said his theory holds good if there is no complex structure exists in living organisms. DNA is a complex structure and evolution doesn’t explain it. Evolution was never verified that is why atheistic scientists are still experimenting to find out connections between Apes and human beings. Consilient science is an attempt to make up proof for evolution, it’s not proving anything.
Interbreeding vs creation
The old "science doesnt know, so it must be god" nonsense. So arrogant. Just say "we dont yet know". Its humble. Its also very easy to say.
Again, science doesn't know it, but it is explained in Scripture.
The speaker did not say "science doesn't know, so it must be god." She said science CAN'T explain. Science never will be able to explain. Her point was that certain things are beyond the scope of science. Such things will never be explained by science. So, you can't just say "we don't know yet." If you only use science, you will never know.
@@dooglitas I understand. Why do you think science will never know. You can't know that for sure. You also assume it would have to involve something outside of science to find an answer, which is also something you cannot know.
There's a theme here.....
It still stands. Science doesn't know yet. It may never know.
To lazily just assume religions can fill the gaps is not reasonable. Especially as no religions have ever had any proof of evidence between them all, so it seems unlikely.
@@noneyabidness9644 Scripture puts forward an explanation with no evidence, which is pointless. It may as well just make up literally anything if it ignores having evidence. Coincidentally, that's exactly what it has done.
@@sids5002 considering scripture told us the earth was round with no evidence, that atomic theory was true, with no evidence, that we should sanitize our utensils and persons, with no evidence, I'm okay with that. It keeps getting it right, again and again and again. ☺️
He coloured the moon with a blue laser proving it is close.
God's word has the answer to all the important issues in life, no doubt.
Does his word have the cure for cancer? Does it have any useful knowledge? That’s a rhetorical question, because anybody with a function brain could tell you that the answer to both those questions is no.
Really? My 98 year old mmm fell last month and broke her hip. The bible just says that we all deserve to suffer and just pray for forgiveness in the hope of a big bag of candies from Jesus after we die. Thanksfully, I live in the 21st century, where we have stuff like MRI scanners, surgery, anaesthetics, antiseptics, antibiotics in hospitals that actually WORK.
@@betsieswartz God's word has more useful knowledge than that. It has the message to eternal life which you will not be able to enjoy unless you repent and stop your foolishness.
@@richardgregory3684 your choice, bud. Believe whatever you want. I choose to believe in Jesus.
@@zerosteel011 All you have to do is prove this "eternal life" exists. Otherwise, all you have is a cult that makes empty promises to entice people into it.
How does the Bible explain how the universe is 6000 years old but the light from this takes a million years to reach us?
The earth is 6000 years old. I have NEVER EVER heard anyone claim the universe was 6000 years old.
18:08 The translation of Genesis 6:9 given here - the ESV version - is WRONG. The original Hebrew has it that Noah was ''perfect'' (spotless / without error or fault) in his ''generations''. Note the plural... generationS. This implies that Noah's pedigree.. his lineage... was not marred or made impure by any other kind of non-human material. The wickedness that prevailed throughout Humanity was due (not to a small degree) to pollution of the pureline Human pedigree from Adam and Eve. This pollution; this corruption, is stated clearly in the record: other non-terrestrial humanoid beings had interbred with human females.
More religionist denial. The important difference between science and religion is that science provides observations and theories that can be tested, and religion makes illogical presumptions that have no basis in reality. If you really want to make an honest attempt at justifying religion, explain why the Earth existed for over 4 billion years, and Homo Sapiens for over 200,000 years, without a sniff of religion.
*"If you really want to make an honest attempt at justifying religion, explain why the Earth existed for over 4 billion years, and Homo Sapiens for over 200,000 years, without a sniff of religion."*
*>* None of us were there at the beginning, and the tools we use to observe space and Einstein's theory of relativity are very new and have been formulating answers not even a century ago. These techniques are just too young to give us accurate, or even at all, rough estimates of the time things were created, which is why measuring light can't be trusted. You mean to tell me, the light that's been hitting us for all of these billions of years, then suddenly, in such a small window of time that we developed the telescope and these techniques to measure light and carbon date things, that suddenly, we have the correct answers to the age of the universe and the formation of things around us? That would only make sense if we lived in a still universe like the Steady-State theory suggests, but most scientists secular and religious all agree in a beginning, and that there will be an end.
Don't get me wrong, I love science, biology, medicine, physics, and anything that pertains to our planet, but it's when people take science as absolute objective truth. I have nothing against a different worldview, but it’s when they use that to try and destroy religion or make everything based around science and secularism. Science isn't the problem, scientism is. A whole religion itself, and that’s not an exaggeration, these people worship science and the human brain, but not the brain that gave them one.
The supposed age of the universe. They said it was 4.53 billion to 4.58 billion years old, then it became 13.7 billion years old, and now in 2023, they're saying it's 26.7 billion years old. Which one is it? How can anyone form a solid, irrefutable, justifiable worldview on what’s constantly changing?
Telescopes can't be trusted to give us the exact pinpoint of time everything came to be, that’s why we rely on objective truth for the answer because we can’t and never will know with science. Even if we age the universe accurately(which will never happen), humans would still be trying to find purpose and meaning, so what’s the point of it?
We can see how things work around us, but we can’t know when and why they were created. We know how things work, but we know the meaning of nothing. What are these answers going to do for our species in say 2,000 years? Will it be the same? Or forever changing because humans so desperately strive to ascend to Godhood, which isn’t an exaggeration either, it’s the new age transhumanism movement.
How long has our species been around? “Our species existed for over 200,000 years,” they say. How do we know? We can never know anything 100% for sure that’s prehistory. Secular history can’t justify that, we have the Adam and Eve story that applies to all humanity not just a religious group, but they deny that it even happened and is a fairytale, but yep, microevolution is not. Not to mention, they only came up with Neanderthals and other alleged “humans” by mixing and matching monkey skulls and making up interpretations.