Why ALL Christians Should Believe in a YOUNG Earth

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 543

  • @rodneyspence7441
    @rodneyspence7441 Год назад +109

    I'm a retired NASA aerospace engineer and performed many complex analyses during my 35 years working there. And always the most critical part of the analysis was selecting the initial conditions or assumptions for the computer simulations. There were always a few critical ones where even small changes in the starting values would result in dramatically different results. You see much the same phenomenon in other fields such as climate modeling. Generally, as you would expect, the longer the time scales the greater the sensitivity of the results to changes in the initial conditions. I can see where you would see the same effect in this radioactive dating. Too many laypersons accept conclusions from the scientific community at face value without questioning the underlying assumptions. I tell my kids not to be afraid to challenge their professors on critical assumptions. A case in point is my son who is studying molecular biology and learning about all the complex intricate chemical mechanisms in the cell and DNA. In Darwin's day they had no clue of the complexity of a living cell. There's no such thing as a "simple one cell organism." He asked the professor how such a mind-boggling complex structure could have originated from a "primordial soup" through the random natural processes of evolution and the instructor simply said he didn't know but it must have happened over millions of years because after all we're here now.....

    • @charlo90952
      @charlo90952 Год назад +10

      Just because science "doesn't know" at the present point in time doesn't mean they won't figure it out in the future. It's not proof of an intelligent creator. It just illustrates our limited understanding. The fundamental problem here is using Genesis as the source text. Genesis is an allegory not to be taken literally. It's hard to understand why well educated intelligent people do this. The Vedas from India have much more sophisticated descriptions of creation stretching back millions and billions of years. And of course the limitations of the dating methods are well understood. That doesn't invalidate them. He just comes up with a bunch of hypotheses to try to invalidate the results to conform to his worldview.

    • @rodneyspence7441
      @rodneyspence7441 Год назад

      ​​@@charlo90952 Further study required....but I will say that IF God exists then He is the author of the laws of science and therefore presumably can manipulate them at will. There is much we don't know as recent observations from Webb telescope is demonstrating. Astrophysicists are telling us most of the universe is composed of "dark energy/dark matter" which no one really understands. We still are unraveling the staggering complexity of the cell and yet most textbooks assume the first one originated from a primordial mud puddle through random natural processes. I'm not ready to discard a supernatural explanation for some of these fundamental mysteries. After all, if there is no natural explanation, then the only alternative is a supernatural one. If that makes me delusional then so be it. I'm in good company with the likes of Newton, Pascal, Maxwell, Townes, Gauss, and many others. Of course, one who is solely committed to a naturalistic philosophy can always resort to "in time we will figure it out." So there's really no point in even having a discussion. Even if it's raising a dead person back to life, you can fall back to the "enough time" argument - which is the whole point of cryogenics which basically assumes we're just computers made of meat. As Shakespeare said in Hamlet, "there may be more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy Horatio." :))

    • @charlo90952
      @charlo90952 Год назад +5

      @@rodneyspence7441 There's no need to conflate science with religious philosophy. They are completely unrelated. Religion teaches you how to live your life. Science seeks to determine how things work. We don't even need to know this. All we need to know is that the sun comes up every day. The actual mechanics of the universe are of no consequence. The biblical descriptions of creation are perfectly satisfactory. Just as American Indian myths of turtle diving to bring up dirt to build the land are perfectly satisfactory. It's this insistence that the biblical descriptions are the only correct ones that's the problem. The Vedic texts have much more detailed descriptions of creation, although they are pretty fanciful. But at least they are comfortable speaking of millions and billions of years.

    • @rodneyspence7441
      @rodneyspence7441 Год назад

      @@charlo90952 Well I`m not entirely certain on the age of the earth - that's why I watched the video.. They thought the universe was about 14 billion years old for decades and now the theory is being revised to 33 billiion based on Webb telescope observations. I disagree - I believe science is the search for truth - and with that as a definition science and religion are inextricably linked. Like I said IF God exists then He is the creator of the universe which means He is the author of the laws of science. Humans didn't invent the laws of physics and chemistry - we merely uncovered them - they were there all along. And there may be many more we don't know about. God could also make the universe appear to us as being billions of years old by controlling time and light. A chemist at the wedding of Cana would have concluded the wine was at least several decades old when it was actually only a few hours old at most. I disagree religion is only about how to live your life. But your religion will guide you how to live your life. For example, a Bible believer the 10 commandments are the "laws" of life. But if I'm an atheist there is no good reason why I shouldn't just do whatever I want - including rape, rob, and murder - if I can get away with it. Why? Because from an atheistic worldview there is no absolute moral standard - morals are based on subjective opinion. And since humans are mere byproducts of evolution they have no more inherent worth than animals. We're just a conglomeration of molecules destined for nothingness. It doesn't matter in the end whether you live like Hitler or Mother Teresa. There is no final accountability. Of course you may find yourself in prison under human laws, but again humans are just random byproducts of evolution. It's not like an absolute moral standard worked its way into the evolutionary tree. That's why a large majority of the population is OK with the extermination of over a thousand unborn children in this country every day. Spare kids, spare cats. They're not "real peoples". But that's another issue. I don't believe in multiple truths. I believe there is THE truth. Truth is by its nature exclusionary - just as 1 + 1 = 2 and not any other number. Sorry if that offends people but that's the way it is I believe. You may as well be offended by mathematics- which some actually are! But people are free to believe whatever they want. Unfortunately, the truth may not be revealed until our expiration date, but that's where faith comes in. If we all knew the truth with absolute certainty then faith would be meaningless. I don't think there's any point in going back and forth on this any further. I have a lot of work to do as I'm sure you do. Suffice to say time will tell. Or perhaps there could be an inward supernatural revelation. Anyways, I would hope we are more than just meat computers struggling through life during our little time "at bat" and destined to the dust as the ages roll on. So long fellow human:))

    • @sonyyung5510
      @sonyyung5510 Год назад +8

      ​@@charlo90952 Well that's the whole point of the discussion. That the standard scientific assumptions when it comes to doing research on the age of the Eaeth could never be confirmed because we can't go back in time and confirm if those assumptions were true. It isn't just about religious philosophy. It is about thinking critically and understanding that the age if the Earth is more of a forensics matter rather than pure scientific conjecture.
      Btw, Einstein himself said that scientists don't make great philosophers. So how is it that people ask those who aren't scientists to let actual scientists do all the scientific research; yet not tell the scientists to let the philosophers and theologians do all the philosophical study? That's like telling a mathematician to mathematically recreate a Van Gogh painting. That's just not realistic or reasonable.

  • @stevearcus2963
    @stevearcus2963 Год назад +24

    God knew many men would claim science over scripture, so 2000 + years ago in anticipation he said `Look through your telescopes, but you won't find the source of your creation, because what was used is not in the creation', see revered in Hebrews 11:3` By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible'

    • @billb3673
      @billb3673 10 месяцев назад +1

      God's word declares that the earth is millions upon millions of years old. II Peter 3:5-7, is just one scripture. How could God have chosen His elect BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD? How could God hate Esau before he was even born? How could God say that Jeremiah was a prophet before he was born. When did Satan rebel and become prideful? IN THE FIRST EARTH AND HEAVEN AGE- Ezekiel chapter 28.

    • @infatuated9970
      @infatuated9970 8 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@billb3673This doesn't mean that the earth is millions of years old. All it means is that God knew everything before it ever happened which makes sense because he is God.

    • @dmaxwell910901
      @dmaxwell910901 14 дней назад

      How do you know it was God who wrote that scripture?

  • @tomaims
    @tomaims 2 года назад +43

    I have been following you as speaker and religious philosopher for the last ,8 or 9 months. Your energy is invigorating. I was born a Catholic and over my 70 years on earth I was not oriented to .any type of formal religion.
    When my 3 children were small my wife attended Quaker meeting. 2 of our 3 children attended a quacker primary school.
    We tried a few other types of religions- Episcopalian, and some other new age type christian churches. As our children aged my oldest daughter became a self processed catholic- we supported her, "until' she lost feeling for the catholic church. My son had a very high "IQ"and passed on religion. He was spiritual not quite an atheist. I wish I had your thoughts when sit in then!- for both of them.
    My youngest daughter has a private connection. She witness her boy shot and killed. Her mother passed away during the COVID social collapse, but not of COVID. As she was in long ye care we could not be with het. Recently her brother, my son died from a medical mismanagement
    Hence she keeps her faith personal., I respect that.
    I am disabled and live in my oldest daughter basement, I have exhausted all my money caring for my wife, who'd serious health ossues. Caring for her was ok by me.(In sickness and heath). I took my marriage very seriously I deeply loved my wife.anf my children.
    I am glad I found your site for your talks, thoughts and religious Commentary. I will be in touch again.
    Finally I do want to
    thank you for the wealth of knowledge. At night before putting my grand children to bed I read or play some of your biblical presentations
    I am slowly educating them about religion, morals and Jesus Christ. Again thank you and your staff for you quality work.

    • @socmin030
      @socmin030 Год назад +4

      Thank you for your wonderful testimony brother 🙏🏼 May God, our Lord Jesus, bless you.

    • @BrianJonesOneClearChoice
      @BrianJonesOneClearChoice Год назад +1

      Thomas Have you taken the steps to be forgiven? See Jesus died on the cross for our sins and it's a free gift all we have to do is ask for forgiveness and turn form our sinful life. If you have great If not I would be happy to walk you through it. Jesus is my savior and Lord! What Quaker church did you go to, I grew up in a Quaker church in Ohio ? Where are you attending today?

    • @karakuri100p
      @karakuri100p Год назад

      @@JonathanMurrayhistory, philosophy and even science proof Christianity to be true.
      It takes more logical leaps to believe in evolution, naturalism /purely naturalistic reality, than to seek out the evidence we base our belief (conviction of the truth aka evidence) on. We don’t have blind faith, we test claims made…
      Funny thing is the guy who came up with the scientific method was an christian and used the method to proof that science can only work in a world with set parameters/rules/laws.
      Laws are written/given/created by something else than the laws themselves…
      Who wrote the laws of nature?
      Cannot be a something cause a thing doesn’t have a will to do anything.
      Only someone , a person has.
      And that person is beyond the laws of nature cause it is the writer of them…
      Time/space how they are connected yet different are a working construction as well and again they are part of creation too (yet intangible).
      So the writer ain’t governed by those laws either…
      Who is this writer?
      Bless you brother in humanity

    • @mZaoa
      @mZaoa Год назад

      ​@@JonathanMurray What mental illness are you talking about? Please do explain.

    • @ds.nedsong
      @ds.nedsong Год назад +1

      ​@@JonathanMurrayDid you miss reading the community guidelines? You must have bc they said to keep all comments respectful and your comment was shameful ...

  • @roundhouserenovations3072
    @roundhouserenovations3072 Год назад +42

    It just so happens I was reading 1st Corinthians last night and I realized something it says that God chose the simple to confound the wise and that wise people rarely ever see the value in what God is doing the reason is because their mind is focused on what they see in front of them what their flesh cares to gain. It is those of us who have a tear in thier eye while watching all of this go down that god is coming for so find a tear in your own eye so you can see the flood coming only this time its on fire.

    • @cjunpro_official5054
      @cjunpro_official5054 Год назад +3

      1 Timothy says that Bodily Exersices profits us little, but godliness profiteth us much.. Thats why being led by the spirit is more benificial than being lead by man.. God bless us all..

    • @Gary-fq8cx
      @Gary-fq8cx Год назад +3

      😂😂😂😂 What confounds the wise is you claim a god exists that used magic to create our homeworld. Magic isnt real and planets are created thru natural causes. 🤪

    • @coffeetalk924
      @coffeetalk924 Год назад +3

      Right, the wise are so confused! They somehow just don't buy all the miracles and magical fairytale claims in our imaginary sky wizard book. Imagine that? 🙄

    • @skither4305
      @skither4305 Год назад +1

      God bless you and capitalize the G in God, I’ll be praying for you ❤️

    • @alwilson3204
      @alwilson3204 Год назад

      @@coffeetalk924 The fool in his shallow little abscessed heart...

  • @lawneymalbrough4309
    @lawneymalbrough4309 Год назад +8

    I've been considering science my whole life. So far your science is the one that's holding water.

    • @markpetten9777
      @markpetten9777 Год назад +6

      I think you should either reconsider science or you don’t know what science actually is if this rings true with you.

    • @ianlowery6014
      @ianlowery6014 Год назад

      It is called moronic pseudo-science.

    • @coffeetalk924
      @coffeetalk924 Год назад +4

      Perhaps you should reconsider 😁

    • @justinstewart3248
      @justinstewart3248 Год назад +5

      This isn’t science. At all. It’s simply him coming from a presupposed world view and trying to make what he sees fit with it. That’s the opposite of science.

    • @Fordry
      @Fordry Год назад +1

      ​@@justinstewart3248which explains how we have the entire world clinging to radiometric dating shouting from the mountain tops that it's real and true and solid and yet it's validity false far short of the gold standard of the scientific method.

  • @ezekielfenstermaker6435
    @ezekielfenstermaker6435 Год назад +11

    Love this message! Every Christian must see this.

    • @jasonpenn5476
      @jasonpenn5476 Год назад +2

      Really? If someone comes up to you and says "The sky is green" and 2 minutes later says "The sky is red", then you would stop believing them, right? So why aren't you doing the same to this YEC BS? They are taking their only evidence from Genesis, a book that is loaded to the brim with inaccuracies and contradictions!

    • @ezekielfenstermaker6435
      @ezekielfenstermaker6435 Год назад

      What are some of the contradictions?

    • @billb3673
      @billb3673 10 месяцев назад

      Totally false teaching. God's word declares that the earth is millions upon millions of years old in many places.
      II Peter 3:5-7 is just one. We are told in Genesis 1:28 that God told his creation of man to REPLENISH the earth. There are THREE earth and heaven ages.

  • @gospeltrax2513
    @gospeltrax2513 Год назад +11

    As Dr. Snelling quoted from the New Testament: Jesus said - "From the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female". [Mark 10:6] We all need to accept the Words of our Lord Jesus. He is telling us that Creation happened only 6000 years ago. Jesus linked 'The beginning of Creation' with 'Adam and Eve'. Adam and Eve were created 6000 years ago.

    • @BrianJonesOneClearChoice
      @BrianJonesOneClearChoice Год назад

      Brother I agree about 6,000 years ago give or take a few hundred years. It does not say anywhere in the Bible that the earth is 6,000 years old standing on that and putting words in your Lords mouth is not a good thing to to! if you were to change your statement to Estimated 6,000 years you would be better off yet never say Jesus said it is 6,000 years old because He never said that and leads to your testimony being pulled apart! Love you Brother Blessing to you!

    • @BrianJonesOneClearChoice
      @BrianJonesOneClearChoice Год назад

      @@norbertjendruschj9121 So that is what you want to believe with all the evidence I wish you well. Why do you choose to be a heckler on this site if you do not question your beliefs?

    • @BrianJonesOneClearChoice
      @BrianJonesOneClearChoice Год назад

      @@norbertjendruschj9121 Where have you been it's the Christians that show up at earth quakes, Wars, natural disasters it's Christian organization that help people build wells for fresh clean water when they don't have any. name me one ethicistic organization that helps people in time of need. Just one my friend? As for liars well you haven't proved Christians to be liars so that is mute. If you have substance tell us all. By the way congratulations on your education. That should make you want to prove or disprove what has been shown and stated. Anyone can hackle others that does not prove anything.

    • @bikesrcool_1958
      @bikesrcool_1958 Год назад

      @@norbertjendruschj9121 praying for you

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Год назад +1

      What evidence? There is mountains of evidence for a 4.5 billion year old Earth.

  • @KelleyNealMobbs
    @KelleyNealMobbs 4 месяца назад +2

    Can God perform a 6 day creation 6000 years ago ? Does that obey the laws of physics? I'd bet the sun standing still on one day, turning the Nile to blood, turning water into wine, a floating axe head, walking on water, etc doesn't obey any laws of physics either. We either believe the authority of scripture or modern experimental science. Science is always changing. Scripture has always been a reliable constant.

  • @UnBreakAble1111
    @UnBreakAble1111 Год назад +3

    What I've found does not contribute to the consistency of this absolute possibility is the scripture in 1 Peter 3:8 that reads that a day is as a thousand years to God. I'm willing and flexible to whatever possibility. There is nothing man can say or claim that will or has the ability to discount the truth about God's creation regardless of the time it took. Praise God.

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Год назад

      Which god? SO many to choose from. If there was a god you think that being would make it idiot proof as to which is the real one.

    • @lisajaenicke6203
      @lisajaenicke6203 Год назад +1

      Job 38-40

  • @Nanobot_Swarm
    @Nanobot_Swarm 11 месяцев назад +4

    Ah, i see we are trusting, a 2000 yr old book, over modern scientific method. Nice one aig.

    • @Nanobot_Swarm
      @Nanobot_Swarm 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@mash9809 if xmyou will make such claims, be prepared to defend them.

    • @TheSaintFrenzy
      @TheSaintFrenzy 6 месяцев назад +2

      Ironic that the evolutionary narrative falls outside the scientific method isn't it?

    • @Nanobot_Swarm
      @Nanobot_Swarm 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@TheSaintFrenzy we have direct observations for evolution. To name a few:
      Salt and Pepper Moths, Chernobyl tree frogs, SuperBugs (antibiotic resistant bacteria) and many more if you use the handy device, that literally contains all human knowladge.

    • @grawss
      @grawss 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Nanobot_Swarm I can gain alcohol resistance by drinking alcohol. Evolution!

    • @Nanobot_Swarm
      @Nanobot_Swarm 2 месяца назад

      @@grawss what?

  • @rebeccarixdesigns3128
    @rebeccarixdesigns3128 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much for doing what you’re doing with this ministry. People need to hear this and as Christians, it’s important for us to be equipped with this information so we can defend our faith and proclaim the Lord Jesus as our Lord, our Savior and Creator!

  • @clint8u
    @clint8u 9 месяцев назад +5

    Jesus !!!! … the Son of God and my Lord and Savior !!

  • @imkongwapangimchen4513
    @imkongwapangimchen4513 5 месяцев назад +2

    Who on earth can tell how everything was formed? Except a supernatural being who is ever present since time immemorial can tell and have witnessed such an event.Let us not act more knowledgeable than the Bible. It's a book of life and everything revolves around it.

  • @nottalackey3587
    @nottalackey3587 Год назад +9

    I knew a scientific guy who did a Carbon dating test on his 7 year old daughter. She was 1019 years old. Haven 't believed in "science" since.

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад +4

      Wow, so one experiment done by one person destroyed all we learned about science. You sure are gullible.

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Год назад +3

      So.. you are ignorant about how any of this works, and so was that "scientific guy". You cant use radiometric dating on living organisms. It literally works by comparing the radio of different carbon isotopes, one of which decays, the others dont. While alife you take them in constantly and these ratios stay more or less constant.
      All dating methods have a range of age they are viable for. You wouldnt try using tree rings to date a 1 month old tree either, right?

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 Год назад +2

      @@Yamyatos what is the half life, of carbon....

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Год назад +3

      @@philipbuckley759 Ill expect this to be a catch question since you could have just google it, but it's 5730 years plus or minus a couple decades of accuracy. If we are talking about carbon 14 that is. If you are talking about, say, carbon 11, which we can produce in labs, its half life is just 20 minutes.

    • @lies_worth_believing
      @lies_worth_believing 4 месяца назад

      You're a liar!. Nobody who knows anything about science would do carbon dating on something still alive. You should stop lying now.

  • @lexus77459
    @lexus77459 Год назад +3

    God does not need a hammer to create a universe. He can simply speak it into being. Man cannot wrap his brain around it so most ignore it.

  • @jonatasmachado7217
    @jonatasmachado7217 Год назад +5

    I fully agree!

    • @billb3673
      @billb3673 10 месяцев назад

      God's word says that the earth is millions upon millions of years old. II Peter 3:5-7 is just one place in God's Word declaring it.

  • @NathanGaleotti
    @NathanGaleotti 3 месяца назад

    I am interested in more information about the claim that “Yom” only means a 24 hour period when attached to numbers or terms such as “morning,” “evening,” and “night.” Also, I have seen Hosea 6:2 being listed as a refutation to this claim. I recognize immediately that Hosea 6:2 is using the poetic formula N, N+1-in this case, 2 followed by 3 (“third”). Given the poetic structure, it makes sense that this exception would not undermine the claim that the language in Genesis clearly describes 24 hour days. However, it does appear to negate the claim that combining “Yom” with numbers always clearly means 24 hour days outside of Genesis 1. I am also looking for additional information about the claim I’ve seen elsewhere that Genesis 1:5 clearly states “one day” as opposed to “the first day.” It appears that the word “echad” can be used as an ordinal, so what evidence is there that it is not being used as an ordinal in Genesis 1:5, and therefore is defining what one day is?

  • @markdorsey7091
    @markdorsey7091 Год назад +1

    Stars are thousands of light years away from the earth. What we see base upon the distance of a star, those stars would have been there before the earth was created. However, if we see Genesis 1:1 as the starting point, those stars fit within that timeline.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 Год назад

      you have to look at the way the Creationists answer this issue, and then make questions...

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад +1

      Stars are all sorts of distances from earth, from 4 light years to millions upon millions. Nothing fits with any biblical story.

  • @user-vn8so9rf3d
    @user-vn8so9rf3d 11 месяцев назад +2

    So from a geologist, can I get an answer on impact craters. Earth created on day 1, but when are the asteroid impact craters in this timeline. The Bible mentions the Flood in detail, but there are no writings on these other massive events. There are recent discoveries of the Theia impact remnants and the creation of Moon. Why is this event not mentioned? Then the common examples of Chicxulub and Vredfort impact craters. There are many more, including the very weathered Deniliquin structure. The heat added to our planet in just one day with all these impacts must be explained.
    Why aren't these global catastrophes mentioned in the Bible when each would have caused a supersonic global tsunami of ash and rock and a global winter that would have wiped out Photosynthesis and vegetation food stocks for years.
    Or then, why did God, who never lies, create the Earth with so many obvious impact craters in the geological record, but these impacts never actually happened...
    Then in astronomy, gravitation waves from a supernova were recently detected using newly developed detection methods. These arrived simultaneously with the light, revealing our first real indication that gravitational effects also travel at C. But under YEC, this supernova must then have occurred before Day 1, so it never happened... So why does my God, who never lies, create light in transit of an event that never happened?
    55.25 Use of Carbon dating for coal deposits - A simple Google search shows Carbon Dating cannot be used for determining the age of coal seams... Please is this true?
    56.14 Can't contaminate Diamonds? Yes, contaminated Diamonds are quite common and have industrial uses. And again, Google search shows Diamonds are not Carbon dated... You mention this, but you still have MYs.
    Then if you accelerate the radioactive decay of planetary rock, where does this heat go? Not mentioned in your talk and need something please to explain this.
    The sales pitch at the end and all the shouting make the presentation hard to handle.

    • @Ranger_Steve
      @Ranger_Steve 6 месяцев назад

      Truth I’m not entirely sure what to believe, there honestly evidence for both sides. And it’s entirely possible God created everything in its present state or at least similar. God created Adam and Eve fully grown adult who’s to say he didn’t create the universe with the appearance of age. Part of me also believes this is an irrelevant distraction to what really matters and that’s the fullness of God’s word, the wisdom he offers, and the Gospel. What really truly matters is believing and putting you faith in Jesus, surrendering, following. What’s important enough is know the fundamentals about creation. God made every thing according to their kind, no matter how old the universe is, it still stand that Hod made everything, can’t have something from nothing, and the complexity of creation no doubt is proof of God. The code of life: DNA is the best proof of intelligent design. Computers don’t code themselves, we humans do.

    • @user-vn8so9rf3d
      @user-vn8so9rf3d 6 месяцев назад

      @@Ranger_Steve Yes, but a short creation timeframe requires that God created the evidence for massive events like colliding stars and asteroid impacts on Earth and the Moon, but none of these events ever actually happened. Why?

  • @paradigmbuster
    @paradigmbuster Год назад +2

    There is a difference between creating (form from nothing) and making (transforming for service).
    I contend that all celestial bodies, stars, planets and moons were created in the beginning. After the earth was created, a mist caused the earth to be entirely covered with deep water. So deep that the surface of the earth was dark (darkness was on the face of the deep). Here the pre-existing sun did not light the surface of the earth. I contend that the six days is the "making", transforming it for service. The smooth ocean covered earth was transformed into an earth with continents and oceans, probably by an increase in diameter causing the continental crust to split apart. The first day is when the water was shallow enough over the continents for the sun to break through.

    • @joedee1863
      @joedee1863 Год назад

      Paradigmbuster - good contention 👍 I like it . . Makes sense

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Год назад

      Don't read much, do you?

  • @ZeldaCDI99
    @ZeldaCDI99 9 месяцев назад +3

    The earth is 4billion years old

  • @workatthefab
    @workatthefab Год назад +1

    Wow that nobel prize must be on its way,probably arriving any day now

    • @beestoe993
      @beestoe993 Год назад

      Nobel prize is about as meaningful as Hitler being man of the year on the cover of Time.

  • @jakgodfrey9281
    @jakgodfrey9281 10 месяцев назад +1

    Problems faced are about what you already believe as in an atheist and a science driven belief system is your worldview you just will not accept biblical explanation for anything. Same as a bible believer will not accept anything other than creation. It's a worldview issue and how you interpret any data and proofs. Science has brilliantly described alot in the universe but cannot answer the real and difficult questions. We should not hate on one or the other and ridicule each other for our thoughts and beliefs we could be using both to explain the whole picture (doubt that will happen though) until you have proof and faith in the data analysis then you cannot answer the questions. We can't theorise and use just that as an explanation. I believe in creation and jesus is our lord and saviour just my opinion on the evidence I've seen and heard after a life of being an atheist for 32 years I'm now a follower of christ for 5 years now. The lord is amazing I love jesus and what was done for us all and I also love science and it's ways of explaining things around us it shows how truly wonderful and powerful our creator is. Love to you all ❤

  • @joeosp1689
    @joeosp1689 Год назад +5

    There is a stage play/book entitled, Axis of Beginning that addresses the Big Bang, the starlight problem and other scientific theories that lines up with Biblical creation.

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Год назад +3

      Nothing lines up with biblical creation.

    • @kathleennorton7913
      @kathleennorton7913 Год назад +2

      ​@@JB-yb4wnExcept truth, which is apparently foreign to you.

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Год назад

      And what truth is that, Kathleen? That the Earth was created before the sun? That there is a firmament dome like structure covering the Earth? That there was a worldwide flood that every civilization at the time seemed to have missed? That I should buy slaves? Treat women like garbage? Commit mass murder in god's name? It's all there in the bible, along with murdering 42 children by bear mauling for calling someone "baldy". These are the truths you talking about?

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Год назад +1

      @@kathleennorton7913 How so? Pretty sure there is a lot of unscientific nonsense in the creation story, if you dont read it through rose-red glasses.

    • @kathleennorton7913
      @kathleennorton7913 Год назад

      @@Yamyatos God is not bound by the laws of science. He created them and is over them.
      You can't argue against God's existence with the idea that He is limited to the natural order as you understand it, for He is not.

  • @gregwilkin6565
    @gregwilkin6565 Год назад

    Thank you for sharing. :)

  • @lukehartman777
    @lukehartman777 25 дней назад

    The Lord wants His people to know that we don’t live on a spinning, water ball earth.
    This is a great stumbling block for new converts cuz it 💯 contradicts the Word.
    We’re His special creation, unlike what “earth science” says.
    which says we’re on a speck of dust in an ever expanding “universe”.
    It’s meant to make us feel ‘small & insignificant’ for easier control.
    I believe what God’s Word says about biblical cosmology.
    That we are the center of His creation.
    He sits on His throne directly above us searching to and fro throughout the ends of the earth to see who’s heart ♥️ is bent towards Him ❤️
    The sun, moon, and stars rotate above us on the ‘stationary circle ⭕️ Earth’.
    earth is Flat & Round like a quarter 🪙 with a Dome over top.
    Truth never fears investigation.
    The Lord wants us to worship Him in Spirit & Truth

  • @dnisey64
    @dnisey64 Год назад +1

    Thank you… Many was taught 1,000 years were as a day. All do not agree with “science” but as a quote from the Bible which could be misapplied

    • @hollybooth6946
      @hollybooth6946 Год назад

      In the same verse it also says that 1000 years is as a day! People like to pick and choose what they like out of the Bible and ignore everything else

    • @thorpeaaron1110
      @thorpeaaron1110 Год назад

      @@hollybooth6946 Genesis was never meant to be taken literally

  • @grumpyvet7670
    @grumpyvet7670 Год назад +1

    2 Peter 3:8 states that a thousand years is like a day in God's eyes.
    So, wouldn't it make sense that there would have been 5-6 thousand years before God created Adam?
    With that thought, it seems like earth would be 10-11 thousand years old.

    • @uphoryia1283
      @uphoryia1283 Год назад +1

      God lives outside of time and that is why God sees one day as a thousand years.

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp Год назад +1

      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day.
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      The context has nothing to do with explaining what a day is, it's about God not being bound by time. You still have to understand what a day means to understand what a 1000 years mean. It's your silly attempt to avoid the obvious meaning of what a day means.

    • @ZeldaCDI99
      @ZeldaCDI99 9 месяцев назад

      The earth is 4 billion years old

  • @manuaiipondraken8376
    @manuaiipondraken8376 Год назад +2

    Before Day 1, the universe was created including the sun, moon and the earth. And the earth was Formless and cover with water and. Darkness. How long was the earth in this state before Day 1, no one knows. The bible doesn't say.

  • @thomasbritt5265
    @thomasbritt5265 Год назад +6

    I paused the video at 57:10 after he was talking about diamonds. There are said to be scientists who can make diamonds in a lab today. I wonder how they calculate the age of those man made lab diamonds.

    • @alwilson3204
      @alwilson3204 Год назад +1

      Will keep that in mind; would be nice if it was free online!

    • @Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n
      @Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n Год назад +4

      They can definitely make diamonds in the lab. You can't tell the difference so these man made diamonds have a code etched on them so when a jeweller looks at them he knows they are man made.
      P.S. They can also make anthracite coal in the lab, but it's more expensive than getting out of the ground. They have also made coal outside placing wood underground and using pressure. It took 9 months.

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Год назад +1

      Gee Norma, my wife is a gemmologist, and I can tell you that it is dead easy to tell the difference between natural and lab diamonds. The natural diamonds have inclusions, impurities like nitrogen and boron that give natural diamonds a tint, you just need a decent stereo microscope, that is all. The FTC does not require diamonds to have a code etched on them Sec. 6, 5, 38 Stat. 721, 719; 15 U.S.C. 46, 45 but they require dealers to not sell lab diamonds as natural diamonds. Canadian diamonds are etched to differentiate them from conflict diamonds, so they may be purchased with the knowledge of where they came from and that children were not exploited in the mining of Canadian diamonds. Has nothing to do with lab diamonds at all.
      As to making coal, so what? It was made in a lab simulating thousands and thousands of years of a natural process. The process for making lab coal with sophisticated machinery doesn't exist in a natural environment. Or do you not know this?

    • @Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n
      @Ariella-mx3xq4cw6n Год назад

      ​@@JB-yb4wnDon't you know, about the scientists who made coal in 9 months out side. Dr Grady McMurtry. Coal in lab in 3 days they are that good?
      As for diamonds when they first became viable as jewelry the science programmes were certainly saying this was worry. Maybe your wife is too young to remember. They said they would put codes for the safety of Joe public, Oh dear they don't?.
      Scientist know the earth is young. They won't admitted because of their religious faith in evolution, faith only, no science. They also know carbon 14, radiometric dating, dendrology and any other dating methods you can think of don't work. Scientist have known since the 70s C14 doesn't work
      There are 2 types of science
      1) Knowledge of the present based observation. 5 senses. testing.
      2) Knowledge in the past is historical science we weren't there.
      Present we can see
      Past we cannot see.
      Have you heard of the hamasaurus or the fedorasaurus both modern day fossils. Fossilised ham and fedora. Also a bell found in rocks supposedly millions of years old. How about poly-straight fossils going through so called millions of years of rock. Dinosaurs that still have pliable skin and Red Cells, impossible for them to be millions of years old. Dr Mary Schweitzer first discovered it.
      PS Man can make better diamonds?

    • @davidgardner863
      @davidgardner863 Год назад

      C14 dating only works on something that was once alive. Diamonds were never alive. Coal can be contaminated by organic material seeping into the ground. Tho so-called dinosaur tissue does not contain any DNA. Snelling is feeding you BS and he knows it. I would like to see him debate a real geologist. He would get torn apart.

  • @gospeltrax2513
    @gospeltrax2513 Год назад

    Let all the earth fear the LORD [YHVH]: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast. [Psalm 33:8-9] The Bible reveals an instantaneous Creation, where God "spoke and it was done". It did not require long periods of time (according to the Bible). Add to this that Jesus held to a literal interpretation of Creation: But from the beginning of the Creation God made them male and female. [Mark 10:6, Gen 1:27] We see a link between "the beginning of the Creation" and the sixth day when "God made Adam and Eve". So from purely a Scriptural perspective, there is no room whatsoever for the theory of evolution or the need for millions of years in order to produce Creation. All Bible-believing Christians must accept this Biblical doctrine of a literal 6 days of Creation and the seventh day was set aside as "the Day of the LORD" or "the LORD's Day" (the Sabbath Day) which we are commanded to "Remember the Sabbath Day" in the Ten Commandments [Ex 20:8] to "keep it Holy". In the New Testament, we are still instructed to "keep the commandments". See [1 John 2:4, 1 John 5:3, John 14:15, Luke 6:46, 1John 3:4, John 8:11, Matt 5:48, Matt 22:36-38, Mark 12:28-30, Luke 10:25-27, 2 Peter 3:16-17, Rev 12:17, Rev 14:12] and there are many more examples.

  • @paradigmbuster
    @paradigmbuster Год назад

    Since the materials in the earth pre-dated the first day, then isotope ratios don't create stumbling blocks regarding the 6000 year old earth. This is because the 6000 years begin the first day instead of the "beginning". The beginning of life is not the beginning of the creation, but the day they were created.

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Год назад +1

      Ah. So god created the universe, waited some 13 billion years, then made the planet and created life.. and everything else that tells us this is impossible is simply wrong. Such as no genetic bottlenecks existing, or the fact that there is individual organisms like trees and sponges older than that amount of time.

    • @paradigmbuster
      @paradigmbuster Год назад

      @Yamyatos If you have a tree that's 4000 years old a previous generation tree would be decomposed so one cannot compare ring widths to get 2 generations of trees. If you date a sponge by the rock surrounding it the rock particulates would have age before forming the fossil. With carbon 14 leaching can occur so the original carbon cannot be dated. Since God made the celestial bodies to be observed then it reasonable God waited till the light reached the earth from the most distant stars before placing life on it.

  • @P10101G
    @P10101G 9 месяцев назад

    Even as a non christian, I new the millions/billions of years theory did not make sense. The rock layers clearly show a catastrophic young earth model.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад

      Agreed. Given the intercontinental scale of various layers containing fossils throughout the strata would tell me something big happened, and it happened quickly.

    • @lies_worth_believing
      @lies_worth_believing 4 месяца назад

      complete bollocks. There is precisely zero evidence in the fossil record or elsewhere for a young Earth.

  • @felsenHome
    @felsenHome Год назад +1

    Verse 1 and 2 of Genesis are not within the 6 days of creation.

  • @danielswartz6818
    @danielswartz6818 4 месяца назад +1

    It’s not a normal day. The sun, moon, did not exist until the 4th day, So they are out means of telling time. Concider that there’s no way to tell time for almost 4 days. Did you ever read Genesis??! You are. Saying what you believe not what the Bible says.

    • @shaneamundson1192
      @shaneamundson1192 3 месяца назад

      It's obvious that God's references to days, before he created the sun and moon, were used to relate the measurement of time to how we have measured it since day 4 of the creation.

  • @captain7290
    @captain7290 Год назад +5

    I hear everything you are saying however,
    WHAT HAPPENED to the Seventh day Sabbath !?!?
    When I got fed up with the "teachings" of false teachers. So I started looking for people like you and a few others. The one thing that JUMPED out for me was the ORIGINAL 10 commandments. I never realized that the catholic church had presumed to change them.
    PLEASE, you nice folks that are doing the "Young Earth" series. Look a little deeper, come to this truth that is TOTALLY biblical AND necessary to please Gon. NOT with works but with TRUTH.

    • @beestoe993
      @beestoe993 Год назад

      Do you still practice blood sacrifice as well? Of course not, why is that? The reason God fearing people today no longer practice blood sacrifice is because that was the old Covenant. The same reason that God has suffered that the temple of Jerusalem has been destroyed for 2000 years. He no longer requires it, because the holy spirit is with us now. Jesus promised that. We are under a new Covenant with Jesus, the New Testament, the answer to your question is there. The atonement changed many things.

  • @Dargorthverse
    @Dargorthverse Год назад

    I'm surprised there even is any interpretation to Creation. But then again there are many people who take verses and twist them to what they want to believe as opposed to what is written.

  • @yahdahjames6462
    @yahdahjames6462 Год назад +1

    How long is a 'generation'? 20 years? 40 years? More years? Psalm 105:8 says
    He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations. Is that 20 thousand years? 40 thousand years? More? If you believe what Jesus said, you know there are no further 'generations' in heaven because there's no male and female nor anyone given in marriage. So in this verse, God has to be talking about generations while mankind is here on earth. 6000 years is simply not long enough thus far for a thousand generations to exist . . . and if you truly believe and preach that Jesus will return soon, there will NEVER be enough years for a thousand generations. It clearly says, ". . a word which he COMMANDED to a thousand generations." Do you believe the Bible is the literal and true Word of God? Or, is it just full of metaphors when it's convenient for your 'doctrine? Well, Deuteronomy 7:9 says,
    "Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;" That would require many, many thousands of more years from now if, in fact, the earth is only 6000 years old right now. Not 150 generations. Not 300 generations. A THOUSAND GENERATIONS. Period! That means either many thousands of years already in the past . . . or else many thousands of years into the future. You must choose one or the other. So, your video just proved either Jesus will certainly not be returning very 'soon', or the Bible is simply wrong . . . or otherwise that God is a liar. Take your pick! I choose to believe the earth is much, much older than 6000 years, and we're living in the last days now.

    • @The-DO
      @The-DO 7 месяцев назад +1

      Interesting. Well done

  • @robertbarnard7015
    @robertbarnard7015 11 месяцев назад

    Am I correct or not. The Bible says that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Does not say how long that took. The first day was when he created light. So to say that everything was created in 6 days is not quite correct in my opinion. The earth and heaven was created before day one. Genesis 1.

  • @joedee1863
    @joedee1863 Год назад

    A creative day in Bible terms cannot be a 24 hour day (yom) because the evening and morning of the seventh day has not occured therefore each creative day must be at least 7,000 years

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад +1

      God rested on the 7th day, blessed it, sanctified it, and says why. I got that from the bible all about the 7th day that you say didn't occur.

  • @deguilhemcorinne418
    @deguilhemcorinne418 Год назад

    if in the Words of God, or in the words of someone called to play the role of a prophet, something is said which cannot be understood literally, there is no doubt that it must be taken as spoken figuratively in order to point to something else.

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад

      In other words, when you read mythology, you can interpret it any way you like.

    • @deguilhemcorinne418
      @deguilhemcorinne418 Год назад

      @@stevepierce6467 Exactly. And I was quoting St Augustine.

  • @valeriehiginbotham5338
    @valeriehiginbotham5338 Год назад +4

    Ever ask yourself why there is no "And there was evening and there was morning," on the seventh day. Also, how did Adam name all the animals and then become lonely in one day?

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp Год назад +1

      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day.
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.

    • @midnitglory
      @midnitglory Год назад +2

      ​@Michael-pn5lp um...you do know the Bible says no one except for the father knows the day...or maybe you're just trolling 😮

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp Год назад +1

      @@midnitglory what day ? ! Read again carefully.

    • @joycesmith1806
      @joycesmith1806 11 месяцев назад

      As I read the comments I have 2 beloved dogs by my side and a beloved cat. They are wonderful company, but they are not conversant nor are they truly able to fulfill my human needs for companionship. I have been home from work a couple of hours as I write this and I would enjoy a conversation with my own species.

    • @The-DO
      @The-DO 7 месяцев назад

      Another question for YEC is: "Why was Adam in a hurry to name all the animals in one day?"

  • @lawneymalbrough4309
    @lawneymalbrough4309 Год назад +6

    There's no paradox. They are simply lying.

    • @BrianJonesOneClearChoice
      @BrianJonesOneClearChoice Год назад

      Lawney lying? Really So what are they lying about? Can you tell me what you believe, your theory of the beginning, the first "cause" that brought about the effect? I would love to hear your side.

    • @JonathanMurray
      @JonathanMurray Год назад

      Is it possible that you're actually this stupid?

    • @jamesdavis8937
      @jamesdavis8937 4 месяца назад +1


  • @pdm4pdm4
    @pdm4pdm4 Год назад +1

    A young , fixed, immovable earth.

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Год назад +4

      Dont forget flat. And hollow.

    • @stevepierce6467
      @stevepierce6467 Год назад +2

      Where can we find this weird planet?

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@Yamyatos Where does it say it's flat and hollow?

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos 7 месяцев назад

      @@Hydroverse It was a joke. Earth is as little flat and hollow as it is fixed, immovable or young.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад

      @@Yamyatos I gathered you're making a joke. Just wondering where exactly you got the idea of it being flat and hollow from.

  • @Martin_Daniel
    @Martin_Daniel Год назад +1

    Not even the Pope believes in a young Earth.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 Год назад

      this pope does not hold to Catholic doctrine....

    • @priscillajervey8345
      @priscillajervey8345 Год назад

      Who cares what the Pope believes, althought he may believe himself a God-man, it don't mattter a bit. The Catholic church is full of pagan doctrines and have blood all over their hands. Study your Christian history! I'd like to buy the Pope for what he is worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth.

  • @DongShing
    @DongShing Год назад +7

    So sad some people can’t escape this way of thinking. Grew up in this cult

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад +1

      What cult is that?

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Год назад

      The stupid cult that has zero understanding about how the laws of thermodynamics applies to a closed system.

    • @beestoe993
      @beestoe993 Год назад

      The Darwinian cult is worse than sad, it is pathetic.

    • @ZeldaCDI99
      @ZeldaCDI99 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@2fast2blockyoung earth creationism

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block 9 месяцев назад

      @@ZeldaCDI99 The 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, energy can only change forms, energy creation/destruction can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. Creation had to be done supernaturally at some point. Now you tell me how creation happened naturally, with science.

  • @billb3673
    @billb3673 10 месяцев назад

    Genesis 1:28- BE fruitful, multiply, and REPLENISH the earth.
    Isaiah 45:18- "God Himself That formed the earth and made it; He hath established it. HE CREATED IT NOT IN VAIN. HE FORMED IT TO BE INHABITED: I am the Lord;"
    Ephesians 1:4- "According as HE hath chosen us in Him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.5) Having PREDESTINED US unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself."
    Jeremiah 4:25- " I beheld, and, lo, there was No Man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. 26) I beheld, and, lo, THE FRUITFUL PLACE WAS A WILDERNESS, AND ALL OF THE CITIES THEREOF WERE BROKEN DOWN, at the presence of the LORD, and by His fierce anger. 27) For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet I will not make a full end."
    This earth is millions upon millions of years old and God's word declares it! When did Satan rebel from God? IN THE FIRST EARTH AND HEAVEN AGE- Ezekiel chapter 28.

  • @truthgiver8286
    @truthgiver8286 Год назад +3

    But the sun had already been around for millions of years before the earth was formed so your story seems to have gone wrong.

    • @ianmonk6211
      @ianmonk6211 4 месяца назад

      Sun was made on day four. Prove to us differently Were you there to see it millions of years ago? Do you know someone who was? What peer reviewed papers do you have to back up this non scientific claim? And if you have one was the author here millions of years ago to document it?
      You know you know no human lived millions of years ago

    • @truthgiver8286
      @truthgiver8286 4 месяца назад

      @@ianmonk6211 The problem you have is that the leprechaun at the bottom of my garden created everything but he does not want the fame and so created god to take the credit so your god is just my leprechauns invention and does not really exist. The leprechaun told me lots of things he even told me the lottery numbers once.

    • @truthgiver8286
      @truthgiver8286 4 месяца назад

      @@ianmonk6211 I do know someone who was there and they assure me sun was formed long before the earth and not by some creature you call god.

    • @ianmonk6211
      @ianmonk6211 4 месяца назад

      @@truthgiver8286 you know that's a lie. Even your own evolution experts tell you no people were around millions of years ago.

    • @ianmonk6211
      @ianmonk6211 4 месяца назад

      @@truthgiver8286 creature means created being. God is not a created being. Satan however is. He is the father of lies and is behind every thought and actions behind denying the f
      Father and Son God head

  • @LairdKenneth
    @LairdKenneth Год назад

    It was stated that things were instantaneous, but by my reading of scripture, this stuff took all day😅

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      No, it says they were done on that day.

    • @Fordry
      @Fordry Год назад


    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      @@Fordry meaning what? Can you just speak?

    • @Fordry
      @Fordry Год назад

      @@2fast2block It's a joke. "Took all day..." That wasn't a serious comment.

    • @aeronblitz9347
      @aeronblitz9347 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@2fast2blockit was a joke saying that GOD took full 24 hour days to create rather than instantaneous

  • @cartercrankinstein82b46
    @cartercrankinstein82b46 11 месяцев назад +1

    😂😂😂😂😂 so we’re supposed to believe in this book of magical tales over actual research and proven evidence through science. Yea ok.

  • @allanlee9520
    @allanlee9520 Год назад

    The first law of thermodynamics is that matter and energy cannot be created and are inseparable indefinitely. This negates the belief of a creator/ designer deity. The universe did not need creation, it is and was always infinite, like matter and energy, it is of itself so.
    Real truth can withstand any harsh investigative questioning because it can be factually proven if it indeed is a fact. And real facts can be shown to be true over and over many times. There is no requirement for beliefs to support it

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад

      That's a fair point, but then the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics eventually conflicts with the first law because it states that the total available energy is being depleted.
      To get what we have today requires one compromises one of those two laws. To do so requires something beyond what's natural. This is where people get the idea that it must be supernatural.

    • @allanlee9520
      @allanlee9520 7 месяцев назад

      @@Hydroverse not depleted just being used to which it cycles back into. Energy cycles as it expands, which is the universe and everything within it and of it. Planets form over eons of time and eventually go supernova only to have newer planets reform over eons of time, several million years or more, and the flowers and plants that die in the fall come back in the spring. Everything is energy and it cannot be destroyed nor created, it only cycles. The first and second laws are compatible with each other, not conflicting. Restudy that. Research it further, but not with misinterpreted apologetic and religious biases. Not saying that you I'm just saying there is a lot of misinformation out there. So be careful

    • @allanlee9520
      @allanlee9520 7 месяцев назад

      @@Hydroverse not being depleted just used until it goes back into. Energy cycles and everything is energy, everything, it cannot be destroyed nor created it only cycles as it expands. The first and second laws complete each as one ends and the other begins and so on. Planets go supernova and new ones reform over eons of time, flowers that die in the fall grow back in the spring. Cycles. Research this further without any apologetic religion twisted biases of misinformation. Not saying that you are just there's a lot of misinterpreted misinformation out there. Try quantum mechanics application studies.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад

      @@allanlee9520 Interesting thought I guess. However, planets don't go supernova. Stars go supernova.

    • @allanlee9520
      @allanlee9520 7 месяцев назад

      @@Hydroverse like the sun. What we see as points of light called stars is the light from galaxies. Our Milky Way from millions of light years would look like a star. And is a star. Our Sun ( what I mean by planet) will eventually go supernova.

  • @freedomtracksrecords4452
    @freedomtracksrecords4452 Год назад

    According to Genesis, God separated the light from the darkness and called the light "day" and the darkness he called "night". This was before the sun is mentioned on the 4th "day", so how is this a 24hr day? And in Genesis 2:4, it says "This is the generations" of when the heavens and earth were created. How is it that "generations" equals 6 24hr days?
    And unlike these folks pretend, the Hebrew word "yom", translated as "day" in Genesis, also means a lengthy period of time in the book of Daniel and it also means time itself in the same book of Genesis. So, who are any of us to arbitrarily insist these were 24hr days, when the Hebrew word "yom" doesn't necessarily mean a 24hr day?

    • @mrastin821
      @mrastin821 Год назад

      If only the book had been dictated and written by someone with perfect knowledge who could know the confusion these words and terms would cause, and who could then make sure to write everything clearly so there'd be no confusion. Especially since, from what I've been told, getting that book wrong because of confusion gets you put on the naughty list.

    • @freedomtracksrecords4452
      @freedomtracksrecords4452 Год назад

      @@mrastin821 According to the wise, God takes the wise in their own foolishness. Science cannot eliminate God and have any hope of being ultimately correct.

    • @freedomtracksrecords4452
      @freedomtracksrecords4452 Год назад

      @@mrastin821 God has perfect knowledge of how he created the universe. People do not have perfect knowledge of how God created the universe. Like Paul says and scientists agree, for now we understand "in part". Nobody except God knows everything.

    • @priscillajervey8345
      @priscillajervey8345 Год назад

      Then what does it mean???

    • @freedomtracksrecords4452
      @freedomtracksrecords4452 Год назад

      @@priscillajervey8345 The word translated day in Genesis is "yom". Like many English words, many Hebrew and Greek words also have multiple meanings. Yom has several meanings, including day, time itself and a lengthy period of time. It is used in all three ways in the Old Testament. Thus, the idea that the earth was created in six days is no more valid than saying it was created in 6 lengthy periods of time. Especially, since the sun isn't mentioned until the 4th yom.

  • @ComedyPaul
    @ComedyPaul Год назад +1

    god stretches out the heavens this is why the scientists can not explain why it is picking up speed also after nearly 6000 years the heavens look like 14 billion years old they cant tell how fast it was in the ancient past

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Год назад

      You are stupid and ignorant. How about you google up stuff first then you wouldn't say such inane things.

  • @petertimings8464
    @petertimings8464 Год назад

    The Hebrew word day , yohm means a period of time this is proven by the way we use the word day.
    For example in my grandfathers day we don’t mean 24 hours but his lifetime which could have been 50 60 70 80 years. So it’s wrong to conclude that the days of Genesis are 24 hours.
    God rested on the 7th day so how long is the 7th day. We can determine how long the 7th day is by using Gods word. After all Paul said at 2 Tim 3:16 that all scripture is inspired of god. At psalm 95:11 we read “ God swore in his anger that they would not enter his rest. This scripture was written 2500 years after God said he rested on the 7th day.
    Hebrews 4:11 says “Let us do our utmost to enter into that rest. This means that up to this point the 7th day is about 4000 years old. The 7th day has not yet ended.
    Genesis 1v1 says that in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth. No one knows when that was but in view of how long the 7th day is the earth could easily be millions is years old. Read 2 Peter 3:8

    • @The-DO
      @The-DO 7 месяцев назад

      YEC is a cult, they couldn't care less about your arguments
      Btw, Chicago Statement classified YEC as bad hermeneutics. So I agree with you 100%

  • @geofschwer1625
    @geofschwer1625 Год назад +4

    I don’t care what the Bible says about the creation of the earth. Science has taught me so much more about it than Christianity ever has.

    • @priscillajervey8345
      @priscillajervey8345 Год назад

      Is science always 100% correct? Do they never err? Who taught the earth was flat, who practiced blood letting for centuries? Why do the : brianeacts tell us one thing on TV about what we should not eat or drink and how much, . then 6 months later recapiulate....:well upon futh er investigation, we have reconsidered our original findings." Yeah right!!! You just keep telling yourself that science has all the answers,

    • @alohaisidro2939
      @alohaisidro2939 5 месяцев назад

      That you happened by chance, no plan, no purpose, no future vs you are priceless, created in the image of the Designer(God) with the purpose to help others and appreciate the wonder and beauty around you just as God has shown His love for you by creating you with a future of eternity with Him and unimaginable exploits of this awesome universe if you believe He exists.

  • @PortmanRd
    @PortmanRd Год назад

    I couldn't help but notice a comment from a member of your flock who said a day to the creator is a 1,000 years. So I thought well that's odd, because if that's the case then 6x1,000=6,000, and it's not 6 literal days. But if you add that to the age of the planet (6,000 years) then the planet now becomes 12,000 years old. 🤔

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp Год назад

      The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day.
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.

    • @PortmanRd
      @PortmanRd Год назад

      @@Michael-pn5lp So a thousand year day and not a literal day?

    • @hollybooth6946
      @hollybooth6946 Год назад +1

      A day is LIKE a thousand years, not that a day is literally 1000 years to God. It just means God is not bound by time like we are.
      The context of that verse is that people were mocking that Christ has not returned yet and the earth has been the same since the creation. But Peter says that God is not slow to fulfil His promise, but is patient. To us it seems like He is slow to fulfil His promise, but to God, since He is not bound by time, it has not been long at all.
      But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
      - 2 Peter 3:8-9

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp Год назад

      @@hollybooth6946 The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
      In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
      When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
      The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
      Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
      These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
      Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
      Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
      Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
      Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
      As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
      Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
      Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
      The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
      However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
      Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
      Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
      Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
      Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
      The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
      I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
      The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
      When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
      They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
      Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
      Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
      That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
      Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
      These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day.
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
      There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?

      Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !

      The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
      John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.

      Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.

    • @billb3673
      @billb3673 10 месяцев назад

      This is all bunk! God's word declares that the earth is millions upon millions of years old. II Peter 3:5-7 is just one place. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth PERIOD. It doesn't say when.

  • @georg7120
    @georg7120 Год назад

    The "young earth" idea is not supported by the bible, however, the bible is very unclear.
    In Genesis 1, God created everything in six days, on the seventh day he rested. Genesis 2 tells of a time when there was no man on the earth (and there was no man to work the ground). Whether this means that there were only women left or all humans were gone is not clear. So god created all living things again, now starting with Adam. The bible doesn't tell when this happened, it might have been on "day 8" or many million of years after the first creation. Creationists make the error to think that Adam was created on the seventh day, but it is also possible that he was created billions of years after that.

  • @Chris_Sheridan
    @Chris_Sheridan Год назад +3

    How long would it take Adam to study and observe the animals that God brought to him to name them?
    This study could take weeks, months and even years - evidently Adam would have spent considerable time studying the animals in order to name them appropriately .. before his wife, Eve was formed.
    Young earth creationists want to force time pressure into the early part of creation when it's not necessary - Adam had eternity in front of him - why the rush? His God-given assignment to spend time naming the vast variety of animals would have been enjoyable work - there was no rush to have a partner until God determined that "it is not good for the man to continue to be alone"
    It would be absurd to think that Adam had to name all the animals before the end of the 6th creative day, if it was indeed a literal 24hr day.
    Young earth creationists want to impose the hectic modern day passage of time into the Genesis account and in their imperfect reasoning they want to constrain the God of eternity into human thinking that there must be a rush to get things done. Nature does not squeeze the four seasons into 6 literal days - let that sink in.
    Adam did not have to meet his wife on the same day (24hrs) that he was created. Even in modern times, people will spend many years studying gaining an education, travelling and settling into a job or careers before meeting a partner and courting with a view to marriage.
    At the beginning of human history there was no necessity to rush into things - death was not awaiting Adam - he literally had been given all the time in the world.
    AIG need to re-think their priorities - instead of focusing backwards and getting stuck in Genesis, they should be focusing on the real 'gospel' (good news) that Jesus sent his disciples out to preach, namely the 'gospel' of the kingdom! - Matthew 24:14
    Mark 13:10
    Matthew 6:33
    Matthew 28:19 & 20
    Matthew 6:10
    Genuine Christians know what the Kingdom is and what it will do - Daniel 2:44
    AIG has lost the plot - they have lost the true bible message - they have lost their focus on what Jesus really taught.

    • @KC-fb8ql
      @KC-fb8ql Год назад +1

      I was in a church and a group had just returned from visiting Ken Ham’s Ark. A man was praying and said, “Thank you, Lord, for Dr Ham preaching the true gospel.” To many of those people, this IS the gospel.

    • @Chris_Sheridan
      @Chris_Sheridan Год назад

      @@KC-fb8ql .. the bible defines true Christianity - not the pleadings or false prayers of those who have been deceived.
      Many people do not read the bible - they have no concept of what the term 'gospel' even means - to them repeating religious terms makes them feel religious, yet they remain ignorant and uneducated when it comes to scriptural understanding.
      Catholics may use the term 'Catechism' which simply means to teach orally, yet many Catholics are not encouraged to study the bible for themselves and they certainly do not preach from house to house as did the early Christian congregations. Preaching the "good news" (gospel) as described in Matthew 24:14 is not part of the Catholic catechism' and neither is this an activity undertaken by any of the vast majority of churches in Christendom.
      Nowhere does the bible command modern day Christians to spend time and resources in building a replica ark - the account in Genesis is sufficient for the Christian reader to build faith - direct evidence is not necessary.
      Many people witnessed Jesus performing miracles, yet this alone did not move people to accept that Jesus was God's Son - even the Jewish religious leaders, the Pharisees - so-called guardians of the Hebrew scriptures, refused to accept Jesus' teaching. Despite what they saw with their own eyes, they accused Jesus of having a demon - they were reluctant to acknowledge the work of Almighty God through his Son.
      While Ken Ham's project might be interesting to some, there is no evidence that he is doing what Jesus directed his disciples to do, namely to preach the 'gospel' of the kingdom - NOT the ark; the ark is not a 'gospel' - that time is gone - even Noah did not preach about the ark, he went out and warned people of the coming judgement of the flood.
      Today's Christians look forward to God's kingdom - they pray for that kingdom to come, just as Jesus directed - Matthew 6:10
      Jesus gave the true focus for Christians - Matthew 6:33
      Jesus gave his disciples an assignment - to teach the "good news" and make more disciples from all the nations. - Matthew 28:19 & 20
      Ken Ham knows nothing about this and neither do any of his followers - the ark project does not direct people to preach about the coming Kingdom of God and there is no global structure under Ken Ham to teach people from the bible that helps them towards dedication and baptism.
      The ark project is basically a distraction from the real "good news" - it points backwards instead of forwards.
      Genuine Christians have been preaching about God's kingdom in the proper way - from house to house exactly as Jesus directed in the first century. - Acts 20:20
      Every genuine Christian is active in this work - 1 Timothy 4:16
      Note also 1 Corinthians 9:16
      Only Jehovah's Witnesses have a worldwide network of congregations that obediently follow Jesus' direction to teach bible truths and the real 'gospel' about the kingdom. Every month thousands become baptized and in turn go out to preach. - Romans 10:10
      Note also Romans 10:13-15

    • @BrianJonesOneClearChoice
      @BrianJonesOneClearChoice Год назад +2

      @@Chris_Sheridan I take it you are a Jehovah witness? If you were a true follower, you would not be criticizing the Ark. The ark has brought people the truth and has strengthened the church. If Jesus chooses to use an ark to bring a person to Him what is it to you to question that? In the Bible Jesus God the Son and God the Father, and the God the Holy Spirit used many things to bring people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ! I would hate to be in your shoes on judgment day! Remember many false teachers will come and try to undermined the faithful ! Jehovah witnesses are just one group!

    • @BrianJonesOneClearChoice
      @BrianJonesOneClearChoice Год назад +2

      You have not depicting AIG in the right light . Aig's goal is to lead people to Jesus and his saving Grave! They teach this in everything they do for you or anyone to undermined the message is sin and will answer on judgement day. Now if you are Jehovah witness I understand where your coming from . You need to study Gods word more closely and see the truth. If God uses an Ark to bring people to Him how can that be wrong? Remember Jesus God the Son , God The Father and God the Holy Spirit, has used a lot of things to get the attention of people and bring them to the saving grace of Jesus!

    • @Chris_Sheridan
      @Chris_Sheridan Год назад

      @@BrianJonesOneClearChoice Nowhere in the bible does it say 'Jesus God the son' - Fact
      You are manipulating words according to your own false viewpoint that contradicts scripture.
      You are clearly an apostate.

  • @YeshuaisnotJesus
    @YeshuaisnotJesus Год назад +2

    Solve the heat problem for a young earth. When you achieve that without magic, then you've accomplished something.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад

      Fair point, but why stop there? If everything had to be explained naturally, then you have no God as God's abilities become indistinguishable from an ordinary human's.
      The only argument for the supernatural is the miraculous, which cannot be tested within the confinement of the scientific method.

  • @smithkarine9678
    @smithkarine9678 2 года назад +6

    well done ,brilliant...

  • @JonasLindekrantz
    @JonasLindekrantz Год назад

    The person you become has to do with your experiences and physical effects and your genetic inheritance and from that has also to do with what abilities you get and that is also why we become different as people and if you get abilities to see real connections and understand things according to reality or not. No one decides who they become. A christian person could have been a buddhist or an atheist etc. if the person were born in another place with different events. Einstein would talk Chinese in China if he were born there and maybe sell noodle soup and never have a clue to the universe.
    This tell us that the truth is our physical world and the importance of growing understanding is equal to reality and that it our physical world that we are made of and work from and have a common sense to it.
    How do you translate from a physical world all the pieces from an individual creature, the wiring of the brain's many different kinds of neurons, the chemistry and electrochemical state to a soul that religious people think of?
    Everything is made by elements with certain properties and a way to work that we can make sense of and make a understanding of why you also can understand that magic doesn't exist or ghosts etc.
    When you die your neurons will dissolve and its functions and electrochemical states that it got from experiences that made you as a person. As you were nothing when your cells started to divide you will become nothing when you die and you will go nowhere.
    In humans with their predetermined properties, without a network of neurons and their function and a way for them to be formed by experiences and by senses of the world and ourselves determine consciousness. If you were to randomize all your neurons states and if you understand what that means, it has no meaning. how can you then be conscious.
    Cognitive abilities has been developed by evolution by time and what led to human species that exist today and other species and species that have gone extinct. Think about higher cognitive abilities with poor knowledge and poor understanding of the world and what that can do to a mind and understanding of things. Animals also have consciousness but less cognitive abilities.
    Everything builds on the past and processes of the physical laws and possibilities of matter and its properties and their way of working and the processes that form black holes and different kinds of galaxies, stars and planetary systems and with the possibility for evolution of different kinds of life by time and extinction.
    There is always cause and effect and a relation and connection to things and you can also understand there is a common sense to the world.

  • @georg7120
    @georg7120 Год назад +2

    Because some people earn a lot of money with that.😂

  • @pencilme1n
    @pencilme1n Год назад

    Seek not the ages of rocks but the rock of ages.

  • @marcosrodriguez1684
    @marcosrodriguez1684 Год назад

    In the narrative of creation of earth is Xpress that God created in six days the heaven and earth!
    Genesis express is the narration of the creation of earth, the sun and the moon and stars ! Not the entire universe, which was already created!

  • @thomasmaughan4798
    @thomasmaughan4798 Год назад +1

    "Why ALL Christians Should Believe in" Jesus Christ. All other beliefs seem to vary.

  • @mikhailhunter5277
    @mikhailhunter5277 8 месяцев назад

    Simple answer to the title of the video. You can't be a claim to be Christian and believe the Earth is 13 Billion years old. Because otherwise you are calling God a liar or everything is a metaphor. Either way The Theoretical works of man trumps the Bible for you.

    • @zigongosaurus5274
      @zigongosaurus5274 8 месяцев назад +1

      The Bible IS a work of man. Just because it claims to be the "word of god" doesn't make it so. It's full of unprovable myths and scientific errors, and all the evidence points to the universe being 13 billion years old.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад

      Unless you have a Christian who doesn't think their beliefs through in order to conclude that they are knowingly calling God a liar.

    • @jamesdavis8937
      @jamesdavis8937 4 месяца назад +1

      When you prove there's a god, which no one's ever did,

  • @theamazingshazbob
    @theamazingshazbob Год назад +2

    God ordered one planet and all the stars on his Alexa, and a pizza. Now he’s watching the show. Evidently he lets his boy play with the earthlings and he was moon walking on the water and knew the cheat codes to bring Lazarus back to life.
    Very confusing reality. The Flintstones is essentially non-fiction.

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Год назад

      I loved this comment.

  • @frankjames1955
    @frankjames1955 6 месяцев назад

    i would add.. WHY ALL Christians should believe the bible KJV

  • @fleabaglane
    @fleabaglane Год назад

    One can have faith
    the understanding of science
    If you went out in the world every job will take science or Ken hams version

  • @adelinomorte7421
    @adelinomorte7421 Год назад


  • @brucenassar9077
    @brucenassar9077 Год назад +4

    what a joke

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      Is a supernatural creation a joke? 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. Creation had to be done supernaturally at some point.

  • @danielswartz6818
    @danielswartz6818 8 месяцев назад +1

    Your thinking is all wrong. Read Genesis, really read it. You will notice that the moon and the sun were not created until the forth day. Concider that they are our time peices. The moon determines the month and the sun the year. In addition the earth’s day is determined by its rotation on its axis in front of the sun. Also consider that the moon and sun did not exist in the first 3 + days of creation, our time peaces. Therefore those 3 days were Gods days and the Bible does tell us how long God’s day is. It says a 1,000 years are equal to a watch of the night. That is 2 hours. If you do the math then the earth is just a bit over 4 billion years old. You are reading the Bible like a 1st grader.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад

      You don't need the Sun for the day. All that is necessary is a light source as Earth rotates on its axis, which was made on the first day.

  • @ezekielfenstermaker6435
    @ezekielfenstermaker6435 Год назад

    Dr. Andrew Snelling knows his stuff! A great message showing that you can trust the Bible and that science CONFIRMS the Bible! Thank you, Dr. Snelling!

    • @davidgardner863
      @davidgardner863 Год назад +4

      Snelling is a poor excuse for a scientist. He admittedly starts with the Bible and invents evidence to fit his belief. That’s not how scientific investigations work.

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Год назад +4

      The bible say there was light before stars. The bible says bats are birds. The bible says pi is 3. The list goes on. Unless you read it through rose-red glasses there is a lot of nonsense in the bible. Certainly not science.

    • @ezekielfenstermaker6435
      @ezekielfenstermaker6435 Год назад

      @@Yamyatos That's true light did come before stars. Light actually exists independently of its source if you think about it. Light is energy but stars are matter.

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Год назад +1

      @@ezekielfenstermaker6435 There is two possible interpretations. Either it meant the suns light, in which case light would have to come after the stars. Given the context this makes more sense. But if you argue it means "light itself", nothing should come before that, and genesis starts by creating the heavens and the earth, and then talks about water, before light gets created. So either way is not backed by science.

    • @ezekielfenstermaker6435
      @ezekielfenstermaker6435 Год назад

      Science cannot prove or disprove it because science deals with what we can observe in the present which we neither can do with a young earth or an old earth history. The Bible tells us that God creates things in a way that may not make sense to us at first but we need to remember to let the past guide how we view the present, not the other way around. God doesn’t need stars to have light, He created light before He made the stars.

  • @DeanS.F.S.K.
    @DeanS.F.S.K. Год назад

    Does anyone know if Answers in Genesis has a video concerning Mount Saint Helens and how quickly the Canyons were formed there after it's eruption ???

    • @peterm707
      @peterm707 Год назад

      They talk about it briefly in the Global flood video but not really in enough detail

    • @DeanS.F.S.K.
      @DeanS.F.S.K. Год назад

      @@peterm707 thanks

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Год назад +1

      I know thats a common argument that "water can form things quickly", but it's founded in scientific ignorance. The materials there were mostly mud and ash. We know water cuts through that quickly. You cannot compare something like that to the grand canyon, or other similar features, which it is oftentimes compared to. One does not follow the other.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 Год назад

      look up Mt St Helens and the Young Earth Creationists...

    • @DeanS.F.S.K.
      @DeanS.F.S.K. Год назад

      @@philipbuckley759 👍 thanks Philip

  • @lies_worth_believing
    @lies_worth_believing 4 месяца назад +2

    Videos like this are an embarrassment to humanity. There is zero evidence for young Earth and never has been.

  • @jamesdavis8937
    @jamesdavis8937 4 месяца назад +2

    You still haven't proven there's a god, you can't go by the bible,theres no proof anything in it is true.

    • @jessica9711-g3b
      @jessica9711-g3b 2 месяца назад

      Archaeologists have been using the Bible for a long time to find ancient cities. And when they find those ancient cities they have also found things described in the Bible. Jesus is not only mentioned in the Bible. There are also a lot of texts from other civilizations mentioning Jesus. If you look at a building you know there must have been a creator. If you look at a painting you know there must have been a creator. Same as if you look at this universe you know there must have been a creator. Have you ever studied the Bible and compared it to archaeological finds and texts from that time period?

  • @Madcow7777
    @Madcow7777 8 месяцев назад

    Satan says the earth is flat. Jesus agrees. You take a photo out a plain. You’re the one sayin they both lied when they climbed that mountain and saw all the kingdoms of the earth.

  • @JohnSpencer90
    @JohnSpencer90 5 месяцев назад

    So, God (Jesus), made man just to redeem them❓

  • @cardcounter21
    @cardcounter21 Год назад +3

    How anybody bases their entire belief system on decaying old scribblings that feature talking snakes and donkeys is beyond me! But I guess when you have a _need_ for some form of afterlife paradise you'll believe just about anything!

    • @karakuri100p
      @karakuri100p Год назад

      So you tune in to ridicule everything you don’t believe or do you reserve that for my brother in Christ?
      Maybe think why you would..🤷🏽‍♂️🙋🏽‍♂️

    • @cardcounter21
      @cardcounter21 Год назад

      @@karakuri100p Why do _you_ think I would?

    • @karakuri100p
      @karakuri100p Год назад +1

      @@cardcounter21 cause I’m genuinely wondering why you tuned in and what you base your belief/ideology in life on.
      It’s probably gonna include folk who were fallible but we shouldn’t pay attention to that right?
      On the other hand we have a “man” of someone could call Him that , who existence fascinated and fascinates people around the globe.
      If we would go by majority through out time, believers in a god ain’t so far fetched.
      Loads of nobel prize winning scientists are theists too so given their field , they shouldn’t have…
      Science btw only works if the parameters are consistent and if we find laws of nature, it implies a lawgiver who ain’t bound by the laws of nature/physiques.
      Time and space are created non tangible concepts too and they are laws too so it must be what ever it is , ain’t bound by time or space.
      And lastly, only a person has a will, to make the decision to do a thing, so whoever created everything is a personal entity that ain’t bound by the created universe or it’s rules/laws and it’s unseen too.
      Can you give me someone who fits the description?
      Otherwise use your reasoning ability , let’s not attack each other and think this through, we ain’t just fleshy machines…and creation didn’t always exist, so what caused all of this?

    • @cardcounter21
      @cardcounter21 Год назад +1

      @@karakuri100p _"whoever created everything is a personal entity that ain’t bound by the created universe or it’s rules/laws and it’s unseen too. Can you give me someone who fits the description?"_
      Zeus, Odin, Osiris, Brahma, Shiva, Apollo, Jupiter, Vishnu, Diana, Minerva, Poseidon, Hades, Amen Ra, Ganesha, Guanyin...
      And quite a few more! And why should 'whoever created everything' be a _personal_ entity? Why not a mystical, unknowable, force?
      _"I’m genuinely wondering why you tuned in"_
      Anthropological and intellectual curiosity!

    • @karakuri100p
      @karakuri100p Год назад

      @@cardcounter21 we got any proof for them , witnesses and even hostile witnesses? No , for Yeshua yes. Ancient historians know better than us what happened in their times right?
      Check Flavius Josephus antiquette of the jews for that history and same with writings from Suetonius , Tacitus, Pliny the Elder , Pliny the younger , check History of the Latter Han dynasty for even a super natural claim to be attested to.
      They even testify to the claims made in the gospel accounts and the early church testify to their environment as well.
      On the other thing, every civilization had references to a god or gods trying to explain nature and the meta physique, the unseen reality like emotions , moral and the like.
      But like you implied, if god or the gods are truly like the creation even being flawed , god ain’t transcendently and would be dependent on creation for its attributes.
      Check all of them you mentioned for their moral character and see for yourself why they shouldn’t be followed..
      Rather we have Yeshua who history attests to and His moral teachings and general life teachings are everywhere. Stolen out of the Bible books, in self help books , used in business strategies in the wrong way sometimes etc.
      Again, any of them “gods” life teachings that great?
      “Treat others like you wanna be treated “ is a teaching straight from the lips of Yeshua.
      How come it’s a global thing that solely originated from this one arbitrary dude from ages ago? Must be something special that this carpenter inspired the lives of so many decades, hundreds, thousands of years later.
      Check the sources I mentioned referring back to Yeshua or the early christians and don’t be shy, hit me up again if you got more questions.
      Again, we are told not to fight each other but to reason with each other.

  • @Jocky8807
    @Jocky8807 10 месяцев назад +1

    I am a Christian.
    This is stupid lecture.
    This is what make evangelism so difficult. They view us as ignorant, and they rightly so. 🙏
    Genesis 1 is a song.
    And genealogy in Luke is only 14 generations, how does he fit 6000 years in 14 generations?
    The Bible is not science book. You should not looking for science info from it.
    How do you even have a morning when there is no sun? 😂😂😂

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад +1

      Day is defined by a light source, which includes the Sun, but doesn't require it.

    • @Jocky8807
      @Jocky8807 7 месяцев назад

      @@Hydroverse no. Day is define by period of time. Like in the north pole, no light for 6 months. What is a day there?
      But Genesis 1 is a song. It should not be refer to as one literal day in reading it. It does not have to be refer as sequencial also. 🙏 🙏
      Just the meaning. God created earth. God created stars and sun. God created human. Etc.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад

      @@Jocky8807 I'm defining day as God did. He called the light 'day' and the darkness 'night'.
      That aside, one would have to assume Earth's axial tilt was at 23.5° at the time of creation in order for the North or South Pole to have been in total darkness or light.

    • @The-DO
      @The-DO 7 месяцев назад

      YEC is a cult. It's not Bible nor Science

  • @baddoc69
    @baddoc69 Год назад

    You are so correct. But you left out that there were 7 days in creation. On the 7th day God established the Sabbath as memorial of Creation.

    • @WayneCharron-wt8wx
      @WayneCharron-wt8wx Год назад

      @baddoc69..God=The Father Son Spirit Was Is Always telling us to "Rest" in His Son Jesus Christ Alone not in man. And the Sabbath Day of Rest means just that and points out that He gave us The Sabbath Day to Rest in Him Who Is The Creator of all things!...does that make sense?..it does to me. Thank You Father Blessed and Holy Is Your Name Amen.

  • @matthewshockey-nq3ix
    @matthewshockey-nq3ix 10 месяцев назад

    The mind is proof god exists. Infinite heat of the singularity did not create our mind

    • @jamesdavis8937
      @jamesdavis8937 4 месяца назад +1

      No it doesn't

    • @jamesdavis8937
      @jamesdavis8937 4 месяца назад +1

      Believing in someone no one's ever seen, that's just stupid

  • @galaxyrider9599
    @galaxyrider9599 Год назад +1

    Why do you mainly use the Masoretic text for the age of the Earth and not the Septuagint? The latter seems more reliable and reasonable in this matter.

    • @rubiks6
      @rubiks6 Год назад +3

      The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Old Testament from its original language, Hebrew, the Masoretic text.

    • @shawn-wr8ux
      @shawn-wr8ux Год назад

      @@rubiks6 the hebrew today is rabbinic

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Год назад

      I dunno, because I would use a book on geology.

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp Год назад

      The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text. Both are flawed:
      The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day.
      So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Год назад

      The bible is not a science book. If you really want to know what the age of the planet is, then read a geology textbook. If you want to live in blessed ignorance, then carry on.

  • @sids5002
    @sids5002 9 месяцев назад

    The title is correct. If you believe the bible, you have to believe in young Earth. Otherwise you are cherry-picking, which by definition, renders scripture pointless.
    Truth us that, luckily, most believers do cherry-pick. The alternative would be horrendous. People would still be stoned to death for all sorts of minor "offences".

    • @danielswartz6818
      @danielswartz6818 8 месяцев назад

      Read Genesis the earth is not young. Really read it and think.

    • @sids5002
      @sids5002 8 месяцев назад

      @@danielswartz6818 I've read Genesis. I agree the Earth is not young.

  • @lexludovice3458
    @lexludovice3458 7 месяцев назад

    The Bible is correct because it is the word of God. The interpretation of man is wrong, Days in heaven is not equal to 24 literal days on Earth (2 Peter 3:8-9) Land (earth) and the see was created in 3rd day.. Adam & Eve were created 6000 yrs. ago. … I am a BEREAN

  • @ausername8699
    @ausername8699 5 месяцев назад

    I'm a member of the LDS (Mormon) faith, I'm glad we believe in Kolob and the physical forms of God the Father and Jesus Christ. These particular beliefs are way too scientifically out there for me, and don't have much of a concrete, prophetic base, in my opinion.

  • @MrGilfred
    @MrGilfred 11 месяцев назад

    The almighty God first created Jesus then through him he created all other things as the book of Colossians teaches us. Jesus is not God almighty, he is the son of God instead of God the Son as the trinity teaches.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse 7 месяцев назад

      The only issue with that is that Christ is called the father of eternity.

  • @priscillajervey8345
    @priscillajervey8345 Год назад

    Question: You have stated Numberous times that GOD created the earth. in your narative [so says the Scriptures] ...then in1:12:46 on your time line you SAY the creator Jesus Christ!! Okay, so WHO creaed the earth? You also say that God sent his Son in Jn. 3:16. Well this tells me you are a trinterian believing Jesus is God. Yet, in the book of Mark Jesus stared CLEAERLY IN THE BEGINNING God created male and female. Trinitarians ALWAYS fall into one pit or another when trying to make Jesus God. Just saying!

  • @frankfromupstateny3796
    @frankfromupstateny3796 Год назад

    Great...well.. Americans certainly work 6 days a week.. how about Europeans'?
    Nice video.

    • @BrianJonesOneClearChoice
      @BrianJonesOneClearChoice Год назад +1

      What does that statement mean? God said it would be best that we copy his working testimony work 6 days and rest on the seventh. After studying human health that has been proven that we need rest of one day out of the week. Now if you choose to work 7 days a week that is your choice but know your health will be compromised.

  • @1984Kojot
    @1984Kojot Год назад

    I am not atheist but come on earth was not created in 5 days and it is at least hundreds of milions of years old.

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      As an atheist, you accept that it happened all on its own, do tell how. 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. Creation had to be done supernaturally at some point.

    • @1984Kojot
      @1984Kojot Год назад

      @@2fast2block Please read my comment.

    • @allanlee9520
      @allanlee9520 Год назад +1

      Creationism is not about science, it's about theology. And a theology that is faulty in any real logic and reasoning by its structure. True evident facts and proven knowledge do not require beliefs to support it at all. Undeniable facts can withstand any and all harsh scrutiny and examination, whereas beliefs need to rearrange and reinterpret facts to support a belief. Beliefs are not facts, just beliefs. Any faith is not evidence to anything factual.

    • @allanlee9520
      @allanlee9520 Год назад

      Ultimately, there really is no such thing as supernatural, it's just natural. What makes it "super" is that it can't be explained yet or we haven't evolved up to that level of knowledge to make that discovery, but there indeed is a viable explanation in this real reality. "Supernatural" is a word to describe what we see as something apart from nature, but there's no such thing. We are learning and discovering answers to deeper questions of life and our universe. There is more to discover and uncover. We will get there. Miracles do happen daily but they are not "magic", nor "supernatural" by any means. We need to look, study, and observe on the quantum level of physics and more.

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      @@1984Kojot so you do believe God created but where did the bible say earth took 5 days to create? You do believe in God but not the God of the bible because God it wrong about literal days. You do believe but not what the bile says about the genealogies of time. About Adam and Eve, etc. What book do you believe in?

  • @msmd3295
    @msmd3295 10 месяцев назад +1

    Unfortunately, god didn’t tell anyone Anything. In order to even begin to prove your point you have to prove god actually exists independent from some written texts. No one can do that. So your claims are dubious at best.
    The only reason believe such nonsensical ideas as is the case with religion is because they are emotionally insecure, expect the natural world should care about them, that their worth and needs must be met and that life is so miserable they can’t bear it unless something better comes afterwards.
    That’s a sad commentary about the presumably “most intelligent creature on Earth”. All human technology doesn’t really make people smarter or better unless technology actually works to educate the world about natural and empirical facts. Religion does none of that.
    One would hope Homo sapiens would learn to govern their emotions and gage life on what is factually true instead of attaching such importance to ideas no one can demonstrate actually apply to the real world. But it takes courage to live an authentic life.

  • @Losttoanyreason
    @Losttoanyreason Год назад

    It all comes down to who you chose to believe, man or God. It comes down to whether you believe Jesus or not. Jesus declared the veracity of the Old Testiment during his earthly ministry. It follows then that if you don't believe Jesus' word in the New testiment on the literal six 24/hr day creation making him out to be a liar then why oh why would you be believing in this same man you have called a liar for you salvation?? That make no sense at all. Where is the logic of believing a lair's word for one thing but not another? You can't have it both ways. You either believe what Jesus says 100% of the time and are one of his or you don't and are just deceived playing pretend Christian looking forward to standing before him and being told to depart from him. "22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!" Mathew 7:22-23.

    • @1984Kojot
      @1984Kojot Год назад

      Who wrote bible??Humans or God?

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      @@1984Kojot God inspired humans what to write. It's made clear in the bible but you still want to ask your silly question.

    • @1984Kojot
      @1984Kojot Год назад

      @@2fast2block It was inspired but everything is inspired by source of creation. Those are not his words. He did not write any book. Bible could get it all wrong.

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      @@1984Kojot you ask a question, I showed what the bible says how God inspired people to write what God wanted, and you simply ignore it. The bible does say how it was written and you ignore it. How is the bible all wrong? You clearly don't even know what it says!

    • @1984Kojot
      @1984Kojot Год назад +1

      @@2fast2block We do not know to what extend it was inspired and what ppl put into it by themselfs. Bible message is very open to interpretation and inconsistent. Influenced by many cultures adopting their myths.

  • @dennismendez947
    @dennismendez947 Год назад

    Earth controller want to engage new technology , and rules

  • @daman7129
    @daman7129 Год назад +2


  • @andomuri9321
    @andomuri9321 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @MrGilfred
    @MrGilfred 11 месяцев назад

    When you interpret scripture from man's viewpoint you would be correct. If you are to put god by man's timetable you would be correct for a young earth. God has his own timetable and no doubt used it when creating everything in heaven and in our universe. Does time exist in heaven. If not then things that would take millions of years to happen here could be see as happening in an instant to God. Is it six days or one day as Genesis 2:4 states. If it is six days then why does it say the day God made both earth and heaven.
    So God would have to say billions of years in order for it to be billions of years. That is not true again because of what I have to say about the existence of time in heaven. Think about it this way. Let's say we live in a universe where time doesn't exist. Then let's say we have the power to create like God does. Then let's say we create a universe that is billions of years old. But when we created it to us it is instantaneous because time doesn't exist where we live.

  • @klouis1886
    @klouis1886 Год назад +2

    Just about everything he says is false

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      God creating, is that false? 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. Creation had to be done supernaturally at some point.

    • @priscillajervey8345
      @priscillajervey8345 Год назад

      Keep telling yourself that.

    • @klouis1886
      @klouis1886 Год назад +1

      @priscillajervey8345 I shall. The Earth is about 4.5 billions of years old.

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block Год назад

      @@klouis1886 YT loves shadow banning my comments, so I'll try again. God creating, is that false? 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. Creation had to be done supernaturally at some point.

  • @keyjam9
    @keyjam9 Месяц назад

    Is God a man or a woman?

  • @allanlee9520
    @allanlee9520 Год назад

    The universe has no, nor ever had, a beginning or end because energy cannot be destroyed nor created, it always was, because energy cycles and expands, that is the law of physics. In particular, the laws of thermodynamics, to be exact. And everything in the universe is energy. The universe ITSELF IS ENERGY--matter and energy--indisputably. Henceforth, the universe has always been infinite. And that is one of many reasons why it seems so perfect in its intricate details in nature, that is how energy goes forward. What we see as "intelligence" is just the natural flow of energy. Energy goes from simple all the way to complex because energy goes from a lower potential to a higher potential, naturally, due to forward being the only momentum and progression there is. Simply put, it's natural to progress forward, that's the only direction there is--forward. Nothing more than just the simplest natural laws of action and reaction at play as forward time begets opportunities of change and adaptability on the utmost astronomical smallest subatomic scale continuing on up to the larger scale continuing with the formulation of vast galaxies and further complexities of the universe, such as life sustainable planets, like ours.
    The universe always was, and is, infinite, never ending, according to over a century of studies and now new findings in astrophysics more recently. The new findings clearly point out that the theorized big bang was in multiple points of time and space, and not just one centralized area, there was no "bang" just expanding galaxies and stars, which are expanding in several different directions from each other and not from any particular point in the universe. And that is a proven fact.
    Energy is infinite as is the universe because the universe IS infinite energy and matter. Energy expands and flows as it cycles just like the universe according to astrophysics. And that's why there never was, nor could ever be, nothing. No such thing in the universe as "nothing" ever. There was never "nothing". Everything is energy, again, energy is infinite, and energy becomes matter through electrons and quarks which are just vibrations of energy and not solid particles as once thought many years ago.. To say something came from nothing is a huge misunderstanding of the laws and principles of energy. There was never "nothing" because energy is "something", being that everything is energy and energy is infinite. Matter and energy flow constantly.

    • @erasmus6121
      @erasmus6121 Год назад

      Sounds like the religion of atheism

    • @allanlee9520
      @allanlee9520 Год назад

      Do humans have a "religion instinct" naturally? Dr. Andrew Newburg, a neuroscientist who studies the brain in light of religious experiences, has spent his career following this very hunch. In his studies Dr. Newburg addresses that if you contemplate God long enough something surprising happens in the brain. Neural functioning begins to change. New synaptic connections are made, new dendrites are formed, perception alters. If God has meaning for you then God becomes neurologically real to you. Of course, this goes for any religious faith as well. He has written in his studies and lectures that religious experience satisfies two basic functions of the brain: self-maintenence and self-transcendence. Dr. Newburg and his team take brain scans of people participating in religious experiences. His studies and findings are still continuing, only thus far concluding, it is in how the human brain works through behavioral patterns of the parietal lobe located in the upper back part of the cortex. It is suspected we may have evolved this way according to his studies. To believe is to be human.
      Tell me the reasons why you don't believe in the other God's or any of the other religions of this world? Because THAT is the same reason why I don't believe in yours. Myths and fairy tales.

    • @allanlee9520
      @allanlee9520 Год назад

      Religion: a system of organized beliefs and practices typically centered around the worship of supernatural forces or being(s).
      Science: the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence, experimentation, information gathering, observation, as benchmarks for testing a hypothesis.
      Magical creation by a supernatural deity will always get contradicted by real facts and experienced educational knowledge.
      Beliefs are not science, just theology.
      Science is not bias at all, people are, science is just a methology of study, it proves or disproves---period! The scientific methods are purposefully designed to eliminate bias because every study must be objectively verified and there must be a way to prove it wrong if indeed it is. Accuracy and accountability are the hallmarks of study in science, no exception. Inaccuracies are put to the test constantly until obvious evidence bears accurate findings that are factually true indisputably.

  • @dennismendez947
    @dennismendez947 Год назад +2

    Nonsense vid😂