The good thing is that I used to believe what I had been taught in school, about the creation of the universe, evolution and it had me convinced that God didn’t exist. But now I realize the truth, that God created everything, seen and unseen. It took be just about 65 years to be set free from the distorted views that I had been taught and I praise God for His grace, patience, love and forgiveness. The realization that God created science and man’s ability to even question His existence is all the more reason to believe in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
I had a mixture of beliefs. I believed God initiated the Big bang, God started the evolution. Actually I didn't think the exact mechanism how everything came into existence was important. Since He is almighty He could do it any way He wanted to. But a couple of years back, I started encountering content (in my language) similar to this, where they were explaining why biblical description is exact (most of that content is no longer online) and why the fact that God created us directly, not that we evolved from apes is important. It really confused me and forced me to rethink all of my beliefs. Recently I found this channel and so far I am really satisfied with how here things are explained in an easy to understand manner (I'm not a scientist so it's really hard to debate someone who can use fancy words and quote some articles).
Maybe you could figure out a way to accept the facts of nature, such as biological evolution, and incorporate those facts into your belief system? I don't know, of course :-)
I’ve never been more convinced that GOD, who always was, who always is and who always will be created everything for His pleasure. This is why we are here. Our purpose is to lovingly serve Him. Praise God.
@Jamesmylife no, I am not pissed. I am happy to live a life and grateful for all that is good and bad and all that I have experienced. The alternative is unimaginable. Heaven is not for this world but the next!
It would be Fantastic to have these videos dubbed in Spanish!!! There are a lot of people here in Latin America that need this information, thank you!!
imagine thinking that latin america isn't religious enough, nah man, those very same people you mention need to start questioning that very same information they've been fed, maybe we'll actually start making progress that way
my favorite part of the entire ordeal is when scientists regard it wholly as a theory yet everyone who reads it and learns about it regards it as fact... despite overwhelming lack of evidence..
@iampostal you seemed to have glossed over several key points of historical data that refute your point... don't worry, I'm not mad, and I won't disrespect you for it... I've become used to it happening. I'm sure you'll do a better job in the future.
@@randomanun4278 don't forget that in the context of science, a *theory* is the highest level of explanation. A scientific theory is a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method, and which brings together many facts and hypotheses. Scientific theories can also incorporate scientific laws as well. Two major scientific discoveries provide strong support for the Big Bang theory: Hubble's discovery in the 1920s of a relationship between a galaxy's distance from Earth and its speed; and the discovery in the 1960s of cosmic microwave background radiation. There's other evidence as well based on our observations of the universe plus mathematics and physics. Also, remember that the Big Bang model does not describe the very *beginning* of our observable universe, it only describes what happened after. A Creator or God of some sort could have caused what we call the big bang to occur. The Big Bang did not go 'bang!'. It was not an explosion like a bomb detonating with matter flying out in all directions from a central point. It was also not 'everything from nothing'. The universe is still expanding to this day, an expansion that started with the big bang. The Big Bang is a fact to the best of our knowledge, it is the accepted cosmological model based on all the relevant data and evidence. There are many unknowns, of course, as there are with all scientific theories, and there is much we do not know about the Big Bang, but evidence indicates it is a fairly accurate model. Hope that helps 👍
You do realise a scientific theory is a model? The term is not used like you would use the term "theory" in everyday life. A scientific theory is the highest form any idea can reach in science. It explains all the known data and evidence without contradictions or competition. There is no standard higher than a theory in science. A model cant be "proven true" or "be a fact" since that makes no sense, but in everday terminology a scientific theory can be called a fact. It's as close to the use of the word as humans can get to truth. Electromagnetism is a theory. Germs are a theory. Cells are a theory. The big bang is a theory. Evolution is a theory. Plate tectonics are a theory. Abiogenesis or the inappropriately named string theory, are hypothesis. Those are also models, but they cannot account for all data, may include problems, may have unresolved competition, or have some other shortcomings, like being unable to make testable predictions. Or in other words, they are "ideas" that have yet to be fully fleshed out, and may not work out. Scientific models on the other hand, while not set in stone, rarely change in a meaningful way, as any new theory would have to explain the entire body of evidence the old theory explained, but be better. This usually results in new evidence making the model a bit more clear, a bit more powerful for predictions, but otherwise not change the explanation. Imagine it like a 1000 piece puzzle of which we got, say, 800 pieces put in place. A scientific theory wont ever be perfect, but any new piece we find will usually only make the overall picture clearer and wont cause it to completely change and turn out understanding of the topic around by 180°.
He kept complaining that none of today's scientists were around to witness the origin of the solar system. So which theologians from today were around to witness Creation?
@@AbrahamRodriguez-vc8dt | I do believe the Bible tells us *who* created everything and *why.* I don't think the Bible mend to inform us *how* it was done and *when* (apart from _"In_ _the_ _beginning"_ ). It's a relevant statement to note that theologians, nor scientists, (or humans in general for that matter,) weren't present to observe. That means scientists have to rely on current observations in order to try to reconstruct the past events. Just as the police does in case of a crime, in order to proof the past events beyond reasonable doubt. But science doesn't give an answer to the who and why questions. Theologians have to rely on revelations. In this case mainly from the book of Genesis. But, inspired as it may be, the human that wrote the book wasn't there either. And although the book answers the question of who and why, it's a stretch to squeeze answers out if it, about questions that weren't posed. In this respect, it might be better to compare the first chapters of Genesis with an other book from the Bible discussing time periods that haven't been observed: Revelations. No christian is expecting literally dragons to rise up out of the sea. They, rightly, interpreted this as a symbol, a representation for something. And very few christians think the described time periods in John's Revelations are to be taken literally.
@@Michiel_de_Jong I agree that no man was present during the beginning of everything. The Bible is God's Word, indeed a revelation. God want us to know who He is, as He long to have a personal relationship with us (His special creation). If all people can realized how magnificent His Word is, can you imagine how many hundreds years have passed from the time the book of Genesis is written to the time the Hebrews is written. And I quote Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 & 2 "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;" reference this now to Genesis chapter 1. For me, it is amazing how the books of the Bible corelates with each other even though the time gap was hundreds of years. This signifies that God was declaring His Word to the writers of each book. So to answer your question. Yes, no man was present but the omnipotent, omniscient God actually told us WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW NOT WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW. The problem with today's society is that we want to know everything when we only have limited capacity. If you have faith to believe God is the Creator and we are the creation, then you should also believe that you are inferior in His superiority and is surrendered to His Lordship. If this is so, do we have a right to demand from our Creator. If a parent adopts an infant, it will not know that he is adopted unless the parent reveals it to him first. It is on the parent's perspective when he will reveal it or might not at all. The moment the parent reveal it to him, he may have many questions about his existence but one thing is for sure. Only the parent have the answers. This analogy of parent-child relationship is somewhat similar but also different to a certain level with God and His creation. We will never realized the God-creation relationship if we do not believe Him as One. And we are not a god and never will be even how much we want to be. And let us not take away the credit from our ancestors, their contributions good or bad should be accounted at the present not just thrown away by any generation who are JUST ASSUMING. New things are not always good or better and this is proven over time. Science is good until you use it in a wrong way like all things in life. This is a serious topic because our time is limited and there are eternal consequences for it. Will you bet your life on the hands of men? or will you have faith to God that is longing for your repentance through the redemption of Jesus Christ, His Word, His Son. Amen.
@@AbrahamRodriguez-vc8dt | I totally agree with your summary of the core message of the Bible, as you described it in the first paragraph, and I have also noted and appreciated the remarkable unity within the scripture, despite the fact that it has been written over the course of millennia. I even agree that science *might* has similarities with the ongoing effort of humans to build 'towers of Babel'. But there is an other aspect to it as well. When God placed humans on earth it was in a *garden,* while we are moving toward a *city* (Rev21). That's a development and humans are involved, receiving the instructions to multiply and to rule over the earth. ...and Adam immediately embarked on the first scientific mission: giving names to all the animals. As you said: God tells us what we need to know, but he hasn't told us everything; and Adam (pre-fall) started to fill in the gaps, with Gods permission, apparently, because he blessed Adam's discovery.... (Gen2:20). So, science is a calling, and to be honest,.. my admiration of Gods work isn't diminished by the discoveries in Geology, Astronomy, Physics, Biology. To the contrary; I am in awe, looking at rock formations and the story they tell us about the fast amounts of time it took them to form. I am not sure to whom you refer ("ancestors")..., but I have Augustine on my side;-)
@@AbrahamRodriguez-vc8dt How do you know the Bible is true and it's God's word. Did you speak to him about it? We're you there when God dictated it? Maybe the talking serpent wrote it - how can you prove he did not? Scientists have observation and evidence for their beliefs - what is yours? And please don't use the Bible to verify the Bible. That's classic circular reasoning.
Looking forward to Paula coming back and saying, 'oh, you were right, I did some research and now I know better. I like to learn new things, and I'm not afraid to be wrong'.. Oh, wait.. young Earth creationists don't do that. She had at least a month, and still probably never bothered to educate herself. Some people are allergic to knowledge.
Once you have been presented with the truth and you still choose to refute it for your own convenience, God calls that behavior being "wilingly ignorant" (2 Pet. 3:5).
Chapter 81 The Overthrowing - At-Takwir: Verse 1When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up; 1 When the stars fall, losing their lustre;2 When the mountains vanish (like a mirage)3When the oceans boil over with a swell6When the world on High is unveiled;
We applaud a painter for work of art, for we know it's a great skill and intelligence to make it. But any of the greatest paintings can be akin to a stick figure when compared to the wonders of the universe, yet we say it was one big accident followed by a series of lucky random chances.
@@reidveryan9414As Far as I Believe I Believe we will never know, I believe the Rapture will Happen before Atheists Attempt to move to Mars. And before Anyone Can find out anything more than what God has told us. I also believe at the End times, We Will Know Because we will be able to Ask the Creator Himself.
". But any of the greatest paintings can be akin to a stick figure when compared to the wonders of the universe, " What other universe have you compared ours with to know that our universe was painted?
@@technicianbis5250-ig1zd you absolutely have to be kidding me. It’s mentality like this that we have flat earthers and also have Christian’s called ignorant. Do you also believe that Moses was the only writer of the first 5 books of the Bible? Cause that’s what it says, never mentions anyone else. But it’s obvious it was right? Why do CHOOSE to believe that? Ohh because you have some understanding about life and know that Moses can’t write about his own death right? So you can assume from this text and make an ACCURATE understanding is that there has to be another explanation about the author of the first 5 books. Well, the entire written order of creation could be scrambled in the authors mind and the word day could be an era of time instead of a Miraculous ONE literal 24hr day. This magical miracle is a plot you are convinced of because you say it’s easy to understand and God meant it, well then why did God mean to say that he spoke to Moses to write the beginning of the Bible and NOT believe that?? Could he miraculously write about his death? Or speak of himself while writing scripture?? You choose not to believe that because it’s obvious, well it’s obvious that Gods creation was made in a long period of time. Because of science all over the world engaging in this theory to try to understand our beginnings.
The Big Bang Theory, in my opinion, happened. Can you imagine how Gods voice reverberated throughout the universe, in all its silence, when He said; Let there be light?!?!!
Of course, there was no universe for His Voice to reverberate in...until He created it...not even EMPTINESS. Until we know Christ as Lord and Savior we truly cannot fathom 'everything' out of 'nothing'. In Christ's Love
I am not a theologian, but I was raised as a Christian. Therefore, I accepted the Gospels as historical records. However, what the Genesis narrative tells us of the beginning aligns differently with what science teaches. So, as a result, I accepted the story of creation on faith. Later, as an adult, I read a popular science magazine article about the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and how its data reveals that our Earth and solar system may be cosmically aligned. Then came the Planck satellite confirming the WMAP data. Could this be evidence that the book of Genesis is based on historical events? Perhaps, but unfortunately, I am not a scientist and can only understand about one percent of the science. Nevertheless, according to cosmologists, one thing is evident, the alignments somehow exist! Moreover, because the data does not fit the Standard Model of Cosmology, scientists dubbed it the Axis of Evil. But, as reported by Genesis, would these alignments be the Axis of Beginning? Did WMAP and the Planck satellites' data of the cosmic microwave background reveal a universe aligned with the Earth and solar system that may show Genesis as history? This may be why scientists are so silent concerning these alignments. And do these alignments support the Big Bang? Could this data be relative to a possible cosmic model of Intelligent Design? Instead of an Axis of Evil, what if these alignments show an actual Axis of Beginning?
Why would you think scientists are silent concerning this issue? Very exciting and interesting; don't know why anyone would think scientists would be 'silent' on it. .?
@@travisbicklepopsicle because of the nature of our world… the fall of Adam and Eve as a result of original sin means we withdrew from our God :( which causes us to live in a world of the Prince of the power of the air who shields all from the truth
@@JesusisKing1414 genetics and anthropology demonstrate that modern humans first arose in Africa around 200,000 or so years ago. How does that square with the Adam and Eve story? Anyway, we know from biology that there are no, or were no, first two members of any species.
I remember when theists were ecstatic about the big bang theory because it was a point at which one could insert "and God created the heavens and the earth." The steady state theory it replaced just assumed everything in the universe had been around forever. No place for God at all. I am a Christian who is still happy there is a big bang theory. It's a point of intersection between science and belief.
stimopoet *** if people has only a simple mind they can not connect the big bang with God Eternal wich is the only one who can create the infinite where the big bang comes from. Many of us are lost in a big city even without a map. ***
Ok at 7:22 as someone who studies science at University under the tutelage of PHD scientists I can tell you know the whole concept of "operation science" and "origin science" is just a made up concept derived from creationists so they can claim that certain parts of modern science aren't science and other parts are, like a cherry picker, this isn't true and science itself isn't even about facts or theories, it's about the methodology, observation, hypothesis (testable and falsifiable), prediction (novel, testable and falsifiable), experimentation (repeatable and designed to falsify the hypothesis) then if you fail to falsify the hypothesis after numerous attempts you get a theory and this is how ALL science works, ultimately however theology doesn't work in this manner so you can see why theology isn't science, if anyone claims theology to be a science please describe your theology in terms of the scientific method
Adam, you are correct. I am an atheist myself. However the Big Bang is still a theory. Most accepted theory by science and makes a lot of sense, but it's still a theory.
Except that science doesn’t respect observations that fall outside of its current dogma. Thus science itself has become a religion. Complete with its own heresies
@@Widdowson2020 no science doesn't accept unfalsifiable concepts such as all powerful deities, the only way to get a Nobel prize is to falsify one of the current hypothesis, maybe instead of listening to these scientifically illiterate preachers you should start listening to a real scientist on the front And I almost forgot science also only accepts useful ideas not some useless concept such as a god, evolution on the other hand is used to determine the optimal breeding patterns of cattle and crops to maximise food output
@@yvesgysel9834 firstly your using theory in the wrong context, a scientific theory is a body of knowledge with a large amount of supporting evidence, it is not by any means synonymous with hypothesis and secondly the big bang theory is just a collection of concepts and other theories put together to make a coherent hypothesis as to the origin of the universe, in by saying that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that some parts of the theory are true such as Stephen Hawkings suggestion that "nothing created nothing as there is still technically nothing", basically what he means is that there is no net amount of energy in the universe as measured by the WMAP satellite and so long as a system of 0 joules of energy creates particles moving in opposite directions with exactly the same amount of energy there is no 1st law of thermodynamics violation
Science confirms the Bible, it doesn’t discredit the Bible. Theories such as the Big Bang are just that, theories. They are nonsensical, foolish and an insult to God. Just as a painting has a painter, creation has a Creator. And it’s the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing created everything???? 😂
@@technicianbis5250-ig1zd The theory of it you mean?? Watch The greatest movie on Noah’s flood ever made. It’s about 1h-20m long. All science. It will help realize how their theories have so many problems.
As someone who always found astrophysics fascinating, the older you get and the more you learn, the more you realize how little scientists actually know.We are brainwashed to believe in them not God
Yes, scientists know little information in comparison with the whole information there is,but just because they don't know something now doesn't mean necessary that is "a cause of God". Something we don't know why it happens or how is neither a cause of magic, science or Godlike but a matter of "i don't know yet,but we will eventually find out,at first with theories than with experiments".
As a christian, I'm really stuck in between this line between science and faith, I really do believe god created the universe, but at the same time, it makes sense why scientists think the big bang happened
frankie *** yes you are absolutely right, a great one in the greek antiquity once said "as much as I know only know that I know nathing". He said nothing about God, it means that knowing a lot or less has nothing to do with beliving or not in God. ***
The term "evolution" has a broad, general meaning of "change over time" that's used in common parlance and in casual description, but that term has very specific and diverse meanings with various scientific fields. For example, in biology it means _"The change in genetic composition of a population over successive generations, which may be caused by natural selection, inbreeding, hybridization, or mutation."_ Just because Evolutionary Theory and Big Bang Theory both entail "change over time", it does not mean they are therefore related or interdependent.
What you quoted when you say on evolution "in biology it means 'The change in genetic composition of a population over successive generations, which may be caused by natural selection, inbreeding, hybridization, or mutation.'" is only what Charles Darwin made in his theory, not the very meaning of evolution in terms of Biology. What you have is your own mindset and interpretation that we don't follow or uphold. So this is your OWN bias definition and that is the problem! Your own definition isn't even scientific in the first place cos it goes against nature itself!
If that's true then where are the mutations? If that statement where fact we'd have werewolves and the TMNT. We both know that this is pseudo cryptic nonsense.
@@k-dogg9086 OK, since you ask, and don't know, which means you are uneducated in the subject, let me enlighten you ! DNA replication is not perfect, sometimes it introduces errors, but, the cell has a kind of "proof reading" that can correct errors. and some times, this doesn't work either, and the mutation is permanent. Because of the massive number of base pair s it takes to make even a simple protein, many mutations actually have no noticeable effect, the ones that do, are usually ones that are located right at the active site of a protein, not some side bit that isn't critical to it's function, so, as you see, mutations happen all the time, and most of the time, there's simply no effect. Other things cause mutations, chemicals, ionizing radiation etc. Oh, and another thing, mutations are single point alterations in a code that is billions of letters long. Even something like the hemoglobin protein that carries oxygen in your blood is coded by a sequence that is millions and millions of base pairs long, so, one simple mutation can't possibly turn a wolf into a werewolf or something like that, that's absolutely absurd. So now, hopefully, you see how your lack of knowledge makes you come across, especially when you draw some pretty wild assumptions, from things you clearly know nothing about.
@@psycronizer don't prove your evolution though. But I see your point. We are wonderfully and fearfully made by God the Creator! Who knit us together in our mother's womb.
Our worlds and reality have always, and will always be what they are...including us. Our 'mental' or sensual world is a delusion. "Most will fall for the delusion and believe the lie." Amen.
If Time dilation occurs as you approach the speed of light; why do we assume that space time is billions of years old and the distance between stars so great?
Ya because they say if you go the speed of light then you age super slow. O basically the stars and objects are much younger than our ridiculous redshift right???
Question: Would you be able to determine if you exist within a finite universe that has a perfect mirror as the border and enacts a red shift by absorbing a minute amount of energy from light to maintain its border, or whether you exist within an infinitely expanding universe? I propose that if you see patterns showing a mirror of clusters of galaxies that appear older than those closer to you, you have your answer.
I propose that That method of Dating Is Unreliable Bc it’s built upon the Assumption that the Universe is already 13.8B years, so when they see the redshift, they think that it might be All Pushed outward bc of the Big Bang. People Argue that The Universe is by chance. But if the Universe is by chance then How does The Earth Hold life by chance? At the Perfect distance from the sun, And Why is it that there is over 100 things that the Earth Needs in order to Support Life? If even one of these things are absent then Earth would never be able to support life. You have The Atmosphere that’s made up Perfectly with what we need, And you have Jupiter Which Gets rid of Most of our Incoming Projectiles/Meteors. Also The Sun is the perfect size as well not to small not to big, not to Weak, not to strong, ; But by chance for Even the ones I mentioned is like Dropping 100M Toothpicks and having Them fall and make a Detailed House with an Interior. The chances of that are Pretty Slim I’d say, I don’t think anybody has ever seen it happen. Also if everything is by chance then how do you trust your Mind? If it’s by chance then doesn’t that mean it’s random Chemicals? Yeah that’s Designed I believe.
That is the great thing about Sunday School and messages from God's Word, God has told us how and why He created mankind and our glorious earth, sun, moon and stars and why he created man. It always feels good to be in Sunday school because one hears the truth from God's word, not nonsensical claims of atheists.
@@davidcooper1201 church and Sunday school are fine, of course :-).. but why is it necessary to misrepresent science, or think that science is an enemy or something? Or to think that science equals atheism? It was a Christian man who first proposed what we now call 'Big Bang Theory', anyway🙄 Edit: Big Bang Theory has nothing to do with atheism, and is based upon direct observations and measurements of our universe plus lots of mathematics and physics. Do we know everything about it? Of course not, that's the beauty of science, it's a learning process. Also, please keep in mind that the Big Bang model does not describe the very *beginning* of our universe, it only describes what occurred immediately after. A god or creator of some sort could have created the universe.
@@travisbicklepopsicle Your Big Bang theory doesn't fit the facts. Good science is confirming the Word of God continually. Evolution is not science, it is rather a failed theory based upon humanism.
There's really not they use a technique to distort the actual beliefs to try to make it look like it's not as solid as it is. Because they have no argument. Same is used in politics. If a politician has nothing going for him he just try to make his opponent look bad
Yes, that's one of the beauties of science, it never claims anything as absolute truth, it always leaves itself open to correction as new data becomes available. Whilst we can demonstrate pretty conclusively that the big bang did actually happen and we can date this event fairly accurately what we are currently unable to explain is why it happened, what caused it to occur. There is a distinct possibility that we may never be able to answer that question but at least science is looking at the problem and attempting to find the answer. Surely that is a more healthy approach than throwing our hands in the air, claiming God did it and refusing to look any further.
You get caught up in a trap with your line of thinking about origins for the universe. Let me pose a question that is more pertinent to you and see how you look at things. Many scientists have pushed the concept of macro-evolution by Darwin's work in how "man" started on this earth and through text books distributed to public schools. Well, it has been a lie that was taught to impressionable children. Science itself disproves that "life" started on its own. Many scientists for years got away with assuming things. Now we realize the complexity, the design, the functionality behind many things and it has devastated macro-evolutionary understanding. The culture has been deceived by the false wisdom of man about many things.
Nope. Because five days (litteral) later He formed man from the dust (literally 'smallest parts') of the earth. Furthermore, nothing died until Adam sinned. That's why the Sacrifice of Christ Jesus was planned BEFORE time itself. In Christ's Love
@@bibledoctor7623 The Buddhists believe The Universe is eternal Without beginning or end But this view is incompatible With the laws of physics and the behavior of the universe. Only the Bible affirms The finite age of the universe And agrees with science That the universe Was created in the recent past. The universe is 14 billion years old and this is incredibly young on a cosmic timescale as this means that the universe is only three times the age of the sun, Which is 4.6 Billion years. In contrast to the googol years yet to go. Science proves Creation
@@bibledoctor7623 Young Earth Creationism Makes a liar out of God Because it teaches that God deceives us regarding The behavior of the universe. The speed of light requires time, Therefore, you cannot say God sped up the light so we Can see the universe
He literally gives an example of a textbook with cosmic evolution in the title lol... And there are many, many examples of the word and concept of evolution being applied to the cosmos by mainstream scientists.
@@markaustin3299 of course :-) The word 'evolution' can be applied in many ways. Biological evolution is not the same as 'cosmic evolution', or the evolution of the cosmos, or whatever. Just like biological evolution is not the same as the evolution of the home computer, or the evolution of the Chevy Corvette, or.. I'm sure you understand :-) You also know that words can sometimes even have different meanings or definitions depending on the context. Just like the word, 'theory', for example. A *scientific theory* is practically the complete opposite of the colloquial usage of the word, 'theory'. Edit: 'mainstream science'?.. it is *science*. 'If it isn't science, it's pseudoscience. They are polar opposites. The ultimate mission of science is to discover facts about the physical universe, no matter how complicated, disheartening, or unexpected those facts may be. In contrast, the ultimate mission of pseudoscience is to reject physical facts in order to promote ideas that are not consistent with reality. Pseudoscience is inherently dishonest and deceptive because it claims the mantle of science while *rejecting scientific methods* and *contradicting* scientific facts.' -- National Center for Science Education Example: 'creation science' is pseudoscience.
Almost every life begins with an egg. barnacles, corals, arachnids, old world snakes, alligators, except Darwin's children they came by stork when he was away for a year and half.
Christian or not I like seeing someone above smugness and arrogance. You want smugness and arrogance look at Richard Dawkins, Neil degrasse Tyson, or any Pentecostal preacher ever.
Remember that to build a strong argument don't create a straw man of your opponents view but rather a steel man, then refute that. To forget this fundamental is to lay a trap for ones self.
As a Christian of over 70 decades, a keen reader of science, and having read the entire bible over 30 times, I believe that what we call the "Bib Bang" is the best understanding of the origin of our universe!
Rabbi mottel Baleston read the bible many times as an orthodox israelite. Now he is messianic. I 've studied astronomy since the age of 7 or 8 years old. Quantum physics/mecanics amazed me even more. Didn't last long. The Lord sent me an angel, then I started reading scriptures. I felt like, I just lost time studying science.
@@frederickpile3599 it's a shame that you felt like you just lost time studying science. Great that everything else worked out, I'm just saying, you know.. you didn't really waste time though because you were interested in those areas of science that you studying, right? And you enjoyed learning about that stuff, right?.. it all works out because you were actually learning about what you believe god created, so you were studying god's work👍 Disclaimer: the above is merely my own opinion based upon how I think I would feel if I were in your shoes 😊
If that's true then you are forced to dismiss the first six chapters of Genesis as fairytales. You either believe the Bible or you don't, but you don't get to cherry pick what God gave us in His Word.
Profound and powerful lecture Thank you so much Dr Terry Mortenson and God bless you and your family. Our GOD YHWH YESHUAH IS SO AMAZING ! HOW AWESOME IS HE!!! Thank You mighty King Jesus magnificent Father God for loving us so so much. We are not worthy of your grace. Bless You precious Father God
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2
In the movie Contact they elude to space being an awful waste of space if there were no other intelligent life out there. I say. What if it takes all that wasted space out there for you to exist here? Everything has a purpose and place and everything is in its proper place. Without that balance life could not work. It was all designed and placed in perfection. So all that expanse is not wasted at all.
Excellent. A similar thought occurred to me: the perfect distance from the sun and the perfect atmosphere, created by perfect formation of the galaxy and the whole universe. Designed just to create the conditions to make humans to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
at 30:30. he outlines what is not known. no conclusion can be drawn about any theory based on not knowing. that is the default answer if something is not known is not "god". you have to have the evidence of your claim, not evidence that other claims are incorrect.
@@TLO129 if everything were known and explained thousands of research faculty in dozens of departments at universities around the world would suddenly be unemployed.
@@bubba6581 Of course. But if you think about a religion and take away the divine worship and quirks, its generally just stories promoting morals that align with that faith. I never really needed religion because I can decide for myself what is right or wrong. I do think religion can be very helpful for people feeling lost or unsure, but I don’t like when it is pushed on others or taken literally.
If you are truly interested in finding the truth can I suggest you look up the cosmic codes videos on youtube by Chuck Missler. There are 9 of them. The first one to watch would be Cosmic Codes Sampler: Various Bible Codes followed by Cosmic Codes #1 and so on to Cosmic Codes #8 If you don't want to or are not interested then I don't believe you are interested in even looking into any other evidence and are being willingly ignorant of the truth of the Creator and author of the Bible.
I think we can all agree that based on natural science the universe and life should not exist - it’s an impossibility. The reason I have no problem accepting the creation story in the Bible is very simple. How long does it take to do the impossible? There is no time long enough to do the impossible, in fact time is an enemy. It requires miraculous intervention. Why couldn’t the Miracle Worker do it in 6 days?
Improbable things happen There is a difference between an event that "will never occur" and one that "has a zero probability of occurring." As an example of the fallacy of looking at results and conjecturing backwards on what the probability of such occurring was, grab a set of playing cards and deal them out face up, one at a time. When the first card is dealt, the probability of it being whatever it is, is 52-1, the probability of the second card being whatever it is is then 51-1, giving a combined probability of 2652-1. Once you have got through the deck, the probability of you having dealt those cards in that order is a staggering one in 8×(10) ⁶⁷ , which is pretty much "nearly zero", yet you just managed to do it! Congratulations, you're magic - just like Jesus
That argument has been refuted time and time again. What makes you immediately say that God must have created the universe? What if there is some unwritten law of the universe that makes universes form in this way? What if there are multiple universes, and one that supported life was bound to pop up sometime? Simply saying that you don’t know the answer to something and attributing it to God is fallacious. If someone said they didn’t know how a refrigerator worked and attributed then refrigerator’s ability to cool things to God, you’d hopefully think they were mad! I, and many other atheists, see no difference here.
Thank God for you wonderful people and your Christian apologetics educational content. I’m learning so much. I was a Christian who believed in the Big Bang and was even eventually indoctrinated into evolution theory. Merging my Christian beliefs with secular beliefs and thinking God was behind all of it. But now I’ve started reading the Bible properly and educating myself more and the truth is so plainly clear. I completely agree with you regarding observational science and evolution. There has never been a missing link found. And now that I’m reading the Bible and seeing the truth, it’s like I’m a new person. All of my old beliefs shattered in an instant. I also really liked your point about comets, that is so powerful! Anyway, thank you and God bless you all 🤗🙏🏼 (I do wish you opened up a museum in Australia).
Your testimony is a great witness to the truth of God. It is unfortunate that the public school systems of this world are so opposed to God and the Bible. It is amazing the insight, understanding and confidence we get from reading His Word and how we should look at the world. When I think of Australia, I think of many things like alligators, sharks, jellyfish, snakes, and some other unfriendly creatures. How is it from your perspective?
You may want to do a bit of research. 'Missing link' is not a scientific term, and plenty of intermediates have been discovered. Why would you make a false claim like that? There's no need to be frightened of science and what scientists discover.
likewise. for me, I was an atheist for all my life. until I realized that those I trusted the most could not provide any answers. not only could they not, they denigrated any those that questioned them. I knew then that those prevailing views supposedly rooted in science were a farce.
@@travisbicklepopsicleno, you are mistaken. There are, in fact, zero fossils that show a transition from one species to another. And you need that in order to prove your evolution nonsense.
Let's correct this one at a time and the first error appeared in record time at 1:24 "evolution explains how the first ever organisms came to exist" (ok so I'm going to be paraphrasing a bit but we can agree that's basically what he said), no that is not evolution, that's a straw man, biological evolution is defined as "the theory of biodiversity" otherwise put evolution explains how life diversifies over time, the explanation for the origin of life is a different field of science known as 'origin of life studies' while evolution is 'evolutionary biology', let's see what's next shall we
@@Piccodon lol, entropy is thermodynamics, or as translated energy motion, I doubt you can even give me the entropy equation S=E/T, where S is entropy, E is energy and T is temperature, and entropy can actually decrease in local systems so long as the total entropy of the universe continues increasing, please do what I've done and do a physics course at uni
@@adamboyen4727 Ahh the usual hubris. If a protein has a small defect it won't fold properly and becomes a problem. Complexity working correctly is not spontaneous or random. An eternity is not long enough to make it happen by random chance.
This guy explains didly squat!, Just anotherembrt of the god squad trying to prove science wrong by talking crap. He never mentions that whole Dinosaur skeletons have been found that natural history has been studied since time immemorial. There have been 5000 gods throughout history and only yours is real?? Give me a break!
I think a letter to the Jews written 2,000 years ago... By an author with any integrity at all... Would not be dismissing the entire Old testament and all of the red parts... If you want to listen to a preacher read the red parts .. that guy was pretty good 🥰🤣🙏🤳 as many and lightning quotes include gems like.."don't call me good... There is one that is good.. even my father who is in heaven"... And I love that one where "all authority is given to him... In heaven and earth"... I love how he was totally dependent upon his father in the garden.…you know, when all of his buddies were sleeping? 🤣🤣🤣
Firstly. Respect for allowing comments on this video. Secondly, I look forward to your peer-reviewed paper that DISMANTLES the BBT. Wait... you aren't going to write one? Why not? What are you afraid of?
Not the same thing Science makes the claim that the evidence is there, religion is based on transcendentals, the proof exists in the abstract and can't be accessed physically, demanding evidence is foolish, but evidence is the basis for science, so its normal to demand evidence Science is suppose to be demonstrable, so making a scientific claim that can't be proven, is actually unscientific
@@MCJustJ420 No, lol. The transcendentals themselves are evidence. These people do hold various scientific hypotheses to a way higher standard of evidence than they do their foundational religious beliefs. It’s obvious when they criticize stuff like big bang cosmology, which isn’t even in conflict with Christianity and actually serves to ground an argument for the existence of God. Or just being a Young Earther in general. If we had as many lines of independent evidence for Jesus being God as we do for the age of the Earth, they would readily accept it. Instead, we’re left with the transcendentals, various philosophical arguments for the existence of God, and a whole bunch of eye witness testimony and personal experiences (including modern miracles). Note: I’m not saying those lines of evidence are bad; they just would be dismissed by the AIG crowd if they were the evidence base we had for any of the scientific theories they think contradict Scripture.
@@MCJustJ420 ***yes science makes observations, experiments, theories, and publish the results, no claims; but who is entitled to understand what science says ? only people scientifically minded, not people who say that science is not reliable on subjects they are not qualified due to their wrong understanding of other sources like the bible, they understood only literally, and fanatically do not wont to study what they reed.***
@@adelinomorte7421 The claim is that science is capable of answering all these questions Nothing you're saying really has anything to do with my point though
In point of fact we are totally surrounded with evidence, lots of it. It's how you interpret that evidence that counts. So yes, God's Word, although it requires faith, is also fully backed up by said evidence. If you're honest, you'll admit that the secular view of big bang, evolution, and billions of years requires at least a much faith as Bible believers.
“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good. God looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. Everyone has turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.” Psalms 53:1-3
This is so powerful considering the recent info from JWST. It’s always best to stick with God. And you’re right. This is why I go with creationist over other camps that compromise on what’s true
Why does "accepting the Big Bang theory" means that you don't stick with God anymore? You are aware that the Big Bang theory was mainly invented/promoted by a Christian theologist and priest? That it was critisized by some (probably atheist) scientists who thought, that it was biased towards religion, so that it is a theory that was made up by Christians who were looking for a theory that is compatible with their belief? However, why do you believe that the earth is a sphere, orbiting around the sun, which is also just one of billion stars in a giant universe? Christian Flat earthers will disagree and argues in the exact same way that you do. But interestingly you seem to accept certain scientific discoveries. But others not.
Uh-oh... You didn't watch one of those YT vids with a title like, 'James Webb Telescope proves Big Bang never happened!'.. and then not fact check that video, did you? There's an article at space com-- one of the astronomers who works with the James Webb Telescope explains how this little piece of false information began spreading around the web starting back in August, I think. The data that has been coming in from the James Webb has been awesome, but it certainly hasn't demonstrated the Big Bang model to be false. Allison Kirkpatrick is the astronomer I am referring to; Eric Lerner is the person who 'misconstrued' (I'm being nice..) her work and started this whole mess:-) Edit: if I'm misunderstanding your comment, I apologize
Science questions answers. When it comes to religion, it questions the questioner. We may never know how we got here, or why, but at least science tries. Richard Feynman said it best: I don't fear the questions that can't be answered, I fear the answers that cannot be questioned.
Both creation and evolution are theories and a matter of faith. The only strong evidence for the creationist position is experience. And we cannot deny that people are experiencing God. But scientifically we have to leave both positions open, and continue research. I believe both positions should be tought in school, and not favoring the evolution theory, and then leave it up to the individual to choose their faith.
"Both creation and evolution are theories and a matter of faith." No, evolution is driven by evidence, creation by faith. faith is a unreliable path to truth, people come to different conclusions using faith, even with the same religion "But scientifically we have to leave both positions open" Creation is not science, "I believe both positions should be tought in school, and not favoring the evolution theory, and then leave it up to the individual to choose their faith." School should teach science, creation is not science.
Well, for starters, when things explode, they don't make perfectly round planets and perfectly round stars. Explain to me how magma got into the core of Earth from an explosion.
" Well, for starters, when things explode, they don't make perfectly round planets and perfectly round stars. " Well, for starters, according to modern cosmology nothing exploded, it is a YEC straw man you are using. "Explain to me how magma got into the core of Earth" Gravity
@@godergodel1649 Gravity, huh? The last time I checked, lava is trying to get out of the core of the Earth, not into it. Wrong again. Just admit it, God created this Earth and made it perfect. Just like the rainbow since when it was first mentioned, about 5000 years ago, but people using it as a symbol for gays...whack.
More importantly the Christians do have an answer about Starlight and how we can see that. 17 references in the Bible talk about the Lord stretching out the heavens. I am shocked that he has missed that. Great talk! Really wonderful good points and dead on accurate! Here are 17 references to how Christians are certainly able to answer distant starlight: Here are the 17 Bible verses: 2 Samuel 22:10 “He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet.” Job 9:8 “Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.” Job 26:7 “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” Job 37:18 “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?” Psalm 18:9 “He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.” Psalm 104:2 “Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain.” Psalm 144:5 “Bow thy heavens, O LORD, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.” Isaiah 40:22 “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.” Isaiah 42:5 “Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein.” Isaiah 44:24 “Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself.” Isaiah 45:12 “I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.” Isaiah 48:13 “Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.” Isaiah 51:13 “And forgettest the LORD thy maker, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? and where is the fury of the oppressor?” Jeremiah 10:12 “He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion.” Jeremiah 51:15 “He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by his understanding.” Ezekiel 1:22 “And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above.” Zechariah 12:1 “The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.” Distant starlight makes sense now, doesn't it? The whole universe has been stretched! Dimensional folding, like curtains above. The Bible has been right all along. No "static universe" out there. The former “Steady State theory" for the universe was unbiblical, and therefore in error. The scientists were wrong about science - again! Whenever the Bible and the scientists disagree … just give the scientific community more time! 😉
@@therick363 however of evidence continues to point toward intelligent design as it has Sean would be correct in looking to more theological explaination
It saddens me that so many people think that an apologetics organization has actually falsified ( sorry.. 'Dismantled'😳) *anything* having to do with *any* field of science. The real world doesn't work that way:-(
The Science is E=Mc'sq. which backs up the factual SCIENCE that Energy/matter totals remain, the same, they don't even decrease, MUCH LESS INCREASE & that put along side, The SCIENCE FACT that Finite matter, CAN NOT Be infinite! pretty much shows scientifically the neccesity for God (who through scripture, explains that HE is NOT finite/created matter subject to Time, but rather spirit, which is outside the time realm all together! How would "mere sheep hearders, way back then, know that, that's the only scenario that solves scintific problems that get descovered in the future as problems for a "no god scenario" many OTHER Religions don't work, because their "gods" are finite matter in there doctrine, & usually not outside the time realm, So God has communicated to us, through HIS Word that is 100% accurate. jus-sayin'
You have been brain washed to think that half of the things scientists believe in our day is science thts why. He havent listened to anything this man said. You will die soon and you will have to face God if you are wrong. To be smart is too be neutral at least. These big talkers are only whistling pass the grave about things no one really can answer but to make assumptions.
Secondly, they resort to pure fiction as theories. Something cannot come into existance from nothing. There is no debate on that. I dont know why the creationists even permit further debate. The only other options is that matter is eternal or come from an unending string of events which is also just fictional imagination. Atheist have resorted to fiction as theories. Everyone knows that something cannot come from nothing but they exempt this when it comes to origins. How is that such smart people has become so stupid? Even the big bang itself cannot be replicated in a lab on a small scale as it needs fictional states of events to occur before and after it. The theory is laughable. Since when did people start excepting such rubbish as actual against all common sense? You become a fool when you reject God.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Can you point to one line of evidence for the existence of god outside of the Bible? Also can you point to anything that isn’t actually representative of other phenomena?
What did God do, before he created the universe? Was he just floating in the absolute cold and darkness ? For how long did he do that, before he wished the universe into existence? What did he build the universe with/from? Dare I say it ? God created the universe from NOTHING
@@lesterstarks9607 we could say the same thing about the universe perhaps. The universe always was, there were no creator, no beginning, and there will be no end
Yes but these eclipses cover the sun completely. On earth, from our perspective, you can see a halo around the moon because the size and the distance is unique to our planet.
@@georgelaforce1028 are you aware that its only temporary? Just like the north star. The moon is moving away from us..always has been. In the ancient past the sun was completely covered, and in the not so distant future we will only get annular eclipses. That's how the solar system works
@@godergodel1649 also why would God design such a solar eclipse as ours ? It's not necessary for earth's biology or anything fundamental. Religious ppl just don't understand how enormous the universe is ! Among so many billions of galaxies, stars,and planets, all kind of combinations may occur between the heavenly bodies! By chance the earth moon sun relationship turned out this way ! There is nothing mysterious about it, it didn't have to be designed that way.
@@tiborpurzsas2136 "also why would God design such a solar eclipse as ours ?" The moon was closer before, then there was a different relationship,. In the future the moon will be further away, then it have a different relationship than now.
If cognition is simply achieved by the assembly of atoms and molecules, and all the atoms and molecules that give us cognition came from the stars, do stars have cognition?
You could sum this entire stream as “These other guys don’t have the answers to the questions I have therefore my sky wizard did it”. Give me a break, I would have loved you guys when we thought disease was divine punishment and natural disasters were the result of angering god.
Did not see how you dismantled anything. Those who cannot understand seem to go to the supernatural for their own comfort. That is fine. Many others continue the search for real answers. Keep studying actual evidence. You may get there some day.
When science points toward a neccessity for God, to get to the Real Answer, you may want to stop having the presupposition, that whatever the "real answer is, it must not include the existence of a supernatural God" - BTW objects don't make lifeforms, & finite matter can't be infinite" plus Matter/Energy TOTALS, REMAIN Constant, not even decreasing, much less increasing. Athiest are the science deniers, in order to believe by blind faith, their scenario(s) of a "no god" - jus'sayin ;-)
In our world and universe, we are totally surrounded by evidence. Scientists who are Christians study this evidence just as profoundly as secular scientists do; you're just probably unaware of it because it gets virtually no coverage. As I said, evidence is everywhere. It's how you interpret it that matters. If you're honest you'll admit that believing in big bang, evolution, and millions/billions of years takes a lot of "faith." To say otherwise would be foolish.
@@dougfriendly7676 Pops, we've already proven in our previous discussions you just wanna believe what you wanna believe. You even made-up your own "facts" about the Bible. You're not an unbiased truth seeker. You'd believe everything is just a dream or that everything came from nothing as long as it's not an all-powerful, transcendental God of the Bible. You trying to be cynical is just a cheap way to be recognized as an intellectual. So let me explain it briefly to you again. The Big Bang is a naturalistic explanation how everything came from nothing without a Creator. It's an UNSUBSTANTIATED CONJECTURE about the unseen past based on an expanding universe. You know because of red shifts of light? It breaks all fundamental laws of nature yet it's still the only way to deny the obvious truth of a Creator. So stop it with the bluff and reply to my questions to you.
43:25 is basically where this man's entire presentation falls apart for me. He basically admits, "Yeah, everything we can observe about the universe LOOKS like it's really old. But what if God just created it to look that way?" At no point does he present any new imperical evidence, or even a coherent alternate theory of what he calls "historical science" (incidentally, a distinction no non-creationist in the world recognizes). This entire lecture just throws rocks at those doing science, and proposes no science of his own; just a dogmatic belief based on a particular interpretation of a text that was written for an entirely different time and culture.
@@perplexity8260 If you study the Bible well, there was a predestruction of the Earth before God made Adam and Eve, meaning Adam age about (6k years)is not equal to the Earth and universe age
@@allo5170 Can you link a source on this concept? I am a Christian that wants to learn about this more. This makes logical sense since there is evidence for an old universe yet if the earth was old fundamental parts of the Bible are inaccurate, since Jesus references the literal interpretation of creation, meaning he would be wrong, leading to doubt on the inerrancy of the Bible.
I’m so glad that I can finally throw my arms up and stop using my god given pre-frontal cortex to be a curious human! I have only to completely divorce myself from my innate curiosities and keep my head down and accept the bible as the best evidence we will EVER have.
One of the most amazing thing god created was us! Think about how advanced our bodies are on healing and daily operations. Science still hasn’t caught up to where we are. Ty father for what you have done!
Big Bang is in Genesis it’s all about the creation of almighty GOD! Scientist are just trying to take the glory that does not belong to them! To GOD be the Glory❤!
Actually scientists are trying to explain everything in a subjective unbiased manner that everyone can understand. Science does not rely on religious beliefs.
@@onegreenev not sure how you would measure the voltage of the whole earth. but using a simple digital ammeter I have measure current flow in the ground. not a lot certainly measurable.
Creation will never be a part of a scientific curriculum. God does not fit into a humanistic agenda.. The only miracle scientist wants you to believe is everything from nothing
@@frankie9259 Seriously, you should take the time to learn something about the scientific method and about the progress that scientists have made to elucidate how nature works. If you don't put the effort in, you'll continue to say embarrassing things.
We can know things about the planets because they're OBSERVABLE. From telescopes to advanced (and designed 😁) satellites sent into space. The strength of this speech is to show you that what is being peddled as knowledge on the BIG BANG really is speculation and guesses. (or narrative) The Big Bang is a theory in crisis, but it's the only accepted paradigm and there's real consequences for questioning it.
History and Development of the Bible: The Bible is not a single book; it is a collection of books whose complex development is not completely understood. The oldest books began as songs and stories orally transmitted from generation to generation. Scholars are just beginning to explore "the interface between writing, performance, memorization, and the aural dimension" of the texts. Current indications are that the ancient writing-reading process was supplemented by memorization and oral performance in community. The Bible was written and compiled by many people, most of whom are unknown, from a variety of disparate cultures. It wasn't written by the hand of God. It was written by mere mortals.
Shatters my dreams..... I always thought that God spoke and "BANG" it happened...... Not the scientific big band theory, but you get the picture...... LOL
I missed the parts of the video where astrophysicists or cosmologists presented the data that demonstrates Big Bang Theory to be incorrect, and also the part right after that where they explain why the cosmic microwave background, our expanding universe, and all the current mathematics and physics actually demonstrate something else, and then of course right after that where they explain that new theory. Time stamps?
Well, we’ve been able to accurately map the objects in the sky and the ones that move very accurately when they’re close to us, the farther we look out the harder it is. Our calculations still end up being fairly correct yet whether they were correct or not doesn’t prove the theory of expansion.
@@ITPalGame who cares?? This is an AIG video.. they're an apologetics ministry. They have a statement of faith on their website which quite clearly indicates they don't understand that scientists *must* follow the data and evidence before all else; beliefs and opinions must be set aside. Evidence must be followed *wherever* it may lead. They upload videos with terrible, dishonest titles like, 'scientists have LIED to us about the age of the Earth'.. and this video here, where we read the words, 'Big Bang *myth*' at the start of the video.. They deserve any and all backlash they get, especially from anyone who respects scientists and the hard work they do. Big Bang Theory has not been dismantled, and is not a myth. It is a *scientific theory* with problems and mysteries that still need to be solved. You know, like many scientific theories. That's kind of how science works. Scientists are doing the best they can. There is not a global hoax involving millions of scientists *lying* as AIG apparently seems to think. I'm sorry that you do not understand.
@@ITPalGame 'your attempts at snarkiness and sarcasm are duly noted' AIG and their gross misrepresentations of various fields of science throughout the years have been, and are, duly noted by many, many people. It's a shame you are not one of them.
Surah al-Anbiya 30. Do the unbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, and We split them apart? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not believe?
One thing that God gave us is intelligence and choice of what to believe. And for some reason, Americans look for any excuse not to use them. This guy says that the questions are unanswered. That isa first step towards honesty and humility. "What is man, that You are mindful of him?" That is the theme of the book "Your God is too small." A God who is "too great" to worry about humans is "too small" in that sense. God put these questions to Job, and Job's answer was very different.
But you have no proof, evidence, theories, nothing other than a book written by ignorant (by current knowledge standards) people who were enslaved for 100's of years and had a myth about a messiah to fulfill in order to believe in their future. Then another group of as ignorant people wrote another book of stories, that's all you can prove, books were written.
The angels asked similar question too. But God said to them that HE knows what they knew not. God created us to serve HIM alone . The creation of Heavens and Earth is more complicated than the creation of men.
@@adrianabonitaaziz Go to a hospital and for one year observe people that die. Christians have a heart of peace and anticipation of eternal joy on their faces. Many who have no faith in Christ have a heart of terror and fear, and anticipation of eternal lonliness and horror on their faces. It seems that your "Bible full of contradictions and errors" is more correct than you estimate.
God is the Creator, not a creature. He was never “created”. He is Good and does good. He is Gracious and Merciful, long allowing and abounding in goodness and truth! He is Love, our Savior Messiah! Ask Him (pray) to give you grace to believe His words!
@@Jeremy9697 not synonyms. To make is synonymous to fabricate, you make something from something else, like a table from a tree. To create is an act of will. From nothing, something comes to exist, just like God created the heavens and the earth.
I get people want to work their beliefs into their understanding of the place they live in, but from a logical standpoint a lot of the criticisms they have about scientific explanations can be applied exactly the same way to theological explanations. "Have they seen this happen? Have they recreated this in a lab?" Have you seen god? Have you witnessed him create the earth and the universe? Why is that a better explanation to some people? Even if God exists, I won't rule out the possibility, the Bible is still a work of man, not God. It was written by a man, it is not a primary source, it is the interpretation of a human, who claims to be interpreting "God's word". Science is about questing what we know, and learning from those questions.
one major problem with the "naturalistic" world view (all things are made up of space and matter) is that it denies the existence of the "super natural" (things outside of the natural) Science is simply the study of things within a naturalistic spectrum (things that can be measured) so... your assumption of "have they seen this happen", brings it back to the naturalistic world view AKA I ONLY ACCEPT AND ACKNOWLEDGE THINGS THAT CAN BE MEASURED. and unless you can grasp the concept of the super natural... you will NEVER understand anything theological outside of pure "atheism" and "agnosticism" some things you simply can't "show me", but you have evidence of it yourself, but because it is immeasurable and intangible... sharing it with a naturalist becomes an absurdity. this is one perspective on the biblical statement of "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise" it sure seems foolish for something outside of nature to create all things that are natural... but yet... the natural cannot create itself (unless you believe in the power of "nothing")
@@James-li8cm The problem with assuming that science "denies the existence" of anything is that you assume science is a hard and fast rule about the world. Science does no such thing, it does not deny the existence of one thing or another, it provides explanations for the most likely way that things work and function to the best of our current understanding. Supernatural things are merely things that our current understanding cannot explain, that does not mean that we won't be able to explain it later when our understanding evolves. However, if our current understanding explains a "supernatural phenomenon" relatively well, the likelihood of that being the case is much more probable than it being some mysterious force which "cannot be measured". Speaking of measuring, if something interacts with our world or has an influence on it, then that influence can be measured in that capacity. If it does not have an impact on our world or does not influence it in ANY regard then that would be immeasurable and by your definition "supernatural". So, would that not mean "God" would have to be "natural" and not "supernatural" in order to interact with our world?
@@iano1638 does science depend on things OTHER THAN things that can be measured in the natural world? as I understand, "science" is merely a method for gaining knowledge... "the scientific method" inference experiment, measure, study, conclusion. if science is something other than that... it is not the "classical definition" of the word science - Super Natural: (according to wikipedia) The supernatural is phenomena or entities that are not subject to the laws of nature. It is derived from Medieval Latin supernaturalis, from Latin super- (above, beyond, or outside of) + natura (nature) science: "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment" Super Natural does not mean "things we can't explain yet" you will need to use a different word for that usage. you may have a "problem" with these words and definitions, but I am working with the good ole' fashioned dictionary... (lets say pre 1980s) I do not subscribe to the new and updated editions of "new speak"
@@iano1638 oh.. and for the record... since God created the natural world... he can do anything he wants any way he wants... because he designed it, created it, and does whatever he wants with it... not unless you fully understand the nature and limitations of God? do you?
@@James-li8cm of course not, but until there is sufficient evidence to support his existence or that he has these capabilities, the likelihood of any of that is rather improbable
funny i always woindered how a magical invisible imaginary sky superhero (and his dead jewish carpenter sidekick) created sorry the 21st century is so inconvenient for you gonna go sit at the grown ups table now..enjoy your jello
@@iampostal You only have faith...Your faith is in what some people you don't know tell you to believe. That sounds very similar to that magical being you have no faith in. Prove the earth is a flying ball chasing a giant flaming ball through the universe in complete unison with all the other stars that never change position in the sky...except they change every cycle to the exact same as they were before. Please do tell??? Please do not use nasa (the liars) cgi bs as proof. We already know that is fake just like your news source cnn. Did you go to (((space)))? Have "you" been there? No, you haven't. You are just taking it as "faith"
@@iampostal God created everything initially and continues to sustain us. We are inside of God’s s once mind, us and ultimately everything is like a contingent thought in a transcendent mind. Think of a brick, that imaginary brick will only exist so long as you create it and sustain it. That’s what we are, a thought in God’s mind. Jesus Christ was sent to save and redeem us from our sins so that the creator of the universe, God, could let us into his kingdom and glory as we were created in the image of God. With special powers of thought, understanding, and a mind, just like God has, in his image. He gave us these powers alone, that is why we are the ONLY living thing that can know God. We were created for Him!
IF the big bang were so why is everything going in circles. If there were a big bang wouldn't everything be spreading in every direction in straight lines?
Well, that's what you get for watching a video from a geologist, or whatever, who is also an apologist, trying to explain Big Bang cosmology. You end up not understanding one darned thing about it, because apparently, neither does he. The Big Bang was not an explosion like a bomb detonating, with matter flying out from a central point. The Big Bang has no center, and occurred everywhere at once. (Also, like others here have said, 'gravity')
@@travisbicklepopsicle There are various things we have not discovered about outer space yet. But you miss the bigger point. Let me ask you a few questions. Do you believe in the Christian God? Do you believe in the Bible? How do you believe man and woman came to exist on this earth? A person can be enamored with provocative questions for his whole life and speculate, but you have to respond to the evidence before you to know the Truth. Otherwise you will be deceived and you will deceive others.
@@ege9458 I like your approach since this dude is commenting in many comments here. ^^ many believe in scientists and science without even understanding it and they just trust it. I mean it is not wrong but it is sad that they don't admit that they just believe in a religion, too. Based on assumptions that are just more hidden than the more obvious assumptions from Christianity for example. indeed they are deceived by that. Asking questions is the best way to free them from deception...
I seen a bumper sticker several years ago and I really liked it and repeat it. It said, "I believe in the big bang theory. God spoke and bang it was!"
Billions of years ago.
@@PortmanRd roughly 6000*
@@Acularis6000 years ago was barely before the Egyptians started existing
@@WooporGod created this earth with inbuilt age
The good thing is that I used to believe what I had been taught in school, about the creation of the universe, evolution and it had me convinced that God didn’t exist.
But now I realize the truth, that God created everything, seen and unseen. It took be just about 65 years to be set free from the distorted views that I had been taught and I praise God for His grace, patience, love and forgiveness. The realization that God created science and man’s ability to even question His existence is all the more reason to believe in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
Amen 🙏🏻 🙌🏻 Praise be to Him
I’m right there with you! My story is very similar.
I had a mixture of beliefs. I believed God initiated the Big bang, God started the evolution. Actually I didn't think the exact mechanism how everything came into existence was important. Since He is almighty He could do it any way He wanted to.
But a couple of years back, I started encountering content (in my language) similar to this, where they were explaining why biblical description is exact (most of that content is no longer online) and why the fact that God created us directly, not that we evolved from apes is important.
It really confused me and forced me to rethink all of my beliefs. Recently I found this channel and so far I am really satisfied with how here things are explained in an easy to understand manner (I'm not a scientist so it's really hard to debate someone who can use fancy words and quote some articles).
Maybe you could figure out a way to accept the facts of nature, such as biological evolution, and incorporate those facts into your belief system? I don't know, of course :-)
I’ve never been more convinced that GOD, who always was, who always is and who always will be created everything for His pleasure. This is why we are here. Our purpose is to lovingly serve Him. Praise God.
Dang. God makin us suffer for his own pleasure. Fr ong messed up.
@Jamesmylife , our suffering is not of God's doing but of Adam and Eve's sin!
@Jamesmylife no, I am not pissed. I am happy to live a life and grateful for all that is good and bad and all that I have experienced. The alternative is unimaginable. Heaven is not for this world but the next!
That sounds like the weirdest Stockholm syndrome I've ever heard
It would be Fantastic to have these videos dubbed in Spanish!!! There are a lot of people here in Latin America that need this information, thank you!!
This isn't information, it is laughable and misrepresented science.
imagine thinking that latin america isn't religious enough, nah man, those very same people you mention need to start questioning that very same information they've been fed, maybe we'll actually start making progress that way
my favorite part of the entire ordeal is when scientists regard it wholly as a theory yet everyone who reads it and learns about it regards it as fact... despite overwhelming lack of evidence..
kinda like christianity!
@iampostal you seemed to have glossed over several key points of historical data that refute your point... don't worry, I'm not mad, and I won't disrespect you for it... I've become used to it happening. I'm sure you'll do a better job in the future.
@@randomanun4278 don't forget that in the context of science, a *theory* is the highest level of explanation.
A scientific theory is a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method, and which brings together many facts and hypotheses.
Scientific theories can also incorporate scientific laws as well.
Two major scientific discoveries provide strong support for the Big Bang theory: Hubble's discovery in the 1920s of a relationship between a galaxy's distance from Earth and its speed; and the discovery in the 1960s of cosmic microwave background radiation. There's other evidence as well based on our observations of the universe plus mathematics and physics.
Also, remember that the Big Bang model does not describe the very *beginning* of our observable universe, it only describes what happened after. A Creator or God of some sort could have caused what we call the big bang to occur.
The Big Bang did not go 'bang!'.
It was not an explosion like a bomb detonating with matter flying out in all directions from a central point. It was also not 'everything from nothing'.
The universe is still expanding to this day, an expansion that started with the big bang. The Big Bang is a fact to the best of our knowledge, it is the accepted cosmological model based on all the relevant data and evidence. There are many unknowns, of course, as there are with all scientific theories, and there is much we do not know about the Big Bang, but evidence indicates it is a fairly accurate model.
Hope that helps 👍
You do realise a scientific theory is a model? The term is not used like you would use the term "theory" in everyday life. A scientific theory is the highest form any idea can reach in science. It explains all the known data and evidence without contradictions or competition. There is no standard higher than a theory in science. A model cant be "proven true" or "be a fact" since that makes no sense, but in everday terminology a scientific theory can be called a fact. It's as close to the use of the word as humans can get to truth.
Electromagnetism is a theory. Germs are a theory. Cells are a theory. The big bang is a theory. Evolution is a theory. Plate tectonics are a theory.
Abiogenesis or the inappropriately named string theory, are hypothesis. Those are also models, but they cannot account for all data, may include problems, may have unresolved competition, or have some other shortcomings, like being unable to make testable predictions. Or in other words, they are "ideas" that have yet to be fully fleshed out, and may not work out. Scientific models on the other hand, while not set in stone, rarely change in a meaningful way, as any new theory would have to explain the entire body of evidence the old theory explained, but be better. This usually results in new evidence making the model a bit more clear, a bit more powerful for predictions, but otherwise not change the explanation.
Imagine it like a 1000 piece puzzle of which we got, say, 800 pieces put in place. A scientific theory wont ever be perfect, but any new piece we find will usually only make the overall picture clearer and wont cause it to completely change and turn out understanding of the topic around by 180°.
@@therick363theory isn't fact
Love how humans question existence - as we were created too … our God is so awesome !!!
Well put together sir, God is amazing indeed.
Yes!! I love God!! AMEN!!
Well put together, by God.
He kept complaining that none of today's scientists were around to witness the origin of the solar system.
So which theologians from today were around to witness Creation?
The record is the Bible... scientists are just assuming and guessing then second guessing and repeat.
@@AbrahamRodriguez-vc8dt | I do believe the Bible tells us *who* created everything and *why.* I don't think the Bible mend to inform us *how* it was done and *when* (apart from _"In_ _the_ _beginning"_ ).
It's a relevant statement to note that theologians, nor scientists, (or humans in general for that matter,) weren't present to observe. That means scientists have to rely on current observations in order to try to reconstruct the past events. Just as the police does in case of a crime, in order to proof the past events beyond reasonable doubt. But science doesn't give an answer to the who and why questions.
Theologians have to rely on revelations. In this case mainly from the book of Genesis. But, inspired as it may be, the human that wrote the book wasn't there either. And although the book answers the question of who and why, it's a stretch to squeeze answers out if it, about questions that weren't posed.
In this respect, it might be better to compare the first chapters of Genesis with an other book from the Bible discussing time periods that haven't been observed: Revelations. No christian is expecting literally dragons to rise up out of the sea. They, rightly, interpreted this as a symbol, a representation for something. And very few christians think the described time periods in John's Revelations are to be taken literally.
@@Michiel_de_Jong I agree that no man was present during the beginning of everything. The Bible is God's Word, indeed a revelation. God want us to know who He is, as He long to have a personal relationship with us (His special creation). If all people can realized how magnificent His Word is, can you imagine how many hundreds years have passed from the time the book of Genesis is written to the time the Hebrews is written. And I quote Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 & 2 "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;"
reference this now to Genesis chapter 1.
For me, it is amazing how the books of the Bible corelates with each other even though the time gap was hundreds of years. This signifies that God was declaring His Word to the writers of each book. So to answer your question. Yes, no man was present but the omnipotent, omniscient God actually told us WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW NOT WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW.
The problem with today's society is that we want to know everything when we only have limited capacity. If you have faith to believe God is the Creator and we are the creation, then you should also believe that you are inferior in His superiority and is surrendered to His Lordship. If this is so, do we have a right to demand from our Creator.
If a parent adopts an infant, it will not know that he is adopted unless the parent reveals it to him first. It is on the parent's perspective when he will reveal it or might not at all. The moment the parent reveal it to him, he may have many questions about his existence but one thing is for sure. Only the parent have the answers. This analogy of parent-child relationship is somewhat similar but also different to a certain level with God and His creation. We will never realized the God-creation relationship if we do not believe Him as One. And we are not a god and never will be even how much we want to be.
And let us not take away the credit from our ancestors, their contributions good or bad should be accounted at the present not just thrown away by any generation who are JUST ASSUMING. New things are not always good or better and this is proven over time. Science is good until you use it in a wrong way like all things in life. This is a serious topic because our time is limited and there are eternal consequences for it. Will you bet your life on the hands of men? or will you have faith to God that is longing for your repentance through the redemption of Jesus Christ, His Word, His Son. Amen.
@@AbrahamRodriguez-vc8dt | I totally agree with your summary of the core message of the Bible, as you described it in the first paragraph, and I have also noted and appreciated the remarkable unity within the scripture, despite the fact that it has been written over the course of millennia.
I even agree that science *might* has similarities with the ongoing effort of humans to build 'towers of Babel'. But there is an other aspect to it as well. When God placed humans on earth it was in a *garden,* while we are moving toward a *city* (Rev21). That's a development and humans are involved, receiving the instructions to multiply and to rule over the earth. ...and Adam immediately embarked on the first scientific mission: giving names to all the animals.
As you said: God tells us what we need to know, but he hasn't told us everything; and Adam (pre-fall) started to fill in the gaps, with Gods permission, apparently, because he blessed Adam's discovery.... (Gen2:20). So, science is a calling, and to be honest,.. my admiration of Gods work isn't diminished by the discoveries in Geology, Astronomy, Physics, Biology. To the contrary; I am in awe, looking at rock formations and the story they tell us about the fast amounts of time it took them to form.
I am not sure to whom you refer ("ancestors")..., but I have Augustine on my side;-)
@@AbrahamRodriguez-vc8dt How do you know the Bible is true and it's God's word.
Did you speak to him about it?
We're you there when God dictated it?
Maybe the talking serpent wrote it - how can you prove he did not?
Scientists have observation and evidence for their beliefs - what is yours?
And please don't use the Bible to verify the Bible.
That's classic circular reasoning.
Nothing can't make something. Period.
That isn't what the big bang theory claims.
Looking forward to Paula coming back and saying, 'oh, you were right, I did some research and now I know better. I like to learn new things, and I'm not afraid to be wrong'..
Oh, wait.. young Earth creationists don't do that. She had at least a month, and still probably never bothered to educate herself.
Some people are allergic to knowledge.
@@travisbicklepopsicle The earth is getting further from the moon every year. Do you get that ?
Nothing made God apparently
@@Juicersenthst is the greatest comment to my Christisn ears! There's something we can agree about.
Once you have been presented with the truth and you still choose to refute it for your own convenience, God calls that behavior being "wilingly ignorant" (2 Pet. 3:5).
Chapter 81 The Overthrowing - At-Takwir: Verse 1When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up; 1 When the stars fall, losing their lustre;2 When the mountains vanish (like a mirage)3When the oceans boil over with a swell6When the world on High is unveiled;
We applaud a painter for work of art, for we know it's a great skill and intelligence to make it. But any of the greatest paintings can be akin to a stick figure when compared to the wonders of the universe, yet we say it was one big accident followed by a series of lucky random chances.
I feel so lucky to be born at this time to see and understand how the universe works.
@@terrymckenzie8786 I don't think we've even scratched the surface
@@reidveryan9414As Far as I Believe I Believe we will never know, I believe the Rapture will Happen before Atheists Attempt to move to Mars.
And before Anyone Can find out anything more than what God has told us.
I also believe at the End times, We Will Know Because we will be able to Ask the Creator Himself.
". But any of the greatest paintings can be akin to a stick figure when compared to the wonders of the universe, "
What other universe have you compared ours with to know that our universe was painted?
Who eroded the river deltas? Does erosion require an intelligent eroder?
Surprisingly, a catholic priest Fr. Georges Laimetre postulated the bigbag and finds no conflict with the creations of God.
Except the Earth was created first and apart from the rest of the universe so no big bang happened.
@@technicianbis5250-ig1zd you absolutely have to be kidding me. It’s mentality like this that we have flat earthers and also have Christian’s called ignorant. Do you also believe that Moses was the only writer of the first 5 books of the Bible? Cause that’s what it says, never mentions anyone else. But it’s obvious it was right? Why do CHOOSE to believe that? Ohh because you have some understanding about life and know that Moses can’t write about his own death right? So you can assume from this text and make an ACCURATE understanding is that there has to be another explanation about the author of the first 5 books. Well, the entire written order of creation could be scrambled in the authors mind and the word day could be an era of time instead of a Miraculous ONE literal 24hr day. This magical miracle is a plot you are convinced of because you say it’s easy to understand and God meant it, well then why did God mean to say that he spoke to Moses to write the beginning of the Bible and NOT believe that?? Could he miraculously write about his death? Or speak of himself while writing scripture?? You choose not to believe that because it’s obvious, well it’s obvious that Gods creation was made in a long period of time. Because of science all over the world engaging in this theory to try to understand our beginnings.
"It's odd you'd have gas planets if all this was from a slowly spinning gas cloud"
Right! So Boyle's Gas Law applies to the more massive Gas Giants but not the less massive rocky plantets. Sure.
The Big Bang Theory, in my opinion, happened. Can you imagine how Gods voice reverberated throughout the universe, in all its silence, when He said; Let there be light?!?!!
Of course, there was no universe for His Voice to reverberate in...until He created it...not even EMPTINESS.
Until we know Christ as Lord and Savior we truly cannot fathom 'everything' out of 'nothing'.
In Christ's Love
James web telescope says that there was a great light shining for so long before Creation
@@prynsh_ so you know when the creation happened.
The problem is the order of events portrayed in the biblical account vs Evolution account.
@@prynsh_wow a talking telescope!
I am not a theologian, but I was raised as a Christian. Therefore, I accepted the Gospels as historical records. However, what the Genesis narrative tells us of the beginning aligns differently with what science teaches. So, as a result, I accepted the story of creation on faith. Later, as an adult, I read a popular science magazine article about the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and how its data reveals that our Earth and solar system may be cosmically aligned. Then came the Planck satellite confirming the WMAP data. Could this be evidence that the book of Genesis is based on historical events? Perhaps, but unfortunately, I am not a scientist and can only understand about one percent of the science. Nevertheless, according to cosmologists, one thing is evident, the alignments somehow exist! Moreover, because the data does not fit the Standard Model of Cosmology, scientists dubbed it the Axis of Evil. But, as reported by Genesis, would these alignments be the Axis of Beginning? Did WMAP and the Planck satellites' data of the cosmic microwave background reveal a universe aligned with the Earth and solar system that may show Genesis as history? This may be why scientists are so silent concerning these alignments. And do these alignments support the Big Bang? Could this data be relative to a possible cosmic model of Intelligent Design? Instead of an Axis of Evil, what if these alignments show an actual Axis of Beginning?
Why would you think scientists are silent concerning this issue? Very exciting and interesting; don't know why anyone would think scientists would be 'silent' on it. .?
Your story/book Axis of Beginning is extremely entertaining and informative.
@@travisbicklepopsicle because of the nature of our world… the fall of Adam and Eve as a result of original sin means we withdrew from our God :( which causes us to live in a world of the Prince of the power of the air who shields all from the truth
@@JesusisKing1414 genetics and anthropology demonstrate that modern humans first arose in Africa around 200,000 or so years ago. How does that square with the Adam and Eve story? Anyway, we know from biology that there are no, or were no, first two members of any species.
Its not often you see a person working completely free of bias which you seem to have accomplished
Well done
I remember when theists were ecstatic about the big bang theory because it was a point at which one could insert "and God created the heavens and the earth." The steady state theory it replaced just assumed everything in the universe had been around forever. No place for God at all. I am a Christian who is still happy there is a big bang theory. It's a point of intersection between science and belief.
stimopoet *** if people has only a simple mind they can not connect the big bang with God Eternal wich is the only one who can create the infinite where the big bang comes from. Many of us are lost in a big city even without a map. ***
The man made world is filled with lies
Ok at 7:22 as someone who studies science at University under the tutelage of PHD scientists I can tell you know the whole concept of "operation science" and "origin science" is just a made up concept derived from creationists so they can claim that certain parts of modern science aren't science and other parts are, like a cherry picker, this isn't true and science itself isn't even about facts or theories, it's about the methodology, observation, hypothesis (testable and falsifiable), prediction (novel, testable and falsifiable), experimentation (repeatable and designed to falsify the hypothesis) then if you fail to falsify the hypothesis after numerous attempts you get a theory and this is how ALL science works, ultimately however theology doesn't work in this manner so you can see why theology isn't science, if anyone claims theology to be a science please describe your theology in terms of the scientific method
Adam, you are correct. I am an atheist myself. However the Big Bang is still a theory. Most accepted theory by science and makes a lot of sense, but it's still a theory.
Except that science doesn’t respect observations that fall outside of its current dogma. Thus science itself has become a religion. Complete with its own heresies
@@Widdowson2020 no science doesn't accept unfalsifiable concepts such as all powerful deities, the only way to get a Nobel prize is to falsify one of the current hypothesis, maybe instead of listening to these scientifically illiterate preachers you should start listening to a real scientist on the front
And I almost forgot science also only accepts useful ideas not some useless concept such as a god, evolution on the other hand is used to determine the optimal breeding patterns of cattle and crops to maximise food output
@@yvesgysel9834 firstly your using theory in the wrong context, a scientific theory is a body of knowledge with a large amount of supporting evidence, it is not by any means synonymous with hypothesis and secondly the big bang theory is just a collection of concepts and other theories put together to make a coherent hypothesis as to the origin of the universe, in by saying that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that some parts of the theory are true such as Stephen Hawkings suggestion that "nothing created nothing as there is still technically nothing", basically what he means is that there is no net amount of energy in the universe as measured by the WMAP satellite and so long as a system of 0 joules of energy creates particles moving in opposite directions with exactly the same amount of energy there is no 1st law of thermodynamics violation
Science confirms the Bible, it doesn’t discredit the Bible. Theories such as the Big Bang are just that, theories. They are nonsensical, foolish and an insult to God. Just as a painting has a painter, creation has a Creator. And it’s the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing created everything???? 😂
"The God Myth" Fixed it for ya.
Myth?? Explain the Cambrian explosion.
The theory of it you mean?? Watch The greatest movie on Noah’s flood ever made. It’s about 1h-20m long. All science. It will help realize how their theories have so many problems.
As someone who always found astrophysics fascinating, the older you get and the more you learn, the more you realize how little scientists actually know.We are brainwashed to believe in them not God
Yes, scientists know little information in comparison with the whole information there is,but just because they don't know something now doesn't mean necessary that is "a cause of God". Something we don't know why it happens or how is neither a cause of magic, science or Godlike but a matter of "i don't know yet,but we will eventually find out,at first with theories than with experiments".
As a christian, I'm really stuck in between this line between science and faith, I really do believe god created the universe, but at the same time, it makes sense why scientists think the big bang happened
frankie *** yes you are absolutely right, a great one in the greek antiquity once said "as much as I know only know that I know nathing". He said nothing about God, it means that knowing a lot or less has nothing to do with beliving or not in God. ***
I am 75, and each day I learn more about geology, biology, and astrophysics and believe less and less in a supernatural deity.
Explain why the Earth was created first. Read your Bible and stay true to God, time is nearly up.
The term "evolution" has a broad, general meaning of "change over time" that's used in common parlance and in casual description, but that term has very specific and diverse meanings with various scientific fields. For example, in biology it means _"The change in genetic composition of a population over successive generations, which may be caused by natural selection, inbreeding, hybridization, or mutation."_ Just because Evolutionary Theory and Big Bang Theory both entail "change over time", it does not mean they are therefore related or interdependent.
What you quoted when you say on evolution "in biology it means 'The change in genetic composition of a population over successive generations, which may be caused by natural selection, inbreeding, hybridization, or mutation.'" is only what Charles Darwin made in his theory, not the very meaning of evolution in terms of Biology. What you have is your own mindset and interpretation that we don't follow or uphold. So this is your OWN bias definition and that is the problem! Your own definition isn't even scientific in the first place cos it goes against nature itself!
If that's true then where are the mutations? If that statement where fact we'd have werewolves and the TMNT. We both know that this is pseudo cryptic nonsense.
The only mutation I can think of is cancer, and that is destructive.
@@k-dogg9086 OK, since you ask, and don't know, which means you are uneducated in the subject, let me enlighten you ! DNA replication is not perfect, sometimes it introduces errors, but, the cell has a kind of "proof reading" that can correct errors. and some times, this doesn't work either, and the mutation is permanent. Because of the massive number of base pair s it takes to make even a simple protein, many mutations actually have no noticeable effect, the ones that do, are usually ones that are located right at the active site of a protein, not some side bit that isn't critical to it's function, so, as you see, mutations happen all the time, and most of the time, there's simply no effect. Other things cause mutations, chemicals, ionizing radiation etc. Oh, and another thing, mutations are single point alterations in a code that is billions of letters long. Even something like the hemoglobin protein that carries oxygen in your blood is coded by a sequence that is millions and millions of base pairs long, so, one simple mutation can't possibly turn a wolf into a werewolf or something like that, that's absolutely absurd. So now, hopefully, you see how your lack of knowledge makes you come across, especially when you draw some pretty wild assumptions, from things you clearly know nothing about.
@@psycronizer don't prove your evolution though. But I see your point. We are wonderfully and fearfully made by God the Creator! Who knit us together in our mother's womb.
It's amazing to me that although the sun is millions of miles away from the moon, the moon looks the same size as the sun ..cannot be a coincidence
@All About Britain Yes, there are slight fluctuations...all part of the plan
@All About Britain yea we know
That's because the sun is 400 times bigger....
because the sun is incredibly huge...
The bible says god Created the sun, the moon and the stars and placed them in the firmament.
Our worlds and reality have always, and will always be what they are...including us. Our 'mental' or sensual world is a delusion.
"Most will fall for the delusion and believe the lie." Amen.
If Time dilation occurs as you approach the speed of light; why do we assume that space time is billions of years old and the distance between stars so great?
Ya because they say if you go the speed of light then you age super slow. O basically the stars and objects are much younger than our ridiculous redshift right???
Question: Would you be able to determine if you exist within a finite universe that has a perfect mirror as the border and enacts a red shift by absorbing a minute amount of energy from light to maintain its border, or whether you exist within an infinitely expanding universe? I propose that if you see patterns showing a mirror of clusters of galaxies that appear older than those closer to you, you have your answer.
I propose we are in an infinitely large universe. Why do we assume the universe is expanding vs we are just moving through it?
Please share references that support the spinning ball.
Genesis 1 Psalm 33:9, 93:1, 96:10 119:89-90 104:5, 1 chronicles 16:30 Isaiah 14:7, 45:18, Zechariah 1:11, Hebrews 11:10, 2 Peter 3:5.
I propose that That method of Dating Is Unreliable Bc it’s built upon the Assumption that the Universe is already 13.8B years, so when they see the redshift, they think that it might be All Pushed outward bc of the Big Bang.
People Argue that The Universe is by chance.
But if the Universe is by chance then How does The Earth Hold life by chance?
At the Perfect distance from the sun, And Why is it that there is over 100 things that the Earth Needs in order to Support Life?
If even one of these things are absent then Earth would never be able to support life.
You have The Atmosphere that’s made up Perfectly with what we need, And you have Jupiter Which Gets rid of Most of our Incoming Projectiles/Meteors.
Also The Sun is the perfect size as well not to small not to big, not to Weak, not to strong, ;
But by chance for Even the ones I mentioned is like Dropping 100M Toothpicks and having Them fall and make a Detailed House with an Interior.
The chances of that are Pretty Slim I’d say, I don’t think anybody has ever seen it happen.
Also if everything is by chance then how do you trust your Mind?
If it’s by chance then doesn’t that mean it’s random Chemicals?
Yeah that’s Designed I believe.
@@onegreenev Why is it an assumption if it's measurable?
Space is expanding period.
@@StephenJelinek Your a creationist and a flerf?
I feel like I'm in Sunday school.
They spew bullshit there, also.
That is the great thing about Sunday School and messages from God's Word, God has told us how and why He created mankind and our glorious earth, sun, moon and stars and why he created man. It always feels good to be in Sunday school because one hears the truth from God's word, not nonsensical claims of atheists.
@@davidcooper1201 A M E N
@@davidcooper1201 church and Sunday school are fine, of course :-).. but why is it necessary to misrepresent science, or think that science is an enemy or something? Or to think that science equals atheism?
It was a Christian man who first proposed what we now call 'Big Bang Theory', anyway🙄
Edit: Big Bang Theory has nothing to do with atheism, and is based upon direct observations and measurements of our universe plus lots of mathematics and physics. Do we know everything about it? Of course not, that's the beauty of science, it's a learning process. Also, please keep in mind that the Big Bang model does not describe the very *beginning* of our universe, it only describes what occurred immediately after.
A god or creator of some sort could have created the universe.
@@travisbicklepopsicle Your Big Bang theory doesn't fit the facts. Good science is confirming the Word of God continually. Evolution is not science, it is rather a failed theory based upon humanism.
Believing in a make believe person cracks me up 😂
Amazing 🎉😮 Thank you!!
Not convinced this guy is right but there are glaring problems with the current cosmological theories
There's really not they use a technique to distort the actual beliefs to try to make it look like it's not as solid as it is. Because they have no argument. Same is used in politics. If a politician has nothing going for him he just try to make his opponent look bad
Yes, that's one of the beauties of science, it never claims anything as absolute truth, it always leaves itself open to correction as new data becomes available. Whilst we can demonstrate pretty conclusively that the big bang did actually happen and we can date this event fairly accurately what we are currently unable to explain is why it happened, what caused it to occur. There is a distinct possibility that we may never be able to answer that question but at least science is looking at the problem and attempting to find the answer. Surely that is a more healthy approach than throwing our hands in the air, claiming God did it and refusing to look any further.
He’s wrong, there isn’t. At best there are minute inaccuracies.
You get caught up in a trap with your line of thinking about origins for the universe. Let me pose a question that is more pertinent to you and see how you look at things. Many scientists have pushed the concept of macro-evolution by Darwin's work in how "man" started on this earth and through text books distributed to public schools. Well, it has been a lie that was taught to impressionable children. Science itself disproves that "life" started on its own. Many scientists for years got away with assuming things. Now we realize the complexity, the design, the functionality behind many things and it has devastated macro-evolutionary understanding. The culture has been deceived by the false wisdom of man about many things.
What evidence would you need to convince you?
I’ve always thought when taught this in school “so that’s how God did it” 😂❤
Universe means; one phrase. That phrase is: "LET THERE BE...!" And then there was...
What? Is that a joke ? How much science you know?
And the Word was with God and the Word was God. Amen.
@@thetoad7367 that's just bs
God did not create people......people created god
@@BIaZeDaSHeLL you did not write this comment. This comment wrote itself and put your name on it.
The Big Bang happened when God said let there be light. Is the creation wiser than the Creator. ???
In the beginning God said
Let there be light
Sounds like the big bang to me
Because five days (litteral) later He formed man from the dust (literally 'smallest parts') of the earth.
Furthermore, nothing died until Adam sinned.
That's why the Sacrifice of Christ Jesus was planned BEFORE time itself.
In Christ's Love
The sacrifice of Christ was pre-planned but the universe is still billions of years old
@@radioboyintj It's not. Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy as well as Jesus Himself attest to that fact.
In Christ's Love.
The Buddhists believe
The Universe is eternal
Without beginning or end
But this view is incompatible
With the laws of physics
and the behavior of the universe.
Only the Bible affirms
The finite age of the universe
And agrees with science
That the universe
Was created in the recent past.
The universe is 14 billion years old and this is incredibly young on a cosmic timescale as this means that the universe is only three times the age of the sun,
Which is 4.6 Billion years.
In contrast to the googol years yet to go.
Science proves Creation
Young Earth Creationism
Makes a liar out of God
Because it teaches that
God deceives us regarding
The behavior of the universe.
The speed of light
requires time,
Therefore, you cannot say
God sped up the light so we
Can see the universe
I've never heard a scientist refer to the formation of galaxies and solar systems as evolutionary
Yeah, it seems as if, to certain religious people, all of science is about evolution, 'evolutionists', and of course the worst, 'evolutionism'.
He literally gives an example of a textbook with cosmic evolution in the title lol...
And there are many, many examples of the word and concept of evolution being applied to the cosmos by mainstream scientists.
@@markaustin3299 of course :-)
The word 'evolution' can be applied in many ways. Biological evolution is not the same as 'cosmic evolution', or the evolution of the cosmos, or whatever. Just like biological evolution is not the same as the evolution of the home computer, or the evolution of the Chevy Corvette, or.. I'm sure you understand :-)
You also know that words can sometimes even have different meanings or definitions depending on the context. Just like the word, 'theory', for example. A *scientific theory* is practically the complete opposite of the colloquial usage of the word, 'theory'.
Edit: 'mainstream science'?.. it is *science*.
'If it isn't science, it's pseudoscience. They are polar opposites. The ultimate mission of science is to discover facts about the physical universe, no matter how complicated, disheartening, or unexpected those facts may be. In contrast, the ultimate mission of pseudoscience is to reject physical facts in order to promote ideas that are not consistent with reality. Pseudoscience is inherently dishonest and deceptive because it claims the mantle of science while *rejecting scientific methods* and *contradicting* scientific facts.'
-- National Center for Science Education
Example: 'creation science' is pseudoscience.
Without science.. astrology stops fast.. and God said I made the milky way and dinosaurs.. nope. new chapters to the Bible stopped many moons ago.
That's because they cannot explain how evolution actually happened to make the universe!!!
Almost every life begins with an egg.
barnacles, corals, arachnids, old world snakes, alligators, except Darwin's children they came by stork when he was away for a year and half.
You didn't mention plants. Are they not alive?
@@globalcoupledances You know, eggplants of course!!!!
@@stevepierce6467 Flowering plants do have eggs that grow into fruits. Fern and Fungi don't. I think that the unmoving gametes are defined as egg
@@globalcoupledances I have plants. Many do not grow from plant style eggs.
@@stevepierce6467 WikiPedia "Flowering plants" paragraph "Reproduction"
And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.
47 surah Adh-Dhariyat 😍
Love seeing a Christian with a bit of smugness and arrogance. You’re entitled to it when you’re right
Who created God?
Christian or not I like seeing someone above smugness and arrogance. You want smugness and arrogance look at Richard Dawkins, Neil degrasse Tyson, or any Pentecostal preacher ever.
This man is proof that evolution is NOT linear. His 21st century body is equipped with a 1st century brain, that was never upgraded.
1st century brains were pretty amazing.
Remember that to build a strong argument don't create a straw man of your opponents view but rather a steel man, then refute that. To forget this fundamental is to lay a trap for ones self.
Cyclic Universe is due to Roger Penrose (not Steinhardt !), he studied WMAP (or Planck) data that describes Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).
As a Christian of over 70 decades, a keen reader of science, and having read the entire bible over 30 times, I believe that what we call the "Bib Bang" is the best understanding of the origin of our universe!
The only part of your comment I disagree with is your age.. 700 years is pretty old:-)
Rabbi mottel Baleston read the bible many times as an orthodox israelite.
Now he is messianic.
I 've studied astronomy since the age of 7 or 8 years old. Quantum physics/mecanics amazed me even more. Didn't last long. The Lord sent me an angel, then I started reading scriptures. I felt like, I just lost time studying science.
@@frederickpile3599 it's a shame that you felt like you just lost time studying science. Great that everything else worked out, I'm just saying, you know.. you didn't really waste time though because you were interested in those areas of science that you studying, right? And you enjoyed learning about that stuff, right?..
it all works out because you were actually learning about what you believe god created, so you were studying god's work👍
Disclaimer: the above is merely my own opinion based upon how I think I would feel if I were in your shoes 😊
If that's true then you are forced to dismiss the first six chapters of Genesis as fairytales. You either believe the Bible or you don't, but you don't get to cherry pick what God gave us in His Word.
Profound and powerful lecture Thank you so much Dr Terry Mortenson and God bless you and your family. Our GOD YHWH YESHUAH IS SO AMAZING ! HOW AWESOME IS HE!!! Thank You mighty King Jesus magnificent Father God for loving us so so much. We are not worthy of your grace. Bless You precious Father God
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2
I hope you get Sheldon Cooper along to one of your presentation sometime.
In the movie Contact they elude to space being an awful waste of space if there were no other intelligent life out there. I say. What if it takes all that wasted space out there for you to exist here? Everything has a purpose and place and everything is in its proper place. Without that balance life could not work. It was all designed and placed in perfection. So all that expanse is not wasted at all.
Excellent. A similar thought occurred to me: the perfect distance from the sun and the perfect atmosphere, created by perfect formation of the galaxy and the whole universe.
Designed just to create the conditions to make humans to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
at 30:30. he outlines what is not known. no conclusion can be drawn about any theory based on not knowing. that is the default answer if something is not known is not "god". you have to have the evidence of your claim, not evidence that other claims are incorrect.
Or at least rule out any other possible option. Impossible to do so when choosing to believe in whatever corporeal being aligns with your morals.
God of the gaps that keeps getting smaller
Exactly. “Unexplained” means unexplained. It doesn’t mean Is explained by god
@@TLO129 if everything were known and explained thousands of research faculty in dozens of departments at universities around the world would suddenly be unemployed.
@@bubba6581 Of course. But if you think about a religion and take away the divine worship and quirks, its generally just stories promoting morals that align with that faith. I never really needed religion because I can decide for myself what is right or wrong. I do think religion can be very helpful for people feeling lost or unsure, but I don’t like when it is pushed on others or taken literally.
And the sun runs [on course] toward its stopping point. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.
Surah Ya-Sin verse 38
If you are truly interested in finding the truth can I suggest you look up the cosmic codes videos on youtube by Chuck Missler. There are 9 of them. The first one to watch would be
Cosmic Codes Sampler: Various Bible Codes
followed by
Cosmic Codes #1
and so on to Cosmic Codes #8
If you don't want to or are not interested then I don't believe you are interested in even looking into any other evidence and are being willingly ignorant of the truth of the Creator and author of the Bible.
I think we can all agree that based on natural science the universe and life should not exist - it’s an impossibility.
The reason I have no problem accepting the creation story in the Bible is very simple. How long does it take to do the impossible? There is no time long enough to do the impossible, in fact time is an enemy. It requires miraculous intervention. Why couldn’t the Miracle Worker do it in 6 days?
Improbable things happen
There is a difference between an event that "will never occur" and one that "has a zero probability of occurring."
As an example of the fallacy of looking at results and conjecturing backwards on what the probability of such occurring was, grab a set of playing cards and deal them out face up, one at a time. When the first card is dealt, the probability of it being whatever it is, is 52-1, the probability of the second card being whatever it is is then 51-1, giving a combined probability of 2652-1. Once you have got through the deck, the probability of you having dealt those cards in that order is a staggering one in 8×(10) ⁶⁷
, which is pretty much "nearly zero", yet you just managed to do it! Congratulations, you're magic - just like Jesus
Another perfectly workable logical solution... Excellent!
That argument has been refuted time and time again. What makes you immediately say that God must have created the universe? What if there is some unwritten law of the universe that makes universes form in this way? What if there are multiple universes, and one that supported life was bound to pop up sometime? Simply saying that you don’t know the answer to something and attributing it to God is fallacious. If someone said they didn’t know how a refrigerator worked and attributed then refrigerator’s ability to cool things to God, you’d hopefully think they were mad! I, and many other atheists, see no difference here.
Thank God for you wonderful people and your Christian apologetics educational content. I’m learning so much. I was a Christian who believed in the Big Bang and was even eventually indoctrinated into evolution theory. Merging my Christian beliefs with secular beliefs and thinking God was behind all of it. But now I’ve started reading the Bible properly and educating myself more and the truth is so plainly clear. I completely agree with you regarding observational science and evolution. There has never been a missing link found. And now that I’m reading the Bible and seeing the truth, it’s like I’m a new person. All of my old beliefs shattered in an instant. I also really liked your point about comets, that is so powerful! Anyway, thank you and God bless you all 🤗🙏🏼 (I do wish you opened up a museum in Australia).
Your testimony is a great witness to the truth of God. It is unfortunate that the public school systems of this world are so opposed to God and the Bible. It is amazing the insight, understanding and confidence we get from reading His Word and how we should look at the world. When I think of Australia, I think of many things like alligators, sharks, jellyfish, snakes, and some other unfriendly creatures. How is it from your perspective?
You may want to do a bit of research. 'Missing link' is not a scientific term, and plenty of intermediates have been discovered.
Why would you make a false claim like that? There's no need to be frightened of science and what scientists discover.
likewise. for me, I was an atheist for all my life. until I realized that those I trusted the most could not provide any answers. not only could they not, they denigrated any those that questioned them. I knew then that those prevailing views supposedly rooted in science were a farce.
@@travisbicklepopsicleno, you are mistaken. There are, in fact, zero fossils that show a transition from one species to another. And you need that in order to prove your evolution nonsense.
Let's correct this one at a time and the first error appeared in record time at 1:24 "evolution explains how the first ever organisms came to exist" (ok so I'm going to be paraphrasing a bit but we can agree that's basically what he said), no that is not evolution, that's a straw man, biological evolution is defined as "the theory of biodiversity" otherwise put evolution explains how life diversifies over time, the explanation for the origin of life is a different field of science known as 'origin of life studies' while evolution is 'evolutionary biology', let's see what's next shall we
Yup. A THEORY. Thats all. Still they teach that bull***t in schools.
@@cipri198zero can you please define what a scientific theory is and the method behind how they become theories?
Entropy denies evolution.
@@Piccodon lol, entropy is thermodynamics, or as translated energy motion, I doubt you can even give me the entropy equation
S=E/T, where S is entropy, E is energy and T is temperature, and entropy can actually decrease in local systems so long as the total entropy of the universe continues increasing, please do what I've done and do a physics course at uni
@@adamboyen4727 Ahh the usual hubris. If a protein has a small defect it won't fold properly and becomes a problem. Complexity working correctly is not spontaneous or random. An eternity is not long enough to make it happen by random chance.
JOB :38:4 to 7 plz read
Wonderful just enjoyed it, the Word of God stands as it always does.
The Word is Jesus, not the scriptures.
This guy explains didly squat!, Just anotherembrt of the god squad trying to prove science wrong by talking crap. He never mentions that whole Dinosaur skeletons have been found that natural history has been studied since time immemorial. There have been 5000 gods throughout history and only yours is real?? Give me a break!
You need to read 2 Timothy 3 :16......there are other verses too.
Didn’t the babe say earth is flat and the center of the universe 😂
Hebrews 1:8-10 & 3:4 is just awesome! It totally disassembles any argument that Jesus is not God!
I just love Exodus chapter 21. It totally disassembles any argument that God is against slavery.
I think a letter to the Jews written 2,000 years ago... By an author with any integrity at all... Would not be dismissing the entire Old testament and all of the red parts... If you want to listen to a preacher read the red parts .. that guy was pretty good 🥰🤣🙏🤳 as many and lightning quotes include gems like.."don't call me good... There is one that is good.. even my father who is in heaven"... And I love that one where "all authority is given to him... In heaven and earth"... I love how he was totally dependent upon his father in the garden.…you know, when all of his buddies were sleeping? 🤣🤣🤣
You are truly an instrument of God and for God
Firstly. Respect for allowing comments on this video.
Secondly, I look forward to your peer-reviewed paper that DISMANTLES the BBT.
Wait... you aren't going to write one?
Why not? What are you afraid of?
He and James tour are going to co-write a paper so they both expound upon all their deep thinky-thoughts.
Oh that will be bigly! Can't wait for the colouring book to come out!
As to your comment re: the Good Old Days... I'm 74 years old, so I resemble that remark! lol
Funny how he demands evidence for science, but sees no problem with believing in religion based solely on faith.
Not the same thing
Science makes the claim that the evidence is there, religion is based on transcendentals, the proof exists in the abstract and can't be accessed physically, demanding evidence is foolish, but evidence is the basis for science, so its normal to demand evidence
Science is suppose to be demonstrable, so making a scientific claim that can't be proven, is actually unscientific
No, lol. The transcendentals themselves are evidence.
These people do hold various scientific hypotheses to a way higher standard of evidence than they do their foundational religious beliefs. It’s obvious when they criticize stuff like big bang cosmology, which isn’t even in conflict with Christianity and actually serves to ground an argument for the existence of God. Or just being a Young Earther in general.
If we had as many lines of independent evidence for Jesus being God as we do for the age of the Earth, they would readily accept it. Instead, we’re left with the transcendentals, various philosophical arguments for the existence of God, and a whole bunch of eye witness testimony and personal experiences (including modern miracles). Note: I’m not saying those lines of evidence are bad; they just would be dismissed by the AIG crowd if they were the evidence base we had for any of the scientific theories they think contradict Scripture.
@@MCJustJ420 ***yes science makes observations, experiments, theories, and publish the results, no claims; but who is entitled to understand what science says ? only people scientifically minded, not people who say that science is not reliable on subjects they are not qualified due to their wrong understanding of other sources like the bible, they understood only literally, and fanatically do not wont to study what they reed.***
@@adelinomorte7421 The claim is that science is capable of answering all these questions
Nothing you're saying really has anything to do with my point though
In point of fact we are totally surrounded with evidence, lots of it. It's how you interpret that evidence that counts. So yes, God's Word, although it requires faith, is also fully backed up by said evidence. If you're honest, you'll admit that the secular view of big bang, evolution, and billions of years requires at least a much faith as Bible believers.
“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good. God looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. Everyone has turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.”
Psalms 53:1-3
This is so powerful considering the recent info from JWST. It’s always best to stick with God. And you’re right. This is why I go with creationist over other camps that compromise on what’s true
Why does "accepting the Big Bang theory" means that you don't stick with God anymore? You are aware that the Big Bang theory was mainly invented/promoted by a Christian theologist and priest? That it was critisized by some (probably atheist) scientists who thought, that it was biased towards religion, so that it is a theory that was made up by Christians who were looking for a theory that is compatible with their belief?
However, why do you believe that the earth is a sphere, orbiting around the sun, which is also just one of billion stars in a giant universe? Christian Flat earthers will disagree and argues in the exact same way that you do. But interestingly you seem to accept certain scientific discoveries. But others not.
Uh-oh... You didn't watch one of those YT vids with a title like, 'James Webb Telescope proves Big Bang never happened!'.. and then not fact check that video, did you?
There's an article at space com-- one of the astronomers who works with the James Webb Telescope explains how this little piece of false information began spreading around the web starting back in August, I think.
The data that has been coming in from the James Webb has been awesome, but it certainly hasn't demonstrated the Big Bang model to be false.
Allison Kirkpatrick is the astronomer I am referring to; Eric Lerner is the person who 'misconstrued' (I'm being nice..) her work and started this whole mess:-)
Edit: if I'm misunderstanding your comment, I apologize
Science questions answers. When it comes to religion, it questions the questioner. We may never know how we got here, or why, but at least science tries.
Richard Feynman said it best: I don't fear the questions that can't be answered, I fear the answers that cannot be questioned.
Beautiful! Thank you 🤗
This guy say we didn't saw the big bang and so on , but a book written by people that didn't witness the creation is true
Both creation and evolution are theories and a matter of faith. The only strong evidence for the creationist position is experience. And we cannot deny that people are experiencing God. But scientifically we have to leave both positions open, and continue research. I believe both positions should be tought in school, and not favoring the evolution theory, and then leave it up to the individual to choose their faith.
"Both creation and evolution are theories and a matter of faith."
No, evolution is driven by evidence, creation by faith.
faith is a unreliable path to truth, people come to different conclusions using faith, even with the same religion
"But scientifically we have to leave both positions open"
Creation is not science,
"I believe both positions should be tought in school, and not favoring the evolution theory, and then leave it up to the individual to choose their faith."
School should teach science, creation is not science.
Well, for starters, when things explode, they don't make perfectly round planets and perfectly round stars. Explain to me how magma got into the core of Earth from an explosion.
" Well, for starters, when things explode, they don't make perfectly round planets and perfectly round stars. "
Well, for starters, according to modern cosmology nothing exploded, it is a YEC straw man you are using.
"Explain to me how magma got into the core of Earth"
@@godergodel1649 Gravity, huh? The last time I checked, lava is trying to get out of the core of the Earth, not into it. Wrong again. Just admit it, God created this Earth and made it perfect. Just like the rainbow since when it was first mentioned, about 5000 years ago, but people using it as a symbol for gays...whack.
Very good I enjoyed this video
What a beautiful place he created for us to enjoy!
How selfish and self centred
@jeanneale9257 explain please how the comment I made is selfish and self centered.
More importantly the Christians do have an answer about Starlight and how we can see that. 17 references in the Bible talk about the Lord stretching out the heavens. I am shocked that he has missed that. Great talk! Really wonderful good points and dead on accurate!
Here are 17 references to how Christians are certainly able to answer distant starlight:
Here are the 17 Bible verses:
2 Samuel 22:10 “He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet.”
Job 9:8 “Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.”
Job 26:7 “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.”
Job 37:18 “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?”
Psalm 18:9 “He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.”
Psalm 104:2 “Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain.”
Psalm 144:5 “Bow thy heavens, O LORD, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.”
Isaiah 40:22 “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.”
Isaiah 42:5 “Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein.”
Isaiah 44:24 “Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself.”
Isaiah 45:12 “I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.”
Isaiah 48:13 “Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.”
Isaiah 51:13 “And forgettest the LORD thy maker, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? and where is the fury of the oppressor?”
Jeremiah 10:12 “He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion.”
Jeremiah 51:15 “He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by his understanding.”
Ezekiel 1:22 “And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above.”
Zechariah 12:1 “The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.”
Distant starlight makes sense now, doesn't it? The whole universe has been stretched! Dimensional folding, like curtains above. The Bible has been right all along. No "static universe" out there. The former “Steady State theory" for the universe was unbiblical, and therefore in error. The scientists were wrong about science - again! Whenever the Bible and the scientists disagree … just give the scientific community more time! 😉
Well said
@@curtisreimer4592 thank you I appreciate you!
@@seanmartin2185 no problem
@@therick363 correct that's why I watch Stephen Meyers not genesis
@@therick363 however of evidence continues to point toward intelligent design as it has Sean would be correct in looking to more theological explaination
It saddens me that so many people think that an apologetics organization has actually falsified ( sorry.. 'Dismantled'😳)
*anything* having to do with *any* field of science.
The real world doesn't work that way:-(
The Science is E=Mc'sq. which backs up the factual SCIENCE that Energy/matter totals remain, the same, they don't even decrease, MUCH LESS INCREASE & that put along side, The SCIENCE FACT that Finite matter, CAN NOT Be infinite! pretty much shows scientifically the neccesity for God (who through scripture, explains that HE is NOT finite/created matter subject to Time, but rather spirit, which is outside the time realm all together! How would "mere sheep hearders, way back then, know that, that's the only scenario that solves scintific problems that get descovered in the future as problems for a "no god scenario" many OTHER Religions don't work, because their "gods" are finite matter in there doctrine, & usually not outside the time realm, So God has communicated to us, through HIS Word that is 100% accurate. jus-sayin'
You have been brain washed to think that half of the things scientists believe in our day is science thts why. He havent listened to anything this man said. You will die soon and you will have to face God if you are wrong. To be smart is too be neutral at least. These big talkers are only whistling pass the grave about things no one really can answer but to make assumptions.
Secondly, they resort to pure fiction as theories. Something cannot come into existance from nothing. There is no debate on that. I dont know why the creationists even permit further debate. The only other options is that matter is eternal or come from an unending string of events which is also just fictional imagination. Atheist have resorted to fiction as theories. Everyone knows that something cannot come from nothing but they exempt this when it comes to origins. How is that such smart people has become so stupid? Even the big bang itself cannot be replicated in a lab on a small scale as it needs fictional states of events to occur before and after it. The theory is laughable. Since when did people start excepting such rubbish as actual against all common sense? You become a fool when you reject God.
So magic didn’t do it 🤷♂️
It looks like someone didn't watch the video but still decided to comment.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Q: If grants where done away with would they know the answer?
Could you restate
There never was a beginning, there was always God, through God all came into existance
Your education was not only in vain, but also for nothen. But that's not surprising with Anglo-Saxon Christians, at all...
Can you point to one line of evidence for the existence of god outside of the Bible? Also can you point to anything that isn’t actually representative of other phenomena?
What did God do, before he created the universe? Was he just floating in the absolute cold and darkness ? For how long did he do that, before he wished the universe into existence? What did he build the universe with/from? Dare I say it ? God created the universe from NOTHING
@@tiborpurzsas2136 Use your head for more than a hat rack! With God there is no beginning or end
@@lesterstarks9607 we could say the same thing about the universe perhaps. The universe always was, there were no creator, no beginning, and there will be no end
Jupiter has total solar eclipses all the time with its various moons
Yes but these eclipses cover the sun completely. On earth, from our perspective, you can see a halo around the moon because the size and the distance is unique to our planet.
@@georgelaforce1028 are you aware that its only temporary? Just like the north star. The moon is moving away from us..always has been. In the ancient past the sun was completely covered, and in the not so distant future we will only get annular eclipses. That's how the solar system works
The YEC argument was that earth/moon solar eclipse was designed. But it happen elsewhere not just on earth, so it is not unique.
@@godergodel1649 also why would God design such a solar eclipse as ours ? It's not necessary for earth's biology or anything fundamental.
Religious ppl just don't understand how enormous the universe is ! Among so many billions of galaxies, stars,and planets, all kind of combinations may occur between the heavenly bodies! By chance the earth moon sun relationship turned out this way ! There is nothing mysterious about it, it didn't have to be designed that way.
"also why would God design such a solar eclipse as ours ?"
The moon was closer before, then there was a different relationship,. In the future the moon will be further away, then it have a different relationship than now.
If cognition is simply achieved by the assembly of atoms and molecules, and all the atoms and molecules that give us cognition came from the stars, do stars have cognition?
You could sum this entire stream as “These other guys don’t have the answers to the questions I have therefore my sky wizard did it”.
Give me a break, I would have loved you guys when we thought disease was divine punishment and natural disasters were the result of angering god.
You never know.
@@anonymike8280 don't be a gullible sheep.
@@racebannon5523 Don't be levity challenged. You do know, without levity, the universe would instantly collapse.
@@anonymike8280 sometimes levity can be almost undetectable. I guess it's all in the name.
@@racebannon5523 I'll give you credit for a weak joke.
Did not see how you dismantled anything. Those who cannot understand seem to go to the supernatural for their own comfort. That is fine. Many others continue the search for real answers. Keep studying actual evidence. You may get there some day.
When science points toward a neccessity for God, to get to the Real Answer, you may want to stop having the presupposition, that whatever the "real answer is, it must not include the existence of a supernatural God" - BTW objects don't make lifeforms, & finite matter can't be infinite" plus Matter/Energy TOTALS, REMAIN Constant, not even decreasing, much less increasing.
Athiest are the science deniers, in order to believe by blind faith, their scenario(s) of a "no god" - jus'sayin ;-)
In our world and universe, we are totally surrounded by evidence. Scientists who are Christians study this evidence just as profoundly as secular scientists do; you're just probably unaware of it because it gets virtually no coverage. As I said, evidence is everywhere. It's how you interpret it that matters. If you're honest you'll admit that believing in big bang, evolution, and millions/billions of years takes a lot of "faith." To say otherwise would be foolish.
The human nature and the human brain are not just accident. Without the human brain everything is meaningless
The human nature and the human brain are not just accident. Without the human brain everything is meaningless
@@us3rG what!?
Very well explained 👍
Ha, ha, ha.....In what sort of mixed up mind is that the case?
@@dougfriendly7676 Pops, we've already proven in our previous discussions you just wanna believe what you wanna believe. You even made-up your own "facts" about the Bible. You're not an unbiased truth seeker. You'd believe everything is just a dream or that everything came from nothing as long as it's not an all-powerful, transcendental God of the Bible. You trying to be cynical is just a cheap way to be recognized as an intellectual.
So let me explain it briefly to you again. The Big Bang is a naturalistic explanation how everything came from nothing without a Creator. It's an UNSUBSTANTIATED CONJECTURE about the unseen past based on an expanding universe. You know because of red shifts of light? It breaks all fundamental laws of nature yet it's still the only way to deny the obvious truth of a Creator. So stop it with the bluff and reply to my questions to you.
In what world??
What video did you watch LOL
43:25 is basically where this man's entire presentation falls apart for me. He basically admits, "Yeah, everything we can observe about the universe LOOKS like it's really old. But what if God just created it to look that way?" At no point does he present any new imperical evidence, or even a coherent alternate theory of what he calls "historical science" (incidentally, a distinction no non-creationist in the world recognizes). This entire lecture just throws rocks at those doing science, and proposes no science of his own; just a dogmatic belief based on a particular interpretation of a text that was written for an entirely different time and culture.
The idea of God making the universe that way would make God deceitful, which he cannot be according to the Bible.
I'm just impressed you watched that long.
Yeah what if god did make it look old so that science easily can disprove his own creation. Thats not intelligent design.
@@perplexity8260 If you study the Bible well, there was a predestruction of the Earth before God made Adam and Eve, meaning Adam age about (6k years)is not equal to the Earth and universe age
@@allo5170 Can you link a source on this concept? I am a Christian that wants to learn about this more. This makes logical sense since there is evidence for an old universe yet if the earth was old fundamental parts of the Bible are inaccurate, since Jesus references the literal interpretation of creation, meaning he would be wrong, leading to doubt on the inerrancy of the Bible.
I’m so glad that I can finally throw my arms up and stop using my god given pre-frontal cortex to be a curious human! I have only to completely divorce myself from my innate curiosities and keep my head down and accept the bible as the best evidence we will EVER have.
One of the most amazing thing god created was us! Think about how advanced our bodies are on healing and daily operations. Science still hasn’t caught up to where we are.
Ty father for what you have done!
@Jason Shearin Religious gratitude*.
Great video!
Big Bang is in Genesis it’s all about the creation of almighty GOD! Scientist are just trying to take the glory that does not belong to them! To GOD be the Glory❤!
Actually scientists are trying to explain everything in a subjective unbiased manner that everyone can understand. Science does not rely on religious beliefs.
No it isn't
The planet seems like a great big battery.
How so?
@Pete McWade it is a big battery with the North and South poles and the magnetic field.
@@gearyheidinewaccount3237 Go measure the voltage of the earth and report back.
@@onegreenev not sure how you would measure the voltage of the whole earth. but using a simple digital ammeter I have measure current flow in the ground. not a lot certainly measurable.
Genesis 1:1❤
numbers 5
one thing that may be needed is to define the term repent, and one repent, before believing....
"They have no idea". He says this a lot. Well, he obviously "has an idea" so why not publish it, win a Nobel Prize and set us all on the right track!
Creation will never be a part of a scientific curriculum. God does not fit into a humanistic agenda.. The only miracle scientist wants you to believe is everything from nothing
@@frankie9259 Seriously, you should take the time to learn something about the scientific method and about the progress that scientists have made to elucidate how nature works. If you don't put the effort in, you'll continue to say embarrassing things.
When he said all that stuff about the planets, I’m surprised he didn’t also say “but no one has been there so no one knows “
We can know things about the planets because they're OBSERVABLE. From telescopes to advanced (and designed 😁) satellites sent into space.
The strength of this speech is to show you that what is being peddled as knowledge on the BIG BANG really is speculation and guesses. (or narrative) The Big Bang is a theory in crisis, but it's the only accepted paradigm and there's real consequences for questioning it.
But if he did say that he would be even MORE correct.
See; Russel's Tea Pot
@@truth806 If he did say that it would show all the more his ignorance of science.
@@jerichosharman470 science is fake. There is Geology biology physics and tons more of a Real World that is Huge.
History and Development of the Bible: The Bible is not a single book; it is a collection of books whose complex development is not completely understood. The oldest books began as songs and stories orally transmitted from generation to generation. Scholars are just beginning to explore "the interface between writing, performance, memorization, and the aural dimension" of the texts. Current indications are that the ancient writing-reading process was supplemented by memorization and oral performance in community. The Bible was written and compiled by many people, most of whom are unknown, from a variety of disparate cultures.
It wasn't written by the hand of God. It was written by mere mortals.
Shatters my dreams..... I always thought that God spoke and "BANG" it happened...... Not the scientific big band theory, but you get the picture...... LOL
There was no air then, so there couldn’t have been any sound making a “bang”. lol
@@jaco7675, so then the Big Bang is fallacy since sound needs air to travel?
@@harveygalloway3965 Alls I’m saying is there would be no sound with a “bang”, because a s bang requires air.
(You see, it’s a joke. r/whooosh)
@@jaco7675, similar to my joke. :)
@@harveygalloway3965 We’re both rather witty. 👍. lol
Great presentation. Thank you
I missed the parts of the video where astrophysicists or cosmologists presented the data that demonstrates Big Bang Theory to be incorrect, and also the part right after that where they explain why the cosmic microwave background, our expanding universe, and all the current mathematics and physics actually demonstrate something else, and then of course right after that where they explain that new theory.
Time stamps?
Well, we’ve been able to accurately map the objects in the sky and the ones that move very accurately when they’re close to us, the farther we look out the harder it is. Our calculations still end up being fairly correct yet whether they were correct or not doesn’t prove the theory of expansion.
According to the "bang theory", the cosmos has expanded to be larger than it's possible to be according to their own calculated data ---
You missed the astrophysicists giving lectures on other videos in this organization and others.
Your attempts at snarkiness and sarcasm is duly noted.
@@ITPalGame who cares?? This is an AIG video.. they're an apologetics ministry. They have a statement of faith on their website which quite clearly indicates they don't understand that scientists *must* follow the data and evidence before all else; beliefs and opinions must be set aside. Evidence must be followed *wherever* it may lead.
They upload videos with terrible, dishonest titles like, 'scientists have LIED to us about the age of the Earth'.. and this video here, where we read the words, 'Big Bang *myth*' at the start of the video..
They deserve any and all backlash they get, especially from anyone who respects scientists and the hard work they do.
Big Bang Theory has not been dismantled, and is not a myth. It is a *scientific theory* with problems and mysteries that still need to be solved. You know, like many scientific theories. That's kind of how science works.
Scientists are doing the best they can. There is not a global hoax involving millions of scientists *lying* as AIG apparently seems to think.
I'm sorry that you do not understand.
@@ITPalGame 'your attempts at snarkiness and sarcasm are duly noted'
AIG and their gross misrepresentations of various fields of science throughout the years have been, and are, duly noted by many, many people. It's a shame you are not one of them.
Psalms 19:1 Werner Von Braun
"Nobody ever observed it happen or did any tests to show it happened, anyway my imaginary friend did it"
@@banthamnobilis8147 I'm sorry, I require more than faith to believe in something.
@rankalot it takes more faith to be an atheist
@rankalot I require simple evidence in order to believe we came from nothing which none can provide
@@svalerie98 Explain.
@@svalerie98 Define nothing.
a wonderful of the best i have seen on this topic. Sincerely appreciate this talk.
This is fantastic!! Thank you.
Surah al-Anbiya
30. Do the unbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, and We split them apart? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not believe?
Why should we. I choose not to believe. And no one no one can prove god. Because it's just a beleif
Carl Sagan warned us of people like this.
Jesus warned us of people like Carl Sagan.
@@SimpleAmadeus Jesus warned people about scientists and science educators?
@@travisbicklepopsicle I think he meant liars.
@@travisbicklepopsicle No. Just people that teach others things that are not true as if those things were true.
One thing that God gave us is intelligence and choice of what to believe. And for some reason, Americans look for any excuse not to use them. This guy says that the questions are unanswered. That isa first step towards honesty and humility. "What is man, that You are mindful of him?" That is the theme of the book "Your God is too small." A God who is "too great" to worry about humans is "too small" in that sense. God put these questions to Job, and Job's answer was very different.
But you have no proof, evidence, theories, nothing other than a book written by ignorant (by current knowledge standards) people who were enslaved for 100's of years and had a myth about a messiah to fulfill in order to believe in their future. Then another group of as ignorant people wrote another book of stories, that's all you can prove, books were written.
Still no big bang.
The angels asked similar question too. But God said to them that HE knows what they knew not. God created us to serve HIM alone . The creation of Heavens and Earth is more complicated than the creation of men.
The Bible is full of contradictions and errors. Why can't you people just accept that ?
@@adrianabonitaaziz Go to a hospital and for one year observe people that die. Christians have a heart of peace and anticipation of eternal joy on their faces. Many who have no faith in Christ have a heart of terror and fear, and anticipation of eternal lonliness and horror on their faces. It seems that your "Bible full of contradictions and errors" is more correct than you estimate.
How was the Christian god created?
He is
@@tech4life365 He is what?
@John L he is the "I AM," which means his existence depends on nothing, YHWH.
@@tech4life365 Prove it.
God is the Creator, not a creature. He was never “created”. He is Good and does good. He is Gracious and Merciful, long allowing and abounding in goodness and truth! He is Love, our Savior Messiah! Ask Him (pray) to give you grace to believe His words!
Genesis doesn't say the sun was created. It sais it was made. Two different verbs that cannot be interchanged.
Made and created are literally synonyms........
@@Jeremy9697 not synonyms. To make is synonymous to fabricate, you make something from something else, like a table from a tree. To create is an act of will. From nothing, something comes to exist, just like God created the heavens and the earth.
Specifically to the Sun, he made it, or made it possible to be, from the gasses.
I get people want to work their beliefs into their understanding of the place they live in, but from a logical standpoint a lot of the criticisms they have about scientific explanations can be applied exactly the same way to theological explanations. "Have they seen this happen? Have they recreated this in a lab?" Have you seen god? Have you witnessed him create the earth and the universe? Why is that a better explanation to some people? Even if God exists, I won't rule out the possibility, the Bible is still a work of man, not God. It was written by a man, it is not a primary source, it is the interpretation of a human, who claims to be interpreting "God's word". Science is about questing what we know, and learning from those questions.
one major problem with the "naturalistic" world view (all things are made up of space and matter) is that it denies the existence of the "super natural" (things outside of the natural)
Science is simply the study of things within a naturalistic spectrum (things that can be measured)
so... your assumption of "have they seen this happen", brings it back to the naturalistic world view AKA I ONLY ACCEPT AND ACKNOWLEDGE THINGS THAT CAN BE MEASURED.
and unless you can grasp the concept of the super natural... you will NEVER understand anything theological outside of pure "atheism" and "agnosticism"
some things you simply can't "show me", but you have evidence of it yourself, but because it is immeasurable and intangible... sharing it with a naturalist becomes an absurdity.
this is one perspective on the biblical statement of "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise"
it sure seems foolish for something outside of nature to create all things that are natural... but yet... the natural cannot create itself (unless you believe in the power of "nothing")
@@James-li8cm The problem with assuming that science "denies the existence" of anything is that you assume science is a hard and fast rule about the world. Science does no such thing, it does not deny the existence of one thing or another, it provides explanations for the most likely way that things work and function to the best of our current understanding. Supernatural things are merely things that our current understanding cannot explain, that does not mean that we won't be able to explain it later when our understanding evolves. However, if our current understanding explains a "supernatural phenomenon" relatively well, the likelihood of that being the case is much more probable than it being some mysterious force which "cannot be measured". Speaking of measuring, if something interacts with our world or has an influence on it, then that influence can be measured in that capacity. If it does not have an impact on our world or does not influence it in ANY regard then that would be immeasurable and by your definition "supernatural". So, would that not mean "God" would have to be "natural" and not "supernatural" in order to interact with our world?
@@iano1638 does science depend on things OTHER THAN things that can be measured in the natural world?
as I understand, "science" is merely a method for gaining knowledge... "the scientific method" inference experiment, measure, study, conclusion.
if science is something other than that... it is not the "classical definition" of the word science -
Super Natural: (according to wikipedia)
The supernatural is phenomena or entities that are not subject to the laws of nature. It is derived from Medieval Latin supernaturalis, from Latin super- (above, beyond, or outside of) + natura (nature)
science: "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment"
Super Natural does not mean "things we can't explain yet" you will need to use a different word for that usage.
you may have a "problem" with these words and definitions, but I am working with the good ole' fashioned dictionary... (lets say pre 1980s)
I do not subscribe to the new and updated editions of "new speak"
@@iano1638 oh.. and for the record... since God created the natural world... he can do anything he wants any way he wants... because he designed it, created it, and does whatever he wants with it... not unless you fully understand the nature and limitations of God? do you?
@@James-li8cm of course not, but until there is sufficient evidence to support his existence or that he has these capabilities, the likelihood of any of that is rather improbable
I always Wonder, how Nothing Blew up, and created, everything.
What 'blew up'?
You could research Big Bang cosmology and learn that it has nothing to do with 'nothing blowing up' 👍
funny i always woindered how a magical invisible imaginary sky superhero (and his dead jewish carpenter sidekick) created sorry the 21st century is so inconvenient for you gonna go sit at the grown ups table now..enjoy your jello
@@iampostal You only have faith...Your faith is in what some people you don't know tell you to believe. That sounds very similar to that magical being you have no faith in. Prove the earth is a flying ball chasing a giant flaming ball through the universe in complete unison with all the other stars that never change position in the sky...except they change every cycle to the exact same as they were before. Please do tell??? Please do not use nasa (the liars) cgi bs as proof. We already know that is fake just like your news source cnn. Did you go to (((space)))? Have "you" been there? No, you haven't. You are just taking it as "faith"
@@iampostal Logos
@@iampostal God created everything initially and continues to sustain us. We are inside of God’s s once mind, us and ultimately everything is like a contingent thought in a transcendent mind.
Think of a brick, that imaginary brick will only exist so long as you create it and sustain it. That’s what we are, a thought in God’s mind. Jesus Christ was sent to save and redeem us from our sins so that the creator of the universe, God, could let us into his kingdom and glory as we were created in the image of God. With special powers of thought, understanding, and a mind, just like God has, in his image. He gave us these powers alone, that is why we are the ONLY living thing that can know God. We were created for Him!
IF the big bang were so why is everything going in circles. If there were a big bang wouldn't everything be spreading in every direction in straight lines?
Gravitational pull....
Well, that's what you get for watching a video from a geologist, or whatever, who is also an apologist, trying to explain Big Bang cosmology. You end up not understanding one darned thing about it, because apparently, neither does he. The Big Bang was not an explosion like a bomb detonating, with matter flying out from a central point. The Big Bang has no center, and occurred everywhere at once.
(Also, like others here have said, 'gravity')
dude come on...
There are various things we have not discovered about outer space yet. But you miss the bigger point.
Let me ask you a few questions. Do you believe in the Christian God? Do you believe in the Bible? How do you believe man and woman came to exist on this earth?
A person can be enamored with provocative questions for his whole life and speculate, but you have to respond to the evidence before you to know the Truth. Otherwise you will be deceived and you will deceive others.
@@ege9458 I like your approach
since this dude is commenting in many comments here.
many believe in scientists and science without even understanding it and they just trust it.
I mean it is not wrong but it is sad that they don't admit that they just believe in a religion, too.
Based on assumptions that are just more hidden than the more obvious assumptions from Christianity for example.
indeed they are deceived by that.
Asking questions is the best way to free them from deception...