+Mary Smith I think it depends on what fighting style you prefer. I didn't actively choose to build a certain type of character, but noticed that I kept selecting sneaky perks and using ballistic weapons instead of energy weapons. I'm not a "charge in to the fray" kind of fighter, I'm a "sneak around and kill them and run around flailing your arms if you're caught" type of fighter
Fallout 4 was my first Fallout game and the first time I played it, I thought I had to max out my SPECIAL before getting any of the perks. I was shocked when I found out that was not the case, 18 levels in.
I DID THE SAME THING MY FIRST PLAY THROUGH AS WELL!! I was so pissed when I found out I could go down and get perks 😂 makes me feel a little bit better that I am not the only one
Honorable mentions 1) Local Leader, which lets you link up your settlements, allowing you to access anything you need for crafting, at any workbench anywhere 2) Robotics Expert, which along with the Automatron DLC allows you to make some really powerful robot allies, or use them as supply lines for your settlements 3) Cap Collector because at rank 3, you can install shops in your settlements and have them make money for you. 4) Strong back for pure convenience - loot all you want, then fast travel while encumbered to make mucho caps 5) Penetrator, which makes enemies taking cover a non issue 6) Awareness for its ability to point out damage weaknesses, especially with some big animal type enemies 7) Fortune Finder, Scrounger and Scrapper to get all that you need for item crafting 8) Ricochet really cheeses some fights by making the bad guys just off themselves 9) Intimidation and Wasteland Whisperer for those looking to do a more pacifist run 10) Life giver for its health regen
Yeah they should rename things. If you're going to have a list that's numbered you need to stick at least somewhat close to the number. It's OK if you have a few that are a tie but this many is rediculous.
Kinda hard gun nut science and blacksmith are basically the same perk the damage perks are almost identical and the difference between locksmith and hacker is the minigame however stacking all the crit perks is kind of silly as they are all individual perks with different effects that complement each other rather then doing the same thing for a different circumstances
Yeah, sometimes when you build things in a settelment you randomly get it. I always have a jump scare 🤬 anoying as fuck. I also hate the grim reaper sound, it's a guitar rock sound. I think it is to loud, they should change it, but i dont think they will.
There is a mod that disable the sound of that perk. Its not really a mod, it just adds a new sound, but the sound is quiet, so you might still get the achievements.
I feel like I'm the only one who uses pretty much every weapon type on a single character. There's no level cap so you can't really "waste" perks. I use energy and ballistic. Depends on my mood. I also switch between rifles, shotguns, pistols and melee. It just makes the game more fun because you're not limited.
problem being after lvl 50 enemies get strong as heck and if you dont have enough Damage output they will put you out. like being cornered by 10 mutant overlords. wasted 7 clips into 1 guys face and he just laughed. that was with damage perks on
Na . I kind of do this . But .. I save 5 perk pts to pop all at once . I use rifles , pistols , and melee . Plus I'm 11 charisma ,int,str,end. Started as a charisma/tycoon pistol only build and evolved once I got super high leveled.
Its super inefficient. You cant waste any points when playing Survival at all. And besides that this guy didnt put the top 5 most efficient/useful perks on the list at all.
Lone Wanderer? Nah man, I can't go anywhere without my favorite reporter girl, or my pre-war metal friend, or my cliché detective pal, or my big Green buddy, or the grown up mayor of Little Lamp Light, or my Irish mercenary, or minuteman man, or my my favorite balled synth who now wears a pompadour wig, or my good power armor wearing- actually nevermind, I don't like Paladin Danse.
It doesn't do a lot of good to recommend Lone Wanderer and then tell people to take either Hacker or Locksmith and then bring the companion to deal with the other one.
No. If someone hasn't explained it already... When you run into that situation you go and grab that companion. Do that mission and then swap back to dogmeat or solo.
I started with max luck im pretty sure, had some high strength too so I ripped off the minigun in the crashed Virtibird with my bare hands. I don't think luck made a difference dispite thinking it would.
+Ronald Childers Breathe under water, undetectable under water, immune to Rads. Sounds highly useful to me. Ways around it sound more like a detriment than a boon.
The only perk I have in every build is Scrounger. Even if I had a primarily melee build, the ammo will be sent to companions or settlers. I know everything is measured in caps but IMO, ammo is the real currency of the game.
Plus you can sell whatever ammo you don't need for easy caps. Ammo doesn't have any weight so you can carry TONS of it around with you and never worry about overencumberance.
dimlightbulb10 Fallout 4 is a barter system economy so while the Diamond City house is raw cap purchase, everything else is barter based. Google barter.
+dimlightbulb10 Ammo is where it is at. If the dollar does collapse in America like some think it will. Ammo, gold and silver will become the currencies of choice. Look how expensive ammo is already (if you are from America)
Local leader is one of my favorite perks. Just put a supply line from every settlement to your main one (mine is the castle) and it makes carrying around resources much easier. That is obviously only for people who like settlement making. Robotics Expert is also nice since it makes Automatron a cake walk. I would've had my ass handed to me without it. Medic I think is one of the most useful since it doesn't require much intelligence and makes surviving way easier.
This is my advice, what I do is put most of my perks into non combat related things like lock picking, hacking, getting more ammo and bottle caps etc, I still put perks into combat just not obsessively. It's best to not overdo it otherwise you will get to strong and the game will get boring.
Charisma is my favorite perk to rank up. I love being able to use all the conversation choices and getting small XP. I'm a sucker for conversations in Fallout 4.
+Ian Groh Definitely. If you have a load of stimpaks stored up it's not the most useful, but the faster healing at the last rank is awesome. Also you need it to make clinics in a settlement, which is the best way to up happiness.
medic I don't want to max out since I'm at tier two and it already saves me a lot of stims. 60% health and rad away. don't find a lot of radaway? Cook mutant hound meat. gives you +60 health and -50 rads. something like that. good for small amounts of radiation but not large amounts.
+gameplayer2014 Personally I just let me rads go to about 3/4 then head to diamond city, really saves my ass on stimpacks and radaways, since it costs the amount of one stimpack to do that.
+Naruto Uzumaki I have like 300 stims and 200 radaway. I craft a shit load. blood packs are rare but I save them when I see them. probably leveled like 3 times just by crafting alone.
jorjor500 I actually use it for a different reason. At the moment I have about 5000+ of every ammo type and 10000+ on 5mm and .38(or .308, whichever the pipe guns use) and since I never use them I use them as secondary bottle caps, so I can basically rob a store of ever chem and useful ammo and give them a couple thousand bullets XD
+Daveed 78 I pay for everything in Plasma Cartridges and Pre-War Money. I mean, Pre-War money doesn't weigh anything, it's fucking everywhere, and each one is worth 4 caps.
ObiJuanKenobi3 Ya same but with this perk you make 10x the amount of caps as you would just scavenging for pre-war money. Pre-war money is good earlier on in the game but after that it's just inefficient
Let’s not forget Mysterious Stranger. At the max level, he shows up and instantly kills almost every single creature you target in VATS and its wicked powerful.
Although this is completely true, the one time I had him it always felt like cheating. If I'm gonna get credit for a kill, I should have been the one to do it. But if you're running a luck based char, then I guess it fits in.
my character is basically a mule, I have strength maxed out with the strong back perk maxed so I can fast travel and deposit my scrap even when over encumbered. And I have a full suit of X-01 mk 6 power armor that is specially made to have every weight capacity increasing mod in use.
I would have switched out idiot savant for Strong Back...when I do a play over, I'll make sure to upgrade that first...strong back is good because I always feel the need to pick up everything and loot every body, trunk, drawer, etc...
+Franco Fernando When you're with any companion other than dogmeat, you can make them carry stuff beyond their limit by telling them to pick something up off the ground, therefore allowing you to loot infinite amount of stuff if you're a hoarder (like me).
+Franco Fernando Still, I suppose it certaintly helps if you can carry more stuff yourself than having to rely on your companion and telling them to pick everything up...
***** Glad that you learned something new :) But keep in mind that since it doesn't work with Dogmeat, you'll have to sacrifice the bonuses of the Lone Wander perk.
+Franco Fernando When maxed out, being able to fast-travel while overencumbered is infinitely useful. I hated when my companion would have as much as they could carry and I'd still be struggling to pick out what to drop
+toothybrushman You also can get the medicine bobblehead from vault 81 that increases the healing from stimpacks, so unless you're in the glowing sea 24/7, you wont really need to invest heavily in medic
Scrounger is one of my faves, even if not using guns. One or two points dropped into it gives you tons of extra ammo that you can either use or sell for a fat stack of caps.
Lone Wanderer's increased carry weight makes up for not having a companion to carry your stuff, and the damage resist makes up for not having your own personal invincible bullet sponge by your side. I personally prefer having a companion over simply having Lone Wanderer
Actually companion load weights are practically unlimited. After the inventory screen tells you they can't carry any more, just command the companion to pick up an item or check a body and they will take the item.
+Mathieu Edde It's just a convenience perk. You're spending perk points when you could always just fast travel, dump your loot, then fast travel back. When you get further into the game, it's not even worth the trouble to pick stuff up anymore, since you have all the caps you could ever use, and very little of what drops is going to better than what you have.
+Sin Squid So drop whatever you can't carry, fast travel, then go back to pick up what you left behind. You're saving some time, but little else. New survival mode will change this, but I still can't imagine putting more than 3 points in STR for a non-melee character.
+Mathieu Edde I mainly use grilled radstag and various alcholic drinks to increase my carry weight. And with my power armor I just use the leg mods that increase my carry weight. And I try to make sure I split my stuff with my parthner so they hold more stuff for me (gave and equiped cait a bunch of clothes that boost carry weight).
I love the explosives perk, it allows me to do more damage with explosives, especially rank 3. Which gives a larger area and shows you where the grenade will fall. Very useful for people that love blowing stuff up
Is it confirmed that Dogmeat still doesn't count as a companion with the Lone Wanderer perk? The description specifically says "without a companion *or dog* " now.
I love pack mule (I think it's called) being able to fast travel whilst encombered works great for someone like me you carries everything they find to convert into settlement resources.
Wow. You didn't mention my favorite. The taming perks. It awsome to be able to make half of the enemies fight each other. And I know it's a huge investment but it goes greatly with lone wanderer since you can make enemies like your companions. And nothing is more satisfying than making a few radscorpions kill a death claw for you. :3
Think you missed how good the Strong Back perk can be, if you level it to the max it mean you never again have to slowly drag your over-encumbered ass across the Commonwealth regardless of how much you are carrying. Another brilliant perk is Local Leader, rank one means you can assign supply routes between your settlements and thus share inventory (up to a point that is). At the second rank you get to build shops in your settlements that automatically generate caps for you.
yep, just discovered these two both, i literally now get everything everywhere.. go to my settlement to drop off the junk instead of selling it.. then go sell all the guns and such.. all the while teleporting everywhere to get my ammo up.. question, is there a particular dealer that offers higher caps? aside from grape mentat drugs
Oh, shit. Fallout 4 was my first game and on my first play through I thought I had to unlock the perk above the one I wanted just to get it.. so I ended up with a shit load of perks I didn't want 😂
this perk system is new to everyone, the older games were a bit different... you could get that reset potion mod, it is fairly expensive to craft so it is not much of a cheating item you can command one to your inventory if you'd prefere cheat items tho
I made the same mistake. I STILL don't understand it. Lets say I maxed out on Perception, 10 stars or whatever, does my perception actually increase??? Or does it just give you access to the perks below?
This is a great and helpful video, but it misses one glaring issue. The Ghoulish perk is hands down the best perk. Change my mind. It HEALS you with radiation, which is everywhere, it almost completely negates the threat of the Children of Atom, and if you get it before you go to Virgil, you can go to the Glowing Sea without worry!
Thanks JV. I just got this game and have felt so overwhelmed with the perk tree. I'm sure I'll be spending a lot of time trying new things/perks after I play through it once.
i think you can also mention that is you go for the lone wanderer perk , locksmith and hacker are essential very nice vid by the way.. i like the fact that you dint spend log time talking useless stuff like most ppl around and went straight to the point
the perk that allows you to shoot through cover is op, if i'm fighting a sentry bot I can shoot it's fusion core without him going into cool down mode,same with fighting power armor enemies
I have been playing Fallout 4 now up to level 36, and first now i understand that i didn't need to fill up all the stars on top before going down! My god! But now i'm ready to get all the perks i want 😂
This is great general advice here ... thank you! I would love to see the best top 10 SINGLE perks you recommend, as naming groups of perks isn't as helpful.
I love how you acknowledge that your a little bias, because a lot of youtubers who make videos about fallout just stick to how they feel and to them it's the only way, I like that you don't try and force your viewers to have the same mindset as you, so I'm totally subscribing, thank you for the amazing video and I will definitely take your tips into consideration thank you again!!!!
I just realize that after i watch all these fallout 4 videos on youtube, there always out there power armour, but with me, im never out of my power armour for any reason
blitz is the best perk imo, teleportation and absurd melee damage, plus it works ridiculously well with sneak and ninja perks, plus you can use it to teleport into proctor teagans armory without master locksmith
@@TheOnefalcon07 But yea. Saying its the best perk. Thats a stretch. Its not good if someone is focusing on any kind of ranged build and it can actually be death sentence to use if someone has weak damage and no sneak perks. Using this at low levels against a mirelurk for example without big leagues and some sneak perks will just put the player in a situation where they can be easily killed.
@Knelly Cornnan oh it absolutely will. Especially if they are just using a baton or rolling pin. Lol. It is a fantastic perk. Essential for melee. But ur right, if ur not doing melee it's useless. Where as lone wanderer and idiot savant are useful no matter how u play (well only companions for lone wanderer which i dont use anyways. Too much of a liability
Yea, they are great perks to have, especially in Survival Mode (though scrounger can become a bit of a hassle in Survival unless you have a decent amount of carry weight). It's great to not have to worry about caps/ammo so you can focus on more important things.
My favorite perk is mysterious stranger in the luck category. It's exciting when it happens and can save you in quite a few situations... Or at least it's saved me...
SANNESS WANNA HAVE A BAD TOM AFAIK it's not a perk, it's a weapon mod, the two last from the scope mods. Recon scopes, they track targets. Just put one of those on my sniper rifle, it eases thing out quite a bit on survival (no red lines on compass).
OMF I GOT IT! LAST MISSION FROM MAIN STORY AND I GOT 5X EXPERIENCE! AND IT GLITCHED! So total all I got the amt of usual experience which the last quest gives you times 6! ( idiot savant 5 times and the glitch one time! ) So overall I leveled up from 70 to 73!
I agree with all the perks here, but i have a few perks that i'd like to add, as i consider them great. *Lifegiver* - Increases your Base HP by 20 for each rank, and on the third and final rank you also get slow HP regen as a bonus. Pretty basic, but you can't say no to more HP, plus it's pretty cost effective, you only need Endurance 3 for all three ranks. *Demolition Expert* - First three ranks Increase the damage you can do with explosives 25% for rank 1, 50% for rank 2, 75% for rank 3. Rank 4 doubles the damage done on top of the aforementioned boosts, but it's the other effects that make this perk shine, Rank 1 unlocks explosives crafting at the chemistry station, allowing you to make your own grenades, Rank 2 gives you a "throwing arc", a green arrow that shows you what the arc of your grenade will be, Rank 3 increases the area of effect for your explosives, Rank 4 doubles the damage that mines and grenades shot in VATS will deal. Perk cost is so-so here, you need Perception 5 for this perk and all its ranks, not too costly but not overly cheep. *Adamantium Skeleton* - Aside from being an obvious X-Men reference, this perk reduces any limb damage you take. Rank 1 reduces limb damage by 30%, Rank 2 reduces limb damage by 60% and Rank 3 eliminates limb damage completely. This perk is at its best when fully leveled up, since you take zero limb damage with Rank 3, you'd never have to worry about getting crippled by limb damage. That being said, this perk is more of a late game perk, having a high cost of Endurance 7, but it's worth it. *Local Leader* - This perk is actually important, regardless of whether you choose to live in a settlement with others or on your own. Rank 1 allows you to establish supply lines between your various workshop settlements, Rank 2 allows you to build stores and more importantly crafting stations for your settlements. This perk is a must have if you want to set up your own personal place to live. It's a bit costly, having a cost of Charisma 6 for both ranks, but definitely worth it, especially if you want to take full advantage of perks like Gun Nut, Blacksmith, Armorer, and Demolitions Expert. *Medic* - This perk is very, very useful. It augments stimpaks and radaway, allowing them to heal more with each rank. Rank 1 increases the effectiveness of both stimpaks and radaway by 40%, Rank 2 Increases them by 60%, Rank 3 increases them by 80%, and Rank 4 allows stimpaks and radaway to restore all health and remove all rads, as well as increase the healing speed. Medic is very cheap and a good choice for the early game, as you only need Intelligence 2 for all Ranks *Scrapper* - This perk is a must have for anyone looking to build their own settlements, it allows you to salvage rarer components and allows you to salvage more on top of that. Rank 1 allows you to salvage uncommon components, Rank 2 allows you to salvage rare components, and Rank 3 (Far Harbor needed) gets you more for salvaging. Cost for this perk is Intelligence 5, making it easy to get early on. *Fortune Finder and Scrounger* - Both of these perks fall under the same general category, allowing you to get more from the various containers you find, Fortune Finder nets you more Caps and Scrounger nets you more Ammo. Each also has a bonus on the highest rank. With Fortune Finder, once at Rank 4, there is a chance your opponents will explode into a shower of caps on death, and with Scrounger, once at Rank 4, there is a chance that you'll automatically get extra ammo for the gun your using when you fire the last shot in your clip. Both are very cheap and great early game perks, Fortune Finder being Luck 1 and Scrounger being Luck 2.
Scrapper and pack mule, cause I'm a good damn cleptomaniac in this game. Just.....can't....stop.....taking hot plates. And duct tapes. And old, used light bulbs. And that nice perk that highlights everything I need to build everything. I love collecting scrap. You see me on Discovery, compulsive collectors.....
I know that feeling. It gets to the point where I want to collect junk items just to set up at my main settlement as decorations. Like...a fishing rod serves no purpose that to be scrapped but I can't help but get one so I can have it propped up in the corner of a room for a little added ascetic to give my home a little more realistic feel to it. Hell, in my garage area (I almost always make the Red Rocket Gas Station as my main home,) I actually will build a tool box for looks and try to fill it up with at least 1 of every "tool" junk item in the game...like hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers, etc....just because I can.
+JV2017gameplay Great! I am really happy with the direction of Survival mode. Skills like Aquaboy, Lead Belly and Adamantium Skeleton actually seem useful now!
+Someone somewhere Ghoulish seems super powerful/useful now! Adamantium Skeleton is going to be one of the first things I get. My body will be crippled so often now.
Super late, but i always liked doing a charismatic soldier build. I always use both Rifleman and commando to cover ranged and close range combat. Also armorer and gun nut are must haves, scrounger for more ammo and demolition expert for extra firepower. Toughness and adamantium skeleton, plus i grab steady aim for my auto guns and idiot savant for extra exp, and i put charisma to max to pass all dialogue options. I usually just run heavy type armor like the heavy synth or heavy combat. Those are my top ten perks for my favorite build
Dont sleep on robotics expert. Just started replaying this game and i never realized how powerful so many of the robotic enemies were and being able to essentially one shot them is mad useful.
Pretty good insight on which perk I need to focus on thanks to you. Playing on survival mode right now and I‘m having a lot of fun. Btw your video was very helpful ^^
When you have charisma you can easily convince people to do stuff or find another way to solve a problem like when you are saving nick when that gangster dude captured him charisma is good at convincing the guy to not kill you
Way back when- when I first played fallout 4- my first character had *NO* luck... and so I learned the hard way that luck was important. Looking at your list, you definitely listed the perks I most prioritize.
Lone wanderer is the best perk for any character. Even though it's completely useless the majority of the time if you intend to do companion quests. Or anytime you have Nick or Cait with you like he says he usually does later in the video.
I love the ones that let you pacify enemies and practically make them a temporary companion like do you know how dope it is to walk around with a deathclaw or even a behemoth fighting for you and can hold things for you? I'm not kidding you can pick up swan if you're lucky enough
I wear a a helmet, pair of glasses, and left and right armour that all give +1 intelligence and +1 charisma. That way, you get much more xp for every action you complete (killing an enemy, unpicking a lock.etc).
@Francesco Casilla...I think he meant "picking a lock" but you can actually "unpick" locks if you want to grind out small amounts of EXP. Just find a door or gate that can be both picked or opened via a terminal. Pick the lock to open it and use the terminal to relock the door (if able to). Then just repick the lock and repeat. At a certain point, the amount of EXP is so small that it doesn't really seem worth it to do it in large chunks. But if you are close to leveling up and are looking for a way to try and squeeze out enough EXP to level up, you can try that.
I don’t do “builds” if I want to run at an enemy with my melee or kill super mutants by sneaking and shooting them or ambush where I lure enemies on to mines I do it don’t only play one way
Same. I remember getting the paint skin for my Armor that increased my carry weight. In my non-Survival playthrough, I had like 500lbs of carry weight easy at like level 50 it seemed.
Nerd rage was the most effective safety perk ever and I’ll always go for that. Usually when it triggers you have enough time to take a stimpack and start kicking some ass. You’ll almost want it to trigger after a while since it’s so cool.
Your videos are nice except for the fact that the video in between the perks screen is just you playing randomly. I like your input, and there is an appreciable level of professional layout; this is my only critique. I know it takes more time, but as a visual person, I appreciate how videos like these have corresponding graphics. Even if it is just slightly similar activities to the topic at hand. It would be easier to do via computer version. Either way, I am only giving input because I wish you success in your series. Chiao
actually to get all perks you must be lvl 271, and thats without the dlc perks. and no ones gonna play to level 271 every playthrough...prob not even on one playthrough. you would have beat about 95% of the quest in the game (including beating the story) by lvl 50-55 ( or if you got idiot savant you'll be around prob lvl70-80) at that point all you have is a couple sidequest that will give maybe half a lvl. then you're stuck with just grinding raiders and gunners and such ( which is boring and tedious) or doing radiant quest for your faction ( which are all literally "go here, kill this" type of quest no matter the faction. so again tedious and boring). at that point its not worth it since there are no more quest for you to take advantage of having all the perks
Gun nut and Science are linked to mod weapons properly. Medic saves you from having to keep buying stimpaks and radaways or hunt around for resources to make them. Robotics Expert helps you build robots who can cause lethal damage (Automatron). Scrapper helps find otherwise hard to find materials, again saving caps. Strong back helps you increase your carry weight and with each level you can max it out, you can eventually fast travel overencumbered. Hacker and Locksmith are a must if you want to advance in the game at all. Local Leader is good to link up settlements so you can use resources between settlements and lastly Armorer helps with modding armor. A worthy mention Cap collector again for settlements to limit the loss of caps when spending. Also blacksmith to help with robots and if you are melee weapon inclined. That's 12 but two you mentioned are there already.
Here's my thoughts on Perks. Some perks are Essential Perks i.e. the convenience perks (Strong Back, Locksmith, Hacker), the Damage perks (Rifleman, Commando, Big Leagues etc etc) and the Crafting perks (Armorer, Gun Nut, Blacksmith, Science). Excluding those, here are my Top 10 1) Local Leader so you can set up supply lines between settlements 2) Robotics Expert - hack robots FTW and also build Robot Provisioners FTW 3) Sneak / Ninja 4) Better Critical / Critical Banker 5) Sniper / Penetrator for the ability to shoot through cover or Power Armor and gain headshot damage bonuses. 6) Awareness so you can see enemies' specific resistances and plan your attacks accordingly. 7) Nuclear Physicist for allowing you to exploit a specific behavior of Fusion Cores if you are using a Gattling Laser and Power Armor. 8) Black Widow / Lady killer for both the speech check and damage bonuses 9) Ricochet - situational but imo the coolest situational perk. 10) Gun Fu sinks well with Critical Banker and Better Criticals
You keep saying "build" like we're setting up an irreversible skill tree, but the truth is there is no level cap. Not only is it irritating, but It's also misleading to new players.
+ParanoidPixel You still have to "build" your character up. Yeah, you can theoretically get every perk, but most people don't play a game for 400 hours BEFORE developing a viable playstyle.
Builds are around for a reason . Most people want to play a character til game completion and you will complete all the missions , stories , Dlc, collecting and all that far before you get even 1/3 the perks . So "build" is a valid term . It's more fun to do multiple play throughs making different story decisions and character build decisions .
Am I the only person who doesn't do a "build" I just try to make my character a badass and level up EVERYTHING
+Mary Smith you're not alone.
+Mary Smith same haha
+Mary Smith I think it depends on what fighting style you prefer. I didn't actively choose to build a certain type of character, but noticed that I kept selecting sneaky perks and using ballistic weapons instead of energy weapons. I'm not a "charge in to the fray" kind of fighter, I'm a "sneak around and kill them and run around flailing your arms if you're caught" type of fighter
+Mary Smith No, i do that too, but there always sh*t
I love maxing Charisma out the gate. Gotta have those dialogue options yo.
yeah but fallout 4 had no charisma related dialogue options apart from getting more caps. new vegas ftw
it does it just replaces them with other dialogue options
Popcorn Machine What?
Transform987 you need good charisma to flirt with magnolia, that chick in goodneighbor lol
Fallout 4 was my first Fallout game and the first time I played it, I thought I had to max out my SPECIAL before getting any of the perks. I was shocked when I found out that was not the case, 18 levels in.
I beat the game when I came out years ago. I just bought it again and did what you said lol. I realized at level 14 that I could pick the perks.
@@stpbasss3773 same level here lmao
did that also my first time around lol such a drag
I DID THE SAME THING MY FIRST PLAY THROUGH AS WELL!! I was so pissed when I found out I could go down and get perks 😂 makes me feel a little bit better that I am not the only one
Honorable mentions
1) Local Leader, which lets you link up your settlements, allowing you to access anything you need for crafting, at any workbench anywhere
2) Robotics Expert, which along with the Automatron DLC allows you to make some really powerful robot allies, or use them as supply lines for your settlements
3) Cap Collector because at rank 3, you can install shops in your settlements and have them make money for you.
4) Strong back for pure convenience - loot all you want, then fast travel while encumbered to make mucho caps
5) Penetrator, which makes enemies taking cover a non issue
6) Awareness for its ability to point out damage weaknesses, especially with some big animal type enemies
7) Fortune Finder, Scrounger and Scrapper to get all that you need for item crafting
8) Ricochet really cheeses some fights by making the bad guys just off themselves
9) Intimidation and Wasteland Whisperer for those looking to do a more pacifist run
10) Life giver for its health regen
Great list, thanks for sharing, especially the why!
my favorite perk is Mysterious Stranger. Even at rank one he shows up pretty often and he has saved me from some legendary enemies more than once
Same 2
Best Luck Perks are Mysterious Stranger and Grim Reaper's Sprint.
Am I the only one who uses VATS only for bloatflies, bloodbugs and stingwings?
+Papuputki torilla tavataan
yup. fuck wasting ammo for those elusive little shits.
Me too. They fucking annoying to hit and I don't want to waste my ammo trying to hit them
+JagWar Na I just use grognak's axe to kill those little shits
top 10 best perks. contains over 50% of the perks on the tree
yeah wtf.
Right?? wth
That's what I was thinking!
Yeah they should rename things. If you're going to have a list that's numbered you need to stick at least somewhat close to the number. It's OK if you have a few that are a tie but this many is rediculous.
Kinda hard gun nut science and blacksmith are basically the same perk the damage perks are almost identical and the difference between locksmith and hacker is the minigame however stacking all the crit perks is kind of silly as they are all individual perks with different effects that complement each other rather then doing the same thing for a different circumstances
I almost had a heart attack the 1st time idiot savant activated lol
DEE HEE HEE *(boink)*
Yeah, sometimes when you build things in a settelment you randomly get it. I always have a jump scare 🤬 anoying as fuck. I also hate the grim reaper sound, it's a guitar rock sound. I think it is to loud, they should change it, but i dont think they will.
There is a mod that disable the sound of that perk.
Its not really a mod, it just adds a new sound, but the sound is quiet, so you might still get the achievements.
@@asukask9851 bro thanks, recently I started to play Fallout 4
@@carljhonsson513 np
I feel like I'm the only one who uses pretty much every weapon type on a single character. There's no level cap so you can't really "waste" perks. I use energy and ballistic. Depends on my mood. I also switch between rifles, shotguns, pistols and melee. It just makes the game more fun because you're not limited.
problem being after lvl 50 enemies get strong as heck and if you dont have enough Damage output they will put you out. like being cornered by 10 mutant overlords. wasted 7 clips into 1 guys face and he just laughed. that was with damage perks on
Na . I kind of do this . But .. I save 5 perk pts to pop all at once . I use rifles , pistols , and melee . Plus I'm 11 charisma ,int,str,end. Started as a charisma/tycoon pistol only build and evolved once I got super high leveled.
Eldrevy i do the same
Its super inefficient. You cant waste any points when playing Survival at all. And besides that this guy didnt put the top 5 most efficient/useful perks on the list at all.
Lone Wanderer? Nah man, I can't go anywhere without my favorite reporter girl, or my pre-war metal friend, or my cliché detective pal, or my big Green buddy, or the grown up mayor of Little Lamp Light, or my Irish mercenary, or minuteman man, or my my favorite balled synth who now wears a pompadour wig, or my good power armor wearing- actually nevermind, I don't like Paladin Danse.
Chitallic who is your pre war metal friend
Hype Center Codsworth :)
Nicholas Doyle oh yeah i’m stupid dang it
Hype Center lol no worries I had to think about it for a wee second too
Nicholas Doyle haha thanks
Personally I don't have Bloody Mess at all because I prefer for my enemies to not turn into a pile of spaghetti when I shoot them.
+Adam Mergen 10/10
+Adam Mergen but spaghetti is delicious!
+Adam Mergen true, it got old fast in fallout 3
Adam M. Same
It doesn't do a lot of good to recommend Lone Wanderer and then tell people to take either Hacker or Locksmith and then bring the companion to deal with the other one.
Ikr and there is a chance your companion will get can't open a lock or hack if it is master expert
Just get them both to lvl 3 as early as possible imo
If someone hasn't explained it already...
When you run into that situation you go and grab that companion. Do that mission and then swap back to dogmeat or solo.
Gun Nut, Rifleman, and the Overseer's Guardian is absurdly OP. If you upgrade your OG as high as it can go, you one shot almost everything.
Me: starts game with 1 luck. Me after 24hrs +: damn should've started with higher luck
I started with max luck im pretty sure, had some high strength too so I ripped off the minigun in the crashed Virtibird with my bare hands. I don't think luck made a difference dispite thinking it would.
@@francescocasillas4965 I started with high charisma. It was so simple when i went the less challenging route on every quest
2024 anyone?
Yes me
No. This message is from 2015
I think the aqua boy perk is really useful but underrated
Well there are ways around it but I agree
+Ronald Childers Breathe under water, undetectable under water, immune to Rads. Sounds highly useful to me. Ways around it sound more like a detriment than a boon.
Ik i'm a year late but only immune to rads in water
Matthew Talbot-Paine Im always going in the water.
The only perk I have in every build is Scrounger. Even if I had a primarily melee build, the ammo will be sent to companions or settlers. I know everything is measured in caps but IMO, ammo is the real currency of the game.
Plus you can sell whatever ammo you don't need for easy caps. Ammo doesn't have any weight so you can carry TONS of it around with you and never worry about overencumberance.
+OcihEvE "I think I'd like to buy a house here. Do you think they take .38?"
dimlightbulb10 Fallout 4 is a barter system economy so while the Diamond City house is raw cap purchase, everything else is barter based. Google barter.
OcihEvE Google joke
+dimlightbulb10 Ammo is where it is at. If the dollar does collapse in America like some think it will. Ammo, gold and silver will become the currencies of choice. Look how expensive ammo is already (if you are from America)
Local leader is one of my favorite perks. Just put a supply line from every settlement to your main one (mine is the castle) and it makes carrying around resources much easier. That is obviously only for people who like settlement making. Robotics Expert is also nice since it makes Automatron a cake walk. I would've had my ass handed to me without it. Medic I think is one of the most useful since it doesn't require much intelligence and makes surviving way easier.
I regret that I did automatron without robotics expert i wasted ALOT of ammo lol
This is my advice, what I do is put most of my perks into non combat related things like lock picking, hacking, getting more ammo and bottle caps etc, I still put perks into combat just not obsessively. It's best to not overdo it otherwise you will get to strong and the game will get boring.
Sean Warburton yeah. plus it opens up a way more dynamic playstyle
try fighting lvl 95+ enemies at far harbor. one in particular has 3000 phsical defense
I only do combat perks if i cant think of anything else or if i just keep dying
Cap collected is op af
I'm sure there's an option to scale enemy difficulty, just like In skyrim and witcher 3.
Charisma is my favorite perk to rank up. I love being able to use all the conversation choices and getting small XP.
I'm a sucker for conversations in Fallout 4.
I never use charisma or speech. I usually level it up as I go. I just like murder.
Thats my 3rd to last to max. Lone wanderer and local leader are the only good perks.
personally I think medic would also make my top 10 list
Very useful
+Ian Groh Definitely. If you have a load of stimpaks stored up it's not the most useful, but the faster healing at the last rank is awesome. Also you need it to make clinics in a settlement, which is the best way to up happiness.
medic I don't want to max out since I'm at tier two and it already saves me a lot of stims. 60% health and rad away. don't find a lot of radaway? Cook mutant hound meat. gives you +60 health and -50 rads. something like that. good for small amounts of radiation but not large amounts.
+gameplayer2014 Personally I just let me rads go to about 3/4 then head to diamond city, really saves my ass on stimpacks and radaways, since it costs the amount of one stimpack to do that.
+Naruto Uzumaki I have like 300 stims and 200 radaway. I craft a shit load. blood packs are rare but I save them when I see them. probably leveled like 3 times just by crafting alone.
Strong Back is my personal favourite, at max you can fast travel while over burdened.
can you walk as well? what are the restictions of being overcombered then
+Forest Gump you would end up walking like a slow ass snail without the perk
Ghost Killer waste of English
@@tedtrey814 LMAO *WAISTED*
Nik St Denis damn I didn’t know that I’m going to put some points in that
What about the perk that allows you to find more ammo/bottlecaps? I've never had an empty mag since I maxed out that perk.
I just beat the game, and I have almost 1000 rounds for pretty much every common ammo type. That perk kinda becomes a waste.
jorjor500 I actually use it for a different reason. At the moment I have about 5000+ of every ammo type and 10000+ on 5mm and .38(or .308, whichever the pipe guns use) and since I never use them I use them as secondary bottle caps, so I can basically rob a store of ever chem and useful ammo and give them a couple thousand bullets XD
+Daveed 78 I pay for everything in Plasma Cartridges and Pre-War Money. I mean, Pre-War money doesn't weigh anything, it's fucking everywhere, and each one is worth 4 caps.
ObiJuanKenobi3 Ya same but with this perk you make 10x the amount of caps as you would just scavenging for pre-war money. Pre-war money is good earlier on in the game but after that it's just inefficient
i just do quest, ask for more money as much as i can ( i have 10 charisma) so i get a lot of money and buy ammo
How can you say Lone Wanderer is so good, when you also say you take Cait or Nick with you depending on your build?
because he makes no sense!
It's a lot more helpful in survival because the companions suck in that mode
+JumboMuffin how so?
you answered the question yourself. "depending on your build"...
just play survival mode as stealth and you understand
Let’s not forget Mysterious Stranger. At the max level, he shows up and instantly kills almost every single creature you target in VATS and its wicked powerful.
Although this is completely true, the one time I had him it always felt like cheating. If I'm gonna get credit for a kill, I should have been the one to do it. But if you're running a luck based char, then I guess it fits in.
my character is basically a mule, I have strength maxed out with the strong back perk maxed so I can fast travel and deposit my scrap even when over encumbered. And I have a full suit of X-01 mk 6 power armor that is specially made to have every weight capacity increasing mod in use.
+FertileFriend28 I think you may be a hoarder... just a thought
+Brayden Watkins take anything that's not nailed down!
i bet you cant hold 100 fat men(the gun kind)
Every piece of armor I own has the Deep Pocketed misc mod
Just get the automatron dlc and build a carry robot with ove 600+ weight capacity
I would have switched out idiot savant for Strong Back...when I do a play over, I'll make sure to upgrade that first...strong back is good because I always feel the need to pick up everything and loot every body, trunk, drawer, etc...
+Franco Fernando When you're with any companion other than dogmeat, you can make them carry stuff beyond their limit by telling them to pick something up off the ground, therefore allowing you to loot infinite amount of stuff if you're a hoarder (like me).
+Franco Fernando Still, I suppose it certaintly helps if you can carry more stuff yourself than having to rely on your companion and telling them to pick everything up...
Glad that you learned something new :)
But keep in mind that since it doesn't work with Dogmeat, you'll have to sacrifice the bonuses of the Lone Wander perk.
+Franco Fernando When maxed out, being able to fast-travel while overencumbered is infinitely useful. I hated when my companion would have as much as they could carry and I'd still be struggling to pick out what to drop
+lloorren yea definitely agree...I LOVE that I can loot everything in the vicinity and then fast travel to dump all my loot
What about the perk where at max stimpak and radaway is 100% effective
+theLUCKYdude17 you end up getting so many stimpacks/radaway later in the game that it becomes useless
+toothybrushman depending how you play having medic can be a life saver even if your end game
+toothybrushman ...then you sell the shit that you dont need...
+toothybrushman You also can get the medicine bobblehead from vault 81 that increases the healing from stimpacks, so unless you're in the glowing sea 24/7, you wont really need to invest heavily in medic
Scrounger is one of my faves, even if not using guns. One or two points dropped into it gives you tons of extra ammo that you can either use or sell for a fat stack of caps.
Lone Wanderer's increased carry weight makes up for not having a companion to carry your stuff, and the damage resist makes up for not having your own personal invincible bullet sponge by your side. I personally prefer having a companion over simply having Lone Wanderer
you can still bring dogmeat so if you bring him alot it basically buffs him
LOne wanderer only gives you something like 25 extra carry weight, and lots of your followers can carry way over 100....
it gives 100 check yourself before you wreck yourself
Ada can easily carry hundreds of pounds
Actually companion load weights are practically unlimited. After the inventory screen tells you they can't carry any more, just command the companion to pick up an item or check a body and they will take the item.
Really? No strong back? Which basically makes you have infinite carry weight at the highest rank?
+Mathieu Edde It's just a convenience perk. You're spending perk points when you could always just fast travel, dump your loot, then fast travel back. When you get further into the game, it's not even worth the trouble to pick stuff up anymore, since you have all the caps you could ever use, and very little of what drops is going to better than what you have.
If you have infinite carry weight there is no need to waste time fast travelling, and I'd rather pick up stuff then buy stuff
+Sin Squid So drop whatever you can't carry, fast travel, then go back to pick up what you left behind. You're saving some time, but little else. New survival mode will change this, but I still can't imagine putting more than 3 points in STR for a non-melee character.
What about a heavy gunner build?
+Mathieu Edde I mainly use grilled radstag and various alcholic drinks to increase my carry weight. And with my power armor I just use the leg mods that increase my carry weight. And I try to make sure I split my stuff with my parthner so they hold more stuff for me (gave and equiped cait a bunch of clothes that boost carry weight).
I love the explosives perk, it allows me to do more damage with explosives, especially rank 3. Which gives a larger area and shows you where the grenade will fall. Very useful for people that love blowing stuff up
I would have put the resource perks in. getting extra caps, scrap, and ammo pay off ten fold, especially on harder difficulties
Yes, scounger 1 and aqua boy/girl 1, should be taken early in the game.
Is it confirmed that Dogmeat still doesn't count as a companion with the Lone Wanderer perk? The description specifically says "without a companion *or dog* " now.
Yeah. It still works, else I would've had way more trouble in nuka-world yesterday.
i think it's because Bethesda is being lazy and not patching it.
Cifer Null he seems to work with my survival charecter
like i said, still works
playing on ps4 currently. can confirm, still works.
I love pack mule (I think it's called) being able to fast travel whilst encombered works great for someone like me you carries everything they find to convert into settlement resources.
Wow. You didn't mention my favorite. The taming perks. It awsome to be able to make half of the enemies fight each other. And I know it's a huge investment but it goes greatly with lone wanderer since you can make enemies like your companions. And nothing is more satisfying than making a few radscorpions kill a death claw for you. :3
Blitz + ninja =devastating sneak attack
add rooted rank 2 for 50% extra damage
with krems tooth my sneak attacks do 3000 damage
that 1 hits just about everything
Think you missed how good the Strong Back perk can be, if you level it to the max it mean you never again have to slowly drag your over-encumbered ass across the Commonwealth regardless of how much you are carrying.
Another brilliant perk is Local Leader, rank one means you can assign supply routes between your settlements and thus share inventory (up to a point that is). At the second rank you get to build shops in your settlements that automatically generate caps for you.
I had to scroll way too far for this. The strong back perk is awesome when maxed out.
It was his no1 perk! Did you even watch the video??
yep, just discovered these two both, i literally now get everything everywhere.. go to my settlement to drop off the junk instead of selling it.. then go sell all the guns and such.. all the while teleporting everywhere to get my ammo up.. question, is there a particular dealer that offers higher caps? aside from grape mentat drugs
Desk fans and duck tape has officially become my favourite junk to find. I love upgrading my gun and they require a lot of screws amd adhesive!
Oh, shit. Fallout 4 was my first game and on my first play through I thought I had to unlock the perk above the one I wanted just to get it.. so I ended up with a shit load of perks I didn't want 😂
* First Fallout game
I upgraded luck all the way when I realized that😅
this perk system is new to everyone, the older games were a bit different... you could get that reset potion mod, it is fairly expensive to craft so it is not much of a cheating item you can command one to your inventory if you'd prefere cheat items tho
I made the same mistake. I STILL don't understand it. Lets say I maxed out on Perception, 10 stars or whatever, does my perception actually increase??? Or does it just give you access to the perks below?
perception effects compass markers like enemy red dots, Amount shown and distance sensed
This is a great and helpful video, but it misses one glaring issue. The Ghoulish perk is hands down the best perk. Change my mind. It HEALS you with radiation, which is everywhere, it almost completely negates the threat of the Children of Atom, and if you get it before you go to Virgil, you can go to the Glowing Sea without worry!
No love for the Stranger?
we need a mysterious stranger memorial asap
As someone who sucks pretty hard at Fallout 4's combat, I love that perk.
I fucks wit em he come threw clutch sometimes
I love the noises Idiot Savant makes xD
+Cody Rose (Turtle) Have you downloaded the mod yet?
Watty Smithy No
Cody Rose First time I heard it I was alone in my workshop at night and thought I was about to be assaulted by a lunatic clown.
Thanks JV. I just got this game and have felt so overwhelmed with the perk tree. I'm sure I'll be spending a lot of time trying new things/perks after I play through it once.
i think you can also mention that is you go for the lone wanderer perk , locksmith and hacker are essential
very nice vid by the way.. i like the fact that you dint spend log time talking useless stuff like most ppl around and went straight to the point
the perk that allows you to shoot through cover is op, if i'm fighting a sentry bot I can shoot it's fusion core without him going into cool down mode,same with fighting power armor enemies
I have been playing Fallout 4 now up to level 36, and first now i understand that i didn't need to fill up all the stars on top before going down! My god! But now i'm ready to get all the perks i want 😂
This is great general advice here ... thank you! I would love to see the best top 10 SINGLE perks you recommend, as naming groups of perks isn't as helpful.
I love how you acknowledge that your a little bias, because a lot of youtubers who make videos about fallout just stick to how they feel and to them it's the only way, I like that you don't try and force your viewers to have the same mindset as you, so I'm totally subscribing, thank you for the amazing video and I will definitely take your tips into consideration thank you again!!!!
I just realize that after i watch all these fallout 4 videos on youtube, there always out there power armour, but with me, im never out of my power armour for any reason
blitz is the best perk imo, teleportation and absurd melee damage, plus it works ridiculously well with sneak and ninja perks, plus you can use it to teleport into proctor teagans armory without master locksmith
No its not. It's good but lone wanderer and idiot savant are better
@@TheOnefalcon07 Its basically essential if someone is doing a melee build.
@@knellycornnan5132 I won't disagree with that
@@TheOnefalcon07 But yea. Saying its the best perk. Thats a stretch. Its not good if someone is focusing on any kind of ranged build and it can actually be death sentence to use if someone has weak damage and no sneak perks. Using this at low levels against a mirelurk for example without big leagues and some sneak perks will just put the player in a situation where they can be easily killed.
@Knelly Cornnan oh it absolutely will. Especially if they are just using a baton or rolling pin. Lol. It is a fantastic perk. Essential for melee. But ur right, if ur not doing melee it's useless. Where as lone wanderer and idiot savant are useful no matter how u play (well only companions for lone wanderer which i dont use anyways. Too much of a liability
some of my favorites are the fortune finder and scrounger because it makes ammo and caps so much easier to get when adventuring
Yea, they are great perks to have, especially in Survival Mode (though scrounger can become a bit of a hassle in Survival unless you have a decent amount of carry weight). It's great to not have to worry about caps/ammo so you can focus on more important things.
I really like lifegiver maxed out and solar-powered maxed out.
But those are damage resistance so they are pretty useless.. damage reduction from lone wanderer gives u more total resistance than both of those
Dude I have hundreds of hours in fallout 4 and never thought to change this. Thanks man
I think that all the pacifying perk's as well as the robot hacking perk is an OP combination because you can get enemy's to fight to for you.
My favorite perk is mysterious stranger in the luck category. It's exciting when it happens and can save you in quite a few situations... Or at least it's saved me...
Thats a fun perk
0:15 "mole rat disease "??
For me Savant is the best. Dat feeling when you get x5 exp for completing a quest.
tht feeling when u get X5 xp when completing the FINAL quest
the final quest from the story
whats the perk that puts a red diamond above the enemy
SANNESS WANNA HAVE A BAD TOM AFAIK it's not a perk, it's a weapon mod, the two last from the scope mods. Recon scopes, they track targets. Just put one of those on my sniper rifle, it eases thing out quite a bit on survival (no red lines on compass).
OMF I GOT IT! LAST MISSION FROM MAIN STORY AND I GOT 5X EXPERIENCE! AND IT GLITCHED! So total all I got the amt of usual experience which the last quest gives you times 6! ( idiot savant 5 times and the glitch one time! ) So overall I leveled up from 70 to 73!
I agree with all the perks here, but i have a few perks that i'd like to add, as i consider them great.
*Lifegiver* - Increases your Base HP by 20 for each rank, and on the third and final rank you also get slow
HP regen as a bonus. Pretty basic, but you can't say no to more HP, plus it's pretty cost effective, you only
need Endurance 3 for all three ranks.
*Demolition Expert* - First three ranks Increase the damage you can do with explosives 25% for rank 1, 50%
for rank 2, 75% for rank 3. Rank 4 doubles the damage done on top of the aforementioned boosts, but it's the
other effects that make this perk shine, Rank 1 unlocks explosives crafting at the chemistry station, allowing
you to make your own grenades, Rank 2 gives you a "throwing arc", a green arrow that shows you what the
arc of your grenade will be, Rank 3 increases the area of effect for your explosives, Rank 4 doubles the damage
that mines and grenades shot in VATS will deal. Perk cost is so-so here, you need Perception 5 for this perk
and all its ranks, not too costly but not overly cheep.
*Adamantium Skeleton* - Aside from being an obvious X-Men reference, this perk reduces any limb damage
you take. Rank 1 reduces limb damage by 30%, Rank 2 reduces limb damage by 60% and Rank 3 eliminates
limb damage completely. This perk is at its best when fully leveled up, since you take zero limb damage
with Rank 3, you'd never have to worry about getting crippled by limb damage. That being said, this perk
is more of a late game perk, having a high cost of Endurance 7, but it's worth it.
*Local Leader* - This perk is actually important, regardless of whether you choose to live in a settlement
with others or on your own. Rank 1 allows you to establish supply lines between your various workshop
settlements, Rank 2 allows you to build stores and more importantly crafting stations for your settlements.
This perk is a must have if you want to set up your own personal place to live. It's a bit costly, having a
cost of Charisma 6 for both ranks, but definitely worth it, especially if you want to take full advantage of
perks like Gun Nut, Blacksmith, Armorer, and Demolitions Expert.
*Medic* - This perk is very, very useful. It augments stimpaks and radaway, allowing them to heal more
with each rank. Rank 1 increases the effectiveness of both stimpaks and radaway by 40%, Rank 2 Increases
them by 60%, Rank 3 increases them by 80%, and Rank 4 allows stimpaks and radaway to restore all health
and remove all rads, as well as increase the healing speed. Medic is very cheap and a good choice for the
early game, as you only need Intelligence 2 for all Ranks
*Scrapper* - This perk is a must have for anyone looking to build their own settlements, it allows you
to salvage rarer components and allows you to salvage more on top of that. Rank 1 allows you to
salvage uncommon components, Rank 2 allows you to salvage rare components, and Rank 3 (Far Harbor
needed) gets you more for salvaging. Cost for this perk is Intelligence 5, making it easy to get early on.
*Fortune Finder and Scrounger* - Both of these perks fall under the same general category, allowing you
to get more from the various containers you find, Fortune Finder nets you more Caps and Scrounger nets
you more Ammo. Each also has a bonus on the highest rank. With Fortune Finder, once at Rank 4, there
is a chance your opponents will explode into a shower of caps on death, and with Scrounger, once at Rank
4, there is a chance that you'll automatically get extra ammo for the gun your using when you fire the last
shot in your clip. Both are very cheap and great early game perks, Fortune Finder being Luck 1 and Scrounger
being Luck 2.
My god. I have hundreds of hours in this game and never realized Dogmeat didn't count against the Lone Wanderer perk. I feel so noob.
I use vats for spotting landmines.
Scrapper and pack mule, cause I'm a good damn cleptomaniac in this game. Just.....can't....stop.....taking hot plates. And duct tapes. And old, used light bulbs. And that nice perk that highlights everything I need to build everything. I love collecting scrap. You see me on Discovery, compulsive collectors.....
I know that feeling. It gets to the point where I want to collect junk items just to set up at my main settlement as decorations. Like...a fishing rod serves no purpose that to be scrapped but I can't help but get one so I can have it propped up in the corner of a room for a little added ascetic to give my home a little more realistic feel to it. Hell, in my garage area (I almost always make the Red Rocket Gas Station as my main home,) I actually will build a tool box for looks and try to fill it up with at least 1 of every "tool" junk item in the game...like hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers, etc....just because I can.
Top 10 perks for the new Survival mode?
+JV2017gameplay Great! I am really happy with the direction of Survival mode. Skills like Aquaboy, Lead Belly and Adamantium Skeleton actually seem useful now!
+Adam Short
(me in normal mode)
Oh Aqua boy that's useless I can just use a radaway
(Me in survaval mode)
Oh crap this is useful!
+Someone somewhere Now the whole Endurance tree is actually useful! Normal: Less rads from food? Who Cares? Survival: Oh thank God!
+Adam Short like ghoulish
+Someone somewhere Ghoulish seems super powerful/useful now! Adamantium Skeleton is going to be one of the first things I get. My body will be crippled so often now.
Super late, but i always liked doing a charismatic soldier build. I always use both Rifleman and commando to cover ranged and close range combat. Also armorer and gun nut are must haves, scrounger for more ammo and demolition expert for extra firepower. Toughness and adamantium skeleton, plus i grab steady aim for my auto guns and idiot savant for extra exp, and i put charisma to max to pass all dialogue options. I usually just run heavy type armor like the heavy synth or heavy combat. Those are my top ten perks for my favorite build
good job putting all of the damage perks together. I was thinking the same
I love Idiot Savant. The laughing noise when the perk is triggered makes me laugh every time.
Every pacifying perk, life giver, cap collector, mysterious stanger, grim reaper, and critical saver
who else saves all their ammo for legendary weapons?
Ender Oc3lot42 me too
Dont sleep on robotics expert. Just started replaying this game and i never realized how powerful so many of the robotic enemies were and being able to essentially one shot them is mad useful.
Pretty good insight on which perk I need to focus on thanks to you. Playing on survival mode right now and I‘m having a lot of fun. Btw your video was very helpful ^^
Anyone else think Charisma 3 high for Lone Wanderer? Someone alone doesn't need charisma
+Dimetri u have a good point there o.O
+Dimetri maybe you want to charm the pants off your dog?
Must be good at coping with yourself
Charisma is a great perk
When you have charisma you can easily convince people to do stuff or find another way to solve a problem like when you are saving nick when that gangster dude captured him charisma is good at convincing the guy to not kill you
So if you have lone wanderer you can have dogmeat ?
not anymore
hambe yes you can
yes you can
That was a cool social media plug. Good on you
Way back when- when I first played fallout 4- my first character had *NO* luck... and so I learned the hard way that luck was important. Looking at your list, you definitely listed the perks I most prioritize.
Lone wanderer is the best perk for any character.
Even though it's completely useless the majority of the time if you intend to do companion quests. Or anytime you have Nick or Cait with you like he says he usually does later in the video.
3:48 missed a lunchbox
You forgot Local Leader and such. WORKSHOPS!
As well as Supply Lines that you can connect multiple settlements to.
i just gotta go full endurance and defensive perks off the bat.
Cant lose if i cant die
I love the ones that let you pacify enemies and practically make them a temporary companion like do you know how dope it is to walk around with a deathclaw or even a behemoth fighting for you and can hold things for you? I'm not kidding you can pick up swan if you're lucky enough
Awesome video!
am I the only one that doesn't want to change his Silver Shroud Costime for a heavy armor?
Same. Even after I completed the Silver Shroud mission, I still kept the costume on.
I wear a a helmet, pair of glasses, and left and right armour that all give +1 intelligence and +1 charisma. That way, you get much more xp for every action you complete (killing an enemy, unpicking a lock.etc).
Yes. Yes u r
@@Whistfulthinking how do u unpick a lock?
@Francesco Casilla...I think he meant "picking a lock" but you can actually "unpick" locks if you want to grind out small amounts of EXP. Just find a door or gate that can be both picked or opened via a terminal. Pick the lock to open it and use the terminal to relock the door (if able to). Then just repick the lock and repeat. At a certain point, the amount of EXP is so small that it doesn't really seem worth it to do it in large chunks. But if you are close to leveling up and are looking for a way to try and squeeze out enough EXP to level up, you can try that.
I don’t do “builds” if I want to run at an enemy with my melee or kill super mutants by sneaking and shooting them or ambush where I lure enemies on to mines I do it don’t only play one way
I actually never even used regular armor in the game. I practically live in a Power Armor suit.
Same. I remember getting the paint skin for my Armor that increased my carry weight. In my non-Survival playthrough, I had like 500lbs of carry weight easy at like level 50 it seemed.
i love this game, gives me so much nostalgia! shame u couldnt upload yesterday mate missed your content x
Nerd rage was the most effective safety perk ever and I’ll always go for that. Usually when it triggers you have enough time to take a stimpack and start kicking some ass. You’ll almost want it to trigger after a while since it’s so cool.
Get this perk, all you have to do is level to 40 bro
Wait No level capp? Is there truly no level cap?
From what I heard, there isn't a level cap. So you could essentially keep playing until you are well over level 100.
No level cap but the game crashes around level 65,535 so yeah, no cap
I like the first perk in aqua boy
Brb start fo4 again for the 50th time.
For real good list dude. Helpful
How can I forget when McCready played D&D with Serana, Roy Mustang, Margaret, Gaara, Phoenix Wright, The Flash, and Gwen Tennyson. Good times :P
Your videos are nice except for the fact that the video in between the perks screen is just you playing randomly. I like your input, and there is an appreciable level of professional layout; this is my only critique. I know it takes more time, but as a visual person, I appreciate how videos like these have corresponding graphics. Even if it is just slightly similar activities to the topic at hand.
It would be easier to do via computer version.
Either way, I am only giving input because I wish you success in your series. Chiao
Whiney lil bitch.
Get all perks. You'll be happy
after lvl150 lol
actually to get all perks you must be lvl 271, and thats without the dlc perks. and no ones gonna play to level 271 every playthrough...prob not even on one playthrough. you would have beat about 95% of the quest in the game (including beating the story) by lvl 50-55 ( or if you got idiot savant you'll be around prob lvl70-80) at that point all you have is a couple sidequest that will give maybe half a lvl. then you're stuck with just grinding raiders and gunners and such ( which is boring and tedious) or doing radiant quest for your faction ( which are all literally "go here, kill this" type of quest no matter the faction. so again tedious and boring). at that point its not worth it since there are no more quest for you to take advantage of having all the perks
I made a charisma-intelligence type of character.
Gun nut and Science are linked to mod weapons properly. Medic saves you from having to keep buying stimpaks and radaways or hunt around for resources to make them. Robotics Expert helps you build robots who can cause lethal damage (Automatron). Scrapper helps find otherwise hard to find materials, again saving caps. Strong back helps you increase your carry weight and with each level you can max it out, you can eventually fast travel overencumbered. Hacker and Locksmith are a must if you want to advance in the game at all. Local Leader is good to link up settlements so you can use resources between settlements and lastly Armorer helps with modding armor. A worthy mention Cap collector again for settlements to limit the loss of caps when spending. Also blacksmith to help with robots and if you are melee weapon inclined. That's 12 but two you mentioned are there already.
Here's my thoughts on Perks. Some perks are Essential Perks i.e. the convenience perks (Strong Back, Locksmith, Hacker), the Damage perks (Rifleman, Commando, Big Leagues etc etc) and the Crafting perks (Armorer, Gun Nut, Blacksmith, Science). Excluding those, here are my Top 10
1) Local Leader so you can set up supply lines between settlements
2) Robotics Expert - hack robots FTW and also build Robot Provisioners FTW
3) Sneak / Ninja
4) Better Critical / Critical Banker
5) Sniper / Penetrator for the ability to shoot through cover or Power Armor and gain headshot damage bonuses.
6) Awareness so you can see enemies' specific resistances and plan your attacks accordingly.
7) Nuclear Physicist for allowing you to exploit a specific behavior of Fusion Cores if you are using a Gattling Laser and Power Armor.
8) Black Widow / Lady killer for both the speech check and damage bonuses
9) Ricochet - situational but imo the coolest situational perk.
10) Gun Fu sinks well with Critical Banker and Better Criticals
I do a rifle and melee build. Rifleman + ninja = intense damage
I get how Lone Wanderer is a strong perk ... but I fairly enjoy having a companion, so nope :P lol
It is active with dogmeat as a companion
BlueLightning Films
Yeah, but I like my companions to be able to talk :P haha
I agree with you. Nothing like a sexy Irish voice :-D
You keep saying "build" like we're setting up an irreversible skill tree, but the truth is there is no level cap.
Not only is it irritating, but It's also misleading to new players.
+ParanoidPixel You still have to "build" your character up. Yeah, you can theoretically get every perk, but most people don't play a game for 400 hours BEFORE developing a viable playstyle.
Its about how you organize yourself while lvling to get a different play style. Some like melee others like stealth.
Builds are around for a reason . Most people want to play a character til game completion and you will complete all the missions , stories , Dlc, collecting and all that far before you get even 1/3 the perks . So "build" is a valid term . It's more fun to do multiple play throughs making different story decisions and character build decisions .
it's not misleading as very few players will reach level 271 which is when you are able to unlock all the perks
The perk (I think it was strength or strong back) which lets you fast travel when encumbered made me very very rich.. a must
Love me some local leader. Build stores at all settlements, and connect supply lines....a must in survival mode.