Also, it's so tedious to put on the hazmat suit, swim, take off the hazmat suit, put all your armor back on yadda yadda. I personally think that it's worth the one action point that it takes.
+Staffaynu but instead of having to fight two dozen enemies and lose tons of health it's easier to hop in a river and swim to the closest shore to your objective. It's definitely my most used and useful perk.
+Staffaynu I'm a kleptomaniac and this post has #triggered me. Kidding, of course, but I'm on the side of taking the perk. It frees up space in your inventory not having to carry around that suit and the cakes, which leaves more room for junk...err, I mean treasures. there's also the passive bonus most people don't seem to be pointing out. Rad-x and radaway are worth good money. Yes, you find an ample supply, but this just means a frugal player has an ample amount to trade to merchants for just one more mininuke to complete that altar to Atom, or buy that shipment of adhesive so they can upgrade their combat armor one more time. If you're spending all your time popping the radaway to counter those passive rads that trickle in every time you get your feet wet, you've got less of them available for bartering down the road. And of course there's the other aspect to this that's somewhat more eyebrow waggling. That hazmat suit has shit for ballistic and energy protection. If you play on hard difficulty like I do and an unexpected enemy pops out as you're exiting the water, you might get dropped to the ground in one or two hits, dead before you can even bring your pip-boy up to don your magically-appearing-in-the-middle-of-combat suit of armor. It's just dead weight, wasted time, and moments of vulnerability that's all spared by investing a single perk point. If there were still a level cap I might have said that a specialized build would better attribute their finite perks elsewhere, but since F04 has infinite levelling, there's basically no reason not to unless you're following a meta and trying to RP the game, but then that asks a more sinister question of if you're trying to do the full roleplay are you instantly poofing from a hermetically sealed suit into multiple strapped on armor plates and a full jacket and jeans? that's a ten minute operation there, hardly what you magically do from one side of a river to the other while mutants and monsters are wandering about.
This is why I don't use vats or sprint in power armor. Because if you run around and vats like you do out of power armor, your draining your fusion core in 10 minutes tops
And apparently the Brotherhood of Steel's fusion cores last forever. You could crouch next to a knight for over an hour, and while looking through their inventory, the fusion core will STILL be at 100/100.
Pre war money is actually useful if you need caps... I currently have hundreds of the pre war money, so I could sell them for about three times the amount or more
Aquaboy is great in survival. As a retreat strategy when you just can't afford to die cause you havent saved in an hour... saved me so much time. Radaway has negative side effects... but there is the decontamination ring... so maybe I should rethink that.
Aquaboy is a great perk! With all of the small pools of water, rivers, flooded basements and stuff like that, radiation damage can stack up real quick. Besides, who the hell carries a hazmat suit with them all the time? What a hassle. And saying that Steady Aim is a useless perk? Like, maybe it doesn't fit your playstyle, but that doesn't make it useless.
Onetime I was walking to the prydwen in the ocean in power armor because I was over encumbered. I started to drown while I was in the middle of the ocean. Aquaboy saved my life, I'm lucky I had an extra level
Agreed - this list seems to be more of a play style preference than a uselessness list. I have a high strength build but had to sacrifice AG, PE, and Luck to get where I was gong with it. Steady Aim is the equalizer to the lousy performance of VATS with the low PE. Lead Belly could be a helpful perk with a HI EN/Lo AG build - can't dodge worth a molerat and takes forever to rebuild hit points, so you've got to eat everything you can find. Quick Hands: Hi AG PE build with Lo EN - can't afford to take any hits; you can't waste time reloading. I would love to see a review of what kind of build would make any of these "useless" perks ideal.
I see your point, mostly, except most players do carry the hazmat suit, it is extremely practical for many reasons other than water and its not that heavy
It’s actually is very useful! You can breathe underwater AND you get no rad damage from doing so. And the stealth on Aquaboy on Mk2 is useful as well from mirelurk attacks. [Edit] Also, you can get it early in the game!
Aqua boi is great because it helps when you need to get across a lake when you can take 2 seconds to swim across or take 15 minutes to walk around and another 5 extra minutes getting back on track. Lead belly is good because of the fact I have to eat things that I have found on my journey I'm can't just say *HOLD ON SWAN I GOTTA COOK SOME FOOD OVER AT MY SETTLEMENT* and teleport away so I eat the stuff I have found to stockpile stimpacks.
I really don't understand your logic with aquaboy, you first point is that you can wear the hazmat suit, witch is yes rather easy to find, but you cannot wear any other armor, and is vary inconvenient to reequip it every time you need to cross a patch of water. your next point is that you can use mirelurk cakes to breath under water, whitch require a mirelurk meat, mirelurk egg, oil, and razergrain, and it only last half an hour. So rather than spend one point ( in a game with an unlimited level cap), you can spend 5 or more hours to get a hazmat suit, farm mirelurks, try to fing a mirelurk nest (with a 50/50 chance of the eggs hatching and trying to kill you), scavenge for lamps, gas cans, ect, and plant a razor grain farm.
I do respect your opinion, I was mearly trying to give another perspective, I tend to use aquaboy at lvl 3-5, because it is vary convenient to have a passive effect rather than a clothing idem. I also searched it up on the wiki (as I cannot play Fallout at the moment) and the hazmat suit does not extend the time you can breath underwater. I thank you for your well said reply, It always bothers me when someone is not mature enough to give a responce with any effort involved.
how about use radaway in mode below survival,and find a bed to sleep after using radaway in survival mode? I don't think finding a bed is that hard, and you should wastr your point in local leader,which is so much more important than aqua boy.
You guys are so stupid there's something called rad x and if your smart and wearing power armor why in the world are you in the water in the first place if your going to the glowing sea your not actually going into water and you can find rad x in almost every first aids so quit your fucking whining.GET REAL
Ninja Taco Cat, Rad-X doesn't last forever. Yes when you're going to the glowing sea, you won't need the Aquaboy perk, but in my 200+ hour playthrough not even an hour was spent in the glowing sea.
They aren't useless, true. But during your first ~30 perk points there's probably going to be something that's generally more useful than the ones listed here, I think.
You never need the rad food on survival.... Me: damn used all my cooked food and pure water, I'm hungry, and all I can find is mole rat meat and this river nearby
TIP --- The more time you spend in a particular building, the easier it becomes to find your way around. Granted, I had to do a little searching around my first time through, but after that, no problem. Arc Jet. After I gave Danse the Deep Range Transmitter and he gave me his laser rifle and tried to recruit me into the BOS, then I went around front and proceeded to search the building again. I doubled my loot and know my way around pretty well now.
@@edmartin875Always search the same place at least twice for sure. Some of the containers that spawn empty the first time around fill in between loading screens.
Ghoulish could be useful if you're making a RAD powered character. There's armor and weapons that scale with radiation. However, Ghoulish 4 would be detrimental to that build. Also Ghoulish 4 isn't as good as Solar Powered. It heals and removes RADS and requires less perks.
ghoulish is good for people who want to sell radaway instead of using it and if you play an endurance built char you might as well get it, but I wouldn't go out of your way to get it
Vats is brilliant if you want to see someones head get blown off in slow motion lol. That and when you want to cheap shot someone with a headshot from 10 miles away with a critical nuke
***** Or, you could just learn to shoot. Also, the fucking critical hits system in this game are autistic, critical hits should run on chance like they used to.
actually the crit-system with all the different perks is quite nice once you built your char in this direction, since you can choose which of the enemies are worth a critical hit and which ones are easy to kill without crits. it makes the game more strategic (like old turn-based RPGs) - instead of being a simple shooter. the only thing that's pretty annoying is the loud sound it makes every time your crit bar gets refilled by your maxed out grim reaper's sprint or four leave clover. and VATS of course also was invented when the series changed from a turn-based game to a real-time system. VATS (combined with the action points) was the way to please the fans of the old turn-based mechanics.
Just wear power armor in the glowing sea and you'll get very little rads, and they have beds there you can sleep on to refill your health, or just use stimpacks or cooked food
Ghoulish is a great perk to have when traversing about the Glowing Sea. Even with power armor, you take on radiation damage in the sea, the Ghoulish perk helps to minimize that.
I have level 4 and it's so worth it. I don't even need to carry that much healing items anymore because radiation heals and even goes down. I can stand next to a radation source and heal quickly 😁
Ghoulish is great! If I'm not mistaken (not playing right now to verify my perks) but I've seen "Ghoulish converts a ghoul " which ends up fighting on your behalf.
Sure the hazmat suit prevents rads, but the aqua girl perk saves me the hastle of changing armour, also let's me always have my armour on if I'm in a sticky situation where I need to retreat in water
Bergen Franklin I sometimes don't find my way, e.g. looking for father on the roof of the Cambridge Institute, or once in a huge building with countless stories. It was terrible!! Simply couldn't find the right way. So I got the perk VANS. Darn, does it suck! Sometimes it works brilliantly, then suddenly not at all. The worst thing recently was, when i was looking for an item for the USS Constitution- quest in Corvega. Hard to find. I seemed to be on the roof, so I kept looking everywhere, took every exist to the roof, no luck. But Vans kept showing me the way OUT of the building, not the way to my quest target...
+Scott Fordham Yes. Also, a bunch of my pistols are scoped, and aiming in close combat, like bugs and melee attackers, is SUPER SLOW. Ain't nobody got time for that!
Max Maggio yeh also the movement penalty when aiming makes it even harder, i'm genuinely surprised this perk was mentioned as being part of the worst perk group i think its one of the better non vats combat perks
I'm going to stop your ironic "I'm going to stop you" comment and point to me and everyone who doesn't suck shit at RPGs having 60+ within a few hours through various means. I'm sorry you're terrible and can't afford the 15 stimpaks that every vendor in Fallout 4 sells.
I probably have 1,000 Stimpacks at this point, and I just reached Diamond City for the millionth time. (As in, millionth character, not time visited.) Then again, that is mostly because Stimpacks have very little use in Survival Mode.
Yes because stealth is op when compared to being able to survive fatman shells with power armor on in survival mode lol. In stealth builds sure if it goes great you destroy but if anything stronger than a raider detects you, you die both instantly and with near perfect certainty.
Not so much, because some of the water is knee deep. And the swamp areas are full of anglers and gulpers. Waiting on the edge of the water. Unless you have it maxed out.
I'm gonna defend each of these. Lead Belly: Stimpaks are valuable. People might sell 'em if they need the caps. Sometimes I'll sell a few. Imagine a player who saves stimpaks for the caps, and doesn't wanna waste them on themselves. What else is there for them to use? Cooked food, sure, but what if they're a scavenger/hoarder like me? Meaning they keep their inventory very light so they can pick up as much stuff as possible when they go into a new area? Cooked food can get heavy. They might not bring much. In that scenario, they can only eat the meat the take directly off the creatures they kill. In that case, Lead Belly becomes very useful, since the raw meat does have rads. But with Lead Belly, they don't. Aquaboy/Aquagirl: I love this perk. You may call it being lazy, I call it being efficient. Swimming across rivers without taking rads just speeds things up quite a bit for me, and anyone who plays like me. Also, think of this what you will... I've actually never found a hazmat suit in the game. Maybe I've overlooked them, or maybe I'm just blind. But I've never seen one. So, for me, Aquaboy/girl is great. Rad Resistant: I'm all about radiation resistance. That may explain why I love Aquaboy/girl and Lead Belly so much... To me, radiation sickness is so inconvenient... Fighting off ferals or a glowing one without having any rad X or radaway on you makes death by radiation poisoning a big possibility. Anything to reduce that possibility is good by me. Moving Target: To me, this perk is meant to make it easier to escape powerful targets. As you said, if you're sprinting, you're either charging, or running away. I'm usually doing the latter, so I certainly wouldn't mind having some extra assurance that I'll escape successfully. V.A.N.S. .....I can't defend this one. V.A.N.S. sucks. I agree. Basher: Blade attachment + Basher = Having a fun time when a raider or an animal thinks it can win by charging you. Nothing's more satisfying than emptying a clip into an enemy and then finishing it off by beating it down with your gun. Quick Hands: I don't like the pause that occurs when reloading. In many cases with my play style it just gives the enemy/enemies a chance to land a few hits while I reload. That's no fun. I don't wanna just sit there and wait for my guy to take his time reloading. I want that gun reloaded as quickly as possible after the gun is empty. Steady Aim: I hip fire all the time. I mod my guns for increased hip fire accuracy. It's so I can keep moving and reduce the chances of getting hit myself. It works. Steady aim helps. Ghoulish: Remember what I said before about selling stimpaks? Same thing applies here. Plus with all tat radiation resistance you've got from Rad Resistant, why not turn those rads into something positive? Like restored health? Plus, those ghouls and glowing ones are now a walking source of free health. Score!
An American In Busan - I have like 50 Stimpaks on my inventory, they are easy to get on Survival. -cooked food is never heavier than raw food. Some cooked food weighs only 0.1 units. -Swimming in rivers is just stupid. It breaks the game because there’s nothing to do and it makes traveling too easy. -You are bad at the game if you are accumulating rads. -You are bad at the game if you’re running away from fights
I just tried swimming in a river with a hazmat suit and you STILL pick up radiation too quickly for any longer excursion. In survival mode you have no fast travel; being able to cross rivers and parts of the ocean is a great help to shorten the often *very* long distances!
Yup, I'm glad he said, "the new survival mode." most of these perks is a life-saver in the new survival mode. And Aquaboy is a huge lifesaver. The hazmat suit doesn't help when you're on a bridge and getting shot from both sides. "Please stop shooting at me while I change clothes." LOL.Anyone else note the fact that he says that he loves using VATS and barely uses it against the mirelurks?
I find Aqua Boy useful, I like not taking 10 - 30 rads for some water places, plus, swimming in the river is a good way of traveling, less enemies on way and it is fast.
And Rad Resistant style perks are good, you can sell the RadX and Radaway easily. EDIT: Same thing for goulish, you can sell stimpaks instead of buying them for 80+ caps each.
+Voult Bioy Who buys stimpacks? They are everywhere. I got so many RadXs, RadAways and stimpacks that I don't need to use those points on useless for me perks.
Aquaboy/Girl is vital if you're playing survival; a game mode I'm sure this fucker's never even touched. It helps avoid needless confrontation and gives you the best shortcuts for traveling sometimes
Aquaboy 1 is good. Theres so much shallow water you have to walk through that its nice to not have your max hp constantly depleting especially in far harbor. Vans is a little buggy but still helpful, especially with the second rank giving 2 perception
Aquaboy is one of my favorite perks. I think its pretty handy. I don't want to wear a Hazmat suit the whole time or carry mire lurk cakes everywhere i go lol
I'm a power armor user, Water Boy/Girl is a life saver for when I inevitably fall into the ocean, a river or pit of radioactive doom that I otherwise couldn't get out of unless I left my armor behind
I think I'd rather spend one measly perk point into Aquaboy than equip a hazmat suit and hunt mire lurks to make cakes everytime I need to go across water
+Jordan Bowen I agree. I was not sure picking up the Aqua Boy, but after getting it you just get a complete relief from the previously annoyance water was.
He seems to have missed that it makes you take no rads from any water (other than drinking rad damage) so it removes the danger from wadeing through water as well, and since that is something you have to do often in areas full of fighting, hazmat suit is the worst possible idea in combat conditions.
Lead belly is one of my favorite perks. Easy to unlock, and you can eat everything you find. It will help in early game. And I have a melee build character, the "moving target" skill a very useful skill for every melee based player.
The only problem is that you usually WANT to cook any meat you find. It yields XP, gives more health, and sometimes grants bonus perks depending on what you make.
@@thelivingshado5 That's true but in the middle of a "dungeon" you can't cook roach or rat meat to heal yourself but if you can eat or drink anything you always have some healing item and you are not depending only on stims. Plus you can heal yourself by drinking from lakes and rivers.
Aqua Boy is too useful, in my opinion. Take a single perk and you can both breathe underwater and take no radiation from it, permanently. Keep in mind that if you fall into deep water while wearing power armor, you can very easily drown before you can get out. But if you take Aqua Boy, that'll never be a problem again. I'm taking Ghoulish currently. . .at level 158. I've simply run out of many more useful things to take. Also, shotguns in this game suck, as I'm sure you've noticed. ;-)
Well, it takes soo long for you to drown that I've never in my 250 hours of play have ever felt the need to be able to stay under for longer. Any long distance walks in power armor under water seems dumb as it's so incredibly slow. The amount of radiation you take from being in water is so low that it's only really useful if you're planning to spend like 10 minutes in the water at a time.
Wtf? Lead belly is absolutely amazing, I dont know where you guys got your "masses" of non-radiated food. It was the first perk I maxed because its extremely convenient
For water you can fill empty bottles at a water pump or have settlements with water purifiers, as for food you get meat from like every animal that you can cook combined with wasteland magazine at sunshine tidings which gives extra meat from kills.
+Miki Huff I dont make em,but i dont need em either only time i go in water for a prolonged time is usually when im in my X-01 and i dont care either way 1k RAD res and several minutes of oxygen is more than enough.
ghekor I agree power armour is all you need for underwater exploration also I watched a far harbour leak video and they may be adding a mod for you power armour that makes it lighter so you don't sink also I have full XO-1 MkIII so I'm set:)lol
yea tbh I dont think this guy Knows entirelly whats what, (yes I know this is his view) But why would I want to keep crafting some dumb recipe so I can Breath underwater, when I can get a single Perk, and Breathe underwater... forever (plays under the sea from the little mermaid)
Bob The Crlispy Dill pickle yes he calls fast reloding perks bad ksjrjdyhgtgtghdhdhhrhfghrghdbndndnjdhdhd if you can't tell oi love them there the best this guy does suck
+ JV2017gameplay 1.) Lead Belly is really good for eating irradiated canned foods and water sources on Survival mode (especially when a camp fire is far away) 2.) Aquagirl / Aquaboy is really good for attacking the raider towns that are in water (there are about 3 towns that are submerged in water, and one off shore raider base). Really good if your a stealth build, go Navy Seal on some enemies. 3.) Rad Resistant... ya it needs buffed =/ 4.) Moving target is also good for retreating. The bonus damage resistance can give you enough damage resistance to get to better cover or out of danger. 5.) V.A.N.S .... I don't know if the Unofficial Patch fixed it, but i hope it gets fixed =/ 6.) Bash is really good for players who don't use melee weapons and run out of ammo. Also, melee bashing acts as a hit stun, and can set an enemy up for a lethal kill. 7.) Refractor... ya that needs buffed =/ 8.) Quick Hands, it's useful for weapons with limited ammunition capacity (44 magnum, shotguns, Laser Musket, Rocket Launcher, etc.) But not having to pay reload AP is super useful, especially when combined with Gun Fu. 9.) Steady Aim is really good for weapons with long range scopes, having that extra hip fire accuracy can really help when the enemy gets way to close for comfort. 10.) Ghoulish is pretty overpowered for Survival mode. In Survival Mode, Stimpaks make you more thirsty, draining your resources when on an operation. With this perk, you can sit and bake next to some Isotopes and be ready.
+STUV101 About Ghoulish though, I just think it makes no God damned sense, sacrifice a sizable chunk of your max HP in order to gain regen for the HP that remains? Especially on a mode where 1 unnoticed mine, 1 well-thrown molotov, 1 enemy getting the jump on you pretty much equals dead even if at max HP lol. Just my opinion though
TheFriley4 Yes it does reduce your health, however, it doesn't effect your thirst, hunger meters in survival. That's the problem with using stimpaks in survival, it makes you thirsty really fast, using more of your resources. Not only that, you can just build a decontamination machine in your settlements to remove the rads. Also im pretty sure Ghoulish perk effects food and drink that's radioactive, making them heal you faster.
The ghoulish perk is activated by any rads you receive, I thought it'd be useful and grabbed it. It's still not the best, at least the first lvl of it, but it makes the impact of walking through a few feet radiation.
"aquaboy is useless because you can Hazmat suit + mirelurk meat" ... But is easier to spend one point in aquaboy rather than: change your armor, go and find mirelurk, kill it, loot, go and find a cooking station and prepare the food all this just for a 13 minutes bonus ... Let alone aquaboy perk2, where water becomes the perfect hiding spot
Lauri Elsilä I’ve never been dumb enough to fall into water with my power armor I think that happened at the water purification center and I got it back when I finished all the little power things
I built this radiation arc thing in my settlement, instantly clears my rads when I walk through it! then I just take a nap and I maxed my health for free before going on a trip.
I looked at the comments real quick and I have to say he's right about most of the perks like "aquaboy" and "Leadbelly". I mean think about it there are plenty more perks that are more practical and useful in more situations early in the game, these are perks tht u add at level 20-30 after you've gotten all the necessary perks like, toughness, gunslinger, rifleman, armorer, lone wanderer. And I think that's what he meant, they're all very situational
You even went as far as to call people lazy lol. 1. I'm not sure how you play this game but I for one am not in power armor constantly to sink to the bottom and walk across every lake and or deep water that I come across while exploring. 2. I don't carry a hazmat suit on me cause there is no reason to if am ever going to the glowing sea I will just fast travel to the castle and get my power armor if I am near radiation I will just simply move away. There is no reason for me to have that extra un-needed weight and yes before you say it's only 1lb I have had moments to where my weight was 320/320 and I simply could not drop anymore. Not only that but having to un- equip then re- equip my armor just to cross one lake is unnecessary. 3.It's one point for no radiation and the ability to breath underwater, you calling people lazy for using it is like me calling you dumb for not using it just so that you can seem less lazy to yourself. We're all entitled to our own opinion but don't try mixing insults into that opinion where insults were not needed.
No truth, either that or I'm replying to salt with salt. He said if people want to argue his opinion then comment. So please save your over used meme for something else or have an actual opinion :)
+Geometry Dash - Slick6969 well i recommend that you sell the ones that you dont want for caps because the new update keeps me from doing the "everything for free" glitch and youll need those caps
So, when you are in loot mode, take your time and slow down to look around more closely. They are everywhere and will often respawn. It is also rare to find a First Aid Box without at least one. I consider them essential for emergency health. I also eat my own cooked food when I don't absolutely need to use a Stimpak or have a bed nearby.
There's a mission for one of the best armor in the game from Far Harbor that you have to swim a bunch, so I think aquaboy/girl is great. I find it extremely useful
Aquaboy/girl perk is the hidden gem that not a lot of people get the usefulness of. I always try to get it because It proves useful on a lot of occasions.
1. Lead Belly is now your best friend on survival mode. In survival mode, radaway has side effect. Beside healing your radiation, it could give you some harm, like increase chance for you to get disease and gives you hunger. Lead Belly significantly reduce or negates all radiation from food and water. Basically you can eat EVERYTHING without fearing about that radiation damage. 2. Aquaman/girl is also your best friend in or not in survival mode. Having no radiation damage while swimming or standing on knee high water is a big help. 3. Rad Resistant. While it gives you rad resistant, you can still get tons of rad resistance with PA and Rad-X. 4. Moving Target. Meh. If you have lv 4 Chemist and Med-X, you basically a freaking concrete wall. 5. VANS. Anyone who pick VANS are either can't read the compass, can't read map, or accidentally pressed it and cry for hours. 6. Basher. I personally pick this for fun (with the help of console command, because I don't want to spent my precious perk points for something you don't really use often). They could 1 hit Raider Veteran. But most people probably will just shoot them with Gauss Rifle. 7. Reflector. I picked these perks after level 90. I already got my essential perks on max anyway. Yeah, you should just use Ballistic Weave. 8. Quick Hands. Only pick this for level 1. It actually helps you reloading faster on weapons with drum magazine or weapon with long reload animation like missile launcher. 9. Steady Aim. Only pick it if you only play with heavy weapons like minigun. Heh, come to think of it, only minigun could see the benefit of this perk. 10. Ghoulish. This perk is just doesn't make no sense. AT ALL. Unlike previous Fallout, Radiation reduce your total HP. The HP regen rate of this perk depends on how radiated you are. The more radiated, the faster, but your HP pool will be reduced because the radiation. Still useless. If they change this perk to "radiation now add your damage. The more radiated you are, the more damage will be added", it will be good for people who want to play as radiation powered berserker mutant. It also could give benefit to Nerd Rage perk. You can stand on or eat something that gives you radiation, then when your nerd rage triggered because your HP became low, you will get 4x damage buff from Nerd Rage and Ghoulish. Boom! 1 hit Securitron and any deathclaw.
+KoeSeer Good points, I agree with most of them. About number 1 though, leadbelly would make it so you don't have to worry about gaining rads from raw foods and un-purified water on Survival mode, but it doesn't get rid of the risk of getting parasites/infections from them, so I think its still pretty unwise to be gulping all that dirty shit down lol. That and the fact that you need to invest 3 damn perks to actually get the Rad damage down to zero just makes it way too not worth it imo. I like your idea for how to change ghoulish though, that would be a pretty fun role-playing build!
You can find a hazmat suit in the first 5 hours? Wow, they have been skillfully dodging me. I've played more than 3 days and didn't even know there was a hazmat suit.
The first level of the VANS Skill is pretty useless. But the +2 Perception from the second level is a good investment for a long range vats build, in my opinion. 13+ base perception (10 from maxing out, +2 from VANS lev 2 and +1 from the bobblehead), without gear or drug buff, makes you insanely accurate at extrem long ranges. Not a must have, but good too max out your hit chances at vats.
When I'm near a body of water I and I'm low on health I use aqua boy to get out of the fight and lead belly to make the water drinkable to regen health
I just started a new character, and I've been starting Lead Belly so when I'm attacked by something I can't fight (cough * cough yao guai) and get extremely hurt, I don't have to worry as much (or at all, but I'm not there yet) so I can heal quickly since I don't have many Radaways or Stimpacks
It's horrible about by the time you reach lvl 15 or higher because by then I usually have 80 to 120 stimpacks so this is useless by the time you can get close to no rads from it which is like lvl 20 right? For no rads from eat/drink? Right?
Well, I mean I understand why you think the Lead Belly perk is pointless but if you happen to be out of things to heal and you're desperate you might need it and same for Rad Resistant I get radiation ALL the time
TheLazy Unicorn I got Lead Belly as a 'better safe than sorry' perk in case I'm out of Stimpacks or other healing items. So far I haven't needed it since I got Life Giver, but just in case.
For talking about all these perks you should have been actually showing what the perks do rather than just a random mirelurk killing mission the whole time. If you're on PC you could have just made another file and console commands to give you all the levels you need to spend on these useless perks to show the viewer what you're talking about.
+Odin Tillgren but had he done this he might've actually discovered a use for hipfire accuracy, which is a powerful tool in first person shooters and shouldn't be underestimated
Personally I like Aquaboy because you don't have to carry around and equip the inferior Hazmat suit every time you go into water. Or a bunch of mirelurk cakes. As well as some other perks he downplayed.
If you have a Gatling laser, the reload is very slow, especially when your being attacked by a ton of enemies. Basher can take out one or two so you can reload
I want to get my build to a point where no matter the situation i dont need to depend on any aid, and maybe get some kind of buff while im at it, so half of these are very useful to me
Cook the meat. It not only kills the radiation, it also strengthens the healing power and other effects it has. The miniscule amout of rad you take by consuming pre-war food is negligible. It might be different in survival mode.
You should make a top 10 perks from the original fallout games that should be in the new ones. Love the perk tree in the originals. You could even get special perks for doing special things. It was awesome.
Also miss the skills and trait system. It made it quite immersive and boosted the roleplaying aspect of the game. Playing Fallout as a pure FPS is ok, but I really miss being immersed into the game. Im sorta just skipping along, killing every enemy, doing simple quests and playing skyrim/oblivion with guns. I miss the doctor and first aid skills a lot, and the new games have way to many stimpacks and chems available. I remember when a stimpack couldnt cure a crippled limb or serious damage. The story needs a little boost too. Like where is the Enclave or Posidon Energy? Where is the lore surrounding the Wanamingos? Michigan (American Midwest) saw some play in Fallout Tactics, but where is the brotherhood force that was settled there?
The first rank of Aquaboy is great. It makes traveling so much easier, because you can cross a whole ocean without getting 12 flavors of cancer
Also, it's so tedious to put on the hazmat suit, swim, take off the hazmat suit, put all your armor back on yadda yadda. I personally think that it's worth the one action point that it takes.
It really isn't worth it though, if you're lazy I guess, but it takes under 30 seconds to do what you said.
+Staffaynu but instead of having to fight two dozen enemies and lose tons of health it's easier to hop in a river and swim to the closest shore to your objective. It's definitely my most used and useful perk.
+Staffaynu I'm a kleptomaniac and this post has #triggered me.
Kidding, of course, but I'm on the side of taking the perk. It frees up space in your inventory not having to carry around that suit and the cakes, which leaves more room for junk...err, I mean treasures.
there's also the passive bonus most people don't seem to be pointing out. Rad-x and radaway are worth good money. Yes, you find an ample supply, but this just means a frugal player has an ample amount to trade to merchants for just one more mininuke to complete that altar to Atom, or buy that shipment of adhesive so they can upgrade their combat armor one more time.
If you're spending all your time popping the radaway to counter those passive rads that trickle in every time you get your feet wet, you've got less of them available for bartering down the road.
And of course there's the other aspect to this that's somewhat more eyebrow waggling. That hazmat suit has shit for ballistic and energy protection. If you play on hard difficulty like I do and an unexpected enemy pops out as you're exiting the water, you might get dropped to the ground in one or two hits, dead before you can even bring your pip-boy up to don your magically-appearing-in-the-middle-of-combat suit of armor.
It's just dead weight, wasted time, and moments of vulnerability that's all spared by investing a single perk point. If there were still a level cap I might have said that a specialized build would better attribute their finite perks elsewhere, but since F04 has infinite levelling, there's basically no reason not to unless you're following a meta and trying to RP the game, but then that asks a more sinister question of if you're trying to do the full roleplay are you instantly poofing from a hermetically sealed suit into multiple strapped on armor plates and a full jacket and jeans? that's a ten minute operation there, hardly what you magically do from one side of a river to the other while mutants and monsters are wandering about.
+stahp it and with the second one it makes you invisible in water
Fusion Cores
Can power an engine for more than 200 years
CnCF 0878 I know right lol I was gonna write that but I don’t have to
Nuclar physicist your fusion cores last longer also repair bobble head
This is why I don't use vats or sprint in power armor. Because if you run around and vats like you do out of power armor, your draining your fusion core in 10 minutes tops
Use mods to make last longer
And apparently the Brotherhood of Steel's fusion cores last forever. You could crouch next to a knight for over an hour, and while looking through their inventory, the fusion core will STILL be at 100/100.
I'm not going to put my hazmat suit everytime I cross a puddle.
who are you?
who are you?
who are you?
First time I fell in the water wearing power armor I knew I needed aquaboy level 1.
Jack Whitney I think they were being sarcastic. I hope so anyway.
@@SirEliteGrunt i just find it funny that he fell in the water
It helps me when I travel long distances
@@SirEliteGrunt you can drown in power armor though.
You have no idea how long I survived by drinking only water with lead belly.
+Griffith Games did ya survive one second?
You have no idea how long I survived with lead belly in survival mode duh
Griffith Games *L I F E G I V E R*
Well even on standard difficulties nuka quantum is a decent healer
Yeah its the first thing u should go for at survival
You just leaving that pre war money really triggered me for some reason
It's weightless cloth, so makes sense.
Leah Coruscate and 1 sells for like 3 caps
Wow the US currency deflated after 200 years of the government being destroyed.
Pre war money is actually useful if you need caps... I currently have hundreds of the pre war money, so I could sell them for about three times the amount or more
Nonna YoBeesWax I have a whole box for prewar money in my home. xD
Aquaboy is great in survival. As a retreat strategy when you just can't afford to die cause you havent saved in an hour... saved me so much time. Radaway has negative side effects... but there is the decontamination ring... so maybe I should rethink that.
Lead Belly as well
Way easier to just become a ghoul in that case though
aquaboy is great. you can haul ass in the fast travel in survival and you learn the water way towards objectives
Radagast but what if your far away from a settlement or you don’t have the dlc
@@szaimon5784 odd you should mention that. I'm playing FO4 VR and the DLC isn't in it, so no decon ring...
"there's so much radaway"
Me with my 3 radaway because it costs like 100 plus caps a piece
Lol yep.
Bro he's right though. Look around in the right place and you'll find plenty.
You can build a radiation decontamination machine .
I got like 120 radaways
@@t26e1-1super-pershing noice
Aquaboy is a great perk! With all of the small pools of water, rivers, flooded basements and stuff like that, radiation damage can stack up real quick. Besides, who the hell carries a hazmat suit with them all the time? What a hassle. And saying that Steady Aim is a useless perk? Like, maybe it doesn't fit your playstyle, but that doesn't make it useless.
Onetime I was walking to the prydwen in the ocean in power armor because I was over encumbered. I started to drown while I was in the middle of the ocean. Aquaboy saved my life, I'm lucky I had an extra level
Agreed - this list seems to be more of a play style preference than a uselessness list. I have a high strength build but had to sacrifice AG, PE, and Luck to get where I was gong with it. Steady Aim is the equalizer to the lousy performance of VATS with the low PE. Lead Belly could be a helpful perk with a HI EN/Lo AG build - can't dodge worth a molerat and takes forever to rebuild hit points, so you've got to eat everything you can find. Quick Hands: Hi AG PE build with Lo EN - can't afford to take any hits; you can't waste time reloading.
I would love to see a review of what kind of build would make any of these "useless" perks ideal.
I see your point, mostly, except most players do carry the hazmat suit, it is extremely practical for many reasons other than water and its not that heavy
Avakadoman I do I have it cause I'm rich
Avakadoman true dat my dude
I like aquaboy! It's useful so I don't glow in the dark every time i step in a puddle
It’s actually is very useful! You can breathe underwater AND you get no rad damage from doing so. And the stealth on Aquaboy on Mk2 is useful as well from mirelurk attacks.
[Edit] Also, you can get it early in the game!
Yeah it is
Yeah, the fact he ranks aquaboy as bad is enough for me to discredit the rest of his opinions
Aqua boi is great because it helps when you need to get across a lake when you can take 2 seconds to swim across or take 15 minutes to walk around and another 5 extra minutes getting back on track. Lead belly is good because of the fact I have to eat things that I have found on my journey I'm can't just say *HOLD ON SWAN I GOTTA COOK SOME FOOD OVER AT MY SETTLEMENT* and teleport away so I eat the stuff I have found to stockpile stimpacks.
Jayce Reeder did you even listen you can make mire lurk cakes to breath under water for 30 mins and wear a haznat suit to negotiate radiation
I really don't understand your logic with aquaboy, you first point is that you can wear the hazmat suit, witch is yes rather easy to find, but you cannot wear any other armor, and is vary inconvenient to reequip it every time you need to cross a patch of water. your next point is that you can use mirelurk cakes to breath under water, whitch require a mirelurk meat, mirelurk egg, oil, and razergrain, and it only last half an hour. So rather than spend one point ( in a game with an unlimited level cap), you can spend 5 or more hours to get a hazmat suit, farm mirelurks, try to fing a mirelurk nest (with a 50/50 chance of the eggs hatching and trying to kill you), scavenge for lamps, gas cans, ect, and plant a razor grain farm.
I do respect your opinion, I was mearly trying to give another perspective, I tend to use aquaboy at lvl 3-5, because it is vary convenient to have a passive effect rather than a clothing idem. I also searched it up on the wiki (as I cannot play Fallout at the moment) and the hazmat suit does not extend the time you can breath underwater.
I thank you for your well said reply, It always bothers me when someone is not mature enough to give a responce with any effort involved.
how about use radaway in mode below survival,and find a bed to sleep after using radaway in survival mode? I don't think finding a bed is that hard, and you should wastr your point in local leader,which is so much more important than aqua boy.
The perk also eradicates radiation underwater all together, while if you just wear a hazmat suit you will still take some radiation damage
You guys are so stupid there's something called rad x and if your smart and wearing power armor why in the world are you in the water in the first place if your going to the glowing sea your not actually going into water and you can find rad x in almost every first aids so quit your fucking whining.GET REAL
Ninja Taco Cat, Rad-X doesn't last forever. Yes when you're going to the glowing sea, you won't need the Aquaboy perk, but in my 200+ hour playthrough not even an hour was spent in the glowing sea.
Do I really want to put a hazmat suit every time I cross a river
No, no I don’t
I wear pocketed armor so Hazmat suits are a pain in the ass
Yeah Aquaboy is definitely one of the best perks plus if you have Far Harbor, that perk is a life saver. Literally
plus it has no armor rating and you don't want to keep changing outfits
you'd rather waste a perk that could have made you stronger?
@@johnandrewserranogarcia7223 Sure would lol
The title should be changed to "TOP 10 Perks that don't fit my Playstyle"
+Medz Awesomeness He did say this was just his opinion. I think a lot of the ones he chose are kinda weak in any play style.
Hacker Man ahem aquaboy/girl
Pretty much lol.
Why cause these perks fit your playstyle 😂😂
All perks are useful but not all are needed especially aqua
No perks are useless. Just situationly useful.
They aren't useless, true. But during your first ~30 perk points there's probably going to be something that's generally more useful than the ones listed here, I think.
So true... so true
Vans is situational and haha xd
Vault Dweller Thank you
I got vans in my first play through because I thought it would be good and half the time it led me into a wall
The only good part is with Nukaworld the second rank gues you 2 perception
You never need the rad food on survival....
Me: damn used all my cooked food and pure water, I'm hungry, and all I can find is mole rat meat and this river nearby
@dragzgaming yeah true. Although to be fair, this was 8 years ago before survival game play was the way it is currently. 😅
Aqua boy the 1st rank is cool but the 2nd is unnecessary (MY OPINION)
My opinion too
I agree as well.
What's the 2nd version of it
I totally agree
Bob Marley Un detected underwater
I like the aquaboy perk because travelling is safer and it opens the world more. I love to explore so that is a must have for me
I think steady aim is helpful when you didn't work on V.A.T.S.
Indeed. Good at Libertalia, in case you fall to water, and especially in case of low Radaways while exploring in watery areas.
+PoseidonWarrior Its also amazing if you don't us fast travel, it makes traveling much faster.
While it is a little glitchy, VANS helped me in the Corvega Assembly Plant because for some reason I could not for the life of me find they final room
TIP --- The more time you spend in a particular building, the easier it becomes to find your way around.
Granted, I had to do a little searching around my first time through, but after that, no problem.
Arc Jet. After I gave Danse the Deep Range Transmitter and he gave me his laser rifle and tried to recruit me into the BOS, then I went around front and proceeded to search the building again. I doubled my loot and know my way around pretty well now.
@@edmartin875Always search the same place at least twice for sure. Some of the containers that spawn empty the first time around fill in between loading screens.
I like aquaboy ,I get to walk dramatically out of the water as I kill my enemies
And I also have a new way to escape of situations get dire
If you upgrade your intelligence and get alot of perk point thingies it's worth getting but if they're scarce maybe don't
Aquaboy is not bad. I really love it.
It's pretty good with one quest where you have to go underwater for a good long time to turn valves on.
It’s really usefull
Why dont people like ghoulish?At the 4th rank of it slowly Gets RID of rads While healing you so then Rads=health
4 ranks in a high level ability just so you don't have to use the abundant healing items?
The Great Gyrofluff you can then sell those healing items
Ghoulish could be useful if you're making a RAD powered character. There's armor and weapons that scale with radiation. However, Ghoulish 4 would be detrimental to that build. Also Ghoulish 4 isn't as good as Solar Powered. It heals and removes RADS and requires less perks.
ghoulish is good for people who want to sell radaway instead of using it and if you play an endurance built char you might as well get it, but I wouldn't go out of your way to get it
Ghoulish Perk
this is perk is a must when you have the Salvaged Assaultron Head weapon. its powerful though.
Aquaboy level 1 is actually a good perk! It’s such a relief to go into water without that Geiger counter going off!
i agree but i think hes talking about max level but lvl 1 is super good
Aqua boy is actually very useful
destroyboy 01 ikr
Ya but I got it for glowing sea but it was not underwater like I thought
Xcovd The best ha ha
Just carry mirelurk cakes. 30 Minutes of underwater breathing each. Plus 140 HP.
Or use power armor. Save that point for something useful.
I think aquaboy is useful for taking shortcuts when getting from point A to point B
You can't call people lazy and then go on to say how much you rely on V.A.T.S. Which is literally just having the game shoot for you.
Vats is brilliant if you want to see someones head get blown off in slow motion lol. That and when you want to cheap shot someone with a headshot from 10 miles away with a critical nuke
***** Or, you could just learn to shoot. Also, the fucking critical hits system in this game are autistic, critical hits should run on chance like they used to.
actually the crit-system with all the different perks is quite nice once you built your char in this direction, since you can choose which of the enemies are worth a critical hit and which ones are easy to kill without crits. it makes the game more strategic (like old turn-based RPGs) - instead of being a simple shooter. the only thing that's pretty annoying is the loud sound it makes every time your crit bar gets refilled by your maxed out grim reaper's sprint or four leave clover.
and VATS of course also was invented when the series changed from a turn-based game to a real-time system. VATS (combined with the action points) was the way to please the fans of the old turn-based mechanics.
montanus777 actually they had it in 1&2 but it wasn't as important it was mostly used to disarm or hit specific weak spots
Ey thats a true fact right there
I saw the thumbnail and went "Ex-fricking-scuse me?!"
ian fantauzzi Ex-Fricking?
sounds... not bad at all.
The only thing I find useless in fallout 4 is the Creation Club.
Chad Howell you are right
Chad Howell the creation engine will make the games better later
Thomas Roberts Creation club is different than the creation engine. Creation club is Bethsedas pay for mod service.
Creation Club in console (I have PS4 version) is useless.
Chad Howell Ikr
i dont get how goulish isnt usefull, stand in acid then boom theres your health back
Andrew Z you still get rads
Andrew Z and you heal rads so I agree
SkullGamer if u dont get rads u dont heal
Yeah and there are those pesky rads back
DaBloodsploder Krieg good thing food and water in the post apocalyptic wasteland is rad free and drinkable
Well, I like « ghoulish because I like to explore the glowing sea, so when I’m out of stimpacks, the radiations restore my health.
I saw no diffence
Dark_knight I love houlish
You can just fast travel home and drink water from the pump
Just wear power armor in the glowing sea and you'll get very little rads, and they have beds there you can sleep on to refill your health, or just use stimpacks or cooked food
Dark_knight ghoulish+solar-powered=[no heal items needed]
Ghoulish is a great perk to have when traversing about the Glowing Sea. Even with power armor, you take on radiation damage in the sea, the Ghoulish perk helps to minimize that.
I have level 4 and it's so worth it. I don't even need to carry that much healing items anymore because radiation heals and even goes down. I can stand next to a radation source and heal quickly 😁
Exactly! Ghoulish is good.
Ghoulish is great! If I'm not mistaken (not playing right now to verify my perks) but I've seen "Ghoulish converts a ghoul " which ends up fighting on your behalf.
Sure the hazmat suit prevents rads, but the aqua girl perk saves me the hastle of changing armour, also let's me always have my armour on if I'm in a sticky situation where I need to retreat in water
Take a shot every time he says “new survival mode”
Dead in 9.3 seconds
Got drunk very fast
Challenge but I die very quickly..
Man this video is 3 years old back then far harbor wasn't even release and then survival mod was trash
Ghoulish is good for the glowing sea.
And you have a chance too pacify ghouls
I'm alright with the aquaboy and girl perk. After all, it helped my sister find one of the T-45 power armours
Christy Root I found a x01 in water
@@Fenris2 where did you find the power armor
@@carlosarroyo6924 power armors are leveled, X-01 suits appear at higher levels
@@lisaknott6286 he asked you where but okay...
@@carlosarroyo6924 Jamaka Plain.
I actually got the VANS perk because I thought that you had to get it in order to get/unlock the perks that are under it
Enes Ok thats how I thought the perk chart works lol
me too cause i've played Skyrim, also thought it would be more active/more useful
Savannah Soane its okay. you have no level cap
even in skyrim you had to only have 1 quest active, and even then it was... dodgy at best.
Bergen Franklin
I sometimes don't find my way, e.g. looking for father on the roof of the Cambridge Institute, or once in a huge building with countless stories.
It was terrible!! Simply couldn't find the right way.
So I got the perk VANS. Darn, does it suck!
Sometimes it works brilliantly, then suddenly not at all.
The worst thing recently was, when i was looking for an item for the USS Constitution- quest in Corvega. Hard to find. I seemed to be on the roof, so I kept looking everywhere, took every exist to the roof, no luck.
But Vans kept showing me the way OUT of the building, not the way to my quest target...
some people dont use power armor
Like meh
@@Invrexs and meh
I use lots of power armor, but I can use my jetpack with it on
Steady Aim = A Big Fuck You to Bloatfly's, Stingwing's and blood bugs if you're not playing a Vats game
+Scott Fordham or if your vats chance is really bad and you figure you'll probably waste less ammo spraying than waiting for that 11% chance to hit.
+Scott Fordham Yes. Also, a bunch of my pistols are scoped, and aiming in close combat, like bugs and melee attackers, is SUPER SLOW. Ain't nobody got time for that!
Max Maggio yeh also the movement penalty when aiming makes it even harder, i'm genuinely surprised this perk was mentioned as being part of the worst perk group i think its one of the better non vats combat perks
+Scott Fordham Well, he said himself that he is VATS believer. He also said that he consideres non-VATS perspective, but he is lying.
Aquaboy has actually saved me several times. Low on health and a ton of rads. Had to escape. Only way to go was in water
Like your profile picture
"An abundance of stimpaks" Yah I'm just going to stop you there.
I'm going to stop your ironic "I'm going to stop you" comment and point to me and everyone who doesn't suck shit at RPGs having 60+ within a few hours through various means. I'm sorry you're terrible and can't afford the 15 stimpaks that every vendor in Fallout 4 sells.
ikr if you have trouble getting stimpaks you need to step your game up xD
I probably have 1,000 Stimpacks at this point, and I just reached Diamond City for the millionth time. (As in, millionth character, not time visited.) Then again, that is mostly because Stimpacks have very little use in Survival Mode.
I can't remember the last time I had less than 80 stimpaks at one time since the game came out lol
+Shook s yeah I haven't been low on stimpaks for a while back now
Dude.. second stage of Aqualad is SOOOOO worth it.
Stealth playthrough: "Oh shit! Raiders saw me!" -goes underwater and VANISHES-
Aqua lad sounds better
+Lucas de Vera-Mcginn yeah we should make a petition to change it from aquaboy to aqua lad
Because stealth is so not too easy already, why not make it even easier.
Yes because stealth is op when compared to being able to survive fatman shells with power armor on in survival mode lol. In stealth builds sure if it goes great you destroy but if anything stronger than a raider detects you, you die both instantly and with near perfect certainty.
aqua boy is amazing for far harbor
Not so much, because some of the water is knee deep. And the swamp areas are full of anglers and gulpers. Waiting on the edge of the water. Unless you have it maxed out.
+Erick Soto I agree Aqua boy is really good because you can breathe underwater and no rads underwater I found it good
+Payne Montgomery But if you do some quests in far harbour you get a piece of gear that gives water breathing an resistance to rads.
Not amazing, but it is okay though..
Yea,i remember the 1st perk except S.P.E.C.I.A.L i used is aquaboy.
“still fighting off that Mole Rat Disease”
he got da Rona
In 2016 hue hue
1 perk point beats constantly switching armour & letting shit clog my inventory
I'm gonna defend each of these.
Lead Belly:
Stimpaks are valuable. People might sell 'em if they need the caps. Sometimes I'll sell a few. Imagine a player who saves stimpaks for the caps, and doesn't wanna waste them on themselves. What else is there for them to use? Cooked food, sure, but what if they're a scavenger/hoarder like me? Meaning they keep their inventory very light so they can pick up as much stuff as possible when they go into a new area? Cooked food can get heavy. They might not bring much. In that scenario, they can only eat the meat the take directly off the creatures they kill. In that case, Lead Belly becomes very useful, since the raw meat does have rads. But with Lead Belly, they don't.
I love this perk. You may call it being lazy, I call it being efficient. Swimming across rivers without taking rads just speeds things up quite a bit for me, and anyone who plays like me. Also, think of this what you will... I've actually never found a hazmat suit in the game. Maybe I've overlooked them, or maybe I'm just blind. But I've never seen one. So, for me, Aquaboy/girl is great.
Rad Resistant:
I'm all about radiation resistance. That may explain why I love Aquaboy/girl and Lead Belly so much...
To me, radiation sickness is so inconvenient... Fighting off ferals or a glowing one without having any rad X or radaway on you makes death by radiation poisoning a big possibility. Anything to reduce that possibility is good by me.
Moving Target:
To me, this perk is meant to make it easier to escape powerful targets. As you said, if you're sprinting, you're either charging, or running away. I'm usually doing the latter, so I certainly wouldn't mind having some extra assurance that I'll escape successfully.
.....I can't defend this one. V.A.N.S. sucks. I agree.
Blade attachment + Basher = Having a fun time when a raider or an animal thinks it can win by charging you.
Nothing's more satisfying than emptying a clip into an enemy and then finishing it off by beating it down with your gun.
Quick Hands:
I don't like the pause that occurs when reloading. In many cases with my play style it just gives the enemy/enemies a chance to land a few hits while I reload. That's no fun. I don't wanna just sit there and wait for my guy to take his time reloading. I want that gun reloaded as quickly as possible after the gun is empty.
Steady Aim:
I hip fire all the time. I mod my guns for increased hip fire accuracy. It's so I can keep moving and reduce the chances of getting hit myself. It works. Steady aim helps.
Remember what I said before about selling stimpaks? Same thing applies here.
Plus with all tat radiation resistance you've got from Rad Resistant, why not turn those rads into something positive? Like restored health? Plus, those ghouls and glowing ones are now a walking source of free health. Score!
An American In Busan
- I have like 50 Stimpaks on my inventory, they are easy to get on Survival.
-cooked food is never heavier than raw food. Some cooked food weighs only 0.1 units.
-Swimming in rivers is just stupid. It breaks the game because there’s nothing to do and it makes traveling too easy.
-You are bad at the game if you are accumulating rads.
-You are bad at the game if you’re running away from fights
V.A.N.S's second perk gives +2 perception, which makes it crazy useful for V.A.T.S. users.
An American In Busan i thought you were gonna qoute cait and say 'nothings better than a smoking gun and a pocket full of caps' lol
Thanks thos
@@0IIIIII so if your bad at the game you shouldn't play?
I just tried swimming in a river with a hazmat suit and you STILL pick up radiation too quickly for any longer excursion.
In survival mode you have no fast travel; being able to cross rivers and parts of the ocean is a great help to shorten the often *very* long distances!
Yup, I'm glad he said, "the new survival mode." most of these perks is a life-saver in the new survival mode. And Aquaboy is a huge lifesaver. The hazmat suit doesn't help when you're on a bridge and getting shot from both sides. "Please stop shooting at me while I change clothes." LOL.Anyone else note the fact that he says that he loves using VATS and barely uses it against the mirelurks?
hazmat suit is useless and every pound counts in survival...aquaboy was like the first perk I chose and it is tremendous.
Moving Target + Pain Train is like the greatest combo ever
Schrodinger Snek and Nuclear Physicist
CHOO CHOO!!!!!!!!
I find Aqua Boy useful, I like not taking 10 - 30 rads for some water places, plus, swimming in the river is a good way of traveling, less enemies on way and it is fast.
And Rad Resistant style perks are good, you can sell the RadX and Radaway easily.
EDIT: Same thing for goulish, you can sell stimpaks instead of buying them for 80+ caps each.
+Voult Bioy Who buys stimpacks? They are everywhere. I got so many RadXs, RadAways and stimpacks that I don't need to use those points on useless for me perks.
People that use melee.
Yes but at max rank it's still worse that a single radx, radx is everywhere and it stacks
Aquaboy/Girl is vital if you're playing survival; a game mode I'm sure this fucker's never even touched. It helps avoid needless confrontation and gives you the best shortcuts for traveling sometimes
New drinking game! In number one. Every time he says "New Survival Mode" take a shot
Tyler Parker level16
Tyler Parker game on!
Tyler Parker XD yes!
My liver tho...
Tyler Parker alchohol poisoning
Aquaboy 1 is good. Theres so much shallow water you have to walk through that its nice to not have your max hp constantly depleting especially in far harbor.
Vans is a little buggy but still helpful, especially with the second rank giving 2 perception
In my game I can only get VANS to level 1
@@NEKOLORD42 dlc added more perk tiers
Aquaboy is one of my favorite perks. I think its pretty handy. I don't want to wear a Hazmat suit the whole time or carry mire lurk cakes everywhere i go lol
9:30 > Not picking up Pre-War Money.
... Oh. You're one of *these* people.
What is the pre-war money for?
Ah, gotcha :P
+False Profits dang, I didn't know that. 'bout to start taking pre-war money now lol
KingCaesar001 Dude, there's litteraly written MONEY over it.
invock well they use bottle caps for money so I thought it wasnt worth anything lol
I'm a power armor user, Water Boy/Girl is a life saver for when I inevitably fall into the ocean, a river or pit of radioactive doom that I otherwise couldn't get out of unless I left my armor behind
Same. I go nowhere without my power armor. There’s no need for the adamantium perk when the power armor frame gives you no limb damage.
Eric Mugford but with the free fall legs you can run around like a heccn ninja trying to commit suicide
"I can't think of a single time I needed the aqwa boy perk" me goin straight to death claw beach to save Billy in the frige
I think I'd rather spend one measly perk point into Aquaboy than equip a hazmat suit and hunt mire lurks to make cakes everytime I need to go across water
+Jordan Bowen Yep
+Jordan Bowen Also I used it for traveling if going by land was annoying.
I just pop a rad-x or glowing blood pack IF i need to cross water
+Jordan Bowen I agree. I was not sure picking up the Aqua Boy, but after getting it you just get a complete relief from the previously annoyance water was.
+Jordan Bowen I just walk around the water - it's not all that difficult.
who else likes aquaboy?I DO
Awesome Gmaer I don't know what he's talkin' about. I get Aquagirl every time I play through the game.
I like it
It’s best in far harbor
it makes getting around so much easier
Aqua girl is a good perk
Aquaboy? I fucking love it! My game glitches and says im in water constantly when im not and I constantly get Irradiated... this stops it so yeah.
He seems to have missed that it makes you take no rads from any water (other than drinking rad damage) so it removes the danger from wadeing through water as well, and since that is something you have to do often in areas full of fighting, hazmat suit is the worst possible idea in combat conditions.
Lead belly is one of my favorite perks. Easy to unlock, and you can eat everything you find. It will help in early game. And I have a melee build character, the "moving target" skill a very useful skill for every melee based player.
That’s exactly what I wanted to say, about the moving target, it’s op for running straight at a target and smack em while barely taking damage
The only problem is that you usually WANT to cook any meat you find. It yields XP, gives more health, and sometimes grants bonus perks depending on what you make.
@@thelivingshado5 That's true but in the middle of a "dungeon" you can't cook roach or rat meat to heal yourself but if you can eat or drink anything you always have some healing item and you are not depending only on stims. Plus you can heal yourself by drinking from lakes and rivers.
Aqua Boy is too useful, in my opinion. Take a single perk and you can both breathe underwater and take no radiation from it, permanently. Keep in mind that if you fall into deep water while wearing power armor, you can very easily drown before you can get out. But if you take Aqua Boy, that'll never be a problem again.
I'm taking Ghoulish currently. . .at level 158. I've simply run out of many more useful things to take.
Also, shotguns in this game suck, as I'm sure you've noticed. ;-)
mah explosive combat shotgun is OP
Legendary glowing deathclaw? oneshot it
and the never ending dougbe barril shotgun ...
Well, it takes soo long for you to drown that I've never in my 250 hours of play have ever felt the need to be able to stay under for longer. Any long distance walks in power armor under water seems dumb as it's so incredibly slow. The amount of radiation you take from being in water is so low that it's only really useful if you're planning to spend like 10 minutes in the water at a time.
i tried going to spectacle island in power armor it was bad idea i was drowning cuz my helmet broke and i used 30 stimpaks to not die drowning
SANNNESSS Okey, so it helps if you basically intentionally drowns yourself lol
i could have just got out of my power armor but it was x-01 full modified jetpack armor and i didnt wanna leave it
"Hip fire is useless" while the video in the background shows him firing 80% of his rounds from the hip.
He's firing while aiming down sights so...
I dont think aqua boy is the BEST perk in the game, but it can come in handy sometimes
+LavaLeader agreed
Dude it very handy and cost less bottlecap to buy between rad-x and radaway
really? didnt know that, I thought it just allowed us to breathe and take no rads from water
+JMF Gaming I mean not away use radaway and rad-x when swim
Wtf? Lead belly is absolutely amazing, I dont know where you guys got your "masses" of non-radiated food. It was the first perk I maxed because its extremely convenient
I have a water purification factory
I cook them at my settlement.
From cooking meat... As everyone does
For water you can fill empty bottles at a water pump or have settlements with water purifiers, as for food you get meat from like every animal that you can cook combined with wasteland magazine at sunshine tidings which gives extra meat from kills.
ye like can eat what ever u want
In all reality, who actually constantly
makes mirelurk cakes and uses radaway every time you go in and out the water though?
and who has the time to do d eggs go to a cooking place and cook it go back use it then continue the process
+Miki Huff I dont make em,but i dont need em either only time i go in water for a prolonged time is usually when im in my X-01 and i dont care either way 1k RAD res and several minutes of oxygen is more than enough.
ghekor I agree power armour is all you need for underwater exploration also I watched a far harbour leak video and they may be adding a mod for you power armour that makes it lighter so you don't sink also I have full XO-1 MkIII so I'm set:)lol
+Derp Bacon plus Aqua boy make you able to stay in the sea forever
yea tbh I dont think this guy Knows entirelly whats what, (yes I know this is his view) But why would I want to keep crafting some dumb recipe so I can Breath underwater, when I can get a single Perk, and Breathe underwater... forever (plays under the sea from the little mermaid)
Bob The Crlispy Dill pickle yes he calls fast reloding perks bad ksjrjdyhgtgtghdhdhhrhfghrghdbndndnjdhdhd if you can't tell oi love them there the best this guy does suck
When ANY perk can get you more practical that it use I think the guys list isnt all crazy. Seriously, if you're dying to that you might deserve it.
A H because the mirelurk cake can be sold for caps and it will restore health.
But, you don't need to be under water all that much... And you can hold your breath long enough to flee enemies under water. Not worth the point
+ JV2017gameplay
1.) Lead Belly is really good for eating irradiated canned foods and water sources on Survival mode (especially when a camp fire is far away)
2.) Aquagirl / Aquaboy is really good for attacking the raider towns that are in water (there are about 3 towns that are submerged in water, and one off shore raider base). Really good if your a stealth build, go Navy Seal on some enemies.
3.) Rad Resistant... ya it needs buffed =/
4.) Moving target is also good for retreating. The bonus damage resistance can give you enough damage resistance to get to better cover or out of danger.
5.) V.A.N.S .... I don't know if the Unofficial Patch fixed it, but i hope it gets fixed =/
6.) Bash is really good for players who don't use melee weapons and run out of ammo. Also, melee bashing acts as a hit stun, and can set an enemy up for a lethal kill.
7.) Refractor... ya that needs buffed =/
8.) Quick Hands, it's useful for weapons with limited ammunition capacity (44 magnum, shotguns, Laser Musket, Rocket Launcher, etc.) But not having to pay reload AP is super useful, especially when combined with Gun Fu.
9.) Steady Aim is really good for weapons with long range scopes, having that extra hip fire accuracy can really help when the enemy gets way to close for comfort.
10.) Ghoulish is pretty overpowered for Survival mode. In Survival Mode, Stimpaks make you more thirsty, draining your resources when on an operation. With this perk, you can sit and bake next to some Isotopes and be ready.
+STUV101 About Ghoulish though, I just think it makes no God damned sense, sacrifice a sizable chunk of your max HP in order to gain regen for the HP that remains? Especially on a mode where 1 unnoticed mine, 1 well-thrown molotov, 1 enemy getting the jump on you pretty much equals dead even if at max HP lol. Just my opinion though
TheFriley4 Yes it does reduce your health, however, it doesn't effect your thirst, hunger meters in survival. That's the problem with using stimpaks in survival, it makes you thirsty really fast, using more of your resources. Not only that, you can just build a decontamination machine in your settlements to remove the rads. Also im pretty sure Ghoulish perk effects food and drink that's radioactive, making them heal you faster.
The ghoulish perk is activated by any rads you receive, I thought it'd be useful and grabbed it. It's still not the best, at least the first lvl of it, but it makes the impact of walking through a few feet radiation.
+TheFriley4 I thought ghoulish would stop radiation.Lol😆
+Ben Westrick Yeah mee too :c
I’ve played for long time and haven’t seen one hazmat suit
Pretty sure you can find a bunch at the Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant
@@namzugaidu5197 i dont care ive already got the damn perk
I bought one in diamond city
I always buy one from the clothes lady in diamond city at the beginning of the game.
Diamond city vendor
why do you ignore pre war money? its like 7 free wieghtless caps
"aquaboy is useless because you can Hazmat suit + mirelurk meat" ... But is easier to spend one point in aquaboy rather than:
change your armor, go and find mirelurk, kill it, loot, go and find a cooking station and prepare the food
all this just for a 13 minutes bonus ... Let alone aquaboy perk2, where water becomes the perfect hiding spot
I 100% agree with you
a perk point is a perk point. you need x10 the time to get a perk point than to press 5 buttons to put an hazmat suit on
Stellar fox but once you do have it, it is definitely worth it
+Crimson Lotus negative. never needed it in my 5 level 50 playtroughs
Lauri Elsilä I’ve never been dumb enough to fall into water with my power armor I think that happened at the water purification center and I got it back when I finished all the little power things
I built this radiation arc thing in my settlement, instantly clears my rads when I walk through it! then I just take a nap and I maxed my health for free before going on a trip.
I looked at the comments real quick and I have to say he's right about most of the perks like "aquaboy" and "Leadbelly". I mean think about it there are plenty more perks that are more practical and useful in more situations early in the game, these are perks tht u add at level 20-30 after you've gotten all the necessary perks like, toughness, gunslinger, rifleman, armorer, lone wanderer. And I think that's what he meant, they're all very situational
Water boy I get because I swim in game a lot and I hate that radiation damage it does
*Aqua boy
Cameron Henderson
*Hazmat suit
You even went as far as to call people lazy lol. 1. I'm not sure how you play this game but I for one am not in power armor constantly to sink to the bottom and walk across every lake and or deep water that I come across while exploring. 2. I don't carry a hazmat suit on me cause there is no reason to if am ever going to the glowing sea I will just fast travel to the castle and get my power armor if I am near radiation I will just simply move away. There is no reason for me to have that extra un-needed weight and yes before you say it's only 1lb I have had moments to where my weight was 320/320 and I simply could not drop anymore. Not only that but having to un- equip then re- equip my armor just to cross one lake is unnecessary. 3.It's one point for no radiation and the ability to breath underwater, you calling people lazy for using it is like me calling you dumb for not using it just so that you can seem less lazy to yourself. We're all entitled to our own opinion but don't try mixing insults into that opinion where insults were not needed.
No truth, either that or I'm replying to salt with salt. He said if people want to argue his opinion then comment. So please save your over used meme for something else or have an actual opinion :)
i am never in power armor unless i am taking it to my diamond city house. I have 7 sets of power armor but just find it mire enjoyable without it.
+Geometry Dash - Slick6969 do you really need that many sets when you can just sell the ones you dont want for caps?
+Geometry Dash - Slick6969 well i recommend that you sell the ones that you dont want for caps because the new update keeps me from doing the "everything for free" glitch and youll need those caps
*talks about lazy people*
*says he has over 400 hours on a single video game*
Fucking roasted XD
400 hours is nothing
people spend 1000s of hours watching tv in their life time so I do not see it as a wierd thing.
Fun fact people , 1/7 of your life is Monday , I hope I just ruined ur weekend
Considering the amount of editing this is not lazy
I like goulish so I can regain health better because I don’t find many stim packs
So, when you are in loot mode, take your time and slow down to look around more closely. They are everywhere and will often respawn. It is also rare to find a First Aid Box without at least one.
I consider them essential for emergency health. I also eat my own cooked food when I don't absolutely need to use a Stimpak or have a bed nearby.
The video should have been titled "Top 10 perks that don't fit my personal playstyle."
Clever girl
Its a guy
aqua boy is so useful, something is to strong for me , just go into the water, and you can explore for great loot in the ocean
Leo Vujcich qddfff to ja
There's a mission for one of the best armor in the game from Far Harbor that you have to swim a bunch, so I think aquaboy/girl is great. I find it extremely useful
Great loot in the ocean? Name one and location.
Tanvir Kabir far harbour marine armour...
OK thanks
Aquaboy/girl perk is the hidden gem that not a lot of people get the usefulness of. I always try to get it because It proves useful on a lot of occasions.
Name one and don’t tell me the place east of sanctuary or swimming in a lake/ the ocean!
That's like saying "Name one occasion in which Lone Wanderer is a useful perk and don't tell me 'when traveling without a companion'!"
Talk all you want rank 1 of aquaboy is great becoise not everyone is going to carry a hazmat suit just to pass a lake fast
Aquaboy/girl is really good especially on survival mode.
But I want to be aquaman!
+TheFaltyPick i think its a good perk for the far harbour dlc. I had the robot perk(it was stupid till the automatron dlc)
+theherobody same dude, never had a chance to use it, but when automatron came out, I was op
+TheFaltyPick Get Wasteland Whisper and subdue Mirelurks and that would be legit.
+東京ゲイ Its great! I bought general chaos revenge, turned off all the robots and killed them.
1. Lead Belly is now your best friend on survival mode. In survival mode, radaway has side effect. Beside healing your radiation, it could give you some harm, like increase chance for you to get disease and gives you hunger. Lead Belly significantly reduce or negates all radiation from food and water. Basically you can eat EVERYTHING without fearing about that radiation damage.
2. Aquaman/girl is also your best friend in or not in survival mode. Having no radiation damage while swimming or standing on knee high water is a big help.
3. Rad Resistant. While it gives you rad resistant, you can still get tons of rad resistance with PA and Rad-X.
4. Moving Target. Meh. If you have lv 4 Chemist and Med-X, you basically a freaking concrete wall.
5. VANS. Anyone who pick VANS are either can't read the compass, can't read map, or accidentally pressed it and cry for hours.
6. Basher. I personally pick this for fun (with the help of console command, because I don't want to spent my precious perk points for something you don't really use often). They could 1 hit Raider Veteran. But most people probably will just shoot them with Gauss Rifle.
7. Reflector. I picked these perks after level 90. I already got my essential perks on max anyway. Yeah, you should just use Ballistic Weave.
8. Quick Hands. Only pick this for level 1. It actually helps you reloading faster on weapons with drum magazine or weapon with long reload animation like missile launcher.
9. Steady Aim. Only pick it if you only play with heavy weapons like minigun. Heh, come to think of it, only minigun could see the benefit of this perk.
10. Ghoulish. This perk is just doesn't make no sense. AT ALL. Unlike previous Fallout, Radiation reduce your total HP. The HP regen rate of this perk depends on how radiated you are. The more radiated, the faster, but your HP pool will be reduced because the radiation. Still useless. If they change this perk to "radiation now add your damage. The more radiated you are, the more damage will be added", it will be good for people who want to play as radiation powered berserker mutant. It also could give benefit to Nerd Rage perk. You can stand on or eat something that gives you radiation, then when your nerd rage triggered because your HP became low, you will get 4x damage buff from Nerd Rage and Ghoulish. Boom! 1 hit Securitron and any deathclaw.
+KoeSeer Good points, I agree with most of them. About number 1 though, leadbelly would make it so you don't have to worry about gaining rads from raw foods and un-purified water on Survival mode, but it doesn't get rid of the risk of getting parasites/infections from them, so I think its still pretty unwise to be gulping all that dirty shit down lol. That and the fact that you need to invest 3 damn perks to actually get the Rad damage down to zero just makes it way too not worth it imo. I like your idea for how to change ghoulish though, that would be a pretty fun role-playing build!
Gholish and Solar Powered are a great combo
You can find a hazmat suit in the first 5 hours? Wow, they have been skillfully dodging me. I've played more than 3 days and didn't even know there was a hazmat suit.
The first level of the VANS Skill is pretty useless. But the +2 Perception from the second level is a good investment for a long range vats build, in my opinion. 13+ base perception (10 from maxing out, +2 from VANS lev 2 and +1 from the bobblehead), without gear or drug buff, makes you insanely accurate at extrem long ranges. Not a must have, but good too max out your hit chances at vats.
I use aqua boy cuz I'm rly lazy......
That shows in your writing
Tim Xu I don't get what being lazy or not has to do with not wanting to get tens of rads just from being in water
When I'm near a body of water I and I'm low on health I use aqua boy to get out of the fight and lead belly to make the water drinkable to regen health
Red Sukura I use lead belly because you'll always find food around that you can use without cooking
I just started a new character, and I've been starting Lead Belly so when I'm attacked by something I can't fight (cough * cough yao guai) and get extremely hurt, I don't have to worry as much (or at all, but I'm not there yet) so I can heal quickly since I don't have many Radaways or Stimpacks
A also sense that you can regain health without losing any to radiation and clear space in your inventory
Red Sukura that's super smart, I'm gonna use that trick. Thanks
lead belly is good because if your just starting its most likely you dont have much stimpacks and it means you can drink all the cola you eany
its very good on survival mode
It's horrible about by the time you reach lvl 15 or higher because by then I usually have 80 to 120 stimpacks so this is useless by the time you can get close to no rads from it which is like lvl 20 right? For no rads from eat/drink? Right?
Royal Gaming I am lvl 119 and I huyave 135 stimpacks. :)
Seriously aqua boy is good in farharbor and leadbelly is really good during the nuka world dlc
Well, I mean I understand why you think the Lead Belly perk is pointless but if you happen to be out of things to heal and you're desperate you might need it and same for Rad Resistant I get radiation ALL the time
Right! Me too.
TheLazy Unicorn I got Lead Belly as a 'better safe than sorry' perk in case I'm out of Stimpacks or other healing items. So far I haven't needed it since I got Life Giver, but just in case.
Blizzard TLU I like it so I can drink wherever I am and get a bunch of caps for purified
For talking about all these perks you should have been actually showing what the perks do rather than just a random mirelurk killing mission the whole time. If you're on PC you could have just made another file and console commands to give you all the levels you need to spend on these useless perks to show the viewer what you're talking about.
+Odin Tillgren but had he done this he might've actually discovered a use for hipfire accuracy, which is a powerful tool in first person shooters and shouldn't be underestimated
Personally I like Aquaboy because you don't have to carry around and equip the inferior Hazmat suit every time you go into water. Or a bunch of mirelurk cakes. As well as some other perks he downplayed.
I just liked it on a female character because it shows her in a hot tub.
@@jennytalia6724 You have a female name but comment like a young teenage boy talking to his pals of the same age.
yeah you could spend all your time making mirelurk cakes and hazmat suits, but in my opinion it is easier just to get the fricking perk
Brody Pat watch that bad language! Never use the f word!
Brody Pat watch your profanity.
alan andrianov Dont frickin cuss guys
If you have a Gatling laser, the reload is very slow, especially when your being attacked by a ton of enemies. Basher can take out one or two so you can reload
You can switch weapons
I get ghoulish, solar powered, and life giver for quick heals and over time radiation healing.
I want to get my build to a point where no matter the situation i dont need to depend on any aid, and maybe get some kind of buff while im at it, so half of these are very useful to me
Moving Target being on this list is genuinely insane lol.
Literally a life saving perk on survival.
>400 hours in the game
>ignores pre war money
Lol Man U right
+Matt Saville my thought exactly :D
best part of video.
Pre war money gives you cloth. Why would anyone ignore that. Helps to make beds.
+Seph5000 and it's weightless, and it's worth a lot
I believe Moving target ia meanf to be taken with a sword or bat, doing the sprint attack with those weapons is awesome
Lead belly is useful if you need to save caps
ashur sang cheapskate it’s called collecting gear and selling it.
I don't, but it's useful for me cause well.. I ethier suck or just don't prepare.
Cook the meat. It not only kills the radiation, it also strengthens the healing power and other effects it has. The miniscule amout of rad you take by consuming pre-war food is negligible. It might be different in survival mode.
I forget what perks i have but i know one is quick hands and i can reload that combat rifle 3 times faster so it is useful
4:39 OR you’re stomping at them in a full suit of X-01 power armor with level 3 pain train.
The only reason to choose lead belly is in new vegas so you can eat the platinum chip in front of mr house
You should make a top 10 perks from the original fallout games that should be in the new ones. Love the perk tree in the originals. You could even get special perks for doing special things. It was awesome.
Also miss the skills and trait system. It made it quite immersive and boosted the roleplaying aspect of the game. Playing Fallout as a pure FPS is ok, but I really miss being immersed into the game. Im sorta just skipping along, killing every enemy, doing simple quests and playing skyrim/oblivion with guns. I miss the doctor and first aid skills a lot, and the new games have way to many stimpacks and chems available. I remember when a stimpack couldnt cure a crippled limb or serious damage. The story needs a little boost too. Like where is the Enclave or Posidon Energy? Where is the lore surrounding the Wanamingos? Michigan (American Midwest) saw some play in Fallout Tactics, but where is the brotherhood force that was settled there?