Dr Ruckman 1993 Questions and Answers

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • White Plains Baptist Church. Credit to Randy Hartinger for providing the video.

Комментарии • 257

  • @stephengrahn9361
    @stephengrahn9361 5 лет назад +49

    I have come back to this one multiple times. The Revelations series taken from actual records loaded on this channel are worth multiple listens too. Thanks Brother

  • @steveraybourn5320
    @steveraybourn5320 5 лет назад +35

    Yep I’m saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ love listening to Dr Ruckman he is honest

  • @JamesBrown-fd1nv
    @JamesBrown-fd1nv 5 месяцев назад +3

    Each session with Ruckman is packed with more truth then a complete seminary education.

  • @jesussavesfromhell6372
    @jesussavesfromhell6372 5 лет назад +49

    Praise The Lord Jesus Christ And Praise The King James Bible For The Lord’s Junkyard Dog Dr. Peter S Ruckman The Apostle Paul Of The 21St Century What A Legacy He Left For The Lord Jesus Christ And For The King James Bible And For The Body Of Christ And For Lost Souls I Sure Do Miss Dr. Ruckman Can’t Wait To See Him In Heaven.

    • @hobartcavanaugh2457
      @hobartcavanaugh2457 5 лет назад +7

      Amen brother

    • @luisb3426
      @luisb3426 4 года назад +5

      Amen. Glory to Jesus

    • @chadwells8088
      @chadwells8088 3 года назад

      At about 22 minutes Ruckman admitted that he agreed with everything the KKK stood for except for their anti-Semitism. God help. This man was a hateful heretic and racist and didn't know God.

  • @oksills
    @oksills 5 лет назад +31

    I’m happy to subscribe to anyone who posts Dr Peter RUCKMAN ! Thank You and. Maranatha!

  • @1Corinthians15_1-4
    @1Corinthians15_1-4 2 года назад +10

    Thank you for sharing brother Ruckman's Q and A. God bless you and all.

  • @corneliuslee6017
    @corneliuslee6017 4 года назад +45

    as a black man Im curious to know why he is so hostile towards black people, he literally said he agrees with everything the KKK teaches except the anti semeticism ? why did he say these things ... it kinda sucks cause he is one of my favorite bible teachers of all time

    • @corneliuslee6017
      @corneliuslee6017 4 года назад +4

      @Don Nesbitt

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  4 года назад +42

      Well, Dr Ruckman has led hundreds of Blacks to the Lord, and had a great time going into the prisons teaching them the Bible. He even said that Reggie White the Black football player should be President. But he also understands what the Bible says about all the races mixing together, so they can destroy each other, and kick God out (See America in 1964, where Black Civil Rights did JUST THAT). I think Dr Ruckman had the same problem with certain Blacks that Chris Rock does. The stand-up where Chris Rock says he hates N. Then goes on to explain the difference between Blacks who can read and act like civilized human beings, and N. You familiar with Chris Rock? This is the short answer to a big question. And don't short change yourself on learning the Bible just because your personal pride wants to take you for a fall. What's more important? Black people, or the Black Book?

    • @corneliuslee6017
      @corneliuslee6017 4 года назад +37

      Don Nesbitt don’t get me wrong I take absolutely 0 pride in my skin color or race, I’m a child of God so my identity obviously doesn’t lay in my flesh and blood but i just think it was undoubtedly a mistake to make a statement like that when many of my ancestors were hung tortured and killed by the KKK for no other reason other than the fact that they were black, so why would a man who was doing so much for God purposely alienate an entire race of people with a statement like that ... I love Dr.Ruckman and he is my brother in Christ but my God why would you make such an insensitive stupid statement like that. ... the statement is an unnecessary stumbling block for black brethren

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  4 года назад +25

      @@corneliuslee6017 Ya, I always cringed at the mention of KKK, knowing how moronic those individuals are. I think God sets people up. He will give His Bible Thees and Thous etc that irritate certain people, so they stumble and dump the Book over it. He will set up a man with certain obvious faults, to see if you love the BIBLE coming from that man enough to dodge the obvious junk and get the Book, or dump the Book over the junk. God chooses the base things, the despised things, in order to make a fool of the wise. Ya, God does stuff like that. Adapt, overcome, and win.

    • @KingjamesAV1611
      @KingjamesAV1611 4 года назад +27

      Probably a God instilled character flaw. Maybe Its Gods way of showing us, that no matter how much we "think" we know about the Bible, we are ALL flawed sinners, even Dr.Ruckman. I gleen alot from his sermons and teachings, but always remember hes just a man.
      "And the best of men, are at best, just MEN!"
      I listen to Ruckman like any other teacher/preacher. I take the good and leave the bad. Take the meat, and spit out the bones brother! Let the Bible be our final authority! God Bless

  • @jackiechantengco3136
    @jackiechantengco3136 2 года назад +9

    Thank you Dr. Ruckman again for a wonderful teaching from the KJV Bible. I have been enjoying your teachings and verse by verse Bible Study daily. You and a couple of KJV Bible Pastors are the only Pastors I listen to.

    • @CAPDude44
      @CAPDude44 2 года назад

      It's not wonderful and it's not the gospel

    • @djurote3932
      @djurote3932 Год назад

      @@oshea2300 He didn't called abortion murder, easy to find on youtube

  • @tonyhatfield6527
    @tonyhatfield6527 Год назад +9

    41:15 had me rolling 😂 Rip Dr Ruckman thank you for the knowledge you left behind

  • @fuzzipariah
    @fuzzipariah 5 лет назад +19

    I went to White Plains to hear Brother Ruckman preach, about 2001 or 2002, just after I got saved, woo!

    • @watchmanoftruthamen9555
      @watchmanoftruthamen9555 5 лет назад +1

      Where is this church

    • @fuzzipariah
      @fuzzipariah 5 лет назад +3

      @@watchmanoftruthamen9555 White Plains was near Mt Airy, NC, north of Winston-Salem.

    • @jerrylisby5376
      @jerrylisby5376 5 лет назад +2

      Heard him a few times at Landmark Baptist in Louisville over 20 years ago.

    • @bonniebraden9534
      @bonniebraden9534 4 года назад +6

      Amen and Amen! Our family went to White plains also but it was in 1993 the camp meeting was in the gymnasium. Wonderful meetings. Pastor David Peacock preached. I cannot remember all of them but Our motel room just happened to be right beside Dr. Ruckmans. What a blessing that week was. My husband and i both got saved july 15 , 1988. Our God is so Great!

    • @fuzzipariah
      @fuzzipariah 4 года назад +3

      @@bonniebraden9534 we stayed in the gymnasium bunks our first camp meeting. The next one we did stay in a motel. Brother Peacock still preaches, you can watch him Livestream, out of Jacksonville, FL. He's my favorite, always convicts me. 👍

  • @Surfinbird8916
    @Surfinbird8916 11 месяцев назад +9

    Thanks Don for bringing these videos to all of us that loved and have learned from Dr. Ruckman!!!

  • @TheSassy777
    @TheSassy777 3 года назад +8

    Really enjoy Dr Ruckman. He is truly a great teacher of the Bible. Thank God for the years he lived as a Minister and Teacher. He is missed!

  • @johnbecht3158
    @johnbecht3158 4 года назад +12

    When he said that stuff about 12 composition 7 in time and 3 my mouth fell open in awe. Godsmacked

  • @Chris4Christ
    @Chris4Christ Год назад +6

    Thank you for this. It was so good. I miss brother Ruckman 😭😥

  • @ac-eu5ko
    @ac-eu5ko 2 года назад +3

    I love dr ruckman best pastor period

  • @utapandgo
    @utapandgo 4 года назад +12

    Wow, wow, wow - amen This is what happens when Jesus anoints a truth seeker and that seeker doesn't deviate from the Shepherd.

  • @kingjamesbiblebaptistmid-a8043
    @kingjamesbiblebaptistmid-a8043 4 года назад +9

    Glory to God !!!!!

  • @kingjamesbiblebaptistmid-a8043
    @kingjamesbiblebaptistmid-a8043 4 года назад +6

    Love EVERYBODY ! Love your neighbor

    • @algorerhyth
      @algorerhyth 3 года назад

      What a wonderful message. Amen 🙏 Thank you.

  • @margaretroselle8610
    @margaretroselle8610 4 года назад +7

    Wonderful! Thank you.

  • @MrSavedman
    @MrSavedman 2 года назад +7

    Dr. Ruckman is now in glory receiving his reward. I’m on my way, praise the Lamb of God

  • @presbyterianmonergist2250
    @presbyterianmonergist2250 4 года назад +13

    Ruckman said he agrees with the Ku Klux Klan _saving_ their antisemitism; this means he agrees with a free masonic organization dedicated to bigotry. God did not predetermine that, though this he did predetermine -- _And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation,_ Acts 17.26.

    • @franky01ize
      @franky01ize 4 года назад +1

      Do you feel led of the Lord to post this on all of his RUclips videos.? I'm sure you're being led from someone but definitely not the Lord. In fact I can bet you're headed to an eternity far from the Lord. So live it up sweet cheeks while you got it.

    • @hillarysudeikis2264
      @hillarysudeikis2264 4 года назад +7

      @nate Repent, and stop trying to justify your hatred with the Bible. You’re accusing a brethren of having another spirit while you don’t even quote scripture to support your claim. Repent, In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, hell is very hot and many people like you who died unrepentant are burning there. Read the Bible and stop giving heed to seducing spirits.
      Romans 1:28-29 “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,”
      2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”
      2 Timothy 4:3-4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

    • @katieskorner8164
      @katieskorner8164 3 года назад +2

      So, you are placing Ruckmans beleifs above the actual Word of God. Thats not a question, as you well know, but a statement in reflection to your responce.

    • @katieskorner8164
      @katieskorner8164 3 года назад

      Thats for @Nate

    • @JulietSpoto-pn2lx
      @JulietSpoto-pn2lx 4 месяца назад

      Can you explain what you have texted here for me. I don't get it, please.

  • @James41892
    @James41892 5 лет назад +11

    Thanks for these videos brother ! YAH BLESS !!!

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  5 лет назад +10

      Totally welcome my Brother! My personal conviction having studied that Bible seriously since 1993 is, THAT THE MOST DISOBEYED COMMAND IN THE LOCAL CHURCH, OR BODY OF CHRIST, WHICH PAUL HARPS ON, IS TO EDIFY EDIFY EDIFY ONE ANOTHER, AND NOT NOT NOT JUST YOURSELF!!! If I could find a local church that took that seriously, I would not only be happy; but they would grow like a weed! They wouldnt grow for compromising, but would grow by simply obeying Paul. That's my OPINION.

    • @James41892
      @James41892 5 лет назад +3

      @@w46try7 Yes I agree with you about that, I've not found one either. What's also so very sad is the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, the WHORE THAT RIDE'S THE BEAST IN REVELATION has so many soul's tricked into their PAGAN belief's ( 2.5 billion approximately) and sure to grow. I pray everyday that ALL eyes are opened and people will come to know their CREATOR and SAVIOUR. I see you met Dr. Petter Ruckman, that must have been so so COOL !!! Thanks again YAH BLESS !

    • @bonniebraden9534
      @bonniebraden9534 4 года назад +2

      @@w46try7 Thank you Brother for these videos. Keep em coming!

  • @agaphtos
    @agaphtos 2 года назад +11

    22:25 Are people just ignoring this part?

    • @jasonhood2453
      @jasonhood2453 Год назад +3

      Yes. Sad, isn’t it?

    • @tylerdavis520
      @tylerdavis520 Год назад +1

      Yup. That’s what happens in CULTS

    • @martyx38
      @martyx38 8 месяцев назад

      You are been petty... Have you ever heard the expression? When you eat chicken, make sure you eat the meat and spit out the bones... Get your feelings out of the way and stop crying about everything.

  • @harvestworkers626
    @harvestworkers626 3 года назад +4

    Praise the Lord!

  • @algorerhyth
    @algorerhyth 3 года назад +4

    This is moving into BIll Donahue territory. I’m new to Ruckman.

  • @Stormlucy111
    @Stormlucy111 17 дней назад

    Love love love it !

  • @lesterpalocsay1719
    @lesterpalocsay1719 3 года назад +1

    300 yrs ago good food consumed today a happy gates/monsanto/bayer/natural flavor added meal coats the tum-tum to the toe tag PRAY HARD.

  • @IsaacDDuke
    @IsaacDDuke 4 месяца назад +3

    22:35 ive heard my pastor preach for 40 years. Although there are many sermons I think are inappropriate for the public, and things said that could be twisted. I have never heard ANYTHING which even when taken out of context would be this crazy. And he has said much ‘worse’ (not politically compatible with modern sensibilities) than anything in this 2 1/2 hour clip. Spanking, race relations, environment, death, sexual relations…. All sorts of controversial topics. In fact every week, the partial goal of the sermon is to create controversy.
    So initially, I watched this section and thought, oh that is out of context. We don’t really know what he thinks. But then when I apply that reasoning to my pastor, that argument falls by the wayside. Because I cannot think of one single instance where he has said anything like this.

    • @umbertojr
      @umbertojr 27 дней назад

      The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) believes in white supremacy, racial segregation, anti-immigration, Christian nationalism, anti-Catholicism, homophobia, patriarchy, xenophobia, anti-communism, and the use of violence and terrorism to achieve their goals. These are the tenets of Trump's MAGA cult in the 2020s.

  • @eatingamandarin
    @eatingamandarin 3 года назад +4

    Is the KJB translation of Rev 19:8 correct?
    Doesn’t sound right. Can’t be the Saints righteousness as they have none. Surely it’s Christ’s righteousness. Surely.
    “And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.”

  • @Jesus3in1God
    @Jesus3in1God 5 лет назад +4

    Lots of information, thank you for uploading this video, Praise the Lord for men like him!

  • @AllenGrimm1145
    @AllenGrimm1145 Год назад +4

    22:25 Bruh.

  • @carmenross1077
    @carmenross1077 4 года назад +6

    This man is great and a genius

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 Год назад

      The 3 heavens
      In Hebrew, its hashamayim
      Which is plural
      I think, it, being heaven, shows 44 letters for 1st verse
      Revelation 22, last verse also have 44 letters

  • @InfinitelyManic
    @InfinitelyManic 3 года назад +7

    Just so we are all on the same page:
    "The Ku Klux Klan’s like that. I’ll tell you why I never joined the Ku Klux Klan. It’s because they’re anti-semitic. And that’s the only reason I didn’t join. I mean ... , I agree with everything else they say." - Peter Ruckman

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  3 года назад +5

      I think Ice T said “K-K-K!!” Better than anyone, he just couldn’t act. You gotta take allot of stuff from Doc and myself with a grain of sarcasm. He also led literally thousands of Blacks to salvation while the (using my best Ice T here) KKK!!! threatened him for doing it.

    • @InfinitelyManic
      @InfinitelyManic 3 года назад +3

      @@w46try7 That's irrelevant. He wasn't being sarcastic; he was being honest. Moreover, if I reject all of Ruckman's teachings; good or bad, I lose nothing because God has not left us without a witness.

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  3 года назад +6

      @@InfinitelyManic Foo, you go ahead and go running with your “Witnesses”, and I’ll stick by the despicable Dr Ruckman, and we’ll see who comes out ahead of who! By the way, he called himself “the Lords Junkyard dog”; what would you honestly expect from a junkyard dog anyway? He said allot of really great stuff, and said something occasionally stupid; and that’s MY testimony as well. Do you bat a thousand my brother? I’ll bet you’ve said a bunch of really profound stuff, and occasionally you’ve said some pretty stupid stuff. How honest are you?

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  3 года назад +3

      No response. Yup.

    • @papist370
      @papist370 2 года назад

      I agree with Ruckman’s statement.

  • @Sparkly333
    @Sparkly333 4 года назад +4

    Good stuff

  • @jeffturner8927
    @jeffturner8927 Год назад +2

    If he’s now in heaven, count me out.

  • @ac-vb9ff
    @ac-vb9ff Год назад +1


  • @weigh2playa825
    @weigh2playa825 4 года назад +2

    There's "tongues"-known languages, and a sign gift which was given by the Holy Ghost, and an " unknown tongue" which is what the charismatic calls "speaking in tongues".

  • @colson2225
    @colson2225 3 года назад +2

    The Bible interprets itself. Saints are saints. The saints that were martyred in tribulation are under the alter right now. There have been many tribulations since Christ died, was buried, was resurrected, and ascended with the SAINTS he freed in Paradise to Heaven. I believe those are the saints that John sees, because they came out of much tribulation since Adam and Eve first walked the earth. Before Christ was crucified, NO SOUL could go to heaven - the souls that obeyed God and kept the FAITH went to Paradise. This is why Christ told the thief on the cross, "Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise." Why? Because when Christ died and was buried, he went to Paradise to preach the Gospel to the saints that were waiting for him. WE are not waiting for Christ, because we HAVE HIM INSIDE OF OUR HEARTS. We are the Body of Christ - his Bride - and when Christ returns, he is returning for BATTLE & that is the final battle of Armageddon: Revelation 16:15
    "Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
    Revelation 16:16
    And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
    Revelation 16:17
    And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done."

  • @eatingamandarin
    @eatingamandarin 3 года назад +2

    Why is the Tree of Life necessary if resurrected believers are glorified like Christ?
    I don't have an answer.
    Rev 2:7 suggests it’s for the ‘overcomer’ or believer.

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  3 года назад +3

      The tree of life is not for us. The tree of life will be necessary for those people from the Tribulation, Millennium, New Heaven and New Earth to eventually have eternal life and live forever. They will not be “in Christ” like us, nor get a “Glorified body” when they are resurrected, like us. You have the best deal in the Church age.

    • @eatingamandarin
      @eatingamandarin 3 года назад +1

      Of course!! Makes sense now. After the Lord comes again obedience to God is no longer through faith but by sight.

    • @eatingamandarin
      @eatingamandarin 3 года назад

      Wait-so who are the Rev 2&3 letters written to?

  • @john109heavensdoor7
    @john109heavensdoor7 Год назад +1

    Brother Don, At the end it was said they would be back tonight at 6pm. Is there a part two ?

  • @LucasJKey
    @LucasJKey Год назад +2

    22:23 👀

  • @ekimsinned1757
    @ekimsinned1757 4 года назад +7

    What did he mean when he said the only reason he didn’t join the KKK was because of only it’s anti Semitism? He said other than that he agreed with them.

    • @jasonholmes5994
      @jasonholmes5994 4 года назад +4

      Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing. That's a pretty alarming thing to hear a preacher/evangelist (or whatever he was) to say!

    • @jeffturner8927
      @jeffturner8927 4 года назад +10

      This man was full of himself and his own self importance. There is no way that a true Christian could support the beliefs and practices of the KKK.

    • @ekimsinned1757
      @ekimsinned1757 4 года назад +3

      Jeff Turner he seems so knowledgeable. It’s so sad to hear that come from anybody never mind a so called man of God. Very troubling for sure.

    • @EternaLivesMatter
      @EternaLivesMatter 4 года назад +1

      Really? Have you read the Bible?

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 Год назад +1

      He also has some jew, and some black
      At least 1/3 of southern whites or more...have black ancestry
      Mostly thru black women
      GA, NC, SC...before 1880
      Even Eisenhower has a lightskinned black mother

  • @annspiration7226
    @annspiration7226 3 года назад +6

    my German shepherd came over on Noahs Ark too!!! lol.

  • @ckeck402
    @ckeck402 5 лет назад +5

    Absolutely love this one!!

  • @proverbs9103
    @proverbs9103 5 лет назад +3

    Hey Brother I have seen a couple teachings on the pyramid is the shape of the universe, Dr Ruckman went to Ephesians 3-18, do you have any other verses that back this Doctrine or do you have anything by Dr Ruckman that teaches it further I'm very new to this teaching Lord bless you

    • @proverbs9103
      @proverbs9103 5 лет назад

      @@sprayarm thank you

    • @bbearc3552
      @bbearc3552 5 лет назад +1

      Donovan’s CD on the great pyramids is phenomenal

    • @26vino
      @26vino 5 лет назад

      KJB Study ( Sola Scriptura ) from Pastor Dr. Gene Kim B.A., Th.M., D.D. ( BBC International / PBI ) :
      -- || *Pyramid Shape of the Universe -- Dr. Gene Kim*
      ruclips.net/video/xsdNB2pKCOM/видео.html [ duration : 54:22 / whiteboard-teaching ]
      Enjoy & Blessings from the Netherlands, Gerard // *1 Corinthians 15:1--4 + Eph. 2:8--9 + Ro. 5:8--11 [kjb]*

    • @jerrylisby5376
      @jerrylisby5376 5 лет назад

      @@bbearc3552 yes I have it...very good.

    • @stephenfiore9960
      @stephenfiore9960 5 лет назад

      .......I have no idea what he is talking about, maybe it’s so, but not enough info here to convince me .....

  • @revvvwhackofficial
    @revvvwhackofficial 7 месяцев назад

    do you know of anyway i can listen to the sermon he was referring to @ 1:24:59???

  • @jonathansmith7377
    @jonathansmith7377 Год назад

    So is the circle of the earth in or on top of the pyramid??? Isaiah 40:22
    Did he say Abraham and Melchisedec were Gentiles round 137:00???

  • @InLawsAttic
    @InLawsAttic Месяц назад

    Great answer! Why the king James translators can’t leave the KJV alone… because they think the 300 years ago thranslators were dumb and can’t be as smart as them… and who God would use…. something like that at 1:43 ❤ I’m listening again. 😂

  • @tinanguyen422
    @tinanguyen422 4 года назад +2

    Hello, brother Don , I have a question for you ,calvinist, and some baptist KJV 1611 they don’t believe dispensationalism! And hyper dispensationalism! Do you think those people are saved? And charismatic and some other Christians are they saved? The reason I asked you because I know a lot of wrongs doctrines out day . And I wanna you think it hard before you answer my questions or you pray about it !!!! Because I know bible believers dispensationalism! Are very good studying deep doctrines and i like it . And this is not related with this video!!!

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  4 года назад

      tina nguyen Lots of saved morons out there that believe crazy things. Some Calvinists are counting on being automatically Elected to salvation without ever needing to pray and receive it. They are lost.

    • @tinanguyen422
      @tinanguyen422 4 года назад +2

      I saw Steve anderson make video against DR Ruckman also he is making video against pastor Gene kim ! I am just a person watching gene kim online a lot and that how i joining bible believers dispensationalism, i was a former charismatic!!! Thanks God set me free from the darkness! Now i am growing properly christian ✝️ i just don’t understand why people read the same bible but have different ideas and their own options than they make themselves look like an idiot!!!! Here i am just joining bible believers dispensationalism still a babe in Christ! I just wanna the truth and I trust in the Lord Jesus Christ daily by faith and grace! Sometimes I feel like some christian don’t have love at all ! I watched couple video they are making fun of Dr Ruckman, I feel bad for him , he already going home to be with the Lord Jesus Christ and this peoples are pastors baptist KJV 1611 sometimes I wonder what bible they are read, because regardless what Dr Ruckman did that between him and God ! Sometimes I don’t get it . To me I think SIN is SIN! We all sinner live by grace. It crazy they’re like to make videos against bible believers dispensationalism!! But they don’t see themselves. I just praying more people will joining bible believers dispensationalism and people know the truth and God will set them free. Thanks brother Don !!!!

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  4 года назад +2

      tina nguyen The tongues issue is what God used to get me into the King James Bible & Dr Ruckman. That is where I learned about “Signs” which are for unbelieving Jews. Anderson is a Jew hating flake; and looks gay to me. We need more Gene Kims; not enough Asian men leading the Spiritual fight and winning souls. We have many Korean Baptist churches in the USA, and even one within half a mile from my house; but WHERE ARE THEY? They have never been seen on the street trying to reach people, never knocked on my door. In America people are honestly tired of hearing from White people. If an Asian person or persons went around knocking on doors with the gospel, of witnessing on the street? WOW!! What power and liberty they would have! Believe me, this is true. We send missionaries to Asia. They need to send Asian missionaries HERE! We need them. I would also join their local church if they were Bible Believers, because I myself am sick of all the White guys with their political motives for occupying a pulpit. I guess you’d just have to live here to see the mess. Dr Ruckman never compromised or begged for votes.

    • @tinanguyen422
      @tinanguyen422 4 года назад +1

      I am the only one bible believers dispensationalism in Dallas where i live majority are charismatic or some baptist but they are not bible believers dispensationalism, i try went to the baptist church here but the teaching not the same they are mix Old Testament and new testaments so confused! They’re not dispensationalism that why they are not rightly divided! That why i am have been watching Gene kim online daily to learn! Thanks God for that , i also bought a chick tracks been giving out after work, now Coronavirus going on I cannot give it out because people afraid Coronavirus!!! It very impressed me when i saw bible believers dispensationalism go out to preaching the gospel and go door to door! I pray one day God will arise a bible believers dispensation love Jesus Christ and do the work God call them to do ! I told God i am just a female, so the only i can do just witness and give some chic tracks out and i buy some sandwiches sign if I have some one go with me , I don’t mind to carry the sandwiches sign have the word of God front and back I know what to say, i am not ashamed to speak the gospel! But here the things, i care for people souls! My prayer daily from now to the rapture come, many lost souls will getting saved and joining bible believers. Not too many bible believers dispensationalism. Steven anderson not a good pastor, I watched the movie he just posted! The name of the movie is DEPORTED ! He is so hateful with this homosexuality! Wanna go to the church that he Steven plan ! Check it out the whole movie, his church went to mission field and his church got deported back to US ! But his behavior are so bad ! Anyway thanks to respond my text 😁😁

  • @ronaldhampton9791
    @ronaldhampton9791 3 года назад +2

    The Lord Jesus is the Creator of all

  • @InLawsAttic
    @InLawsAttic Месяц назад

    Here’s how scripture is inspired: 1:55

  • @markkeetley2225
    @markkeetley2225 Год назад

    How do you divide the word of truth KJV 2Tim 2:15.

  • @marksorenson5871
    @marksorenson5871 2 года назад +1

    Which edition of the KJV is inspired- the 1611 or the 1789 edition that Ruckman is using???

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  2 года назад +1

      Do you know what a 1957 Chevy is? Are you aware that editions of that car took place after 1957? Your King James is a 1611. It most likely is a 1769 edition. The doctrine is the SAME in any edition after 1611.

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 Год назад

      1769...never heard of 1789

  • @nickkizziah9064
    @nickkizziah9064 11 дней назад

    Genesis 1:1 heaven vs. heavens. Here in this verse when speaking of the heaven, it is speaking about the whole heaven. That's why it is singular. Then the text speaks about the firmament of heaven where the sun, moon & stars exist. Later the text speaks about the open firmament of heaven ( where the fowl fly.) The heavens make up the heaven, just like God's words make up his word. As far as the universe being shaped like a pyramid, well I'm not buying that. Pete has quite an imagination sometimes. Nevertheless he is very intelligent and he really knows his Bible.😊

  • @MitchellCH
    @MitchellCH 8 месяцев назад +1

    1:28:50 boy he butchered that passage.
    Song of Songs 8:8-10
    8 We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?
    9 If she [be] a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she [be] a door, we will inclose her with boards of cedar.
    10 I [am] a wall, and my breasts like towers: then was I in his eyes as one that found favour.

  • @w46try7
    @w46try7  5 лет назад +6

    Notice: Doc confirms what all SOUND Bible Believers have down! THAT there is still SEVEN years for the Tribulation, NOT 3 1/2. AND THAT the covenant is broken in the midst of those 7 years, NOT back in the Gospels or the early book of Acts, and all that crap!

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  5 лет назад +1

      @Dill Weed He never told Donovan to do that.

    • @w46try7
      @w46try7  5 лет назад +1

      @Dill Weed Wasnt 20 years. Donovan had an agenda. He would close doors. Jealous of Riplinger who came up with stuff nobody else ever did. As things came close to an end, certain things started to slip in. Like a demon possessed woman with a LOUD VOICE who attended EVERY Bible Baptist Blowout for the last 3 years, dragging down the meetings with her loud mouth FOR SELF EDIFICATION SAKE. She should have been sent packing, like Donovan; but people took advantage of Doc's old age. IT HAPPENS! Not Doc's fault.

    • @jamesdeferio4281
      @jamesdeferio4281 5 лет назад +2

      Watch the 2000 q and a and watch the chart he draws at 28 min in. Once he gets to the tribulation part he says it could be either the 70th week all together or 3 1/2 yrs . He actually gives more on the 3 1/2 than he does for 7 years . Pastor Brian donovan has a great book on the issue also.

    • @jamesdeferio4281
      @jamesdeferio4281 5 лет назад +2

      Dr ruckman says the tribulation time has always been 3 1/2 years. And people always think it has to be 7 years because of daniels 70th week. Study it out. Way more evidence for it if you compare scripture with scripture. Rightly dividing .

    • @jerrylisby5376
      @jerrylisby5376 5 лет назад +1

      @@w46try7 what makes you think that of Donovan? He was reading the Psalms to him the day he died. I thought they were close. Brian is a great teacher. Hard to replace Ruckman. I loved that man. Still my favorite preacher/ teacher of all time.

  • @RicardoEscalante-tx4cm
    @RicardoEscalante-tx4cm Месяц назад

    Knowledge does not give you the right to offend the brothers in Christ that do not believe/ understand the Bible the way you do. Many charismatic brothers are sincere on their believes about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, I am not defending the televangelist or preachers who are wolfs in sheep’s clothing, but people around the world whose only hope is Jesus. In America probably you do not experience or do not need God the way humble people do experience and need, I would like to see the Lord’s face when he trashes those humble Christians who are part of His bride, people who are starting in the faith do not need to hear the words that come out of this brother in his teaching.

    @SONOCOY 8 месяцев назад

    the sides of the north

    @SONOCOY 8 месяцев назад

    prymid universe ruthman

  • @neiljohn1305
    @neiljohn1305 2 года назад


  • @williamcarter1063
    @williamcarter1063 5 лет назад +1

    That’s warsh their garments

  • @watchmanoftruthamen9555
    @watchmanoftruthamen9555 5 лет назад +1

    What church is this at...

    • @stephenfiore9960
      @stephenfiore9960 5 лет назад +1

      *........it says in the caption below video “White Plains Baptist Church”..... Google list 8 churches with this name in year 2019*

    • @bonniebraden9534
      @bonniebraden9534 4 года назад +1

      Mt. Airy, North Carolina

  • @johnendress6534
    @johnendress6534 3 года назад +3

    PTL! Ruckmen is a flat earthier he just did not know it

    • @natebit8130
      @natebit8130 3 года назад


    • @Retired4Life
      @Retired4Life Год назад

      He was not a flat earther, I heard him say that on one of his messages. He did teach Helioscientric ideas about the Universe. But, I think he had to much confrontation about his fight on the King James Bible issues. That he really never thought deeply about the True Creation being Stable, not moving, and a Level plane of our World that is Never referred to as a Planet in the King James Bible. Ruckman accepted the Idol of Globe Earth, he draws the Earth as a spinning (Baal) Ball. I Guarantee he Knows that the Earth is Flat and is not Spinning, Now, he has the True view from in heaven.
      It is interesting that so many Bible Believers have accepted the lies of the Devil. Especially, about the True Creation of Heaven and Earth. All that we have been taught has been Levened and the Indoctrination Camps of Education have been forcing the Devil's Lies for a long time.
      I would love to see your view of this.

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 Год назад

      Earth is ROUND..

  • @kelliedunley5046
    @kelliedunley5046 2 года назад +1


  • @maryiamluz5925
    @maryiamluz5925 3 года назад +1


  • @tybraden1466
    @tybraden1466 16 дней назад


  • @MrSparkums
    @MrSparkums 3 месяца назад

    Jew means Judean, G2453, look it up for yourself.. Most Isrelites were never Jews or Jewish in any way..

  • @weigh2playa825
    @weigh2playa825 4 года назад +2

    44:40 👍

  • @Juan-oy3fo
    @Juan-oy3fo Месяц назад +1

    ,:0] 20:00

  • @kennethreynolds8139
    @kennethreynolds8139 Год назад

    I hope the Lord raises up another junkyard dog.

  • @dannyboy7130
    @dannyboy7130 3 года назад +4

    he is ok but some of his teachings is far off in looney land

    • @bobandannapurna
      @bobandannapurna 3 года назад +2

      do explain.

    • @aharonemanuel4010
      @aharonemanuel4010 3 года назад

      @@bobandannapurna 🤦🏿

    • @tylerdavis520
      @tylerdavis520 Год назад

      Ok if you’re a fan of the KKK I guess

    • @martyx38
      @martyx38 8 месяцев назад +1

      @dannyboy, Jealous much? The Pharisees were jealous of Jesus because He could do many things they could not do and therefore was more popular with the people than they were. Even Pilate (who knew very little about Jesus) could see that the Pharisees wanted Jesus crucified only because they were jealous of Him (Matthew 27:18).

  • @TurtleMarchingKing
    @TurtleMarchingKing 3 месяца назад

    We dont need to drink from the fountain of life because we are already in him.
    Jeremiah 17:13 O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, *the fountain of living waters*.
    John 4:13-14 Jesus answered and said unto her, whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again.
    But whosoever drinketh of the water i shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that i shall give him shall be in him a well of water sprining up into everlasting life.
    John 19:33-34 But when the came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs.
    But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and *water*.
    Jesus is the fountain of life.

    @MrBIGRANDY1 Год назад +1


  • @virtualpilgrim8645
    @virtualpilgrim8645 3 года назад +1
