I'm a Virginian who participated in the November 2nd 2A Rally on the National Capitol grounds, went to multiple VA county board meetings to support 2A Sanctuary resolutions, and to the Jan. 20th 2A Lobby Day in Richmond. TODAY WE HAD A WIN (even if temporary) with the defeat of the "assault weapon/silencer/high-cap mag" ban bill. It was NOT the NRA (who have been largely MIA in their HQ state here) - it was CITIZEN PATRIOTS who awoke and fought (civilly this time), and grass roots lobbying groups like VCDL and GOA. I have never been prouder to be a Virginian after seeing the outpouring of opposition to these unconstitutional bills. We lost some - red flag law passed, 1 handgun per month limit, preemption law, etc. that need to be rolled back. The Republicans at the Federal level haven't done crap to support 2A; as Erik has pointed out, when Republicans had full control of the Senate, House and Presidency - there should have been a slew of pro-2A legislation pushed through and anti-gun laws repealed. Democrats take real action when they have all the power. Republican politicians in DC need to grow a real pair and stand up. Including Trump. Lip service does no good.
athappyhiker I sincerely hope that Virginians realize the big picture...We basically won a battle, not the War. This is far from over and we need to carry the momentum. If your a Virginian and you care about your rights, you need to join and support the VCDL REGARDLESS of gun ownership. It doesn’t stop with the 2nd Amendment.
Might have bumped into ya in Richmond, rally was epic. Was heart warming to see the amazing turn out. Now it is time to muster the militias and make our local communities stronger.
If republicans cared about the second amendment they would have worked towards constitutional carry when they held both branches of congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court for two frickin years. Hold your own elected representative accountable.
well they did put it in the Constitution already....do we need to put it in again? all laws against it are null and void except to those that recognize their validity...you either accept treason or fight against it....the founding fathers put the responsibility to fight treason in our hands, not the government's hand....the only way to stop the madness is to refresh the tree of Liberty, until then it will only get worse and worse until we're eventually conquered
wpherigo1 correct! VCDL has done a great job in Va. Most importantly we have to show up at every local, state and national election. We have to show up at city council and county manage / supervisor meetings on the regular.
I will not renew. As a Virginian, I am embarrassed with their total lack of presence. Maybe they were gearing up to fight it in SCOTUS, but they sure as hell didnt communicate it. If your state doesn’t have something like our VCDL, you need it and need it fast.
mytmousemalibu Most of the NRA elites already left because they saw exactly what we saw. That NASCAR driver that he was high up in the NRA left as well
Problem is each one will choose what laws/infringement they like and enforce. Rather than upholding the 2A as it's written, most will say no more, but infringement of the past is here to stay.
“Patron saint of the 2a world” can someone please make that meme please? Because as far as I can see iv28888 is exactly that. He doesn’t just talk the talk. God bless you brother.
Missouri's state motto translates to "The supreme law of the land is the sovereign will of the people". The laws that Missouri has on the docket right now, don't seem too sovereign.
Seeing as we now have Mom's Demand Action here, and the last time I checked the 2A preservation act is going nowhere it's not even on the calendar at all. We need more people to call or email there reps to maybe just maybe get things going again.
My state is and has been a one party state my whole life. Contacting my representatives is like pissing up a rope. Been there and done that many many times. In the end I'm afraid it going to boil down to one thing if we are to keep our rights and freedoms.
Congress has the “right to regulate commerce” But regulating the 2A through commerce is “INFRINGEMENT” The forefathers had great foresight “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”. 2AMENDMENT No mention of public Servants US Supreme Court Rules Castle Rock v Gonzales and Warren v. District of Columbia and DeShaney V. Winnebago Where is their Jurisdiction The return of SLAVERY by the force of COMMERCE! They want you to obey the system that ignores the United State Constitution and Bill of Rights.
I'm from West Virginia, and even though my state doesn't really need to rally for anything, I definitely still stand for other states' rights. We always have been, and always will be, a sanctuary state. Come here and shoot any gun you want, as fast as you want, from any size mag you want. Montani Semper Liberi (Mountaineers Are Always Free)
If you can go and stand outside in 28° weather on a Saturday, likely having driven multiple hours to get there, you can spend 15 minutes to drive to your local polling place and vote in the most important thing that’s going to happen: elections. That is where the most affective action can be taken at this point.
Well said Eric! 👏👏 Lots of people on these forums crying about Rallies and how they seem ineffective, Those are the same people they complain I want everyone else to do the hard work for them.
Rallies have a lot more effect because you can't ignore warm bodies, unlike letters, emails and phone calls. The bigger the crowd the stronger the signal.
Due to you i emailed my reps and governor. I thanked them for their service but then put rational arguments about why gun control laws are bad. They were simple to understand and i have used the same arguements with anti gunners. When i do they dont change their mind but they do think. You cant just cry and yell. You also need to show others that you are human and can talk about a subject.
I am so glad that there are people like you who see a lot of things as I do. I would like to be able to be as active as you two are . Thank you for what you do.
Vermont is a weird place: the home of constitutional carry, our last Dem governor finally legalized suppressor ownership and our current Republican governor has signed anti 2a bills including red flag laws, mag restrictions and universal background checks. No assault weapons ban yet but I'm sure it's around the corner.
Some people just love being sheep. Allowing them selves to be told how to live. THEY ARE IGNORANT OF THEIR RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES GRANTED BY OUR CONSTITUTION. AND THEY GIVE UP EASILY.
Gabels22 here from South Dakota. Love the work you guys do! Been a fan for years now! Keep up the good fight and keep inspiring the generations young and older. Never forget 1776.
*No one* can "ballot vote" away a Constitutional RIGHT!...What if banning Bibles and burning Churches was on the ballot? Does anyone here actually know what it takes to change an Amendment? ...I do.
We need to put a spotlight on the 2a rallies happening in Washington and other states. I want to see the people here stand up like the Virginians did. There was a rally and I missed it cuz I didn't know
I live in Washington and couldn't vote but 1639 was bull crap. We'll see what SAF can do. Yes the NRA is "helping" but you know. Now I'm 18 and just get gifted things now. Lowers are $50 and an easy gift for your kid. So this year I'll probably go to some of the rallies this after school.
Hey I have a idea for you, you love milsurps and a lot of us do to! How about testing the old calibers vs modern body armor? Let’s see if they new what they were doing back then...... 7.62x53r would be cool vs soft armor
The problem is states should not be able to make or change gun laws. There should be No gun laws. Period. We already have don't kill or assault people. Odd how that isn't talked about much. Until that's changed, this keep on happening.
Hey quick question...what's a reliable 5.56 probably 55 grain amo for use at the rang in my new m&p sport 2..also defense amo for that same tool ...thanks
Along with the "ambassador" part of the video (10:08 or so), as a guy raised in an anti-gun household who got into the gun world at 21 (more than a decade ago), breaking into the community is not easy. Every mom and pop gun store was run by a collective of grumpy old men who eyeball you suspiciously and asking them questions was equally demeaning, while the box stores are often run by friendly folks who don't know much about guns. Since then I've come to know the gun community better and I know how welcoming, helpful and sweet they are; the aforementioned grumpy old-timers included! 100+ guns later and I haven't looked back! Hell if there isn't a crusty old timer shell you have to break through first, though. Long rant short, you catch more flies with honey, and you get more 2A supporters or at least sympathizers when you stash that curmudgeon attitude when you talk to a critical potential new ally. Give the kids a break; they're no slower or irresponsible than you were, you just have too crappy a memory to remember how ignorant you were at their age! Great video!
I hear everyone saying, “Buy guns before they’re prohibited.” Buy enough ammo to feed the rifles you already own for a year. A fifty caliber ammo can will hold 6,750 rounds of .22lr. It can be had for around $250. Then, buy more.
@@southerndarkness9922 idk they already kill ppl in the streets, invade homes and kill everyone in them, arrest ppl doing 1st amendment audits, and refuse to go save children in schools while they're being shot....so not much.
Let us know what we can do in New Jersey (1 of the least free states in the country). I'd gladly put more work into fighting for our 2nd amendment right but have no idea on how to approach it
States should have zero say so in matters of 2@ that is federal!! They all signed on to be part of the USA and the Constitution, that means they can not infringe on the people's rights!!
Just because some Dem isnt advancing a bill right now doesnt mean they wont attack after reelected. Its really imperative to help opposition win. If you dont give cash, give volunteer work. We must get the House back.
I am so pissed. I am now 100% disabled veteran, so I am trying to get more involved. I e-mailed all of out township and area representatives. I said I want to get involved and learn how things are done. I asked if they could show me the ropes, and I'd be willing to help with things. 2 weeks later I have not one response. Now I am pretty pissed off and I am just going to go at it harder.
In California we dealt with all this in the 2016 election during Gunmagedon driven by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom. We lost all sorts of rights in one vote where they misled the people. It's when they "updated" our first AW ban and lost ammo mail order.
Very good, informative video. I'm feeling better in VA, but know the fight continues. I was in Richmond on Lobby Day, Later, I found out that Eric was there (maybe Chad too?). People were so thick I never got over to where Eric was. I do love your videos!
I was in Richmond. There were plenty of militia types there. They were ready, but I did not see any who were on the verge of frontal assault that the keyboard basement warriors jack on about. The biggest value to me was to talk to allied folks from ALL over. I know I'm not isolated. VCDL has been an excellent resource to keep us up to date on legislative action. The Sanctuary hearings have resulted in local 2A groups all over the state. I am not in contact with the 2A committee in my city and in the surrounding county. These are valuable very local news and organization resources.
same crap going on in Illinois. Love what you are doing keep it up. did not have all this BS rules when I grew up. I am in my 80s and cant get out to fight them so glad you all are doing it.
Rhode Island doesnt have an assault weapons ban. They try passing one every year but the grassroots 2A groups here so far have been strong enough to fight it off. We're basically the Alamo for southern New England
Actually 1639 should not have been on the ballot in WA state. The petitions were in the wrong format and signatures were not legible. Some judge pushed it onto the ballot anyways.
No AWB in Vermont, Chad! We have constitutional carry up here. Two years back they managed to sneak some red flag laws and a magazine ban through the legislature but we're still a relatively free state.
We need an aual 2A holiday where we have a Virginia style 2A rally in every city on the same day. Then we can show just how many people really support the 2A and how important it is to us. When it's just once in a while in 1 city or another, it's easy for the media to paint it as a fringe passing event and allow it to fade quickly. It needs to be put and kept on center stage.
If it ever does come down to it, only surrender your stripped lower, never turn over a full pistol or rifle. The lower is the only part considered a "gun"... always have a few stripped lower receivers on hand too.
I shared your video to Facebook guys! Great stuff! I’m trying to get the people of NY to speak up! We have the power at the end of the day! Not this suits!
BREAKING NEWS! The Senate has killed the Assault weapons Bill here in Virginia!😎 Thanks to Moderate Democrats.👍🏿
Good shit
Armed Rebellion47 where’d you hear that?
Glad to see tyranny lost yet another battle
The bill in Virginia is going to be tabled till next year. So we have some breathing room for now
@GameOver guns and gadgets just did a live stream about it just now
I'm a Virginian who participated in the November 2nd 2A Rally on the National Capitol grounds, went to multiple VA county board meetings to support 2A Sanctuary resolutions, and to the Jan. 20th 2A Lobby Day in Richmond. TODAY WE HAD A WIN (even if temporary) with the defeat of the "assault weapon/silencer/high-cap mag" ban bill. It was NOT the NRA (who have been largely MIA in their HQ state here) - it was CITIZEN PATRIOTS who awoke and fought (civilly this time), and grass roots lobbying groups like VCDL and GOA. I have never been prouder to be a Virginian after seeing the outpouring of opposition to these unconstitutional bills. We lost some - red flag law passed, 1 handgun per month limit, preemption law, etc. that need to be rolled back. The Republicans at the Federal level haven't done crap to support 2A; as Erik has pointed out, when Republicans had full control of the Senate, House and Presidency - there should have been a slew of pro-2A legislation pushed through and anti-gun laws repealed. Democrats take real action when they have all the power. Republican politicians in DC need to grow a real pair and stand up. Including Trump. Lip service does no good.
athappyhiker I sincerely hope that Virginians realize the big picture...We basically won a battle, not the War. This is far from over and we need to carry the momentum. If your a Virginian and you care about your rights, you need to join and support the VCDL REGARDLESS of gun ownership. It doesn’t stop with the 2nd Amendment.
Might have bumped into ya in Richmond, rally was epic. Was heart warming to see the amazing turn out. Now it is time to muster the militias and make our local communities stronger.
If republicans cared about the second amendment they would have worked towards constitutional carry when they held both branches of congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court for two frickin years. Hold your own elected representative accountable.
But that's the thing not all Republicans care about the Second Amendment when they have armed security around them 24/7.
Spartan Kirk018 then kick them out, and replace them with one who does support the constitution, or will at least vote like they do.
well they did put it in the Constitution already....do we need to put it in again? all laws against it are null and void except to those that recognize their validity...you either accept treason or fight against it....the founding fathers put the responsibility to fight treason in our hands, not the government's hand....the only way to stop the madness is to refresh the tree of Liberty, until then it will only get worse and worse until we're eventually conquered
Star Trek Theory Then Israel is doing a terrible job of exploiting its incredibly powerful position.
They didn't trust Trump at first . Hopefully it happens in 2nd term .
Trump 2020👍
Love them or hate em, The NRA falling on its sword didn’t help for sure.
wpherigo1 correct! VCDL has done a great job in Va. Most importantly we have to show up at every local, state and national election. We have to show up at city council and county manage / supervisor meetings on the regular.
The NRA elites don't give 2 shits except to fill their bank accounts.
Our best local gun range requires an NRA membership to join, which is why I shoot at home.
I will not renew. As a Virginian, I am embarrassed with their total lack of presence. Maybe they were gearing up to fight it in SCOTUS, but they sure as hell didnt communicate it. If your state doesn’t have something like our VCDL, you need it and need it fast.
Most of the NRA elites already left because they saw exactly what we saw. That NASCAR driver that he was high up in the NRA left as well
We need to make as many sanctuary states and counties as possible for the second amendment
Yes sir!!!
Problem is each one will choose what laws/infringement they like and enforce. Rather than upholding the 2A as it's written, most will say no more, but infringement of the past is here to stay.
Already done here in CO. We did it about 2 years ago
You need to stop asking Tyrannical Governments (Local included) to protect you.
“Patron saint of the 2a world” can someone please make that meme please? Because as far as I can see iv28888 is exactly that. He doesn’t just talk the talk. God bless you brother.
Aye Hickok 45 does a lot too. He also promoted the Virginia rally for like 10 videos in a row
Missouri's state motto translates to "The supreme law of the land is the sovereign will of the people". The laws that Missouri has on the docket right now, don't seem too sovereign.
Seeing as we now have Mom's Demand Action here, and the last time I checked the 2A preservation act is going nowhere it's not even on the calendar at all. We need more people to call or email there reps to maybe just maybe get things going again.
That's no shit. Sadly my generation is the one pissing our rights down the drain.
thankyou eric and chad from WA
My state is and has been a one party state my whole life. Contacting my representatives is like pissing up a rope. Been there and done that many many times. In the end I'm afraid it going to boil down to one thing if we are to keep our rights and freedoms.
Grassroots is where the FIGHT BEGINS! ☆☆☆☆☆
Congress has the “right to regulate commerce”
But regulating the 2A through commerce is “INFRINGEMENT”
The forefathers had great foresight “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”.
2AMENDMENT No mention of public Servants
US Supreme Court Rules
Castle Rock v Gonzales
Warren v. District of Columbia
DeShaney V. Winnebago
Where is their Jurisdiction
The return of SLAVERY by the force of COMMERCE!
They want you to obey the system that ignores the United State Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Grassroots is laying in the grass at a good distance, with a good line of sight...
I'm from West Virginia, and even though my state doesn't really need to rally for anything, I definitely still stand for other states' rights. We always have been, and always will be, a sanctuary state. Come here and shoot any gun you want, as fast as you want, from any size mag you want. Montani Semper Liberi (Mountaineers Are Always Free)
If you can go and stand outside in 28° weather on a Saturday, likely having driven multiple hours to get there, you can spend 15 minutes to drive to your local polling place and vote in the most important thing that’s going to happen: elections. That is where the most affective action can be taken at this point.
Damn right brother!
Well said Eric! 👏👏
Lots of people on these forums crying about Rallies and how they seem ineffective, Those are the same people they complain I want everyone else to do the hard work for them.
Rallies have a lot more effect because you can't ignore warm bodies, unlike letters, emails and phone calls. The bigger the crowd the stronger the signal.
Due to you i emailed my reps and governor. I thanked them for their service but then put rational arguments about why gun control laws are bad.
They were simple to understand and i have used the same arguements with anti gunners. When i do they dont change their mind but they do think.
You cant just cry and yell. You also need to show others that you are human and can talk about a subject.
Virginia ban just got voted down 10 to 5.
When another high profile shooting happens in VA, it'll come up again with a vengeance. It's far from over.
@@woodchuckcider1 yup
I think I got tabled. So it's still there but will get voted on next year
I am so glad that there are people like you who see a lot of things as I do. I would like to be able to be as active as you two are . Thank you for what you do.
Great info Eric and Chad. I really appreciate both of you and the honest content that you guys put out. Thanks.
Appreciate all the work you guys do , Thank You
Can’t agree more with what you are saying 👏🏻🇺🇸
Vermont is a weird place: the home of constitutional carry, our last Dem governor finally legalized suppressor ownership and our current Republican governor has signed anti 2a bills including red flag laws, mag restrictions and universal background checks. No assault weapons ban yet but I'm sure it's around the corner.
Live in Randolph , Flip flop Scott needs to go .
One term Scott
@Blue Dragon my kids live in Roxbury Maine . I see shit trying to happen there too .
Some people just love being sheep. Allowing them selves to be told how to live. THEY ARE IGNORANT OF THEIR RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES
The funny thing is Blowberg is protected by Guns WTF
Gabels22 here from South Dakota. Love the work you guys do! Been a fan for years now! Keep up the good fight and keep inspiring the generations young and older. Never forget 1776.
im up here in N.Y. very sad place but I've got my scary guns and keep collecting as many as i can.
Good on you man
Im in NY too bro, and I do not comply
Keep it up guys, great videos!!
VA HB961 passed by for the year! We have a lot of work to do!
South west VA here hb961 voted dead 10 to 5 thank God we're good till next year.
Chad Carrico
Why till next year you ask so people can forget about it and pass it through faster
@@edrascon22 if we still have blackface as VA Governor he will try to pass it again in 2021. So yes we need to stay on top of the matter.
I appreciate all that y'all do for our 2nd Amendment rights!
*No one* can "ballot vote" away a Constitutional RIGHT!...What if banning Bibles and burning Churches was on the ballot?
Does anyone here actually know what it takes to change an Amendment? ...I do.
Spot on with the organization / rally comments.
Thank you, and get well. God Bless.
Thanks for the encouragement! We have a lot of work and success going on in Tennessee! Counties are becoming 2A Sanctuaries every day!
We need to put a spotlight on the 2a rallies happening in Washington and other states. I want to see the people here stand up like the Virginians did. There was a rally and I missed it cuz I didn't know
Keep it up guys! Love your dedication to all our 2A right!
I live in Washington and couldn't vote but 1639 was bull crap. We'll see what SAF can do. Yes the NRA is "helping" but you know. Now I'm 18 and just get gifted things now. Lowers are $50 and an easy gift for your kid. So this year I'll probably go to some of the rallies this after school.
Courts have shut down Popular Vote before. That is why we need Constitutional Judges.
I live in Indiana and will be contacting Tim to see what I can do to help.
Name them. They deserve to be called out !
Hey I have a idea for you, you love milsurps and a lot of us do to!
How about testing the old calibers vs modern body armor? Let’s see if they new what they were doing back then...... 7.62x53r would be cool vs soft armor
Last I heard Bloomberg was worth $60B dollars. Folks, that is 60,000 piles of $1Million.
What happened
You guys are spot on... sorry that there are some people out there giving you grief.
The problem is states should not be able to make or change gun laws. There should be No gun laws. Period. We already have don't kill or assault people. Odd how that isn't talked about much.
Until that's changed, this keep on happening.
Can you get a "rectifire" muzzle break and do a video on it? Saw them at a show recently and I'm curious how well it works.
Virginia did not drop the magazine ban suppreser ban or assault weapons ban. They postponed the vote till next year.
Hey quick question...what's a reliable 5.56 probably 55 grain amo for use at the rang in my new m&p sport 2..also defense amo for that same tool ...thanks
Along with the "ambassador" part of the video (10:08 or so), as a guy raised in an anti-gun household who got into the gun world at 21 (more than a decade ago), breaking into the community is not easy. Every mom and pop gun store was run by a collective of grumpy old men who eyeball you suspiciously and asking them questions was equally demeaning, while the box stores are often run by friendly folks who don't know much about guns. Since then I've come to know the gun community better and I know how welcoming, helpful and sweet they are; the aforementioned grumpy old-timers included! 100+ guns later and I haven't looked back! Hell if there isn't a crusty old timer shell you have to break through first, though. Long rant short, you catch more flies with honey, and you get more 2A supporters or at least sympathizers when you stash that curmudgeon attitude when you talk to a critical potential new ally. Give the kids a break; they're no slower or irresponsible than you were, you just have too crappy a memory to remember how ignorant you were at their age! Great video!
I'm a Canadian and I support the 2A advocate 100%
keep up the good fight good look from England
I hear everyone saying, “Buy guns before they’re prohibited.” Buy enough ammo to feed the rifles you already own for a year. A fifty caliber ammo can will hold 6,750 rounds of .22lr. It can be had for around $250. Then, buy more.
How do I fight the fight here in Illinois?
Vote Chicago out of the state and we'll all be fine.
Amen Chitcago is why Illinois is blue. Push it in Lake Michigan if they dont want to allow us to secede.
Thank you for explaining what happened in California.
*There's a lot of people who claim every single large 2A rally is a "setup"*
Thank you 🙏🏽
Hb961 has been shelved until next year here in Va
Do Chad and Eric have identical eyewear or am I in need of glasses, too?
You know you can break any law once if youre willing to accept the consequences.
I have always asked that question also. List a specific situation where you would
I don't think anybody knows yet. You can only push ppl so far until something happens.
@@southerndarkness9922 idk they already kill ppl in the streets, invade homes and kill everyone in them, arrest ppl doing 1st amendment audits, and refuse to go save children in schools while they're being shot....so not much.
You guys rock. Thank you.
June 8th in Harrisburg Pennsylvania.. Rally hope we can get a Richmond!!
The fact that you have to "battle" to keep your "rights" tells me all I need to know.
Let us know what we can do in New Jersey (1 of the least free states in the country). I'd gladly put more work into fighting for our 2nd amendment right but have no idea on how to approach it
States should have zero say so in matters of 2@ that is federal!! They all signed on to be part of the USA and the Constitution, that means they can not infringe on the people's rights!!
Just because some Dem isnt advancing a bill right now doesnt mean they wont attack after reelected. Its really imperative to help opposition win. If you dont give cash, give volunteer work. We must get the House back.
HB961 in Va. was tabled till next year
The petitioners in my town for I_1639 told me it was to stop sales tax on food then got mad when I wanted to read it.
I am so pissed. I am now 100% disabled veteran, so I am trying to get more involved. I e-mailed all of out township and area representatives. I said I want to get involved and learn how things are done. I asked if they could show me the ropes, and I'd be willing to help with things. 2 weeks later I have not one response. Now I am pretty pissed off and I am just going to go at it harder.
In California we dealt with all this in the 2016 election during Gunmagedon driven by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom. We lost all sorts of rights in one vote where they misled the people. It's when they "updated" our first AW ban and lost ammo mail order.
Very good, informative video. I'm feeling better in VA, but know the fight continues. I was in Richmond on Lobby Day, Later, I found out that Eric was there (maybe Chad too?). People were so thick I never got over to where Eric was. I do love your videos!
Don't remind me of 1639. 😡😡😡😡😡 We're still working on repealing that.
Weird Al Yankovich filling in for Chad?
I was in Richmond. There were plenty of militia types there. They were ready, but I did not see any who were on the verge of frontal assault that the keyboard basement warriors jack on about. The biggest value to me was to talk to allied folks from ALL over. I know I'm not isolated. VCDL has been an excellent resource to keep us up to date on legislative action. The Sanctuary hearings have resulted in local 2A groups all over the state. I am not in contact with the 2A committee in my city and in the surrounding county. These are valuable very local news and organization resources.
guys pls talk about the mississippi 8 state 2a sanctuary bill
I agree with you guys on all parts...
What happens when you text 1984 to the text service?
same crap going on in Illinois. Love what you are doing keep it up. did not have all this BS rules when I grew up. I am in my 80s and cant get out to fight them so glad you all are doing it.
Its huge..The big Demonstration in VA is what got the Assault Ban put on the table for a year.
Rhode Island doesnt have an assault weapons ban. They try passing one every year but the grassroots 2A groups here so far have been strong enough to fight it off. We're basically the Alamo for southern New England
Actually 1639 should not have been on the ballot in WA state. The petitions were in the wrong format and signatures were not legible. Some judge pushed it onto the ballot anyways.
Thanks guys.
Hell yeah brother !!!! 🇺🇸🙌🏻
this is the best gun gripe yet
How would i find out who to write physical letters and emails to voice my concerns? BTW i live in in Douglas county, Oregon? If that helps
No AWB in Vermont, Chad! We have constitutional carry up here. Two years back they managed to sneak some red flag laws and a magazine ban through the legislature but we're still a relatively free state.
Let's pass legislation to limit weapons of private security teams such as Bloomberg's team to what the citizens can own permanently.
I actually like this idea.
California here there is no ammo rationing only backround check I can buy as much as I want
Saw the thumb nail and thought "why is Chad wearing ear muffs?" Damn my old eyes.
What do you think about NRA taking responsibility for the outcome in Virginia
We need an aual 2A holiday where we have a Virginia style 2A rally in every city on the same day. Then we can show just how many people really support the 2A and how important it is to us. When it's just once in a while in 1 city or another, it's easy for the media to paint it as a fringe passing event and allow it to fade quickly. It needs to be put and kept on center stage.
We need y’all to get a tv show
If it ever does come down to it, only surrender your stripped lower, never turn over a full pistol or rifle. The lower is the only part considered a "gun"... always have a few stripped lower receivers on hand too.
Excellent episode guys
I shared your video to Facebook guys! Great stuff! I’m trying to get the people of NY to speak up! We have the power at the end of the day! Not this suits!
People don't realize this so called free stuff comes wrapped in an iron fist
U right Chad !
Also guys where can I go to get a voice heard or actively start getting information out there to be noticed?
Chad is transforming into Eric
Because he always also affects me as a Canadian