  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 145

  • @marcogatto4040
    @marcogatto4040 8 месяцев назад +228

    She made her debut last year, she is daughter of 2 big artists, her father is the famous Mango, who unfortunately died. she is very talented and has crazy vocal technique. I want to see her at eurovision... let's hope

  • @sergej6663
    @sergej6663 7 месяцев назад +6

    Wonderful Angelina ☀️👍🏻🫶🏻🎙️🎧🎵🎶🎆🎇

  • @t.bryan9384
    @t.bryan9384 8 месяцев назад +127

    I‘m obsessed with her ! Such charisma and stage presence 😍

  • @elisamurari1450
    @elisamurari1450 8 месяцев назад +74

    Girls you have to react to his performance during the cover night during Sanremo, the song is called "La rondine". She sang a song of his father Pino Mango an incredible italian singer who died 10 years ago during a concert. Such an emotional performance, the whole country was crying in front of the television

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад +3

      Thank you so much for the tip!

  • @ariannaoddi
    @ariannaoddi 8 месяцев назад +84

    She absolutely ate and she's 22 years old!

  • @clarabella8
    @clarabella8 8 месяцев назад +61

    Danceable rhythm but very deep lyrics (La noia is boredom, but it's like Melancholia, Depression... that deep sorrow that makes normality the real happiness). A great oxymoron, a deep contrast, the light and the darkness working together

  • @stefanoagnolin7428
    @stefanoagnolin7428 8 месяцев назад +12

    the song says that suffering makes happy moments in life more enjoyable - I think she refers to the fact that she lost her dad when she was very young. She suffered a lot of course but low moments in life makes you appreciate happy moments more

  • @SeemsNotStilish
    @SeemsNotStilish 8 месяцев назад +10


  • @leon94m
    @leon94m 8 месяцев назад +29

    Angelina Mango "La Noia" lyric traslated:
    How many drawings I have made
    I stand here and look at them
    None come to life
    This page is lazy
    I am in a hurry
    And I am told that life is precious
    I wear it high on my neck
    My necklace has no pearls of wisdom
    They gave me the coloured beads
    For girls messed up with traumas
    To unravel slowly with age
    Yet I'm an easter watch zero drama
    I almost change town again
    That standing still I get
    I get
    I die without dying
    In these used days
    I live without suffering
    There is no greater cross
    We only have to laugh in these burnt nights
    A crown of thorns will be the dress-code for my party
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom
    The cumbia of boredom
    How many people in things see evil
    They feel like running away as they start talking
    And I want to tell them I'm fine but then they look at me wrong
    Then I say it's hard to make a living
    Business talk about business
    Meanwhile I close my eyes to sign contracts
    Princess calls you princess
    So now stop washing dishes
    I die without dying
    In these used days
    I live without suffering
    There is no greater cross
    We only have to laugh on these burnt nights
    A crown of thorns will be the dress-code for my party
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom
    The cumbia of boredom
    So you write songs?
    Yes, love songs
    And I don't want to bore you
    But someone has to sing them
    I dance the cumbia
    If I risk tripping at least I stop the boredom
    So I party, I party
    Cause it's the only way to stop
    To stop
    To stop, ah
    The boredom
    The boredom
    The boredom
    I die because dying
    Makes the days more human
    I live because suffering
    Makes the joys greater
    We can only laugh on these burnt nights
    A crown of thorns
    Will be the dress-code for my party
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom
    The cumbia of boredom

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you for taking the time, we really appreciate it!

  • @vbvinz
    @vbvinz 8 месяцев назад +53

    Angelina is incredibleeeeeeee 🔝 what a performance!! 🤯

  • @ilCALABROneITALYano
    @ilCALABROneITALYano 8 месяцев назад +17

    She was chosen as the winner!!! ✌☺

  • @Ral2O3_
    @Ral2O3_ 7 месяцев назад +2

    TRANSLATION (as an Italian)
    Quanti disegni ho fatto
    How many drawings I made
    Rimango qui e li guardo
    I stay here and look at them
    Nessuno prende vita
    None of them comes to life
    Questa pagina è pigra
    This page is lazy
    Vado di fretta
    I'm in a rush
    E mi hanno detto che la vita è preziosa
    They told me that life is precious
    Io la indosso a testa alta sul collo
    I'm wearing it proudly on my neck
    La mia collana non ha perle di saggezza
    My necklace doesn't have pearls of wisdom
    A me hanno dato le perline colorate
    They gave me small colored pearls
    Per le bimbe incasinate con i traumi
    For the little messed-up girls with traumas
    Da snodare piano piano con l'età
    To be slowly untangled while growing up
    Eppure sto una Pasqua, guarda, zero drammi
    Nonetheless I'm in great shape, look, I make no drama
    Quasi quasi cambio di nuovo città
    I'm almost thinking to change city again
    Che a stare ferma a me mi viene, a me mi viene
    Since when I'm still it comes to me
    La noia
    The boredom / annoyance*
    La noia
    The boredom / annoyance*
    La noia
    The boredom / annoyance*
    *(In italy, especially in the south, the word "noia" has the double meaning of boredom and annoyance)
    … Muoio senza morire, in questi giorni usati
    I'm dying without dying, in these used/worn days
    Vivo senza soffrire, non c'è croce più grande
    I'm living without suffering, there is no heavier cross
    Non ci resta che ridere in queste notti bruciate
    There is nothing more than laughing in these burned nights
    Una corona di spine sarà il dress-code per la mia festa
    A crown of thorns will be the dress-code for my party
    Ah, è la cumbia della noia, mmh
    Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom / annoyance
    È la cumbia della noia
    it's the cumbia of boredom / annoyance
    … Quanta gente nelle cose vede il male
    How many people see evil in things
    Viene voglia di scappare come iniziano a parlare
    One would like to run away as soon as they start talking
    E vorrei dirgli che sto bene ma poi mi guardano male
    I want to tell them that It's all right but then they look at me sideways
    Allora dico che è difficile campare
    Therefore I tell them that life is difficult
    Business, parli di business
    Business, you talk about business
    Intanto chiudo gli occhi per firmare i contratti, mmh
    Meanwhile I close my eyes when I sign contracts
    Princess, ti chiama "princess"
    Princess, he calles you "princess"
    Allora adesso smettila di lavare i piatti
    So now you can stop washing the dishes
    … Muoio senza morire, in questi giorni usati
    I'm dying without dying, in these used/worn days
    Vivo senza soffrire, non c'è croce più grande
    I'm living without suffering, there is no heavier cross
    Non ci resta che ridere in queste notti bruciate
    There is nothing left other than laughing in these burned nights
    Una corona di spine sarà il dress-code per la mia festa
    A crown of thorns will be the dress-code for my party
    Ah, è la cumbia della noia, mmh
    Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom / annoyance
    È la cumbia della noia
    it's the cumbia of boredom / annoyance
    … Allora scrivi canzoni?
    So are you a songwriter?
    Sì, le canzoni d'amore
    Yes, the love songs
    E non ti voglio annoiare
    I don't want to bore you
    Ma qualcuno le deve cantare
    and yet someone has to sing them
    Cumbia, ballo la cumbia
    Cumbia, I dance the cumbia
    Se rischio di inciampare almeno fermo la noia
    (by dancing) I stop the boredom even though I risk to stumble
    Quindi faccio una festa, faccio una festa
    Therefore I throw a party, I throw a party
    Perché è l'unico modo per fermare, ah
    Since it is the only way to stop, ah
    La noia
    The boredom / annoyance*
    La noia
    The boredom / annoyance*
    La noia
    The boredom / annoyance*
    … Muoio perché morire rende i giorni più umani
    I die because dying makes days more human
    Vivo perché soffrire fa le gioie più grandi
    I live because suffering makes greater joys
    Non ci resta che ridere in queste notti bruciate
    There is nothing left other than laughing in these burned nights
    Una corona di spine sarà il dress-code per la mia festa
    A crown of thorns will be the dress-code for my party
    Ah, è la cumbia della noia, mmh
    Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom / annoyance
    È la cumbia della noia
    it's the cumbia of boredom / annoyance

    @BLANCABARBERIS 8 месяцев назад +32

    she is the daughter of art, both her parents are singers. she is an emerging girl who came out of an Italian talent show only 2 years ago. Her songs always have a happy and captivating melody, vocally and visually her music is very gypsy style, Arabesque and of traditional southern Italian dance origins

  • @mauriziobortolai7236
    @mauriziobortolai7236 8 месяцев назад +11

    Mi dispiace solo che molti non capiscono il testo...per noi Italiani sono importanti le capacità canore e il testo. Come capacità canore è brava anche se ha 22 anni e molti miglioramenti davanti.
    Il testo è un capolavoro , come tutte le volte che un autore si Rivolge a Madame scrittrice geniale per mettere in strofe i propri sentimenti
    La noia va interpretata come momento negativo quando diventa depressione ma anche positivo quando diventa malinconia( cioè quando ricordi i momenti belli passati con una persona a te importante). Nella canzone lei dice che porterà la sua corona di spine ma che la vita è preziosa e bella e vuole viverla. La musica stessa è un contrasto di allegria e sofferenza.
    Bisogna ricordare che la Mango è la figlia di un famoso cantante che è morto durante un concerto quando leo aveva 13 anni.
    Credo che solo chi ha perso una persona cara troppo presto nella vita possa capire a fondo questa canzone.

  • @raffaeledibernardo8582
    @raffaeledibernardo8582 7 месяцев назад +2

    Never get bored of listening to it😍😍.Thank you for many react to Angelina.She deserves them❤❤

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  7 месяцев назад +1

      Same here, it just Gets better and better! And yes, she deserves it🙌🏼❤️

  • @samueledigiovanni3723
    @samueledigiovanni3723 8 месяцев назад +39


  • @chiarastilinski9690
    @chiarastilinski9690 8 месяцев назад +5

    Here's an update: She won! So she's the one who is going to be at Eurovision

  • @simo5602
    @simo5602 8 месяцев назад +8

    Omg Omg Omg what a BIG LATIN MEDITERRANEAN BANGER we have here?!👀😍💯💣💥💚🤍❤️🥭💃🏼🎊🎉

  • @giovannipalumbo2969
    @giovannipalumbo2969 8 месяцев назад +7


  • @YOUTU-u5t
    @YOUTU-u5t 8 месяцев назад +4

    La canzone ha un testo molto profondo. C'è un contrasto tra il ritmo allegro e il significato delle parole. La noia, intesa come depressione, malore, per le prove orrende a cui la vita ti sottopone. Lo può capire bene chi, come Angelina, ha perso una persona cara troppo presto ( il padre è morto quando aveva 12 anni).
    La canzone è un inno alla gioia e alla voglia di vivere anche per chi come lei porta il dolore nel cuore, per la doppia fatica che deve fare per dimostrare di essere brava e non solo la figlia di due celebrità ( entrambi i genitori erano cantanti famosi in italia)

  • @JohnShepard-jv9xj
    @JohnShepard-jv9xj 7 месяцев назад +2


  • @tomate397
    @tomate397 8 месяцев назад +5

    the lyrics were written by Madame, arguably the purest talent in italian pop atm. La noia means ''Boredom'' and describes dealing with the feeling of emptiness in a day to day routine (kind of)

    • @livingcolours773
      @livingcolours773 8 месяцев назад +2

      They were written by both! She writes her own lyrics and composes. She and Madame are great!

  • @danielaangio6517
    @danielaangio6517 8 месяцев назад +4

    Grazie ❤

  • @RaffaellaMirone
    @RaffaellaMirone 8 месяцев назад +1

    She is amazing! Thank you for this reaction ❤

  • @losmechus
    @losmechus 8 месяцев назад +1

    Angelina BY FAR

  • @sjnscale
    @sjnscale 8 месяцев назад +14

    I feel like Annalisa is great, but her song doesn't stick to my mind like this one does. This song won't leave you once you heard it a couple times!

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад

      Thanks for sharing your opinion with us, appreciate it!

  • @andres1515
    @andres1515 8 месяцев назад +11

    SUPPORT HER. She’s so unique

  • @monicacelli7063
    @monicacelli7063 8 месяцев назад +1

    Angelina ❤❤❤

  • @lautaroeltoromartinez6205
    @lautaroeltoromartinez6205 8 месяцев назад +9

    Say hello to the future winner of San Remo Italia 2024, new promise of Italian music...and next performer at Eurovision......ANGELINA MANGO good blood doesn't lie!!! (thanks to her late father Mango, who died 9 years ago)

  • @ReaperOfSouls83
    @ReaperOfSouls83 8 месяцев назад +9

    We are talking about two great talents, let's start by saying that Angelina is only 22 years old, Annalisa is 38 so of course she is a more mature and experienced artist. Both certainly have a lot in them performances, Annalisa has a lighter style, let's say that her songs "accompany" a moment well, with style, while Angelina's song makes her the real protagonist.
    I choose Angelina's drive and desire to assert and express herself, these characteristics make her beautiful song, which everyone wants to dance to, even more energetic and strong. I vote for her ❤

  • @mario1788
    @mario1788 8 месяцев назад +1

    Angelina Mango - La Rondine 🥰

  • @johnny11415
    @johnny11415 8 месяцев назад +6

    Basically the song is saying in your life you will have moments of boredom and moments of happiness and joy and both are important.

  • @sallycar3114
    @sallycar3114 8 месяцев назад +5


  • @fujservcolqwerty-litaliano8574
    @fujservcolqwerty-litaliano8574 8 месяцев назад +9

    The music genre is the Cumbia, a music genre from Colombia and Panama but the song is italian. ❤

  • @lenariuse
    @lenariuse 8 месяцев назад +13

    my win

  • @federicoanselmo9519
    @federicoanselmo9519 8 месяцев назад +7

    React to rondini.. amazing song from his father that unfortunally passed away during a concert on stage. Very touching

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the tip!

  • @GeoffreyStow-nz2kp
    @GeoffreyStow-nz2kp 8 месяцев назад +8

    I really like this one and this one is much better and I really love this song and good luck and this is my top 1 and this will win and might go through to the final preformance from Geoff

  • @Alessia002
    @Alessia002 8 месяцев назад +3

    You should also see her performance “La rondine”. It's a song from her father and she sang it during the festival, making everyone emotional

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the tip!

  • @paolaharari4933
    @paolaharari4933 8 месяцев назад +2

    Italy has always Great Music Lyrics high quality Italy could be win every Year

  • @francescocalvaruso6922
    @francescocalvaruso6922 8 месяцев назад +1

    I was with Annalisa and Angelina in Sanremo Festival, but for words and rhythm I prefer Angelina with La Noia

  • @emilianorusso3571
    @emilianorusso3571 8 месяцев назад +2

    Hey wow!!!! I'm Italian. I'm very suprised Italian music appeals on you girls! You are so great in reacting and I like your opinions in general by the way! Keep going. Big hugs

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад

      Hey Emilian, thanks for your kind words, we really appreciate it! Italien music is another ballpark compared to the level in Norway in general. We have some amaxing artists here as well, but overall, it seems like the level of brilliance is sky high in Italy.

  • @liberamessina869
    @liberamessina869 8 месяцев назад +1

    Angelina Mango "La Noia" lyric translated:
    How many drawings I have made
    I stand here and look at them
    None come to life
    This page is lazy
    I am in a hurry
    And I am told that life is precious
    I wear it high on my neck
    My necklace has no pearls of wisdom
    They gave me the coloured beads
    For girls messed up with traumas
    To unravel slowly with age
    Yet I'm an easter watch zero drama
    I almost change town again
    That standing still I get
    I get
    I die without dying
    In these used days
    I live without suffering
    There is no greater cross
    We only have to laugh in these burnt nights
    A crown of thorns will be the dress-code for my party
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom
    The cumbia of boredom
    How many people in things see evil
    They feel like running away as they start talking
    And I want to tell them I'm fine but then they look at me wrong
    Then I say it's hard to make a living
    Business talk about business
    Meanwhile I close my eyes to sign contracts
    Princess calls you princess
    So now stop washing dishes
    I die without dying
    In these used days
    I live without suffering
    There is no greater cross
    We only have to laugh on these burnt nights
    A crown of thorns will be the dress-code for my party
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom
    The cumbia of boredom
    So you write songs?
    Yes, love songs
    And I don't want to bore you
    But someone has to sing them
    I dance the cumbia
    If I risk tripping at least I stop the boredom
    So I party, I party
    Cause it's the only way to stop
    To stop
    To stop, ah
    The boredom
    The boredom
    The boredom
    I die because dying
    Makes the days more human
    I live because suffering
    Makes the joys greater
    We can only laugh on these burnt nights
    A crown of thorns
    Will be the dress-code for my party
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    It is the cumbia of boredom
    Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom
    The cumbia of boredom

  • @Sara_99_
    @Sara_99_ 8 месяцев назад +6


  • @donatellazilio7270
    @donatellazilio7270 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @irascible3753
    @irascible3753 8 месяцев назад +3

    She ate that shit up

  • @salvasalva6702
    @salvasalva6702 8 месяцев назад +1

    Winner italia Eurovision 2024❤❤

  • @JustSaying001
    @JustSaying001 8 месяцев назад +6

    Angelina ❤

  • @armandofabioivaldi8346
    @armandofabioivaldi8346 8 месяцев назад +1

    A new Queen ? 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  • @tallemajas
    @tallemajas 8 месяцев назад +4

    haha i'm balkan and i thought the same thing about the instrumental !! it's actually colombian-inspired, i think, but the balkan countries would love this if it won :)

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад

      Ok, phew, that's a relief to hear :') Yep, I think you are right about Colomian-inspired, and also that the Balkan countries will eat this up. Gonna be interessting to see where this ends!

  • @Punk0965
    @Punk0965 8 месяцев назад

    Sanremo is the best for my spotify playlist Imao

  • @afreeak840
    @afreeak840 8 месяцев назад +5

    Maria's new hairstyle is so cool. Wonder if it's the result of that "home crisis" mentioned in the porevious video

  • @krikorian2024
    @krikorian2024 8 месяцев назад +3

    You both are cool - love from Dubai!

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you🙏🏼 Love back from Norway❤️

  • @mirkoviroli2249
    @mirkoviroli2249 8 месяцев назад +5

    React to "La rondine" she sang the day after!

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the tip!

  • @kekko7279
    @kekko7279 8 месяцев назад +1

    Pino mango the best

  • @albertarighi1900
    @albertarighi1900 8 месяцев назад +14

    Sound mediterraneo. Sa di Arabia, di est Europa. Voce straordinaria.

    • @ferdinandocelotto
      @ferdinandocelotto 8 месяцев назад

      Arabia? Est Europa? Veramente la Cumbia è un canto ed una danza tradizionale della Colombia...

    • @lbhh
      @lbhh 8 месяцев назад

      Si, pero la cumbia es otra cosa. Otros ritmos, otras influencias musicales. ​@@ferdinandocelotto

  • @katiadalessandro7235
    @katiadalessandro7235 8 месяцев назад +1

    😂😂😂😂😂 la noia Angelina mango ❤❤❤❤

  • @annam02
    @annam02 8 месяцев назад

    The song is about boredom (la noia) but not in a negative way, but as a human state of mine. My favourite part of the lyrics is: “Muoio senza morire
    In questi giorni usati
    Vivo senza soffrire
    Non c’è croce più grande”. I die without dying in these consumed days, I live without suffering and there is no worse curse” the whole meaning is that we need to embrace feelings such as boredom or pain cause these are the things that make us humans.

  • @markojovanovic5901
    @markojovanovic5901 8 месяцев назад +1

    Def gives that good balkan dance vibes

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад


    • @markojovanovic5901
      @markojovanovic5901 8 месяцев назад

      @@esc.norway yesss, its like a etnic party sound, and noone does partys as balkans

  • @dunhillgdunhill1003
    @dunhillgdunhill1003 8 месяцев назад +2


  • @vincenzonaso5341
    @vincenzonaso5341 8 месяцев назад

    She won!

  • @thatwantoncat
    @thatwantoncat 8 месяцев назад +1

    I hope either of them can win Sanremo. But I like Annalisa's song a little better. Also she has been our pop queen for the past few years and has come close to winning Sanremo a few times. Angelina is very young and her time will surely come if not this year.

  • @domenicogiorgi3860
    @domenicogiorgi3860 8 месяцев назад

    Please react to her performance during the cover night!!! She sang a song named "La rondine"

  • @marcofazzini7740
    @marcofazzini7740 8 месяцев назад

    This song music base is made by Dardust. He produced a lot of hits (Mahmood - Soldi, Rancore - Eden for example from Sanremo)

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад

      Love it! Thanks for sharing, we love to learn facts just like this, appreciate it!

  • @Diego-w1g9e
    @Diego-w1g9e 6 месяцев назад

    You seem like good Angelina's fans so don't miss: Angelina - Le Frasi d'Amore (live session 05 03 2020)

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for the tip, appreciate it! And you Are 100% correct, we ARE😍🙌🏼

  • @ornellacherti1800
    @ornellacherti1800 8 месяцев назад +1

    A tip would be: Big Mama with her song: "L'odio non ti basta!", which means: 'hate is not enough for you' or Irama or Mahmood. I'm looking forward to your feedback!

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад

      Thank you for the tip!

  • @diegocolangelo9741
    @diegocolangelo9741 8 месяцев назад

    La rondine ❤

  • @Einsof90
    @Einsof90 8 месяцев назад

    The song is talking about noy and living every second and using noy for understanding herself

  • @briciola.bixiofabrizio5935
    @briciola.bixiofabrizio5935 8 месяцев назад +2

    Ciao dall’Italia 🥀🥀🥀🥀🇮🇹🇮🇹

  • @MargheritaSoleti
    @MargheritaSoleti 8 месяцев назад

    La Noia means: The Bore

  • @valeriosalentino9812
    @valeriosalentino9812 8 месяцев назад

    She is the San Remo winner and do tu Eurovision

  • @imfrangio
    @imfrangio 5 месяцев назад

    I'm sorry, Italy is completely on another level for musical quality 🇮🇹 #tarantella #noia #total

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  5 месяцев назад

      Agreed👌🏼 Norway is up there as well, but I see where you’re coming from. Sanremo this year was above and beyond

  • @Noname-wj7dw
    @Noname-wj7dw 8 месяцев назад

    The song is about how she reacts to boredom. It sounds like a cheerful song, but it is a melancholic or artificial cheerfulness.

  • @maurodinosauro71
    @maurodinosauro71 8 месяцев назад

    I'm Italian, this is a sad song!

  • @sart56
    @sart56 8 месяцев назад


  • @umbertomonti1599
    @umbertomonti1599 8 месяцев назад

    Take someminutes of emmmmotion.
    Look for Angelina Mango at Sanremo Cover 3rd evening.
    Song "la rondine"
    Try not to cry

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for the tip!

  • @sallycar3114
    @sallycar3114 8 месяцев назад


  • @rafkm77
    @rafkm77 8 месяцев назад +20

    Angelina is very strong... a great singer, a spectacular voice and unique movements… 👑👑👑

  • @folkloresxo
    @folkloresxo 8 месяцев назад

    Love your review, but I just wanted to point out that the rythm has nothing to do with Balkan music. It is supposed to recreate a mixture of Colombian Cumbia and Neapolitan folk music.

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for pointing ut out!

  • @frsanfi
    @frsanfi 8 месяцев назад +8

    "La Noia" means "The Boredom". Well...boredom Italian style.

  • @GianfrancoIonata
    @GianfrancoIonata 8 месяцев назад

    Please, reaction for Angelina Mango - La Rondine cover in Sanremo 2024 of his dead father's song

  • @afreeak840
    @afreeak840 8 месяцев назад +1

    as for the song I'm on Hanna's side

  • @TheMasu92
    @TheMasu92 8 месяцев назад


  • @LeManiATempoTutti
    @LeManiATempoTutti 8 месяцев назад

    it's interesting to notice that the music of both this song and "soldi" of Mahmood is from the producer "Dardust", shows how big of a role he plays

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад

      Eeey, that is interesting news! Thanks for sharing, love learning these kinds of facts!

  • @luitimpo8957
    @luitimpo8957 6 месяцев назад

    Wenn ihr spricht, müsst ihr den Ton stoppen, sonst verpasst man das Song.

  • @FabrizioU
    @FabrizioU Месяц назад

    Angelina è figlia d'Arte

  • @floretta65
    @floretta65 8 месяцев назад

    La noia means Boredom........

    • @esc.norway
      @esc.norway  8 месяцев назад

      Love it! Suits the songs vibe perfectly

  • @annak838
    @annak838 8 месяцев назад +3

    Only Mahmood

    • @simo5602
      @simo5602 8 месяцев назад

      Angelina >>>>>>>> all

  • @vinco1966
    @vinco1966 8 месяцев назад +1

    I'm sorry that, not this masterpiece but Geolier will win Sanremo, unfortunately he alreary declared that he cant wait to represent Italy at Eurovision 2024 with his Neapolitan rap 😢😢😢, last place guarateed for Italy this year 😭😭😭 so sorry.....

    • @mySalerno
      @mySalerno 8 месяцев назад


    • @vinco1966
      @vinco1966 8 месяцев назад

      @@mySalerno yassssss I'm soooo happy!!!!😜😜😜😜

    • @katiakaarlela7193
      @katiakaarlela7193 8 месяцев назад

      no Angelina won thank lord..I liked Annalisa too.

  • @beni5123
    @beni5123 8 месяцев назад

    HabLe españoL

  • @irinawq
    @irinawq 8 месяцев назад

    Плагиат Кайли Миноуг)

  • @obobyuobobyu64
    @obobyuobobyu64 8 месяцев назад +3

    Love your reactions. Do Clara, also from this years Sanremo.

  • @marijade1123
    @marijade1123 8 месяцев назад

    Il testo è malinconico.

  • @francescolongo5497
    @francescolongo5497 6 месяцев назад +1

  • @loujsff
    @loujsff 8 месяцев назад +3

    she just won sanremo. be fcking ready eurovisionnnnn

  • @paolaharari4933
    @paolaharari4933 8 месяцев назад

    Angelina Mango was dressing a famous designer ETRO