It doesn't take that long, depending on the pressure you use while rolling. It takes me usually just a few minutes. You need to use quite a bit of strength if you roll by hand, but you could also consider to buy a pasta machine. I added the machine I recently bought on Amazon to the description of the video.
Outstanding video, straight to the point and just what I needed to know
Thank you for the nice words! Buon appetito
Awesome edited!! So clean&smooth. That slow motion with the arrows also, nice work.
Thanks a lot. Glad you liked it 🎉
I love watching your videos it’s very clear and showing all the steps one by one 👍🏻
Happy to hear 🎉
Thank you so much for the slow motion part 👏
You're welcome
Looks tasty n easy
It's two in one not only delicious food, but also great workout if you have to knead it 15 minutes 😅😅
PS thanks for the slow motion 👍
You're welcome 😊
That’s a workout… it looks delicious! I am glad I have a pasta machine though :)
It’s very clear thnku so much
Very beautifully done
Thank you! 😊
How long would it take to roll it that thin and it would have to be enough for a 5 person household?
It doesn't take that long, depending on the pressure you use while rolling. It takes me usually just a few minutes. You need to use quite a bit of strength if you roll by hand, but you could also consider to buy a pasta machine. I added the machine I recently bought on Amazon to the description of the video.
⫸ INGREDIENTS (5 portions)
● FLOUR (all purpose) 3 cups | 500 grams | 1 LB
● EGGS 5
● OLIVE OIL 1 1/4 teaspoon
● SALT 1/2 teaspoon
● MUSHROOMS 625 grams | 22.5 oz
● MASCARPONE 7 1/2 tablespoons
● PARMESAN CHEESE 5 tablespoons or 1/4 cup
● SALT & PEPPER to taste
Brava davvero❤️
Grazie mille 🙏🏼
I don’t always leave a comment on my own video, but when I do it’s to ask you to scroll up and smash the subscribe button. Thankssss! 🤘🏼