NEW BOOK! GOD IS 2 Special Announcement! | Special Guest | First EVER readers participatation

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024

Комментарии • 30

  • @logicked
    @logicked Месяц назад +22

    Hell yeah. This one's gonna be awesome

    • @christrighteousministries5932
      @christrighteousministries5932  Месяц назад +7

      I look forward to this project and all of the great things that I will be implementing to make this work. But I also appreciate you for real. Regardless of our differences you have my respect

    • @Nauke90
      @Nauke90 19 дней назад

      NOOO. LOL. Logicked, still having fun? Just watched your old videos, which is how I got here. Hahaha, I pray for your son xD

  • @megafwee
    @megafwee Месяц назад +2

    It's a fairly messy argument, but in short: the world does not look the way that we'd expect the world to look if created by God.
    To expand on that:
    We are told that God is capable of creating a perfect world without sin in which humans live ideal lives. This world is called heaven.
    God, being maximally powerful and loving, must desire that as many humans as possible live ideal lives, and that no humans suffer the eternal torment of hell.
    One day, according to Christians, God will end the world that we know, and all humans will exist in either heaven or hell.
    God, being omniscient, knows all things, and therefore knows which humans will be in hell and which will be in heaven after the end of the world.
    God is capable of not having created our world in the first place. He is capable of creating heaven and within heaven, all people who would have chosen him and who would have been with him after the end of the world. He could have avoided creating hell or anyone who would have gone there. Therefore, he would have created heaven but not created Earth or hell.
    When you define God as a maximally-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving being, you also define a god who would not have created our world. Since our world seems to exist, we can assume that God does not exist.
    If you choose to address this argument and want to use my name, you may call me Fwee.

  • @paulwilliamson7663
    @paulwilliamson7663 День назад

    Question: Why hasn't God informed science, engineering or maths? Why wasn't guidance given in the bible (like Germ Theory) that would have helped humanity: name: Seymore Butz

  • @DefectivePieceofChalk
    @DefectivePieceofChalk Месяц назад +4

    God is 2: Electric Boogaloo. I can't wait. This one's more anticipated than the Bible 2. Hollywood needs to make a movie of it. Maybe work it into the MCU somehow. It will certainly meet the quality standards.

  • @isethoriginal
    @isethoriginal Месяц назад +4

    This is great news! I can't believe I missed the video yesterday!
    Oh man, I have a whole list and no idea how to post it all without getting caught by your spam filter. Is there a way to DM you? Can I nudge Logicked for your Discord handle, would you be OK with that?

    • @christrighteousministries5932
      @christrighteousministries5932  Месяц назад +1

      Of course, that would be great. You can reach me on discord with anything you want to ask and or share with me. I look forward to it. And I am excited to go through everyone's ideas and see what I'm working with. Thank you

    • @isethoriginal
      @isethoriginal Месяц назад

      @@christrighteousministries5932 ok, I sent a friend request (we don't share a server so I can't dm)

    • @christrighteousministries5932
      @christrighteousministries5932  Месяц назад +1

      Sounds good to me. I will take a look at your request as soon as I'm available. I look forward to it

  • @psychomuffin-q4e
    @psychomuffin-q4e 2 дня назад

    So it has been nearly 2 months now, what happened to you claiming that you would unblock users?
    You said "Yes I'll begin opening the doors back up for other users. I'm going to need their input to make this book happen"
    But that has not happened for my main account yet. How many other people do you continue to block?

  • @psychomuffin-q4e
    @psychomuffin-q4e Месяц назад +5

    Would you consider unbanning all the other users you have banned so you can actually SEE people providing comments? It's really easy. Go to your Studio, then to settings, and I believe community? And in there you can find all the users you have blocked. I suspect it is a long list. It would be nice to see if you are willing to engage in conversations again.

    • @BudLight-od4zl
      @BudLight-od4zl Месяц назад +3

      He'll never do that. He'll say he will, to fool the few people that follow him, but he won't. He's a hypochristian.

    • @christrighteousministries5932
      @christrighteousministries5932  Месяц назад +3

      Yes I'll begin opening the doors back up for other users. I'm going to need their input to make this book happen

    • @psychomuffin-q4e
      @psychomuffin-q4e 29 дней назад

      @@christrighteousministries5932 So it has been about three weeks now, and I figured that would be enough time for you to go in and unblock all those people, but I recently tried to comment with my main account and you still have not unblocked it (I sorted newest first as well to check if it is that error as well). Sooo.... what's going on?

  • @FuimcHK
    @FuimcHK Месяц назад +4

    Yay! Christmas came early this year.

  • @hillelfinder428
    @hillelfinder428 Месяц назад +1

    Good stuff! I'm glad you're so open to taking input.
    My question is about the nature of God: I presume that you believe that God cannot lie. Why do you think this is the case? Put another way, if you were talking to a theist who believed that God can lie, what would you say to them to support your case?
    Something to keep in mind is that I don't think it's possible to appeal to special/general revelation, since those are both "The Word of God," but anything said there might also be a lie. After all, every liar insists that they only tell the truth.
    Looking forward to all your future successes!

  • @SkimSkadi
    @SkimSkadi 14 дней назад

    Hey! Call me Skadi!
    Here are my questions:
    1. The universe has a radius of 47 billion light years. If we travelled at the speed of light, which is impossible, we would expect to get to the edge of the universe after 47 billion years. That means there are things out there which are fundamentally unobservable to us. How come God made so many places to visit but made life so short?
    2. Alexandre Dumas presented apologetics in his serialised novel The Count of Monte Cristo which concluded in 1846. In that book he argues that divine providence, that is to say a divine order or purpose permeating all of cosmos since the beginning of time, proves that God exists, because otherwise only pointless chaotic things would ever happen. I have many issues with this argument: First, how do can we discern providence? Is it just something we know when we see it? But also, are those really the only alternatives? Divine providence or utter chaos? What if there are emergent properties from simpler fundamental laws? What if events are connected by reasons other than design? And would we not expect to see incredible coincidences in a chaotic universe either way? At least occasionally? Out of shear dumb luck? What exactly about a chaotic universe fundamentally prohibits incredible coincidences from ever occurring?
    3. What if the universe was uncreated the way theists think God was uncreated? If we agree that not everything needs a creator, which at the very least is true for God if God exists, then how can we know that the universe in fact does need a creator, and that creator is God?
    4. If there is an objective morality independent of society, then how come societies so often develop their norms and customs around their environment? What about societies developed in environments where adhering to objective morality is unproductive? They would have significant difficulty thriving when living upstanding lives compared to societies that naturally thrive when adhering to objective morality.

  • @Nauke90
    @Nauke90 17 дней назад

    Hi Almando, awesome! So, I wondered: I come from East Germany. I have never been confronted with religion, Christ or God. Up until I was 16 years old. Why? Because I spent a Highschool Year in the US, Kentucky. Now, don't get me wrong. Some of my fellow 16 years old students tried to convince me about Christ. Which was absolutley weird and horrifying to me. You know, if religion doesn't matter in your family or society at all, it is kind of a nightmare. But respect to the US, quite a few teachers stepped in and said "Different culture, different values, leave him alone." That was awesome! Because or else it would have been a terrible experience for me. Imagine, someone stepped into your life and said: "GERMANY IS THE GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD." Now, even though West Germany has been much more religious.. it is remarkable how many people are leaving the churches each and every year. Seriously, google it. Many people. So, what would you tell me, coming from an atheist society, who has never been confronted with religion? Well, who has been confronted with relgion within a very strange society, but, you know.

  • @analyticalAtheism
    @analyticalAtheism Месяц назад +3

    Hey Almando, I know you because of Logicked and you can call me Sora. I hope the best for you in this book.
    I have a few questions about the problem of hell, which is a significant issue for many people when it comes to God. How do you reconcile the concept of a loving and merciful God with the existence of eternal hell?
    1. Justice and Mercy: How can a loving God justify eternal punishment for finite sins committed in a human lifetime? Isn’t eternal punishment disproportionate to the offenses committed?
    2. Moral Responsibility: If God is all-knowing and created humans with the knowledge that some would end up in hell, how does that align with the concept of free will and moral responsibility?
    3. Salvation and Exclusivity: What about individuals who, due to their cultural, geographical, or temporal circumstances, never had the opportunity to learn about or accept Christianity? Are they condemned to hell despite their lack of exposure?
    4. Nature of Hell: Can you explain your understanding of the nature of hell? Is it a literal place of torment, or is it a metaphorical state of separation from God?

  • @joeyangtree1862
    @joeyangtree1862 Месяц назад

    Holy Spirit:
    What does the Holy Spirit do? John 14:26 (ESV) says, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” If the Holy Spirit is truly teaches all things, then I would expect much more agreement on doctrine than I currently see among Christians. It seems like appealing to the Holy Spirit could be used to resolve any dogmatic dispute.
    Let’s take a concrete example. In 2023, you made a video called, “We Are Coming Close To An Event Greater Than We Can Imagine! | Euphrates River - Fulfilled Prophecy”. In that video, at 31 seconds, you say, “what's even more concerning is the discovery of caves sounds of loose chains and demonic growls from the deep depths of the Euphrates River. Here's a clip that was filmed by a group of archaeologists and locals after investigating the discoveries of the underground caves and tunnels beneath the Euphrates River“.
    These claims are all demonstrably false. The video you show originated in 2018 when it was claimed to be video of the grave of Pakistani Cleric Sami Ul Haq. Of course, even that was fake, with the sound added. You can read about the faking of that video in the 12/5/2018 online Fact Check article, “No, this video does not show strange noises coming from the grave of a Pakistani cleric”.
    Some enterprising hoaxer later took that same old footage, and then claimed that it came from the Euphrates River, and you uncritically believed it. Could you have checked with the Holy Spirit before making this video, and had it tell you that you were just making yourself look ridiculous by falling for such an obvious and easily debunked hoax? If not, why not?
    By the same token, couldn’t the Holy Spirit have given a heads up to one of the people that attended church with the BTK killer in Kansas for decades, that Dennis Rader, the guy sitting right there with them in church, was the one doing the killings? According to reports, the congregation had specifically prayed to god for the capture of the killer, so during that prayer would have been an opportune time for that type of communication.
    If you do use this, please credit me as Joe Yangtree. Thanks.

  • @joeyangtree1862
    @joeyangtree1862 Месяц назад

    Free Will:
    I would say that human behavior is broadly produced by four factors: physical inputs, memories, genetics, and brain states (including any quantum differences in brain state). For any decision a human makes, they will take input from their senses, including more than the normal five (e. g. being hungry, tired, stressed, etc), have that trigger memories, collect, filter. and evaluate that information through their brain, which can be affected by their genetics and existing brain state, and ultimately get a result. I have not seen any information that all of this process is anything other than a result of physical things. For example, memories can be affected by electrical shocks and time. Processing and inputs can be affected by drugs, injury, surgery, or disease. If any of these processes or inputs were not physical, we would not expect physical changes to affect them.
    If you believe in a soul and/or spirit, what is that adding to the process, and how does that work? If two different people had exactly the same genetics, exactly the same experiences, and exactly the same brain states at all times, would we ever expect them to make different decisions? If so, what would cause them to make different decisions, if it was not their senses, experiences, genetics, or brain states? If it was a soul/spirit that caused the difference, did the two people start with fundamentally different souls? If not, what made the souls diverge, if all of the inputs ever received were the same up to that point?
    If you do use this, please credit me as Joe Yangtree. I think that this is a great idea for a book. Good luck!

  • @brendenfraser81
    @brendenfraser81 Месяц назад +1

    Why do you take a jumpcut after every sentence?

    • @christrighteousministries5932
      @christrighteousministries5932  20 дней назад

      Tik Tok and why does it matter ? respectfully it's just content made simple

    • @brendenfraser81
      @brendenfraser81 20 дней назад

      @@christrighteousministries5932 Because it makes it painful to watch

    • @christrighteousministries5932
      @christrighteousministries5932  20 дней назад

      I respect your opinion. But not everyone would agree. But if it does bother you I apologize, maybe this channel isn't fit.

  • @TylerSughrue
    @TylerSughrue Месяц назад

    Got another book coming out? That's what's up. Keep up the great work my man💯