DynamitSepp He's got to be inverting the footage. At first I thought he had the strings inverted. Either way it's brilliant. I play and he's got the strings upside down to a normal mandolin. The heavy strings are on the top of the fret board. Interesting! To me, actually, that seems it would make it easier to play.
@@infledermausWhat are you talking about? Heavy strings (G and D) have been always at the top of the fretboard. Tuning is G, D, A, E from top to bottom.
A piece of heaven - thanks for sharing 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
On this day, the theather was empty, but the whole world outside of the theather applauded. 👏
I love listening to BACH on the mandolin.
Beautifull you deserve more applause
thanks for playing it well
Really amazing, thanks.
Que bien mis aplausos !!!
excellent, bravo !!!!!
I have no word to tell you. It's awesome!
Excellent, bravo!!!
Extraordinaire !
YES YES YES!!!!!! Brilliant!!!! Jacob, I tried finding recordings but was unsuccessful. Where can I find them?
Olá Reuven rsssss
And I ask the same question .. how do you do it ???
Amazing! XD
Orgasmo musical xD
Do you have recordings for sale on iTunes or similar? I don't see anything there. I'd buy them if you had it available.
Wish there was better camera angles. Beautiful playing tho!
Salve maestro ci puoi dire che mandolino e corde usi ? bravissimo ....
Can you play with both hands or did you invert the footage?
DynamitSepp He's got to be inverting the footage. At first I thought he had the strings inverted. Either way it's brilliant. I play and he's got the strings upside down to a normal mandolin. The heavy strings are on the top of the fret board. Interesting! To me, actually, that seems it would make it easier to play.
This has got to be three stupidest question ever posted on a RUclips video followed by the stupidest response ever posted to a stupid comment.
@@infledermausWhat are you talking about? Heavy strings (G and D) have been always at the top of the fretboard. Tuning is G, D, A, E from top to bottom.
Am I seeing things? In one shot you're right-handed and the next, left handed?
I was going to say the same thing :)
That's the true mark of a master mandolinist, being able to switch hands mid-piece without stopping.