Perhaps it’s from the progressive movement that we get so many of our “worship” songs. So many sound like we are worshipping ourselves. They are all about me me me.
Christ's greatest earthly enemy during his ministry was the Church. He was too progressive for them. You "traditional" or "Conservative" Christians sound to me like Pharisees.
The problem here is that you take one verse out of context: Jesus was talking to a specific individual. Mathew 19: 16-22. Now go read 1 Corinthians 7:31,35. Better to read the whole passage. You will see that Paul tells the congregation to dedicate all to God.
We're worshipping our buildings, programs, and talent. Eschew the commercial church for house churches. No real estate. No fixed overhead. No liturgy. No professional staff. No doctrinal division. No denominations. The best place to hear a pure Gospel narrative is studying the Old and New Testament scriptures, discussing the meaning with other people called by Christ, and quietly listening for answers in prayer.
@jonkirkwood469 AND ESPECIALLY, eschew the 501C3 tax exemption status, whereby American Evangelicalism surrendered their place in the culture to publicly renounce IN THE NAME OF CHRIST JESUS the activities of the international banking/financial cartel who overtook our country by sleight of hand, ownership of the media, and bribery/extortion/blackmailing of our politicians 100+ years ago. Those cartel members, btw, were NEVER Christians, but they were of the ethno-religion which teaches usury and judicial lawmaking (as opposed to Biblical legislation). Jesus fought against that very religion.
Alisa is "Spot On" concerning the Red Flags every true Follower of Jesus needs to be able to recognize in a church which may be leaning in "A Progressive or Woke Direction." she's absolutely correct in making sure the The Gosple of Jesus remain constantly "God-Focused" and doesn't become "Man-Focused." Humanism is simply Human Beings being the center of all wisdom and knowledge, when the true Biblicalviewpoint is that God is the center of all Creation and the center of all wisdom and beneficial knowledge.... Ted Schempp, Nashville
I went to a Church (Christian) and I listened to the Preacher closely. It started with my sister who Invited me. Not once did he mention Jesus, yet he talked about self Improvement with Biblical standards. I just didn't quite understand that there are so many so called Christians who pursue this path of destruction.
I dont understand why people still follow other people`s opinions. If you just follow all the instructions in the bible you dont have to doubt anyone else`s comments of christianity. Just listens to the words of Jesus in your bible, that is all
Progressive Christianity adopts itself to what is politically expedient. It will change with the times or current political conditions. It will not be successful
Ron, You do understand, you have just forgotten. Satan is “the father of lies.” As a Christian you know this. The level of deception is as powerful as Lucifer himself. Jesus warned us.
i think you unintentionally phrased this wrong. if you follow the Scripture you Do have to watch out for false doctrines ,like Marxism-which is a Religion!
“But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.” 1 Corinthians 2:14
1. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." 2. He also said, all the church doctrines can be boiled down to two commandments: Love God, and love your neighbor. Both of these points align well with my progressive Christianity. Also, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy was the established Church, with its intolerance, pride, paranoia and bigotry, and its delight in calling true followers of Christ heretics. From my view, mainstream American Christianity is in danger of aligning itself more with the Pharisees than with Christ. But I'm happy to let God sort that out.
A Catholic here. I think you make many valid points. My only comment would be that we should not see the atonement aspect of Christianity as being in OPPOSITION to social justice issues. THE question in the New Testament is "who do men say that I am?" But John, the beloved disciple, also tells us that if we claim to love God, but do not love our neighbor, there is no truth in us. Protestantism too often sees everything as a dichotomy. The light is either on or off. Catholics observe that sometimes the light has a dimmer switch. So, be careful. Doctrine is not always "either or " Sometimes it is "both and." For example, I am NO pantheist. But I do believe we ARE violating our stewardship by doing unnecessary damage to the environment. But in conclusion, a good brief talk by you guys. 🙏🙏🙏 👍👍👍
One sign of progressivism in modern churches is the use of gender-neutral language, most significantly in gender-neutral "Bibles": e.g., the New Living Translation (1995), the New Revised Standard Version (1989), the New International Version (2011 and later), The Christian Standard Bible (2016), The New Century Version (1991), and the Revised English Bible (1989).
After many decades of being a very conservative staunch evangelical, I have moved toward being more progressive. She had some good points, but she’s over generalizing I have no intention of going to the extreme nor do I like or tolerate people who go to the extreme right. There are a lot of factors to consider in biblical interpretation, and the fact of the matter is, everyone makes an interpretation or believes whatever the preacher teaches them, or some other influential people. Unfortunately, most people are not prepared to truly study. The Bible understand it’s nuances, the culture of the times the books were written and many other factors I could go on. But suffice it to say the Bible is a fantastic work and should be handled carefully with thoughtful consideration, not only of the word spoken, but the cultural influences of the times the various books were written the history of how the Bible was compiled, looking for wisdom rather than absolute, hard-core rules, and even looking at a passage of scripture in the context of where it was written. If people want to understand the Bible, then it takes effort. And it takes time to let the Lord speak to you through the scriptures. I love the Bible. It’s my main book of life. But narrowminded approaches to reading and understanding the Bible does not honor God.
“Looking for wisdom rather than absolute hard-core rules” is what caused many in the bible to stumble. God is precise and straightforward in His commands. I’ll stick to His commands the best I can and let the wisdom of man follow if it will rather than follow man’s attempts at wisdom hoping that God’s will follows suit.
Ezekiel 33:29 Then shall they know that I am the LORD, when I have laid the land most desolate because of all their abominations which they have committed. Jude 1:15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
Paul never glamorized the gospel! It is not success, but sacrifice! It's not a glamorous gospel ,but a bloody gospel, a gory gospel, and a sacrificial gospel! 5 minutes inside eternity and we will wish that we had sacrificed more!!! Wept more, bled more, grieved more, loved more, prayed more, given more!!! (L. Ravenhill)
Here is a question, speaking as one who is by no means a bible scholar, nevertheless, it is my understanding that the bible refers to homosexuality as an abomination. In fact, that is one of the few times that the term is used and it is meant to signify homosexuality as one of the relatively few things that God hates. However, since the 2015 Obergefell supreme court decision legalized homosexual marriage and, for all intents and purposes, put it on the same level, legally and societally as normal marriage, is there one Christian church that does not fully support that?
@@zadokthepriet Interesting, and thank you!!! However, I must ask, if they do not support gay marriage, how have they avoided national criticism for it?
@@annm9139 The catholic church is one of the most left leaning churches on earth. You have a South American, leftist pope. Catholic Charities is one of the NGO's enabling Bidens mass influx of migrants. Now then, regarding homosexuality, I have never heard anything about the Catholic church being against gay marriage, and as we know, being in the spotlight as much as they are if they did take such a stance, it would be common knowledge.
"We don't want to be cynics and question the motives of everyone we meet." And therein lies the root of the problem. Of course you should question the motives of people who want to alter what scripture says or dismiss it entirely in some cases in order to appeal to a broader audience. Christ said the road is narrow and it is. The first thing you should do is ask people why they believe what they believe and why they want others to believe it. It's called discernment. Satan loves when people try to be nicer than God. Challenge them. Force them to come clean. And terms matter. There is no such thing as progressive Christianity or an emergent church anymore than gay marriage or transgenderism are actual things. Marriage is sacrament and God will not bless sin. Men can only be men. Christianity isn't progressing or emerging. As Christ said on the Cross, it is finished. We either accept that or we don't.
1. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." 2. He also said, all the church doctrines can be boiled down to two commandments: Love God, and love your neighbor. Both of these points align well with my progressive Christianity. Also, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy was the established Church, with its intolerance, pride, paranoia and bigotry, and its delight in calling true followers of Christ heretics. From my view, mainstream American Christianity is in danger of aligning itself more with the Pharisees than with Christ. But I'm happy to let God sort that out.
Churches became progressive long before the woke incursion when they formally allowed remarriage. It's far more prevalent. Apply that as the litmus test for conservatism.
@@LC-ok5nw I and the father are one. As in one message (same message/ same words). The father is greater then the son. The father granted the son authority. How does an equal give authority?
John 14:8-9 (NIV) Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus answered: “Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. Mark 12:29 “Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord”
Here’s how you tell if a church is progressive: they respect people for who they are. They let people be who they are with all the dignity they deserve. So, you know-like Jesus. That’s progressive Christianity. Isn’t that lovely?
Jesus told a parable about the Progressive Church. Matthew 25 English Standard Version The Parable of the Ten Virgins 25 “Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps[a] and went to meet the bridegroom.[b] 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3 For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. 5 As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. 6 But at midnight there was a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ 7 Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’ 10 And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut. 11 Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open to us.’ 12 But he answered, ‘Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13 Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
Here's another one. Matthew 13: 33 He told them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened.” The Fellowship Meal was to be celebrated w/ unleavened bread. Leaven is always presented as a corrupting influence. The woman who corrupts the meal is the Progressive Church. The Leaven is the Gospel According to Satan that the Serpent first preached in the Garden, "You shall be gods determining right and wrong for yourselves."
Here we have a double example of the apostasy of christianity. #1- A woman minister....#2- a man Motivated by money monetizing the gospel here on youtube... Building ever growing residual income... Warning christians, you are going to pay the price because the anointing does not exist in situations like this. I command to you the sermon, titled ministry in truth by Art Katz
Every Christian on earth could be crucified tomorrow and no one would be saved by it! Only 1 crucifixion had the power to save. Never suffer something Jesus Christ suffered for you!!
Amen! The demonic doctrines and wisdom of demons, has warned to us in The Holy Scriptures are always active and taking whatever form works to destroy humans. "the same old trash in new shoes". ~ GOD Bless her and All True Defenders of The Holy Christian Faith always, Amen ~ 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” St. John 14 Amen
1. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." 2. He also said, all the church doctrines can be boiled down to two commandments: Love God, and love your neighbor. Both of these points align well with my progressive Christianity. Also, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy was the established Church, with its intolerance, pride, paranoia and bigotry, and its delight in calling true followers of Christ heretics. From my view, mainstream American Christianity is in danger of aligning itself more with the Pharisees than with Christ. But I'm happy to let God sort that out.
John 1 King James Version 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Progressive Christianity is the fruit of the willingness to change things that have been established proven from God, Modern Bibles dilute Christianity and show a non-fear of God that many would change the words in the Bible that has proven to change the world without fear. That has Changed doctrines, Change the Christian culture, and promoted. You're starting to move in a direction of progressive Christianity changing the established hymns of the faith to contemporary music of mostly paid performers and Christian rock music is also a downgrade of Christianity. changing the worship of God within the church to some type of dress-down, Easy going type of teaching instead of preaching the word of God with authority, all of this and more leads to progressive Christianity. Let's stay with the King James Bible. Let's stay with the hymns. Let's stay with old fashioned worship of God and will be on the right path. Jeremiah 6:16
There is plenty of Christian rock and metal that do not dilute God's authority. Some examples: Wolves at the Gate, A Secret Ending, Behold the Beloved , and O.C. Supertones.
1. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." 2. He also said, all the church doctrines can be boiled down to two commandments: Love God, and love your neighbor. Both of these points align well with my progressive Christianity. Also, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy was the established Church, with its intolerance, pride, paranoia and bigotry, and its delight in calling true followers of Christ heretics. From my view, mainstream American Christianity is in danger of aligning itself more with the Pharisees than with Christ. But I'm happy to let God sort that out.
1 Timothy 4:1. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.
That has been happening for two millennia. There were very early departures and heresies such as Pelagianism, Gonsticism, Docetism, the Manichean heresy, etc.
This conversation is so annoying to me. First the conservative Christian church has adopted a huge number of heresies over the last 3 decades that I’ve been a follower of Jesus. Far too many Christian’s are ignorant about Israel which should be a no brainer as an example. Sure many “progressive” churches have poor theology on a basic level like not believing Jesus is the Only way to be saved but a vast number of conservative churches have poor theology when it comes to defining salvation. Many have no idea how we are saved, or what happens when we’re saved or if salvation can be lost or not. Most Christian’s eschatology which makes up over 1/3 of Scripture is abysmal. Also talking about progressive Christianity is like trying to set the dining room table while the titanic is sinking. Far too many Christians think that the November election is going to save America and the west when the Lord has been dismantling America over the last 4 years right before our eyes. It’s time to figure out the gospel and share Jesus and understand what the lord is doing in the world.
Israel? Israel was the womb of the Messiah, so that He could save the world. I think you and many believers start to read the scriptures from Genesis 12 and forget that Israel was never special in itself. Christ is the Savior, so concentrate on Him because your ignorance of the scriptures is very palpable.
@@jimmy5634 you can hope and pray all you want. Not gonna do anything good! And why would I want to worship a dead man that didn’t do anything for us? Oh wait, god came as himself to save us from himself because he screwed up. What a dick!
Yet Christ was undeniably progressive. A spiritual radical, whose greatest enemy was the proud and paranoid established Church, the one's who saw to it that he was crucified.
Actually, Jesus showed ultimate conservatism and how the tenets of what was provided to guide the people was ruined by progressive techniques, @@ehissify
Christianity is not a religion of the world, it is a religion for the world, the world does not change Christianity but the reverse. Alisa's quote of the Lord's wisdom is a good way to defend. Christian values are not world values. Christian's kingdom is not this world.
Hebrews 13:8-9 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein The World may change and progress. God never changes. As the Alpha and Omega he was, is, and always will be the same.
Yet Christ was undeniably progressive. A spiritual radical, whose greatest enemy was the proud and paranoid established Church, the one's who saw to it that he was crucified.
Where she makes a HUGE mistake is by referencing her doctrine as "Christianity"...thereby implying that all Jesus followers should fall under her set of religious ideals if they are to meet the "Biblical standard" . She needs to be clear in that her faith system isn't simply "Christianity", but it is "Evangelical Christianity"...and I hate to break it to her, but Jesus was not an Evangelical Christian...these evangelicals need to stop referring to themselves as simply Christians when they act as if they are the best/right/only way...
@@ehissify history has an eerie way of repeating itself…doesn’t it? When you spend so much time proof texting, you miss the big picture…the big picture in Jesus’ time was that he was with the marginalized, and he made it known that the religious elite and govt of the day would not be able to save the Hebrew nation…man…sure sounds very familiar to what is happening within the evangelical community today…but they will never see it if they only stay parked on their favorite verses…
I don't fully understand how you (Alisa) have a teaching voice without some form of "progressive" Christianity being taken on to reinterpret what Paul writes (and also seems emphasized throughout the Bible in many ways) about women teaching and having a voice. We have to find ways to continue to ask and answer questions in the Christian community without putting labels on each other and causing division. I get that we all want to feel like we are the "correct ones", but a true humility seeks to engage with our brothers and sisters and not just "call them out".
: Alisa is an author and singer NOT a pastor or teacher to the church. The warning signs she discusses in her book AND this interview are harbingers of a backsliding church. The Bible is the inerrant word of God. Nowhere in scripture is it stated that a woman must NEVER be allowed to yell fire when those around her could be consumed by the flames of heresy. The seeker-sensitive church movement is a cult. Apparently it’s acceptable for progressive women to write books and appear publicly to discuss their work but unacceptable for conservative Christian women to do so.
Another person who obviously does not read the Bible Matthew 18:15 If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. There are numerous examples of scripture telling us to call out sin .. It is truly amazing how people like you want to interpret the Bible to be some Kumbaya were sin is not called out.. It will be monstrously tragic on the day of judgement when people stand before the Lord and have to give an accounting of what they did on this earth ..
You obviously don't know what God says in His Word about those who teach another "gospel". You don't "engage" with those who deny the truth of and the truth in God's Word. If you deny that Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father, (Progressive Christianity denies Jesus is the ONLY way), you are not a brother or sister. You are not a Christian. If you deny the atonement of Christ, (Progressive Christianity denies the atonement of Christ), you are not a brother or sister in Christ. You are not a Christian. If you deny that the Father sacrificed His Son to save us, (Progressive Christianity denies that the Father sacrificed His Son to save us), you are not a Christian. Progressive Christianity actually says that "The Father did not sacrifice His Own Son because that is Cosmic child abuse". If you deny..... I could go on and on and on and on. God commands His children to mark and identify false teachers. And then to disassociate with them. He does not command us to "engage" with them. Those who are in the Progressive Christianity movement ALREADY know what God's Word teaches. They just simply deny it. There's no reason to "engage" them.
@@denniscrumbley8274 You’ll need to be more specific because I can’t find a single “Progressive Christianity” denomination anywhere that claims what you say.
@@dchausse54 1. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." 2. He also said, all the church doctrines can be boiled down to two commandments: Love God, and love your neighbor. Both of these points align well with my progressive Christianity. Also, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy was the established Church, with its intolerance, pride, paranoia and bigotry, and its delight in calling true followers of Christ heretics. From my view, mainstream American Christianity is in danger of aligning itself more with the Pharisees than with Christ. But I'm happy to let God sort that out.
@@alpscraftshack599 I agree. Any ideology that encourages things you want to believe to be accepted as evidence, is problematic. Eternal torment for temporal actions is problematic too. ✌️
@@tobyk.woodard2602 Your post is unclear to me. I think what you are saying is that genuine followers of Christian faith have a belief in the supernatural - the only definition I could find for supra is a model of car produced by Toyota. Existing within the bible are a multitude of exposed false histories, glaring ignorances, impossible physics, failed prophecies an contrived linkages to give pseudo-validation to those prophecies. Although the bible does have elements of fact in places, some people and some events, it is an overall amalgam of stories demonstrating man made mythology. There are no externally validated supernatural (not supra) events so believing in them is common, but unsupportable in fact.
Ah yes, the “progressive” Jesus who stood on a mountain and told everyone that if they even so much as look at a woman with lust in their heart they were adulterous. “Progressive” Jesus who reaffirmed that marriage is the unity of one man and one woman, and decried all forms of sexual immorality (which included homosexuality). The only people who say “Jesus was a progressive” are cherry pickers of scripture who ignore His teachings on sin and repentance.
@@captiosus_77 Jesus didn’t say a single word about homosexuality. Even the anti-LGBT believer should be able to honestly acknowledge this, if they have even an ounce’s worth of biblical scholarship under their belt.
Perhaps it’s from the progressive movement that we get so many of our “worship” songs. So many sound like we are worshipping ourselves. They are all about me me me.
So you are over 50 😂
Cinder, that’s a very good point.
@@NomenClature-o8s thank you. I love to worship the Lord and when the songs don’t, I simply don’t sing them. I can’t.
@@stevesmith1493 yes, i am. I love the new worship songs, but I’m careful as to who I am singing about.
People like Alisa give me hope that there's still a remnant of true believers upholding the standard of truth.
Christ's greatest earthly enemy during his ministry was the Church. He was too progressive for them. You "traditional" or "Conservative" Christians sound to me like Pharisees.
‘Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’
Yeh that ain't gonna happen anytime soon 😂
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters with all fear. Not only the kind, but the cruel as well.”
The problem here is that you take one verse out of context: Jesus was talking to a specific individual. Mathew 19: 16-22. Now go read 1 Corinthians 7:31,35. Better to read the whole passage. You will see that Paul tells the congregation to dedicate all to God.
Always with the “out of context” nonsense.
How about when God made laws permitting slavery?
@@moonshoes11 Go read Exodus 21:2 and you will see God's compassion in this incomplete world.
We're worshipping our buildings, programs, and talent.
Eschew the commercial church for house churches. No real estate. No fixed overhead. No liturgy. No professional staff. No doctrinal division. No denominations. The best place to hear a pure Gospel narrative is studying the Old and New Testament scriptures, discussing the meaning with other people called by Christ, and quietly listening for answers in prayer.
Worship is separate from belief.
Trust me. There will always be divisions no matter how small. Small is not the answer. Heaven is big!
Belief in Jesus.
Worshipping Jesus. @@jimmy5634
Division is created by man organization inserting doctrine, @@stevesmith1493
@jonkirkwood469 AND ESPECIALLY, eschew the 501C3 tax exemption status, whereby American Evangelicalism surrendered their place in the culture to publicly renounce IN THE NAME OF CHRIST JESUS the activities of the international banking/financial cartel who overtook our country by sleight of hand, ownership of the media, and bribery/extortion/blackmailing of our politicians 100+ years ago. Those cartel members, btw, were NEVER Christians, but they were of the ethno-religion which teaches usury and judicial lawmaking (as opposed to Biblical legislation). Jesus fought against that very religion.
Progressive and Christianity do not mix.
Alisa is "Spot On" concerning the Red Flags every true Follower of Jesus needs to be able to recognize in a church which may be leaning in "A Progressive or Woke Direction." she's absolutely correct in making sure the The Gosple of Jesus remain constantly "God-Focused" and doesn't become "Man-Focused." Humanism is simply Human Beings being the center of all wisdom and knowledge, when the true Biblicalviewpoint is that God is the center of all Creation and the center of all wisdom and beneficial knowledge.... Ted Schempp, Nashville
The Kingdom of God is within.
Thanks for the education.
Education? If you’re in a religious state like Utah or southern states, then this is education, which is absolutely disgusting!
Good word!
I went to a Church (Christian) and I listened to the Preacher closely. It started with my sister who Invited me. Not once did he mention Jesus, yet he talked about self Improvement with Biblical standards. I just didn't quite understand that there are so many so called Christians who pursue this path of destruction.
I dont understand why people still follow other people`s opinions. If you just follow all the instructions in the bible you dont have to doubt anyone else`s comments of christianity. Just listens to the words of Jesus in your bible, that is all
Progressive Christianity adopts itself to what is politically expedient. It will change with the times or current political conditions. It will not be successful
You do understand, you have just forgotten.
Satan is “the father of lies.” As a Christian you know this.
The level of deception is as powerful as Lucifer himself. Jesus warned us.
i think you unintentionally phrased this wrong. if you follow the Scripture you Do have to watch out for false doctrines ,like Marxism-which is a Religion!
My former church had many signs of going more progressive, but I was done when they started having BIPOC-only prayer meetings.
“But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.”
1 Corinthians 2:14
1. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." 2. He also said, all the church doctrines can be boiled down to two commandments: Love God, and love your neighbor. Both of these points align well with my progressive Christianity. Also, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy was the established Church, with its intolerance, pride, paranoia and bigotry, and its delight in calling true followers of Christ heretics. From my view, mainstream American Christianity is in danger of aligning itself more with the Pharisees than with Christ. But I'm happy to let God sort that out.
Well put🙏🏿✝️👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
A Catholic here. I think you make many valid points. My only comment would be that we should not see the atonement aspect of Christianity as being in OPPOSITION to social justice issues. THE question in the New Testament is "who do men say that I am?" But John, the beloved disciple, also tells us that if we claim to love God, but do not love our neighbor, there is no truth in us. Protestantism too often sees everything as a dichotomy. The light is either on or off. Catholics observe that sometimes the light has a dimmer switch. So, be careful. Doctrine is not always "either or " Sometimes it is "both and." For example, I am NO pantheist. But I do believe we ARE violating our stewardship by doing unnecessary damage to the environment. But in conclusion, a good brief talk by you guys. 🙏🙏🙏 👍👍👍
One sign of progressivism in modern churches is the use of gender-neutral language, most significantly in gender-neutral "Bibles": e.g., the New Living Translation (1995), the New Revised Standard Version (1989), the New International Version (2011 and later), The Christian Standard Bible (2016), The New Century Version (1991), and the Revised English Bible (1989).
Remember when God was so angry over his own failures that he decided to drown pregnant women and babies?
NIV isn’t gender neutral.
Why would an all powerful being need a gender?
God doesn’t need a gender.
Gods that don’t exist don’t need anything, I would imagine.
After many decades of being a very conservative staunch evangelical, I have moved toward being more progressive. She had some good points, but she’s over generalizing I have no intention of going to the extreme nor do I like or tolerate people who go to the extreme right. There are a lot of factors to consider in biblical interpretation, and the fact of the matter is, everyone makes an interpretation or believes whatever the preacher teaches them, or some other influential people. Unfortunately, most people are not prepared to truly study. The Bible understand it’s nuances, the culture of the times the books were written and many other factors I could go on. But suffice it to say the Bible is a fantastic work and should be handled carefully with thoughtful consideration, not only of the word spoken, but the cultural influences of the times the various books were written the history of how the Bible was compiled, looking for wisdom rather than absolute, hard-core rules, and even looking at a passage of scripture in the context of where it was written. If people want to understand the Bible, then it takes effort. And it takes time to let the Lord speak to you through the scriptures. I love the Bible. It’s my main book of life. But narrowminded approaches to reading and understanding the Bible does not honor God.
Thank you.
So you have moved from one flawed organization doctrine to another, agreed.?
“Looking for wisdom rather than absolute hard-core rules” is what caused many in the bible to stumble. God is precise and straightforward in His commands. I’ll stick to His commands the best I can and let the wisdom of man follow if it will rather than follow man’s attempts at wisdom hoping that God’s will follows suit.
If your church sanctions, endorses, and even celebrates what Holy Scripture calls "an abomination," then you are not in a Bible-believing church.
How about regressive Christianity or progressive revelation?
Ezekiel 33:29
Then shall they know that I am the LORD, when I have laid the land most desolate because of all their abominations which they have committed.
Jude 1:15
To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
Paul never glamorized the gospel! It is not success, but sacrifice! It's not a glamorous gospel ,but a bloody gospel, a gory gospel, and a sacrificial gospel! 5 minutes inside eternity and we will wish that we had sacrificed more!!! Wept more, bled more, grieved more, loved more, prayed more, given more!!! (L. Ravenhill)
Well said
Here is a question, speaking as one who is by no means a bible scholar, nevertheless, it is my understanding that the bible refers to homosexuality as an abomination. In fact, that is one of the few times that the term is used and it is meant to signify homosexuality as one of the relatively few things that God hates. However, since the 2015 Obergefell supreme court decision legalized homosexual marriage and, for all intents and purposes, put it on the same level, legally and societally as normal marriage, is there one Christian church that does not fully support that?
Assemblies of God
The Catholic Church will not officiate nor bless anything other than marriage between one man and one woman.
@@zadokthepriet Interesting, and thank you!!! However, I must ask, if they do not support gay marriage, how have they avoided national criticism for it?
Catholic church
@@annm9139 The catholic church is one of the most left leaning churches on earth. You have a South American, leftist pope. Catholic Charities is one of the NGO's enabling Bidens mass influx of migrants. Now then, regarding homosexuality, I have never heard anything about the Catholic church being against gay marriage, and as we know, being in the spotlight as much as they are if they did take such a stance, it would be common knowledge.
"We don't want to be cynics and question the motives of everyone we meet." And therein lies the root of the problem. Of course you should question the motives of people who want to alter what scripture says or dismiss it entirely in some cases in order to appeal to a broader audience. Christ said the road is narrow and it is. The first thing you should do is ask people why they believe what they believe and why they want others to believe it. It's called discernment. Satan loves when people try to be nicer than God. Challenge them. Force them to come clean. And terms matter. There is no such thing as progressive Christianity or an emergent church anymore than gay marriage or transgenderism are actual things. Marriage is sacrament and God will not bless sin. Men can only be men. Christianity isn't progressing or emerging. As Christ said on the Cross, it is finished. We either accept that or we don't.
1. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." 2. He also said, all the church doctrines can be boiled down to two commandments: Love God, and love your neighbor. Both of these points align well with my progressive Christianity. Also, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy was the established Church, with its intolerance, pride, paranoia and bigotry, and its delight in calling true followers of Christ heretics. From my view, mainstream American Christianity is in danger of aligning itself more with the Pharisees than with Christ. But I'm happy to let God sort that out.
Churches became progressive long before the woke incursion when they formally allowed remarriage. It's far more prevalent. Apply that as the litmus test for conservatism.
lots of truth here the worldis all messed up
You mean make believe! Truth is Waking up to reality, not the make believe of religious cults!
You are either a Christian or you are not. You either follow the words of Jesus or you do not. No adjective is needed.
I agree, I do follow Christ Jesus example and teachings. I just know he’s not God, he’s the son of God.
@@Eric-iq1tg “I and the Father are one.” John 10:30
@@LC-ok5nw I and the father are one. As in one message (same message/ same words). The father is greater then the son. The father granted the son authority. How does an equal give authority?
John 14:8-9 (NIV)
Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus answered: “Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. Mark 12:29
“Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord”
@@cinder8290 you realize Lord and God have different meanings. Jesus is the Lord of lords and King of Kings, what he is not is God.
Here’s how you tell if a church is progressive: they respect people for who they are. They let people be who they are with all the dignity they deserve. So, you know-like Jesus. That’s progressive Christianity. Isn’t that lovely?
Jesus told a parable about the Progressive Church. Matthew 25
English Standard Version
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
25 “Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps[a] and went to meet the bridegroom.[b] 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3 For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. 5 As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. 6 But at midnight there was a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ 7 Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’ 10 And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut. 11 Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open to us.’ 12 But he answered, ‘Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13 Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
Here's another one. Matthew 13: 33 He told them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened.” The Fellowship Meal was to be celebrated w/ unleavened bread. Leaven is always presented as a corrupting influence. The woman who corrupts the meal is the Progressive Church. The Leaven is the Gospel According to Satan that the Serpent first preached in the Garden, "You shall be gods determining right and wrong for yourselves."
Love God first. Try to understand Jesus and his father the God of Abraham, Isaac,Jacob, Joseph and Jesus.
Unitarian Universalist Church is one of the GREATEST U.S. churches
That was very good. This is the first time I listen to Alisa Childers and I want to know more about her understanding of Christianity and the Bible.
Here we have a double example of the apostasy of christianity. #1- A woman minister....#2- a man Motivated by money monetizing the gospel here on youtube... Building ever growing residual income...
Warning christians, you are going to pay the price because the anointing does not exist in situations like this.
I command to you the sermon, titled ministry in truth by Art Katz
1 Corinthians 14:25!
Pslam 137:9
Every Christian on earth could be crucified tomorrow and no one would be saved by it! Only 1 crucifixion had the power to save. Never suffer something Jesus Christ suffered for you!!
Progressive Christianity is neither.
dont let the world's views enter your church
@geraldbennett7035 such a cultish thing to say.
How about we remove ALL politics from the faith. Christianity is NOT conservative, it is not Liberal. Period.
The thing is if you see liberalism and you are a liberal, then you’re not a Christian because liberalism is a spirit of the antichrist
@@rainysunday6186 I remember in 2015 when liberals could be Christians. Murdoch/Putin did a number on millions of Americans.
Sorry, liberalism has always been the spirit of the antichrist.
What about refusing to use male pronouns for God?
Amen! The demonic doctrines and wisdom of demons, has warned to us in The Holy Scriptures are always active and taking whatever form works to destroy humans. "the same old trash in new shoes". ~ GOD Bless her and All True Defenders of The Holy Christian Faith always, Amen ~ 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” St. John 14 Amen
1. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." 2. He also said, all the church doctrines can be boiled down to two commandments: Love God, and love your neighbor. Both of these points align well with my progressive Christianity. Also, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy was the established Church, with its intolerance, pride, paranoia and bigotry, and its delight in calling true followers of Christ heretics. From my view, mainstream American Christianity is in danger of aligning itself more with the Pharisees than with Christ. But I'm happy to let God sort that out.
Well. Opinions vary, don’t they? It amazes me how smug some Christians can be in their condemnation of anyone with a different perspective.
Just reflect on how much a church preaches Christ vs social issues
A different perspective or is it more a denial of core truth.
@@hilbert551 Christians have been squabbling for centuries. They all think they have a lock on The Truth.
Jesus preached social issues.
@@hilbert551 Christians have been squabbling over this and that for centuries-all convinced they have a lock on The Truth.
John 1
King James Version
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Psalms 137:9 (NIV) "Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."
Progressive Christianity is the fruit of the willingness to change things that have been established proven from God,
Modern Bibles dilute Christianity and show a non-fear of God that many would change the words in the Bible that has proven to change the world without fear.
That has Changed doctrines, Change the Christian culture, and promoted.
You're starting to move in a direction of progressive Christianity changing the established hymns of the faith to contemporary music of mostly paid performers and Christian rock music is also a downgrade of Christianity.
changing the worship of God within the church to some type of dress-down, Easy going type of teaching instead of preaching the word of God with authority, all of this and more leads to progressive Christianity. Let's stay with the King James Bible. Let's stay with the hymns. Let's stay with old fashioned worship of God and will be on the right path.
Jeremiah 6:16
There is plenty of Christian rock and metal that do not dilute God's authority. Some examples: Wolves at the Gate, A Secret Ending, Behold the Beloved , and O.C. Supertones.
The many different translations of the Bible expands our understanding and allows us to reach more people.
1. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." 2. He also said, all the church doctrines can be boiled down to two commandments: Love God, and love your neighbor. Both of these points align well with my progressive Christianity. Also, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy was the established Church, with its intolerance, pride, paranoia and bigotry, and its delight in calling true followers of Christ heretics. From my view, mainstream American Christianity is in danger of aligning itself more with the Pharisees than with Christ. But I'm happy to let God sort that out.
1 Timothy 4:1. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.
That has been happening for two millennia. There were very early departures and heresies such as Pelagianism, Gonsticism, Docetism, the Manichean heresy, etc.
Sheep don't question authority
There is nothing "progressive" about "progressivism."
Christianity doesn’t work like other religions…❤
but just as fucking nuts as the rest of them.
It’s just a cult like all other religions!
This conversation is so annoying to me. First the conservative Christian church has adopted a huge number of heresies over the last 3 decades that I’ve been a follower of Jesus.
Far too many Christian’s are ignorant about Israel which should be a no brainer as an example.
Sure many “progressive” churches have poor theology on a basic level like not believing Jesus is the Only way to be saved but a vast number of conservative churches have poor theology when it comes to defining salvation. Many have no idea how we are saved, or what happens when we’re saved or if salvation can be lost or not. Most Christian’s eschatology which makes up over 1/3 of Scripture is abysmal.
Also talking about progressive Christianity is like trying to set the dining room table while the titanic is sinking. Far too many Christians think that the November election is going to save America and the west when the Lord has been dismantling America over the last 4 years right before our eyes. It’s time to figure out the gospel and share Jesus and understand what the lord is doing in the world.
Israel? Israel was the womb of the Messiah, so that He could save the world. I think you and many believers start to read the scriptures from Genesis 12 and forget that Israel was never special in itself. Christ is the Savior, so concentrate on Him because your ignorance of the scriptures is very palpable.
It'll be great when all Christianity is regarded as the mythology it is.
And it IS a cult as well!
@@Ex_christianI hope and pray you will come back to the Lord.
@@jimmy5634 you can hope and pray all you want. Not gonna do anything good! And why would I want to worship a dead man that didn’t do anything for us? Oh wait, god came as himself to save us from himself because he screwed up. What a dick!
Anti-Christian bigotry just entered the comments.
@@NomenClature-o8s you mean Christian bigotry continues with its lies!
No such thing as progressive christian.
Yet Christ was undeniably progressive. A spiritual radical, whose greatest enemy was the proud and paranoid established Church, the one's who saw to it that he was crucified.
Actually, Jesus showed ultimate conservatism and how the tenets of what was provided to guide the people was ruined by progressive techniques, @@ehissify
Accepting slavery, genocide and misogyny as promoted or condoned in the bible is a problem for moral people. Oh yeah...and the human sacrifice.
Christianity is not a religion of the world, it is a religion for the world, the world does not change Christianity but the reverse. Alisa's quote of the Lord's wisdom is a good way to defend. Christian values are not world values. Christian's kingdom is not this world.
Hebrews 13:8-9
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein
The World may change and progress. God never changes. As the Alpha and Omega he was, is, and always will be the same.
Yet Christ was undeniably progressive. A spiritual radical, whose greatest enemy was the proud and paranoid established Church, the one's who saw to it that he was crucified.
Progressive = women teaching men about the Bible. Is this an ironic podcast, or is it satire?
"Progressive" sounds like progressing toward moral and spiritual bankruptcy.
Where she makes a HUGE mistake is by referencing her doctrine as "Christianity"...thereby implying that all Jesus followers should fall under her set of religious ideals if they are to meet the "Biblical standard" . She needs to be clear in that her faith system isn't simply "Christianity", but it is "Evangelical Christianity"...and I hate to break it to her, but Jesus was not an Evangelical Christian...these evangelicals need to stop referring to themselves as simply Christians when they act as if they are the best/right/only way...
Thank you. They become modern Pharisees in my view. The original Pharisees were, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy.
@@ehissify history has an eerie way of repeating itself…doesn’t it? When you spend so much time proof texting, you miss the big picture…the big picture in Jesus’ time was that he was with the marginalized, and he made it known that the religious elite and govt of the day would not be able to save the Hebrew nation…man…sure sounds very familiar to what is happening within the evangelical community today…but they will never see it if they only stay parked on their favorite verses…
I don't fully understand how you (Alisa) have a teaching voice without some form of "progressive" Christianity being taken on to reinterpret what Paul writes (and also seems emphasized throughout the Bible in many ways) about women teaching and having a voice. We have to find ways to continue to ask and answer questions in the Christian community without putting labels on each other and causing division. I get that we all want to feel like we are the "correct ones", but a true humility seeks to engage with our brothers and sisters and not just "call them out".
: Alisa is an author and singer NOT a pastor or teacher to the church. The warning signs she discusses in her book AND this interview are harbingers of a backsliding church. The Bible is the inerrant word of God. Nowhere in scripture is it stated that a woman must NEVER be allowed to yell fire when those around her could be consumed by the flames of heresy. The seeker-sensitive church movement is a cult.
Apparently it’s acceptable for progressive women to write books and appear publicly to discuss their work but unacceptable for conservative Christian women to do so.
Another person who obviously does not read the Bible
Matthew 18:15
If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.
There are numerous examples of scripture telling us to call out sin ..
It is truly amazing how people like you want to interpret the Bible to be some Kumbaya were sin is not called out..
It will be monstrously tragic on the day of judgement when people stand before the Lord and have to give an accounting of what they did on this earth ..
You obviously don't know what God says in His Word about those who teach another "gospel". You don't "engage" with those who deny the truth of and the truth in God's Word.
If you deny that Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father, (Progressive Christianity denies Jesus is the ONLY way), you are not a brother or sister. You are not a Christian. If you deny the atonement of Christ, (Progressive Christianity denies the atonement of Christ), you are not a brother or sister in Christ. You are not a Christian. If you deny that the Father sacrificed His Son to save us, (Progressive Christianity denies that the Father sacrificed His Son to save us), you are not a Christian. Progressive Christianity actually says that "The Father did not sacrifice His Own Son because that is Cosmic child abuse". If you deny..... I could go on and on and on and on.
God commands His children to mark and identify false teachers. And then to disassociate with them. He does not command us to "engage" with them.
Those who are in the Progressive Christianity movement ALREADY know what God's Word teaches. They just simply deny it. There's no reason to "engage" them.
You’ll need to be more specific because I can’t find a single “Progressive Christianity” denomination anywhere that claims what you say.
@@dchausse54 1. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." 2. He also said, all the church doctrines can be boiled down to two commandments: Love God, and love your neighbor. Both of these points align well with my progressive Christianity. Also, of course, Christ's greatest earthly enemy was the established Church, with its intolerance, pride, paranoia and bigotry, and its delight in calling true followers of Christ heretics. From my view, mainstream American Christianity is in danger of aligning itself more with the Pharisees than with Christ. But I'm happy to let God sort that out.
LOL - "Progressiveness" is not the only problem with so-called "Christianity.
It’s the least problematic.
@@moonshoes11 Whether or not that is true, it is still a problem.
I agree. Any ideology that encourages things you want to believe to be accepted as evidence, is problematic.
Eternal torment for temporal actions is problematic too. ✌️
Progressive through conservative Christian - only a difference in internal substance. However, both are founded on the belief mythology is real.
No, genuine followers of the Christ simply don't have the a priori faith that there is no such thing as the supra-natural.
@@tobyk.woodard2602 Your post is unclear to me. I think what you are saying is that genuine followers of Christian faith have a belief in the supernatural - the only definition I could find for supra is a model of car produced by Toyota. Existing within the bible are a multitude of exposed false histories, glaring ignorances, impossible physics, failed prophecies an contrived linkages to give pseudo-validation to those prophecies. Although the bible does have elements of fact in places, some people and some events, it is an overall amalgam of stories demonstrating man made mythology. There are no externally validated supernatural (not supra) events so believing in them is common, but unsupportable in fact.
Jesus was a progressive
If Alisa Childers met the historical Jesus, she would probably identify him as a heretic.
Don't be ridiculous. Progressivism originates in the late eighteenth century.
Ah yes, the “progressive” Jesus who stood on a mountain and told everyone that if they even so much as look at a woman with lust in their heart they were adulterous. “Progressive” Jesus who reaffirmed that marriage is the unity of one man and one woman, and decried all forms of sexual immorality (which included homosexuality).
The only people who say “Jesus was a progressive” are cherry pickers of scripture who ignore His teachings on sin and repentance.
Jesus was God the Son. Stop with the blasphemy.
@@captiosus_77 Jesus didn’t say a single word about homosexuality. Even the anti-LGBT believer should be able to honestly acknowledge this, if they have even an ounce’s worth of biblical scholarship under their belt.