Gay Man Angry at the Church

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • A Bad Argument against the Church

Комментарии • 446

  • @mariemarie3614
    @mariemarie3614 Год назад +95

    People aren't angry at themselves; they are angry at God 'The foolishness of man ruins his way,
    And his heart rages against the Lord"
    (Proverbs 19:3)

    • @taylorspastpresent1014
      @taylorspastpresent1014 Год назад +3

      Correct, they have “pride in themselves” pride that goes before the fall. We are to be proud of who we are in Christ Jesus.

    • @Nathan-hc2bb
      @Nathan-hc2bb Год назад

      So what are you doing to help?

  • Год назад +106

    No one ever said that hetero people are perfect... but we are saying gay marriage throughout scripture is a sin.

    • @juniorhector9582
      @juniorhector9582 Год назад +4

      You must be a homosexual repent from ur filthy lifestyle and turn to God before its too late. Repent and turn to Jesus he can cleanse you from your sins. You must be baptize in the name of Jesus then he shall fill you with the Holy Ghost. No homosexual shall enter into your the kingdom of God.

    • @jamesgorham7125
      @jamesgorham7125 Год назад +2

      ​@@juniorhector9582Amen Amen Amen Amen 🙏 🙏 😊

    • Год назад

      @@juniorhector9582 where in my response did I say I was a homosexual lol? I said "we are saying gay marriage throughout scripture is a SIN". I'm not defending gay marriage or homosexuality and agree it's a sin...

    • @CandaceOekawa
      @CandaceOekawa Год назад +10

      Did I read your comment wrong or am I dumb? Because why are you being rebuked for this comment? 🤔

    • @TEWMUCH
      @TEWMUCH Год назад +1

      Exactly. This is the same thing I say. We're all sinners, but we cannot lie about what a sin is. Its just a statement of fact. I agree some people go hard on gays. But thats not very common. Lots are just saying they don't approve and that's it.

  • @ramonatoney3355
    @ramonatoney3355 Год назад +22

    I've never understood someone wanting to be a Christian but living a lifestyle outside of Christianity, its hypocrisy!!!

    @THEATLFLIPPERS Год назад +87

    Watching this hurts my heart because he's deceived. Thank you Corey for doing this video. He needs those demons cast out and filled with the Holy Spirit and disciplined through the Word of God, but he must be willing! Praying for this young man and everyone else on here dealing or struggling with sin!

    • @KingAmaniImani
      @KingAmaniImani Год назад +9

      Along with being deceived, he's trying to justify and compare without true knowledge. He will be able to get over on some luke warm Christians but the ones who meditate on God's word and aren't afraid to tell him the Truth and many others.

      @THEATLFLIPPERS Год назад +6

      @@KingAmaniImani That's very true. Knowing the Bible in context is important too.

    • @KeithEasley-vc1mb
      @KeithEasley-vc1mb Год назад +1

      That part

    • @ifeifesi
      @ifeifesi Год назад +12

      He isn't possessed, he is doing what comes naturally to him - sin. And he does not want to repent hence him justifying his sin by twisting scripture to suit himself.

    • @kgar5String
      @kgar5String Год назад +1

      The Homosexuality is his judgement, read Romans 1, the result of a society’s rejection of God’s rule in their lives is that God gives “them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:24-25). Verses 26 and 27 say, “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” The phrase “God gave them over” means that, when we insist on shaking our fists at God, He finally lets us have the perversion we demand. And that is a judgment in itself. Homosexual behavior is the result of ignoring God and trying to create our own truth. When we defy God’s clear instruction, we reap the “due penalty” of our disobedience (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 21:8).

  • @thomasturner4253
    @thomasturner4253 Год назад +138

    Bottom line He doesn't want to change his behavior To become a CHRISTIAN is to turn from your SIN I PRAY he wakes up and REPENTS

    • @nickjones1314
      @nickjones1314 Год назад

      Or be enslaved by Christians

    • @azz2203
      @azz2203 Год назад +4

      As Christian’s we are supposed to repent and grow develop a relationship with Christ.

    • @eic7135
      @eic7135 Год назад

      Maybe he doesn't want to be a "Christian" maybe... just maybe he wants to be a follower of the Lamb of God. Because organized religions are full of Scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites.

    • @erikareott6610
      @erikareott6610 Год назад +4

      One must "BELIEVE" in the gospel (death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, for the remission of all your sins and eternal life) become a Christian. Your so called "changed behavior" isn't gonna save you! I pray you repent of your false repentance and actually get saved, for real!!!

    • @nickjones1314
      @nickjones1314 Год назад

      @@erikareott6610 All mythology is accepted upon belief

  • @swordtraining
    @swordtraining Год назад +102

    LG TV + people preach "Love is love". The problem is, God is love and if they knew Him, they would love how He designed them to be!

  • @President_Dontae
    @President_Dontae Год назад +32

    I praise God daily that when I was in the lifestyle that I kept getting the conviction of the Holy Spirit to repent and follow Christ. I can understand how people like this guy could be angry, but we all must be careful in our anger not to sin. I knew when I was sleeping with men that it was wrong and had to make a decision that change my life changed my life forever. Do I still get tempted to go back absolutely, but because I know the Word to use when tempted the devil has to resist because of my submission to God. Thank you for pointing this out because I know as a church going homosexual I was angry, but now as a born again believer I can't express in words how liberated I am!

    • @terrenceallen2663
      @terrenceallen2663 Год назад +5

      That is a wonderful testimony and I hope that you continue in the faith and continue to fight those urges not only with the Word but also having someone to stand with you as we all need others to lean on

    • @President_Dontae
      @President_Dontae Год назад +2

      @@terrenceallen2663 thank you so much 💪💪💪💪

    • @AskBibleNotes
      @AskBibleNotes Год назад


    • @Hotshotpi-zazz9
      @Hotshotpi-zazz9 Год назад +1

      I wish you luck. Sending positive energy your way. All praises to TMH for your testimony! Thank you kindly. Be well!

    • @marcystalling5185
      @marcystalling5185 Год назад +1

      God bless and keep you on your journey . May the power of The Lord and Holy Spirit sustain you. I love you with the love of Christ my brother in Christ. We all have a demon or demons that we must resist. Hang in there with God, I promise he got you. And I don't normally make promises 😘❤🙏

  • @pollymcherry
    @pollymcherry Год назад +52

    Fantastic analogy about the men being on an island.
    Thank you for your ministry👍🏾

    • @eight427
      @eight427 Год назад +1

      So infertile men and woman are less than right?

    • @eic7135
      @eic7135 Год назад

      Ask yourself this, why did the bible say that ALL the men in Sodom was in front of Lots house, young , old, and from every quarter. If ALL the men were homosexual how did Sodom get populated.

    • @terrenceallen2663
      @terrenceallen2663 Год назад

      @eight427 where did you here that, nobody said homosexuals are less than, infertility is a defect that doesn't make a person less than

    • @justaregularguy115
      @justaregularguy115 Год назад

      Nobody said that but the left always uses an exception to a rule to discredit the general rule.
      They do the same with transgenderism.
      What is a women?....
      Sane person answers -
      "A human adult with XX chromosomes with the capacity to create eggs and get pregnant".
      Leftist liar response-
      "bbbut what about intersex people and women who can't get pregnant"?
      So disingenuous and stvpid.

    • @matthewalston1226
      @matthewalston1226 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@eight427totally went right over your head,lol.

  • @mattiewilliams1138
    @mattiewilliams1138 Год назад +104

    Okay I am a larger woman for my height and health….I suffer from gluttony and I know this and everyday I fight that battle. That is a sin and I acknowledge it. The alphabet community main issues is that they don’t want to acknowledge it; they will turn everything around, spin it and call others out. It is sin plain and simple.
    They don’t want to admit that because then they will have to either take the broad road or the straight road and right now they are having fun on the broad road…

    • @Mrs.CGraves
      @Mrs.CGraves Год назад +12

      It takes a lot of Courage to admit to sin.
      If you ever need some encouragement and education of nutrition to have the knowledge for better choices I’d help at anytime.
      God bless.

    • @christislord6136
      @christislord6136 Год назад +15

      That's one of the toughest things for most of us. If you really wanna address it, cut out carbs and eat 2 to 3 meals a day high in protein and good fats. Carbs spike your blood sugar levels which causes hormones imbalances and then causes you to be hungry more often than necessary. Protein is more satiating also, so eat a bunch of chicken and veggies. Or beef and veggies and good fats like avocados and eggs. You can do it, just takes time and commitment. I lost 20 pounds in 6 months without even exercising regularly, just eating less. Combine the diet with exercise and you'll really get fit fast! God bless, peace ✝️

    • @mattiewilliams1138
      @mattiewilliams1138 Год назад +5

      @@christislord6136 thanks for the information; I am not profusely overweight; I used that as an example that eating and substance is what we need for our bodies; and I overdo it but each day I fight it; because gluttony is a sin. Using that as an example that we have to take accountability in our life for the way we should live whatever our sin is. Do I have others yes; do I acknowledge them and fight them each day….YES. Mine may be different from a person dealing with same sex attraction but sin nonetheless🙏🏽🙏🏽
      Side note: I already do a low carb/keto lifestyle; so thanks for that info. But even in that gluttony can be an issue

    • @christislord6136
      @christislord6136 Год назад +1

      @mattiewilliams1138 foods good lol always hard to call it quits. And same, I wasn't crazy overweight myself, but definitely was suffering the consequences of over indulging. Keep up the good fight, we all struggle with different sins thats for sure.

    • @stephdee3811
      @stephdee3811 Год назад +1

      ​​@@christislord6136f you're not a Nutritionist, PLEASE don't give out inaccurate info. Carbs are EXTREMELY NECESSARY, especially for weight loss. I KNOW this very well. I'm almost a hundred pounds down. Extreme restrictions only cause a person to relapse and go EVEN harder ......a slow reduction and maintenance of Carbs IS better. I stay around 100 carbs per day.

  • @mymustardseedfaith
    @mymustardseedfaith Год назад +24

    This video is filled with truth & spoken with grace. You’re awesome, Corey.👏🏾 Praying for this man & all sinners with veils over their eyes.

  • @shelleyspeaks
    @shelleyspeaks Год назад +44

    Just because we believe what the Bible says does not mean we are homophobic. I'm not perfect, but when I sin, I repent and ask God for help and His mercy so I won't do it again and for that matter, so that I won't do anything that displeases Him. This man is angry because he doesn't want to change. He must REPENT and turn from his sinful lifestyle or he will spend eternity being tormented. Let's pray that the Lord will touch his life and draw him to Jesus. For the record, all sexual immorality is SIN and displeases God.

    • @miaflowers3572
      @miaflowers3572 Год назад +2

      Amen sister!!! ❤️ 🙏

    • @Hotshotpi-zazz9
      @Hotshotpi-zazz9 Год назад +2

      I know you're right! We must fight the fight of living right! Point blank & not all that simple. But worth it!

    • @arlenaf.3503
      @arlenaf.3503 Год назад +3


    • @kenaderson8662
      @kenaderson8662 Год назад

      Amen sis. You're so right. Have a blessed day in Him.

  • @yoname1887
    @yoname1887 Год назад +13

    He is full of hurt and is convicted because he knows its wrong, hence why he tried to compare with other sins.
    We are all sinners and struggle with certain temptations, this doesn't mean we should engage. We hand it over to our Heavenly Father because the battle is His.

  • @ekklesialifeapplicationbib7352
    @ekklesialifeapplicationbib7352 Год назад +14

    Pray that The Most High delivers that young man and saves him!

    • @pamallen7381
      @pamallen7381 Год назад +1

      You are so right!! I heard hurt in his voice. He wants to go to church but he has been judged harshly, perhaps. God is love.. Jesus is our Savior. Holy Spirit our teacher. This man has to allow his heart to break because he has delighted in the deception the wicked ones have taught him.

  • @traceyrichards4320
    @traceyrichards4320 Год назад +15

    You know that saying, the truth hurts. This young man could be angry, because he knows the truth.

    • @starwalker8896
      @starwalker8896 Год назад

      Knowing the truth does make you angry. However, you have to regain control. Nice comment.

  • @JESUSsaves2345
    @JESUSsaves2345 Год назад +51

    I believe this young man is actually mad at Jesus because he loves his darkness more than the light Jesus is the Light

    • @starwalker8896
      @starwalker8896 Год назад

      Jesus is the light. That is true. However Jeffrey there is no light without darkness. Darkness comes first.

    • @azz2203
      @azz2203 Год назад +1

      True light comes first without it comes darkness

    • @NycBeauty
      @NycBeauty Год назад


    • @starwalker8896
      @starwalker8896 Год назад

      @@azz2203 That is impossible. Light can’t shine or travel without darkness. Look into the heavens. Show me a star ⭐️ that’s not surrounded by darkness. I suggest you study your bible. Read Genesis 1 vs 2. “And there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep.” Light does not come into play until Genesis 3. Even after light darkness will exist. Darkness needs no source. It’s the only power (energy) that does not need a source. That is a fact. Go into a room with no windows. After you turn off the light what still exist? When you turn on the light what was it before you turned on the light? That mean even with the light on you were in darkness. Inside your mother’s womb you were created in darkness. All stars ✨ were created in darkness. Stars were not created in light. Stars are born within darkness just like I was. That why we say Kasmos.

  • @GrabEmByThePlushie
    @GrabEmByThePlushie Год назад +22

    When you cheating off everyone else and don't know the answer yourself.

    • @milz5032
      @milz5032 Год назад

      Look it's not ok to be gay now stop trying to rationalize it with shell fish and fabrics ok immoral sex is an abomination sex man on man woman on woman is not natural an anus is not a vagina

  • @FitBabe
    @FitBabe Год назад +19

    Whenever people use the argument about mixing fabrics and eating shellfish it shows how much they actually don’t know about the Bible.

    • @starwalker8896
      @starwalker8896 Год назад

      Do you know about the Bible?

    • @kendragreene5953
      @kendragreene5953 Год назад +3


    • @NycBeauty
      @NycBeauty Год назад

      ⁠Your message is combative. Why does it matter to you? The person statement is in the Bible.

    • @FitBabe
      @FitBabe Год назад +1

      @@NycBeauty I’m wondering if you understand the definition of combative. The irony is YOUR comment is actually quite combative. You’re also asking why it matters to me while replying to my comment that didn’t concern you. Why does it matter to YOU?

    • @FitBabe
      @FitBabe Год назад +2

      @@starwalker8896 I’m no theologian or Bible expert, but I know certain laws were meant specifically for the Israelites at that specific time under the old covenant. Now that we’re under a new covenant of grace, those ceremonial laws don’t apply to us. However, the moral laws (aka commandments) still do apply. So when a person uses shellfish and fabrics as an argument it shows that they are unaware of this basic fact.

  • @TheZealotofJudah
    @TheZealotofJudah Год назад +20

    Just wait until he hears about what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah

    • @oldschool5
      @oldschool5 Год назад +3

      Hes black.. Im sure he alreadyknows

    • @nickjones1314
      @nickjones1314 Год назад

      What happened in the Sodom and Gomorrah - The guy that had a drunken baby makin threesome was well taken care of?

    • @michaelbailey9763
      @michaelbailey9763 Год назад

      TRUTH BE TOLD that region had nothing to do with same gender was only about man's inhumane treatment of man PERIOD

    • @TestTheSpiritsIfTheyAreOfYAH
      @TestTheSpiritsIfTheyAreOfYAH Год назад

      Even Pompeii although it's not mentioned in the Bible it was burned as well leaving sodomites in ash

    • @freyamccauley
      @freyamccauley Год назад +2

      @@oldschool5 what's his colour got to do with it?

  • @marthaj67
    @marthaj67 Год назад +6

    Our battle is not against flesh and blood, brothers and sisters. We know this. Eph. 6:12 tells us that there are _rulers, powers, and principalities_ that we war against, and some are especially virulent nowadays. The Enemy knows his time is short, but the devastation these spiritual entities are wreaking on real human lives is tragic. So DO the warfare: PRAY for God to open the eyes of people like this young man. No one is too far gone for Him to save.

  • @lanessia5663
    @lanessia5663 Год назад +6

    When it comes to sexual sin, not only should the Church call out the homosexual lifestyle, why doesn’t the church call out the single people who fornicate and the men, particularly the Pastors who are unfaithful to their spouses and women, because women cheat too. The Church is supposed to call out sin. But we need to talk about ALL sex sin, period.

    • @starwalker8896
      @starwalker8896 Год назад +1

      You are correct. So many Pastors sleep around.

    • @DomskiOKKK
      @DomskiOKKK Год назад +3

      Because most of the time it’s not known.

    • @lisafoster3868
      @lisafoster3868 8 месяцев назад


  • @shika1975
    @shika1975 Год назад +9

    When they use this argument, they have heard it from someone else, but has not read or studied the scriptures. They have not gone to the NT to see what it says and what laws are still valid for today. Corey @2:18 abomination of desolation is all I can say.

  • @michaelmarshall9550
    @michaelmarshall9550 Год назад +8

    Poor guy, we also have the new testament which don't have those rules and still condemn that same sin.

  • @jonnisesmith5680
    @jonnisesmith5680 Год назад +4

    Love your commentary! It was on point. It kills me how unbelievers try to tell Believers
    what the Bible says and think they are correct. We have to study to get a great understanding of the Bible, they can’t just read it and think they got it! I really pray that God will drop the scales from his eyes so he can see spiritually what is going on in his life. He needs Jesus! 💜🙏🏾

  • @soniajohnson7615
    @soniajohnson7615 Год назад +7

    Rightly put, Mr Smart, GOD did not mix his word up, he means what he said,once you walk out of his order,expect to be rule by another spirit that is not of GOD.GOD already set the order for the way us human aught to live and thrive, anything out of that is death.

    • @Brother_E
      @Brother_E Год назад

      Preach it sis! 💯

    • @soniajohnson7615
      @soniajohnson7615 Год назад +1

      @@Brother_E GOD bless you .👍

    • @Brother_E
      @Brother_E Год назад

      @@soniajohnson7615 u as well! 🙏🏾

  • @Wolfeman1975
    @Wolfeman1975 Год назад +10

    Always bringing the truth Brother! Thank you!

  • @mrsfaye4799
    @mrsfaye4799 Год назад +10

    Keep speaking the truth it will help a poor lost soul some where🙏🙏🙏

  • @nyk3334
    @nyk3334 Год назад +12

    Corey, keep spreading the good word my friend.

  • @franciscooper9601
    @franciscooper9601 Год назад +7

    If you have to come up with different ways to justify your actions, then you know it is wrong what you're doing.

  • @jamesgorham7125
    @jamesgorham7125 Год назад +4

    Brother Cory preaching and teaching the truth of God's Holy Word. Paul said in the last days evil times shall come, they will not want to hear the truth of the Word 😊😊

  • @deelovely
    @deelovely Год назад +15

    We serve the True and living God! Some of these individuals try to justify their actions while trying to make the true believers feel bad about calling out the sin. Sin is sin. There is not justification for sin. Period! Amen

    • @lancegolden8190
      @lancegolden8190 Год назад

      Prove that the Bible is all true. There’s some crazy stuff in there. Some questions that pastors don’t have answers for. Some things make no sense but black people are so brainwashed they will never question

  • @tyrarice7318
    @tyrarice7318 Год назад +3

    Thank you Corey, for posting this video.

  • @roots808ndn8
    @roots808ndn8 Год назад +13

    Sounds like he’s a member of a church and now either the church that he attends is starting to push back on his lifestyle or he’s starting to have convictions?

    • @jamesgorham7125
      @jamesgorham7125 Год назад +1

      You got that right, there are many Preacher's and Churches that have gave in to the Ways of the world. Living in Sin 😊😊

    • @armymanssg508
      @armymanssg508 Год назад

      He is full of hatred against God's law; he hates that God condemns his same-sex practice, and he hates to hear any part of God's law forbidding the practice of same-gender sex/LGBTQ; he may have left the church because he has been a reprobate mind, and will never repent of his sexual immorality.

  • @Cornbread-gi6kt
    @Cornbread-gi6kt Год назад +4

    They were angry at Jesus too. Christians today don’t waste time arguing with homosexuals, just give them the gospel of Jesus Christ and move on. Don’t try and understand their motivations, we already know why. Entertaining their arguments only brings frustrations.

  • @dokidokibibleclub
    @dokidokibibleclub Год назад +3

    A free education for a confused young man who scoffs at a book he doesn't understand. Reading the book is a good start vs gewgling atheist apologetics

  • @rayofsunshine7345
    @rayofsunshine7345 Год назад +3

    We are not homophobic, we just fear the living God and his laws. Even if one is not a believer, this lifestyle is contrary to natural order and biology. It is a spiritual root in them that needs to be uprooted and only the Lord can do this. We as Christians should be directing them to the deliverer who is Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth in love.❤🙏

  • @hopeking37
    @hopeking37 Год назад +11

    He looks like he has an unclean spirit

  • @tiarahnicole21
    @tiarahnicole21 Год назад +9

    My heart has really been breaking lately for this community. They are really struggling. And so called Christians can’t see that. It’s a spirit behind this, just as well as any other sins. Many of them have extreme church hurt, which causes them to really break away from even the thought of God. Many of them have family trauma. I’ve began to try to assess this differently. There is a reason that so many have switched over to this community. As well as the new age religion. There is a reason. It’s so sad, but just because it’s sad doesn’t make it right. God will judge all of us. I pray for this community and they would come to know who Christ truly is. I apologize on the fact that some of us were better representations of the devil then of the One and True Living God. We have to remember that sometimes we are the only Bible some people may read. ❤

    • @terrenceallen2663
      @terrenceallen2663 Год назад +4

      True some are struggling but others want to be affirmed, the difference is, those that struggle wants to be delivered but those who want to be affirmed leave or blame the church for church-hurt because they don't want to repent they want to hear "love is love" and be justified and when that doesn't happen they want to holla church-hurt, no you come to be helped in your struggle and for deliverance, I've heard a hundred sermons about adultery and fornication but I never heard a fornicator or adulterer complain or start a church for themselves, and I understand there can be some church-hurt, but a lot of that is nothing more than manipulation which sadly works on a lot of people

    • @eic7135
      @eic7135 Год назад

      Thank you for your thoughtful prayers and remarks for my people. I am a eunuch in Christ and I have retained God in my knowledge.
      The problem is that people in the church don't think people like me exist but we do. We have been quiet in the church going along with what has been preached to us like a lamb being led to the slaughter, we took it, we were humiliated but in our humility our sins were taken away through our Lord Jesus of Nazareth.
      We were promised through the prophecy of Isaiah that if we did the will of God that we will have something better than that of sons and daughters we will have an everlasting name that shall not be cut off, Isaiah 56.
      The problem is that homosexuals in the church are not told this, they are giving Leviticus.
      Now let me explain why this is a problem. Leviticus is clearly not speaking to the eunuch. The eunuch has been cut off meaning he cannot reproduce and the very first eunuch was cut off. His whole body was cut off which means he was murdered. He was sacrificed to the devil by his brother who was angry at God for not accepting his sacrifice, but God had respect for his brother's sacrifice. I'm speaking of Cain and Abel.
      Abel was cut off by his brother. He knows nothing about marrying a woman or having kids, but his blood cried from the ground and God heard him because those who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!! But his brother wandered in the land of Nod and turned his back from God. He is the evil seed that was brought here through Adam and Eve. Satan imparted himself in Adam so he can reproduce with Eve and bring his evil spirit here. Not only does Cain have the sexuality of Adam, he also has the sexuality of Eve, but Able was the seed of the woman he only has her sexuality because she disobeyed God and gained the knowledge of sexuality. Mary obeyed God and did not know man until after Jesus was born. Adam and Eve were spiritual beings. They were given the tree of life to live forever. They were not put here to reproduce. Eve was taken from the rib of Adam. They were one flesh. They were the same DNA. God did not put him here to have a baby with her. That's what he made the male and female for not the man and woman. The male and female are two flesh and they become one flesh through childbirth when both DNA are combined ( Matthew19). But Adam and Eve were one from the beginning. There was no need for them to reproduce but when they did they had to die. That was the consequence of their sin because they brought a replacement here and they had to go. It was incest. I guarantee Leviticus 20:13 is for Cain not Able.
      Leviticus 20:13 (KJV) If a man ALSO lie with mankind, AS HE LIETH WITH A WOMAN, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
      Do you see this isn't a blanket ban against homosexuality relationships this is a band against homosexual fornication because Cain is not a homosexual he has homosexual tendencies. He can lie with the woman. He has a choice. This is about fornication and adultery not a loving relationship between two same sex people. What went on in front of Lots house was attempted fornication and adultery by double minded people. Lot knew who they were that's why he offered his daughters. All of those men in that city were not homosexual ( the scripture says that every man in the city was there) they had the spirit Cain in them.
      There's a lot more to this than you think , but the end is here. The seals have been broken. Thank you God Almighty and blessed is the Lamb of God forever and ever.

    • @kgar5String
      @kgar5String Год назад

      I will say this again, the scripture tells us why they break away from God, it is not family trauma, church hurt or even a new age religion, God has already past judgement, read Romans 1. The result of a society’s rejection of God’s rule in their lives is that God gives “them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:24-25). Verses 26 and 27 say, “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” The phrase “God gave them over” means that, when we insist on shaking our fists at God, He finally lets us have the perversion we demand. And that is a judgment in itself. Homosexual behavior is the result of ignoring God and trying to create our own truth. When we defy God’s clear instruction, we reap the “due penalty” of our disobedience (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 21:8).
      Keep reading.
      The good news is that homosexuality is not the unpardonable sin. It is forgivable just like greed, theft, and murder are forgivable when we repent and turn to Jesus (Acts 2:38). He provides us with new identities (1 Peter 1:14; Colossians 2:13). Second Corinthians 5:17 says that “if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Those “old” things include former sins that once held us captive. Whereas we were once defined by our sin, being born again (John 3:3) means we are now defined by Jesus and His righteousness (Colossians 3:3). A thief no longer has to define himself as a thief. He is cleansed from his former ways and made new in Christ. A murderer-such as Saul before he became the apostle Paul-is forgiven and conformed to the image of Christ (Galatians 1:13; 1 Corinthians 15:9; Romans 8:29). And someone trapped in homosexuality can be set free to walk in purity when he or she agrees with God about sin and trusts His power to forgive and restore.
      As has been noted, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 includes homosexuals in a list of those who will not have a part in God’s kingdom. But verse 11 goes on to say, “Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” The truth is that some of the saints in the Corinthian church were former homosexuals. God’s kingdom is populated by sinners. No one comes to God on personal merit. We all come the same way: through repentance, renouncing the sin for which Jesus died, and accepting the righteousness of Christ in its place (2 Corinthians 5:21).

    • @wPOTH1
      @wPOTH1 Год назад +1

      Do NOT add or take away from the word of God.
      Revelation 22:19
      King James Version
      19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
      Stop ✋🏽 lying 🤥 😒 🚥🚦🛑🚨🚔

    • @eic7135
      @eic7135 Год назад

      @@wPOTH1 I'm not sure if you are talking to me or the original poster, but if you are talking to me where did I lie?

  • @MrRodro3000
    @MrRodro3000 Год назад +3

    I agree Brother Corey
    Amen ✝️

  • @reggiesmith5909
    @reggiesmith5909 Год назад +5

    I love the scriptures 😅

  • @tamikawhitehurst6631
    @tamikawhitehurst6631 Год назад +1

    Well stated Sir and with Love!

  • @trestarichardson406
    @trestarichardson406 Год назад +2

    He's angry with his mother and father. I used to follow his channel back in the day.

  • @benjaminingram4857
    @benjaminingram4857 Год назад +1

    All need to come to repentance wether your in the church or not.🙏

  • @juliangodsend9418
    @juliangodsend9418 Год назад +3


  • @chanarafree4733
    @chanarafree4733 Год назад +1

    The Bible tells us to confess our sins to one another so that we can pray for each other. We need to constantly and consistently pray for one another since we are all fighting a spiritual battle. We also need to understand that as sinners yes we need to be willing to surrender, but it is God that changes. We don’t have the power to change all by ourselves nor do we have the power to change others. If we try to change on our own it will simply be us modifying our behavior instead of having a change of heart, which, is what leads us to repentance. True change can take years and can be done in “layers”. Plant the seed and pray for one another and allow God to do his mighty works in people. Remember that our patience is nothing like the patience of God. It is written that how we love one another as believers in Christ will draw others to Christ. One thing I have learned is to be careful of how I speak to people even if I think I’m telling the truth. In the book of Job, Job’s friends were condemning him and thinking they were speaking on the behalf of God, but God told them that they were speaking from the counsel of darkness. Let’s remember that love covers a multitude of sins. Many people have been mistreated and treated without dignity by people in the church and deep in their spirit they know it’s where they belong but when you’re treated as though you’re not a person that’s deserving of respect by the church you will naturally feel unworthy of running to God with your fleshly issues. Let us seek wisdom of how to represent Jesus when dealing with sin and sickness for all of us. 🤍

  • @lillianandersoncpacandidat4427

    Additional Scriptures: (1) Isaiah 33:22 (NKJV); (2) Romans 1:26-27 (NLT)
    Excellent video!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @trinathompson8587
    @trinathompson8587 Год назад +2

    Let's get real, Christians do have a tendency to judge gay people harshly when it comes to sexuality, but give straight people in the church a break.I never say anything to people ( but I'm always thinking about it) in the church who are living together without being married,and those who have girlfriends/boyfriends who are NOT abstaining from sex. The Bible calls that fornication, and it says that all those who engage in sexual sin will not inherit the kingdom.The Bible also says that a man who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery in his heart, so what about all of those men who go to strip clubs, watch porn,look at IG models, Onlyfans, and sneak peeks at their favorite body parts on women in public? That's why women get breast implants, BBLs,and other enhancements. I just think that some Christians are so focused on feeling morally superior to others that they can't see their own sin,and that's why Jesus gave the example of the woman caught in the act of adultery.

  • @jeanheard4615
    @jeanheard4615 Год назад +1

    I will pray for him I love you young man and may god keep you in his care for the word also judge not for you shall not be judge a person without sin cast the first stone

  • @rayofsunshine7345
    @rayofsunshine7345 Год назад +1

    His reaction is called being convicted. I pray that the Lord delivers him🙏

  • @lnu9068
    @lnu9068 Год назад

    Great video. What app are you using to have both English and Hebrew side by side

  • @fingerzfrienemy2226
    @fingerzfrienemy2226 Год назад +1

    as a Christian and a human man i am not angry at "gay" people.
    however, false christians get me ticked off...

  • @johnconover52
    @johnconover52 Год назад +3

    Well said brother!

  • @larrybarnett5799
    @larrybarnett5799 Год назад +2

    I've seen a lot of these, and turned them off half way through.
    The kingdom of God is at band. Repent, and be saved, and spend eternity with Jesus...
    Or listen to this whiner. all he wants is a softer cushion from the truth. not you Corey...Love you bro. and this channel...

  • @AngelaGrant2015
    @AngelaGrant2015 Год назад +3

    You addressed this well.

  • @rath9881
    @rath9881 Год назад +2

    Take it up with the boss,we are running out of time ,rebuke them sharply.

  • @arielmarbury467
    @arielmarbury467 Год назад +3

    What I see is a child. The sad truth is many many people are just not mature adults. The number of real mature adults no matter what side you are on is getting smaller by the minute. Especially in the West. He can be mad all day now, but unless he repents and excepts what Jesus did for him on the cross, he will never be born again or go to heaven. I noticed that the average maturity seems to stop at 15.

  • @_theegift
    @_theegift Год назад +1

    He looks open enough to repent and come out of it. Maybe he’s being convicted!!!!!!

  • @shorts26
    @shorts26 Год назад +7

    Gays have and can make their churches and denominations instead of trying to force their beliefs on people that don't believe what they believe....we're not with it so stop trying to force us to accept it

    • @sarabee7710
      @sarabee7710 Год назад

      Exactly! Why try to force the bible to appear like it didn't say what it clearly said? If they don't think homosexuality is wrong and they disagree with the bible, then they should leave the bible and Christianity alone, find another religion that doesn't condemn homosexuality and live your life! I don't understand why these people are hell bent on making Christians agree with something that clearly the bible says is wrong. Lol! Its ridiculous!

    • @lancegolden8190
      @lancegolden8190 Год назад

      @@sarabee7710You can’t even prove the 2000 year old Bible book is all true anyway. You must just have faith and believe some of the crazy stuff in that book.

    • @sarabee7710
      @sarabee7710 Год назад

      @@lancegolden8190 anyone who has practiced what is written in the bible can verify it's truth.

  • @dwaynejackson9065
    @dwaynejackson9065 Год назад

    I enjoy your channel Sir,God Bless You and Your Family 🙏🏽

    @BADDMIXX Год назад

    KJV - 1 Corinthians 12 : 3 "NO MAN can say that JESUS IS THE LORD, but by the HOLY GHOST.”

  • @andybray9791
    @andybray9791 Год назад

    We get called homophobic when we don’t use slurs/abuse it’s vile

  • @rayofsunshine7345
    @rayofsunshine7345 Год назад +1

    God called all food clean.

  • @SuperBoomshack
    @SuperBoomshack Год назад

    He is an NPC in the Angry 2.0 Program reboot

  • @RosySpeaks
    @RosySpeaks 4 месяца назад

    We don't have a heaven or hell to place people in. We need to leave the judging to God. He doesn't need our help.

  • @ddwwood1
    @ddwwood1 Год назад

    Appreciate the revelation.. Can you tell me what bible program you were using.

  • @karynkennedy1244
    @karynkennedy1244 Год назад +1

    This guy is A major influencer

  • @jenisebrooks4308
    @jenisebrooks4308 Год назад

    Defend marriage by refusing divorces for other than biblical reasons!!

  • @nasonyarowell2277
    @nasonyarowell2277 Год назад

    It's so funny when people call us homophobic for standing on the word of God!

  • @kevinharris3993
    @kevinharris3993 Год назад +1

    You are better than me. I wouldn't waste my time commenting on anyone who calls themselves "Funky Dineva"😅😅😅

  • @barry2949
    @barry2949 Год назад +2

    Here's the thing, he's just mad because God is dealing with him and his sin.
    He's lashing out because he is not made to feel comfortable in his sin which is typical.
    The word of God is alive it is sharper than an Double edge sword and he feels it. Instead of him submitting hes attacking.
    And that's what the word of God does and makes you feel uncomfortable especially if you're ani't doing right and living right and that's probably why a lot of people don't even read it, ok Some!!

  • @curt62208
    @curt62208 Год назад

    "Be fruitful & multiply" Genesis 1:28.

  • @clarajean1749
    @clarajean1749 Год назад

    Hes trying to justify his wrong. God, word would never change for no one

  • @courtneyjeffries390
    @courtneyjeffries390 Год назад

    Way to go Corey on this topic.

  • @tufalike1796
    @tufalike1796 Год назад +1

    Leviticus 20:13
    "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
    so... it's not just a sin, God calls it abominable punishable by DEATH!

  • @zackmoore1351
    @zackmoore1351 Год назад

    Do you have a video about kjv only? I go back and forth on it and it has hindered my motivation to read greatly and confused me.

  • @lindahall970
    @lindahall970 Год назад +1

    I think everyone has an empty place that only God can fill. The problem when you're living as a homosexual is that you want to continue to live that way while in the church. Thats where critical decisions must be made. You MUST DECIDE what matters more. Your lifestyle and your desires or your SOUL and where you will spend ETERNITY. Just for me, i just can't wrap my mind around spending eternity in a burning hell, in a body that never dies; but is perpetually renewed to continue burning, tormented by a worm that NEVER dies with continual thoughts of all the times I heard the Gospel, knew God was speaking to me, and I continued to ignore Him.
    NO, NO, AND NO.
    I Bless God for my Salvation. There is no thing that God cannot do. If we want to be changed, He will change us, if we want to be kept, He will keep us. To God be the glory.

  • @bigoki2983
    @bigoki2983 Год назад +3

    Love the person hate the SIN. Bible is the truth and will continue to be that and isn't corrupted.

  • @juicemane7655
    @juicemane7655 Год назад

    Would never waste my time of day. They can explain themselves To God face to face

  • @karlee7375
    @karlee7375 Год назад

    Awesome analogies, Mr. Minor!

  • @fullimpactministries
    @fullimpactministries Год назад +1

    They always blame the church for their foolishness 🤨

  • @Zigzagzolar
    @Zigzagzolar Год назад

    He said veiled. It's never been veiled. It's always been bright and clear. Queer is a sin. We can't condone it, promote it, say it's ok, or call it good. We can promote no sin. We promote turning away from sin, repentance, believing God in Christ, and spiritual rebirth and real transformation, living right and rejoicing by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • @harryturner4255
    @harryturner4255 Год назад

    I heard an ex gay who is now a Christian say there were 3 types of laws in the OT Dietary (shellfish) ceremonial (garments) and moral (sexual sin). The firat 2 were done away with in Christ. Moral laws however remain the same and are what Christ fulfilled the law. Also nowhere in the NT are the first 2 condemned. In fact God told Peter What I have called clean do not call unclean.

  • @uniquelymade6760
    @uniquelymade6760 Год назад

    the analogy about the island that was funny.....Good one

  • @estalinduran6260
    @estalinduran6260 Год назад

    I saw him yesterday commenting and all I said to myself was he knows nothing about what he’s talking about

  • @the_black_phone9001
    @the_black_phone9001 Год назад +3

    Funky Dineva aka Quentin Latham grew up in the same church I did. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith. Bishop Omega is the current overseer.

  • @tiffanycherry786
    @tiffanycherry786 Год назад

    Very strong and accurate word! I also like the example of the island too!❤

  • @bigmetroidfan911
    @bigmetroidfan911 Год назад

    People who say what this gay guy said conveniently overlook the book of Galatians where Paul wrote that Christians don't keep the laws of Moses to serve the Lord

  • @sherriholcombe5428
    @sherriholcombe5428 Год назад +1

    We,Christians, are no longer under the Law once Christ came and was sacrificed for our sins. We are under grace. There is no grace for willful sin. This man doesn't want to repent of his sin(which means to turn from it completely),he just doesn't seem to want to hear the truth. I agree with him that the LGBTQ community should go to church to become saved,not to cause the church to bow down to their sinful lifestyle. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; the old has passed away and all things become new.... Praying for this young man to come to a saving knowledge of Christ.🙏

    • @strangefruit9867
      @strangefruit9867 Год назад

      Gentiles were never under the law, but for God's people, the law still applies.

  • @sharonjohnson1669
    @sharonjohnson1669 Год назад

    He’s right we shouldn’t eat certain foods that is still standing clean foods should only be eaten that didn’t change when the New Testament came along

  • @keaujibaha2594
    @keaujibaha2594 Год назад

    I will agree some of the biggest hypocrites I’ve seen are on the Christian community, they are also some of the most closeted men I’ve come across personally

  • @rosiekmontgomery9763
    @rosiekmontgomery9763 Год назад

    The material and foods was showing you the separation. Not literally material or fish.

  • @hadtrt3456
    @hadtrt3456 Год назад

    A lack of knowledge is a terrible thing. Unfortunately he does not know that the moral law never changed while ritual, ceremonial and dietary laws were for Israel and fulfilled by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    Genesis 3:15
    And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

  • @bigpapaT65
    @bigpapaT65 Год назад +1

    There is a distinct difference between the Moral Law and the Levitical Civil Laws and Ceremonial Laws. The former applies to all people at all times. The latter two apply ONLY to the Jewish people. Those who profess Christ and live as His disciples are not bound under Jewish Levitical laws because Christ brought a new covenant.
    John 8:32 (KJV)
    And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
    John 14:6 (KJV)
    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  • @listenup872
    @listenup872 Год назад +2

    And I don't see the story where God rained fire and brimstone on the shellfish eating fashionistas eathor.

  • @gitfiddler716
    @gitfiddler716 Год назад

    Taylor's don't mix wool and cotton, kjv. I talked to one about it. The 2 won't adhere to each other.

  • @terria.mccurdy9190
    @terria.mccurdy9190 Год назад +1

    do u believe that all ppl who The Most High has saved & is Lord of their life r saved?...
    do u believe therefore, that all lgbti ppl who The Most High has saved & is Lord of their life r saved?...

    @REGGIE_BXNY Год назад +1

    Preach Brother!

  • @pamallen7381
    @pamallen7381 Год назад

    Amen! I wish people could just understand that God is love and part of love is to correct and guide people to do what's riight. "a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.:
    Psalm 51.

  • @rudolphsmith1022
    @rudolphsmith1022 Год назад

    Praise Jesus! Please read in The Holy Bible John 14:6, John 10:10, Matthew chapter 24 and Revelation 21:8. HALLELUJAH! God bless.

  • @JamelLorick
    @JamelLorick Год назад

    I blame Pastors like E. Dewey Smith for a lot of this foolishness. He & preachers like him have preached dangerous messages which basically validate the alternative lifestyle that the Bible CLEARLY condemns. Even T.D. Jakes is seemingly affirming these alternative lifestyles. Money & membership is MORE important to them than God's Word. It's sad.