Mom Walks In On Her Son Scamming Viewers On A Livestream

  • Опубликовано: 16 апр 2024
  • Today we're gonna be taking a look into TikTok live where some of the worst streams exist
    Twitter: / xenoshot
    Twitch: / xenoshots
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Комментарии • 993

  • @menta1case182
    @menta1case182 2 месяца назад +1687

    The way he is treating his mother in the clip, she should kick his ass out. No respect for her at all.

    • @mariojackson3667
      @mariojackson3667 2 месяца назад +21

      I agree!!

    • @feraltaco4783
      @feraltaco4783 2 месяца назад +27

      I wonder how long it would take to stop seeing stars after I decided to be that stupid.

    • @nathanbrady8529
      @nathanbrady8529 2 месяца назад +12

      For what it's worth, I doubt he's like that to only his mother.

    • @MachinaGirlRobots
      @MachinaGirlRobots 2 месяца назад +7

      "Get out! Get out!" Saving nothing man. Exposed!

    • @Rinakami
      @Rinakami 2 месяца назад +22

      My parent’s son treats them with no respect too. They walk on eggshells just to keep the peace. I call him my parent’s son, because I disowned him as a family member. I want so badly for my parents to kick him out but, they’re forever gonna take care of him. He is also online somewhere trying to play victim and get pity from people. Please be wary who you give your hard earned money to.

  • @feraltaco4783
    @feraltaco4783 2 месяца назад +1544

    If I talked to my mom like that, I'm not sure when I'd wake up from the coma.

    • @bigbootyjudyxd7969
      @bigbootyjudyxd7969 2 месяца назад +2

      Same, my ma would beat my ass until I slip into a coma 💀💀💀

    • @lisaperry5999
      @lisaperry5999 2 месяца назад +14


    • @ohthechitchat
      @ohthechitchat 2 месяца назад +39

      Honestly The absolute rage I felt when he spoke to her like that.

    • @MrVassago89
      @MrVassago89 2 месяца назад +46

      You'd wake up?

    • @Harleyy18
      @Harleyy18 2 месяца назад +13


  • @findot777
    @findot777 2 месяца назад +675

    The mom should kick him out lmao.

    • @Nikkistrict
      @Nikkistrict 2 месяца назад +13

      The irony😂

    • @holland9199
      @holland9199 2 месяца назад +3

      ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE: the IRS and Social Services will want to have a Talk with You 😅 and your Mon they don’t play around either 😮 sprout

    • @JOG-ON-M8
      @JOG-ON-M8 2 месяца назад +5

      And or have him arrested

    • @feraltaco4783
      @feraltaco4783 2 месяца назад

      Literally. Like, I want to see her boot his ass right out the front door.

    • @chazzx7897
      @chazzx7897 2 месяца назад

      His mom should kick him out then he can really be legit about crying on tiktok while he's on the street corner somewhere.

  • @pommie5093
    @pommie5093 2 месяца назад +768

    what a horrible way to treat his mother. It sucks that he's trying to scam people but it's his mother who is the true victim. I'm sorry, mom, that you have to deal with a child like this.

    • @FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda
      @FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda 2 месяца назад +24

      Let's be honest, kids act like this becuase the parents allowed that from a young age. Children should be treated with respect becuase they are people but they need to be disciplined. That time out crap is not discipline cuz what you get are grown up brats who talk to their parents like this. I would never EVER have let anything remotely sounding like this come out my mouth to my parents or any of the elders in my family. Growing up it was always the white kids who spoke to their parents in the most disrespectful ways ..even cursing at them.. now it's everyone. Really disgusting.

    • @ThatGirl-tg7wd
      @ThatGirl-tg7wd 2 месяца назад +12

      @@FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda not every parent being abused by their live at home kid was coddled and taught to behave this way. Male children are even harder than females to controlwhen they are teens. most teens go through a phase of acting like an ahole, its pretty universal but when they are TOO old to punish, refuse to listen and disrespect their parents, and break all boundaries set for them, you cant blame the mother for her son whos bigger than she is now, for acting like the ahole he sees other teens being at home. we have an epidemic of this in many American homes. Mothers who have to call 911 on their adult sons or teen sons who get violent, and even lay hands and push them down stairs. i know this because ive seen it and was a teacher/ counselor for 13 years as this was getting worse. Social media has glorified being a troll, a moron, pranking people, laughing at human suffering and disrespecting and abusing the adults in their world. its not the parents.

    • @FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda
      @FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda 2 месяца назад

      @@ThatGirl-tg7wd I never said every child coddled produced children like this. I never said CODDLING created children like this. Passive parenting and not disciplining from very early on in those formative stages creates this. Then add in the fact that many parents allow their young children to be on social media unsupervised who never discuss what they are watching or talk about how certain content is just wrong. Yes, there are kids who have parents that do all of this and their kids still end up rotten but there tends to be some pathology behind that behavior. Now, I understand the following is anecdotal but still counts.. I was a teenage, so were my siblings and all my cousins. We experienced teen angst and moodiness but we were never aholes and we would NEVER for once think of speal8ng to our parents , grandparents or teachers the way they do now. This is an epidemic OUR society CREATED. Children emulate what they see from their parents and the adults in society. We teach children to be aholes and hateful via our politics ie nasty hateful politicians we teach children to be hateful and bigoted via religion even creating hateful legislation informed by bigoted and hateful aspects of religion, we have religious people spewing real hate engaging in stochastic terrorism and its become normalized. We have a very large demographic that hyper fixates and fetishizes guns and violence and then promotes it as patriotism. We created this problem. Back in the day if an adult saw a child or teen committing a bad act that adult could open their mouth and say something and or go to that parent and inform them of that child's behavior. Not anymore. Parents get indignant if you tell them their child is not perfect and would rather get into a tiff with the adult instead of focusing on the problem behavior and making the child accountable. So again, parents do create this problem as well as society and negating that and not holding parents and greater society accountable for this epidemic is the problem.

    • @FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda
      @FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@@ThatGirl-tg7wd I never said that every child that is coddled would produce a monster like this. NOR did I mention "coddling" is a problem. I never mentioned coddling at all. Passive parenting, not disciplining and not teaching children respect creates children and adults that behave like this. Allowing children to be on social media unsupervised at younger and younger ages and failing to discuss content with problematic subject matter and WHY its problematic also lends to this problem. I understand that the following is anecdotal but it just illustrates what i'm referring to. I was a teen as well as my siblings as well as my cousins. We all on some level went through teen angst and moodiness but that never manifested itself in disrespectful speech or violent tendencies towards parents, grandparents or teachers. Never in a million years would that EVER have occurred. We didnt grow up with social media because it was not around at that time but our parents were engaged. They knew what we were doing and they KNEW who our friends were. Basically, who we were hanging out with and spending time with, understanding that those people influence how we see the world and behave. So it can be said that social media is now that toxic friend that children are hanging out with more than they need to and parents do not know who this friend is and what this friend is teaching the child. You are correct in saying this is an epidemic but it's an epidemic WE as a SOCIETY created. Children emulate what they see and not necessarily what they are told and our society teaches children to be a-holes via our insane and disgusting politics, toxic politicians, bigoted politicians. We teach our children to be hateful via religion. We allow and don't hold accountable people who use religion to espouse hate and bigotry because its "religion" and FAIL at holding them accountable for stochastic terrorism which has become normalized. We have a very large and vocal demographic in our country who hyper fixate and fetishize guns and violence and promote is as "patriotism" and a majority of them are parents who teaching this to THEIR children and normalizing this. Back in the day, when a child was seen behaving badly or doing something they were not supposed to an adult who witnessed it could intervene and or go to the parent of said child and inform them of that child's behavior. Not anymore. Parent's now will take up arms against anyone that says their child is not perfect or has some behavioral issues rather than address the actual problem which is the child's behavior. AND all my friends who are teachers ALWAYS bring up this specific behavior that parents are now engaging in. AGAIN, not holding the child accountable. Children have to be taught what respect is and what respect looks like from a young age and not when they are already teenagers. Ignoring or dismissing these factors is not holding parents, passive parenting and greater society accountable and is what created this problem we are now dealing with.

    • @khina3061
      @khina3061 2 месяца назад +6

      Who reading all that

  • @TheOfficialTarynTots
    @TheOfficialTarynTots 2 месяца назад +294

    This bothers me. A friend of mine did a gofundme for our family after we had a house fire and we didn't get that much and we ended up having to use it for my Mom's burial and we are still in a bad spot. It was really hard to allow someone do a gofundme because it's embarrassing and yet people like him exsist with no shame. Smh

    • @jenniferwilliams9548
      @jenniferwilliams9548 2 месяца назад +36

      I am so so sorry about your Mom and losing your house/ belongings to the fire. I know insurance takes years sometimes.
      I have some tips for you to be compensated the most when you are filling out the paperwork, let me know if you haven't filed those claims yet.
      Don't be embarrassed about the go fund me, it's criminal how much it costs to bury or cremate a person nowadays.

    • @apriljk6557
      @apriljk6557 2 месяца назад +6

      I'm sorry you're going through all that.

    • @Shastavalleyoutdoorsman
      @Shastavalleyoutdoorsman 2 месяца назад +14

      This is nothing new. Rich ranchers here are always crying getting people to donate When something happens to them. My poor dad raised five of us in between heart attacks.

    • @TheOfficialTarynTots
      @TheOfficialTarynTots 2 месяца назад

      @@jenniferwilliams9548 Thank you, but it was a rental house. My parents sold our family home when the 5 of us grew up and moved out and put the money into the family business that is struggling. I had just moved back in because I became physically disabled and lost my apt while waiting to get disability. So it was both my parents, one of my brothers and my son who lived there. My brother who lived with them has been my Mama's caretaker for years and now is taking care of Daddy since his hip operation. The owners of the home decided to cut our lease 2 yrs early to fix it up and then rent it back out for a lot more money. My parents had been renting it since 09 so they had it locked in at a much lower rate than homes are being rented now. We haven't been able to find a place in our budget and the down payment to get into a home. We have been stay at my oldest brother's home but it's small so my son and myself have been staying in our pop up camper in the driveway. We had renters insurance but it didn't cover that much.
      What makes it worse is after the storm at first knocked out the power we had an electrician come in (the owners guy) and it wasn't too long after he left that we smelled something burning. It was the wires in the attic. He had went up there too when he was there. Idk if he just wasn't that good of an electrician or what. Also, since the power was out and the storms kept coming it flooded everything in the basement because the sump pump wasn't working and all my stuff was down there in boxes. We had to try to save what we could as we moved everything out without any power. It was horrible.
      It has been a rough winter being in a little camper but we figured by spring we would have enough saved to get a new place but had to use it to bury Mama. I have no idea how long it will be till we can get back on our feet. Things just seem to be going so horrible. I wish I was able to do something to help the situation. I am grateful that we are at least a close family who works together to help each other out.
      I'm sorry I wrote so much. I guess I needed to vent. I really appreciate the offer to help with paperwork though. I have been having a hell of a time dealing with social security. I have worked since I was 14 and always thought social security would be there if I needed it but its been a battle. If I could just get that then I could do my part to help the family. I never thought we would be in a position like we are in. And it bothers me how people lie and beg others for money online with no shame that don't even need it. I have no issue with those who make money by being creators. I only have issues with the ones that lie about their situations to get people to give them money.

    • @Nscladystillwatersrundeep6369
      @Nscladystillwatersrundeep6369 2 месяца назад +2

      I am so very sorry

  • @CyndieAmala
    @CyndieAmala 2 месяца назад +547

    The juice at the bottom of the dumpster 😂🤢

    • @dimechick
      @dimechick 2 месяца назад +3


    • @Oceanbird971
      @Oceanbird971 2 месяца назад +10

      🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭✋🏽💀🤢🤮 I'm dead that's Digusting who the heck drinks dumpster juice 🤮🤢 bruh

    • @CyndieAmala
      @CyndieAmala 2 месяца назад +2

      @@mr.duanesharpe I know lol

    • @AnonymousSilence-nd3zb
      @AnonymousSilence-nd3zb 2 месяца назад +9

      That's TikTok for ya.
      I think I heard secondhand from somebody in another comments' section say something along the lines of TikTok being the place where the Internet goes to take its morning and evening shit.
      That's just a paraphrase, but it's accurate, regardless.

    • @itsZombieMan
      @itsZombieMan 2 месяца назад +5

      Scamming is a two way street. Running the scam is “bottom of the dumpster” behavior yes 😂 but yall can’t be out here falling for anything and everything

  • @christinaf713
    @christinaf713 2 месяца назад +322

    The nerve of him to talk to his mother like that when she is giving him a place to stay. On top of that he's trying to scam people out of their money by lying about having a place to stay. What a selfish jerk!😡😡😡. It's people like them that are the reason that I'm afraid to help people anymore these days

    • @zeldaxninja3214
      @zeldaxninja3214 2 месяца назад +1

      U gotta ask God who to help if u dont get an answer or ur not sure dont so shit

    • @mollykins8h
      @mollykins8h 2 месяца назад +1

      I help everyone bc the ones that hurt others need the most help lol

    • @CaptainRockoBD
      @CaptainRockoBD Месяц назад

      yeah, we watched it too.

    • @christinaf713
      @christinaf713 2 дня назад

      I have been asking and begging God for help for decades, still have gotten no help😢

  • @silverbandit721
    @silverbandit721 2 месяца назад +269

    Aint no way he’s talking to his MOMMA like that, he’s definitely gonna need that money.

    • @holymelon8011
      @holymelon8011 2 месяца назад +3

      I'd turn of the internet and have a loooong talk force him to apologize give the money back, if he starts trying to weasel outa it I'll get a Profesional to handle it uwu imagine the shame he'd go threw having to fess up

    • @cosmicreef5858
      @cosmicreef5858 2 месяца назад

      You should know a "MOMMA" to judge what she deserves
      get help!

    • @AmethystTheEspeon
      @AmethystTheEspeon Месяц назад +1

      My mom would slap the SHIT out of me if I even rolled my eyes at her, and I'm 28.

    • @michaeljohnston4459
      @michaeljohnston4459 Месяц назад

      She's the one that's been enabling him.

  • @laterferaligatr2947
    @laterferaligatr2947 2 месяца назад +64

    "No get out now!" dare you talk to your mama like that in HER house?! Yea i could (and would) NEVER...

  • @chewy6349
    @chewy6349 2 месяца назад +78

    4:09 the hamster water bottle set up is the most tragic part

  • @laterferaligatr2947
    @laterferaligatr2947 2 месяца назад +91

    The dude with the child couldn't even act anguished🤣🤣

    • @tasha3939
      @tasha3939 2 месяца назад +6

      😂😂 he could’ve done better than that

    • @adamweston4152
      @adamweston4152 2 месяца назад +9

      That kid is drugged up on valiums, there's no way a child of that age could keep still for so long.

    • @cocoace7587
      @cocoace7587 2 месяца назад +3

      Most likely benadryl. Valium would be an unalived outcome .😢 # disgusting folks # no shame .
      He obviously doesn't care about his son . Who would put that behavior in the atmosphere? 😢

    • @sandradube4456
      @sandradube4456 2 месяца назад +1

      😂😂😂😂 he could hardly stop himself from bursting out laughing 😂😂😅

    • @TheGrammarNazi123
      @TheGrammarNazi123 2 месяца назад

      ​@@adamweston4152Exploiting your child for money. Where have I seen that before?

  • @luisaviggiani8188
    @luisaviggiani8188 2 месяца назад +304

    Social media is the demise of this generation!😢

    • @darkpisces8125
      @darkpisces8125 2 месяца назад +22

      No. It’s a demise to all generations. Not just today you have people born in the 70s and 80s like this.

    • @860rondo
      @860rondo 2 месяца назад +17

      Nah, it’s the “people” on social media that makes it horrid.

    • @bullylowenthal2683
      @bullylowenthal2683 2 месяца назад +12

      Oh here we go with " social media ruining this generation" blah blah yall acting like the older generation never acted like this. There are awful on social media but don't go around saying nonsense like that bs you say when they're good people on social media. You guys say this bs but here you are on social media saying it

    • @AllergicFungus
      @AllergicFungus 2 месяца назад +1


    • @AllergicFungus
      @AllergicFungus 2 месяца назад


  • @lavinder11
    @lavinder11 2 месяца назад +84

    That hotdog guy is hilarious. "Do I bleed ketchup? Sir, yes sir!" 😂😂😅

  • @SirBranDon24
    @SirBranDon24 2 месяца назад +21

    Bro the second dude looks like an NPC waiting for you to complete his side quest lmfao

  • @mutation333
    @mutation333 2 месяца назад +67

    I have never been happier to not be a part of a community.

  • @Nasiruify
    @Nasiruify 2 месяца назад +92

    Are you scammin son?....

  • @nicolemassa4558
    @nicolemassa4558 2 месяца назад +20

    My grandma would have put me into the grave ALIVE and start burying me if I talked to her like that.

  • @sophieseverson8465
    @sophieseverson8465 2 месяца назад +63

    The depths people will sink to for a handout... where is the dignity in humanity? And where are real men?

    • @JusticeOuinn420
      @JusticeOuinn420 2 месяца назад

      Ppl lazy asses don't seem to have any problems with taking hand outs from other ppl smh but they won't get up in the morning and go to a job and earn their own shit they would rather beg other ppl for the small amount of shit they have smh

    • @Eddie62070
      @Eddie62070 2 месяца назад +7

      out working

    • @adamson786bi3
      @adamson786bi3 Месяц назад

      We're are the real women?

  • @antonevans4218
    @antonevans4218 2 месяца назад +19

    At least the hotdog guy was doing stuff

  • @KeqingMain8
    @KeqingMain8 2 месяца назад +9

    The mom needs to turn off the WiFi in the house until junior starts helping with the house bills.

    • @tierrashanice6299
      @tierrashanice6299 2 месяца назад +1

      He seems like the type to kill her over nothing

  • @MarsMellow84
    @MarsMellow84 2 месяца назад +32

    This is why i decided not to have kids. The statistics of them growing up and becoming an asshole are too high.

    • @kingti85
      @kingti85 2 месяца назад +4

      Yeah you'd actually need to raise them properly so f all that noise amirite

    • @jeaninewilson2170
      @jeaninewilson2170 2 месяца назад +1

      The idea is to encourage those whom aren’t willing nor capable of raising good humans is, to not have them.

    • @traceymcdonald7949
      @traceymcdonald7949 2 месяца назад

      So you doubt your ability to be a good parent, better than having then anyway and being like 🤷‍♀️

    • @kingti85
      @kingti85 2 месяца назад

      Actually I think Jeanine has the right idea

  • @ariwillz
    @ariwillz 2 месяца назад +43

    If there is a hell he is going there. Just got out the hospital with a child with a real disease. It's something no family should have to go through. When you keep crying wolf, no one is going to believe you when you are really going through it for real one day. Disgusting.

    • @ChaseOakley-rw2lx
      @ChaseOakley-rw2lx 2 месяца назад

      Who are ypu to decide? Don't be so revolting.

    • @Syv_
      @Syv_ 2 месяца назад

      damn thats crazy.

    • @ditzygypsy
      @ditzygypsy 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ChaseOakley-rw2lxRevolting is pretty much the antithesis of decent and honourable. OP is being the opposite of revolting. Tik Tok live guy and anyone who supports him philosophically or financially or thinks he is a good guy, is revolting.

    • @ChaseOakley-rw2lx
      @ChaseOakley-rw2lx 2 месяца назад

      @@ditzygypsy I agree.

  • @stonerstarkark8845
    @stonerstarkark8845 2 месяца назад +91

    I think that's funny how is Mom exposed to she came right upstairs😂😂😂😂😂 1:51

    • @dimechick
      @dimechick 2 месяца назад +4

      That had me rolling 😂😂😂

    • @stonerstarkark8845
      @stonerstarkark8845 2 месяца назад +8

      @@dimechick how are you going to be this old living in your mom's house trying trying to kick your mom out of her house after lying me and my mama we're black I would have died then and there

    • @gravyz2cute4u
      @gravyz2cute4u 2 месяца назад +3

      I hope she continues to disrupt his streams coz it's her house that she's so graciously letting him waste space in

  • @neogotham2k395
    @neogotham2k395 2 месяца назад +52

    TikTok is a huge mess
    That's why I'm not interested

    • @tobyschuring1534
      @tobyschuring1534 2 месяца назад

      So glad I’m not on Tik Tok. Imbeciles exist there.

  • @cezarblack13
    @cezarblack13 2 месяца назад +11

    “Oh? You want to be kicked out tomorrow? Okay, fine, pack ur shit and leave by tomorrow”

  • @MrVassago89
    @MrVassago89 2 месяца назад +16

    Bro, my mum would have walked in swinging 🤣

  • @wickedfairies3111
    @wickedfairies3111 2 месяца назад +67

    there just has to be a special place for people who lie, cheat, steal, & scam on good hearted people that truly want to help others...

    • @rebeccav4659
      @rebeccav4659 2 месяца назад +11

      There is…it’s called hell.

    • @FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda
      @FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda 2 месяца назад +5

      Yeah..its called PRISON

    • @mleecthulhu
      @mleecthulhu 2 месяца назад +4

      God sees ALL.

    • @puggarok
      @puggarok 2 месяца назад +1


    • @FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda
      @FelipeElGatoBustamanteRenda 2 месяца назад

      @@mleecthulhu Yep, god sees all and stands by as it happens. Like watching priests s.a. children, watch people unalive children, watch the whither away from cancer.. yea.. God watches alright. Such a loving god.

  • @cassandrakahles29
    @cassandrakahles29 2 месяца назад +52

    If that was my son and I walked in on him doing that, id tell him at least he’s not lying anymore 😏 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sorry hun.
    I’m hurting for money myself and I’m disabled, but I still don’t think I could record myself blowing a hotdog for money 😂

    • @JusticeOuinn420
      @JusticeOuinn420 2 месяца назад

      I literally probably wouldn't even let his ass pack lol nope🤣😂 I be like and don't let MY DOOR kick you in your lazy good for nothing ass on the way out!!!! See yaaaaaaaaaaa

    • @holymelon8011
      @holymelon8011 2 месяца назад +4

      Hey hot dog guy atleast ain't hurting people

    • @cassandrakahles29
      @cassandrakahles29 2 месяца назад +2

      @@holymelon8011 good point

    • @holymelon8011
      @holymelon8011 2 месяца назад

      @@cassandrakahles29 uwu

  • @JrKengu
    @JrKengu 2 месяца назад +9

    the 2nd one is absolutely horrendous. to even pretend you have a sick child likke that, i cant imagine the amount of negative karma that would get you.

  • @christinaf713
    @christinaf713 2 месяца назад +42

    What the heck is wrong with that man in the hot dog video?!🤦‍♀️😂😂😂

    • @holymelon8011
      @holymelon8011 2 месяца назад

      Just being silly uwu

    • @regemerator7829
      @regemerator7829 2 месяца назад

      The look on my face

    • @GhanjaLounge
      @GhanjaLounge 2 месяца назад +8

      What the heck is wrong with the people spending money on that garbage...

    • @ditzygypsy
      @ditzygypsy 2 месяца назад

      I think he must be “special” in a very disturbing and particular way. 🤮😊

    • @Anthony-vh6ef
      @Anthony-vh6ef 2 месяца назад +2

      honestly quite hilarious and i dont even use tiktok

  • @darkpisces8125
    @darkpisces8125 2 месяца назад +57

    7:19 is another reason why TikTok should be banned. Social media has done nothing but highlight peoples stupidity.

    • @Tanouuuu
      @Tanouuuu 2 месяца назад

      Seems like the least worse thing it has done if you ask me

    • @matthewwelsh294
      @matthewwelsh294 2 месяца назад

      TikTok will not be banned due to the first amendment

    • @theresas2520
      @theresas2520 2 месяца назад +2

      I long for the days before social media.

    • @traceymcdonald7949
      @traceymcdonald7949 2 месяца назад +1

      How ridiculous Tiktok is no different than any other social media app. But keep buying the lies and misinformation

    • @railroadforest30
      @railroadforest30 2 месяца назад


  • @myraclayton1860
    @myraclayton1860 2 месяца назад +37

    He was so disrespectful to his mother.

    • @bluraine7739
      @bluraine7739 2 месяца назад

      on live too. Embarassing his mother to the world

    • @KoolKidsJuice
      @KoolKidsJuice Месяц назад

      @@bluraine7739 he didn't embarrass her, he embarrassed himself.

  • @simplyshirene8833
    @simplyshirene8833 2 месяца назад +16

    I've seen people in other countries do Livestream just sitting there with a message that says "send money and my children get a meal tonight". Disgusting, they are as bad as family bloggers. Using your children to get money out of people should be against the law.

  • @joannadams1542
    @joannadams1542 2 месяца назад +6

    The second guy is probably one of the groups of people who travel around the country making big signs begging for money on the street with pictures of a sick child they took off the internet. I was in a parking lot when a group of them met up after working the signs all day. They were counting their money. People gave them $50 and $100 dollar bills along with all the smaller donations. They literally made over $4000 that one day. When I threatened to call the police, they explained that as long as they sent any portion of the money to the child's hospital what they were doing was completely legal.

  • @drig15
    @drig15 2 месяца назад +44

    If I was his mother I’d be like “Oh? You want to be kicked out tomorrow? Okay, fine, pack ur shit and leave by tomorrow”

    • @holymelon8011
      @holymelon8011 2 месяца назад +2

      She probly payed for the tech he's useing to scam the people too, she could keep it all heh imagine her deleting his accounts so he can't get that moolah >:3

    • @drig15
      @drig15 2 месяца назад

      @@holymelon8011 that’s very true

    • @marleylove510
      @marleylove510 2 месяца назад +3

      Sh!t, why wait??? He can leave now 😁.

  • @130000toocool
    @130000toocool 2 месяца назад +9

    These people don't want to work

  • @Lady-Angelia-Reads-and-Talks
    @Lady-Angelia-Reads-and-Talks 2 месяца назад +36

    I bet he deleted his account faster than a jaguar running away from a hunter.😂

  • @shadowsfall42
    @shadowsfall42 2 месяца назад +16

    This planet is toast

    • @SunRaesArt
      @SunRaesArt 2 месяца назад

      my thoughts exactly, this is "downfall of humanity" behavior

    • @zeldaxninja3214
      @zeldaxninja3214 2 месяца назад

      Yk theres a planet a boy found that has two suns like tatooine matter the fact looks like, u wanna go there??😭😭😭 maybe will find sum khyber crystals

    • @KoolKidsJuice
      @KoolKidsJuice Месяц назад

      i thought it was a egg

  • @jaredulin3362
    @jaredulin3362 2 месяца назад +19

    For the third clip.....all I can say is....What the fucking fuck??!?!

    • @Flickterr
      @Flickterr 2 месяца назад +5

      No seriously imagine if that was ur dad, adults actually do this crap. Id understand kids and even teens but actual adults 😭

    • @KoolKidsJuice
      @KoolKidsJuice Месяц назад

      @@Flickterr is it not ok to get money anymore? He's not scamming anyone lmao

  • @Danny-yw5jx
    @Danny-yw5jx 2 месяца назад +26

    The mom deserves massive props if she still tries to support him after he did all that! It takes a REAL parent to stay supportive to a son or daughter defaming them by pulling stunts like this, but I highly doubt anyone would blame her for ACTUALLY kicking his scamming ass to the curb at this point!

    • @sandradube4456
      @sandradube4456 2 месяца назад +1

      She deserves no props if she continues to enable that foolery. When are parents going to learn that enabling a child is not love? These are the kids that go around blowing up other people because they're never held accountable. It's an injustice to the child and society. She should never allow a child to disrespect her like that! And scam other people with her dull knowledge. That's poor parenting.

    • @Danny-yw5jx
      @Danny-yw5jx 2 месяца назад

      @@sandradube4456 First, he isn't a child so the conditions you stated in your argument may not even apply here. Second, when did YOU write the book on good parenting and why didn't you share a copy of that book with the rest of us who have to go by trial and error?! Third, and probably the most important detail, I NEVER said it was good for a parent to enable their child's bad behavior-YOU were the one to bring that up-I said to support your own child even AFTER they act as bad as he did is a sign of a really damn good parent! "Support" in this sense comes in multiple forms, as it always has when it comes to proper parenting.
      Your feedback is appreciated, but it has very little (if anything at all) to do with my ACTUAL comment. In the future you may wish to actually read the entirety of a comment before expressing your own ideological, declarative statements regarding them.

    • @KoolKidsJuice
      @KoolKidsJuice Месяц назад

      @@sandradube4456 no actually, if the parents don't discipline the child right it could be the fact that they love them too much, and they'd feel bad.

  • @mymai5859
    @mymai5859 2 месяца назад +4

    There was a woman we worked with in a large office centre. Her house burned, she had 2 teenagers & 1 of the co-workers sent out a notice to start a money collection for her. No one gave a cent. She was the nastiest, greediest, most entitled gossipy person working there. The co-worker sent out another notice almost shaming us workers for not giving. None of us were shamed, none of us gave. It needs to be noted when other workers were pregnant, or some had bereavements we were very generous - giving money, doing baking, sewung hand made gifts. But not for that biaaarch. She was universally disliked.

  • @Wolfdoggie
    @Wolfdoggie 2 месяца назад +34

    The Glizzy Overdose video is actually so heartbreaking I nearly cried. He's become the glizzy version of drug addict... I mean it sounds like a joke but even if he makes a lot it's just sad and depressing to me that this is what he believes is required of him. He somehow managed to make something physically harmless look more shameful than a hobo selling their ass to strangers in a dark alleyway for money. Though society nowadays finds respect in that as sexwork so idk. Probably true after seeing that.

    • @mattw4496
      @mattw4496 2 месяца назад

      I'm not understanding...

    • @ugh55
      @ugh55 2 месяца назад +1

      Remember freak shows?
      The disabled need jobs too
      (i love the glizzy gobbler)

  • @kallieuil5297
    @kallieuil5297 2 месяца назад +5

    How are they not EMBARRASSED. Being a fool really does pay.

    • @SOUL-KING-93
      @SOUL-KING-93 2 месяца назад +3

      They only feel embarrassed when the money stops coming in

  • @Ghostface1998
    @Ghostface1998 2 месяца назад +11

    The way these ppl should get sued and glad he was exposed bc I would’ve kicked his ass out fr.

  • @TizzTv
    @TizzTv 2 месяца назад +4

    im 35 and I never in my life had the audacity to push my mom out my room and/or tell her to get out... even as an adult I wouldn't do that to her in my OWN house

  • @growinghigher420
    @growinghigher420 2 месяца назад +23

    Moms always ruin the fun😂😂😂

  • @cezarblack13
    @cezarblack13 2 месяца назад +4

    there are horrid ppl outside social media as well

  • @weneedtrueheroes6251
    @weneedtrueheroes6251 2 месяца назад +6

    If that was my son he would now need those donations cause he would be out of my house asap. As for the dad making his son lay on the couch like that, what an awful way to be raising your child, don’t work hard for what you want, just lie.

  • @downbeatdialga1341
    @downbeatdialga1341 2 месяца назад +9

    I liked the hot dog guy lmao 🤣 that’s some ish I’d expect from South Park

  • @Catherine.Dorian.
    @Catherine.Dorian. 2 месяца назад +4

    Sounds like his mom should just kick him out of the house

  • @NoliNothisPermitereTeTerere
    @NoliNothisPermitereTeTerere 2 месяца назад +5


  • @Bgodki
    @Bgodki Месяц назад +7

    You sound like penguinz0's lost little brother

  • @amateur_ckaiyion5999
    @amateur_ckaiyion5999 2 месяца назад

    This is so old 🤣🤣 but I absolutely love your content and it's worth watching again, thank you!!

  • @chelek1439
    @chelek1439 2 месяца назад +3

    I'm glad I have u to watch social media so, I don't have to

  • @yaboigamerdouji7573
    @yaboigamerdouji7573 2 месяца назад +11

    Bro imagine people calling a grown man’s momma on him for scamming. Bruh 😂😂😂

    • @JackmeriusTacktheratrix7
      @JackmeriusTacktheratrix7 2 месяца назад +2

      Are you supporting or denouncing the person who called?

    • @yaboigamerdouji7573
      @yaboigamerdouji7573 2 месяца назад +2

      @@JackmeriusTacktheratrix7 Supporting

    • @lavinder11
      @lavinder11 2 месяца назад +1

      The person probably called the mom to see if it was true.

    • @JackmeriusTacktheratrix7
      @JackmeriusTacktheratrix7 2 месяца назад

      @@yaboigamerdouji7573 word. It was tough to tell with your wording

  • @ShiNGeo999
    @ShiNGeo999 2 месяца назад +1

    6:32 😂😂😂😂😂😭 I lost it bruh this is the funniest one by far

  • @louisbh_
    @louisbh_ 2 месяца назад

    bro. had youtube playing in the background and i thout you were moistcritikal for about 5 mins 😂😂 nice vid dude

  • @ms_minna
    @ms_minna 2 месяца назад +3

    W…..T……F…. did I just watch??? 😧

  • @JillontheLake
    @JillontheLake 2 месяца назад +3

    That mom was treated horribly, she needs to kick his spoiled ass out!

  • @NewfieAsianKid
    @NewfieAsianKid Месяц назад +2

    I happen to know a narcissistic "friend" who's the same treating his mom like that too and still mooches at 30 haha.

  • 2 месяца назад

    lol after pulling all nighter your voice is so similar to mine i was thinking" why am i talking for this video?!?!?" AHHAHA new subscriber here dude STAY AWESOME! keep exposing liars please when you get the time and if you want cause that awareness goes a far way .

  • @AnonymousSilence-nd3zb
    @AnonymousSilence-nd3zb 2 месяца назад +4

    This is why I am SO thankful I don't use TikTok. Only there will you find this kinda shit going on.

  • @PrettyPettyMara
    @PrettyPettyMara 2 месяца назад +3

    I will NEVEERRRRR understand people donating on tik tok ...not only to the scammers, but I've seen clear addicts get on there and ppl are totally fooled.
    I gotta say I prefer some people full glizzy than the scammers... at least he's doing SOMETHING to entertain ppl and not creating some sob story. I'd never ever ever donate. Ever.

  • @teeciewalk
    @teeciewalk 2 месяца назад +1

    The guy with the son reminds of people I’ve been seeing on the side of the freeways where I live. They drag their kids out and all sit together and beg for money. The whole family, sometimes even the dads. Some of the kids are school aged and their parents have them out there instead of school so they can make the most money.

  • @QueenofNonSequitur
    @QueenofNonSequitur 2 месяца назад

    X, your delivery is spot on

  • @SageGilbert191
    @SageGilbert191 2 месяца назад +3

    Why do you sound like MoistCritikal

  • @Havesomecake
    @Havesomecake 2 месяца назад +5

    Humanity was a mistake

  • @Emotionalsavage281
    @Emotionalsavage281 2 месяца назад +2

    The hotdog guy is like the thoughts that keep me up at night hahaha

  • @synesthesia2699
    @synesthesia2699 2 месяца назад

    The looping videos with the sleeping kid 😂😂😭😭 craziest scam method ever

  • @vincentbono5176
    @vincentbono5176 2 месяца назад +1

    I look forward to hearing "immediately" in every video

  • @coincollectorchase
    @coincollectorchase 2 месяца назад +1

    Scammers belong in prison! They are literally recording themselves committing the crime.

  • @FinalChill2020
    @FinalChill2020 2 месяца назад +1

    That’s my new ultimate move, glizzy overdrive

  • @Lilith_Nightshade
    @Lilith_Nightshade 2 месяца назад +1

    🫢Was he using a WATER BOTTLE??!!! His child deserves an OSCAR, little kids can't usually keep still that well!!! The DEDICATION!!!🤣🤣🤣

  • @essenceofsoul27
    @essenceofsoul27 2 месяца назад +1

    Something about him makes me think he's the type to harm his family over these things.

  • @GoodVibez4Life
    @GoodVibez4Life 2 месяца назад +2

    Wow absolutely disgusting and treats his mom horrible too.

  • @Wooddweller
    @Wooddweller 2 месяца назад

    This is really sad, that Mom looks so caring ! I never comment on stuff like this but my heart is hurting for this woman.

  • @ShelleyBean1808
    @ShelleyBean1808 2 месяца назад

    Tip of the Glizzy! Missed a trick there, Xeno! 😂

  • @nataliapolova2850
    @nataliapolova2850 2 месяца назад +1

    Not going to lie, the hot dog guy had me dying

  • @Rorosella
    @Rorosella 2 месяца назад

    Watching the hotdog guy video in twice the speed accidentally caught me SOOOO off guard 😂

  • @thunderpants3500
    @thunderpants3500 2 месяца назад +1

    That hotdog guy's hilarious! 0 dignity though!

  • @bradschuh4618
    @bradschuh4618 2 месяца назад

    he's too good at the hand motion 😂😂😂

  • @greenfairy6552
    @greenfairy6552 2 месяца назад

    I'll admit this was the hardest thing to watch. Lol

  • @SirReginald.
    @SirReginald. 2 месяца назад

    The second scam made me laugh dude can’t be expected to be taken serious🤣

  • @Avie-A
    @Avie-A 2 месяца назад

    3:41 I love that it jumps to a still of the same face lol

  • @ThatBugBehindYou
    @ThatBugBehindYou 2 месяца назад

    The fact that there's so many green screen heads on tik tok that you essentially have archives of every stream possible via their "reactions."

  • @emerg0n0see
    @emerg0n0see 2 месяца назад +1

    Make it real momma! Leave him alone!
    2024 will have his ass truly crying…

  • @coldnhot369
    @coldnhot369 2 месяца назад +1

    The glizzy guy is one of a few favorite ebeggers

  • @erikorehek7843
    @erikorehek7843 2 месяца назад

    i see this time and time again and im so glad i have never been that desperate to either rack up money while putting my Dignity on the line or just to get a certain status.

  • @FinalChill2020
    @FinalChill2020 2 месяца назад +1

    Glizzy overdrive is wild

  • @UrbanNightmare83
    @UrbanNightmare83 2 месяца назад +1

    These kinda people are horrible humans. Me and my man had a house fire about 7 yrs ago. We literally lost everything. We both worked 2 jobs and lived in a hotel until we could get back on our feet. We never once asked for help or had a go fund me. So seeing people scam others have to be one of the worst humans ever. It took as a while until we could get back on our feet but we did it.
    These kinda people are such a waste to society.

    • @snooganslestat2030
      @snooganslestat2030 2 месяца назад +1

      I call them oxygen theives. Glad you got back on track & I hope you have a great future!

  • @rebitedon
    @rebitedon 2 месяца назад +1

    That glizzy over drive wasted me 😂☠️

  • @1stJBGaming
    @1stJBGaming 2 месяца назад +1

    If ojo spoke to mama ojo like that he would get a beating of his life

  • @krysangel8942
    @krysangel8942 2 месяца назад

    The music on the 2nd one had my LOL 🤣ALSO wtf did I just watch at the end...

  • @dimechick
    @dimechick 2 месяца назад +27

    When Mom burst through the door 😂😂😂

    • @holymelon8011
      @holymelon8011 2 месяца назад

      Shoulda stuck to her guns and confronted his arse

  • @theresaryan2280
    @theresaryan2280 2 месяца назад

    One of my kids treated me like that a sibling would have to do a go fund me for the funeral costs 😂

  • @AlphaHunterGold
    @AlphaHunterGold 2 месяца назад

    Great job ❤

  • @linehedevang5028
    @linehedevang5028 2 месяца назад

    I’m so happy I never see anything even close to this on tiktok😂😭

  • @lordbobl88
    @lordbobl88 2 месяца назад

    When dude entered glizzy overdrive at the end ill say it i laughed

  • @duncanrumsey5311
    @duncanrumsey5311 2 месяца назад

    Give me the cheapest bottle you can find in the hot dog costume

  • @PGOuma
    @PGOuma 17 дней назад +1

    The way he switched so fast 😮😮😮