nitehawk86 might have been one of those Christians that refuse to talk to women for religious reasons. Used to work in retail and saw a guy who made a scene because “the Bible says women are inferior to men”, and that he refused to be told anything by a woman, and demanded to be served by a man instead. 🤦♂️
@Ja L TBH, kendall read it back wards: "as long as they don't die within a day or two...anyone who beats their male and female slave with a rod..." It is still cognitive dissonance, but shows what kind of mental gymnastics he did.
@Jim Merrilees Superego, not ego. She got hyper defensive and resorted to aggressive mechanics because something she holds close to her identity was threatened.
I am honestly SO sick of people ignoring Jenna, or blanking her when she makes a contribution. It's just awful. And, Jenna was on fire this episode. One of her best shows yet.
YES! My immediate thought when the first caller started. Wondering whether in their mind's eye they only see Matt because he's the constant factor that is there every week, or whether they just don't value women. In the first case, turn on the tv without sound; in the latter, despicable. But maybe Matt could let Jenna take the lead in a whole episode some time to counter that.
Yea and that first guy didn’t even seem like an asshole until he just completely ignored Jenna. It was so cringe to hear him say “hmm, ok Matt what do you think?”. Like wtf dude? Are you so concerned with what Matt thinks that you can’t even acknowledge the other host?
In all fairness though, I called into truth wanted once and unintentionally did the same thing. The other host didn’t speak directly to me though. That’s what really stood out to me, he straight up ignored her lol.
The last three callers were utter idiotic cowards. I do love that Jenna made him READ IT HIMSELF and he STILL lied about what it said immediately after. That is the average christian from my experience.
OM(Goodness)! Now it's "Organized Atheist Groups"="Mainstream Atheists"="Inner Circle Atheists"! How many more derogatory things can this tool come up with? Catholics, is he really your best spokesman? Is this really who the catholics in Canada, want to represent them? Jack=CCfromC, or what name he comes up with next should be banned from calling in.
The primary problem is that when one chooses to lead a life without God, very often, we do things that are morally wrong. However, believing in God helps to guide us to the correct path and the right behaviors that are acceptable. In a world without God is a world where one imposes their will on others without any recourse and as a result of sin, the world becomes chaotic and dysfunctional. Here is an analogy. Imagine a scenario where you have fallen into a river with full of crocodiles (predators), do you actually think these crocodiles cared whether you live or die? You are food. It benefits them and thus why should they care? However, God is different, he is pure goodness with all the divine holy virtues. Seek him and one will be saved, reject him and one will either perish or suffer the consequences of the sins of others (predators). These predators will not care about whether you like it or not as they heavily imposed their will on all their victims.
@Vidhya Dhara You have to look at it from a cultural context. In the past, there were violence of all kinds. The Earth was stained with sins. The rich and powerful oppressed the weaker ones and technology was at its infancy. We should be thankful that standard of living has significantly been raised with the help and good works of our ancestors.
Because they really don’t care about right or wrong, they only care about one thing and one thing only: mindlessly following authority. That’s what makes them hard in their pee pees.
@Boot Hat its a broad brush petter is painting with and if you feel that way in ernest perhaps call in and see if you could clear things up(idk why you would feel offended specifically so i wont assume) but im inclined to agree with them in general
@Boot Hat i usually have problems with them too. You have to take the time to parse out the specifics because general statements are....terrible. But in context of the show and *only the show* i "get it". Most people are good regardless of their religion. Alot of those that try to use their book as a base have been stumped by the book even though they are good people. I have been watching for years(which is anecdotel) I could go on and on about this one general sweeping comment. Its a good conversation starter but even then there are better,less leading, starters.
I would have asked Keyon if his dogs have sufficient reason to believe that he exists. Do the dogs see him? Interact with him? Does he pet them? Does he talk to them and train them? Or does he never interact with the dogs whatsoever, and have set up their environments in such a way that its indistinguishable from a naturally occuring environment?
I actually laughed out loud when he said the thing about "a Latin woman fucking a Mexican." And to say that right after saying that he "understands etymology." Hilarious, but not for any of the reasons he might have thought.
Oh how I like that "hoarding coconuts on a desert island" analogy. Ralph did EVERYTHING he could to avoid admitting to understand any of the parallels being drawn here.
I really love how much appreciation the crew gets. Their field of work is overlooked and underappreciated and Im glad the AXP crew gets the recognition!
One of the many ways this guy conjures up persecution where there is none. His last call was basically him calling the hosts bigots after prefacing it with "I am not a bigot."
Syngyn: "Oh! You want me to listen to your questions and answer your questions? That's very tricky of you. I didn't see that coming. I don't know how to deal with that. And what about this script of mine? How can I read it out if you keep interrupting me with your logic and questions?"
@@faxonboy Over the past year, he's created over 20,000 troll accounts on Reddit in order to constantly barrage it with his garbage. He has no desire but to preach.
Kick their asses, Jenna! "Do no harm, but take no shit!" I doubt you see this, but you're an inspiration and I really enjoy when you're hosting/co-hosting! And I would absolutely send some of these rude ass callers hate mail for you.
@@sly_tendencies87 Since you ask I will. I pray that the Father, Which transcends space and time. Will open your eyes to the truth and that you will come to literally know God as I know him, which can be done by learning about Christ Jesus and believing on his words. I pray that you will see that his works are good and his precepts are righteous. I pray that you will see that this world is in darkness and he is the only light at the end of the tunnel. Amen.
@@sly_tendencies87 I felt good before. As long as I'm telling you the truth that could save you from being cast into hell and tormented there until your debt is paid before being utterly blotted out of existence when God cast hell into the lake of fire at the end. It's a common misconception that hell and the lake of fire are the same place. There not, because we see hell itself being cast into the lake of fire in the book of Revelation. The lake of fire represents eternal destruction. It will be as if you were never born, and nothing you'll have ever done will have ever actually mattered.
You’re not wrong. I have known many like him who have potential to be truly smart but choose to accept regurgitated nonsense they hear from others. They consider things they hear from “woke” social media users as legitimate knowledge as opposed to doing the research themselves. They also use words that they don’t truly understand in an effort to appear enlightened or wise. Growing up as a black atheist I was vilified in the community and people like Keyon were seen as the pinnacle of knowledge .
I love the weird concept of humans evolving from babies instead of monke. Like, they'd have a weird baby society, that slowly evolved into toddler, preteen and teen society.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching this show over the years, it’s just how little thought theists have actually put into questioning what they believe...
Kendal slipped this in - "Slavery is what Africans did". Sounds like he means that slavery is from Africa and not from the Bible, thereby justifying the "slavery " in the Bible as being different from the slavery in Africa. He completely misses the point of slavery outside of the Bible as being instigated by fallible imperfect humans on humans while the slavery in the Bible is perpetrated, allowed, sanctioned and micro-managed by his supposedly morally superior and perfect God on men by his God's special Chosen people. When we humans matured socially and became a little less imperfect we did away with the heinous practice of slavery, while the Perfect God of the Bible STILL advocates the Chosen People in 2020 to keep slaves, by virtue of this God having NEVER changed his 2,000 + year old instructions.
You've really grown as a host Jenna. I like that your trying to work with people to think for themselves. Some good points about morality and the Bible as well. Much Love.
@@andybeans5790 That might work for a teacher in a classroom, but with a logical thinker who will stop you if you make ridiculous statements, it will not. I am learning logical arguement from this show, and it helps me in various areas of my work. Cheers from Canada. I love this show.
Something tells me he soooo irritating in everything he does. I know Matt and Shannon chafe at the term 'religious people are mentally ill' but in Jack's case, I think it's gotta be true - he is sooo delusional that it seems so apparent to me he's suffering from some sort of mental deficiency which would require actual psychological diagnosis and therapy
When you talk about not expecting to convert a caller but have examples of converting listeners, I think you're still selling your impact short. I'm a lifelong atheist and you've given me tools to help convince other people. You've improved my ability to spot the logical fallacies when I'm debating. You've made me more comfortable being a public atheist. Your impact isn't limited to just those who hear your voice.
phew! Glad today's show got uploaded, I checked my notifications and noticed the livestream was switched to private, and got a bit worried there wouldn't be a show, so I prayed to the Flying Spaghetti Monster and my prayers were answered!
The editors are yanking it, adding bookmarks for the callers and whatnot, then reuploading it. Course, they could have just left the stream up while they edited, but don't tell them that it's a secret.
Matt knew the only reason Jack called in is so that he can talk a bunch of crap and get put on hold and then cry like a baby about how unfair atheists are.
I feel a bit sorry for Syngyn.. Because I think this is the first real time he has ever thought about these questions.. Hope he calls back in the future.
@Phelan... you are right ...I think Matt gets a bit frustrated sometimes,...maybe because he sees his younger gullible self in some of them.. It's only after I first watched this show Ten years ago, I really started to think about it myself, (although I was never really ever that religious in the first place...and definatly not at all now) But I'm more inclined to ask WHY when anyone tels me they believe in Ghosts, Goblins, and God's. Hope you read these comments Syngyn.
I think Kendall learned how to argue from Monty Python, since he seems to think all he needs to do is say "no it doesn't" even when something contradicting his opinion is read to him.
whenever i hear someone actually say "hmmm" followed by "this is a difficult question" and ive seen it a few times... im terribly sorry i dont think they're ever going to call back and think deeply about their beliefs
It is refreshing to hear the ones that actually admit they don't have an answer instead of tap dancing. It's _entertaining_ listening to someone paint themselves into a corner, like watching slapstick comedy, but at the same time a bit disheartening that they're so indocrinated. I get a real buzz when someone has one of those rare "oh shit, I understand now" moments... I suppose you could call it an irreligious revelation.
Jenna made a great point. The feeling of, “I know there’s something.” - This pointing to things that seem impossible in nature to validate the feeling.
Showing the birthday wishes was so cool! I love it when people who work together honor each other. All of you who took the time to send their well-wishes: Way to go! The Atheist Experience is awesomeness!
Pascal's wager - an argument so dumb that Homer Simpson tears it to shreds.... "But Marge, what if we picked the wrong god? Then each week, the real god gets madder and madder..."
I’m not sure he did that on purpose at all. He appeared to be hyper-focused on Matt because Matt has been the most resonating voice through his deconversion. John is looking for permission. An invitation. He’s desperately seeking reassurance that the water is warm and that we’re with him and we won’t let him drown. Use SE to help him discover any tether keeping him connected to his religion, and reassure him that life still continues and thrives without supernatural beliefs.
I met someone like John I was tutoring anatomy and physiology and we started talking about evolution and it went to morality and I started talking about slavery and genocide sanctioned by God she checked her Bible app read it for 5mins I saw this look in her eyes where her world view is falling apart and she just walked out of the class
People are willingly ignorant/irrational because our limbic system (emotional brain) has much more power than our prefrontal cortex (rational brain) - we are basically still 90% animals and only 10% rational beings. People are mostly impulse-driven and emotional ... it takes lots of work to become relatively rational.
I have been espousing psychedelics, meditation, math, logic, certain aspects of psychology, practical Qabalah, tai chi, Undoing Yourself methods and more to help us begin to tip the balance towards being rational and therefore deliberate beings. The key word here is begin. Cheers!
Joe Horn Techniques aren’t rational and all of these can lead to ever increasing levels of self-regulation. You’ve jumped the gun here. If you truly want to know what they can do you will see what I’m talking about if you do the research. Then apply them properly and diligently. Best of luck with your experiences and experiments.
Joe Horn So clearly you know next to nothing about any of these and want to tell me you have the facts. This isn’t the way conversation happens to advance knowledge. Obviously it’s your choice to ignore this. But you might try learning about something simple like blood flow and stress. Or psycho-physiological coherence. Or etc, etc, etc. Everything that I mentioned has the potential to help us master self-regulation. Tons of research on self-regulation. Cheers.
54:57 This topic was actually mind blowing for me. Like, it just registered that there are people that go through life without a general sense of curiosity, and YOU may have been that person at one point in your life. I’ve clearly been in my own echo chamber to not have realized this before. You just think other people are like you in this way...and then we wonder why people are so ignorant...well, this explains a lot of it. Thinking back on my own memories, I realize that curiosity is like a muscle, it needs to be exercised and built up and strengthened. It’s probably not fair to say people without a strong sense of curiosity are completely robotic, I think how we start off life as babies and children, we have a natural curiosity of the world, but I think that slowly fades, especially if the world and the people we are surrounded by do not instill in us this need, and skill to strengthen it. School is mostly being told *what* to think, not *how* to think, so it really seems like most humans go through life with a very small amount of curiosity. Thinking back I can also pinpoint pivotal moments in my life where I feel I actually began valuing curiosity, thereby strengthening the muscle so to speak. It was definitely not one big moment, but many small moments where I slowly began understanding the benefit it can bring to my life. This is a path most people simply don’t go down. I don’t think I would have went down it myself if it weren’t for the internet and spending a large amount of my life on it, and so it’s easy to understand why people wouldn’t find value in it if they’ve been swept up with distractions and things to do from the moment they were born. There’s no time to actually sit and think for most people. I can say this has helped me understand other people and where they’re coming from greatly.
Just a heads up, as of posting this comment, it seems the beginning of the live stream was trimmed, so the time stamps in the description are off by a couple minutes.
Some people watch AXP to witness frank theism and atheism conversations. If you’re not into that, you can watch it as a drama where a man gradually but certainly loses his sanity over the course of ninety minutes.
Kendall - so I guess by his logic there was never Slavery in the history of the entire world, cause even outside of the bible most countries that once/still have Slavery also have laws saying you're not allowed to Kidnap people.
Noticed Jenna's questioning facial expression when Matt quoted the Second Commandment (graven images). The Catholics, like the Lutherans, skip graven images in Ex 20. Then to fill out the commandment list so that there are 10, they divide the Tenth Comandment in two so number 9 says don't covet, and number 10 says don't covet your neighbor's wife. Interesting. We don't know how to rightly divide god's word yet after these thousands of years.
And the fact is the Bible doesn't call the commandments in Exodus 20 the 10 commandments. For the actual list the Bible itself calls the 10 commandments you have to go to Exodus 34, they start at Exodus 34:14: 1 Thou shalt worship no other god. 2 Thou shalt make thee no molten gods. 3 The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. 4 Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day rest. 5 Thou shalt observe the feast of weeks. 6 Thrice in the year shall all your men children appear before the Lord God. 7 Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven. 8 Neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left until the morning. 9 The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the Lord thy God. 10 Thou shalt not seeth a kid in his mother's milk. Exodus 34:28 And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. ^^^ that verse is the first time the phrase "the ten commandments" appears in the Bible.
@@cnault3244 You are right. I refer to catechism usage and churchy stuff from the Middle Ages which endure in some traditions until our day. My Lutheran grade school made us memorize "the ten commandments." That's what we did. We never read them in the bible. They were printed in our little books with book, chapter, and verse to "document" their authority. Additionally, our little book "clarified" exactly what we were supposed to know with answer to "What does this mean?" I think most churches don't teach out of catechisms. I say, Good for them!
fat paul same here Paul, would love to talk to them but in 63 years I have never suffered from blind faith or a belief in God, my Parents were career RCAF during and after WW2, Dad later on an Airline Navigator so logic and Science ruled the day!!!
My spouse's deconversion happened when he was young. Their family prayed for a test from God to bring them more together. Shortly after their family got into a car wreck and his brother was in a coma but ultimately died. It was very traumatizing, and the religion heaped on it made it so much worse. That a family would ask for something and then the family to be happy that they got confirmation in this form made him question everything from then on.
Are the description timestamps only off for me? Proper timestamps: 7:26 - John 19:10 - Ralph 38:35 - Syngyn 59:45 - Jack 1:09:30 - Keyon 1:21:22 - Kendall
I like the etymology of language analogy to evolution. Evolution of language is something that is easily identified, and can relate to how evolution of species works.
Can't? Or won't? The reason they won't give a straight forward answer is usually because they know they are trapped. If the question, "Do you agree that our morality about the coconuts derives from the exact same source?" they have to duck it, because if they answer it directly (it's a simple yes/no answer, and the answer is obviously yes)., it would amount to a concession that they've lost the point. So they have to run a dodge to something else to avoid answering that question.
Because the majority of every group are ignorant and haven't thought about their position extensively. If theists have a similar show, athiests probably won't give a straight answer as well.
@@baleriontheblackdread4491 why would an atheist call a theist show like this? Good luck if it is to prove there is no god, given the burden of proof. Maybe just to debunk the idea that we eat babies. Or to explain that not believing is not the same thing as believing not. In any case, we have no beliefs to proclaim as atheists.
@@AlDunbar atheists can easily call a theist show just to debunk theism. They are many reasons why they'd call. All of this doesn't matter though, what matters is the majority will probably have a really difficult job explaining their answers.
It's Andrew, not Kindall, from the Austin Stone church lying to get on the show. I guess he missed the part in his Bible where lying is declared a sin.
No it wasnt lol. The Bible is a story book, citing history written by people. Some used the word "God" as a crutch to to push whatever they wanted. The Creator, was the big bang. Ask, not state, and I'd be happy to talk about it
You literally said that we have to follow god's word and you tried to use Mark 12:31 and the ten commandments examples yet you acknowledged that it's faulty and written by people... there's no way you can take anything in it as a god's word if that's so. It's been written and rewritten and edited and translated and retranslated over thousands of years.
@@halwakka504 you are letting a story book written by people that is just an account of their writings, that is confusing as fuxk, get in the way of the fact that Something did created the observable universe
00:00 Intro
02:34 Happy Birthday Vern!
7:30 John-FL | Detrimental Christianity?
19:10 Ralph-FL | Imbuing Value On Values
39:03 Syngyn-PA | Faith And Non Believer
59:45 Jack-(CA) | Christians Are So Persecuted
1:09:41 Keyon-CA | Misunderstanding Evolution
1:22:21 Kendall-WA | Arguing Slavery With Matt...
The Atheist Experience - this is very helpful. Thanks
Name a transitional species CHANGE ?
@Boot Hat
What do you not understand ?
@Boot Hat
Can you not handle such a question ??
Name a transitional species CHANGE ?? Can you handle such a question ??
A caller that greets/talks to only one of the hosts automatically loses some points with me.
It's like a GANG-BANG here, it's a slaughter.
I appreciate that Matt will try to shut that shit down when he’s not caught up.
Even after he was corrected he refused to acknowledge Jenna and did not listen to a word she said.
nitehawk86 might have been one of those Christians that refuse to talk to women for religious reasons.
Used to work in retail and saw a guy who made a scene because “the Bible says women are inferior to men”, and that he refused to be told anything by a woman, and demanded to be served by a man instead. 🤦♂️
Matt: *reads word-for-word what the Bible says*
Kendall: it doesn't say that!
@Ja L TBH, kendall read it back wards: "as long as they don't die within a day or two...anyone who beats their male and female slave with a rod..."
It is still cognitive dissonance, but shows what kind of mental gymnastics he did.
Ja L Matt could be right, maybe he was just a troll
@Jim Merrilees Which only shows that she cared more about her superego than the truth.
@Jim Merrilees Superego, not ego. She got hyper defensive and resorted to aggressive mechanics because something she holds close to her identity was threatened.
@Ja L What? I love context!
**kills slave by throwing an ox on them**
Hhahahahaha!!! Owned! :D
I am honestly SO sick of people ignoring Jenna, or blanking her when she makes a contribution. It's just awful. And, Jenna was on fire this episode. One of her best shows yet.
YES! My immediate thought when the first caller started.
Wondering whether in their mind's eye they only see Matt because he's the constant factor that is there every week, or whether they just don't value women. In the first case, turn on the tv without sound; in the latter, despicable. But maybe Matt could let Jenna take the lead in a whole episode some time to counter that.
Yea and that first guy didn’t even seem like an asshole until he just completely ignored Jenna. It was so cringe to hear him say “hmm, ok Matt what do you think?”. Like wtf dude? Are you so concerned with what Matt thinks that you can’t even acknowledge the other host?
Came to the comments to say the same thing.
Yeah, a lot of callers call in just to talk to Matt, and don't even acknowledge the other host. It'd get to you after a while...
In all fairness though, I called into truth wanted once and unintentionally did the same thing. The other host didn’t speak directly to me though. That’s what really stood out to me, he straight up ignored her lol.
The last three callers were utter idiotic cowards. I do love that Jenna made him READ IT HIMSELF and he STILL lied about what it said immediately after. That is the average christian from my experience.
Legend has it Jack is still talking.
Excuse me, can I just point out that Jack doesn't judge people? Oh and shut up he's still talking.
I know that no one is saying anything right now but IM TALKING!
He’s probably a Shapiro devotee.
OM(Goodness)! Now it's "Organized Atheist Groups"="Mainstream Atheists"="Inner Circle Atheists"! How many more derogatory things can this tool come up with? Catholics, is he really your best spokesman? Is this really who the catholics in Canada, want to represent them? Jack=CCfromC, or what name he comes up with next should be banned from calling in.
Thank you for pointing out that the first calling was ignoring the fact that Jenna was involved in the chat... very rude of him.
And of course after Matt pointed it out, he hung up. Coward.
I like Matt's solution: Apply secular values in this current life and then let the religious apply their values in the after life. Works for everyone.
In the vast majority of the time, even Theists use and practice 'secular' values and morality.
curious to see how that zealot edited this clip lol ^^
Nice solution
The primary problem is that when one chooses to lead a life without God, very often, we do things that are morally wrong. However, believing in God helps to guide us to the correct path and the right behaviors that are acceptable. In a world without God is a world where one imposes their will on others without any recourse and as a result of sin, the world becomes chaotic and dysfunctional.
Here is an analogy. Imagine a scenario where you have fallen into a river with full of crocodiles (predators), do you actually think these crocodiles cared whether you live or die? You are food. It benefits them and thus why should they care? However, God is different, he is pure goodness with all the divine holy virtues. Seek him and one will be saved, reject him and one will either perish or suffer the consequences of the sins of others (predators). These predators will not care about whether you like it or not as they heavily imposed their will on all their victims.
@dyuloose "Only true if you think your morality comes from god. Which is the problem."
@Vidhya Dhara You have to look at it from a cultural context. In the past, there were violence of all kinds. The Earth was stained with sins. The rich and powerful oppressed the weaker ones and technology was at its infancy. We should be thankful that standard of living has significantly been raised with the help and good works of our ancestors.
Why is it that theists who pretend to care about right or wrong come off as psychopaths?
Because they really don’t care about right or wrong, they only care about one thing and one thing only: mindlessly following authority. That’s what makes them hard in their pee pees.
@Boot Hat its a broad brush petter is painting with and if you feel that way in ernest perhaps call in and see if you could clear things up(idk why you would feel offended specifically so i wont assume) but im inclined to agree with them in general
@Boot Hat i usually have problems with them too. You have to take the time to parse out the specifics because general statements are....terrible. But in context of the show and *only the show* i "get it".
Most people are good regardless of their religion. Alot of those that try to use their book as a base have been stumped by the book even though they are good people. I have been watching for years(which is anecdotel)
I could go on and on about this one general sweeping comment. Its a good conversation starter but even then there are better,less leading, starters.
@Boot Hat always has been
Ralph is a classic example of how being utterly committed to "The Truth" forces you be dishonest in a effort to defend "the truth."
As a human being, I am offended by Keyon's unbelievable ignorance.
I would have asked Keyon if his dogs have sufficient reason to believe that he exists. Do the dogs see him? Interact with him? Does he pet them? Does he talk to them and train them?
Or does he never interact with the dogs whatsoever, and have set up their environments in such a way that its indistinguishable from a naturally occuring environment?
Matt summed it up with the term "Monumentally Ignorant".
I actually laughed out loud when he said the thing about "a Latin woman fucking a Mexican." And to say that right after saying that he "understands etymology." Hilarious, but not for any of the reasons he might have thought.
Oh how I like that "hoarding coconuts on a desert island" analogy. Ralph did EVERYTHING he could to avoid admitting to understand any of the parallels being drawn here.
I really love how much appreciation the crew gets. Their field of work is overlooked and underappreciated and Im glad the AXP crew gets the recognition!
I got goosebumps listening to Matt speak about secular humanism like that. What a dude! ♥️
No one interrupts...
I'm talking!
No one says anything....
I thought he was either being pestered by wife and children or
he was used to people deferring.
*clears throat*
One of the many ways this guy conjures up persecution where there is none. His last call was basically him calling the hosts bigots after prefacing it with "I am not a bigot."
@@ToniTheMink I was TALKING, RUDE of you!
"Evolution is not true because baby's just can't pop out and take care of themselves" Wisdom of Keyon. 🤣
Syngyn: "Oh! You want me to listen to your questions and answer your questions? That's very tricky of you. I didn't see that coming. I don't know how to deal with that. And what about this script of mine? How can I read it out if you keep interrupting me with your logic and questions?"
Thank you Vern's cat for making this show possible !
and Happy Birthday to Vern
Happy Birthday, Vern!! You're a critical piece to the puzzle here. You and all of the crew make these shows more enjoyable!💜💙💚💛🧡❤
Jack in Canada: There is no such thing as an "orthodox" atheist or secularist.
He is desperate to group atheists together so that he can project things onto us.
There is also no such thing as an atheist agenda.....unless you also believe that people with no beliefs in leprechauns or Santa Claus have an agenda.
Jack is a Canadian Catholic from Canada and a known Reddit troll.
Dave Shellenberger That’s so sad. Does he even want to convert people or be a troll?
@@faxonboy Over the past year, he's created over 20,000 troll accounts on Reddit in order to constantly barrage it with his garbage. He has no desire but to preach.
Kick their asses, Jenna!
"Do no harm, but take no shit!"
I doubt you see this, but you're an inspiration and I really enjoy when you're hosting/co-hosting! And I would absolutely send some of these rude ass callers hate mail for you.
I love this show. I felt completely alone in the world when I came out as an atheist in 2004 and I've been on the train ever since.
The train to the lake of fire and eternal destruction.
@@meta4zs maybe you should just pray for me instead?
@@sly_tendencies87 Since you ask I will. I pray that the Father, Which transcends space and time. Will open your eyes to the truth and that you will come to literally know God as I know him, which can be done by learning about Christ Jesus and believing on his words. I pray that you will see that his works are good and his precepts are righteous. I pray that you will see that this world is in darkness and he is the only light at the end of the tunnel. Amen.
@@meta4zs See? Don't you feel better now?
@@sly_tendencies87 I felt good before. As long as I'm telling you the truth that could save you from being cast into hell and tormented there until your debt is paid before being utterly blotted out of existence when God cast hell into the lake of fire at the end. It's a common misconception that hell and the lake of fire are the same place. There not, because we see hell itself being cast into the lake of fire in the book of Revelation. The lake of fire represents eternal destruction. It will be as if you were never born, and nothing you'll have ever done will have ever actually mattered.
Thank you, Matt, for calling John, Fl out for ignoring Jenna.
Sadly, Keyon is probably considered the great wise one in his circle of friends.
It’s sad though it seems like he could be smart but he’s trapped in the cage of religion his mind is under control
You’re not wrong. I have known many like him who have potential to be truly smart but choose to accept regurgitated nonsense they hear from others. They consider things they hear from “woke” social media users as legitimate knowledge as opposed to doing the research themselves. They also use words that they don’t truly understand in an effort to appear enlightened or wise. Growing up as a black atheist I was vilified in the community and people like Keyon were seen as the pinnacle of knowledge .
I love the weird concept of humans evolving from babies instead of monke. Like, they'd have a weird baby society, that slowly evolved into toddler, preteen and teen society.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching this show over the years, it’s just how little thought theists have actually put into questioning what they believe...
Kendal slipped this in - "Slavery is what Africans did". Sounds like he means that slavery is from Africa and not from the Bible, thereby justifying the "slavery " in the Bible as being different from the slavery in Africa. He completely misses the point of slavery outside of the Bible as being instigated by fallible imperfect humans on humans while the slavery in the Bible is perpetrated, allowed, sanctioned and micro-managed by his supposedly morally superior and perfect God on men by his God's special Chosen people.
When we humans matured socially and became a little less imperfect we did away with the heinous practice of slavery, while the Perfect God of the Bible STILL advocates the Chosen People in 2020 to keep slaves, by virtue of this God having NEVER changed his 2,000 + year old instructions.
When Kendal is supposing the god you don't like who endorses and purports the slavery you object to, then you're doing far more supposing than Kendal.
Kendall is so obtuse. Can’t even re-record mentally what he’s just read.
Truth is, we've been doing slavery for almost all of our so-called civilised history.
Happy birthday, Vern, and thanks a million for your vital contribution to this fabulous show!
You've really grown as a host Jenna. I like that your trying to work with people to think for themselves. Some good points about morality and the Bible as well. Much Love.
Matt was simply great!
Jack our atheist position looks enlightened because it IS enlightened.
It is at least not enshadowed
Hey, Jack was trying. Very trying.
@@adrianjanssens7116 Love the pun. My kind of insight.
It's damning and destruction sealing.
He might be high, but doesn’t sound enlightened.
Jack in canada is sooooo irritating in his delivery.
@@andybeans5790 That might work for a teacher in a classroom, but with a logical thinker who will stop you if you make ridiculous statements, it will not. I am learning logical arguement from this show, and it helps me in various areas of my work. Cheers from Canada. I love this show.
Keyon is the typical religious freaks. Racist alongside with the white Jesus
That's because he is a step beyond us and knows what goes through our minds
Something tells me he soooo irritating in everything he does. I know Matt and Shannon chafe at the term 'religious people are mentally ill' but in Jack's case, I think it's gotta be true - he is sooo delusional that it seems so apparent to me he's suffering from some sort of mental deficiency which would require actual psychological diagnosis and therapy
I enjoyed this a lot thanks matt and jenna
Great show, first one I sat through in I can’t remember how long.
When you talk about not expecting to convert a caller but have examples of converting listeners, I think you're still selling your impact short. I'm a lifelong atheist and you've given me tools to help convince other people. You've improved my ability to spot the logical fallacies when I'm debating. You've made me more comfortable being a public atheist. Your impact isn't limited to just those who hear your voice.
Happy birthday Lord of Levels!
Great show!!
This was like “Worst caller revival”
Haha :D Yes!
Some real classics here... and they're still using the same 'arguments'!
you got that right ... a real clown line-up
By worst, you must mean best.
Yup! It was like a compilation of the nuttiest callers.
Except there was no Otangelo
Man, Syngyn came in smug and loaded and ran head on into Matt. I love those calls.
YAYBO! *Thanks* for cutting the feed _after_ Matt says, "'re done!" at the end of the entire clip. I feel so much better, now :-)
phew! Glad today's show got uploaded, I checked my notifications and noticed the livestream was switched to private, and got a bit worried there wouldn't be a show, so I prayed to the Flying Spaghetti Monster and my prayers were answered!
Hence, the Flying Spaghetti Monster must be true right? =D
@@ledrash6079 there is no question. I have personal relationship with FSM. Ramen
Hallelujah! All praises be to the Almighty true creator of all: the great Flying Spaghetti Pony Monster
@Greg Brown And bless us he will, because I just talked with him yesterday.
The editors are yanking it, adding bookmarks for the callers and whatnot, then reuploading it. Course, they could have just left the stream up while they edited, but don't tell them that it's a secret.
I would have put Jack on hold every time he said, "I'm talking."
Matt knew the only reason Jack called in is so that he can talk a bunch of crap and get put on hold and then cry like a baby about how unfair atheists are.
Timestamps are off,
John starts at 07:30
Ralph at 19:10
Syngyn - 39:03
Jack - 59:45
Keyon - 1:09:41
Kendall - 1:22:21
Had to get you to at least the half-way point in your fundraising.... thank you so muchACA, from the UK :o)
I feel a bit sorry for Syngyn..
Because I think this is the first real time he has ever thought about these questions..
Hope he calls back in the future.
@Phelan... you are right ...I think Matt gets a bit frustrated sometimes,...maybe because he sees his younger gullible self in some of them..
It's only after I first watched this show Ten years ago, I really started to think about it myself, (although I was never really ever that religious in the first place...and definatly not at all now)
But I'm more inclined to ask WHY when anyone tels me they believe in Ghosts, Goblins, and God's.
Hope you read these comments Syngyn.
Love the time stamps.
John in Florida actually starts at 7:28
Ralph 19:03
I think Kendall learned how to argue from Monty Python, since he seems to think all he needs to do is say "no it doesn't" even when something contradicting his opinion is read to him.
whenever i hear someone
actually say "hmmm"
followed by "this is a difficult question"
and ive seen it a few times...
im terribly sorry i dont think they're ever going to call back and think deeply about their beliefs
It is refreshing to hear the ones that actually admit they don't have an answer instead of tap dancing. It's _entertaining_ listening to someone paint themselves into a corner, like watching slapstick comedy, but at the same time a bit disheartening that they're so indocrinated.
I get a real buzz when someone has one of those rare "oh shit, I understand now" moments... I suppose you could call it an irreligious revelation.
Some of them do, but very few, and most of the time months after the initial conversation.
Love the lyrics 😊
Jenna made a great point. The feeling of, “I know there’s something.” - This pointing to things that seem impossible in nature to validate the feeling.
Showing the birthday wishes was so cool! I love it when people who work together honor each other. All of you who took the time to send their well-wishes: Way to go! The Atheist Experience is awesomeness!
I know, right?? :D
Pascal's wager...or, I am still too scared to admit I am an atheist.
An atheist who wants christian privileges for sure.
@@atme7513 Of course, if you talk to Jack he will pretend that only atheists have privileges.
Pascal's wager - an argument so dumb that Homer Simpson tears it to shreds....
"But Marge, what if we picked the wrong god? Then each week, the real god gets madder and madder..."
Vern sounds like a really funny gentleman.
Wish I watched live to catch the end of that.
Keep doing what you're doing team, love the content.
It's simple Jenna...if they can relate to us as groups/organizations, they no longer have to see us as fellow human beings.
And, Matt, my hat's off to you for your patience and tolerance, especially with Kendall. Holy FUCK, man! 😂😂😂
John is on the track to reality, go John!
Ignoring Jenna like that is not cool.
True! That was so rude!
I’m not sure he did that on purpose at all. He appeared to be hyper-focused on Matt because Matt has been the most resonating voice through his deconversion.
John is looking for permission. An invitation. He’s desperately seeking reassurance that the water is warm and that we’re with him and we won’t let him drown.
Use SE to help him discover any tether keeping him connected to his religion, and reassure him that life still continues and thrives without supernatural beliefs.
He sounded troubled, like about to lose his wit. I doubt it was a rudeness thing. Hope he finds help.
I met someone like John I was tutoring anatomy and physiology and we started talking about evolution and it went to morality and I started talking about slavery and genocide sanctioned by God she checked her Bible app read it for 5mins I saw this look in her eyes where her world view is falling apart and she just walked out of the class
He was ignoring parts of what Matt was saying too.
That little birthday celebration of Vern was hilarious and heartwarming. I hope he had a good day. Happy late birthday Vern!
All these theists were on a roll tonight with answering dishonestly. The excuses never cease amaze me.
Thank you! What a great show!
Jack is seriously rude and condescending lmao. Calling in being like "I'm talking" beasically shushing the HOSTS of the show down. Wow.
Except they weren't even talking when he said that. The only person interrupting him was himself.
1:28:00 you can almost HEAR him squirming while Matt reads...
I think the chances he was legit is 50/50. :)
@@mischarowe I'd give it about the same. :) but the squirm was 100% real though XD
@@twitchforce6976 Lol true.
People are willingly ignorant/irrational because our limbic system (emotional brain) has much more power than our prefrontal cortex (rational brain) - we are basically still 90% animals and only 10% rational beings. People are mostly impulse-driven and emotional ... it takes lots of work to become relatively rational.
I have been espousing psychedelics, meditation, math, logic, certain aspects of psychology, practical Qabalah, tai chi, Undoing Yourself methods and more to help us begin to tip the balance towards being rational and therefore deliberate beings. The key word here is begin. Cheers!
Joe Horn Techniques aren’t rational and all of these can lead to ever increasing levels of self-regulation. You’ve jumped the gun here. If you truly want to know what they can do you will see what I’m talking about if you do the research. Then apply them properly and diligently. Best of luck with your experiences and experiments.
90% animal? ...
100% animal, mainly bacteria.
Joe Horn So clearly you know next to nothing about any of these and want to tell me you have the facts. This isn’t the way conversation happens to advance knowledge. Obviously it’s your choice to ignore this. But you might try learning about something simple like blood flow and stress. Or psycho-physiological coherence. Or etc, etc, etc. Everything that I mentioned has the potential to help us master self-regulation. Tons of research on self-regulation. Cheers.
Cool Art Piece Jenna!!!
Jenna Belk, Queen of the Great Questions.
54:57 This topic was actually mind blowing for me. Like, it just registered that there are people that go through life without a general sense of curiosity, and YOU may have been that person at one point in your life. I’ve clearly been in my own echo chamber to not have realized this before. You just think other people are like you in this way...and then we wonder why people are so ignorant...well, this explains a lot of it.
Thinking back on my own memories, I realize that curiosity is like a muscle, it needs to be exercised and built up and strengthened. It’s probably not fair to say people without a strong sense of curiosity are completely robotic, I think how we start off life as babies and children, we have a natural curiosity of the world, but I think that slowly fades, especially if the world and the people we are surrounded by do not instill in us this need, and skill to strengthen it. School is mostly being told *what* to think, not *how* to think, so it really seems like most humans go through life with a very small amount of curiosity.
Thinking back I can also pinpoint pivotal moments in my life where I feel I actually began valuing curiosity, thereby strengthening the muscle so to speak. It was definitely not one big moment, but many small moments where I slowly began understanding the benefit it can bring to my life. This is a path most people simply don’t go down. I don’t think I would have went down it myself if it weren’t for the internet and spending a large amount of my life on it, and so it’s easy to understand why people wouldn’t find value in it if they’ve been swept up with distractions and things to do from the moment they were born. There’s no time to actually sit and think for most people.
I can say this has helped me understand other people and where they’re coming from greatly.
Nice job Jenna with Ralph!
Love the show all. Keep up the great work!
Love the part where kendall asks; are you biblical scholar and Matt's reply was golden, can just imagine that part in sam jacksons voice
I was about to comment on that! Lmfao;
Just a heads up, as of posting this comment, it seems the beginning of the live stream was trimmed, so the time stamps in the description are off by a couple minutes.
There was a techical problem with sound in the live show at the start so they cut the bit out where there was no sound
For this you must both be stoned.
Great episode!
I really think that there may be hope for Syngyn, because he at least was willing to listen and answer questions even if he is still confused.
John, Don't dismiss Jenna like that.
When you do that, we aren't going to listen to you, period.
Wow, Matt’s really patient these first few calls.
Some people watch AXP to witness frank theism and atheism conversations. If you’re not into that, you can watch it as a drama where a man gradually but certainly loses his sanity over the course of ninety minutes.
Every time I see clips with this setup/series, I keep saying to myself, “I love the four color swath panels behind Jenna.”
Matt got me so hard with the fake audio issue LOL
You rubbed one out huh?
fake audio issue fetish?
@@larjkok1184 god yes
@@nonomos dont kink shame me
I wish I could give more than one thumbs up. Love it!
Jesus, I hope Keyon hasn't procreated if he has it'd be nearly the only instance where I think CPS needs to intervene.
Happy Birthday Vern! 🎉🎊🎈🎂🎉🎊🎈
Kendall - so I guess by his logic there was never Slavery in the history of the entire world, cause even outside of the bible most countries that once/still have Slavery also have laws saying you're not allowed to Kidnap people.
Is that the same Keyon who called in a few months ago. To ask where the first babies came from and who raised them.
Noticed Jenna's questioning facial expression when Matt quoted the Second Commandment (graven images).
The Catholics, like the Lutherans, skip graven images in Ex 20. Then to fill out the commandment list so that there are 10, they divide the Tenth Comandment in two so number 9 says don't covet, and number 10 says don't covet your neighbor's wife.
Interesting. We don't know how to rightly divide god's word yet after these thousands of years.
Oh, I wondered how the Catholics got past the graven image commandment.
And the fact is the Bible doesn't call the commandments in Exodus 20 the 10 commandments. For the actual list the Bible itself calls the 10 commandments you have to go to Exodus 34, they start at Exodus 34:14:
1 Thou shalt worship no other god.
2 Thou shalt make thee no molten gods.
3 The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep.
4 Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day rest.
5 Thou shalt observe the feast of weeks.
6 Thrice in the year shall all your men children appear before the Lord God.
7 Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven.
8 Neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left until the morning.
9 The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the Lord thy God.
10 Thou shalt not seeth a kid in his mother's milk.
Exodus 34:28 And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.
^^^ that verse is the first time the phrase "the ten commandments" appears in the Bible.
@@cnault3244 You are right. I refer to catechism usage and churchy stuff from the Middle Ages which endure in some traditions until our day. My Lutheran grade school made us memorize "the ten commandments." That's what we did. We never read them in the bible. They were printed in our little books with book, chapter, and verse to "document" their authority. Additionally, our little book "clarified" exactly what we were supposed to know with answer to "What does this mean?"
I think most churches don't teach out of catechisms. I say, Good for them!
Shhhhh guys hE iS tAlKiNG 😂
Imagine asking Matt Dillahunty "Are you a Biblical scholar?"
I would call in but it wouldn't help the show because I would just agree with everything you guys are saying because u guys are on point
fat paul same here Paul, would love to talk to them but in 63 years I have never suffered from blind faith or a belief in God, my Parents were career RCAF during and after WW2, Dad later on an Airline Navigator so logic and Science ruled the day!!!
@@oldmansolo572 Lucky you!
This entire episode was GOLD.
God built the universe with bits left over from when he built a doghouse for his puppy.
Keyon might be one of the best callers in the history of this show. He gave me such a good laugh. Please unblock his number!! 😂 😂
It was both hilarious and frustrating to hear Jack say "I'm talking"
My spouse's deconversion happened when he was young. Their family prayed for a test from God to bring them more together. Shortly after their family got into a car wreck and his brother was in a coma but ultimately died. It was very traumatizing, and the religion heaped on it made it so much worse. That a family would ask for something and then the family to be happy that they got confirmation in this form made him question everything from then on.
I've told you 87 billion times; don't exaggerate!
Are the description timestamps only off for me?
Proper timestamps:
7:26 - John
19:10 - Ralph
38:35 - Syngyn
59:45 - Jack
1:09:30 - Keyon
1:21:22 - Kendall
Sorry, Kendal takes the cake. He reminds me so much about a dishonest and hypocrite pastor over here.
Yes. The mint cake.
This is the second time Kendall called in and got owned on slavery. Based on the last time, I'd say he's a Turek follower.
It drives me crazy when callers only say hi to Matt.
1:21:22 Jenna and Kendall both hiding laughs at "finish me off... ". Too funny.
I like the etymology of language analogy to evolution. Evolution of language is something that is easily identified, and can relate to how evolution of species works.
Why is it that theist can't make a point with out circling around the universe first?
Just when I thought I had heard it all ....... Keyon from CA rings in!
Why is it a lot of theist can’t give a straight forward answer?
Can't? Or won't? The reason they won't give a straight forward answer is usually because they know they are trapped. If the question, "Do you agree that our morality about the coconuts derives from the exact same source?" they have to duck it, because if they answer it directly (it's a simple yes/no answer, and the answer is obviously yes)., it would amount to a concession that they've lost the point. So they have to run a dodge to something else to avoid answering that question.
Same reason alot of theists are politicians
Because the majority of every group are ignorant and haven't thought about their position extensively. If theists have a similar show, athiests probably won't give a straight answer as well.
@@baleriontheblackdread4491 why would an atheist call a theist show like this? Good luck if it is to prove there is no god, given the burden of proof. Maybe just to debunk the idea that we eat babies. Or to explain that not believing is not the same thing as believing not. In any case, we have no beliefs to proclaim as atheists.
@@AlDunbar atheists can easily call a theist show just to debunk theism. They are many reasons why they'd call. All of this doesn't matter though, what matters is the majority will probably have a really difficult job explaining their answers.
It's Andrew, not Kindall, from the Austin Stone church lying to get on the show. I guess he missed the part in his Bible where lying is declared a sin.
46:31 is Syngyn's eureka moment and he didn't even realize it.
No it wasnt lol. The Bible is a story book, citing history written by people. Some used the word "God" as a crutch to to push whatever they wanted. The Creator, was the big bang. Ask, not state, and I'd be happy to talk about it
You literally said that we have to follow god's word and you tried to use Mark 12:31 and the ten commandments examples yet you acknowledged that it's faulty and written by people... there's no way you can take anything in it as a god's word if that's so. It's been written and rewritten and edited and translated and retranslated over thousands of years.
@@halwakka504 you are letting a story book written by people that is just an account of their writings, that is confusing as fuxk, get in the way of the fact that Something did created the observable universe
@@halwakka504 gods word is just dont be a jerk in my opinion lol
Good episode.. it Literally says that