This entire scene is about leting go of who you think you are, your false image and worst enemy - EGO "To have no technique" - having no preference on what you THINK you can use in battle "There is no opponent because the word "I" does not exist" - he is free from HIMSELF "I do not hit, it hits all by itself." - doing what you have to do when the time is right (also, the natural trained reaction) "The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives" - this screams ego more than anything in the entire movie, especially when Bruce gets in the mirror room, remebers this sentence and starts destroying the images of HIMSELF Do not focus on yourself or your enemy - focus on what you HAVE TO DO IN FRONT OF YOU Timeless legend with timeless lessons - you will always be remebered.
+Dharmendra Rai Notice what Bruces master says before that sentence - "what are your THOUGHTS when facing an opponent" and Bruce immediately responds "there is no opponent". It means his opponent does not occupy his mind. Bruce is focused on his own actions and what he has to do to defeat his opponent because when a fight starts there is only one simple truth - its either you or your opponent that goes down. Its useless to think if your opponent is stronger, faster, smarter or anything else because those things should be taken into account before a fight. Hope this helps.
It took me a while to understand this scene properly. The whole "a good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously." I always wondered what that meant. I have finally realised. When you are in a play, you must 'rehearse' beforehand. This is the equivalent of training for a martial arts fight. Finally, on the day of the play, you must act. But the best actors are those who are not acting, rather, they truly "feel" what it is they are portraying - it must come naturally to them, rather than trying to remember the next line. Likewise, in combat, the fighter must not be thinking about "the next line", rather, it must come "naturally" to them, a product of their "rehearsals" and, of course, "emotional content". And "I do not hit... "it" hits all by itself" is self-explanatory. (:
King Solomon Correct on Muscle memory. I throw a ball you catch it. You walk into a dark room you turn on the lights. All these things you do without thinking. So Bruce is saying its not him but his body that's acting out.
Cornell Abrams "'It' hits all by itself." -Bruce Lee Additionally, the deeper aspect here; our conditioned mind's high-focus, and extended-awareness from intense meditation.
This entire scene is so true to a fighter. I did not understand it at first but after training for years I have come to the realization that you are not just training yourself physically but also mentally. When your mind and body is in the zone, you will automatically react to a situation without even thinking about it.
The message from Bruce Lee is epic, as he explains that when in combat is to remove your ego, or self completely, to free yourself up from any thoughts, and thoughts about the opponent keeping the mind empty, without expectation, or demand, hence the word I does not exist, and to focus with awareness, but not dreaming with self expression in the moment, when Bruce says, I do not hit it hits all by itself, he has trained his body to react, with instinct, without thinking, but reacting, as if the body has its own instinctive memory.
That makes perfect sense. I believe he is describing the state of unconscious competence, where the body instinctively reacts to a threat, without the mind being consciously aware of it. The 4 stages of development are: 1. unconsciously incompetent 2. consciously incompetent 3. consciously competent 4. unconsciously competent
perfectsplit Bruce likes to read all kinds of philosophy books, eastern and western. You can read the Diamond Sutra to understand more on subject of no ego.
This can be preached and explained in a thousand different ways but all ways of explaining itself never gets tiring as it is timeless and can stay with you at any moment
A fighter who has reached ultra instinct. A martial artist who has rised above his physical level achieving the spiritual technique of fighting.. Damn he's a legend..
@@snowflakemelter1172 It's like, you didn't cheat on me, you cheated on yourself. This means that you usually not only harm the other person but also yourself. Karma;
@@snowflakemelter1172 bro, you know these Bruce Lee fans will never admit he was just an actor, they only know the persona he invented for his action movies, just like how women were infatuated with Jennifer Aniston solely based on her charmingly average Friends character.
Dylan Fowler at the age of 18 he put in the hospital 3 guys from Triada with very bad head injuries, one of them was in coma. It was a fist fight. After that his problems with Triada started and he had to flee to USA. So ma man he was actually very good fighter, who was experimenting on his body a lot
And this right here is why Enter The Dragon remains one of, if not THE greatest martial arts movie of all time. This movie was Bruce Lee's chance to not just film a good fight scene, but bring his philosophy to the world, and leave the viewer considering the message long after the rush of the action scene was over.
Spihk heart bust!? Spihk heart bust tell Sarah from the holy Bible to Spihk heart bust all all time mates internet Friends and all all time internet Friends for all all time Visitors for house that Zumo's brother's bathroom doorway dad's brother's Look aLike's brother Transported Liston Server BOA ATM girl to!!!!!!!
I wish Bruce Lee were still alive & making movies! He's IRREPLACEABLE!!!! He was born in 1940 & passed away at the young age of 33. If he were alive today, he'd be 73 years old & going on 74! If I had a time machine, I'd go back in history & meet Bruce Lee. He's my hero & inspiration! d:o)
I believe Bruce Lee died at 32. If he had survived to become an old man, then his opposition would have "caught up" to him, and his legend would have "died down". During the course of his life, he was light-years ahead of his competition, which never managed to catch up to him. Thus preserving his legend for all eternity. Royce Gracie was light-years ahead of his competition in UFC I and 2. He seemed legendary at the time, back in late '93 and 1994. Unlike Bruce Lee, he made it to his 33rd birthday and lived to be an old man. His competition eventually managed to catch up to him and defeat him. Thus destroying his legend. So which one is better off?
7 лет назад+4
perfectsplit bl died age 32.8 ? I though he was alive and been teaching cha cha in hongkong.
I saw this music possibly a dozen times when it first came out and years after, however over the years I kept recalling things, but no longer saw them in later presentations. After a while, I just stopped looking for them, but I knew there was more like this scene played out here. For many years they cut out the part where he says the enemy has only shadows, but you heard only his voice in the final scenes. One day they need to rerelease this movie, raw and uncut. Thanks for the posting.
Teacher: What is the highest tecnique you hope to achive? Bruce Lee: To have no technique. Teacher: Very good, what are your thoughts when facing an opponent? Bruce Lee: Their is no opponent. Teacher: Then why is that? Bruce Lee: Because the word I, does not exist. Teacher: So, continue. Bruce Lee: A good fight, should be, like a small play, but played seriously. A good martial artist, does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking yet, not dreaming . Ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expand I contract, when he contracts I expand. When thie is an opportunity, I do not hit, it hits all by itself. Teacher: Now, you must remember the enemy has only images, and illusions, behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image then you will break the enemy. Teacher: Tell me now, the shaolin commandament number 13. Bruce Lee: A martial artist has to take responsiblity for himself and to accept the sequences of his own doing.
"The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy." A deeply profound quote. Applicable to almost everything in life: relationships, business, politics, love, war, beauty, competition, ect.
@Edmond Dantez This quote and this entire movie is Bruce lee's subtle reference to "The Art of War". Written by legendary Chinese general Sun Tzu in 500 BC. One of the founding principles of "The Art of War" is: "All warfare is based on deception". Being A Westerner you have probably never read or studied the works of the Chinese classics so I understand if you don't get the reference.
deadbutmoving Some of it is from The Art of War, some of it is from The Book of Five Rings, some of it is from the Tao Te Ching. Lee referenced all of this and more in his films without crediting any of it. And yes, I've read it all and more. You're very assumptive, aren't you?
When I was younger, I didn't understand what he meant by being able to express yourself freely. Now, that I have trained a bit more and studied alot more I realize what he meant by that. To truly express yourself, when fighting, is like dancing. You give your best performance without shying away; you move to a beat that only you can hear. This is what Ultra Instinct is: you're not restricted to the laws of your mind; your body should move by feeling not by thought.
Just showed this to my daughter to prep her mind when she plays softball. A good softball player is not tense, but ready…not thinking but not dreaming. Words of wisdom that you can apply to any situation.
Bruce wrote and directed this scene even though Bob Clouse was there. It was in the final print but was cut when Bruce passed because producer Fred Wientraub got cold feet, wanted an action movie, not a philosophical treatise and was worried the scene was too cerebral and go over the audience head. IT was pure Jeet Kune Do. Perhaps too pure. So the life lesson scene was reduced to the bumbling student Bruce had to slap on the head for him to get it. That scene was the producer's commentary on the American audience. Im glad they put it back in the DVD.
Bruce Lee lives in the legacy of his martial art, Jeet Kune Do, and in all of the students and instructors keeping that system alive and well. Thank you for your generous contributions, Bruce Lee. Rest in peace.
this is true fighting philosophy! "when the opponent expand I contract and when he contract I expand. and when there is an opportunity, I do not hit. It hits all by itself." exactly what happens in a fight.
Ultra instinct is based off bruce lees philosophy....if you notice, it's whis who's been training them to get to that point, whis' fighting stance, is that of wing chun, and jkd. Kishimoto is a fan of Bruce Lee I believe.
@@cyberpilot6512 Ultra instinct in reality is called Mushin. It is portrayed very well in the anime, and basically hits the nail on the head. It's a state of no state, or as Bruce puts it here, not thinking, yet not dreaming, not tense, but ready.
Lee's dedication to his art is an inspiration to anyone who aspires to excel. A wonderful martial artist and thinker also. He wrote a book on his philosophy. I wish I could have his level of dedication to my chosen art.
"There is no oppnent because there is no 'I'..."means Letting go- not becoming emotionally attached to an opponent with hate, because all emotions bring with it resistance to your desired outcome. Something you love too much will disappoint you, all worldly things when given too much love and attention spoils- but given too little attention also dies. so keep it like a play i.e. keep it like a game.' Having 'no particular technique' means being pragmatic, open to change and learning, being free of ristrictive laws but keeping the principles strong. "The enemy has only images and illusions..." means freeing our head of old beliefs, I.e. stories that play out in our heads controlling us from the shadows, our subconscious, these fears are more damaging then the actual reality. if we are not aware of these we will be controlled but if we are aware we will be the masters of our own destiny.
This is pure taoist philosopy, you can readll about it on Bruce's Book, the tao of JKD; changed my whole life. Very similar to western stoicism but i like the tao more
This isn't just a throwaway line in a kung fu movie. This is a deep concept about free will and the self. Bruce Lee's philosophy was as important as his fists.
Bruce was "beginning to go internal." I used to think he was just the founder of MMA...along with the brothers, real fighters... Bruce was also going spiritual... There is great wisdom in what is spoken here. Always remember it. The longer you train, the more will be revealed how brilliant this was.
Whether in sports or in combat, I believe the most formidable combatant is the one who does not worry if he loses because he is at a level where he is having too much of a great time during the tournament. They are sometimes capable of unique and unbelievable things that even experience and training cannot provide because they are simply fearless.
Why did BLs character feel the need to say this? Because he was angry at himself for doing that against Sammo Hungs character in the opening scene. We can all make mistakes but we can always learn from others and teach others about our mistakes.
If it wasn't for ip man, and how righteous he was Bruce Lee wouldn't of been as focused and one with all. Oh if this great man was alive he could've changed a lot in the world
just a reminder that this movie have grossed over US$400 million worldwide (estimated to be the equivalent of over $2 billion adjusted for inflation as of 2022
Bruce Lee's Masters' Thesis in Philosophy when he attended the U. of Washington (Seattle) is often found in a library. Look it up. It's fairly brief for a Thesis, but there it is, and HERE it is.
Ego is without Love and Love is without ego. Liberate yourself from all kind of thoughts, be empty, be like water! To liberate is to see, and then you'll know.Fight when you have to ,emotional content is what is needed. Anger is not powerful; it's the emotional content + the physical act that is powerful, positive emotional content and you have so much more power from it then without it!
I have a version of this "I do not hit". Many times I've been fighting/sparing, a hit happens that I had no idea that I was going to throw. It surprises me as much as I'm sure it surprises the other person. I started thinking of this as a set of invisible strings that connect my hands to the other persons body parts. When the time is perfect, the string is pulled and I'm not even aware that the string was pulled. The shot lands and everyone is as shocked as the person who got hit.
Actually , Bruce Lee's level of Martial Arts is so profound that even in a actual encounter or fight he visualizes the whole scene as a 3rd person , from the outside looking in, pretty scary if I may say so...
This scene was one of several instances where Bruce Lee added to the original script, but Warner Bros cut the scene prior to the movie's original release. Their rationale was that Lee's speech was akin to a "long fortune cookie message," and would go over the heads of audiences in the United States. Lee gave this same speech to student Dan Inosanto several years prior to the making of Enter The Dragon. When Warner Bros decided to add this scene to the DVD release, they could not find the audio portion of the scene, so they hired Lee researcher John Little to imitate Bruce Lee's voice for this scene.
I always thought it was interesting how he looks at the old guy when he grabs his arm at 1:18 - The way Bruce looks at him is like "You have to the count of 3 to remove that hand!" lol
Abbott: What is the highest technique you hope to achieve? Lee: ''To have no technique. A good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously. A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking, yet not dreaming. Ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expands, I contract. When he contracts, I expand. And when there is an opportunity, I do not hit. It hits all by itself.'' Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own - Bruce Lee
" A martial artist has to take responsibility for himself and accept the consequences of his own doing" Good luck explaining that to people now. Too busy being victims, blaming others and programed to reject anything that calls for responsibility like Shaolin commandment #13.
The youth is doing it's purpose. They are trying something new. Part of it is right. With some more experience down their path, they will also learn what it means to shape things and take responsibility. I hope :)
@@tlist1970 yea there's more to this story than meets the eye. Some people were shooting empty beer cans with live rounds before the incident. I hope some of the crew members speak out but I doubt it .
What is the highest technique ? The master asked. To have no technique, replied the student. The master is thinking, “fuck what have I done… I’ve created a monster”
Bruce Lee was on a level of mastery which most don't understand. When you reach, oneness of self, philosophies, actions, reactions, motions, thoughts and intend. Which can allow you to flow like water when faced with oppsticals.
Every country and people got wisdom and knowledge. You probably think Chinese is funny but when you read Confuscious or whatever or read some Sanskrit or Latin or even African. There’s knowledge to be gained. That’s wisdom. That’s power. To enrich yourself mentally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually and that’s on top of physical. Ima train and workout and be a fighter/warrior. I don’t think my spirit/soul is for me be a deep fryer. That’s a disrespect to myself.
Bruce Lee is mysterious to me. There is no othe human being i am so intrigued with. To see him is like an entertainment, a life lesson, a meditation, a spiritual guide, an intellectual teaching,grounding experience, connecting back with innocence and a motivation. He is one i haven't figured out. Oh wait, lemme stop thinking and just feel!
This entire scene is about leting go of who you think you are, your false image and worst enemy - EGO
"To have no technique" - having no preference on what you THINK you can use in battle
"There is no opponent because the word "I" does not exist" - he is free from HIMSELF
"I do not hit, it hits all by itself." - doing what you have to do when the time is right (also, the natural trained reaction)
"The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives" - this screams ego more than anything in the entire movie, especially when Bruce gets in the mirror room, remebers this sentence and starts destroying the images of HIMSELF
Do not focus on yourself or your enemy - focus on what you HAVE TO DO IN FRONT OF YOU
Timeless legend with timeless lessons - you will always be remebered.
+Ivan Mirosavljevic thank you for your wonderful insights
+Ivan Mirosavljevic Could you throw light on " there is no opponent "
+Dharmendra Rai Notice what Bruces master says before that sentence - "what are your THOUGHTS when facing an opponent" and Bruce immediately responds "there is no opponent". It means his opponent does not occupy his mind.
Bruce is focused on his own actions and what he has to do to defeat his opponent because when a fight starts there is only one simple truth - its either you or your opponent that goes down. Its useless to think if your opponent is stronger, faster, smarter or anything else because those things should be taken into account before a fight.
Hope this helps.
+Ivan Mirosavljevic Super . Thank you Ivan !
+Ivan Mirosavljevic That was a very good explanation . thank you
"I do not hit... "it" hits all by itself"
Ultra instinct mode has been achieved by Bruce long time ago
YOLO It's actually been long held in martial arts
Bruce taught whis
Train your reflexes and you'll achieve ultra instinct.
Movement without thought first. Only reactions.
It's called Mushin in japanese martial arts.
@@pianogiovanna4854 and mushin mean no mind in inglish
It took me a while to understand this scene properly.
The whole "a good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously."
I always wondered what that meant. I have finally realised. When you are in a play, you must 'rehearse' beforehand. This is the equivalent of training for a martial arts fight. Finally, on the day of the play, you must act. But the best actors are those who are not acting, rather, they truly "feel" what it is they are portraying - it must come naturally to them, rather than trying to remember the next line. Likewise, in combat, the fighter must not be thinking about "the next line", rather, it must come "naturally" to them, a product of their "rehearsals" and, of course, "emotional content".
And "I do not hit... "it" hits all by itself" is self-explanatory. (:
I got the "it hits by themselves part. Muscle memory reference. But you just enlightened the shit outtaa me. Thnx
King Solomon Correct on Muscle memory. I throw a ball you catch it. You walk into a dark room you turn on the lights. All these things you do without thinking. So Bruce is saying its not him but his body that's acting out.
Cornell Abrams "'It' hits all by itself." -Bruce Lee
Additionally, the deeper aspect here; our conditioned mind's high-focus, and extended-awareness from intense meditation.
You nailed it!! Oss!
So wait did Bruce Lee have muscle memory so good it became involuntary?
Legends never die , they always live forever in the hearts of fans
Long live Bruce Lee.
It bloody annoyed me back in the day when they left out (cut) huge scenes like this from a masterpiece of a film. Thanks roughrider119.
This entire scene is so true to a fighter. I did not understand it at first but after training for years I have come to the realization that you are not just training yourself physically but also mentally. When your mind and body is in the zone, you will automatically react to a situation without even thinking about it.
It's call ULTRA INSTINCT for short
The ultimate goal is to not react.
I believe it.
The art of fighting without fighting orrr the art of fighting without knowing how to fight!😂👀 anyone know the movie?
@@stephenwalsh4481enter the dragon
This is why I've always called Ultra Instinct "Bruce Lee Mode"
Indeed he brought the idea from wing chun and made it known to the world
Super Gogeta I think you mean 葉問 when you refer to wing chun
AlexDeGhost You been watching too much Dragon Ball Z...
Exactly! Don't mind the other comments, they didnt understand ✌
And basic instinct sharon stone mode
The message from Bruce Lee is epic, as he explains that when in combat is to remove your ego, or self completely, to free yourself up from any thoughts, and thoughts about the opponent keeping the mind empty, without expectation, or demand, hence the word I does not exist, and to focus with awareness, but not dreaming with self expression in the moment, when Bruce says, I do not hit it hits all by itself, he has trained his body to react, with instinct, without thinking, but reacting, as if the body has its own instinctive memory.
That makes perfect sense. I believe he is describing the state of unconscious competence, where the body instinctively reacts to a threat, without the mind being consciously aware of it. The 4 stages of development are:
1. unconsciously incompetent
2. consciously incompetent
3. consciously competent
4. unconsciously competent
perfectsplit Bruce likes to read all kinds of philosophy books, eastern and western. You can read the Diamond Sutra to understand more on subject of no ego.
Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Mike Tyson
Well said
This can be preached and explained in a thousand different ways but all ways of explaining itself never gets tiring as it is timeless and can stay with you at any moment
A fighter who has reached ultra instinct. A martial artist who has rised above his physical level achieving the spiritual technique of fighting.. Damn he's a legend..
You know it's a movie right ?
@@snowflakemelter1172 It's like, you didn't cheat on me, you cheated on yourself. This means that you usually not only harm the other person but also yourself. Karma;
@@OutlawzGospel777 nice fantasy
@@snowflakemelter1172 bro, you know these Bruce Lee fans will never admit he was just an actor, they only know the persona he invented for his action movies, just like how women were infatuated with Jennifer Aniston solely based on her charmingly average Friends character.
"Destroy the image and you will break the enemy"
Wise words for our own time!
this goes for urself as well
I am from India
Ive been enlightened thank you sir
What movie is this?
@@alisonrodriguesmartins3508 Enter the Dragon
Bruce Lee's philosophy was more powerful than his fighting abilities.
Or one may say his fighting abilities is so powerful that it's gone philosophical?
Ed Berger It's called acting. His philosophies and lessons learnt in life are what made Bruce a real bonus to humanity.
Dylan Fowler at the age of 18 he put in the hospital 3 guys from Triada with very bad head injuries, one of them was in coma. It was a fist fight. After that his problems with Triada started and he had to flee to USA. So ma man he was actually very good fighter, who was experimenting on his body a lot
I feel sorry for him he didn't believe in Jesus. it was all for nothing
Gabriel Bryant Bruce believed in The Christ Consciousness, a state of oneness he often experienced in his life and death.
And this right here is why Enter The Dragon remains one of, if not THE greatest martial arts movie of all time. This movie was Bruce Lee's chance to not just film a good fight scene, but bring his philosophy to the world, and leave the viewer considering the message long after the rush of the action scene was over.
Spihk heart bust!? Spihk heart bust tell Sarah from the holy Bible to Spihk heart bust all all time mates internet Friends and all all time internet Friends for all all time Visitors for house that Zumo's brother's bathroom doorway dad's brother's Look aLike's brother Transported Liston Server BOA ATM girl to!!!!!!!
I wish Bruce Lee were still alive & making movies! He's IRREPLACEABLE!!!! He was born in 1940 & passed away at the young age of 33. If he were alive today, he'd be 73 years old & going on 74! If I had a time machine, I'd go back in history & meet Bruce Lee. He's my hero & inspiration! d:o)
I believe Bruce Lee died at 32.
If he had survived to become an old man, then his opposition would have "caught up" to him, and his legend would have "died down". During the course of his life, he was light-years ahead of his competition, which never managed to catch up to him. Thus preserving his legend for all eternity.
Royce Gracie was light-years ahead of his competition in UFC I and 2. He seemed legendary at the time, back in late '93 and 1994. Unlike Bruce Lee, he made it to his 33rd birthday and lived to be an old man. His competition eventually managed to catch up to him and defeat him. Thus destroying his legend.
So which one is better off?
perfectsplit bl died age 32.8 ? I though he was alive and been teaching cha cha in hongkong.
E Lee Bruce Lee isn't hero he was the real God lived on earth
Lee would not agree with you, you should have no heroes...
i wonder if they meant alltia ( hun )
I never knew this was part of Enter The Dragon. Thank you for restoring the missing dialog.
I saw this music possibly a dozen times when it first came out and years after, however over the years I kept recalling things, but no longer saw them in later presentations. After a while, I just stopped looking for them, but I knew there was more like this scene played out here. For many years they cut out the part where he says the enemy has only shadows, but you heard only his voice in the final scenes. One day they need to rerelease this movie, raw and uncut. Thanks for the posting.
Bruce Lee will forever " the master " of all Martial Artists...
Not of Bodhidharma
@@bullymaguire1542 yes ,first
" I do not hit" It's called ULTRA INSTINCT.😂
Rey Galendez I was expecting a comment like this lol😂
Dragon Ball fan spotted.
Who else is dragon ball super fan here?
Play that shit vegeta
original super saiyan god
Thank you for posting the WHOLE scene. Excellent!
He trained his subconscious mind to react by it's
ffs, it's from a movie
@@stevo62ful Actually, not entirely correct.
Teacher: What is the highest tecnique you hope to achive?
Bruce Lee: To have no technique.
Teacher: Very good, what are your thoughts when facing an opponent?
Bruce Lee: Their is no opponent.
Teacher: Then why is that?
Bruce Lee: Because the word I, does not exist.
Teacher: So, continue.
Bruce Lee: A good fight, should be, like a small play, but played seriously. A good martial artist, does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking yet, not dreaming . Ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expand I contract, when he contracts I expand. When thie is an opportunity, I do not hit, it hits all by itself.
Teacher: Now, you must remember the enemy has only images, and illusions, behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image then you will break the enemy.
Teacher: Tell me now, the shaolin commandament number 13.
Bruce Lee: A martial artist has to take responsiblity for himself and to accept the sequences of his own doing.
You didn't need to type it all out, we can all hear the video and see what is happening.
@UCpLYhYUM1B85KTZoMQZ3CeQ fuck you guy I wanted to read it
Thanks. I miss thing's sometimes.
@@diegobarron1690 Me too
@@samsontim1962 ...LOL!!!🤣🤣
There's so much wisdom in this scene. It is the summary of the oriental thinking.
He masterd the Self Movement "I dont hit it hits all by it's self "👑
"The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy."
A deeply profound quote. Applicable to almost everything in life: relationships, business, politics, love, war, beauty, competition, ect.
It's just foreshadowing for the mirror room scene, there's nothing "deep" or "profound" about it.
@Edmond Dantez This quote and this entire movie is Bruce lee's subtle reference to "The Art of War". Written by legendary Chinese general Sun Tzu in 500 BC.
One of the founding principles of "The Art of War" is: "All warfare is based on deception".
Being A Westerner you have probably never read or studied the works of the Chinese classics so I understand if you don't get the reference.
deadbutmoving Some of it is from The Art of War, some of it is from The Book of Five Rings, some of it is from the Tao Te Ching. Lee referenced all of this and more in his films without crediting any of it. And yes, I've read it all and more. You're very assumptive, aren't you?
Edmond Dantez no bro, it has a deep meaning, you'll get to know if you contemplate beyond physicality
You couldn't be more wrong, edmond. Its deeper than you realize.
The man who reached the ultra instinct level ..
How's sam dean
@Ed Berger fuck off
When I was younger, I didn't understand what he meant by being able to express yourself freely. Now, that I have trained a bit more and studied alot more I realize what he meant by that.
To truly express yourself, when fighting, is like dancing. You give your best performance without shying away; you move to a beat that only you can hear. This is what Ultra Instinct is: you're not restricted to the laws of your mind; your body should move by feeling not by thought.
Ya same with me💖
Very well explained, thankyou ❤
Just showed this to my daughter to prep her mind when she plays softball. A good softball player is not tense, but ready…not thinking but not dreaming. Words of wisdom that you can apply to any situation.
The way he says, "it hits by itself" brings me inexplicable joy.
Everything he says is gold.
Bruce wrote and directed this scene even though Bob Clouse was there. It was in the final print but was cut when Bruce passed because producer Fred Wientraub got cold feet, wanted an action movie, not a philosophical treatise and was worried the scene was too cerebral and go over the audience head. IT was pure Jeet Kune Do. Perhaps too pure. So the life lesson scene was reduced to the bumbling student Bruce had to slap on the head for him to get it. That scene was the producer's commentary on the American audience. Im glad they put it back in the DVD.
Legends never die.
Bruce Lee is living in his fan's heart ❤ till now (2020)
2023 am watching all videos and motivations.
on my last day I remember his words.....❕
Bruce Lee lives in the legacy of his martial art, Jeet Kune Do, and in all of the students and instructors keeping that system alive and well. Thank you for your generous contributions, Bruce Lee. Rest in peace.
Bruce Lee=Phenomenol gone too soon, RIP.
Father of MMA.
this is true fighting philosophy! "when the opponent expand I contract and when he contract I expand. and when there is an opportunity, I do not hit. It hits all by itself." exactly what happens in a fight.
Bruce lee talks about ultra instinct. Wow
Israel is Beach in world from India
Israel Nieves - and this is decades before "ultra instinct" was even a word.
Ultra instinct is based off bruce lees philosophy....if you notice, it's whis who's been training them to get to that point, whis' fighting stance, is that of wing chun, and jkd. Kishimoto is a fan of Bruce Lee I believe.
Man almost all fight moves, anime, cartoons, shows, mma comes from this man and his way of thinking. So many lines and strategies are from his books
@@cyberpilot6512 Ultra instinct in reality is called Mushin. It is portrayed very well in the anime, and basically hits the nail on the head. It's a state of no state, or as Bruce puts it here, not thinking, yet not dreaming, not tense, but ready.
You did so good to upload because it holds the essence of fighting for those who can really understand.
Thanks for showing the whole scene. 🙏☯️
Lee's dedication to his art is an inspiration to anyone who aspires to excel. A wonderful martial artist and thinker also. He wrote a book on his philosophy. I wish I could have his level of dedication to my chosen art.
Are you speaking of the physical art? The mental? Or both? =]
0:26 "There is no opponent".
Ferruccio Guicciardi as there is no evil or good. its what you see as good or evil
No, the opponent is in the mirror.
@@hiepnguyen1841 Good point !
No. you are wrong..if there is a good the bad must be there too.
"There is no oppnent because there is no 'I'..."means Letting go- not becoming emotionally attached to an opponent with hate, because all emotions bring with it resistance to your desired outcome. Something you love too much will disappoint you, all worldly things when given too much love and attention spoils- but given too little attention also dies. so keep it like a play i.e. keep it like a game.' Having 'no particular technique' means being pragmatic, open to change and learning, being free of ristrictive laws but keeping the principles strong. "The enemy has only images and illusions..." means freeing our head of old beliefs, I.e. stories that play out in our heads controlling us from the shadows, our subconscious, these fears are more damaging then the actual reality. if we are not aware of these we will be controlled but if we are aware we will be the masters of our own destiny.
Didn't know it was so deep when I was young but know it's seems like a different film.
Me Vs my mind
Nice explanation! Thankss
Hi, could you tell about emotional content, not anger ? Anger is also an emotion, right ?
@@mukeshpandiyan6203 Same I didn't understand yet these after 6 months of trying.....if I understand I will let you know
This upload is Extraordinary
"I" does not exists.
This line stole my heart. 😊
The Late Roy Chaio & The Late Bruce Lee two Legends.
Yep I'm bringing my kids and grandkids here to show this great master piece of everything
Martial arts is simply and completely explained in just this one single scene
"The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motive. Destroy the image and illusion, and you will break the enemy."
This is pure taoist philosopy, you can readll about it on Bruce's Book, the tao of JKD; changed my whole life. Very similar to western stoicism but i like the tao more
For some reason I find this scene extremely relaxing...
Bruce the first strongest mortal in universe 7
What about Achilles ?
@@pabloduerschinger3252 nah
“A good martial artist is not tense but ready” holy 🔥🔥
Thank you. God bless..🙏💖🕊️
2024 still watching 🔥🔥🔥💯
Anybody else??
This isn't just a throwaway line in a kung fu movie. This is a deep concept about free will and the self. Bruce Lee's philosophy was as important as his fists.
Bruce was "beginning to go internal." I used to think he was just the founder of MMA...along with the brothers, real fighters... Bruce was also going spiritual... There is great wisdom in what is spoken here. Always remember it. The longer you train, the more will be revealed how brilliant this was.
Whether in sports or in combat, I believe the most formidable combatant is the one who does not worry if he loses because he is at a level where he is having too much of a great time during the tournament. They are sometimes capable of unique and unbelievable things that even experience and training cannot provide because they are simply fearless.
I saw this movie in 1975 and it changed my life.
Cpt. Ahab_it what’s the name of this movie ?
I see this video, I did not click. It clicked by itself.
"I do not hit. It hits all by itself" damn bruce lee talking about ultra instict before even son goku discovered it! :D
it was a joke not a dick. dont take it so hard.
im tired of ultra instinct comments everywhere
The Gods Knew This technique millions of years ago lol
@@aidfrombosna toriyama stole that from Bruce Lee 😂
Are you blind? He hits the wrong tiger, because he jealous thieve.
"I dont hit it hits all by itself "
For Bruce Lee, it was all about muscle memory.
Ultra instinct
@@bloodmoonfox7305 Flow state
Never take your eyes off your opponent, even when you bow.
He isn't his opponent but his master :)
Love Loki and that my friend is why I curtsy.
Love Loki he looks like not ready but he was.. and he didn't feel thread in his teacher
Why did BLs character feel the need to say this? Because he was angry at himself for doing that against Sammo Hungs character in the opening scene. We can all make mistakes but we can always learn from others and teach others about our mistakes.
Imagine if Bruce lived and his son lived, what a career they would have.
I know I'm a true bruce lee student , I learn and apply
If it wasn't for ip man, and how righteous he was Bruce Lee wouldn't of been as focused and one with all. Oh if this great man was alive he could've changed a lot in the world
just a reminder that this movie have grossed over US$400 million worldwide (estimated to be the equivalent of over $2 billion adjusted for inflation as of 2022
Greatest known martial artist of all time!
Movie name
@@ganeshpatil5267 Enter the dragon.
Bruce Lee's Masters' Thesis in Philosophy when he attended the U. of Washington (Seattle) is often found in a library. Look it up. It's fairly brief for a Thesis, but there it is, and HERE it is.
Thank you for uploading this😊
Ego is without Love and Love is without ego. Liberate yourself from all kind of thoughts, be empty, be like water! To liberate is to see, and then you'll know.Fight when you have to ,emotional content is what is needed.
Anger is not powerful; it's the emotional content + the physical act that is powerful, positive emotional content and you have so much more power from it then without it!
I have a version of this "I do not hit". Many times I've been fighting/sparing, a hit happens that I had no idea that I was going to throw. It surprises me as much as I'm sure it surprises the other person. I started thinking of this as a set of invisible strings that connect my hands to the other persons body parts. When the time is perfect, the string is pulled and I'm not even aware that the string was pulled. The shot lands and everyone is as shocked as the person who got hit.
Thanks for uploading
No one can empty their mind like Bruce does... He's simply tht level...
Actually , Bruce Lee's level of Martial Arts is so profound that even in a actual encounter or fight he visualizes the whole scene as a 3rd person , from the outside looking in, pretty scary if I may say so...
How do you know?
@@jasonbourne4784видео.html, Dan Inosanto interview about Bruce Lee and JKD
That is spiritual insight precisely .
Philosophy so deep and meaningful it brings me to tears 🔥✊
Bruce Lee left alot of gems for everyone.
This scene was one of several instances where Bruce Lee added to the original script, but Warner Bros cut the scene prior to the movie's original release. Their rationale was that Lee's speech was akin to a "long fortune cookie message," and would go over the heads of audiences in the United States. Lee gave this same speech to student Dan Inosanto several years prior to the making of Enter The Dragon. When Warner Bros decided to add this scene to the DVD release, they could not find the audio portion of the scene, so they hired Lee researcher John Little to imitate Bruce Lee's voice for this scene.
I always thought it was interesting how he looks at the old guy when he grabs his arm at 1:18 - The way Bruce looks at him is like "You have to the count of 3 to remove that hand!" lol
The old guy was lucky.
Bruce Lee will always be the best philosopher of his time.
Abbott: What is the highest technique you hope to achieve? Lee: ''To have no technique. A good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously. A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking, yet not dreaming. Ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expands, I contract. When he contracts, I expand. And when there is an opportunity, I do not hit. It hits all by itself.'' Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own - Bruce Lee
Getting back to this in 2024. Legendarily!!!👑
Many thanks for this, great to see it, nice one.
It hits all by itself...that line gives me goosebumps because bruce is the real deal
" A martial artist has to take responsibility for himself and accept the consequences of his own doing" Good luck explaining that to people now. Too busy being victims, blaming others and programed to reject anything that calls for responsibility like Shaolin commandment #13.
The youth is doing it's purpose. They are trying something new. Part of it is right. With some more experience down their path, they will also learn what it means to shape things and take responsibility. I hope :)
He said it for martial artists.... not for us..... come on man
Alec Baldwin needs to man up and accept responsibility that he killed Halyna Hutchins.
R.I P.🙏
@@kennymichaelalanya7134 I want to know how a live round was in the gun to begin with.. wtf?!! Why would any real bullets be on a movie set?
@@tlist1970 yea there's more to this story than meets the eye. Some people were shooting empty beer cans with live rounds before the incident. I hope some of the crew members speak out but I doubt it .
1:11 Bruce Lee said it with full confidence 👏 he was the only person in the world who could make MARTIAL arts real.
His outlook was really inspiring..
Not Bruce Lee's voice. But he does a great job sounding just like him.
That's actually John Little, Bruce Lee biographer.
2:31 “His name is...Shang Tsung.”
You got me
Don't fear for those who know 1000 technique, fear for those who practice 1 technique 1000 time.
*50 YEARS AND **#STILL**..... 1973-2023*
What is the highest technique ? The master asked.
To have no technique, replied the student.
The master is thinking, “fuck what have I done… I’ve created a monster”
Makes a lot sense on what bruce lee saying in the whole scene...
What movie is this?
*The word I does not exist*
Bruce lee was an enlightened being!🙏
Bruce Lee was on a level of mastery which most don't understand. When you reach, oneness of self, philosophies, actions, reactions, motions, thoughts and intend. Which can allow you to flow like water when faced with oppsticals.
Many people think Martial arts is all about fighting but it's not. It's about how you carry yourself and how you treat people
This is Eastern philosophy, Eastern wisdom.
Every country and people got wisdom and knowledge. You probably think Chinese is funny but when you read Confuscious or whatever or read some Sanskrit or Latin or even African. There’s knowledge to be gained. That’s wisdom. That’s power. To enrich yourself mentally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually and that’s on top of physical. Ima train and workout and be a fighter/warrior. I don’t think my spirit/soul is for me be a deep fryer. That’s a disrespect to myself.
The Legend. nobody can take his place.
"I do not hit, it hits all by itself."
Hits back anyway.
Thanks yt for recommending this
Bruce Lee is mysterious to me. There is no othe human being i am so intrigued with.
To see him is like an entertainment, a life lesson, a meditation, a spiritual guide, an intellectual teaching,grounding experience, connecting back with innocence and a motivation. He is one i haven't figured out. Oh wait, lemme stop thinking and just feel!
How did it feel to you
@@anteater9408 Feels like being in nature or seeing a flower or being with kids or kittens. A sense of wholesomeness.
I agree with you. He is, if nothing else, an interesting man who lived his life to the fullest. It's a shame he died so young.
Destroy the image and you will break the enemy..what an deep and powerful sentence
Nobody has a greater image of a fighter than Bruce......Without him actually having any proven fight wins.