"Racists" ? On a Daybreak Morning Show ..with predictions & news ? Well, We might prefer the term "Ethnologist"... But Yeah ! #GoNationalist✌️ #PeaceAndFreeNations✌️
ProNorden Agrarian-Nationalism Ethnicity might be a reason for a small bias (I.E. smaller than what CLOTHING they're wearing.) Not a pretext for dehumanization. Ah yes. Laughs.
Joshua Sweetvale Skip dehumanization & disparagement of others ... Let's just have more appreciation, bonding, & understanding of our own traits & heritage. And maybe help others to continue & develop their own ethno-culture. Mono-culture Corporatism sucks. #GoNationalist✌️ #PeaceAndFreeNations✌️
They're both good, useful predictive tools. For example, astrology can be used to predict the character, beliefs and behaviour of astrologers, while racism can be used to predict the character, beliefs and behaviour of racists.
well....no, astrology can't be used to predict anything. _someone believing in astrology_ can, though: it can predict whether they believe in fairy stories or not
Actually, I think the best way to separate people into two distinct groups is to ask them if they believe in astrology. It's the first question I ask on a date. "You believe in astrology? I'm afraid this isn't going to work out."
So you're single then? because all women seem to believe in that bollocks. Not astrology but I was genuinally finished once because a "pyschcic" told my bird to do it. I've never been more greatfully to be finisedh in my life.
I was under the impression that the point of this routine was "Astrology is as dumb as racism for understanding people" But according to the comments it was "Racism is as acceptable as astrology." Thickies really shouldn't be allowed to watch stand up.
@@clairee4939 the finest criticism of modern security on the streets, also see "if you can take over the plane with a pair of tweezers you bloody deserve it"
Whereas if you're American, racism only divides people up into a few races: "White" "White _enough_ (like light-skinned Latinos, southern Europeans, and light-skinned mixed race people)" "Brown" "Black" "Yellow" and _maybe_ "Red" _if_ they don't just get lumped in with Brown. So, it's not nearly as good of a system of dividing people up by stupid stereotypes as astrology is. And _no,_ Dara wasn't saying racism can be used as a valid predictor of anything - everything he said up to "Ooo! Capricorn!" was him saying racism is utter bullshit. He wasn't saying racism is more useful than astrology, more true or acceptable, or anything like that. He was saying racism... is for the dads.
It's always interesting to me how differently race/ethnicity is treated in the U.S. vs. other parts of the world. In Europe, in lots of places the people are white but they all speak a different language and they all hate each other. In Africa, in lots of places all the people are black but they all speak a different language and they all hate each other. In India there's a lightness-darkness scale of ethnicity but everyone speaks a different language and they all hate each other. In east Asia most people are some kind of east Asian ethnicity but they all speak a different language and they all hate each other. In the U.S. everyone speaks the same language, white people only hate each other based on the two political teams but _hate_ other races more (if they hate anybody, as many people don't), black people aside from a few big city gangsters are all on a single team, in fact lots of non-white people (who are Americans, not first-generation immigrants carrying over their old prejudices) tend to get along okay in the vaguely second-class-citizen area. Except non-white (especially Arab) Muslims. Everybody hates them right now, _and_ anyone sticking up for them.
I’m in the “light enough” grouping. My black family members test me constantly to figure out if I’m racist against them. It’s no fun. It doesn’t feel like something your family should do.
How is it possible that this man can talk about it so openly? He is not shy about it either... Here in Sweden we don't talk about it. It is just not politically correct... Astrology is a really though subject....
Is it? I mean, really? It's so absurdly fake, I just don't understand how anyone could believe that stars and constellations thousands of light years away could have an impact on the day to day life of people on earth...
Actually, only 12. Despite the fact that the Ecliptic goes through and the Sun and all the planets can appear in Ophiuchus, most astrologers just don't count it. Probably because, well, it's always been 12, and if they change it now, it causes all kinds of problems, including the fact that any past predictions that didn't include it but came true would have to be, at best, coincidences or lucky guesses.
@@callumprice1710 I think you may have missed my point. The fact that there's a 13th constellation that "should" be in the zodiac but isn't for the purpose of astrology just shows how _not_ science-based it is.
Evi1M4chine Actually Avenue Q is not SJW in any way. It's a very free-thinking act that does away with the whole political nonsense, and they're just like "Sure, we're all kind of racist, so what? Have some fun at its expense"
@@threenplustwo9105 if you believe in it it will affect you. And if people around you believe in it it *could* affect you. Self-fulfilling prophecy really. Someone told by their starsign they'll find a new friend today will look for someone to make friends with, thereby making it true. Both the believer and nonbeliever were affected. But mostly it's just confirmation bias.
+banana delramma Yes I do!!... But I have no talent whatsoever when it comes to explain jokes.. specially if they try to induce people to reason about stupid beliefs xD and I haven't the faintest idea how to create subtitles and put them on a video... I know I could just translate it to them, but it somehow loses all the humour and they are not usually very opened minded when they cannot understand it by themeselves...
They did visit a planet where major decisions where made based on astrology. If you had the right star sign you where fast-tracked into leadership positions. If you had the wrong star sign you where thrown into a detention camp for life. They did a bunch of these. On another one online poles had legal weight. People who got to many down votes ended up getting lobotomized.
It's an adept comparison--back in the Middle Ages, astrology WAS used to make judgments about huge swaths of people. When you were born and what stars were dominant was held to determine all sorts of things about your temperament, your destiny, your worth as a human being.
in fact there are 13 signs of the zodiac, so that kinda screws up every horoscope ever. in fact the gravitational effect of the nurse who delivered you is greater than any star, so you better stalk the midwife.
I do think it's a bit of a non-argument (as someone who likes Pratchett's quote about the ObGyn exerting more gravity on you at birth than Jupiter does, AND, not overtly racist) He's using the fact that star-sign are supposed to be more/less compatible with each other, to equate racism and astrology.... HOWEVER, I don't know the last time a Jew was affected by the moon or a Scouser had better luck in the autumn, sorta thing
The point is that both seperations are arbitrary with no basis in reality (beyond the seperation) and so seen as both have the same predictive power racism is better as it can divide people more. You do have to start with the premise that astrology is a load of ribbish (because it is) probably because he sets that up earlier in the set.
Republican or democrat? Just two categories! Gay, straight or bi? Only three! I'm going to start categorising people according to how many times they've listened to "Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen. You've heard it five times? You must have natural rhythm. Twelve and a half? You love standing on your head!
Oh dear, we have one of the worst combinations here in the comments - wet liberals with the intellect of a 2 year old. It's comedy. He's drawing parallels to show bigotry and random labelling of people. Not rocket science. (although Dara will happilly explain Rocket science to you, he's a clever chap) Now run along, but not whilst you're carrying scissors or mummy will be cross.
Only a right-winger can watch a video that says racism is bad and come away with the idea that it's good, insulting the people who are generally better educated while ignoring the hordes of imbeciles in this comment section not getting the clip themselves and celebrating their bigotry and ignorance. Has to be great to be so devastatingly stupid you don't even realize it.
Firstly, whether comedy is offensive or not is determined by who is the butt of the joke. Secondly, Dara, like many Brits, uses race to mean any cultural grouping of people, rather than the specific races proposed by eugenics, the pseudo-science of racism. He could've been clearer; I don't know if he meant that racism had statistics on its side (80 potential descriptions as opposed to 12) or that the type of groupings he mentioned would be local and specific enough for these stereotypical predictions to surpass the success rate of the Barnum statements and the 1/12 random chance of astrology, but why bother, it's just a joke and people will troll the comment section either way.
+enleuk Yes, unfortunately, a lot of us do. Many people think that making fun of an English person is 'racist', which it isn't, unless that English person is black or something and them being black is playing a part in the whole making fun of thing. I don't think of races in that way, but I understand Dara's point
Rónán McIntyre To be fair, since racism is irrational stereotyping, it is no different from any other nonsensical prejudice and can therefore be clumped together with other types of groupings with some justification I think. That's why the term cultural racism was created. That's debatable of course, but at least we shouldn't focus only on the races as described by eugenics as that would indirectly lend some legitimacy to them.
+enleuk I just think that there should be a separate word for cultural racism, because it usually isn't based on biological race. It like calling murder 'theft of life'. It's just kinda different
"Racists" ? On a Daybreak Morning Show ..with predictions & news ? Well, We might prefer the term "Ethnologist"... But Yeah ! #GoNationalist✌️ #PeaceAndFreeNations✌️
The problem is not the joke. The problem are the actual racists in the comment section thinking that this makes racism good or Dara a supporter of racism. I mean, that's the thing with racists: they are inherently stupid.
I'm a pagan witch and I believe whole heartedly in astrology. Now let me explain ; I suffer with anxiety and depression, many months ago I was on the brink of taking my own life and then I discovered witchcraft, and paganism. Through research and practicing my craft I felt a significant drop in my thoughts of self harm and suicide. I began looking into astrology and became fascinated by the stars and planets in relation to me. During the darkest time I'm my life so far I discovered tranquility in astrology. So yes, you may not believe in it but there are many of us out there who rely on it to pull us out of the darkness.
It may help you deal with pain but that doesn't mean it's overall good. Obviously it's testable and has been proven wrong (no predictive power). Also it's used to manipulate to vunerable and foolish with profit goals so it's not harmless either.
I feel like this routine applies more readily to the British Iles than to the USA (not to say Britian lacks racism, but well, different extents). This is mainly because the USA and Canada have people who literally want to kill other people because they are of a different race or religion, such as Dylan Roof in South Carolina, and the recent shooting at a Mosque in Quebec, and Trayvon Martin's death at the hands of a random white dude who claimed he was performing self defense against a 17 year old kid armed with skittles, a hoodie, and the apparently dangerous weapon of black skin. Now, I like Dara's comedy, and the above events were definitely not what he was talking about, though... it feels like it is worth stating that perhaps this joke would be ill thought out for an American audience at least.
I'd just like to point out that race and nationality are different things. Also on that note, there is no such race as 'Jews'. Judaism is a religion, the race that predominantly practices Judaism is called Ashkenazi, so for example if a Caucasian is a Jew, an Ashkenazi is a jew and an Mongoloid is a Jew, they have the same religion but NOT the same race. Racism nowadays seems to mean 'all discrimination of people based on their place of birth or beliefs', which is not the right terminology. Racism is the stupid practice of elevating one's ignorance to mean superiority. But racial classification is important for medicine, history and culture and should not be 'swept under the rug' just because it makes people uncomfortable.
I can only laugh at people who believe in astrology. I even had one astrology idiot try to use astrology to explain why I didn't believe in his astrology garbage. The same fool told me that astrology is a science. The proof being the math used to calculate a chart. That bit of arithmetic makes astrology scientific, in his tiny mind, that is orbiting Uranus instead of sitting in his head.
William Baric And in Ireland, catholics were the terrorists, in Norway a guy shot up a church. Was he muslim? No, he was a white supremacist. Racism has no truth to it. Unless you can show a demonstrable link between behaviour in different races which isn't due to socialisation you don't have a point.
William Baric Nope, wasn’t kidding, the burden of proof REALLY DOES lie with the person making the claim. Who knew? I’m not actually arsed about whatever you’re trying to convince people, just wanted to make sure you’re actually giving a valid enough argument.
In fairness, you could *actually* predict somebody's financial situation, education, health, living area, crime rate, and happiness, based on the colour of their skin, waaaay better than Astrology ever could.
SgtLion Except if you use the colour of one's skin as an indicator as someone's race, then you'd never get to 50 (before adding Irish counties). British people also use 'race' to mean cultural group. So think 'the English', 'the French' but also 'the Scots' etc
just to add a detail, astrology does have much more than 12 groups. Only that creepy tabloids somehow forgot about anything else than a sun-signs. In complex astrology everyone has one sign for each space object in Solar system, also there are ascendants , domes, etc (basically for every object in Solar system you have one of 12 signs in one of three ascendants and one of three domes. It gives you almost endless list of combinations )...it is very complicated and very complex. Sure nobody needs to believe that shit, because it cannot be scientifically proven, just that astrology has waaaaaay more cathegories than rasism:-D
I am okay with that fact.. I just hate when people work with false informations. Astrology does not have 12 cathegories of people:-D That is basically all I wanted to say:-D Even if you say something is shit, you should say that based on true informations and not on false ones...
I'm biased, because I'm coming in to this already angry from unrelated things. I get the joke... I just don't find it funny. I was hoping there would be some grand punchline, because the title is so outrageous, there has to be some hilarious angle I didn't get. It ended up mostly being an Irish joke, so w/e. And I'm pretty sure that "raceologists" are out there for real.
Watching the video and getting a Horoscope ad. Best match ever.
Funny. I'm watching the video and getting a racism ad. Best match ever!
"..what? Ooh, Capricorn!"
Mind blown
Joshua Sweetvale so you didn' read the title of the video
cilveti I got lost in the rant
"Racists" ? On a Daybreak Morning Show ..with predictions & news ?
Well, We might prefer the term "Ethnologist"...
But Yeah !
ProNorden Agrarian-Nationalism Ethnicity might be a reason for a small bias (I.E. smaller than what CLOTHING they're wearing.) Not a pretext for dehumanization.
Ah yes. Laughs.
Joshua Sweetvale
Skip dehumanization & disparagement of others ...
Let's just have more appreciation, bonding, & understanding of our own traits & heritage.
And maybe help others to continue & develop their own ethno-culture.
Mono-culture Corporatism sucks.
They're both good, useful predictive tools.
For example, astrology can be used to predict the character, beliefs and behaviour of astrologers, while racism can be used to predict the character, beliefs and behaviour of racists.
Thank you for this comment. Simplified it better than I ever could. Hope you’re doing well daddy
"The fact you're into astrology says more about you then your astrological sign"
@@PorterNetwork ruclips.net/video/j0H4xTla_M8/видео.html
well....no, astrology can't be used to predict anything.
_someone believing in astrology_ can, though: it can predict whether they believe in fairy stories or not
That's a good one.
Strangely, statistics seem to be very racist! Who would have predicted that, eh?
+Hazel Hazelton
Damn it, Hazel. You had *ONE* job!...
+I really miss Cybertron...
He left an open target, instinct kicked in!
Actually, I think the best way to separate people into two distinct groups is to ask them if they believe in astrology. It's the first question I ask on a date. "You believe in astrology? I'm afraid this isn't going to work out."
The stars told me that it's not going to work out. :p
+Sweetpea. Indeed. As a logical person, attempting a relationship with a magical thinker will fail for me for the first two reasons you've stated.
So you're single then? because all women seem to believe in that bollocks. Not astrology but I was genuinally finished once because a "pyschcic" told my bird to do it. I've never been more greatfully to be finisedh in my life.
Surely you should wait for them to answer before saying it won't work out
I divide people into two groups - those who divide people into two groups, and those who don't.
I was under the impression that the point of this routine was "Astrology is as dumb as racism for understanding people"
But according to the comments it was "Racism is as acceptable as astrology."
Thickies really shouldn't be allowed to watch stand up.
THOSE IDIOTS MISSED THE POINT!! Racism is WAYYYYYYYYYY better then astrology
well i think his point is that rascism IS a better way to predict people than astrology, and maybe because its less of a joke?
In addition, racism is also somewhat true.
I'm an Aries.
No it really isn´t
It is the environment in which you grow up that defines you, not your appearance
"Them if you're Irish, you can go county by county. That's another 32."
the IRA is subtle with this one.
Rhyan Bennett not really. Regardless of who controls them, there are still 32 irish counties.
Now now. Btw, did you see his sketch about the IRA and York Model Railway?
@Jade Kilgallon Yes there are 32 counties in Ireland.
@@clairee4939 the finest criticism of modern security on the streets, also see "if you can take over the plane with a pair of tweezers you bloody deserve it"
@Diarmaid O'Riordan really? Wow that's cool. Could be handy in the wake of Brexit.
Ahhhhhh, I'm gonna have fun reading the daily racism column in the paper now!!!!!
Dara is The Best
It's been months since I saw that video. Now I was in the middle of doing homework and I had this stray thought:
Racism is way better than astrology!
"Fump..." out of my head ha ha ha I miss his gigs so much.
Dara is using his legs? o.O
You should have seen him doing the video game bit
I actually thought he had no legs for years of mock the week, just an amazing buzzer finger compensating for his legs...
Noel Fee
With all the jokes they made on Mock the week, I thought Dara was actually paralyzed until the episode where he did the Brazil dance bit
Personally I do hate one sign.
I mean, who doesn't hate cancer?
Kishore Shenoy It doesn't help that the sign for it represents a crab, and nobody likes crabs either
Well, the Homestuck fandom may disagree
MEEEPMEEEPMEEEPMEEEP You're not wrong there.
That's racist
Um excuse you, the US is a cancer
Racism and astrology on one clip - I do believe I've hit you tube comment gold!
Ben Drake now if only there were some vegans around
and if there was something about the shape of the earth
@@alwinpriven2400 pearshaped, obviously.
Speaking of which, society's gone a bit pearshaped itself hasn't it?
Whereas if you're American, racism only divides people up into a few races: "White" "White _enough_ (like light-skinned Latinos, southern Europeans, and light-skinned mixed race people)" "Brown" "Black" "Yellow" and _maybe_ "Red" _if_ they don't just get lumped in with Brown. So, it's not nearly as good of a system of dividing people up by stupid stereotypes as astrology is.
And _no,_ Dara wasn't saying racism can be used as a valid predictor of anything - everything he said up to "Ooo! Capricorn!" was him saying racism is utter bullshit. He wasn't saying racism is more useful than astrology, more true or acceptable, or anything like that.
He was saying racism... is for the dads.
It's always interesting to me how differently race/ethnicity is treated in the U.S. vs. other parts of the world. In Europe, in lots of places the people are white but they all speak a different language and they all hate each other. In Africa, in lots of places all the people are black but they all speak a different language and they all hate each other. In India there's a lightness-darkness scale of ethnicity but everyone speaks a different language and they all hate each other. In east Asia most people are some kind of east Asian ethnicity but they all speak a different language and they all hate each other.
In the U.S. everyone speaks the same language, white people only hate each other based on the two political teams but _hate_ other races more (if they hate anybody, as many people don't), black people aside from a few big city gangsters are all on a single team, in fact lots of non-white people (who are Americans, not first-generation immigrants carrying over their old prejudices) tend to get along okay in the vaguely second-class-citizen area.
Except non-white (especially Arab) Muslims. Everybody hates them right now, _and_ anyone sticking up for them.
People in Europe don't hate each other, what are you on about.
Jessica Lee Yeah, you're clearly not American. I don't even know where you got these ideas from.
Okay, everyone pretty much just hates the French.
I’m in the “light enough” grouping. My black family members test me constantly to figure out if I’m racist against them. It’s no fun. It doesn’t feel like something your family should do.
It seems This Morning actually implemented his idea.
Andy Brice , Fox News did too
There was an ad for an astrology reading underneath this video.
Trey Forest geez
How is it possible that this man can talk about it so openly? He is not shy about it either... Here in Sweden we don't talk about it. It is just not politically correct... Astrology is a really though subject....
Is it? I mean, really?
It's so absurdly fake, I just don't understand how anyone could believe that stars and constellations thousands of light years away could have an impact on the day to day life of people on earth...
I'm sorry, I was being a bit ironic or maybe moronic :-)
Ahahahahahahaha! I loved it.
@@alexanderwingeskog758 I got you! :-D
Not sure who to worry about more. The supposed people that take this seriously, or the supposed people that think these people take this seriously.
"That's my racist face!" so funny!
It’s a bit unfair when you realise astrology is limited to 13 but race is basically infinite
Actually, only 12. Despite the fact that the Ecliptic goes through and the Sun and all the planets can appear in Ophiuchus, most astrologers just don't count it. Probably because, well, it's always been 12, and if they change it now, it causes all kinds of problems, including the fact that any past predictions that didn't include it but came true would have to be, at best, coincidences or lucky guesses.
@@almostfm so you should follow the lunacy of people who don't care about accuracy?
@@callumprice1710 I think you may have missed my point. The fact that there's a 13th constellation that "should" be in the zodiac but isn't for the purpose of astrology just shows how _not_ science-based it is.
Avenue Q taught me that everyone's a little bit racist.
Melo Boy Avenue Q taught me that the only stable market on earth is porn
Evi, Avenue Q is a comedy musical. "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" is one of the songs.
Evi1M4chine Actually Avenue Q is not SJW in any way. It's a very free-thinking act that does away with the whole political nonsense, and they're just like "Sure, we're all kind of racist, so what? Have some fun at its expense"
The Boss look around and you will find, no-one’s really “colourblind”
And Steve Coogan taught us that everyone is a bit of a cunt. Sometimes.
Well! You learn something new every day! I never knew that "Glaswegian" or "County Mayo man" (for example) were racial categories!
Indeed, us Mayo men are racially completely separate to Roscommoners for instance
Welcome to Tory Britain, my friend - where even GINGER can be a race for some folks!
True, in a way. Race is more likely to affect your life & therefore your outlook.
Race is _likely_ to affect your life & outlook. Your star sign affects nothing.
@@threenplustwo9105 if you believe in it it will affect you. And if people around you believe in it it *could* affect you.
Self-fulfilling prophecy really. Someone told by their starsign they'll find a new friend today will look for someone to make friends with, thereby making it true. Both the believer and nonbeliever were affected. But mostly it's just confirmation bias.
@@muscularcatholicism I said literally nothing about ethnicity or racism. I was talking about star signs.
There are two kinds of people in this world: smart people and people who didn't understand this routine.
somebody put spanish subtitles on this!!!!! I need to share this with some friends so badly!!!!!!
+Nupy a secas if thats true dont you speak both
+banana delramma
Yes I do!!... But I have no talent whatsoever when it comes to explain jokes.. specially if they try to induce people to reason about stupid beliefs xD and I haven't the faintest idea how to create subtitles and put them on a video...
I know I could just translate it to them, but it somehow loses all the humour and they are not usually very opened minded when they cannot understand it by themeselves...
Racismio iso wayo bettero than astrologio
@@oran9519 i don't speak spanish can you translate back into english so i can verify your translation?
pure gold!
This hits differently after October 7th
I'm seeing more comments about comments from racists and astrologist than I'm seeing actual comments from racists and astrologists.
Try sorting by new
Didn't The Orville do an episode on precisely this idea?
They did visit a planet where major decisions where made based on astrology. If you had the right star sign you where fast-tracked into leadership positions. If you had the wrong star sign you where thrown into a detention camp for life. They did a bunch of these. On another one online poles had legal weight. People who got to many down votes ended up getting lobotomized.
It's an adept comparison--back in the Middle Ages, astrology WAS used to make judgments about huge swaths of people. When you were born and what stars were dominant was held to determine all sorts of things about your temperament, your destiny, your worth as a human being.
in fact there are 13 signs of the zodiac, so that kinda screws up every horoscope ever.
in fact the gravitational effect of the nurse who delivered you is greater than any star, so you better stalk the midwife.
"....that's another 32" HOLD YOUR FUCKING HORSES THERE
I already have a list of all the ethnicities in order of superiority. What?
I think they heard the once a week idea, and decided it'd be better with Piers everyday
I could imagine chappelle doing a similar bit. Like with the racial draft. It's comedy folks, enjoy it and relax.
This ted talk went the other way didnt it
It was more of a Father Ted talk.
@0:19 Love a bit of Armand van Helden...
brilliant point actually...
Dara O'Briain is a kind and clever lad, blessings on him!
i was waiting for some racism. i left empty-handed
He looks so like Tim McInnerny at 0:55!
Andrew Hussie: *takes notes*
Haha! I believe him now! Racism is indeed way better than astrology.
Predictions for the week of January 8, 2024.
he just used the same punchline, 3 times.
and each got a laugh.
if that's not talent, then god help us all.
I don't know if I could name that many different ethnic groups :|
Technically, racism has greater predictive validity than astrology.
You are of course correct, but that fact won't stop a flame war from spawning.
Only because it's the self-fullfilling prophecy more idiots believe in.
@@DrZaius3141 lol no. No studies on stereotype threat have resulted in valid or reproducible results.
This clip cost a man a date.
Some amount of shite spouted in the comments here!
#RacismisWaaayBetterThanAstrology! :)
Astrology doesn’t get anybody killed.
but what about when it predicts death?
Tell that to the Aztec human sacrifices
Btw on .75 speed he sounds like he's drunk
Copy past and now new video very sad.
I do think it's a bit of a non-argument (as someone who likes Pratchett's quote about the ObGyn exerting more gravity on you at birth than Jupiter does, AND, not overtly racist)
He's using the fact that star-sign are supposed to be more/less compatible with each other, to equate racism and astrology.... HOWEVER, I don't know the last time a Jew was affected by the moon or a Scouser had better luck in the autumn, sorta thing
The point is that both seperations are arbitrary with no basis in reality (beyond the seperation) and so seen as both have the same predictive power racism is better as it can divide people more.
You do have to start with the premise that astrology is a load of ribbish (because it is) probably because he sets that up earlier in the set.
His name is Dara... by any chance mixed South Asian origin?
#racism I FAAR better than astrology!!! 😂😂😂
Republican or democrat? Just two categories! Gay, straight or bi? Only three! I'm going to start categorising people according to how many times they've listened to "Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen.
You've heard it five times? You must have natural rhythm. Twelve and a half? You love standing on your head!
Which queen are you talking about?
Stefan Travis the band I assume
...so this is how Alex Jones got his start.
This is so powerful inthe actually message wow my mind is blown.
Start the vid at 0:52
Oh dear, we have one of the worst combinations here in the comments - wet liberals with the intellect of a 2 year old. It's comedy. He's drawing parallels to show bigotry and random labelling of people. Not rocket science. (although Dara will happilly explain Rocket science to you, he's a clever chap) Now run along, but not whilst you're carrying scissors or mummy will be cross.
Only a right-winger can watch a video that says racism is bad and come away with the idea that it's good, insulting the people who are generally better educated while ignoring the hordes of imbeciles in this comment section not getting the clip themselves and celebrating their bigotry and ignorance. Has to be great to be so devastatingly stupid you don't even realize it.
Nice edit at the end
Just turn of the sound and see Dara swim on dry land before stopping on his p-face.
Nice the way he sneaked in Ireland being 32 counties
Well, it is, regardless of who is in control of them...
Ulster unionist here. Ireland does have 32 counties. The ROI only has 26. “Ireland” is a land mass, not a country.
I can't help being a little racist. After all, I'm a Cancer
One thing I know about astrology is that cancers are very shellfish
Firstly, whether comedy is offensive or not is determined by who is the butt of the joke. Secondly, Dara, like many Brits, uses race to mean any cultural grouping of people, rather than the specific races proposed by eugenics, the pseudo-science of racism. He could've been clearer; I don't know if he meant that racism had statistics on its side (80 potential descriptions as opposed to 12) or that the type of groupings he mentioned would be local and specific enough for these stereotypical predictions to surpass the success rate of the Barnum statements and the 1/12 random chance of astrology, but why bother, it's just a joke and people will troll the comment section either way.
+enleuk He's not British
Rónán McIntyre You're right. I think the Irish generally use the same definitions of race though.
+enleuk Yes, unfortunately, a lot of us do. Many people think that making fun of an English person is 'racist', which it isn't, unless that English person is black or something and them being black is playing a part in the whole making fun of thing. I don't think of races in that way, but I understand Dara's point
Rónán McIntyre To be fair, since racism is irrational stereotyping, it is no different from any other nonsensical prejudice and can therefore be clumped together with other types of groupings with some justification I think. That's why the term cultural racism was created. That's debatable of course, but at least we shouldn't focus only on the races as described by eugenics as that would indirectly lend some legitimacy to them.
+enleuk I just think that there should be a separate word for cultural racism, because it usually isn't based on biological race. It like calling murder 'theft of life'. It's just kinda different
Racism is by race not place.
This sounds like a Python sketch.
"Racists" ? On a Daybreak Morning Show ..with predictions & news ?
Well, We might prefer the term "Ethnologist"...
But Yeah !
Did you really just try to rebrand racism? I know youtube comments are notorious for stupid shit but FFS
Dara O Briain dresses like some friday night after work tesco store manager.
Hang on... Dara O'Briain has legs?
Dara, I think that's called "demographics"
No, demograpics are descriptive, racism is prescriptive.
At last, someone who sees race the same as star signs
He's not the first and definitely not the last.
It was a joke. You are supposed to laugh.All you anti-racists are alike! It's like you were all born under the same sign, or something!
The problem is not the joke. The problem are the actual racists in the comment section thinking that this makes racism good or Dara a supporter of racism. I mean, that's the thing with racists: they are inherently stupid.
Lol, thanks.
8 our of 10 racists prefer astrology.
I'm a pagan witch and I believe whole heartedly in astrology.
Now let me explain ;
I suffer with anxiety and depression, many months ago I was on the brink of taking my own life and then I discovered witchcraft, and paganism. Through research and practicing my craft I felt a significant drop in my thoughts of self harm and suicide. I began looking into astrology and became fascinated by the stars and planets in relation to me. During the darkest time I'm my life so far I discovered tranquility in astrology. So yes, you may not believe in it but there are many of us out there who rely on it to pull us out of the darkness.
It may help you deal with pain but that doesn't mean it's overall good. Obviously it's testable and has been proven wrong (no predictive power). Also it's used to manipulate to vunerable and foolish with profit goals so it's not harmless either.
Dont forget gingers
Fuckin accurate
I feel like this routine applies more readily to the British Iles than to the USA (not to say Britian lacks racism, but well, different extents). This is mainly because the USA and Canada have people who literally want to kill other people because they are of a different race or religion, such as Dylan Roof in South Carolina, and the recent shooting at a Mosque in Quebec, and Trayvon Martin's death at the hands of a random white dude who claimed he was performing self defense against a 17 year old kid armed with skittles, a hoodie, and the apparently dangerous weapon of black skin.
Now, I like Dara's comedy, and the above events were definitely not what he was talking about, though... it feels like it is worth stating that perhaps this joke would be ill thought out for an American audience at least.
Aron puma It's less of a huge issue in the UK
He's looking a bit porky latel. Time to stop eating all those pies😈
13% do 52%
*audience goes wild*
those born north of the river are not as good as those born south of the river, except for those who drive holdens rather than fords.
I'd just like to point out that race and nationality are different things. Also on that note, there is no such race as 'Jews'. Judaism is a religion, the race that predominantly practices Judaism is called Ashkenazi, so for example if a Caucasian is a Jew, an Ashkenazi is a jew and an Mongoloid is a Jew, they have the same religion but NOT the same race. Racism nowadays seems to mean 'all discrimination of people based on their place of birth or beliefs', which is not the right terminology. Racism is the stupid practice of elevating one's ignorance to mean superiority. But racial classification is important for medicine, history and culture and should not be 'swept under the rug' just because it makes people uncomfortable.
32 counties
OK, I've got it.
I can only laugh at people who believe in astrology. I even had one astrology idiot try to use astrology to explain why I didn't believe in his astrology garbage. The same fool told me that astrology is a science. The proof being the math used to calculate a chart. That bit of arithmetic makes astrology scientific, in his tiny mind, that is orbiting Uranus instead of sitting in his head.
Racism is indeed, way better than astrology. Because at least racism has some truth to it.
Joel Gawne Racism has exactly as much truth as astrology. The only truth racism has is 'races exist', the only truth astrology has is 'stars exist'
William Baric And in Ireland, catholics were the terrorists, in Norway a guy shot up a church. Was he muslim? No, he was a white supremacist. Racism has no truth to it. Unless you can show a demonstrable link between behaviour in different races which isn't due to socialisation you don't have a point.
William Baric You should probably link to them then, since y'know, burden of proof and all.
William Baric Nope, wasn’t kidding, the burden of proof REALLY DOES lie with the person making the claim. Who knew? I’m not actually arsed about whatever you’re trying to convince people, just wanted to make sure you’re actually giving a valid enough argument.
William Baric Just making sure you don't embarrass yourself hun xx
In fairness, you could *actually* predict somebody's financial situation, education, health, living area, crime rate, and happiness, based on the colour of their skin, waaaay better than Astrology ever could.
SgtLion Except if you use the colour of one's skin as an indicator as someone's race, then you'd never get to 50 (before adding Irish counties). British people also use 'race' to mean cultural group. So think 'the English', 'the French' but also 'the Scots' etc
I love the nervous liberal laughing
Rob Smith no, it's called British laughing. Subtle difference, but there.
just to add a detail, astrology does have much more than 12 groups. Only that creepy tabloids somehow forgot about anything else than a sun-signs. In complex astrology everyone has one sign for each space object in Solar system, also there are ascendants , domes, etc (basically for every object in Solar system you have one of 12 signs in one of three ascendants and one of three domes. It gives you almost endless list of combinations )...it is very complicated and very complex. Sure nobody needs to believe that shit, because it cannot be scientifically proven, just that astrology has waaaaaay more cathegories than rasism:-D
I am okay with that fact.. I just hate when people work with false informations. Astrology does not have 12 cathegories of people:-D That is basically all I wanted to say:-D Even if you say something is shit, you should say that based on true informations and not on false ones...
Me, a cosmic witch, watching this 👁👄👁️
I'm biased, because I'm coming in to this already angry from unrelated things.
I get the joke... I just don't find it funny. I was hoping there would be some grand punchline, because the title is so outrageous, there has to be some hilarious angle I didn't get. It ended up mostly being an Irish joke, so w/e.
And I'm pretty sure that "raceologists" are out there for real.
Uh uh. Dara better run before the thought police arrest him for hate speech.
See that he mentions jews but not muslims. I wonder why!
Because Muslims aren't a race, whereas Jews mostly are (you can't convert to be a Jew, you have to be born one)?
Its not say racism is acceptable