A World Asunder: The Events Leading Up To Dragon Age: Inquisition

  • Опубликовано: 13 ноя 2014
  • Want to know more about the events leading up to Dragon Age: Inquisition?
    This narrative, told by Varric (Brian Bloom), bridges the gap between Dragon Age II and Inquisition. Learn more about how the war between the mages and templar came to be and how Divine Justinia was working to stop it.
    To learn more about the Dragon Age franchise, visit www.dragonagekeep.com
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Комментарии • 123

  • @j0hke
    @j0hke 9 лет назад +163

    "What better place to start a war...than a peace summit?" - Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows (2011)

    • @The_Ghost_King
      @The_Ghost_King 9 лет назад +1

      All the chaos that would bring... sounds lovely.

  • @Blackemperess
    @Blackemperess 9 лет назад +116

    "It is our last and perhaps, _only_ chance for peace."
    "Damn it."

  • @primeyuri
    @primeyuri 9 лет назад +14

    wow. They should have included this in the intro in the game.

  • @stevenmillett
    @stevenmillett 9 лет назад +37

    "The one element that binds us together and protects us is the guidance of the chantry."

    • @sandsamm000
      @sandsamm000 9 лет назад +1

      The Chantry stepped in it so hard! I can't wait for this game I'm all fidgety and bringing it up constantly. I preordered it in June so I'm pumped!

    • @stevenmillett
      @stevenmillett 9 лет назад +8

      Sammantha Sanders I can't wait to defy the chantry and the Templars at every turn.
      Mage rights ftw

    • @sandsamm000
      @sandsamm000 9 лет назад +2

      I love seeing the look on templars and chantry sisters faces when you politely tell them go go f@$k themselves. Lol
      Proud rebel mage here!

    • @stevenmillett
      @stevenmillett 9 лет назад +1

      Sammantha Sanders I was so disappointed to learn that Anders wouldn't be showing up with Hawke in Inquisition (I romance him ALWAYS) .
      Would be funny to see Cullen's reaction to seeing those two together again after all the shit they caused in Kirkwall. :P

    • @sandsamm000
      @sandsamm000 9 лет назад +3

      I didn't like Anders character, Awakening Anders was my favorite. Lol
      And yes! Oooooh he'd be soooo mad!

  • @GummiPomPom
    @GummiPomPom 9 лет назад +17

    If you want to know more about these events leading up read Asunder and The Masked Empire! You see some familiar faces and new characters (Cole!) in them. They are both great books I highly recommend them for lore-a-holics.

    • @Deokflsa
      @Deokflsa 9 лет назад

      You also meet Fiona in The Calling.

  • @TempeztAriel
    @TempeztAriel 9 лет назад +15


  • @cozzbutt
    @cozzbutt 9 лет назад +18

    You know what I think? I think Anders used gaatlok on the Chantry. I think the Qunari gave the formula to him to cause this war on purpose, and thus weaken Thedas for that invasion both Sten and the Arishok have referenced. Have you ever wondered exactly what Anders used to blow it up and cause all this chaos? It wasn't random magic. He needed to prepare it ahead of time, like a physical thing, and place it inside the Chantry... like you would a bomb. The game was so focused on gaatlok in the earlier bits, and it was because of the desire for gaatlok that Hawke got involved with the Arishok in the first place. Given the impact, then, it only makes sense gaatlock would also tie the story together.
    It's also been mentioned that chapters 2 and 3 seem completely unrelated in DA2, because it goes from the Arishok being the Big Bad, to this seemingly sudden explosion of mage-templar conflict. But I'm willing to bet the Qunari were actually the enemy THE ENTIRE TIME, and ENCOURAGED the mage-templar fighting in order to, in the long run, weaken Thedas. They're a terrifying culture that is more scientifically advanced than anyone else in the entire world. It's not that difficult to assume such an intelligent culture could plan something of this magnitude, nor carry it out with brutal efficiency. Sten and the Arishok both mention invading Thedas, and Tallis is proof they have sleeper agents EVERYWHERE, willing to do whatever is necessary for their people. So I believe it could happen, and I believe they used Anders to do it.

    • @michaelkeha
      @michaelkeha 9 лет назад +1

      Another possibilty is he was in awakening and could have learned how to make explosives from that insane dwarf

    • @cozzbutt
      @cozzbutt 9 лет назад

      michaelkeha I mentioned that, but it doesn't tie into the story as well. For one thing, he hasn't been to Vigil's Keep in a very long time, unless he made the trip during the time jumps, which still wouldn't really tie in. For another, Anders and Justice, fused together, ran after their violent joining and never looked back. As far as the Wardens at Vigil's Keep are concerned, Anders is either a lost cause or dead. He'd never go back to the Keep for the bomb in that aspect.
      It's possible he might have learned something about bombs while he was there, but Dworkin did NOT learn bombs in the scale that Anders displayed. More to the point, Anders didn't use lyrium in his bomb, and that was always Dworkin's key ingredient. It's true he's a mage, but he's a very poor one, and the potions they use in combat are very diluted. It's extremely unlikely he was able to get the sort of lyrium sand Dworkin needed for his most powerful bombs.
      The Qunari, on the other hand, are scientists. The formula for gaatlok apparently doesn't require lyrium, since a, it's assumed the Qunari don't have easy access to it, and b, if it was simply a bigger lyrium bomb, why would the dwarves covet it so much? No, the gaatlok is something else entirely, and those things needed to include what Anders asked Hawke to gather in his quest. We know that the ingredients Anders needed were part of the bomb, so it's likely it was a Qunari formula no one else but another Qunari would recognize.

    • @fivesanti
      @fivesanti 9 лет назад +4

      Cozz ish look, we're talking about the Qunari here
      you know
      the guys who put their mages on leashes and stitch their mouths and cut their horns and kill them at sight if they ever stray from their lead?
      you do understand they'd rather kill their entire race than help incite a mage rebellion? that they would NEVER help any mage, leave alone a demi-abomination kind of fellow?
      The connection between the 2nd and 3rd act was merely that one couldn't have happened without the other, all of those political affairs and power disputes in Kirkwall were intertwined. But it is highly unlikely that Qunari would wreak MAGICAL havoc in Thedas to weaken it when they can just hit it in its weakest spots.

  • @regiman222
    @regiman222 9 лет назад +80

    Wait so the Templar's can just say ''We're independent now, screw you'' like that but the mages can't even ask for it without getting killed. Yep still hate the Chantry and Templars (Wait till they see what I did to the ashes... :D)

    • @Blackemperess
      @Blackemperess 9 лет назад +15

      If you read Asunder you find out why it happened and who spurred it on. It didn't happen just for shits and giggles. There was a particular person who made a grab for power and succeeded while successfully cutting ties to the only other person who could bring the Templar order to heel.

    • @regiman222
      @regiman222 9 лет назад +5

      Blackemperess Thank you I hadn't read Asunder, to be honest all my DA knowledge comes from the previous games and these trailer / catch up things.

    • @theonlylampshade
      @theonlylampshade 9 лет назад +12

      ***** This is pretty much the explanation the Seekers of Truth and Templars had for their separation from Chantry authority:
      _"Most Holy,_
      _The Seekers are well aware of the part you played in the rebellion. You call me to the Grand Cathedral in the middle of the night on “urgent” business only to speak of trivial matters? And then, when I return to the White Spire, I discover chaos . . . and one of your agents in the midst of the apostates._
      _Did you think I would not notice? Did you believe yourself above repercussions for such acts? It was a dark day when the Chantry placed such an incapable woman upon the Sunburst Throne. I will not stand idle and watch you destroy what ages of tradition and righteousness have built._
      _In the twentieth year of the Divine Age, the Nevarran Accord was signed. The Seekers of Truth lowered our banner and agreed to serve as the Chantry’s right hand, and together we created the Circle of magi. With the Circle no more, I hereby declare the Accord null and void. Neither the Seekers of Truth nor the Templar Order recognize Chantry authority, and instead we will perform the Maker’s work as it was meant to be done, as we see fit._
      _Signed this day on the fortieth year of the Dragon Age,_
      _Lord Seeker Lambert van Reeves"_

    • @Blackemperess
      @Blackemperess 9 лет назад +3

      Frank Garbo
      No, but I daresay it gives them the opportunity to arm up and fight for more power.
      The reason's are fully explained in Asunder and theonlylampshade detailed the letter sent to the divine listing the reasons why. But they were simply ammunition to fuel the tensions between the divine and the order.
      It gave Lambert a legitimate reason to call for separation and gain more support through the ranks by doing so as the divine was seen as sympathetic towards the mages.

    • @Blackemperess
      @Blackemperess 9 лет назад +6

      Frank Garbo
      ~ *_SPOILERS_* ~
      She wasn't a maid, she was a Grey Warden who traveled with Maric and Duncan into the Deep Roads in the hopes of recovering their leaders brother.
      During their time together they became closer and eventually slept together. Somehow, Fiona was cured of the taint (it is speculated to have something to do with the broach/amulet they were each given in the circle of magi) which meant she was no longer a Warden.
      She fell pregnant, but because of the lack of taint, she decided to tell Maric and have Alistair hidden away. Her reasons were that she didn't want him being judged for having an elven mother as well as a mage mother. But she also didn't want him involved with the right of succession when it came time for the next king to ascend to the throne.
      Eamon took Alistair in and raised him as his own. There are multiple speculations as to why. Some say he was the backup should anything go wrong with Cailan. In Origin's it was insinuated (by Eamon I think but I could be mistaken) that he was hidden because they feared Rowan's wrath. However at that point Rowan had been dead quite time even before Alistair was conceived, so he wasn't in any danger. But to be honest I doubt Rowan would've done anything to baby Alistair even if she _had_ been alive, it goes against her nature.
      By the end of The Calling Fiona chose to return to the Circle to fight for the freedom of mages and because she was free of the taint the Wardens let her go. Duncan promised to keep an eye on Alistair.
      Personally, I utterly despise Eamon. He was one horribly manipulative opportunistic bastard.

  • @DudeWithTheNose
    @DudeWithTheNose 9 лет назад +11

    was this rendered incorrectly? It's like 15fps or something

  • @mouseno4
    @mouseno4 9 лет назад +2

    Played this for about 1.5 hours so far. So far, ive witnessed Cassandra declare the second Inquisition and her (and Leliana's) separation from the Chantry. Was a pivotal moment for the history books.

  • @AngelavengerL
    @AngelavengerL 9 лет назад

    Oh man i never get enough of Varric's voice. Perfect narration!

  • @Embri83
    @Embri83 9 лет назад +8

    I could not put the book Asunder down! Highly recommend reading it!! =D Also the Masked Empire is awesome as well!

  • @HomemDasLetras
    @HomemDasLetras 9 лет назад +1

    Every time I think the hype can't get higher... You prove me wrong.

  • @Lady_LaLa
    @Lady_LaLa 9 лет назад +22

    4 days... 4 whole days T-T Time can't go fast enough

    • @matt4045
      @matt4045 9 лет назад +24

      I wish it was only 4 for me, I still have 7 days.

    • @dualdeathlucario4535
      @dualdeathlucario4535 9 лет назад +1

      matt4045 know how you feel. I am not going on the internet at all during that 3 day wait cause im scared spoilers will be everywhere I look

    • @ShotGunChainsawguy
      @ShotGunChainsawguy 9 лет назад +3

      gotta work between now and then, damnit. makes the suffering alot worse

    • @MarvellousMorbing
      @MarvellousMorbing 9 лет назад


    • @Awoken0
      @Awoken0 9 лет назад

      matt4045 I feel your pain...

  • @pixielst
    @pixielst 9 лет назад

    God I love Bloom's narration so much.

  • @wwbwbgohbc
    @wwbwbgohbc 9 лет назад +6

    damn, see, now I'm flip flopping again. I was going to go with my Warden/Morrigan world state because I want to know about them and their son, but now I really want to do Warden/Alistair because I want to see them and Alistair's real momma. ... And so much for Verric's vow to stay out of other people's wars lol

    • @LourencoPeter
      @LourencoPeter 9 лет назад +3

      I'm really looking forward to meet Fiona, even being a pro-tempar myself. I really love her character.

  • @Whitesaber211
    @Whitesaber211 9 лет назад

    nicely done

  • @myeventtest
    @myeventtest 9 лет назад +2

    "It is our last... and perhaps only, chance for peace."
    and then Anders blew that up too!

  • @connorblakeley9211
    @connorblakeley9211 9 лет назад

    Mages are the bane of warriors, able to cut them down with weapons that armor isn't equipped to protect against, but then there are the Templars, warriors that can negate magic. It will be interesting to see who would win, though given what happened in Kirkwall even before the Champion intervenes, the mages were slaughtered in the confines of the Gallows. It will probably fall to the location of the conflicts.

  • @Cavalier753
    @Cavalier753 9 лет назад

    "It is the last, and perhaps our only chance for peace."

  • @lukeewarm96
    @lukeewarm96 9 лет назад

    Love a good back story

  • @TheChiramu
    @TheChiramu 9 лет назад

    The Inquisition opening screen!

  • @danielburns2219
    @danielburns2219 9 лет назад +2

    Can't wait to save the world of Thedas as a elf mage... you know, really stick it to those Templar bastards!

    • @benjaminkerger8072
      @benjaminkerger8072 9 лет назад

      MAGES FOR THE WIN! It's ironic for me really though. I love the mages yet I play as a Male 2h Warrior named Relx with the TEMPLAR spec....

  • @primeyuri
    @primeyuri 9 лет назад

    Dragon age games always have decent main story in a epic world filled with lot's of back stories. The writers of Dragon age took massive influences from the song of ice and fire (game of thrones books)

  • @supernanny1913
    @supernanny1913 9 лет назад +1

    Then, everything changed when the Elder One attacked!

  • @Zorriet
    @Zorriet 9 лет назад

    This video should be in the game before the menu screen.

  • @paulwalsh2220
    @paulwalsh2220 9 лет назад

    Varric:"It is our last and only chance for peace."
    And of course the demons just HAD to come along and fuck that all up!

    • @GenericUsername-qp1ww
      @GenericUsername-qp1ww 9 лет назад

      They're the party pooper's.

    • @paulwalsh2220
      @paulwalsh2220 9 лет назад

      Matt Allen Well every party needs one.I'd just prefer mine not to destroy any and all chance for peace between two factions.

  • @claxton923
    @claxton923 9 лет назад

    wish i played the previous games. inquisition will be my first. interesting continuous story i have learnt....

    • @WillLegxndary
      @WillLegxndary 9 лет назад

      Go to Dragon Age Keep online you can make your choices for the previous games

    • @claxton923
      @claxton923 9 лет назад

      Chill ill will check it but since i dont know anything DA i might just play the default world state

    • @Fredvdp
      @Fredvdp 9 лет назад

      Damien Claxton The Keep is also a story recap. It's great for both newcomers and experienced players.

    • @claxton923
      @claxton923 9 лет назад

      Fredvdp ok

  • @soniasulaiman
    @soniasulaiman 9 лет назад +4

    Alistair's mom! O_O

    • @nataliew.90
      @nataliew.90 9 лет назад +1

      And mother-in-law of my Warden.. xD
      (sorry for bad english :P)

  • @nailed999
    @nailed999 9 лет назад +2

    wish it wa in 60fps. Its choppy as hell..

  • @Brie2230
    @Brie2230 7 лет назад +1

    All I can say is damnit, Anders.

  • @MulderGameChron
    @MulderGameChron 9 лет назад

    What do you think of our gaming channel?

  • @VanhendrixMegamaiden
    @VanhendrixMegamaiden 9 лет назад

    If you wanna roll with me
    Than you better roll a M.A.G.E.

  • @ShadowStoryteller
    @ShadowStoryteller 9 лет назад +1

    "...our last chance for peace... it failed."- Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5

  • @Heirr
    @Heirr 9 лет назад


  • @tobi888100
    @tobi888100 9 лет назад +1

    Seriously. When are we getting info on the next Mass Effect? :(

    • @GenericUsername-qp1ww
      @GenericUsername-qp1ww 9 лет назад

      Considering ME3, I think EAware aren't really concentrating on it so much yet as they know a LOT of people will refuse to buy it (kinda hard to have faith in them anymore after that poorly written excuse of an ME game ME3)

    • @tobi888100
      @tobi888100 9 лет назад

      Matt Allen ME3 was awesome except for the ending

    • @SwobyJ
      @SwobyJ 9 лет назад

      Well this year, really. E3 at latest. When it comes to Dragon Age, this is the time of DLC, so that opens up room for Mass Effect. But we mayy have to wait another several months before the really unveil things. Good news is that the game itself will very likely release no longer than some time next year (I really don't think 2017 is likely).

    • @GenericUsername-qp1ww
      @GenericUsername-qp1ww 9 лет назад +1

      tobi888100 No. No it wasn't. Especially the lazy-ass rachni queen encounter which was pretty much a copy n paste of her situation in ME1 where you release her or leave her to die. Not to mention the fact you don't see a single rachni at the end of the game.

  • @ragabashmoon1551
    @ragabashmoon1551 9 лет назад

    That is not going to end well...

  • @ChiaroscuroPL
    @ChiaroscuroPL 9 лет назад

    ouch, this made my heart hurt.

  • @GenericUsername-qp1ww
    @GenericUsername-qp1ww 9 лет назад

    "Only chance for peace" yes, because the Chantry has always wanted peace *cough* Exalted March of the Dales *cough*

  • @roncosta5197
    @roncosta5197 9 лет назад +1

    To bad there isn't a 'Better Games Bureau', like the "Better Business Bureau". So we can complain to them and then on the gamers behalf, then the Better Games Bureau would take the action we all want and deserve.
    If they had something like that and Game companies had to answer to a organization like that, They might think before they act and things might get done RIGHT.
    This is quite sad, I have recently transitioned from WoW to SWTOR for a break and the lag spikes that are very very consistent in this game are constantly down buzzing my experience, I subbed and am now immediately regretting it due to the lack of support from BioWare, I thought Blizzard was bad with support but It seems that the word support is not even in BioWares vocabulary.
    I really don't think ill be recommending this game to my friends, I'll just tell them to suck it up and stick to WoW.
    Good storylines in SWTOR, but unfortunately that hardly outweighs the poor gameplay due to lag and bugs.
    This is just 2 og 35 pages of upset clients..

  • @Deokflsa
    @Deokflsa 9 лет назад

    And then the Fade exploded.

  • @belowroller
    @belowroller 5 лет назад +1

    Why the fuck is this not included at the beginning of the actual game? If you didn't watch this, the beginning leaves huge holes. Even if you played DA2, you wouldnt know about the conclave.

  • @jeneson1234
    @jeneson1234 9 лет назад

    This game bioware is the most beatiful game of 2014. I can't handle the excitement I get when I start the game everytime and the music starts playing. The thing is I have never really been into dragon age I am not really the strategic type but with the new system when you emerge the player into shooting or in any way using your'e weapon by your'e self. When you made that a part of the game I could not stay away anymore. I am usually an assassins creed gamer but with all the bugs and a little bit of disapointment in the story. I will say that this is my game of the year. I am not saying that asassins creed unity was bad beacuse it was not. It was just not as good as inquisition.

  • @Mohnatchenko
    @Mohnatchenko 9 лет назад +5

    "All of that change in Kirkwall. There templars went too far. "
    Yeah, sure, it's all templars fault.
    And psychotic monster Quentin did not get assistance from certain O. (who might that be, eh?)
    And fanatical drama queen Anders was ok guy.
    At least Meredith was influenced by the idol.
    What's their excuse? Oh, right, they were "oppressed". That is why all the mages should be set free. Worked great for Tevinter. And what can possibly go wrong if some kid with potential to be a powerfull wizard one day will be seduced by arch pride demon? Abominations are just templar propaganda.

    • @hogrideeeeer
      @hogrideeeeer 5 лет назад +1

      You talk as if it's real life

  • @MD4564
    @MD4564 9 лет назад

    Why does this game have to release on the separate release date to Farcry 4 in Australia!, that means I have to drive TWICE to pick up two games.
    Pick up your game EA/Bioware!

  • @dworfkin5434
    @dworfkin5434 9 лет назад

    Lore in 1 min is better

  • @ctaylor343
    @ctaylor343 9 лет назад

    If Fiona is dead I'm going to be so pissed

    • @prestonh.2771
      @prestonh.2771 9 лет назад +4

      In one of the game trailers ( I can't remember which exactly, sorry) she is shown locked up in a red lyrium prison.

    • @Zorriet
      @Zorriet 9 лет назад

      The rebel mages have lost hope and "allied" with the Tevinter Imperium.
      Fiona is now an indentured servant (slave) to a magister.

    • @Sanguiluna
      @Sanguiluna 9 лет назад

      Enai-i SPOILER #2:
      If you decide to save the Templars from the Elder One, the mages pledge their allegiance to the Venatori and you'll have to kill Fiona in battle.

  • @scottearls6018
    @scottearls6018 9 лет назад


  • @dragoon1622
    @dragoon1622 9 лет назад

    Wow. The plot really was non existent in Dragon Age 2.... basically Mages vs Templars sums up the whole game.

    • @yurihendrix1443
      @yurihendrix1443 9 лет назад

      only act 3. Act 1 was going into the deep roads and act 2 was Qunary against normal humans

    • @KiddDaPhoenix
      @KiddDaPhoenix 9 лет назад +3

      Similarly, DA:O could be summed up as "the darkspawn attacked. The Hero of Ferelden beat their leader. Now the darkspawn are scattering beneath the surface once more." If you remove all detail, most plots that aren't absolutely convoluted sound simplistic. And they pretty much should.

  • @bibarelroll
    @bibarelroll 9 лет назад