You are confused, Purgatory is a place where you pay for sins, and Masses are said for the dead; cause the cross was not a perfect Sacrifice, but read your Bible, it was a Perfect Sacrifice .......and this guy is a reprobate. Read 2 Cor. 5:17-20
@@BS.Mira685 ,..Correct, those who are confused, lost, deceived, unsaved, Biblically illiterate, and 100% outside of the kingdom of God are the catholics/orthodox. There is NO such thing as purgatory!!! Yes, all catholics are reprobates, the accursed of God, and are all Gods enemies. The lake of fire awaits all catholics/orthodox.
@@BS.Mira685 ,..Correct, those who are confused, lost, deceived, unsaved, Biblically illiterate, and 100% outside of the kingdom of God are the catholics/orthodox. There is NO such thing as purgatory!!! Yes, all catholics are reprobates, the accursed of God, and are all Gods enemies. The lake of fire awaits all catholics/orthodox.
The more I hear from you Joshua , the more I want . Your a very good teacher, clear, logical and done lovingly. I will pray the Lord will draw many here, what you present is so need in Our Church, and all Christianity.. Keep along this path, and don't give up, we need you , esp. those who don't know they need this..............God Bless and keep you.
Luke 12:41-48 so clearly describes Purgatory- a final purification process. Jesus is literally talking about one servant (ie, a follower) receiving a “severe beating”, and another receiving a “light beating” depending on their actions. This is the kind of parable Protestants have to skip over or fabricate some alternate meaning to fit into their “Once Saved, always saved/Jesus did everything so I can do nothing” paradigm.
😂🤣😂🤣. This parable is about life. It's talking about those that knew the Lord's word and those that didn't. Basically, those that are supposedly "saved" and continue these actions will be punished in hell worse than those that never knew the Lord. It's the true definition of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. But notice they both get punished. Read the whole chapter.
Thanks Joshua. For me, Matthew 18:33-35 you cited is the clearest explicit passage describing a form of purgatory. Jesus is wrapping up the parable of the unmerciful servant which He ends with a 'literal' warning.... "and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his lord delivered him to the jailers, till he should pay all his debt. (So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart).” Here Jesus states explicitly that if we do not forgive others from our heart, the Father will hand us over to the jailer until we pay all our debt. It's clear Jesus is referring to a temporal punishment and not an eternal punishment because the punishment is only until all our debt is paid. I think this can be difficult for some Protestants to grasp because we were taught that Jesus' death on the cross paid in full ALL our debt and took on ALL punishment due to us including TEMPORAL punishment. I believe Jesus' warning here should prove to us that is not the case. God's blessings to all.
I think ijesus is speaking of Hell.You have to take the whole parable and not just the detsila.If you are taking the details what is the answer to the question who is the neighbour to the man who fell among theives.And in that case wouldnt commandment to live thy neighbour as thyself be love the one who helps you.Obviously .That is not the point.Please dont twist the Bible to satisfy your doctrines
@@ptk8451 That line I cited was "and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his lord delivered him to the jailers, till he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.” I don't see how this could refer to hell since the imprisionment is only 'till' the debt is paid in full at which time the person would be released from prison as justice served. There is no release from hell that I'm aware of so I don't see how it could be referring to hell.
@@christianemutter2952 Do Evangelicals think they are perfected before their bodily death? I don't understand why you make a distinction between Protestants and Evangelicals.
Hey is this fairly new? It was in my feed this morning. After this episode I’ll start from the beginning to get caught up. Our Lady of Fátima, pray for us! 💙💙💙 Father Fintan
Excellent presentation. I teach high school Religion, and I often start by explaining that the form of the person is the soul because it lays down the proper hierarchy for students. I do so because it expands how they start making decisions for the rest of their lives as they consider the ultimate good of their choices. I may have to use your presentation in class. It is very well done and comprehensive.
One thing I find silly in these discussions is how almost every single time Christ talks about salvation it’s merited by our deeds.. Of course this is deeply concerning to a sinner like me yet purgatory is prove of an eternally loving father
The most convincing parable my Baptist mindset can find no 'anti-Purgatory' explanation for is one Joshua only mentioned in passing. It is found in Matthew 18. At the end of the parable, the Unmerciful Servant goes to jail until he pays the last penny. Next comes, not only clear evidence of the importance God places on forgiveness but, more importantly, what God will actually do to us if we do not forgive. Beginning verse 35, we read Jesus' very words.... "So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.” Here Jesus transitions from the parable to reality. Call it what you like, Jesus is saying the Father is going to require some kind of repayment from us in the form of punishment/suffering if we do not forgive others from our heart. This destroys my Baptist thinking that Jesus paid for my sins, past, present and future in full. Neither will my Baptist mindset allow me to view this in earthly terms i.e. the Father will have me placed in an earthly jail because of unforgiveness. No, this has to be a debt payable after physical death. We know the servant is not condemned to hell because the parable only speaks of needing to pay the debt in full until the last penny when the debt is satisfied.
I had a motorcycle accident and was taken to a room by two angels. In that room, I sat down and talked with a 19 year old about my mother in law. At the end, he said, "Take care of my daughter" . It was then that I knew it was my Father in law in his new body. I asked him about what happened the last day of his life. He had died in the hospital of a blood clot . An hour after, we left his friend a Catholic Priest that ran the non-denominational chapel came in and he accepted Jesus. Two hours after that he died and was in heaven immediately! No Baptism as he was never a Christian no fruits of the Spirit no Gifts of the Spirit no works. Praise God that we only need to receive the Holy Spirit and can go to heaven with no Purgatory.
I’m a Protestant, but it strikes me that the idea of purgatory is not too different from the idea of glorification. Both posit a further purification after death.
It’s not the same, but you are right to note that there is a difference between where we are when we die, versus where we are when we are glorified. That gap is bridged somehow.
There is no one Protestant position. Newer theologians are advocating the Isaianic hope for new creation in the phrase “life after life after death” (NT Wright). The idea of going to sky heaven at death is now considered more Plato than Jesus, more Plutarch than Peter, more Plotinus than Paul. In other words, let’s not trash this world and escape unto the sky, as the ancient gnostics would do, but let us rejoice with Psalm 73 and the prophets that the Return of the King is near, thy kingdom come! As Isaiah says all nations will stream to Zion to pay allegiance to the King. God is enthroned on high, the earth is his foot stool (Psalm 110) and the Lord Jesus Christ is coming to reign supreme, and judge the nations. Where the Roman Catholic Church picked up all this Platonism is sad, probably in middle Platonism, instead of focusing on Scripture from Eden to Chalceden, the Neo-Platonists took over the Latin church root and branch. But we can learn from each other, and worship the Lord.
Excellent suburb and great informative video presentation on purgatory my catholic brother for I as a catholic understand you but there seems to be a barrier with other peoples spirit who cannot understand you and having said that I would like to mention about where Jesus went after he had died on the crucifix and as you know he said before he died that after he dies he’ll be in the heart of earth for three days.Now we know as Catholics that it can’t be hell for Jesus Christ lived an immaculate life from birth to his death so where is Jesus talking about.Thank you tremendously Catholic brother for your sharing of your knowledge on purgatory and May God the Holy Trinity bless protect and increase your understanding with an abundance of Truth Graces and Virtues Amen Amen Amen 🙏 🐑🕊️✨🔥
The comments section is so aggravating… having to be purified from sinful desires isn’t because “Jesus’s sacrifice wasn’t enough”, it is because _your_ stubborn ass is *still* sinning and *still* desires to sin. If you really don’t sin any more, and have no desire for sin, then congratulations, you’re a saint and won’t need any purification after you die. Either way, that sanctification is by the grace of God, and paid for by Christ on the cross.
Question: the idea of temporal punishment for sins is sensible. However, how certain are we that this punishment is defined as post-mortem? I think that is where I’m getting hung up on. If we are not completely purified the punishment continues into the afterlife before heaven. That is the concept that bugs me a bit.
Purgatory is a must as a Catholic no one dies in perfect grace God is the only perfect one and in the Bible it says God cannot look a pond anything that is not perfect that is why his Son came to us and accepted his cup so that we could gain the gift of salvation and eventually be in heaven with God the Father but there must be a place between heaven and earth that we go thur first so we are free of all sins and blessed for the presence of God Amen 🙏
How then do you explain these verses? I Thessalonians 4:13-18 The dead in Christ will rise first, then be caught up with the living in the clouds, and meet the Lord in the air Ecclesiastes 9:5 “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know not any thing.” Psalm 13:3 "Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death" John 11:11-14 11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.” Acts 7:60 "And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them.' And when he had said this, he fell asleep" Daniel 12:2 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
How do Protestants interpret John’s epistle that some sin leads to death, and some sin does not lead to death. And if you see a brother (a saved Christian believer), commits a sin leading to death, don’t pray for that brother. How does a Protestant view those passages?
You quote it wrong. 1 John 5:16 [16]If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. All sin are worthy of death. There is no sin that doesn't offend the Holy. Proverbs 6:16-19 [16]These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: [17]A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, [18]An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, [19]A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. The sin unto death is the sin which is not repented of.
@ I wasn’t quoting verbatim. But yeah, I’ll pray for those on earth who commit mortal sin. I won’t pray for souls that are in hell. You interpret to not pray for unrepentant souls alive on earth? Jesus said to visit those in prison. Your interpretation disregards that command.
Scripture interprets scripture. This teaching is a metaphor of the rewards given to the faithful believers at the return of Christ. The faithful manager is contrasted to the unfaithful servant. The “punishment” cf Jeremiah 34:18, to put him with the unfaithful, a metaphorical reference to what awaits the unbeliever at the return of Christ., cf Luke 13:27-28, Matt. 24:51, Luke 8:13 Matt. 25:29 and Mark 4:24-25.
The Bible says the Body is the soul and it will die. “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7 KJV “ Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4 KJV
King David’s son paid with his life for his fathers errors. Could we also be in a position where we have to pay for someone else’s sin? My ex-wife left me one day with my child. She broke our contract with God. From that moment on in my life, to this day, I carried this mortal sin.
Purgatory is God's grace for souls that He loves but finds them unworthy of heaven yet. Nothing unclean will enter the presence of God in heaven (cf. Rev 21:27)
@clara.dewi_widya Which is why Jesus died for us and took our sins, it's not about sins, it's your relationship with Jesus that gets you into heaven, which is the verse goes: Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
@@Ocapela215 Jesus also said in John 6: 53 So Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. 54 Those who eat My flesh and drink My blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; 55 for My flesh is true food and My blood is true drink. 56 Those who eat My flesh and drink My blood abide in Me, and I in them. 57 Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats Me will live because of Me.
Really good but I have one question. It seems to me from the passage that the same servant in 47 is the one referred to in 46? So how do you make that distinction?
Places like She'ol-a place where human souls reside after death- or "the Bosom of Abraham" has existed in the Jewish culture as a conception of the afterlife for centuries. These were not hell nor were they heaven but were something else altogether. I have no problem with the idea that God reserves a place for those who have died and are to be saved but are as yet fully purified spiritually from habits that lack the fullness of the kind of charity required to enter into heaven. And that it takes some time for these sinful habits to be purged and the amount of time required depends on the willingness of the soul of that person and their desire to let themselves be purged. And I have no problem with the belief that my prayers to God on their behalf aid those who are being purified and shorten the amout of time and the intensity of the suffering that they're enduring in having those habits removed, like Simon helping Jesus carrying the cross up to Calvary.
Shoel or hell and Paradise exist. These are two places for the soul of the departed to await Rapture or final judgement. The souls of the saved when they die go to Paradise where Jesus went with the thief on the cross. But the soul of the sinner or wicked person who refuse to get Salvation now will go to hell or shoel to await final judgement before going to hell fire. Read your bible well
Although many people believe that there is purgatory in the next life, Inwant myself to be sure that when I die, i will go to heaven where our God is living forever and ever. Why should I wait for my nearest relatives and friends to prsy for me thst I be transferred to heaven. How about if all my relatives and friends where no one is alive on earth, than who will pray for me to be transferred to heaven? Of course in my opinion, and the opinion of others too, we don't believe in purgatory.
John the baptist whom jesus praised highly , daid differently " behold the lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world" and john said also" l baptise with water he will baptise with holy spirit and 🔥 fire!!. What is the fire???
Cults use vague verses to state that "This is what it definitely means." Then they use definitive verses and say, "This is what it really means." The sufficiency of Christ's blood & His righteousness is not enough? They will fit the Word of God into what they want it to mean. If they are supposed to tell you what it means then who are they accountable to? Certainly not the Word of God! I do not think this man has done enough to convince me of Purgatory.
But if you die in a state of grace, can't God make you holy enough for paradise in an instant? I don't understand this purification as "becoming more holy through paying the temporal punishment that justice requires". I understand it as just "paying the debt you owe, and you are as holy as you are". This is the only way indulgences make sense. For example, the hole in the wall. Is he made more holy by repairing the wall? Yes. But what if he is already dead? Can he merit anything? He still has to pay what is due in justice. But someone can pay for him with indulgences. In this way, the purification seems to be more "legal", like the old law purifications. Does this make sense?
Yes, Luke 12:47-48 points to `punishment` at the hand of God, upon many souls after this life, for those who fall short, a `punishment` which is certainly not that of eternal damnation in hell! Indeed, I would say that "the one who does not know" speaks of the many who have never even had opportunity to hear the Gospel let alone come to faith. But I point also to Luke 12:58-59 which also points to Purgatory, for Jesus said to the crowd, "...then the officer might throw you into `prison`." But what kind of `prison` is Jesus talking about? Verse 59 tells us: "I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny." Get out of where? Purgatory, of course! For no-one gets out of hell. So since it takes only common sense to understand the merciful doctrine of Purgatory (where so many Christians will indeed go), how is it then that there are no Protestant or Reformed denominations, nor even the Orthodox Church, who have got what it takes to recognise the merciful Mind of God in working out our salvation! ...words fail me!
“Hole in the wall” - punishment and restitution IS NOT THE SAME THING. Repairing the wall does not provide JUSTICE for breaking it in the first place. “Punishment does not EQUAL cleanse”. It is not obvious that the “beatings” cleanse the soul or conscience. There is a punishment, but how you get from beatings to the place of after death purifying is a serious reach.
Well Joshua you need to reconcile what you think Jesus said with the Epistle to the Hebrews where it is clearly stated “ And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” There is no second chance. God poured out His grace, mercy and atonement for our sins once, by His precious blood, at the crucifixion of Jesus. He died once then went to Paradise together with the believing criminal crucified with Him.
I’m trying to wrap my mind around this concept in such a way that agrees with everything else in scripture. I’m still not convinced. There are still a lot of holes left in this theology. All the examples you gave are punishment given on this earth, similar to examples given in the new covenant doctrines as well, even including the prophecies in revelation when Christ disciplines the church while they were still in the flesh. Did you consider that all these punishments in the gospel parables are instead referring to when Christ comes to gather the elect pre great tribulation? After all, all these parables are about the master’s return and those that were present at his return. And not all will be caught up with Christ in the air when he returns. Did you consider those that did believe in Christ but didn’t make it due to their deliberate sins, would be left to pay for their sins on this earth. This would agree with the elect mentioned in Matthew 24:22. My number one conflict with the purging of sins by your own penance is this: why did Christ die if you’d be paying for your sins with your own penance? What was his sacrifice for then? If in death, we’d still be sacrificing penance for our sins? And if we still have sins at death what good is the cup of his blood? Are we discounting his grace by believing his death wasn’t enough, that our penance in Sheol is the key to our salvation? All truthfully, even without the deep knowledge of scripture, my heart can’t agree with thinking Christ’s sacrifice wasn’t enough. My heart cannot comprehend it. His death is so we could repent in this world NOT in the next. Those that are with him CANNOT sin (1 John 3:9) and if they sin they have Christ to advocate for them (1 John 2:1) A true Christian will not die having sins to penance for nor need purging. They rest awaiting the first resurrection when they will be with the Lord to rule and judge the rest at the end.
Is believing in Jesus alone set a believer free completely? Or ask differently, was Jesus's death on the cross sufficient to set any one who believes in Jesus free? Should l doubt if Jesus's death is sufficient to set me free or l have to do something to be free? If l doubt and don't have the absolute certainty kind of faith to believe that Jesus's death is sufficient to cleanse my sin, should l then go back to Judaism to make more animal sacrifices, since a life is for a life? Or is there another way around this? Jesus's isn't sufficient and we don't do animal sacrifice anymore, what can we do that make up the shortfall? I want to know. I don't want to be falling short, if Jesus's death is not absolute, what must l do to enter the kingdom of heaven?
Okay, so being raised Pentecostal, we were strictly raised against the belief of Purgatory. Even after hearing you read that first verse, my entire being was like, "That's not Purgatory, that's not about the afterlife, at all", but then I started thinking; rather immediately (almost exactly at the same time as that other thought came into my mind), "Wait, what are the verses reading.... that does sound like Purgatory... wait, that is after death... that is purgatory. 🤯". Luke 12:35-48 explains the entire story to where we know it's about when the Christ returns. Add that above sentence in next time because that's a full and Incredible game changer because I almost missed how that really and truly is about purgatory bc I wasn't up reading at first. Not up reading made me think that y'all were really misinterpreting it at first, until I dod upread, so please add those verses because that really makes it a game changing read and reality. It's crazy incredible! Where the worm doesn't die, Isaiah 66:24, the one Jesus beautifully references, Mark 9:48, that's about Gehenna, not any kind of punishment in the afterlife and it's definitely not about some eternal punishment. Sheol, Tartarus, Gehenna and Hades, all of the original words from which Hell is translated, don't define an eternal place of punishment. The idea of hell isn't actually biblical.
New findings to prove NEED OF PURGATORY from new testament. 1 JOHN 5: 16-17 16 If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this. 17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death. This indicates differentiation between MORTAL and VINEAL sins as catholic church believes. This clearly states that any third person cannot pray for forgiveness of other peoples mortal sins but only vineal sins. But the person himself can repent and use the SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION for the forgiveness of his Mortal sins. Now bible clear teaches that " The wages of sin is death" Romans 6:23 Suppose if a person dies in there can be only three situations now. 1 He has died in the state of Mortal Sin and he now deserves second death as the Judgement. God will throw him in eternal fire for the same. 2 If a person dies in sinless and perfect state then he will get eternal life as the LORD promised. 3 But if he has died in the state of VINEAL sin which does not deserve second death because bible says "THERE IS A SIN WHICH DOES NOT LEAD TO DEATH " But he cannot enter heaven B'coz Rev 21:27 "Nothing impure can enter heaven in the presence of GOD." The only option remains is that he has to be purged and purified before being accepted into the presence of God in heaven
You cannot say that a doctrine which denies the all-sufficiency of Christ's atonement is "biblical". No amount of gaslighting will make a lie the truth. You cannot twist the scriptures into saying that the cross is insufficient. 2 Peter 1:16 - For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Welcome, Gizmo. As you certainly know, Christ's atonement is all-sufficient, which includes purification before entering Heaven Although you continue to cling to the false teachings of modern Protestant tradition, we appreciate your zeal.
@@lellachu1682 - This "modern Protestant tradition" is only valid because it is 100% consistent with the teaching of the FOUNDATION of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone (See Eph. 2:20). This modernity is more ancient than the false teaching whipped up by 3rd and 4th century pretenders. Look to Greek mythology about their afterlife depictions. You'll find a lot of Catholic theology and philosophy there. It's not of God.
@@GizmoFromPizmo I'm sure you believe that Protestantism is 100% consistent with the early Church. But that is simply dispelled by the lack of one doctrine. If True, one would expect to find similarities between Greek mythology and Christianity, the True Myth. Christ's Sacrifice being outside of time reverberates through all time and people.
@@GizmoFromPizmo Read the Didache. Read early writings of the church fathers. Your heresy didn't arise until the 1800s, even Luther believed much of Catholic doctrine.
@sliglusamelius8578 - You're way off-topic, buddy. You can't defend the theology of the insufficiency of the cross (which is what Purgatory boils down to) so you pull out some second or third century hogwash that has nothing to do with the subject matter? You're not very good at this, are you...? If you could do better, you would but you can't so, bye Felicia.
Romans 4:6-8 - Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, 7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. 8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. A person who believes God is justified. That's the rule. My sins are COVERED. I don't have to pay back people whom I've offended or defrauded. I am COVERED. Catholicism is a corrupt organization bent on castrating the Son of God. Jesus taught that there are degrees of reward and punishment. The just are raised to life. The unjust to everlasting punishment. The key is that both are "everlasting" and "eternal". There is NO TEACHING on "temporary punishment". That doctrine is an extrapolation, not supported by either Christ or the apostles. It's a fantasy, fabricated by later (much later) pretenders. Acts 24:15 - And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. Mt. 25:46 - And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. There's no "in between".
Any who cares about purgatory? We care about going to don't think we suffer enough in this life? And what about if the presence of God is enough to make us pure when we are in heaven....anyway i am continuing watching this video. I home there are clear scriptures références
Luke 12:42-46~ meaning: All the servants guilty of wrongdoing were punished, but the one who had more detailed knowledge of his master’s will was punished more severely. Everyone is accountable to God, but God expects more of those who know more. There is no Purgatory, in Revelation 20:15 And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Can you show me one verse in the Bible that says to Repent of your sins? Did you know God Repented 39 times in the Old Testament? Did God Repent of Sin or does Repent have a different meaning than most think?🤔
@ The word Repent in the Bible comes from the Greek word Metanoia which means to Change your mind. You can repent about many things,but so many people think it automatically means of Sins. Repentance typically in the New Testament is speaking about Changing your mind about who God is! Repent, change your mind about who you think Jesus Christ is and Believe in Him for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!❤️
@ darrellperez1029 Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, declares the Lord God. Repent and turn from all your transgressions, lest iniquity be your ruin.” Ezekiel 18:30 ESV This verse and Ezek 14:6 is talking about Idolatry worship. God is saying Repent, change your mind about worshipping Idols and return back to me in Faith! There is no verse in the Bible that says Repent of your Sins. Many say Repent, technically after you have already sinned you can’t change your mind about it! “and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand;repent and believe in the gospel.”” Mark 1:15 ESV Repent and Believe meaning change your mind about who Jesus Christ is and Believe in the Gospel!
This video will lead the viewers to hell. Before he explained the parable of Jesus he laid first the phylosophies of this world to prepare the viewers to his twisted interpretation of the parable.
@@7bag7 Um, the person who made the video compared disciplining a child to purgatory. See your first post where YOU brought up hell, which is eternal. Purgatory is temporary.
No Jesus did teach that. it a rubbish doctrine, made up to make extra money from rich people Scripture cannot be broken Heb 9:27 "Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him."
@@sliglusamelius8578 where does it teach that? There is a rule for biblical doctrines, using one verse and even worse using a parable when hell was not the point of the parable. Usually, you want to see it somewhere else in scripture. Coming to these radical conclusions based on a parable is rather weak. we do not have enough information for your rings of hell theory here
@@midnightwatchman1 Protestants deny basic things like divorce being a sin, so I'm not surprised that you would pretend to be daft about this parable that describes degrees of punishments.
@@sliglusamelius8578 let for a while stop this catholic/protestant thing. I am not here defend protestantism, I do not care. I am more interested in good doctrine on to righteousness in Jesus Christ. if protestants are doing demonstratable unbiblical behavour let call it out. I believe you will find when the motivation is to rise up christ and not our tribe you find we share more common values.
@@sliglusamelius8578 I would more connect this parable with the processing of God in the life of the believer Heb 12:6 " "The Lord disciplines and corrects those He loves" The punishment is for correction and maturing, Rom 5:3-5 "we also glory in our suffering ...producing character" Proverb 15:10 "Stern discipline awaits anyone to leave the path"
My question is why does the Orthodox Church (of which Rome was a part for over 1,000 years) not believe in purgatory?. Purgatory only emerged in the Middle Ages and many were shocked and argued against it, in particular St Mark of Ephesus at the Council of Florence in 1439. The Orthodox do pray for the dead, out of love and hope and also believe in the concept of purification. They even talk of Toll Houses but these are ALWAYS allegorical. Therefore, it is not dogma so one is not condemned to hell for not believing in these things, unlike in the Catholic Church.
I think they believe in steps of toll houses. That there are 21 steps on the way up to heaven, and demons wait for them before the first toll house to tempt them one last time. It’s a weird idea we dont see in scripture. Might be one of their saints creating this idea. Mark of Ephesus might believe a toll house is “worldly” as in an actual “place.”
@@SolaPastora It is talked about but as I mentioned they are allegorical only. The Catholic Church will condemn you to hell if you do not believe in purgatory. That is not the case with allegorical ideas such as toll houses in the Orthodox Church.
"Rome" was never a part of the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church was part of the Catholic Church but bits left in the 5th century and others went into schism with The Church founded by Jesus in 1054.
If we can earn our way to heaven through punishments and purgatory, as explained in the video above, it was not necessary for the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to come down from heaven to earth and die on the cross and to rise again. Why did he do that if we can reach heaven through purgatory? This teaching makes Jesus Christ redundant. It is un-Biblical.
The entire video is completely misunderstanding the punishments God inflicts on Israel in the OT. Then worse you push these punishments into the NT fdamework. Read Deuteronomy and this explicitly tells you that if they didnt obey Gods commands and be careful to observe them all of those cuses will befall them. This has nothing to do with purgatory. Then in the NT area we are saved by Christ who paid ALL of our iniquities. Therefore, rejoice and be glad and dont think for a second about us paying something back to God is possible. The Jews didnt, and God destroyed them leaving behind only a remnant. Please i beg and implore you read in CONTEXT what is being communicated.
Yes, absolutely, this guy has absolute zero idea of what he is talking about. He has only exposed his total Biblical illiteracy, and his unsaved, lost, and deceived condition.
If we can earn our way to heaven through punishments and purgatory as explained in the video above, it was not necessary for the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to come down from heaven to earth and die on the cross and to rise again. Why did he do that if we can reach heaven through purgatory? This teaching makes Jesus Christ redundant. It is un-Biblical.
The doctrine of purgatory was dogmatized in conjunction with the doctrine of indulgences. The purpose of it was to emotionally blackmail people into donating to the church. Most unique Catholic dogmas make sense when you understand their purpose in buttressing the worldly power of Rome.
@@HAL9000-su1mz ,...The fact is, 99.999% of those who claim to be Christians, are NOT Christians! They are all liars and the lake of fire awaits all those snared into all of the 100% apostate churches.
But when you look deep into history, the abuses of indulgences came later on and were later addressed. Abuses of something don't render it entirely evil that is illogical. It's like saying that since the married people commit adultery the whole thing is evil.
@@EugeneEmmaKatalemwa Strangely, not one person who 'may have' paid for an indulgence complained about it. Isn't that strange? It's almost like 'someone' was looking for a reason to rebel.
Up until about 500 A.D., Christian beliefs about hell were reasonable and beautiful. The prevailing view then was that hell (the lake of fire, actually) not only punished but also purified the unrighteous. It was temporary -- each person's finite punishment would fit their finite crimes (sins). (The Greek speaking early church fathers knew that _aionios,_ the Greek word that is mistranslated as "eternal" in most English Bibles, didn't mean "eternal.") Once a person's punishment and purification were complete, he or she would join other saved people on the beautiful new earth described in Revelation 21-22. Everyone would eventually make it there and be blessed, with heavenly rewards varying by person, based on the lives they led. For supporting verses & quotes, see my two replies. Christ came to seek and to save the lost (everybody) (Luke 19:10), and he never fails.
Some verses which promise, imply or strongly suggest eventual universal salvation: "As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive ... God [will] be all in all." (1 Corinthians 15:22,28) "As one trespass [Adam's] led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness [Jesus'] leads to justification and life for all men." (Romans 5:18) "God has committed all to disobedience that he might have mercy on all ... From him and through him and to him are all things." (Romans 11:32,36) "...every knee shall bow to me [God], and every tongue shall confess to God." (Romans 14:11) " ... at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:10-11) "And I [Jesus], when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." (John 12:32) "And every creature which is in heaven and on earth and under the earth I heard saying, 'Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb forever.'" (Revelation 5:13) "O you who hear prayer, to you shall all flesh come. When iniquities prevail against me, you atone for our transgressions." (Psalm 65:2-3) "All you have made will praise you, O Lord." (Psalm 145:10a) "I will not contend forever, nor will I always be angry; for 'the spirit would grow faint before me, and the breath of life that I made'." (Isaiah 57:16) "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end. ... " (Lamentations 3:22) Also see John 17:2, Romans 5:19-20, 8:19-21, Ephesians 1:10, Philippians 3:21, Colossians 1:20, 1 Timothy 2:3-6, 4:10, 1 Peter 4:6, 1 John 2:2, 4:14, Revelation 15:4, 21:5,24-25, 22:2,17c, Psalm 22:27,29, Isaiah 25:6-8, 45:22-25, Lamentations 3:31, Ezekiel 16:53,55, Malachi 3:2-3, _Hope Beyond Hell_ by Gerry Beauchemin
Most leading early church fathers believed in eventual universal salvation: "Christ saves all men. Some he converts by penalties, others who follow Him of their own will ... that every knee may be bent to Him, of those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" [Isa. 45:22-23, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 2:10-11, Rev. 5:13] -- *Clement of Alexandria,* _Commentary on 1 John_ "The Word will subdue to himself all rational natures, and will change them into his own perfection." [John 12:32, 1 Cor. 15:22-28, Phil. 3:21] -- *Origen,* _Contra Celsum_ 8:72 "What else does 'until the times of universal restoration' signify to us, if not the aeon to come, in which all beings must receive their perfect restoration?" [Acts 3:21] -- *Eusebius,* leading historian of the early church, _Contra Marcellum __2:4:11_ "A few drops of blood renew the whole world, and become for all men that which rennet is for milk, uniting and drawing us into one." [Col. 1:15-20] -- *Gregory Nazianzus,* _Oration 42_ "Christ captured over again the souls captured by the devil, for that He promised in saying, 'I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.'" [John 12:32, 1 Peter 3:19-20, 4:6, Psalm 68:18, Eph. 4:8-10, and maybe Matt. 12:29] -- *Athanasius,* _Expositions on the Psalms, 68.18_ "The peace [coming] from the Lord is coextensive with all time [eternity]. For all things shall be subject to him, and all things shall acknowledge his empire; and when God shall be all in all, those who now excite discords by revolts, having been quite pacified, [all things] shall praise God in peaceful concord." [Psalm 145:10a, 1 Cor. 15:28, Rev. 5:13] -- *Basil,* _Commentary on Isaiah 9:6_ "So the Son of Man came to save that which was lost, i.e., all, for as in Adam all die, so, too, in Christ shall all be made alive." [Luke 19:10, 1 Cor. 15:22] -- *Ambrose,* _Exposition on the Gospel of Luke 15.3_ "For the wicked there are punishments not perpetual, ... but they are to be tormented for a certain brief period, according to the amount of malice in their works. They shall therefore suffer punishment for a short space, but immortal blessedness, having no end, awaits them; ... the penalties to be inflicted for their many and grave crimes are very far surpassed by the magnitude of the mercy to be showed them. The resurrection, therefore, is regarded as a blessing, not only to the good, but also to the evil." [Isa. 57:16], *Diodore,* _De Oecon_ "Some among the wise and learned … have alluded to this in an enigmatic way, by adducing that God is not only just, but also merciful, and that it becomes the One who judges with justice to have sinners suffer in a measure that is proportional to their sins and then make them worthy of blessedness." -- *Theodore,* _Liber Scholiorum, 2:63_ "'All the kings of the earth shall adore him.' Some, indeed, in the present life willingly, but all the rest after the Resurrection; for not yet do we see all things subject to him, but then every knee shall bow to him." [The "kings of the earth" are rebellious unbelievers in Rev. 6:15, 17:2,18, 18:3,9, 19:19,21 ... but check out what happens in Rev. 21:24-27!] -- *Theodoret,* _On Psalm 72:11_ "Death shall come as a visitor to the impious; it will not be perpetual; it will not annihilate them; but will prolong its visit, till the impiety which is in them shall be consumed." [Matt. 5:26] -- *Jerome,* _On Micah 5:8_ "After the complete abolition of sin, praise shall be sung to God; which praise contain (implies) our being incapable of turning to sin ... when every created being shall be harmonized into one choir ... and when, like a cymbal, the reasonable creation, and that which is now severed by sin ... shall pour forth a pleasing strain, due to mutual harmony. Then comes the praise of every spirit for ever abounding with increase unto eternity." [Psalm 150] -- *Gregory of Nyssa,* _On Psalms, Tract 1, ch. 9_ Other church fathers who believed in eventual universal salvation include *Asterius, Bardaisan, Cyril of Alexandria, Didymus the Blind, Dionysius, Ephrem the Syrian, Gennadius, Hilary, John Cassian, John Chrysostom, Marcellus, Maximus the Confessor, Maximus of Turin, Methodius, Paulinus, Proclus, Titus of Basra & Victorinus.* Sources: Thomas Allin, _Christ Triumphant,_ Annotated by Robin Parry edition, chapters 4-5, 1905 & Ilaria Ramelli, _A Larger Hope?, Volume 1: Universal Salvation from Christian Beginnings to Julian of Norwich,_ 2019
Thanks. I SO want Purgatory to be a place. I imagine I will be sent there to the end of time itself. Only, please, St Peter, let me out every few millennia to pull a hitch in Dog Heaven.
I dont understand how sin is temprol after death and how one pays for it before going to heaven . Sin is sin and as long as we here through the power of the Holy spirit we are lead into righteousness.I dont believe in purgatory .
Nope... Does not work for me. Since Leviticus, they had to use a scapegoat and a sacrificial lamb to be holy again, and any damage done had to be reimbursed with 20% interest. They had to do this while alive. If purgatory was real, they wouldn't need so much sacrifice.
Can you tell us how much do we have to pay to a priest to get out of purgetory ? And can we pay monthly installments, or by credit card. Or does the Pope do any sort of special offers ?
According to the Bible, all sin is serious, no matter how small, and is considered an act of rebellion against God. Some examples of small sins include: 1)A bad attitude 2)Sarcastic words 3)Judgmental thoughts 4)Rolling of the eyes. According to the bible, A sin that does not lead to death (and a sin that does lead to death) is alluded to in 1 John 5:16-17: “If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death term as small sins. These are sins that does not lead to death as listed above.
You are really REACHING. Luke 12, verse 47 is saying-those that are Believers and sin, will be held to a higher standard, because they should KNOW better and will be condemned more harshly than the non believer. This also applies to Priest, BUT theirs will be more severe, due to the MANY souls they misled into idolatry, along with the numerous other sinful religious rituals the Catholic faith practices. ONLY by the Blood of Jesus is one SAVED and He Paid It In Full. Rapture is coming anytime now… everything is in place!
Sad, intellectual rubbish! The salvation of Christ is a finished work, paid for by Jesus, it is an unmerited gift from God ( grace) and if we do not accept this gift through repentance while alive, we choose to go to hell. Do we suffer in the here and now due to our sin, sure we do, but there is no way our suffering attones for sin, that is blasphemous,
Sheer human conjecture. Jesus parables and teaching we're for the Jewish people of his day. You can't turn to church traditions and remember your church persecution the people of Israel for centuries. Double standards.
Jesus never taught purgatory. As the New Catholic Encyclopedia says: "The Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not on Sacred Scripture."
Purgatory is obviously made up, it's not in the Holy Bible and Jesus did not teach it. I don't think you did a good job of defining it? It sounds self-contrary. Either Jesus is enough, or He is not. The concept that Jesus isn't quite enough is disturbing. As far as "temporal punishment" is concerned, that's here and now -- not later in some mythical somewhere. I've died, Jesus took me before the Throne of Glory. As far as I know, this was real, not a vision, so not a Near-death Experience (which I classify as a dream and/or vision). It was more real there than here. I was absent from the body, present with the Lord, just as the bible says.
@@joshuatcharles I listened, sounded made up and was very fuzzy on the definition of Purgatory. And his argument was actually anti-purgatory in nature, proving Jesus didn't preach it, using examples that are all earthly, the here and now. No explanation was given as to how or why we should think it applies to a mythical purgatory, to make it real. But I've died, gone to the Throne of Glory, Jesus took me there. In other words, Why wouldn't I have needed more purging if Jesus wasn't enough, as the concept of Purgatory demands?
This made up purgatory is the primary violation of Jesus Christ declaration: I am the way, the truth and the life. And, no one sees God, the Father except through me...
@henceldeanon9233 How does it violate that? Jesus judges each of us, and many will be sent to purgatory. Simple as that. The parables cited show that to be consonant with the words of Jesus.
“Let’s say a Christian punches a hole in their neighbors wall…they’re going to hell???” THE BLOOD OF JESUS CONTINUALLY CLEANSES FROM ALL SIN. It doesn’t PARTIALLY CLEANSE and leave a little bit for PURGATORY TO FINISH TRHE CLEANSE…
The person in the video is a liar. Purgatory is NOT Biblical. As the New Catholic Encyclopedia says: "The Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not on Sacred Scripture."
Purgatory is as biblical as the Trinity. Do you not believe in the Trinity? Because the doctrine of the Trinity is similarly based on Tradition, not on Scripture.
It's Tradition, not tradition. Learn the difference. If you believe purgatory is not Biblical, you're either 1) not reading the Bible or 2) not understanding the Bible. You will never read the word purgatory in the Bible because the word didn't exist when the scriptures were authored, but the concept is clearly present.
@@davidcole333 "If you believe purgatory is not Biblical, you're either 1) not reading the Bible or 2) not understanding the Bible." When you get older, read the New Catholic Encyclopedia, which says: "The Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not on Sacred Scripture." Did you get that? It's not that the word "purgatory is not in the Bible. Instead, it's the doctrine on purgatory.
@@lellachu1682 "Purgatory is as biblical as the Trinity." Wrong on both counts. Concerning purgatory, the New Catholic Encyclopedia admits: "The Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not on Sacred Scripture." And concerning the trinity, A Catholic Dictionary says: "The formulation ‘One God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century…. Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.” Clearly, the so-called early church fathers never heard of a trinity.
“Yet [Trent] says never a word about testimonies of Scripture, because, as Peter a Soto confesses, purgatory cannot be clearly proved from testimonies of Scripture, but this must first be believed without Scripture. Afterword certain passages of Scripture must somehow be twisted to agree with that presumed opinion.” Martin Chemnitz, Examination of the Council of Trent, Part III, Third Topic, Section 1, 1 If Rome’s great doctors of Theology gather at Trent, to create the Roman Church after she walked away from Luther and the Reformers and the Historic Western Catholic Church which was cleansed of Roman heresies with the Gospel, could not discover this verse to justify Roman purgatory, one can only assume you are doing what Chemnitz warned of over four centuries ago.
Using that parable in that way is stretch it to the point of breaking. This is gross abuse of interpretation of the word. Why would you do this? This existence and necessity for purgatory is NOT expressively taught here. you are just making stuff up
Thank you! Jesus' teaching in the parable in Luke completely opened my eyes to the truth of purgatory.
Your eyes are NOT opened, they are 100% blind. Repent of your fake, Godless religion!
You are confused, Purgatory is a place where you pay for sins, and Masses are said for the dead; cause the cross was not a perfect Sacrifice, but read your Bible, it was a Perfect Sacrifice .......and this guy is a reprobate. Read 2 Cor. 5:17-20
@@BS.Mira685 ,..Correct, those who are confused, lost, deceived, unsaved, Biblically illiterate, and 100% outside of the kingdom of God are the catholics/orthodox. There is NO such thing as purgatory!!!
Yes, all catholics are reprobates, the accursed of God, and are all Gods enemies. The lake of fire awaits all catholics/orthodox.
@@BS.Mira685 ,..Correct, those who are confused, lost, deceived, unsaved, Biblically illiterate, and 100% outside of the kingdom of God are the catholics/orthodox. There is NO such thing as purgatory!!!
Yes, all catholics are reprobates, the accursed of God, and are all Gods enemies. The lake of fire awaits all catholics/orthodox.
@@BS.Mira685you don’t pay sins in purgatory you are cleansed and purified , rethink your consistence before you think with your belief
This just shows me how strongly God wants us to be with Him.
Jesuschrist I Trust in You. JESUCRISTO EN VOS CONFIO !
Congratulations, Joshua! Beautiful set. Beautiful program! You are a treasure for the Church. ctm
The more I hear from you Joshua , the more I want . Your a very good teacher, clear, logical and done lovingly. I will pray the Lord will draw many here, what you present is so need in Our Church, and all Christianity.. Keep along this path, and don't give up, we need you , esp. those who don't know they need this..............God Bless and keep you.
Loved it! I sent it to my protestant mom!
Very precise and logical - thanks so much Josh for this excellent teaching, God bless !
Luke 12:41-48 so clearly describes Purgatory- a final purification process. Jesus is literally talking about one servant (ie, a follower) receiving a “severe beating”, and another receiving a “light beating” depending on their actions. This is the kind of parable Protestants have to skip over or fabricate some alternate meaning to fit into their “Once Saved, always saved/Jesus did everything so I can do nothing” paradigm.
purification, you mean rewards
😂🤣😂🤣. This parable is about life. It's talking about those that knew the Lord's word and those that didn't. Basically, those that are supposedly "saved" and continue these actions will be punished in hell worse than those that never knew the Lord. It's the true definition of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. But notice they both get punished. Read the whole chapter.
source for your claim? your doctrine is not scripture.
@@donhaddix3770 Me?
@@Ocapela215 That's not what it is saying at all. A person really has to take it out of its historical context and meaning to get to that conclusion.
Thanks Joshua. For me, Matthew 18:33-35 you cited is the clearest explicit passage describing a form of purgatory. Jesus is wrapping up the parable of the unmerciful servant which He ends with a 'literal' warning....
"and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his lord delivered him to the jailers, till he should pay all his debt. (So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart).”
Here Jesus states explicitly that if we do not forgive others from our heart, the Father will hand us over to the jailer until we pay all our debt.
It's clear Jesus is referring to a temporal punishment and not an eternal punishment because the punishment is only until all our debt is paid.
I think this can be difficult for some Protestants to grasp because we were taught that Jesus' death on the cross paid in full ALL our debt and took on ALL punishment due to us including TEMPORAL punishment. I believe Jesus' warning here should prove to us that is not the case.
God's blessings to all.
I think ijesus is speaking of Hell.You have to take the whole parable and not just the detsila.If you are taking the details what is the answer to the question who is the neighbour to the man who fell among theives.And in that case wouldnt commandment to live thy neighbour as thyself be love the one who helps you.Obviously .That is not the point.Please dont twist the Bible to satisfy your doctrines
@@ptk8451 That line I cited was "and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his lord delivered him to the jailers, till he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”
I don't see how this could refer to hell since the imprisionment is only 'till' the debt is paid in full at which time the person would be released from prison as justice served. There is no release from hell that I'm aware of so I don't see how it could be referring to hell.
Many Protestants implicitly believe in Purgatory if you ask them a few strategic questions about sanctification, heaven, sin, and death.
It's also worth noting that a form of purgatory can also be included in this life
@@MB-zn9vgI love the idea of suffering on earth, bringing us closer to Christ. Someone said “sacra fice” has a Latin root for “make holy.”
I asked a Protestant once if he was perfect, he finally said no. He then admitted that something had to happen before he could go to heaven! Boom!!!
@@vintage53-coversandorigina37 Perhaps it was a 'Protestant', but never an Evangelical. Mind the difference!
@@christianemutter2952 Do Evangelicals think they are perfected before their bodily death? I don't understand why you make a distinction between Protestants and Evangelicals.
Thank you Josh Charles. I’m glad someone is telling the truth ! 👍
Hey is this fairly new? It was in my feed this morning. After this episode I’ll start from the beginning to get caught up.
Our Lady of Fátima, pray for us!
Father Fintan
Repent of your 100% fake, manmade, Godless religion!
I loved your new content.
Thanks from my heart
Thank you for sharing this informative bible expositions..godbless ❤❤❤
Excellent presentation. I teach high school Religion, and I often start by explaining that the form of the person is the soul because it lays down the proper hierarchy for students. I do so because it expands how they start making decisions for the rest of their lives as they consider the ultimate good of their choices. I may have to use your presentation in class. It is very well done and comprehensive.
Sorry, but this presentation was an absolutely unbiblical abomination, as is the entire 100% fake, manmade, Godless religion of catholicism. Repent!
Beautifully done, Joshua! God bless you.
Traditional Catholic Faith, Forever and Ever !
forever in hell.
@@donhaddix3770 Ignorant hate-speech reported.
@@HAL9000-su1mz nope. truthful and biblical.
@donhaddix3770 Ah ! One heretic protestant.🤡😈👹
@@luisgerardoluevanosmedina433 one bible believer over catholic doctrine follower
One thing I find silly in these discussions is how almost every single time Christ talks about salvation it’s merited by our deeds.. Of course this is deeply concerning to a sinner like me yet purgatory is prove of an eternally loving father
Wonderful and valuable. Will direct Protestants here😄
God bless you
Thank you so much for your wonderful explanation. God bless you. Keep going.
I recently learned On Purgatory the early Jews also believed and taught it.
The most convincing parable my Baptist mindset can find no 'anti-Purgatory' explanation for is one Joshua only mentioned in passing. It is found in Matthew 18. At the end of the parable, the Unmerciful Servant goes to jail until he pays the last penny. Next comes, not only clear evidence of the importance God places on forgiveness but, more importantly, what God will actually do to us if we do not forgive. Beginning verse 35, we read Jesus' very words.... "So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.” Here Jesus transitions from the parable to reality. Call it what you like, Jesus is saying the Father is going to require some kind of repayment from us in the form of punishment/suffering if we do not forgive others from our heart. This destroys my Baptist thinking that Jesus paid for my sins, past, present and future in full. Neither will my Baptist mindset allow me to view this in earthly terms i.e. the Father will have me placed in an earthly jail because of unforgiveness. No, this has to be a debt payable after physical death. We know the servant is not condemned to hell because the parable only speaks of needing to pay the debt in full until the last penny when the debt is satisfied.
Is the sacrifice of Jesus complete or not ?
I had a motorcycle accident and was taken to a room by two angels. In that room, I sat down and talked with a 19 year old about my mother in law. At the end, he said, "Take care of my daughter" . It was then that I knew it was my Father in law in his new body. I asked him about what happened the last day of his life. He had died in the hospital of a blood clot . An hour after, we left his friend a Catholic Priest that ran the non-denominational chapel came in and he accepted Jesus. Two hours after that he died and was in heaven immediately! No Baptism as he was never a Christian no fruits of the Spirit no Gifts of the Spirit no works. Praise God that we only need to receive the Holy Spirit and can go to heaven with no Purgatory.
I’m a Protestant, but it strikes me that the idea of purgatory is not too different from the idea of glorification. Both posit a further purification after death.
It’s not the same, but you are right to note that there is a difference between where we are when we die, versus where we are when we are glorified. That gap is bridged somehow.
@@joshuatcharles What please is 'somehow'???
@@christianemutter2952 Catholics explain the "somehow" by the doctrine of Purgatory. What is the Protestant explanation?
Yet, our wills are frozen at death. So any and all repentance must occur before death.
There is no one Protestant position. Newer theologians are advocating the Isaianic hope for new creation in the phrase “life after life after death” (NT Wright). The idea of going to sky heaven at death is now considered more Plato than Jesus, more Plutarch than Peter, more Plotinus than Paul. In other words, let’s not trash this world and escape unto the sky, as the ancient gnostics would do, but let us rejoice with Psalm 73 and the prophets that the Return of the King is near, thy kingdom come! As Isaiah says all nations will stream to Zion to pay allegiance to the King. God is enthroned on high, the earth is his foot stool (Psalm 110) and the Lord Jesus Christ is coming to reign supreme, and judge the nations. Where the Roman Catholic Church picked up all this Platonism is sad, probably in middle Platonism, instead of focusing on Scripture from Eden to Chalceden, the Neo-Platonists took over the Latin church root and branch. But we can learn from each other, and worship the Lord.
Good luck, Josh, and God bless!
Excellent suburb and great informative video presentation on purgatory my catholic brother for I as a catholic understand you but there seems to be a barrier with other peoples spirit who cannot understand you and having said that I would like to mention about where Jesus went after he had died on the crucifix and as you know he said before he died that after he dies he’ll be in the heart of earth for three days.Now we know as Catholics that it can’t be hell for Jesus Christ lived an immaculate life from birth to his death so where is Jesus talking about.Thank you tremendously Catholic brother for your sharing of your knowledge on purgatory and May God the Holy Trinity bless protect and increase your understanding with an abundance of Truth Graces and Virtues Amen Amen Amen 🙏 🐑🕊️✨🔥
The comments section is so aggravating… having to be purified from sinful desires isn’t because “Jesus’s sacrifice wasn’t enough”, it is because _your_ stubborn ass is *still* sinning and *still* desires to sin.
If you really don’t sin any more, and have no desire for sin, then congratulations, you’re a saint and won’t need any purification after you die.
Either way, that sanctification is by the grace of God, and paid for by Christ on the cross.
Amazing! Was so excited for this.
Purgatory just makes common sense. I agree
To a catholic yes, but not a real Christian
Question: the idea of temporal punishment for sins is sensible. However, how certain are we that this punishment is defined as post-mortem? I think that is where I’m getting hung up on. If we are not completely purified the punishment continues into the afterlife before heaven. That is the concept that bugs me a bit.
Purgatory is a must as a Catholic no one dies in perfect grace God is the only perfect one and in the Bible it says God cannot look a pond anything that is not perfect that is why his Son came to us and accepted his cup so that we could gain the gift of salvation and eventually be in heaven with God the Father but there must be a place between heaven and earth that we go thur first so we are free of all sins and blessed for the presence of God Amen 🙏
not biblical
@@donhaddix3770 : Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide are not Biblical at all.
@@salachenkoforley7382 yes they are. catholic claims are not biblical.
How then do you explain these verses?
I Thessalonians 4:13-18
The dead in Christ will rise first, then be caught up with the living in the clouds, and meet the Lord in the air
Ecclesiastes 9:5
“For the living know that they will die, but the dead know not any thing.”
Psalm 13:3
"Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death"
John 11:11-14
11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.”
Acts 7:60
"And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them.' And when he had said this, he fell asleep"
Daniel 12:2
2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
How do Protestants interpret John’s epistle that some sin leads to death, and some sin does not lead to death. And if you see a brother (a saved Christian believer), commits a sin leading to death, don’t pray for that brother. How does a Protestant view those passages?
Well, they deny the concept of mortal and venial sins.....
@@AlexisHernandez-f7s Fair!
You quote it wrong.
1 John 5:16
[16]If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.
All sin are worthy of death. There is no sin that doesn't offend the Holy.
Proverbs 6:16-19
[16]These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
[17]A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
[18]An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
[19]A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
The sin unto death is the sin which is not repented of.
@ I wasn’t quoting verbatim. But yeah, I’ll pray for those on earth who commit mortal sin. I won’t pray for souls that are in hell.
You interpret to not pray for unrepentant souls alive on earth? Jesus said to visit those in prison. Your interpretation disregards that command.
So if purgatory exists, how do you explain the thief on the cross?
Scripture interprets scripture. This teaching is a metaphor of the rewards given to the faithful believers at the return of Christ. The faithful manager is contrasted to the unfaithful servant. The “punishment” cf Jeremiah 34:18, to put him with the unfaithful, a metaphorical reference to what awaits the unbeliever at the return of Christ., cf Luke 13:27-28, Matt. 24:51, Luke 8:13 Matt. 25:29 and Mark 4:24-25.
The Bible says the Body is the soul and it will die. “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
Genesis 2:7 KJV “ Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.”
Ezekiel 18:4 KJV
King David’s son paid with his life for his fathers errors.
Could we also be in a position where we have to pay for someone else’s sin?
My ex-wife left me one day with my child. She broke our contract with God. From that moment on in my life, to this day, I carried this mortal sin.
Absolutely not! Stop listen to those who are completely Biblically illiterate.
If Jesus already took our sins how can purgatory exist. That would contradict Jesus dying on the Cross. Purgatory in life, maybe. Not after death.
Purgatory is God's grace for souls that He loves but finds them unworthy of heaven yet. Nothing unclean will enter the presence of God in heaven (cf. Rev 21:27)
@clara.dewi_widya Which is why Jesus died for us and took our sins, it's not about sins, it's your relationship with Jesus that gets you into heaven, which is the verse goes:
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
@@clara.dewi_widya So Jesus dying for our sins wasn't God's grace?
@@Ocapela215 Jesus also said in John 6:
53 So Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. 54 Those who eat My flesh and drink My blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; 55 for My flesh is true food and My blood is true drink. 56 Those who eat My flesh and drink My blood abide in Me, and I in them. 57 Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats Me will live because of Me.
@@clara.dewi_widya Amen. That's a communion statement.
Really good but I have one question. It seems to me from the passage that the same servant in 47 is the one referred to in 46? So how do you make that distinction?
Should you have an open mind to this RC doctrine, I suggest reading the book from Ron Rhodes, “Reasoning from the Scriptures with Catholics”.
Places like She'ol-a place where human souls reside after death- or "the Bosom of Abraham" has existed in the Jewish culture as a conception of the afterlife for centuries. These were not hell nor were they heaven but were something else altogether.
I have no problem with the idea that God reserves a place for those who have died and are to be saved but are as yet fully purified spiritually from habits that lack the fullness of the kind of charity required to enter into heaven. And that it takes some time for these sinful habits to be purged and the amount of time required depends on the willingness of the soul of that person and their desire to let themselves be purged.
And I have no problem with the belief that my prayers to God on their behalf aid those who are being purified and shorten the amout of time and the intensity of the suffering that they're enduring in having those habits removed, like Simon helping Jesus carrying the cross up to Calvary.
Shoel or hell and Paradise exist. These are two places for the soul of the departed to await Rapture or final judgement. The souls of the saved when they die go to Paradise where Jesus went with the thief on the cross. But the soul of the sinner or wicked person who refuse to get Salvation now will go to hell or shoel to await final judgement before going to hell fire. Read your bible well
Although many people believe that there is purgatory in the next life, Inwant myself to be sure that when I die, i will go to heaven where our God is living forever and ever. Why should I wait for my nearest relatives and friends to prsy for me thst I be transferred to heaven. How about if all my relatives and friends where no one is alive on earth, than who will pray for me to be transferred to heaven? Of course in my opinion, and the opinion of others too, we don't believe in purgatory.
John the baptist whom jesus praised highly , daid differently " behold the lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world" and john said also" l baptise with water he will baptise with holy spirit and 🔥 fire!!. What is the fire???
Cults use vague verses to state that "This is what it definitely means."
Then they use definitive verses and say, "This is what it really means."
The sufficiency of Christ's blood & His righteousness is not enough?
They will fit the Word of God into what they want it to mean.
If they are supposed to tell you what it means then who are they accountable to?
Certainly not the Word of God!
I do not think this man has done enough to convince me of Purgatory.
But if you die in a state of grace, can't God make you holy enough for paradise in an instant? I don't understand this purification as "becoming more holy through paying the temporal punishment that justice requires". I understand it as just "paying the debt you owe, and you are as holy as you are". This is the only way indulgences make sense.
For example, the hole in the wall. Is he made more holy by repairing the wall? Yes. But what if he is already dead? Can he merit anything? He still has to pay what is due in justice. But someone can pay for him with indulgences.
In this way, the purification seems to be more "legal", like the old law purifications.
Does this make sense?
Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men
Yes, Luke 12:47-48 points to `punishment` at the hand of God, upon many souls after this life, for those who fall short, a `punishment` which is certainly not that of eternal damnation in hell! Indeed, I would say that "the one who does not know" speaks of the many who have never even had opportunity to hear the Gospel let alone come to faith. But I point also to Luke 12:58-59 which also points to Purgatory, for Jesus said to the crowd, "...then the officer might throw you into `prison`." But what kind of `prison` is Jesus talking about? Verse 59 tells us: "I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny." Get out of where? Purgatory, of course! For no-one gets out of hell. So since it takes only common sense to understand the merciful doctrine of Purgatory (where so many Christians will indeed go), how is it then that there are no Protestant or Reformed denominations, nor even the Orthodox Church, who have got what it takes to recognise the merciful Mind of God in working out our salvation! ...words fail me!
“Hole in the wall” - punishment and restitution IS NOT THE SAME THING. Repairing the wall does not provide JUSTICE for breaking it in the first place.
“Punishment does not EQUAL cleanse”. It is not obvious that the “beatings” cleanse the soul or conscience. There is a punishment, but how you get from beatings to the place of after death purifying is a serious reach.
Jesus taught purgatory explicitly? Where in the Bible just as He clearly taught about he'll in Mk. 9:43-45.
Well Joshua you need to reconcile what you think Jesus said with the Epistle to the Hebrews where it is clearly stated “ And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” There is no second chance. God poured out His grace, mercy and atonement for our sins once, by His precious blood, at the crucifixion of Jesus. He died once then went to Paradise together with the believing criminal crucified with Him.
I’m trying to wrap my mind around this concept in such a way that agrees with everything else in scripture. I’m still not convinced. There are still a lot of holes left in this theology. All the examples you gave are punishment given on this earth, similar to examples given in the new covenant doctrines as well, even including the prophecies in revelation when Christ disciplines the church while they were still in the flesh. Did you consider that all these punishments in the gospel parables are instead referring to when Christ comes to gather the elect pre great tribulation? After all, all these parables are about the master’s return and those that were present at his return. And not all will be caught up with Christ in the air when he returns. Did you consider those that did believe in Christ but didn’t make it due to their deliberate sins, would be left to pay for their sins on this earth. This would agree with the elect mentioned in Matthew 24:22. My number one conflict with the purging of sins by your own penance is this: why did Christ die if you’d be paying for your sins with your own penance? What was his sacrifice for then? If in death, we’d still be sacrificing penance for our sins? And if we still have sins at death what good is the cup of his blood? Are we discounting his grace by believing his death wasn’t enough, that our penance in Sheol is the key to our salvation? All truthfully, even without the deep knowledge of scripture, my heart can’t agree with thinking Christ’s sacrifice wasn’t enough. My heart cannot comprehend it. His death is so we could repent in this world NOT in the next. Those that are with him CANNOT sin (1 John 3:9) and if they sin they have Christ to advocate for them (1 John 2:1) A true Christian will not die having sins to penance for nor need purging. They rest awaiting the first resurrection when they will be with the Lord to rule and judge the rest at the end.
Is believing in Jesus alone set a believer free completely?
Or ask differently, was Jesus's death on the cross sufficient to set any one who believes in Jesus free?
Should l doubt if Jesus's death is sufficient to set me free or l have to do something to be free?
If l doubt and don't have the absolute certainty kind of faith to believe that Jesus's death is sufficient to cleanse my sin, should l then go back to Judaism to make more animal sacrifices, since a life is for a life?
Or is there another way around this? Jesus's isn't sufficient and we don't do animal sacrifice anymore, what can we do that make up the shortfall?
I want to know. I don't want to be falling short, if Jesus's death is not absolute, what must l do to enter the kingdom of heaven?
Okay, so being raised Pentecostal, we were strictly raised against the belief of Purgatory.
Even after hearing you read that first verse,
my entire being was like,
"That's not Purgatory, that's not about the afterlife, at all",
but then I started thinking; rather immediately (almost exactly at the same time as that other thought came into my mind),
"Wait, what are the verses reading.... that does sound like Purgatory... wait, that is after death... that is purgatory. 🤯".
Luke 12:35-48 explains the entire story to where we know it's about when the Christ returns.
Add that above sentence in next time because that's a full and Incredible game changer because I almost missed how that really and truly is about purgatory bc I wasn't up reading at first.
Not up reading made me think that y'all were really misinterpreting it at first, until I dod upread, so please add those verses because that really makes it a game changing read and reality.
It's crazy incredible!
Where the worm doesn't die, Isaiah 66:24, the one Jesus beautifully references, Mark 9:48,
that's about Gehenna, not any kind of punishment in the afterlife and it's definitely not about some eternal punishment.
Sheol, Tartarus, Gehenna and Hades, all of the original words from which Hell is translated,
don't define an eternal place of punishment.
The idea of hell isn't actually biblical.
Peter's confession is the rock
New findings to prove NEED OF PURGATORY from new testament.
1 JOHN 5: 16-17
16 If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this.
17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death.
This indicates differentiation between MORTAL and VINEAL sins as catholic church believes.
This clearly states that any third person cannot pray for forgiveness of other peoples mortal sins but only vineal sins. But the person himself can repent and use the SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION for the forgiveness of his Mortal sins.
Now bible clear teaches that " The wages of sin is death" Romans 6:23
Suppose if a person dies in there can be only three situations now.
1 He has died in the state of Mortal Sin and he now deserves second death as the Judgement. God will throw him in eternal fire for the same.
2 If a person dies in sinless and perfect state then he will get eternal life as the LORD promised.
3 But if he has died in the state of VINEAL sin which does not deserve second death because bible says "THERE IS A SIN WHICH DOES NOT LEAD TO DEATH "
But he cannot enter heaven B'coz
Rev 21:27 "Nothing impure can enter heaven in the presence of GOD."
The only option remains is that he has to be purged and purified before being accepted into the presence of God in heaven
You cannot say that a doctrine which denies the all-sufficiency of Christ's atonement is "biblical". No amount of gaslighting will make a lie the truth. You cannot twist the scriptures into saying that the cross is insufficient.
2 Peter 1:16 - For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Welcome, Gizmo. As you certainly know, Christ's atonement is all-sufficient, which includes purification before entering Heaven Although you continue to cling to the false teachings of modern Protestant tradition, we appreciate your zeal.
@@lellachu1682 - This "modern Protestant tradition" is only valid because it is 100% consistent with the teaching of the FOUNDATION of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone (See Eph. 2:20).
This modernity is more ancient than the false teaching whipped up by 3rd and 4th century pretenders.
Look to Greek mythology about their afterlife depictions. You'll find a lot of Catholic theology and philosophy there. It's not of God.
@@GizmoFromPizmo I'm sure you believe that Protestantism is 100% consistent with the early Church. But that is simply dispelled by the lack of one doctrine.
If True, one would expect to find similarities between Greek mythology and Christianity, the True Myth. Christ's Sacrifice being outside of time reverberates through all time and people.
Read the Didache. Read early writings of the church fathers. Your heresy didn't arise until the 1800s, even Luther believed much of Catholic doctrine.
@sliglusamelius8578 - You're way off-topic, buddy. You can't defend the theology of the insufficiency of the cross (which is what Purgatory boils down to) so you pull out some second or third century hogwash that has nothing to do with the subject matter? You're not very good at this, are you...? If you could do better, you would but you can't so, bye Felicia.
Romans 4:6-8 - Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, 7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. 8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
A person who believes God is justified. That's the rule. My sins are COVERED. I don't have to pay back people whom I've offended or defrauded. I am COVERED.
Catholicism is a corrupt organization bent on castrating the Son of God.
Jesus taught that there are degrees of reward and punishment. The just are raised to life. The unjust to everlasting punishment. The key is that both are "everlasting" and "eternal". There is NO TEACHING on "temporary punishment". That doctrine is an extrapolation, not supported by either Christ or the apostles. It's a fantasy, fabricated by later (much later) pretenders.
Acts 24:15 - And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.
Mt. 25:46 - And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
There's no "in between".
The master appoints him a portion with the unbelivers.That is Clearly hell.Or are you suggesting universal salvation
The studio looks beautiful!
Any who cares about purgatory? We care about going to don't think we suffer enough in this life? And what about if the presence of God is enough to make us pure when we are in heaven....anyway i am continuing watching this video. I home there are clear scriptures références
Luke 12:42-46~ meaning: All the servants guilty of wrongdoing were punished, but the one who had more detailed knowledge of his master’s will was punished more severely. Everyone is accountable to God, but God expects more of those who know more.
There is no Purgatory, in Revelation 20:15 And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Can you show me one verse in the Bible that says to Repent of your sins? Did you know God Repented 39 times in the Old Testament? Did God Repent of Sin or does Repent have a different meaning than most think?🤔
Hebrew “shuv” or “naham.” I guess we’d have to look at the Hebrew for each verse. Doesn’t look like a repentance of sin.
Mark 1:15
and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.’
@ it says Repent, it doesn’t say Repent of your Sins! Keep looking there is 112 verses on Repentance in the Bible!
@ The word Repent in the Bible comes from the Greek word Metanoia which means to Change your mind. You can repent about many things,but so many people think it automatically means of Sins. Repentance typically in the New Testament is speaking about Changing your mind about who God is! Repent, change your mind about who you think Jesus Christ is and Believe in Him for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!❤️
@ darrellperez1029 Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, declares the Lord God. Repent and turn from all your transgressions, lest iniquity be your ruin.”
Ezekiel 18:30 ESV
This verse and Ezek 14:6 is talking about Idolatry worship. God is saying Repent, change your mind about worshipping Idols and return back to me in Faith! There is no verse in the Bible that says Repent of your Sins. Many say Repent, technically after you have already sinned you can’t change your mind about it!
“and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand;repent and believe in the gospel.””
Mark 1:15 ESV
Repent and Believe meaning change your mind about who Jesus Christ is and Believe in the Gospel!
All of holy scripture is God breathed.
This video will lead the viewers to hell. Before he explained the parable of Jesus he laid first the phylosophies of this world to prepare the viewers to his twisted interpretation of the parable.
You can’t use the “how a parent disciplines a child” analogy when you believe in an eternal place of torture. Unless you’re a psychopath.
The discipline referred to purgatory. The torment of hell is the torment of separation from God.
@ What’s your point exactly? Do you believe in eternal hell or not?
Yes. What is your point? Do you understand that the analogy about discipline referred to purgatory and not hell?
@@sliglusamelius8578 Where in my comment did I mention purgatory?
Um, the person who made the video compared disciplining a child to purgatory. See your first post where YOU brought up hell, which is eternal. Purgatory is temporary.
Jews believe in purgatory, though they call it something different
Consider visiting us in The Zealots Den
spirit, not soul
No Jesus did teach that. it a rubbish doctrine, made up to make extra money from rich people Scripture cannot be broken Heb 9:27 "Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him."
Luke chapter 12 parable is clear; there are levels of punishment.
@@sliglusamelius8578 where does it teach that? There is a rule for biblical doctrines, using one verse and even worse using a parable when hell was not the point of the parable. Usually, you want to see it somewhere else in scripture. Coming to these radical conclusions based on a parable is rather weak. we do not have enough information for your rings of hell theory here
Protestants deny basic things like divorce being a sin, so I'm not surprised that you would pretend to be daft about this parable that describes degrees of punishments.
@@sliglusamelius8578 let for a while stop this catholic/protestant thing. I am not here defend protestantism, I do not care. I am more interested in good doctrine on to righteousness in Jesus Christ. if protestants are doing demonstratable unbiblical behavour let call it out. I believe you will find when the motivation is to rise up christ and not our tribe you find we share more common values.
@@sliglusamelius8578 I would more connect this parable with the processing of God in the life of the believer Heb 12:6 " "The Lord disciplines and corrects those He loves" The punishment is for correction and maturing, Rom 5:3-5 "we also glory in our suffering ...producing character" Proverb 15:10 "Stern discipline awaits anyone to leave the path"
My question is why does the Orthodox Church (of which Rome was a part for over 1,000 years) not believe in purgatory?. Purgatory only emerged in the Middle Ages and many were shocked and argued against it, in particular St Mark of Ephesus at the Council of Florence in 1439. The Orthodox do pray for the dead, out of love and hope and also believe in the concept of purification. They even talk of Toll Houses but these are ALWAYS allegorical. Therefore, it is not dogma so one is not condemned to hell for not believing in these things, unlike in the Catholic Church.
Read the Early Church writings and you'll see it's not medieval. The EO flip flopped many times about purgatory, which is a state and not a place.
I think they believe in steps of toll houses. That there are 21 steps on the way up to heaven, and demons wait for them before the first toll house to tempt them one last time. It’s a weird idea we dont see in scripture. Might be one of their saints creating this idea. Mark of Ephesus might believe a toll house is “worldly” as in an actual “place.”
@@SolaPastora It is talked about but as I mentioned they are allegorical only. The Catholic Church will condemn you to hell if you do not believe in purgatory. That is not the case with allegorical ideas such as toll houses in the Orthodox Church.
"Rome" was never a part of the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church was part of the Catholic Church but bits left in the 5th century and others went into schism with The Church founded by Jesus in 1054.
Only one scripture given to justify purgatory.....
It seem you exegete the process but the term purgatory as a real place it doesnt explain clearly
If we can earn our way to heaven through punishments and purgatory, as explained in the video above, it was not necessary for the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to come down from heaven to earth and die on the cross and to rise again. Why did he do that if we can reach heaven through purgatory? This teaching makes Jesus Christ redundant. It is un-Biblical.
The entire video is completely misunderstanding the punishments God inflicts on Israel in the OT. Then worse you push these punishments into the NT fdamework.
Read Deuteronomy and this explicitly tells you that if they didnt obey Gods commands and be careful to observe them all of those cuses will befall them.
This has nothing to do with purgatory. Then in the NT area we are saved by Christ who paid ALL of our iniquities. Therefore, rejoice and be glad and dont think for a second about us paying something back to God is possible. The Jews didnt, and God destroyed them leaving behind only a remnant.
Please i beg and implore you read in CONTEXT what is being communicated.
Didn’t address a single thing that was said.
Yes, absolutely, this guy has absolute zero idea of what he is talking about. He has only exposed his total Biblical illiteracy, and his unsaved, lost, and deceived condition.
Amen!!! These is poison lazed...
@@henceldeanon9233 ,...The fact is, the whole Godless abomination of catholicism is pure poison.
If we can earn our way to heaven through punishments and purgatory as explained in the video above, it was not necessary for the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to come down from heaven to earth and die on the cross and to rise again. Why did he do that if we can reach heaven through purgatory? This teaching makes Jesus Christ redundant. It is un-Biblical.
The doctrine of purgatory was dogmatized in conjunction with the doctrine of indulgences. The purpose of it was to emotionally blackmail people into donating to the church. Most unique Catholic dogmas make sense when you understand their purpose in buttressing the worldly power of Rome.
Nonsense. Christians are not liars. If YOU are Christian, the religion is false.
Correct! The whole 100% antigod, antibible, antichrist abomination of catholicism is all a 100% fake manmade fraud to extract money from the ignorant.
@@HAL9000-su1mz ,...The fact is, 99.999% of those who claim to be Christians, are NOT Christians! They are all liars and the lake of fire awaits all those snared into all of the 100% apostate churches.
But when you look deep into history, the abuses of indulgences came later on and were later addressed. Abuses of something don't render it entirely evil that is illogical. It's like saying that since the married people commit adultery the whole thing is evil.
@@EugeneEmmaKatalemwa Strangely, not one person who 'may have' paid for an indulgence complained about it. Isn't that strange? It's almost like 'someone' was looking for a reason to rebel.
Up until about 500 A.D., Christian beliefs about hell were reasonable and beautiful. The prevailing view then was that hell (the lake of fire, actually) not only punished but also purified the unrighteous. It was temporary -- each person's finite punishment would fit their finite crimes (sins). (The Greek speaking early church fathers knew that _aionios,_ the Greek word that is mistranslated as "eternal" in most English Bibles, didn't mean "eternal.") Once a person's punishment and purification were complete, he or she would join other saved people on the beautiful new earth described in Revelation 21-22. Everyone would eventually make it there and be blessed, with heavenly rewards varying by person, based on the lives they led.
For supporting verses & quotes, see my two replies. Christ came to seek and to save the lost (everybody) (Luke 19:10), and he never fails.
Some verses which promise, imply or strongly suggest eventual universal salvation:
"As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive ... God [will] be all in all." (1 Corinthians 15:22,28)
"As one trespass [Adam's] led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness [Jesus'] leads to justification and life for all men." (Romans 5:18)
"God has committed all to disobedience that he might have mercy on all ... From him and through him and to him are all things." (Romans 11:32,36)
"...every knee shall bow to me [God], and every tongue shall confess to God." (Romans 14:11)
" ... at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:10-11)
"And I [Jesus], when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." (John 12:32)
"And every creature which is in heaven and on earth and under the earth I heard saying, 'Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb forever.'" (Revelation 5:13)
"O you who hear prayer, to you shall all flesh come. When iniquities prevail against me, you atone for our transgressions." (Psalm 65:2-3)
"All you have made will praise you, O Lord." (Psalm 145:10a)
"I will not contend forever, nor will I always be angry; for 'the spirit would grow faint before me, and the breath of life that I made'." (Isaiah 57:16)
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end. ... " (Lamentations 3:22)
Also see John 17:2, Romans 5:19-20, 8:19-21, Ephesians 1:10, Philippians 3:21, Colossians 1:20, 1 Timothy 2:3-6, 4:10, 1 Peter 4:6, 1 John 2:2, 4:14, Revelation 15:4, 21:5,24-25, 22:2,17c, Psalm 22:27,29, Isaiah 25:6-8, 45:22-25, Lamentations 3:31, Ezekiel 16:53,55, Malachi 3:2-3, _Hope Beyond Hell_ by Gerry Beauchemin
Most leading early church fathers believed in eventual universal salvation:
"Christ saves all men. Some he converts by penalties, others who follow Him of their own will ... that every knee may be bent to Him, of those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" [Isa. 45:22-23, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 2:10-11, Rev. 5:13] -- *Clement of Alexandria,* _Commentary on 1 John_
"The Word will subdue to himself all rational natures, and will change them into his own perfection." [John 12:32, 1 Cor. 15:22-28, Phil. 3:21] -- *Origen,* _Contra Celsum_ 8:72
"What else does 'until the times of universal restoration' signify to us, if not the aeon to come, in which all beings must receive their perfect restoration?" [Acts 3:21] -- *Eusebius,* leading historian of the early church, _Contra Marcellum __2:4:11_
"A few drops of blood renew the whole world, and become for all men that which rennet is for milk, uniting and drawing us into one." [Col. 1:15-20] -- *Gregory Nazianzus,* _Oration 42_
"Christ captured over again the souls captured by the devil, for that He promised in saying, 'I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.'" [John 12:32, 1 Peter 3:19-20, 4:6, Psalm 68:18, Eph. 4:8-10, and maybe Matt. 12:29] -- *Athanasius,* _Expositions on the Psalms, 68.18_
"The peace [coming] from the Lord is coextensive with all time [eternity]. For all things shall be subject to him, and all things shall acknowledge his empire; and when God shall be all in all, those who now excite discords by revolts, having been quite pacified, [all things] shall praise God in peaceful concord." [Psalm 145:10a, 1 Cor. 15:28, Rev. 5:13] -- *Basil,* _Commentary on Isaiah 9:6_
"So the Son of Man came to save that which was lost, i.e., all, for as in Adam all die, so, too, in Christ shall all be made alive." [Luke 19:10, 1 Cor. 15:22] -- *Ambrose,* _Exposition on the Gospel of Luke 15.3_
"For the wicked there are punishments not perpetual, ... but they are to be tormented for a certain brief period, according to the amount of malice in their works. They shall therefore suffer punishment for a short space, but immortal blessedness, having no end, awaits them; ... the penalties to be inflicted for their many and grave crimes are very far surpassed by the magnitude of the mercy to be showed them. The resurrection, therefore, is regarded as a blessing, not only to the good, but also to the evil." [Isa. 57:16], *Diodore,* _De Oecon_
"Some among the wise and learned … have alluded to this in an enigmatic way, by adducing that God is not only just, but also merciful, and that it becomes the One who judges with justice to have sinners suffer in a measure that is proportional to their sins and then make them worthy of blessedness." -- *Theodore,* _Liber Scholiorum, 2:63_
"'All the kings of the earth shall adore him.' Some, indeed, in the present life willingly, but all the rest after the Resurrection; for not yet do we see all things subject to him, but then every knee shall bow to him." [The "kings of the earth" are rebellious unbelievers in Rev. 6:15, 17:2,18, 18:3,9, 19:19,21 ... but check out what happens in Rev. 21:24-27!] -- *Theodoret,* _On Psalm 72:11_
"Death shall come as a visitor to the impious; it will not be perpetual; it will not annihilate them; but will prolong its visit, till the impiety which is in them shall be consumed." [Matt. 5:26] -- *Jerome,* _On Micah 5:8_
"After the complete abolition of sin, praise shall be sung to God; which praise contain (implies) our being incapable of turning to sin ... when every created being shall be harmonized into one choir ... and when, like a cymbal, the reasonable creation, and that which is now severed by sin ... shall pour forth a pleasing strain, due to mutual harmony. Then comes the praise of every spirit for ever abounding with increase unto eternity." [Psalm 150] -- *Gregory of Nyssa,* _On Psalms, Tract 1, ch. 9_
Other church fathers who believed in eventual universal salvation include *Asterius, Bardaisan, Cyril of Alexandria, Didymus the Blind, Dionysius, Ephrem the Syrian, Gennadius, Hilary, John Cassian, John Chrysostom, Marcellus, Maximus the Confessor, Maximus of Turin, Methodius, Paulinus, Proclus, Titus of Basra & Victorinus.*
Sources: Thomas Allin, _Christ Triumphant,_ Annotated by Robin Parry edition, chapters 4-5, 1905 & Ilaria Ramelli, _A Larger Hope?, Volume 1: Universal Salvation from Christian Beginnings to Julian of Norwich,_ 2019
Thanks. I SO want Purgatory to be a place. I imagine I will be sent there to the end of time itself. Only, please, St Peter, let me out every few millennia to pull a hitch in Dog Heaven.
I dont understand how sin is temprol after death and how one pays for it before going to heaven . Sin is sin and as long as we here through the power of the Holy spirit we are lead into righteousness.I dont believe in purgatory .
Nope... Does not work for me. Since Leviticus, they had to use a scapegoat and a sacrificial lamb to be holy again, and any damage done had to be reimbursed with 20% interest. They had to do this while alive. If purgatory was real, they wouldn't need so much sacrifice.
Can you tell us how much do we have to pay to a priest to get out of purgetory ? And can we pay monthly installments, or by credit card. Or does the Pope do any sort of special offers ?
According to the Bible, all sin is serious, no matter how small, and is considered an act of rebellion against God. Some examples of small sins include: 1)A bad attitude 2)Sarcastic words 3)Judgmental thoughts 4)Rolling of the eyes.
According to the bible, A sin that does not lead to death (and a sin that does lead to death) is alluded to in 1 John 5:16-17: “If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death term as small sins. These are sins that does not lead to death as listed above.
You are really REACHING. Luke 12, verse 47 is saying-those that are Believers and sin, will be held to a higher standard, because they should KNOW better and will be condemned more harshly than the non believer. This also applies to Priest, BUT theirs will be more severe, due to the MANY souls they misled into idolatry, along with the numerous other sinful religious rituals the Catholic faith practices.
ONLY by the Blood of Jesus is one SAVED and He Paid It In Full.
Rapture is coming anytime now… everything is in place!
quote one verse containing purgatory. you cannot.
Of course he cannot. This guy sadly has absolute zero idea of what he is talking about.
You guys are pathetic. He quoted or cited several parables that show purgatory. Luke chapter 12, for example.
He literally gave citations on it. Luke chapter 12 for example.
He give a Revelation verse without context... May God, the Father give justice to this guy by making the weak lost...
Luke chapter 12 is not the book of Revelation. Read the parable.
Sad, intellectual rubbish! The salvation of Christ is a finished work, paid for by Jesus, it is an unmerited gift from God ( grace) and if we do not accept this gift through repentance while alive, we choose to go to hell. Do we suffer in the here and now due to our sin, sure we do, but there is no way our suffering attones for sin, that is blasphemous,
Purgatory is unbiblical, period. Bad theology.
Sheer human conjecture. Jesus parables and teaching we're for the Jewish people of his day. You can't turn to church traditions and remember your church persecution the people of Israel for centuries. Double standards.
Jesus never taught purgatory. As the New Catholic Encyclopedia says: "The Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not on Sacred Scripture."
Purgatory is obviously made up, it's not in the Holy Bible and Jesus did not teach it. I don't think you did a good job of defining it? It sounds self-contrary. Either Jesus is enough, or He is not. The concept that Jesus isn't quite enough is disturbing.
As far as "temporal punishment" is concerned, that's here and now -- not later in some mythical somewhere.
I've died, Jesus took me before the Throne of Glory. As far as I know, this was real, not a vision, so not a Near-death Experience (which I classify as a dream and/or vision). It was more real there than here. I was absent from the body, present with the Lord, just as the bible says.
Your comment suggests you did not listen to what was said. Indeed, you haven’t responded to a single thing that was said.
@@joshuatcharles I listened, sounded made up and was very fuzzy on the definition of Purgatory. And his argument was actually anti-purgatory in nature, proving Jesus didn't preach it, using examples that are all earthly, the here and now.
No explanation was given as to how or why we should think it applies to a mythical purgatory, to make it real.
But I've died, gone to the Throne of Glory, Jesus took me there.
In other words, Why wouldn't I have needed more purging if Jesus wasn't enough, as the concept of Purgatory demands?
Did you look up the parables he cited? It's plain as day.
This made up purgatory is the primary violation of Jesus Christ declaration: I am the way, the truth and the life. And, no one sees God, the Father except through me...
How does it violate that? Jesus judges each of us, and many will be sent to purgatory. Simple as that. The parables cited show that to be consonant with the words of Jesus.
“Let’s say a Christian punches a hole in their neighbors wall…they’re going to hell???” THE BLOOD OF JESUS CONTINUALLY CLEANSES FROM ALL SIN. It doesn’t PARTIALLY CLEANSE and leave a little bit for PURGATORY TO FINISH TRHE CLEANSE…
Egyptian god, Anubis, prepared the soul (Ka) for Purgatory then the soul either want to the underworld or the afterlife, Jesus must have known this.
No Jesus did not you misinterpret and mislead
The person in the video is a liar. Purgatory is NOT Biblical. As the New Catholic Encyclopedia says: "The Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not on Sacred Scripture."
Purgatory is as biblical as the Trinity. Do you not believe in the Trinity? Because the doctrine of the Trinity is similarly based on Tradition, not on Scripture.
It's Tradition, not tradition. Learn the difference. If you believe purgatory is not Biblical, you're either 1) not reading the Bible or 2) not understanding the Bible. You will never read the word purgatory in the Bible because the word didn't exist when the scriptures were authored, but the concept is clearly present.
@@davidcole333 "If you believe purgatory is not Biblical, you're either 1) not reading the Bible or 2) not understanding the Bible."
When you get older, read the New Catholic Encyclopedia, which says: "The Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not on Sacred Scripture." Did you get that? It's not that the word "purgatory is not in the Bible. Instead, it's the doctrine on purgatory.
@@lellachu1682 "Purgatory is as biblical as the Trinity."
Wrong on both counts. Concerning purgatory, the New Catholic Encyclopedia admits: "The Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not on Sacred Scripture."
And concerning the trinity, A Catholic Dictionary says: "The formulation ‘One God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century…. Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.” Clearly, the so-called early church fathers never heard of a trinity.
temporal punishment will be removed by way of plenary indulgence. charity charity charity can avoid purgatory
there is no verse in the bible directly speaking about purgatory.
it reject the gospel of Jesus Christ
of forgiveness
pure nonsense.
“Yet [Trent] says never a word about testimonies of Scripture, because, as Peter a Soto confesses, purgatory cannot be clearly proved from testimonies of Scripture, but this must first be believed without Scripture. Afterword certain passages of Scripture must somehow be twisted to agree with that presumed opinion.”
Martin Chemnitz, Examination of the Council of Trent, Part III, Third Topic, Section 1, 1
If Rome’s great doctors of Theology gather at Trent, to create the Roman Church after she walked away from Luther and the Reformers and the Historic Western Catholic Church which was cleansed of Roman heresies with the Gospel, could not discover this verse to justify Roman purgatory, one can only assume you are doing what Chemnitz warned of over four centuries ago.
Using that parable in that way is stretch it to the point of breaking. This is gross abuse of interpretation of the word. Why would you do this? This existence and necessity for purgatory is NOT expressively taught here. you are just making stuff up
What is the correct interpretation of the parable?