JESUS said: If ye love ❤️ me keep my commandments ~ John 14:15 🔹THE 10 COMMANDMENTS! 1) Thou shalt not have other god's 2) Thou shalt not make any graven images 3) Thou shalt not take God's name in vain 4) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 👉(NOT SUNDAY!) 5) Honor thy father and mother 6) Thou shalt not kill 7) Thou shalt not commit adultery 8) Thou shalt not steal 9) Thou shalt not bear false witness 10) Thou shalt not covet 🙏🏽Please check this with any HOLY BIBLE! 👉🏼(Exodus 20:3-17)
@@protestant77 it is also written “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.” In context St. Paul was talking about the Judaizers who were trying to hold Christians to Jewish law. Those who insist we keep the Jewish sabbath are the same as those who insist on circumcision. Although it is good to worship on Saturdays it is not of divine precept for us Christians to do so. Rather Christian’s have always historically held that we have a precept to gather on the Lords day which is a fulfillment of the Sabbath in the resurrection of Christ on Sunday. And thus we uphold the sabbath by keeping the Lords day.
@ Colossians 2:16 EXPLAINED!!! To understand Colossians 2:16, I think we should first get a little more context on the verse. Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; Colossians 2:14 speaks of: -Handwriting -Ordinances -Contrary & Against us!!! 👆🏽This sure doesn’t sound like God’s Ten Commandments written on stone tablets with the Finger of GOD! God’s Law is PERFECT!!! 👉(Psalm 19:7) God’s Law is forever! 👉(Luke 16:17) The 10 Commandments is NEVER referred to as “ordinances” in the Holy Bible! The Law of Moses 👉was written with HANDWRITING! 👉did contain ORDINANCES! 👉 was CONTRARY & AGAINST us!!! 👆🏽This was just for a little more context (Colossians 2:16 😃Great question! ) There's TWO different Sabbaths in the Holy Bible. 1) The WEEKLY 7th day sabbath Established at creation (Genesis 2:2,3) Commanded in God's Law(Exo.20:8-11) An eternal law for all mankind! 2) The 7 ANNUAL feast sabbaths Found in the "Law of Moses" (Leviticus Ch.23) a temporary law commanded for ancient Israel. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moons, or of the sabbath days. ~ Colossians 2:16 ▪️MEAT = Sacrificing animals ▪️DRINK = Drink offerings ▪️HOLYDAY = feast days were also called "holyday" ▪️NEW MOONS = the feast days fell according to the new moons cycle. ▪️SABBATHS = the feast days were also called "sabbaths" regardless of the day of the week it might have fallen on. (Col.2:16) is obviously speaking of the "Feast Sabbaths" found in the: 👉Law of Moses. Now if a "Feast Sabbath" happen to fall on the "Weekly Sabbath" then this was called a: HIGH SABBATH! 👉(John 19:31) For more info on the feast sabbaths READ 👉(Leviticus Ch.23) I pray this sheds more light on this verse, please let me know your thoughts? God bless you🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@@protestant77 The law written by Moses in Leviticus 23 was still given by God. The fact a law is given by God doesn’t mean it is an absolute law in its specific form but only that it is a law which is principled from an absolute law. For example sacrificing animals was not an absolute law but a propitiatory sacrifice was an absolute law fulfilled by Christ in his sacrifice and fulfilled by us in the Eucharistic celebration. Circumcision is not an absolute law, but dedicating yourself to the Lord is an absolute law fulfilled by the merits of Christ who sends us his spirit and fulfilled by us in baptism. Keeping the sabbath is not an absolute law, but to keep a dedication of rest to the Lord is an absolute law fulfilled by Christ in the rest he gave us by his resurrection, and fulfilled in us by celebrating his resurrection on the Lords day. I agree that the sabbath is eternal and it is fulfilled in the Lords day. And this is attested to in every early Christian writing we have that describes Christian worship. Let me ask you is keeping the sabbath necessary for salvation? If it is than you believe salvation is by works of the Law, if it is not then you have abolished a commandment that you claim to be eternal.
@@donhaddix3770How did it feel when Kamala lost? I say that because since you believe in fake news and continue to post anti Catholic propaganda, you’re no different than MSNBC or cnn. They learned about smear tactics and campaigns from the anti Catholic bigots you subscribe to.
Thank you Alex! For not falling into the trap some Trad Catholics fall into, of blaming the Jews for everything that went wrong in Church history. As a Hebrew Catholic, I"m glad to see representatives of the Faith like you, who are so passionate about evangelization.
I always pray that I become a successful Catholic Social Media Influencer to spread the teachings and Revelations of the Catholic Church and the entire Christendom. I hope and pray the Devotion to the Eucharist and the Holy Souls in Purgatory helps me. Please pray 7 Hail Mary for me
@RusynGreekCatholiccome on bro, spreading the Word and truth of Christ and His Church is also very important on social media! If a brother has a gift and desire for it, don’t try to shut it out. Lift it up instead.
You need to get your eyes On Christ , read Gods Word and pray to him. The Catholic Church can only take you to "purgatory" Christ only mentions Heaven or Hell. .
This is great! I learned some Church History in my secondary school (Catholic school) but they did not mean anything to me at that time. Now, I really want to study Church History because it shows the Catholic Church is the original church the only Church Jesus founded.
My historical reads match your summary, so I'm glad to hear I'm headed in the right direction. I discovered that, as a result of the decisive battle of Lipanto, the Western church remained Christian, while the Eastern heretics finally converted to Islam. My salute to you from your Brother in Faith here in the Philippines.
He does speak fast, but he wouldn’t have been as detailed I don’t think as this. Good job voice of reason. Fr Mike does have his own gifts don’t get me wrong, they’re definitely different than yours
Can you please recommend a reading list/guide for learning more about the Church history that you summarize here? I’m currently a Protestant trying to learn more about Church history and Catholicism for my goal for 2025. Thank you and God bless.
hey my brother in christ Ive been currently reading Nick Needhams 2000 Years of Christs Power Its a must buy trust its a 5 volume set and it tells you how the church of Jesus Christ came to be and how we got to how we are today
Highly recommend the History of the Church by Fr. Peter Armenio through Midwest Theological Forum. I have the parish edition which is less than $20 and does an excellent job of summarizing two thousand years of history and is laden with beautiful and relevant imagery.
JESUS said: If ye love ❤️ me keep my commandments ~ John 14:15 🔹THE 10 COMMANDMENTS! 1) Thou shalt not have other god's 2) Thou shalt not make any graven images 3) Thou shalt not take God's name in vain 4) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 👉(NOT SUNDAY!) 5) Honor thy father and mother 6) Thou shalt not kill 7) Thou shalt not commit adultery 8) Thou shalt not steal 9) Thou shalt not bear false witness 10) Thou shalt not covet 🙏🏽Please check this with any HOLY BIBLE! 👉🏼(Exodus 20:3-17)
@donske2777 hey, bro ...I don't care. You know it is true that like Prots, they (the Ortho Bros) love sh*tting all over a Catholic video. Why should we be ok with that?
The vid was about the history of Christianity and didn't highlight the differences and arguments between West and East but, Idk why Some people like yourself are obssessed with creating fights and divisions.
11:10 Dear brother, Protestantism/Evangelicalism is not thousands of denominations. There are four main Protestant faith traditions: Lutherans, Reformed, Anglican, and Anabaptists. The Lutherans are the Lutherans, the Reformed are the Presbyterians, Continental Reformed, and Congregationalists, the Anglicans are the Church of England, the Episcopal, and the Methodists, and the Anabaptists are the Amish, the Quakers (dissenters from the Church of England who took on Anabaptist beliefs), the Baptists, and the Charismatics/Pentecostals: twelve denominations in total. As for all the various Evangelical/Non-Denominational groups and splinter groups are either Baptists (if they generally affirm Cessationism) or denominationally Pentecostal (if they are Charismatic) in their theology, thus reducing such a supposed number of Protestant denominations greatly. My chief disagreements with Rome are the idolization of Mary (including distorting the uniqueness of the Incarnation of Christ through blasphemous Marian dogmas that go beyond the reasonable, Biblical doctrine of Mary as Theotokos, the Mother of God, because she is the Mother of Christ), and the Pope being given titles and authorities which only belong to the Divine Persons and to Holy Scripture, which of course would be blasphemous and open doors to idolatry. Peter was the Bishop/overseer and leader of the Church in Jerusalem alongside St. James the Just, as Peter only wrote letters to Rome (1 Peter and 2 Peter) as far as I know according to Scripture (but if there are faithful witness who say otherwise after the close of canon who knew the Apostles directly, I would be glad to hear if this is so). So then, I ask you in good faith: If there should be any Holy See which is the Prince of the Church/first among equals, it should be the Bishop of Jerusalem, not Rome, should it not? Will not Christ make His capitol there, not only in the Millennial Reign, but quite literally in the New Jerusalem? According to the Roman succession then, His Eminence, Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa should be the Pope, not a Marxist heretic from Argentina. Also, why should I join Roman Catholicism, when Rome does not obey apostolic teaching when it comes to the qualification of the clergy in regard to them being married; husbands of one wife? (I wouldn't be a member of a congregation that has woman pastors either, because that is also disobedient to Scripture and apostolic teaching.) That's not what an infallible Church tradition/denomination would do. They would be eternally and unwaveringly faithful to the Scriptures despite the mortal failings of believers. I believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist/Communion, and if God wants to make that operate through Transubstantiation, then so be it, as I believe God still works miracles in the world and through the whole Church, both clergy and laity. I do not talk to the saints directly; but rather I route my prayer requests to them, (which is what veneration of the saints is when not done idolatrously) through God, as He can tell them what to pray much better than I can, and since they are dead to the flesh, but alive with Christ, and are our fellow created beings, it is not the same as asking your friend or your pastor who is alive to pray for you, and the way it's managed and worked in the more liturgical churches goes too close to the line of idolatry and polytheism, and there have been times where this doctrine has unfortunately open the doors to syncretism such as Santeria in Latin America. (I don't know if there's something similar in India that has gone on with Hinduism, but that is something the RCC and Eastern Orthodox should be on guard against.) Whether more liturgical or not, all Nicene Christians believe in the Trinity, original sin, the Incarnation and Divinity of Christ and his virign birth, His death, burial, and Resurrection, and His soon return. The sooner we can find unity together in these essentials, in the non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity in these dark days for greater and greater unity in Christ, the better. This developed quickly from just one important point to a small letter, and so I thank you for your patience and ask God that He would bless you with wisdom and insight in to all these matters. Peace be with you, and Merry Christmas.
Me too but I am cut and was hardheaded what Tod o. This is Harry and I am dot and doing sins. I want the body of CHRIST back. My gifts and talents. Please prsy. God I want him
Great job, that was crazy! I would like to hear more about the 39th festal letter, seems to me he affirms a different Canon than any Christian group today (Prot, Cath, EO, etc.) - the 65 of the Protestants (lacking Esther), plus the Letter of Jeremiah and Baruch. Then he says the Fathers advised converts to read the other Deuterocanonical texts (except for 1/2 Macc which he doesn't mention) as useful instruction in godliness...
Wow thank you Alex you are one of my fav bros I feel lucky to be a Catholic, may the grace of our lord Jesus christ the love of God and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us all🙏
Please so help me God , can we get more people like you to teach and preach ,God bless you and your ministry, we Catholic should be doing this long time ago, can I have a tape of this speech let me know. I want to show this to the world. One love my brother keep up the good work. A lot of Catholic don’t know this and that’s the reason they strayed from the church.
Bro has the stage presence of a first-time WWF wrestler. Also, a catholic presenting church history is like a white dude from Minnesota teaching the history of West Coast hip hop.
Imagine 5 countries are in alliance with each other. Then, after a dispute, one disconnects from the alliance while the other four stay in the alliance. Ask yourself: does the alliance follow the one removed or remain with the 4 who stay? In an organization where this happens, the alliance always stays within those who are still aligned. Never does one country take the alliance away from the majority. With that being said: in 1054, who left who?
Can you make a list of all those church fathers so I can read their writings? I have the book, “the fathers know best” but I want to read whole writings not clips. Thank you, brother!
Apostolic Fathers 1. Clement of Rome 2. Ignatius of Antioch 3. Polycarp of Smyrna 4. Papias of Hierapolis 5. The unknown author of the Didache Greek Fathers 6. Justin Martyr 7. Irenaeus of Lyons 8. Clement of Alexandria 9. Origen 10. Athanasius of Alexandria 11. Basil the Great 12. Gregory of Nazianzus 13. Gregory of Nyssa 14. John Chrysostom 15. Cyril of Alexandria Latin Fathers 16. Tertullian 17. Cyprian of Carthage 18. Ambrose of Milan 19. Jerome 20. Augustine of Hippo 21. Gregory the Great Syriac Fathers 22. Ephrem the Syrian 23. Aphrahat
Shared "i" Am Hosts Meeks will say, for this poor Woman have given more! HIS HAIR as wool as white as snow. Clothes by the SUN shineth in HIS strength!
Excelente, irmão, excelente! Um ponto que talvez fosse importante ressaltar é o papel das grandes navegações portuguesas e espanholas na difusão da fé católica. Apesar do impacto de Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe, padroeira das Américas na região e adjacências, as próprias navegações também eram em si um projeto de difusão da fé. No Brasil, a primeira missa foi celebrada em 26 de abril de 1500, na Páscoa, quatro dias após à chegada de Pedro Álvares Cabral, navegador português, em 22 de abril de 1500. Paz e bem!
Jesus is the Rock 🪨 on whom he built his Church 😊.Therefore as the Church (all born again believers)is subject (submitted) unto Christ.For we are members of his body,of his flesh, of his bones…,even as Christ is the head of the Church:and he is the Savior of the body.All born again believers make up the body of Christ which is his Church built on himself and are submitted unto him😊😊.
@@Lupe-s5j Jesus said He built His Church on the Apostle Peter, whose name actually means rock 😊 In fact, the Greek NT used the Aramaic term for rock (CEPHA) when referring to Peter. It’s clear 😊😊
@ The Roman Catholic tradition that Peter was the first pope is fiction pure and simple.There’s no New Testament hint and no historical evidence whatsoever that Peter was at any time Bishop of Rome nor did he ever claimed for himself such authority as the popes have claimed for themselves.
@ 😂😂😂 every single ancient Christian writer who talks about the end of Peter’s life says that he died in Rome, where he discharged his full authority to his successors. Not a single one says otherwise. You are delusional to deny this point. Do you believe that the Gospel authors are Matthew, Mark, Luke & John? Because the first person to ever tell us who the authors of the Gospels were was St. Irenaeus of Lyons from the second century. And do you know what else he said??? He said that Peter died in Rome and that he discharged the fulness of his authority there to successors! He even gives us the list of all the popes, from Peter to the present time in which he (Irenaeus) was writing. He even says that all Christian churches in the world need to be in agreement with the teachings of the Church of Rome. So why is he correct about the gospel authors but wrong about everything else??? Oh, and we see Peter being made the universal head of the Church in Matthew 16; Luke 22 & John 21. And we see him exercise this authority in the first half of the book of Acts. So not only do you not know history, but you don’t even know Scripture.
Judaism, Hinduism , spirituality was before counselor of Rome CE ,AD34 … Abraham Aramaic Hebrew language where Phoenician people come from Egypt/Kemet .. polytheism spirituality believe in the element of Gods/Elohim monotheism….Chris/Khrist is a conscious …peace Yehwah
In the comments, some confuse "luxury" with fine arts! The Sistine Chapel is not a "luxury", Michelangelo's sculptures are not luxury but beauty dedicated to the Glory of God and to the Church
Voice of Reason is a walking, talking Catholic encyclopedia 🤩
JESUS said:
If ye love ❤️ me keep my commandments
~ John 14:15
1) Thou shalt not have other god's
2) Thou shalt not make any graven images
3) Thou shalt not take God's name in vain
4) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 👉(NOT SUNDAY!)
5) Honor thy father and mother
6) Thou shalt not kill
7) Thou shalt not commit adultery
8) Thou shalt not steal
9) Thou shalt not bear false witness
10) Thou shalt not covet
🙏🏽Please check this with any
👉🏼(Exodus 20:3-17)
@ Catholics compiled the Bible so we’re well aware 🙄
@@protestant77 it is also written “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.” In context St. Paul was talking about the Judaizers who were trying to hold Christians to Jewish law. Those who insist we keep the Jewish sabbath are the same as those who insist on circumcision. Although it is good to worship on Saturdays it is not of divine precept for us Christians to do so. Rather Christian’s have always historically held that we have a precept to gather on the Lords day which is a fulfillment of the Sabbath in the resurrection of Christ on Sunday. And thus we uphold the sabbath by keeping the Lords day.
Colossians 2:16 EXPLAINED!!!
To understand Colossians 2:16,
I think we should first get a little more context on the verse.
Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
Colossians 2:14 speaks of:
-Contrary & Against us!!!
👆🏽This sure doesn’t sound like
God’s Ten Commandments written on stone tablets with the Finger of GOD!
God’s Law is PERFECT!!!
👉(Psalm 19:7)
God’s Law is forever!
👉(Luke 16:17)
The 10 Commandments is NEVER referred to as “ordinances” in the Holy Bible!
The Law of Moses
👉was written with HANDWRITING!
👉did contain ORDINANCES!
👉 was CONTRARY & AGAINST us!!!
👆🏽This was just for a little more context
(Colossians 2:16 😃Great question! )
There's TWO different Sabbaths in the Holy Bible.
1) The WEEKLY 7th day sabbath
Established at creation (Genesis 2:2,3)
Commanded in God's Law(Exo.20:8-11)
An eternal law for all mankind!
2) The 7 ANNUAL feast sabbaths
Found in the "Law of Moses"
(Leviticus Ch.23) a temporary law commanded for ancient Israel.
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moons, or of the sabbath days.
~ Colossians 2:16
▪️MEAT = Sacrificing animals
▪️DRINK = Drink offerings
▪️HOLYDAY = feast days were also called "holyday"
▪️NEW MOONS = the feast days fell according to the new moons cycle.
▪️SABBATHS = the feast days were also called "sabbaths" regardless of the day of the week it might have fallen on.
is obviously speaking of the
"Feast Sabbaths" found in the:
👉Law of Moses.
Now if a "Feast Sabbath" happen to fall on the "Weekly Sabbath" then this was called a: HIGH SABBATH!
👉(John 19:31)
For more info on the feast sabbaths
READ 👉(Leviticus Ch.23)
I pray this sheds more light on this verse, please let me know your thoughts?
God bless you🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@@protestant77 The law written by Moses in Leviticus 23 was still given by God. The fact a law is given by God doesn’t mean it is an absolute law in its specific form but only that it is a law which is principled from an absolute law. For example sacrificing animals was not an absolute law but a propitiatory sacrifice was an absolute law fulfilled by Christ in his sacrifice and fulfilled by us in the Eucharistic celebration. Circumcision is not an absolute law, but dedicating yourself to the Lord is an absolute law fulfilled by the merits of Christ who sends us his spirit and fulfilled by us in baptism. Keeping the sabbath is not an absolute law, but to keep a dedication of rest to the Lord is an absolute law fulfilled by Christ in the rest he gave us by his resurrection, and fulfilled in us by celebrating his resurrection on the Lords day. I agree that the sabbath is eternal and it is fulfilled in the Lords day. And this is attested to in every early Christian writing we have that describes Christian worship.
Let me ask you is keeping the sabbath necessary for salvation? If it is than you believe salvation is by works of the Law, if it is not then you have abolished a commandment that you claim to be eternal.
What a delight seing a room full of men in love with Christ!
young men
you mean in love with Catholicism
@@donhaddix3770How did it feel when Kamala lost? I say that because since you believe in fake news and continue to post anti Catholic propaganda, you’re no different than MSNBC or cnn. They learned about smear tactics and campaigns from the anti Catholic bigots you subscribe to.
Why only men?
@@OrthoGothChristian Why would we need both sexes squished-in all the time?
We deserve our freedoms.
Thank you Alex! For not falling into the trap some Trad Catholics fall into, of blaming the Jews for everything that went wrong in Church history.
As a Hebrew Catholic, I"m glad to see representatives of the Faith like you, who are so passionate about evangelization.
God Bless you
God bless!
I always pray that I become a successful Catholic Social Media Influencer to spread the teachings and Revelations of the Catholic Church and the entire Christendom. I hope and pray the Devotion to the Eucharist and the Holy Souls in Purgatory helps me.
Please pray 7 Hail Mary for me
@RusynGreekCatholiccome on bro, spreading the Word and truth of Christ and His Church is also very important on social media! If a brother has a gift and desire for it, don’t try to shut it out. Lift it up instead.
Any social links?
You need to get your eyes On Christ , read Gods Word and pray to him. The Catholic Church can only take you to "purgatory"
Christ only mentions Heaven or Hell. .
@@olivercromwell8688 so were do you think Catholics go after death?
@@mikolajhenzel If they haven't a Saving Faith in Christ they are damned for eternity.
As an eastern orthodox, i gotta say that call to action at the end was very inspirational
Let's pray for unity 🙏
This channel needs more recognition!
This should be a speech Catholics should have to memorize before graduating High school or confirmation.
This is great! I learned some Church History in my secondary school (Catholic school) but they did not mean anything to me at that time. Now, I really want to study Church History because it shows the Catholic Church is the original church the only Church Jesus founded.
Thank you, brother, for your time and insight on Catholic history.
This is closer to 14 minutes. But if you listen at 2x speed, it’s only 7 minutes.
He’s already talking in 2x speed😂
This video is 🔥 homie. Keep up the good work.
My historical reads match your summary, so I'm glad to hear I'm headed in the right direction. I discovered that, as a result of the decisive battle of Lipanto, the Western church remained Christian, while the Eastern heretics finally converted to Islam. My salute to you from your Brother in Faith here in the Philippines.
Thank you for this. Your ministry is truly a force for good, may God bless it and you.
Good job. I wish I had a photographic memory. That was amazing.
Be blessed sir Alex, you’re a gift to our faith and made me a stronger defender of it. Take care and be well.
I couldn’t not be more proud of you voice of reason for explaining the Catholic faith in literally 15 minutes or so. Great job 👏🏼.
Amazing. Respect from New Zealand
This was an awesome talk! It wasngreat to be there in person!
That was great. Informative and entertaining. Thanks.
Thank you for simplifying the history of the church. I'll show this to my youth group in my parish. God bless.
Great lecture
Father Mike Smitz could have done it in five 😂
Fr Mike speaks fast
He does speak fast, but he wouldn’t have been as detailed I don’t think as this. Good job voice of reason. Fr Mike does have his own gifts don’t get me wrong, they’re definitely different than yours
Can you please recommend a reading list/guide for learning more about the Church history that you summarize here? I’m currently a Protestant trying to learn more about Church history and Catholicism for my goal for 2025. Thank you and God bless.
hey my brother in christ Ive been currently reading Nick Needhams 2000 Years of Christs Power Its a must buy trust its a 5 volume set and it tells you how the church of Jesus Christ came to be and how we got to how we are today
Highly recommend the History of the Church by Fr. Peter Armenio through Midwest Theological Forum. I have the parish edition which is less than $20 and does an excellent job of summarizing two thousand years of history and is laden with beautiful and relevant imagery.
That was great Alex!! Thank you!!!
This guy is fantastic! I’m glad I came across his channel.
Best video for the attention deficient! Thanks Alex!
That was fascinating.congrats vor
JESUS said:
If ye love ❤️ me keep my commandments
~ John 14:15
1) Thou shalt not have other god's
2) Thou shalt not make any graven images
3) Thou shalt not take God's name in vain
4) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 👉(NOT SUNDAY!)
5) Honor thy father and mother
6) Thou shalt not kill
7) Thou shalt not commit adultery
8) Thou shalt not steal
9) Thou shalt not bear false witness
10) Thou shalt not covet
🙏🏽Please check this with any
👉🏼(Exodus 20:3-17)
Thank you Alex
Thank you so much Alex, I’ve learned so much from you and I’m now converting to the Catholic faith. Awesome video and keep it up🙏✝️❤️
Just thank you, Alex! You have such a spiritual strenght within you. And you are a spring of christian love. ❤
Amazing, thank you! God bless your ability to summarize and link complex and meaningful information
Amazing Alex. Great Job!!
Outstanding presentation.
Thank you so much for this
Thank you Alex!!
It's beautiful to be Catholic! I see you from Angola, let's bring back all the soul to the Catholic faith...
Impressive, How many steps did you take in 10 min tho? bless you brother
Wow I’m out of breath!1. Alex is terrific
Wow Your knowledge is impressive 🤙🏻
Needed this 🗣️❤️
God bless you, voice of reason🙏
Inb4 the Ortho Bros come here to cope and sneed about this video.
There a toxicity to even their respective orthodox faith themselves
Hey bro, this comment doesn't edify christ at all.
@donske2777 hey, bro ...I don't care. You know it is true that like Prots, they (the Ortho Bros) love sh*tting all over a Catholic video. Why should we be ok with that?
@@donske2777stop piety signaling
The vid was about the history of Christianity and didn't highlight the differences and arguments between West and East but, Idk why Some people like yourself are obssessed with creating fights and divisions.
Love this!
My respect for you ALEX great job.. I hope CATHOLICS learn from you and start doing APOLOGÉTICA to defend are HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH 🙏🙏🙏
11:10 Dear brother,
Protestantism/Evangelicalism is not thousands of denominations. There are four main Protestant faith traditions: Lutherans, Reformed, Anglican, and Anabaptists. The Lutherans are the Lutherans, the Reformed are the Presbyterians, Continental Reformed, and Congregationalists, the Anglicans are the Church of England, the Episcopal, and the Methodists, and the Anabaptists are the Amish, the Quakers (dissenters from the Church of England who took on Anabaptist beliefs), the Baptists, and the Charismatics/Pentecostals: twelve denominations in total. As for all the various Evangelical/Non-Denominational groups and splinter groups are either Baptists (if they generally affirm Cessationism) or denominationally Pentecostal (if they are Charismatic) in their theology, thus reducing such a supposed number of Protestant denominations greatly.
My chief disagreements with Rome are the idolization of Mary (including distorting the uniqueness of the Incarnation of Christ through blasphemous Marian dogmas that go beyond the reasonable, Biblical doctrine of Mary as Theotokos, the Mother of God, because she is the Mother of Christ), and the Pope being given titles and authorities which only belong to the Divine Persons and to Holy Scripture, which of course would be blasphemous and open doors to idolatry.
Peter was the Bishop/overseer and leader of the Church in Jerusalem alongside St. James the Just, as Peter only wrote letters to Rome (1 Peter and 2 Peter) as far as I know according to Scripture (but if there are faithful witness who say otherwise after the close of canon who knew the Apostles directly, I would be glad to hear if this is so). So then, I ask you in good faith: If there should be any Holy See which is the Prince of the Church/first among equals, it should be the Bishop of Jerusalem, not Rome, should it not? Will not Christ make His capitol there, not only in the Millennial Reign, but quite literally in the New Jerusalem? According to the Roman succession then, His Eminence, Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa should be the Pope, not a Marxist heretic from Argentina.
Also, why should I join Roman Catholicism, when Rome does not obey apostolic teaching when it comes to the qualification of the clergy in regard to them being married; husbands of one wife? (I wouldn't be a member of a congregation that has woman pastors either, because that is also disobedient to Scripture and apostolic teaching.) That's not what an infallible Church tradition/denomination would do. They would be eternally and unwaveringly faithful to the Scriptures despite the mortal failings of believers.
I believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist/Communion, and if God wants to make that operate through Transubstantiation, then so be it, as I believe God still works miracles in the world and through the whole Church, both clergy and laity.
I do not talk to the saints directly; but rather I route my prayer requests to them, (which is what veneration of the saints is when not done idolatrously) through God, as He can tell them what to pray much better than I can, and since they are dead to the flesh, but alive with Christ, and are our fellow created beings, it is not the same as asking your friend or your pastor who is alive to pray for you, and the way it's managed and worked in the more liturgical churches goes too close to the line of idolatry and polytheism, and there have been times where this doctrine has unfortunately open the doors to syncretism such as Santeria in Latin America. (I don't know if there's something similar in India that has gone on with Hinduism, but that is something the RCC and Eastern Orthodox should be on guard against.)
Whether more liturgical or not, all Nicene Christians believe in the Trinity, original sin, the Incarnation and Divinity of Christ and his virign birth, His death, burial, and Resurrection, and His soon return. The sooner we can find unity together in these essentials, in the non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity in these dark days for greater and greater unity in Christ, the better.
This developed quickly from just one important point to a small letter, and so I thank you for your patience and ask God that He would bless you with wisdom and insight in to all these matters.
Peace be with you, and Merry Christmas.
Good job buddy ❤
That was freaking amazing. Awesome!
Glory to Jesus Christ. Thank you 🙏
God bless you alex
AWESOME job! I want to be on that level and then beyond my imagination!
New subscriber
Please make a whole video 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
10 minutes. Awesome. 👏
I was created by God the Father. I was redeemed by God the Son. I was sanctified by God the Holy Spirit.
Me too but I am cut and was hardheaded what Tod o. This is Harry and I am dot and doing sins. I want the body of CHRIST back. My gifts and talents. Please prsy. God I want him
Great job, that was crazy! I would like to hear more about the 39th festal letter, seems to me he affirms a different Canon than any Christian group today (Prot, Cath, EO, etc.) - the 65 of the Protestants (lacking Esther), plus the Letter of Jeremiah and Baruch. Then he says the Fathers advised converts to read the other Deuterocanonical texts (except for 1/2 Macc which he doesn't mention) as useful instruction in godliness...
wow you're so knowledgeable!
How are you so good at speaking, I wish I could use my voice of reason to proclaim God’s word like this
Wow thank you Alex you are one of my fav bros I feel lucky to be a Catholic, may the grace of our lord Jesus christ the love of God and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us all🙏
This would be a great writeup. Great Job
Alex steps up to the challenge 👏
Please so help me God , can we get more people like you to teach and preach ,God bless you and your ministry, we Catholic should be doing this long time ago, can I have a tape of this speech let me know. I want to show this to the world. One love my brother keep up the good work. A lot of Catholic don’t know this and that’s the reason they strayed from the church.
Thats really really good
Thank you! I get tired of all these other Christians who bash Catholics , when indeed we’re part of the original church!
“Original church” makes no sense. Believers in Christ are they, themselves the church.
Awesome. How do I join these classes?
You should have a debate or dialogue with the Protestant historian Wesley Huff! Think that would be a great discussion
Anyone have tips for studying the early Church? Book suggestions, timelines, etc
Very cool
Dude got gassed walking back and forth so fast when he started.
A catholic gentleman ❤😎
Bro has the stage presence of a first-time WWF wrestler.
Also, a catholic presenting church history is like a white dude from Minnesota teaching the history of West Coast hip hop.
Imagine 5 countries are in alliance with each other. Then, after a dispute, one disconnects from the alliance while the other four stay in the alliance.
Ask yourself: does the alliance follow the one removed or remain with the 4 who stay?
In an organization where this happens, the alliance always stays within those who are still aligned. Never does one country take the alliance away from the majority.
With that being said: in 1054, who left who?
I'm gonna use the speed adjustment to slow it down and take notes ❤🤭
Can you make a list of all those church fathers so I can read their writings? I have the book, “the fathers know best” but I want to read whole writings not clips. Thank you, brother!
Apostolic Fathers
1. Clement of Rome
2. Ignatius of Antioch
3. Polycarp of Smyrna
4. Papias of Hierapolis
5. The unknown author of the Didache
Greek Fathers
6. Justin Martyr
7. Irenaeus of Lyons
8. Clement of Alexandria
9. Origen
10. Athanasius of Alexandria
11. Basil the Great
12. Gregory of Nazianzus
13. Gregory of Nyssa
14. John Chrysostom
15. Cyril of Alexandria
Latin Fathers
16. Tertullian
17. Cyprian of Carthage
18. Ambrose of Milan
19. Jerome
20. Augustine of Hippo
21. Gregory the Great
Syriac Fathers
22. Ephrem the Syrian
23. Aphrahat
@ wow!!! Thanks!
@@Dougwatson2 Of course! I definitely recommend the Apostolic fathers first!
NGL this hyped me up and I’m not yet Catholic.
Ha ha this is great!
You need to walk faster though! 😂
Conquer by this sign ✝️ vs inviting others to come unto Christ.. Big difference..!
Church history can't really be explained in 20 minutes. There was a lot of missing information and even questionable information.
Can you guys pray for me my name is Hector
Good video praying you become Orthodox now lol 😂 ☦️
Can you please post 10 books every Catholic Man should read.
Missed the Black Death from 1348-1351 that changed things.
Whew. I need a 0.5x speed option in the settings.
This is good
Shared "i" Am Hosts Meeks will say, for this poor Woman have given more! HIS HAIR as wool as white as snow. Clothes by the SUN shineth in HIS strength!
Where are these talks? I would love to attend one of these
Excelente, irmão, excelente!
Um ponto que talvez fosse importante ressaltar é o papel das grandes navegações portuguesas e espanholas na difusão da fé católica. Apesar do impacto de Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe, padroeira das Américas na região e adjacências, as próprias navegações também eram em si um projeto de difusão da fé. No Brasil, a primeira missa foi celebrada em 26 de abril de 1500, na Páscoa, quatro dias após à chegada de Pedro Álvares Cabral, navegador português, em 22 de abril de 1500. Paz e bem!
I just love you Alex 🥰
Jesus is the Rock 🪨 on whom he built his Church 😊.Therefore as the Church (all born again believers)is subject (submitted) unto Christ.For we are members of his body,of his flesh, of his bones…,even as Christ is the head of the Church:and he is the Savior of the body.All born again believers make up the body of Christ which is his Church built on himself and are submitted unto him😊😊.
@@Lupe-s5j Jesus said He built His Church on the Apostle Peter, whose name actually means rock 😊 In fact, the Greek NT used the Aramaic term for rock (CEPHA) when referring to Peter. It’s clear 😊😊
@ The Roman Catholic tradition that Peter was the first pope is fiction pure and simple.There’s no New Testament hint and no historical evidence whatsoever that Peter was at any time Bishop of Rome nor did he ever claimed for himself such authority as the popes have claimed for themselves.
@ 😂😂😂
every single ancient Christian writer who talks about the end of Peter’s life says that he died in Rome, where he discharged his full authority to his successors. Not a single one says otherwise. You are delusional to deny this point.
Do you believe that the Gospel authors are Matthew, Mark, Luke & John? Because the first person to ever tell us who the authors of the Gospels were was St. Irenaeus of Lyons from the second century. And do you know what else he said??? He said that Peter died in Rome and that he discharged the fulness of his authority there to successors! He even gives us the list of all the popes, from Peter to the present time in which he (Irenaeus) was writing. He even says that all Christian churches in the world need to be in agreement with the teachings of the Church of Rome. So why is he correct about the gospel authors but wrong about everything else???
Oh, and we see Peter being made the universal head of the Church in Matthew 16; Luke 22 & John 21. And we see him exercise this authority in the first half of the book of Acts. So not only do you not know history, but you don’t even know Scripture.
I need to go to one of his talks someone please tell me how!!
I would love Voice of reason have a debate against Cliff about the Bible for 3 hours or more hours having a Arguments about history religious!!!!!!
where can i research the history of that on my own?
Judaism, Hinduism , spirituality was before counselor of Rome CE ,AD34 … Abraham Aramaic Hebrew language where Phoenician people come from Egypt/Kemet .. polytheism spirituality believe in the element of Gods/Elohim
monotheism….Chris/Khrist is a conscious …peace Yehwah
In the comments, some confuse "luxury" with fine arts! The Sistine Chapel is not a "luxury", Michelangelo's sculptures are not luxury but beauty dedicated to the Glory of God and to the Church
It's all true. All of it.
Amen 🙏
write an apologetic book alex, hurry