going template spotting to give a little more context to the course for others watching: 1: prize dogleg 3: bottle/narrows? needs to be shorter for these to work 5: double plateau 6: road hole 7: alps 8: short 9: prize dogleg 10: bottle (a very nicely done one at that) 11: not a template, but reminiscent of 7 at valhalla with the fairway to the left 12: knoll? has characteristics for sure 13: island hole 14: not a template, but hells half acre at pine valley (on a par 4 is interesting) 15: redan? again, characteristics. also similar to bethpage black 8 16: similar to a leven
good double plateau holes to look at (the few that i can think of): the 2nd? at the lido (early in the front side) the 12th at national golf links of america huntington sound by b101, 10th? 11th? all of these are playable in game as well have hole flyovers on youtube
as you mentioned, in your lighting video, could you talk about clouds, specifically altostratus clouds and how they soften shadows because i’ve seen not not many people use it, especially the newer designers
going template spotting to give a little more context to the course for others watching:
1: prize dogleg
3: bottle/narrows? needs to be shorter for these to work
5: double plateau
6: road hole
7: alps
8: short
9: prize dogleg
10: bottle (a very nicely done one at that)
11: not a template, but reminiscent of 7 at valhalla with the fairway to the left
12: knoll? has characteristics for sure
13: island hole
14: not a template, but hells half acre at pine valley (on a par 4 is interesting)
15: redan? again, characteristics. also similar to bethpage black 8
16: similar to a leven
Please feel free to leave your comments, feedback, and suggestions for newer designers below!
good double plateau holes to look at (the few that i can think of):
the 2nd? at the lido (early in the front side)
the 12th at national golf links of america
huntington sound by b101, 10th? 11th?
all of these are playable in game as well have hole flyovers on youtube
as you mentioned, in your lighting video, could you talk about clouds, specifically altostratus clouds and how they soften shadows because i’ve seen not not many people use it, especially the newer designers