Emily Lied People Died. Unfortunately, the warlock tip doesn't apply for honor mode. Those pesky dev's patched it out. Luckily, warlock is a pretty easy class, so my beginning ramble talking about eldritch blast works so we'll call it a half tip :)
The vow of enmity thing makes me think of that one non-canon Star Wars comic, where Vader beats Maul in a duel. Maul asks Vader who he hates so much for dark side to give him that much power, and Vader answers “myself.”
Being a camp cleric with warding bond sounds terrifying. You never know when you're going to receive the other half of the damage that the party member takes
I have killed shadow heart so many times, either by forgetting to check in or by getting hit and healing too much in one combat. Once she hits 1 hp too, the bond becomes useless as any one hit will break it and you must spend resources, so best used on vital squishies if you're low on resources.
That saved my honor run when i failed the speech check with philomeena and she blew up that powder barrel, i thought that would be it. Luckily my warded char survived thanks to shadowhard tanking the nuke in camp
small tip you can actually use Gale as your camp cleric as he will always heal himself to full if not take damage for a few seconds (only works when he is not in your party because the game is trying to keep him safe, remember that bomb in the chest?) so basically he just never dies, and you don't worry about taking damages at all.
The best camp cleric is one built using heavy armor master and other forms of damage reduction. Because the damage they're taking is equal to what you take, ie, halved, there's a good chance it will be dramatically reduced or even nullified by their passive damage reduction. If you want to go 3-man or have a mod to expand how many people you can control, though, you can make them WAY more durable on their side by having them cast Blade Ward and leaving them in turn-based mode during combat. Time shouldn't pass in camp so the buff will never run out. This would mimic the idea that if they *were* a real character, you can bet your ass the moment they felt the incoming owies they'd be casting the ward for however long it takes to stop (remember in game time combat is resolved in usually less than a minute...)
@@azzy9293 Well its not the worst way I lost my honor mode run anymore :(. Last time I got stuck in the ketheric Dialogue with my Origin Charachter. The Dialogue kept repeating and I saved during it so I had to restart the run. 20 hrs wasted thanks to a bug.
This... i havent played a monk yet but initiative sets the battle flow from proactive to reactive. Which is why for instance, my SH light cleric have sentinel shield to boost her 14 dex innate initiative and be mostly the top 3 starters along a haste caster/speed potion if needy to become a moving radiant spirit damager+debuffer fireballer. Radiant retort? Necro spirits fireballer. Ez.
16 dex is enough to be one of the first initiatives. Early game max dex then drink hill giant potion is good. But later on i rather max str, 16 dex and be able to drink other potion like bloodlust.
I dumped con. 13 con shield of thralls for +10 HP and bracers of defence and a camp wizard to cast mage armour on me. I can have an 18 ac. More HP with aid. And can drink elixir for even more power
You can cheese honor mode so easily with a open hand monk. Easy to set up and comes online at level 4. Topple, stun, stun. Just straight up stun every single boss. Little to no gear needed. Just tavern brawler, 16 dex at start, hill giant potions, then cloud giant potions.
For Warlock, remember to bind your Pact Weapon after a long rest. I've forgotten about that before and my Paladin went from my biggest damage dealer to the equivalent of a wet napkin because I dumped strength.
If your going for Eldritch and Agonizing Blast, using spellsparkler is a must! The lightning charge extra damage triggers Agonizing Blast twice per beam so with the Potent robes you can apply your spellcasting modifier three times with every beam! Then to make it even stronger you can use the Beligerent sky Gloves, Stormy Clamor boots, Storm Scion Hat, Callous Glow and Coruscation Rings to turn it into a debuffing machine while buffing machine (radiant orbs and reverberation) while buffing yourself up with +10 attack rolls from Arcane Acuity!
Song of rest is actually even better than you say. Unlike normal short rests, song of rest will refresh itself even if you just take a partial long rest. This means that if you take a ton of damage but your spell slots are intact, you can partial long rest up to half hp, song of rest up to full hp, and then partial long rest again to refresh your song of rest for if you need it in a hostile area!
the video is misleading. if you haven't played the game in Tactician or HM. you should never worry about he camp supply. you will have gold problem before you have camp supply problem. you steal to solve both problem.
@@stefenleung even without stealing there’s so much food by act 2 I’m over flowing with food on tact, waukeens rest and the paladins have a ton. Still good to short rest to refresh action surge and things like that
@@stefenleung I have played through HM. By the end I definitely had a massive excess of food, but it still just feels stupid to waste 80 camp supplies or a bunch of potions/spell slots solely to refill your health.
I found an exploit also with Song of Rest. It recharges when you travel between regions. So if I expend it and then fast travel from say Riverton to the Lower City song of rest is recharged. You can basically never run out of it and keep consistently short resting without ever expanding an actual short rest slot. It’s cheesy but it works. I’ve only long rested a single time in act 3 so far
Aye, learn utility scrolls from the wiz dip, like haste, gas form, shield, counterspell etc etc. That'll free up Sorc (for example) slots to select all damage spells.
You can have 17 INT from the circlet. That is good enough. If your build doesn't require another headgear item and can use the circlet then wizard dip has no real downsides
@@doomrot or do the opposite, only take utility spells from level ups, and learn all your damage and cc spells from scrolls. Just respec to have high int
I'm not sure exactly how it mechanically works (when it comes to enemy priority) but there could be another benefit to activating reckless attack. The advantage enemies get from reckless attack could make them more willing to hit the barbarian rather than their squishier allies. A philosophy I picked up in tabletop dnd is that an enemy attacking a barbarian with advantage is better than them attacking an ally with a straight roll.
Also, normally you cannot reckless on throw attacks - but if your first attack is a melee reckless attack, all attacks for the rest of the round - including throws - get made with the advantage from reckless
To add to the camp cleric thing - have gale be your camp cleric. He auto regens health in camp, so you get essentially free warding bond with no downside of camp cleric dying
Camp Cleric is just a sign that people vastly underestimate how powerful the class is. There is a bunch of gear that synergizes on a light cleric that completely breaks the game. Shadowheart is a companion in every single campaign I play because light reverberation is so busted. Cleric comes online at level 5, then just scales into oblivion as an AOE DPS Debuffing Tank.
@@tysquirt111 Use the withers summomns as camp clerics. Me and my mate have "This vessel is at thy disposal" permanetly emgrained into our brains from setting up warding bond each rest.
15:44 My biggest recommendation is take advantage of hirelings in camp. I keep a land druid, halfling bard/transmutation wizard with expertise in medicine, and a life cleric in camp. They buff my party always make 2 potions and give one more free song of rest. You never have to give them gear and never take them out of camp. They are literally only for party buffs like heroes feast, long strider, protection against poison, aid, knock, plenty of healing, and warded bond. Not to mention the transmutation stones for upcoming fights. Plus they require zero gear. This will save spell slots and your sanity.
Abusing camp is what takes a toll on sanity, it's dull, boring, and is just an exploit. Might as well long rest after every fight cause there is so much food.
Feels like you are just half a step from just turning on cheat engine at that point. What's the point? "I beat the challenge mode, by just doing a bunch of exploits, darn, what a great challenge"
Also fun thing about camp, Gale has extra precautions baked in since his death is a game over. Even in Honor Mode, he can trigger NPC passive healing if... for example.... he decided to cast Warding Bond on one of the active party members and then sit in camp. You know, just an idea.
@@Iceddddragon do killing thing with explosive barrels are exploits as well xD? What's the point of making an rng-based game even harder for yourself xD?
Warlock-Paladin DOES NOT receive the 3rd attack in honor mode So there is no reason to reach 5 in both classes for that extra attack. You would probably want to do an 8/4 split either way or an even 6/6 split as 7/5 provides a lot less benefits than it used to
Dex/wisdom monk build is actually stronger than Strength and its not particularly close. Specifically because you can get enough Hill and Cloud Giant elixers to have your Tavern Brawler cake and eat it too. You can get 3 stats up to 20 or above that way (Start wis at 17, ethel's hair to 18, ASI to 20. 2nd ASI moves Dex from 16 to 18, and using the Graceful Clothe kicks it up to 20. Tavern Brawler bring Con from 15 to 16. Elixers have you running at 21 or 27 STR for effectively entire game.) You keep your unarmored movement. You have 20 AC from the Dex and Wis bonuses, or more depending on equipment.
All the cool monks do drugs. Although technically I think this is still a strength-based monk, just in a less traditional way. That said, absolutely: if you're not planning on spamming long rests with a camp druid's goodberries, make use of those elixirs and get the best of both worlds.
Dex monks also have another way to play that is pretty good. Great Weapon Master on versatile weapons that can count as monk weapons. For as simple example, a good quarterstaff option for this that you get in act 1 with Mourning Frost. 1d8+1 with a 1d4+1 rider when two-handing is pretty good for how early you get it. I also had good success running this type of build using Cacophony and a Thunder based Reverberation set. You can build up the status fast enough to proc nearly every hit, and add other status effects easily enough like radiating orb since the gloves of belligerent skies procs with that damage type too, which also causes the boots of stormy clamour to proc. And if you use the diadem of arcane synergy you throw in damage increase based on your spell casting ability modifier. @@antdueler
@ttestagr Gonna be honest, I didn't know GWM even worked on versatile weapons. That's what I get for assuming yet another ability worked the same as it does in D&D 5e (heavy weapons aren't even a thing in BG3 so not sure what I was thinking lol). I'll have to mess around with this at some point, a Dex based melee build that can keep up with some of the other GWM/Sharpshooter builds sounds like fun. And I'll take any excuse to play monk some more lol
Yeah, if you skip your ASIs you can run a GWM, Sentinel, Polearm master build that works pretty well as a tank. Not as good as a reach weapon that lets you shut down a huge area around you but still decent. Only way to get both ability stats to 20 is start dex 16, wis 17. Graceful Cloth gets dex to 18 and if you play a gnome nimblefinger gloves get it to 20. If halfling or rogue, add Ethel's hair and nimblefinger for 20. Khalid's Gift gets Wis to 18, and mirror to 20. I prefer going with this type of weapon setup for my 4 element builds@@antdueler
@ttestagr no joke, I just was trying to piece together a four elements build since it seemed a lot better compared to 5e due to the way Fangs of the Fire Snake interacts with other damage effects like Hex. I held off for now since I wanted another long-range character and hadn't tried out the Sharpshooter Bard build yet, but I'll probably circle back around when I hit Act 3. Love how many ways there are to play monk in this game, it's a nice change of pace from 5e where I needed to build-craft out of my mind just to bring them up to par.
Sure wizard dips are good, but you have to focus on spells that don't require a save or attack roll unless you want to boost INT to 20+. The headband from Act 1 has an opportunity cost with other great headgear later in the game and even if you keep using it, a +3 INT modifier just isn't going to cut it late game. Everyone is way too focused on damage. There's a lot of reasons to play Wizard passed level 1. Doesn't really feel like a wizard tip if the tip is to "play some other class but dip 1 level into wizard." Wizards are about versatility and battlefield control. The absolute nonsense you can get up to as a main class Wizard with or without dips in other classes easily puts the class on par with the other casters. My first run was Necromancy wizard. Having a huge number of undead minions all with my proficiency bonus to damage wailing on a group of enemies inside my Cloudkill while the rest of my party just watched (why waste resources?) was pretty incredible. Yeah, it's more work to manage so many minions, but that's just one way of playing the class (and a way of playing it that I enjoyed).
By the time you're taking that wizard dip to get extra spells, your save spell DC is +10 from gear. 100% hit rate for anything without legendary resistance and 60-70% hit rate for anything that does, unless it's still 100%. The wizard spells will simply have a 65%ish hit rate, unless they have legendary resistance in which the spell fails.
Rogue Assassins flare out quick but *Thieves* can attack off hand twice which helps considerably with damage. Add some Fighter and Dual Wield Hand Crossbows with a few damage rider items like the Caustic Ring or Bracers of Archery, Astarion will have no trouble dishing it out and that combo of bonus actions means you can always GTFO if needed with Disenage/Dash/Hide.
I respec Astarion from thief to assassin mainly for 2 reasons tossing what most posts say about thief vs assassin for 2 reasons: 1) My testing on my gamestyle of sneaking when possible+ambushing suited for assassin and I enjoy it even if its situational but gets the job done. And I rather have him situational due his persona on dialogues that can erode the relationship level if not displaying some evil or gray zone. So pro theif posts can suck it on me. 2) Assassin can clean a room by himself with sharpshooter feat or be the top opener as long you buff him on checks to surpass stealth check to trigger surprised round to allow other companions to sneak on non red areas to land their strike and get their turn settled mid surprise round potentially wiping the area before enemy is able to do smt. Theif didnt suited for me because hes more of a mid term combat. Not planned for my Astarion, maybe for a Rogue tav yes. On bg3 offense is best defense and if you can clean house on an ambush to set surprise and join others... its always welcomed and enjoyable.
@@danlt1497The best rogue build I’ve found is dual wielding crossbows with the sharpshooter feat and risky ring. They seem to hit much more consistently, always have sneak attack, and get two more 17-22 shots with the offhand.
Gloomstalker Ranger works better that fighter. You get the extra first round attack By 8th Level your getting 5 attacks in the first round with hand crossbows.
@@DwayneDavis-h5k Two words: Action Surge. Also you get that Dual Fighting Style right way so you are online from the start. And by the time you are getting Extra Attack you can say be an EK with Shield or a dread Battlemaster archer. Hell even Champion works alright because BG3 has enough items to support a Crit Fisher.
@@blacksage2375 That's why you go with 4 levels of Rogue - Thief(I prefer one more bonus action as well) - 6 levels of Ranger, Gloomstalker ofc for that tasty free attack in first round, also - extra attack, archery and two weapon fighting - 2 levels of Warrior for Action Surge is the best. It is without a doubt a class that can deal the most damage, usually in my comp, unless you run Honour mode, where your Elixir of Bloodlust can't stack with extra attacks, and you only get 1 additional attack no matter what.
I like using the Raven for the beast master ranger, causing blinded and giving all your party members advantage on attacks against that creature is pretty nuts
Blind is also really great for fucking with enemy behavior. Like if you can blind Auntie Ethel in the first round in the Teahouse she won't take off because she can't see the stairs down to her lair.
Another thing you can do for a Camp Cleric is to multiclass them into abjuration wizard for the Arcane Ward pssive. Its synergy with warding bond is absolutely broken. The flat damage reduction makes him/her an eternal pain battery because the charges don’t go down when your entire party leaves the camp. Combine this with Heavy Armor Master + Any Flat dmg reduction armor AND The Skinburster, and you have yourself an unkillable tank by the 7th stack of Force Conduit.
Or just make Gale your camp Cleric because he has special protections surrounding his offscreen death. No damage resistance necessary, he'll sponge the damage off all four main party members and ask for more
I hate the camp cleric thing so much, just because of the terrible way that party management works in the game. You have to do this incredibly tedious little dance swapping characters around one by one every single time you take a long rest for this to work, and I'd honestly rather just go without the buffs than spend ten minutes fighting with my party members about whether or not I want them in my party at that exact second.
I'm with both of you on this. I'd rather just not do it and have fun. Especially because with the right build, gear, and tactics, the game is not that hard to have to cheese. I also think it should be patched out.
It's a single player game, you can just NOT use this if you don't want to but no, you want to take this away from players that want to do it because... you don't like that other people you don't know can do it?
@@CerberusMalt Are you arguing because you think it's fun or because game designers shouldn't be expected to design their games to be fun? Your argument supports the second argument, but not the first.
Paladin tip = A bug/exploit Warlock tip = Doesn't work in honor mode and is specifically mentioned in the patch notes. Monk tip = Just use the strength potions and don't dump Dex as it allows you to attack first in battle allowing you to kill enemies before they attack.
HMmm for the monk there are gloves in mountain pass you can get very early on that cap you dex at 18, you can probably use that and dump str, and in act 3 if you kill raphael you can get the 23 str gloves and respec to dex, just random brain storming i dont play monk xd
@@icata12345 There are way better gloves available for monks than using that slot for stat boosting. There are a bunch of gloves that add damage to unarmed strikes(typically 1d4, which is an average of +2.5 damage or a 4 to 6 point bump in your damage attribute). And there are many other gloves with special effects, so the potion option is simply superior.
the rogue's sneak attacks also work against any threatened enemy, which can be done by just putting a melee fighter near them so you don't need to hide all the time. also if you're rogue/gloomstalker do your rogue sneak attacks first and then leave the gloomstalker specific one till last otherwise ordinary sneak attack doesn't work for that turn
Its not even a problem when u can literally pickpocket too...since foods are generally almost a guaranteed steal as astorian U could easily stack up 500+ resources in just the early stage
tbh in act 3 and act 1 yeah it doesn't matter, but from my experience in act 2 you can run short on supplies sometimes. The lowest i got in tactician mode (i didn't try honor mode yet) is something like 150 supplies in act 2
I mean the Wizard one is more just a multi classing tip for other classes. My advice for mainly Wizard build is dip a level into Sorcerer with the Dragon bloodline so you gain the affects of Mage armor without taking either a spell or prep slot, also select things that just happen like shield, magic missile & sleep for your Sorcerer spells so they're not affected by lower charisma & to free up more of your Wizard prep slots for higher level spells.
Also if you make your Sorcerer your first level and then go wizard after, you'll get Proficiency in Constitution saving throws, which affects your concentration checks.
As much as I love Sorcerer, and I highly suggest anyone to play a pure Sorcerer at least once because of just how insanely fun and game-breakingly powerful they can be if you let yourself be wasteful with the resources from time to time, I have to disagree. 1. You only get 2 sorcerer spells at lvl 1, not 3, so you can't even get that short selection of spells you mentioned. 2. Sure, you get mage armour for free (and 1 more HP than pure wizard) but you lose a whole FEAT, and 1, or maybe even 2 spell book slots if that last Feat could've been used to fill intelligence to 20 (because your slots are wizard level+intelligence) - so realistically you only get 1-2 spells more than if you just went wizard, and you lose a feat, that even if it's not bonus intelligence, because you already have it at 20 from previous feats and possibly Auntie Ethel's boon, but it can be: Dual wielder- for even more Spell Save DC and OP bonuses, like wielding Markoheshkir AND Rhapsody at the same time, for a total of +4 to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls, +3 to damage of all spells, and 4 free chain lightnings. Or Alert, so that you always go first (assuming also 16 dex, that's at least 9 on the initiative roll, there are like 6 enemies in the game that can outmatch that) Or some type of "Elemental Adept", especially useful being the fire one, as fire spells are most often resisted, and also tend to be most useful within their 'class'... or you could get mage armour for free. 3. Regardless of when you decide to multiclass, you'll get your wizard spells later than normally: Hold person and scorching rays at lvl 4 instead of 3. Fireball and Hypnotic Pattern at lvl 6 instead of 5.Edward's Black Tentacles and Confusion at lvl 8 instead of 7. Cone of Cold and hold monster at lvl 10 instead of 9. For most of the game, you can't just count on getting all the spell scrolls you want, to inscribe the most useful/powerful spells immediately when you get those spell slots, it's only really in act 3 with Sorcerous Sundries that you just get to learn ALL spells. Sure, you might get lucky and find a Fireball scroll somewhere in wilderness or underdark, but will you?
@@IndependentObserver I mean the spells I gave were examples of spells that just happen. It would be up to the player to decided what they always want on hand. As for the rest it's a lot of min maxing that even I don't super care for, as long as I have spells I vibe with I'm happy. As for feats you could 8/4 split, or like I'm thinking of doing, sacrifice that feat for multiclass dips that add a bunch of fun features to your character. Like 1 in sorcerer dragon blood line, 1 in warlock for the patron effect & spells like hex, & 2 bard for jack of all trades & song of rest, great things to have on hand for any lead character your playing as. Or any other combo you can think of. 2 levels in Rouge is great for any martial class, being able to dash with a bonus action.
@@SodPassionGaming 1. We're talking about honour mode, yes, it's a lot of min-maxing. That's The Point. 2. 8/4 split makes a bit more sense, imo, wisdom saving throws you get as wizard are more important than con saves- just stand behind and don't get hit kappa, and you get the metamagic and the 3rd feat... But you don't get many sorcery points, so then you have to sacrifice some spell slots if you want to actually use it more than once, AND, it sacrifices 10th level wizard bonus- depending on which school you chose that can be very influential, sometimes literally build-making. 3. Hex just straight up sucks, it's not very good past lvl 5 even on a warlock. It's 1d6 damage, against a single enemy, that only gets triggered when you do an ATTACK ROLL- ie. magic missile and cloud of daggers don't trigger it as they don't use either mechanic, and fireball, cone of cold, cloudkill, ice storm, disintegration, and basically *any other lvl 3+ spell you can think of* all work on Spell Save DC, meaning that it won't help you at all for overwhelming majority of cases. AND it occupies your single concentration slot- if you want to actually keep the hex up, you have to *not use any of the obscenely powerful, encounter-shutting, control spells like hypnotic pattern, hold person/monster, or confusion* 4. Or you could just get a hireling that can use it instead, OR, better yet, have a different party member be a sword-bard, and do the 'social interactions' with them, I suggest Astarion, it fits him the best. On my current playthrough as a Monk, I just have Warlock-Wyll always go first, he gets infinite temporary hitpoints from his subclass and eldritch incantation anyway so he can take it, and in most cases the game just checks who's the closest to the NPC that starts the dialogue, and if you're the one initiating then you can just chose which person to speak as.
My personal suggestion for moon Druids: Take 16 con or 14 con at the beginning of the game, grab tavern brawler (con), then war caster, then resilient constitution This will allow you to use your action to drop a huge concentration spell, and then bonus action wild shape and start wrecking house next turn and keep your spell up
War caster can be skipped. Resilient and brawler are enough, usually as a druid you launch a concentrarion spell 1st then you morph for the double wild strike next turn if not hasted. You either commit to strike as beast or no beast.
@@danlt1497 war caster is superior to resilient in every way. Advantage usually provides a bonus to your roll of about 3-4, where proficiency for most of the game will provide a +3 bonus. I also suggest taking both as they stack.
Stupid question but you never know, do they still stack if you take War Caster last? I have Tavern Brawler and Resilient on Halsin rn bc I prioritised them
@@thenim8999 War caster and resilient con will always stack, since resilient gives you proficiency with constitution saving throws, and war caster gives you advantage on concentration saving throws.
Added tip for Druid: You can have a "Camp Druid" to go along with your "Camp Cleric" if you spec a Druid into Circle of Land. Druids get access to Longstrider for move speed buff, Protection from Poison for poison resist, Darkvision to help with your non-darkvision races like Human/Dragonborn/Githyanki, Freedom of Movement for immunity to a ton of conditions, and Heroes' Feast for added Max HP and protections at end game. Land Druid's also get the Natural Recovery feature that recovers expended spell slots similarly to wizard's Arcane Recovery feature, which means more buff spells available than Clerics. But my favorite trick is Goodberry. Cast all other necessary buff spells first, and using all the leftover spell slots and as many spell slots as you can recover, dump everything else into Goodberry. You can make so many "free potions" for healing up party members between combats, and any leftover berries at the end of an adventuring day can just be spent towards camp supplies since they disappear after a long rest anyway! It really maxes efficiency in a lot of areas, and overlaps/compliments a camp cleric very well.
Yea, I've been doing that myself. Druids are the ultimate utility support, so having one at camp is a real benefit. For your 3rd camp companion, I highly recommend a bard/transmutation wizard. 2 lvls wizard 3 lvls bard you can make double potions every time you brew. You also can get that bardic inspiration if you know there is a difficult check ahead. plus all the buffs available from scrolls, because wizard.
It is not usual to see a "pro tip" video, where you really get a good tips that are not obvious for anyone who played more than a hour or two into the game. Good job, really good tips!!
I love bards and appreciate your tip, but to me the most OP bard is swords bard that uses ranged mobile flourish. If you use hand crossbows and dip thief you have 4 attacks in the first round and if you flourish all of them they become 8. Great nova class. Speaking of which , You talk about wizard dips but not other strong dips like thief. Perhaps a follow-up video. My first run was as Astarion, but after level 4(as thief) I multiclassed as a gloomstalker. If I recall correctly, I went dual hand crossbow build. With sharpshooter his round 1 burst was pretty nice. My second run I did an open hand monk also dipped into thief for two bonus actions. Multiple flurry of blows in round one, with tavern brawler and the right equipment, is punishing.
yes that is my favorite bard build too! In fact, that's the build I played to beat taction my first time (I've done it twice so far), but it felt more like a "build" than a tip.
Kinda sucks that the Wizard tip wasn't actually for Wizards at all, I was really hoping to find a cool tip to make my Wizarding better but all I was told was how to make other spellcasters that I'm not playing better :
Uh Do Fighter 1 as your first class. Then Wizard. You now have good armor, proficiency in Constitution saves, a shield, and can have two hand crossbows for the bonus action crossbow shot. You could also do a Cleric. You won't get the weapons or crossbow, but you'll pick up Guidance and some minor utility spells, along with medium or heavy armor. Also, collect goblin corpses for reanimate dead. Goblins weigh a good bit less than most raisable corpses, and the skeleton has really solid minimum damage so is pretty good for picking off wounded enemies.
Got all the way to the elderbrain on my first honor mode run, just to lose at the end. Then proceeded to start a second honor mode run and wipe my whole party with the boulder trap in act 1. My friends were both upset and laughing that I caused them to die.
Learned a lot from this. As a monk main, I'd like to mention that it's probably best to start with an 8 in strength 15 in con, and at least 16 in agility and a 17 in wisdom. You can't take advantage of tavern brawler until level four so in the meantime stock up on elixirs of Hill giant strength from auntie Ethel and Derryth Bonecloak. Once you hit level 4, you can even out your con modifier with tavern brawler AND drink a strength elixer every day. Be sure to get a wisdom hags hair so you can max wisdom (since you can keep your strength super high from buying strength elixers all game-- in act three you can find elixers of cloud giant strength which gives 27!)
@@phlyphlo I think the wiki listed five vendors there who can have it. Check the alchemy store near the bridge and the tiefling kids by the barn. Besides Derryth (who needs the noble stock from act 1), I'm not sure who the other two are from memory.
Don't get me wrong: clerics are super powerful already! It just so happens their "secret" tip is their incredible power when staying behind and continuously buffing the party
Been looking forward to doing a Druid run soon so hearing all those ways to increase Wildshape stats was super surprisingly helpful! I'd obviously already dabbled in Druids from my previous runs thanks to Halsin and Jaheira, so I knew about Tavern Brawler but didn't know at all about these stat increase strats. A Tav Druid focused on Wildshape with a +3 to Str just from Hair and Potion alone sounds amazing (let alone Resilience and Heavy Armour)! Dino form has a Str of 19, so that +3 gets it to 22 which turns into 12 damage instead of 6 with tavern brawler and that sounds like a lot of fun.
My argument with reckless attack is while yes you don’t need it if you hit, rolling always with advantage makes critical hits more likely, which in turn lets you take advantage of the brutal critical feature.
Yeah I do mention there are times where it is both a good and bad decision. Sometimes you want your barbarian to get attacked, and improving crit chance can be very powerful! On the flip side, getting attacked by 10 Bhaal cultists in Act 3 with a dagger than gives you vulnerability to piercing damage in that one turn while they all have advantage from your reckless can be quite scary!
one exception to the reckless attack i found: if u r playing a throwing barbarian, and have multiple attacks, u can trigger the reckless attack with a melee attack first and then it will be also applied to your throws ;)
These were truly amazing tips! I recently started honor mode and am halfway through act 2, so with these tips in hand I'm even more confident in my success!
fyi once you get ki-empowered strikes at lv6 and the boots of uninhibited kushigo, wisdom is the best monk stat to invest into (since you'll want to use str elixirs anyways), in Act 3 you'll want to wear Vest of Soul Rejuvenation (not armour), which is your BiS, and with 18 DEX+18 WIS (which you can get through feats) will give you 20 armor class, the OP kushigo counter ability, and all benefits of unarmored movement (6m extra movement is nothing to ignore).
A less cheesy rouge tip: the thief subclass is the best class for sustain, the extra bonus action really frees up your action economy. Early game it’s an easy hide, but late game it’s extra damage with effect proc, playing nicely when paired with crit daggers or dual crossbow+sharpshooter.
I'm going to disagree a bit on Reckless Attack. The increased crit chance might not seem like much, but given the number of attacks barbarians end up making in a round, it adds up, especially if you use crit range gear. Also unless you're a throwzerker, you usually want GWM, and probably need the advantage anyway. But more importantly is that the AI takes hit chance into account when targeting. Giving them advantage against your raging barbarian is good. They'll aim for your barb who has resistance from rage, rather than your squishy caster with a concentration spell.
I know this is forever ago. But this was the main thing in the video that bugged me. Coming from the tabletop crit fishing was the name of the game with barbarians. They have a mountain of hp to work with.
Hahah I've always been using vow of emnity on myself and when you mentioned using it on other enemies, I thought I've just been using it wrong the whole time :D
Great video. I just finished a playthrough with a light cleric with the radiant orb set. Except for Viconia, Balthazar, and Rafael, I pretty much steam rolled tactician. Radiant retort is there because Larian knows this set would make the game too easy.
DW Staff Sorc, which I learned about originally from Nizar GG's channel, is how I beat my first playthrough, and is INSANE, especially in act 3, where it allows you to cast so many 6th level spells in an encounter.
I think the biggest tip for barbarian isn't "use reckless attack reactionary" its "DONT use reckless attack reactionary, sometimes..." Because even if you already have advantage on an attack itll ask if you want to reroll, even though it wont actually reroll the attack
Hi man! Great video so far, im atm paused at 05:39, just wanted to tell ya when calculating ~dmg/hit you do: Dice divided by 2 +0.5 +Modifiers. You account for dice not being able to roll a zero by adding the 0.5dmg, ex. 1d8=4.5dmg/hit. And you don’t round up dice that divide to odd nmbrs. So 1d10=~5.5dmg/hit, 2d6=7. (I myself had about 5 or 6h if not more of numbers that were in need of a knocking down when learned of it.) 0.5 not a big nmbr, but if you have 4d6 the diffrence is 2dmg. And a single d4 is ~2.5dmg(, 3 with GWF -in bg3 at least;) ). Anyways im gonna go back to watching the video have a good one🤙🏼
1) If you don't mind using cheez to acquire a Deva Mace, a Pact of the Blade Warlock can bind it, and now you have a bludgeoning weapon that uses your Cha mod for attack/damage, and inflicts 4d8 radiant damage on hit. It's like having unlimited 3rd level spell slot smites 2) It is suboptimal, but I love using Minsc as a Monk using armor (one of the medium ones that add full Dex modifier) and a shield (Adamantine or Swires' Sledboard) so he can literally do butt kicking for goodness as Captain Rashemaar
About monk - I think that using armour is actually optimal. A heavy armour. Very high AC, damage resistance, crit immunity - your monk will become a tank and retain all damage dealer potential.
the idea of a camp cleric is extremely smart for honor mode, need too make one right away. Currently level 8 and about to storm moonrise on my first honor mode run, wish me luck
FINALLY a man of culture using duel staves! That was my class fantasy for Gale from the very beginning! Except I prefer the Necro staff in act 3. Id say the free rank 6 spell on kill is more impactful than extra arcane battery because it’s always up, even when when you enter combat half the time, and works with upranked spells and lasting aoe like cloudkill
"finally"? There are dozens of videos and shorts where Dual staff (or sometimes Staff + Rhapsody) is recommended for an Eldrich Blaster Sorlock. It's one of the most powerful builds i the entire game!
I do want to point out that dual staves are suboptimal until Act 2 at the very earliest, _unless you lack proficiency in shields_ (and maybe not even then). Comparison: Dual wielding those two staves in Act 1 gives: • +1 AC (from the feat) • +1 Spell Save DC • +1 Spell Attack • Lightning Charges But you have to sacrifice a shield (+2 AC, plus whatever else an enchanted shield might provide). And you have to spend a feat which doesn't increase your casting stat. But if you pick a feat which _does_ increase your casting stat to the next even number, you get: • +1 Spell Save DC • +1 Spell Attack • +1 Ability Checks in that stat • +1 Saving Throws in that stat • Plus, if you only needed one more stat point to get your casting stat up to the next even number, you can _also_ increase another stat (potentially buffing your AC, initiative, concentration, etc. further) or the benefits of a feat which gives you that one point along with some other benefit, like Actor, granting +1 CHA and Expertise in Deception and Performance. You always have to consider the opportunity cost. Dual-Wielder is a trap unless the +1 AC and the effects of the off-hand weapon are better than the shield you'd have in that hand instead and the Feat you would have taken instead.
@@tantalus_complex it’s 100% cause it looks cool and feels like something Gale would do with his affliction and need for collecting artifacts, I see him as someone who would be carrying multiple staves and trinkets around to eat if needed, picking up any new one he finds, etc. I don’t think bg3 gets hard enough to really need an optimal build for everyone anyway. Even my honour mode playthrough I could mostly solo fights on monk character and just used him to nuke stuff that’s already grouped up
The reason I'm failing on honour mode is because I insist on playing a solo run. I am playing an antisocial witch who killed Astarion for attacking her, let Gale die because she want to take a risk on some random guy stuck in a portal, pushed Lae'zel off the Nautiloid because she doesn't trust this random green lady that offered to help her, left Shadowheart to die twice then ignored her at the grove and then killled her for the artifact that protects us from mind control, Wyll died on his own trying to defend the grove from goblins, and i have no idea what I'm going to do about Karlach. I don't want to kill her, but I don't know how the game will react when I leave act 1 without having met her.
Nothing?? My first playthrough that finished till the end...i never met karlach lol..dunno how tf did i miss her...my guess is, if u did not meet her she just ended up dead in some random gutter..
Ty for previous helps with the camp cleric tricks and these now other tricks have helped my honor run so much. In my single run and friend's run we've been using the camp clerics so much. The damage lessens so much. It's crazy. Also ty for helping me like my honor run again because I was pretty burn out of it till these tips and from other videos ^w^
Rogue doesn’t have to sneak in order to sneak attack, just advantage. I.E. a party member in threat range. You can sneak attack with your left hand bonus action with thief and still have the regular action and another bonus action. Y’all sleeping on rogues
I did overly simplify the math! Basically what it comes down to, is using those burst features. If you have a party that has great burst damage and finished combats in 1 or 2 rounds, the assassin can be GREAT! The fighter pulls ahead eventually with extra attack, great weapon master, and very powerful late game magic swords found in Act 3 for longer combats.
The Wizard dip tip needs a slight bit more info, as whatever spells are learned from scrolls will ALWAYS use INT as their casting stat. So, for learning things like Haste and Shield, it's fantastic, but if you're planning on launching damaging spells you'll want to be aware as to why the damage and/or success of these spells may be lacking.
End game you get +10 to the spell DC so I don't really see an issue with the tip. It just means you only get +4 over a natural INT 20 wizard rather than +10. Creatures with legendary resistance will have about a 65% chance to save while every other creature will have a 35% chance to save. Granted I get it yeah, your sorcerer/bard spells will have a 100% hit rate and a 60-70% hit rate if they have legendary resistance, but you're probably not going to hit that giant red lizard with wizards "hold monster" rather than bards "hold monster".
I just think its kinda hilarious how my Tempest Cleric Shadowheart can barely fit all of her spells on the toolbar yet Karlach is out here with a primal rage and a tiger sweep.
1:20 yo, i just realized i was playing the wrong class after finishing the run. I was playing a dragonic wizard (evocation) instead of sorcerer. i almost played the popular subclass too lol
on barbarian reckless attack, doing as you suggest reduces the chances to land a critical hit, which combined with the feat that let you make a bonus attack on a crit or a kill is very very good. I find it more woth it to activate the reckless attack immediately and enjoy my extra crit chance
you will not enjoy it until act3 items and champion bonus, instead its your enemies will enjoy critting you because there are lots of them and just one you, BUT with reckless attack you reduces chances of critical miss and that is far more important
I found a build online that combined Warlock with some Fighter (and Champion specifically). Using that made Wyll suddenly much more useful since he now has more going for him than just warlock spell slots.
Having Shadowheart stay at camp with warding bond applied is devious though. She's already got the hand pain, and now you're adding another inexplicable pain on top of it (and it's incredibly fitting too for spoiler reasons)
You can also put the club of hill giant strenght in you offhand and dump strenght to 8. That way you get 19 strenght without using potions and can increase your other stats
Monk tip: At this place 5:14 (Top of Arcane Tower in the Underdark) there's a stool next to the Animated Armour under the roof in the video that you can break after sitting on it to get a one handed club that boosts your STR to 19. You can equip it in your monk's offhand to have that STR passive buff and still be able to do unarmed attacks, you can do that by doing these steps in order: 1. Unequip all weapons on a random party member other than the monk 2. Equip any one handed weapon to the monk's main hand and the club in the offhand 3. Drag the monk's main hand weapon to the unarmed party member main hand slot It really helps in case you dont have a ton of STR elixirs and being able to respec some points to other abilities/attributes
Fun tip, battlemaster disarming attack is great for neutering those early game paladin fights, such as minthara, the tyr paladin, and also absolutely cripples ketheric, as they cant smite without a weapon. At lvl 5 with action surge, they can make 4 attempts in a round to disarm. This is great because those paladin fights can easily decimate you in honor if you arent careful
As of Patch 6, Chain Lightning can no longer be Twin Spelled. I think they also fixed the Paladin-Warlock 3 attacks thing, but only in Honour Mode. You still get your 3 attacks outside of that.
If you want to help that camp cleric out, dip them into mage and give them the headpiece when you don't need it anymore for more slots and they can cast mage armor and also longstrider as needed each day.
Two pieces of Monk advice that completely trivialized Honor Mode for me (aside from dumping STR and using giant potions daily): 1) take 3 levels in Rogue once you hit level 9 (respec to 6 monk 3 rogue) and get Thief because your action economy is gonna go CRAZY with all the extra open-hand strikes you get, as well as the ever-useful cunning action: dash to close the gaps. You do have to wait until level 12 to get the ability that heals you and restores Ki Points for a few turns, but using the Talking Amulet for Ki Point restoration until Act 3 will suffice (plus having shatter is nice in a pinch) 2) use your monk to disable as many enemies as possible per turn if they’re not yet strong enough to solo a boss (or if you’ve got another character who is the powerhouse). Abuse the hell out of your stunning strikes and flurry of blows: topple to give all the party advantage as often as possible, and you can even use your monk to burn opportunity attacks since they’re very dodgy, as well as using them to burn off Legendary Resistances by spamming Stunning Strike on those kinds of bosses. Once again, that 3 level respec rogue dip at level 9 will benefit you so much, because an extra bonus action per turn is fucking busted since you get an extra bonus action attack or a cunning action/jump to close the gaps in combat
Tl;dr respec at level 9 to get Rogue Thief for better bonus action economy, and use your Monk to disable as many enemies as possible so your squad gets advantage on all of their attacks each turn
Also, Elixir of Hill Giant Str become readily available from the Underdark mushroom vendor lady. Even if you don't use them initially, it's good to stock up on them. Can buy a new one every long rest, and you also loot some in your normal adventures. Then Act 3 there are several vendors that sell Elixir Cloud Giant Str.
@@doomrot from what i've been told, the potions and the Fingers to craft them with are level-locked rather than Act-locked so you can hypothetically get Cloud Giant fingers from Derryth in the Underdark if you're level 7 at the time until act 3 i was only using my hill giant potions in boss fights too, and i delayed fighting ethel until i had around 6 since you can get hill giant potions from her as early as you arrive in the grove
Ummm actually The lockadin extra attack doesn’t stack with paladin extra attack in honour mode. Also the ogre headband was a int17 not 16 which I grant you is statistically the same but still.
If you're using camp-casters, a couple camp Druids pair nicely with a camp Cleric since they can spam goodberries to help cover the cost of long rests (or completely pay for long rests once you get enough spell slots). They can also cast Protection from Poison on the party, and can cover Freedom of Movement so that the cleric can focus on spells like Death Ward or upcasted Aid.
Been doing my first honor run. Its been super helpful having 2 hirelings as druid hybrids to pass out buffs and those sweet sweet good berries. You can easily make enough berries to get free long rests whenever you want
about the disarmind attack: any class (or I guess with the exception of mages) can benefit from that maneuver by choosing the martial adept feat. I am personally also a fan of menacing attack (anything to give my enemies disadvantage) and trip/distracting attack (anything to give my allies advantage)
People keep saying Honor mode is hard. I found it as easy as Tactical. And I didn't even used a min-maxed party. Played just to try it out. Only 2 fights made me sit on the edge of the chair. Auntie Ethel in Act 3 and the inside the Netherbrain's portal because of the falling platforms and the random immunities. Other than that, people make it to be harder than it really is.
Honor mode isn't much more difficult than tactician, the challenge is in executing each fight well enough to not get a game over. That's why consistency is key, and having a powerful build gives you more consistency
I think it is substantially difficult when it comes to some bosses - what offsets that is the increased stakes ensure you think things out ahead of time. It haven't got optimised builds, only one is a dual-class with a single level dip. When I fought the avatar of myrkul I was fairly worried as you couldn't run away - so I got all the XP I could find and the best equipment and I steamrolled them.
I noticed the Wizard thing... One level of wizard and 11 levels of Cleric allows one to cast any Cleric spell and any Wizard spell which they have found a scroll of. That's a HUGE spell selection pool.
Emily Lied People Died. Unfortunately, the warlock tip doesn't apply for honor mode. Those pesky dev's patched it out. Luckily, warlock is a pretty easy class, so my beginning ramble talking about eldritch blast works so we'll call it a half tip :)
Are you sure? Or did you forget to bind your Pact Weapon. Because I've done that a lot.
@@spynix0718 No they specifically removed it for honour mode but you can still do it in any other difficulty
@@stokey0611it’s still likely it wasn’t a bug, just that they underrated how broken it would be and that’s why it only got removed from honor mode
Doesn't work on Tactician either just checked.
It's been patched out for a few months now 😅
The vow of enmity thing makes me think of that one non-canon Star Wars comic, where Vader beats Maul in a duel. Maul asks Vader who he hates so much for dark side to give him that much power, and Vader answers “myself.”
Gonna use this for my paladin Durge.
@@MrSignman65 Doing the same now huhu
@@MrSignman65 evil paladin durge has been going so hard.
Being a camp cleric with warding bond sounds terrifying. You never know when you're going to receive the other half of the damage that the party member takes
a demo of nightsong experience of her time as ketheric's prisoner lmao
I have killed shadow heart so many times, either by forgetting to check in or by getting hit and healing too much in one combat. Once she hits 1 hp too, the bond becomes useless as any one hit will break it and you must spend resources, so best used on vital squishies if you're low on resources.
That saved my honor run when i failed the speech check with philomeena and she blew up that powder barrel, i thought that would be it. Luckily my warded char survived thanks to shadowhard tanking the nuke in camp
small tip you can actually use Gale as your camp cleric as he will always heal himself to full if not take damage for a few seconds (only works when he is not in your party because the game is trying to keep him safe, remember that bomb in the chest?) so basically he just never dies, and you don't worry about taking damages at all.
The best camp cleric is one built using heavy armor master and other forms of damage reduction. Because the damage they're taking is equal to what you take, ie, halved, there's a good chance it will be dramatically reduced or even nullified by their passive damage reduction. If you want to go 3-man or have a mod to expand how many people you can control, though, you can make them WAY more durable on their side by having them cast Blade Ward and leaving them in turn-based mode during combat. Time shouldn't pass in camp so the buff will never run out. This would mimic the idea that if they *were* a real character, you can bet your ass the moment they felt the incoming owies they'd be casting the ward for however long it takes to stop (remember in game time combat is resolved in usually less than a minute...)
My reason I failed honor mode, I jumped down the spider's pit into the underdark without casting feather falling first....
i literally just did this today. the tooltip when hovering the pit said "-8hp prone" and i had full hp, so i thought it would be fine :|
Wait what the heck. I literally died the same way as it said -6 hp for me :( didn't know there are other people as stupid as I am :D
I did that once lol
Well the game didn't lie, you did take -6 damage and you were prone
@@azzy9293 Well its not the worst way I lost my honor mode run anymore :(. Last time I got stuck in the ketheric Dialogue with my Origin Charachter.
The Dialogue kept repeating and I saved during it so I had to restart the run. 20 hrs wasted thanks to a bug.
Full Dex on openhand monk with potions of hill giant strength worked a lot better. Having zero initiative can absolutely screw you early game
This... i havent played a monk yet but initiative sets the battle flow from proactive to reactive.
Which is why for instance, my SH light cleric have sentinel shield to boost her 14 dex innate initiative and be mostly the top 3 starters along a haste caster/speed potion if needy to become a moving radiant spirit damager+debuffer fireballer. Radiant retort? Necro spirits fireballer. Ez.
16 dex is enough to be one of the first initiatives.
Early game max dex then drink hill giant potion is good. But later on i rather max str, 16 dex and be able to drink other potion like bloodlust.
I dumped con. 13 con shield of thralls for +10 HP and bracers of defence and a camp wizard to cast mage armour on me. I can have an 18 ac. More HP with aid. And can drink elixir for even more power
You can cheese honor mode so easily with a open hand monk. Easy to set up and comes online at level 4. Topple, stun, stun. Just straight up stun every single boss. Little to no gear needed. Just tavern brawler, 16 dex at start, hill giant potions, then cloud giant potions.
I just wore The Mighty Cloth from act 2 onwards.
For Warlock, remember to bind your Pact Weapon after a long rest. I've forgotten about that before and my Paladin went from my biggest damage dealer to the equivalent of a wet napkin because I dumped strength.
lol I do this all too often. Drives me nuts!
If you can use nexus mods there is autopactbind.
It casts bind weapon each time combat starts automatically
@@sula2315 one has problems if they need such a mod
If your going for Eldritch and Agonizing Blast, using spellsparkler is a must! The lightning charge extra damage triggers Agonizing Blast twice per beam so with the Potent robes you can apply your spellcasting modifier three times with every beam! Then to make it even stronger you can use the Beligerent sky Gloves, Stormy Clamor boots, Storm Scion Hat, Callous Glow and Coruscation Rings to turn it into a debuffing machine while buffing machine (radiant orbs and reverberation) while buffing yourself up with +10 attack rolls from Arcane Acuity!
Start packing elixiers of giant strength just in case
Song of rest is actually even better than you say. Unlike normal short rests, song of rest will refresh itself even if you just take a partial long rest. This means that if you take a ton of damage but your spell slots are intact, you can partial long rest up to half hp, song of rest up to full hp, and then partial long rest again to refresh your song of rest for if you need it in a hostile area!
I love always having a bard hireling just for that if I don’t have one in my party just for song of rest it’s so good
the video is misleading. if you haven't played the game in Tactician or HM. you should never worry about he camp supply. you will have gold problem before you have camp supply problem. you steal to solve both problem.
@@stefenleung even without stealing there’s so much food by act 2 I’m over flowing with food on tact, waukeens rest and the paladins have a ton. Still good to short rest to refresh action surge and things like that
@@stefenleung I have played through HM. By the end I definitely had a massive excess of food, but it still just feels stupid to waste 80 camp supplies or a bunch of potions/spell slots solely to refill your health.
I found an exploit also with Song of Rest. It recharges when you travel between regions. So if I expend it and then fast travel from say Riverton to the Lower City song of rest is recharged. You can basically never run out of it and keep consistently short resting without ever expanding an actual short rest slot. It’s cheesy but it works. I’ve only long rested a single time in act 3 so far
The only issue with dipping 1 in to wizard is that all the spells you learn from scrolls will use int as their modifier.
Yeah but there are still so many valuable wizard spells that don’t scale from int
Aye, learn utility scrolls from the wiz dip, like haste, gas form, shield, counterspell etc etc. That'll free up Sorc (for example) slots to select all damage spells.
You can have 17 INT from the circlet. That is good enough. If your build doesn't require another headgear item and can use the circlet then wizard dip has no real downsides
@@doomrotcounterspell can't be learned from a scroll unfortunately
@@doomrot or do the opposite, only take utility spells from level ups, and learn all your damage and cc spells from scrolls. Just respec to have high int
Ranger: Four Gloomstalkers makes everything die.
I'm not sure exactly how it mechanically works (when it comes to enemy priority) but there could be another benefit to activating reckless attack. The advantage enemies get from reckless attack could make them more willing to hit the barbarian rather than their squishier allies. A philosophy I picked up in tabletop dnd is that an enemy attacking a barbarian with advantage is better than them attacking an ally with a straight roll.
Also, Barbarian/Rogue is a great multiclass. Reckless attack grants you your sneak attack damage if you're wielding a Finesse weapon.
as a barbarian you will also take half damage so there is no reason to not do it
Also, normally you cannot reckless on throw attacks - but if your first attack is a melee reckless attack, all attacks for the rest of the round - including throws - get made with the advantage from reckless
@@nimz8521Now I'm just picturing Sokka charging in screaming "SNEAK ATTACK!" at the top of his lungs.
lol no, I spam reckless attack and foes ALWAYS go for buffers
To add to the camp cleric thing - have gale be your camp cleric. He auto regens health in camp, so you get essentially free warding bond with no downside of camp cleric dying
I wish they'll fix that so you cant have Camp Clerics in Honor Mode. Stuff like that and the infinite gold glitches are just too tempting to use.
@@B1gLupu So because you're weak willed and can't resist temptation you want to ruin it for everyone else? Cool.
@@B1gLupuwell druegar pickpockets exist, so money will never be an issue if you don’t want to use exploits anyway.
Camp Cleric is just a sign that people vastly underestimate how powerful the class is. There is a bunch of gear that synergizes on a light cleric that completely breaks the game. Shadowheart is a companion in every single campaign I play because light reverberation is so busted. Cleric comes online at level 5, then just scales into oblivion as an AOE DPS Debuffing Tank.
@@tysquirt111 Use the withers summomns as camp clerics. Me and my mate have "This vessel is at thy disposal" permanetly emgrained into our brains from setting up warding bond each rest.
15:44 My biggest recommendation is take advantage of hirelings in camp. I keep a land druid, halfling bard/transmutation wizard with expertise in medicine, and a life cleric in camp. They buff my party always make 2 potions and give one more free song of rest. You never have to give them gear and never take them out of camp. They are literally only for party buffs like heroes feast, long strider, protection against poison, aid, knock, plenty of healing, and warded bond. Not to mention the transmutation stones for upcoming fights. Plus they require zero gear. This will save spell slots and your sanity.
Abusing camp is what takes a toll on sanity, it's dull, boring, and is just an exploit. Might as well long rest after every fight cause there is so much food.
Feels like you are just half a step from just turning on cheat engine at that point. What's the point? "I beat the challenge mode, by just doing a bunch of exploits, darn, what a great challenge"
Also fun thing about camp, Gale has extra precautions baked in since his death is a game over. Even in Honor Mode, he can trigger NPC passive healing if... for example.... he decided to cast Warding Bond on one of the active party members and then sit in camp. You know, just an idea.
Damn some comments are salty
@@Iceddddragon do killing thing with explosive barrels are exploits as well xD? What's the point of making an rng-based game even harder for yourself xD?
Warlock-Paladin DOES NOT receive the 3rd attack in honor mode
So there is no reason to reach 5 in both classes for that extra attack.
You would probably want to do an 8/4 split either way or an even 6/6 split as 7/5 provides a lot less benefits than it used to
Actually it does! I played that exact build on my first playthrough
@@JFKwentAFK_ your first playthrough was in Honor mode?
Not honor mode...it was a glitch that was patched in patch 4 or 5
@@socialjihad5724 Like he said, dude, this explicitly WORKS in the OTHER DIFFICULTIES but explicitly DOES NOT WORK in HONOR MODE.
This comment should be pinned, since that part of the warlock section is entirely inapplicable to Honor Mode.
This was actually really informative. I knew some of it but still learned a lot. The whole camp cleric is really smart.
Dex/wisdom monk build is actually stronger than Strength and its not particularly close. Specifically because you can get enough Hill and Cloud Giant elixers to have your Tavern Brawler cake and eat it too. You can get 3 stats up to 20 or above that way (Start wis at 17, ethel's hair to 18, ASI to 20. 2nd ASI moves Dex from 16 to 18, and using the Graceful Clothe kicks it up to 20. Tavern Brawler bring Con from 15 to 16. Elixers have you running at 21 or 27 STR for effectively entire game.) You keep your unarmored movement. You have 20 AC from the Dex and Wis bonuses, or more depending on equipment.
All the cool monks do drugs.
Although technically I think this is still a strength-based monk, just in a less traditional way. That said, absolutely: if you're not planning on spamming long rests with a camp druid's goodberries, make use of those elixirs and get the best of both worlds.
Dex monks also have another way to play that is pretty good. Great Weapon Master on versatile weapons that can count as monk weapons. For as simple example, a good quarterstaff option for this that you get in act 1 with Mourning Frost. 1d8+1 with a 1d4+1 rider when two-handing is pretty good for how early you get it. I also had good success running this type of build using Cacophony and a Thunder based Reverberation set. You can build up the status fast enough to proc nearly every hit, and add other status effects easily enough like radiating orb since the gloves of belligerent skies procs with that damage type too, which also causes the boots of stormy clamour to proc. And if you use the diadem of arcane synergy you throw in damage increase based on your spell casting ability modifier. @@antdueler
@ttestagr Gonna be honest, I didn't know GWM even worked on versatile weapons. That's what I get for assuming yet another ability worked the same as it does in D&D 5e (heavy weapons aren't even a thing in BG3 so not sure what I was thinking lol). I'll have to mess around with this at some point, a Dex based melee build that can keep up with some of the other GWM/Sharpshooter builds sounds like fun. And I'll take any excuse to play monk some more lol
Yeah, if you skip your ASIs you can run a GWM, Sentinel, Polearm master build that works pretty well as a tank. Not as good as a reach weapon that lets you shut down a huge area around you but still decent. Only way to get both ability stats to 20 is start dex 16, wis 17. Graceful Cloth gets dex to 18 and if you play a gnome nimblefinger gloves get it to 20. If halfling or rogue, add Ethel's hair and nimblefinger for 20. Khalid's Gift gets Wis to 18, and mirror to 20. I prefer going with this type of weapon setup for my 4 element builds@@antdueler
@ttestagr no joke, I just was trying to piece together a four elements build since it seemed a lot better compared to 5e due to the way Fangs of the Fire Snake interacts with other damage effects like Hex. I held off for now since I wanted another long-range character and hadn't tried out the Sharpshooter Bard build yet, but I'll probably circle back around when I hit Act 3.
Love how many ways there are to play monk in this game, it's a nice change of pace from 5e where I needed to build-craft out of my mind just to bring them up to par.
Sure wizard dips are good, but you have to focus on spells that don't require a save or attack roll unless you want to boost INT to 20+. The headband from Act 1 has an opportunity cost with other great headgear later in the game and even if you keep using it, a +3 INT modifier just isn't going to cut it late game.
Everyone is way too focused on damage. There's a lot of reasons to play Wizard passed level 1. Doesn't really feel like a wizard tip if the tip is to "play some other class but dip 1 level into wizard." Wizards are about versatility and battlefield control. The absolute nonsense you can get up to as a main class Wizard with or without dips in other classes easily puts the class on par with the other casters. My first run was Necromancy wizard. Having a huge number of undead minions all with my proficiency bonus to damage wailing on a group of enemies inside my Cloudkill while the rest of my party just watched (why waste resources?) was pretty incredible. Yeah, it's more work to manage so many minions, but that's just one way of playing the class (and a way of playing it that I enjoyed).
By the time you're taking that wizard dip to get extra spells, your save spell DC is +10 from gear. 100% hit rate for anything without legendary resistance and 60-70% hit rate for anything that does, unless it's still 100%. The wizard spells will simply have a 65%ish hit rate, unless they have legendary resistance in which the spell fails.
You servely underestimate the power of half damage spells. They still deal MASSIVE aoe damage all around.
Rogue Assassins flare out quick but *Thieves* can attack off hand twice which helps considerably with damage. Add some Fighter and Dual Wield Hand Crossbows with a few damage rider items like the Caustic Ring or Bracers of Archery, Astarion will have no trouble dishing it out and that combo of bonus actions means you can always GTFO if needed with Disenage/Dash/Hide.
I respec Astarion from thief to assassin mainly for 2 reasons tossing what most posts say about thief vs assassin for 2 reasons:
1) My testing on my gamestyle of sneaking when possible+ambushing suited for assassin and I enjoy it even if its situational but gets the job done. And I rather have him situational due his persona on dialogues that can erode the relationship level if not displaying some evil or gray zone. So pro theif posts can suck it on me.
2) Assassin can clean a room by himself with sharpshooter feat or be the top opener as long you buff him on checks to surpass stealth check to trigger surprised round to allow other companions to sneak on non red areas to land their strike and get their turn settled mid surprise round potentially wiping the area before enemy is able to do smt.
Theif didnt suited for me because hes more of a mid term combat. Not planned for my Astarion, maybe for a Rogue tav yes. On bg3 offense is best defense and if you can clean house on an ambush to set surprise and join others... its always welcomed and enjoyable.
@@danlt1497The best rogue build I’ve found is dual wielding crossbows with the sharpshooter feat and risky ring. They seem to hit much more consistently, always have sneak attack, and get two more 17-22 shots with the offhand.
Gloomstalker Ranger works better that fighter. You get the extra first round attack By 8th Level your getting 5 attacks in the first round with hand crossbows.
@@DwayneDavis-h5k Two words: Action Surge.
Also you get that Dual Fighting Style right way so you are online from the start. And by the time you are getting Extra Attack you can say be an EK with Shield or a dread Battlemaster archer. Hell even Champion works alright because BG3 has enough items to support a Crit Fisher.
@@blacksage2375 That's why you go with 4 levels of Rogue - Thief(I prefer one more bonus action as well) - 6 levels of Ranger, Gloomstalker ofc for that tasty free attack in first round, also - extra attack, archery and two weapon fighting - 2 levels of Warrior for Action Surge is the best.
It is without a doubt a class that can deal the most damage, usually in my comp, unless you run Honour mode, where your Elixir of Bloodlust can't stack with extra attacks, and you only get 1 additional attack no matter what.
I like using the Raven for the beast master ranger, causing blinded and giving all your party members advantage on attacks against that creature is pretty nuts
Blind is also really great for fucking with enemy behavior. Like if you can blind Auntie Ethel in the first round in the Teahouse she won't take off because she can't see the stairs down to her lair.
I use the raven too BUT damn, I wish that "smoke cloud when landing a flight" would be toggleable
I use Raven a ton as it's just an unmatched scout. As someone who only started playing recently, it has helped me avoid a ton of surprise encounters.
@@vicalonso6597 Absolutely this. The amount of times he flies in to debuff then completely blocks my shooting through that area is... too often.
@@gameplayerone3917 imp is better, and it gets pretty good damage throughout the game.
Another thing you can do for a Camp Cleric is to multiclass them into abjuration wizard for the Arcane Ward pssive. Its synergy with warding bond is absolutely broken. The flat damage reduction makes him/her an eternal pain battery because the charges don’t go down when your entire party leaves the camp. Combine this with Heavy Armor Master + Any Flat dmg reduction armor AND The Skinburster, and you have yourself an unkillable tank by the 7th stack of Force Conduit.
Or just make Gale your camp Cleric because he has special protections surrounding his offscreen death.
No damage resistance necessary, he'll sponge the damage off all four main party members and ask for more
how do you get force conduit with camp gale?
I hate the camp cleric thing so much, just because of the terrible way that party management works in the game. You have to do this incredibly tedious little dance swapping characters around one by one every single time you take a long rest for this to work, and I'd honestly rather just go without the buffs than spend ten minutes fighting with my party members about whether or not I want them in my party at that exact second.
It is "abusing" the game mechanics. There is no way you could do that if there was a DM. I think it should be patched out.
I'm with both of you on this. I'd rather just not do it and have fun. Especially because with the right build, gear, and tactics, the game is not that hard to have to cheese. I also think it should be patched out.
It's a single player game, you can just NOT use this if you don't want to but no, you want to take this away from players that want to do it because... you don't like that other people you don't know can do it?
@@CerberusMalt Are you arguing because you think it's fun or because game designers shouldn't be expected to design their games to be fun? Your argument supports the second argument, but not the first.
I dunno
I kinda enjoy milking Shadowheart and La'zel for goodberries every morning.
Paladin tip = A bug/exploit
Warlock tip = Doesn't work in honor mode and is specifically mentioned in the patch notes.
Monk tip = Just use the strength potions and don't dump Dex as it allows you to attack first in battle allowing you to kill enemies before they attack.
HMmm for the monk there are gloves in mountain pass you can get very early on that cap you dex at 18, you can probably use that and dump str, and in act 3 if you kill raphael you can get the 23 str gloves and respec to dex, just random brain storming i dont play monk xd
@@icata12345 There are way better gloves available for monks than using that slot for stat boosting. There are a bunch of gloves that add damage to unarmed strikes(typically 1d4, which is an average of +2.5 damage or a 4 to 6 point bump in your damage attribute). And there are many other gloves with special effects, so the potion option is simply superior.
@@icata12345 yea ill take 27 str and force dmg gloves over using pretty mid 23 str gloves
Wizard tip= not tip for wizards but for every other class, and a poor one at that
the rogue's sneak attacks also work against any threatened enemy, which can be done by just putting a melee fighter near them so you don't need to hide all the time. also if you're rogue/gloomstalker do your rogue sneak attacks first and then leave the gloomstalker specific one till last otherwise ordinary sneak attack doesn't work for that turn
Lets be honest, camp resources are only a problem early on lol. You get so many camp supplies it doesnt matter that the cost is 80
Its not even a problem when u can literally pickpocket too...since foods are generally almost a guaranteed steal as astorian
U could easily stack up 500+ resources in just the early stage
Yeah. I learned the "partial rest of you want to trigger cutscenes" too early on lol
tbh in act 3 and act 1 yeah it doesn't matter, but from my experience in act 2 you can run short on supplies sometimes. The lowest i got in tactician mode (i didn't try honor mode yet) is something like 150 supplies in act 2
I mean the Wizard one is more just a multi classing tip for other classes. My advice for mainly Wizard build is dip a level into Sorcerer with the Dragon bloodline so you gain the affects of Mage armor without taking either a spell or prep slot, also select things that just happen like shield, magic missile & sleep for your Sorcerer spells so they're not affected by lower charisma & to free up more of your Wizard prep slots for higher level spells.
Also if you make your Sorcerer your first level and then go wizard after, you'll get Proficiency in Constitution saving throws, which affects your concentration checks.
As much as I love Sorcerer, and I highly suggest anyone to play a pure Sorcerer at least once because of just how insanely fun and game-breakingly powerful they can be if you let yourself be wasteful with the resources from time to time, I have to disagree.
1. You only get 2 sorcerer spells at lvl 1, not 3, so you can't even get that short selection of spells you mentioned.
2. Sure, you get mage armour for free (and 1 more HP than pure wizard) but you lose a whole FEAT, and 1, or maybe even 2 spell book slots if that last Feat could've been used to fill intelligence to 20 (because your slots are wizard level+intelligence) - so realistically you only get 1-2 spells more than if you just went wizard, and you lose a feat, that even if it's not bonus intelligence, because you already have it at 20 from previous feats and possibly Auntie Ethel's boon, but it can be:
Dual wielder- for even more Spell Save DC and OP bonuses, like wielding Markoheshkir AND Rhapsody at the same time, for a total of +4 to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls, +3 to damage of all spells, and 4 free chain lightnings.
Or Alert, so that you always go first (assuming also 16 dex, that's at least 9 on the initiative roll, there are like 6 enemies in the game that can outmatch that)
Or some type of "Elemental Adept", especially useful being the fire one, as fire spells are most often resisted, and also tend to be most useful within their 'class'... or you could get mage armour for free.
3. Regardless of when you decide to multiclass, you'll get your wizard spells later than normally: Hold person and scorching rays at lvl 4 instead of 3. Fireball and Hypnotic Pattern at lvl 6 instead of 5.Edward's Black Tentacles and Confusion at lvl 8 instead of 7. Cone of Cold and hold monster at lvl 10 instead of 9.
For most of the game, you can't just count on getting all the spell scrolls you want, to inscribe the most useful/powerful spells immediately when you get those spell slots, it's only really in act 3 with Sorcerous Sundries that you just get to learn ALL spells.
Sure, you might get lucky and find a Fireball scroll somewhere in wilderness or underdark, but will you?
@@Mhill08 True, But I just really like necromancy & wanted to get that running asap.
@@IndependentObserver I mean the spells I gave were examples of spells that just happen. It would be up to the player to decided what they always want on hand.
As for the rest it's a lot of min maxing that even I don't super care for, as long as I have spells I vibe with I'm happy.
As for feats you could 8/4 split, or like I'm thinking of doing, sacrifice that feat for multiclass dips that add a bunch of fun features to your character. Like 1 in sorcerer dragon blood line, 1 in warlock for the patron effect & spells like hex, & 2 bard for jack of all trades & song of rest, great things to have on hand for any lead character your playing as. Or any other combo you can think of. 2 levels in Rouge is great for any martial class, being able to dash with a bonus action.
@@SodPassionGaming 1. We're talking about honour mode, yes, it's a lot of min-maxing. That's The Point.
2. 8/4 split makes a bit more sense, imo, wisdom saving throws you get as wizard are more important than con saves- just stand behind and don't get hit kappa, and you get the metamagic and the 3rd feat... But you don't get many sorcery points, so then you have to sacrifice some spell slots if you want to actually use it more than once, AND, it sacrifices 10th level wizard bonus- depending on which school you chose that can be very influential, sometimes literally build-making.
3. Hex just straight up sucks, it's not very good past lvl 5 even on a warlock. It's 1d6 damage, against a single enemy, that only gets triggered when you do an ATTACK ROLL- ie. magic missile and cloud of daggers don't trigger it as they don't use either mechanic, and fireball, cone of cold, cloudkill, ice storm, disintegration, and basically *any other lvl 3+ spell you can think of* all work on Spell Save DC, meaning that it won't help you at all for overwhelming majority of cases. AND it occupies your single concentration slot- if you want to actually keep the hex up, you have to *not use any of the obscenely powerful, encounter-shutting, control spells like hypnotic pattern, hold person/monster, or confusion*
4. Or you could just get a hireling that can use it instead, OR, better yet, have a different party member be a sword-bard, and do the 'social interactions' with them, I suggest Astarion, it fits him the best.
On my current playthrough as a Monk, I just have Warlock-Wyll always go first, he gets infinite temporary hitpoints from his subclass and eldritch incantation anyway so he can take it, and in most cases the game just checks who's the closest to the NPC that starts the dialogue, and if you're the one initiating then you can just chose which person to speak as.
I learned more in 20 minutes than I did in 300 hours of playing the game 😂
18:00 nice, thanks to this part I cant send this video to my friend that just started the game, thanks
My personal suggestion for moon Druids:
Take 16 con or 14 con at the beginning of the game, grab tavern brawler (con), then war caster, then resilient constitution
This will allow you to use your action to drop a huge concentration spell, and then bonus action wild shape and start wrecking house next turn and keep your spell up
I just assumed u cant concentrate on anything if u shape. Lol glad to know.
War caster can be skipped. Resilient and brawler are enough, usually as a druid you launch a concentrarion spell 1st then you morph for the double wild strike next turn if not hasted. You either commit to strike as beast or no beast.
@@danlt1497 war caster is superior to resilient in every way. Advantage usually provides a bonus to your roll of about 3-4, where proficiency for most of the game will provide a +3 bonus. I also suggest taking both as they stack.
Stupid question but you never know, do they still stack if you take War Caster last? I have Tavern Brawler and Resilient on Halsin rn bc I prioritised them
@@thenim8999 War caster and resilient con will always stack, since resilient gives you proficiency with constitution saving throws, and war caster gives you advantage on concentration saving throws.
Dude, your intro alone shows your class and performance cabalities. You have the recipe to stand out above other content creators. Please keep going.
Added tip for Druid: You can have a "Camp Druid" to go along with your "Camp Cleric" if you spec a Druid into Circle of Land. Druids get access to Longstrider for move speed buff, Protection from Poison for poison resist, Darkvision to help with your non-darkvision races like Human/Dragonborn/Githyanki, Freedom of Movement for immunity to a ton of conditions, and Heroes' Feast for added Max HP and protections at end game. Land Druid's also get the Natural Recovery feature that recovers expended spell slots similarly to wizard's Arcane Recovery feature, which means more buff spells available than Clerics. But my favorite trick is Goodberry. Cast all other necessary buff spells first, and using all the leftover spell slots and as many spell slots as you can recover, dump everything else into Goodberry. You can make so many "free potions" for healing up party members between combats, and any leftover berries at the end of an adventuring day can just be spent towards camp supplies since they disappear after a long rest anyway! It really maxes efficiency in a lot of areas, and overlaps/compliments a camp cleric very well.
Yea, I've been doing that myself. Druids are the ultimate utility support, so having one at camp is a real benefit. For your 3rd camp companion, I highly recommend a bard/transmutation wizard. 2 lvls wizard 3 lvls bard you can make double potions every time you brew. You also can get that bardic inspiration if you know there is a difficult check ahead. plus all the buffs available from scrolls, because wizard.
I have no idea why you only have 2k subs.
This was gold.
Well done!
Even if I knew a lot of things, this is the only video actually giving 100% efficient pro tipps
Except their Warlock one doesn't work in Honour mode
It is not usual to see a "pro tip" video, where you really get a good tips that are not obvious for anyone who played more than a hour or two into the game. Good job, really good tips!!
I love bards and appreciate your tip, but to me the most OP bard is swords bard that uses ranged mobile flourish. If you use hand crossbows and dip thief you have 4 attacks in the first round and if you flourish all of them they become 8. Great nova class. Speaking of which , You talk about wizard dips but not other strong dips like thief. Perhaps a follow-up video. My first run was as Astarion, but after level 4(as thief) I multiclassed as a gloomstalker. If I recall correctly, I went dual hand crossbow build. With sharpshooter his round 1 burst was pretty nice. My second run I did an open hand monk also dipped into thief for two bonus actions. Multiple flurry of blows in round one, with tavern brawler and the right equipment, is punishing.
yes that is my favorite bard build too! In fact, that's the build I played to beat taction my first time (I've done it twice so far), but it felt more like a "build" than a tip.
Kinda sucks that the Wizard tip wasn't actually for Wizards at all, I was really hoping to find a cool tip to make my Wizarding better but all I was told was how to make other spellcasters that I'm not playing better :
Do Fighter 1 as your first class.
Then Wizard.
You now have good armor, proficiency in Constitution saves, a shield, and can have two hand crossbows for the bonus action crossbow shot.
You could also do a Cleric. You won't get the weapons or crossbow, but you'll pick up Guidance and some minor utility spells, along with medium or heavy armor.
Also, collect goblin corpses for reanimate dead. Goblins weigh a good bit less than most raisable corpses, and the skeleton has really solid minimum damage so is pretty good for picking off wounded enemies.
Got all the way to the elderbrain on my first honor mode run, just to lose at the end. Then proceeded to start a second honor mode run and wipe my whole party with the boulder trap in act 1. My friends were both upset and laughing that I caused them to die.
Finding things I still don't know about BG3 a year later is fantastic. 👍 Great video.
Learned a lot from this. As a monk main, I'd like to mention that it's probably best to start with an 8 in strength 15 in con, and at least 16 in agility and a 17 in wisdom. You can't take advantage of tavern brawler until level four so in the meantime stock up on elixirs of Hill giant strength from auntie Ethel and Derryth Bonecloak. Once you hit level 4, you can even out your con modifier with tavern brawler AND drink a strength elixer every day. Be sure to get a wisdom hags hair so you can max wisdom (since you can keep your strength super high from buying strength elixers all game-- in act three you can find elixers of cloud giant strength which gives 27!)
Every long rest I go through the city looking for cloud gaint strength and cry when non of stores have it.
@@phlyphlo lmao
@@phlyphlotime to spam partial rests until derryth’s got it lmao
@@phlyphlo I think the wiki listed five vendors there who can have it. Check the alchemy store near the bridge and the tiefling kids by the barn. Besides Derryth (who needs the noble stock from act 1), I'm not sure who the other two are from memory.
@@phlyphlo just respec somebody, all the merchants restock on level up
Absolutesuspect ? More like AbsoluteRespect. Holy shit I wasn't ready for this video
I've only recently realized the phenomenal strength of a bard, and i regret nothing
Indeed, swords bard is probably the strongest character in the game for a main character!
I’ve played over 300 hours of BG3 and I could NEVER make a video this detailed. Thank you 🙏🏽
I like how your best tip for cleric is 'keep them in camp' lel
Don't get me wrong: clerics are super powerful already! It just so happens their "secret" tip is their incredible power when staying behind and continuously buffing the party
Been looking forward to doing a Druid run soon so hearing all those ways to increase Wildshape stats was super surprisingly helpful!
I'd obviously already dabbled in Druids from my previous runs thanks to Halsin and Jaheira, so I knew about Tavern Brawler but didn't know at all about these stat increase strats.
A Tav Druid focused on Wildshape with a +3 to Str just from Hair and Potion alone sounds amazing (let alone Resilience and Heavy Armour)!
Dino form has a Str of 19, so that +3 gets it to 22 which turns into 12 damage instead of 6 with tavern brawler and that sounds like a lot of fun.
My argument with reckless attack is while yes you don’t need it if you hit, rolling always with advantage makes critical hits more likely, which in turn lets you take advantage of the brutal critical feature.
Yeah I do mention there are times where it is both a good and bad decision. Sometimes you want your barbarian to get attacked, and improving crit chance can be very powerful!
On the flip side, getting attacked by 10 Bhaal cultists in Act 3 with a dagger than gives you vulnerability to piercing damage in that one turn while they all have advantage from your reckless can be quite scary!
This is probably the most solid bg 3 tip video Ive come across
one exception to the reckless attack i found: if u r playing a throwing barbarian, and have multiple attacks, u can trigger the reckless attack with a melee attack first and then it will be also applied to your throws ;)
These were truly amazing tips! I recently started honor mode and am halfway through act 2, so with these tips in hand I'm even more confident in my success!
fyi once you get ki-empowered strikes at lv6 and the boots of uninhibited kushigo, wisdom is the best monk stat to invest into (since you'll want to use str elixirs anyways), in Act 3 you'll want to wear Vest of Soul Rejuvenation (not armour), which is your BiS, and with 18 DEX+18 WIS (which you can get through feats) will give you 20 armor class, the OP kushigo counter ability, and all benefits of unarmored movement (6m extra movement is nothing to ignore).
this + giant str potion + tavern brawler = the best dps in the game
You can also use jaheira's +1 wisdom amulet to bring your wisdom to 20 if you start with 17 from character creation
A less cheesy rouge tip: the thief subclass is the best class for sustain, the extra bonus action really frees up your action economy. Early game it’s an easy hide, but late game it’s extra damage with effect proc, playing nicely when paired with crit daggers or dual crossbow+sharpshooter.
I'm going to disagree a bit on Reckless Attack. The increased crit chance might not seem like much, but given the number of attacks barbarians end up making in a round, it adds up, especially if you use crit range gear. Also unless you're a throwzerker, you usually want GWM, and probably need the advantage anyway.
But more importantly is that the AI takes hit chance into account when targeting. Giving them advantage against your raging barbarian is good. They'll aim for your barb who has resistance from rage, rather than your squishy caster with a concentration spell.
Unless the tooltip is lying, it also gives advantage on your attacks of opportunity.
I know this is forever ago. But this was the main thing in the video that bugged me. Coming from the tabletop crit fishing was the name of the game with barbarians. They have a mountain of hp to work with.
Hahah I've always been using vow of emnity on myself and when you mentioned using it on other enemies, I thought I've just been using it wrong the whole time :D
Great video. I just finished a playthrough with a light cleric with the radiant orb set. Except for Viconia, Balthazar, and Rafael, I pretty much steam rolled tactician. Radiant retort is there because Larian knows this set would make the game too easy.
DW Staff Sorc, which I learned about originally from Nizar GG's channel, is how I beat my first playthrough, and is INSANE, especially in act 3, where it allows you to cast so many 6th level spells in an encounter.
I think the biggest tip for barbarian isn't "use reckless attack reactionary" its "DONT use reckless attack reactionary, sometimes..." Because even if you already have advantage on an attack itll ask if you want to reroll, even though it wont actually reroll the attack
Hi man! Great video so far, im atm paused at 05:39, just wanted to tell ya when calculating ~dmg/hit you do:
Dice divided by 2 +0.5 +Modifiers.
You account for dice not being able to roll a zero by adding the 0.5dmg, ex. 1d8=4.5dmg/hit. And you don’t round up dice that divide to odd nmbrs. So 1d10=~5.5dmg/hit, 2d6=7.
(I myself had about 5 or 6h if not more of numbers that were in need of a knocking down when learned of it.)
0.5 not a big nmbr, but if you have 4d6 the diffrence is 2dmg. And a single d4 is ~2.5dmg(, 3 with GWF -in bg3 at least;) ).
Anyways im gonna go back to watching the video have a good one🤙🏼
1) If you don't mind using cheez to acquire a Deva Mace, a Pact of the Blade Warlock can bind it, and now you have a bludgeoning weapon that uses your Cha mod for attack/damage, and inflicts 4d8 radiant damage on hit. It's like having unlimited 3rd level spell slot smites
2) It is suboptimal, but I love using Minsc as a Monk using armor (one of the medium ones that add full Dex modifier) and a shield (Adamantine or Swires' Sledboard) so he can literally do butt kicking for goodness as Captain Rashemaar
About monk - I think that using armour is actually optimal. A heavy armour. Very high AC, damage resistance, crit immunity - your monk will become a tank and retain all damage dealer potential.
the idea of a camp cleric is extremely smart for honor mode, need too make one right away. Currently level 8 and about to storm moonrise on my first honor mode run, wish me luck
did you win?
i did! @@granityseis104
FINALLY a man of culture using duel staves! That was my class fantasy for Gale from the very beginning! Except I prefer the Necro staff in act 3. Id say the free rank 6 spell on kill is more impactful than extra arcane battery because it’s always up, even when when you enter combat half the time, and works with upranked spells and lasting aoe like cloudkill
"finally"? There are dozens of videos and shorts where Dual staff (or sometimes Staff + Rhapsody) is recommended for an Eldrich Blaster Sorlock. It's one of the most powerful builds i the entire game!
@@EujenSandu must have missed it with all the recycled smite and tempest builds flooding RUclips 🤷
I do want to point out that dual staves are suboptimal until Act 2 at the very earliest, _unless you lack proficiency in shields_ (and maybe not even then).
Dual wielding those two staves in Act 1 gives:
• +1 AC (from the feat)
• +1 Spell Save DC
• +1 Spell Attack
• Lightning Charges
But you have to sacrifice a shield (+2 AC, plus whatever else an enchanted shield might provide).
And you have to spend a feat which doesn't increase your casting stat. But if you pick a feat which _does_ increase your casting stat to the next even number, you get:
• +1 Spell Save DC
• +1 Spell Attack
• +1 Ability Checks in that stat
• +1 Saving Throws in that stat
• Plus, if you only needed one more stat point to get your casting stat up to the next even number, you can _also_ increase another stat (potentially buffing your AC, initiative, concentration, etc. further) or the benefits of a feat which gives you that one point along with some other benefit, like Actor, granting +1 CHA and Expertise in Deception and Performance.
You always have to consider the opportunity cost.
Dual-Wielder is a trap unless the +1 AC and the effects of the off-hand weapon are better than the shield you'd have in that hand instead and the Feat you would have taken instead.
For those reasons, dual-wielding staves should normally be treated as a respec build in Act 3.
Unless you just like the flavor, that is.
@@tantalus_complex it’s 100% cause it looks cool and feels like something Gale would do with his affliction and need for collecting artifacts, I see him as someone who would be carrying multiple staves and trinkets around to eat if needed, picking up any new one he finds, etc. I don’t think bg3 gets hard enough to really need an optimal build for everyone anyway. Even my honour mode playthrough I could mostly solo fights on monk character and just used him to nuke stuff that’s already grouped up
Just finished my honour role play through 5mins ago, and this is the first vid I see. Love it.
The reason I'm failing on honour mode is because I insist on playing a solo run. I am playing an antisocial witch who killed Astarion for attacking her, let Gale die because she want to take a risk on some random guy stuck in a portal, pushed Lae'zel off the Nautiloid because she doesn't trust this random green lady that offered to help her, left Shadowheart to die twice then ignored her at the grove and then killled her for the artifact that protects us from mind control, Wyll died on his own trying to defend the grove from goblins, and i have no idea what I'm going to do about Karlach. I don't want to kill her, but I don't know how the game will react when I leave act 1 without having met her.
My first playthrough that finished till the end...i never met karlach lol..dunno how tf did i miss her...my guess is, if u did not meet her she just ended up dead in some random gutter..
Ty for previous helps with the camp cleric tricks and these now other tricks have helped my honor run so much. In my single run and friend's run we've been using the camp clerics so much. The damage lessens so much. It's crazy. Also ty for helping me like my honor run again because I was pretty burn out of it till these tips and from other videos ^w^
Rogue doesn’t have to sneak in order to sneak attack, just advantage. I.E. a party member in threat range. You can sneak attack with your left hand bonus action with thief and still have the regular action and another bonus action. Y’all sleeping on rogues
Best baldurs gate 3 video so far. I just finished my first honor run purely due to this video. Gj man
the rogue damage fall off was shocking to me cause my assassin bow astarion carried 2 playthrus for me lmaooo
I did overly simplify the math! Basically what it comes down to, is using those burst features. If you have a party that has great burst damage and finished combats in 1 or 2 rounds, the assassin can be GREAT! The fighter pulls ahead eventually with extra attack, great weapon master, and very powerful late game magic swords found in Act 3 for longer combats.
@absolutesuspect oh I believe you! I was just surprised but tbf I usually pump astarion w illithid upgrades and Unga bunga my way thru the game lmao
I love your editing style, makes me wanna make more videos too. Great script too
The Wizard dip tip needs a slight bit more info, as whatever spells are learned from scrolls will ALWAYS use INT as their casting stat.
So, for learning things like Haste and Shield, it's fantastic, but if you're planning on launching damaging spells you'll want to be aware as to why the damage and/or success of these spells may be lacking.
End game you get +10 to the spell DC so I don't really see an issue with the tip. It just means you only get +4 over a natural INT 20 wizard rather than +10. Creatures with legendary resistance will have about a 65% chance to save while every other creature will have a 35% chance to save. Granted I get it yeah, your sorcerer/bard spells will have a 100% hit rate and a 60-70% hit rate if they have legendary resistance, but you're probably not going to hit that giant red lizard with wizards "hold monster" rather than bards "hold monster".
Dude thank you so much for the info about the paladin vow I never thought to use it on myself and I’ve been so frustrated with my character missing 😂
Was really surprised to see the first tip just be exploiting a bug.
I just think its kinda hilarious how my Tempest Cleric Shadowheart can barely fit all of her spells on the toolbar yet Karlach is out here with a primal rage and a tiger sweep.
1:20 yo, i just realized i was playing the wrong class after finishing the run. I was playing a dragonic wizard (evocation) instead of sorcerer. i almost played the popular subclass too lol
Great tips! Duly noted. I'm a newb but really like the idea of 1Wiz/other caster builds.
so as a paladin you should hate yourself at the start of fights.. interestingly accurate..
The absolute best tip that is applied to every class... Play however you want
on barbarian reckless attack, doing as you suggest reduces the chances to land a critical hit, which combined with the feat that let you make a bonus attack on a crit or a kill is very very good. I find it more woth it to activate the reckless attack immediately and enjoy my extra crit chance
you will not enjoy it until act3 items and champion bonus, instead its your enemies will enjoy critting you because there are lots of them and just one you, BUT with reckless attack you reduces chances of critical miss and that is far more important
Was actually really informative. Cheers!
if you want to make the wizard thing really broken, you dont need to keep the level in wizard :) if you respecc, you keep the spells ;)
Oh that’s dirty
Can you confirm this? It doesn't make sense to be able to use scribed spells without a spellbook
@@deadmanshafter im doing it all the time to give druids haste lol just save and try it yourself :D
I found a build online that combined Warlock with some Fighter (and Champion specifically). Using that made Wyll suddenly much more useful since he now has more going for him than just warlock spell slots.
To be fair. If someone played a class like Ranger they'd think that Vow of Emnity was like True Strike or Hunter's Mark.
The best tips guide I ever seen so far. Keep it up!
12:14 Do people ever actually run out of camp supplies? I ended them game with 4000+ supplies, and I was n o t sparing on the long rests lol
Having Shadowheart stay at camp with warding bond applied is devious though. She's already got the hand pain, and now you're adding another inexplicable pain on top of it (and it's incredibly fitting too for spoiler reasons)
Dex/wis monks work just fine. There are enough str pots for you to have one for every major fight. And the extra AC and saving throws really matters
yeah they can be really powerful. strength monks are just so OP, but its not the only way to build a monk.
You can also put the club of hill giant strenght in you offhand and dump strenght to 8. That way you get 19 strenght without using potions and can increase your other stats
Monk tip: At this place 5:14 (Top of Arcane Tower in the Underdark) there's a stool next to the Animated Armour under the roof in the video that you can break after sitting on it to get a one handed club that boosts your STR to 19. You can equip it in your monk's offhand to have that STR passive buff and still be able to do unarmed attacks, you can do that by doing these steps in order:
1. Unequip all weapons on a random party member other than the monk
2. Equip any one handed weapon to the monk's main hand and the club in the offhand
3. Drag the monk's main hand weapon to the unarmed party member main hand slot
It really helps in case you dont have a ton of STR elixirs and being able to respec some points to other abilities/attributes
Fun tip, battlemaster disarming attack is great for neutering those early game paladin fights, such as minthara, the tyr paladin, and also absolutely cripples ketheric, as they cant smite without a weapon. At lvl 5 with action surge, they can make 4 attempts in a round to disarm.
This is great because those paladin fights can easily decimate you in honor if you arent careful
the tyr Padin actually made me shard myself, he surprised me with thkse big hits. My character was warding bonded too, double pain lol.
As of Patch 6, Chain Lightning can no longer be Twin Spelled. I think they also fixed the Paladin-Warlock 3 attacks thing, but only in Honour Mode. You still get your 3 attacks outside of that.
i just finished honor mode a few days ago, apparently most bosses are not immune to force damage which the game has a lot of barrels for the taking
If you want to help that camp cleric out, dip them into mage and give them the headpiece when you don't need it anymore for more slots and they can cast mage armor and also longstrider as needed each day.
only downside to a camp cleric is you cant use them for the final fight :(
The barbarian tip burns your reaction, which is refreshed at the start of your turn, stopping you from making attacks of opportunity that turn.
Two pieces of Monk advice that completely trivialized Honor Mode for me (aside from dumping STR and using giant potions daily):
1) take 3 levels in Rogue once you hit level 9 (respec to 6 monk 3 rogue) and get Thief because your action economy is gonna go CRAZY with all the extra open-hand strikes you get, as well as the ever-useful cunning action: dash to close the gaps. You do have to wait until level 12 to get the ability that heals you and restores Ki Points for a few turns, but using the Talking Amulet for Ki Point restoration until Act 3 will suffice (plus having shatter is nice in a pinch)
2) use your monk to disable as many enemies as possible per turn if they’re not yet strong enough to solo a boss (or if you’ve got another character who is the powerhouse). Abuse the hell out of your stunning strikes and flurry of blows: topple to give all the party advantage as often as possible, and you can even use your monk to burn opportunity attacks since they’re very dodgy, as well as using them to burn off Legendary Resistances by spamming Stunning Strike on those kinds of bosses. Once again, that 3 level respec rogue dip at level 9 will benefit you so much, because an extra bonus action per turn is fucking busted since you get an extra bonus action attack or a cunning action/jump to close the gaps in combat
Tl;dr respec at level 9 to get Rogue Thief for better bonus action economy, and use your Monk to disable as many enemies as possible so your squad gets advantage on all of their attacks each turn
Also, Elixir of Hill Giant Str become readily available from the Underdark mushroom vendor lady. Even if you don't use them initially, it's good to stock up on them. Can buy a new one every long rest, and you also loot some in your normal adventures. Then Act 3 there are several vendors that sell Elixir Cloud Giant Str.
@@doomrot from what i've been told, the potions and the Fingers to craft them with are level-locked rather than Act-locked so you can hypothetically get Cloud Giant fingers from Derryth in the Underdark if you're level 7 at the time
until act 3 i was only using my hill giant potions in boss fights too, and i delayed fighting ethel until i had around 6 since you can get hill giant potions from her as early as you arrive in the grove
@@kevwox Oh interesting, I guess the level lock makes sense. And I forgot about Auntie Ethel, good call!
@@doomrot you can also buy a new one every level up
Hate yourself, and you get a buff against everyone. What a useful life lesson
Ummm actually
The lockadin extra attack doesn’t stack with paladin extra attack in honour mode.
Also the ogre headband was a int17 not 16 which I grant you is statistically the same but still.
If you're using camp-casters, a couple camp Druids pair nicely with a camp Cleric since they can spam goodberries to help cover the cost of long rests (or completely pay for long rests once you get enough spell slots). They can also cast Protection from Poison on the party, and can cover Freedom of Movement so that the cleric can focus on spells like Death Ward or upcasted Aid.
2:11 still missed lol
Been doing my first honor run. Its been super helpful having 2 hirelings as druid hybrids to pass out buffs and those sweet sweet good berries. You can easily make enough berries to get free long rests whenever you want
I feel like the hardest part of honour mode is act I, before lvl 5
about the disarmind attack: any class (or I guess with the exception of mages) can benefit from that maneuver by choosing the martial adept feat. I am personally also a fan of menacing attack (anything to give my enemies disadvantage) and trip/distracting attack (anything to give my allies advantage)
You just dump strength and use a elixir of giants for monk and you stack dex / wis and then con....... initiative is king, elixir does the rest.
Aid is supremely overpowerd considering you can cast it at any level and get up to like 20 bonus hp until long rest
People keep saying Honor mode is hard. I found it as easy as Tactical. And I didn't even used a min-maxed party. Played just to try it out. Only 2 fights made me sit on the edge of the chair. Auntie Ethel in Act 3 and the inside the Netherbrain's portal because of the falling platforms and the random immunities. Other than that, people make it to be harder than it really is.
To my understanding, honor mode is tactician with the bosses getting legendary actions.
Honor mode isn't much more difficult than tactician, the challenge is in executing each fight well enough to not get a game over. That's why consistency is key, and having a powerful build gives you more consistency
I think it is substantially difficult when it comes to some bosses - what offsets that is the increased stakes ensure you think things out ahead of time.
It haven't got optimised builds, only one is a dual-class with a single level dip. When I fought the avatar of myrkul I was fairly worried as you couldn't run away - so I got all the XP I could find and the best equipment and I steamrolled them.
Feels like ppl who say this forget how many times they hit load save before trying honor mode.
@@Kylesico912x yeah, but most bosses' legendary actions are not that game changing. But I can see why some people get surprised by that.
I noticed the Wizard thing... One level of wizard and 11 levels of Cleric allows one to cast any Cleric spell and any Wizard spell which they have found a scroll of. That's a HUGE spell selection pool.