I was raised by nuns in a catholic school in Mexico. There was this Nun her name is Margarita and she was the kindest and courageous nun I have ever met.
I have met nuns who are very nice also... I have studied in a Catholic school and i have a nun teacher who was very nice. I also stayed with dormitory that is managed by nuns..and they are very much nice and friendly always greets warmly whenever I entered or came back to the dorm. I love to converse to them. When it comes to Curfew they are strict... when you go out at night you need to have a permit sign and when you're going back... they have to monitor their students so if things happen like if the student didnt back at this time... they can immediately seek for that student... Because its their job to keep their students safe. when it comes to prayers they aren't push over... Its our choice if we want to join or not.
I was raised by nuns in Italy until I was 7. Sister Samantha took me to the Vatican to have me baptized. I owe my life to them for raising me with the strong values I have today. They were real angels. Now that I am back in Tuscany, I visit them every Sunday. They taught me to live like the saints and they were the best example.
I don’t see the issue at all . Everyone has a choice . When I was a child my mom forced me to do my confirmation and attend religious gatherings. I never liked it and I never believed in god . When I hit my 20s I told her all the truth about me not believing in god or any of that and thankfully she understood and was ok with it .
@@آلاء-ز3ف Their relationship with god comes first. It’s the ultimate devotion for a woman. Like how becoming a bishop is to a man. Nuns have a sisterhood of likeminded women to fall into for support and unwavering love for god and spreading the gospel. Nuns are different than other women in the sense that they are already married to their faith. It is nothing to feel bad about as they chose to live fully in his grace and by his word.
@@patsysolatzzo2962 I'm a muslim, and I don't believe in what they believe. Despite that, i respect them very much, and i consider this sacrifice and love for the creator. Their clothes are beautiful. And thank you for respectful response 💙
I don’t see an issue at all . Everyone has a choice . When I was a child my mom forced me to do my confirmation and attend religious gatherings. I never liked it and I never believed in god . When I hit my 20s I told her all the truth about me not believing in god or any of that and thankfully she understood and was ok with it .
I used to work with nuns in Belgium and Holland/ They teach me a lot about nursing and I was a nurse. They are great lovely people that never complain and just be there for everybody. Love them
Why? Because they blindly and unquestioningly help brainwash little children that there's a magical man in the sky who'll 'get angry' if they don't worship him?
@@SecularKoranismUSA well He is God. And He is not dead, He came back to life for eternity. This is our faith as Christians. He gives us eternal life. There is life after “death”
Before being a nun offered a way of life food, shelter and security and a way to escape a forced marriage. Also several where sent/forced to be a nun. Today is a very different time.
I've got your point but it ain't the real reason why nuns and other religious order are in decline. Before secular wokeism entered the world, religious wokeism entered into the Catholic Church first. A lot of things had been changed since the 1960's and compared the customs of today and the last century, things are now different.
@@milliea4253 and People wanting to be five gingers is better? It comes down to the fact that god exist it’s just that you people don’t want him to exist
One of my favorite teachers was a nun. I went to catholic school from kindergarten through 7th grade and she was my 1st grade teacher. Not all nuns are of the same thread, but my 1st grade teacher radiated light and love. It was palpable and reminded me much of my grandma's love for me. I was shy and she always encouraged and praised me when I sung my heart out during mass, which I'll forever remember. I'm sure she has passed since this was in the 80s, but Sister Dominic's memory will forever live in my heart.
Well you're the only one then because every story about a nun teacher I've ever heard included nothing but descriptions about what cruel, evil, witches they were. Sounds like you were very lucky she was full of love instead of p**s and vinegar.
My grandpa who went to catholic school said nuns were the meanest people… made him run from religion. Not saying all nuns are bad but like everything there is the bad and good.
@@visiongirl4637 Yeah, that is very true, I'm sure some nuns are bad, just like any other group of people, but in my experience most of them are very nice people and have had a positive impact in many communities.
Who does this? Honestly, I can't say I've ever heard of anyone trying to sexualize OR disrespect *nuns* ! Amidst all the complaints I've heard about the Catholic Church...never heard of anyone being anti-nun.
@@fdm2155 I've seen a ton of people sexualize nuns, suprised you haven't. It's usually people who are ambivalent towards religion and not necessarily anti-religion, but nonetheless it is disrespectful to them. But, yeah, people do it.
@@himachalarana3454 Most priest have a doctorate degree in a wide range of scientific field, this came into no surprise since the Catholic Church instituted modern University around the world.
@@ungas024 Namasthê. That was the beginning of the money making from education. the down side was that the educated came to contact with people in the industry, who were guess what, Free Masons. To the degree (read between lines) and now there is a book on 33rd degree Free Masonry destroying the Church. The degree holders became Free Masons secretly, and this filtered into all walks of society. Judges included! What is next? Catholic doctrine gets watered down and promotes the demise of the Church. The demise, in the form of rot in the Church, goes to the core and irreversible. Hindus who are branded demons by the Church have dome Pûrvapaksha to document negative points relating to the Church. The Church wants, not need MONEY. why? for its nefarious activity of conversion. Pranâms.
The abusers should have immediately been removed for good in order to protect our catholic churches or they should have checked their mental capacities when they joined their vocations to weed out the bad seeds.
@Slim567... You hit the nail right on the head. The Catholic Church needs to do a full-on PR campaign accepting full and open responsibility for their past wrongdoings, apologize to the world, and actively get out into the community (not just expecting people to come to them). When it becomes clear that the Church is openly and actively offering acceptance, love, peace, kindness, inclusivity, and assistance, people will flock to the priesthood and sisterhood in droves. People are looking to anchor themselves to something greater than themselves, but the Catholic Church isn't doing enough to self-advocate and ameliorate suffering in people's lives. They kind of just sit with, what looks like, a hubristic heir of entitlement, and people are turned off by that. Pope Francis has done more, but he needs to command that his bishops and churches do more, too.
I am not Catholic but I do have a friend who is a nun. She was my junior in med school and then I had a chance to work with her for a year while she was in training. She is the funniest person to be with. She is the kindest but can be tough and firm when needed. She is definitely one of the best people I have worked with.
When I was 11 my father took me to a Catholic boarding school(he was travelling alot) and left me in the hands of Catholic nuns they took care of me like my own mother ( I was among the youngest). I went to boarding till I finished high school at 18 years. I have a special place for Catholic nuns in my heart and am practicing Catholic too❤️
My aunt was a nun. When she passed away 19 years ago she was the youngest nun in her convent at the age of 64. She wore the traditional habit and didn’t own any personal items including clothes. She was very upset about how things were changing in order to try to get new sisters. They were starting to allow women to wear regular clothes and makeup. She was old school and these changes were huge for her and not in a positive way.
They don't get to keep their pension but priest do. I worked with a nun and everyday she asked me about my children. She is in her 80s and regrets not having children. Regrets not getting married and worked for good insurance. Since Covid they forced her into retirement.
That's very sad. Especially considering that it's a big lie. The Bible doesn't say we have to remain single in order to serve or follow God. In fact the Bible teaches what a good spiritual leader is. For example a pastor or other types of spiritual leaders or good followers. One of the criteria for men is to be the husband of one wife. And one of the criteria for women is that they teach the younger women to love their husband's and children. A woman who has no husband would be a little out of place in giving practical advice on loving a husband. Also the Bible tells us that it was not good for man to be alone and so He made a woman to be a help mate. There's no place where we are taught to remain single to follow God. And to be chaste is to not be in adultery or fornication so in other words remain abstinence until marriage and then be with only your spouse.
The nuns that I knew were well cared for but they were supported under Social security and received no salaries. They gave that up when they joined the convent. Because they led simple lives and lived in communal convents they were able to all work together to provide for the group. Parishoners often provided extras for them. I remembered that it was a big deal when a wealthy parishioner bought a TV for them shortly after tv’s became popular.
There are some senior living communities for retired sisters that offer independent living or skilled nursing services. One group in the particular is the Sisters of Mercy has lifelong community and support
I’m sure the decline of nuns correlates to the decline of Catholicism in America as well. The number of attendees in parishes is plummeting because they want to remain impervious to change
Considering the decline in religious participation across the US, this makes sense. Along with the scandals in the RCC, it’s no wonder people no longer want to be a part of such a system.
Hmmm...I'm my married now, but I was a nun for 7 years of my life and I had unpaid debt before I entered the monastery. I can't speak for every community, but having debt was not a non-negotiable for mine.
The Catholic nuns in Ireland routinely imprisoned single mothers, de-humanised them, beat them, sold their children, put hundreds of babies in the ground, and continues to refuse to help any of those women to find their children that were sold for adoption. My mother thankfully escaped this fate, but she did say the nuns at school were some of the most violent, vindictive people she ever met. We have almost nobody becoming nuns or priests in Ireland anymore. Good riddance to an organisation that would be charged with war crimes if it wasn't hiding under the umbrella of religion.
In the year 1000, Abu Bakr Al-Baqillani asked the major priest of the romans: _"How is your wife and children?"_ Everyone was shocked and told him: _"How dare you say something like that about our priest. Don't you know that that they are above that?"_ Al-Baqillani replied: _"You became infuriated when I said that to the priest, yet you dare to associate a son to the Most Merciful."_ Allah سبحانه وتعالى said, وَيَجْعَلُونَ لِلَّهِ مَا يَكْرَهُونَ وَتَصِفُ أَلْسِنَتُهُمُ الْكَذِبَ أَنَّ لَهُمُ الْحُسْنَىٰ ۖ لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّ لَهُمُ النَّارَ وَأَنَّهُم مُّفْرَطُونَ They assign to Allah that which they dislike (for themselves), and their tongues assert the falsehood that the better things will be theirs. No doubt for them is the Fire, and they will be the first to be hastened on into it, and left there neglected. [An-Nahl 16:62] ثُمَّ قَفَّيْنَا عَلَىٰ آثَارِهِم بِرُسُلِنَا وَقَفَّيْنَا بِعِيسَى ابْنِ مَرْيَمَ وَآتَيْنَاهُ الْإِنجِيلَ وَجَعَلْنَا فِي قُلُوبِ الَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوهُ رَأْفَةً وَرَحْمَةً وَرَهْبَانِيَّةً ابْتَدَعُوهَا مَا كَتَبْنَاهَا عَلَيْهِمْ إِلَّا ابْتِغَاءَ رِضْوَانِ اللَّهِ فَمَا رَعَوْهَا حَقَّ رِعَايَتِهَا ۖ فَآتَيْنَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْهُمْ أَجْرَهُمْ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌ مِّنْهُمْ فَاسِقُونَ Then, We sent after them Our Messengers, and We sent 'Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus the son of Mary عليهما السلام), and gave him the Injeel. And We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. _And the monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe it for them,_ but (they sought it) only to please Allah with it, but they did not observe it with the right observance. So We gave those among them who believed their (due) reward; but many of them are Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient sinners). [Al-Hadeed 57:27] وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلًا مِّن قَبْلِكَ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ أَزْوَاجًا وَذُرِّيَّةً And indeed We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad ﷺ) and made for them wives and offspring. [Ar-Ra'd 13:38]
4) Chapter: Prohibition of Celibacy Narrated Anas (Ibn Maalik) رضي الله عنه: "That there was a group of the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ, one of whom said: "I will not marry women." Another said: "I will not eat meat." Another said: "I will not sleep on a bed." Another said: "I will fast and not break my fast." News of that reached the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and he praised Allah then said: "What is the matter with people who say such and such? But I pray and I sleep, I fast and I break my fast, and I marry women. Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not of me." [Sunan an-Nasa'i » The Book of Marriage - كتاب النكاح » Hadith 3217] 2) Chapter: Prohibition of Celibacy It was narrated from Samurah رضي الله عنه that: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ forbade celibacy. Zayd bin Akhzam added: “And Qatadah رحمهما الله recited: وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلًا مِّن قَبْلِكَ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ أَزْوَاجًا وَذُرِّيَّةً And indeed We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad ﷺ) and made for them wives and offspring. [Ar-Ra'd 13:38] [Sunan Ibn Majah » The Chapters on Marriage - كتاب النكاح » Hadith 1849]
I grew up in the Caribbean and as a kid there was a nun who taught one of my classes at a Catholic school. She was very old and was the strictest woman I had ever came across. She never smiled once and I vividly remember her bringing in pictures of aborted babies to show to the classroom. Mind you, we were all children.
There’s still hope. My best friend recently joined a cloistered convent. She wanted to join as soon as she could, she tried to join when she was 16 but the Vatican wouldn’t let her yet. As soon as she was done with high school she went. She was so happy to go and I’m very proud of her.
When your job makes it so you can't have relationships/get married, have children.. Although it's a special job for an indeed special person, that's a lot to ask a person to give up.
Our society is secularizing, and folk have abandoned the old traditional ways, which nunnery needs to exist. It hurts to realize. Folk don’t care so much for god as they once did; and at least they just pick and choose the Christian values to live by.
@@awildtannerwasfound5045 Let's not pretend it hasn't always been like that, people nowadays are just more blunt about it, rather than keeping it behind closed doors.
@@kou7191 In certain ways your statement isn’t incorrect; however let’s be honest here, folk of the past had a strict sense of moral values to look up to under their church or under the commandments of god. Many still failed to follow many of the values but at least had those values to look up to. Folk of today don’t even try to follow those values nor look up to them. There is a moral and spiritual power vacuum forming and one that is being filled by loose ideals and politics until society either has a religious awakening or changes beyond recognition of anything we have seen to date.
Back in my mom’s day your choices were : Get married, become a nurse or a nun. That’s it . Those were your choices for a career as a woman. My nuns in catholic school were very abusive , a few were nice , but they were very scary in those big long habits and gowns. The yard sticks they used on you create scars that last a lifetime.
I agree. I had a nun who taught me in 7th grade, j thought she was really nice because she always handed out stuff to the children and was always kind to everyone around her. However when she started to teach my class religion class she made everyone so scared, and was so strict that she graded us harshly because she felt we didn’t do a great job. Even people who were straight A students she graded them harshly and made them cry and many couldn’t belive their eyes. After that my whole class didn’t like her
I'm so sorry you and the others in this comment section had to go through that. It seems that times are changing for the better, now that women aren't forced into being nuns anymore.
@@escribopapelitos A woman who was forced into anything is unfortunate. As we learned about joining the convent, a woman would not be accepted unless she actually had a devotion to God and wanted to be there. Some young women go into the sisterhood and after a year or two decide to leave because it is too hard to make the kind of sacrifices it requires. Nuns have fun and don’t give up their lives completely. They have families that love them and they have normal lives within their talents and interests. They are also free of the burdens that many modern women endure.
If the church wants more people to be seriously involved they need to do actual work in gaining the trust of the people - like by getting rid of all the child diddling priests.
Sadly even some Nuns themselves have helped the priests by witnessing it and not speaking out about it or also being involved in some scandals! it’s disgusting how humans can be, it’s not just the men tho but women can be predators too! You see it all the time on the news about female teachers with their students who were boys (or girls).
@NWD Catholics r pagans deep down that disguise Jesus etc as being the centre when the Popes are with Mary being praised like a Goddess with the “Hail Mary’s” etc Roman Catholicism is a religious cult who try to outwardly express goodness but deep within some are nasty evil doers who use Gods name for their own sake!
Except they have and the John Jay Institution has said the catholic church has gone beyond what was required when dealing with pedophiles. Now things aren't perfect and there needs to be work but be real nothing will change your mind. The real problem is the secular culture promoting self interested life styles. Catholicism could be squeeky clean and it will never be good enough for you
I was a nun who wore the habit (religious dress) for 8 years and what this interview has neglected to report is that it is the Nuns who are in lay clothes (no habits) are the ones who are losing vocations. It is the communities who have maintained wearing the habit that are gaining vocations and quickly! In those communities the average age for a Sister is between 40-50 years old. Yes, the majority of nuns are un-habited and they are losing vocations, but the convents that are gaining the majority of vocations are those that still want the habit. Don't let this fool you.
I too was in a community that wore the habit. Over the years, the habit rosary was discontinued, the "habit" went to a jumper and minimal veil. Eventually, street clothes were the norm. One of the sisters called me to say the community was dying. Indeed, a once thriving community of almost 1000 sisters is now down to less than 80, all very old. So very sad.
Not all nuns were or are bad. However, there is a lot of adoptions that were forced in the Catholic church, and kept secret. The Indian boarding schools, how native american children were treated is disgusting!!!!
Some of the nuns mistreated the patients in the insane asylums that they were in charge of. Because you had nuns that were molesting the patience and the insane asylums.
The indigenous of every country has suffered at the hands of religions throughout the ages. If a person locks him self/herself away it must follow that they will be out of touch with the ‘real world’, at this point in history women are more engaged in their societies at all levels and that is why in America women are resisting being told what they can and cannot do with their bodies. That fight is on the outside not inside a convent.
I am Native American, I don't blame modern day nuns for past problems. My great-grandparents, grandparents and great uncles all went to these schools. The schools weren't a great idea, but that is not the fault of any nun trying to her work in 2022.
As a young boy who went to a private Catholic grade school from grades 1-8 during the early, mid and late 1960s in the greater Chicagoland area (the suburbs) I and my fellow male classmates were severely physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually abused, beaten, humiliated, and harmed by our nuns. It was called “corporal punishment.” A euphemism for permitted child abuse. There is absolutely no Biblical premise, need or mention of nuns whatsoever in the Scriptures.
I was 27 when a nun asked if I had a calling. I was pretty sure I did not but asked her to tell me more anyway. Her particular order had both monks and nuns and get this.. the age limit for nuns was 29 while the age limit for monks was 70. And the younger novices and nuns main tasks would be to clean and cook for the monks while they were undergoing scholarly studies as they had to learn the value of servitude! So, I can see why numbers of nuns worldwide are dropping. Women are being better educated and recognised in an intellectual capacity like never before the world over and you expect us to return to a kind of medieval existence in the name of service to God?? No, thank you.
If the church wants more people to be seriously involved they need to do actual work in gaining the trust of the people - like by getting rid of all the child diddling priests.
Like you said-- her particular order. There are several orders of nuns and monks, they have different age limits depending on the charism of the order. There are orders that make use of the sisters' degrees and such, and also allow them to study more. Different orders have different callings, please do not generalize.
@@ba_leng9386 The really sad part is this is actually the common practice in many parts of the world. The age limit for nuns at the most is between 25-30 for my part of the world but for priests and monks it is 60-70! And of course I could try joining another order, like you say, but I would have to go pretty far to do that.
You’re asking young women to dedicate their entire life to the church. Making them swear to never marry, maintain eternal chasity, and never pursue wealth. I can’t imagine a single young woman saying yes to that unless they were raised sheltered
What are you saying. Many used to do that. And still are . People used to have good faith back then and were ready to renounce worldly pleasure for it.
Yea this is just calling a spade a spade, honestly. I don’t take pleasure in seeing the nuns slowly disappear but it really is just asking wayyyy too much these days. If I had a daughter and she wanted this, I would try to talk her out of it. You can be a good person while pursuing your own best interests.
There is still the same number of women who want to and do go into a life of service BUT as social workers now. The nuns are still going strong but as laity. There has always been people who desire to serve. Some for the Lord and others just to help the unfortunate.
I was raised catholic and abandoned it due to mistreatment, my daughters were raised religious free so this is no surprise to me when families turn their backs on the Catholic Church, they’ve lost a generation
In the year 1000, Abu Bakr Al-Baqillani asked the major priest of the romans: _"How is your wife and children?"_ Everyone was shocked and told him: _"How dare you say something like that about our priest. Don't you know that that they are above that?"_ Al-Baqillani replied: _"You became infuriated when I said that to the priest, yet you dare to associate a son to the Most Merciful."_ Allah سبحانه وتعالى said, وَيَجْعَلُونَ لِلَّهِ مَا يَكْرَهُونَ وَتَصِفُ أَلْسِنَتُهُمُ الْكَذِبَ أَنَّ لَهُمُ الْحُسْنَىٰ ۖ لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّ لَهُمُ النَّارَ وَأَنَّهُم مُّفْرَطُونَ They assign to Allah that which they dislike (for themselves), and their tongues assert the falsehood that the better things will be theirs. No doubt for them is the Fire, and they will be the first to be hastened on into it, and left there neglected. [An-Nahl 16:62] ثُمَّ قَفَّيْنَا عَلَىٰ آثَارِهِم بِرُسُلِنَا وَقَفَّيْنَا بِعِيسَى ابْنِ مَرْيَمَ وَآتَيْنَاهُ الْإِنجِيلَ وَجَعَلْنَا فِي قُلُوبِ الَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوهُ رَأْفَةً وَرَحْمَةً وَرَهْبَانِيَّةً ابْتَدَعُوهَا مَا كَتَبْنَاهَا عَلَيْهِمْ إِلَّا ابْتِغَاءَ رِضْوَانِ اللَّهِ فَمَا رَعَوْهَا حَقَّ رِعَايَتِهَا ۖ فَآتَيْنَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْهُمْ أَجْرَهُمْ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌ مِّنْهُمْ فَاسِقُونَ Then, We sent after them Our Messengers, and We sent 'Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus the son of Mary عليهما السلام), and gave him the Injeel. And We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. _And the monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe it for them,_ but (they sought it) only to please Allah with it, but they did not observe it with the right observance. So We gave those among them who believed their (due) reward; but many of them are Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient sinners). [Al-Hadeed 57:27] وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلًا مِّن قَبْلِكَ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ أَزْوَاجًا وَذُرِّيَّةً And indeed We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad ﷺ) and made for them wives and offspring. [Ar-Ra'd 13:38]
4) Chapter: Prohibition of Celibacy Narrated Anas (Ibn Maalik) رضي الله عنه: "That there was a group of the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ, one of whom said: "I will not marry women." Another said: "I will not eat meat." Another said: "I will not sleep on a bed." Another said: "I will fast and not break my fast." News of that reached the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and he praised Allah then said: "What is the matter with people who say such and such? But I pray and I sleep, I fast and I break my fast, and I marry women. Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not of me." [Sunan an-Nasa'i » The Book of Marriage - كتاب النكاح » Hadith 3217] 2) Chapter: Prohibition of Celibacy It was narrated from Samurah رضي الله عنه that: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ forbade celibacy. Zayd bin Akhzam added: “And Qatadah رحمهما الله recited: وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلًا مِّن قَبْلِكَ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ أَزْوَاجًا وَذُرِّيَّةً And indeed We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad ﷺ) and made for them wives and offspring. [Ar-Ra'd 13:38] [Sunan Ibn Majah » The Chapters on Marriage - كتاب النكاح » Hadith 1849]
@@karenacolon5581 That's why we have to take notes and lessons from what happened to the christian women who became undressed, so that the forces of the shaytan, the apartheid tribe in hollywood does not spread the same on our womenfolk.
What this doesn't mention is that the more traditional orders are actually having ample vocations. It's the orders that modernised and ditched habits that are largely dying off.
More and more people are “answering god’s call” without any religion or church at all. Simply being a good person leading a selfless life & having a personal relationship with one’s god is enough for most people.
@@janeoleary8454 I didn’t ask for that. Nor do I accept the responsibility of it that people have attempted to force on me. I wholeheartedly reject it. I owe Jesus nothing. That was his choice. And I am not in eternal servitude for it. Whether he’s real or not, free will is a thing. And deciding not to follow Jesus is NOT immoral or wrong. It’s a choice.
@@janeoleary8454 Also, I am good. I’m a good person. I was not born riddled with sin like a little devil. You have no place telling anyone that they are evil and deserve nothing. Get out of here with that emotional and spiritual abuse.
@@AandM8 I agree with you that you owe Jesus nothing. Jesus offers you salvation, he already paid for it. you don't have to owe him anything to receive the salvation.
@@janeoleary8454 that sounds like a threat. “Good luck sweetie.” So…are you trying to imply that if I don’t choose to follow Jesus he’ll punish me? Sounds like a dictator and it’s just one more reason not to.
At one of my jobs there was a nun customer who didn’t wear the traditional “clothes” she was in her 70s. I remember her and my coworker who was Muslim and in his early 20s being super close. Everyone loved her, she was truly a beautiful human. Every time she came in my coworker would stop whatever he was doing just to talk to sister Maryann . She also had a better memory than all of us put together 😂 she actually remembered my birthday even though I only told her once
See this is the nice kind, it reminds me of some nice elder ladies who are similar i knew as a kid. But unfortunately theyre not all like that which is probably why this is happening not to mention its like 2022
we lost our last nun at my local catholic hospital. we lost the father around a decade ago and slowly each sister left or died. we used to have a large convent on the site of the hospital as well but after sister Margaret left it has turned into private apartments. it’s sad.
@@lilsheba1 they are privately owned by the school that works with the hospital, students who are finishing med school and going into the work force live in these homes
5:40 the scandals were the 1st thing that came to my mind. The nuns helped cover up the priests sexual assault cases. Nuns were abusing Native American children in the assimilation schools. If the Catholic Church addressed the overarching issues more people might be called to the faith and a life of service
We may need to do some introspective evaluation, how have we treated our nuns? Do they feel loved, supported and protected to fulfill their mandate fully? We means: the church, leadership and the community of Christians.
There’s even one nun who tried to get a priest arrested for sexually assaulting her students, but she ended up murdered. Her former students are investigating (not sure if they’re still are as it’s been decades).
When I was younger and started to get in trouble in grade school, my parents put me in a religious school. There the nuns straightened me out and did not play games and we're great teachers. Once I hit HS I went back to public school graduated and stayed out of trouble. I thank them for my success and I will always respect them 😌.
@@davidv6588 Of course I've read and heard some similar stories where nuns were completely jerks and mean and always whipped them! To change their perceptions from the world they grew up. That's mental 🙄😅 For sure I'd had fap some nuns. Why not
I think the bigger problem with getting young women involved in the nunhood is that the Catholic church still fails to promote the sisterhood on the same level as a priest. A nun cannot perform services they arent allowed to be involved in the govening body of the Catholic faith. Until gender equality is done women of today wont see sisterhood as an attractive option.
Not to mention rape of nuns by priests is still extraordinarily high in the modern era. Being a nun is basically acknowledging that you are giving up all of your power to fight back against your own mistreatment. Until the Catholic Church joins the modern era, it will continue to fall.
I agree 100% I also think it’s the abuses that go on in the church. Pedophiles becoming priests yes, but also some of the horror stories from certain orphanages about nuns being abusive particularly to children of color. I’m not saying nuns are like that now or that every nun is like that. But the churches failure to expel them, And comply with law-enforcement also makes the institution unattractive to spiritual women.
It’s a calling from God. If a young woman wants to know her God and become a nun she will. It’s not an earthly call. What you describe here dilutes what the true essence of holy orders is. If we have fewer nuns then the callings are less.
@Yo Yo someone else on a different post said more people are “answering gods call without needing a church/institution or religion and that it’s enough for some people. And i don’t think it dilutes it if institutions ruin the image and reputation by themselves”. People can make god whatever they want but if an institution ruins religion and individual faith doesnt then the institution and organized religion dilutes it
I feel that the wardrobe is something they should keep, even if it's just the headpiece, that gives unity to the sisterhood and makes them recognizable, many religions around the globe still keep their "holy robes" and are a sign of their fate, I think that by loosing most of what differentiates you from the public, the religion, feels like disappearing, even if that is not the case, and that will lead to a faster decline in newcomers
I was a cloistered nun and it’s an amazing life giving yourself completely to God. However, it’s a vocation and not everyone is called to stay their entire life. It was a blessing while it lasted. The Lord is still my entire life! Among traditional Catholic religious orders and churches that have the traditional Latin Mass, vocations are booming! A lot of hearts yearn for the traditions of the faith especially in the midst of a world that is constantly changing and not for the better. Truth never changes. God is still calling men and woman. Thanks be to God that they still answer His call!
As a child, upon the death of my mother, I was sent to reside in a convent (not really sure why). After a few weeks, I knew that this is where I wanted to be - cloistered, never having to engage in idle conversation, living my life in service to the church. I was summoned to Mother Superior’s office, where upon she spoke words that would forever change my life’s trajectory. I can still hear her say, “my child, this place is not for you”. Whatever her intent, I will never know, but, the effect was devastating or a 12 year old. Words mean things.
you abandoned reason to put faith in the invisible man who lives in the sky..you cant be trusted, your decisions cant be trusted, you are morally compromised and cant be trusted. Engage with reality.
My sister left to do an experience to a monastery in Denmark when she was just 23. She took her vows a few years later and is now 34. She’s currently a nun in Spain and is the happiest 💕 Everyone is surprised and doesn’t understand why she left so young considering she had just started her adult life being a UT grad. But all I can say is the nun life is just for those who have a special calling ♥️
I am a Black American Muslim Woman, I always thought it would be cool to spend time in a Religious Monastery. I think that is so cool that your sister had that experience. :::
Everyone has a choice . When I was a child my mom forced me to do my confirmation and attend religious gatherings. I never liked it and I never believed in god . When I hit my 20s I told her all the truth about me not believing in god or any of that and thankfully she understood and was ok with it .
So we are ignoring that nuns have been beaten and r-worded and even impregnated by pr!ests? Oh ok. As a young person I considered it. I’m glad I saw behind the curtain.
Good for you. Sainthood is the calling of every follower of Jesus. Come follow me, He said. Layman or otherwise. It is just that nuns are a witness for all the world to see. A bright light NOT hidden under the bushel of a mundane life. A bulb has ONE purpose. That is all. It can only do one thing. BUT that purpose is immeasurably important. A nun is a living breathing witness to our faith that this world is not the end as in purpose, of our existence. AND a living reminder of the perennial call of Our Lord to every generation to follow Him. I saw a Dominican nun walking down the street in Sydney going about her business with her black and white traditional habit and the oversized rosary dangling from her waist and it was a jarring, living reminder, a true witness, that there is a reality standing outside the concerns we occupy ourselves with day in and day out. A witness without apology. Most ignored her. Many despised her I'm sure. Many probably pitied her. But for some, that sight will be there in the back of their minds. The rest is in God's hands, right? “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed-or indeed only ONE. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42 "... the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found ONE very precious pearl, he went away and sold ALL he had and bought it." Matthew 13:46 God bless you. And however God calls you, may you live your life in the flock of the Lord earnestly trying to be a good servant, following behind the Lord Jesus Christ, Our Shepherd...as I myself am trying to do. :-) If we keep our eyes on Him, we can be sure He will lead us through the narrow gate. Blessed be Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God.
Well a lot of things you don't have to do. But when you realize that nothing brings you more joy than Jesus, you give your live to Christ as a monastic. Even though you don't have to do. Love makes you do crazy things, you know.
Sr. Mary Helene was my 3rd grade teacher and my favorite! She was strict and passionate about her love for Jesus and taught us the best poems and songs for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and other holidays! I will never forget her! She made a difference in my life! Thank you, Sister! XO
@@Knightwolf1994 What cult? . . . Do you mean Holy Mother Church, the very one and true Church established by Christ Jesus on St Peter and the Apostles? The very one, true and Apostolic church that was built on the blood of the Martyrs and Saints these 2,000 years? The very fount of Western Civilization and Christendom that has fought every heresy and evil from Ancient Rome to today? The very instrument of salvation, that will triumph over the infiltration you speak of, of Modernists, Masons and Marxists, in all their perversion and evil? The word you were looking for is 'lovely'. Yes, precisely, the greatest expression of the love and mercy of Our Heavenly Father, despite the mindless minds and soulless souls you represent. May God have mercy on you.
They have the most peaceful, DEPRESSION FREE, quiet life. Unlike you, full of mental health issues, and constantly fighting against society, government, workplace, and bills and taxes. lmao
Yes, what Dan wrote plays a huge factor for many. There are actually organizations like the Laboure Society that help aspirants to raise the money to pay off their student loans, etc.
God never told anyone to give up relationships and a family to serve him thats just ridiculous what they do, make it feel like they wasted most of their lives.
There is a very pure and beautiful reason for why nuns wore the habit. I will not look at a nun dressed as the 5 ladies shown the same as one who has donned the robes God has called her to wear. Seeing a nun dressed traditionally brings me to tears. To these modern sisters, not so much, though their hearts mean well. I only wish I had grown up Catholic ... I may well have joined. Do they take 60 yr olds? lol God bless.
I lived with the sisters when I was young. It's a calling. Religion is devoid of spirituality. So I understand why so few are being called today. Dedicating yourself to a thing where you have no voice, rights, or power except over the unfortunate you must care for creates resentment. There will never be reform because the men who run the church will never allow it. Thank God, the sisters I was with taught us how to actually survive and have a voice. Forever grateful.
it is not that these sister do not have a voice. The great value of convent life is that for love of Jesus you renounce of your freedom, of family life, physical love, and possessions. Since this is very hard, it means a lot to the Lord. It means He will give to those who are in need for this great sacrifice. And to live without these things that are not bad by itself, the nuns become free for God alone. Sister Clare of Assisi, a great saint, was so bent on having the right to possess nothing - only God - which is so great but also very hard to live. Only with great love for Jesus and Mary. Once this world will not be so rich any more and after the tribulations, cloistered life will be revived by thousands of fruitful souls
Maybe they just realize how ridiculous it is. Mormons worship the devil and are polygamous, which is wrong. Meanwhile, wait we are all married to Jesus?
I wanted to be a nun when I was younger, but I realized I can't be apart of an establishment where I have no voice and where abuse is swept under the rug.
I went to Catholic school for 12 years. Was taught by Nuns & Brothers. I have the upmost respect for these people! They were very, very strict (1960’s - 1970’s), but I received an excellent education
The excellent education is really all you can say about Catholic grade school. That is, when criminal child-abusing nuns weren’t slapping you in the face and beating the tar out of you. Or perhaps, you lucked out and had “nice” criminal nuns. LOL!!!
So many are abused by the Catholic Church. It reminds me of a cult. Dad was going to send my 2 brothers and myself to catholic school and I thank God he changed his mind.
They were horrible. They left my father on the floor writhing in agony with nephritis and wished death on him. If that's tough love, I'm sure glad he got saved and fled the "holy church" so I didn't have to get it too.
I think that a nun just like the priest should wear their habit . It symbolizes all they have vowed for. Either they give themselves completely by renouncing to a worldly way of living or not. And also helps inspire that desire for other young women to become nuns. Vocation to priesthood and religious life is a two way: internal and external that identifies t
I agree. Buddhist bikkhunis (nuns) all wear robes, Catholic nuns should also wear them. It will inspire others and help them focus on important their spiritual life vs fashion or what to wear every day
Military organizations use the uniform to wear in part for pride, dedication and group identification. Nuns in habit are identified, and I respect them for their dedication to Jesus. I always liked the huge cross and rosary beads they wore.
Interesting story and a sign of the changing times. I think the correspondent did a good job highlighting these women and was respectful about a topic many people don’t fully understand but are quick to condemn.
@@e.g.4483 the Catholic Church has withstood centuries of persecution while making incredible contributions to science, higher education, and society, championing the widespread acceptance of human equality and sanctity of life. For example, hospitals as an institution began in the 4th century by a Church initiative to treat and heal people regardless of social status. I encourage you to read more about the Church’s incredible history.
@@bocawilliams9200 Because the media tends to exaggerate stereotypes against nuns. I know many nuns in the Philippines and they are very lovely and caring people. There are still plenty of nuns here but it's declining faster in the Americas because Christianity has been villanized by your government and your media, in an attempt to make America more secular. Tbh, USA today is more irreligious than the USSR.
I wanted to be a nun for such a long time but lost my faith learning about the history of the religion and how it protects abusers. As far as nuns go they are still wonderful people and they truly are pure souls. Bless them
Biblical Christianity is not the same as that wicked organization. True Christians Don't share the blame for their atrocities towards indigenous people nor do we share the blame for their inquisitions, crusades, rapes, pedophilia etc. Their organization has the blood of millions on its' hands." THey don't speak for us true Chrisians!! Jesus does! His TRUE Church does not owe anyone an apology. Their demonic system does though!
I spent part of my elementary and middle school education in a Catholic school run by nuns, they are strict and traditional but well meaning and honestly, the tough hand they have for education is something children need. They didn't allow bullying, always talked to any kid who seemed down or too quiet and paid attention to what every child needs. Even if that is a stern talking to if they are acting wrong or not caring about how their behavior affects those around them. Sure, the praying two times a day and weekly church visit was boring but many kids I knew were raised more by them than their own families.
There is so much that has come to light about the evil within the Catholic Church I have lost faith in the church but not God, and as an Irish woman going to mass and prayers were huge part of growing up. I wish these young ladies good luck.
Nuns are human priest are human, not everyone in church truly knows Jesus it's only a few filled with the holy spirit and fear of our Lord God. Not everyone knows the Truth.....Our minds are blinded by the evil one and our hearts are desperately wicked. Pray for the lost instead of pointing out their flaws. That's what a true Catholic believer does for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
I used to work for a non profit funding agency in India in the 90's . Many of the beneficiaries were catholic charities run by the nuns. I have travelled to some remote areas where they run schools and health centers . Most of the beneficiaries were not catholics. Most of the humanitarian work run by the church is not possible with out the selfless work of sisters . Thank you sisters for the amazing work you do . I am sure god will motivate more young women to continue his mission in the world as nuns .
IMO - why would a woman want to enter a misogynistic, archaic environment where certain issues loom large over the paternal hierarchy? A major house cleaning needs to occur from top to bottom.
historically it was the one place where women could escape a life of marriage, have food, educated, practice a hobby/passion (writing, art, etc), and so on. These days its just because they love God and want to dedicate themselves to God.
Yeah, it's hard to get over the old images of what nuns did to Irish children and Native children and Aboriginal children and Jewish children. Old truths die hard and all the turkeys in your hair don't make those traumas go away.
but nobody ever talks about the thousands of nuns and monks who quietly do their duties and pray all their lives so that the world will be atoned and saved. I live in Germany and here in the south, Bavaria, I have known so many sisters who worked and did so many things only for Gods salary, we owe them so much. Real women forgetting themselves for God and neighbor
@@brittalbach416 In America it is different though. It wasn’t even a century ago when native children were ripped from their parents arms, forced to cut their hair (which culturally, native Americans get their gifts from their ancestors through that if I’m not mistaken), beaten, and starved. Who funded this? The Vatican and the Catholic Church. Nuns and priests did the bidding. The quote: “Kill the Indian, save the man”. Thousands upon thousands Native American CHILDREN died at their hands. Maybe it’s time for them to go away. If they want to do that in Germany, they can. But don’t be advocating for Eugenics in America by praising these nuns, at the end of the day: if they didn’t protest and advocate for these Native children, they’re murderers. Plain and simple. Additionally, look at how much funding the Vatican has. They could “cure” world hunger 7 times over, but do they? Nope. My stomach turns at that, because that’s not very Holy knowing people are starving but not giving them the help they deserve. Oh and just wait til you find out Mother Theresa was absolute EVIL, she wasn’t a saint. She reused needles and prayed over people saying God would heal them, and additionally was found to be putting money aside for herself. And then they want you following their rules to a T or you’re going to the demons apparently. When they’re filled with hate, greed, etc. Almost everything they tell their millions of followers not to do.
@@fishingislife9554 I'd rather've learned about my gender identity than have dysphoria and worsened mental health from being micromanaged on what to wear and how to behave. Shootings were unheard of in the 90s until columbine and that was pretty much the only one we heard about for a decade. Also you were just a freshman a few years after I'd already graduated HS. Noob. 😋
@@VictorianRabbit3456 true, we didn't have sx education like when I switched to public. Lots of 13 year old kids having children themselves. But public school wasn't any better, those kids just waited until 16 and couldn't afford condoms so they used balloons and well, let's say there's a huge generation of kids whose "parents" are only a decade or so older. Both approaches failed to prevent kids from doing illegal and adult only things. Don't tell them anything, just say don't do it? Few listen or they forget. Tell them everything and scare them with facts, then tell them they need money to do it but they don't have jobs? How's that going to end? I told you about balloon baby. They don't give out condoms for free unless you have a ride to a clinic with your parents, lol. Even so if they did it would almost be encouraging it. Man it's just sad that kids get caught up in this from a warped society when they should still be having fun outside on the monkey bars, playing Pokemon or something innocent, not wasting their childhood becoming an adult too soon. You can never really go back once you're forced to grow up. 😔
@@DivineLightPaladin yes the teachers in catholic school can be cruel but it is to discipline you and prepare you for the real world which is much crueler, public schools only have degeneracy, laziness, violence, bullies and school shootings
Yeah, the moment an education was available, women no longer had to rely on the system for knowledge and experience. It's a shame that we're losing these parts of communities but it shows good progression in society
@@cinemathemostimportant7717 based on extreme Christian nationalists using political violence to force their religion on people who don’t conform to their beliefs.
The Catholic church is pretty extreme in terms of demanding a life of celibacy and subservience to men. It would have been nice to see her address some of these deeper issues, since I know many people who consider themselves Catholics, but live a life that diverges from the church on central points.
It’s not just a life to religion service. It’s devoting your entire life to a cause with a system of incredible oppression and a male center religion. Religion doesn’t mean faith
@@jacksonstenhouse4429 wow you really don’t know religion or history I’m gathering. You should read more specifically about the creation and centralization of the Roman Catholic Church and Hellenic period, Hellenic Judaism as well.
@@AyeeElyy we might as well just cut to the chase here. Christianity teaches that men and women are different and are meant for different roles. This does not make it male centric. Also, basically the first thing the catholic church did is artificially inflate the status of Mary, engaging in idolatry and fvckhole worship. So, it was a weird example to use to illustrate your point...
There's a difference between nuns and sisters (nuns are cloistered, sisters work in the community). Some groups of sisters are growing like the Dominicans of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Michigan. But I think nuns, being cloistered and therefore less visible, are shrinking.
After watching so many RUclips tutorials about trading I was still making losses until Cyberghosthacks start managing my investment now I make 0.5BTC weekly...may God continue to bless you sir he's been a blessing to my family legitimate working software 💯
Or are you of the position that it gives an example why people need forgiveness? I'm not attempting to speak harshly but to give a perspective for people to think about. The numbers have been staggering.
No, all are nuns-the difference is if they are cloistered or not. Cloistered nuns will always be in the convent, like the Carmelites nuns. I did help fix their computers when their new convent was being commissioned and they were temporarily uncloistered. We can go visit with them and even see them through a screen or window. Always very happy to have visitors and interact with the outside world and include us i their daily prayers.
I have the utmost respect for the nuns who taught at my schools -- they were socially conscious, intellectual, cared about the spiritual and emotional growth of the students, and were truly committed to their vocation to serve God and others. They were imperfect human beings and some were mean, but many were wonderful teachers. I become disheartened when I see how they are attacked and made fun of as a group, without regard to their individuality, I think because their way of life goes counter to the secular modern values. It's no surprise that daily on the media we see violent crimes, fake news, and just general callousness as if this is the norm, and parallel to this, the decline in the number of young people choosing the religious profession.
As a muslim i find this very sad. I love nuns and their devotion to god when wearing the habit is similar to the hijab and other religious head coverings. I also appreciate the non traditional nuns who dont wear a nuns habit. This is really very truly sad.
I disagree. People are simply choosing other life styles that makes them the happiest. I say good on them. No one should choose religious life (or any other lifestyle) that doesn’t make them truly happy.
What makes American nuns so special that they don't have to wear the habit? I can't even tell who's a Catholic nun in the United States. It's no wonder as to why they're having recruiting problems. They should try looking like nuns again.
Leave women alone. Us muslims countries already force so many women who don't want to do head covering and just not want to cover up in a Islamic way. Religion should always be a choice not force.
When I was a freshman there was a social studies class I took my teacher her name was Ms Stanton and she was a nun nicest lady I've ever met. All my classmates loved her she was a wonderful lady I was crushed when she left don't know the reason why but I will never forget her
I always wanted to be a nun and sadly I went the wrong way in life. But I had a lot to be thankful for. I have a son with autism and mom I care for with Alzheimer’s. I’m the only person I know who loves service! I serve all day to help people in physical pain! Bless their hearts. The only thing I remember when I had my surgeries as a child was waking up and a sister being present! Life is so beautiful! Love is the answer. ❤️
I think horror movies, young mothers forced into convents and the uncovering of mass killings in orphanages has destroyed America's views of nuns forever. It's the first things the secular world thinks of. I love these comments. The good stories
There are good and bad people in every group, but I can understand why people today wouldn't want to be part of an organization with such a dark legacy.
My elementary school teacher was a nun. Sister Chris was from the sisters of mercy order. She came from Belgium. She helped me through some hard times. I’ll never forget her.
Nuns are amazing women who in history have founded hospitals, schools, nursing homes, charities, etc. We have to be so thankful for them. Growing up in poverty, I remember the catholic charities ran by nuns who helped us keep the lights on. I think very fondly of them.
Between the late 1800s and 1990s, Catholic nuns and priests were tasked to operate several hundreds of American Indian Residential Schools in order to assimilate Indigenous Children into a life of servitude and Western culture. Some if not most of them played a role in the mass abductions, tortures, and murders of over 7,000 Indigenous Children in that span of time. In those days, Indigenous Communities desperately hide any evidence of their having children just so the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the christian missionaries can leave them alone. In some stories of Survivors, they had to flee to the hills or in the woodlands until the agents and missionaries finally leave their lands. If you get caught and refuse to cooperate with the agents, the government will try to starve your community by withholding food rations. My own mother was in her 30s when the last Residential School was shut down in colonial Canada in the 1990s. This didn't happen a century ago. It was still happening when I was just born. There are thousands of Survivors alive right now, and the youngest among them are in their 40s and 50s now. From 2020 to 2022, there's been an uproar and a renewed wave of investigations in those Residential Schools after thousands of bodies were found in unmarked graves. Those weren't just schools. They were prison camps, assimilation camps. Many Indigenous Tribes across the colonial USA and Canada still remember what had happened in those assimilation camps. Canada had 130 of these sites, and USA had more than 300. This was an ethnocide and cultural genocide of Indigenous Peoples. The catholic and protestant churches and their cursed bibles are soaked with the blood of countless innocent people, children especially. Native Kids were brutally r*ped, tortured, and murdered by those priests and nuns just because they spoke their mother tongues and their traditional names. That is why millions of people are now turning away from the churches for their historic crimes against Non-Whites and Non-Christians. This is the downfall of their own making. Shame on them.
Exactly, no one can be sad that an organization that systematically committed crimes against humanity (because that's what they were) and covered them up is dwindling. There are always good people mixed in but that doesn't justify the whole Catholic church.
@@kellymoses8566 you know she said Protestant church too , right?? And now let’s talk of the countless dead at the hands of said natives What was done was horrendous But those are examples of those who did not live up to the faith If we are to go for low hanging fruit Everyone is historically guilty of something
This story sidesteps the many abuses that have come to light within the catholic church(children, Indigenous people, Slavery, Colonialism, and helping the Nazis) including the sexual abuse directed towards nuns specifically.
If you dress in normal clothes and dont life your life that differently why even bother. That is not a nun. You dont live in apartments. You life in a convent you dont go in the internet, you pray a minimum of 5 times a day, you serve god in silent prayer in between you dont talk and ideally you never leave the convent. That is a nun. This is not a nun. And to be clear im not really a religious person but i feel like a lot of people would agree that we can not compare these people to the nuns of the past that actually sacrificed EVERYTHING.
I loved my Principal who was a nun her name was Sr. Rose and she was the best person I ever knew and she was strict but I adored her and she the same with me even to the point she nominated me for an award.
People are coming to their senses. just try to be a good person, suppressing your sexual feelings is unhealthy, drinking and laughing with friends is not wrong. SCIENCE FLIES YOU TO THE MOON RELIGION FLIES YOU INTO BUILDINGS
@@Oscar_239 i was a deeply religious catholic for 10 years during my adolescence to my early 20s. i prayed the rosary every day, the only thing i ever talked about was god, and even thought just swearing was a sin. im also autistic and had a lot of problems as a teenager. i thought my religion brought me happiness but it just made me way more depressed. I'm also gay. it made things way more confusing. i found unimaginable happiness once I became agnostic. I thought I was bad for being gay. I felt so much shame when I took pleasure in having fantasies. I really missed out on so much fun during my teen years by being so weird. everyone else thought I was weird too. yeah I tried really hard to suppress my sexual feelings and that never worked. im an animal. an outta control animal. I think all dudes are lol. NICE PICS BY THE WAY BABY YOURE SUPER HOT AND MUSCULAR... THATS MY UNCONTROLLABLE SEX DRIVE BY THE WAY LOL🤷♂️
Who said devout Christians can't have great sex (within marriage of course), drink and laugh with friends. Heck even nuns and priests drink alcohol and laugh with friends. Life's about moderation even if you're not religious.
@@yourmajesty122 you're a human being, even non-Christian philosopher Aristotle distinguishes humans from animals since us humans have the power of reason. Don't degrade yourself like that. God created you for greater things.
@@clare_jordin I'm in my early 30s now and I think I remember all the strict rules about catholicism. in certain Christian denominations you can't drink-or even celebrate your birthday. I was a traditionalist catholic-like mel Gibson. I thought I was going to have to remain celibate forever since I'm gay or I could change my sexuality and turn straight. my religion told me it was a disorder and could change my sexuality to straight. i got taught birth control was wrong. if you didn't go to church it was wrong-just because someone doesn't go to church it doesn't make them a bad person. when you're a teenager and you have all these needs and you're told just thinking about it is wrong it really does drive you crazy. nuns and priests drink but they have to remain celibate-we're only human and have needs. that would drive anyone crazy. there's nothing wrong with going to a bar and getting trashed and making an idiot out of yourself. All the things that are fun in life the church doesn't want you to do and u gotta make these sacrifices that don't make any sense. I've been single my whole life and it's so much fun meeting guys- a whole bunch of them! I'm never getting married but to have to wait till marriage to engage in certain acts is ridiculous. the biggest reason why I found unimaginable happiness is because have no shame in hooking up with whoever I want when I want. catholicism is so boring, weird, and doesn't make any sense. I'm so glad it's dying out
I went to Catholic school in the 1980s. I was taught by several nuns both old and young. The order left my hometown in 1991. I think women are turning away because there are more options for women in this day and age. Also, women aren't being forced into becoming a nun as a punishment. Let's also be real, many women joined the cloth to hide sexual orientation, and now, they don't have to.
it's not about the quantity. it's about the quality. would rather have few of them who are really faithful than are just fake faithful. that's what Catholicism should be, not about the numbers but based on true believers.
All the nuns I have encountered in my 30ish years have always been great. My first encounter was with a former nun who was my psychology high school teacher. The most understanding person I've ever met and literally one of the few adults in my life at that time that I could really talk too. Her life was always interesting to me because I didn't know you could leave the nun life. My second encounter was in college as I had a class with a nun we didn't chat much but she was always nice when I did encounter her. It wasn't until I started my career working in the rehab department in nursing homes have I encountered a lot of nuns. At my full time facility I have had a hand full come through and they have always been kind, understanding, patient, hard working, and meticulous which are my favorite type of people to work with in therapy. I use to work at a rehab department in a catholic nursing home on a as needed basis. There were a good chunk of nurses who were also nuns and the church paid for their nursing degree. There were always kind and patient with their patients. This facility also had a long term unit which housed a good chunk of retired nuns. I found it hilarious sometimes seeing a sea of older nuns in habits rolling in their wheelchairs lol.
you dont need to take strict vows to become a priest or nun in order to serve God, thats why nuns are declining. In the bible Jesus speaks against these practices.
My mom was once a Catholic a nun. She grew tired of the cruel and sadistic practices of Mother Superiors and getting hit on by fellow nuns. Fortunately for me, she left the Catholic Order and started a family.
Think the rest of us realized this at least twenty years ago. I grew up in a city with four Catholic parishes and three of them had nuns. Over the last twenty some years, one parish closed and all the parish convents closed so what few nuns are left are housed in a complex long owned by an order of nuns and I hear most there are well up in years. There is a hospital for rehab and long term care which was run by nuns for decades in a nearby village but it was sold and I hear one of the reasons was no more nuns for medical staff
Christianity itself in general is declining, some places faster than others. Some religions are growing, I think Sikhism is the fastest growing at the moment. I believe eventually all will decrease but it may take time and of course some groups will probably remain long term in small numbers.
@@sfappetrupavelandrei the ones your probably referring to are increasing simply due to birthrates not conversions. Overall though they are at least slowing down in birthrates and Christian stats will follow that. But if that makes you feel better, keep your head in the sand. I'm Christian raised and I don't see any christians addressing or giving even a rat's arzz about their religions demise. Particularly with church communities they are their own worst enemy...
In high school I had a nun for advisor and she was wise and kind. 4th year the school assigned to another nun but asked and was granted permission to stay with the nun that til graduation. When she died she left her body to science. She was a good woman.
Nuns are important. I went to Loyola Marymount University, where nuns taught me as professors, cared for my spiritual health, and were always there when I needed guidance. We need people in the world selflessly devoted to mercy and helping others.
You're the only positive voice for nuns here. The rest are like villagers with torches and pitchforks marching towards Frankenstein castle. Lol. So much vehement anti-Catholicism on display.
@@Gwaycee And you just ignored what Jasmine wrote as if those occasions of cruelty WAS what defined Catholicism. Some parents also engaged and do engage in excess amounting to abuse in the name of proper instruction but you cannot brush all parents or parenthood with the same brush. Neither can you with Catholicism.
"What they DO to my people." So they are still doing it, it seems. So you feel the same way about what the government institutions and agencies did to "your people"? You want to march with pitchforks (or whatever weapon) to them too? So which group that tried to help "your people" are you not resentful about?
I was raised by nuns in a catholic school in Mexico. There was this Nun her name is Margarita and she was the kindest and courageous nun I have ever met.
No one knows her - so you mentioning her makes absolutely no sense - especially since you don’t even say what was so “courageous” about her?
@@shapursasan9019 i guess I broke a nerve 🤪😂
I have met nuns who are very nice also... I have studied in a Catholic school and i have a nun teacher who was very nice.
I also stayed with dormitory that is managed by nuns..and they are very much nice and friendly always greets warmly whenever I entered or came back to the dorm. I love to converse to them.
When it comes to Curfew they are strict... when you go out at night you need to have a permit sign and when you're going back... they have to monitor their students so if things happen like if the student didnt back at this time... they can immediately seek for that student... Because its their job to keep their students safe. when it comes to prayers they aren't push over... Its our choice if we want to join or not.
@@legoshirocha Makes sense. Most people like Margaritas
I’ve also met some of the kindest Margarita’s in Mexico 🍹
Soon there will be nun left.
Just like Jesus on the cross . You nailed it , with the comment 👏
Underrated comment
I was raised by nuns in Italy until I was 7. Sister Samantha took me to the Vatican to have me baptized. I owe my life to them for raising me with the strong values I have today. They were real angels. Now that I am back in Tuscany, I visit them every Sunday. They taught me to live like the saints and they were the best example.
Good for you I left the Catholic church. It's falsehood the priest raped Little boy .
I don’t see the issue at all . Everyone has a choice . When I was a child my mom forced me to do my confirmation and attend religious gatherings. I never liked it and I never believed in god . When I hit my 20s I told her all the truth about me not believing in god or any of that and thankfully she understood and was ok with it .
But ,I feel sad for them because they are not married 😔
@@آلاء-ز3ف Their relationship with god comes first. It’s the ultimate devotion for a woman. Like how becoming a bishop is to a man. Nuns have a sisterhood of likeminded women to fall into for support and unwavering love for god and spreading the gospel. Nuns are different than other women in the sense that they are already married to their faith. It is nothing to feel bad about as they chose to live fully in his grace and by his word.
I'm a muslim, and I don't believe in what they believe.
Despite that, i respect them very much, and i consider this sacrifice and love for the creator.
Their clothes are beautiful.
And thank you for respectful response 💙
I used to work with a nun who is also a nurse that helped those experiencing homelessness, she is such a ray of light to the community
I don’t see an issue at all . Everyone has a choice . When I was a child my mom forced me to do my confirmation and attend religious gatherings. I never liked it and I never believed in god . When I hit my 20s I told her all the truth about me not believing in god or any of that and thankfully she understood and was ok with it .
@@user-f4skflr8g7x You’re not doing even half of what she’s doing for her community
I used to work with nuns in Belgium and Holland/ They teach me a lot about nursing and I was a nurse. They are great lovely people that never complain and just be there for everybody. Love them
I was raised in an orphanage by nuns. May God bless all those wonderful women.
Forgive me if you find this mean...but obviously you were not in Ireland.
It’s silly to be a bride of Christ when he is deceased.
Why? Because they blindly and unquestioningly help brainwash little children that there's a magical man in the sky who'll 'get angry' if they don't worship him?
@@SecularKoranismUSA well He is God. And He is not dead, He came back to life for eternity. This is our faith as Christians. He gives us eternal life. There is life after “death”
Before being a nun offered a way of life food, shelter and security and a way to escape a forced marriage. Also several where sent/forced to be a nun. Today is a very different time.
Honestly I think most Catholic nuns and priests were in the closet lgbtq. Times have changed and now they have freedom to live how they want.
I've got your point but it ain't the real reason why nuns and other religious order are in decline.
Before secular wokeism entered the world, religious wokeism entered into the Catholic Church first. A lot of things had been changed since the 1960's and compared the customs of today and the last century, things are now different.
'Secular wokeism' sounds like a made up ad hominem slur. People don't want to worship pedo Catholics, simple.
Sounds good to me. Any institution based on lies needs an awakening.
@@milliea4253 and People wanting to be five gingers is better? It comes down to the fact that god exist it’s just that you people don’t want him to exist
One of my favorite teachers was a nun. I went to catholic school from kindergarten through 7th grade and she was my 1st grade teacher. Not all nuns are of the same thread, but my 1st grade teacher radiated light and love. It was palpable and reminded me much of my grandma's love for me. I was shy and she always encouraged and praised me when I sung my heart out during mass, which I'll forever remember. I'm sure she has passed since this was in the 80s, but Sister Dominic's memory will forever live in my heart.
Watch ☝️ video
Well you're the only one then because every story about a nun teacher I've ever heard included nothing but descriptions about what cruel, evil, witches they were. Sounds like you were very lucky she was full of love instead of p**s and vinegar.
@@mohammedraazi4943 you watch it
@@kylie-anncampus7792 ruclips.net/video/ZWan7ZAAI0A/видео.html
Nuns are such great people. It's so horrible when people try to sexualize them or disrespect them.
My grandpa who went to catholic school said nuns were the meanest people… made him run from religion. Not saying all nuns are bad but like everything there is the bad and good.
@@visiongirl4637 Yeah, that is very true, I'm sure some nuns are bad, just like any other group of people, but in my experience most of them are very nice people and have had a positive impact in many communities.
Who does this? Honestly, I can't say I've ever heard of anyone trying to sexualize OR disrespect *nuns* ! Amidst all the complaints I've heard about the Catholic Church...never heard of anyone being anti-nun.
@@fdm2155 I've seen a ton of people sexualize nuns, suprised you haven't. It's usually people who are ambivalent towards religion and not necessarily anti-religion, but nonetheless it is disrespectful to them. But, yeah, people do it.
@@FlyingAlfredoSaucer Sadly i have weird fetish and i want it to be removed from me
My great aunt is 96 and has been a nun for over 70 years! She is remarkable and has a doctorate in education.
**never said she was an MD y’all, dang.
Namasthê. If she has a PhD, then she is not a Nun. Her only qualification is being a bride of Christ. Pranâms.
@@himachalarana3454 science just don’t mix, I personally don’t like my doctors to be religious, don’t trust em
@@himachalarana3454 Most priest have a doctorate degree in a wide range of scientific field, this came into no surprise since the Catholic Church instituted modern University around the world.
@@ungas024 Namasthê. That was the beginning of the money making from education. the down side was that the educated came to contact with people in the industry, who were guess what, Free Masons. To the degree (read between lines) and now there is a book on 33rd degree Free Masonry destroying the Church. The degree holders became Free Masons secretly, and this filtered into all walks of society. Judges included! What is next? Catholic doctrine gets watered down and promotes the demise of the Church. The demise, in the form of rot in the Church, goes to the core and irreversible. Hindus who are branded demons by the Church have dome Pûrvapaksha to document negative points relating to the Church. The Church wants, not need MONEY. why? for its nefarious activity of conversion. Pranâms.
@@JZGreengo Doctorate in Education is different from being a doctor in the medical field.
The structure and the abuse and scandals really damaged the Catholic Church and people refusing to help made it worse
The stories sure did anyway
it was planned, more then half of the allegations we're false but MSM never reported it and only kept the horrible allegations for views
The Catholic Chirch was corrupt and morally bankrupt from the very beginning. It simply should not exist.
The abusers should have immediately been removed for good in order to protect our catholic churches or they should have checked their mental capacities when they joined their vocations to weed out the bad seeds.
@Slim567... You hit the nail right on the head. The Catholic Church needs to do a full-on PR campaign accepting full and open responsibility for their past wrongdoings, apologize to the world, and actively get out into the community (not just expecting people to come to them). When it becomes clear that the Church is openly and actively offering acceptance, love, peace, kindness, inclusivity, and assistance, people will flock to the priesthood and sisterhood in droves. People are looking to anchor themselves to something greater than themselves, but the Catholic Church isn't doing enough to self-advocate and ameliorate suffering in people's lives. They kind of just sit with, what looks like, a hubristic heir of entitlement, and people are turned off by that. Pope Francis has done more, but he needs to command that his bishops and churches do more, too.
I am not Catholic but I do have a friend who is a nun. She was my junior in med school and then I had a chance to work with her for a year while she was in training. She is the funniest person to be with. She is the kindest but can be tough and firm when needed. She is definitely one of the best people I have worked with.
Watch ☝️ video
So you know a medical student who then denied science and became a nun?
@@kp5496 she was a nun when she went to medical school. Being a nun doesn't mean you are denying science.
@@kp5496 there are alot of catholic medical schools
When I was 11 my father took me to a Catholic boarding school(he was travelling alot) and left me in the hands of Catholic nuns they took care of me like my own mother ( I was among the youngest). I went to boarding till I finished high school at 18 years. I have a special place for Catholic nuns in my heart and am practicing Catholic too❤️
My aunt was a nun. When she passed away 19 years ago she was the youngest nun in her convent at the age of 64. She wore the traditional habit and didn’t own any personal items including clothes. She was very upset about how things were changing in order to try to get new sisters. They were starting to allow women to wear regular clothes and makeup. She was old school and these changes were huge for her and not in a positive way.
Yeah, I agree with your Aunt. Traditional dress is important, it maintains the rituals of the Faith.
I agree with your aunt I would be really upset if something changed like that
True, part of being a nun is the minimalist way and having many different set of clothing kinda contradict to that belief
Yeah...if your worried about clothes and make up then maybe you should go down another path. Being a nun is about the faith.
@@Nellybellyjellynelly my grandparents are. Very. And my sisters are.
They don't get to keep their pension but priest do. I worked with a nun and everyday she asked me about my children. She is in her 80s and regrets not having children. Regrets not getting married and worked for good insurance. Since Covid they forced her into retirement.
That's very sad. Especially considering that it's a big lie. The Bible doesn't say we have to remain single in order to serve or follow God. In fact the Bible teaches what a good spiritual leader is. For example a pastor or other types of spiritual leaders or good followers. One of the criteria for men is to be the husband of one wife. And one of the criteria for women is that they teach the younger women to love their husband's and children. A woman who has no husband would be a little out of place in giving practical advice on loving a husband. Also the Bible tells us that it was not good for man to be alone and so He made a woman to be a help mate. There's no place where we are taught to remain single to follow God. And to be chaste is to not be in adultery or fornication so in other words remain abstinence until marriage and then be with only your spouse.
The nuns that I knew were well cared for but they were supported under Social security and received no salaries. They gave that up when they joined the convent. Because they led simple lives and lived in communal convents they were able to all work together to provide for the group. Parishoners often provided extras for them. I remembered that it was a big deal when a wealthy parishioner bought a TV for them shortly after tv’s became popular.
There are some senior living communities for retired sisters that offer independent living or skilled nursing services. One group in the particular is the Sisters of Mercy has lifelong community and support
@@doulaolgamke Protestants are wrong
I saw a documentary about nuns being abused by the priests they worked with. I understand why it’s happening it’s just the end of a era
It’s happening due to the rise of secularism
Not all Nuns of every convent suffered abuse
The whole church is full of sick priests
I knew a priest once who was into the habit...
I’m sure the decline of nuns correlates to the decline of Catholicism in America as well. The number of attendees in parishes is plummeting because they want to remain impervious to change
@@nickc6380 the decline is due to changes the church keeps making to modernize it
Considering the decline in religious participation across the US, this makes sense. Along with the scandals in the RCC, it’s no wonder people no longer want to be a part of such a system.
excuse me but what does RCC stands for if you don't mind me asking?
@@rayvega3163 Roman Catholic Church
There is also intell being passed quietly. I have a vid Pious Fraud Virgin Mother on my channel. People get mad when they find out they were fooled.
@@teachpeace3750 it's the inherent culture in RCC for 2000years.
@@infinite5795 no
There is one thing they are not mentioning: a Sister cannot have debt....
...So until they cancel student loans...the sisterhood will struggle to grow
Hmmm...I'm my married now, but I was a nun for 7 years of my life and I had unpaid debt before I entered the monastery. I can't speak for every community, but having debt was not a non-negotiable for mine.
"You are too poor to serve God." ...🤣 the irony.
Its not about being poor. Having debt means u are still firmly connected to materialistic world
The Catholic nuns in Ireland routinely imprisoned single mothers, de-humanised them, beat them, sold their children, put hundreds of babies in the ground, and continues to refuse to help any of those women to find their children that were sold for adoption. My mother thankfully escaped this fate, but she did say the nuns at school were some of the most violent, vindictive people she ever met.
We have almost nobody becoming nuns or priests in Ireland anymore. Good riddance to an organisation that would be charged with war crimes if it wasn't hiding under the umbrella of religion.
What makes their actions even worse is that there an organization that claims to act in the name of G-d.
I said the same thing. Thank God there Christianity is being relegated to the trash heap of history.
In the year 1000, Abu Bakr Al-Baqillani asked the major priest of the romans:
_"How is your wife and children?"_
Everyone was shocked and told him: _"How dare you say something like that about our priest. Don't you know that that they are above that?"_
Al-Baqillani replied: _"You became infuriated when I said that to the priest, yet you dare to associate a son to the Most Merciful."_
Allah سبحانه وتعالى said,
وَيَجْعَلُونَ لِلَّهِ مَا يَكْرَهُونَ وَتَصِفُ أَلْسِنَتُهُمُ الْكَذِبَ أَنَّ لَهُمُ الْحُسْنَىٰ ۖ لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّ لَهُمُ النَّارَ وَأَنَّهُم مُّفْرَطُونَ
They assign to Allah that which they dislike (for themselves), and their tongues assert the falsehood that the better things will be theirs. No doubt for them is the Fire, and they will be the first to be hastened on into it, and left there neglected. [An-Nahl 16:62]
ثُمَّ قَفَّيْنَا عَلَىٰ آثَارِهِم بِرُسُلِنَا وَقَفَّيْنَا بِعِيسَى ابْنِ مَرْيَمَ وَآتَيْنَاهُ الْإِنجِيلَ وَجَعَلْنَا فِي قُلُوبِ الَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوهُ رَأْفَةً وَرَحْمَةً وَرَهْبَانِيَّةً ابْتَدَعُوهَا مَا كَتَبْنَاهَا عَلَيْهِمْ إِلَّا ابْتِغَاءَ رِضْوَانِ اللَّهِ فَمَا رَعَوْهَا حَقَّ رِعَايَتِهَا ۖ فَآتَيْنَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْهُمْ أَجْرَهُمْ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌ مِّنْهُمْ فَاسِقُونَ
Then, We sent after them Our Messengers, and We sent 'Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus the son of Mary عليهما السلام), and gave him the Injeel. And We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. _And the monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe it for them,_ but (they sought it) only to please Allah with it, but they did not observe it with the right observance. So We gave those among them who believed their (due) reward; but many of them are Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient sinners). [Al-Hadeed 57:27]
وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلًا مِّن قَبْلِكَ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ أَزْوَاجًا وَذُرِّيَّةً
And indeed We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad ﷺ) and made for them wives and offspring. [Ar-Ra'd 13:38]
4) Chapter: Prohibition of Celibacy
Narrated Anas (Ibn Maalik) رضي الله عنه:
"That there was a group of the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ, one of whom said: "I will not marry women." Another said: "I will not eat meat." Another said: "I will not sleep on a bed." Another said: "I will fast and not break my fast." News of that reached the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and he praised Allah then said: "What is the matter with people who say such and such? But I pray and I sleep, I fast and I break my fast, and I marry women. Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not of me."
[Sunan an-Nasa'i » The Book of Marriage - كتاب النكاح » Hadith 3217]
2) Chapter: Prohibition of Celibacy
It was narrated from Samurah رضي الله عنه that:
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ forbade celibacy. Zayd bin Akhzam added: “And Qatadah رحمهما الله recited:
وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلًا مِّن قَبْلِكَ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ أَزْوَاجًا وَذُرِّيَّةً
And indeed We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad ﷺ) and made for them wives and offspring. [Ar-Ra'd 13:38]
[Sunan Ibn Majah » The Chapters on Marriage - كتاب النكاح » Hadith 1849]
@@DoreenBellDotan It is not Chritianity. No one who is truly Christian abuses others.
I grew up in the Caribbean and as a kid there was a nun who taught one of my classes at a Catholic school. She was very old and was the strictest woman I had ever came across. She never smiled once and I vividly remember her bringing in pictures of aborted babies to show to the classroom. Mind you, we were all children.
lots of very strict nuns in Catholic schools, its very typical. They must be very lonely.
Yes very religious ppl in general seem to lack inner voice that tells us what isn't appropriate.
@@ayshafareed4935 well. that’s not true for all
And many cases seem like you have a lack of understanding of their circumstance
@@eduardochavacano not really.
There are people all around them
There’s still hope. My best friend recently joined a cloistered convent. She wanted to join as soon as she could, she tried to join when she was 16 but the Vatican wouldn’t let her yet. As soon as she was done with high school she went. She was so happy to go and I’m very proud of her.
When your job makes it so you can't have relationships/get married, have children.. Although it's a special job for an indeed special person, that's a lot to ask a person to give up.
Our society is secularizing, and folk have abandoned the old traditional ways, which nunnery needs to exist. It hurts to realize. Folk don’t care so much for god as they once did; and at least they just pick and choose the Christian values to live by.
@@awildtannerwasfound5045 Let's not pretend it hasn't always been like that, people nowadays are just more blunt about it, rather than keeping it behind closed doors.
@@kou7191 In certain ways your statement isn’t incorrect; however let’s be honest here, folk of the past had a strict sense of moral values to look up to under their church or under the commandments of god. Many still failed to follow many of the values but at least had those values to look up to. Folk of today don’t even try to follow those values nor look up to them. There is a moral and spiritual power vacuum forming and one that is being filled by loose ideals and politics until society either has a religious awakening or changes beyond recognition of anything we have seen to date.
@@awildtannerwasfound5045 yeah because people are more educated, less gullible and don't need to read a fake book to be decent human beings.
@@yespls6260 if people are less gullible, why do people, now more than ever, believe every easily proven lie that is fed to them by the government?
Back in my mom’s day your choices were : Get married, become a nurse or a nun. That’s it . Those were your choices for a career as a woman.
My nuns in catholic school were very abusive , a few were nice , but they were very scary in those big long habits and gowns. The yard sticks they used on you create scars that last a lifetime.
Many nuns even to this day are raped by their priests.
I agree. I had a nun who taught me in 7th grade, j thought she was really nice because she always handed out stuff to the children and was always kind to everyone around her. However when she started to teach my class religion class she made everyone so scared, and was so strict that she graded us harshly because she felt we didn’t do a great job. Even people who were straight A students she graded them harshly and made them cry and many couldn’t belive their eyes. After that my whole class didn’t like her
I'm so sorry you and the others in this comment section had to go through that.
It seems that times are changing for the better, now that women aren't forced into being nuns anymore.
@@escribopapelitos A woman who was forced into anything is unfortunate. As we learned about joining the convent, a woman would not be accepted unless she actually had a devotion to God and wanted to be there. Some young women go into the sisterhood and after a year or two decide to leave because it is too hard to make the kind of sacrifices it requires. Nuns have fun and don’t give up their lives completely. They have families that love them and they have normal lives within their talents and interests. They are also free of the burdens that many modern women endure.
If the church wants more people to be seriously involved they need to do actual work in gaining the trust of the people - like by getting rid of all the child diddling priests.
Sadly even some Nuns themselves have helped the priests by witnessing it and not speaking out about it or also being involved in some scandals! it’s disgusting how humans can be, it’s not just the men tho but women can be predators too! You see it all the time on the news about female teachers with their students who were boys (or girls).
Big facts
@NWD Catholics r pagans deep down that disguise Jesus etc as being the centre when the Popes are with Mary being praised like a Goddess with the “Hail Mary’s” etc Roman Catholicism is a religious cult who try to outwardly express goodness but deep within some are nasty evil doers who use Gods name for their own sake!
@NWD hmmm, so the idea of the church getting rid of the pedo priests upsets you. Tell me, are you allowed within 500 feet of schools?
Except they have and the John Jay Institution has said the catholic church has gone beyond what was required when dealing with pedophiles. Now things aren't perfect and there needs to be work but be real nothing will change your mind. The real problem is the secular culture promoting self interested life styles. Catholicism could be squeeky clean and it will never be good enough for you
I was a nun who wore the habit (religious dress) for 8 years and what this interview has neglected to report is that it is the Nuns who are in lay clothes (no habits) are the ones who are losing vocations. It is the communities who have maintained wearing the habit that are gaining vocations and quickly! In those communities the average age for a Sister is between 40-50 years old. Yes, the majority of nuns are un-habited and they are losing vocations, but the convents that are gaining the majority of vocations are those that still want the habit. Don't let this fool you.
I too was in a community that wore the habit. Over the years, the habit rosary was discontinued, the "habit" went to a jumper and minimal veil. Eventually, street clothes were the norm. One of the sisters called me to say the community was dying. Indeed, a once thriving community of almost 1000 sisters is now down to less than 80, all very old. So very sad.
Not all nuns were or are bad. However, there is a lot of adoptions that were forced in the Catholic church, and kept secret. The Indian boarding schools, how native american children were treated is disgusting!!!!
Some of the nuns mistreated the patients in the insane asylums that they were in charge of. Because you had nuns that were molesting the patience and the insane asylums.
I don't have a problem with nuns but at the same time some of them have dark histories.
The indigenous of every country has suffered at the hands of religions throughout the ages. If a person locks him self/herself away it must follow that they will be out of touch with the ‘real world’, at this point in history women are more engaged in their societies at all levels and that is why in America women are resisting being told what they can and cannot do with their bodies. That fight is on the outside not inside a convent.
@@Dinerokid-rh5tu everyone got a dark side . EVERYONE .
I am Native American, I don't blame modern day nuns for past problems. My great-grandparents, grandparents and great uncles all went to these schools. The schools weren't a great idea, but that is not the fault of any nun trying to her work in 2022.
As a young boy who went to a private Catholic grade school from grades 1-8 during the early, mid and late 1960s in the greater Chicagoland area (the suburbs) I and my fellow male classmates were severely physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually abused, beaten, humiliated, and harmed by our nuns. It was called “corporal punishment.” A euphemism for permitted child abuse. There is absolutely no Biblical premise, need or mention of nuns whatsoever in the Scriptures.
Catholic church is a network of system abuse. Nuns were abusing kids, nuns were abuse by priests.
I know a woman who was sexually abused by nuns.
Exaggerate much? You came out of it and now have discipline and respect for authority. Something lacking today.
@@ivangamez9773 /pol/ moment
Even the face matches
I was 27 when a nun asked if I had a calling. I was pretty sure I did not but asked her to tell me more anyway. Her particular order had both monks and nuns and get this.. the age limit for nuns was 29 while the age limit for monks was 70. And the younger novices and nuns main tasks would be to clean and cook for the monks while they were undergoing scholarly studies as they had to learn the value of servitude! So, I can see why numbers of nuns worldwide are dropping. Women are being better educated and recognised in an intellectual capacity like never before the world over and you expect us to return to a kind of medieval existence in the name of service to God?? No, thank you.
Miss me with that sexism
right , not to mention the role nuns played the colonization of America and Australia
If the church wants more people to be seriously involved they need to do actual work in gaining the trust of the people - like by getting rid of all the child diddling priests.
Like you said-- her particular order. There are several orders of nuns and monks, they have different age limits depending on the charism of the order. There are orders that make use of the sisters' degrees and such, and also allow them to study more. Different orders have different callings, please do not generalize.
@@ba_leng9386 The really sad part is this is actually the common practice in many parts of the world. The age limit for nuns at the most is between 25-30 for my part of the world but for priests and monks it is 60-70! And of course I could try joining another order, like you say, but I would have to go pretty far to do that.
You’re asking young women to dedicate their entire life to the church. Making them swear to never marry, maintain eternal chasity, and never pursue wealth. I can’t imagine a single young woman saying yes to that unless they were raised sheltered
What are you saying. Many used to do that. And still are . People used to have good faith back then and were ready to renounce worldly pleasure for it.
I agree
Yea this is just calling a spade a spade, honestly. I don’t take pleasure in seeing the nuns slowly disappear but it really is just asking wayyyy too much these days. If I had a daughter and she wanted this, I would try to talk her out of it. You can be a good person while pursuing your own best interests.
@@andrewwestman2407 that’s a very nice way to put it
"many are turn off by the scandals of the church" ... many witnessed or were abused, that's the main turn off.
There is still the same number of women who want to and do go into a life of service BUT as social workers now. The nuns are still going strong but as laity. There has always been people who desire to serve. Some for the Lord and others just to help the unfortunate.
I was raised catholic and abandoned it due to mistreatment, my daughters were raised religious free so this is no surprise to me when families turn their backs on the Catholic Church, they’ve lost a generation
Roman Catholicism is a false religion and has practically no Biblical premise whatsoever.
In the year 1000, Abu Bakr Al-Baqillani asked the major priest of the romans:
_"How is your wife and children?"_
Everyone was shocked and told him: _"How dare you say something like that about our priest. Don't you know that that they are above that?"_
Al-Baqillani replied: _"You became infuriated when I said that to the priest, yet you dare to associate a son to the Most Merciful."_
Allah سبحانه وتعالى said,
وَيَجْعَلُونَ لِلَّهِ مَا يَكْرَهُونَ وَتَصِفُ أَلْسِنَتُهُمُ الْكَذِبَ أَنَّ لَهُمُ الْحُسْنَىٰ ۖ لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّ لَهُمُ النَّارَ وَأَنَّهُم مُّفْرَطُونَ
They assign to Allah that which they dislike (for themselves), and their tongues assert the falsehood that the better things will be theirs. No doubt for them is the Fire, and they will be the first to be hastened on into it, and left there neglected. [An-Nahl 16:62]
ثُمَّ قَفَّيْنَا عَلَىٰ آثَارِهِم بِرُسُلِنَا وَقَفَّيْنَا بِعِيسَى ابْنِ مَرْيَمَ وَآتَيْنَاهُ الْإِنجِيلَ وَجَعَلْنَا فِي قُلُوبِ الَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوهُ رَأْفَةً وَرَحْمَةً وَرَهْبَانِيَّةً ابْتَدَعُوهَا مَا كَتَبْنَاهَا عَلَيْهِمْ إِلَّا ابْتِغَاءَ رِضْوَانِ اللَّهِ فَمَا رَعَوْهَا حَقَّ رِعَايَتِهَا ۖ فَآتَيْنَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْهُمْ أَجْرَهُمْ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌ مِّنْهُمْ فَاسِقُونَ
Then, We sent after them Our Messengers, and We sent 'Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus the son of Mary عليهما السلام), and gave him the Injeel. And We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. _And the monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe it for them,_ but (they sought it) only to please Allah with it, but they did not observe it with the right observance. So We gave those among them who believed their (due) reward; but many of them are Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient sinners). [Al-Hadeed 57:27]
وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلًا مِّن قَبْلِكَ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ أَزْوَاجًا وَذُرِّيَّةً
And indeed We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad ﷺ) and made for them wives and offspring. [Ar-Ra'd 13:38]
4) Chapter: Prohibition of Celibacy
Narrated Anas (Ibn Maalik) رضي الله عنه:
"That there was a group of the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ, one of whom said: "I will not marry women." Another said: "I will not eat meat." Another said: "I will not sleep on a bed." Another said: "I will fast and not break my fast." News of that reached the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and he praised Allah then said: "What is the matter with people who say such and such? But I pray and I sleep, I fast and I break my fast, and I marry women. Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not of me."
[Sunan an-Nasa'i » The Book of Marriage - كتاب النكاح » Hadith 3217]
2) Chapter: Prohibition of Celibacy
It was narrated from Samurah رضي الله عنه that:
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ forbade celibacy. Zayd bin Akhzam added: “And Qatadah رحمهما الله recited:
وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلًا مِّن قَبْلِكَ وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ أَزْوَاجًا وَذُرِّيَّةً
And indeed We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad ﷺ) and made for them wives and offspring. [Ar-Ra'd 13:38]
[Sunan Ibn Majah » The Chapters on Marriage - كتاب النكاح » Hadith 1849]
I’m catholic and tho I love my lord the church needs some help.
@@karenacolon5581 That's why we have to take notes and lessons from what happened to the christian women who became undressed, so that the forces of the shaytan, the apartheid tribe in hollywood does not spread the same on our womenfolk.
What this doesn't mention is that the more traditional orders are actually having ample vocations. It's the orders that modernised and ditched habits that are largely dying off.
I went to a convent school and I can definitely say they were the most cruel people I have ever met in my life.
Totally agree. The conjuring isnt exxageraring, they are notorious and scarey as hell.
Loneliness and sexual repression can drive people mad. You cant really replace a man with a candle or an eggplant.
@@eduardochavacano that’s not true
@@bottleneck979 not all
Goes to show how much of a trash street walker you are
More and more people are “answering god’s call” without any religion or church at all. Simply being a good person leading a selfless life & having a personal relationship with one’s god is enough for most people.
@@janeoleary8454 I didn’t ask for that. Nor do I accept the responsibility of it that people have attempted to force on me. I wholeheartedly reject it. I owe Jesus nothing. That was his choice. And I am not in eternal servitude for it. Whether he’s real or not, free will is a thing. And deciding not to follow Jesus is NOT immoral or wrong. It’s a choice.
@@janeoleary8454 Also, I am good. I’m a good person. I was not born riddled with sin like a little devil. You have no place telling anyone that they are evil and deserve nothing. Get out of here with that emotional and spiritual abuse.
@@AandM8 good luck sweetie
@@AandM8 I agree with you that you owe Jesus nothing. Jesus offers you salvation, he already paid for it. you don't have to owe him anything to receive the salvation.
@@janeoleary8454 that sounds like a threat. “Good luck sweetie.” So…are you trying to imply that if I don’t choose to follow Jesus he’ll punish me? Sounds like a dictator and it’s just one more reason not to.
At one of my jobs there was a nun customer who didn’t wear the traditional “clothes” she was in her 70s. I remember her and my coworker who was Muslim and in his early 20s being super close. Everyone loved her, she was truly a beautiful human. Every time she came in my coworker would stop whatever he was doing just to talk to sister Maryann . She also had a better memory than all of us put together 😂 she actually remembered my birthday even though I only told her once
See this is the nice kind, it reminds me of some nice elder ladies who are similar i knew as a kid. But unfortunately theyre not all like that which is probably why this is happening not to mention its like 2022
we lost our last nun at my local catholic hospital. we lost the father around a decade ago and slowly each sister left or died. we used to have a large convent on the site of the hospital as well but after sister Margaret left it has turned into private apartments. it’s sad.
So sorry to hear that💔
I find it fascinating...I'm curious how the apartments look.
@@lilsheba1 they are privately owned by the school that works with the hospital, students who are finishing med school and going into the work force live in these homes
Why sad ... Young folk are making choices how to lead their lives ... Too often in the past folk were told who to marry or not, to be a nun, etc.
5:40 the scandals were the 1st thing that came to my mind. The nuns helped cover up the priests sexual assault cases. Nuns were abusing Native American children in the assimilation schools. If the Catholic Church addressed the overarching issues more people might be called to the faith and a life of service
We may need to do some introspective evaluation, how have we treated our nuns? Do they feel loved, supported and protected to fulfill their mandate fully? We means: the church, leadership and the community of Christians.
Sins of some doesnt change the teaching of Catholic church.
There’s even one nun who tried to get a priest arrested for sexually assaulting her students, but she ended up murdered. Her former students are investigating (not sure if they’re still are as it’s been decades).
When I was younger and started to get in trouble in grade school, my parents put me in a religious school. There the nuns straightened me out and did not play games and we're great teachers. Once I hit HS I went back to public school graduated and stayed out of trouble. I thank them for my success and I will always respect them 😌.
Public school should be fit for purpose.
& we are great teachers.
Was there any hottie nun? 😅
I know a guy who went to a religious school. He was horribly abused by the nuns.
@@davidv6588 Of course
I've read and heard some similar stories where nuns were completely jerks and mean and always whipped them! To change their perceptions from the world they grew up. That's mental 🙄😅
For sure I'd had fap some nuns. Why not
I think the bigger problem with getting young women involved in the nunhood is that the Catholic church still fails to promote the sisterhood on the same level as a priest. A nun cannot perform services they arent allowed to be involved in the govening body of the Catholic faith. Until gender equality is done women of today wont see sisterhood as an attractive option.
Not to mention rape of nuns by priests is still extraordinarily high in the modern era. Being a nun is basically acknowledging that you are giving up all of your power to fight back against your own mistreatment. Until the Catholic Church joins the modern era, it will continue to fall.
It's modern day feminism that's ruining the woman's image.
I agree 100% I also think it’s the abuses that go on in the church. Pedophiles becoming priests yes, but also some of the horror stories from certain orphanages about nuns being abusive particularly to children of color. I’m not saying nuns are like that now or that every nun is like that. But the churches failure to expel them, And comply with law-enforcement also makes the institution unattractive to spiritual women.
It’s a calling from God. If a young woman wants to know her God and become a nun she will. It’s not an earthly call. What you describe here dilutes what the true essence of holy orders is. If we have fewer nuns then the callings are less.
@Yo Yo someone else on a different post said more people are “answering gods call without needing a church/institution or religion and that it’s enough for some people. And i don’t think it dilutes it if institutions ruin the image and reputation by themselves”. People can make god whatever they want but if an institution ruins religion and individual faith doesnt then the institution and organized religion dilutes it
That's because America has lost the faith. I am an American and I pray for my country everyday.
I feel that the wardrobe is something they should keep, even if it's just the headpiece, that gives unity to the sisterhood and makes them recognizable, many religions around the globe still keep their "holy robes" and are a sign of their fate, I think that by loosing most of what differentiates you from the public, the religion, feels like disappearing, even if that is not the case, and that will lead to a faster decline in newcomers
I agree. I say that all the time about priests too.
I agree
I was a cloistered nun and it’s an amazing life giving yourself completely to God. However, it’s a vocation and not everyone is called to stay their entire life. It was a blessing while it lasted. The Lord is still my entire life!
Among traditional Catholic religious orders and churches that have the traditional Latin Mass, vocations are booming! A lot of hearts yearn for the traditions of the faith especially in the midst of a world that is constantly changing and not for the better. Truth never changes. God is still calling men and woman. Thanks be to God that they still answer His call!
As a child, upon the death of my mother, I was sent to reside in a convent (not really sure why). After a few weeks, I knew that this is where I wanted to be - cloistered, never having to engage in idle conversation, living my life in service to the church. I was summoned to Mother Superior’s office, where upon she spoke words that would forever change my life’s trajectory. I can still hear her say, “my child, this place is not for you”. Whatever her intent, I will never know, but, the effect was devastating or a 12 year old. Words mean things.
God Bless You.
God doesn’t exist…
you abandoned reason to put faith in the invisible man who lives in the sky..you cant be trusted, your decisions cant be trusted, you are morally compromised and cant be trusted. Engage with reality.
You are absolutely correct. When the Catholic Faith is given in it's entirety people will come! Why? It's because we are made for the truth!
Maybe they're getting disgusted with the predators in the church.
Nah. They're just free to be lesbians now.
Badabing badaboom
I wouldn't doubt that they also become abused by the people of the church
I’m flabbergasted that nun of you are taking this seriously… 😔
My sister left to do an experience to a monastery in Denmark when she was just 23. She took her vows a few years later and is now 34. She’s currently a nun in Spain and is the happiest 💕
Everyone is surprised and doesn’t understand why she left so young considering she had just started her adult life being a UT grad. But all I can say is the nun life is just for those who have a special calling ♥️
She's the Luckiest human I've heard about this whole year.
I am a Black American Muslim Woman,
I always thought it would be cool to spend time in a Religious Monastery.
I think that is so cool that your sister had that experience. :::
Everyone has a choice . When I was a child my mom forced me to do my confirmation and attend religious gatherings. I never liked it and I never believed in god . When I hit my 20s I told her all the truth about me not believing in god or any of that and thankfully she understood and was ok with it .
Maybe because she was a lesbian in hiding and didn't want to bring that to light.
So we are ignoring that nuns have been beaten and r-worded and even impregnated by pr!ests? Oh ok. As a young person I considered it. I’m glad I saw behind the curtain.
Nah, they're not concerned with the whole truth in this little propaganda puff piece for the corrupt RC Church.
Yes and forced abortions was also an issue in the Catholic Church. Very sad.
How terrible. Always having to hush the scandals. And then they question why young women don't want to be nuns!?
I wanted to become a nun the moment I realized nothing brought me more joy than Jesus, but you don’t have to be a nun to be set apart
Good for you.
Sainthood is the calling of every follower of Jesus. Come follow me, He said.
Layman or otherwise.
It is just that nuns are a witness for all the world to see.
A bright light NOT hidden under the bushel of a mundane life.
A bulb has ONE purpose. That is all.
It can only do one thing.
BUT that purpose is immeasurably important.
A nun is a living breathing witness to our faith that this world is not the end as in purpose, of our existence.
AND a living reminder of the perennial call of Our Lord to every generation to follow Him.
I saw a Dominican nun walking down the street in Sydney going about her business with her black and white traditional habit and the oversized rosary dangling from her waist and it was a jarring, living reminder, a true witness, that there is a reality standing outside the concerns we occupy ourselves with day in and day out. A witness without apology.
Most ignored her. Many despised her I'm sure. Many probably pitied her.
But for some, that sight will be there in the back of their minds. The rest is in God's hands, right?
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed-or indeed only ONE.
Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42
"... the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found ONE very precious pearl, he went away and sold ALL he had and bought it." Matthew 13:46
God bless you.
And however God calls you, may you live your life in the flock of the Lord earnestly trying to be a good servant, following behind the Lord Jesus Christ, Our Shepherd...as I myself am trying to do. :-)
If we keep our eyes on Him, we can be sure He will lead us through the narrow gate.
Blessed be Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to God.
Amen to the last part
Well a lot of things you don't have to do. But when you realize that nothing brings you more joy than Jesus, you give your live to Christ as a monastic. Even though you don't have to do. Love makes you do crazy things, you know.
Sr. Mary Helene was my 3rd grade teacher and my favorite! She was strict and passionate about her love for Jesus and taught us the best poems and songs for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and other holidays! I will never forget her! She made a difference in my life! Thank you, Sister! XO
I think it's mostly because of how most young people are either non religious and being a nun means you have to give up alot of things
And gain the grace of Our Heavenly Father, and the promise of an eternity of Heaven, which we all deep in our soul desire above all things.
@@WinstonNewYork So join a cult and do nothing while priests rape children. Lonely.
@@Knightwolf1994 What cult? . . . Do you mean Holy Mother Church, the very one and true Church established by Christ Jesus on St Peter and the Apostles? The very one, true and Apostolic church that was built on the blood of the Martyrs and Saints these 2,000 years? The very fount of Western Civilization and Christendom that has fought every heresy and evil from Ancient Rome to today? The very instrument of salvation, that will triumph over the infiltration you speak of, of Modernists, Masons and Marxists, in all their perversion and evil? The word you were looking for is 'lovely'. Yes, precisely, the greatest expression of the love and mercy of Our Heavenly Father, despite the mindless minds and soulless souls you represent. May God have mercy on you.
@@WinstonNewYork Ok cultist.
@@WinstonNewYork Since God did nothing while his people were raping and killing in his name I want nothing to do with him.
It’s because younger generations of women would NEVER put up with that type of abuse anymore.
They have the most peaceful, DEPRESSION FREE, quiet life. Unlike you, full of mental health issues, and constantly fighting against society, government, workplace, and bills and taxes. lmao
There is no abuse although it happens everywhere
@@fourleafclover2377 Mc-cuse me since when has the Catholic Church not been abusive to it’s members
@@galaxy_kicks7911 many branches of the Church have members not experiencing abuse
It’s because many of the younger generation are more openly degenerate
One of the biggest hurdles facing nuns and priests is the requirement to have zero financial debts before taking their vows.
I thought it was because you are not allowed have a normal sexual relationship someone.
Yes, what Dan wrote plays a huge factor for many. There are actually organizations like the Laboure Society that help aspirants to raise the money to pay off their student loans, etc.
🕊️💖🕊️Can they help them?, I'm sure the Catholic church has millions? ( billions!!!), Just saying 🧐...
God never told anyone to give up relationships and a family to serve him thats just ridiculous what they do, make it feel like they wasted most of their lives.
@@manuellezama6931 They help them. But the church is decentralized, sending money isn’t easy.
There is a very pure and beautiful reason for why nuns wore the habit. I will not look at a nun dressed as the 5 ladies shown the same as one who has donned the robes God has called her to wear. Seeing a nun dressed traditionally brings me to tears. To these modern sisters, not so much, though their hearts mean well. I only wish I had grown up Catholic ... I may well have joined. Do they take 60 yr olds? lol God bless.
I lived with the sisters when I was young. It's a calling. Religion is devoid of spirituality. So I understand why so few are being called today. Dedicating yourself to a thing where you have no voice, rights, or power except over the unfortunate you must care for creates resentment. There will never be reform because the men who run the church will never allow it. Thank God, the sisters I was with taught us how to actually survive and have a voice. Forever grateful.
it is not that these sister do not have a voice. The great value of convent life is that for love of Jesus you renounce of your freedom, of family life, physical love, and possessions. Since this is very hard, it means a lot to the Lord. It means He will give to those who are in need for this great sacrifice. And to live without these things that are not bad by itself, the nuns become free for God alone. Sister Clare of Assisi, a great saint, was so bent on having the right to possess nothing - only God - which is so great but also very hard to live. Only with great love for Jesus and Mary. Once this world will not be so rich any more and after the tribulations, cloistered life will be revived by thousands of fruitful souls
“I’m spiritual not religious” and comments such as these which imply that “religion” is a four letter word are completely asinine and new age.
Maybe they just realize how ridiculous it is. Mormons worship the devil and are polygamous, which is wrong. Meanwhile, wait we are all married to Jesus?
@@brittalbach416 you don’t serve God by turning your back in being human
Can't blame them, they want to have sex also
I wanted to be a nun when I was younger, but I realized I can't be apart of an establishment where I have no voice and where abuse is swept under the rug.
Unfortunately it’s an institution run by humans so wrongs will be done
But the truth always prevails
I went to Catholic school for 12 years. Was taught by Nuns & Brothers. I have the upmost respect for these people! They were very, very strict (1960’s - 1970’s), but I received an excellent education
The excellent education is really all you can say about Catholic grade school. That is, when criminal child-abusing nuns weren’t slapping you in the face and beating the tar out of you. Or perhaps, you lucked out and had “nice” criminal nuns. LOL!!!
I also went to a catholic school and i despise them all.
What was that excellent education ?
So many are abused by the Catholic Church. It reminds me of a cult. Dad was going to send my 2 brothers and myself to catholic school and I thank God he changed his mind.
They were horrible. They left my father on the floor writhing in agony with nephritis and wished death on him. If that's tough love, I'm sure glad he got saved and fled the "holy church" so I didn't have to get it too.
I think that a nun just like the priest should wear
their habit . It symbolizes all they have vowed for. Either they give themselves completely by renouncing to a worldly way of living or not. And also helps inspire that desire for other young women to become nuns. Vocation to priesthood and religious life is a two way: internal and external
that identifies t
I agree. Buddhist bikkhunis (nuns) all wear robes, Catholic nuns should also wear them. It will inspire others and help them focus on important their spiritual life vs fashion or what to wear every day
Military organizations use the uniform to wear in part for pride, dedication and group identification. Nuns in habit are identified, and I respect them for their dedication to Jesus. I always liked the huge cross and rosary beads they wore.
Interesting story and a sign of the changing times. I think the correspondent did a good job highlighting these women and was respectful about a topic many people don’t fully understand but are quick to condemn.
The only nuns I have ever seen in movies are naughty nuns! And these "nuns" do NOT look ANYTHING like those naughty nuns!
Nothing to understand. An order that protects child molesters and abusers, rapists and murderers has no place in a civilized society. Period
@@e.g.4483 the Catholic Church has withstood centuries of persecution while making incredible contributions to science, higher education, and society, championing the widespread acceptance of human equality and sanctity of life. For example, hospitals as an institution began in the 4th century by a Church initiative to treat and heal people regardless of social status. I encourage you to read more about the Church’s incredible history.
Or maybe the reason they are quick to condemn is because they understand fully.
@@bocawilliams9200 Because the media tends to exaggerate stereotypes against nuns. I know many nuns in the Philippines and they are very lovely and caring people. There are still plenty of nuns here but it's declining faster in the Americas because Christianity has been villanized by your government and your media, in an attempt to make America more secular. Tbh, USA today is more irreligious than the USSR.
I wanted to be a nun for such a long time but lost my faith learning about the history of the religion and how it protects abusers. As far as nuns go they are still wonderful people and they truly are pure souls. Bless them
Don't be a nun because there is a lucky boy waiting for you out there. Cheers.
Only become nun out of the love for Jesus. Otherwise don't.
Biblical Christianity is not the same as that wicked organization. True Christians Don't share the blame for their atrocities towards indigenous people nor do we share the blame for their inquisitions, crusades, rapes, pedophilia etc. Their organization has the blood of millions on its' hands." THey don't speak for us true Chrisians!! Jesus does! His TRUE Church does not owe anyone an apology. Their demonic system does though!
aside from protecting the abuser, their role played in colonialism
@@REXONCROSS lol for the love of imaginary sky man
I spent part of my elementary and middle school education in a Catholic school run by nuns, they are strict and traditional but well meaning and honestly, the tough hand they have for education is something children need. They didn't allow bullying, always talked to any kid who seemed down or too quiet and paid attention to what every child needs. Even if that is a stern talking to if they are acting wrong or not caring about how their behavior affects those around them. Sure, the praying two times a day and weekly church visit was boring but many kids I knew were raised more by them than their own families.
No they bullied the kids themselves
Exactly they do all the dirty deeds themselves plus harvesting energy for the demiurge, that why they force people to attend their pointless rituals.
In a country that rewards people who step on others to get ahead, I’m not surprised.
There is so much that has come to light about the evil within the Catholic Church I have lost faith in the church but not God, and as an Irish woman going to mass and prayers were huge part of growing up. I wish these young ladies good luck.
There's evil everywhere! it's a Human problem not a Catholic problem
we live in a fallen creation.You be the change you'd like to see in others
Nuns are human priest are human, not everyone in church truly knows Jesus it's only a few filled with the holy spirit and fear of our Lord God. Not everyone knows the Truth.....Our minds are blinded by the evil one and our hearts are desperately wicked. Pray for the lost instead of pointing out their flaws. That's what a true Catholic believer does for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Absolutely agree with you
@@silviaperez3103 Evil in an organization that claims the level of holiness that the Catholic church does is especially horrible.
@@silviaperez3103 it is a Catholic problem, when the priest molest alter boys and the Church covers up for them 😂🤣Religion is for the weak minded 😁
I used to work for a non profit funding agency in India in the 90's . Many of the beneficiaries were catholic charities run by the nuns. I have travelled to some remote areas where they run schools and health centers . Most of the beneficiaries were not catholics. Most of the humanitarian work run by the church is not possible with out the selfless work of sisters . Thank you sisters for the amazing work you do . I am sure god will motivate more young women to continue his mission in the world as nuns .
Personally, seeing victims talk about the abuse cause my nuns, priest and the cover up of the church doesn’t exactly make anyone trust churches.
You realize there is more abuse in public schools than churches right? Be real nothing will be good enough for you
IMO - why would a woman want to enter a misogynistic, archaic environment where certain issues loom large over the paternal hierarchy? A major house cleaning needs to occur from top to bottom.
historically it was the one place where women could escape a life of marriage, have food, educated, practice a hobby/passion (writing, art, etc), and so on. These days its just because they love God and want to dedicate themselves to God.
I will pray you will be granted a clue. You don't know anything about it.
@markstein2845 IMO - The church does not treat women as equals;. for example, They are not allowed to give sermons.
Yeah, it's hard to get over the old images of what nuns did to Irish children and Native children and Aboriginal children and Jewish children. Old truths die hard and all the turkeys in your hair don't make those traumas go away.
Give it 200 years
but nobody ever talks about the thousands of nuns and monks who quietly do their duties and pray all their lives so that the world will be atoned and saved. I live in Germany and here in the south, Bavaria, I have known so many sisters who worked and did so many things only for Gods salary, we owe them so much. Real women forgetting themselves for God and neighbor
@@brittalbach416 In America it is different though. It wasn’t even a century ago when native children were ripped from their parents arms, forced to cut their hair (which culturally, native Americans get their gifts from their ancestors through that if I’m not mistaken), beaten, and starved.
Who funded this? The Vatican and the Catholic Church. Nuns and priests did the bidding.
The quote: “Kill the Indian, save the man”.
Thousands upon thousands Native American CHILDREN died at their hands. Maybe it’s time for them to go away. If they want to do that in Germany, they can. But don’t be advocating for Eugenics in America by praising these nuns, at the end of the day: if they didn’t protest and advocate for these Native children, they’re murderers. Plain and simple.
Additionally, look at how much funding the Vatican has. They could “cure” world hunger 7 times over, but do they? Nope. My stomach turns at that, because that’s not very Holy knowing people are starving but not giving them the help they deserve.
Oh and just wait til you find out Mother Theresa was absolute EVIL, she wasn’t a saint. She reused needles and prayed over people saying God would heal them, and additionally was found to be putting money aside for herself.
And then they want you following their rules to a T or you’re going to the demons apparently. When they’re filled with hate, greed, etc. Almost everything they tell their millions of followers not to do.
So black children are chopped liver?
True, there are so many good priests and nuns out there.
I went to a Catholic school growing up. The ones we had were unbelievably cruel if you so much as thought "wrong" or used the wrong pen color.
Better than being taught about 47 different genders in public school, also I don’t remember school shootings happening in catholic schools
@@fishingislife9554 no but my dad who went to Catholic school said there was a lot of under aged pregnancies.
@@fishingislife9554 I'd rather've learned about my gender identity than have dysphoria and worsened mental health from being micromanaged on what to wear and how to behave. Shootings were unheard of in the 90s until columbine and that was pretty much the only one we heard about for a decade. Also you were just a freshman a few years after I'd already graduated HS. Noob. 😋
@@VictorianRabbit3456 true, we didn't have sx education like when I switched to public. Lots of 13 year old kids having children themselves. But public school wasn't any better, those kids just waited until 16 and couldn't afford condoms so they used balloons and well, let's say there's a huge generation of kids whose "parents" are only a decade or so older. Both approaches failed to prevent kids from doing illegal and adult only things.
Don't tell them anything, just say don't do it? Few listen or they forget.
Tell them everything and scare them with facts, then tell them they need money to do it but they don't have jobs? How's that going to end? I told you about balloon baby. They don't give out condoms for free unless you have a ride to a clinic with your parents, lol. Even so if they did it would almost be encouraging it. Man it's just sad that kids get caught up in this from a warped society when they should still be having fun outside on the monkey bars, playing Pokemon or something innocent, not wasting their childhood becoming an adult too soon. You can never really go back once you're forced to grow up. 😔
@@DivineLightPaladin yes the teachers in catholic school can be cruel but it is to discipline you and prepare you for the real world which is much crueler, public schools only have degeneracy, laziness, violence, bullies and school shootings
Yeah, the moment an education was available, women no longer had to rely on the system for knowledge and experience. It's a shame that we're losing these parts of communities but it shows good progression in society
That is what I see. People can still be good people and beneficial to the community without giving away so much
Society is getting dimmer and dimmer by the day
@@Shastasnow that’s similar to saying people can provide healthcare without being professional health care providers
@@cinemathemostimportant7717 based on extreme Christian nationalists using political violence to force their religion on people who don’t conform to their beliefs.
Honestly being a nun sounds like an absolute nightmare. No freedom.
What? they don't?
It’s about serving something bigger than yourself
@@lolok1099 with little in return.
@Adriana What? Doing what you want and when you want is not freedom??
@Adriana it is freedom, it’s just not pretty
The Catholic church is pretty extreme in terms of demanding a life of celibacy and subservience to men. It would have been nice to see her address some of these deeper issues, since I know many people who consider themselves Catholics, but live a life that diverges from the church on central points.
It’s a life of sacrifice
But people have a choice to choose it
It’s not just a life to religion service. It’s devoting your entire life to a cause with a system of incredible oppression and a male center religion. Religion doesn’t mean faith
You are oppressed go to church!
@BuildGUY probably know more than you bud. It’s not sad. It never made any sense.
Christianity is centered around God, not males
@@jacksonstenhouse4429 wow you really don’t know religion or history I’m gathering. You should read more specifically about the creation and centralization of the Roman Catholic Church and Hellenic period, Hellenic Judaism as well.
@@AyeeElyy we might as well just cut to the chase here. Christianity teaches that men and women are different and are meant for different roles. This does not make it male centric. Also, basically the first thing the catholic church did is artificially inflate the status of Mary, engaging in idolatry and fvckhole worship. So, it was a weird example to use to illustrate your point...
It's decreased because women now have more options.
very good point. women empowerment = no nuns
Very good point. Misery of the world’s doctrines = less prayer to Almighty God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
"It's hard to convince them to become nuns."
Because it's not how it works. It's a calling, not a subject of negotiation.
There's a difference between nuns and sisters (nuns are cloistered, sisters work in the community). Some groups of sisters are growing like the Dominicans of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Michigan. But I think nuns, being cloistered and therefore less visible, are shrinking.
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All the abuse stories about nuns and priests should prove to some people that Paul was a false apostle.
Or are you of the position that it gives an example why people need forgiveness? I'm not attempting to speak harshly but to give a perspective for people to think about. The numbers have been staggering.
Good, go away nuns
No, all are nuns-the difference is if they are cloistered or not. Cloistered nuns will always be in the convent, like the Carmelites nuns. I did help fix their computers when their new convent was being commissioned and they were temporarily uncloistered. We can go visit with them and even see them through a screen or window. Always very happy to have visitors and interact with the outside world and include us i their daily prayers.
I have the utmost respect for the nuns who taught at my schools -- they were socially conscious, intellectual, cared about the spiritual and emotional growth of the students, and were truly committed to their vocation to serve God and others. They were imperfect human beings and some were mean, but many were wonderful teachers. I become disheartened when I see how they are attacked and made fun of as a group, without regard to their individuality, I think because their way of life goes counter to the secular modern values. It's no surprise that daily on the media we see violent crimes, fake news, and just general callousness as if this is the norm, and parallel to this, the decline in the number of young people choosing the religious profession.
Uhh christian values back in the days weren't doing too hot as well though
And just when I thought I was gonna get a good nights sleep, I’m hit with this devastating news.
Finally good news from the USA! 🙌🏻
As a muslim i find this very sad. I love nuns and their devotion to god when wearing the habit is similar to the hijab and other religious head coverings. I also appreciate the non traditional nuns who dont wear a nuns habit. This is really very truly sad.
They abused so many people.
I disagree. People are simply choosing other life styles that makes them the happiest. I say good on them. No one should choose religious life (or any other lifestyle) that doesn’t make them truly happy.
What makes American nuns so special that they don't have to wear the habit? I can't even tell who's a Catholic nun in the United States. It's no wonder as to why they're having recruiting problems. They should try looking like nuns again.
Leave women alone. Us muslims countries already force so many women who don't want to do head covering and just not want to cover up in a Islamic way. Religion should always be a choice not force.
@@a_teez8913 bitch idc. Shush
When I was a freshman there was a social studies class I took my teacher her name was Ms Stanton and she was a nun nicest lady I've ever met. All my classmates loved her she was a wonderful lady I was crushed when she left don't know the reason why but I will never forget her
I always wanted to be a nun and sadly I went the wrong way in life. But I had a lot to be thankful for. I have a son with autism and mom I care for with Alzheimer’s. I’m the only person I know who loves service! I serve all day to help people in physical pain! Bless their hearts. The only thing I remember when I had my surgeries as a child was waking up and a sister being present! Life is so beautiful! Love is the answer. ❤️
I think horror movies, young mothers forced into convents and the uncovering of mass killings in orphanages has destroyed America's views of nuns forever. It's the first things the secular world thinks of. I love these comments. The good stories
There are good and bad people in every group, but I can understand why people today wouldn't want to be part of an organization with such a dark legacy.
I experienced nuns who were sweet and full of the holy spirit. Then there were the mean, cruel, nasty ones who were full of rage and resentment.🤷♀️🤔🙏
My elementary school teacher was a nun. Sister Chris was from the sisters of mercy order. She came from Belgium. She helped me through some hard times. I’ll never forget her.
I misread the title as America is losing its nuts
Same thing tbh
Nuns are amazing women who in history have founded hospitals, schools, nursing homes, charities, etc. We have to be so thankful for them. Growing up in poverty, I remember the catholic charities ran by nuns who helped us keep the lights on. I think very fondly of them.
Between the late 1800s and 1990s, Catholic nuns and priests were tasked to operate several hundreds of American Indian Residential Schools in order to assimilate Indigenous Children into a life of servitude and Western culture. Some if not most of them played a role in the mass abductions, tortures, and murders of over 7,000 Indigenous Children in that span of time.
In those days, Indigenous Communities desperately hide any evidence of their having children just so the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the christian missionaries can leave them alone. In some stories of Survivors, they had to flee to the hills or in the woodlands until the agents and missionaries finally leave their lands. If you get caught and refuse to cooperate with the agents, the government will try to starve your community by withholding food rations.
My own mother was in her 30s when the last Residential School was shut down in colonial Canada in the 1990s. This didn't happen a century ago. It was still happening when I was just born. There are thousands of Survivors alive right now, and the youngest among them are in their 40s and 50s now.
From 2020 to 2022, there's been an uproar and a renewed wave of investigations in those Residential Schools after thousands of bodies were found in unmarked graves. Those weren't just schools. They were prison camps, assimilation camps. Many Indigenous Tribes across the colonial USA and Canada still remember what had happened in those assimilation camps. Canada had 130 of these sites, and USA had more than 300. This was an ethnocide and cultural genocide of Indigenous Peoples.
The catholic and protestant churches and their cursed bibles are soaked with the blood of countless innocent people, children especially. Native Kids were brutally r*ped, tortured, and murdered by those priests and nuns just because they spoke their mother tongues and their traditional names. That is why millions of people are now turning away from the churches for their historic crimes against Non-Whites and Non-Christians. This is the downfall of their own making. Shame on them.
Exactly, no one can be sad that an organization that systematically committed crimes against humanity (because that's what they were) and covered them up is dwindling.
There are always good people mixed in but that doesn't justify the whole Catholic church.
Well put. The catholic church has α huge amount of blood on its hands
@@kellymoses8566 you know she said Protestant church too , right??
And now let’s talk of the countless dead at the hands of said natives
What was done was horrendous
But those are examples of those who did not live up to the faith
If we are to go for low hanging fruit
Everyone is historically guilty of something
This story sidesteps the many abuses that have come to light within the catholic church(children, Indigenous people, Slavery, Colonialism, and helping the Nazis) including the sexual abuse directed towards nuns specifically.
If you dress in normal clothes and dont life your life that differently why even bother. That is not a nun. You dont live in apartments. You life in a convent you dont go in the internet, you pray a minimum of 5 times a day, you serve god in silent prayer in between you dont talk and ideally you never leave the convent. That is a nun. This is not a nun. And to be clear im not really a religious person but i feel like a lot of people would agree that we can not compare these people to the nuns of the past that actually sacrificed EVERYTHING.
I loved my Principal who was a nun her name was Sr. Rose and she was the best person I ever knew and she was strict but I adored her and she the same with me even to the point she nominated me for an award.
People are coming to their senses. just try to be a good person, suppressing your sexual feelings is unhealthy, drinking and laughing with friends is not wrong. SCIENCE FLIES YOU TO THE MOON RELIGION FLIES YOU INTO BUILDINGS
Fr... I once went thru that phase of suppressing my sexuality and sexual appetite... It's psychologically awful
@@Oscar_239 i was a deeply religious catholic for 10 years during my adolescence to my early 20s. i prayed the rosary every day, the only thing i ever talked about was god, and even thought just swearing was a sin. im also autistic and had a lot of problems as a teenager. i thought my religion brought me happiness but it just made me way more depressed. I'm also gay. it made things way more confusing. i found unimaginable happiness once I became agnostic. I thought I was bad for being gay. I felt so much shame when I took pleasure in having fantasies. I really missed out on so much fun during my teen years by being so weird. everyone else thought I was weird too. yeah I tried really hard to suppress my sexual feelings and that never worked. im an animal. an outta control animal. I think all dudes are lol. NICE PICS BY THE WAY BABY YOURE SUPER HOT AND MUSCULAR... THATS MY UNCONTROLLABLE SEX DRIVE BY THE WAY LOL🤷♂️
Who said devout Christians can't have great sex (within marriage of course), drink and laugh with friends. Heck even nuns and priests drink alcohol and laugh with friends. Life's about moderation even if you're not religious.
@@yourmajesty122 you're a human being, even non-Christian philosopher Aristotle distinguishes humans from animals since us humans have the power of reason. Don't degrade yourself like that. God created you for greater things.
@@clare_jordin I'm in my early 30s now and I think I remember all the strict rules about catholicism. in certain Christian denominations you can't drink-or even celebrate your birthday. I was a traditionalist catholic-like mel Gibson. I thought I was going to have to remain celibate forever since I'm gay or I could change my sexuality and turn straight. my religion told me it was a disorder and could change my sexuality to straight. i got taught birth control was wrong. if you didn't go to church it was wrong-just because someone doesn't go to church it doesn't make them a bad person. when you're a teenager and you have all these needs and you're told just thinking about it is wrong it really does drive you crazy. nuns and priests drink but they have to remain celibate-we're only human and have needs. that would drive anyone crazy. there's nothing wrong with going to a bar and getting trashed and making an idiot out of yourself. All the things that are fun in life the church doesn't want you to do and u gotta make these sacrifices that don't make any sense. I've been single my whole life and it's so much fun meeting guys- a whole bunch of them! I'm never getting married but to have to wait till marriage to engage in certain acts is ridiculous. the biggest reason why I found unimaginable happiness is because have no shame in hooking up with whoever I want when I want. catholicism is so boring, weird, and doesn't make any sense. I'm so glad it's dying out
I went to Catholic school in the 1980s. I was taught by several nuns both old and young. The order left my hometown in 1991. I think women are turning away because there are more options for women in this day and age. Also, women aren't being forced into becoming a nun as a punishment. Let's also be real, many women joined the cloth to hide sexual orientation, and now, they don't have to.
Why would women hide it?
@@Therebelliousprince001 Homosexuals, both men and women, used the Catholic church to hide their preferences for centuries. Read a book or two.
@@Quita30 Well, that does explain why so many children were abused..
True, if a girl or guy was wild, the families decades ago, would have made them become priests or nuns.
Yay, sister mary lesbian, so much better.
it's not about the quantity. it's about the quality. would rather have few of them who are really faithful than are just fake faithful. that's what Catholicism should be, not about the numbers but based on true believers.
Someone I went to church with once asked me why I didn't become a nun. My answer was that I just didn't feel that I was called to become one.
All the nuns I have encountered in my 30ish years have always been great. My first encounter was with a former nun who was my psychology high school teacher. The most understanding person I've ever met and literally one of the few adults in my life at that time that I could really talk too. Her life was always interesting to me because I didn't know you could leave the nun life. My second encounter was in college as I had a class with a nun we didn't chat much but she was always nice when I did encounter her.
It wasn't until I started my career working in the rehab department in nursing homes have I encountered a lot of nuns. At my full time facility I have had a hand full come through and they have always been kind, understanding, patient, hard working, and meticulous which are my favorite type of people to work with in therapy. I use to work at a rehab department in a catholic nursing home on a as needed basis. There were a good chunk of nurses who were also nuns and the church paid for their nursing degree. There were always kind and patient with their patients. This facility also had a long term unit which housed a good chunk of retired nuns. I found it hilarious sometimes seeing a sea of older nuns in habits rolling in their wheelchairs lol.
I was raised by nuns in a catholic school in Mexico, they were very kind to everyone, very lovely people, May God bless them.
Mother Theresa is probably one of the worst examples to portray the good nun out there. Sheesh.
you dont need to take strict vows to become a priest or nun in order to serve God, thats why nuns are declining. In the bible Jesus speaks against these practices.
My mom was once a Catholic a nun. She grew tired of the cruel and sadistic practices of Mother Superiors and getting hit on by fellow nuns. Fortunately for me, she left the Catholic Order and started a family.
Think the rest of us realized this at least twenty years ago. I grew up in a city with four Catholic parishes and three of them had nuns. Over the last twenty some years, one parish closed and all the parish convents closed so what few nuns are left are housed in a complex long owned by an order of nuns and I hear most there are well up in years. There is a hospital for rehab and long term care which was run by nuns for decades in a nearby village but it was sold and I hear one of the reasons was no more nuns for medical staff
Christianity itself in general is declining, some places faster than others. Some religions are growing, I think Sikhism is the fastest growing at the moment. I believe eventually all will decrease but it may take time and of course some groups will probably remain long term in small numbers.
@@ayshafareed4935 Christianity is not declining. It may decline in some regions of the world but it's rising in other regions of the world.
@@sfappetrupavelandrei the ones your probably referring to are increasing simply due to birthrates not conversions. Overall though they are at least slowing down in birthrates and Christian stats will follow that. But if that makes you feel better, keep your head in the sand. I'm Christian raised and I don't see any christians addressing or giving even a rat's arzz about their religions demise. Particularly with church communities they are their own worst enemy...
In high school I had a nun for advisor and she was wise and kind. 4th year the school assigned to another nun but asked and was granted permission to stay with the nun that til graduation. When she died she left her body to science. She was a good woman.
Nuns are important. I went to Loyola Marymount University, where nuns taught me as professors, cared for my spiritual health, and were always there when I needed guidance. We need people in the world selflessly devoted to mercy and helping others.
You're the only positive voice for nuns here.
The rest are like villagers with torches and pitchforks marching towards Frankenstein castle. Lol.
So much vehement anti-Catholicism on display.
@@aly8380 because of the evil they have done to people in the name of God.
@@Gwaycee And you just ignored what Jasmine wrote as if those occasions of cruelty WAS what defined Catholicism. Some parents also engaged and do engage in excess amounting to abuse in the name of proper instruction but you cannot brush all parents or parenthood with the same brush. Neither can you with Catholicism.
"What they DO to my people." So they are still doing it, it seems.
So you feel the same way about what the government institutions and agencies did to "your people"? You want to march with pitchforks (or whatever weapon) to them too? So which group that tried to help "your people" are you not resentful about?
@Brett If that's your opinion, so be it.