I think talking about positioning would be nice. There's way too many times where I'm playing an engage support and the enemy adc is low, and my adc wants to try to sit under turret and farm. Even if we know the enemy jungler is top side.
Smth about positioning in teamfights will really help,every time I play rank I keep dying in team fights and get blamed for my positioning and at this rate have left adc all together,would really help if we could get some info about it
I think a good one would be "selecting the right path to get to a fight from a side lane to river or to mid", since it's fairly common for ADCs to get caught solo getting to a certain place, or how many minions are required for a freeze when you're a tower or two behind on a lane ( 5%/1% or %12-15%/2% minion buffs, if that makes sense)
Guys if you do this you don't forget it it will cost you some time tho, watch this do something else for 15-30 minutes (preferably play league so you can apply strat in practice) and then watch the video again do this 2-4 times and it will be stuck in your head forever. It worked for me.
Sure but it's still entertaining to watch. You don't have to remember 100% every tip but get a general idea of what's good and bad to do even if you're just 1% better player than before watching the vid it'll pay off in the end
I'mma call my homie N1NJ4 He's allergic to stupid Iverns, and i'm allergic to Muramana Kai'sa. We make the best bot lane duo, and the best hitman team too!
@@barnykirashi I know, as a Kai one trick I've always found manamune/rageblade rush repulsive. It's dps is low and it doesn't scale. Not worth the 2 minute early Q evolve.
Teemo support can work... but you'd need a really specific enemy bot lane like Vayne + a low damage support for it to not be vastly inferior to the more common alternatives '-'
If they are a top teemo main the got autofilled I'd rather have their teemo support than force them to play thresh or something they arent comfortable on tbh
The match started 13 minutes ago. You have a 6kills and 50cs advantage. Your jungler is losing. Your top is losing. Your mid is losing. You've lost 21 LPs.
You know the funny part is that everytime I play ADC it's just: I win lane, my enemy ADC just groups somewhere, returns and isn't 1/6 anymore but 10/6 and stands there with one more item than me. At this point I learned that the best way to win lane in low elo is to just wait until the enemy does something insanely stupid. The most prominent example was when my friends and I, 5 stack. Decided to absolutely ruin that adcs day. My support intentionally went in, missed a hook on purpose then we pretended like we ran away back to tower. He and his support just took the bait, ran after us while clearly seeing that mid and top were empty ( because pushed in waves, isn't teleport fun?) But instead of playing careful he just decided to let his support tower dive me just to see a nunu snowball from behind my supporter dropping zhonyas, anivia walling the escape and garen just doing garen things (beyblade GO!) It was so damn obvious of us but damn it didn't just work once, it worked four times in a row. In low elo everyone wants to fight so just passively farming lane, poking the enemy out of lane and then denying them farm makes them crave for a kill and they are going to become reckless and your team can exploit that. Sadly in soloq most teammates are just going to think it's cod and I am not skilled enough to carry a game where yes, I powerfarmed myself to fullbuild but everyone else was fed and then groups. And sadly that's what happens. And nobody understands it. Even when farming sidlane, getting complained at because you don't take all the dumb, unprepared teamfights your team wants to take and then eventually returning with four items and a crashed inhib ( I swear to God in low elo they really just respond to a wave push when you are directly sitting at their door. Fortunately if your team constantly teamfight ints nobody comes to stop you from taking three towers with four waves) they still just yell at you for not winning the 2v5 because everyone just rushed in and died. The game can be so frustrating sometimes because the enemies always seem smarter than your teammates
@@andrixproto46 If youre stuck at low elo as adc main, it's just your fault tbh. Blaming ur teammates is nice, but u dont have bad team in every game. All u need is to get more than 50% winrate.
@@josefplacek4200 I don't blame my teammates, but in low elo carring as a squishy character is really hard because no one in this elo pays attention on what's happening to your teammates, that's why playing someone that doesn't need the team and can 1v9 is just easier
@@andrixproto46 i got from iron 4 to gold 4 in one month. I have played about 60 games during this time and i was playing lulu as support. About 65% Win Ratio. And im nit smurf, actually whrn i was playing lol last time in seasons 3-5 i was never higher than silver V :p
The video addresses this briefly at the end but in cases where you absolutely have to leash and the enemy bot gets priority into a slow push/recall, your best response would be to back off and stay healthy. As they return to lane, start a slow push of your own with the minion advantage you now have and cheat a recall yourself as if done properly, the wave will be too big even with an item advantage to contest. Just don’t take unnecessary harass/trades
I'm like halfway through a sandwich everytime I watch these videos and I'm like: (mumbling through a mouthful of sandwich) I dunno...poke him or something? 🤣
I peaked g1 last month after not being able to play in s9 after only hitting g5 back in s8. I've demoted to g3 and now I feel nothing inside. went on a smurf account to see if I could get gold in another role such as supp and played nothing but soraka and after 90 games from b3 I got gold. I feel like I'm a bit better now from that experience now and in the near future after studying a bit more league macro I will be attempting my climb to plat. hopefully, next season will be easier since my mmr won't be unranked and the promo system will be gone. instead of starting off ranked b2 I can maybe start g4 or something if I get lucky in placements. anyway, best of luck to you in your ranked games.
That’s my issue with at least 50% of my supports. They face check bushes even after I ping that thresh, pyke, blitz etc. is inside. 😂 these have to be bots right? 🥴
@@barnykirashi bro WW got the highest sustain and healing out of all junglers by a mile. U can permafarm with him and never die for like 30mins if u want xD
Tbh you should be able to go leashless with every jungler you main and be AT LEAST lv4 and 80%+ hp after scuttle. Even with shitty early junglers like diana is absolutely possible, you just need to kite properly
If any supports are watching I really recommend playing Zyra for this reason. Let your ADC go to lane and type that you will "solo leash" try to get at least 2 seeds to spawn in the buff camp. When the buff spawns, press Q and PRESTO! instant leash. Now you can walk to lane in time to get the xp. Just make sure your ADC waits to last hit by spreading out the damage on the melee creeps till you get there.
nice guide , i played that tactic and after 2 recalls i was 2 dorans and boots vs enemy just dorans without losing any cs and without kills . It translated into lane dominance and after all game win. They did exactly the mistake ure mentioning, just letting me hard push 3 rd wave without trying to stop me
a much better way to show us that tips work is to have a low ELO adc use them to success in their game rather than having a challenger smurf dumpster on someone they were gonna dumpster on regardless
1:31 Jungle has been a speedrun role for a while now. Every jungler can do with a little bit of a extra time, regardless if they need a leash or not. I'd say the only junglers who actually don't need a leash would be Shaco, Lillia and Kayn since they all start at raptors. 2:32 You can't do a cheater recall into every match-up. Ezreal and Senna here have way longer range than Kai'Sa and Thresh. I don't know why these players played like this, but you will very likely NOT get a cheater recall with a matchup like this. In low elo, Ez-Senna just perma-shoves to get "prio" (even if they never do anything with it) and call it a day, since they have longer range they can do it. In high elo, Ez-Senna will likely know how strong early Thresh is and will keep poking and pushing to make it so Kai'Sa can't snowball as hard. This is not a good example, don't act as if anyone can do a cheater recall everytime they want, it's heavily matchup dependant.
I had a jungler int two red buffs into a vayne (literally just walked at them without attacking) then say "bot diff" when I couldn't out wave manage the free lead he handed my lane
Question time: Shaco has a fast level 3 that consists of using 2 boxes on raptor, a third box between raptor and red buff and the forth box which is up after camps spawn, you set outside the red buff pit, from within it, as you clear it. This allows you to clear raptors without touching it at the same time you're killing red and still have smite for Krugs. This clear allows Shaco to often hit level 3 before the bot lane reach level 2. This depends on how fast the lane pushes, and gank a level 1 lane being level 3 is not guaranteed. As such the red buff leash would give the Shaco player precious seconds that'd allow him to go for that gank. If the Shaco is going for that fast 3 clear (you can tell by the placement of his third box, or the Shaco himself may communicate it), would you leash?
Just played a game as Thresh/Trist vs. Malphite/Ashe and won it because I asked to not leash my Lee Sin and secured firstblood. Ended the game 10/1/6 Thanks for the tip!
Im curious about the "direct pro" feature...does that cost extra beyond the normal subscription price? I couldnt find any details about it on your website...
@@improvefps I can't find any mention of "points" on their site. Do you get points as part of your subscription package? Or are points something they microtransact on you after you've already paid? What else can points buy you?
About that first one, low elo players love getting tilted. One time my adc left bot and trolled a ranked game, building ap Lucian because on Janna I started w instead of q
Have you guys a video for what "jungler" champs need help by leash? I think Low elo player like me dont know or how I can understand what need help for upcoming champs?
TBH as a jungler I usually train every champ in practice tool to be sure I'm able to clear leashless. At this point I can do it comfortably on Sylas and Qiyana too. I just think that being dependant on your team as a jungler is such a big handicap (same with vision control and getting lane prio)
Not with thresh there on a cannon wave. Technically yes but think about it this way: would you do that to a blitzcrank? The idea is just that thresh could potentially pull one of them into half a cannon wave for an easy kill
Can you guys make a video explaining all the champions abilities and how to deal with them? Im trying to learn the game and there just isn’t anything like that yet
@@ferryttelracs3074 I have hard time figuring out what you are objecting to in this video? If it is the leashing then go tell people to watch Pro play for a day.
Here's a tip. At 4 minutes it shows zyra as a lane partner. You don't have to leash with a zyra. She can build up.3 or 4 plants, shoot an E and walk to lane giving an easy hard leash and being able to get to lane as the minions meet.
It’s hilarious that part of a League of Legends guide in 2020 focuses a portion on preventing mental boom of your teammates. Our community is fucking awful lmao. You got be a psyche major to tip toe on the emotions of these players I swear
Isnt there another way to cheater recall where you like pull the minions. I remember watching it from Saber, if I answered that for what kaisa would do, did i get it still right?
I don't understand why the Kai'sa couldn't leash when she just goes to slow push the very first wave anyway. she just stood in lane without doing anything until it was time to last hit the minions...
Hey, for the cheat a recall it says to slow push the first two waves but in the video Hector doesnt kill the casters first. Did something change with slow push?
Jungle/mid main but currently only playing jgl shaco and climbing easily with it thanks to your tips, though what do I do if my team leashes me and guides the redbuff into my prepared shaco trap, destroying my easy solo redbuff while I do raptors while telling them not leash over and over again? xD Jokes(and sad truth) asides, these guides are really helpful even if not playing adc at all, helps at understanding what these people are doing and why sometimes I actually get asked if I can solo even with other champs.
Hi Skill capped challenger LOL guides, Are there any unwinnable or cheesy obnoxious Grasp gangplank poke etc.(1 sided lanes) such as Nasus vs Darius etc.??
Ekko can solo his red start if he starts Q/Talisman. Q the raptors while you farm red and your health stays 100%, though it is slower by a few seconds than the clear of other meta JGs. Don't start W on Ekko if you're not getting a leash
hi, how should one deal range disadvantage ? like when i play vs a caitlyn, i always go down 20 cs, i got no lead ( even though i dont die ) and i cant carry the game ( which is what you need to do in solo q). Ty, great videos
I dont really think that dont leashing isnt a problem. Even if the jungler dont tilt, he will do the camps slowly than the enemy jungler, and then problably lose crabs, losing a lot of gold and xp
the game is already 0 3 bevor the lane even starts.. i dont think this is the best nutral starting point and Kaisa got some XP aswell so she is quicker on lvl 2.
"Dont leash" well the mistake wasnt leashing it was that he didnt look to shove the wave nor ask for senna's help to do so and ofc the thresh hook connects for a highlight, Besides helping an early ganking jungler fast farm to level 3 is way more beneficial than gambling over a cheater recall that can be broken by simply shoving ur own wave ASAP. sry i dont agree
lee can literally reach level 3 by 2:30 by doing red blue gromp leashless, u leashing and making him hit level 3 by 2:25 isnt that game changer that you think it is
@@Speedy-Rabbit actually it can be. it can be the difference between the lee getting to opposite buff to invade and kill the enemy jg as well as steal camp, meaning enemy jg doesnt hit lvl 3
I'm from PH server and most low elo Lee Sins use Q as their first skill not W, and it's not that healthy than W. Do i steal leave him, or give him a leash?
Tbh as a Jungler main you should be able to go leashless whatever side and still end up at 3:15 with good health and ready to contest scuttle, with EVERY jungler you play. This is true for every relevant Jungler but even with some shitty early like diana you should be able to. If you don't do that, you aren't kiting properly. This Is also useful because if they early invade and you can't healthy clear by yourself you're fucking screwed anyway.
"Engage supports without their ADCs are fairly useless" I mean I know this isn't happening every game, but that one game where I got a triple-kill once I hit level 6 on Leona because my jgl and ADC refused to wait for 10 seconds until I was back to start the fight, jgl died, ADC was really low, I would have let them go, but then they dared to attack my precious control ward. So What was I to do other than unleash the fury of the sun onto these very low hp (except for the ADC) champions and slaugthering their jungler, and then their support before killing their ADC who was too conused by why the fuck a Leona was chasing them by herself to Auto me, which was good because I lived on 28 hp. Anyways after this I was very much not useless by myself. I knew what I had to do: Flash mastery, almost die to minions, back, complete my sunfire aegis, because I can definitely afford it over iron locket this game, and continue to scare the everloving crap out of the enemy ADC and support. Also I have found out that even if I have just bambis cinder, that's usually enough damage to kill a squishy target. I know I shouldn't get kills, but my job as Leona is to cc and the best form of cc is death. Also my ADC has gone AWOL and no other teammate is in sight, so it's not like anyone else will pick up this kill... (And tbh even if I die, it's worth the all chat interaction of me: "Almost" enemy ezreal: "I shit myself.". Maybe not in terms of winning, but I play for fun. And if the enemy botlane spams ctrl+3, you BET I will do the same.)
I dont really know why but in Philippines server no adc leashes. It's usually if not always just the support who leashes. Some even tell the adc to go to lane when he's trying to leash
@@Kleines89 the thing is players in this server are not that uhmm smart? about those small mechanics and things They even say diamond players here are like silver in other servers
That's kinda stupid, if enemy bot didn't have to leash entirely, the adc that had their support leash would be zoned off anyway. Effectively doing absolutely nothing, may as well have used that time leashing and making their jgler's clear faster
@@00096 im telling you. They just do it without thinking of why they do it haha But then again.. the enemy team might not even zone off the adc so maybe it's fine?
Got to gold 3 as midlaner. Now playing on new acc as adc, cant climb. Literally feels like it doesnt matter how good my laning phase goes. I could be 5/0 or 0/5 no difference. Still getting oneshot by some solo laner whos not even fed. Still entirely dependent on how stupid my team plays comparing to enemies. Fun but pointless role
And about the ashe vs ezreal. I really dont think that his W+E really matters, because Ezreal is really trash on wave clear, and ashe has a pretty solid wave clear. So ezreal could just auto + Q on minions, but ashe could still get a reset and a recall. This is more about the match up knowledge than the decision making. Ezreal will lose on wave clear to ashe. What he could do is ask for jungler help to try push and deley ashe recall. Or maybe he could just lose a few minions and poke ashe, so she couldnt recall anywhere she wanted
I just stopped the video at 4:30 to note that IF you leash Shaco on bluesite, he can lvl 3 gank bot while all botlaners are lvl 1. I wouldn't trust a gold first time Shaco to know how to do that tho. But again.. Shaco is otp only chapion like Bard or Azir
Just check out a tier list, pick out a low S or A tier champ, and play that. For example, stuff like Kled and Jax never gets banned and is really good right now
@@Dragonoid269 That's doable, using raptor reset to get up to full HP. I'm low-elo ekko jg main and i can finish my clear on above 75% HP (though my Diamond friend did it exactly the same, but at full HP after clear because he knows how to jungle better than me)
Does anyone else just not understand wave management? Like, no matter how much it's explained to me, it never makes sense. I'll never get above gold because of this. I don't know how to begin to understand it.
Half the low elo junglers insist they can't take buff without leash because they don't even know the 3-2 trading combo against buff correctly. Yeah, of course you're not gonna be healthy if you tank every single buff hit...
Man the problem here is....if I play ADC according to all these videos and my support is afk or just terrible and making dumb, aggro plays it doesn't overly matter
I was actually looking for direct pro coaching before. When I looked into skill capped a couple months ago for this, there wasn't this tool. Now I'm not even interested in getting coaching, and now it's avaliable. Unfortunate.
I love how my supports push the wave when they shouldn’t, but when I ping for them to help me push it, they just stand in place doing nothing or instantly recall. 💀😂
the only thing that everyone needs to do to climb is for every action that they want to do is to ask theirselves why and not auto pilot i climbed 2 ranks in 2 weeks and before i was a hardstuck s4 :) i will update this when i climb to gold hopefully :)
There was a game as a jungler where I told the Jayce to go to lane and press their lead. He says "Ok..." then proceeds to leash for me anyway. He said "No one tells me what to do" I swear low elo (Silver) is weird
When I'm on smurf accounts they ask me whats my main elo, and I tell them im a very sad hardstuck d4 adc main. Do you think they ever give a shit about what I say? I literally tell them how to play the game, and 8/10 when they listen we win. When they don't, we hard lose.
What should we make for ADC next? :D
I think talking about positioning would be nice. There's way too many times where I'm playing an engage support and the enemy adc is low, and my adc wants to try to sit under turret and farm. Even if we know the enemy jungler is top side.
A coach session maybe?
How to Carry with aphelios And postioning for imobile carrys
Smth about positioning in teamfights will really help,every time I play rank I keep dying in team fights and get blamed for my positioning and at this rate have left adc all together,would really help if we could get some info about it
I think a good one would be "selecting the right path to get to a fight from a side lane to river or to mid", since it's fairly common for ADCs to get caught solo getting to a certain place, or how many minions are required for a freeze when you're a tower or two behind on a lane ( 5%/1% or %12-15%/2% minion buffs, if that makes sense)
Huh. Interesting. I'll forget that in like half an hour.
just apply the teory in practice duh
I hate how this is annoyingly accurate ;3;
Guys if you do this you don't forget it it will cost you some time tho, watch this do something else for 15-30 minutes (preferably play league so you can apply strat in practice) and then watch the video again do this 2-4 times and it will be stuck in your head forever. It worked for me.
Sure but it's still entertaining to watch. You don't have to remember 100% every tip but get a general idea of what's good and bad to do even if you're just 1% better player than before watching the vid it'll pay off in the end
Guys help, my ivern is asking for a leash.
I'mma call my homie N1NJ4
He's allergic to stupid Iverns, and i'm allergic to Muramana Kai'sa. We make the best bot lane duo, and the best hitman team too!
@@barnykirashi makes no sense ..
@@barnykirashi you're such a cringe lowlife
@@barnykirashi are you okay?
@@barnykirashi I know, as a Kai one trick I've always found manamune/rageblade rush repulsive. It's dps is low and it doesn't scale. Not worth the 2 minute early Q evolve.
Mistake 1: Queuing up as ADC in low elo.
Mistake 2: Not dodging when you see your support is teemo.
Not dodging when your support is a malphite (happened to me yesterday)
@@j_Snow my duo partner plays malph, and i play kalista adc... we win our lanes 80% of the time :)
@@Kleines89 Good for you, i play alone and i have to lane with this type of dumb supports
Teemo support can work... but you'd need a really specific enemy bot lane like Vayne + a low damage support for it to not be vastly inferior to the more common alternatives '-'
If they are a top teemo main the got autofilled I'd rather have their teemo support than force them to play thresh or something they arent comfortable on tbh
The match started 13 minutes ago. You have a 6kills and 50cs advantage. Your jungler is losing. Your top is losing. Your mid is losing. You've lost 21 LPs.
You know the funny part is that everytime I play ADC it's just: I win lane, my enemy ADC just groups somewhere, returns and isn't 1/6 anymore but 10/6 and stands there with one more item than me. At this point I learned that the best way to win lane in low elo is to just wait until the enemy does something insanely stupid. The most prominent example was when my friends and I, 5 stack. Decided to absolutely ruin that adcs day. My support intentionally went in, missed a hook on purpose then we pretended like we ran away back to tower. He and his support just took the bait, ran after us while clearly seeing that mid and top were empty ( because pushed in waves, isn't teleport fun?) But instead of playing careful he just decided to let his support tower dive me just to see a nunu snowball from behind my supporter dropping zhonyas, anivia walling the escape and garen just doing garen things (beyblade GO!) It was so damn obvious of us but damn it didn't just work once, it worked four times in a row. In low elo everyone wants to fight so just passively farming lane, poking the enemy out of lane and then denying them farm makes them crave for a kill and they are going to become reckless and your team can exploit that. Sadly in soloq most teammates are just going to think it's cod and I am not skilled enough to carry a game where yes, I powerfarmed myself to fullbuild but everyone else was fed and then groups. And sadly that's what happens. And nobody understands it. Even when farming sidlane, getting complained at because you don't take all the dumb, unprepared teamfights your team wants to take and then eventually returning with four items and a crashed inhib ( I swear to God in low elo they really just respond to a wave push when you are directly sitting at their door. Fortunately if your team constantly teamfight ints nobody comes to stop you from taking three towers with four waves) they still just yell at you for not winning the 2v5 because everyone just rushed in and died. The game can be so frustrating sometimes because the enemies always seem smarter than your teammates
Happens every game....... @@Johnny_200
Ezreal: imma leashe
Skill Cap: And so he lost lane.
If it wasn't ezreal, like if he had a champ that could actually contest Kaisa's push (jinx or sivir or trist) it wouldn't really matter.
game is decided at lvl 1
"leash or I afk idiot"
Ah classic
Biggest adc mistake for low elo is playing adc in low elo
Adc is the easiest role to carry with at low elo :)
@@josefplacek4200 not really because you can't 1v9
@@andrixproto46 If youre stuck at low elo as adc main, it's just your fault tbh. Blaming ur teammates is nice, but u dont have bad team in every game. All u need is to get more than 50% winrate.
@@josefplacek4200 I don't blame my teammates, but in low elo carring as a squishy character is really hard because no one in this elo pays attention on what's happening to your teammates, that's why playing someone that doesn't need the team and can 1v9 is just easier
@@andrixproto46 i got from iron 4 to gold 4 in one month. I have played about 60 games during this time and i was playing lulu as support. About 65% Win Ratio. And im nit smurf, actually whrn i was playing lol last time in seasons 3-5 i was never higher than silver V :p
1st sentence: "You make countless mistakes in League of Legends"
Me: "Nah fam, only one: queueing up"
The video addresses this briefly at the end but in cases where you absolutely have to leash and the enemy bot gets priority into a slow push/recall, your best response would be to back off and stay healthy. As they return to lane, start a slow push of your own with the minion advantage you now have and cheat a recall yourself as if done properly, the wave will be too big even with an item advantage to contest. Just don’t take unnecessary harass/trades
*Its Hector's fault I'm bad at league, he dosen't teach me, that's why hes the comic relief on this show*
League of Legends
I was thinking "cheater recall or some shit" and then he says it and my gold 2 peak brain becomes happy
I'm like halfway through a sandwich everytime I watch these videos and I'm like: (mumbling through a mouthful of sandwich) I dunno...poke him or something?
I dont play adc and i guessed everything...
idk why i watch so many adc vids on this channel lmfao
I peaked g1 last month after not being able to play in s9 after only hitting g5 back in s8. I've demoted to g3 and now I feel nothing inside. went on a smurf account to see if I could get gold in another role such as supp and played nothing but soraka and after 90 games from b3 I got gold. I feel like I'm a bit better now from that experience now and in the near future after studying a bit more league macro I will be attempting my climb to plat. hopefully, next season will be easier since my mmr won't be unranked and the promo system will be gone. instead of starting off ranked b2 I can maybe start g4 or something if I get lucky in placements. anyway, best of luck to you in your ranked games.
just put that knowledge in game too, so i dont have to lose my mind with you game after game
@@cessactdm how did it go?
Enemy botlane: Lucian/Tresh with ignite
My ezreal: Oh boy, time to facecheck!
Dances right next to the enemy jungle bushes*
Come be my Yuumi, I'll keep the meower safe
People in low elo tend to disrespect early game Lucian/Draven. Then they die. Over, and over
*Se muere a la verga*
That’s my issue with at least 50% of my supports. They face check bushes even after I ping that thresh, pyke, blitz etc. is inside. 😂 these have to be bots right? 🥴
shows leashless junglers, doesn't mention fiddlesticks, one of the best/easiest junglers at doing a leashless clear
This list isn't exhaustive but you got the point
ever tried Warwick? he is nr1 when it comes to leashless clear and ppl still leash me even if I tell them not to smh
@@barnykirashi bro WW got the highest sustain and healing out of all junglers by a mile. U can permafarm with him and never die for like 30mins if u want xD
Tbh you should be able to go leashless with every jungler you main and be AT LEAST lv4 and 80%+ hp after scuttle. Even with shitty early junglers like diana is absolutely possible, you just need to kite properly
Top Lane: Cs leads don't mean anything
Bot Lane: Cs leads mean EVERYTHING
Top lane: Doesn't matter
Bot Lane: Matters
If any supports are watching I really recommend playing Zyra for this reason. Let your ADC go to lane and type that you will "solo leash" try to get at least 2 seeds to spawn in the buff camp. When the buff spawns, press Q and PRESTO! instant leash. Now you can walk to lane in time to get the xp. Just make sure your ADC waits to last hit by spreading out the damage on the melee creeps till you get there.
I love a Zyra support. It’s hard to go wrong.
"supports are useless without their adcs"
*Laughs in Nautilus and Sett*
Not even mentioning the full tank leona that casually goes 1v1 against the adc at 25 minutes? So sad
*laughs in yuumi 1v1 the lucian*
@@shadowfox933 Leona 1v1 9/0 Master Yi at 13 minutes...
both team started to flame Yi.
nice guide , i played that tactic and after 2 recalls i was 2 dorans and boots vs enemy just dorans without losing any cs and without kills . It translated into lane dominance and after all game win. They did exactly the mistake ure mentioning, just letting me hard push 3 rd wave without trying to stop me
a much better way to show us that tips work is to have a low ELO adc use them to success in their game rather than having a challenger smurf dumpster on someone they were gonna dumpster on regardless
1:31 Jungle has been a speedrun role for a while now. Every jungler can do with a little bit of a extra time, regardless if they need a leash or not. I'd say the only junglers who actually don't need a leash would be Shaco, Lillia and Kayn since they all start at raptors.
2:32 You can't do a cheater recall into every match-up. Ezreal and Senna here have way longer range than Kai'Sa and Thresh. I don't know why these players played like this, but you will very likely NOT get a cheater recall with a matchup like this. In low elo, Ez-Senna just perma-shoves to get "prio" (even if they never do anything with it) and call it a day, since they have longer range they can do it. In high elo, Ez-Senna will likely know how strong early Thresh is and will keep poking and pushing to make it so Kai'Sa can't snowball as hard. This is not a good example, don't act as if anyone can do a cheater recall everytime they want, it's heavily matchup dependant.
Biggest mistake every adc makes is queuing up as adc
a coach told me not to leash, guess what my jgler did? int my lane
Sad, but true, I was the jungler
Reymond Mchati bruh
@@reymondmchati4379 if u were i promise i'll leash next game, but dont int my lane Kappa
I had a jungler int two red buffs into a vayne (literally just walked at them without attacking) then say "bot diff" when I couldn't out wave manage the free lead he handed my lane
@@shadowfox933 i love teams like that. It really shows off how ranking shouldn't be based on win rate.
Question time: Shaco has a fast level 3 that consists of using 2 boxes on raptor, a third box between raptor and red buff and the forth box which is up after camps spawn, you set outside the red buff pit, from within it, as you clear it. This allows you to clear raptors without touching it at the same time you're killing red and still have smite for Krugs. This clear allows Shaco to often hit level 3 before the bot lane reach level 2. This depends on how fast the lane pushes, and gank a level 1 lane being level 3 is not guaranteed. As such the red buff leash would give the Shaco player precious seconds that'd allow him to go for that gank.
If the Shaco is going for that fast 3 clear (you can tell by the placement of his third box, or the Shaco himself may communicate it), would you leash?
My Jg: leash me
Me: Skill capped said you really don't need one
My Jg: who the fck is skill capped
Me: lol
hahaha i had to laugh so hard at 4:28 imagine leashing IVERN
I have seen people do that in dia+ elo
@@gh-ev9vi no way xd
We do that in normals. Starting off botlane with Thresh+Kai'sa with Red buff...
i did it once...
I've had people leash me as ivern. Of course, playing ivern is more likely to lose you the game than leashing one
Just played a game as Thresh/Trist vs. Malphite/Ashe and won it because I asked to not leash my Lee Sin and secured firstblood.
Ended the game 10/1/6
Thanks for the tip!
Im curious about the "direct pro" feature...does that cost extra beyond the normal subscription price? I couldnt find any details about it on your website...
if your a subscriber it costs $15 or 750 of their points
@@improvefps You're*
@@improvefps I can't find any mention of "points" on their site. Do you get points as part of your subscription package? Or are points something they microtransact on you after you've already paid? What else can points buy you?
this feels like a dora the explorer episode w the pauses for answers and i'm high key loving it
"ur jg will be fine without a leash" as they literally run under tower in rage
What a way to start a guide that's supposed to help you, you make so many mistakes, thanks for the positive vibes goddamn
Very useful tips! I had no idea about the cheat recall strat, will definitely try next game. Thanks!
As a begginer that describes characters as “that pink midget with a gun” I didn’t understand shit
About that first one, low elo players love getting tilted. One time my adc left bot and trolled a ranked game, building ap Lucian because on Janna I started w instead of q
Uhm aren’t you supposed to start with W on Janna? Shit I would get Q lvl 3 😂
Have you guys a video for what "jungler" champs need help by leash? I think Low elo player like me dont know or how I can understand what need help for upcoming champs?
Thank you for this informative video, I appreciate it.
Something on how to properly buy in early might be good, like fearie charms, refill pots, lvl 1 boots if you flashed etc
TBH as a jungler I usually train every champ in practice tool to be sure I'm able to clear leashless. At this point I can do it comfortably on Sylas and Qiyana too. I just think that being dependant on your team as a jungler is such a big handicap (same with vision control and getting lane prio)
Training to clear faster is good and all, but there are limits to how fast a certain champ can clear a camp, doesn't matter how much you train.
Thanks for listening to me requesting this vid!
@2:56 can't they just threaten to freeze on hector? and @3:15 can't ezreal just get a better cheater recall now than hector?
Not with thresh there on a cannon wave. Technically yes but think about it this way: would you do that to a blitzcrank? The idea is just that thresh could potentially pull one of them into half a cannon wave for an easy kill
Can you guys make a video explaining all the champions abilities and how to deal with them? Im trying to learn the game and there just isn’t anything like that yet
I'm so grateful for this channel
Imagine that you are a main jungle, and you see that the enemy botlane spams this strat
My Hecarim: *You never saw this one coming*
@@ferryttelracs3074 Then how about you do some videos and show us that true knowledge.
@@ferryttelracs3074 I have hard time figuring out what you are objecting to in this video?
If it is the leashing then go tell people to watch Pro play for a day.
Here's a tip. At 4 minutes it shows zyra as a lane partner. You don't have to leash with a zyra. She can build up.3 or 4 plants, shoot an E and walk to lane giving an easy hard leash and being able to get to lane as the minions meet.
Skillcapped you are so insane I love you!!!
4:50 "help them so they don't troll" ....
Trundle : i'm troll king, troll judge and execut' troll
Ah man I feel like this is a personal attack since I just messed up big time on a recent game playing adc
It’s hilarious that part of a League of Legends guide in 2020 focuses a portion on preventing mental boom of your teammates.
Our community is fucking awful lmao.
You got be a psyche major to tip toe on the emotions of these players I swear
0:00 ok ok i know i suck but aren't you being a little harsh skillcapped
Nah its ok, you motivate me to get better
Isnt there another way to cheater recall where you like pull the minions. I remember watching it from Saber, if I answered that for what kaisa would do, did i get it still right?
How does zac go without a leash? Is he suppose to start like raptors or wolfs instead of a buff?
I don't understand why the Kai'sa couldn't leash when she just goes to slow push the very first wave anyway. she just stood in lane without doing anything until it was time to last hit the minions...
Hey, for the cheat a recall it says to slow push the first two waves but in the video Hector doesnt kill the casters first. Did something change with slow push?
Yeah not leashing is a great idea till your jungler gets pissed and afk’s! Great advice XD
Thanks for the content!
Jungle/mid main but currently only playing jgl shaco and climbing easily with it thanks to your tips, though what do I do if my team leashes me and guides the redbuff into my prepared shaco trap, destroying my easy solo redbuff while I do raptors while telling them not leash over and over again? xD
Jokes(and sad truth) asides, these guides are really helpful even if not playing adc at all, helps at understanding what these people are doing and why sometimes I actually get asked if I can solo even with other champs.
Hi Skill capped challenger LOL guides,
Are there any unwinnable or cheesy obnoxious Grasp gangplank poke etc.(1 sided lanes) such as Nasus vs Darius etc.??
Ekko can solo his red start if he starts Q/Talisman. Q the raptors while you farm red and your health stays 100%, though it is slower by a few seconds than the clear of other meta JGs. Don't start W on Ekko if you're not getting a leash
hi, how should one deal range disadvantage ? like when i play vs a caitlyn, i always go down 20 cs, i got no lead ( even though i dont die ) and i cant carry the game ( which is what you need to do in solo q). Ty, great videos
I dont really think that dont leashing isnt a problem. Even if the jungler dont tilt, he will do the camps slowly than the enemy jungler, and then problably lose crabs, losing a lot of gold and xp
the game is already 0 3 bevor the lane even starts.. i dont think this is the best nutral starting point and Kaisa got some XP aswell so she is quicker on lvl 2.
"Dont leash" well the mistake wasnt leashing it was that he didnt look to shove the wave nor ask for senna's help to do so and ofc the thresh hook connects for a highlight, Besides helping an early ganking jungler fast farm to level 3 is way more beneficial than gambling over a cheater recall that can be broken by simply shoving ur own wave ASAP. sry i dont agree
lee can literally reach level 3 by 2:30 by doing red blue gromp leashless, u leashing and making him hit level 3 by 2:25 isnt that game changer that you think it is
@@Speedy-Rabbit actually it can be. it can be the difference between the lee getting to opposite buff to invade and kill the enemy jg as well as steal camp, meaning enemy jg doesnt hit lvl 3
What happened in the first game tho that it was already 3-0 at 1:30
I'm from PH server and most low elo Lee Sins use Q as their first skill not W, and it's not that healthy than W. Do i steal leave him, or give him a leash?
One of my dreams is to be coached by Hector on ADC games
Can u do a rengar jg guide? as a farming jungler
Tbh as a Jungler main you should be able to go leashless whatever side and still end up at 3:15 with good health and ready to contest scuttle, with EVERY jungler you play.
This is true for every relevant Jungler but even with some shitty early like diana you should be able to. If you don't do that, you aren't kiting properly.
This Is also useful because if they early invade and you can't healthy clear by yourself you're fucking screwed anyway.
Watching this as a support feels good
Does Hector stream?
Omg I didn't know Ivern doesn't need help
"Engage supports without their ADCs are fairly useless"
I mean I know this isn't happening every game, but that one game where I got a triple-kill once I hit level 6 on Leona because my jgl and ADC refused to wait for 10 seconds until I was back to start the fight, jgl died, ADC was really low, I would have let them go, but then they dared to attack my precious control ward. So What was I to do other than unleash the fury of the sun onto these very low hp (except for the ADC) champions and slaugthering their jungler, and then their support before killing their ADC who was too conused by why the fuck a Leona was chasing them by herself to Auto me, which was good because I lived on 28 hp. Anyways after this I was very much not useless by myself. I knew what I had to do: Flash mastery, almost die to minions, back, complete my sunfire aegis, because I can definitely afford it over iron locket this game, and continue to scare the everloving crap out of the enemy ADC and support.
Also I have found out that even if I have just bambis cinder, that's usually enough damage to kill a squishy target. I know I shouldn't get kills, but my job as Leona is to cc and the best form of cc is death. Also my ADC has gone AWOL and no other teammate is in sight, so it's not like anyone else will pick up this kill... (And tbh even if I die, it's worth the all chat interaction of me: "Almost" enemy ezreal: "I shit myself.". Maybe not in terms of winning, but I play for fun. And if the enemy botlane spams ctrl+3, you BET I will do the same.)
I dont really know why but in Philippines server no adc leashes. It's usually if not always just the support who leashes.
Some even tell the adc to go to lane when he's trying to leash
i think that pretty nice, so the adc gets some solo XP and does not loose the CS .... hmmmm
@@Kleines89 the thing is players in this server are not that uhmm smart? about those small mechanics and things
They even say diamond players here are like silver in other servers
That's kinda stupid, if enemy bot didn't have to leash entirely, the adc that had their support leash would be zoned off anyway. Effectively doing absolutely nothing, may as well have used that time leashing and making their jgler's clear faster
@@00096 im telling you. They just do it without thinking of why they do it haha
But then again.. the enemy team might not even zone off the adc so maybe it's fine?
what happens if you go cull and cut down if you cheater recall and buy dorans you lose the extra dmg
You can always grab a second cull. That way you get the stats and it doesn't even nullify the second cull's passive or your cut down
Got to gold 3 as midlaner. Now playing on new acc as adc, cant climb. Literally feels like it doesnt matter how good my laning phase goes. I could be 5/0 or 0/5 no difference. Still getting oneshot by some solo laner whos not even fed. Still entirely dependent on how stupid my team plays comparing to enemies. Fun but pointless role
And about the ashe vs ezreal. I really dont think that his W+E really matters, because Ezreal is really trash on wave clear, and ashe has a pretty solid wave clear. So ezreal could just auto + Q on minions, but ashe could still get a reset and a recall. This is more about the match up knowledge than the decision making. Ezreal will lose on wave clear to ashe. What he could do is ask for jungler help to try push and deley ashe recall. Or maybe he could just lose a few minions and poke ashe, so she couldnt recall anywhere she wanted
I just stopped the video at 4:30 to note that IF you leash Shaco on bluesite, he can lvl 3 gank bot while all botlaners are lvl 1.
I wouldn't trust a gold first time Shaco to know how to do that tho.
But again.. Shaco is otp only chapion like Bard or Azir
best champion in each role plz make it context every patch it would help a lot(:
Just check out a tier list, pick out a low S or A tier champ, and play that. For example, stuff like Kled and Jax never gets banned and is really good right now
basically what i learned from this video is that I have to leash my junglers all the time LMAO
How do u counter it tho?
Wait, nunu needs a leash? I normally am fine whenever people don't leash. Kinda sucks, but I manage perfectly fine
Show us guide on how to win game with mid Galio 0/10 and support that leaves you and stays on top in 5 minutes
Add Ekko to your no leash list, a 4 camp blue start can end full health if done right and leashless
I'd like to see a video as proof of that.
@@Dragonoid269 That's doable, using raptor reset to get up to full HP. I'm low-elo ekko jg main and i can finish my clear on above 75% HP (though my Diamond friend did it exactly the same, but at full HP after clear because he knows how to jungle better than me)
Red Panda yeah, I started doing it in ranked and I got a full hp clear first try it’s that easy of a trick
Does anyone else just not understand wave management? Like, no matter how much it's explained to me, it never makes sense. I'll never get above gold because of this. I don't know how to begin to understand it.
Half the low elo junglers insist they can't take buff without leash because they don't even know the 3-2 trading combo against buff correctly. Yeah, of course you're not gonna be healthy if you tank every single buff hit...
great video m G
Support main here clearing up my trash ACD's mistakes
Why is it that the game is at 1:30 already 0-3? Just wondering...lol
So the leash thing. Even despite the whole jg rage your also kind of ruining your jungles path without a leash
i'm kinda triggered, that the "Junglers that dont need Leash"-List did not include Fiddlesticks or Ivern, the Kings of leashless clear
What do you do if your support keeps trying to engage when you only want to farm
Let them die a few times while simultaneously pinging them to fuck off. 😂
8:35 , An Ashe without flash - Mundo will smash!
Name of the background music, please Skilled Capped -Day 42
thanks for the guide as always...
This was actually pretty helpful, thank you
Man the problem here is....if I play ADC according to all these videos and my support is afk or just terrible and making dumb, aggro plays it doesn't overly matter
Mate this Cheat recall strat is great. Tried it out and immediately won lane. But I`m bronze so its probably no big deal
I was actually looking for direct pro coaching before. When I looked into skill capped a couple months ago for this, there wasn't this tool. Now I'm not even interested in getting coaching, and now it's avaliable. Unfortunate.
What about the other 4 players on the team that can int the game away. Specifically when supports push the wave and put you in a bad spot.
You can’t win them all 🥴😂
I love how my supports push the wave when they shouldn’t, but when I ping for them to help me push it, they just stand in place doing nothing or instantly recall. 💀😂
@@joojoofoo exactly!
the only thing that everyone needs to do to climb is for every action that they want to do is to ask theirselves why and not auto pilot i climbed 2 ranks in 2 weeks and before i was a hardstuck s4 :) i will update this when i climb to gold hopefully :)
Honestly, if you can climb through silver you should get to high gold pretty easily.
Source: I did it first time I made gold
There was a game as a jungler where I told the Jayce to go to lane and press their lead. He says "Ok..." then proceeds to leash for me anyway. He said "No one tells me what to do"
I swear low elo (Silver) is weird
Should’ve said ”give me a leash” and he would have gone to lane
When I'm on smurf accounts they ask me whats my main elo, and I tell them im a very sad hardstuck d4 adc main. Do you think they ever give a shit about what I say? I literally tell them how to play the game, and 8/10 when they listen we win. When they don't, we hard lose.
I try these things but my support flames, goes afk in lane and says "adc you suck, you playing weird af. FF 15 lol".